Newspaper Page Text
¦EASTERN MARKETS. 'AVrt» York Stock Market. NEW- YORK, Auff. S.— The stock market -*-ttIfd ' down Jnto «n almost irnrjovab'le rut to-day. :- Stocks cf the first clajss which trav ersed * r« of as much as a point might fce numbered on the fingers of one band. L'dta F&ciac was the most prominent of tuese BERLIN, Auc. 3.— The North German Gazette to-day printed at the head of Its columns a statement regarding the nego tiations at PeKlrrs' for the renewal of the prohibition of the Importation of arms Into China. ' The semi-official organ ad mits that the representatives of the pow ers failed to reach an . a*r*«m«nt to in sist on a renewal of the two years* pro hibition, which expires qn August' 23.- It assumes that the Idea of an agreement has been tacitly dropped and that each power wilt; revoke its special order estab lishing the prohibition. - China May Import Arms. 18: No. 2 'foundry.- Northern/;** $18 50®19; No. 1 foundry • Southern, and No. 1 foundry. South ern, -soft,' at $10 75<3'13. . Visible Grain Supply., NEW YORK, Aug. 3.— The visible supply cf sraln Saturday/August 1, as compiled by the New York Produce Exchange, was as follows: Wheat— 13,415,000 bushels; .Increase, 465.000 bushels Corn— 6.000.000 bushels; decrease; 321.000 bushels. Oats— 0,485,000 bushels; In crease. 1.265,000 bushels. Rye — 658.000 bush els; Increase,. 24.C00 bushels. Barley, 348.000 bushels; decrease. 17.CC0 bushels. Nr& York Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 3.— The \dry goods mar ket shows a slight Improvement In Jobbing clrcleB, due to the presence of a. large number of buyers. Orders are being restricted ' and buyers are refusing to contract for the future. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 3.— The .cotton market opened steady at an advance of 1@5 points and closed steady, net 1®5 points lower. Northern Business. . SEATTLE, Aug. 3.— Clearings, $820,744; bal ances, MO'.SSS. ¦ * "' TACOMA. Aug. 3.— Clearings. $269,t-SS; bal ances. $20,284. ' - . \ PORTLAND. Aug. 3.— Clearings,' $72J.fMX>; balances, $67.5;;s. - ¦• • ¦ ' SPOKANE". Aug. 3.— Clearings, $424,256; bal ances, $115,074. Northern Wheat. Market: OREGON'. PORTLAND.' Ore., Aug. 3.— Wheat— \Valla "Walla, 7e@77c; valley.' 70@S0c; bluestem. 79©S2c. •¦'¦ --". ¦ ¦ . . j WASHINGTON;^ -• ' . / j TACOMA. Wash., Aug. 3.— Wheat— Xom 1 inal and unchanged. Blueetem, .J&c*. elutn^Sc. Exchange and Bullion. Sterling Exchange, sixty days..— — - $4-844 : 1 Sterling Exchange, stfltht — ' 4 86% Sterling Exchange cables 4 87*4 New York Exchange, eight — ' 7& New York Exchange, telegraphic — 10 . Silver. Der ounce — 54*4 Mexican Dollars, nominal .. — 42 Wheat and Other Grains. I WHKAT- Paris futures were higher. It f is-as u holiday In Liverpool. The world's 1 shipments were as follows In quarters: Rus ' sian. 1M.0C0; Danubian. 53,000; Areentinp, 151,(XiO; Indian, 107.C0O. The American visible ¦ supply increased 4i>t.CH)i) hushols. I Chicago was several fractions lower. The ! market was strong at the opening on further , bad cro;> advices, hut afterward eased off. t'There wa« a good Southwestern demand, but considerable long Wheat was dumped. The blight damage in South Dakota and Minnesota turns out to be the Hessian fly. I ! In this market futurfs wer? weaker, but cash I grain was higher all around, with active buy- Ling and bidding by millers, who are badly In need of suuplles. The farmers are holding back, hence prices are higher. ¦ ' CASH WHKAT. 1 " California Club. *1 4*<?<1 50: California r "White Australian. $1 5»Kf I «i2"^; Northern [Club. $1 4.*i; N'orthrrn Blue Stem. "1 "i5; Ore- I son Valley, ft *.•_•&. .[ FCTUKES. j Seefeicn !) to 11 :.1O a. in. ' Open. High. Low. Close. |Decembei ...?1 4:^ ?1 4ti!4 $1 4S% ?1 1S% 1! p. ni. sessiun. Op^n. High. Lov.-. Close. 'l><wrr:u<.r ...$1 4>>-. SI 4M» $1 47% 4T*x May *1 47% :. UARLEV — Thr> week cpened with an easier market for bcth < ash strain ami futures and ' liberal receipts. The demand was nothing ex tra. ; ! CASH BARLET. . , j Feed. 51 0"-fcl 07'a; new Shipping and Brew 'ing, $1 imti 17 = 3; Chevalier. . f 1 'JUQl 10 for • fair to choice. '¦ FUTURES. . = Session 'J to 1 1 :'M a. m. Open. High. IiO\v. C\»e*. .December ...$1 00 $1 iC»"t, $1 Co $1 Co*, " p. m. yehgicn. ! .. Open. High. Low. Clos" 1 " December .,.$1 v.f>« 2 .<l 03>i $1 O3',i $1 05U OATK-- The OTCO ctls that came down from Oregon had been mostly «u)d prior lo arrival. They are old cro>> whites. The . market con tinues steady at lull fluuivs-, „ . ; - White.. *1'^US1 «0; Ulack. • $1 VJtV^t 20; I Red. $1 12».i8it 17'/«! for tummon and »l iUt/F ! 1 TiVi for choice; Oray. nominal. • ; CORN—- The high prices t-tlll rule, with very light stocks and a good dpmand. California . lurge Vcllow. 05ji I CO; sriiall round do..$l 70«/i 7i; White. Jl bZdj 1 u>; Egjp tiun. $1 400 1 50 for White and $1 ity a 1 4j lvr Urown. • HYK— Firm at $1 17',^Q1 'Z2K j>o r ell. j BUCKWHEAT— r-i 20y'J So ptr ctl. Flour and" Millsfuffs. I FLOUri— California Family Extras, $4 COJ*> ,*4 85 usual terms; ftakers' Extras, i\ 50^4 Cu; 1 Orm'on and Washington. $:< CO©* I'O per bbl ! for family and fit VOtii 40 for Bakers'. MILLSTUFFS— Frice« In rackagrs ara aa ': follows: Graham Flcur. $a'tO per ICO lbs; Rye I Flour. 13 ::¦.; Hye Meal. $1; atce Klour. $7 = Corn Meal. $3 HO; extra cream do. $4 ;>-,- oat i Groats, ti 50; Hcmlny, $4 1'5®4 50; Buckwheat ; Flour. "4 WHJU 75; Cracked Wheat. $.$ 75; Fa^ I rina, $i 00; Whole "Wheat Flour, |3 73; Rolled f Oat*, bbis. $79» W); in sacks, $G to^s ioj • Pearl Barley. »0: Spilt Peas, boxes. |T; Green I l'eais. :5 00 per 100 lbf>. . ' I . . ..-,-: — :. Hay and Fecdstuffs. Receipts of Hay continue large, but the market U HtandinK up very w»ll. The choice grades show no easiness, but the medium anil lower grades. are somewhat easy. Most of the good to. choice wheat Hay is going at $11 00 •fl.'l SO. There were lti<) cars on the market. Quotations show some change. Good Straw I3 getting< «¦ and the market is working around lirmer. There Is no further change In Feedstuff s. All ar«- firm.- BKAN—$'.!4 50S25 30 per ton. MIDDLINGS— 127930 per ton SHORTS— *24»1'.\ per ton. FEEDSTUFFS — Rolled Barley. $23©24 per ton: Oilcake Meal at the mill, $26226 60 jobbing. $27®27 50; Cocoanut Cake, none here; Corn Meal. $33®34; Cracked Corn. $33 60® 34 CO; Mixed Feed. $23021; Hor«e. Beans. $30 per ton. HAY— Wheat, $10 B0«?14; Whfat and Oat, $10 r>t*fi13; Oat, $10 50<gia; Barley, $»JilO ."iO: Clover. $0 50®ll; Stock, $8®0; Alfalfa. $1) 0o<» 11 per ton. - . • STRAW— 50@00c per v bale. Beans and Sjeeds. ¦ ¦ I . Dealers continue to report r quiet and un changed market for Beam;. There Is no fur ther change in Seed*. BEANS— Bayos. $3 60*J3 70: Pea. $3 253 3 CO; Butters. $3 25: small White. $3 15®'*. 30; large White. $2 »0<S>3 15; Pink. $2 90®.J; Red. $2 00^3: Lima. $3 4503 60; Red Kidneys, nominal: Blackeye. $2 00@3 per ctl; Horse Beans. $1 25®1 35. . , SEEDS— Brown Mustard nominal; Tellow Mustard, nominal; Flax. $1 70®l 80: Canary. ft<if,5 1 /jc for Eastern; Alfalfa, nominal; Rape, l%©2^c: Timothy. «e«iWc: Hemp. :M4@J»,ic per lb; Millet. a©3%c; Broom Corn Seed. $2Otrf 23 per ton. ' 1 DRIED TEAS-'Green. $2®2 25 per ctl. Potatoes, Onions and Vegetables. . Choice offering* of new Potatoes In boxes were In limited .supply and firm at higher rated. Common offerings in sicks were easy, the demand being light, receipts heavy und. the carry-over from Saturday large, a consign ment of 143 sacks of choice Salinas stock enme In and sold at $1 UO per cental. Sweet Pota' toes were offering' freely .and sold fairly. . On ions were In moderate receipt 'and steady. The vegetable market was amply supplied; and although the demand • was fair Drices of several' descriptions ranged lower. The- mar ket wa« still glutted with tiVer Tomatoes, und despite the low prices stocks -continued to ac cumulate. For the general- 'run or*off*rlnga no reasonable offer was- refused and the small UO-lb boxes were simply unsalable. Cucumbers, Summer- Squash. ¦. ECU' Plant- and Green Pep pers continued very- weak' and ' were quoted lower. A few small consignments of pickle Cucumbers came In and Bold at 00c per box, about 2c per lb. Choice Green Corn and String Beans -were steady. The other vegetables were unchanged. ¦ ,,.,_,. - r «,»•"¦•¦'>¦'' a POTATOKS— New White, iOc(J?$l 20 per etl in sacks and$l tt»©l ¦«•"» in boxes, with some lancy hither: Early; Hose, 75e<8$l; Garnet Chiles. • $1 tfl 15: Sweet . Potatoes from the river, .loner lb.'- •¦-. -'.;.'. '; ¦ ONIONS— C0075c per ctl. . •¦' ; ¦ VEGETABLES — Green Corn. $1 25®! 50. per sack: crates from Alameda, $1 75©2; from Berke ley $1 5O<8>1 "5: Asparagus. .51w2 HO per box; Green Peas, 4igt5c pet; Ibr String Beans. 2© lc per lb- Wax. 30'lc; Lima Beans. 44J5c per Ibr To matoes, 16@^10c for large-boxes from the river; Summer , Squaah, 2O?i35c per box; Cabbage, 75c (ft$l per ctl; Carrots. 75cfl$l per sack; Cucum bers. 25<S35c per box; Garlic, 2&@!;s c p« r lb; Green Peppers. 25@40c per box for Chile and 40 (SCOc for Bell: Green Okra. 60(tf75c per box; Egg Plant. 50&75C. per box. ;.- , , . ¦ Poultry and •Game. : There was very' little doing In Poultry, the market being practically bare. Only 8 coops of domestic stock came In on the morning ex press and there was no Western offering. A car of Western Is scheduled , for to-day's mar ket. ' ¦ ' There was no great demand for Game, but NEW YORK, Aug. 3.— f \ccordfns to tha police, Mrs. John Henry Ketcham, wl(» of the congressman from the Eighteenth New York District, was dangerously in jured by a thief whom she discovered. in her apartments at her residence here'dn returning from a shopplhg expedition, tier assailant hurriedly escaped without completing- the- robbery. Pie took a* small amount of money and some Jewelry. A heavy poker.- was used by the robber. Mrs. Ketcham's collarbone was- broken, a deep gash was cut over her left tern-' p^e and she was nearly strangled with a handkerchief! Thief Strikes Mrs. Ketcham Wit* Poker and Chokes Her Witfc *.:> Handkerchief. . t •":. CONGRESSMAN'S WIFE ATTACKED BY BURGLAR DENVER, Aug. 3.— Govtirnor Peabody to-day answered the petition of the Idaho Springs Miners' Union asking protection from the State against the- banishment of the union miners by the Alliance organi zation of Idaho Springs, also protection by military for them in the event they re turn to their homes. The Governor says that the expelled miners will have to seelc redress through the courts at Idaho Springs, and that under the constitution and laws of the State he is not veste-1 with the power or authority to act In tha matter. EXPELLED MINERS MUST SEEK AID OF THE COURTS Governor Peabody Says He Has No Authority to Act in the Matter. parts of the-State during the past forty eight hours are to-night practically at a standstill, and no. further serious ri*' is expected. The biggest of the streams, tho Kansas River, Is rising slowly at Kansas City and for- a* short distance Tvest of here, but ,at no. place along its length is the water near the danger line. At Kansas City the Kansas River has risen over three feet in the past twenty four hours, and ths Jllssourt Is up two feet, but it must go several feet beyond this to do any material damage, and as no further rains are reported from tha West to-day, a j-radual fall !s expected. TJ\?re was 3ome uneasinci t Argentina and Armourdale, suburbs 01 i\ansas City, that suffered during the great flood, but it was unwarranted. The only damaga likely at Kansas City is from driftwood ti> some of the temporary bridges erected here. The current is swift, and the men were out all day steering the driftwood clear of the structures. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 2.— Kansas streams raised, by, cloudbursts at' two points and- steady- downpours ' in other . Weather Report. < 120th Meridian — Pacific Time.) .SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. X— 5 p. m. . c a '2 o « ••si a = 3 =3 ?~ " ¦£* « ; eTA-noNs.'- $ -|| |f;|i |ft ' I * " - • ? ? -• " ' l!aker S0.M 70 42 NW Clear .00 '•'•arson' .; : 2*J.M _fij 4« "W Clear' .«>0 Kureka .....„,'&*. <*. 5S S2 NW <Mear • .<*) Fr««no 2ft.SU- 100 C2 . W Olear .00 "ri«-Bta*r ..-., 82 44 PW .f» Independence 'ria*. 74 ".»2 «c PE <:ieaf .<>0 Los Afcgple«;,.2a."H» 74 K> sw <"!ear .00 Mt Tamalpajs.2a.t14 76 <Xi. NW- Clear M NortlitU^ad.. .5i».16 «H| M .NW Cloady .*« Phoenix '.28.72 104. : 74 XIV Clear. .<*) Pocatello ...J.T.U7C, yj Qi W. _ PtjCUrTt; Portlarjd . .*.-«i. M «1k T<4 ' NW Pt.«"4-1y .<»i Point fteyes. . .29. M 56- 4* NVV «'lfar .(*} Red .Bluff. ......2a.-* U4 «4 SE Clear . .Oo Ilowbvjrg: . . .,„.». 12 7« 44 NE " Clear .00 Harrsniejuo :, .2».^n2 W> .',4 R Clear .<») Salt I>ake 2".« . «i*i »4 74 S Clear .00 r^an l>*ncisca'.29.04 ."¦« "K» SW Clear .00 Fan L;.Ot>tFpo.2*<.M 74 44 ' W Clear '.00 Sun Dle?o...^St.SS 70 «4 IV Oear .(Hi S'-a-tio--^..". ...:;n.l2; «4 r-4 SE «'loudy .O<J j^j- .txtff 70 «S S\V cloudy .<*> TktcofK .X...S0.12 r.4 B2*6*a* Rain .OH Walla W«;la...29.«}*! 78 .'.2 S Clear .Oti Wtnneniuoca. .-..:, .. 54 „ Yunat' . '. '; .'Sa.Tg' l'H 78 S . tyitir'. .<J0 WEATHER CONDITIONS AND GENERAL ' ~? . FORECAST. Yh^r» has V***a but little change in pressure firing -th* pai>t twenty-f<Mrr hour* en the Pa dflc Coan. Tf-.e temperature <-ontinu«-s below t*}e * pei^rally in California and Ne v%<ia. hut warr. weather ms.v be expected Turrfcdaj-. No rain has fallen west cf the Rocky Mountains except at Tatof^h Island. High , -vlr.d* are reported in Southern L'tah. Forif'-art u :.'-.c at San Francisco for thirty bom •ruling TnidnUrht, Aujrupt 4: Northern f^iiforcia — F»ir Toe«5ay; warmer light jtrmherly v!nd*. ' Southern California— Fair Tuesday: licht .westerly winds, Nevada— Fair Tueyij^y; warmer. . fan Francisco end . vicir-ity— Fair Tuesday marrner; Urbt r-rtherly win**, changing to brisk eouthwefctrrly. ALEXANDER G. McADIE. . • . . District Forecaster. ¦ Fruit and Wheat Bulletin. t*rmty-four i,.,ui> rndinu •*> p. m.; 120th meridian time, San Francisco. Aujjust S. . STATIONS. I I |= : f" P" .''lavnUlf a.*.- .V; .. Clear "7. <>luea ..:..... KU X'i .. Clear • Kureki ., •*>'» ''2. •.. <"l r -ar NW ]o Fresn* •.,..¦"...-. 1W *>i .. Clear \V r Hvnford ...,...K»4 W ¦ .. a*ar Hoiliiter ..^.. 7!>- 41 .. «:iear ¦ ¦ ,-; ] In<lepen«J*nce ,. :C *¦('• .. Clear ST2 j-j Kirg sGii}- .t.^Kl i~ ... Clear. N U»*rnoi* ....-.•«(» 49 -- t;iear ' Lo* Angel** ... 74 tM .. Clear SW ¦, ¦: 19 j N«-wni»n» K12 .'I,,.. -Clear ...'. Palermo *...... '.U .%*-.. <:iear H - Portervllle .... .•>. ;.s .. Oear NW Red Bluff... iii C* .. Clear SE Lt Klv;rrfide ..„;.• M5-.&O ..•- «1tar ' .'.» fi(5 34 '.. <"le«r S 10 San ifUMhi 1 l-^:t*O'- 'UgTfcV Cl*ar ' W .8 San ! r ri.zicin>u>.. -.V;- 5O" ... < :icar W 2S Pan Z-rpt^-,.. .;^C 11' 43 .• . .' Clear iL>t*t.>]K» ..74 44 .. Clear W LU Uaria- .. 72 * 5:* ¦ .. i"lear 'W...'' ..; ntaRO^a ... M 41 .. Clear .... "kton .^a.. M .'•*».. <Mear :... ., l!»r,i W M .. Cloar S • .. WEATHER ANt> CROP CONDITIONS. " lat^ord-^Cutting;. j.< t !,«-; large crop; <ju-l exct-rtr'm ?. r>ruj»f crop fair. no»-erdale— .$*vcf l»atr;r gr»pea Jn market. lUrrs*4^rA)4'ie trpo in mountain section ht i.d fci:d,ur.t cf . Kpring front, .hcxciwre— :H*a<.i!r.g finii«h€<!. . ¦'¦ JriJaaa— All-ciojn in good condition. Vjyo»-*"?--C,rcp fibundant. - , '¦¦';-:¦ ." < ;enla M»ri«— I'ontlnucus ct>ol weathert and •Tianj^^rror) «-Gnditiong. ¦ •X'iflstoiii-ltnmirzi** goantlty of watermelons ng to v. .- t'j- in the vicinity of Lodl account Xjt tar>. ' . .' Palcrnifr— Weatht r is favorable for all dried iruiU- ', ' A. O. McADIE. Section Director. ' Rain Ceases Palling and Rivers Are Below Danger Line. the light-, receipts cleaned up well at steady prices. . -. , • POULTRY — Live Turkeys, nominal; Geese, per pair. »1 25@1 60; Goslings, *1 28@1 00; Ducks, $3 60©4 per dozen for old and *4®4 50 for young; Hens, $4®5; young Roosters, $t$@ 8; old Roosters. ?4 50@5; Fr>-ers. $4@4 BO; Broilers V<*@3 60 for large and $2 60@3 for small; Pigeons, $1 BO per dozen for old and $1 50 for Squabs. „ GAME— Rabbits. SI 25@1 75 per dozen; Hare, $1 25®1 50; Wild Doves," $1 per dozen. • Butter, Cheese and Eggs. Another car of Eastern Butter was received, increasing the weakness of the market. Deal ers are carrying more than they can work off and 24c is now the too of the market for the great bulk of the Boods, 25c : betnx realized only in a small and occasional way. Posted buyers can get all the fine creamery 'they; want at 24c. ¦ : . ' • ." - ; ¦¦• - - ----- >« , va--- • ¦ • , i : Cheese contlnuesMn good supply and mu let, with. -no' outside. orders of anyconseuuente. ' Eggs rule firm at full figures, with' con-, tlnually decreasing receipts. The tendency 1s toward -still - higher prices and . some „ dealer* are already Quoting a- small advance.' 1 ¦ Receipts ¦ were 32,600 lbs Butter, 061 cases Eggs and 40,900 lbs Cheese. . '< - .y-- ,. .BUTTKR — Creaiflery. *M<Z2Sc; dairy.' 22V4W 24c; store -Butter. 17©20c; Eastern. 22#22*4C. CHKKSE—-New. >'12"A«rlSc: Youn« America. . 11Vj@15c;' Eastern, 1 15H@16c; Western, 14® 15v wr H>." ...• — .. EGGS— Ranch. 27^5&28c for large white se lected and 25$t*!7c for good to choice; store,-. 1S624C; Eastern, lS®21c per dozen. > Deciduous and Citrus Fruits. '¦' ¦An easy feeling prevailed throughout- the r 'market for fresh frujts, p'wing to ahe^indlf-. ference^crf canners, the light local demand.and i the abundance' of" poor and farrled-over 'stock;- The canners- wer.a unable to, handle. any. larxe quantlty-.-uf Peaches. Pliims-or Apricots, being, overloaded with •Barflett Pears, chiefly, con- tract fctocJt. . J'eaciieg tm basketscontlnuedeasy nmi sold on the wharves at easier prices.' No.. 2 Harriett Pears were very, dullanl ltiere were^ several *tn6uiand .boxes .still unsold 'On the^ wharf -at Ihe'cltse of business. Or. the i-treet; ttfert ' waiv a steady • inquiry for good* 1 sound..; ¦Plums -and. hard Peaches, suitably packed.. Ipr* shipment north-, on . the Puget Sou:ul steamer i and such stock readily commanded full figures. ! Figs, 'too, were steady under light receipts, 1 but the general run of fruits In small boxes I and crates were In free supply and easy. Can taloupes and Nutmeg Melons arrived freely and were in fair request, Watermelons were fairly steady, with supplies ample. Receipts pf Berries were light and choice offerings con 'tlnued to sell well at steady prices. Logan berries and Currants . have about had their run and the quotations are withdrawn. | The demand for Citrus and tropical fruits was limited and prices had no noteworthy change. STRAWBERRIES— $5@S per chestfor I>ong worths and $:i 5t*@5 for the iarger varieties. nASPBERRlES— $4«jO per chest. BLACKBERRIES— ?2 50©4 per chest. HUCKLEUERRIES— 10c per lb. APPLES— COce?l per box for choice and fancv and 354ioOo for common: Crabappies. -0 ©40c for small boxes and 50iJi75c for large. PEARS— Bartletts. t5c£f* for wrapped; larg» open boxes. 75CBS1 for (no. i - ami -«ii^«. .. t No. 2; to earners. $2.T<fl35 per ton for No. 1; Dearborn Seedlings, 5iK&b0c. for large open boxes. ' . • • . FIGS— 7."ic(&$l 25 per box. - . ' PLUMS — 5W®(l"'e rer crate anJ SSQlOo per box; to caiiners,'?15.'jf25 prr ton. ' ' '-'¦ •- ' NFCTAR INKS'— 4ti«j«5- \* r wjx or- crate. APRICOTS — 4('<&C0o for. email boxes and 75a ©*1 for larse: to canuers. $M<&& psr ton. PEACHES — 20^5Cc tor small bo-cea and 4C'tf 75c for large; to canners. $20^25 per to.i ; baskets from tiie river, lMiJi'Jc. 'J All£LON5--->"aiit»iUUi«». » (<ii 2Z\ .for ... "in I cratf s and ?2'g2 5.0 for large crates from Win ters and the river; Nutmeg Melons. .".Oc«*l per box or crate; Watermelons, *5<f20 per hundred. GRAPES — Fontainebleau. 4CSi0c per box and COOTQc per crate; Rose of Peru. 75cf«?l per crate; Seedless, §101 CO per crare. 2 tu i>erboj.: seeiiltr.fcs-. *lul .0-, Valencia*. ¦>1 30Si.'{: St. Mirhatfls. *2{J3: Mediterranean Sweets $1 25®1 50: Lemons. 50cfJ$2 50; Grape Kruit. $lfil -*5; Mexican Limes. $tgi 50; Ba nanas. <1 C0«i2 50 per bunch tor Central Amer ican and 7*iCi{j$l Do lor Hawaiian; Pineapples. H &C4f2 50 per dozen. Dried Fruits,Nuts,Raisins, Honey. The Davlsville Almond Growers' Association opened bid* for Its whole crop of Almonds August 1 and sold t^em as follows: l!»0 tons Hatch, ysrletits, V%if luv' 4 c: 60 ton.* softsh?;l. S'-iiffOc, Tn*;.' were to be the finest ever offered by the association. / . NEW Fit i; IT— Ann<.«,t». CV4t?'Jc for Royals an«l tt^jl'Ju lor Moorparks; Evaporated Apples S'^OV-c; Peuchts. 4'i*i7c lor lair to gooU stock; Wars, nominal at 7c. ULU i ..». « -— tvaporaitu Apples. 4©5Uc '^in-dried, '•'•U lc: Peaches. 4©"*H-c; Pears, 4i# •»VjC tor quarters and "iftrtiVic tw halves; Nec tarines, 4*iDc for whiter Plums, 4fr6c for pitted and '4flVa*: lor unpitieu: Figs, 3*431c tor black una 4«/iic for white. .'. PRUNES— If 2 crop. •.-¦.t?2*i . for the four iitis. with VA- ' premium, or th« large sizes. RAISINS — 1V*.2 croji a.- quat«u as t'ollown: 2-crown loose MuecateU. .V--,b bnxes. O^ic per :b; a-c»own,- 5\c; 4-ii< . ... 1*:; bred. ess. loos. MuscateU, 5c; Seedles* .-...:«nar. Oc; Seedlesa Ttcmiisor.s. 5^c; 2-crowi, i.ordon Layer*. 2<>- Ib bofces. SI 4tt per box: .;-crown. $1 50: 4 crown fancy cluster*, 1'u-lb hox^s. |2; 2-croTrn D'^hesas. 2f-lb boxes. J2 TiO; G-cro\vn Imperiaia. j "C-lb- boxes.. $3; Seeded, f. o. b; Fresno, fancy 1-lb cartons. •?*.«¦¦ choice, 7"4c. . , NUTS— \\ali.i>ts. No. 1 -oitshell. IZ^QIJc ¦' So 2. lO^WUVjc: No. 1 hardshell. ll*4fJJ2c; NO. if. lCfilti'ic; Alincnd*. lie tor NonparvlI». T 10<^ilc for I X L. lOfclOVj for Ne Plus Ul tia'and 8S^SHc for Lannuedoc; Peanuts, 3&7c*' tor Eastern; Pecan*. HQlJc; Cocoanuts, |i 30 I GS- ' '• " : ' ! HONEY — Cotnb. new. nominal; new water white 'extracted. 5^<ji.tSc: Hsbt amber extract-. ed. MiiVic; dnrk. nominal. ¦ " . , ¦' • ' BEESWAX— 27S: H Jc per lb. " Provisions. The t^hicsKO market steady en the day. but o>:tflcJe trade was dull. The cash demand was moderate. ..-•;.' ¦ . .- In this market Unm- were %<S\a higher «nd California Hams, are now scarce and worth almost as much as the Western article. Lard Is liQ-nc higher and Bacon lie hlfthrr.. Cut tln« emong the different houses has ceased. CURED MEATS — Bat-on, 12Vic cfr lb for heavy, I3o for light medium, l."io for light, .lii'.ic for extra light, 17Vic for sugar-cured and lSV4c for extra sugar-cured: Eastern sugar cured Hams, 15"4c; California Hnm?. 15'^c: Mess Beef, $11 .W812 per bbl; extra Mt»s. $124*12 60: t-'am..y. |lo m; prime Aiesi Pork, $ll>: extra clear. $2'j; Mess. $20; Dry Salted Pork. 12'/ic: PiR Pork. $2S; Pigs 1 Feet. $5 25: Smoked Heef. 15c per lb. LARD— Tlerr»« nimted »l 7*4<" "*r lb *"r eompounj and lf!©10Vio for pure; half barrels. pure, I0V4«J10"ic; 10-lh tins. 10*i*jUc; 3-lb Una ll'/ic; .Mb tins, HVic "COTTuLKNK— One haif oarre!. OHc; thre<* half barrels. 0$4c; one tierce. 0%c; two tierce*. U'/ic: five tierces. O',ic per lb. Hides, Tallo-iv, Wool and Hops. HIDES \ND SKINS— Culls and brands sell about lUc under quotation*. Heavy Baited Steers lOV-c; medium, !>V«e: light. SHc; Cow Hides' 8Hc* for heavy and RVSe for light; Stags. 7c- Salted Kip. Oc; Salted Veal. O^c: Salted 1 Ca'lf ICc; dry Hides. lB^c; dry Kip. 13c: dry 1 Calf" ISc: Sheepskins, shesrllngs. 23©30e each: ' shor't wool 40030c each; medium. 70®!>6c: long ! wool $101 50 each: Horse Hides, salt. $2 75 for Urge and 52 25#2 50 for medium. $2 for email and r.Oc - for Colts: Horse Hide?, dry. $1 75 for large and $1 50 for medium. $l@l i3 for small and 00c for Colts, Buck skins— Dry Mexican WVic: dry -alted Mexican. ' 2«c: dry Central American. Xic Goat skins— Prime An goras. 75c: large and smooth. 50c; medium. 35c: '"TALLOW— No. 1 rendered. 4*4®3*4c per 1b. No. 2. H?4»*c: grea-e. 2«4 l ?33*e. WOOL — Fall clip — San Joaquln Lambs', OS lie Quotations for spring clip are as follows: Humboldt and Mendocinx lS©20c; fective lffXXZc; Nevada. 12®15c: San Joaquin, defective. Siptlc per lb; Southern. Ot»llc; V«t ley Oregon. Sne. ISJtIOs: do. medium. ie@i7c; do roarse. l.">*"r<r: Lumbs*. 15c cer lh. jjnps— 15(S20c to growers and 20ffi22c from dealers to brewers. Crob of 1D0.V 16'ic for choice.:. '. ¦ -.¦-.. ."-^ * Meat Market. . ¦¦:". The marke-t remains, unchanged and without especial feature. i . : i DRESSED MEATS; : - Wholesale fates from slaughterers to dealers ar ilEEF— OfUTiic for Steers'and 0®Cc per lb for C °VEAtJ— Lars?. ' 7®Sc; smalt,' OJW'^e'per'lb. i MUTTON— Wethers, S©0c; Ewes. 8<ffS"4c per ! P -LA>in— Spring. IC^IO^c per lb." ; VORK— Dressed Hogs;- S^enKc . LIVESTOCK MARKET. • The followinR quotations are for good, sound Ttv«stock delivered In Sah Francisco, less 50 nJr cent Shrinkage for Cattle: ¦- ' •- C\TTLE-Steers. 880c; Cows and Heifers. TfiSc- tiiln Cows. 465c per lb. " CVLVES— 4e5'ic per lb (gross weighty. SHEEP— Wethers. 4c; Ewes. 3H@3%c per .b (K LTMBS^pring. $2 73<?3 per bead. -< ' . HOGS-Live Hogs. 140 to 200 lbs. 6*ie6.ttc : undcr 140 lbs. S^eec; Sows 20 . per cent off; Boars 50 per cent off. and Stags. 40 per cent ofif&m above quotations. .General ) Merchandise. ¦ BAGS— Grain Bags. 4.7M?5c: San Quentln, 5.65c; Wool Bags. 32©35c; Fleece Twine. 7HO •Sc; Cotton Fruit Bags. 6"4c&*$e and 7V«o for the three grades." : ~- " - ¦ COAI^-Welllngton. $S per ton; New Welling, ton $S- Seattle. $6 BO; Bryant. $6 50; Roslyn. $7- f Coos Bay. $S 60: Greta, $7; Wallsend. $7 50; Richmond $7 CO; Cumberland. $13 In bulk ant" Jtt4 25 In sacks: Welch Anthracite Egg. $13; Welsh Lump. " S1I 50; • Cannel. $S 50 per ton; Coke $11 B0@13 ; per ton - In bulk and $15 In sacks; Rocky. Maintain descriptions, $3 45 per KANSAS STREAMS AT A STANDSTILL Mining Stocks. SAX FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE. The following were the sales on the San Francisco Stock and Exchange Board yester day: Morning Session. 100 Con Cal & Va.l 50 200 Crown Point.. 22 100 Con Imperial, in SCO Ophlr t 6.1 200 Con New York 20 ICO Union Con.... 81 Afternoon Session. 300 Andes C8 100 Occidental ... TT 1000 Con Imperial. 04; SCO Savage 17 SOOO Crown Point.. 23 1 SOU Sierra Nev... 57 200 Gould & Cur. 41 j 100 Silver Hill f>O 100 Mexican 1 13| 200 Union Con 83 PACIFIC STOCK EXCHANGE. • The following were the sales on the Pacific Stock Exchange yesterday:. Morning Session. 300 C C & V&...1 52H'3OO Savage 17 300 Gould & Cur. 40 j 100 Sierra Nev.. 57 2W> Mexican ....1 12tit-.'0O Union Con... 82 2C0 Potosl 20 i 700 Utah 35 Afternoon Session. 200 Belcher 41 i50O Savage IT 200 Chal Con.... 44 ;30<> Sierra Nev.. 57. ICO C C & Va...l 6O '2CO Union Con... S.1 20rt Goutd & Cur. 40 !20O Union Con. .. KJ 100 Mexican ....115 J20O Utah .*52 100 Ophir 1 tt-"i>*W Yellow Jack. O - TONOPAH MINING EXCHANGE. Tiie following were the sales on. the San Francisco and Tonopah Mining Exchange yes terday: " ' "Morning Session. 700O Esperanita --.' C6 ICO Rescue ' 13 1000 Esperanra ... 0" SOO Ton & Cal... :?•* 200 Gipsy Queen.. 2S 400 Ton N Star.. «">O SOON York Ton. 07 20<> Ton N Star. ..'51 Afternoon Session. lOOO Esperanza ... C7[ SCO Rescue 13 7C0O Esperanza ...¦ <&', 200 Ton N Star... 51 400 Gipsy Queen.. 28|19<X> Ton N Star... 33 400 Gipsy Queen... 27 100O Ton H Star... ia 2CO Paymaster .., 15) 50<> Ton N Star..... 5* -. CLOSINO QUOTATIONS MONDAY. Aug. 3 — 4 p. m. . . . B.'l.Ask.. Bid.Ask. Alpha (in CO Julia 02 04 Alta CO 08 Justice 13 IS Andes 08 td Kentuck 02 0:: Belcher .:.... 41 43 Mexican .....1 1» 1 15 Best & B ....1 75 1 **> Occidental ... ::ii 31 Bullion O4 05lOph!r 1 «» 1 «."» <*aledonta ....1 3o 1 4O 1 Overman .... 27 2s Challenge C. 42 45| Potosi 21 22 f hollar 10 2O Savage 17 IS Confidence ...1 1O 1 201 Scorpion .... (K> C.I C C & Va 1 5O 1 53 Seg Belch ... It 15 Con -imp .... 03 04 1 Sierra Nev .. 85 !»i Con N Y 1» 20; Silver" Hill .. &O K2 Crown P .... 22 23iS*. Louis .... 13 2t> Eureka Con .. — 45' Syndicate .... — Ort Exchequer ... '01 02 t Union Con 82 >CS Gould * C .. 41 42 Utah ........ at 34 Hale AN.. 4S 50 Yello-v J .... CD 7a Lady Wash . — OS[ . TONOPAH MINES. Bid. Ask. i Bid.Ask. Colehan. 15 — I Pine Grove ..50 — Esperanza ... 05 fC Rescue 14 IS Euta Con 25 — T Belmont ...1 90 1 95 Gipsy Queen.. 27 28|T & Calif ... 33 4<> Gold Mount... 08 15-Ton & G W.. — (a* Lucky Tom . — 10lT Co of Nev.6 50 9 0» MacNamara .. 20 25 North Star .. 61 53 Mizpah Ex ..15 40 Midway — *i Mont T...1 02*i 1 071, T & Slake... 47 — N Y Ton 07 lo United T ... 15 — Paymaster ... 1* 15 Utopia. ' — 89 *. • " Stocks of Grain. '. Jlrrjry. C. # Bunker, chief grain Inspector of the . Merchants' Exchange, reports etocks of *4rra!n In, warehouse and en wharX August 1, 0 ,£» follow*; in tote:.- . . .-..•• - . Wheat- " . "• - July 1. Aiyr. 1. Tort Cost* .;...; >v"T*s . n.74O Stockten * 7t".41 12.227 "Ottjr r....... :..-. 1.4C3 -jux o * * - — 'Wat-ley July I. Aug. I. Port Costa ., 4.21'J l*2?7 Stockton ....'t. 1 ...'. -J*.4»i<i 7.--:i« •l-ity »iiV .r..~ 1-3U7 . l..'.4x ; . **r : July 1. Aus. 1. \ >ats * 2.«71 2.^G .Own .-.-.; .-.i. ¦*.". 73 "Br*n. - .• :.;... • «:•« -'S . The j-ece ipts In July were 4Wi tons v.h< at. Ki.24K-.Uin5 barley. CSfll tons oats. 019 tors . corg 41a* 1200 ton* bran. V ..Grain. Export^ in July. ' - The* exports Of Wheat and liarlev from San •"-¦ranc";sco by era during tiie .month of Jul/ ¦were ..* follows: WHEAT. •*To— "¦•-•¦ CJentalm, • Valuei-. o^.reatbriUln I '.-*"¦• * iUA £ ¦ Hawaiian' If 2.114 •>.;'• -| •.'at*:} : WOO I- 1 '" Tahiti •. M '. ;V! •Elsewhere -9 : « 'Totals .' 7~u7x\ *1?.^ iu!y, 1502 848.HB! $K«..:»0 • BARLEY. c To-^- . Cental*. Values. Oreat ftrimin «2.«M ****S ' Hawaiian Islands ;>.:<7.-. 4' •.,.._ | }*tru \~l 1.12" • «- lN1 * I Tahif; 23S. Totals S2.C81 $Ml.«:;$ ! Jtily. -1HO2 : l<a.2<"i W.*H» The- for»KO'.n§ Jipures- show n heavy decrease '.n the' *f ports nm i>jmjiared with thop« of J\ilx',t&n. The. light ext>crt movement is due lanrely to the short cro;i» and the conse quent .Mgh fflcet. There was only one whole <argo.of grain clesr-d la^t month, that of the j Kronen btik Marie Molinos. mhtch can led tb"? /juantJtteR r.^r Grrit' Britain Fpfclfleii above. ; In Juiy. J!»CJ. there were five canto*? of -vh»at j and on* gf wheat and barley cleared for Ore<tt | liritetn. end was forced down at. one. time 1 14. but was n>t held there. The selling was at tritjuteJ to Professional manipulation for ef fect on the market. The undertone of the general market was in lact heavy, but the drift of prices was quite aimles? ana sluggish tn a degree close to inertia. The enly isig nitk-anee to be derived from the market is. therefore a negati%e one. the extreme apathy of the trading representing the profound doubt in which the speculative outlook U shrouded. ! according to all the opinions that one can I cather in the Wall street district. The total dealings -.v.;s iuL iittle above the 'JM.uOu shares mark. It is necessary to ko back to the sum mer "i !!**> to*t preceding lhP lai<t Presidential cl<vtion t.» find a kvel of acttvlty as low as that now prevailing. There were several weeks in August and September 'of- that ytar'wben the daily average of transactions was. less than > 2MMXM htiares on several <U»ys during tthe summer the dealings for a- full clay's ses< i p-on fell to below lUO.uOO shares. The low 1 rec^Td for that • wmwr was "on August 22. [ »hfn .'nly Sti,<R:(> ghHres chaured hnr.'iF. The I total tk-alinrg for the week ending August 24 J of that year were only «M»,00<l sharej. .The puzzle in the situation which was dwelt on to-day was the astcnit-hin;; main tenance of th» volume of loans of the as soi-Iated banks in face of the thorough liquida tion to which the stuck market has u.^en sub 1 Jected. The enormous shrinka«e in prices of ! securities hay caused an obvious . Increase In the basis of credits and the argent .-elling of securities to make this fhrinkage in marsins or to pay off loans outright lias -b<vn patent to all ->bs-ervers for months in the stock market. Conjecture loses itself in the attempt to gue»s what great sinkhole can have abtmued the tropi€niiL)Us proceed* of all this liquidation j with practically r«» eCect on ths loan item i of the banks nor trust companies. The ques i tion of possible over-extension of credits out fide tbe securities market and ttie necessity I for a future contraction there similar to that j which Wall street has been (join* through en. j pagfs an increasing amount of attention. The actic-n i.r ina'-lion of to-day's market reflects the dist-osition of the ppoculative world to sit down and auaH further liKht on tiie»e ques tions. The Improvement in the condition of cotton over the previous month shown by the Government report on cotton agreed closely with expectations arvl falle.1 to weaken th» I c«ittr.n market. The Etrength in uheat was I CB'.-ulated alsti to have a weakening effect oa j sticks. The weekly statistics of railroad traf fic made a . remarkably favorable showing. especially la the matter of general monhandlse movement. The l>m(J market was irregular. Total sales, par value. ?!»t : 7,0<i0. [Tutted ."-'tates l>onds were all unchanged on the Ih-i call. NEW YORK STOCK LIHT. StncKf — Sal«s HiKh. Low. Close. Atchison 24.4«i0. :ta?i «!1N ¦ tilv*. Atchi^n vfd B^WO . hs\ Ks - 4 1 bS -\ Halt « Ohio \ ..-...' a.lOO*7,«H f?% >2H Halt fXJbio'pfd .. !.*»<) Mi S5*-, K»» Canadian Pacific .. 1.5fO 123 13tH l-~'i Central of -VT J ;. .... ..., - l«r>» <-hes & Obio .. rrfv» :rj'ii :t2»i sjs <"hic & Altou ..... U«l 21 ?s 20>i 21 'n, Chic * Alton pfd.. 1<«> 04 «4 04 <hic & G W 70U 15>i 15>4 15V(i Chle & tl W Ui)fd 2<«» 32 31 H 31 Vj Chic & Northwest. 4ifJ I«V 104% IttlVi ! Oliic Term & T : 10^ M'hlcT&Tpfd ... 1«JT» 2<»i; 20;, '- 1'.«Vj t «*. •". C & St L 4W "71»i 71 -"O V hOolo .s.>ulh . ;.. HKi i:j>^i 1*{«4 lS'j J Colo South 1st pfd. urn f>\% 51% Sl'-j I Colo South 2d pfd. UK) 22 22 • 21 »j Del & Hudsjn- l«i.'l I Del. U 6c West • 242 I Denver 'A Rio (j .. l<»0 24 24 24 1 Dm & U G lifJ 78 Erie ..¦ U.-. .'... 6.S»« - 2« ¦ <¦ 2.s>i • 2*'£ \y i* ist pfd 3.ux>- ec*i 6«i»« eoji Erie 2i:d rifd *'J . Great Xorth pfd ... . .... . : , 170 HocMng Valley v.. 71!^ Hock Valley pW:.. 4<K> Kl R.{ , • tt; • Illinois Central 700 1.10 12!*!» 125*% Iowa' Central pfd.. .'....' ; . .18 • Kan ' Ity S->uth 1M) 34 34 34 Kan City South prd 300 j 21 Ji 21 2L l»uis & N'ash -. ¦ Msjihaltan L 700 104 !i 104 H«'i Met street Kj-' . - . - l.Vfi 13:5 132'i 13?'.^ Minn & «t L.-...'.. l.loo 11«T4 ll'J 11J Mo. Kan &.. T 4,000 'JH »7 »7 Mu. Kan & Ter pfd U00 10«i lOli 13Vi Nat n U of lies.. . " ' :.. ' M 1 : Nat RK'cf MeX rTd. 4fO 3Sli "S'-i 3i>£ N' V Central ........aft'J.Uji^ .ll!i 11-j' Norf & W«l SOU <7J=«4 624 «j» Norf & West pfd : . ' ST. Ont «i Western... LOCO 2:: 22% 22T; Pennsylvania 15.40a» 12.".% 122 %' 122^ P.f.CiblL 2'KJ OZ% «1 .0.1 ! Rradinx 7.200 48% 4S 4SIJ I Rending 1st pfd ' W)% Reading id pfd .... 400 «7 «7 «7 Rock Island M.CXlO 2.J»i St^ Zlvi. Itock IsUnd pfd .. 400. 02^ til Vi *>l\i .St L &. * *' .... 5T.', 4 St L * H F 1« pH. • - «5 ,^t L & S K 2d pfd 4;»*t Ft I/OUIR fc> W...^. 1O0 14 14 14 ¦ Ht Ixiuis 8 W pfd. 200 3TMJ .»«-i SOU St Paul 5.4^0 141Vx 140'j 140^ St Paul 'rfd 171 .«f.uth»rn' I'acinc . . 7.200 4.-.IS. 42=?; 4.: Southern Ity Un) 21 . 2O% 2O<i Southern n>- |.fJ... WK» S.% KT. J>4 Texas A- Pacific .. 2<>0 2B 25'i 25 T«,l, Bt L£:VV 20«; To!. St L & W pfd. 2<irt T.t -21* 2J»H Union Pacific 2C.800 75 73% 73*/, T'nlon Pacif.o pfd. 7W R."»*i 85=^ S.'i% j Waba-ii 100 2H4 21*51* '21 «J I Wabash pfd •'.•i*i Wheel A- L Krie.. lfMi 15 15 1» • I Wis r>ntral 500 17"i 17>4 V.*% I Wisconsin O?n pfd 200 3SVi 38 ¦ ¦ 37'j Kxprcss Companies — Adams ICO 221 221 - 221 American 180 I'nlted States CO U>tla Farpo 1.S5 • M;s<-e llaufou." — - • f Amalgam Copper.. 6.100 4lW- 40^ SOS Amer Car & Found . 4Crf) 3214 32«4 32% Am Car 6c F pfd.. 400 85 85 84 Amer Llr.seed Oil.. 6,400 9»i »U 94 Amer Un Oil pfd 30V« AanT Locomotive . 7(iO IS , 17% 17% Amer lyot-o pfd TOO " 83 U K3i£ 82*4 Am Snielt & Kef.n. - 150- 42«4 42*i 42% Am Smelt &¦ ft pfd ".00 00"^ 00% 90^4 Am'.Surar Rrfin.., 'MO 11Z% 115^4 115 Anaconda Mln Co. , • 70 Urookiyr Itap Trsn 2.<J.V) 4.">"i '44% . ,44% Col Furl & Iron... 100 . 44>» 44ft 44»i Col & Hock Coal 14. Consolidated Gas.. 2<>0 lkr t \t,- lSfi«4 ¦ 18J Grn ntfc 200 102 1CO^ ICO International Paper 2C0 1IU' ll»,-i It Inter Pai<-r pfd ... .'....¦ - .... 05 ' International Pump .;.. :t.i*^ I Inter Pumn pfd ' .... .,.. 72 • Nation Jl Uiscult ' '.,".. .... 36 ' National Lead 100 ; 14% 14% ' 1\M Nortli American ..' T,m 78'i 7*U 75H PaelHc Mail :;00 . 20 20 20U People's Gas ,.'.... .1.000 0314 94^ • 04% Pressed Ste*! Car, . . 2.&00 44>i _ 44»i 44>4 Pressed S C«r j.f«J »•)% Pullman Pal Car . ." 200.210^ 21C ¦ 2IC Republic t3t«el -. ... . » .... 11% Republic Btcel pfd .' Sort «i4'4"Vc4Vi ©4' Rubber Goods KOO 13% ¦ 13% l.T.i ' Rubber Goods pfd. 2,«iO0 65%-' «C» 65 ' Tenn CohI & Iron . fiOO 40 . 3S*i 39 V S Leather ...... 200 7*i - 7*1 7*4 U 8 Ivcathcr pfd -..,. SOU IT S Rubber ' .. 9^' U H Rubber pfd ... 1.500" ' 35 34% .14 • U S Bteel 14,450. .. 23*4 23>4 ' 23% U S Steel pfd 4,900 71% 71 71 Western Union 200 84: S3*i 83 H' • Total sales 203,000 . NEW YOItK EONDS. 4T S ref 2s. reg..lOO & ' 1 , Hook Val 4 Us.. 104 U '. Do ref 2s. coup.106% L & N unified 4s. 08% Do 3s. reg lWi" 4 Manhattan 10O Do .'!s. cm>p.,..UHi% Mex Cmt '4s ¦ .... »2 I>o new 4s, reg.134^ Do l»t \nc'..... 17 Do new 4s coup. 134 '-i Minn ft Et L 4s.. HKti. TX3 old 4i r»g.. 10914 M. K & T 4s 3«iii -Do old 4s. coup.lOO^i I Do 2di ;..77?i - Do r*. -ref...;..I01*« |N Y Cent e '3"-'b a« • Do fm. coup 101% N J Cent gen.5s.127 Atch gen 4s. ... .03*4 North Pae 4?*> Do adjust 4*.. »7«4 Do 3s ........ 70'4 B & O 4- 100>5 N & W con 4».. »7U Do 3%s ... J2hi Heading Ren 4s.. 04*4 Do conv 4»....H»0 flock l.«laml . . : . 7<i-"i Can Suuth VnAs. 105 . tit Li I M con Os.lOOVa '. Xezi' York stocks extremely dull and featureless. * . Rather more doing in local securities. ¦ -Vo change in Sih'cr and Exchange. Miner's active bidders for Wheat at higher prices. Barley easier, Oats steady. Con: very scarce and Rye firm. Hay stands up serf/ under liberal arrivals. Bran, Middlings and other FcedsUifis firm. Beans and Seeds dull and unchanged. Butter in large supply, dull and weak. Cheese quiet. Eggs, firm under steadily decreasing receipts. "Hams, Bacon and. Lard higher in the local market. Xo further change in live or dressed Meats. Davisi-illc Almond Association sells all its Almonds. Potatoes, Onions and Vegetables show little change. ' Poultry and Game quiet and somex'hat nominal. ¦ Fresh Fruit in large supply and quiet. Cent of Ga &»..103%'6t L & S F 4a.. 9Gft Do 1st tne <?»£ St L B'west lats. U2»«i Ches & Ohio 4Hs.lO2\ Do 2nds 67 Chic & Alton 34» 73 ;S A & A V 4s 75 C, B & Q new 4a. 8UJ» South Pacific 48. 85% C. M A St Pg 4S.100K Southern Ry 6s.. 112$ C & NW con 7s.l2S% Tex & Pae lsts..H4 C. R I & V 4s. ..101 T. St L & W 4s. 71Ji C F & I v .. 80^ Union Pac 4a 9l4i CC C &StL g 4s. 96^i Do conv 4«.... ».;% Chic Term 4s... -73 Wabash lsts . ...115'i Colo & Soth As.. Sit Do 2nd» ......104 Con Tob 4s 55ft Do deb B 5!)«4 D & R G 4s »7)» West Shore 4s..lO7ij Erie prior Hen 4s. i«i>/ v Wheel A L E 4t. K8 - Do gen 4s 82<s Wis Cenv 4s 88 F W 4 D C lsts.10* NEW YORK MINING STOCKS. Adams Con 12'Llttle Chief Ott Alice 18. Ontario 6 60 Breece , 13 Ophlr 145 Brunswick Con....' 04 Phoenix 08 Coins tock Tunnel.. Otj Potost 18 Con Cal & Va 1 40 Savage 14 Horn Silver 1 00 Sierra Nevada • 52 Iron Silver 1 6i* Small Hopes 20 Leadville Con O2|Standard 3 00 BOSTON STOCKS AND BONDS. Money — i Mining — Call loans .1®4* Adventure 5^ -Time loans 5$jtl Alloues ....-....:.- -6 Bunds — • Amalgamated . . . 40Vj ! Atchlson 4s 97 Daly West 38W Mexican Cen 4s... 71 4 Blngham 22><i r.atlroads — Calumet & Hecla.435 i Atchlcon ".61% Centennial ...... 15 Do pfd 88%'Copper Range.... 42»j Boston & Albany. 24U Dominion Coal 8S ! | NY. N 11 & H..1US iFranklln 8H Fitchburg pfd 133 l5le Royale « '; ! Union Pacirtc 73T4 Mohawk -Iti'-i i | Mexican Central.. 14^ Osccola 50'a ' Miscellaneous — Parrot .l*Vi ' Amer Sugar 115 Quincy 87 Do pfd HSVi'Santa Fe Copper. 1 I Amer Tel & Tel.. 131 iTamarack 60 Dominion 1 & S.. 11 Trinity 5 Mass Electric 21 h United States 17'.i United Fruit...... K>0 itTtah 24 . U S Steel 23% .Victoria 4 Do pfd 71 Winona 7Vi : West" house Com.. 85 |Wolverine 63 Vy St. Louis Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 3.— WOOL— Fairly active; ' unchanged. Medium grades and combing and ¦ clothing. 18@22c; light fine. 16@lSc; heavy tine, 11'fflSc; tub washed, 2Ci6£9%c. Nezv York Grain and Produce. NEW YORK. Aug. V,.— FLOUR— Receipts. I 10.807 barrels: exports, 12.345: opened firm. ' bnt became less active after the wheat re 1 action. WHEAT — Receipt*.. 1C9.6S0 liushels; exports, 4.'f.r>S4. Spot easy. No. 1! red, M^Jc: No. 2 red. S414P, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, tfSCho; f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. I Ott'ic, f. o. b.. afloat. Throughout the forenoon ; wheat acted Him and was higher on continued i adverse crop news from the Northwest, with ' th> increase' In the visible supply figures. How ! ever, realizing developed, and after midday Lulls lcrt ground, the cloi«e being rather weak at -Sc net tle<iine. May. s»;%(ps7' / ic, closed at S(5%c; f>ptpmber. S4 7-10<&S5Hc. closed at 84V4c; December. S5 l-lii4fS5c, closed at S5>f)C. HiiPS and WOOL — Firm. • . HIDES and PETROLEUM— Steady. <*OFFEE— Spot quiet. Coffee futures closed net 5610 points lower. Sales. 1T*M) b»gs. In cluding: September, 3.75c; December, 4.20v;« May. 4.55c. fc'L'GAR — Firm. « DRIED FRUITS. • EVAPORATED APPLES — The market cfin tlnufs qutct. with buyers showing no disposi tion ti antldrate future needs. Prices thon no material change, in the absence of selling pressure. Corrsnon are quoted at 4fl5'-jc: prime. J>-?i<&t;o: choice, OUf'" I .j<--; fancy. U»if> PRUNES.— Are quiet, but there Is enornh jobbing demand to absorb immediate offerings, and nrices show steadiness. AF'*R1COTS— RulM steady to firm. ¦ with chi-ice quoted at SSiS'ic and fancj- at lO®-12c. PEACHEF — t'ontinue FteAdy at 7Q7Uc for chcice and 8@l^»ic for fancy. Chicago Grain Market. CHICAGO. Aug. 3. — Wheat pricea to-day w<>re rather erratic, good «dv«nre» b?mg made early In the day. but durinK the 'ast half of th» session all the gain was lost. The open- Ing was firm on a sharp advan-e in Parl3 and on further gains In the Northwest, Sep • lumber 'bftng'-Uc lower to Uc higher at. SOU® I 80%e. On generally bullUh news & good ;le ! mand develoned from sixreulators and shorts i and under this influence the majket became I quit* strong. September selling up to SO'ic I Later !n the day there was a heavy selling ; prp»fcur» dur to a Eharp falling off In prices 1 at Minneapolis, and prices here hr >ke severely, i September declinins to 7l>^c. The close was i weak and near the bottom. September being 1 off %c at 7U5ic : Commts?lon houses were free sellers of corn I throughout the day ' and lower i>rlfOs ruled. ¦ although the early strength In wheat held i prices fairly steady the first part or the day, ! but later with the break in that grain the < market became extremely weak. September *ic J luwcr at M*ic. : There was little feature to, trading in oats. ! September closed «*>c lower at S3 833, Me Provisions ruled quiet and prices \v*re lower j early In the session with very llttlt demand, the "increased stock of lard being a bear feat* 1 Mre. The close was about steady. September ' pork'. 5c higher; lard, off 2'-ic. and ribs up 7'ic. The leading features ranged as follows: ! : ~~A~rtloles— Open. J High. Low. Close. i Sept h ?o!dK°:. 2 r 80% ' S0% VJ% 79% Beptl /newi M>* J»% T!>% • 7!>=U December w»i »»% . *0U . &>K I May :... 82-% S3% 82% 82Hi LsemeSiDer;. 2 .;^ MH 52%;" M«i 51 i% December ...... MU 52 W, Bl« M-^ jMay »""2--s 32*i 51*4 62 Oats No. 2— ' September 34U 3414 W» 34 December :U*i 34% .It'^ ?.*%. [ May «B% ««% 3C>; 36?j Mess Pork, per bbl — (September 13 «0 13 75 13 00 13 75 Lard, per 100 lbs — [September 7 83 7 82 H T M 7 02 «S 1 October 7 70 7 72',^ 7 65 7 72« a I Short Rifcp, per 100 lbs— I September « '«> K 15 S 00 fi 15 October 7 O2',fr 7 05 7 00 7 05 ? •psh quotations were us follows: Flour. firm: No. 2 spring wheat. 8O0*lc; No. 3. 7««? •*0c; No. 2 red, 77«7So; No. 2 corn. 51 %e: No. 2 yellow. 52Vi: No. 2 oats. :«Hf/34c; No. 2 white. Wljc; No. .1 white. .'MC.'S5V;c: No. 2 rye. Cff^c; good feeding barley, ?,2@H:<-. fair to I oholoe malting. 47(fJ5:5c: No. 1 flaxseed, !>3c; No. 1 North western. 97c; prime timothy seeJ, S3 30; mess pork, per barrel, $13 .W/ l:s 00; I lard, per 100 lbs. $7 70<fi7 75: short ribs Rides I <lcose). $7 75®8: dry salted shoulders (boxed). $7 60Q7 8f%: short clear sides (boxed), $8 23Q ! 8 :!7»A: whloky. basis of high wines. $1 30; I clover contract grade. $12<f?12 50. 1 1 1 — 1 . Articles — • Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 10,400 1(i.(NH) Wheat, bushels 7S.0U0 «J»,500 Co:-n. bushels 197,300 VJSt.VOO Oots, bifthels 308.r.<)o 40.400 Rye bushels 3.800 Barley, burhcls.... 10.1)00 1.100 On the Produce Exchange to-day the. butter market was steady. Creamery. 14ifft!t!&c:. dairy. 12'a^117<\ nggs, eteady. Il$jl2e. Cheese, steady. 10'^1iy«c. Foreign Futures. LIVERPOOL. Wheat— Sept. ! Dec. Opening ' Holiday. Closing Holiday. . PARIS. Wheat — Aug. Nov. -Feb. Opening 23 45 22 55 Closing 23 40 22 45 I Flour- Opening SI. 70 30 35 Closing ,.3105 30 25- Eastern Livestock Market. - - ' r -r ¦ •¦"•'-"¦ V" -T " - '" ¦-,,'¦¦. . r i CHICAGO. CHICAGO. Aug. 3.— CATTLE— Receipts' 8000, including 2000 Texans; Western,.. steady I and strong; good to prime stecru, $585 GO; poor to medium. $3 75® 4 BO; gtockers and feed erp. $2 5004 .'JO; cows. $1 2504 30; heifers. $2*4 00: canners. $1 25@2 70; bull*. $2@4 15; calves. *30O; Texas fe<l steers, »3@4 50. HOGS — Receipts' to-day, 35.000; to-morrow, 3O.000; left over, 3400: steady to strong; mixed and Iwtchers. $4 00®5 45; good to choice heavy, $4 75tt." 30; rough heavy. $4 50@5; light. $5 20ft5 CT>; bulk of sales. *5JJ» 25. • SHEEP— Receipts, 18,0*0; sheep strong, lambs strong; good to choice wmhers,- $3 60® 3 00- fair to choice mixed, <2 7563 50: Western fhecp. $3®3 50f native- lambs, 33 25®« 25; Western lambs, fttlQ. • ?¦•'*'¦'¦ ¦• W^c York Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 3.— Metals, owing to the bank holiday, the London metal markets being closed, were about nominal. Tin was steady, with spot quoted at $28.60 ©29. ' " ' " ' " '¦ '¦'¦ Copper was about steady, with lake and elec trolytic quoted at, |13@i3 25 and casting at |12'75©13.- . -¦¦.'•'-; :\i-i The exports in copper during July amounted to 8405 tons, malting the total exports for the seven months 72,242 tons, against, 106. Oil tons for the same period last year. ¦ • ' Lead— Steady but lower at S4 20 for spot and 14 12>i for Auguj-t. , Bpelter remained quiet at $5 87^. .'¦ Iron was quiet and nominally unchanged. No. X foundn". Southern. Is quoted at J17 60® SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS. 2000 lbs and f& SO per ton, according to brand. OIL— Linseed. 44c for boiled and 42c for raw in barrels; cases, 5c more: Castor Oil, In cases. No. 1, 70c; Bakers' AA, $1 10@l 12; Lucol. 41c for boiled and 39c for raw in barrels; Lard Oil, extra winter strained, barrels, 90c; cases. 95c; China Nut. 57>46<i2c per gallon; pure Neats foot, in barrels, '75c; cases, 80c; Sperm, pure. 70c; Whale Oil. natural white, &0@o5c per gal lon; Fish Oil. in barrels, 43c; cases, 50c; Co coanut Oil. in barrels. 6Sc for Ceylon and S5c for Australian. COAL OIL— Water White Coal Oil In bulk. 14c; Pearl Oil In cases. 20^c; Astral. 20fcc; Star. 20^c: Extra Star. 24%c; Elaine, 26Vfcc; Eocene. 23%c; deodorized Stove Gasoline, in bulk. 17c; in cases, 23 He; Benzine. In bulk, 13c; in cases. 19 '^c: Stt-degree Gasoline. In bulk, 21c; in cases, 27 %c. TURPENTINE— 73c per gallon In cases and 67c In drums and Iron barrel*. RED- AND WHITE LEAD— Red Lead. 60 CHc per lb; White Lead, 6@6Hc. according to quantity. . . . SUGAR — The Western Sugar Refining Com pany quotes. as follows, per lb In 100-lb bags: Cubes. .A- Crushed and Fine Crushed, 3.75c: Powdered, 5.6Oo; Candy Granulated. -5.00c; Dry Granulated, fine, 5.50c; Dry Granulated, coar»\ 5.50c; Fruit Granulated, 5.50c: Beet Granulat ed (100-lb bags, only), B.40e; Confectioners' A. 5.60c:' Magnolia A, 5.10c; Extra C. 8c; Golden C. 4.90c; "D." 4.80c; barrels, 10c more; half barrels. 20c toore: boxes, r.Oc more; OO-lb bags. 10c Bior« for all kinds. Tablets— Hatf-barrels. Cc; boxes, 6.25c -per lb. No orders taken for less than 75 barrels or Its equivalent. ¦ ¦ ' ¦ •.'.-- -• ' • ¦ « .' ' .' . .; :.^~t;_* ¦ Receipts of .Produce. \i • FOR MONDAY. . AUGUST 3. . / 1 .' Flour, qf^sks... 17.914-WqoI, bales. .'...'¦ 1.13 Wheat, ctls. ....'• 1.440 Feed, sks: 10 Barley. -cOs.,: ... 15.300:Pelts. No. ...... 4.473 Oats. ctls. ;.....' 5,213* Hides, .No. ..... 1,220 Rye. ctls 800 Quicksilver. flk».. •¦ 12 Beans, «ks...... 200 leather, rolls... *10s Potatoes, sk»... 3,020 Sugar, ctls::...'i 500 Onions, sks..... .420. Lime', bbls 1,043 Screenings, sks.. 400'Tallow; ctls.... . 5 'Hay. ¦ tons 1.RS3 Chicory,, bbls...' - 25 Bran, sks .-. .' • 201 Paper, reams... 6fiT> ¦Middlings, sks. . 25 Wine, gals 27.550 Hops, bales,.... : 15 ,. ... OREGON. - Flour, qr sks... : 3.026J Wool, bales..;.. 42 .Oats, ctls ..-6, 0001 Feed, sks. 601 There was rather more trading on thernorn- Ing sessions of the exchanges.^- On u tbo Bond Exchange Bank" of " California sold"*-t $5<«>P 325. and Alaska Packers declined still further to §139 75. Pacific Gas Improvement sold higher at $52 5f«552 87^. There wa9 « fair business in th« oil stocks,, . ,:•:..• . -.:¦ : ¦¦ • ¦ - In the afternoon Alaska Packers was higher at- *14O@140 50. . and Vigorit Powder advanced to $5 75. Olant Powder sold at |6t). seller 90. The Sierra Nevada Mining Company has lev. ied an assessment of lCc, delinquent .August 14. Stock and Bond Exchange. \ MONDAY, Aug. 3 — t p. m. UNITED STATES BONDS. Hid. Ask.' Bid.Ask. .4s qr CQup..lO»»»iiltmi4s q c (new).134Vil35 I i 4s qr reg. . .lOO^illlVi 3s qr coup.. — — MISCELLANEOUS. Ala A W 3«. - — Do 5s — 114*" Bay CPC r>r. — 103H Do con 5s. — 105 C C CG&ESs — — O W C g 5s. — 100 Cal G ft E 8 Oceanic SC5s — 83 m and ct53 — 100 Om C R «s. — 12S Cal-s>t C 5s. — — Pae G Imp43 95 100 C C Wat 5s. 100 — p.E Ry &«.1O6 1074 Ed L & P6s. — — P & C It «s. — 105 F Cl K tJs-.HOti — v. P * O R 6s. — — Gcary-st U5s 40 «0 Powell-st 6s.U8*i — H CttB B'/.s.lO2»3 — S E G&R 5s. — 103"i H C & S 5s. 95 100 SF & SJVos. — 120U. Hon R T «a. — 108 S R of C 6s.110VjU2^ L A Elec 5s. — — S P of A 6s LA Ry -Cs. — 115 (1900) 107% — L A L Co 6s. — — (1010) lOS^a — Do gtd 0s. — — S P of C 6s Do gtd 5s. 106 — U0C5)Sr A.103% — LAP 1cm' <l!»O*i)Sr B. — 105*4 Mkt-st C fig. — 123 (lOOti) 107 107«-i Do lem 5s. — — «1012> 117 118V:- N R of C 68.105!* 107 S P.C lcg".a.l20>,i — N ft i(ofi')."islli)^|1 - J» ! V» I>o stmpd. — 10fl*-i «N P C RR5a — \WV- S P B R fin. — 140 N C Ry 5s. — imj S V Wat 6s.lO7 — N C P 5s. .100 101H Do 4s 2dm. — I*>*i N S K .Is.. — 100 Do 4s — 100 O G L H 5sllO — Stkn G&E tis 05 : — Oak T 6s — 122 U G- & E 5s. 105 107 , .... . WATER STOCKS. Contra Costa 5fi«4 CO )Port Costa.. 64 66'i Marin "Co .. C0«i — luring Val.. S3 84 GAS AND ELECTRIC. Cent L *• P. 4?» 5^ Sac E G&R. r.3 — Eqult Gas... — 5 S K G & E.. 67 fi* Mutual E L. I2*i 1.1% S F Gas 3 3*J Pac O Imp.. T.2V. KIM> Stkn G & E. 5 — Pac L Co... Ui, 58Vi I: G & E Sl«i — TRUSTEES' CERTIFICATES. ' S F G t E. 91 — / . INSURANCE. Flrem's Fn'd.323 — I ¦ . BANK STOCKS. Am Natl Bk.125 — I.on P & A. .1(55 — Anglo-Cal ... 0:5 "4 — Merch Trust. — 260 Bank of Cal.SIS — Merch Ex .. 55 75 C 8 D & T.H2416U S F Natlonl — — First Natlonl — SAVINGS UAN}CS. Ger S &-L.. — 2275 Sav & L So. 02^ — - Hum S & L. — — Seo Sav Bk.40i> 600 Mut S Bank. 05 — Union T Co.2150 ' — S F Sav-l"..«00 750 STREET RAILROADS. - - ¦: "< California '..200 — (Presidio . ... '-S3 45' Geary ...... — «> J POWDER. Giant C8*i 71 ' / Vigorlt 5'i 5*i SUGAR. liana P Co. 2o 10c Kllauea S C. B S>» Hawaiian C. 44% 4K"4 Makaweli S. . 2t> 25 Honokaa S C — 13 Onomei S C. 2:1 2ri"i Hutch S P C l"JVi'13M Paauhau S C li 15 MISCELLANEOUS. Alaska Pack.140 140^ Oceanic S Co 7 — Cal Fruit As, — l»l Pac A F A.. 2% — Cal Wine As. 02 ft 97 *i Pac C Borx.lCG — * Morninir Session.' ¦ Board — - — • - . 30 Alaska Packers' Assn Urt flO 10 Alaska Packers' Assn ....-.«.. -.v»:» 75 50 Bank of California ......; ..50O0O 5 Bank of California ......;.... ...625 00 25 Paclnc Gas Imp. -....; 5'J 9<> 25 Pacific Oaa Imp D3'S7*4 20 S. F. Gas & Electric Co. s 30 67 50 i 20 S. V. Water ..... S3 «<> 100 Vigorit Powder ...; ..... 5 So $3000 Northern R. of Cal. B per cent..~...10« 50 \ $1000 U. S. 3 per cent bonds <coup).;...10»J 75 ¦. Strcc-t — 50 Vlgorlt Powder 5 50 J20CO S V 4 per rent bonds (3d mtge)..lC0 00 • Afternoon Session. 40 Alaska Packers' Assn 140 Co ¦ 5 Alaska Packers' Assn 140 r.O 1*5 GUnt Powder, s U0 «'.) t>O ;^» S V Water S3 CO 5«i Vigor it Powder 5 75 $8*K;0 United Gas & Elec 5 per cent....lC5 CO Street — 70 Trus. certif. S F Gas * Elec 65 50 CALIFORNIA STOCK AND OIL EXCHANGE. 011 Stocks — Bid. Asked. Caribou Oil Co... «5 Four OIJ ..... 71 Hanford Oil 12« 00 Home OH 2« 2 UO Imperial Oil 13 *>o Independence Oil 17 18 Junction Oil 22 23 K*rn Oil ...••• 5 00 Lion Oil - <» 06 Monte Cristo Oil M) ... »5 Monarch Oil v 83 Oil City Petroleum 29 SO Peerle?s OH H W> ..... Reed -Crude OH.: an 41 San Joanuln Oil 5 75 Sterling "Oil S 00 3 10 Thlrty-tlm-o Oil 8W Tw«nty-elght Oil v ....\ 4 ::» Union OH 6.H «> 1'nlted Petroleum '• '. ... US t)O West Shore OH "... 3 05 3 50 Miscellaneous— Abby Land & Improvement.. 1 25 Alameda Sugar ". 2!> do American Biscuit 95 00 1C0 CO Amer District Tel Bay Counties Power Cal Central Gas & Electric California Cotton Mill* S5 00 California Jockey Club. 105 00 California Powder ............... California Shipping Co 25 t» ;:o 00 Cal Title Ins & Trust Co.^..130 00 140 00 Central Bank of Oakland C3 00 Chute3 Company 8 50 , City and County. Bank...; +.: .:¦...-. Cypress Lawn Imp Co....... 6 12»i '...'..:¦ Eastern 'Dynamite ...; .•'..:¦.. ;.:.. Ewa Sugar Plantation. .• ....• ...... Gas Consumers' Association v . 22 50 Honolulu Sugar 10 00 London & 8. K. Bank (Ltd.)...:.:... ..... ' Mercantile Trust •¦..•• .' ". '. . ; Northern California. Power..; ..... 0*75, Nevada National Bank , ..... ..... North Shore Railroad......;... . . 1O 00 •Orpheum Company ....» ' 15 Ct» ¦ PaclHc States Tel & Tel.v J22 5O Parafflne • Paint XJ 00 • Postal Device & Imp....,; ..... San Francisco Dryrtcwk....... 47 00 . ..... , Saueallto L*nd & Ferry.....* 18 00 ......; Sperry Flour Company..... ......' Standard Electric '..... - IS CO Truckee Electric ........ 1.125, 1« CO •Union Sugar 22 50 ¦ ...:. ; United Gas & Electric. ...., 34 60^ Western. Fish Co , OFFICIAL SALES. Morning Session. Board — • "•* ~7;V" 100 Monarch Oil M 100 OccldenUl Oil 18 300 Home Qil 2 90 40O0 OH City Petroleum 2ii 100 Sterling Oil ..:.......:..... .t 10 ¦ 6 Sterling Oil 3 CO ' 350 Sovereign Oil 4O , 200 Monte Cristo Oil 00. 6000 Independence Oil 17 ' Afternoon Session. . 600 Occidental Oil IS 400 Home OH . ;........ 2 9O 100 Home Oil. b .*>.. 2 0:> -slOO Home OH. s DO....... 2 UO -OCO Junction Oil "23 THE 'SAN FBAyCISCO CALL, TUESDAYS AUGUST 4, 1903. Town in Asia Minor Burned. CONSTANTINOPLE, Aug. 3.— A confla gration has devastated the town of Ar meka.-in the'.vilayet of Adan. Asia Minor. The mosque, the other public buildings, 400 shops and sixty houses were destroyed. The population la in the greatest distress. COMMERCIAL FINANCIAL 11 LOCAL MARKETS: STOCK-MARKET: AUCTION SALES FIRE SALE of B surrey*. 8 rubber tires. 3 business, 10 road buggies. 3 two-seated spring wagons, 9 carts, 3 pony carts; tttese goods must be sold; they are slightly dam- aged; also a carload of good young well- broke horses. At 1140 Folsom. TUESDAY. Aug. 4, 11 a. m. . AUCTION BALE of HORSES. "WAGON. HARNESS. WEDNESDAY. Aug. 5. at 11 a. in., ARCADE HORSE MARKET. 327 Sixth street. JOHN J. DOYLE.