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extended W,- 100 E if extended S. N 64:2. NE 35:2. NE 113. NE 318:3. SW 54:7. SB 11Jl :2%, W 405, portion San Miguel Rancho; $10. Kmesto Careggio to Lulgl Miceo. lot on S line of Cortland avenue. 110:2^ W of And over street. W 25 by S 112:6. lot 14, block ». Fair's Subdivision Holly Park; $1000. Louis L. and - Marie Bondeli tn Thomas Levis. lot on N line of- Lizzie street. 106:3 E of Mission and distant 122:0 E of San Jose avenue as formerly existed. E 27:3 by N 70; $10. Savings and Loan Society to William C. Hamerton. lot on W corner of California ave nue and Godens street. 8W 60 by W 60, lots 19 to 21, Preclta Valley, also lots .174 to 377. Godens gift map 1 ; gift. William T. Hamilton to Lena M. and LeoU E. Hamilton, lot in Lone Mountain Cemetery; $1500. S. Ducas Company (corporation) to Abe and Charlie Rosensteln. lot on SW line of Twenty first street. 75 NW of J NW 75 by SW 100. lot 2, block 423, South San Franciso Home stead; $10. ¦ , Abe ; and Charlie Rosenstein to S. Ducas Company (corporation), lot on NE line of San , Bruno avenue. 244:5% S of Paul street. SB 30:6%;- E 04:5U, N 2.".. W112. lot 3. block 7, Garden Tract HomesteaJ Association: S10. ALAMEDA. July 29.— Regular services will be resumed in the First Unitarian Church next Sunday after tho summer vacation. Principal F. T. Moore of th« Mastlck school has accepted the superin tentiency of the Sunday school. As for merly the musical programme will be ar ranged and directed by Miss/Elizabeth Westgate. Unitarian Church to Reopen. BERKELEY, July 29.— The recently or ganized Young Men's Christian Associa tion elected officers at a meeting last night in the First Baptist Church, the following being chosen: . Secretary, H. C. Parkinson; treasurer, William H. .Po pert; directors, J. C. Ford, S.",D. Water man,-F. S. Page, the Rev. C. K. Jenness, J. L. Barker, Leo Rogers and W. H. Waste. The election of a president was deferred until another time. Berkeley Y. M. C. A. Organizes. OAKLAND, July 29.— Raising the as sessment of the Oakland Gas, Light and Heat Company has brought forth a pro test from the corporation and it has filed a petition to have its assessment reduced by $610,000. The assessment has increased from $1,500,000 to $2,000,000. It bases its petition on the ground that its franchise for laying pipes' and the erection of poles is worth nothing, whereas they are as sessed at $330,000. Values Franchise Lightly. : Frederick H. ; and Agnes Qualman to . James I F Cheesawrlght. lot : on N line • of ¦ A street, • 107:6 W. of, Sixth' avenue, -W 25 by N 100; $10. ¦¦/ Alexander Jarvle to Samuel A. Bishop, lot on" E . line of .Thirteenth avenue/ '100 S of L street, 8 25 by E 120; $10. - *» Emily F.^u Pope- -to: Spring Valley Water Workt kit on S Una of UJ«ht»«ruti .troat It WEDNESDAY. JULY 29. William 6. Hughes to Thomas R. Curtis, lot on SE corner of Point Lobos and Parker ave nues, E 31:4% by S 125; $10. Michael G. and Catherine A: Buckley to Nor ton *Land > Company, lots on N line of Hayes street, 197:0 W of Cough. W 23 by N 120; $10. John W. Rourke to Mary A. Rourke, lot on N line of Pine, street, 91:8 E of Laguna, E 22:11 by N 147:6: gift. * Anna Olquist to Anna Johnson, lot on S line of Greenwich street, 107 :tt E of Fillmore, E SO by 8 120; $10.- - Annie Cunningham to Katherlne lot on N line of Geary street, 10S W of Fill more, W 27 by N 75; $10. Franklin and Agnea B. Heywood to Harriet G. Hunt (wife of Clarence M.), re-record 204 D. 24« of lot on N Une'of Hayes street, 107 E or Baker, E 27:4% by N 100; $10. Dora Sachs to Carl V. Sachs, lot on E line of Baker street; 52:8>4 S of Jackson. S 25 by K 100; gift. -- , / Glty and county, of- San Francisco to Ka tlnka Rohrer. lot on E line of Lyon street, 107 N of Sutter. N.30 by E 110; . Alice G. and Benjamin Wood to John H. Meredith, lot on NW corner of Point Lobos ave nue and Wood street, W 29:0 by N 90:8; $10. Mary and Henry T. Bray to Eliza Powers, lo't on S line of Clinton street, 230 E of Do lores. E 22:0 by 8 70; $10. . Catherine Murphy to Frank S. Mulhaupt. lot on E line of Church street, 26 N of Twenty seeend. N 26 by E 125; ?10. Hibernla. Savings and Loan Society to John M. Manning, lot on E line of Noe street, 67 N of Twentieth. N 28:6 by E 103; also lot on N line of Twenty-eeventh street. 240 W of Dia mond; W 80 by N 114: $1105. ¦ Catherine Baun to Gregory P. Courtney, lot on SW corner of Eighteenth and -- Hartforti streets and 230 E of Castro, W 25 by S 75: gift. 'George J. end Grace D. Fetzer to Kate A. Pehalleh (wife of J. A.), lot on E line ot Church ttreef 101:0 S of Valley, S 25 by E 100: $10. ¦ . .Thomas P..D. Gray to Jeannette Mains, lot on E line of Tay street, 03:6 S of Clay, S 20 by E 5H 1 $10. '¦":. '•¦"»'- I Max Goldberg to Garret M. and Reuben L. Goldberg, lot on N line of /Vailejo fctreet. 125 E of Leavenwprth. E 25 by N 137:0; gift. George H. and Lauthie A. Luke to John F. and Elisabeth A. Wood, lot on E line of Ver mont street, 100 N of Twenty-flfth (Yolo), N 25 by E 100; $10. E R. and Bella Lillenthal to Geoigina Mac- I Klllop (wife of Archibald), tot on K line of! Sixth avenue. 309 N of Lake stre-t, N 32, E ¦ 138 SW 32. W 131:4%: $10. . ' ' .WUHmm J. and Emma C. Gunn Up William I A. Griffin.' lot on : W. line of Sixth avenue. 325 . N of- Lake street. N 25 by W- 120: $10. . Felix and'Delflna Marcuse to Frank K. Gran- ( nis ¦ lot on - 8 « line ¦ of :. Lake street, 90 »£ of ; Fourth avenue, B 30 by S 100; $10. V». r Frank R. and Sophie Grannis to Felix Mar- I cuse. lot on SW • corner of Lake street ¦ and Sixth avenue 1 8 60 by W 115; $10. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. OAKLAND, July 29.— Ma^or Olney has denied the request of Manager K. J. Ellis of the telephone' company for the restora tion of a police guard over telephone com pany workmen. The Mayor this after noon, having conferred with Manager Ellis and Secretary Ed Davis' of the striking Linemen's Union, said that so long as no acts of violence were com mitted, no police would be furnished. The company has men at work who are not under guard. Police Guard Not Restored. OAKLAND. July 29.— James Bell, a nur seryman of Berkeley, instituted suit against his wife Alice to-day to quiet title to a piece of property on Dwight way, which he desires to •all. The Bells are unhappily married and she has told him that before she signs the deed he must settle with her. Bell states that the property was his before he married and wishes to have the court set it aside as his individual property rather than make a bargain with his wife for her signature to the deed. The land is valued at a few thousand dollars. Signature Comes High. ALAMEDA, July 29.— Owing to the fact that the Unitarian Club will hold its own ing programme of the fall season next Wednesday night the mass meeting of property owners called for that time has been postponed until "Wednesday night, August 12. Many of those who signed the call for the gathering of property holders arc members of the Unitarian Club, among them being W. B. Koll myer, president of the organization. Al though it has been understood that the object of the mass meeting is to form an improvement association to promote the interests of Alameda it is ajso ex pected that the unsettled state of r.ffalrs here due to the agitation (\t the railroad franchises will be given attention. Alameda Realty Holders Do Not Want to Conflict With Open ing of Unitarian Club. POSTPONE MEETING OF' THE PROPERTY-OWNERS OAKLAND. July 29.— The Skae vault in Mountain View Cemetery, where the re mains of the former wealthy mining stock man are housed, ie to be replaced by a handsome $25,000 tomb, provision for which was made In the will of the late Alice Skae, widow of deceased. Skae died some years ago in San Fran cisco. His body and those of his two children were brought to Mountain View Cemetery. His widow made her home in the East after his death, but made several trips to this coast to visit their grave. Last Fourth of July she- committed sui cide in a hotel in New York city. In her will she left $25,000 for the erection of a magnificent tomb, plans for the erection of which are now being completed. The Erection of a $25,000 Tomb Is Begun in Mountain View Cemetery. SKAE'S BEMAINS TO LIE IN A MAUSOLEUM Dies Suddenly on Doorstep. The dead body of Edward V. Pool© was found on the steps cf 737 Howard street at 5:43 o'clock yesterday morning. De ceased had a slight scalp wound on the back of his head, but an autopsy per formed by Acting Autopsy Surgeon Gian nini showed that Poole's death w%« due to heart disease. OAKLAND. July 20. — Justice of tie Peaca George Samuels has started on a hunt for quarters at the City Hall la which to establish a second Police Court. The newly appointed Justice has his eye on the Council chamber as a suitable courtroom. Ke arsues that tha apartment Is not used by the municipal legis lators during the daytime, except on rare occa sions, and that the room could readily be con verted Into a suitable place for the dispensing of Justice. As soon u the question of quar ters is settled Judge Samuela purposes to open court. Provision for a clerk and the necessary paraphernalia la authorized under the act of Legislature, which provides for two Polico Courts in cities of Oakland's population. New Justice Thinks the City Council Chamber Would Be an Avail able Apartment. JUDGE SAMTJEXS SEEKS QT7ABTEBS FOB COTJBT OAKLAND. July ».-City Enginer F. C. Turner has made a closely approximated measurement of the miles of track in tlys city of Oakland that are owned by the Southern Pacific Company, the total be ing sixty-eight and a half miles. This in cludes the following: First-street line, 1J.7 miles; overland line along bay shore. 7.6 miles; West Oakland yards. 32.7 miles; Seventh-street local, 8.2 miles; Webster street local, 2 miles; Berkeley local, 3.5 miles. Single track switches, spurs and sidings arc calculated in the measurements. The n-Dort has bi-en filed, under in structions, with the Board of Public Works, and will be forwarded to the State Board of Equalization, which, in the past, has credited Oakland with only eighteen miles of Southern Pacific trackage. * City Engineer Turner Benders Re port on the Southern Pacific Trackage in Oakland. FINDS MANY MHES OF r^ BAILROAD TJNASSESSED BERKELEY, July 23.— The report that President Eliot of Harvard University contemplates resigning within a year has again s«t afloat a rumor that President Wheeler of the University of California may be selected by the board of over seers for the vacancy should it occur. As President Eliot has not resigned and has made no definite statement as to his intentions it is not likely that President Wheeler has been thought of in connec tion with the presidency of Harvard. Be sides.- President Wheeler in private cor respondence to friends in California has said that he has never had any Intention of resigning the presidency of the Uni venlty of California to take a diplomatic post or any other . position. He declares that he wants to carry on the work he has inaugurated here and will not with draw to take an office that offers only temporary honors. Tells Friends That He Has No Inten tion of Taking Diplomatic or Any Other Post. OAKLAND. July 29.— The fund for the aid of worn-out preachers of the First Methodist Church of this city was aug mented to-day by the bequest of $100 left it in the will of the late Eliza D. Atwill, which was filed for probate to-day. The estate Is valued at between $13,000 and 130.000 and consists of $10,000 cash in bank, sugar, gas stock and jewelry. A legacy of (3000 Is left Eliza D. Keith, a grand child and one of $2000 to Augusta A. Bloomer, another grandchild and the resi due of the estate Is divided equally be tween Mary J. Plnkerton. Sarah A. Keith and Emaltne A. Bloomer, her three daughters. Petition for the probate of the will of Henry H. Lawrence was filed to-day. The estate is valued at $3000 and consists of a piece of property situated at Adams street and Eleventh avenue and a lot of land at Santa Monica. The entire estate goes to Sarah A. Lawrence, widow of the deceased, who lives at 562 East Four teenth street. Mrs. Eliza- D. At will Remembers Fund for Worn-Out Divines of First M. E. Church. LEAVES A BEQUEST FOB OLD PREACHERS PBESIDENT WHEBLEB WILL NOT RESIGN" THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1 903. 13 nEXI. ESTATE--CITY--FOR 8AL1 P.- JUST eold. one 6-room cottage; only one 5- room ccttare left; now Is your chance to se- cure the new 5-room cottage at 825 Alvarado st.. near Douglass, and near the new Noe Valley schoolhouse. with a small payment down, balance In monthly Installments same as rent; don't delay. JACOB 1IEYMAN CO.. 117 Sutter *t. j $4500— 10-ROOM house. Mission. mnM n House for Investment ;5iXA New. modern home f«600 Klegant home, furnished, near Glen Park 16000 Other bargains eee MOSSMAN. 850 Market gt. $1500— PAYMENT on 2 new flat* at 3435 Mis- sion et-; will pay 20 per cent on Investment: 2 new flat* on Army *t., near Mission, and many others that will pay bis interest. D. COFFIN A CO.. 3503 Mission st. THE BUILDING CONSTP.UCfTION COM- PANY. r.11-512 Callaghan building, will buy you a lot and build you a house: small cash payment; ?S per month pays principal and Interest on each $1000 of balance due. WHOLE block of houses Just started near the Park on Cart, Cole.Shrader * Parnassus ove.; plans, terms, prices to eutt; apply premise*. JAMES ROUNTREE & CO.. 137 Carl St. FOR sale— At a bargain. 2 flats In excellent condition In choice part of city: no trifler*. Inquire 641 Baker ft. NEAT cottage. 4 rooms, modern ¦Improvements: terms same as rent. Apply owner, lumber yard. SE. cor. Alabama and Montcalm st*. NEW houses and flats on Second ave. and C rt. for sale on easy payments: one block to McAllister cars: prices to suit you: open. FOR sale— House 8 rms.: high basement; sunny fide 19th. bet. Valencia & Mission; no reas. offer refused. Stephens & Co.. 221 Powell. A sacrifice — 2 artistic hou?es. 7 rooms and bath, i InglerMe. lot 50x100. Call 51-53 McAllister Bt. REAL ESTATE Country— For Sale. ALFALFA lands', stock ranches, orchards, vineyards: Inspected bargains; monthly cata- logue sent free. C. M. WOOSTEIt CO.. 648 Market «t. Sl'BCRBAX REAL ESTATE. ilXrs~^nd~inforrriatJon of San .Rafael. Ross and Mill valleys and Marin County of CROKER & CO.. real estate agents, 137 Montgomery ft. __j HEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. RKAlTeytate exchange a fpecialty; free printed llFt. Pacific Coast Exchange Bureau, S50 Market Ft. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS. ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR! A PRETTY HOME IN ALAMEDA. Surrounded by flowers and fruit trees; near train and schools; only $2S50; lot 75x125. Nice 5-room cottage and bath. ALAMEDA LAND COMPANY. Tel. Grand 1461. 1500 Park «t.. Alameda- BERKELEY ADVERTISEMENTS BERKELEY REAL ESTATE. f2000— « ROOMS and bath; lot 60x120; street work dene; modern plumbing; 1 block from proposed car line. $300 — Lets half b! from Grove-st. car line, J550O— New 8-room and bath; Hill-gass Tract; lot 52:6x159; thl* Is a beautiful home and in best residence district of Berkeley. $2C50— 7 rooms and bath, on Channlng way; Ftreet work done; 3 blocks from station. (3500 — 7- room house, barn; large lot; on street car line; exceptional easy terms to re- rpon;ible party. $1650 — 6-room house, near College ave.; lot 40x 120. $1000— Lot 45x125, east side of Fulton «tree.t; street work done. $1600—5 rooms and bath; S5xl33; Parker -et. $1600 — 4-room cottage; lot 50x125. CHENEY & BERRY. P. O. Block. Berkeley. WHAT IS PERFECTION? This new 7-room houre, with all modern - improvements. Including frescoed celling!!; situated on t*^e best street In town; price $3500; term*, small cash payment, balance time a* rent. O. A^ RUDOLPH. Open Sundays. Lorin. INVESTIGATE THIS. 3-room cottage, pantry, toilet; city water; close to car line; rrlce $11CO; terms, small cash payment, balance same as rent. O. A. RUDOLPH. Open Sunday*. . Lorih. THIS IS ALL RIGHT. New 6-room cottage, bath, toilet, stationary; gas fixtures; close to nation and street cars; price $2500; terms, small cash payment, bal- ance same ae rent. O. A. RUDOLPH. Open Sunday*. . Lorin. $4000 — 1507 PRINCE «t.. near Santa Fe R. R.; large 8-room house; high basement; sta- ble: cow barn; 7 house* for chickens; lot 1G0x135; street work complete; call and Inspect. . W. C. MORAN & CO.. 2131 Ebattuck ave., Berkeley. $1600— HANDSOME, well-built 5-room house; high basement; nice lot; close to cars; $100 cash balance $15 per month. W. C. MO- RAN. Lorin station. C C. EMSLIE. Aahby. Mill Valley Advertisements. MILL VALLEY REAL ESTATE. LOTS 50x125 at the station on graded streets; beautiful trees; charming views; prices very low; only $S to $12 a front foot; terms, 10 per cent cash, balance $10 monthly; will , double In value; don't fall to see them; over : ? it lots fold recently; money advanced for building purposes; send for illustrated book- let; agent on the ground Sundays. LYON & HOAG. 116 Montgomery gt. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE, 1118 BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. $3000 — FORCED sale under mortgage; post- - ttvely must be sold at once; 10 rooms; lot * 86x115: eunny frontage; close to school, churches and local train; Poplar St.; cen- tral; very desirable neighborhood; cost present owner over $4100. . - $3000— Nearly new modern colonial cottage of 6 rooms, high basement, brick foundation, porcelain bath, sanitary plumbing; all in fine condition; lot 50x140 (note the sice): street work all done; stone sidewalk* laid; open lawn; choice residence location, near Grove *t.; fine barn, cravel driveway, garden and a few fruit tree*; must be sold; owner away; cannot be duplicated at the price; must be eeen to be appreciated; term.-»of payment If desired. $100 down, balance like rent; new colonial houae of ti rooms and bath; Just com- pleted; or»-n lawn tn front; 3 feet above street crude; Merrimac or 2Sth st.. near Grove. Send for new printed S-page catalogue. > GEORGE W. AUSTIN. 1002 Broadway. Oakland. $2T.O CASH. AND $10 MONTHLY ~~ For 1 acre or 16 lot*, aandy loam soil, covered with fruit trees, 2 flne spring* on the land, 2 blocks to electric road and across the. street from a nice public school; away from fogs •nd harsh wlnde; near a 90-foot boulevard; an ideal location for a home; a few more acres may be, had adjoining; some nice home* surrounding; price In all $500. $275 cash, $8 CO monthly — New cottage of 4 rooms; bath, pantry, closets, etc.;' modern; soil and location unsurpassed ; adjoining East Oakland; let 3,5x138; more land can be had; price In all, $1250. Call or send for circu- lar. 455 Seventh St.. oppoel£e Broadway sta- tion. Oakland. Carriage free. H. Z. JONES Owner. . f 1000 — OR will trade for *ultable building lots cottage. 6 rooms and bath; nice base- ment; lot 30x100; picture at office; near car*; local station and East Oakland manufactories. $2000— Neat cottage home, 5 room* and bath; $300 down. $20 per foot: etreet work all done; cheapest • lot In Linda Vista; 132 feet In depth; frontage to suit. S. M. DODGE & SON. 1160 Broadway. Also arents for the Realty Syndicate proper- tie* and 6 per cent Investment certificate*. " TT^xTmURDOCK. Chronicle bltJg.. San Fran. c£*co. tor Berkeley or rural homaa. SEWING MACHINES AND SUPPLIES $15 60 drop-head oak. guaranteed: second-hand. |6 to $13; some nearly new; 60 day i" exchange agreement: Chicago S.M. Exchange, 933 Mkt. Et., bet. 6th and 6th; phone South 433; eleva- ton ¦ branch.^ 285 Geary »t. : phone Main 7S0. STUTTERING AJVD STAMMERING. MELBOURNE System School. Van Ness and Market; positive cure for all. Don't delay. TYPEWRITERS, AND 'SUPPLIES. GREAT^BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS^We sell better machines for less money than any house in the city; rentals $3. The Typewriter Exchange, S3B .California; telephone Main 2tS«. A FEW good. typewriters at $30 each; get par- ticular*, L. & M. ALEXANDER, 110 Mont- gomer»- st. --¦*¦¦¦¦:.' 2D-HAND typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Webster Typewriter Inspec. Co., 20M Sansome. 'proposals. PROPOSALS— Bids wanted--Notlce Is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Directors -of the Veterans' Home of California at room 13. 320 Sansome «., San Francisco. Cal..' up to 3:30 d. m. on MONDAY, August 10. 1903. for furnishing uniform coats, pants and blouses for the Vet- erans' Home, Napa County. Cal. (R. R. sta- tion, Yountvllle), for six months, ending De- cember 31. 1W)3. Preference- will be given to goods manufactured In this ; State, price. fitness and quality being equal. - under the provisions of sec. S247 of the Political Code. ' Each bidder must accompany his bid with a certified check upon some well-known and re- i sponsible banking house for at least 10 per cent of the amount of his bid, payable to C. Mason Klnne, treasurer, conditioned that the bidder will enter Into a good and valid contract upon notlco of acceptance, as re- quired by law. The board reserves the right 'to reject any or all bids and to order any quantity over cr under the amount apeclned. Address John F. Sheehan. secretary of the Board of Directors of the Veterans' Home of California, room 13, 320 Sanaome st., San Francisco. Cai. By order of the Board of Directors. . JOHN F. 6HEEH AN. S»e. OFFICE of C. Q. M., Vancouver Barracks, Wash.. July 22. 1903— Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received here until 11 a. m.. August 21. 1903. and then opened for the construction at Vancouver Barracks, Wash., of 1] double barrack. 1 guardhouse, 2 gun- sheds and 2 workshops. For full information, plans and specifications apply to this office. U. S. reserves the right to, reject or accept • any or all proposals or any part thereof. En- velopes containing proposals ghould be mark- ed. "Proposals for conFtructlon of buildings at Vancouver Barracks. Wash.," and addrees- ed F, H. Hathaway. C. Q. M. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., July 27, 1003— Sealed ¦propoeals. in triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock, a. m.. August 27, 1903. and then opened for filling ravine and laying drain at the Presidio of San Francisco. Cal. Government reserve? right to reject or ac- cept any or all bids In whole or In part. Information furnished on application to J. McE. HYDE. Deputy Quartermaster General, Chief Q. M.. Dept. of California. UNITED STATES Engineer Office, Burke Bldg., Seattle, Wash., July 25, 11*03— Sealed ' proposals for dredging Grays Harbor and ChehaMs River, Wash., will be received here until 12. m., August 25. 1903, and then pub- licly op«n*>d. Information furnished on appll- catlon. . JOHN MILLIS. MhJ. Engineers. MARRIAGE LICEI-GES. The following marriag? licenses were lfsued yesterday: • " l>ee Nelson, 22. Pgden, l.'tah, and May Jen- son. 22, Ogden. t'tah. Herman Schrad-r. W>. 221 Thirtieth street, and Adolh^ld Plschel. :*>. 221 Thirtieth street. Sydney L. Plant, 2S, city, and May Conun, 19. city. .Millard F. Klllmiv.e, 41, WO K»arnv ptreet. and Latilta Stutzenburjr. :«. 29» Hyd» street. » Albert II. Relnert. 2*5.82.1 O'Farrell street, and Ethel G. Goddard. Tl. Sit O'Farrell street. • Paul Rlniarz. 57, i.'11'j Valencia street, and Caollle Frlede. 4s, 211'£ Valencia street. Edward J. Kgan, 31. 1600 Golden Gate ave- nue, and Helen K. Mclnhill. 24; 557 HarrUon. Ellas Kllineseri, ;$<>, 100 Steuart street, and Bertha Monsen, 34, 4ffl Phot well street. John Walker. 25, 221 Ninth street, and Min- nie Phlllipps. 25. 2fWH)A Howard street. • . Hugh A. Robertson, 41, Aiamrda, and Char- lotte Hlgglnp, .'{2. 1 Polk Ftreet. < Harmon T. Holley, 33. Llvermore. and Kate O. Black. :tli. city. George B. tjimpcon, 40. 41*0 Fourteenth street, and Grace B. Simpson, 2!». Los Angeles. Demon P. Mahera?, 27, 173 Clementina street, and Mllla H. Flesoran, 23/8 Harriet street. Emll Sehlett, 38, 43 Eleventh Ftreet. and LIda <le Fmet, :>S, 41 Elf%enth utrect. J. Grant -Slaueh. 37, Orovllli*, and Melissa M. Welsh. 22, Orovlllf. BIRTHS-MARRIAGES-DEATHS, Birth, marriage and death notices *»nt by mall will not be Inserted. They must be, handed In at either of the out Itration offices and be lndorwd with the name and residence of per- eons authorized to have the same published. BOBN. GOTKLLI— In thle city. July 29, 1003. to the wife of George James Gotelll, a son. GRAY— In this city, July 2<». 1003. to the wife of Walter W. Gray, a eon. STORMFIELD— In this city. July 2(5. llKK, to the wlte of Frank Stormfleld, a daughter. MARRIED. PARKER— VALENTINE— In this city. July 28. HKKt. by the Rev. F. A. Keast. Lewis L. I'arker of Paters >n. N. J., and May L. Val- entlne of San Francisco. • / DIED. Bernasconl, Euphe- Hall, Laura M. mle Heywood, Franklin Boyd. John If. Johnson, Catherine nrandt. Pearl Kendall. S. S. Brier. Martha A. Levy, Etta Brown, Fannie K. Llndegren, John Cheesman. William McLouglin, Edward Cooper, Jesse Mack. Lawrence Crossley, John H. Meagher. Thomas • Dean, James H. Miller, Mrs. Mellrsa Demartlnl, Mary ¦ Smith, Harian P. Doolittle, Betsey M. Stark. David W. Foss, Hazel Trefethen. Ina G. Glassford. Nancy Wade. Samuel (loldman. Christian Walsh, Richard Hall, Henry E. Wltbeck. Bertram W. BERNASCONI— In' this city, July 20, lOOo. Kuphemle, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bernasconl, aged 4 months and l'J days. £7 Interment private. BOYD— In thl« city, July 2S. 1003. John H.I beloved husband of Elizabeth Boyd, and father of David J., J. H. Jr., George and Elizabeth Boyd. Mrs. George S. McKay. Mrs. Ella Cook and the late William Boyd. a na- tive of County Armagh, Ireland, aged 55 years 11 months and 28 days. CTThe funeral will take place to-morrow (Friday), at 11 o'clock, from his late resi- dence. C30 San Bruno avenue, between Eight- eenth and Nineteenth streets. Interment Cy- precs Lawn Cemetery. : BRANDT— In this city, July 23, 1003, Pearl, wife of Herman Brandt Jr- of New York City, and sister of Drs. J. Henry and .Wil- liam F. and Josephine E. Barbat, a nati\e of San Francisco. (New York papers please copy.) . ,B_T Funeral private. BRIER— In Oakland, July 29. 1903, Martha Annette, eldest daughter of Columbus and Catharine N. Brier, and sister of Rose, Charles N. and Elizabeth Naylor Brier, a na- tive of San Francisco. CyNotlco of funeral hereafter. BROWN— In thin city. July 2».. 1903. Fannie K.. beioved wife of Ltmonte Brown, and ¦ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klngdou of . Scales, Cal., a native of California, aged •":.• years S months and 29 days. IC7*NDtice of funeral hereafter. CHEESMAN— 1A this city. July 27, 11*03, Wil- liam Cr-eeaman, husband of -the late Anas- tnsla Cheesman, and father of Klenterlo, James, Thldoro. Kita and Lottie Che omuti find Mrs. Jennie A. Paris, a native of Peru, aged 04 years 11 months and 21 days. (Red- wood City papers please copy.) C?*Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend' the ¦ funeral to-day (Thursday), "at « o'clock, from the parlor* of Edward Castagnetto & Co.. 043-45 Vailejo street, between Montgomery avenue and Stockton street, thence to the Spanish Church, where services will be held. - Inter- ment Holy Croi* Cemetery. COOPER— In this city,- July 28,* 1003, Jekse Cooper, a native of England, aged 74 years. CROSSLEY— In this city, July 29. 1003. John 'Harold, dearly beloved son of John F. and Agnes Crossley, grandson of Thomas Edgar and Mrs. T." Crossley, and beloved nephew of John and' Florence Edgar, a native of San Franclbco, aged 3 years 11 months and 11 days. DEAN— In this ' city, July 27, 1903, James Henry, beloved husband of ( Ellen Dean, a native of New York, aged 39 year* 9 months and 25 days. . ••¦¦ ¦'.-" • . , - • tyFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral services to-day (Thursday), at- 10 o'clock, at the parlors of the Western Addition Funeral Director*, 1724 \ Devlsadero street, between Butter and Bush. Interment Laurel Hill n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hnfiw'ff ijwimif "flilh' ttIJ >W i m ii'tifi DEMARTINI— In this city. July 27. 1903. Mary dearly beloved wife of James Demartinl. be- l loved daughter of Mr. : and ¦ Mrs. L. Franchi; and beloved sinter of Felicia, Louis, Linda." Louisa, Guldo and Tlllle Franchi, a native of B NEAREST THeTciTY ?j| | OFFICE: 916, MARKET ST f :j| 'F. J. M ona han. President. "-friONAHAN & CO., - <Inc> ~ FUNERAL" DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. 2339-2341. Mission at. " Telephone Mission 31. OCEAN TRAVEL. e Steamers leave San Fran- cisco as follows: For Ketchikan. Juneau. Skagway. etc.. Alaska— 11 a. m., July 30, August 4. 0. 14. 19. 24, 29. Change to com- pany's steamers at Seattle. For Victoria. Vancouver. Port Townsend. Seattle. T«- coma. Everett, Whatcon* — 11 a. m.. July 3O. August ¦*. ». 14. 19, 24. 23. Change at Seattle to this company** steamera for Alaska and G. N. Ry.: at Seattle for Ta- coma to N. P. Ry. : at Vancouver to C. P. Ry. For Eureka (Humboldt Bay) — Pomona. 1:30 p. m. August 2. 8, 14. 20, 28; Corona. 1:30 p. m.. July 30. August 5. 11. 17. 23. 29. For Los Angeles (via Port Los Angles and Redondo). San Diego and Santa Barbara — Santa Rosa. Sundays. 0 a. m. State of California. Thursdays, S a. n. For Loa Angeles (via San Pedro and East San Pedro). . Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz. Mon- terey, Ean Simeon. Cayucos. Port Harford (San Luis Oblspo), Ventura and Hueneme. - Coos Bay, 9 a, m., July 28. Aurust S. 13. 21, 29. Ramona. 0 a.' m.. August 1. 9. 17, 25. For Ensenada. Magdajsna Bay. San Jose del Cabo, Mazatlan. Altata, La Paz. Santa Ro- salia. Guayma* (Mex.). 10 a. m.. 7th of each month. For further Information obtain folder. Right is reserved to change steamers or *all- Inr dates. I * TICKET OFFICES — 4 New Montgom- ery street (Palace Hotel), 10 Market street and Broadway wharf. Freight efflc*. 10 Market street. C. D. DUNANN. General Passenger Agent. 10 Market St.. San Francisco. O, R. & N. CO. * "Columbia" ealls'Aug. 1, 11, 21, 31. "G«orf» W. Elder" sails July 27. An*. 9, *«. 28. Only steamship line toPORTLAND. OR., and short rail line from) TPortland to all points East. Through ticket* to all points, all rail or steam- chip anil rail, at LOWEST RATES. Steamer tickets include berth and meals. Steamer salla foot of Spear st- at hi. n. r. F. BOOTH. Gen. Agt. Pa-*. Dept.. 1 Montgomery «t.: C CLIFFORD. Gen. Agt. Frt. L>ept-, 3 Montrom- ery »t. AMERICAN LINE. NEW YORK-SOUTIIAMPTOX-LONDON. Phlla...Aug. 12. 10 am N. York. Aug. 29. 10am St.Louts.AuK 1 . 19. 10 am 1 Phila... Sept. 2. 10 am ATLANTIC TRANSPORT tiit t \ XF.W YORK— LONDON DIRECT. Men'ra'ee.Aug. 8, 9 amlMln't'ka.Aujr. 22, 5 am Mesaba..Augr. 15. 9 analMln'p'lls. Aug. 29, 10 am Only first-class passengers carried. DOftUNIOrf LINE. BOSTON— QCEKNSTOWN— LIVERPOOL. New England... Aug. 6fNew England. ..Sept. 3 Mayflower Aug. 1-iMayflower S«pt in Commonwealth. Aug. 27jColumbtis Sept. IT Montreal — Liverpool — Short sea passage Southwark Aug. SiKensington Aug. 2» Canada ..Aug. 22 Dominion Sept. 5 B 09100 Mediterranean d*"* 1 AZORES— GIBRALTAR— NAPLES— GENOA. Cambroman... ..Sat.. Aug. 8. Sept. 19. Oct. 31 Vancouver.... ..Sat.. Aug. 29. Oct. 10. Nov. 21 HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. _. NEW YORK-ROTTERDAM. VIA BOULOGNE. Sailing Wednesday at 10 a. m. Statendam Aug. 12|Noordam Aug-. 2fi Ryndam Aug. 19! Rotterdam Sept. 2 RED STAR LINE. NEW Y^aT-ANTWKRF— PARIS. Zeeland..Aug. 8. 10 amiVaderl'd-Ang. 22. 10 am Finland. Aug. 15.' 10 am(Kroonl'd.Aug.29. 10 am WHITE STAR LINE. NEW YORK-QUEEXSTOWN— LIVERPOOL. Sailing Wednesdays and Fridays. Teutonic Aug. 5, noon Cedric. . .Aug. 14, 9 am Arabic... Aug. 7. B pm Majestic. Aug. 19, noon Germanic. Aug. 12. noon Celtic. . .Aug. 21, 4 pm J C D. TAYLOR, Passenger Agent. Paclflc Coast. 21 Post St., San Francisco. ;»-'.. TOYO KISEN KAISHA, \ (ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP CO.) Steamers will leave wharf, corner First and Brannan streets, at 1 p. m.. for YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG, calling at Kobe (Hlo_o>. Nagasaki and Shanghai, and connecting at Hongkinc with steamers for India, etc. No. cargo received on board on day of sailing. 8. I. NIPPON MARU.... Friday. July 3L 1908 ll S. AMERICA MARU Wednesday, August 29, 1903 S. 8. HONGKONO MARU (calling at Ma- nila) Saturday. September 19. 1903 Via Honolulu. Round-trip ticket* at reduced rates. For freight and passage, apply at Com- *""• °' flC V* H. M A^RY^ene^A^r U ffamburg-Ztmerican. FOR PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURO-HAMBURO. Twia-8«»w Eijrsii tad Puseagw Serriej. t Pretoria Aug. 1 Bluecher Aug. 20 Moltke Aug. 6 Pennsylvania ..Aug. 23 Waldersee Aug. 8 A. Victoria ...Aug. 27 p Slgtsmund...Aug. 13 Patricia .......Aug. 29 HAKBUBS-AMiaxaUf UlfX. 37 B'w» r . 5. T. HERZOG & CO.. 401 California st. Gen. Agts. oeeanie$«s«to. s^s 8 S VENTURA, for Honolulu. Samoa. Auck- 'land and Sydney. Thursday. Aug. 8, 2 p. m. S S MARIPO9A. for Tahiti. An*. 13. 11 a. m. 8* S ALAMEDA. for Honolulu. Afis. 13. 11 a,m iJ.|?iECS£lSiBIIJ.M.,<|tj..TWit3a8,J431art3ta fnfeitat2c#.32S lariitSL.Pkrls. 7.?arficlL C03f?AQ5IZ 6XVXKALX TBAiraATLAlfTIQIIJ DIRECT LINK TO HAVRE- PARIS. jm»_-. Sailing every Thursday. Instead of Saturday, at 10 a. m., from Pier 42. * **rTft» North River, foot of Morton street. First-class to Havre. $70 and upward. Sec- ond-class to Havre, $43 and upward. CE.V- KRAL AGENCT FOR UNITED STATES AND CANADA. S3 Broadway (Hudson Building). New York. J. T. FUOAZI & CO.. Paclflc Coa« Agents. 5 Montgomery avenue. San Francisco. Ticket* sold by all Railroad Ticket Agent*. Mar* i I-lana tal VaU*Jo Bt*amer». Steamer GEN. FRISBIB or MONTICELLO— 0:45 m. m., 3:13 and 8:30 p. m.. except Sunday. Sunday. 9:45 a. m.. 8:30 p. m. Leave* Vailejo. T a. m.. 12:30 noon. 8 p. m.. ex. Sunday, tun- day, t a. m., 4:15 p. m. Fare. 60 cent*." TeL Main 1508. Pier 2. Mlsalon-st. dock. HATCH BROS. s • Weekly CaU,$1.00 per ;Y6ar MOXZY TO LOAJ>. AiA-HEKM-'-N MURPHY " 601-<S02-t<03 Examiner building. Quick eettlementc: -jfo disappointment. \ . Save expenses by dealing directly. ' Estate*, second mortgages undivided Inter- efts. aKienmecU of rents, property In trust etc.; legacies, life estates and undU'lded #o- tere*t* in property purchased. Courteous treatment. Strictly confidential.. When You Need Money Pe» HERMAN MURPHY. HIGHLY respectable private place to obtain liberal advances on diamonds. Jewelry, at Jowest rate*. Baldwin Jewelry Store. 84fl Market «t.. tel. Mala 1(344. Branch. 1» Third. MONEY loaned to ca'.arted ptople, retail mer- chants, teameter*. boarding-house*, without security: ea«y payments; Unrest business In <6 principal cities. Tolraan. &33 Parrott bldg. A — 1 per cent on furniture or piano :ao removal; no commission; no publicity: $25 up: quick. quiet, confidential. 26 Montgomery st.. r. 7. MUNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE 103 Grant are.. LOANS FROM $1 to $10.000- AT cut rmlec on real estate, furniture or piano: bo commission. E. W. LICK. K^ Mutual Eav. Bk. bid., 708 Market; phone Main 818. S. F. DISCOUNT AGENCY— Loans to salaried people in their note. The^TOUELEY CO .143 Phelan bldg. MONEY to loan on low interest: gold, silver, diamesds pearls and precious stone* bought at W. J. HESTHAL'S. 10 Sixth 6t. I ONE per cent on fu-rlture; $5 a month on each $1000; any •ecurity. 302 Mor?*gomf ry. room 18. 3% ON larnlture & pianos; $15 up: co removal; V. TREMAIN, room 61. 6 Eddy st.. floor 4. ALL loans on diamonds and Jewelry 2 per cent mo. S. F. Collateral Loan Bank. 5->J Kearny. STAB Loan Co. of Wyoming loans money to •alaried employes- R- 311. Mutual £av.Bk.bld. CASH loaned fa'.arled peor-le on notes without indcrser. MOHRELL. 609 Examiner bid. MTS1CAL IXSTRL-MEyrS. V Nl'MUKH of (!'in<i r!«n"s rtturned from * renters will be fold at greatly reduced prices. Among tb'***' instruments are several of the !e<i din* makes. Other V.arcalns: 3 t-hickerinps *1"°- * 1K5 ' 'r 1^ 1 Kimbfcll. walnut upright, celluloid keys..*GS 2 Krr.ers-cn *!«>. $21.» •• Btetmrar *1S5. f?** 4 Hein,: *255 to $."»5 52 wurra *!* t" *J'2 in organs $10 to $•."> Rent? f2 uj>, allowed on purchaso: install- ni<»nt»' $4 up; vis no-players from $fK» up; new i linos from $117 up. HKINE PIANO CO., 23>-237 Geary ft. : phone Main 5744. ETEXXWAY upright, left by private party, tlCS; rrcat bargain. 237 Geary et. • A FEW' pood upright pianos from $70 up com- rrlsing Vr*e. Sterling. Jacobsen. Prhwech- ten. tberwood. We*er. Marshall & Wendell. Halne.5. Everett. Knahe and others; ea^y payment*. BENJ. CURTAZ fc SON. 16-20 O'FarreU. X" branches In San Francls-co : A BAVMEISTER cr Schubert t>\b.tio Is a good one to buy. You ret full value for every dul- ler Inverted. Our terms are easy and the Trices lew. THE ZENO MAUVAIS CO.. 7G» Market st. BAND Huiruments; F. Bessm. Taris. maker. Gus M*iwaid. Ajt. Pac Coast. 27« O'Farreli; •Wilful rerairlr.g: 2d-hand inytru^iprtg gold. ZITHERS, music, strings, etc Max Maier. Teacher cf Zither. 304 A Turk ft. rEAUTIFUL 3-p«dal Stelnway upright piano; r*rfe<rt order: sacrifice. Keeffe's.2S5 O'Farrell. Family sailing for Australia offer* at sacrifice- handsome Steinaay upright piano. M6 Eddy. BUY direct from the factory and save per cent. HORNl'NO. 216 McAllister ft. KOHLER & CIIASE. 30 O'Farrell Ft.; largest and oldest piano house. ( FEST renting piano In city for $¦? per month. PCOTT-CIRTAZ riANO CO.. f>60 Hayeg rt. BARGAIN- coed uprtght: must be sold at cnee. PCHM1TZ & CO.. 16 McAllister Et. f-OHMER Byrru Msuzy pianos. Cecillan piano ¦player. ' BYRON MAfZY. 30*1-312 Tott st. f UPERIOR violins, zithers. cM and new. II. MT'LLER. tr.aker. repairer. 2 Latham place. * OFFICES A.\D STORES TO LET. EMMA PPRECKELP building, J27 ilarkjt sL— Office to let; rei.t $15; light. h<?it. janitor anl tflephene. ASHTON & 3ARDIXER. 6TOBX with large basement: near Keaxny it. See owner. C36 Clay et.. room 1. PERSONALS. WHAT'S IN YOT-R NAME* A new art: it is bow a fact that th* name you be*r rulos your fortune and Oestiny; full <Jf!lrication of your name. $1; send full name >nd :im, _ n I date o/ birth. KAOA- LA. box <». Station C. Lps Angeles, Cal. A— FACIAL BLEMISHES REMOVED. Wrinkles, yellow and flabby tkin. birthmarks, rmal'pox pittinge a-nd scars ccientlScally re- moved without cutting.iiia«£age,electriclty or tn»dlclne; e»er!al demonstrations this week. Call or write DR. L. WILLIAMS. 371 Geary. WANTED— 777 ladies with scalp diseases; loss • of hair and premature grayness prevented. ? Can treat by mall. Blank for stamp.) Con- sultation free. 8:3O to C: Sundays, 10 to 12. Prof. -GEO. A. CARLOW. Specialist, room 218, 097 Market Et." fclORPHlNE. opium and laudanum habits cured At home t> a painless home treatment; in- dorsed and used by leading physicians; corre- s-pendene* Etrictly confidential; in plaln.sealeJ *nvtlope; cal] or write to-day. India Drug Cure. 201 Turk st.; Bruce D. Kiratnls. Mrt. THE Ftar Hair Remedy restores gray hair, im. . provaa Its growth :stops falling ;cureis dandruff fcr.d itching >••..!;¦. no etaln or stickiness; cleanses 6ca.!p:at drucg-itts'. hairdressers' ;ac- no substitute. Star RemedyCo..3S5Geary. KOT how cheap, but how good, is the motto of the manufacturers of the Rapid Rotary Standard the sewmp-machine of to-day J. W. EVANS. agrr.t. 1021 Market st. PHYPICIAN, 15 years' experience, curia per- manently morphine, cocaine habit. Call or address Central Pharmacy. 251 Grant ave., corner Eutter £t. ; fee moderate. GILBERT DARKLY cf England is requested to report at the Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation tMg.. Ean FrancUco; news of im- portance frcin bcine. HAG carpels wove to order aad for *ale: also chenllle-wove rurs. silk portieres; dealer In carpet twine, in hank or chain, at lowest rates. Geo. Ma.tthewa. 709 Fifth tt.. Oakland. I/ANCING Tuesday, Thun-day. Saturday and Sunday evenings at Teutonia, Hall Howard et.. near Ninth; manacesient Prof. Foster. AT lets than cort. uncalled for suits, overcoats end trousers, at CHARLES LYONS'. London Tailor, 721 Market st. ¦ ELEGANT suits oa easy installments: 50 cents and vp per week. LEON LEMOS, 1127 Mar- , ket «... between Seventh and Eighth. ; to order on Installments, $1 per week. Neuhaut & Co., tnerch.tailorg.727-723 Market. ALL styles h&lrdresslng. 25c; hair roods; man!. curing 25c. G. LEDERCK, 123 Stockton et. TAILOR-MAI5K suit $7 60; dress pants $2 «>. Micflt Clothing Parlor, cor. Bueh and Dupont. SUPERFLUOUS hair and moles removed by electric needle. Dr.&Mrs.Traverse.llTOMatket MASQUERADE oostumes. play books, wigs, country orders. GOLDSTEIN & CO., 733 Mkt. ALFREDUM'E Egyptian Heana restores Kray hair to Its natural color; $1; at all druggists.' Superfluous hair & mo'es removed ¦with elec- tric needle. Mrs. & MIes F.aton. 1119 Sutter. VARICOSE vein* and catarrh cured at 'tctne. Call or write for testimonials. Dr. WILL- IAMS CO.. 140 Geary rt.. 8. F. MADAM DEVAH, •clentific palmist and astrolol rict. Of Oce. i'fi Liebe« bldg.. 129 Post St.; $1 palm readtnr a gpeclalty: open Tuesday eve, ' PAPCRHA.\GI.\G. PAI*'TI.\G. ETC. BOOMS papered. $3 50 up: tinting, painting. . Htrt»;ar.n Paint Co.. 319 3d st.; tel. M-i.n 413 PHYSICIANS A.MJ SL'RUISO.VS. DR. C C. O'DONNELL— Office and residence, 1023 H Market rt.. bet. Sixth and geveath. P.EMOVED— DR. WONG HIM, aero doctor; treats all 6!»eases cf the human tody: for p_*t four years at 115-117 Mason: now lo- cated at 6C7 Geary «t.. pear Leavecworth. VR. TONO PO CUT, successor to Dr. LI Po Tal, herb doctor ; cures all diseases of human by nse of herb» and teas. 727 Waahlnrtan »t. BLOOD ckls and re tal disease* « specialty. DR. BALL. 1037% Market st. WONG WOO. the famous herb doctor— All Cf- **»*» cured by Chine— herba. ¦ 74d-» Clay »C STORAGE AJVD WAREHOUSES. A— EMPORlUM^orI£rX~v : a7'^^ ousehold good* stored moved shipped 725- 3B1 Howard st.. near Third; phone Grant 161. -SZERCE-RODOLPH StoTa"ge & Moving Co. of- fice Post and Powell gts.; tcl. Prlv. Ex. *571. CONKLIN'S etorase-Furniture and roerchan- _diK ,33 Golden Gate ave.; phone East I2«. L G^ D P' Wwt , R1 ,7 r *« e - advances made; *40 F _ Mission *t.; tel. Howard S>41. f. W. Zehfusa. *'£ lrlC ~< f ?Z? t ZF» 8nd rureU «r« Moving Com- _ P«ny. 2J2O Fillmore gt.; phone Jackaon 281. tf^KINS Van and Rtorare Co 11 M^Hitromerv OAKLAND ADYERT1SEMENTS. "?\3 OAKIxAJTP REAL ESTATE. TAYLOR BROS. * CO. i REAL "ESTATE AGENTS. Fire Insurance and Financial Agents. j Tel. Cedar 35L 1236 Broadway, Oakland. INVESTMENTS— INCOME PROPERTY. $4000 — Flat: West st.; renting $504 per annum. $4000 — Grove st. ; renting $480 per annum. $5250— Flatb; Alice St.; renting for $U90 per annum. r $5500— Flats; Twelfth St.; close tn; Income $600 per annum. , . •_ $6750 — Flats; Telegraph ave. ; Income $670 per, annum. $7750 — Flats; Jones st.; Income $1020 per an- num. Our books , are open for Inspection on the above described properties. « $6500 will buy. one of the choicest pieces of Broadway " property. 125x125 feet. if bought before August 1. This property is cheap at $80 per front foot. TAYLOR BROS & CO., 1236 Broadway. $500 CASH and $50 a month buys what might be termed a mansion; house of 8 rooms; finished in curly redwood; paneled din- ing-room with china closets and book- cases built therein; frescoed and deco- rated; nickel and open plumbing; *ur- - rounded by the finest homes In East Oak- land; near the elegant residence of F. M. Smith, beautiful Arbor Villa; flne marine view; lot 50x145; for sale at $3000 less than, actual cash value; first come first served. J. S. MEYERS or GEORGE W. AUSTIN. , 1003 Broadway, Oakland. $4250 for a home that would cost $6000 to du- plicate; lot 50x116; driveway, flowers, ralnis, fruit trees, summer house— in fact, an Ideal home; the owner has been com- pelled to leave Oakland and must sell; terms only $S0O cash and balance mort- gage: house of 8 rooms and bath, modern and almost new; Swiss colonial style of architecture; first-class neighborhood and near the business center. J. S. MEYERS or GEORGE W. AUSTIN, 1002 Broadway, Oakland. OAKLAMI FURMTURB FOR SALE. TO-MORROW the day for bargains In furnl- ture. H. Schellhaas. 11th st. cor. atore.Oaklnd ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. AT Mayflower; cut rates now for summer. 308 3d St.; $5 up; also beautiful rooms $1 week. CALIFORNIA, 1304— Sunny bay-window room and kitchen; gas Move; complete; no children. ELLIS. 4.11 A — .1 nicely furnished sunny rooms for housekeeping. r FIFTH, 3.V1 — Furnished housekeeping, 3 rooms, 2 beds, $20; 3, $13 50; also stng'.c. $5 up> HERBERT (The) — Sunny apartments for housekeeping; gas ranges; Just newly fur- nished. 1530 Polk st. HOWARD. 1003— 2 Funny connecting com- pletely furnished housekeeping rooms. JESSIE, 3.1S— Laree funny front room; fur- nished: housekeeping; g<is range; $12. MCALLISTER. 5.1S— Nicely furnished sunny suite; ga* ranee, hot bath, laundry; $11, $14. MISSION. 1429—2 large rooms, complete for housekeeping; gas range; $14 per month. STOCKTON. 12<"m3 — Model house, newly fur- niRhefl; front hfkpg rooms; phone, gas, bath. TWENTY-THIRD, 3726, near Dolores — 3 eun^ ny bay-window rooms; furnished complete. VALENCIA, 822—2 sunny furnished house- keeping rooms; electric light; gas stove. A BRA.N'CH office for Call advertisements and (subscriptions has been established at 1096 Valencia st. ROOSIS TO LET— Fora, and llnfnrn. AA — City Room Renting Agency, 1104 Market gt.. cor. Turk and Market ets.. Rooms 3 and 4. Phone Jessie 4471. FREE FREE We locate you free of charge in Rooms with or without board, s. : Housekeeping Rooms or Hotels. . A— HOTEL NETHERLAND — EUROPEAN PLAN, 18 TURK ST., 4 DOORS FROM MARKET: 250 OUTSIDE ROOMS; STEAM HEAT AND TELEPHONE IN EVERY ROOM; RATES 75c A DAY UP; SPECIAL RATES BY THE MONTH. A GENTLEMAN of regular habits can secure a single room or alcove suite, sunny and comfortably furnished, with private family, one block from cable and electric car lines and 5 minut**' walk from park entrance; references. Box 4953, Call. A — BRUNSWICK House, 148 Sixth — Rooms 25c to $1 per 'light, $1 25 to $5 per week, and light housekeeping rooms; open all night. AT "The Almonte," 673 Market st. (or No. 1 Ftfth st.)— Rooms, 2.V\ 50c, $1, $1 00 night; $1 50 to (10 week; house open all night. ANTLERS. 415 Turk — 3. 4 and 6 room apart- ments for hkpg. ; strictly mod. ; elec. elevator. A LARGE furnished room for 1 or 2 gents; bath: running water; references. SS3 Post st. BUCHANAN. 153.1, near Geary— Sunny fur- nished rooms; $5, $6 monthly; adults. BURNETT. 1426 Market— (old No. 1364)— Fur- nlshed rooms, suite*, single; also unfurnished. CLIFFORD. 204 Ellis, cor. Mason— Elegantly furnished sunny rooms; prices reasonable. EDDY. 21f> — Large sunny front rooms; running water; housekeeping; also single. ELLIS. 803— Large, newly furnished; gas, bath, 'hot and cold water; $10; gt-uts only. FILLMORE. 1720— Large gunny furnished room for 1 or 2 gentlemen; bath. FOLSOM, 1007 V% — Small room In private fam- lly. suitable for working girl. $4 ytt month. FOURTH. 225 — Furnished rooms suitable for two; also single rooms. GRAND Southern, 7th and Mission— Roomfl 50c to $1 50 night; $2 to $Uweek; reading-room. HOTEL GRAYSTONE 60 Geary St.: phone Bush SSO. Centrally located fireproof hotel; elegantly furnished suites, with baths and singles. MASON 217 — Neatly furn. rooms; quiet; re- spectable; board optional. Tel. Howard 2690. MINNA, 32S, bet. Fourth and Fifth— Newly fur- [ niehed rooms, cheap; Spanish family. All day. MINNA, 545 — Sunny front room for gentleman or light -housekeeping., O'FARUELL, 20 — Sunny furnished rooms and offices; elevator; elec. lights; day, week, mo. O'FARRELL, 871 — Newly furn. sunny rms., central; quiet: tel.: baths; moderate. PINE, 1323— Pleasant sunny room; nicely fur- nished ; 'Writable for gentleman; run. water. ROYAL House. 126 Ellis— Incandescent lights. readlrK-room, smoking-room and ladies' par- lor; rooms per night, •("•c to $1 CO; week, $2 to $8; month. $H to $30; elevator on ground floor; rooms with hot and cold water; baths. TO LET — A newly furnished front bay-window room In new modern flat with use of bath; 15 minutes from Third and Market sts.; north side of Market; handy to 3 car. lines; must have references. Box 13, Call office. TURK. 416. Regtna — Beautiful sunny suites & single; latest Impts.; lowest rates In the city. UNITED STATES, 123 Eddy St., near Market — 400 single and family rooms: 35o< to' $1 night; $1 75 to $6 week; elevator; electric lights: reading-room; free bus and baggage. VAN NESS ave., 619 — Renovated; handsome sunny furnished suites front rms.; mod. conv. WINCHESTER Hotel, 44 3d St.. near Market- Most convenient and respectable; 700 rooms; 35c to $1 50 night; $2 to $8 week; elevator; elec. lights; reading-room; free bus; baggage .» A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1090 Valencia st. ' • . HOOMSAXDBOAnD. _ AMOT. SHE 901 DEVISADERO BT. Strlctlvflnt-class family hotel; sunny rooms, suite vr single; billiards; steam heat. VAN NESS. 1714— Select private boarding- house; rooms single or en suite; desirable lo- cation; all conveniences of home. ' OLD Stevenson Mansion, opn. Grace Church, with annex, SOT California st. — Attractive In- terior; exceptional table; free billiard-room. THE JOHNSON] 605 O'Farrell St.— Sunny suites and single rooms, with board; refs. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE following children have been received at the San Francisco Nursery for Homeless Children. 1534 Mission st., since last publica- tion of same: Albert Halght: naif orphan. age 7 yean; Martha Siebe. half orphan. 'age ¦ 10 years; Robert Slebe. half orphan tn 8 years: Flora Slt-be. half orphan, age 6 yean. HARRIET W. MANNING. Secretary. Ladles! Chlchester's ' English Pennyroyal Pills are best; safe, reliable« no other. Send 4o stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles,". In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chlchester Chemical Co.. Phlladelpla. Pa. ¦ ' .- ¦ •_; . ¦; -;- ¦ ¦,. ; CATARRH." DEAFNESS "'«*^ NOI8E3 In EARS . positively cured; new method; 1 week's treat- xoant free. Dr. Cottlngham, 204 Sutter at. " Santa Rosa, Cal., aged 19 years and 25 days. IE7Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the . funeral to-day (Thursday), at 1 o'clock, from her late resi- dence, - 609 Filbert street, between Dupont and Stockton. N. B.— At 10:30 o'clock a re- • quiem high mass will be celebrated for the repoae of her soul at Sts. Peter and Paurs Italian Church. Dupont and Filbert atrceta. Interment New Italian Cemetery. DOOLITTLE— In this city. July 28. 1003, Bet- sey M.. relict of the late Ira.R. Doolittle, and beloved - mother of Mrs.. Elizabeth . Knowlton and Mamie W. and James H-* Doo- little, ¦ a native of Maine, aged 76 years 10 months and 16 days. ETFuneral services to-day (Thursday), at 10 o'clock, at the parlors of the Hotel bt. Nicholas. Interment CyDress Lawn Ceme- tery, by 11:30 o'clock train from Third and Townsend* streets. •• *•» FOSS— In . this city. July 29. 1903. Haxei. youngest and beloved daughter of Frank and Mary Foss, and ulster of Katherlne, Edwin. Gertrude, Alice. Frank and Clara Foss, a na- tive of San Francisco, aged 1 year and 10 . months. . -¦ ¦ GLASSFORD— In this city. July 29, 1903, I Nancy, dearly beloved mother of Mrs. Hazel King and Mrs. Ina Josephl. KTNotlce of funeral hereafter. Remain* at the parlors of the H. F. Maass Company. 917 Mission street. \ GOLDMAN— In Grand Isllnd. July 29.. 1903, Christian-- P.. father of C. J. Goldman, and grandfather of May Ruggles, Mrs. Fred- ericks, Mrs. Florence Stelgler "and Leslie Ruggles. a native of Denmark, aged 72 years 1 month and 15 days. E7"N0tlce of funeral hereafter. HALL— At his residence. 641 Blxel street. Lea Angeles. Henry Eldridge. beloved husband of Elsie Cosby Hall, a native "of Connecti- cut, aged 40 years 7 months - and 2 days. KTServlees and Interment Thursday In Lo« Angeles. HALL— In this city. July 28, 1003, Laura May Hall, beloved daughter of Burton D. and Mary Hall, a native of , Watsonvllle, Cal., aged 7 years. • IE7Friend8 and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-day (Thursday), at II o'clock, from ' St. Mary's Cathedral. Interment -Holy Cross Cemetery, by carriage. -Remains at the parlors of A. W. Martin & Co.. 319 O'Farrell «treet. HEYWOOD— In this city. July 28, 1903. Frank- lin Heywood, a native of Calais, Me., aged 6tt years. ItyFuneral services to-day, July 30, 190.1, ' at Howard Presbyterian Church, corner Oik and Baker streets, it 1 :.10 o'clock. Intei- ment Laurel Hill Cemetery. JOHNSON— In Frultvale. July 29/ 1003. Cath- erine Johnson, beloved daughter of Constan- tine and Mary Johnson, a native of Califor- : nia, agfd 2 years and 6 months. KENDALL— In Moraga Valley, Contra Costa County, Cal,, July 2fl. 1000, 8. S. Kendall, husband of th« late Mary Kendall, and ¦ father of Charles S., S. A., T. C. and Fannie M. Kendall and Mrs. A. D. Williams, a na- tive of New* Hampshire, aged 8« years 7 i months and 14 days. LEVY— In this city. July 28, 190.1, Etta, wife of the late Joseph Levy, and sister of Mrs. Ada Ellis and Mrs. Nellie Stocks of Seattle, a native of Oregon, aged 42 years. C7Frien.<!s are respectfully Invited to at- tend the funeral services to-day (Thursday), at 10 o'clock, at her late residence, 1412 Bu- chanan street.. Interment private in Cypress Lawn Cemetery. LINDEGREN— In this city, July ZS. 1903. John Llndegren, a native of Sweden, aged *>! years. McLAUGHLIN— In «his city. July 28. J003, Ed- ward, dearly beloved brother of Michael, Patrick and John McLaughlin, and uncle of Swtr M. Franciseus, a native of Sllgo. Ire- - land, aged (i5 year*. (?TFrlends and acquaintances are reppect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Friday), at 8:30 o'clock, from his late re^l- dfnee, «1R Natoma street, thence to gt. Jo- eeph'» Cliurch, where a ¦r>I*mn requiem high mass will be celebrated for- the repofe of his f-oul, commencing at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. Pl»as» omit flowers. K. R, B.^-Brother«: The sorrowful duty de- volves on me to announce the dpath of Brother Edward McLaughlln. He died on the 2sth Inst. and will be burled Frldaj\ the 31st Inst., from his late residence, «1>< Natoma street, at 8:80 o'clock. Brothers desiring to attend the funeral will report at K. R. B. Hall Friday' morning, at 8 o'clock i>harp. Signed PRESIDENT. MACK— In this city. July 28. 1003. Lawrence Mack, beloved husband of Miriam Mack, and father of Mr*. Samuel Blbo, Mrs. Charles Schlcelnger, Mrs. Ella Lebe,nbaum, Mrs.' Abraham Hyman and Solomon L.. Julius J., Adolph. Simon and Wilfred L. Mack, a na- tive of Bavaria, aged S3 years 8 months and 15 day?. ' . lcyFnend« and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Thursday), at 9:111 o'clock, from his late residence. 2500 Fillmore street, near Jack- son. Interment private. Please omit flowers. MEAGHER— In this city, July 29, 190a, Thomas,, beloved brother of William J. and the late John F.'and Michael Meagher, a na- tive of County Limerick, Ireland, aged b'i years. Cy Notice "of funeral hereafter. Remains at the parlors of J. C. O'Connor & Co. ( 7b"7 Mission street, between Third and Fourth. MILLER— In Providence, R. I., July 8. 1903. Mrs. Melissa Miller, beloved mother of Adolphus Mead. Mrs. Alice Tucker and Mrs. Jennie Holch, In the 75th year of her age. SMITH— In Guerneville. Cal.. July 27, 1008, Harian P.. beloved husband of Mary C. Smith, and father of Frank 11. Smith. Mrs. George W. Rice and Mrs. Otto F. Schiller, a native of Maine, aged 66 years 8 months and 10 days. (Maine papers please copy.) E7Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral services Thursday, July 30. 11*03, at 1 o'clock, at the mortuary chapel of the Golden Gate 'Under- taking Company, 2475 MUsion street, near Twenty-first, under the auspices of Damon Lodge No. 2. K. of P t interment Cypress Lawn Cenjetery. STARK— In this city. July 26 t/ 1003. David Wagner, dearly beloved son of David and Dr. Bertha Wagner Stark, and loving brother of Catherln Stark, a native of San Francisco, aged (i years 8 months and 17 days.' (Toronto, Canada, and Carson, Nev., papers please copy.) C7 Interment took place Monday, July 27, 11HU, at 9. o'clock, from the home of the parents. ""¦'.'.»> Unicn street. TREFETHEN— In East Oakland. July 28. 1903, Ina G., beloved wife of Eugene E. Trefethen, anil daughter of Alfonzo and Emma Haskins, a native of California, agtU 21 years 7 months and 13 days. (E?"Fr:ends are respectfully Invited to at- tend the funeral services this (Thursday) afternoon, July 30. 190.1. at 2 o'clock, a* the residence of her mother, 453 East Eleventh street. East Oakland. Interment private. WADE — In this city, July 29, 1903, Samuel Wade, a native of Virginia, aged 73 years. WALSH— In this city. July 21). 1903. Richard 'Walsh, beloved husband of Margaret Walsh;- and father ot Mrs. E. F. Campbell and Mrs. W. Bartlett. a native of County' Carlow, Ire- land, aared 05 years. WITBjSCK— In this city, July 29, 1903. at his . residence, 226 San Carlos avenue, Bertram William, dearly beloved son of Charles W. and Mary Wltbeck, . and . brother of Charlie, Hattie, George, Joseph and Barbara Wit- beck, a native of San Francisco, aged 12 years 3 months and 13 days.