Newspaper Page Text
FRENCH PREMIER WHO WAS FIRED UPON BY A SUPPOSED ANARCHIST. JW'ATERBURY, Conn., Aug.; 9.— The strike of ' trolley men - which begran . thlrty-^eeks ago van settled to-day, the Connecticut T^fttrlc and Lighting Company ngreeln* to takflJPItck part of the- strikers- at once -at; the; clef, waste*, to glva employment to the others •* boor as prac ticable and to treat with a commute* from the men regarding the future — >" 1 .>>- ' LONDON, Aug. . 9.— Dominated by the troubles in Wall street, the stock market has just passed through another' anxious week and closed without much hope that the worst had been seen. Foreign securi ties were inactive .and thus far but -little affected : by threatened Macedonian. trou-~ hits. The . rally in Americans -on : Friday failed to attract buyers, but it is believed there, are investors . who are willing -'.to purchase 'at the first sign of a^healthier tone in Wall street London Stock Market. PEKING, .Aug. 0.— An . American firm has contracted to furnish Russian flour mills" with machinery worth $300,000. The output -of .the" mills: will -be increased within a year to 1500 barrejs per day, su perseding the supply of flour .from Amer ica. •'''^BsanfflMHHsBBSHH For Russian Flour Mills. BAR HARBOR, Me.. Aug. 9.— William E. Dodge, the New York millionaire and philanthropist, 'died to-day at Stanwood, his summer home here. Mr. Dodge had been in noor health for several months. He was a member, of. the New York metal house of Phelps. Dodge & Co., and was 71 years old. He was one of the founders of the Union .League Club, and well known as foremost . in . charitable work. He is survived by a widow and three daughters. NEW YORK PHILANTHROPIST D|ES AT" HIS" SUMMER HOME GENERAL MILES IS GIVEN OVATION AT CUMBERLAND Civil War Veterans Cheer the Former Commander at the Railroad Station. CUMBERLAND, Md., Aug. 9.— General Nelson A. Miles, en route from Washing ton to San Francisco, was given an ova tion upon hl3 arrival here to-day. The Union Veteran Legion and members of the Grand Army were at the station in large "numbers and cheered the veteran to the echo, while the South Cumberland band played national airs. There ' was cheering and wavlns of handkerchiefs by many thousands of persons. General Thomas R. Scott of Baltimore made a short speech, referring to General Miles as the "greatest living soldier," and invited the assembled multitude to form a line and shake the hand of , the retiring general. General Miles 'was perceptibly moved by the ; spontaneous ovation. Foster Pictures, Most striking effects are produced. by premium pictures mounted on harmonious tinted raw silk mat boards— greens, grays black and red, most stunning and artistic for a ver.v moderate outlay. Sanborn Vail & Co.. 741 Market street- • SALEM, Mass., Aug. 9.— Colonel Charles B. Montgomery, who has been aiding rev olutionists In various South and Central American states, arrived here to-day from Honduras. He said to-day that he was arrested as a rebel in Honduras last May and. released through the Interposition of the United States Consul. Montgomery has been connected with Texas newspapers, and his trip to Hon^ duras was partly to. join the rebel army and partly to find Seth Tracey, who ab sconded from Houston, Tex., after having stolen $80,000. He says he found ' Tracey there, and besides* him several other no torious ¦ forgers from the Statesfall living in luxury. He names among them Had ley Jones, ex-Mayor of Little Falls. N. Y., who took a handsome sum of money; George H. Tripp of Hartford, Conn., who took $20,000; Frank H. Brown of New port, Ky.. 'who left with $260,000 of bank money; F. E. Webb of Mobile, the bank forger, and several others. They run the government and the business of the city where they live— Tegucigalpa. Montgomery served in the Colombian army In I'JOO. Special Dispatch to The Call. Colony of i American Fugitives Inhabits Tegucigalpa. Six Prisoners Escape and but Two Axe Recaptured. BUTTE, Mont., Aug. 9.— Two prisoners under sentence of death for murder, an other awaiting trial on a charge of mur der, a stage robber wanted in Wyoming and two highwaymen escaped . from the county jail here late this afternoon. The men who. escaped are: Charles Lenox and James Martin, convicted of murder; L. L. Felker, who escaped once before and has been tried twice for th«: murder of William Cunningham, his brother-in-law, and is awaiting a third trial; J. 8. Woods and Patrick Rodger*, held for robbery, and .' Frank Oestroff, wanted In Cheyenne for having held up a stage coach. The latter and Woods, who had , planned the delivery, were caught within an hour after they escaped. Oestroff complained of being sick and a doctor was called In. When Jailer Dolan opened the corridor Oestroff drew a re volver and compelled Dolan to deliver the cell keys. The other prisoners were lib erated and coolly left the building by the main entrance. Oestroff and Woods were run. down by horsemen and brought back to jaiL Two posses were quickly, organized and are now in pursuit of the others. JAIL BREAK AT BUTTE. "Moreover, tho history of these recent cases shows the awful fact that when the minds of mm are habituated to the use ot torture by lawless bodies to avenge crimes of a peculiarly revolting description, other lawless bodies will use torture In order to punish crimes of an ordinary type. "Surely no natrlot can fail . to see the f earful brutalization and debasement which the Indulgence of such a spirit and such practices- inevitably portend. Surely, all public men, all writers for the dally press, all clergymen, all teachers, all who In any way have a right to address the public should with every energy denounce such crimes and. to support those engaged in putting i them down. As a people we claim the right to speak with peculiar emphasis for freedom and for, fair treat ment of all men without regard to dif ference of race, -fortune, creed or color. We forfeit the right so to speak when we commit or condone such crimes as those of which I speak. . "The nation, like the individual, cannot commit a crime with impunity. If we are guilty of lawlessness and brutal violence, whether our guilt consists in active par ticipation therein or; in mere connection ana encouragement, we shall assuredly suffer later on because of what we have done. ,The cornerstone of this republic, as of all free governments, is respect for and obedience to the law. Where we per mit the. law to be defied or evaaed, whether by rich man or poor man, black man or white man. we are by just so' much weakening me bonds of our civili zation and increasing the chances of its overthrow and of the substitution there for of a system. In which there shall be violent altercations of . anarchy and tyranny. Sincerely yours,' "THEODORE ROOSEVELT." USE OF T0BTUB.E. . "In the recent cases of lynching over three- fourths were not for rape at all, but for murder, attempted murder and even less heinous offenses. . "This matter of lynching would bo a terrible thing even If It stopped with the lynching of men guilty of the inhuman and hideous crime of rape; but as a mat ter of fact, the lawlessness of this type never does stop and never can stop in such fashion. Every violent man in the community is encouraged by every case of lynching. In which the lynchers go un punished, to take the law into his own hands whenever it suits his own con venience. In the same way the use of torture by the mob in certain cases i3 sure to spread until it is applied more or less indiscriminately in other cases. The spirit of lawlessness grows with what it feeds on, and when mobs with impunity lynch criminals for one cause, they are certain to begin to lynch real or alleged criminals for other causes. - . -"It. is, of course, inevitable that where vengeance is taken by a mob it should frequently faJl on innocent people and for the wrong done in such a.. case there is no remedy. But even where criminals aro reached, 1 the wrong done by the mob to the community' itself is well nigh as great. Especially Is this true where the lynching is accompanied with ¦ torture. There are certain hideous sights which when once seen can never be wholly erased from the mental retina. The mere fact of having seen them implies degra dation. This is a thousandfold stronger when, instead of merely seeing the deed," the man has participated in It. Whoever, In any part of our country, has ever tak en part in lawlessly putting to death a criminal by the dreadful torture of fire must forever after have the awful spec tacle of his handiwork seared into hi. -5 brain and soul. He can never again be the same man. INNOCENT MAY SUFFER. adequate to deal with crime by freeing ft from every vestige of technicality and delay. | ."But the fullest recognition of the. hor ror of the crime and the most complete laok of sympathy with the criminal can not in the least diminish our horror at the way in which it. has been, customary, to avenge their crimes and at the conse quences that are already; proceeding therefrom. RICH ABSCONDERS ENJOYING LUXURY The attempt upon the life of the Prime Minister caused great excitement and the crowd pointed out to the police the author of the attempt, a man dressed in flsher man'3 clothing. His companion drew a but the police quickly disarmed him- The police had much difficulty In protect ing the man who had fired the shots from the crowd. He struggled desperately, but was soon overcome, handcuffed and taken to the prefecture, where M. Combes had already arrived. The first interrogation of the prisoner took place In the presence of the Premier. The man said his name was San \alre Plcolo. Ho spoke very bad French, with a strong Italian accent. He denied that he had flred the shots, but when searched a revolver was found with two chambers which had been recently fired. It is believed that Plcolo and his com panion, who effected his escape during the Society of Teachers, at which M. Pellatln, Minister of Marine, and Henri Hrlfson. Deputy for Marseilles, and a number of Senators and Deputies were present, two pistol shots were flred at the carriage: In which he was riding. The Premier was untouched and none of those accompanying him was hurt.. . MARSEILLES, Aug. 9.-As Pre mier Corabea was returnlg this afternoon to the prefecture from a banquet given by the Friendly Continued From Page 1, Column 2. As the Premier'* carriage was passing the corner of the Avenue Capolette and Rue Saint JOIoi live men began. throwing tomatoes. Only one of the missiles reached the carriage, strik ing the coachman in the eye. The detectives, aided by the local police, started in pursuit of the men, who fled. Beinp: closely pressed and t-eeinjc themselves about to be overtaken, the men drew knives and revolvers and engaged in a struggle with the police, who flred. seri ously wounding three of them. One of those injured succeeded in pac3ing his revolver to an accomplice. Another was arrested a few minutes later. One of them, named TIcolo. has already undergone five previous arrests. Premier Combes, accompanied by Minister of Marine Pelletan. left Marseilles to-night for Paris. The following official version of the at tack upon Premier Combes has been is sued: confusion, are anarchists. The police aro aware of the presence in Marseilles of a number of other anarchists. PRESIDENT DENOUNCES LYNCHING Services last night at St. Francis Church were held especially in honor of . the ciownlng of the new Pontiff, Plus X. Rev. Father Caraher preached an eloquent sermon, advocating Increased loyalty to the spiritual head of tho church and urg ing his hearers to mako that loyalty ap parent by sedulous care for their, religious duties and by leading lives of truth, purity and sobriety. Benediction of the blessed sacrament followed. ( _¦ Services, at St. Francis. CHEYENNE, W'yo., Aug. 9.— Tom Horn, the condemned murderer of little Willie Klckoll, and Jim McCloud, in custody for postofflce robbery, escaped from the county jail at 8:40 o'clock this • morniijg after overpowering Deputy Sheriff Proc tor, but were recaptured after a brief but. exciting chase. The ringing of fire bells brought hundreds of armed citizens to the scene, and it looked for a time as though a lynching would take place, but the escapes were hurriedly brought back to the Jail and placed In their cells be fore the crowds could form themselves Into a mob. The men did not get but two blocks away before they were retaken. The plot which led to their escape was well planned. Horn and McCloud were the only prisoners confinea on the upper floor of the Jail. They occupied steel cells, eo arranged that communication was comparatively easy. This morning McCloud complained to Deputy Proctor of being ill and requested some medicine and a glass of water. Upon returning with the. articles asked for Proctor discovered that the men had lef$ their cells, which were not locked, and had walked to the end of the corridor through which they were allowed to exercise. When Proctor .opened the. door to the corridor he was pouiiced upon by the two men and se curely bound with a cord which they had secured in some- manner. Horn and Mc- Cloud demanded .that he give them .his keys, and, although Proctor . had them on his person, he replied that they were locked up in the safe. Proctor was then conducted to where the safe stood and directed to open it. The order was obeyed, but on opening the aafe Proctor snatched from Inside a gun and turned on the men. They were too quick for him. however, and* soon bore him down.. In the brief struggle vProctop fired his revolver at them four times, slightly wounding Mc- Cloud. The shooting attracted the at tention of Deputy Snow, who hastened to the scene, but was met at the doorway by McCloud. who had secured possession of a shotgun In some manner. Snow re treated and Horn and McCloud escaped through a rear door of the Jail, after binding the arms of Deputy Proctor.' Mc- Cloud secured the only horso In the Sheriff's stable and mounted the animal arid started toward the west Horn ran in the opposlto-'direotlon. •' : • - About this time Sheriff Smalley arrived on the scene and started in .pursuit of McCloud, firing his revolver without effect. After a short chase McCloud sur rendered.'When Horn left the Jail yard the fact that he wore no hat and carried a revolver attracted the attention of O. M. Elurich, who operates an amusement stand across the street. Eldrich gave chase, firing several shots at Horn, one of which grazed his neck. Horn, slightly wounded, turned and aimed his revolver at Eldrich, but the gun being of an auto matic lock pattern, one with which Horn was unfamiliar, he was unable to dis charge it, and, realizing his helplessness, Horn surrendered just as Eldrich was about to shoofagain. When Eldrich ap proached Horn, the latter showed fight, but was beaten Into submission by hia plucky pursuer. By this time numbers of officers and citizens had gathered at the spot, and Horn, bleeding from his wounds, was dragged back to the jail. Quiet pre vails now and there Is no probability of an attempt being made to lynch the Jail breakers. With One Hand Released to Work Combination Plucky Jailer Grabs His Gun and Gives Prisoners Battle. Bind Him Hand and Foot/and Compel Him to Open Safe for Keys. The Pontiff was so fatigued by the cer emony that the meeting of the consistory, •which was to have been held to-morrow, was postponed. . • #• To-night all of the churches and re ligious institutions and manv private houses were illuminated In honor of the occasion. The officers of the Vatican refused dip lomatists accredited to the Qulrlnal any facilities for being present at' the coron ation. '.Nevertheless, some of them were there as" civilians, through the courtesy of their colleagues of the French em bassy to the Vatican. Besides Cardinal Gibbons, there were present at the coronation to-^av Mon slgnor Kennedy and the entire American college party, the Archbishop of Manila, Monslgnor O'Connell. rector of Washing ton University, and Very Rev. Charles P. Granna, of the same institution, Father Wall and Father John E. Burke of New York, Father E. W. Fowler of Sioux City, la.. And Father Thomas B. Donovan of Montgomery. Ala. The only member of the Pope's family present was his nephew, Parolin, who is a parish priest, f Cardinal Gibbons, after participating in the coronation ceremonies, started for the villa of the American Collega at Cas tle Gandolfo. accompanied by Monslgnor Kennedy, rector of the college. The Car dinal will spend a few days In rest. at St. ¦ Peter's to-day not a single un toward incident occurred and the perfect order is attributed to the good organi zation of the military - and the police. Premier Zanardelll, although not well, re mained in Rome purposely to direct the policy, of government. He left immedi ately after the coronation, saying: Rome, and Italy have given proof to th« world of tha freedom of the church. Inmates of a Wyoming Prison Overpower . Their Keeper. ; "I offer aa aft of obedience to your i(oliness and wf sh you a prosperous and Eldriotis pontiCaite." The Cardinal recalled that the bodies of the first Pcipo and of St. Paul rested In the basilica, which fact, he said, was of good augury ;for tho work of the new head of the Catholic church. The Pontiff *nis visibly touc%ed, and. answering in a arembling voice., warmly thanked the Cardinals for their well wishes;. "Good wishes." Jhe eald. "arc extremely precious." The procession tlien re-formed and pro ceeded to the doorcif, the basilica, through which Pius.X care an almost terror stricken glance, w&ispering to Dr. Lap poni: ; *« .- ; "Shall I ever bo* able to., go through with itr* The people in tbn» basilica had in the meantime beoom* impatient, and when the gleaming cross "which ' preceded the cortege was seen it ¦was., greeted with rreat applause. On C»e appearance of the Pontiff himself it socmed as though the people would peek to. carry him In their arms so .great was their .enthusiasm. Cries of "Pius, our .Pope, our father!" and "Long live Pius X!" were raised, not withstanding tho large placards posted throughout the basilica, saying "Acclama tions are forbidden." I*eaflets to the same effect were distributed among the crowd. The cries continued unlU the Pontiff was compelled to arise and bless the multi tude and at the same tljne he made a sign for more reverential behavior. Silence was enforced when the' choir announced Hs entrance with the "Etecesacredos Mag nus," which was accompanied by the sweet notes of the silver trumpets. TRANSITORY GLORY ACHIEVED BY MAN IS ILLUSTRATED • quaint ceremony was then carried oui - he master of ceremonies knelt three tim'i N s before the Pontiff, each time light ing » l handful of hemp which surmounted a £lV-* er torch and as the flame flashed and x*"«nt out he said: "Hoh' father, thus passeth away the clory o\f the world." The\low ceiling sent back an exquisite echo o£. the "T»es Petsus," sung by the Sistlne c,hoir, whose voices were heard outside In* the its zza of St. Peter's. Car dinal RamjVolla. advancing with dignity. knelt at the foojt of the Pope. He then tald; ' i The procession was a long time in get ting under way, but afterward as it moved through the magnificent halls and corridors of the Vatican it recalled former d^ys. when all was color and picturesque r.pfs within the palace. The Pope was the central ¦ figure in the long procession. "White robes and the miter were worn ¦without an' effort, making' a vivid con tract to thwe memorable occasions on Pope Leo XIII wore them, for Leo eeemed always unable to support their veiffct. Over the Pontiff's head a canopy was hel* by eight men, while the historic ostrich feather fans with peacock tips frave » touch of barbaric splendor to "Western eyes. Surrounding Pops Pius were the Xoble Guard in new red uniforms and gleaming helmets and carrying drawn swords, while In front marched the Cardinals, a gor geous bit of color with many handsome faces among them, the Cardinal-Bishops in their capes, the. Cardinal-priests wear ing chasubles and the CardinaJ-deaeons in their delmatics. Another figure which evoked murmurs cf admiration and craning of necks was th« chaplain, in his crimson cape, proudly bearing the cushion on which reposed the famous triple crown, so soon to rest on the head of Pius X. He was accompanied by the pontifical Jeweler and by a special jruard composed of Swiss, and was fol lowed by the choir of the SIstine chapel. Before leaving tho Vatican the Pope went to thei Sistin© Chapel to worship before th? sacrament exposed therein: ¦tliea he passed through the sala regia and the Constantlne staircase into the porti co of the basilica. He there seated him self on a throne erected directly before ihe holy door and with seats around for the members of the Sacred College, the chapter of St. Peter's and the papal court. At the right of the throne stood Prince OrFini, the assistant to the papal throne, •who withdrew his recent resignation of the post in order to participate in the function. . . .—„.>¦ ImmeHlately beside the Pope were the majordomo, Monslgnor Cagalno; the master of the chamber, MonaJgnor Bi6 ietl; the master <jf ceremonies. Moasignor r.lpei. and Dr. Lapponi. "The Pontiff vat very pale, i but com- 'CARDINALS. OFFER.. [ WISHES T4ND Tim POPE REPLIES "I have no desire to appear what I am r>t." and he were them during the entire STALWART PONTIFF CENTRAL FIGURE IN LONG PROCESSION Juft before entering the sedla gestato ria he asked for his spectacles, and when the master of ceremonies discreetly an- Fwered that his Holiness would look bet ter without them, he said: "We feel very well this morning, but we may be different on returning from our coronation. " evinced no nervousness, and even said lokinjrly to the master of ceremonies, t« ho tbe other day suggested # that he Ehould use the plural form in speaking of himself: The procession then proceeded^ tb« Pope's face meanwhile illuminated by a smile. At the chapel of the sacrament there was another halt and his Holiness left the eedan chair and prayed at the altar. On re-entering the chair he was carried to the chapel of St. Gregory, where he officiated at mass, being as sisted by Cardinals Macchi, Dl Pletro, Segna and Vannutelli. Then all tha Car dinals donned their silver capes and white mitres and th« Pope was borne to the throne amid renewed acclamations and waving of handkerchiefs and bats. Then was presented a magnificent pic ture to which no pen could do justice. The central figure was the venerable Pontiff, seated on the throne. Two lines of Cardinals clad In sliver and scarlet reached to the high altar, with Its burden of -burning candles and sacred vessels, while around stood the papal guards, the Pontifical court, monks and officials. The cathedral was illuminated with twinkling lights, while the marble columns and walls rendered the color schema more vivid. Overhead was the most magnifi cent dome in the world, up to which floated the harmony of the muclc. From th« throne Pius X, surrounded by his suite, walked to the -high altar. standing over the crypt of St. Peter, into which meanwhile Cardinal Macchi de scended to pray. The altar was sur mounted by a baldachlno supported by four historic bronze pillars taken from the Pantheon. The appearance of the Pope in that elevated position called for another burst of enthusiasm. The Pore then blessed the altar, and, after saying the "Indulgentiagm" the maniple, a symbol of the cord with whicli Christ was bound on his capture, was placed, with great ceremony, upon the Pope's arm. At the same time prayers for the coronation were recited by Cardinals Vannutelli, Mocennl, Agliardi and Satolli. Returning" 'from . the crypt Cardinal Macchl placed upon the shoulders of the Pope the Pontifical paJium and attached It with three golden jeweled pins, say ing; ¦•. ¦.-¦¦, "Receive this sacred palium as a eym bol of the fullness of the Pontifical office, in honor of Almighty God. the xuost glor ious Virgin Mary, his mother; the blessed Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul, and the holy Roman Catholic church. -..; -:-, Mass was then celebrated with great pomp and ceremony, the voice of the Pope becoming gradually more firm until It was even audible in the most distant corner of the immense church. Fallowing this Cardinal Macchl per formed the rite of Incensing the Pope-, whom he subsequently kissed three time* on the cheek and chest, as did Cardinals Eegna and Vannutelli. SENIOR CARDINAL DEACON BESTOWS • THE TRIPLE CROWN On the Pope's return to the throne the Cardinals offered their last obedience to the . Pontiff, kissing- his hands and feet and receiving embraces by him twice in return. The bishops : and archbishops kissed his foot and right knee, while the abbots kissed only his foot The Holy Father then walked to the shrine of St. Peter for the culminating rites of the ex tremely fatiguing ceremony. ' . The whole Sacred College gathered about the Pope, singing Palestrina's "Corona Aurea Super Caput EJus," while the choir burst forth Into song. Cardinal Macchl then recited the Paternoster, and offered the following prayer: : Omnipotent and ever eternal God. dignitary of the clergy and author of sovereignty, grant thy servant. Plus X; grace to fruitfully govern thy church so that he. who by thy clemency, beccrnes and is crowned as father of kings and rector of all the faithful, through thy wise dispensation may govern well. "Amen," rang out from all -corners of the Cathedral, from the choir, the peo ple, the clergy and the patricians. Cardinal Deacon Segna then raised the Pontiff's mitre and senior Cardinal Dea con Macchl placed on the white head the triple crown. . At this moment the church was filled with the ringing of bells, the blowing of silver trumpets, the triumphant strains of the choir and the acclamations of the multitude, which could not be repressed. When comparative silence had been re stored Cardinal Macohi addressed the Pope In Latin as follows: Receive the tiara ornament, with three crowns. Remember thou art father of princes and kings ' the rector of the world, the vicar on earth of our Savior, , Jesus Christ. "Amen" again burst forth from the con course. . . Pope Pius X was. almost overcome and had scarcely strength left to impart the apostolic benediction. Cardinals Macchl and Segna granted plenary indulgence to all present and the procession then re formed and left the basilica in the same form as it came. :\- . ; : . \, The Pope was -visibly fatigued and his right hand shook as he raised ¦ It time after tiiru* to bestow his blessin?. When the ceremony was overall exits to the basilica were opened and * within less than an hour the hall was empty. POPE EXHAUSTED BY THE ORDEAL OF HIS CORONATION Strong as PJus X is physically he sup ported the ordeal of his coronation to-day perhaps with less fortitude than did Leo XIII when he was crowned, although -Leo was -merely -a shadow -of a man. But he possessed will which nothing could break. This evening when the Pon tiff received the Duke of Parma he said to him: Not counting the election, to-day was the most tremendous .experience of mjt life. I must find a way to stop the noise In the church. It is an offense agralnst, religion. Although there was a tremendous crowd With Ringing of Bells, Blowing of Trumpets and the Exclamations of a Multitude the Formal Ac* cession of -Pope Leo's Successor Is Proclaimed BREAK JAIL BUT ARE SOON RECAPTURED VENDETTA FINDS LAST SURVIVOR New Orleans Italian May Ba Victim of Mafia. Is Shot in Back by Man Who Had Won His Friendship. Special DI«ratch to The Call. XEW ORLEANS. La.. Aug. 9.— A« the result of an old and bloody vendetta In which there seems to be some traces of Mafia. Antonio Luciano, the last sur vivor here of the Luclanos. wa 3 foully assassinated to-day by Antonla. Sp^ro. Sparo. who had been* chosen to asaaasU nate Luciano, had been ingratiating him self with his victim for a week past. 8-> carefully had he succeeded that Luciano to-day took Sparo to a photograph gal lery to show him the picture of his dead wife, which he highly valued. Sparo took the opportunity, while his friend wan getting the photograph, to shoot him in the back. Ho had evidently made all ar rangements for escape, for he had left the window open and ho fled through, an empty house. Tho police knew him well and ho was captured later. Luciano had been the center of a suc cession of tragedies ever since he opened a grocery store on Poydras street. II* was attacked by an armed body of Mafias and his brother Luigi Luciano and friend Ventura were assassinated at the time. two ef the assassins being wounded. All the persons engaged in the affair were arrested. While In prison Antonio Luciano was allowed to go to the funeral of his brother and while thero he murdered an Italian who was bending over the corpse kissing it. He explained to the police that the mousner was the man who had assassi nated his brother. When tried he was ac quitted and gave a dinner to the Jury and all the prisoners In Parish Prison. BASEBALL PABK ACCIDENT COSTS FIVE MORE. HIVES At Least Three Hundred Persons In jured in Tall of Philadelphia Bleachers. .PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 9.-Five ad<ti tlonal deaths occurred to-day as the re sult of the accident yesterday at tt.<» base ball park. Two hundred victim? were treated at the various hospitals, and It Is believed that fully 100 more received at tention at various drug: stores in the vicinity of the baseball grounds. Of tho Injured five are said to be la a critical condition. The list of dead follows: Alfred Rodxers. 60 years of age; William Graves. 26; Matthew P. Reed. 50; George Cunnins ham, 50; Joseph Edgor, 45; Nicholas Moses, 55; Edward Williamson. 30; Louis SIcGrath, 20; unknown man. NEW YORK. Aug. 9. — Former Police Cap tain Anthony J. Allaire died to-day. He wan retired a year a?o> after nearly forty-three years' service on the M«;w York pollce> force. SEVENTY THOUSAND PERSONS WITNESS CROWNING OF PIUS X ASSASSIN FIRES TWO SHOTS AT THE PREMIER OF FRANCE Attempt^Upon the Life of M. Combes Is Made While He is Seated m His Carriage, Guilty Man Being Captured After a Struggle, During Which an Accomplice Escapes THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY, AUGUST 10, ls?OS. Continued From Pag* 1, Column 7. 2 Instructions for Framing 1 "THE OLD ARMY CHEST," NEXT SUNDAY'S "' . « , ABT SUPPLEMENT: <, Frame in three-inch. : plain- scooped gilt or three-inch Fl em- ish brown and burnished gold. STATEMENT CONDITION AND AFPATRS Qy THE ASSURANCE COMPANY, . » . . • OF BERLIN GERMANY. ON THE 31ST day of December, A. D. 1902, and for the year ending on that day as made to the In- surance Commissioner of the State of Cali- fornia pursuant to the provisions of Sections 610 and 611 of the Political Code, condensed as per blank furnished by the Commissioner. CAPITAL. Amount of Capital Stock, paid up la cash $250,000 00 ASSETS. Real Estate owned by Company.. * 4 28.834 34 Loans on Bonds and Mortgages.. 14S.TOU 00 Cash- Market Value of all Stocks ._-.,_-_ and Bonds owned by Company. 3Sf^l7 23 Cash in Company's Office 23.064 OS Cash In Banks - 259.552 84 Interest .due and accrued on all . Kaa M Stocks! and Loana 1.589 02 Due from other Companies. Agents. •':... „., c t c ., (124, R41 06 Total Assets .$1.770.108 59 LIABILITIES. Losses adjusted and unpaid ..- Loeses In process of Adjustments ._,,__ _, or In Suspense {¦ 5343. ITS 13 Losses resUted, including expenses J Gross premiums on Fire Risks running one year or less. $....: ' i reinsurance 50 per cent 1T0.322 00 Gross premiums on Marine and : Inland Navigation Risks. $...; „„_.„_ reinsurance 100 per cent 200.543 28 Gross premiums on Marine Time Risks, $.••: reinsurance 00 , Liability under other departments. 314,510 02 Cash dividends remaining unpaid. 262 50 All other liabilities ••• 3. 004 77 Total Liabilities ..$1.033.016 79 INCOME. ~ Net cash actually received for Fire premiums \'"1"V ' 437 . 783 « Net cash -actually received for Sfarine premiums 388,523 16 Received for interest on Bonds and Mortgages W.v 5.830 00 Received for interest and divi- dends on Bonds, Stocks. Loans » and from all other sources 23.928 54 Received for Rents 13.642 35 Received from all other sources. 467.058 69 Total 'income 15 EXPENDITURES. Vet amount paid for Fire Losses (Including $ losses of pre- vious yeare) $231,812 91 Net amount paid for Marine Losses (including $...., losses of pre- vious years) •'.••••:; 249,137 29 Dividends to Stockholders 60,000 CO Paid or allowed for Commission or Brokerage 335,678 47 Paid for Salaries, Fees and other charges for officers, clerks, etc. losses of other branches 161,597 81 Paid for State. National and Local taxes '2.900 73 All other payments and expen- ditures 47.807 96 Total Expenditures $1.183.983 19 Risks and Premiums.! Fire Risks. Premiums. Net amount of Risks written during the -•* year •- $222,226,500 $420.007 10 Net amount of Risks expired during the year" 223.918.S03 427.783 41 Net amount in force December 31. 1902.. 83.256.500 170,322 50 Mar. Risks. Premiums. Net amount ot Risks written during the year . . ... •••••••• t188.102.2U $2,307,668 17 Net amount of Risks ./ . expired during the yw .....:.. 3S.404.424 386.52816 J£et amount in force December 31. 1902. . 10.462.387 125.343 28 TA^, SZELINSKI. Prest. MARC. .MAUEL. Secy. Subscribed and .sworn to before me this 30th :d*y of April. 1003. " -• ' . . JAMES H. NOUNAN. U. S. Consul General. GU+TElTFRANKy General Agents, 303 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ' STATEMENT / — OS* THB CONDITION AND AFFAIK3 Itffim's INSURANCE COMPANY, OP PHILADELPHIA. IS THE STATE OV Pennsylvania, on the 31st day of D«c«m- ber. A D. 1902. and for the year ending on that day. as made to tha Insurance Commis- sioner of tha State of California pursuant to the provisions of sections 610 and 611 of tha Political Code, condensed aa per blank turnlsa- ed by the Commissioner: CAPITAL. Amount of Capital Stock, paid up m Caah $3CO.0CO0O ASSETS. = Real Estate owned by Company. . $205,100 00 Loana on Bonds and Mortgages. . . 3S7 922 03 Cash Market Value of all Stocks and Bonds owned by Company.. SW.633 CO Amount of Loans secured by pledgs of Bonds. Stocks and other mar- kstable securities as collateral. 137.000 00 Cash In Company's Office 4 9J4 21 Cash In Banks £%£ l\ Interest due and accrued on all Stocks and Loans can -a Interest due and accrued on Bonds and Mortgages T «•« ,~ Premiums in due Course ot Col- lection ., .,, n Bills receivable. not mature* ' " taken for Fire and Marina Klsks •«• i« Rents due and accrued tii \i Deposit with Philadelphia Tin Underwriters* Association loo ni Perpetual deposits In course of collection^ , 3.SS2 Id Total Assets Jl.743.003 «i LIABILITIES. Loeses adjusted and unpaid «aiT4 H Losses In process of Adjustment or In Suspense 17,463 w Losses resisted. Including expenses »l223 S3 Oross premiums on Fire Risks running one year or less. $309.- 702 45; reinsurance 50 p«r cent.. 154 331 23 Gro.«s premiums on Fire Risks running- more than one year. ¦ $330,167 CS; reinsurance pro rat* 1SL673 U Amount reclatroable by the in- sured on perpetual fire Insurance Policies 366.353 CO Due and accrued for salaries. rents, etc. 8.450 13 Commissions and Brokerage . due and to become due 17. 727 4 » All other liabilities 12.133 37 ToUI Liabilities .$1.273 0&1 43 INCOME. ' Net cash actually received for Fire premiums $332,168 S3 Received for Interest on Bonds and Mortgages : 21.340 13 Received for Interest and dlvi- - dends on Bonds. Stocks. Loans,' and from all other sources...... 40t.Ki9 31 Received for Rents 9,397 73 Received from air other sources.. 77.682 33 ToUI Income $701,457 23 EXPENDITURES. . : Net amount paid for Fire Losses (Including $31,080 08. losses of previous years) ••••••• $239,023 49 Dividends to Stockholders 20. 000 00 Paid or allowed for Commission or Brokerage 120.061 00 Paid for Salaries. Fees, and other charges for officers, clerks, etc. . 29.J2S.13 Paid for State. National and Lo- cal taxes 14,838 W All other payments and expendi- tures 88.563 54 ToUI Expenditure $403,019 OS Flret Losses Incurred during the year $235,389 39 Risks and Premiums. Fire Risks. Premiums? Net amount cf Risks written during the year J43.593.06O $308,628 85 Net amount ' of Risks expired during the year 40.143.250 443.103 17 Net amount In force December 31. 1902. 58.579.940 639.369 S3 ROBT. B. BEATH. President DENNIS J. SWEENY. Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of March. 100S. MART. L. CAMPBELL. NoUry Publto. GUTTE^FRANK, General Agents* 303 CALIFORNIA STREET," SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 2 • * < '^ ' \ Larse discount on everything 115 Geary^ Street.