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PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOLUME XCIV— NO. 71. CORONATION OF POPE PIUS X Continued on Page 2, Column 3. Continued on Fags 2, Column 1. VIENNA, Aug. 9.— One explanation of the • Macedonian, outbreak - here is that Hilmi ' Pasha, ordered the arrest . of every youn^&ulgarian suspect, with the result that; mrodreds. fled to the hills and forced the hand. of the inner revolutionary or ganization;; Ordered Wholesale Arrests. i' r with tall the .- solemnity - arid splendor associated with-; this, the most magnificent rite in the Roman Catholic Church. •, ' - : ; . •; ; ' ; As Cardinal } Ma'cchl, ; the dean' of , the Cardinal deacons, ! placed ; the triple , crown on the head'.of the venerable Pontiff \ the throng of 70,000 P persons ' gathered S within the cathedrarburst'into'unrestrained ac^ clamatlons,* the; choir 'intoned a -hymn of triumph and 'the. bells of = Rome' rang 'out a joyful peal. It is fifty-seven years since v the . Romans ; arid; Europeans yasslstedgat such I a function in' St. Peter's. , The great basilica, popularly, supposed' have been ' aulte - filled,, was . overflowing ._ with" humanity. - The . papal- throne, a bewilder ing mixture \ot gold, , red and silver, was erected in front ; of i the ' high" altar. 1 . * f . Contrary ; to custom on; these ' ceremonial occasions, there were, no galleries/- so the basilica ¦ bore 'more'. of -Its" normal aspect. On the altar .'.which.was'dressed' in white, stood'- the famous • silver-gold" candlesticks and fa magnificent vcruciflx: \ All "the avail able standing" space the cathedral OME, Aug. 9.— The ceremony fin ¦ of the coronation of Pope. Pius • H H Jf X \ took /place • to-day- in * the |B^ basilica of St. Peter's, in the uLS lA presence of the nrlnces and was divided, into sections by. wooden bar riers, which, to a certain extent," kept the vast "crowd'; in i order. » » .. ';. ' '¦¦• In the, early, hours after sunrise a thick fog hung over Rome and^ .the Tiber could not • be seen from . the other, while from, the Angelo bridge one 'seemed to look into a" fathomless 'abyss instead of .the . river. • The ! effect i waa ; especially magnificent on entering the plazza'of ' St. Peter's. 'At times* Michael Angeio's great dome . disappeared' completely^ from .view 4 while \ at others : it appeared through | an overflowing : mist. 'The ; morning ; wore-ori and' th« . foe disappeared '\ and .; the '. sun shone with all its Intensity until it became unbearably 7 hot, .and \ the . stones, : columns and statues' seemed to radiate the heat on the thousands waiting 7, to -enter the church. I- -vv.. .¦'-¦< '>'¦¦'•' --¦---•<•'. ; ( "At 6 o'clock in . the , morning ' the "ringing of bells announced the imminent opening of doors and a commotion "at once 'be gan ' .among ," the^ crowd. . \ But .ten minutes had ; to/ elaDse • before >. the -/doors • were opened,' and leach 'seemed a centuryi to the waiting crowd .which ' for i hours • had been standing'.- before • the7 closed '¦ portals. ~ The police '' and '. Italian* soldlerV' had* a' difficult task' in maintaining .order, >aa the 1 cruah- ; .When the doors were 'opened the'tnrush was' terrific. v . Many who started from the bottom of the steps outside were lifted off their. feet and \ carried into the cathedral. It [ was a' great, human torrent 'let loose, .thousands of -persons rushing, crushing and squeezing amid screams, protests, gesticulations . a nd cries . for* . help, i But once" in the cathedral there was no escape and the compactness of the crowd proved to be thesafety'of'those-who were caught in -It. Women- fainted in' comparatively large numbers, and even men were over come by ; heat, ' but .'no serious were ; reported. : Fortunately there were jVery * few ' children ' present. After . their entrance thepeople had further long hours of waiting, and it is computed that, the majority, were on their feet altogether ten hours before the ceremony. - *- . • t - Those who* had received special Invita tions, including', the high ecclesiastics who were * not participants ) in the '¦ procession, ing. and fatigue, had begun to tell on the patience of the people. MANY. WOMEN. FAINT . . INiTHElVILD RUSH ¦': TO ENTER BASILIC?! . Inside »the Vatican palace there was no less movement and bustle as the papal procession, composed of about 300 persons, all of whom had gathered early ' in the apostolic palace, was formed. The, Pope seemed to be the only tran quil one among the multitude. He arose unusually early and - took a stroll In the Vatican garden. Then he allowed himself to-be ' dressed by the Cardinals. He the diplomats and the Roman aristocracy, had a reserved entrance through the sac risty of St. Peter's." Prince Massimo ar rived accompanied by his daughter-in law. Princess Beatrice, the daughter of Don' Carlos, and they were given prom inent seats. Duke Robert of Parma was the only other member of the royal fam ily" to attend. Among the aristocracy there was. a great mixture of thoas Roman nobles who remain faithful to tha papacy and those adhering to the Qulri nal. ; Sir- Thomas Esmonde, representing the Icjsh. Parllmentary party, was re ceived by two Knlghta of the Cape and Sword— one -of these ¦ F. C. McNutt, an American— and conducted to the diplo matic inclosure. PopePiusX Bestowing tHeAposiqUc^nedicUqn From the Throne. DOMESTIC INHERITS TWO MILLIONS KLONDIKE GOLD To Gret the Money She Must Jilt Her Lover and Marry Another. GENEVA, N. Y.. Aug. 3.— Jesse Hart, i pretty young domestic of this town, received word to-day from Seattle. Wash., that her uncle, James L. Hawley, a mine owner, had died leaving her his entire fortune of f2 ,OW.OO0. MIfs Hart Is engaged to marry a young rnsn who works on a farm near here, but, according to the provisions of her uncle's tvil! # ehe must, in order to inherit his for tune, marry Jerome Medley of Dawson City, Alaska, whom she has never seen. Otherwise the money will go to other rela tives or to charity. A letter to Miss Hart from a Seattle lawyer says that the young man is the son of her dead uncle's chum, Joseph Medley, who went West from Chi cago with the deceased Hawley in 1835. "I shall make up my mind in a few days." the said. "If I give up my in tended husband I lose a vast fortune. My uncle was always queer. He was at tached to the young man named in the will and undoubtedly wished his family blood linked with ours." INCREASED FREIGHT RATES TO THE PACIFIC COAST CHATTANOOGA. Tcnn.. Aug. 9.— The manufacturers of Chattanooga have been notified by the various railroads that be ginning September 1 there will be an in crease on freight consigned to the Pa cific States, the advance to be equal to the rate between ail Southern points and the Mississippi River. The increased rates will affect all shippers south of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi rivers. - All freight received in this territory from the Pacific States or imported goods coming by way of San Francisco will be subjected to the same Increase as goods ehixped from here. The Foreign Minister has informed the representatives of the powers that the | Government will use its utmost endeavors i to quell all unrest in Bulgaria occasioned by the events In Macedonia, but the pow ers must do their part to take the neces sary steps to induce the Porte to stop the persecution of the innocent and the em ployment of Bashi-Bazouks in suppress ing the revolution. The massacre likely to follow the letting loose of the Bashi- Bazouks, added the ' Minister, is likely to precipitate the movement in Bulgaria In tfavor of the revolution and thus force the hand of the Government," The Bulgarian Ministry Is closely watch ing the situation In Macedonia and has decided to increase the frontier forces. Orders have been telegraphed to the fron tier authorities to redouble their vigilance and prevent all unauthorized persons, as well as insurgent bands, crossing the Turkish frontier. ' * "The fighting area is widening and will gradually embrace f very villayet in Mace donia until the autonomy of the country has been gained by force of arms or by the Intervention of .those great powers which desire peace. Not until then will we lay down our arms." The Macedonian revolutionary commit tee is now drawing up and will shortly circulate a declaration addressed to the powers explaining Macedonian grievances and the object of the revolution. SOFIA, Bulgaria, Aug. 9.— "Nothing caji end the present revolution in Macedonia until our national aspirations are satis fied or those fighting to attain them are exterminated." This was the concluding sentence of a statement made to-day to the correspond ent of the Associated Press who is Inves tigating the situation in Macedonia by the Macedonian committee at the revolu tionary headquarters here. . Boris Saraffof, the head and front of the movement, is with the insurgents In Macedonia. Ills representatives here be lieved that the desired results would be gained through the present movement. \ "The object of the present rising," said the Macedonian committee, "is to win re form which will assure the Christian peo ple of Macedonia security for their lives and property and the right to participate in the administration of the country. "The present revolutionary organization came into existence nine years ago, when the persecution of the Bulgarian popula tion of Macedonia became flagrant. To day all Macedonia is embraced in the movement, and though it. was not Intend ed to strike so soon, because the prepara tions for the rising were not sufficiently completed, the recent outrages of the Turks, the massacres of the innocent, the pillaging of villages and the extortion of heavy fines on various pretexts so exas perated all that the insurrection was de cided upon, no matter what might be the outcome. Revolution Will Not End Until Na tional Aspirations Are Satisfied. MACEDONIANS EAGER FOR WAR. The captain of the steamer El Capitan. which pliee between Vallejo Junction and Vellejo reports having seen the Heine shortly before the disaster occurred. He rays she ha<i ail sails set and was in danger at that time, as a stiff breeze was blowing. Many of the residents of Vallejo. reports having seen the Heine Cove to-day and as the ill-fated yacht \cas headed for that point when It sank it was for a time feared that the list of browned would be found to be much greater than at first reported. It was learned late this afternoon, however, that only four lost their lives. As the flotilla of yachts headed homeward with flags flying at half matt to-night it was a E'.ght which brought sorrow to the hearts of every citizen of this town. The most profound sympathy is felt for the fam ilies of those who went down to tfcath in the yacht. The Heine was a 30-foot Eloop owned End built by Har.son and it is eaid was not properly ballasted. Hanson was ¦warned that the yacht was not safe with out more ballast and boatmen who were aware of her condition were not sur prised to learn of the disaster. The only eyewitness to the accident f o far known, was a lady on the Crockett shore who saw the yacht sikk. She quickly spread the alarm. The steamer Dauntless was tied up at the Crockett sugar mill and as soon as the members of the crew learned of the disaster they started out in a small boat, but before they reached the spot where the yacht sunk the men had disappeared Jjeneat-h the waves. BENICIA. Aug. 9.-The yacht Heine. formerly the Trilby, of the Vallejo Yacht Club, capsized In the bay off Crockett this morning while beating her way to Glen Cove in a heavy gale and sank, car rying her crew of four men to the bot tom of Carquinez Straits. The crew consisted of William Hanson, David Wil eon, Emile Chilene and Herman fcralomon. Hanson was t!*e owner of the yacht and was employed by the Government as chief machinist at ILare Island navy yard. He was attached to the torpedo boat de etroyer Perry and was in charge of the engines when that craft carried President Roosevelt to Vallejo and Mare Inland in May last. Wilson was employed In S. M. Levee's dry gooSs store in Vallejo. His relatives Ijx'e in Kansas. Salomon and Cfc:j«?ne were prominent business men or Vallejo and both leave families to mourn their Iocs. Special IMsratch to The Call Disaster Due to Craft's Not Being Properly Ballasted. "Men who have been guilty of a crime like rape or murder should be visited with ewift and certain punishment and the just effort made by the courts to protect them in their rights should under no circum stances be perverted into permitting any mere technicality to avert or delay their punishment. • The substantial rights of the prisoner to a fair trial must, of course, be guaranteed, as you have so Justly in sisted. That they should be made subject to this guarantee the law must ¦ work swiftly and surely and all the agents of the law should realize the wrong they do when they permit justice to be delayed or thwarted"' for technical or insufficient reasons. We must show that the law is "Moreover, every effort should be made under the law to expedite the proceedings of justice in the case of such an awful crime, but It cannot be necessary In order to accomplish this to deprive any citizen of the fundamental rights to be heard In his own defense which are so dear to us and which lie at the root of our liberty. It certainly ought to be possible by the proper administration of the laws to se cure swift vengeance upon the criminal, and the immediate efforts of all legisla tors. Judges and citizens should be ad dressed to securing such reforms in our legal procedure as to leave no vestige of excuse for those misguided men who un dertake to reap vengeance through vio lent methods. . "All men must feel the gravest alarm over the growth of lynching in this coun try", and especially over the peculiarly hideous forms so often taken by mob vio, lence when colored men are the victims, on which occasions the mob seems to lay most weight not on the crime, but on the color of the criminal. In a portion of these cases the man lynched has been guilty of a crime terrible, horrible beyond descrip tion, a crime so horrible that as far as he himself Is concerned he has forfeited the right to any kind of sympathy* whatso ever. "The feeling of all good citizens that such a hideous crime shall not be hideous, ly punished by mob violence is due not in the '.east to sympathy for the criminal, but to a very lively sense of the train of dreadful consequences which follow the course taken by the mob In exacting in human vengeance for an inhuman wrong. In such cases, .moreover, it is well to re member that the criminal not merely sins against humanity in unpardonable fash ion, but sins particularly against his own race, and dots them a wrong far greater than any white man can possibly do them. Therefore in such cases the col ored people throughout the land should in every possible way show their belief that they, more than all others in the com munity, are horrified at the commission of such a crime and are peculiarly con cerned in taking every possible measure to prevent its recurrence and to bring the criminal to immediate Justice. The slight, est lack of vigor, either in denunciation of the crime or in bringing the criminal to justice, Is itself unpardonable. ' LAW SHOULD BE SWIFT. GROWTH OF LYNCHING. "My Dear Governor: Permit me to thank you as an American citizen for the way in which you have vindicated the majesty of the law by your recent action in reference to lynching. 1 feel, my dear 1 sir, that you have made all men your debtors who believe, as all far-seeing men must, that the well being— indeed, the very existence— of the republic de pends upon that orderly liberty under the law which Is Inccmpa table with mob vio lence as with any, other form . of jdespo- Usm. Of course, mob violence is simply one form of anarchy;. and anarchy is now, as it always will be. the handmaiden and forerunner of tyranny. "I feel that you have not only reflected honor unto the State which for its good fortune has you as its chief executive, but upon the whole nation. It is Incum bent upon every man throughout this country not only to hold up your hands in the course you have been following, but to show his realization that the mat ter is one of vital concern io us all. . • OYSTER BAY, N. Y.. Aug. 9.— In a let ter, the publication of which was author ized to-day. President Roosevelt com mends Governor Durbin of Indiana for the attitude he assumed recently respect ing lynching. The President also em braces the opportunity to express his own views In reference to lynching and mob violence as one form of anarchy, and that anarchy a forerunner of tyranny. The President vigorously urges that the pen alty for crimes that induce a resort to lynching shall be applied swiftly and sure ly, but by due process of the courts, so that it may be deemed strictly "that the law is adequate to deal with crime by freeing It from every vestige of technical ity and delay." President Roosevelt's letter in full to Governor Durbin follows: "OYSTER BAY. N. Y., Aug. 6, 1903. Some Greek peasants were killed in one of the Kasas of the villayet of Monastir, and in the villayet of Okhrleda the insur gents attacked some Mussulman villages. They everywhere displayed rage and fero city, and the Mussulman inhabitants were greatly terrorized. The Government is taking every meas ure possible to suppress the rising. Eight more battalions have been ordered to the villayet of Monastir. M. Maurocordato. the Greek Minister, has made representa tions to the Porte on behalf of the Greek subjects. M. Rostkovzkl, the Russian Consul at Monastir, it turns out, was murdered on Sunday morning by a Zaptie, a member of the Turkish police, who was on duty outside the consulate. The assassin was arrested. The Grand Vizier and the Min ister of Foreign Affaire,' called j on the Russian Embassador, M. Zinovleff, and expressed the Government's deep regret over ' the occurrences '. ">"7* t r^-"*- v ***^*_*^ r * M. Rostkoyzki .waa about. 40 years old, a- married man 'with one daughter.. Ttie official Fremdenblatt contends that, authough he was a victim of a Turkish bullet. . the Macedonian Committee is re sponsible for his murder and that Russia will know where to place the blame. • CONSTANTINOPLE, Aug. 9.— Late dis patches from HUmi Pasha, Inspector gen eral of the reform movement, announces that 'insurgents in large numbers in the district of Clisuri, villayet of Mbnastlr, at tacked the village of DJlvarek, near Kas toria, massacred the inhabitants, includ ing women and children. Then they furi ously attacked neighboring villages, taking many captives, some of whom were burned alive. Urges Swift Application of Penalty for Infa mous Crimes. Assailants Visit Their Fe rocity Upon Women and Children. Yacht Heine Is Sunk in a Gale Off Crockett. Declares Mob Violence to Be a Form of Anarchy. Ruthless Slaughter of Peasants in the Vilavet. Four Residents of Vallejo Are Drowned, Commends Course of Governor of Indiana. Insurgents Mas sacre Monastir Villagers. PERISH IN THE STRAITS PRESIDENT DENOUNCES LYNCHING PRISONERS ARE BURNED BY CAPTORS SAN FRANCISCO; MONDAY,' AUGUST : l0, 1903. The San Francisco Call.