Newspaper Page Text
THE SAN FBANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1903. 12 : _ HELP WANTED MALE Cow. Any laborer can fill the bill; no experience wanted; $35 per month and found and in- crease. MURRAY 'ft READY. 634-636 Clay st. NEW TUNNEL. 6 drillers, free fare. $75. 4 muckers, free fa^e~ $U7 50. 2 tunnel drillers. $120. . 6 muckers, tunnel, $90, t' MURRAY & READY, 634-635 Clay at. EUREKA— FARE $2 50— HUMBOLDT Co! 25 laborers; you'll suit; BIO GOOD LUM- BER COMPANY. $60; BOARD. ETC.. »18. MURRAY & HEADY. 6U4-CSC Clay at. AT C. R. HANSEN & CO.'S. EMPLOYMENT AGENTS. 429 Bucb St. 642 Clay St. Phone Grant X85. SHIPPING DAY TO-DAY. FREE FARE FOR Caspar Tunnel. Mendoclr.o Co Steamer Sails To- Day Tunnelmen. teamster9. laborers $2. $2 75 Chatsworth Park, machinemen. drlllers.$2. $ : (Bonus 25c day remain until work In done) 8. P. Co.'s Different Divisions. Cal. Section hands, Nevada $1 70 Stone cutter. Nevada .S3 50. $4 day Electrical engineer and machinist, run power plant in big tunnel. Nevada $75 found ABSOLUTELY FREE FARE FOK ALL ABOVE. FOR SAWMILL NORTH. SEE BOSS HERE. 4 screw setters $72 found 3 off bearers $52 found 10 cross cutters $C0 found 20 laborers around mill $42 found 25 Scandinavians to pile lumber V>- fi>un.l 1 edgerman $C5 found 1 ratchet setter 1 Ieverman for dredger .$70 found Haybalers, 22 cts . ton; 10 tunnelmen. 10 muckers, $2 25, $2 75; Scandinavians. Ger- man stableman. $15 week; coachman gard- ner, $30; choreman, $25; German beer tapper and tend lunch counter. $40; bead cook. $S9; first and second. $100; 6 second cooks, coun- try hotels. $50. $60; houseman. $25; potwash. ers, dishwashers kitchen hands $30; bell- boys, porters. $15, $35: waiters, $30. $35. And hundreds of ethers. ' C. R. HANSEN. & CO.'S Employment Agcy. Bush St. 642 Clay St. SMELTER man and wife to cook. $90 aud found; man and wife, private family, $50 and found; 2 farmers and wives. $40 and $50 and found; German to assist gardener. $50; 4 men about placo. $25 and $30 and found; stable- man. $15 week; 2 sheepherders, $30 and found; farmers, $30 and found: milker for Southern California, $30 and found; choreboy for ranch, $15 and found; 6 miners. $2 50 and $3 day; laborers for mines and quarries. $1 50 day and board and $2 50 day; 3 car- penters. $3 day: blacksmith. $3 day; 3 black- smith helpers, $2 day and $1 fit) day and board; 8 woodchoppers for mine, $1 60 cord, and others. J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 628 £ac- ramento^ GERMAN barkeeper for country, $40 and found; cook for the country, $65 and found; cook fcr saloon. $30; . 2 waiters, $30 and found; young porter for resort. $25 and found: dish- washers and potwashers. saloon men. and others. J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 628 Sacra- mento st. ANDRE'S OFFICE. 317 STOCKTON ST. 6 laborers for private Dark, country, - $1 a day and found; coachman, country. $30 to $35; man and wife to take care of country place, $40; porter, restaurant, $30, etc. WANTED — Neat, bright cash boys. Apply to- day, superintendent's office. The Emporium. EXPERIENCED leak menders wanted: also one or two experienced venters; wages -2' ; o per Jiour.- Further particulars call room 12, 220 Market St.. or address Los Gatos Can- WANTED — A night man to operate Reming- ton typewriter, electric elevator and tele- phone switchboard; No. 1 reference. Apply box 7611. Call office. EXPERIENCED pickle men. LEWIS PACK- ING CO.. C25 Front st. * PANTS and vest maker for country. REISS BROS. & CO., 24 Sutter st. BOY wanted; box deoartment. Mutual Label and Lithographing Co., 2d and Bryant sts. YOUNG man as nurse for elderly gentleman; experience & palary expected. Box 4631. Call. BOY for wholesale house; state age and experi- ence. Box 4630, Call. WANTED — Porter. 443 Fifth st. WANTED^-Menvfor light work on fruit. 1731 Folsom st. BIG boy to make himself generally useful. 24 Second st., fourth floor. ' . AN errand boy this office. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 429 Bush st. BOY for errands and general work; $4 50 week. II. KRAMER. 20 Sansome st. WANTED — Man to work In kitchen; call early. 16 Market st. MASTER Barbers* Association meets to-night, 102 O'Farrell bi., hall No. 1; lots doing. BOOTBLACK wanted at 4073 Eighteenth st., near Castro. SHOEMAKER on repairing; call early; good Job. 202 Powell st. BOYS wanted to drive butcher wagon. 1516 Page st. TRY our men's shoes, union made, at $1 per pair, foot-form shoes at $2 50. or orthopedic Ehoes, $3 50; beat shoes on earth. 11 Third St.. Examiner building. 5 doors from Market. BARKEEPER for San Jose; $Co per month: more for good man; 10 hours and day shirt; single man preferred: steady man only. Ad- dress box 4tG7. CalL PICK hops in August: enjoyable, healthful and very profitable outing for men. women and children. Call or write to E. CLEMENS HORST CO., 122 Battery st,.San Francisco. MEN to learn barber trade; only requires two months to complete and secure positions; catalogue and full particulars inriled free. Moler System Barber College, 635 Clay st. TRY our men's shoes, union made, at $1 pair; foot-form shoes at $2 50; we pay express or mail charges. 11 Third st.. Examiner bldg. WANTED — Laborers and mechanics to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House proprietor, still '"ruus Denver House. 217 Third st. ; 150 large rocms; 25c per night: $1 50 to $3 per week. A MAN of indomitable energy and purfh. a good talker, eager to make money. F. PER- SON, 477 and 478 Parrott bldg. CASH boys wanted. Apply S. A. WOOD & CO.. 740 Market st. GOOD, flrst-clasa wood worker wanted on bug- gy work. 1504 Folsom st. WANTED — Good frame Joiner and polisher. Metropolitan Picture Frame Co.. 427 Mntgmy. MEN to learn barber trade; an improvement on all other systems. For particulars ad- dress Western Barber Col., 647 Commercial. MAN to do Janitor work for tuition In S. F. Barber School. 741A Howard st. SAILORS and ordinary seamen for Europe and Australia. HERMAN'S, 20 Steuart st. 500 MEN to buy new and Xd-hand army shoes, 50c up; soling cheap. 923 Howard st.. nr. 5th! WANTED— For the U. S. Marine Corps., able- bodied. unmarried men. between -1 and 33; good character; must 'speak, read and write English; marines serve at sea on men-of-war In all parts of the world, on lan.l In our Isl- and possessions, and at naval stations In the United States. Apply at recruiting efflce 40 Ellis ft.. San Francisco, CaL; 22'_»U N. Main tt.. Los Angeles. Cal., and 401 K st.. Sacra- mento. Cal. ' ':*-': PKNSION atty. E. A. Bullis. room 40 Phelan bldg. Past Com. Geo. H. Thomas Pott. G.A.It. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 Third st.. near Mar- ket— 700 rooms. 35c night; reading rooms- . free 'bus and baggage to and from ferry. ' A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1096 Valencia st. - . CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 220O l-'lllmore st. ALL sizes men's shoes, slightly damaged half price. 563 Mission St.. bet. 1st and 2d sti. GET your shoes half soled while waittn*- 2V. to 50c. B63 Mission St.. bet. 1st and 2d «7 HORSES AND WAGONS. S WELL matched pair of sorrel horses to be sold at public auction. Wednesday, August 5 11 o'clock, at Arcade Horse Market. 327- 6th st. ON account of golne to build, entire «tock of wagons, buggies and harness must te sold ar sacrifice. Ccrner 15th and Valencia sts. GENTLE horse for light work, cheap at 473 Valencia st. ¦ RARE chance — 4 good horses for sale cheap. ONE flne buggy, fruit wagon, cart. 2d-hand- new laundry wagon, cheap. 828 Harrison st. Al EXPRESS wagon, light campln? wagon and yocart for sale cheap. 532 Mission st. 'HOUSES TO LET. A— PRINTED list of hou^eT^Tet7" send for clicular. G.H.UMBSEN & CO..14 Montgomery BEFORE moving get our printed list of houses - to let.. BALDWIN & HOWELL. 25 Post st. HOUSES TO LET — FURNISHED. A WELL furnished house, Diano. 10 rooms; very sunny: fine location: 1375 Masonio avo. ADDly MADISON & BURKE. 30 Monts- St. LOST AND FOUND. LOST— August 2d. ladies' gold brooch. Mt with pearls and ruby, from Fell and Octavla to Jones and Market, or Johps or Union cars, or Presidio: reward. 318 Fell st. LOST — On Sunday afternoon, a diamond screw ecrring. on Fair Oaks st.. bet. '£Ul and -1th sts. Please return 4068 24th st., and receive reward. LOST — Saturday cvininj, -email gold locket and chain: valued as a keepsake. Kewarci if returned" to 3ti»JTj Eighteenth st. LOST — July 10. male maltese Great Dane god: white br«ast an<1 fret; ears unevenly cut: re- war.1 1708 Clay st. — LOST — Breastpin: sold bar set with 3 pearls; reward. 112 Bush st. LOST— Blue muiey cow. Return to Louis Levy & Co.'s stock yard. 3S7H Mission st. IT wiil pay to •'Remember" that the California Watch Ca-»e Co.. 220 Sutter St.. needs oUi Ko!d and silver to mak» n»w watch rases. MISCELLA>t:o»J»_.yoK sALU. EOILERS engines. 2- hand machinery. McLX- TOSH & WOLPMAN. 195-197 Fremont st. A GOOD r«asoc to buy diamonds, watches and •eweiry from us is that you need only pay a ¦mall weekly payment en all purchases; ail goods delivered on first payment. Call and examine our goods, even If you don't care to buy. UCHTEN9TEIN BROS.. 25 Stockton. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? * Repair It with elaterlte; tn rolls easy to lay: needs no painting or coating; go<«l over old iron. tio»or shingles; best for new roofs. ELATERITE ROOFIXO CO.. 713 Market st. WILL contract 25C0 barrels per month for ona year. 14Vi gravity oU at 25c f. o. b Bakers- field. C. E. PRICE. eo5 Grant Building. Los Anrf'cs. . A— Fine suits. $7 50; dress pants, $2 50. Origi- ical Misfit Clothing 1 Parlors, 238 Kearny st.. near Bush; open to 9 p. m. Sunday to noon. A— $3 5O DE*RBY and fedora hats. $1 75. Pcxh- ular Price Hatters. SCO Kearny St.. near Pine; open till 9 p. in. Sunday to noon. A— BUYS, sells or rents gear machinery, en- gines, boilers, water pipe, shafting, pulleys. etc WHITELAW. 253-255 Spear st. - TRY our men's shoes at $1 pair; foot-fonn shoes at $2 50; we pay express charges. 11 Third St.. Examiner bid.; catalogue sent free. SECOND mach'y. boilers, engines, pump'. wood and Iron working machinery, bought. sold and rented. H. S. WHITE. 130-133 Beale. FINE Jersey cow; fresh; for family use. 3873 Mission %t. , MO VINO pictures, magic lanterns, sale, rental; bargains. Bullard & Breck. 131 Post si MILES of pipe and fittings; all sizes. EU- GENE RILEY & SONS. 109 Vallejo st. MOVING picture film and sons slides. 1(X> Montgomery st. . SAFES— New and second-hand. E. B. BECK & CO. 122 Market st. ___ All bargains ;camp stools and chairs, hammocks. metal beds. mattresses.J.F.Hotter.712 Mission^ Edison phonographs, records, supplies. mor-1nc picture machlnesSfllms. Bacigalupl. 933 Mkt. GASOLINE engines, automobiles and launches, all sizes. J. E. DOAK. 46 Fremont at. S~AFES— New and second-hand. THE HER- MANN SAFE CO.. 417-423 Sacramento st. ASK for prices on second-hand typewriters: all makes. ALEXANDER & CO.. 110 Montr r- MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. TILTON wants good second-hand clothing and theatrical goods. 154 9th st. ; tel. Jessie 2851. $5000 WORTH cast-off clothing wanted; highest pnee paid. "22 Grant ave.: tel. Red 3932. MONEY TO LOAN. AAA— HEKM-VN MURPHY. . £01-602-603 Examiner building. Quick settlements: no disappointment. Save expenses by dealing directly. Estates, second mortgages, undivided later* ests. assignments of rents, property In trust, etc. ; legacies, life estates and undivided r\- terests In property purchased. Ccurteous treatment. Strictly confidential. When You Need Money See HERMAN MURPHY. HIGHLY respectable private pUcs to obtain liberal advances on diamonds. Jewelry, at lowest rates. Baldwin Jewelry Store. S4<l Market St.. tel. Main 1644. Branch. 19 Third. MONEY leaned to salaried ptopte, mer- chants, teamsters, boarding-houses, without security; easy payments: largest business in 4C principal cities. Tolroan, 522 Parrctt bids;. A — 1 per cent on furniture or piano removal: no commission; no publicity: $25 up: qulcju quiet, confidential. 23 Montgomery st.. r. 7. MUNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE. 103 Grant a»». # LOANS FP.OM $r to $10.C0O. AT cut rates on real estate, furniture or piano: no commission. E. W. LICK. IitOS Mutual Bar. Bit. bid.. 70S Market: rnons Main 819. B. V. DISCOUNT AGENCY— Loans to salaried people on their note. The TOUSLEY CO 143 Phelan bid*. MONEY to loan en low Interest; gold, silver. diamond*, pearls and precious st3C*s boughs at W. J. HESTHAL'S. 10 Sixth st. ONE per cent on furniture: $5 a month on e«eh $1000; aay security. 302 Montgomery, room 16. 3% ON furniture & pianos; 115 up: co removal; V. TREMAIJT. room 81. « Eddy St.. floor 4. ALL loans on diamonds and jewelry 2 per ceat mo. Z. F. Collateral Loan Bank. 033 Kearny. STAR Loan Co. cf Wyomlag loans money to salaried employes. R. 311. Mutual Sav.Bk.bld. CASH loaded salaried people on notes without Indorser. MORRELL. 609 Examiner bid. ~ MCSICAL raSTHUMETTS. ASSORTMENT cf some upright bargains. 3 Chlckermg $150. $135. $C35 1 Kimball. walnut upright, celluloid keys.$63 2 Emerson $1S5, $215 'Z Steinway $183. $215 4 Heine $235 to $395 12 squares t $15 to $170 10 organs $10 to $75 Rents $2 uo, allowed on purchase; Install- ments $4 up; piano players from $90 up; new pianos from $117 ud. HEINE PIANO CO., 235-237 Geary st. ; phone Main 5744. $63 — LEFT on gale; Fllsher upright piano. 23T Geary st. STEINWAY upright, left by private- party, j $1C5; great bargain. 237 Geary st. A FEW good upright pianos from $70 up com- prising Vose. Sterling, Jacobsen. Schwech- ten, Sherwood. W£ser. Marshall & Wendell. Haines. Everett. Knabe and others; easy payments. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON. 18-Zi) O'Farreil. No branches In San Francisco. THE SIMPLEX PIANO PLAYER is the only piano player that Interprets music as th« author intended it. The delicate touch or the powerful stroke can be given at tha desirs of the one playing. Call and exaifiine them. THE ZENO MAUVAIS MUSIC CO.. 7B9- Market st- y BAND Instruments; F. Besson. Paris, maker. Gus Maiwald. AgL Pae. Coast. 278 O'Farrell: skillful repairing; 2d-hand Instruments sold. EZAUTIFUL 3-pedal Steinway upright piano; perfect order; sacrifice. Keeffe's.235 O' Parrel!. Family sailing for Australia offers at sacrifice handsome Steinway upright piano. 518 Eddy. BUY direct from the factory and save 50 par cent. HOItNUNG. 21o McAllister st. KOHLER & CHASE. 30 O'Farrell St.: largest and oldest plaxn> house. BEST renting piano In city for $3 per month. SCOTT-CURTAZ glANO CO.. 560 Hayes st. BARGAIN; good uprlzht; must be sold at once. SCIIM1TZ A CO.. 16 McAllister St. SOIIMER Byron Mauzy pianos. Ceelllan piano player. 1 BYKON MACZY. 3C8-312 Post st. SUPERIOR violins, zithers, old and new. H. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. CHEAPEST and best in America— The Weekly Call 16 pages, sent to any address in th« United States or Canada one year for *i. postage paid. MKDICAX^ VALPEAU'S female pills; best regulating pills . sold; price $2 5O by express. Pasteur's syr- inge and tablets; price $2 50. By express only on receipt of price. OSOOOD BROTH- ERS, wholesale druggists, Seventh and Broadway. OakUnd^ DR G. W O'DONNELL — All who are sick or in trouble consult this specialist on femala complaints: positively corrected; the unfor- tunate helped: the most difficult cases treat- ed: advice free Office. 1018 Market st. A Mrs. Dr. Sw»»t takes ladies before and dur- ing couflremeai: Infants adopted: $15: $5. rooms & board: 25 years' experience; 25C 7th. MRS. D«. WYETH. specialist for all femala . complaints; Instant relief guaranteed: «O years' experience. 728 Post St.. near Jonea. MRS. DR. KOHL, reliable specialist for all fe- male troubles and irresu lari ties : instant re- lief guaranteed. 1CC3& Market St.. opp. 3th. MRS. D. ALLEN. 1118 Market^Reilabl»Tadle«* specialist: a private home before and during confinement; best medical care: low fics. DR. and MR3. DAViES and HINDOO HERDS • original method of treatment. 112t! Market st. Drs. Goodwin. 7.53 Turk. ar. Van NVss— Expert Jn obstetrica. female comp:: 25 y rs. experience DR.. ROSEN, moved to 2995 Folsom st.. cor~ 2tith: rcllei $10; ladles' exclusive office. A maternity villa: private: secluded; confiden- tial. Dr. i.. Funke, 1416 Eighth St.. Alametia. DR. NG TOY KEE. 319 Powell «t.. oppostta Union square: all diseases cured by herbs. HELP WANTE D FEMALE — Con. I WANTED— 2 cooks $35; cook. San Jose, $35; second girl, same house. $30: 4 small board- ing-house cooks, $26 and $30: housework, Ross Valley. $30; C nurseglrls. $15, $20. $25; hounework, Alameda, $30; bell girl. $15: cook and second girl, rfur.e house. $30, $20: 4 second rlrls; 4 hotel waitresses, city .and country, $20. $25; kitchen helper, institution, $25; restaurant waitress, $9 week, and 50 houseglrls, city and country, $20, $25. $30. Apply to J. F. CROSETT &¦ CO.. 33-t Sutter. GIRLS FOR FACTORY WORK; GOOD WAGES; PAID WHILE LEARNING; STEADY EMPLOYMENT; EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY: APPLY AT ONCE. ,: AMES & HARRIS. ' 100 SACRAMENTO ST. AT OUR NEW FACTORY 1873 MISSION ST.. NEAR FIFTEENTH SEWING MACHINE- OPERATORS ON OVERALLS WANTED: INEXPERIENCED PAID SALARY WHILE LEARNING: OPERATORS AND RIVETERS ALSO WANTED AT OUR MAIN FACTORY. am FREMONT ST. LEVI STRAUSS & CO. APPLY TO MR. DAVIS. m ( WOMEN and girls wanted to work on fruit and canning; steady work: highest wages. Apply California Canneries Co.. Brannan St.. between Third and Fourth. WOMEN and girls to work on fruit: *t»iidy employment, highest wages. CODE-PORT- WOOD CANNING CO.. Bryant and Tenth. GIRLS to learn millinery now for fall season: trade taught from start to finish In one month for 55: positions guaranteed at $10 week up. Eve. School only. 143 Stockton st.. rm. 13. WANTED— Girl for second worK and waiting. 1307 Hyde st. WANTED— Saleslady: give reference and wages \expected. Box 4628. Call. - WANTED — Women and girls to work on fruit. 1731 Folsom Et. A YOUNG "girl to assist in light housework; small family. 892 Steiner St. WANTED— Girls to sew labels on coats. Call at 11 Battery st. GIRL for light housework and care of baby. Call after 9 a. m.. 1532 Dolores st. GIRL for general housework; references; wages $20. Apply forenoon. 1724 Turk st. MACHINE girl and finisher on vests; appren- tice.^ A NEAT girl for general housework. Call 2700 Sacramento st. WANTED— Protestant girl for general house- work ;family 3 adults-Call 1541 Stelner.9 to 3. WANTED — Good woman for light housework; one In family; wages $10. 716 Franklin st. EXPERIENCED finiFhers and ladies' talloress. H. KRAMER. 20 Sansome st. GIRL for general housework and cooking; adults; wages $20. 3S30 SacraTncnto at. A LADY ot indomitable energy to make money and a convincing talker. F. PERSON. 4<7 and 478. Parrott building. ¦ UIKL for general housework: plain cooking; small family; upper flat. 1444 O'Farrell st. A GIRL to do general housework and plain cooking. 825 Golden Gate ave., upstairs. GIRL wanted for general housework and assist In bakery. 1794 > Halght st. . WANTED— Girl to ' do general housework; wages $20. "K>9 Howard st. TALENTED amateur performers. Apply at Chutes 6 p. m. Wednesday; salary no object. EMBROIDERY teacher wanted; a thoroughly experienced woman; must understand stamping and have complete knowledge ot art needlework; state experience, references and t.alary expected. Address box 4950. Call. PICK hops in August; enjoyable, healthful and very profitable outing for men. women and children. Call or write E. CLEMENS HORST CO.. 122 Battery st.. San Francisco. Operators on shirts and overalls, standard factory. corner gouoh and grove sts. WANTED— Experienced feeder on ruling ma- chine. Apply SANBORN. VAIL & CO.. 741 Market st. EXPERIENCED help wanted to work on cling peaches at Napa Cannery. Apply 124 Call- ¦ fornla st. .' POSITION of trust for upright, honest woman: small bond required. Box 4203 Call office. A FIRST-CLASS finisher on custom pants, and also an apprentice. 1328 Mission st. OPERATORS to learn glove making;" wages from start. Carson Glove Co.. 123 Second st. A— Practical Millinery School, estab. 14 years; terma easy. 81B O'Farrell. for. 1000 Van Ne&a. ITALIAN lady who can speak English wanted to travel. Apply Girls' Directory, Central ave.. and Waller st. ELDERLY German Catholic woman; cooking and housework: $7 per week. 1071 Market st. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions . received at Call branch office. 2200 Flllmore «t. A BRANCH office for' Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1096 Valencia st. ¦ - HELP WANTED — MALE. AT CALIFORNIA EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 59 Third St.. nr. Call bldg.: phone Bush 405. FREE FARE— FREE FARE. NEVADA AND UTAH. '. We ship daily; S. P. Co.'s On Work. COO laborers, $2 day. 490 section hands, all parts of California. Bakersneld, Fresno,' Sacramento and many other points. , 8. P. R. R. Co.'s Own Work. FREE FARE— FREE FARE. EVERY DAY. CHATSWORTH PARK— FREE FARE. 10 tunnelmen. $3 a day. 10 drillers and muckers. $2 25 a day. CASPAR. MENDOCINO CO. FREE FARE. 10 tunnelmen. $2 75 a day. .-•'- 10 teamsters and muckers. $2 25 a day. 10 laborers. and teamsters, $2 a day. 70 men . for mill and yards. $30 to $60 a month and board. FREE FARE. No discounts. No hospital fee. BUTTE""COUNTY — CHICO. 50 teamsters and rockmen. $2 50 a day. 60 laborers and axmen. $2 25 a day. —>/ ' — — — . — COAL MINERS. FREE FARE— OREGON. . 25 miners. $1 a ton. 3 woodchoppers. oak, 2 tiers.- 16-1 nch, $1 75 a . cord. 12 laborers. $1 50 a day and board. ' 2 carriage setters, sawmill.' $65 and found. Edgermen, . $80 and board. Camp cook. $55 a month. \. *: j CAL. EMP. AGENCY.' 69 Third st. A— HOTEL GAZETTE, 26 Montgomery, r. 12. 2 laborers, $1 a day and found; bellboy, $15; ¦ night waiter; $40; elevator- boy. $10. "YOUNG • men • to go! on , road; " expenses ad- vanced: must "be well dressed and faithful • workers. -.¦ Apply 9 to 12. and 2 to 4 p. m.V Auditorium Hotel. : 117 Eddy st. -. . TRY. our men's shoes, union -made, at $1 pair; foot-form shoes at $2 CO; we pay express or mail; charges. , 11 .Third st.', -Examiner bldg. $150— BARBER shop: must be sold; Owner there 10. years; clearing $100 month; rsnt $8. WINS.- BORO, MURRAY &• CO., 75 Third St. WANTED— An all around man ', for second- hand furniture store; ' man- who can do . up- holstering .preferred. > Apply; 773 'Mission .' st. FIRST-CLASS ' barber wanted . at ; the Royal ' Shaving Parlor, 126 Ellis St.; no other need apply. -..--. . ,; ¦-,{, , . ;¦¦, - : , Al CLOTHING men wanted. Apply 8. N. - WOOD & CO.,, 740 Market st EDUCATION «T, Cnntltnifil. HEALD'8 School of Mlnei & Electrlclty.24 Post St.. S. F.; a practical school of engineering; complete equipment. Special catalogue free. CHIROPODY— Man wishes to learn chiropody. Write box 4287. Call office. \ A WEEK'S news foi*5 cents — The Weekly Call. 10 pages. In wrappef, for mailing. $1 per year. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. G^ORGE~AOKl7^£l~Post st.; tel. Bush 135-^ Japanese-Chinese employment office; fur- niches best help; contracts for farm help, eto. A — ORPHEUM Employment Office — Japanese- Chinese help. 426 Powell. Tel. Main 5752. A — GRAND Japanese-Chinese Emp. Office. 415 Stockton: tel. Grant 16S: expert. reliable help. CHINESE Employment Office — Best help at Leon Seung's. 411 y, O'Farrell: tel. East 426. RELIABLE Japanese-Chinese Employment Of- fice: all kinds help. 315 Stockton: Mala 6188. CHINESE and Japanese help; estab. 20 years. Tel. Main 1997. BRADLEY & CO.. C40 Clay. EMPLOYMENT' WANTED — FEMALE. A FIRST-CLASS cook; best of reference: $35: country only. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 334 Smter st. - A GOOD Swedish girl wishes a place to do general housework and plain cooking in small American family; wages $20 to $25. Call at 4419 Twenty-third St.. near Hoffman ave. AS chambermaid in lodging house or hotel, north of Market and east of Larkin 6t.. by woman 30 years old; sleeps at-home. Answer, box 4634. Call office. . COOK and laundress wants situation; city or country. Call for two days 23Mi Folsom ave., near Eighth st.. off Folsom. RESPECTABLE woman wishes a place In small family; good cook, and will do small washing. 124 Eighth st. ¦ A FIRST-CLASS laundress wants room In ex- change for her service. Box 4C27. Call office. WOMAN wants work by the day washing or houeecleaning. Call 457 Tehama st. GERMAN girl wishes chamberwork in a hotel. Address box 4975. Call office. WANT ads and subscriptions taken for The Call at Eaton's Bazaar. C33 McAllister st. E3I PLOYMENT WANTED— MALE. YOUNG min and wife (no children) desire em- ployment in country; man grape picking or any suitable work: wife light housework: first-class references. Address A. A., 610 Larkin st. ¦ STEWARD — Position wanted by a good all- round man In hotel or club; the best of Eastern and California references. Address H. BEMIS. 3215 Laguna st. A GERMAN, middle-aged and single, wishes a situation in grocery store and barroom; first- class references. W. BOHLING. 417 Kearny. POSITION as salesman, 15 years' •experience - In mercantile business, also had experience In railroad. Wells-Fargo and bookkeeping. Box 4248. Call office. ¦ MARRIED man wants a position as all round man In planing mill; has hart experience in that line. Box 4963. Call t.lft e, , ACTIVE ycung man. recently fr m Switzerland, wishes work of any kind. Addre2> box 42S0,, Call office. ¦ '" WANTED — Situation as watchman or to drive team; an American. Box 42S7. Call office. GARDENER wishes situation; thoroughly ex- perienced; can milk; refs. Box 4290. Call. YOUNG Japanese boy wishes situation as pchoolboy. T. UEHARA, care Buddhist Mis- slon. S07 Polk st. Telephone Polk 3S02. A JAPANESE young schoolboy wants position in city; nice small family. Box 4626, Call. JAPANESE wishes work as a school boy near Crocker Grammar School. 810 Stockton st. S. OKUTARO. . CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office, 2200 Flllmore. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and puttcriptlons has been established at 1090 V«Unc)a st * FINANCIAL. OWNER gold property, situated near San Francisco, assaying $20 to $142 per ton. de- sires partner (either sex) having $5000 to $10,000 available during next three months; fortune certain. Box 4029, Call office. COMPANIES incorporated and financed; stock and bond issues guaranteed, underwritten and sold: stock accepted for services. Sei.d for Pacific States Investor. PACIFIC STATES MINING AND INVESTMENT CO.. 320 Post. " FLATS TO LET. SWELL new upper flat, 8 rooms and bath; 2 finished rooms in basement; every room sun- ny; 10 minutes from Market St.; 1551 Post Et. SPECK & CO. ELEGANT new upper flat. 1484 McAllister St.; 8 rooms and bath; all sunny rooms. SPECK & CO. - HOUSES and flats to let; an Immense list; ser- vice absolutely free; take advantage of this department; it will save , you time and trouble. Cordes Furniture Co., 245-259 Geary St., on the square. A SUNNY corner upper 6-room flat, basement; half block from Market et., within 13 min- utes'- ride of- Golden Gate Park; Castro and Eighteenth -st. cars. 3943 Seventeenth st A LOWER flat of 3 rooms. In rear. 2 Hay- ward St., off Harrison. \ near 8th; rent $7. MODERN flat of 4 sunny rooms. 9S5 Sanchez street. SUNNY flat, 5 rooms, bath; 632 Olive ave., nr. Buchanan st.. bet. Ellis and O'Farrell. TO let — Flat of four rooms: 1697 O'Farrell. HOOKER A LENT. 14 Post St. VERY sunny upper; NW. cor. Fulton and Ecott: 9 r. & b. ; flne for renting; opp. park. 2 NEW flats of 5 and 0 rooms; strictly modern; lots of light and sun. 1569 Grove st. $11— SUNNY upper flat; 4 rooms. Apply 418 Hyde Et. $11— COTTAGE of 4 sunny rooms, yard. . 132 Rose ave.. bet. Cough and Octavla sts. FURNITURE FOR MALE. ODD pieces of furniture for sale at 1044 Bush etreet. furniture: wanted. A; WOLLPERT. 773 Mission, phone Red 4462, buys, rents, repairs, packs furniture, carpets. KAX.Ii WANTED. WANTED — Hall for meeting purposes, once a week. F. J. PERKINS. 133 Ninth st. I1ELF WANTED — FEMALE. WANTED — WOMEN AND GIRLS BY THE CALIFOR- NIA FRUIT. CANNERS' ASSOCIATION FACTORIES AT FRANCISCO AND TAYLOR STS.. !> SEVENTH AND BERRY STS., SANSOME AND VALLEJO ST3. HAIRDRESS1NG, . manicuring. - massage, hair work; remr.vai of superfluous hair taught from A to Z In 2 weeks for $4 60; positions guaranteed; $10 to $20 per week; school day and H\e. 233 Geary r.. 13; maids prepared. A— LADIES, learn all branches hairdressmg trade; manicuring, massage, etc. ; 1236 Mar- ket Ft., cor. Jones, room 94; positions secured at highest 'wages; day, and eve.*- class;' call. SALESLADIES^ wanted; experienced people prefenvd. ,-Apply Monday between 8 and 9, The Gamotsl, 101' Pos.t St.. A YOUNG girl to assist with light housework. Call 2S20 Folaom fit. T % , WANTED— Girl for cooking and general house- ! work; wages $25. ' Call to-day, 1727 VaUejo. .' SAN FRANCISCO CALL. BUSINESS OFFICE of The San Francisco Cell, corner Matkct ami Third Ftreets; open «nU! 12 o'clock every night In the year. BRANCH OFFICES — 527 Montgomery street. com%r Clay; open until 9:30 p. m. 300 Haves street; open until 9:30 p. in. CoSt McAllister ttreet: open until 9:S0 p. m. €15 Larkin street: open until 9:30 p. m. l:>41 M'.stion street; cpen until 10 p, m. 1261 MarVit tticet. corner SSxteeiith: open until 9 t>. m. 106 Eleverth street: open until 9 p. m. 1006 Valencia street; open until 9 p. m. Nortliwest comt-r of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky etrerts; open until 9 p. m. TJOQ Fillmorp hirer ; : open until 9 p. m. BIKETIXG NOTICES. CALIFORNIA Chapter No. 5, R. A. fj. M »iii m«t Otis ITUESDAY) >Of i:\EMNG. Ajs. 4. at 7:30 o'clock. /V\ stated irwtliiK. P- M. and M. E. M. d^nreos. liv ciilcr ot the II. P. FXl A N K UN^ H. DAY. Secretary. GOLDEN GATE Lodce No. 00. F. and A M.— Stated meeting THIS <TL L>- OV* DAY) KVENING. at V:.".« o'clock. /V\ 1 EDWIN I- MEYER. Secretary. ' * j ORIENTAL l^wltte No. 144, F. and A. j» li.-?Ufd noting THIS tTL^ES- W 1>AY> EVENING at S o'clock. /V\ A. .-v UtTBBARD. Secretary. . WALHALLA Encampment No. 7. I. O. Ol jj O. 1\— Tho otflct-rs and the Funeral Committee of the above named en- S\ cimi-rarm are hereby notified to as- • X »*tnHe at Odd Fellows' Hall. cor. Market end s=ts.. on WEDNESDAY. Aug. 3. " IS*;.:, at 1 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of attending t!ie funeral of our late Brother P. Ch . P. D1EDK. BECKER. By order FRED L. HORN. Ch. P. CHARLES QUAST. Financial Scribe. CONCORDIA Lodge No. H'2, I. O. u. V.— The Funeral < '<.>™uuiif g-jf&tGJKn. • f hf-rcby v itlfled to assemble at : 3jfc^S'M odd Fellows' Hall. WEDNES- -TBfcKK*- 1'AY. Aup. K, at 1 o'clock p. ra., to attend xh" funeral of our late brother. DIEDIUCH BECKER, deceased. WM. MEYER. N. O. CHRIST KOEBER. Secretary. NOTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OP" THE • SECURITY SAVINGS BANK— Notice is hereby given. in pursuance of a resolution of the Board of IMrector* of the Security 6avlngs Bank, a corporation organized and existing under the lews of the State of California, passed and • adapted on Tuesday, the 14th day of July. 1SKK. at a regular meeting of said Board, duly held at Number 222 Montgomery street, in the «"tty and County cf Sas Francisco. In trie Stst» of California, the time being the prin- • clpal rlace of business of eaid corporation, the Security t^avinps Bank, and at the build- ing v.-h?re the Board of Directors of fcald corporation ufuo!ly meet. ti:at a meeting of the stockholders cf said corporation, the Security Savings Bank, is hereby called for. and will be held at Number 222 Montgomery »troet, in Eai<5 City and County of San Fran- . Cisco, the same being the principal place ot . business cf eoid* corporation, and being at Uw building where the Board of Directors of *a;d corporation usually meet, oa Wednesday." the 2Jrd day of September. 1003, at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon of Bald day. for tte purpose of considering, deciding and acting upon the proposition to Increase the capital stock of said cori>cratlon, the Security Savinps Bar.k. and to increase it to the amount of One Million Dcllars. The amount to which it U proposed to Increase the said capital stock Is One Million Dollars. By order of the Board of Directors. Dated. July 14 th. HKW. FRED W. RAY. . Secretary of the Security Savings Bank. . AGENTS WANTED. WAITED — 2 or 3 house to house canvassers; good position for firsf-cla«s men. Apply at 1114 Washington 6t.. Oakland, bet. 9 and 12 a. in., room 3. AGENTS— A new money-maker. F. PERSON. 477 and 47S Parrott tldg. ASTROLOGY. Astrology tsught. horoscopes cast. Prof. Ray- tpcca. b^okytore. t49 Ellis. By mall If ceslfd. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. * ADVICE FREE-^ALL LEGAL MATTERS. DIVORCE AND PROBATE CASES. No pay In advance — No charge without Success; estates, attachments, damages. R. C. ADAMS. Room 316. third floor. Examiner building. ROBT. W. KING, atty-nt-law. Examiner Md.. rm. 611; all cases, damages, estates, wills, attachments, collections, etc; consultation tree; r.o adv&noe charges; call or write; cvea.ngs by appointment. Tel. Red 3001. PROMPT attention to all cases; divorce. estates, (Cllectlocs; no fees unless successful; call or • rite: eves. Tues. and Fri.: eet. 15 yrs. ED- WARD ACKLEY. 927 Market; tel Jessie 1530. JUjVICE Jree — I will advance cost in meritori- Doa casec. divorces, probate and all other law cat*e: co fees in advance: open .every even- lr.g. J. M. THCRSTON. 819 Market St.. r. 31. AWVICE free; divorces a specialty ;qulck.qulet; no charge m-ithout success; established 15 yrs. O W. HOWE. 1122 Market St.. opp. HaU's. L. S. CLARK. Emma Spreckels bldg.. 927 Mar- ket et. ; consultation free ; no fees In advance. AJTKEN tt AITKEN. attorneys, rs. 309- 10-11 Ounie bidg.. MjJ California st. ; tel. Main 727. WICK MATTHEWS, attorney at Uw, 632 Mar- ket «t.. rocm 23; legal advice: bank refs. DIRDS. DOGS. ETC YOUNG talking parrots, $5 each ;Germaa singing csr.cries. $2; we will try to please rou;every- • thing in our line st right prices. 154C Market. BUSINESS CHANCES. -^4o7^ET^£lU~TiIvnSENDS ' IN CATTLE RAISING. We wiU take your cattle aad raise them fcr a chare cf the profits, guaranteeing you • certain increase. If you lavezt your money with us will guaran- tee you a fixed income, secured by tha beit ef collateral. Bank references. Al management. CALIFORNIA CATTLE AND LAND CO.. CSl-eei Hayward bldr. •A— SPECIAL NOTICE To Buyers. KREDO & CO Up to date brokers 7C5 Market st. .... Real Eitnte and Business Agents Phone Black CS72 Just to remind you Beware of In-Vrior titles. 1**izal fidvi^e Free Legal papers. Kale notices and mortgages executed; reiia- hle arents. KItEDO & CO.. 7C". Market «t. A RIG LIST — Saloons, groceries, bakeries, M. bakeries, stationery stores, cigar stands: bu»- 'Iness opportunities all kinds. KREDO & CO. TTijO— -SALOON: 4 furn. rooms; rent $50: lease; Al location. See KREDO &. CO.. 765 Market. .RESTAURANT business adjoining the Union Iron Works, with all fixtures and stock; will F<iit 100 i>cople; will be sold at a great sacri- ffce: a i-arc- chance. Apply H. LEHRKB SONS. 600 Minnesota st. LARGK general store, Santa Clara County, rtock and buildings, together or separate, to exchange for ranch. MOSSMAN, 850 Market. ItKSTAURANT; rushing business; seating 02; snap; no Sunday work; departure. COC Fourth i-X. FOR eale — Prets cigar etore. '117 Ellis St.: owner must loave city. Inquire at premises. FIRST-CLASS bckery for sale In country town. Address Box 805. Call office, Oakland. ONE-chair bootblack rtand. cr window fcr jewelry shop, for rent. 250 Sixth tt. EALOON for sale. SW. cor. Eddy and Steiner streets. \t"n desire the services or hustlers In every sec- tlon of the country as representatives: persons of ctandine ability can earn handsome In- comes representing us a part, or all, of their time; our plan is new; no money cr experi- ence required: this proposition will pay you handsomely; do not 'all to Investigate It; fall particular* free upen request. Address Mer- chants' Brokerage ana Commission Co.. Gsy (building. St. Louis. Mo. m VINGS bank depositors — A gilt-edge 8 per T,t security in «tn&II lots. Address by mall IENRY BROCK. 731 Baker tsU ' <» WILL buy interest In long-established t-holesai* and commission business; lnvef-t- i*nt will pay 15%. Box 4274. Call FE 8nd chophouse; near Market; rent $65; ially receipts average $50; established years. : ee Luttermann & Co., 916 Market St.. rm, 64. lrdresstng pariors ;chea p rvalue In sight: good oc«it ion: retiring. JlKt Market, bet. 7th-6th. FtST-CLASS restaurant for sale cheap; muit ell. Aodress box 4279. Call. iNERAL blarksmith and Ehoelng shop; good cwatlon. T5 >Tpoar et. TSIDE route No. 4 this paper for sale, tiquir* hardware eior*. 19th and Folsom sts. COLLECTION OFFICES. ADVICE fre*; bail tenants ejected epeedlly. CO- LUMBIAN LAW AGCY.. r. 85. 91C Market; tel. Red 618; collections; gen'l law business. BAD tencnts ejected for $4; collection? made; city t country. PACIFIC COLLECTION- CO.. 415 Montgomery, rooms 9-10; tel. 55S9. | LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE. ' 100 ROCMS; house fcr men; rent ?140. ...$4000 r»S rooms; eo«th of Market: rent S100. 2000 24"rooms: corner; part cash; bal. easy. 850 II rooms: pt<od income; rent *20 SCO 21 rooms; water front; rent $1U; lease. «50 120 rooms; ftocd lease; low rent C600 f>7 rms. ; apartments;Westcrn Addi rent. 250 Money loaned at 1 per cent. Hotels, roadhouses. flats. 6 to 100 rocms. EITEL &. CARROLL. 212 Kearny at. MARION GRIFFIN, rm. 4C6. Examiner bldg. — Hotels. Apartment Houses, Flats and ROOMING HOUSES. A BIG FREE LIST. $750 8 ROOMS, furnished: men roomers; meJl- cal agency: 2 yrs. l»as«». Mos»nmn,K.'>0 Markt. SPIHITITAI.IJ'M^ JOHN SLATER; readings to-day. 10 to 4; cir- cle Wednesday evening. h:13 sharp. •"« O'Farrell «t. MRS HARLAND'S test seance: S p. m.. 10c; I evnjts except Monday; read, dally. 148 Oth. MME. YOUNG'S convincing test circle to- nlRht, 10c. 61» McAllUter; readings dally. Mns~KBERHARDT 7 S~test meetlnj S p. m. ' sharp, Kk\ :e.'.V) y?d St.; readings daily. W. G. KEEGAN holds a test meeting to-night. 10c; sittings. 10 to 12 and 1 to 5. MME. SWANSON. spiritual mtdlum and card reader. 17 Fourth st. EDWARD~EARLe". 1052 Ellis, reail'nss daily. 9:30 to 4; ceances Sunday and Thursday. KATIE HEUSSMAN, circ-1* Friday evening. 25c: sittings. 1C0O Harrison »t.. cor. Sixth. ~~ CLAIRVOYANTS^ ™ cX£L~AT ON r CE~AND SAVE $2. My Regular $3 Reading This Week for $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 II. PROFESSOR PAUL DESTINE. The First Registered Trance Clairvoyant and Palmist Ever in San Francisco. I do hereby solemnly agree and guarantee to make you no charge if I fall to tell your name, occupation and what you called for; I promise to tell you whether husband, wife or sweet- heart Is true or false; to tell whom and when you will marry; In fact. I will tell you every hope fear or ambition better than you can tell yourself. He restores lost affections, reunites the separated causes speedy and happy mar- riages, maker you successful and prosperous, cures disease and lost vitality without medl- cine, locates hidden treasures; hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. ; Sundays 2 to 8. 326 O'Farrell st.. 326. MME. M. BERNARD. THE FAMOUS Clairvoyant' and business medium, perma- nently located at 17 Third st.. next Examiner bldg.; she reads your life correctly, gives an accurate description of the past, reveals the present happenings and portrays events to occur In the future: If you are in trouble, dis- contented or not satisfied In life, or have do- mestic love or business troubles, consult this great medium and you will be told how to overcome them; valuable advice in all affairs of life- 25c up; satisfaction guaranteel; read- lngs by mall. Tel. Black 4569. ISMAR, the Egyptian gypsy, clairvoyant and j palmist, permanently located at 1104 Market ; St.. cor. Turk; private readings daily. 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. : readings by mai! as satisfac- tory as In person; 3 questions answered, $1; full life, £5; send lock of hair, date. and year of birth; don't rend currency. Send postofflce, WMls-Fargo meney order or registered letter. A— MME. PORTER, scientific clairvoyant and card reade-. horn with a double veil and sec- ond sight: tells the past, present and future: ladles. 5Oc; s»nts. $1; by cards, palmistry end clairvoyant sitting; $1 50. 126 Turk st. A — MME. DE CASTRO, palmist and card read- er, gives advice on all affairs of life; many men made a fortune on her advice; unhappy couples reunited; by mail, 10 questions, $1. 2S2 Seventh St.. near Folsom. Mrs. A. H. Kronenberg. palmist, clairvoyant, card reader, will give a good reading, 10c. for a shcrt time only: when others fall try me to convince yourself. 402 Franklin near Grove. A — Mm* Ravenna reads life, business advice: names given: 25c up. 5 4th st . near Mnr*et, MME. M ARSE AIT. clairvoyant card reader, 25c; love, life and business. 545 Minna st. OLDEST lady palmist and card reader in cltj. 26*4 Kearny. rflom 20; ladles 25c. gents 80c. MME. WALTERS, great card reader; la. 25c; gents 5Oc. 951 Mission St., nr. 6th; open Sun. MRS. BROWN, clairvoyant enrd reader; ladles 25c; gents 50c; readings daily, ir.2 Sixth st. MRS. HARRIS. 725 Polk— Palmist and psychic card reader; gents $1. ladies 50c; downstairs. MRS. 6HAFER, clairvoyant carC reader: slt- dally. 44'S Jessie St.. bet. 5th an.i 6th. CARPET-BEATING ~\ND CLEANING. AIR, compressed, dry. ice cold, is now univer- sally used In sanitarily cleaning carpets, on flcor, without removal or injury; prices mod- erate. Apply S. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO.. Call big. : phone Main 52.<7. WHEN you become disgusted with your work send for SPAULDING'S Pioneer Carpet-beat- ing Works. 355-357 Tehama st. : tel. South 40. CALIFORNIA Carpet-beating Co.. J. McQueen, proprietor. 329 Guerrero et.. tel. Mission 49. TRY HOPKE BROS.; excellent carpet-beating; mattresses made over. 1432 Howard ;South 216 AIA'ANCK Carpet Cleaning Co.. 402 Sutter St.; tel. Ma'n 394. GF.O WAI-COM * CO.. Props. RUDOLPH & CO.. carpet-beating works; prices reasonable. 1703 Harrison St.; tel. Mission 2CJt. CONKLIN'S Superior Carpet-beating Works. 333 Gnlrien Gate ave.: telephone KnFt 128. CHIROPODISTS. DUNLAP FOOT iNSTITUTE, 50 Geary— All ailments nf the feet cured: corns, bunions.etc. COTTAGES WANTED, j WANTED — Cottage, flat, 4 sunny rooms, bath; unfurnished. Box 4277!. Call. « ~ DENTISTS. DrT"lUDLUM HILL. 1443 Market, nr. Eleventh —No charge for extracting when plates are made; old plates made over like new; teeth from $8 per set; extracting, 50c; gas given. A NEW plate — The Whalebone — cannot Ureak; warranted 20 yrs.; crown, (¦i GO; fillings, 60c; plates. $5: full set; all work painless and war- ranted. Chicago Dental Parlors, 24 Sixth st. PARIS Dental Parlors. 235 Kearny, cor. Bush — Set teeth. $1 50 up; crowns.$2 up; fllllngs,25c. GOLD fillings 75c, silver 35c. crowns $2; no pain: cpen Sunday. Dr.O.B.Hewitt.204 Sutter. C. S. DUCKETT. Dentist. 838 Market st. — All work guaranteed first class. 10 PER CENT off this month; estimate v*re». New York Dentists. 0Ci> Mission et.. cor.-<tth. DHESS31AKERS & SEAMSTRESSES. McDOWELL Dressmaking and Millinery School — Any cattem cut to measure. 101!> Market. ACCORDION, sunburst A knife plaiting. Stew- art's button & buttonhole factory. 110 Taylor. OYsma awd ci.EA_airo. SEA breezes sweeten all garments, blankets, lace curtains, etc., done by the Presidio Heights Dye Works. 3915 Sacramento; phone for wagon. West 453. H. HICKMAN. pres. EDUCATIONAL. A— CALDWELL College of Oratory. Acting. Opera and Authorship; largest In the West; 14 teachers; positions guaranteed; fall term begins Sept. 7; day & evening class: beautiful new catalogue tree. J.295 Market, cor. Ninth. BAN FRANCISCO Business College. 1236 Mar- ket; modern, progressive, practical; estab- lished 15 years. Gregg shorthand, fastest, easiest, most readable. Actual business bookkeeping; typewriter at home free. DANCING — An evening class Is forming now for private Instruction; ladles and gentlemen only; tertrs, $5 per month; must give name and residence. Address A. I)., box 4619, Call office. HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 24 Post, S. F. — Bookkeeping, shorthand, touch typing, languages, telegraphy, English branches; day and night sessions; Illus. catalogue free. GALLAGHER-MARSH BUSINESS COLLEGE, conducted by experts: best combined short- hand and commercial course to be had: In- dorsed by official court reporters. 13S2 Mkt. DANCING — Prof. Drew's studio of society dancing, culture of graces. 36 Geary St., room 43; ladles' and gentlemen's private in- struction ; reception daily; phone Black 3738. AYRES. the U-dlng business college, 723 Mar- ket Et. ; special summer course tn all depart- ment*: handsome catalogue free: life scholar- ship. $50; day and evening sessions. - HINMAN'S Academy; & thorough school ot dancing: est. 20 years; 1412 Polk st., bet. Pine and California; adult class now open; children's class will open Bat, aft., Aug. 15. THE Berlitz School of Languages has removed to 1000 Van Ness ave.; rates reduced during summer. Eend for catalogue. ENGINEERING— Civil, dec. min., mech.,sur- vey, assay, cyanide; day. eve.; est. 1864. Van der Nalllen School. 113 Fulton, nr. City Hall. SYSTEM, discipline and results; the Golden Gate Commercial College, Van - Ness and Golden Gate aves..S.F.;fllls every requirement DANCING Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday and Sunday evenings at Teutonla Hall, Howard St.. near Ninth; management Prof. Foster. SI'ANISH Academy — Professor Arribas; classes day and evening; private lessons. S3* Sutter. LESSONS gl*en In Water Color or Oil Paint - lnr from Nature. CURRIER. 372 Sutter st. ARITHMETIC, bookkeeping, grammar, writing, etc.; day or eve.; $5 mo. 1024 Mission, nr.6th. Chics k»- Business College, 1435 Market, nr. 10th. Pittman ehorthand. typing, bookkpg., $8 mo. HELP WANTED — MALE— Con. MURRAY & READY. C34-G36 Clay st Phone Main 5S48. BUSINESS 7 A. M. UNTIL 10 P. M. Leading Employment and Labor Agents. Our office half block long; 14 clerks employed. By our own printing plant we publish a free bulletin of labor nightly; ready for dis- tribution 7 a. m. ; also noon and evening edi- tions. Get one. THIS IS WHAT MADE US FAMOUS. We Know No Distinction Between Man and Man. 1 YOU ARE ALL EQUAL. YOU ARE ALL WELCOME. 1902 We Gave ima We'll Give 45,000 Men Work. 60,000 Men Work. We ship you \ Free to one, Free to-day. Free to all. Ogden, Utah. All parts Nevada, Los Angeles County, . Santa Barbara, Chatsworth Park, t Hawaiian Island*. Santa Susana, Oregon. San Fernando, Washington, Los Angeles County. . ' CentraVAmerlca, Arizona, Wllllts, Uklah, And All Points North, East. South, Including Ogden, Utah. Carpenters and helpers, pile driven", fence builders, drillers, single, double and machine men,- corner and bench hands, muckera, chuck tenders, car dumpers, teometere, laborers, track men, cooks, waiter*, blacksmiths, etc., $5, $4. $3 60. $3. $2 00. $2 day. . Free fare. Free fare. Free fare. Everybody talking. Thousands going. Are you? Are you? Are you? MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. ~~ ~~ MECHANICAL HELP. 68 blacksmiths, $3. 0 helpei-s. $2; 12 bench hands, $3 60. 9 carpenters, $3 to $4. Carriage makers, $4. 12 coopers, lie barrel. 9 brick molders, $3 60; iron workers. countr>. 155 other mechanics. $3 to $6 day. MURRAY & READY. C34-C36 Clay St. 155 Coal' miners. Oregon. Free Fare. 155 Coal Miners. Oregon. Going Free. Free Fare— 55 Men WIHlts— Ukiah To-day. MURRAY & READY. 634-630 Clay st. BOYS. BOYS. BOYS. 12 boys for a box factory; fare "$5; $32 SO and fd. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay. BIG SHASTA LUMBER LUMBER TRUST SHASTA TRUST 15 laborers, general work, you'll suit, $72 60. 2 screw setters. $105. 2 off bearers, $82 50. 10 cross-cutters for woods work. $60 and fd. 25 laborers to pile lumber, $82 50. SPECIAL FARE. $5. STEADY, Good Jobs. MURRAY & READY, 034-636 Clay st. FEE $1— THAT'S ALL— $1 FEE. FREE FARE. 666 MEN. FREE FARE. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. R. DIVISIONS. Santa Barbara Dlst. Santa Cruz Dtst. San Luis ObisDO Dlst. Santa Clara Dlst. Bakersfleld Dist. Sacramento Dlst. King City Dist. ,- Alameda Dist. Soledad Dist. Paso Robles Dlst. Salinas Dlst. Los Angeles Coast Dlst. Los Angeles Dlst. Fresno Dist. Gutnda Dlst. " Cordelia Dlst. Madison Dlst. Farmlngton Dlst. Also hundreds of different places on their Divisions on every train. NORTH, EAST. SOUTH. MURRAY & READY, 634-636 Clay st. CARPENTERS. BOSSES AT CARPENTERS. OUR OFFICE. 9 of them to build barns, sheds, etc., mil- lionaire's own private work. COc fare, $90. 6 carpenters, factory, fare $1, $90. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay St. $5,000,000 BANKING SYNDICATE^ 25 men among fruits, etc., fare $1, $26 fd. MURRAY & READY. C34-636 Clay st. TUOLUMNE COUNTY. R. R. FARE PAID. 25 laborers, big lumber trust, $60. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st. $1 TO BUTTE— $1. CHICO" 26 teamsters, laborers and axmen, $75. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st. WHERE ARE THEY? *. 86 LUMBER TRUSTS AND SYNDICATES. LOCATED IN FOUR STATES. MANAGERS HERE. TWO TERRITORIES. FREE— FA RE— FREE. P95 laborers, no experience wanted, $35 to $70 and found. 186 experienced, mill and yard men, $40 to $150 and found.: 3K3 woodsmen, $40 to $150 found. Stlckermen, Tallymen, Spool tenders. Machinists, Buckers, traekmon, Line pullers. Blacksmiths, wood turners, barkers, car loaders. Tree fellers, - Jackscrewers, Log loaders. Shingle sawyers. Dolbeer loggers. Carriage setters. Swampers and trimmers, Gang edgermen, Saw filers. Pond men. Band sawyers. Carriage doggers. Sorters, graders and peelers. Chain tenders. • Shingle packers, also jointers, chute build- ers. $40. $50, $60. $70. $S0, $90. $100 to $150 month and found. 3S6 woodchoppers, tiemakers, shingle, post, picket and box bolt makers; tools and pro- visions found. BIG L MURRAY & READY. TRUSTS. * 634 and 630 Clay st. NEW RAILROAD WORK. 155 Italians. FREE FARE. 155 Greeks.* FREE FARE. 155 Austrians. FREE FARE. Board yourselves; managers at cur office; see them. MURRAY & READY, 634-636 Clay st. GOLD — SILVER. COPPER— COAL. • SPECIAL. 10 machine miners, large gold mining com- pany, $00. 156 miners, single and double hand; machine men, muckers, tlmbermen, furnace men, etc., $96. $85 and $75 and found. 3S6 laborers, no experience required, $60, $75. Fares from $1 50 to $3; many managers at our office. TUNNELS— QUARRIES. 1S6 drillers, hammersmen, laborers, $90. $75 and $60. THEY WANT YOU. 12 laborers for mine, no experleno* wanted, $42 and found; fare $2. For stables — 12 men, $60 to $75. For farms — 125 men. $30. $35. $40. found. For orchards — 250 men. $25. $30, found. For dairies — 65 men, $30, $35, $40, found. . For chores — 30 men and boys, $30. $23, $20, $15. found. For hay. harvest— 63 . men, $1 50, $2, $2 50 day, found. 36 fruit pickers, $26 and found. 'LOOK! 30 teamsters, city, $22 week. $2 to $2 50 day. 655 laborers, country, $2, $2 50 a duy. Coachmen gardeners, private ehoremen. MARRIED HELP WANTED. IS men and wives for mines, ranches, dairies, hotels, sawmills, etc.. $40. $50, $60, $70, SSO and found. MURRAY & READY, 634-636 Clay st. HOTEL DEPARTMENT. ETC~ ~ 37 cooks, all over California, $J)0. $80, $75, $60, $50. $40. $35 and found, for hotels, mines, sawmills, camps, ranches, cafes, res- taurants, saloons, harvest outfits, etc. ; crisp maker. '$10; porter, .city store. $10: second cook, mine, $40; also waiter, $30; steward. $50 - and found. 18 waiters. $3."». $40. $30 and found. 30 pot and dish washers, $35. $30. $20 and fd. 18 bell and elevator boys, porters, bedmak- ers $30 to $15 and found. 0 butchers. $10. $50. $60. $30 and found. 12 laundrymen. all classes ,/$lS week up. « bakers, helpers, $55, $40; $30 and found. 12 boys, learn trades. Wo publish a free bulletin' of labor dally, containing 10,000 positions: get one. ' MURRAY & READY, ' 634-636 Clay st. SPECIAL ON~MIDNIGHT r MAIL. PHONE AND TELEGRAPH. 3 machinists, fare paid, boss here. $50 found. Baker, city institution. $40 found. ft laborers, board yourselves. 10c fare, $2 23 day. Two laborers to run car. mine. $1 40 day fd. 2 stablemen, city Job. $30. $40 found. 4 men about threshing outfit, fare $1 60, $10 found. Bed maker, porter, bell boy. city hotel. $20 found up. Butcher. Sonoma County. $35 found. ' Walter. Santa Clara County. $35 found. Butcher all-around man. fare $3. $40 found. SPECIAL. Bartender. German, country hotel, boss hers $40 fd.; also yard man. same place. $25 id.; '2 carriage setters, boss here. $2 75 day Blacksmith Alturas. fare paid. $3 50 day. 3 furnace men for mine, $3 fare. $75. Aasayer old mine, boss here. BIG SALARY. , Young man about meat market, 50c fare, $22 50 and found. 3 farmers, San Mateo County Home Ranch, fare 25c. *3O and found. Cook, hay press, fare $1, $30 and found. 2 steel bridge carpenters, free fare. $3 60 day. .1 carpenters, fare 60c, private own work, $00. Painter inside and outside .work, fare 25c, $3 to $4 day. - ><-¦ -'-•« Plumber's helper, city job, $2 day up. Janitor, porter or handy man, city factory.. Butter-maker, , also milker, north, $40 and $30 and found. ¦• ' ' ' Stable man, city dray stable, $15 week. 4 laborers, manufacturing company, fare 30c $00. •* Porter, city saloon, $12 week. 2 young men. city mill. $9 week. Man run . boring machine or crosscut saw- , Two waiters, same hotel, fare $2, $30 found. 2 teamsters, 2 horses, haul straw, fare $1, $30 " and found. .' . „„' ¦ ' Cook. 4 men, ranch, 25c fare, $25 and found. Porter, city saloon, $40; cook, few men, dredger. $30 and found.' * • Potwasher. also sliver man, city cafe, $30 and found. '¦<: ,.-- Biggest wages at ,-MURRAY & READY'S. Best places at ' ¦ ¦ . 634-636 Clay st. TO~THE FREE BEAUTIFUL NORTH.: FARE. ' NORTH. 55 MEN WANTED. , BIG LUMBER TRUST. - FREE FARE. 1 The wheelman's in trouble, for ho's busted his 'tire. :-' And wishes the maker in a plnco v/ith a flro. lie should buy a arood wheel — that's the kind which Tho Call Advertises each day, then he'll not have a fall. But can mount and away with a.fiong in his heart, And be sure his machine will not o'er fall apart.