Newspaper Page Text
Movements of Steamers. SUEZ — Arrived Auc 3 — Stmr Charles Tiber- Bine, from Yokohama, via Shanghai, etc., for New York; stmr Isla de Panay, for Manila, via Singapore.- ¦ • HAMBURG— Arrived Aug 3— Stmr Blucher, from" New York, via Plymouth and Cherbourg. PLYMOUTH — Palled Aug 3 — Stmr Pennsyl vania, ' for New York. ROTTERDAM — Arrived Auff 3— Stmr Am sterdam, from New York. ANTWERP— Arrived Aug 3— Stmr Vader land from New York. OCEAN STEAMERS, VESSEL. WHICH IS REPORTED PROBABLE TOTAL. LOSS AT TOPOLOBAMPO. Sun, Moon and Tide. United. States Coast and Geodetic Survey — - ' Times , and Heights of High and Low * Waters at Fort Point, entrance to San Francisco Bay. Published by official au thority of the Superintendent. ¦ NQTE — The high and low waters occur at the city front (Mission-street wharf) about 23 minutes later than at Fort Point r* the height of tide la the same at both places. : TUESDAY, AUGUST 4. 1003. Sun rises. . . ,"i ..;......... 5:15 Sun 6ets "...'.. 7:16 Moon seta '..¦..:. 2:03 a. m. D Time ' Timel ' ¦ Time Time 5. Ft. r Ft. Ft. Ft. •' L. W . H W • * L,W jH W 4 3:05 0.1 10:08 l 4.5 2:28 2.9 8:56 5.5 5 3:46—0.1 10:52 4:« 3:28 2.0 9:39 5.5 6 4:20— 0.2 11:30 4.8 4:10 ,2.9 10:20 8.5 7 4:.">5— 0.2 12:05 4.9 4:49 2.8 10:56 5.3 8 • 5:24 -^>.l 12:37 4.9 5:27 2.7 11:32 5.2 0 5:55 0.1 l:O4 4.9 6:05 2.5. ' H W , L W H W LYW 10 0:10 5.0 C:25 0.4 1:30 .. 5.0 6:45 2.3 I NOTE — In the above exposition of the j tides the early . morning tides are : given In the left hand column and 'the - successive . tides ¦'¦ of the day kin the order of occurrence as to' time; the fourth time column gives the last -tkle of the day. except when there are but three (Ides, 1 as sometimes occurs... The ¦ heights . given are in addition: to. the soundings of the United States Coast Survey Charts, except when a minus ( — ) sign precedes the heights, and then the number The bark Albert sailed yesterday for Hono lulu with an asi*ort?4«Tnerchandlse cargo, val ued at ¥37. 'Ml and itocludlne the following: 1700 bbls Hour, 2020 X?tla barley. '1100 bales hay, 3S.035 lbs corn, 33.148 lbs middlings, 50, 400 lbs bran. 7SS7 !b« beans, 10.000 lbs rice. 78,476 lbs susrar, .11,475 ibi salt. 14,891 lbs bread. S3 ca canned ' goods, 3S94 lbs meals, SCO Inn chocolate, 780 lbs hops, 730 lbs dried fruit. 1U0 bxs paste. 473 gals 103 cs whisky. 2112 gals vinegar, 45 pk£8 pickles. 50 pkgs groceries and provisions, 5547 pals 2O cs wine, fi cs llquots, 11.200 lbs lard, 7 ca olives, ¦ ISO bbls salmon, 1510 redwood posts, 15.000 ft lumber. • 625 bxs tear, 25 bbls paint, 4227 lbs soda, 05 coils rope. A Cargo for Honolulu. The German ship Sylphide was cleared yes terday for Hull. England, with 68,619 ctls barley, valued at $82,342, and 21.800 ft lum ber, as dunnage, valued at $327. The French b.t1:> Vauban was cleared yes terday for Queenstown for orders with 50,631 ctls barley, valued at $68,900. and 0130 ctls wheat, valued at $14,700. The ship carried 18.000 ft lumber as dunnage, valued at $270. . » The French bark Falconnler. which 'was cleared for me came port, carried fft,920 clia barley, valued at S7O.40O; 83<X) ctls wheat, val ued at $13,000, and 24,000 ft lumber dunnage, valued at $300. Three Grain Clearances. The German ship Nauarcbos. at Portland, wu chartered prior to arrival for wheat thence to Europe, at 25s 3d. The German ship Slam, which arrived from Newcastle on Sunday, was rechartered prior to arrival for barley to Europe at 16s 9d. Matters cf Interest to Mariners and Shipping Merchants. Charters. NEWS OF THE OCEAN. Henry Frosch. who lives at 25C St2.te street, was seriously Injured yesterday on Maln-etreet wharf by being crushed between his wagon and a freight car. He was taken to the Harbor Hospital for treatment. Crushed Between Wagon and Car. The steamship Mlnnetonka will not be al lowed to take cargo on board until the new boiler tubes ordered by the Government In spectors have been installed. As this will not be until September the cargo cf sugar brought by the Nevadan will be transferred either to the Minnewaska or the Texan. Seven soldiers of the Sixtieth Coast Artillery who went out from the Presidio on Sunday morning after a mus of early fish narrowly escaped drowning as the result of the capsizing of their boat. Captain Fred Todt. Samui-1 White, Henry Boldt and Gus Schultz. who were in the vicinity In a gawjllne launch, went to the rescue and succeeded in pulling the soldiers from the water. The boat was capsized through the Jamming of the main sheet. The eoldier fisherman were Corporal F. A. Zehrtng ton. Privates Bowlen. McCall, Therrah, Auth, Williams and Woodward. Will Not Take Cargo for Month. Soldiers Capsized. Tte steam schooner Alcazar, which left Point Arena August 2 with the disabled schooner Ab ble In tow, arrived here yesterday without -the Abble. That the Abble was left behind was not the fault of Captain Martin of the Alcazar. He did all he could to carry out the task ht undertook and only let go when to hold on would have Involved both vessels In disaster. At 4 a. m. of August 3. when twenty-nve miles wert-northwest of Point Reyes, a heavy north west swell was encountered, which made tow- Ing almost Impossible. Three times the hawser parted and as many times was a new rope passed to the disabled sailing vessel. Mean while, however, the Alcazar's deck load shifted to port and heavily listed as she was the tsteam scboon»r's usefulness as a towboat came to an end. Captain Martin then let go his hawser and came Into port to notify the Abble's owners of the predicament of their vessel. The Abble's rudder Is pone, but no fears are entertained of her ability to float until picked up. Had to Abandon Tow. ARRIVED. Monday. August 3. Stmr Geo XV Elder, Randall, 5" hours from Portland, via Astoria 47 hours. Stmr Corona, Johnson, 19 hours fra Eureka. Stmr Fulton, Lee, 49 hours rrom Port Los Angeles. i • , Stmr Alcazar. Martin, 21 hours from Point Arena. Stmr Coos Bay, Xlcolson, 72 hours from San Stmr Weatport, Smith, 17 hours from West port. Stmr Iaqtia, Bonlfield, 24 hours from Trini dad. ' Stmr State of California, Thomas, 43 hours from San Diego and way ports. Stmr Alliance. Hardwlck, 8 days 20 hours from Portland, via Eureka 22 hours. Schr Ida A. Campbell. 5 hours from Pt Reyes. CLEARED. . . Monday. August 3. Stmr City of Puebla, Jepsen. Victoria and Port Townsend; Pac Coast 8 8 Co. ' Ger ship Sylphide. Sauermllch, Hull, Eng land: BaUour. Guthrie & Co. Fr 6hlp Vauban, Le Dantec, Quenstown; Glr vin & Eyre. -• . ¦ Fr bark Faulconnier, Hermel, Queenstown; G W McN'ear. Bark Albert, Turne. Honolulu; Williams, Dimond & Co. SAILED. — Monday, August 3. Stmr Point Arena, Miller. Reflondo. Stmr Fulton. Lee, Hardy Creek. Stmr Czarina. Seaman, Coos Bay. Bark Albert. Turne, Honolulu. Schr Bessie K, MerrJam. San Vicente Land- Ing. - • ¦ TELEGRAPHIC. POINT LOBOS — August 3, 10 p m — Weather foggy; wind NW;. velocity 12 miles per hour. 5 DISASTER. LONDON, ATJG 3 — Bark. Mauna Ala, from Eureka June 26, is ashore at Topolobampo; will probably be a total loss; cargo may be saved. MEMORANDUM.; . .• Per stmr Alcazar — Sailed from Point Arena Aug 2 with the disabled schr Abble In tow. On Aue 3 at 4 a m, 25 miles WNW of Point Reyes, In heavy NW swell parted three haw sers and was forced to let go of the schooner; also shifted the cargo of ties on board the Al cazar to port. The Abble; had her rudder car ried away. ' ¦ DOMESTIC PORTS. REDON'DO— Sailed Aug 3 — Stmr Asuncion, for San Francisco. REDONDO — Arrived Aug 3 — Stmr Sequoia, ; from Grays Harbor, and sailed for San Pedro. EUREKA — Afrlved Aug 2 — Schr Allen A. fm Kahulul. 3 — Stmr North Fork, hence Aug 1. Sailed Aug 3 — Stmr Arctic, lor San Francisco. EUREKA — Arrived Aug 3 — Schr Ida McKay, hence July 22; schr Azalea, from San Pedro. EUREKA — Arrived Aus 3— Stmr Pomona, hence Aug 2. TATOOSH—^Passed out Aug 3 — Sttnrs Mack inaw and Umatilla, for San Francisco. TATOOSH— Passed Aug 3— Br ship Glenal von from Port Blakeley for Sydney. SEATTLE — Arrived Aug. 2 — Stmr Queen, he July'30; stmr. Dlrlgo, ¦ from Skagway; stmr James Dollar, hence • July 29. 3 — U S ¦ stmr Burnslde, from Sltka; Btmr Al-Ki, from Skag- Sa'lled Aug 1 — Stmr Excelsior, for Skagway. 2 Stmr Ohl«, for Nome; stmr Umatilla,. for San Francisco; stmr Humboldt, .;f of Skagway. 3 — Stmr Senator, for -Nome j: • ' . SOUTH BEND-r-Arrlvod-'Aug 3— Stmr. Rival,, bence July 29. -./•* i .• SANTA BARBARA — Arrived Aug 3— Stmr Santa Rosa, hence Aug; 2; stmr Ramona, -hence Sailed Aur 3— Stmr Santa Rosa, for San Diesd: stmr Ramona, for San Pedro. POINT REYES — Passed Aur 3. 1:15 p m — Br stmr Royalist, from Port, Townsend for Buenos Ayres. • ; - V-: PORT LOS ANGELES— Arrived. Aug 8— Br Btmr Elm Braneh. from Karatsu. ' ' • Sailed Aug 3 — Stmr Coronado, for San Fran cisco. /.»¦•'. GRAYS HARBOR— Sailed Aug 2— Schr W H Smith, for San Pedro; schr John F Miller, for San Francisco; brig Galilee, for San Francisco. Arrived Aug 2 — 8tmr Newburg. hnce July 29. MAR8HF1ELD— Arrived Aug 3— Stmr Acme, hence July 31; schr San Buenaventura, hence July 16. BOWENS LANDING — Arrived Aur 3r-Stmr Scotia, hence Aug 2. EVERETT— Arrived Aug 3— Bktn North west, " from Port Townsend. PORT HARFORD— Sailed Aug 3— Stmr San ta Cruz, for San Francisco. CASPAR — Arrived Aug 3— Btmr Samoa, he Aug 2. HARDY CREEK— Sailed Aug 3— Btmr Newt boy, for San Francisco. ASTORIA — Arrived Aur 2 — Stmr Columbia, hence Aug 1. Aug 3 — Bktn Katie Fllcklnger. from Port Los Angeles. ¦ . ISLAND PORTS. ¦ HONOLULU — Sailed Aug 2 — Stmr Nebras kan. for San Francisco; etmr Miowera, for Sydney. • FOREIGN PORTS. SUEZ — Arrived July 31 — Br «tmr Oanfa, from Seattle for London. • . — , AUCKLAND— Sailed July 31— Stmr Sierra, for San ¦ Francisco. . » • Arrived :Aug 3 — Stmr Sonoma, hence July 16. IJRLAGOA BAY-^Salled Aug 2 — Ship Henry Vlllard, for Newcastle, Aus. ....,., SANTA ROSALIA— Arrived July 30— fichr Muriel, from Oraj 3 Harbor. V 7 Shipping Intelligence. The Pacific Coast St»amsh!p Company's Cu racao which arrived on Sunday night some eeven hours later than had been expected, was detained between Ennenada and this port by etronjc head wlnda. After passing quarantine Inspection yesterday morning the Curacao landed her passengers and then proceeded up the river to discharge at the smelter the ore which formed part of her cargo. In addition to the shipment of ore she brought from the Mexican mines gold and silver bullion valued at more than J0O.00O. Her passengers Included the following named : Mrs C H. Ward. Dr. M. G. Collman. J. Pa dlllo. P." Vutira. Mrs. A. Richard. Miss L. Uichard. H. Weiss. Miss F Viosea. S^Tyack, A Ruiz L. de Yia. Antonio Anlzan, A. C. Carper George B. Clark, W. S. S. Rogers. John Hartman Dr H. H. Barn. W. Pershbacher, John Pearl. Alice and George Dyer, Fred Burn's and M. Aragon. Curacao Goes Up River. 29 cts sewing machines. 16 pkg» furniture. 2000 lbs starch. 20 pkgs dry goods, 60 bxs candles, 200,000 bricks. 10 bdls Iron, 20 bdls brooma, 10V bdls baskets. . . , *r- WORD was received yesterday by the Merchants* Exchange of the probable loss at Topo lobampo, Mexico, of the bark Mauna Ala. one of the j best known Bailing vessels on the Pacific. Bound to the Mexican port from Eureka •with a cargo of lumber, the Mauna Ala •went ashore. Beyond the statement that the vessel will more than likely be lost, but that the cargo may be saved, no de tails the disaster have been received. The Mauna Ala was owned by her com pander. Captain Smith. She left here June 15 for Eureka and sailed from the northern port June 26 for Topolobampo. The vessel was built at Sunderland in 1S63 and formerly sailed under the British flag as the bark Pak' Wan. She changed owners and as the Mauna Ala hoisted the flag of Hawaii, which she carried un til the annexation of the Territory gave her the right to fly the Stars and Stripes. She Is a vessel of 830 tons register; is 1S4:7 feet long, 32:6 feet beam and 19 feet deep. For many years she ran between here and Honolulu. The petition of Ringiing Brothers' cir cus that the present license of $130 per day Imposed upon circus shows be re duced to $100 per day w&s favorably acted •upon by the passage to print of an or dinance fixing: it at the loxcer figure. " Mayor Schmltx appointed James O'Don nell. T>. A- Finn, James Grady, H. D. Hudson and J. J. Mundwyler to act aa the relief committee of the Exempt Fire men to take charge of the disbursement of the tvn& of $5000 appropriated in the budget. The Hassell Audit Company was al lowed $376 73 for experting^ the County Clerk's books during July. To the end that your honorable body may become thoroughly conversant with the prop erties of the Bay Cities Wster Company as a source from which water may be economically supplied to the city and county you are re spectfully requested to cause- a most thorough 'examination thereof to be made *ud complete reports thereon to be placed before you. The offer was referred to the Public Vtlllties Committee. • The Bay Cities Water Company In a communication yesterday to the Board of Supervisors calls attention to the fact that the corporation asserts its ability to develop and deliver to the city of San Francslco a thoroughly reliable dally sup ply of sixty or more millions of gallons of water. The communication says: " The properties above referred to are situated la Santa Clara County. Ca:ifomia. beginning at a. zo'.r.i twelve miles toutheasi from Baa Jos? and extending- thence northeast, east, eoutbeart and south Into the mountain! of the Mount Hamilton end adjacent rar.gfe. Thes« »ropertle« constitute a watershed having a Fcperflcial area of more than three hundred t-quare mile* upon which records at various opolnta covetinr periods of many year* prove there Is a copious rainfall. Supervisors Reduce License on Circus Shows to SI 00 Per Day. Board Receives Proposi tion From Bay Cities Company. Weil-Known Sailing Vessel : Bound From Eureka With Cargo of Lumber Is Reported a Possibly Total Loss at the Mexican Port — It Is Thought That Her Freight May Be Recovered OFFER TO SELL WATER SYSTEM AMERICAN BARK MAUNA ALA IS ASHORE AT TOPOLOBAMPO BOND ELECTION IN SEPTEMBER Supervisors Take Final Action on Proposed Improvements. Blasting Operations to Cease in Certain Limits After October 12,-1903. ¦' The Board of Superylsora yesterday finally passed the ordinance "calling a'spe cial election on Tuesday/ September ' 29, 1903, for the purpose of submitting to" the voters the proposition to ¦.issue bonds" in the" sum of $18,135,000 for the construction of a new City and County . Hospital, • new schoolhouses, sewer system, parks,' public library, children's playgrounds, J for re pairs of accepted streets and other public improvements. The Mayor at once af fixed his signature to the ordinance, thus making it a-law. • ¦ ' " • ~ | An expenditure of $100 was authorized, to be' made cut of the urgent' necessity fund for the purpose of engrossing resolutions of respect to the memory^of the late-Su pervisor George R. Sanderson.;. • - .; — '/ The bond in the sum of 5S000 filed by the California Sugar. Refinery in; the matter of laying pipe lines In ¦ Twenty-second street, ,? between Michigan 'and IKlnols streets, was accepted in a formal readlu tlon, with Claus Spreckels ' and John D. Spreckels as sureties thereon. ''.'.'. The board ordered "the ¦ installation ; of arc lights at Second avenue and C street, Fillmore and McAllister, Flllmore and Turk, Fiilmore and Bush, , Fillmore • and California and Church ond - Thirteenth streets. .•->.._. . _ - - The tender of Charles £..• Patton- to sell to the .city for $1500 certain lands for! the extension of East .Park street and Rich land avenue easterly to Andover avenue was accepted. ' " ? ,"'.-. The ordinance giving the Police Com mission authority to appoint a hostler 'for the Seventeenth street police station,'. at a compensation of $75 per month, was passed to print. The ordinance originally fixed the salary at 560 per month, and Boxton's amendment to increase the amount prevailed. •• • • • ' The amended ordinances extending the limits within which "rock ; quarries and rock crushers are prohibited,- so .as ;;to make the bills effective on October 12, 1903, were finally passed. Until' that date, only operations; may be carried on at. Clipper and Douglass streets and, Telegraph Hill. Bids for printing the municipal reports were received from Brown & Power at 59 cents a page; Commercial- Publishing Company, 30 cents; Phillips, Smythe & Van Norden, i3 cents; I* Brunt, 57 cents, and William Hinton, 79 cents. The Printing Committee will 'consider the bids to-day. . ,, _4 , , . COMMISSIONERS LIABLE FOB, WHITE'S DEFALCATION Experts Hold That Manson, Mendell and Casey Must Make Good * Sum of $3915 07. The Hassell Audit Company filed with the Supervisors' Finance Committee yes terday a tabulated statement showing "the liability of the Fidelity Company . of Maryland and the Board of Public" Works on their bcupds for the defalcation of- W. J. H. White, the absconding cashier of the board named. The table shows that according to the dates when White, com mitted his peculations; the Fidelity Com pany is liable for the full amount of lone bond of 13000 and for $1327 on. another bond of $5000 giv^n In favor of White. The total defalcation was .$8316 55. leaving $3989 55 to be accounted . for, .which sum Commissioners Mendell,,-' Manson. and Casey are held liable for $3915 07, leaving $74 48 for which no dates can be deter mined, and no liability can 'therefore be fixed by the experts. ¦ i . . ; ' TO ARRIVE. J y Steamer. From. ' I Due. L.skme. ...... San Pedro I Aug. 4 Arctic Humboldt I Aug. 4 Arcata.: Coos Bay & Pt. Orford Aug. 4 San Pedro San Pedro Aug. 4 Texan New York lAutr. 4 Rainier... ».\. Seattle & Whatcom |Aug. 5 Eureka. Humboldt |Aus. »» Chchalls.' Ban Pedro lAusr. 5 Umatilla..... Puget Sound Ports |Aug. G San Jose New York via PanamaJAug. 5 Coronado Sin Pedro ..|Aufc. a Mackinaw...'. Taconia I Auk. •> Del Norte.'. .. Crescent City I Aug. «i Argo £el River Ports iAug. 0 Pomona. Humboldt /..(Aug. •> Santa;Rosa.. . San Diego & Way Ports|Aug. G Ramona Kan IJIegA & Way PortsJAug. «i Coptic... China & Japan |Aug. "fl North Fork. . . Hiimboldt I Aug. 7 j Rival WUlapai, Harbor.. |Aug. 7 Point Arena.. Mer.duclno & Pt. Arena I Aug. 7 New burg <5rny3 Harbor ..I Aug. 7 Marirosa Tahiti ......|Auk.- 7 "Wyefield Nanaimo 8 J. Do'iar Seattle & Tacoma I Aug. s Columbia Portland & Victoria.. .JAug. N Corona Humboldt lAug. 0 Claverin? China & Japan |Au»r. '.? Ftate-of Cal.. San Diego & Way Pts.lAyg. 10 Coos Bay Newport & Way .Ports. | Aug. 10 S.. Monica Grays Harbor AjUg. 10 Queen PugK Sound Ports...', Aug. ID Alameda Honolulu -Aug. 11 S. Barbara... i Seattle & Olympia |Aug. 12 City l'aiiama.l New York via Panarna.|Aug. 12 Nebraskan Honolulu & Kahulul. ..iAug. 12 G.. W. Elder. . Portland & Astoria. ...! Aug. 1.1 Atholl China & Japan |Aug. 13 Ramona 3an Pedro & Way Pts.|Aug. 14 .' • ' -TO SAIL. V • - Steamer. ' Destination. Sails. Pier. i'..." AnjcnM 4. ¦. Czarina Coos Bay direct... 5 pm Pier 8 Lakrhe Arcata direct 5 pm Pier 2 San Pedro.. Humboldt 4 pm Pier 2 Phoenix.;.. Mendoclno City 1 pm Pier 13 Centennial. . Seattle & Tacoma.. 10 am Pier 2 Chico.....".. Coquille River . 6 pm Pier 2 City Puebla. Puget Sound Ports. 11 am Pier 0 C. Nelson... Grays Harbor 5 pm Pier 2 - „• ' . . Auffunt 5. Redondo.... Los Angeles Ports. 1 pm Pier 2 Alliance.... Eureka & Coos Bay 10 am Pier 16 Cbfona*. Humboldt 1:30 p Pier 0 Arctic 10 am Pier 10 Chehalls Grays Harbor 3 pm Pier " Co6s Bay... Newport & Way.. 9 pm Pier 19 D*nderah... Hamburg & Way.. 2 pm Pier 23 Coronado... Grays Harbor .. 4 pm Pier 10 Iaqu& Humboldt 0 am Pier - • >' AuB'uni O. Alaskan.... N. Y. via Puget S'd Pier 10 Arcata Coos R.& Pt.Orford 12 m Pier 13 State of Cal. San Diego & Way. 9 am Pier 19 Ventura Sydney & Way.... 2 pm Pier 7 G. W, Elder Astoria & Portland 11 am Pier 24 - • . - AusruMt 7. G: Dollar... Portland Direct.... 4 pm Pier 2 Eureka Humboldt 9 am Pier 13 (•"< •¦•¦' Auirnnt 8. ' Pomona..... Humboldt 1:30 p Pier 9 ArgOr. Eel River Ports... 4 pm Pier 2 Curacao.... Mexican Ports 10 am Pier 19 Argo.'v Kel River Ports 4 pm Pier 2 Siberia China & Japan 1 pm Pier 40 City of Para N. Y. vta Panama. 12 m Pier 40 • ' - ' '• • AllRIINt 1>. S. Rosa San Diepro & Way.. 9 am Pier 10 Ramfcna.... San Pedro & Way. 9 am Pier 19 Rainier..... Seattle & Whatcom 4 pm Pier 10 Umatilla.... Pugct SoundPorts. 11 amIPier 9 • «-.? ""v '•' • Ansfnut 1O., | S..'Monica. . . Los rAngeles Ports. 10 am Pier 2 Pti, Arena:. Point Arena 4 pm Pier 2 N.qrth Fork. Humboldt ......... 5 pm Pier 2, -•*•!"': AliKimt II. Rival Willapa Harbor 4 pm Pier 2 Nlv/burg... Grays Harbor 4 pm Pier 2 Columbia... Astoria & Portland 11 am Pier 21 'i-il-y , Anffimt 12. J. Dollar.... Seattle & Tacoma. 1 10 am Pier 1 >-^.?.- ; / . FROM SEATTLE. . . Steamer. • . For. j Sails. Spokdtritf. Skapw n> & Way Ports. I Au». 4 Roanoke.. .... Nome & St. Michael.. .|Auir. 4 .Al-Kl... Skagway & Way Ports.JAug. 4 Dlfigo. Skagw ly Ac Wj>- Ports. Aug. 4 Bertha Cooks Inlet & Way Pts. Aug. 7 Dolphin ' SkfiRivay & Way Ports. Aug. 7 City Seattle... Skagway &'Way Ports.|Aug. 9 Farallon Skagway & Way Ports.|Aug. 11 City.Topeka.. Skagway & Way Ports.lAug. 14 Cottaico City.. Skagway & Way Ports.|Aug. 15 Oregon Nome |Aug. l(j Santa. Ana CQoks Inlet & Way Pts. Aug. lfl Tamplco. . Nome & St. Michael.. .| Aug.. 17 Public Administrators Must Fay. City Attorney Lane advised the County Clerk yesterday to make demand upon the Public Administrator and the ex-Public Administrators for the amount of all clerks' fees charged against .them In pro bate administration. Lane suggests that an itemized statement of all fees which the books show to be unpaid be served upon each of the persons . upon whom such demand should be made and request them to forthwith pay such sums to the County Clerk. ... . Massachusetts' prison, .population is larger by 125 than it was a year ago, the total July 1 being 6346. given is subtracted from the depth given by the charts. The plane of reference Is the mean of the lower low waters. Time Ball. Branch Hydropraphlc Office. U. S. N.. Mer chants' Exchange, San Francisco, Cal., Au gust 3, 1003. , . . The time ball on the Ferry building was dropped exactly" at noon to-day, 1. e.. at noon of the 12Cth meridian, or at M p. m. Greenwich time. . J.' C. BURNETT. Lieutenant. U. S. N., in Charge. . THE SAN FBANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1903. 10 RAILWAY TBAVEL. '¦¦¦-¦.¦ • .. - ¦¦¦¦¦,¦ California Limited.., to CHICAGO SrjBj^^ An Ideal Train IlilMlliit] or ose Seek -te Best '¦¦¦¦'.-¦ SANTA FE TEAINS ' Leave Market-street Ferry Depot. . ' I Local | Lim'd I Local I Ov'rl'd 1 Dally I Dally | Daily | Daily Lv. San Fran'..| 7:30 a| 9:30 a 4:00 p 8:00 p At. Stockton... 110:40 a|10:01 p 7:10 p 11:15 p •• Merced ..... 1:05 p 1:55 p ....... 1:24 a "Fresno 2:40 p 3:20 p 8:15 a "Hanford ... (4:68 p 4:07 p 7:S0a " Vlsalia .... <4:53p,4:48p 5:00 a " Bakersneld . 7:15 p 6:0U p 7:M a ¦" Kansas City 2:25 a 7:0Oa "Chicago ........... 2:18 p 8:47 p 1 a for morning; p for afternoon. .<• % 7:80 a. m. Dally Is Bakentfleld Local, stop- ping at all points in San Joaquin Valley. Cor- responding train arrives at 8:65 a. m. dally:''. 9:30 a. m. Monday and Thursday la the CAiarOBWIA LIMITED, Cirrylnc P»l- aco . Sleeplag: . Cars and Dining .Cars through to Chicago. Chair car tuns to Bakers- field for accommodation of. local first -class pas. sengem. No second-class ticket, are honored on this train. Correspondlnr train arrives at 11:10 p. m. Tuesday and Friday.; .-<;.... 9:30 a. m. Dally. Valley Limited. Composite Car and Reclining Chair Car between Bakers* field and San Francisco. > Corresponding train arrives at 11:10 d. m. daily. ¦ :, -. /* . . . 4 :00 p. m. Is Stockton Local. - Corresponding train arrives at 11:10 a. m. dally. '¦•->- \, . 8:00 p. m. Dally Is the. Overland Express with through Palace and • Tourist Sleeper* and Free * Reclining Chair ' Cars to , Chicago: . also Palace Sleeper, which cuts out at Fresno. 'Cor- responding train arrives at 6:25 p. m. dally. ; • Personally conducted parties for Kansas City. Chicago and East leave Snn Francisco every Monday,. Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m. | (Offices — 641 Market street, and In Ferry D*» pot, San Francisco; 1112 Broadway. Oakland. SOUTHERN d PA£I£IC Ofsla Line. Foot f Market Btr*et 1 - _ 'hat* - r»«» APeurr t- tx»- - A » >TJ ' 7.00a Benlda, Salsun, Kimlr. .ad &*cnr meato ••• «|J 7.08a VsesTllIe, Wlaters. *«*»*Zr'.lV£i '* 9 7J»a Martlaes. 8«a Ramoo, Valleja, 7-33a KBes. Urermore. L«ll»r«p. 8^>«K- 7 |.00a D»^tVc^laa^BlViulii«to«. M.rysTllle. OroTni*.^(eoaaewtt .tM.rytTUle for GTldley.Blm .ad cbw*> ,Jt5; 8 10 a Atlantic Express-OftleB aad Kmi. IBM* •.00a Port Costs. Martlae*. Aatloeh. By- roB,Trscy.8tocs:to«,S»er«me^lo. Los Rmno«. Meadota, Haaford. Vlsatla, PorterTllle VZiT m *- Z9r 8.00a Fort Coato, Marttaer. Traey. U*- rop. Modesto. Moreed. Fresao. Oosnen Jcnetlon, Baaford. VI- ¦alia. Baktrtfleld -••"¦•¦•:'"' *¦*** |.Ma BxprMs-Dafi.. - (for Bartlett Sprligs). Willows. „ tFrwto. Bad Bluff. rortlaad...... 7M» 8-30a KHes. 8aa Jose, "vennore. 8I»«»- too,IoB».8acTaBieBt«.r!ae«t^Ule. Mary stUIc. CWoo. Ked Bluff. . -• - •Z» F 8-30a Oakdale. Chiaeie. Jamestown. 8«- ¦era, Tuolpmne and Ancsl JflJ 900a M»rtInez.adW.y8Ut!oa« i? ifii 1000a V.l!ejo_ •&Z{ZZ121 «10.00a El Pmo P»s«earer. *^*™*~- Port Costa, Martinez. Byroa. Tracy. Latarop. Stockton. Merced. K.ymond Froano, Haa- ford. Vlsalla. BaJteTaneld. Loo Aogales an4 El Paso. (Westr bound arrlTes yI» Coast Llae)... «1 JOT 1000a The Orerland Lrmlted — Ogden, Dearer. 0maba.ChIc.r2......... I"' 1200m Bayward. NlIesaadWay8uUoa«. 3.2W IIJJOp Sacramento Rl»er Steamers^ tHUJOP 3Mr Benlcla, TTInter*. B««eramenf<>. Woodland. Williams, CoIbs*.WI1- lows. Knights Landing. Marys- -_ Tllle, OroTlile and way station*.. 10.»5*. 330p Hayward. Nlles and Way Stations.. 75SF 4.00* Msrtlnei.SaBlUinoa.ValleJo,, __ CftlUtoga. Santa Rosa ... ,*i2* 4.00T Martinez. Traey.Lathrop.Stocktoa. «0||^ 4 OOP Ntles. Llrermore. Stockton. Lodl.. *J9* 4.30r Hayward. Niles. Irrlagton, Saa » +OW* Jose. Ll»ermore \ *¦»-•»*»¦*> BOOp The Owl Limited— Fresno. Tnlare, Bakersileld. Loa Angeles; con- nects at Saujus for Santa Bar- bara. : ¦•»»* E60r Port Coita. Tracy, Stockton. Loa Baao. t5 30p Haywsrd. Nlles aad Baa Joso ,t$|* 6 00p Hayward, X lies and San Jose 1U-Z34 6.00F ' Oriental Mail— Ogdea. DeaTer. Omaha. St. Loots. Chicago aad ' £ut (Carries Pallmwi Car pas — ¦ . sengers only oat of Ssa Frsa- - ctsco. Tourist ear and coach • passengers tske 7.00 r. m. train to Reno, continuing tnenee la their cars C p.m. t rain eastward.. 4.25' Westbound. Soaset Limited.— - From New York. Chicago. New Orleans, El Paso. Los Aageles. Fresno. Berecda, Raymond ( from Yosemlte). ?*artinex. ArrlTes.. 125a 7.00f SsB-rablo, Port Costa, Martins* and Way Stations 'Hi* J7X0P Vallejo 7.8&> 70Cp Port coata. Beniel*. Snlsnn, Dm»l». Sacramento^ Truckee. Bfj». Stopa at all stations east of SaeTamento 7-oaA 8X5? Oregon * California Express— Sac- - :.-; . rsmento. MarysTltle. ReddtBK. _ _*_"¦ Portlsnd. Puset Sound aad East. 8.55a :9.10p Hsyw.rd, Ulles and San Jose (Sua- dayoaly) tiiBS* 11.25F Port Costs, Traey. Lathrop. Mo- desto. Merced, Kaymoad (to Yo- semlte). Fresao, llaaford. VI- ____ sail*. Bakenfle Id 1ZZB» COAST LINE l.iarn.w tu.f,). (Foot of Market Street.) }7 45a Saata Crnz Ezcursloa (Snaday only) tt-1fl» I.15a 5ewark. CeaterTtlie. Saa Josa. Feltoa. Bonlaer Creek. Stnta Crox and Wsy Stations 8 25P t2-16P Kewsrk. Centerrnie. Saa Joso, Kew Almaden. Los G»tos.F-;ton. Boalder Creek. Saata Crat aad Principal Way Stations 10418* 4.15r Newark. Sao Joae. Los Oatoo aad way stations (oa Saturday an«l Sunday mas tBrongh to Saata Craz; Monday only from Santa Crni). Conaeets at Felton to and from Bonlder Cr^ek tl.BBl OAKLAND HARBOR FERRY. rrom SAN If K A}. CISCO, Foot of Market at. (SlI? t> — f7:I3 »:U> 11:00 a.m. 1X0 300 5-15 r.M From OAKLAND. Foot of Broadway — t«:0O J3:Jt li-.CKi 10:00 a.m. 1200 200 400 pis. COAST LINE (Bn»«.l tiaat»>. IW ( t'alr'l nod 'l'ownarad Stroeta.) 6.10a San Jose and Way Stations.. 7*3Cp ?7 00a San Jone and Way Stations..... ... 630p /800a New Almaden (Toes., Frtd-V /i.\0r 57.15a Monterey and Santa Crnz Exrnr- ¦ slon (Sunday only)........ tS 30* •XOa CoastLIno Limited— Stops only Ssn Jose,GHroy.Bollister,Ps]aro.Ca^ troTtlle. 6alinaa, San Ardo, Paso KoM«». Santa Martrtrlta.S.B Lois Obtsjw>.(prtnclpal stations thence) Santa B*rbara.Saugus aad Loa Aa- Kdes. Connection at Caatrorlllo to and from Mon terry and Paclne GroTe and at Fajaro north bound from Capltola and Santa Craz.... 10*45* • COa Esn Jose. Tres Plnos. Cspltola, 8aDtaCraz.PactQcGroTe,SallBas, Saa Lnia Ohlspo aad Principal 'ii Intermediate Stations 4.10* WestbouBd El Pa«o Passenger. — From ChicngtvEt Paso. Los As- .___ geles. Santa Daxbara. ArrlTes.. 1.30» JOJOa Ean Jose and Way Station*...*.... 1.20* 11 -00a Cemetery Passenger— South Saa „ __ Francisco, San Bruno T.OSp liooA gan Jose. Los G.tot aad Way Sta- • - ' tlons ., B.3fc> "l"sS* San Jose and Way Stations x700> *00p 8an Jose and Way Stations 1940a Z.3UP Cemetery Passenger — South Saa ______ Frandfco. San Bruno 4.35r T «3X0r Del Monte Kxprrns— Santa Clara. Sao Jose, Del Moate. Monterey, Pscifle Grove (connect* at Santa Clara for Santa Craz. Boulder Z Tn» » CTCrlc * nd >>'«rrow Gau(t« PotnU) H2.1S* m*or Barlingarae. San Mateo. Redwood, MenloPark. Palo Alio. Majyfleld. Mountain Vlew.Xawreaee. Santa Clara, San Joae, Gl.roy (conneo- tlon for Holllster. Tres Plnos). ¦P.Jtro (connection for WstMB- rllle. Capitola and S.nU Craf), - ¦ . - Pacific GroT« aad way statloas. • Connects at CmuotUIo for Sa- . _. Unas 10.45a . J -30* San Jose and Way Statloas 838a T6 COr Saa Jose. (tI» Santa Clara) Los Gatos. Wright aad Prladpal Way __,„ 8tttlons rt.COA |5J0p SsnJosenndPrlnctpalWaySUtloB. tt-OO* TBIar 6.n M»teo.Berf sfor4.Belmoat.Saa Carlos. Redwood. Fair Otis. '. .,„ Menlo Park. Palo Alto t«-4SA *.30p San Jose and Way Stations... ...... » 33a 7-tOr Saoset Limited. Baatbonsd.— Sam Lnls Oblspo. Santa Barbara, Los : -- -'. . Aageles, Demlag. El Paso. New Orleans. New York. (Wertboaad , . •niTesTl»Si«nJcH«taV»«l«J>... wt-«» 8.00* P.tb Alto sa.1 Wsy Stations 10.18a »11-5Cp Mlllbrae. Palo Alto aad Way Su- tloas rt-43i« • 11 40» UlUbrae, Saa Jose aad Way 8ta> Hobs f.4SJ» A for Morning. f f or Attaraoasw ~"^ X Satnrday and Snaday oaly. I Stops at .11 station* on Sunday. . t Sunday uccpted. ' t Sunday oaly. a Saturday only. d Cooaecu at Goshea Jc with trmlns for H»afw* Vl»nll». At yresao. for VlaaHa rU Saa jet. • Via Coast Linn. / Tuesday aad Friday. «• AniTe Tia Nile*. •• Daily except Saturday. tcVla Saa JoaqulB VaUey. . 1 Stop* Saata Clara south boand only. Connsois, 'icrpt Sunday, for all point* Narrow Gang*. t7*0aly tralas stopping at Valencia St. louthbooat) .re 1:10 a.m.. 11:00 a.m., 3:30 r.n. and t:30 r.u. MOUNT TAMALPAIS RAILWAY Leave fla SioaaUts f«rry -Arrivw SaaFraa. »»>* 1 Harks* * SojiFraa. Week San- >SbW 'Swa- (W«5T Par*, days days Days. 9:45* »:OOa fSggGiBihak 19:00n»:14a l:45r 9iOOa K«gsSsS& ! fy it'.&Or 3:30f S:lftrlO:OOA 3:1Op S:Mr 11:3Oa > »3S ! S' *¦**.+ • — : l:aor »"• ; »:SBp| . .^Sr s-.oor Islarfays aaly. Maw fttwra T 9:3OT,arrrw8J. il»»O» rictir J ft» Masmmt St^ (North Shore RailroadJ OmCB ( andSAUSAUTO Fsxi.t, Foot Mart** The Best Way East If ycro enjoy grand scenery there's only one way for yoo to go east — Tia . Salt Lake City, Denver and the Bur- lington Route, the scenic line across the continent. Burlington tourist ears by this way ' leave California three times a week for .the East.. There are no changes or delays— yon go right through to Omaha and Chicago, or Kansas City and St. Louis. ' Connections at these cities for all points beyond. Scenic attractions are not all — will be glad to tell you about the others. Call if you can, but -write me a lino if you can't W. D. SANBORN, Gen'l Agent Burlington Routs, 631 Market St, San Francisco. Cal. 692 " Phone. Main 1188. CALIFORNIA NORTHWESTERN KY. CO. LESSEE SAN FRANCISCO AND NORTH PAC1F1S BATBWAY COMPANY. Tttmron Terry, Toot of Market St. SAK'FBAXCISCO TO SAN BATAEIi. WEEK DAYS— 7:30. 8:00. 9:00. 11:00 a. m.: 12:35. 2:30. 3:40. 5:10. 5:50. 6:30 aad 11:30 • p. m. - . - Saturdays — Extra trip at 1:30 p. m. SUNDAYS — 7:30 8:00 9:30. ll:0Oa. m.; 1:30. 2:30 3:40. 5:10 6:30. 11:30 p. m. BAN EAFAEL TO SAH 7BAKCXSCO. WEEK DAYS-6:05. 6:60. 7:35. 7:50. 9:20, 11:15 a. m.; 12:55. t2:00. 3:40. 8:00. 5:20. 6:25 p. in. Saturdays— Extra trip at 1:45 p. m SUNDAYS — C:50. 7:S5 9:20. 11:15 a. m.; 1:45. 3:40. 4:60 «:0O". r.:20. 6:10. 6:25 p. m. t tExcept' Saturdays. L*ave I In Effect I Atrtve San Francisco. [ May 3. 1903. |S«n Francisco. Week ! Sun- I Destlna- I Sun- I W*elc Days. I days. | tlon. | days. | Days. 7:30 a 7:45 a 7:45 a 7:20 a 8:00 a 8:40 a 8:40 a 8:00a 9:30a Ignacio. 10:2Oa 10:20a 2:S0p -2:30 p 6:00 p 6:20 p 6:10 p 5:10 p 6:^° p 7:23 p 7 :*5 p 7:30a 7:30a ~ 7:45a 7:45 a 8:00 a 8:00a Novato. 10:20 a 10:2Oa 2:30 p 9:30 a Fetaluma 6:20 p 6:20 p 5:10 p 2:30 p and 7:25 p 7:24 P 6:10 p Santa Rosa. 7:30 a 7:30 a 10:20 a 10:20 a 8:00 a 8:00 a Fulton. 7:25 p 6:20 p 2:30 p _2^30 p 7:23 P Windsor. 7:30 a 7:30 a Healdaburt;. 10:20 a 10:20 a Lytton. 2:30 p 2:30 p Gcyservtllo. 7:25 p 7:25 p Cloverdale. 7:30 al 7:.*0a| Hopland 110:20 a(10:20 a 2:30p|2:30p| and Uklah. |7:25p|7:25p 7:30 a| 7:30 a| Wllllta». |7:25pt7:25p ~8:00al 8:00 a! Camp Vacation. 110:20 a|10:20 a 2:30 p| 2:30 p) Guernevlllc. | 7:25 p| 6:20 p 8:00 al 8:00a| Sonoma. I 8:40 ai 8:40 a 5:10 p| 5:10 p| Glen Ellen. I 6:00 p|- 6:20 p 7:30 al 7:30 al ' ]10:20 a|10:20 a 2:30 p| 2:30 p| Sebastopol. f 7:25 p| 6:20 p STAGES connect at Green Brae for San Quentln. at Santa Rosa for White Sulphur Springs; at Fulton for Altrurla and Mark West Springs; at Lytton for Lytton Springs; at Geyrervill* for Skargs Springs; at Clover- dale for the Geysers. Booneville and Green- wood; at Hopland for Duncan Springs. High- land Springs, KelseyvWe, Carlsbad Springs, Jsoda Bay. Lakeport and Bartlett Springs; at Uklah for Vichy Springs, Saratoga Springs. Blue Lakes, Laurel Dell Lake. Witter Springs. Upper Lake, Pomo, Potter Valley. John Day's. Riverside, Lierly's, Bucknell's. Sanhedrln Heights. Hullville. Orr's Hot Springs. Half- way House. Comptche, Camp Stevens, Hop- kins. Mendoclno City, Fort Bragg, Westport, Usal; at Willlts for Fort Bragg. Westport. Sherwood, Canto. Covelo, Laytonvllle. Oim- mlngs. Bell's Springs. Harris. Olsen's. Dyer, Garbcrvllle Pepper-wood. Scotia and Eureka. Saturday to Monday round-trip tickets at re- duced rates. • On Sunday — Round-trip tickets to all points beyond San Rafael at half-rates. Ticket-office. 610 Market street. Chronicle bulldin-. H. C. WHITI2CQ. R. X. RYAN. . i V Gen. Manager. . Gen. Paa. Agt. " TO SA.4 RAFAEL, SAN QUENTIN, MILL VALLEY, CAZADERO, ETC. via- Sausalito Ferry wrrv fi a Y S ( Holidays excepted)— 6 : 45. ?•7^5 £-45 rin.! a. m.. 12:20. U:45, 3:15. 4^15 t515 ••0 : 15 6:45 ». "=« P-. m ' ', • , :&.V al m. train days does-flot' run- 16 M1 <li'VnA e YS AND LEGAL HOLlDAYS^-7. -» ~W tno; 11. tll:30 a, m.. t!2:3O. fl:30. i-W »V-60 1 6 6 7:30. 9. 11:45 p.. m. Trains marked C) run to San Quentln. Those •v,aru.d <t>to Fairfax, except 5:15 p. m. Satur- S5S! bin Saturday, the .3:15 p. m. train run. RAFAEL TO SAN KRAXCISCO wSr day»-3:23- t8:2S. 7:40. 8:15 J9:35. 11^05 ». mf 12 :S °. 2:2 °- t3:«5. 4:50. »:30. 8:45. 1O r$NDAYS-«:1S. 7:33. t8:io. 9:40. J10:55, tu"?^. r£. 12:M. «:30. 4:*O.*J5:5O^ ?!••« 7-3R 10:20 p. m. - •. . Trains marked (J) *tart from San Quentln. VWOM MILL VALLET TO SAN FRAN- nsOO— Week days-5:4o. 6:40. 7:45. 8:25. »"oullO». m.. 12:40. 2:45. 4:15. 5:10. 7:S "flllNDAYS— 6:35, 7:55. 10. 11:10 a. m.. 12:05 1L5 2-40 3M5. 4:55. 6:05. 7:10. .0:40 p. mT! 1.05. Z.4W. • > T g ROU GH TRAINS. - 7:45 a. m.. week day*— CazAdero and way "^•Ib'b. m.. week dayt (Saturday. except»d)— Toniales and waytstatlona. 3:15 p. m.. Saturdays— Cazadera and way Sundays and Legal Holidays — 3 a. m., Caza. dero and way stations. Sunday, and Legal Holidays— 10 a, m.. Point Reyes and way stations. ..TICKET OFFICE— 628 Market st. FERRY— Foot of Market st. BAJA CALIFORNIA DamianaBitters ISA GREAT RESTORATIVE. IN VIGORA- tor and Nervine. The most wonderful aphrodisiac and Special Tonic for the Sexual Organs, for both sexes, The Mexican ' Remedy for. Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. Sells on Its own merit*. NABER. ALFS & BRUNE. Agents. S23 Market St.. S. F.— (Send for Circular* * . IV fMHBLlpw Nothing | l^xfP' '' 7? vcstibulc^ pintsch oo g m as ; I PjAV ! , and St a C C s taVthe other con- I r|\ vcnicnccs of standard sleepers. The 1 is clean, second-class tickets acce P tc 2» I I the berth rate, California to Chicago, is only ?^°°' jj I Cars Itave San Francisco »ia the, "El Paso T#d£&ff$SEBif \\ M Short Line. 1 ', Wednesdays, Saturdays and iundays via .. I'fljliJGKlITJl U i tb Tlcl C e'ss C ndVu n if information at Southern Pacific ticket I^IAOTMW | M . offices, or by addressing <gpj^>l sSltnillMa Ll H F. W. Thompson-. G. W. A., R-^&MMsgHaE j j ti H 623 Market St., San Francisco, C»l. BsW >y || AD V iUvTISK'MT.irrS. • — — 1 ~~-v ¦ b799S39 ivb&s torn m as ISi3oSlSS% sBiT'iuj II 1 Is *¦ Positively cured by tbeso Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion aad Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect rrmedy for Dirriaess, Kausea, Drorrsl- Bess, Bad Taste in the Month, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID IIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. THE MAN WHO KNOWS Will tell you that there's but one laundry that's always dependable, both in quality of work and prompt- ness of delivery. Ask phone South. 420 and get con- nected with, UNITED STATES LAUNDRY OFFICE 1004 MA2KXT STBEET, Near Pom-ell. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT TJsod bj people of refinement 'Xor over a quarter of a century PREPARED BY 6 visit DR. JORDAN'S great if OF ANATOMY^ A g£ i:aJ£i.SZK^.l«:.£:l*?i > CT.Cd./| T Car Tbt Larratt AnatotBtuI Museun to tbe \ A Vorid. \Veakne*«n or injr contracted A V 55 3} d:5«J»f pMllilrlrrarMl^thf oldtlt f © IB 3 1 !>pec3«Jiu on the Ccut. £tt 36 yw*. O A £&¥?& DR. JORDAN-DISEASES OF KEN 4 \ 8 fP?5^D Consulutson fr»e and toirXSj prime. \ A [ jUCin TtMtTnCTIt pntoiiV.f or by letter. A §) \ I if M « **"*"* OuntntmyttttiatieroAn. \ itif II m Write for Bock. rKILOSUPKT »t A ? * B 1^ **nniACii. maius rrEE. uf A & IX «*ll>abl* too* fa* «n»n) \ 9 DU. JOBDAK A CO.. US1 Market Ht.. 8. F. 9 Coal Reduction I 2OOO* Pounds '. Put In Your Bin AMERICAN GANNEL $10 Sold br AU B«llable Dealen.