Newspaper Page Text
REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Abby A. Angler to Henry E. Botflln, lot on E line of Van Ness avenue, 52:8 S of Pacific, S 25 by E 100: $10. « Andrew Anderson to Nelson Anderson, lot on N line of Greenwich street. 212:d W of Gough. W 25 by N 68:9, W 17:6. N 38:9. E 42:6, S 107:6; $10. . h Nellie E. and William F. Mitchell to Solomon Peiser. lot on N line of Paga street, 106:3 E of Clayton. E 25 by.N 137:6; $10. Solomon Peiser to Bertha and Jacob Cohn, same; gift. . ¦» •- ¦ Julia Glesenklrchen to Carrie E. Baker, lot on E line of Fair Oaks street. 183 S of Twenty first. E 117:6 by S 61; gift. William R. and Martha R. Hathaway to Pat rick J. Tighe. lot on E line of Hartford street, 223 N of Twentieth, N 25 by E 125; $10. James I. Gallavan to P. Ryan, lot on W line of Alabama street. 101 N of Twenty-sixth. N 25 by W luO; $1<V • " '¦¦¦-¦ J. Cuneo Company to Covlngton Johnson, let on NE corner of Sansome and Green street, E 120 by N 07:6; $9500. Davide or David Perazzo or Perasso (by Du genia Perazzo, administratrix) to came, same; J950O. , A. and Amelia' Aronson to Charlotte F. j Clarke, lot on NW corner of Trinity and Sutter streets. W 40 by N 68:9. and property adjoin ing on W and N. particularly N line of Sutter street. 40 W of Trinity. W 0:6*i. N e8:llVi. E 40:»i*«. S 0:24. W 40, S 68:8: $10. Therese M. Brooks to Asa E. White, lot on W line of McCormlck street. 04:6 S of Pacific, S21:6 by W 58:0; $10. Nellie and Alexander Bond to Samuel and Slgmund Strauss, lot on SE line of Folsom street, 475 SW of Fifth, SW 25 by SE 160; $10. John E.. Nelly C. Frederick E. and Emllle M. Mason to Joseph B. Coryell. lot on W line j of Missouri street. 516 S of Army. S 128:114 , by W 100; also lot on W line of Missouri street. ; 516 S of Army. W 100. S to Tulare. NE to ; Missouri, N 187:114: $10. i Same to same*, lot on NW corner of Missouri and Tulare streets. N 63. W 100. S to Tulare. E to beginning; $10. Potrero Land and Water Front Company to I same, lot on E line of Missouri street and NW [ of Tulare, NW 216. N 25. W 200. S 100; $10. Emlle Ramlot to Mark I. Hart, lot on W Una ' of Fourth street. 125 S of Lake, S 25 by W 120; $10. William A. and Grace G. Lange to Union Trust Company, l«-.t on SW corner of Thirty sixth and Point Loboa avenues. W240. S 225. E 240. N 6O. W 120. N 75. E 120, N 10O; . Samuel I. or Samuel Jacobs to D. J. Reeng. undivided eleventh of lot on NW corner of ! Thiity-flfth avenue and Fulton (D) street. W 112:*. N 105. E 76:44, NE 75. S 16:44. *E 75, S 168:2; $10. Oscar Heyman to Jane Graham, lot on S line of Heyman avenue. 70 W of Prospect. W 28:8 by S 70. lot 09, Herman's subdivision of Cobb Tract; $10. Junlata A. and William A. James to Major L. and Rose Schulz. re- record of 2003 D. 884, lota 1000. 1101 and 1103 gift map 2; 910. TUlle Dick (Newhouse) to H. Scheellne. lot on NW line of Laidley street. 187:104 N"E of ! Castro. NE 25 by NW 100, block 4, Fairmount; 1 *10. i Eliza P. Brown to Elizabeth H. Jessup. lots ! 2270 and 22U3, gift map 4; $10. Ellen Magrane to same. lots 1039 to 1942. same; $10. A. C. Freeman and George E. Bates to Sam uel Center, lot en W corner of Seventh avenue 1 and T street. S l«0. NW 75. SW 100. NW to ' Islals Creek. E to Seventh avenue, SE to be- ! ginning of block l.O, O'Neill & Haley Tract: $10. Same to same, lot on NE corner of Tenth and Center streets, line of Islals Creek SE to U stre«t. W to poi»n on Tenth avenue 150 NW of O street. SW 100. NW 75, SW to center ot Inlain Creek, thence NV^, N and E to begin ning: $10. fttme to W. W. Wilson, lot on SW line of Eighth avenue. 275 NW of T street NW 100 by SW 100. block 172. O'Neill A Haley Tract; $10. Mary F. Mullen to Edwin L. Forster, lots 1915. 1920 to 1022. gift map 4; $10. William Alvord to Bank of California, lots 42 to 48. block 80. blocks 89 and 01. lots i:» to 22. block 182. lots 1 to 11, 13. 25 to 30. 32. 33, 41 to 4H, block 211, lots 1 to 14. 36 to 48, block 224, lots 1 to 4, block 226. lots 4, 5. 40 to 42. block 251, lota 22 to 2*. block 295. lots I«. 19. 2ft. 2» to 34. block 302. lots 1 to 3, 47 and 4S. block 303. lots 12 to 16. 38 and 39, block 335, lots 4, 6. 45 to 48. block 342. lots 23 to 29. block 374. lots 1 to 4. 45 to 48. block 37% lots 17 to 24. block 379. lots 1 to 7. 41 to 48, block 3S0. all In O'Nell & Ha ley tract; also lot 15, block 108. lots 1. 13 to 16. block 112. lots 2. 3, 12 to 16. block 148. lots 2 and 3, block 150. lots 9 and 16. block 155. all in South San Francisco Homestead and Railroad Association; also lot on SW line of Klghth avenue. 175 NW of C street, NW 5O by SW 10O, lot 3. block 156. same: also lot 4, block 150. lot 4, block 188. lots 12 and 13. block 189. lots 9. 15 and IS. block 192. lots 9 to 15, block 193. lots 1. 15 and 16, block lftfl. lots 5 to 7. 10 to 12. block 201, lots 5 to 7 and 10. "block 202. lots 1. 10 to 13. 15 and 16. block 203. lot 16. block 204, lot 16, block 203, lots 15 and IK. block 234. lots 6 to 10. 15 and 16. block 235. lot 9. block 236. lots '2 and 15. clock 237. lots 7 and 10. block 238. lots 8 and 9, block 246. lot A. 15 and 16. block 266. (lots 1 to 16). block 271. lots 2, 3. 11 and 15. block 275. lot 11. block 2S4. loU 3. 6, 6. 8 and 14. block 2S9, lots 1 to 5. 11 to 16. block 329, lots 2 to 6. 12 to 15. block 348. lot J6. block 349,, lots 8 and 9. block 351. lots 13 and 14,. block 400, lot 15. block 401, lots 3 and 4. 13 and 14. block 1019. lots 1 to 3. 14 to 16, block li:22, lots 1. 3 to 14 and 16. block 1G29, same: also tract bounded on N by P. N. Precita Creek and San Miguel Rancher, E by bay of San Francisco. S by Rancho Canada de Guadaloupe. W by San Miguel Rancho; also lots 2 to 5, 12 to 15. block 511. block 518, lots 13 and 14. block 538. Bay View Homestead; also lot? 5 and 10. block 2. lots 6 and 12, block 3. lot 15. block 4, lot 2. block 6. lots 1. 3. 6 and 7, block 7. lots 1. 2, 7. 8 and 9, block 8, lots 10. block 9. lots 4 to 7. block 33, lot 4, block 35. lots 4 and 5. block 53, lot 2. block 48. lots 1 and 2. block 5ft. all in Paul Tract Homestead, quitclaim deed; $10. . Robert J. and Mary A. Lacey to Edw, Frank and Margaret Kelly, lot on E line of Frank lin street, 40:6 S of Pine. S 34 by E 75; $10. . City and County of San Francisco to Aaron ' Levy, lot on S line of Ellis street, 13S:6 E of Fillmore. E 22:9 by S 137:6; $ . Carl and Margaret J. Kern to Elizabeth M. J. Packer, lot on N line of O'Farrell street. 123 W of Scott. W 27:6 by N 137:6; $10. Benjamin and Emma Mayers to same, lot on W line of Scott street. 82:6 S of Pine. S I 32 by W 137:6: $10. ' Sarah G. Hillver to Richard and Ann Mar shall, lot on N line of Waller street, 62:6 E of Broderlck. E 25 by K 110: $10. Daniel Einstein to Giles G. Crandall. lot 'on N line of Pine street, 100 W of Lyon. W 30 by N 100; $10. Emily S. Newell to John W. Hamilton, lot on S line of Waller street. 25 E of Belvedere. , E 75 by S 108:9; $10. W. W. and Carrie F. Rednall to Jacob and Peter Schafer. I«t on W line of Laurel street. 82:74 N of California. N 25 by W S7:tt. quit claim deed: $5. [ Verein Eintracht (a corporation) to M. If. i Pierian, lot on NW line of Folsom street. 174-.9U NE of Twelfth, SW 100:4«. NW 90:11%. NE 120:94. SE 90:9Vi: $30,5C0. Edw. W. and Virgla M. Jones to James A- Madden, let on E line of Folsom street, 171 N of Thirteenth. N 24. E 80, S 22:5ft. W 80; I $10. Bridget Owens to Elizabeth Meyer, lot on S-| line of Eighteenth street. 250 W of Church, W 25 by S 114: gift. | Angus and Flora McKlnnon to 'Henry DahC lot on E lln» of. Sharon t.treet. 145 W of Six teenth. N 25 by E 125: $10. Margaret McGranaghan to George Schomer, lot on SW corner of Sixteenth and Sanchez streets. S 53:6 by W 100; $10. Fernando and Julia A. Nelson to Dolban B. and FannlP Akard. lot on S line of Twen tieth strtet. 180 E of. Castro. E 25 by S 114; $10. * Catherine Hackett (Loughran. wife - of Joseph) and Sarah Farrell (Loughran. wife of Anthony) to Charles von der , Kuhlen. lot on E line of York street. 100 S oT Twenty- ' second, S 25 by E 100; $10. Octavla A. Doud to John E. Cro*s. lot on N line of Twenty-fourth street. 37 W of San Jose avenue. W 35:4% by N 87:6; $10. Robert V. Croskey to Louis and Henry Rosenfeld (trustees estatp John . Rosenfeld. de ceased), lot on W line of Powell street, 76:10 8 of Sutter. R 20:10 hy W 100; $10. Mary E. Quint to Samuel Croxier. lot on W line of Mason street, 68:9 N of Jackson, N 62:9 by W 137 :C: $10. Samuel and ' Frances Crozier to Nat M. Raphael, same.; $10.- Mary McTamney to Grace Plant, lot on 8B line of Minna street; 346:6 NE of Sixth, NE 36 by SE 70; gift. John aril Annie Walton to John M. • Peters, lot on N line of A street. 32:6 E of Seventh avenue, E 25 by N 100: $10. , Annie L. Fry to Mary E. Redmond, lot on E line of Second avenue. 225 S of Point Lobos avenue. S 25 by E 120: $10. Bemhard and Hose Getz to WUHam T. and Mary C. Richards, lot on W line of Tenth avenue. 125 S of N street, S 25 by W 120; $10. Hlbernta Savings and Loan Society to Martin Hanr.on. lot on E line of Bellevut street. 211:8 N of Twenty-fifth.. N 175. E 250, S 126:8. W 125. S 48:4. W 125. portion block 15. Noe Garden Homestead Union; $2100. George and Isabella J. Jordan to S. Ducas Company (corporation), lot on SW line of Eighteenth avenue. 150 NW of K street, NW 75 by SW 100, lot 3, block 266, South San Francisco Homestead and Railroad Associa tion; ?10. . S. Ducas Company (corporation) to William Schwab, lot on NE line of Holyoke street. 100 NW of Silllman. NW 100 by NE120. lot «. block 27, University Extension Homestead; $10. A. . C. Freeman to John E. Carter, lot on E line of Rhode Island street and center line of Precita Creek, W and S to Vermont, thence to Twelfth avenue. N and E along center line of Islals Creek to Rhode Island, -N to begin ning; $10. •" John K. Carter to * Joseph B. Coryell. lota 2262. 2263. 226R and 2284. gift map 4; $10. Abraham ¦ C. Freeman to W. W. Wilson, lot on S corner of Sixth avenue and. T street. SE CO by SW 200, lots 1. 2,i47 and 4S. block 130. O'N.and H. 4 Tract; $10. - W. W. and Kathe Wilson to Joseph B. Coryell — Lot on SW line of 8th avenue. 275 feet NW of "T" street. NW 100 by SW 100. block 172. same: $10. • Calvin and Mary Ross to same — Lots 252Q and 2542 gift map 4; $10. Edwin L. and Luella M. Foster to same — Lots 2285 to 2287 gift map 4; $10. ¦¦. C D. Jessup . to same— Lots 2271 to 2273, 2294 to 2296. name; $10. Thomas Moran to same — Lots 2521 to 2523. 2.Vt5 to 2539, same; lot on E line of Biggs street and renter In Islals Creek. E 125 by N led; lot on E line, of Biggs street and center In Precita Creek. E to Doint that would ba ia- Herman and Theresa A. Oelrtehs <owners> with Thomas Butler tt Son (contractors), archi tects Reid Bros. — Brick and terra cotta work for Falrmount Hotel, on lot bounded W by Mason. N by Sacramento. E by Powell and S by California; $128,861. Val Franx (contractor with Larsen Bro». (sub-contractors), architects Salfleld St Kohl berg — Excavation, brick and stone work, terra cotta and sidewalk lights for a seven-story and basement brick building on lot on SE cor ner of O'Farrell and Carlos streets. E CO by 8 117:6; $2fi,S0O. D.. B. Akard (owner) with J. Wenderlns; (contractor), architects Rousseau A Sons-— All work for alterations and addition* to a two story frame building en S line of Twentieth street. ISO E of Castro, E 25 by S 114. Mission block 111: $3580. Margaret O'Callaghan (owner) with J. Kosch nitzkl (contractor), architects O'Brien & Wer ner — All work except gas fixtures at.l shade* for a three-story and attic frame butiding on lot on X line of Fell street. 137:6 E of Webster. N 120 by E 27:6; $10,100. Same owner with Thomas W. Butcher (con tractor), architect same — Rough and faced brick and terra cotta work and setting of same and furnishing and setting of all iron. work required for anchoring the terra cotta, etc., for same on same: $18.«8O. James Torrey (owner) with N. H. Spauldlng (contractor), architect All work for a two atcry and rough basement frame building on W line of Woodward avenue. 120 8 of Thir teenth street. 25 by 90; $*2XKJ. Kat* 1 Thsyer (wife of Frank) towner> with William W. Kendall (contractor and architect) — All work for a two-story frame building on NW corner of Congress street. 150 SW cf Ma eonic avenue SW 25 by NW 125. lot 19. block 4. Flint Tract; $S500. John M. Vance (owner) with Ralston Iron Works (contractors), architect Nathaniel Blals dell — Cast Iron and constructional steel for an eight-story and basement brick building on K line of Taylor street, 72 :« N of O'Farrell. N 65 by E 82:6: $13,490. Builders' Contracts. Edwin L. and Luella M. Forster to same — Lots 2140 19 2469. 2529 to 2531, 2534. 2115 to 2547. same; $10. . Elizabeth H. Jessup* to same — Lota 1013 to 1919 same: $10. Edwin L. and Luella M. Foster to same- Lots 1035 and 1936 same; $10. Elizabeth H. Jessup to same — Lots 2270 and 2293 same; HO. Same, to same — Lots 1939 to 1!H2 same; $10. Same to same — Lota 22G4 and 2265 same: $10. Same to same — Lot on NE corner of Tenth avenue and center line Islals Creek. SB to "U" street. B to point 100 feet SE from SW line of Ninth avenue SE 75 NE 100 E to point 375 feet NW of" "T" street. NE 200. E to Eighth avenue. E along shor* of Is la la f?Teek to Seventh avenue SE to "T" street, NB to S shore Isials Creek. E to "T" st. NE to Sixth avenue, SE to S shore IM.als Creek. E to Sixth avenue, NW to center Islals Creek. 8\V to beginning, blocks 131, 177 and portions blocks 172. 133 and ITS. O'N & H tract: $10. Oolden Gate Acid and Chemical Works to same— Lots 1937 and 193S. gift map 4: $10. Same to same — Lots 2527. 2529. 2543 and 2544 same; $10. tersected by E line of lot 2523. thence 8 to N end of said lot. W to Biggs street. N* to be ginning; |10. * Elizabeth H. Jessup to" same — Lots 2540. 254 1. 2324 and 2525. gift map 4; $10. THE SAN FB AN CISCO CALL, TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1903. 13 ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS. JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR! A PRETTY HOME IN ALAMEDA. Surrounded by flowers and fruit trees; near train and schools; only $2850; lot 75x125. Nice 6-room cottage and bath. . ALAMEDA LAND COMPANY. Tel. Grand 1461. 1500 Park at.. Alameda. HOUSEKEEPING. BARTLETT. 21S— Sunny furnished rooms; gas, laundry, bath, running water; warm belt. HERBERT (The) — Sunny ¦ apartments for housekeeping; gas ranges; Just newly fur- nished. 1530 Pclk st. JESSIE, 333 — Large, sunny front room; fur- nished; houaekt-eping; gas range; $12. LASKIE. 27, bet. Eighth and Ninth, off Mis- sion — Three sunny furnished rooma; $14. SEVENTH. 191— To let. furnished rooms for housekeeping. STEINER. 1327. cor. Ellis — 2 sunny rooms, bath, gas stove, etc. : rent reasonable. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch of flee. 2200 Fillmore. —^—^—^— i —^ . ROOMS TO LET — Furn. and tnfurn. AA — City Room Renting Agency, 1104 Market St.. cor. Turk and Market sts., - Rooms 3 and 4. Phone Jessie 4471. FREE FREE We locate you free of charge In Rooms with or without board. Housekeeping Rooms or Hotels. A— HOTEL NETHERLAND — EUROPEAN PLAN. 18 TURK ST.. 4 DOORS FROM MARKET; 250 OUTSIDE ROOMS; STEAM HEAT AND TELEPHONE IN EVERY ROOM: RATES 76c A DAY UP; SPECIAL RATES BY THE MONTH. : A GENTLEMAN of regular habits ran secure a single? room or alcove suite, sunny and comfortably furnished, with private family, one tlock from cable and electric car lines and 5 minutes' walk from pars entrance; references. Box 4»63. Call. A— BRUNSWICK House. 148 Sixth— Rooms 25c to $1 per -light. $1 25 to $5 per week, and light housekeeping rooms; open all night. AT "The Almonte." 873 Market st. (or No. 1 Fifth *t.>— Rooms. 25c. 50c. $1. $1 50 night; $1 E0 to $10 week; house open all night. ANTLERS. 415 Turk — 3. 4 and 5 room apart- rr.etits for hkpg.: strictly mod.; elec. elevator. ARDELL 15 Page — Furnished rooms; best In city for price; $1. $1 25. $1 50 week; hskpg. A LARGE furnished room for 1 or 2 gents: bath; running water; references. SS9 Post st. ; BURNETT. 142tt Market — (old No. 1364)— Fur- nished rooms, suites, single; also unfurnished. CLIFFORD. 204 Ellis, cor. Mason — Elegantly furnished runny rooms: prices reasonable. EDDY. 722— Newly furnished rooms; suites or single. EDDY. 867 — Large sunny room; suitable for 2 gentlemen: with or without board. FIFTH XI — Sunny bay-window rooms; also single rooms; $1 50. $2 50 to $4 per week. FOURTH., 225 — Nice front room; also single room*. ' !'**¦'- ¦ GEARY, 678— Cozy single room, $7 per mo.; also one rear, separate entrance. $5 per mo. GRAND Southern. 7th and Mieslon— Rooma 50c to $1 50 night; $2 to $6 week; reading-room. HOTEL GRA YSTONE 66 Geary St.: phone Bush 880. Centrally located fireproof hotel; elegantly furnished suites, with baths i-nd singles. HOWARD. 1U63- "The Harvey"; neatly furn. eingle and double rooms; $1 50 week and up. LYON. 1617, bet. Bush and Pine— Sunny room: furnished or partly so. / MINNA. 545 — Large, sunny, front room for two gentlemen or light housekeeping. O'FARRELL. 20 — Sunny furnished rooms and offices; elevator; elec. lights; day, week, mo. ROYAL House. 126 Ellis — Incandescent lights, readire-rcom, smoking-room and ladles' par- lor: rooms per night, 35c to $1 £0; week, $2 *> $8; month. $8 to $3<>: elevator on ground floor; rooms with hot and cold water; baths. SINGLE sunny front room; private house; $1 .I5 t«»r week. 1514 Mission St. ; TO LET — A newly furnished front bay-window room In new modern flat with use of bath; 16 minutes from Third and Market sts. ; north, side of Market: handy to 3 car lines; must have references. Box 13. Call office. UNITED STATES, 123 Eddy St.. near Market —400 slncle and family rooms; 35c to $1 night; $1 75 to $6 week; elevator; electric lights: reading-room; free bus and bagyage. \"AN NESS ave.. 819 — Renovated: handsome tunny furnished suites front rms.; mod. conv. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 3d St.. near Market- Most convenient and respectable; 700 rooms; 35c to $1 50 night; $2 to $S week; elevator: elec. lights; reading-room; free bus; baggage. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 2200 Fillmore. ROOMS AM) BOARD. AMOY. THE 801 DEVISADERO ST. I Strictly fir*t-class family hotel; sunny rooms, : suite or single; billiards; steam heat. • OLD Stevenson Mansion, opp. Grace Church, with annex. 807 California st. — Attractive In- terior;' exceptional table;, free billiard-room. THE JOHNSON. 605 O'Farrell st.— Sunny mites and single rooms, with board: refs. A WEEK'S news for 8 cents — The Weekly Call. 16 paces. In wrapper, for mailing. $1 per year. ROOMS WASTED. WANTED — Three or 4 unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, north of Turk, east of I-arkln and south of Bush. Address box 4C32, Call office. • WANTED — Sunny furnished room, north of Market; private family; $U. Box 4948. Call. SPECIAL NOTICES. Ladies! Chlchester's English Pennyroyal Pills are best: fcafe. reliable; take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles." la letter 'by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chlehester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. PILES— PETER FREIL1NGS pile salve, $1 per box; warranted to cure alt cases of bleeding, itching, external. Internal or protruding piles without fail, no matter of how long standing. 162S DeviFadere st.. near Sutter. SPECIALISTS. CATARRH, DEAFNESS and NOISES in EAP.S poslt ( vely cured; new method; 1 week's treat- ment free. Dr. Cottlngham. 204 Sutter et. STORAGE A.VI) WAREHOUSES. A— EMPORIUM Storage & Van Co.; furnTtureT household goods stored, moved, shipped. 725- 731 Howard et.. near Third; phone Grant 161. plERCE-RODOLPirs7orageT& MovingCo.. of- flce Post and Powell sts.; tel. Priv. Ex. 671. CONKLIN'S storage— Furniture and merchan- dise. 333 Golden Gate ave.; phone East 12(5. GOLDEN West Storage; advances made; 840 Mission St.: tel. Howard 941. F. W. Zehfuss. PACIFIC Storage and Furniture Moving Com- pany. 2320 Fillmore St.; phone Jackson 281. BEKINS Van and Storage Co.. 11 Montgomery St.; tel. Main 1840. Shipping at cut rates. A WEEK'S news for 5 cents — The Weekly Call. 16 pages, in wrapper, for mailing. $1 per year. ./TYPEWRITERS AKD SUPPLIES. GREAtHbARG AINS IN~ TYPE WRITERS^Wa veil better machines for less money than any house In the city; rentals $3. The Typewriter Exchange. 536 California; telephone Main 2«8. A FEW good typewriters at $30 each; get par- I tlcularv, L. & M. ALEXANDER. 110 Mont- f gomery st. 2D-HAND typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Webster Typewriter Inspec. Co.. 200 8ansome. STUTTERING AND STAMMERING. MELBOURNE System School, Van Ness and Market; positive cure for all. Don't delay. . MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were Issued yesterday: George H. Rathmell, 27, .Oakland, and Helena C. Bundcscn, 23, city. * Isaac Joseph. 64, 4<S3 Ivy avenue, and Bertha Simon. 62. 301*14 Octavia street. Henry Scheper. 25. 2*00 Pine street, and May Hawklno. 20. 2S»14 Folaom street. * - Fred S. Hutchins, 26, city, and Ada A. In- man, 20. San Jone. George O. Brookmiller. 27. Chicago, and Fannie E. Clapp. 26, Santa Cruz. . William C. Roche. 27. 735 Minna. street, and Alice Mosher.' 20, 270 Fourteenth street. Paul Souquet. 40, 1432 Geary street, rfnd Caroline Muller. 30. 1425 Webster street. Alfred- J. Herbstritt. 21. 037 Folsom street, and Alice Besner, 18. 1036 Brannan street. Bert N. Adklns, 23, Raymond, and Marie Wagner. 21. 2018 Bush street. . George N. Trlbou. 30. 242 Clara street, and Rofie G. Howell. 23, city. Hans C. Sand, 28. 70.514 Davis street, and Jenny Strem, 27. 224% Twelfth street. .Giuseppe Tortolani, 25, 215 Broadway, and Mary O<»scarano. 18. 5 Prescott court. Richard W. CoMello. 25. 1)23 Grove street, and Mary G. Welsh, 22. 1215 Golden Gate ave. Federlgo Vannucci, 2<i, " Guernevllle, and Elena Cardosel, 2ti, Uuerneville. OFFICES AM) STORES TO LET. I £ilMA if PRECKELS .building. J27 Markrt *1 — OrCe* to let; rent $15 ; light. h»*t. ;«.nltor anl i _ ASHTOK A O.VRPIXCR. j 712 FANfi.OME «., near Jackson— Handsome ' large Ftore; rent $25. < FT ,ORE euitabl* f or bakery; 1 Java St.. Apply . 44i< Iluena VUta ave. PEKSO3TAJLS. A— FACIAL BLEM1SHKS REMOVED. Wrinkles, yellow and flabby skin birthmarks. ' err.sllptfx ptttlngs and «care scientifically re- ! me ved m-ithcut cutting.rnassage. electricity or i smciclne; special demonstrations this week, i ¦ Call or write DR. L. WILLIAMS. 371 Geary. • WANTED — 777 ladies with scalp diseases; lots cf hair and premature grayness prevented, j <Can> treat by mall. Blank for stamp.) Ccn- *u!taticr free. S:30 to 0: Sundays. 10 to 12. ! I X of '~." GEO - A - CARLO W. Specialist, roota ; r'.S. 90. Market st." i MORPHINE. oplunTand laudanum habits curtd j »t home by a painless home treatment; in- | horsed and us^d by leading physicians; corre. j tp<Sid t nce strictly confidential; In pla'.n.sealed ! call or write to-day. ln<ila Drug I Cur*. 201 Turk st.; Bruce P.* Klrr.rals. Mgr. j THE S\&r Hair Remedy restores ?ray hair, tin- j frovesJts growth ;stops falling ;cures dandruSC i and Kchlng scalp; no stain or stickiness; | cleanses scalp ;at drugpists'. hairdressers' ;ac- , cert ao substitute. Star RemedyCo..3S5Geary. | J» .HENRY VEPSHY will not be responsive j , (or any 6r\>it incur:-*-.! > > my wife. Mm. J • l:iizabeth Vewey. s-h- having Ifft my Iwd and i : -^ard. Aucu?t :t. IWi. \ L FISCHER has boM the restaurant at ! • 184 -Third ft t" Mr. .1. Aff.jltrr and will set- | ti.« all hiils du<> t.. Aug 1. IMS. j KOT he* cheap but how good, is the motto of • tn* * manufacturers of the Rapid Rotary . . Standard th* t-ewine-maehine cf to-day. J. ; >J". EVANS. ag*-nt 1021 Markrt st. PHYSICIAN. 15 years' cures per- I " manently morphine, cocaine habit. Call or ! ¦'address Crfitral Pharmacy. 251 Grant ave.. j oornrr* Butter st. ; fee moderate. J •-fcANCING Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday and j ¦Sunday evenings at Teutonla Hall. Howard ; -.U-fct.. near Ninth; ir.anacement Prof. Foster. AT less than cost, -jnealled for suits, overcoats j and" trousers at CHARLES LYONS'. London . . . Tailor. 721 Market st. I ELEGANT 6Uits en easy Installments: 50 cents i up per week. LEON LEMOS. 1127 Mar- j ket St., between Seventh and Eighth. 6UITS to order on installments. $1 per week. ' Neuhaus Sc Co.. merch.taSlor*.727-729 Market. ! ALL style* hairdresMr.g. 25c: hair £oods; tnanl- i curing 25c. G. LEDERER. 1^3 Stockton st. | TAlLOR-tdADE suit $7 50; dress pants $2 50. ] Misfit Clotb'.r.g Parlor, cor. Bush and Dupont. ; SUPERFLUOUS hair ar.d moles removed by : electric needle. Dr.&Mrs.Traveree.lI70Market ! MASQUERADE costumes, play books. ».i*s. ! c°urrtry orders. GOLDSTEIN & CO.. 731 Mlct. | ALT"REIH"M'S Egyptian Henna restores «ray J hair, to Jts natural color; $1. at all druggists.' j fuperfluou* hair & moles removed with eleo j . trie needle. Mrs. & Miss F.aton, 1119 Sutfer. VA'RICOFE veins and catarrh curfd at Iirme. Call or write for teFtlmorials. I>r. WILL- i TAM? CO.. 14f> r^arv Ft.. S. F. PAJL-IIST3Y. • ; « — l ilADAM PEVAF.scicsttSc palrr.ift and astrolo- | Ct»t. • Office. 26 Liebes bldg.. 1£> Post St.; $1 i i ra!m rea<*.!r.c a specialty; open Tuesday eve. PAPBRHAXGING. PA1XTIXG. ETC. JIOOMS papered. $3 50 up; tinting, painting. ¦ Hartn^ann Paint Co.. 313 3d Ft.; tel. Ma'n 413 PUYSICIA.\S AMJ MUtiEOXS. 'DR~~C~C. O' DON NELL— Office and residence. 1021% Market st.. bet. Sixth and Seventh. BLOOD, skin and rectal diseases a specialty. CiR. BALL. 1U73U Market «t. KnilGVED — DK. WONG HIM, h»rb doctor; treat*, all diseases of Us" human body: for j past four yeart at 115-117 Mason: now lo- j • roiled at- 6C7 Geary st.. near Leavenworth. Vii. TONO PO CHY. successor to Dr. LI Po j Tai. Jierb doctor; cures all diseases of human by use of herbs and teas. 727 Washington st. WONG WOO. the famous herb doctor— All dls- >f.y«>h.'cured by Chinese herbs. 746-S Clay St. PROPERTY WANTED. •ftl'JCNY. house or coitajre. 5 to 7 rooms, yard; j ii'i-d^rn improvements; convenient lo «'ars; | .• j!irl .rash, halnnce monthly payment*. An- : « i»wer tot in days, box 41':«i. «~'all office. j L-EGAL AD\ EUTISEMEXTS. • NOTICE* TO CREDITORS Estate of J. HARRY ' . BRBNNAN. deceased— Notice i« hereby " ei\«n by the undersigned, administratrix of '"•'the Estate of J. H.VKRY BHEXNAN, de- ' ceateS. to the creditors of a.r*d all persons J-.ivicg claims ... . •-.? t the said deceased. I ' to «b,iblt them with the necessary vouchers J • within four months after the ftrtt publlca- j *jcn cf this notice to the eaid administratrix .«t the office cf A. F. ET. SURE, roosi No. 1-03. Claiis Spreckels buildlne. San Fran- j c^co,. California, which said office the un- I <Jcrt;f • . selects as her place of business In all n&tler» <!.•••¦:•. with said estate ot J. HAItQY BRENNAN. deceased. CATH- ERINE A. BRENNAN. Administratrix of tbe Estate cf J. HARRY BKESSAS, de- ceased. Datld San Francisco, -July 3, 1903. A. F. ST. SURE, Attorney for Estate. Claui fcpreckels building. San Francisco. ¦ '•¦! ¦ ' ___^_ j NOTICE, of Dissolution of Copartnership — The t5rni heretofore existing under the name ana m'.yli «l Molden G«ite Dredjrlng and li^clam*.- tion Company, doing business in the city ar<l c$.uny of San Krancisco, State of Call- lo.-ma. if this dny ditsoiVfd by mutual cun- »•:.:. MARSHALL C. HARRIS having pur- cl.-fcswl the entire interest cf WILLIS U. j WHITTEIt in the concern. Dated WILLIS G. WHITTER. JuIyJ?. 1003. MARSHALL C. HARRIS. OFFICIAL — Detriment of State. Washington, D. C. July 27. 1!Ki3.— information has been '< received at th:s department from MR. ED- j WARD M. CONLE1. the Vice Consul General ot the United States at Mexico City, Mexico, of the death on the Kth of July, lftui. at MexJco City, of HAMILTON L. MOULDER. Tti*"legfil representatives cf the deceased can obtain further information by applying to Jhis department. Per dispatch No. 519 Dated I July 16. 1903. OFFICIAL — Dr-j artmrnt r>f State. Washington I D. C. July 27. lttftt.— Information has been ! received at this department from MR. ROB- L, ERT 15. JONES, the Vice Consul General of , the United State* at Guayaquil. Ecuador, of the death <>n the 17th of May. 1S*O3. at Guaya- •. quil. of JOHN LEAKY SIMMONS. The legal representatives o f the deceased can obtain further Information by applying to this de- 1 r-tartrVnt. Per dispatch No. 4i». Dated May :». 1&03. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS — Bids wanted — Notice is hereby given that sealed 1 proposals win be received by the B^ard cf Directors of the Veterans' Home of California at room 13. 320 Sansome «... Francisco. Cs.!.. up to 3:30 p. m. on MONDAY. August 10. 1603. for furnishing uniform coats, pants blouses for the Vet- erans' Home. Napa County. Cal. (R. R. »ta- tlcn. Youptville). for six months, ending De- . * cember SI. 1S»O3. Preference will be given to ' goods manufactured In tbls State, price, fttregf and quality b»Jng equal, under the j :i,v^:o:.t cf sec. 3247 of the Political Code. -. j>.. ¦•, bidder must accompany his Lid with a certified ch*ck upon some well-known ar.4 re- • epcnsible basking house for at least 10 per . Vest of. tbe amount of bis bid, payable to I C. "Mason Kinne. treasurer, conditioned that the bidder will enter ' a gopd and valid c entrant upon notice cf acceptance, as re- quired, by law. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to order any quantity over cr under the amount specified. Address John • F. Eheehan. secretary of the }'. ,ard of Directors of tbe Veterans' Home of California, room. 13. 820 6*ntome st.. Saa Francisco. €aL By order of the Board of Directors, j JOHN F. SHEEHAN. Sec. iAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. July 3L 1003— Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m.. August 31. 1903. and then opened for repainting, plastering, kaiso- roining. tinning, shingling and repairing at the eeneraJ hospital at the- Presidio of Saa Francisco. Cal. Government reserves right to reject or accept any or all bids In whole or in part. Information furnished on application "to J. McE. HYDE, Deputy Quartermaster ¦ General. Chief Q. M. Dept. of California. UNITED STATES Engineer Office, office of California Debris Commission, Flood build- ing. San Francisco, Cat.. July 2L 1903 — .-.»>c proposal* for building portions of dams «knrwn as Barriers Nt»s. 1 and 2) on Yuba Kiver. Yuba County, about 14 to 15 miles above Marjsvllle. Cal.. will be received here ' until 12 noon. August 5. V.n '¦'.. and then pub- licly opened Information furnished on ap- plication. R. P. JOHNSTON. Captain. En- jrtneenr. Secretary. » DIVIDEND NOTICES. 1 .IVIDEND .Notice— The G lHnt~Po wder Corn^ j*ny, Con. — A dividend. No. C6, of fifty < enta. f!W)e) per share on the Issued capital '¦. stock of the company has lx>en declared, pay- ' <ihle et the office of the company, rooms 202, . -'04 and 200, Hayward Ruildins, S»n Fran- cisco -on 'Aurust 10, V.aa. Transfer books «-1os* Aug-JEt 3. 1903, at noon. C. C. QUINN, S-<"T*t»ry- * » rs«OLUTIOX OK I'AItTKKRSHIl'. * To whom IT majt OOStCERRtlg H. MrDONALD is ro longer a member of ihr- firm of ti. T. JONI'S & CO.. he having this day sold all his rirbt. title and Interest ¦ tr.< r< i» to the remair.ins member* of the firm. G. T. JONES & CO. «U1«. X. 1903. REAL ESTATE— CITY— FOR »A L B. G. H. UMBSEX & CO.. 20 Montgomery st. AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION ? AUCTION AUCTION Of residence. Investment and unimproved prop- erties will be held at our galesroom. Monday, August 10. 1003. at 12 o'clock noon. ELLEN GALLAGHER .ESTATE. EXECUTOR'S SALE. • 405 Gough and 317 Ivy ave.. SW. cor.: Im- provements consist of two houses of 7 and 10 rooms and bath each, cottage of 4 rooms. Steadily rented for $300 per annum. Subject to confirmation by the Superior Court; lot 30x75. A. MALONEY ESTATE. 42S-30-32 Eddy Et.. north line, near Leaven- worth: modern building, consisting of 3 flats of 5-6-7 rooms and bath each, and also two rear flats of 5-6 rooms and bath each: In per- fect order and Fteadlly rented for J2310 per annum; let 26x137:6. Subject to confirmation by the Superior Court. FOLSOM tsT. BUSINESS PROPERTY. Kolsom Ft., south line. bet. Fourth and Fifth'. A large choice holding will be offered in sub- divisions. Lots level and ready for building; etreet work all done and accepted by the city. A splendid opportunity for Investors. WESTERN ADDITION DWELLING. f>S Elliott Park, off Stein*r Ft., bot. O Far- rell and G^ary; a good, substantial dwelling of (j rooms and bath; lot 22x70. MISSION DWELLING. 4a-J7 isth M. near Castro: two-ftorjr dwelling containing S rooms find hath: lot 2.ix!»:8. THOMAS R. LECOl'NT ESTATE. ADMINISTRATOR BALE. California and I^ocust Ft*.. NE. cor.; un- improved lot 37:6x107:7^.. Subject to con- firmation by the Suwrinr Court. CHOICE BUILDING LOT. I Goufh Ft., eaFt line. l>ot. Vallejo and Oreen, i unimproved lot, :*7xl<X>. _ CATHERINE HILL ESTATF. 34 Bluxorne Ft. north line, near Fourth: a 1 Fubnantlal three-Ftory building, ronMsting or : Ftore. 5 rooms and two flats of o-i rooms ! each; rents $(T,6 per annum; lot 25x120. Sub- ! Ject to confirmation bjr the Superior Court. J B. PAINTER ESTAin. The fivB following parrel* will be offered: No. 1. SW. cor. P-yant and 2:>th sU.; unimproved I lot*. 25x100 each. | Krnturky st west line. bet. 2fith and Army; , unimproved lot. B0x200. to Tennessee st. No. X Lot T.4. in block 12, of Flint Tract Homestead AMOciation. No. 4. SW. cor. Faralloneg and Capital tts.; un- • improved loUl, i5xlO.">. No. 5. Lot* SM-7-9-9, Oift Map No. 1. For catalogue and Kirth^r part'cu'.ars apply G. H. CUBSKS & CO.. 20 Monteomery et. I f 2.V10— B A Y -WIN DOW cottage. C large rooms; bru-k foundation; porcelain plumbing; wooden mantels; tiling: high plastered bailment; 2 nice lots. 25x1-40: 2 frontages; only $250 cash; balance monthly; title absolutely perfect. POLAN CO.. home builders. 1607 Market st. ; $¦«!<; — COTTAGE with 2 lot»; a bargain. • «?_•'•' — Modern cottage, 4 rooms, bath. etc. jisiin—i^vely cottage of 5 rooms and 4 lots. Fine building lets. $150. $200 and $230 each. THISTLKTON. 272 Ocean View. | THE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION COM- PANY. Bll-512 Callaghan building, will buy you a lot and build you a house: small cash payment : $> per month pays principal and Interest on each $1000 of balance due. $2000— HOUSE of 6 rms. and b. on Clipper St.. nr. Church: good barn; f.'OO down; bal. eaey terms: must be sold. D. COFFIN & CO., :C>0."{ Missicn St.. orp. Twenty-ninth. FOR sale— House 8 rms. ; high basement; sunny Fide 19th. bet. Valencia & Mission; r.o reas. offer refused. Stephens A Co.. 221 Powell. N. W. CORNER of Folsom and Eighteenth I FtF.; ROxW. Apply at 21 3S Folsom Et. A V.'EEK'S news for 5 cents — The Waekly Call. lfi pace*, in wrapper, for mailing. >1 per year i "— " **—^ *— "^~^ mmm — —^ — — REAL ESTATE — Country — Fop Snle. ALFALFA lands, etock ranches, orchards, vineyards: lnsi>ected bargains; monthly cata- logue sent free. C. M. WOOSTER CO., 648 Market st. | $]O. (xm — 4« ACRES K<v>d healthy vineyard near Llvermoro. SILAS «'. WRIGHT. Livermor-?. j ™"—^^^^^ MIIIUU.VN REAL ESTATE. M\PS and Information of San Rafael. Ross and Mill valleys and Marin County of CROKER & CO.. real estate agents. 137 Montgomery *t. HEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. • REAL estate exrhanee a specialty: free printed list. Pacific Coast Exchange Bureau. 850 Market et. BERKELEY ADVERTISEMENTS BERKELEY REAL. ESTATE. * — $4200 — 7 ROOMS and bath; Grove St.; lot 42x 135; $500 dewn. balance easy terms. $2000 — 6 rooms and bath: lot 60x120; street •work done; modern plumbing; 1 block from proposed car line, j $400 — Lots half block from Grove-st. car line. $3500 — 7-room house; barn; large lot; on street car line: exceptional easy terms to re- sponsible party. ! $1<5W> — C-room house, near College ave. ; lot 40x 120. J1600 — l-room cottage: lot 50x135. CHENEY & DERRY. P. O. Block. Berkeley. $G.V>0— LARGE block by the Santa Fe; $500 , down; balance on easy payment?. 9 $1500— Lot for factory Flte, 221x125. 172 1 ¦ $200u — Fine business corner on main thor- I ouglifare, KiOxlOO; come and Fee It. 120 jliiou — Corner, 100x100. by the Santa Fe.- K $750 — Old colonial nous* 1 ; lot 00x100; $75 i down: $15 month: save your rent. A24 $600 — Lot, 41x135. on prominent avenue. 161 $450 — Corner on railroad. 4Sx79: macadam. 131 *:i2n — Lot. 46x120; $10 down; $5 month. 174 J.':75 — Business lot. 20x75; t20 down. 67 CHAS. A. BAILEY. 1056 University ave., near San Pablo Hve.. West Berkeley. I $4000—1507 PRINCE et.. near Santa Fe R. R.; large 8-room house; high basement; sta- ! ble: cow barn; 7 houses for chickens; lot 160x133; street work complete; call and inspect. W. C. MORAN & CO., 2131 Shattuck ave., Berkeley. FINE. new. handsome cottages: up to date; all ronvrnienceF; close to cars; large lots; $1550 to $1000; only $200 cash, balance $16 CO per month. W. C. MORAN. Lorin Ftation. or C. C. EMSLIE. Ashby station. FOR fair dealing, fair prices and good bargains in hou*ef>, lots and renting, see MURDOCK & CO.. Lorin etatlon. Berkeley. A~WEEK'S news for 6 cents — The Weekly Cail. 16 ra*es. <" wrippT. for mulling, ti per year. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS 0F5TCE, 1118 BROADWAY. OAKI.AXD REAL ESTATE. SPECIAL EARGAINS— . $3,000 only for a fne 7-room house; large lot; all ttreet work done; easy terms. $1,100 only for a C-room cottage In healthiest location of East Oakland; easy terms; must be sold this week. P. C. LASSEN & CO.. 406 10th et.. Oakland. LOOK AT THIS] ~ IF you want to buy a cheap home on easy teimF. it will pay you to Fee P. C. LASSEN & CO.. 4C6 Tenth St.. Oakland. FOR SALE— 3000 Realty Syndicate 0 per cent certificates for one week at V2\i. W. E. BARNARD. 470 Tenth st.. Oakland. j $450 CASH. $10 monthly — New Queen Anne l)t atcurjf cottage. 6 rooms and bath; 3 fine lots, 75x100; all fenced; rich sandy loam soil; Immense shade trees. ca.k, laurel and pine; running spring water: a lovely home; near cars and fine school; no fogs or winds; ad- joining E&st Oakland; price In all $1250; nothing like it for the money In California. Call or send for circular. 4V5 Seventh St., opp. Broadway etatlon, Oakland: carriage free. H. Z. JONES. Owner. HOUSE 6 rooms, etc.; modern; 857 37th St., near Syndicate bank and- station; a private losn at your own terms of payment. Address Bullfw. 831 60th ft.. Oakland, Cal. ALEX. MURDOCK. Chronicle bldg.. San Fran- clsco. for Oakland. Berkeley or rural homes. OAKUM) ROOMS AND BOARD. TO RENT — Rooms and private board. 602 Fourteenth et.. Oakland. OAKLA.AO FORMTCRE FOR* SALE. TO-MORROW the day for bargains In furni- ture. H. Schellhaac, llth st. cor. ¦tore.Oaklnd OCEAN TRAVEL. e Steamers leave San Fran- Cisco as follows: For Katchlkan. Juneau. Skagway, etc.. Alaska — 11 a. m.. August 4. ». II. 19. 24. 29. Sept. 3. Chans* to com- pany's steamers at Seattle. For Victoria. Vancouver. Port Townsend. Seattle. Ta. coraa. Everett, Whatcom — 11 a. m.. August 4, 9. 14. 19. 24. 29. Sept. 3. Change at Seattle to this company'* steamers for Alaska and G. N. Ry.: at Seattle for Ta- coma to N. P. Ry.: at Vancouver to C. P. Ry. For Eureka (Humboldt Bay) — Pomona. 1:30 p. m.. August 2: 8. 14. 20. 2tS. Sept. 1; Corona. 1:30 p. m. August 6. 11. 17, 23. 29. Sept. 4. For Los An«eles (via Port Los Angeles and Redondo). San Diego and Santa Barbara — Santa Rosa, Sundays. 0 a. m. State of California, Thursdays. » a. m. For Los Angeles (via San Pedro and East San Pedro), Santa Barbara. Santa Cms. Mon- terey, San Simeon, Cayucos. P?rt Harford (San Luis Oblspo). Ventura and Hurneme. Coos Bay. 0 a. m.. August S. 13. 21. 29. Sept. 6. Ramon*. 9 a. m.. August 1. 9. 17. 23. Sept. 2. For Ensenada. Magdalena Bay. San Jose del Cabo. Mazatlan, Altata. La Paz. Santa Ro- salia. Guaymas (Mex.), 10 a. m., 7th of each month. For further Information obtain fotder. Right Is reserved to change steamers or sail- ing dates. TICKET OTTICtS — 4 New Montgom- ery street (Palace Hotel). 10 Market street and Broadway wharf. Freight office. 10 Market street. C D. DUNANN. General Passenger Agent. 10 Market St.. San Francisco. O, R. «£ N. CO. "Colombia" sails Aug. 1. 11. 21, 31. "Oorg^ W. Klder" sails July 27. Aug. «. »u. 2<J. Only steamship line to PORTLAND. OR., and short rail line from Portland to all points East. Through tickets to all points, all rail or steam- ship and rail, at LOWEST RATES. Steamer tickets Include berth and meals. Steamer sail* foot of Spear st. at aa r. m. Z. T. BOOTH. Gen. Agt. Pass. De?t., 1 Montgomery st; C. CLIFFORD. Gen. Agt. Frt. 1 ;pC. 3 Montgom- ery st. AMERICAN LINE. NEW YOUK-SOUTHAMPTOX— LONDOX. Phila Aug, 12. 10 am.NewYork.Aug.26.10 am St. Louis. Auj. 19,10 amj Fhila Sept. 2. 10 am ATLANTIC TRAHSPOBT L'is. NEW YOUX-LONDON DIRECT. Menominee.Atig.8. 0 amjMlrinet'ka.Aug.22. 8 am Mesab-i...Ausr. 15. » an:|Ml?inep's.Aug.29. 10 air. Only First Class Passengers Carried. uOMirtlOrt LINE. m»STON-<JUEEXSTOWN-LlVERPO<):- New England.... Aug. «fN'ew England.. -Sept. .1 Mayflower Aug. <i" Mayflower Ser.t. I'> Commonwealth. Aug 27(Columbus Sept. 17 Montreal — Liverpool — rihor: sea passage Aug. •<[ Kensington . ...Aujc.2 1 * Canada Aug. 221 Dominion Sept. 5 bo* 401 * Mediterranean mnct AZORES-GIBItALTAR-.NAPI.KS-CENOA. Cambroman Sat.. Aug. S. Sept. 10. Oct. 31 Vancouver Sat.. Aujr. 2!>. Oct. 10. Nov. 21 HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. _ NEW* YORK-ROTTEUDAM. VIA BOULOGNE. Sailing Wednesday at ID a. m. Statendtm ....Aug. lSlNoordam Aug. 2« Rvndam Aug. 19; Rotterdam ....Sept. 2 RED STAR LINE. ..„.,. yomc_A.VW«:i?P- PARTS. Zeeland...Aug. **. 10 ami Vaderl'd.Aug. 22.10 am Finland. Auk. 15. 10 am!Krocn'lrt.Auj.2U, lu am WHITE STAR LINE. NEW YORK— QUEENSTOWN— LIVERPOOL. Sailing Wednesdays and Fridays. Arabic... Aug. 7. 5 pn-j Majestic. Aug. 10.- noon Germanic. Aug. 12. noon] Celtic... .Aug. 21. 4 pn Cedrlc. ...Aug. 14. 9 ami Victorian Aug. *> C. D. TAYLOR. Passenger Agent. Pacific Coast. i " ' '21 Post St., San Francisco. ¦ | TOYO KISEN KAISHA. (ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP CO.> Steamers will leave wharf, corner First and Brannan streets, at 1 p. m., for YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG, calling at Kobe (Hlogo). Nagasaki and Shanghai, and connecting at Hongkong with steamers for India, etc. No cargo received on board on day of vailing. S. a AMERICA MARU Wednesday. August 2fl, 1903 S S HONGKONG MARU (calling at Ma- nila) Saturday. September 19. 1903. S S. NIPPON MARU Thursday. October 15. 1903 .*Vla Honolulu. Round-trip tickets at reduced rates. For freight and passage, apply at Com- nanv'a office 421 Market street, corner First. W. H. AVERT. General Agent. ftamburg'/tmerican. FOR PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURQ-HAMBTJRG. Twta-Senv Express uri Pusaagsr Sirrisi. Pretoria ......Aug. UKuecher Aug. 20 Moltke Aug. B Pennsylvania ..Aug. 23 Waldersee .....Aug. 8iA^ Victoria ...Aug. 27 P Slgismund..-Aug. 15 Patricia Aug. 23 HAMB0B8-A1IERIOAM LWB. 37 B*w» T , H. T. HERZOG & CO.. 401 California St.. Oen. Agts. flceanlcS.S.Co. s» sws e S. VENTURA, for Honolulu. Samoa. Auck- land and Sydney. Thursday. Aug. 6. 2 p. m. g sTMARIFOSA. for TahlU Aug. 15. 11 a. m. S S ALAMEDA. for Honolulu. Aug. 13. 11 a.m il.SFI£CI£U&Bt8S.e8^<{ts..TttstBflki t S43lamt3l Fr#tSSn.m Kukri SLferli 7.faaScSt C0MPA8NIS GEKEBAL5 TBA53ATLAaTI()172 DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE- PARIS. j.*w Sailing every Thursday. Instead of -««LaZS> Saturday, at 10 a. m.. from Pier 42. '¦PTsrffi'g North River, foot of Morton street. First-class to Havre/ $70 and upward. See- nnd-class to Havre, $45 and upward. GEN- ERAL AGENCY FOR UNITED STATE3 AND CANADA. 32 Broadway (Hudson Building). Nsw York. J. F. FTJOAZ1 * CO.. Pacific Coast A rents G Montgomery avenue. S*n Francisco. Tlcksta sold by all Railroad Ticket Agents. Max» Island and Vallejo Steamer*. Steamer OEN. FR1SBIB or MONTICELLO— 0:43 n. m.. 3:13 and 8:30 p. m.. excapt Sunday. Sunday. 9:45 a._m.. 8:80 p. m. Leaves Vallsjo, 7 a. m.. 12:30 noon. 6 p. m.. ex. Sunday, tua- day. 1 a. m.. 4:15 p. m. Far«. CO caat*. T«U Main 1508. Pier 2. Mlssloa-st. dock. HATCU SBOB. .. v Arthur G. Prouty. 21. 911 Webster street. and Amy O. Keller. 18, 806 Eddy street. BIRTHS— MARRIA6ES— DEATHS. Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mall will not be Inserted. They must be handed in at either of the publication offices and be Indorsed with the' name and residence of -per- 6ons authorized to have the same published.. B0BN. COHN— In this city. August 2» 1003, to the wile of William Cohn (nee Loewy), a son. ENNIS— In this city. August 3, 1903, to th« wife of Antone W. Ennls. a son. HINKEL— In this city. August 3. 1003. to the wife of George A. W. Hlnkel, a daughter.^ ISRAEL— In this city. August 2, 1903. to the wife of J. Israel (formerly Hannah Martin), a daught&r. SCHILLER— In this city. July 27. 1003, to the wife of Otto Frank Schiller.. a daughter. WITMER— In this city. July 30, 1003, to the wife of E. Wltmer. a son. / DIED. • Allen, Arthur J. ¦' Mendelsohn. Natalia Becker. Dledrlch Merrtam. William P. Belli. Mansueto Murray. William Clare, William J. O'Connor, John M. Conley. Ada E. Paulsen. Frederick Convery. Helen Randhahn. Richard Daly, Annie ;;Jr. w Farnum. Charles A. Ratto. Maria Gallagher. Mary Richardson. John M. Glgllo.- Joseph Roberts, James T. Goger. Kunlgunda Ryan. Joseph B. Greeiy. Ann Shattuck, Orvllle J. Hall. John P. Stone. Edgar Heatley. Minnie G. Taylor. Charlea Mel. Holeha'n, Mrs. Ann Wahrllch. William Katz, David Walsh, Mary J. Knierr, Byron F. Walsh. Mrs. Mary Leach. Dorothy E. Webster, Mary E. Loefler. Catherine « eller. Mrs. Chris- Lusi«on, Mrs. E. S?. tina F. McMahon, Ann Wiseman, I<awrenca Marsdcn. Ida ALLEN— In this city. August 3. 1003. Arthur J. Allen, a native of England, aged 32 years '.t months and 6 days. ttVl-riends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow ¦ (Wednesday), at 3 o'clock, from the parlors of Halsted & Co., 1*40 Mission street. Cre- mation I. O. O. F. Cemetery. BECKER— In this city. Aukusc, 2. 1903, at his residence, 637 Sutter street, corner of Leavenworth. Diedrich Becker, dearly be- loved husband of Wllhelmine Becker, and father of Mrs. J. E. C. von Orsen, Mrs. Aug. Hansen, Mrs. E. A. Groeslnger and Edna Becker, a native of Hanover, aged 57 years and 4 months. IT7 Friends and acquaintances and mem- bers of Cbncordia Lodge No. 122. I. O. O. F. ; Walhalla Encampment No. 7, I. O. O. F.. and Walhalla Rebecca Lod«re No. 130, I. O. O. F.. are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 2 p. m., from St. Markus Church, on O'Farrell street, between Franklin and Gough, where the funeral services will be held. Please omit flowers. Interment Odd* Fellows* Cemetery. BELLI— In Colma. August 2. 1003, Mansueto Belli, dearly beloved husband of Emi>st» Belli and beloved father of Angelina, Diva Teresa and J*uira Belli, a native of San Donato, Lucca, Italy, aged 52 years 4 months and 20 days. A member of Court Colma No. 83, F. of A. . • tVFrtenaH flnd acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral Wednes- day, August 5. 1903. at 9:30 o'clock, from his late residence. Colma station. Pan Mateo County thence to St. Ann's Church, where a solemn requiem high mass will be cele- brated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 10 o'clock. Interment Italian Cemetery (vault). CLARE— In this city, August 1, 1003. William J. Clare, beloved son of the late John and Anna Clare, beloved brother of Mrs. Mary • O'Malley Mrs. Sarah Hurtle and Michael Clare, and uncle of John T. and Edward O'Malley and Eddie and Thomas Hurtle, a native of Manchester. England, aged 4o years. A member of the Veteran Firemen s Association of San Francisco. IC7Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-day (Tuesday), at 0:30 o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 723 Brannan street, thence to St. Rose's Church for services at 10 o'clock. In- terment Holy Cross Cemetery. I CONLEY— In Oakland. August 2. 1903. at 560 Eaet Sixteenth street. Ada Elizabeth Conley, beloved mother of Harry E., George D.. Irma E. and C. Edrar Conley. a native ot California, aged 44 years 6 months and 19 days. CTTrteniis and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral services to-morrow (Wednesday), at 10:30 o'clock, at the Church of the Advent. cAnu-r of Twelfth avenue and Ea«t Sixteenth street, East Oak- land. CONVERY— In this city. August 2. 1903, Helen, beloved daughter of Patrick flnd the late Annie Convery, and sister of Annie and Cath- erine Convery and Mrs. A. W. Shields, a na- tive of San Francisco, ased 21 years and 6 months. CTTriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend th« funeral to-day (Tuesday), at 0:15 o'clock, from her ¦ lale residence, ¦ 2549 Post street, thence to St. Dominic's Church, where a requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her eoul at 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Ceme- tery. DALY — In thla city, August 3, 1003, at her daughter's residence. 82 Rausch street, An- nie, beloved wife of the Iste Frank Daly, and mother of Henry J. Daly and Mrs. Jen- nie Gaffney and Mrs. J. V. Prior, a native of County Clare, Ireland. ¦ # FARNUM— In Oakland, August 3, 1903. Charles Alson. beloved husband of Mattle A. Far- num, and father of Edmond Trtifsdale Far- num. a native of Maine, aged C6 years 7 months and 8 days. Past master of King Sol- omon's Lodge No. 26O, F. and A. M. ; a mem- ber of King David LodKe No. 200, and the Royal Arch Chapter; past prelate of San Luis Oblspo Commandery; past commander of Fred Steele Post. G. A. R.. all of San Luis Oblspo, and a member of Valley Lodge, A. O. U. W.i of San Francisco. GALLAGHER— In this city. August 2, '1903, Mary, beloved -wife of the "late Bernard Gal- lagher, and dearly beloved mother of Rose, Daniel and Mollie Gallagher, a native of County Donegal. Ireland, aged 57 years 0 months and 29 days. • O^TMriei.'ls and acquaintances afe respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow, - (Wednesday), at fl:30 o'clock, from her late residence, 22!» Langton street, thence to St. Joseph's Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul at 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Ceme- tery. GIGLIO — In Stockton. Cal., August 2, 1003, Joseph, dearly beloved son of Anita Valenzi- ana. and brother of Bertie Gisrllo. Mary and Rose Valenziana and Mrs. Vincent Pensa- bene. a native of California, aged 26 years 3 months and 1 day. (ETFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 1 o'clock, from southwest corner of Bay street and Montgomery ave- nin>. Interment New Italian Cemetery. GOGER — In. Oakland. August 2. 1903. Ku- nlgunda Goger. sister of Wolburga Kast, and aunt of John K. and Louis S. Kast and Thomas and Ben Selberlich. n native of Ger- many, aged 82 years and 15 days. A mem- ber of the Chrlstllche Mutter Verein. KX Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 8:30 o'clock, from the par- lors of the Gantner & Guntz Undertaking Company. 1209 Mission street, between and Ninth, thence to St. Boniface's Church. Golden " Gate avenue, near Jones street, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the ippoee of her soul, com- mencing. -at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. GREELY— In this city. August 3, 1903. Ann Greeiy, a native of Ireland, aged 77 years. HALL— In this city. August 1, 1003. John P.. dearly beloved husband of Mary B. Hall, and father of Annie. May and msie Hall and Mrs. J. R. Bockman, a native of Syd- ney. Australia, aged 60 years. CTFuneral to take place from his late residence. 1/26 FUlmore street, thence ! to Sacred Heart Church, where a solemn re-> qulera mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul to-day (Tuesday), at 9 o'clock. Interment private. HEATLEY— In Oakland. August 2, 1003, Mln nle G. Heatley. beloved wife of Charles W. Heatley, daughter of Mrs. Annie Ewart. and ulster of John M.. Jennie F. and Robert I Ewart. a native of Ireland, aged 28 years 6 months and 14 days. ¦ K7"Frle.nd8 and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral services Tuesday. August 4. 1903. at 2 o'clock, at her late residence, 1215 Eighth street. Oakland. Interment Mountain View Cemetery. HOLEHAN— In San Jo«e. August 2, 100.1, Mrs. Ann Holehan. belovfd wife of Patrick Hole- han, a native of Ireland, aged 60 years. ICJ-Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday). August 5, at 10 a. m.. from h-r late residence, 21 Edwards avenue, thence to St. Joseph's Church, where a eolemn re- quiem mass will be said for the repose of her soul, commencing at 10:30 a. m. Interment Santa Clara Cemetery. KATZ— In Oakland. August 2. 1003. David, beloved husband of Sarah Katz. and father of Aaron Katz of Germany. Mrs. M. Roeen- Karten, Mrs. A. Blumenthal. Mrs. Yette Lewis. Mrs. Malchen Isaacs and Miss Clara Katz. aged 78 years. KNIERR— In this city. August 2. 1003, Byron Franclo Knierr. dearly beloved «on of Albert fl , NEAREST THE^CITY t It i I OFFICE! 916 MARKET_ST. jj F. J. Monahan, President. ./ MONAHAN & CO., . (Inc.) V FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERP 2339-2341 Mission st. Telephone Mission 81. I James ¦ McGinn. - - -' < ' Henry Hanaco. ¦ JAMES McGINN & CO., 1 Formerly With McGinn Bros.. I ¦ Funeral Directors and ~mbalmer»- — I 214 Eddy St.; Tel. South 670. - I and Marcella Knierr,: and brother of Mar- cella. Magdalena Knierr, a native of San Francisco, aged 10 years and 17. days. - - ICFriends anil acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Tuesday), at 11 o'clock, from the residence of his parents. 2300 Folsom street, corner of Twentieth, thence to the Church of ot. Charles Borromeo, corner Eighteenth and Shotwell 3treets, for services. Interment Holy'. Cross Cemetery. ¦ LEACH— In this city, August 3, 1003. at her residence. 233 Dolores street. Dorothy Eliza- beth Leach, beloved daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Leach, a native of Liverpool. Eng- land, aged 18 years. 7 months and 16 days. (C/'triends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), from the . Mission Dolores Church, where a solemn requiem mass will b* celebrated for the repose or her soul, com- mencing at 0 o'clock. Interment Holy Cros3 Cemetery LOEFLER— In this city. August 3, 1003. Cath- erine Loefler, beloved mottter of Mart G. and Phillip Loefler, .Mrs. C. H. Schlueter. Mrs. Isaac Grant and Mrs. Jay R. Mahon*. a native . of Germany, aged 67 ' years 11 months and IS days. E7Notlce ot funeral hereafter. LUSSON— In San Jose. Cal.. August 2. 1003, Mrs. Elizabeth Stanley Newton Lusson, be- loved wlf« of Dr. T. N. Lusson, a native of Indian Territory, aged 58 years 3 months and 15 days. lirrricnds and acquaintances ar« respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Tuesday), at 3 o'clock, from Trinity Church, corner of Second and St. John streets. In- terment Oak Hill Cemetery. McMAHON— In this city. August 3. 1003. Ann McMahon. beloved mother of John J.. Phillip P.. Charles F. and George W. T. McMahon, Mrs. Susie T. Boyle. Mrs. Annie E. Ilynes and the late Mrs. Mary C. Lewis, a native of Queens County, Ireland, aged 77 years. CJ»'Krlends ana acquaintances aie respect- fully Mnvlted to attend the funeral Wednes- day. August 5, 1003, at 8:30 o'clock, from her late residence. 811 Greenwich street, thence to St. Francis Church, where a requiem high jnass will b« celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 0 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. MARSDEN— In the City and County Hospital, August 3. 1003, Ida Marsden, a native of California, aged 26 years. •¦ MENDELSOHN— August 3. l»03. Natalia Men- delsohn, beloved wife of Morris P. Mendel- sohn, and beloved mother of Louis. Emma. Bertha, Philip, Sadie, Sam and Isador Men- delsohn, a native of Keemoau. Germany, aged 50 years 7 months and 8 days. ¦ E/'Notlcis of funeral hereatter. I MERRIAM— Entered Into rest at Napa. August l.i 1003. William P. Merrlam. beloved hus- band of Annette Merrlam, and beloved father | , • of Emma Merrlam, a native of Camden, ,Me. MURRAY— In this city. August 2. 1903. Wil- liam, beloved son of Ellen and th« late Thomas Murray, and brother of Joseph and John Murray and Mrs. John Sader, a native of San • Francisco, aged 22 years 2 months and 9 dayp. ICTTrieniis and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the runeral to-day (Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock, from the resi- dence of his mother, 201 Ivy avenue, thence to St. Mary's Cathedral, where a requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 0 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. O'CONNOR — In South San Francisco. San Ma- tea County, August 2, lfias. John M. O'Con- nor, beloved brother of Michael and Jere- miah O'Connor, a native of County Kerry, Ireland, aged 47 years. OKrieiids and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-dav (Tuesday), at 10 o'clock, from the parlors of J. C. O'Connor ¦& Co., 767 Mission street, thence to St. Patrick's Church, where a re- quiem macs will be celebrated for the repose • of his soul, commencing at 1O-.15 o'clock. In- I terment Holy Cross Cemetery. PAULSEN— In this city. August 2. 1003. Fred- erick W., beloved son (of Hermann and Eliza- beth Paulaen, a native of San Francisco, aged 30 years 4 months and 24 days. lETFriends are Invited to attend the fu- neral to-day (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock, from the family residence. 1837 Eddy street. In- termont strictly private. Please' omit flow- ers. RANDHAHN— In this city. August 2. 1903. . Richard Jr., dearly beloved and only son of Richard and Millie Randhahn, a native of San Francisco, aged 2 years 2 months and 28 days. £7Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-day (Tuesday), at 1 o'clock, trom the residence of his parents, 535 Arkansas street, between • Twentieth and Twenty- first, Potrero. Inter- ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. RATTO— In this city, August 2. 190:1. Maria, dearly beloved wife of Antonio Ratto, and loving mother of John. Antone, Charlie, Stephen. Joseph. Rwie and Clara Ratto. a | native of Italy, aged 41 years ;; months and 1 day. RICHARDSON— In this city. August 2, 190-1. John M.. beloved husband or Belle Richard- son, and father of Mrs. Lottie Redmond. Mrs. v Dora Boetlck. Mrs. Florence Starrette. Mrs. Ada Lusso. Mrs. Ida Hunt. Mrs. Anna Howden and Joseph E. Richardson, a native of Iowa, aged 64 years 10 months and 27 days. ROBERTS— In this city. July, 31, 1903. James Thomas Roberts, beloved son of Julia A. and the late Edward Roberts, and brother ol Mollie. Laura, Robert and Russell Roberts and Mrs. F. W. Blodgett of Oakland. Mrs. J. 0. White and the late George and Albert Roberts, a native of Yolo County. Cal., aged 44 years and 17 days. ICTFuneral and interment In Yolo. Yojo County, Cal. Remains at the chapel of Charles H. J. Truman & Co.. 1000 Mission street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth. RYAN— In this city. August 2. 1003. ..oseph B., dearly beloved husband of May E. Ityan, loving father of Lloyd and Gladys Ryan, and brother of William T. and Edward S. Ryan. ' MrsT Mary Legge. Mrs. M. Ward and Mrs. D. O'Connor, a native of San Francisco, aged 37 years 4 months and 14 days. A member of San Francisco Tent No. IS. K. O. T. M., and Court Seal Rock No. 45. F. of A. ErThe funeral will take place to-day (Tuesday), at U o'clock, from the parlors of the United Undertakers. 866 MUslon stree:. between FCurth and Fifth, thence to St. Patrick's Church, where a rt-quiem high mats will be celebrated for the repose of his soul et 0:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. SHATTUCK— In this city. August 1. 1903. Or- ville J. Shattuck, a native of New York, aged ' 75 years. (t/'Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 1:30 o'clock, from the Odd Fellows' Hall, corner of Market and Seventh streets under the auspices of Fidelity Lodg« No. 222. I. O. O. F. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Remains at the funeral parlor of Bunker & Lunt. 2666 Mission street. Mission ¦ Masonic Temple. FIDELITY Lodge No. 222. I. O. O. F. — Broth- ers are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother, O. J. Shattuck. at 1 o'clock. Wednesday, August 5, from Memorial Hall, 1. O. O. F. buildinr. J. R. CASSIDY, N. G. A. G.' MEYER. Rec. Sec. STONE— In East -Oakland, August 3. 1003, Edgar, son of Mary A. Stone, and brother of Clara A. and Millie Stone, aged 36 years 3 months and 20 days. TAYLOR — In this city. August 2. 1903. Charles Mclntosh Taylor, dearly beloved son of Mary and the late David Taylor, a native of San Francisco, aged 34 years 4 months and 23 days. A member of Nlantlc Parlor, N. S. G. W. ' . ClTServlces will be held to-morrow (Wednesday), at 2:30 o'clock, at his late residence. 21*19 Laguna street, between Union and Filbert. Interment private. Laurel .Hill Cemetery. Kindly emit flowers. WAHRLICH — In this city, August 2. 19OJ, William Wahrllch, beloved nusband of Chris- tine Wahrllch. and father of Carl Wahrllch. a native of Denmark, aged 47 years 10 months and 9 days. A member of Freja No. 6, Danla.' (Salinas papers please copy.) (CKiiends anil acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Tuesday), at 12:15 o'clock, from the parlors of H. C. Petersen. 228 McAllister street. In- terment Odd FellowH' Cemetery. WALSH— In this city, August 2, 1003. Mary Josephine, beloved wife of Jerome Walsh, a native of Ireland. CTThe funeral will take place to-day (Tuesday), at 8*:30 a. m.. from her late resi- dence, 8327 Twentieth street, thence to St. Charles Borromeo Church, where a requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her eoul. commencing at 0 o'clock a. m. Inter- ment private. Holy Cross Cemetery, by elec- tric funeral car from Eighteenth and Guer- rero streets. . WALSH— In this city. August 3. 1003. at the residence of her sister. Mrs. Dennis O'Brien.. 110 South Broderlck street, Mrs. Mary Walsh, a native of County Kilkenny, Ireland. WEBSTEK— In this city, August 1, 1803, Mary E. Webster, beloved wife of Walter B. Web- ster, a native of San Jose. Cal., aged 41 . years 7 months and 13 days. - (TJrFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral Tuesday, at 10 o'clock, from her late residence, 4ltt Lyon street. Interment Odd Fellows' Ceme- tery. WELLER— In Oakland. August 2. 1005, Mrs. Christina F. Weller. beloved mother of Mrs. Henry Eckstein and Gustav and Elma Well- er. a native of Germany, aged C6 years 2 months and 18 days. WISEMAN— In this city, August 2. 1903, Law- rence J.' Wiseman, a native of Wisconsin, aged 40 years. • • (D^Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend, the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 0:30 a. m.. from the funeral parlors of James McGinn & Co.. 214 Eddy street, thence to St. Mary'« Church for ser- vices, commencing : at 10 a. m. Members of the Electrical Workers' Union requested to attend. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. CARD OF THANKS. ") We sincerely thank oar many friends and ' acquaintances ' and Damon Lodge No. 2, K. of P., for their ktaUncsa ana extended sym- pathy to, u« during our recent bereavement, • and for the many beautiful floral offerings. MRS. HARLAN PAGE SMITH (wife). FRANK HARLAN SMITH, ¦ '.¦ MRS. GEORGE W. RICE, MRS. OTTO FRANK SCHILLER. .An endeavor Is being made to have the street/ cars of New York and Brooklyn adorned with a mirror, placed directly in front of. the motorman, so that the men behind the lever can see whether passen- • gers are clear of theicar."^