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SAN FRANCISCO. TUESDAY^ AUGUST 4, 1903. VOLUME XC1V— NO. Go. PKICE FIVE CENTS. POSSESSIONS OP THE . CUTTHROAT: BAND, OF FUGITIVE CONVICTS : FOUND AT THE SCENE OF THE AMBUSH, AND A VIEW OF SOME • OF THE PURSUERS. "- Special Dispatch to iTho CalL y^LAGERVILLE/. Aug. 3.— This evening ; Sheriff 5Nor 'M*''jjr'nah of Amador County telephoned, from Plymouth that H" he had located fiveconvicts who had participated in the bloody arnbush of the ; militia- 'last Saturday ? at Grand Victory, rriihe,' near Diamond Springs^ Sheriff ; Norman \ said '.:¦ '¦'¦I /"I am,fully satisfied that I have; tlw-five^convictslocatedand we will start on a hunt to the death. We wilUgo. out prepared- for an'indefinite\trip and will carry. supplies. Itds;no use to rush pos ses out • not prepared to follow .the trail. - From, ; :the> point ."where the five convicts held up Estey's cabin last night, I have informa tion ¦ showing that | they are head ing " : for Pair Pl^y' and working souUieastfor. the Airmdor County line. > one who knows the route well has helped -the convicts*, for it is ab solutely; impossible for, them to, be striking, out : in an * aimless di rection^ in -this wild country. ; I ' will * make an -early start • with,: a Continued on Page 3, Column 4. Continued on Page 3, Column 2. "T^TTWLACERVILLE, "Aug. 3.— Seven ": -B - B. days ' have - elapsedTSlnce ..the • 'm''\^^' : des P cra t. e outbreak '¦ from Fol .. Jl ; ,;¦. som prison occurred and'only ¦JBL' • : one " of *th«T convicts has 'met '.- - ' ¦ with a : _ well ' merited ;,end ' a^ the; hands' -' of the avengers -.of the ';la'wv Three 'brave imen ' have .been • ruthlessly slaughtered -by the outlaws, one has met an accidental death twhile Joining ;in jthe chase . and two . men have been seriously wounded.".'; This seventh day of the man hunt findj the * scene "of operations spread over a wide extent k of territory. The convicts have broken up into bands and are hiding ln v the' wild* -of a; territory that Is more than "flf tv. : miles , wide. ' This 'evening, , according to careful cal- Special Dispatch to The CalL LAREDO, Texas, Aug. 3.— The quaran tine against San Luis Potosl, Mexico, on account of yellow fever, which was or dered yesterday by the . United States Marine Hospital authorities at Washing ton, has been rigorously established at this point and all Incoming passengers who cannot make affidavit that they have been away from an infected point for five days are turned back. Three persons were returned to Mexico to-day. Not much apprehension Is felt over the Introduction of yellow fever from San Luis Potosl as it Is thought the epidemic will soon die out at that point, owing to its high tlevutloo- - _--- v- BIGOBOUS QUARANTINE AGAINST MEXICAN" CITY GUADALAJARA, Mexico. ' Aug. ¦ 3.— People living in the vicinity of Mount *Colima are terror stricken. The volcano had another violent' outburst to-day, '"."A number of new craters have been opened on the eastern slope of the mountain, and from these streams of lava are pour ing. In former outbreaks lava- poured from the .crater down the western .slope and did little damage to the - growing crops of the valley. It is evident that the volcano is about to blow off its , head, as the old crater is Incapable of giving vent to the " lava and power within. . The eruption "*; has caused a temporary cessation of- work on the construction of the Mexican Cen tral's line to the Pacific coast This line has reached a point within a' few miles of the volcano. Epecial Dispatch to The CalL Servian Army Officer Under Arrest. BELGRADE, Aug. 3.— A Servian officer has been arrested here on thecharge 6t exiling the- mobilization- plans -to-a foreign power. It is believed that he; has several accomplices. A rigorous investigation 'i* proceeding. , <j'.- \V. E. Corn., who on July 1 was ap lointed assistant to President Schwab to perform the active duties of the president ef the company, it is said will be elected ilr. Schwab's successor. •; PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 3.— The Ledger tc-morrow will say: Charles M. Schwab, president of the United States Steel Cor poration, will sever his ofnclal connection v.ith that concern to-day (Tuesday), his resignation as president now being in the hands of the executive committee. This JnfoiTnation came to the Public Ledger from one of the directors of the corpora tion. T.or months Mr. Schwab's resigna tion has been rumored, but each time the tr.mor appeared it was denied by Mr. Schwab himself, as well as by the cor poration's directors. The executive committee will meet to day and recommend its acceptance. The recommendation will then be turned over to the directors, who will meet later in the day and formally approve it- Mr. Schwab will also. It is announced, resign &s a director, thus completely eevering his ronnectlon with the company. SCHWAB TO WITHDRAW FB.0M THE STEEL TBUST ERUPTION OPENS NEW FISSURE RED LODGE, Mont. Aug. 3.— Sheriff Potter was to-day no^fled by Sheriff Hub bard of Yellowstone County of what is apparently one of the boldest wholesale robberies on record. It is claimed that last night several tramps attempted to run off 700 ljead of sheep belonging to L. j. Wescott, who lives near Park City. It is reported that Sheriff Hubbard cap tured two of the robbers, shooting and wounding them both, and that he is In pursuit of the others. Sheriff Captures Two of th»- Bobbers After Shooting and Wound ing Them Both. /. ' TRAMPS ATTEMPT TO BUN OFF A FLOCK OF SHEEP .* "NEW YORJC Augr. 3.— Thomas A. Edl ." son described to-dty the Injurious effects „ .upon himself, which have followed his re .cenjt experiments with the X-ray. These may affect Edison's health seriously, but 'Ije believes he has made a discovery of importance to medical science. He is .ftrmly convinced that the destroying pro ' cess of the X-ray that has necessitated the amputation of the left arm and fln '• gers of the right hand of Clarence Daily. 'one of his assistants, and Is now threat '. e'ning the left hacd cf Charles Dally, his .toother, is. the direct result of the kill ing or paralyzing of certain white blood -. corpuscles known as phagocytes, whose function is to circulate through the blood • «nd into the tissues carrying away all foreign substances that disturb the °. kcalthf ul condition of the flesh and blood. In the absonre of more definite infor 'roa'tion New York physicians are reluct ' gnf to discuss Edison's discovery. '..Edison THinks He Has Made a Dis covery of Importance to Med ' ieal Science. .- • . RELIEVES X-RAY KILLS • ." .WHITE BLOOD COBPUSCLES LONDON. Aug. 4.— According to the Chronicle It is not Impossible that the King's Irish vl3lt will result la the ap pointment of Archbishop William J. Walsh of the. diocese of Dublin, to the Irish Privy Council. Hitherto no Cath olic prelate has been on the -council, but it fl said to have been a cherished dream of Lord Beaconsfleld to have on the council a prelate possessing the confi dence of the Irish . people and of tha Pope. Archbishop Walsh of Dublin lAktlj to Be Appointed to the Irish Privy Council. NOTED CATHOLIC PRELATE MAY BE HONORED BY XHTQ General John C. Black of Illinois and former Governor Bulkley of Connecticut are leading candidates for the office of commander In chief, and the friends of General Miles hope to have the encamp ment accept General Miles as a compro mise candidate. With General John A. Logan, General Miles was active In organizing the Grand Army of the Republic and has always been received with much enthusiasm at encampments. General Miles will retlra from the army this week and his.sup porters declare he is an ideal man to head the Grand Army of the Republic, as ha will have much time to attend to the du ties of commander in chief. When General Miles was asked if he was a candidate for the position he 'said he did not wish to be considered In con nection with the honor. A prominent Washington member of the Grand Army said to-day he knew of no movement among District of Columbia veterans to support General Miles. . CALL. BUREAU. 1406 G STREET V W.. WASHINGTON, Aug. 3—Mary!ands delegation to the Grand Army Encamp ment in San Francisco la booming Lieu tenant General Nelson A. Miles for the position of commander in chief of flie Grand Armr of the Republic. General Miles has accepted an Invitation to ac company the Maryland department of the Grand Army of the Republic as its gueai at the coming encampment, and the dele gates who will make uj> the party ara enthusiastic In their support of General Miles' candidacy. Special Dispatch to Tha CalL Milwaukee and Baltimore both want the • Democratic national convention. Chicago *. probablj* will cet It. rftit be- the cho'.ce cf the Democrats of Pennsylvania for President. . *.lt is learned, here that the national Democratic leaders that have managed "" ihtf* party since iST»S ha've decided to back • the candidacy of Gorman. One of those . most interested In the Maryland Sena ' -tcr'k behalf Is said to be J. K. Jones of Arkansas, chairman of the National Com . mittee. Senator W. K. Stone of Mis " sourt is aWo credited with fa\'orlnsr Gor <rfan. The Senator's friends even predict '• that William J. Bryan will get into line f«ir him. A solid South is expected to '-^. rally to hie EUj>i>ort. JSVhlle Gorman has the strongest kind c/ rapport in Pennsylvania fothing will • '•be done in hia behalf In the State con vention to be held in Harrisburg next ""• . c Ej-Govefncr Robert E. Pattison will Aug. 3.-There are strong 'indications that the Democratic leaders have agreed that Senator Arthur P. Gor neii. cf MarvJand is the man to nomi nate for . President ne— .. year. In this State ex-Congressman J. K. P. Hall, chairman of the gtate Democratic Com mittee, IS; sentiment for" the >?aryland Senator. There are sufficient reasons for believing- that his activity In bebnlf of Gorman has been inspired by Th^se-fcrsT&c! 1 " ta"fhe national caunrlls of tfie* party.. The first etep in the launch ing of th< German "boom" was taken Jast Saturday, when the Senator an "nouncedf lii New Tork that the leading Issues cf Democracy next year will be -¦'¦Jhe reformation of tariff and taxation, economy anfi 'honesty.*' 5x>e<ria.l Dispatch to The Call Maryland Senator's Friends Hope to Win Bryan's • • Support. Noted Warrior Is Coming as Guest of That State's Veterans. Maryland Delegates Favor Him for Commander. ?Systematic Boom Is • Conducted by the . Leaders. General Is to At tend the En campments Chiefs Favor Him for y ' President. GRAND ARMY MAY ELECT MILES CHIEF PARTY'S BIG MEN BACK OF GORMAN FIVE FOLSOM CONVICTS ARE DECLARED TO HAVE BEEN FOUND ROME, August 4.-'Cardina! Qtuseppi Sarto, Partiarch of Venice, has been elected successor to Pope Leo XIII.t ; SARTO IS ELECTED POPE The San Francisco Call.