Newspaper Page Text
THE SAN FRANCISCO \0ALL, MONDAY,- AUGUST 10, 1903. 8 HELP WASTED MALE Cow. Boy for nursery, extra good Job. fare $1. $20 and found. Butcher. Merced County, $.13 and found. BEST WAGES AT MURRAY ft READY, BEST PLACES AT 621-630 Clay rt. THEY WANT YOU— NORTH. fXt laborers to lay track an.l ballast work. $67 5O month; railroad company's own work, north. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st. AT California Employment Agency, C9 Third St.. near Call bldg. ; phone Bush 405. Section hands. Coast line and all parts ot California. — • S. P.'S OWN WORK. • • • FREE FARE— FREE FARE. 50 section men, $1 CO and $1 70 a day. 3 laborers, city. 0 hours. $2 23 day. BUTTE COUNTY— CHICO. 50 teamsters and rockmen. $2 50 a day, 50 laborers and az..ien. 92 25 a day. COAL MINERS. FREE FARE— OREGON. 25 miners, $1 a ton. 6 woodchoppers. $1 50 a cord. . * " B miners, single hand. $3 a day. - 5 muckers. $2 50 a day. FREE FARE — FREE FAR*,. 11 tunnelmen. $2 73 a day. 11 teamsters and muckers. $"- -o a day. 11 laborers. *2 a day. SHIP MONDAY— BIG JOB. Oiler for sawmill. $2 50 a /Jay. A carpenters rough work. $3 CO a day. Blacksmith, general work. S3 a, day. Lunch cook, saloon. $8 a week. y * ht g& E Vi°GE^% Thir* st. 1-CHAIR barber outfit for sal* cheap. 303^j Bro&erick st.. near Oak. TRY our men's shoes, union made, at $1 pair: foot-fcrm shoes at $2 SO; we pay express or mall charges. 11 Thtrd st.. Examiner blilg. WANTED— Two successful solicitors. J*£ er * possibilities are great to earn from $200 ta $400 per month; patt representatives of build- ing and loan and life Insurance companies preferred: on favorable evidence of ability and reliability moderate advances will ba made for expenses. Apply to T. W. GRIF- FIN, between 2 and 4 p. m.. dally except Sunday, room 9. 9 Powell st. WANTED—For the U. S. Marine Corps, able- bodied, unmarried men. between 'tl and S3: good character; oust speak, read and writ* ; English; marines serve at sea on men-of-war In all parts of the- world, on land In our isl- and possessions, and at navaJ stations tn tb« United States. Apply at recruiting offioe. 40 Ellis tt., San Francisco. Cal.: 222^4 N. Mala St.. Los Acgeles. Cal.. and 401 K st.. Sacra- mento. CaL -•*>,- '¦'- ' WANTED— Educated young man or woman to learn our business and take responsible and permanent position as soon as qualified; city references required. STODDARD LEC- TURES. 210 Examiner building. WANTED — First-class furnlturs man who un- derstands polishing; also one thoroughly fa- miliar with setting up stoves and work about furniture. Apply JACKSON FURNITURE CO.. 623 Twelfth St.. Oakland. * A GOOD underpresser on vests; a steady po- sition to an experienced person; also a youns; man to learn underpressins. Apply S. J». WOOD CO.. 27 Geary st. WANTED— Laborers and mechanics to know that Ed Rolkln, Reno Houss proprietor, still runs Denver House. 217 Third St.; 130 larr* rooms; 25o per nUht: $1 50 to $3 pw week. WANTED — Experienced drapery ¦alesmaa. Apply between 9 and 11 a. m. it HALO BROS/ _^ . WANTED— Errand boys between 12 and It years old. Call between 9 and 10 a. m. Mon- day. 43-53 Ellis st. I. MAGNIN & CO. A CHANCE for a Christian man to start wtth the real estate business in the country. Box 4604, Call office. WANTED— First-class body makers on car- riage work. Parrott Carriage Mfg. Co.. Lc« Angeles, Cal. WANTED— A good, strong boy. $1 a day. Mu- tual Label And Litho Co.. Second and Bryant. WANTED — At once. 2 errand boys, at JOE ROSENBERG'S. 11 O'Farrell at. WANTED— Errand boy in tailor store. 21 Phelan bldg.. 806 Market st. STRONG boy. about 15 years. HERMANN SAFE FACTORY. 417 Sacramento st. BARBERS — For sale, neat shop: near City Hall: rent »12 SO; price $75. Box 4996. Call. COATMAKER for country. REISS BROS. & CO.. 24 Sutter St. THREE laborers, pick and shovel; 14th ave. and N st.. south; take Kentucky-st. ears. YOUNG man in tlnshop learn trade; age IS years. 533 Mtoston at. MAN to do Janitor work for tuition la 8. F. Barber School. 741 A Howard at. SAILORS aad ordinary seamen for Europe aaj Australia. HERMAN'S. 2fi Steuart st. 600 MEN to buy new and ?d-hand army shoe*. 50c up: soling cheap. 923 Howard »t-. nr. 5th. PENSION atty. E. A. Bullls. room 40. Fhelaa bldg. Past Com. Geo. H. Thomas Pos-t.G.A.R. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 Third st.. near Uar- ket — 700 rooms. 35c night; > reading rooms; free 'bus and baggage to and from ferry. ALL sizes men's shoes, slightly damaged, halt price. 563 Mission st.. bet. 1st and 2d sts. GET your shoes half soled while waiting: 25c to 50c. 563 Mission St.. bet. 1st and 2d sts. HORSES AND WAGONS. TEAM roan mares, city broken, weigh 2750; one doctors' horse; 2 business hordes. Santa Clara Stable. 164 Golden Gate ave. ON account of going to build, entire stock OS wagons, buggies and harness must be sold ac sacrifice. Corner 15th and Valencia sts. RARE chance — I good horses for sale cheap. 327 Sixth st. ONE fine buggy, fruit wagon, cart. 2d-haad: new laundry wagon, cheap. S2S Harrison st. Al EXPRESS wagon, light camping wagoss and rocart for sale cheap. 532 Mission st. HOUSES TO LET. A— PRINTED list of houses to let: send for circular. G.H.UMBSEN dt CO.. 14 Montgomery FINE house. Nineteenth st., bet. Mission and Valencia: grown family preferred. BEFORE *movlTisr get our printed list oP^toonses to let. BALDWIN & HOWELL. 25 Post st. HOUSES TO LET — FfHMSHED. A WELL furnished house, piano. 10 rooms; very sunny; fine location; 1375 Masonic ave. Apply MADISON & BURKE. 30 Montg. st. $575 — R ROOMS and bath, furntshed complete; run all day; rent $37 50. 20O Hyde. cor. Turk. LOST AAD FOUND. LOST — On Brannan. Second. Market or San- some sts.. small suit case, containing book and papers. Heturn to room 79. Appraiser's building. Sansome and Washington sts.. Mon- day; suitable reward^ LOST — Leather purse, containing money, valu- ables and permits. Return to R. A. ROO>. 21)00 JacVson St.. or 25-07 Kearny st.. and receive reward. _______ LOST— Saturday evening near Market st. and Van Ness ave.. small" bunch keys. Return to 31 Van Neas ave.; reward. LOST— A small open-face.1 gold watch with monogram R H. J. Finder leave at <33 Market st. and receive suitable reward. LOST— A black covered collecting book con- taining laundry bills. Return 4.J Geary st. LOST— Black bitch, white under breast, scv on left leg. 363 Harriet st.; reward. IT will pay to "Remember" that the CaJlforcU Watch Case Co.. 220 Sutter St.. needs oIU gold ana silver to make new watch eases. MEDICAL. — — — ¦ — - - ¦ ¦' ¦ , A M _ n. gweet takes ladles before and dur- Tng conflrement: Infants adopted: $15; $5 . rooms & board: 25 years' experience. 2a>3 7th. MRS. DR WYETH. specialist for all female complaints; Instant relief guaranteed; <J0 y ea ,V experience. 728 Post St.. near Jone>. DR G W O'DONNELL — All who are sick or in troutie consult this specialist on female complaints: positively corrected: the unfor- tunate helped: the most difficult cases trea:- ed: advice free. Office. 1013 Market st. MR° DR KOHL, reliable specialist for all fe- rna'le troubles and irreiTilarltles; Instant rt> lief guaranteed. 100S»4 Market St.. opp. 5th. MRS. D.~ALLEN. HIS Market— Reliable ladles' specialist; a private home before and during confinement, best medical care: low fees. A maternity villa: private: secluded: confiden- tial. Dr. E. Funke. 1410 Eighth st.. Alameda. Drs. Goodwin. 733 Turk. nr. Van N«ss — Expert In obstetrics, female comp. ;2o yrs.experience. DR. and MRS. DA VIES aad HINDOO HERBS; original method of treatment. 112ti Market st. DR ROSEN, moved to 2995 Folsom st.. cor. 26th: relief $10; ladles' exclusive office. DR. NO TOY KEE. 319 Powell St.. opposite Union square: all diseases cured by herbs. MIXES AXD MINI.\O. A VALUABLE PROPERTY. Investigate at once; it will pay yon; Hj- foot ledge; assay value $4 13 to $83 10; de- velopment now beins rapidly pushed forward. WYANDOTTE MINING AND MILLING CO.. 17 Chronicle bldg.; hours. 10 to 3 ami 7 to tt. ' HELP WAXTEP— FEMALE — Cou - - A COOK and housework girl, » In family, Peta- luma, $30 fare paid and eee party here; a cook for hospital, J25 and found; a chamber- maid for hotel in city. $•".«> and room, no board; an assistant nurse. San Rafael, $20; a second girl, 2 in family. Sausallto. $25; a waitress for a commercial hotel in country, $25. MISS PLUNKETT. 425 Sutter St.. near Powell. A GERMAN or Swiss woman as working housekeeper for 2 gentlemen in city, $30. MISS PLUNKETT, 425 Sutter St., near Powell. __^_________ A FRENCH nursery governess for city place, best of wages; also a German nursery gov- erness for city best of wages: a maid and seamstress $30: a nurse for baby, $20. MISS PLUNKETT. 425 Sutter ft., near Powell. A— TWO waitresses for same hotel In Arizona. $25, fare paid and eee party In town. MISS PLUNKETT. 425 Sutter St.. near Powell. AN Irish Catholic nurse for 2 children. $35. must have references: a cook. 3 in family, $30; a second girl for small family In city, $25; a cook for small boarding-house, $35: a nurse for 1 Infant, $20. MISS PLUNKETT, 425 Suttrr St., near Powell. GIRLS FOR FACTORY WORK; GOOD WAGES: PAID WHILE LEARNING: STEADY EMPLOYMENT: EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY; APPLY AT ONCE. AMES *: HARRIS. 100 SACRAMENTO ST. WOMEN and girls wanted to work on fruit ; and canning; steady work; highest wages. Apply California Canneries Co., Brannan St.. between Third and Fourth. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS AND RIV-* ! ETERS; NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY; PAID SALARY. LEVI STRAUSS & CO.'3 FACTORIES. 32 Mi FREMONT ST. AND 1873 MISSION. NEAR FIFTEENTH. j WOMEN and clrls to work on fruit; steady employment: day and piece work; highest wages. CODE-PGRTWOOD CANNING CO.. Bryant and Tenth. GOOD finisher on custom coats; steady work: good wages. 110 Olive ave., off Polk, be- tween Kills and O'Farrell sts. " GIRL to assist housework; four adults. 2073 Bush street. GIRL to mark clothes and help office girl: $3 week; chance to advance. 1101 Howard st. 1 A WAITRESS. 1702 Mission st. WANTED— A second-class finisher on custom i coats. Call (357 Minna st.. near Eighth. i WANTED— Reliable woman to take charge or rent small rooming-house. 417 Harrison st. WANTED — Apprentices to learn hairdressing and manicuring; paid while learning. Apply at HALE BROS/^ VVANTED— Hairdresser and manicure. Apply I at HALE BROS.' t t ! COMPETENT nursery maid; neat and willing: some pecond work. Call 1441 Ea*t Sixteenth St., near Fruit vale ave.. Frultvnte; carfare allowed. GIRLS to Warn millinery now for fall season; trade taught from start to finish In one month for $5: positions guaranteed at $10 week up. Eve. School only. 143 Stockton st.. rm. 13. ITALIAN lady who can upeak English wanted tot travel. Apply Girls' Directory. Central ave. and Waller Bt. ' ______^ MIDDLE-AGED woman assist in housework: small family. 530 Golden Gate ave.. 10 to 12 m. DRIVING gloce makers and banders and Bilk- ers; steady. CARSON GLOVE CO.. 123 Sec- ond st. y_ ITALIAN lady who can speak English wanted to travel. Apply Girls' Directory. » Central ave. and Waller st. ELDERLY German Catholic woman for house- work: $7 per week. 1071 Market st. WANTED— Experienced lace saleswoman. Ap- ply between !• and 11 a. m. at HALE BROS.' GIRL for genera) housework; plain cook; $20 to $25. 1012 Twelfth st.. Oakland. A— Practical Millinery School, estab. 14 years; terms easy. M0 O'Farrell. for. 1000 Van New. GIRL wanted for general housework. 1007 Lyon st.; good wages. WANTED— Women to work In cannery. Apply Webster St.. near McAllister. ' WANTED — Lady as business agent: itout pre- ferred; good salary. Box 4640. Call. TAILORESS as pants finisher and apprentice. 5% Kearny St., room 17, y top flcor. HELP WASTED— MALE. AT C. R. HANSEN & CO.'S EMP. AGENCY. 429 Bush st 642 Clay st. Hello, Grant 185. SHIPPING DAY TO-DAY— FREE FARE FOR NEVADA. Stonecutters, $3 50-$4 day; fence builders, $2 25. Tunnelmen, muckers, $2, (2 25, $2 50, $3, $3 50. •-¦¦¦, CHATSWORTH PARK, L. A. CO., CAL. Machine men, drillers $3-$2 (Bonus 25c day remain until work is done.) CASPAR TUNNEL, MENDOCINO CO., CAL. Tunnelmen. laborers, teamsters $2-$2 75 2 high bridge men... $2 50 day (Steamer nails to-day.) FOR S. P. CO.'S OWN WORK (ALL DI- VISIONS). Section, extra gangs..... $1 70 (Absolutely Free Fare For All Abovst) 50 men, country sawmill, north. $42-$72 found Brick crew, burners, setters, wheelers.... $.T5-$45 found 2 rough carpenters, country, see boss here. $3 Farmers, milkers, hay balers, choremen.... v , .$25-$35 Blacksmiths, wheelwrights, lcvermafn for dredger .$80 found 10 men to handle lumber .....25c hour Tunnelmen, muckers, near city.... $2 25-$2 75 Hundreds of others, too numerous to adver- tise. HOTEL AND RESTAURANT DEPART- MENTS. 2 barkeepers, hotel..... $50 found Beer tapper. ........:; :....¦.. ......$30 board Broiler, country hotel, free fare ....$60 Meat . and pastry cook, '.country hotel, free fa re $S0 25 cooks, city and country. .. . . • ." $35-$75 25 waiters, city and country. :.. $35-$45 Dishwashers, pot washers. kitchen hands, city - and country; :- bellboys, ; elevator boys. f housemen, porters. $15-$:$0 C. R. HANSEN' &. CO.'S EMP. AGENCY. 429 Bush st 642 Clay st. j ONE or two capable boys. 16 or 18 years old, can secure -home and education In flrst-class ' private school In return for duties after school hours. Address " box ; 3306. Call office. EM PLO YMEJfT WAJTTEP— MAJLE. A YOUNO man with 16 years' of city refer- ences wishes a position with, a reliable firm, taking orders and collecting; cash bond given if required. Box 3304. Call office. TOUNO man would llk» position on private place doing chores and working in gardan; can milk; city or country. Address box 810, Call office. Oakland. - RELIABLE elderly roan wishes position about private place or care-taker of. farm or courj- try place i strong and willing. Box 4858. Call. GOOD cook wants work or will do second work. 456 Sixth St.. room 30. BOOKKEEPER and accountant wishes one or more sets of books to keep; afternoon or evening; competent to straighten out any class of accounts; city reference; terms reasonable. Box 4ttttO. Call office. , EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires permanent situation; rapid and accurate worker; good references. Including present employers; not afraid of work. Address box 808. Call office, Oakland. '¦_ BRIGHT, energetic, strictly first-class young man desires to represent reliable firm as col- lector or solicitor; speaks English and Swedish. Addrees box 808. Call. Oakland. STEWARD — Position wanted by a good all- round man in hotel or club; the beat of Eastern and California references. Address H. BEM1S. 8210 Laguna st. A GERMAN, middle-aged and single, wishes a situation in grocery store and barroom ; flrst-claas refs. W. Bohllng. 417 Kearny st. HOUSE painter. Eastern man, wants work; small Job* and contracts taken. Address Painter. 1121 Webster St.. city. TOUNO man wants position as bookkeeper; good references; good experience. Box 4687, Call offlo. COACHMAN — German, capable, experienced and sober, wishes position; city or country. Box 4071. Call. ¦ YOUNO man willing to work; experienced In saddlery, hardware and harness goods; would ' like to have a position. Box 4092, Call. YOUNG man with excellent references and ex- perience wants position as clerk in hotel or rooming-house. Box 4B4». Call. CLERICAL situation desired by young man with experience in office of wholesale grocery house. Address Box 4288, Call. GARDENER— German, good, reliable: handy with tools; city or country. Box 4672, Call. YOUNG bartender wishes position, German. Box 4065. Call. •__ CHINESE, excellent, first-class cook, wishes position, $05 per month; meat and pastry cook, hotel, boardlng-hiyse or private family. $40 per month; give good references; satis- faction. 622 Sacramento st. ; C. W. F. JAPANESE strong man wants a rWtlon to do cooklnK and general housework; $7 week. AKI. 1217 Jones st,. city. JAPANESE man anfl wife would like sltua- tlon ta do general housework. M. FRANK. 1909 Fillmore st ¦ A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and FUbscriptlons has been established at 1090 Valencia St. jTZXAXClAL. COMPANIES incorporated and financed; stock and bond Issues guaranteed, underwritten and ! sold; stock accepted for services.* Seud lor Pacific States Investor. PACIFIC STATES ; MINING AND INVESTMENT CO.. 326 Post. FLATS TO LET. | HOUSES and flats to let; an Immense list; ser- ; vice absolutely free; .lake advantage of this department: it will §ave you time and trouble. Cordes Furniture Co.. 215-259 Geary ft., on the square. A SUNNY corner upper 6-room flnt. basement: half block from Market St.. within 13 min- utes' ride of Golden Gate Park: Castro and Eighteenth -st. cars. S043 Seventeenth st. CORNER Noe cn1 Elizabeth stK: new. sunny flat on corner, 1050 Noe st. ; modern improve- ments; convenient to Twenty-fourth and Ca*- tro-st. cars; rent reasonable. • I NEW modern middle and upper Mats ot rt and 7 rooms: Just completed; Pacific ave.. near , Larkin st. Inquire 1435 Stockton st. SACRAMENTO. 2S50-2S60— Swell, sunny 7- room flats.; just completed; seen to be appre- rUted. .' ; A PUNNT middle flat, 6 rooms and bath. 1040 Page St.. between Stanyan and Shrader. ] COTTAGE of 4 sunny rooms and yard. 132 i Roee ave.. bet. Gough and Octavta, nr. Mkt. ; EI>DY. 1WX), near D^lsadero— Fine, sunny, ! ! modern flat; 7 rooms. ! ELEGANT flat: C rooms, bath. «H) Golden i Gate ave.. near Van Neas; modern; cheap. ! LIBERTY. 221. near Dolores— Flat of 5 rooms, , bath, gaa; cheap rent. -. NEW upper. 0 extra large r. & b.. cor. Ful- ton & Pcctt: fine view; sep. entranc-e; sunny. NEW upper corner flat. 7 rooms *tnd bath. j 30S Church *t., one block from Market. NOE. 151 — Sunny corner flat; :i bay-windows; « rooma nnd bath: north of Market. 1 POLK. 2500. cor Filbert — Lovely "punny corner i flat. 7 rooms; marine view; rent $35. i Sacramento! ises— Bay-window flat of 3 i rooms; separate entrance; rent $12 50. TO iet— Flat of foiir rooms: 1897 O'Farrell. HOOKER & LENT. 14 Post St. 4 NICE room*, bath, toilet, yard, cellar, gas; adults. 1»17 Geary «t. FLATS TO LET — UXKURMSHED. SMALL' refined family can get a gunny fur- nished' flat In a most desirable locality rent free for owner's board. Box 49B7. Call. FLATS FOll SALE — FURXISHED. A NEWLY furnished flat of 5 rooms and bath at a sacrifice; owner going east; rent F25. Call at VW'i Oak st. 11 to 12 a. m. or 7:30 to 0 d. m.: no dealers. SUXNY flat. 7 rmn. ; good place to rent rmi; must be eold; bargain. 512V4 Leavenwortn. 8- ROOM flat, furnished; must be sold at once. Apply at 114A Kills st. FURMTURE WANTED. A. WOLLPERT. 773 Mission, phone Red 44C2, buys, rents, repairs, packs furniture, carpets. UEIiH WA.Vl'KO KE.HAL15. AT C. It. HANSEN & CO.'S. .Hello Grant 1S5 HOTEL DEPARTMENT. Waitress, new resort. . steady work, fare paid $25 Pantry girl, same place $'_'O Waitresses*, commercial hotels. Woodland, Marysville, San Jose, Stockton, country ho- tel, I'etaluma $25-*20 Waitress, strictly lpt-class hotel. country.»23 Pastry cook, city ?;>¦» Cook, few boarders, resort, steady work, j party here $.'i0 Man and wife, cook and porter, small board- ing-house, city $40 Man and wife. Janitor and cook, for 3, rooming-house, city $t5 Restaurant waitress $1 25 d<<> Cashier, restaurant $25 Laundress, springs, short distance, fare paid. $.">0 2 waitresses, summer resort, fare paid... $25 FAMILY DEPARTMENT. German or Scandinavian house girl, 2 in family, short distant'*", party here, good home, $25; hous> girl, 4 adults, Belmont, *l"5: house girl, near Stockton, party heie, $25: second girl, country, $25; cooks, house girls, necond girls, nurse girls, $15$r$30. C. R. HANSEN & CO 420 Bush st. A HOUSEKEEPER for father and sen and 2 hired men; $30; fare paid. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 42U Bush st; HAIRDRESS1NG, manicuring, massage, hair work; removal of superfluous hair taught from A to Z In 2 weeks for $4 50; .position* guaranteed; $10 to $20 per week; school day and eve. 233 Geary r. 13: maids prepared. A— LADIES, learn all branches hairdressing trade; manicuring, massage, etc.; 123d Mar- ket Ft., cor. Jones, room 04: positions secured at highest wages: day and eve. class; call. PICK hops! Excursion 'to El Robles ranch on Russian River fixed for August IS only instead of August 25. as previously adver- tised; call Immediately for El Robles tick- ets; excursions to Horstvllle and Perkins now going dally, families and young people pre- ferred; heavy crops; excellent pay: beautiful ramps; plenty amusements." E. CLEMENS HORST CO.. 122 Battery St., S. F.; office open till S:30 to-night. A — OPERATORS on children's woolen dresses and coats; good pay; steady position. 656 Mission St., 3d floor. ' . . ¦ WANTED — Experienced bowmaker for ribbon department. Apply Superintendent's office, THE EMPORIUM. --- ¦ . ; WANTED — Middle-aged lady take charge and run small rooming-house. Apply 42 Turk St.; reference. A — OPERATORS on ladles' underwear; good pay; steady position. 656 Mission st.. 3d floor. GIRL to do housework and plain cooking. Ap- ply S25 Golden Gate ave. GIRL for light housework and assist care of child. Apply 10 to 2. 3043 California st.: GIRL, for plain cooking and general housework 1440 O'Farrell st. . ._' GIRL for general housework. 1053 Market st. upstairs. * TALENTED amateur performem. Apply at Chutes 6 p. ra. Wednesday: salary no object. GIRL, light housework, no cooking; $10. Call three days, >1307 Jackson street. GIRL to help to wait on table from 11' to 2 515 Valencia street. *• HBI.P WAXTKD HUE Ton. PACIFIC /EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, •• • W*. . i 520 Sacramento St Cor. Leidesdorft St PHONE MAIN ll'Jl ON US YOU CAN RELY AND WELL BE SATISFIED -ASTORIA OREGON ASTORIA on Columbia River Close to PORTLAND FEE *1 FEE H FARE #3 including berth and meals on steamer. We ship on tha O. R. & N. Co.'s fine big SS. "COLUMBIA" To-morrow morning COMPANY WORK No DISCOUNT NO STRIKE 25 laborers. $51 50 found. 25 rockmen. $50 found. BIG CROWD GOING TO ASTORIA k ARE YOU? GOVERNMENT WORK NEW CAMP...,. NEW WORK NORTH 25 laborers and drillers $2 60 day NO DISCOUNT Special rate of fare ARIZONA— FREE FARE.." 4 stonecutters, ccynpany work $3 50 day SHIP TO-NIGHT ARIZONA WILLITS NORTH UKIAH ROUTE 20 laborers and. teamsters, $2 25 day. FEE $1 FREE FARE.J FREE FARE ....... STEAMER— SAILS TO-DAY ..CASPAR— BIG TUNNEL — FREE FARE.. 75 laborers, teamsters and tunnelmen, $2 to $2 75 day FEE $1 FREE FARE BOSS— HERE TO-DAY BUTTE CO., CHICO, DIAMOND MATCH CO. FEE $1 Very cheap fare ,Vt laborers. 2-horRe teamsters, muckers and woodchopi>ers, $07 50: 50 4-horse teamsters and rockmen, $75. t=hlp to-night. SUPT. HERE TO-DAY TUOLUMNE CO.. ?1 50 fare, balance free FEE 51. 120 laborers, mills and yards, board yourself, $C0. OREGON— 20 coal miners FREE FARE 20 coal miners .-...FA RE PAID OREGON ARIZONA— 20 laborers 1 cent mile rate FREE FARE— BIG TUNNEL— NEAR CITY 20 laborers, ?»i0 20 tunnelmen, $75 3 muckers, tunnel, near city $U0 SISKIYOU CO.. Ship to-night HIG LUMBER CO.— Al JOB........ 10 laborers, mill. $2 40 day: lo lumber pliers. ' $2 75 day; 10 boys, box factory, $1 75; screw fetters, $3 50 day; 10 crosscus sawyers, $52 fo'^nd. NEW sash and door factory. .CHEAP FARE & young men learn trade, $1 50 to $2 25 day BIG TUNNEL, near city R-hour shifts 10 rruckers, $(!7« 5<i: 10 tunnelmen. $S2 50. MISCELLANEOUS 2o miners, all over, $2 25 to $3 day: 50 labor- ers and muckers. $2 to $2 50 day; 10 laborers, furnace. $2 to $2 25 day: M> labor- era, city p.nd country. $2 to ?2 25 day: 15 farmers, all over. $-0 to $40 found; black- smith. Government work. $-'t day: 2 milkers. $•'55 found; 2 choremen, $25 found: second cook.' city. $50 found: cook. b. h.. $40 found; dishwashers, etc.; 20 laborers, cheap fare, large sawmill, Humbo'dt <*o.. $35 found: 50 woodchoppers and shingle bolt cutters, Hum- boldt Co. Men call and read our bulletin boards: a great many Jobs on them not ad- vertised; also get a free list of Jobs at Pacific Employment Agency, 520 Sacramento st., cor. Leldesdorff st. COOK and wife for smnll institution. $50: in- side servant, private family. $.15 and found: kitchen crew, country hotel. $110; cook and Wife, $Srt; hotel c>ok. $C0; second cook and dishwasher, $50; cook and dishwasher, small Institution, Jf!5»t: bellboy. $15 and found; waiter, country hotel. $30 and found: 2 dlsh- washerp. country hotel, V-U\ and others. J. F. CROSETT k 'CO.. GVS Sacramento st. YOUNG Eastern driver for milk wacon. $75; 2 farmers ami wives. $10 and $50 and found: milker for Sant;i Barbara Co.. $.'50 and found: foreman for fruit ranch. $40 ami found; 2 chortmen, ?15 and $25 and found; 2 sheep- herdeiB. $.10 'and found; 2 blacksmiths. $3 day: - blacksmith helpers and floor men, $1 50 ami board and $2 day; 4 plain carpen- ters, $3 day: 0 ¦ lumber pliers. 25c hour: 5' miners, $." day; 50 laborers for mines and ; quarry, $2 50 day and $1 50 day and board; 1 S woodchoppers for mine, *1 50 cord, 10 . quarrymen, S2 25 day, and others. J. F. i CROSETT & CO., «2S Sacramento st. ANDRE'S Office, 317 Stockton et.— Walter, hotel. •>:;"; assist it tit waiter. $7 a week; om- nibus, club.'- $25: cook, country hotel. $45; cook, small place. $.15; sllverman. $30; pan- . tryman. hotel, $2i>; dishwasher, $7 a week; kltchsn hand, hotel, $30;. potwasher. $30; French 'boy, private place, $25: stableman, country. $30, etc. A— HOTEL GAZETTE. 26 Montgomery, r. 12. DUhwasher, $.15; waiter. $40. and 3 bellboys. PICK hops! Excursion to El ¦ Robles ranch on RuBsian River fixed for August 18 only instead of Augu«t 25. as previously adver- tised; call immediately for El Robles tickets; excursions to . Horstvllle and Perkins now going dally; families and young people pre- ferred: heavy crops; excellent pay; beauti- ful camps; plenty amusements. E. CLEM- ENS HORST CO.. 122 Battery st.. S. F.; office open til! 8:."M) to-r.lght. YOUNG man or girl a* stenographer and type- writer; one with knowledge of bookkeeping • preferred ; for wholesale house. Box 4697, Call office. TRY our men's shoes, union made, at $1 per pair, foot-form shoes at $2 60. or orthopedic thoes. $3 60; beet shoes on earth. 11 Third St., Examiner building. 6 doors from Market. UNION barber wanted. 1007 Valencia St., near Twenty-fifth. BARBER— Steady, 700 Geary street. r ; FIRST-CLASS barber wanted. 5C2 Turk street. TAILORS wanted on fine custom coats; steady work; good ray. 533 Natoma st. GROCERY clerk: must give references. SW. corner Twentieth and Hampshire sts. WANTED — Tinsmiths and young men helpers at 110 Steuart st. WANTED — Steady man. tend shooting gal- lery. $8 week. Call 416 Dupont st . about 11. WANTED— Good 'doth man. Box 3303. Call office. __/ .WANTED — Porter who understands cleaning. GOLDEN WEST HOTEL. Ellis st. GOOD bootblack wanted. 1531 Polk street. A GOOD second cook wanted. Apply at 16 Market . street. - WAITER wanted. 21 Mission street. TRY our men's shoes, union made, at $1 pair: ¦ foot-form shoes at $2 00; we pay express or mall charges. 11 Third st.. Examiner bldg. BOY • wanted to learn plumbing trade. 31 # Ninth street. • GOOD waiter wanted. Apply after 10 o'clock at 135 Powell at. _••¦ '. . 2 MEN td^J«' Janitor 'work for tuition. West- - ' ern Barber School. 647 Commercial st. . BARBER' shop;' four living rooms; carpeted; old establishment. 229 Hayes st. BARBERS — 2-chalr shop -and 'living rooms; 'snap this week. 230S Howard street. SAJT FRAXCISCO CA.LI*. BUSIKEES OFFICE ot The San Francisco Call, corner Market and Third streets; cpen cot!! 12 o'clock every night In the year. BRANCH OFFICES — 627 Montgomery street, eomer Clay; open until 8:30 p. m. 300 Hayes street; open until 8:30 p. m. €39 McAllister street; open until 8:30 p. m. «5 Lark in street; open until 8:30 p. in. 1041 Mission street: open until 10 p. m. 22C1 Market street, corner Sixteenth: open entil 8 p. tn. 10* Eleventh street; cpen tint 11 9 p. ra. 1096 Valencia street: open until 8 p. m- Northwest corner cf Twenty-eeccnd and Ken- tucky streets; cpen until 9 p. m. 22C0 Flllmore Ftreet: open until 9 P- m. MKETIXC SOTICKS. CALIFORNIA Commandery No. 1. K. «^« T.— Special assemly THIS EVEN- iggr INO at ,7:30 o'clock. Order of Red jw< <*roM. All fraters courteously Invited. 'Qr THOMAS II. BROWNE. Commander. T. L. HENDERSON. Recorder. \ SAN Francisco Chapter No. 1. Royal » Arch Masons, metis THIS EVEN- Vy ING. M. M. degree. , /^TA 11. G. PRINCE. Secretary. OCCIDENTAL Ix>dKe N". 22. F. and A. a M.. meet* THIS (MONDAY) EVEN-WKT INC.. at 7:3» o'clock. First degree. /V\ By order of the master. WALTER G. ANDERSON. Sec. KING Solumon'« Lodge No. 260. F. and m A M.. 1839 Flllmore st— First degree >*/y THIS EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. /VN HARRY BAEHR, Secretary. ALTA Lodge. No. 2C5. I. O. O. F. o**S2jfc, - Tie officers ar.i members cf £jSr35*i< A:ta Lo<ipp are requested to »t-^&?i^?o~ tend the funeral of Bro. Umhalt "»«»*» from Odd Fellows' Hall. Tl'EFPAT. Aug. II. at 2 p. m. ALF. VOLIGNY. N. G. TO the efflrers and members of Locals vijit 222 and 23ft. I. L. M. and T. Assocla- SOS. tion — You «ire hereby notified to attend the <olnt meeting of abov» locals to be held at Turk-et Temple 117 Turk Ft., on WEDNES. DAY EVENING Augrust 12. at 7 o'clock. By order of JOS. DE MALDER. Chairman Joint Commute*. L. Ti RICHARDSON Sec. for Local 222. HENRY JEND. Rec. Soc. Local 230. AGEXTS WASTED. "HOW to earn $100 in thirty minutes": no canvajtsJnc: no Helling; ver>d name and al- drew to secretary, room 202. Spreckels An- nex. San Francisco. WANTED— 2 or 3 house to house canvassers; pood position fcr first-class men. Apply at 1114 Washington St.. Oakland, bet. S» and 12 a. m., room 3. ONE agent tn every town t» handle absolutely new article ; sells at si.!:;. Addrees Ameri- can Specialty Co.. St. Paul. Minn. ATAgTMEKTS TO LET. "L'L MONTHRKY." the city's newest apart- ment hotel, located on the north elrte of P:ne et.. between Hyde and Leaven worth; a euperfo brick buil<*.lnc of Spanish architec- ture: all the comforts of housekeeping- com- bined with the conveniences of hotel Ilf<>; for $30 per month you can secure here an unfur- nished H-room apartment, consisting of lar^e livir.g-room with gas grate and mantel, bed- room with bay-window and clo*?t; kitchen equipped with gas range, built-in clilna closet and hot and nld water: bathroom with toilet and porcel&ln tub (hot and cold t water): this price also includes Janitor ser- vice night and day and lnpht and day ele- vator service; only ten n:;nutcs" walk from Powell and Market; see these apartments t«vdsy. APASTME2TT HOUSES. THE VON NTDACK. 873 Post— Unfurnished apartments of 4 rooms and bat'i each, In- cluding free Janitor and elevator service; hot and cold water throughout; Fteam heat: ocean water for bath*; electricity; a roof garden and house system of phenes: sunny and modern. For terms apply oc premises or to & CO.. e«57 Market Bt. THE MANHEIM. CS2 Sutter st.. bet. Mason and Taylor, opp. Gclden Gate Hall — New house ( newly furnished, opened July 20. 19<J3: electric lighting; private phone; open plumb- ing; sur.r.y rooms; direct car to ferry. Cliff House and rark. ASTROLOGY. Astrology taught, horoscopes cast. Prof. Ray- mond. Ellis. By mail If desired. ATTOIUVEYS AT LJLW. ADVICE FREE— ALL LEGAL MATTERS. "" DIVORCE AND PUOBATE CASES. No pay in advance — No charge without Success; estates, attachments, damans. R. C. ADAMS. Room 316. third floor. Exavin^r bunding. ROBT. W. KING, atty-at-law. Examiner Md., rci. Cll; all cases, damages, estates, wills, attachments, collections, etc.; '^onvultst'.-iu free: no advance charges; call or write; evec^sgs by appointment. Tel Red SC01. ADVICE free — I will advance cost in meritori- ous cases, divorces, probate and all ether law cases: bo fees In advance; open every even- ing. 3. M. THCRSTON. Sl» Market et.. r. 31. ADVICE free; divorces a specialty ,qulck,qulet; no charge without euccess; established 13 yrs. O. W. HOWE. 1122 Market rt.. opp. Hale's. L. S. CLARK. Emma Sprockets bldg.. 027 Mar- ket st.; consultation free: no fees in advance. AITKEN & AITKEN. attorneys, rs. 3UD-10-U Clunle bldg.. SQ3 California st.: tel. Main 727. DIHUS. DOGS. ETC. VC'JNU talking j»arrota. $5 each :German singing ranarier. $2; we will try to please rouievery- thlr.g in our lln» at right prices. 1M Market. BUSINESS CHANCICS. A — $U£6; CORNER saloon in wholesale dls- itrict; ertab. many years, and known as a first-class paying business. Eee R. G. WILKE. 26H Kearny st. A— $323: RESTAURANT and coffee saloon, on Post et.; rtnt $30; average dally receipts. fl8; a r.arjr»tn. R. G. WILKE. 2<i'4 Kearny. ARE you trying to cell your business? Well. See H. \V. WILFORD. Business Agent. 3 Taylor Bt.. corner Golden Gate ave. RESTAURANT— $6oO. RESTAURANT. One of the best paying places in city; re- ceipts average $40 cash daily; don't d^lay; th* tw*t bargain ever offered. WILFORD. 3 Taylor st. FOR sa!e— A few shares of Pacific States Tele- phone stock. I'. \ .-:::'.'., Call office. $C0<>— SALOON: br-twet-n Fifth and Sixth. How. «r<j and Market Ets.; long lease. 021 Howard. FOR sale — At YountviHe. Cal., a a-room road- house and bar. furnished, piano included; owner wishes to go East. Address MKS. J. E. COSTKLLO. YountviHe. Napa Co.. Cal. WANTFD — Good corner saloon, downtown; $K«)0 to $3<»00; no agents: must etand investi- gation. Addrfre box 4CJ2. Call office. $75<l — PARTNER wanted; old established whole- K&le fruit and produce business; business re- quires more help; good chance. Box 41*01, Call. $375 BUYS paying comer saloon; good stock; ewell fixture; cafe, cash register; low rent; make offer to-day; departure. 204 Fourth et. RESTAURANT; rushing buflness; seating C2; »:nap; no Sunday work; departure. bt>6 Fourth et. FIRST-CLASS i>owllng alleys tn lively bay town fcr rent. Addrers box 4633, Call. I~OR eal*— Good-paying laundry route. In- quire W. AIKEN. 3372 Mission «L KENT $15: rpace to lot for cigar stand. In- quire 416 Dupont Ft. TAILORS — For «ale, old established buehellng ehep. Apply 1505 Market, off Van Ness. KJRST-CLAKS bakery for sale In country town. Address Box t«05. Call office. Oakland. OUTSIDE route No. 4 this paper for saleT Inquire hardware store. 18th and Folsom sts, CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch olflce. 2200 Flllmore sL A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and FUbscrtotions has been established at 1096 Valencia ft. LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE. 100 ROOMS; house fcr men; rent $140 $4000 rs roo:n«; south of Market; rent $100. 2000 24 rooms; corner; part cash; bal. eary. 830 11 roome: stood Income: rent 420 s.'.O 21 rooms: water front; rent $40; lease. 6S0 120 rooms; good lease; low rent 6500 67 rms.: apartments; Western Add; rent. ZSO Money leaned at 1 per cent. Hotels, rcadhouse*. flats 5 to 100 rocjr.s EITF.L & CARROLL. 212 Kearny st. c AKhKT-UI-ATIMi AXD CLEA.MSO. Aitt, compreiuted. Cry. ice cold. Is now univer- tally used in sanitarily cleaning carpets, on fleer, without removal or injury: prices mod- erate. Apply 8. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO.. Call big. ; phone Main f.2.1T. VHKN you become distrusted with your work rend for PPAt;LDIN<3'S Pioneer Carpet-beat- injr Works. 355-^7 Tehama st. ; tel. South 40. CALIFORNIA Carpet-beatint; Co.,'J. McQueen, proprietor, 329 Guerrero et.. tel. Mission 49. TRY HOPKE BROS.; excellent carpet-beating; tr.attre— >.« made over. 1422 Howard ; South 216 AHVANCE Carpet Cleanlo* Co.. 4O2 Sutter St.; tel. Main 3ft4. GEO WALCOM & CO.. Props. RUDOLPH & CO.. carpet-beating works; prices reasonable. 1703 Harrison el. ; tel. Mission 263. CONKLIN'S Superior Carpet-beating Works. - SZ3 Golden Gate ave.; telephone East 120. HELP WASTED MALE Con. murray' * readt. 634-636 Clay st. Phone Main 6S43. Leading Employment and Labor Agents. Our office half block long; 14 clerks employed By our own printing plant we publish a free bulletin of labor nightly; ready for dis- tribution 7 a. m. ; also noon and evening editions. Get one. THIS IS WHAT MADE US FAMOUS. We know No Distinction Between Man and Man. TOUR ARE ALL EQUAL. TOU ARE ALL WELCOME. 1902 We Gave lfKH We'll Give 45.000 Men Work. 60,000 Men Work. We shin you Free to one Free to-day. Free to all. Ogden. Utah. All parts Nevada, Los Angeles County, Santa Barbara. Chatsworth Park, i Hawaiian Islands. Santa Susana,. Oregon, San Fernando, Washington, Los Angeles County. Central America. Arizona, Wllllts. Ukiah. And All Points North. East. South. Including Ogden. Utah. Carpenters and helpers, pile drivers, fence builders, drillers, single, double and machine men. corner and bench baritls. muckers, chuck tenders, car dumpers, teamsters, laborers, track men, cooks, waiters, blacksmiths, etc.. | $5, $4, (3 CO, $a, $2 50, $2 day. Free fare. Free fare. Free fare. I Everybody talking. Thousands going. Are you? Are you? Are you? MURRAY & READY, 634 and 606 Clay st. MECHANICAL HELP. 68 blacksmiths, $3. 0 helpers, $2; 12 bench hands, $3 50. 9 carpenters, $3 to $4. Carriage makers, $4. - 12 coot>ers. lie barrel. » brick molders. $3 50: iron worker, country. 155 other mechanics. $3 to $6 day. MURRAY & READY. 634-638 Clay st. 155 Coal Miners. Oregon. Free Tart. 155 Coal Miners. Oregon. Going Free. Fre« Fare— 55 Men— Willlts— Uklah— To-day. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay «t. BOYS. BOYS. BOYS. 12 boys for a box factory; fare $5; $32 80 and found. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st. BIO SHASTA LUMBER LUMBER TRUST. SHASTA. TRUST. 15 laborers, general work, you'll suit, $>. ou. 2 screw setters. $105. 2 off bearers. $82 50. 10 cross-cutters for woods work. $G0 and fd. 25 laborers to pile lumber. $82 50. SPECIAL FARE. $5; STEADY. Good Jobs. MURRAY A READY. 631-636 Clay st. $5,000,000 BANKING SYNDICATE. 25 men among fruits, etc.. fare $1. $2tt found. MURRAY A READY. 63»-«36 Clay st. $1 TO BUTTE— $1. CHICO. 20 teamsters, laborers and axmen. $75. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st. WHERE ARE THEY? 86 LUMBER TRUSTS AND SYNDICATES. LOCATED IN FOUR STATES. MANAGERS HERE. TWO TERRITORIES. FREE — FARE: — FREE. 995 laborers, no experience wanted, $35 to $70 and found. 180 experienced mill. and yard men, $40 to $150 and found., ' 3H3 woodsmen, $40 to $150 and found. Stickermen. Tallymen. Spool tenders. Machinists. Buckers. trackmen. Line pullers. Blacksmiths, wood turners, barkers, car loaders. Tree fellers. Jack screwers. Log loaders. Bhlngle sawyers. Dolbeer loggers. Carriage setters. Swampers, and trimmers. Gang edgermen. Saw niers. Pcnd men, band sawyer.", carriage doggers, fortera, graders and peelers, chain tenders, shingle .packers, also Jointers, chute build- ers. $40. $50. $«O. $70. $80. $00, $10O to $150 month and found. 3S6 woodchoppers, tlemakers, shingle, post, picket and box bolt makers; tools and pro* visions found. TJIG L MURRAY & READY. TRUSTS. 634-636 Clay st. NEW RAILROAD WORK. 155 Italians. FREE FARE. 155 Greeks. FREE FARE. 155 Austrian?. FREE FARE. Board yourselves; managers at our office; see them. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st. GOLD— SILVER. COPPER— COAL. SPECIAL. 10 machine miners, large gold mining com- pany, $'J0. 186 miners, single and double hand: machine men. muckers, timbermen. furnace men. etc., SOfl. $S5 and $75 and found. ::stl laborers, no experience required, $60, $75. Fares from $1 50 to $5; many managers at our office. TUNNELS— QUARRIES. IM'i drillers, hammersmen, laborers, $90, $75 and $G0. For stables — 12 men. $C0 to $75. For farms — 125 men. $30. $35. $40 and found. For orchards'— 25O men. $25. $30 and found. For dairies — 03 men, $30. -$.15. $40 and found. For chores — 3U men and boys. $30, $25. $20. $15 and found. For hay. harvest — 63 men, $1 50, $2. $2 50 day and found. o(i fruit pickers. $2<! and found. LOOK! 30 teamsters, city. $22 week, $2 to $2 60 day. 535 laborers, country, $2. $2 50 a day. Coachmen, gardeners, private choremen. MARRIED HELP WANTED. IS men and wives for mines, ranches, dairie*. hotels, eawmills, etc.. $40. $50, $60, $70. $S0 and found. MURRAY &. READY. 634-636 Clay st. HOTEL DEPARTMENT. ETC. 37 cooks, all over California. $00. 9SO. $73. $K0. $50. $40. $35 and found, for hotels, min^s. *awmillR. camps, ranches, cafes, res- taurants, saloons, harvest outfits, etc.; crisp maker, $10; porter, city store, $40; second ' cook, nllne. $10; also waiter. $30; steward, $50 and found. IS waiters. $.'!o, $4O. $30 and found. :to pot and dish washers, $.15. $30. $2O and fd. IS bell and elevator boys', porters, bedmak- crs. $:>0 to $15 and found. t « butchers. $40. $50. $00. $30 and found. 12 laundrymen. all classes. $18 week up. f. bakers' helper?. $55. $40. $30 and found. 12 boys. learn trades. We publish a free bulletin of labor daily, containing 10.000 positions: get one. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st. CARPENTERS. CARPENTERS. « carpenter?, 50c fare, all-round men. steady Job. $liO. 2 carpenters, ranch. 50c fare. $3 day found. Carpenter as leader: also carpenter, same place, boss here. $4 and $-1 day. 50c fare. FREE FARE. MURRAY & READY. 1J34-G36 Clay st. GENERAL MANAGER At our offke to-day from Big Lumber Trust. TUOLUMNE COUNTY. FARE PAID. 25 laborers for -mills, woods, etc.. 9QO, $1S off for board, etc. MURRAY & READY. 034-636 Clay st. OREGON— FARE PAID TO-DAY. 25 woods and sawmill men. SANTA BARBARA. 25 Italians, free fare. LOOK, $1— THAT'S ALL. 684 men for extra and section work of S. P. own work. . '••" -•' FREE FARE. Ship on all trains. Better go. had you not? MURRAY & READY; C34-636 Clay st. SPECIAL ON MIDNIGHT MAIL. PHONE AND TELEGRAPH. Baker, city Institution, $40 and found. 2 laborers to run car, mine. $1 40 day found. 4 men about threshing outfit, fare $1 60, $40 and found. Bedmaker. uorter. bellboy, city hotel. $20 and found up. gpECIAU Also yard man. eame place, $25 and found; 2 carriage setters, boes here. $2 75 day ami Blacksmith. Alturas. fare paid. $3 50 day. 3 furnace men for mine, $3 fare, $75. Assayer, old mine, boss here. BIG SALARY. Buttermaker, also milker, north, $40 and $30 and found. Men run boring machine or crosscut saw- yer, $2. 2 waiters, same hotel, fare $2. $30 found. Man and wife, ranch, boss here, $40 found. SPECIALLY GOOD. 10 teamsters, 10c fare. $4O and found." 2 hog butchers, $2 to $2 50 day. Man and wife, both waiters, country. $55 fd Wood turner, city mill, $3 to $3 Co day Cook, also dishwasher. Nevada, $80 found ¦ Sheepherder. $£); milker.* Sisklyou County $35 and found, fare paid. 15 fruit pickers. $30 and found. Cook, boarding-house, mine town, boss here $75 and found. ' 3 car} men ftor mine, extra good Job, $60." 15 laborers about warehouse, fare $1. $3 day Sandstone quarryman, boss here, $3 day uio Blacksmith helper, agricultural works. $2 a day. Cut-off saywer. also wood turner, city mill $2 25 a day iid. * ' 2 boys. city, good Jobs. $5 and $6 week. Electrician, Jarge gold mine, $90. Choreman, milk 2 cows, fare $1 50. $30 found 3 laborers for mine company, fare $2 60 $15 and found. Private family man. fare $1 20. $25 found. FRESNO CO.— FARE PAID. 2 doggers, S. L. Co.. boes here. $2 50 day 2 off-bearers. S. L. Co.. boss here. $2^25 day. 2 hook tenders, S. L. C, boss here, $2 25 day Shingle sawyer. N. L. Co.. boss here, $3 day 2 shingle packers. N. L. Co.. boss here "c M 2 hay balers, fare $1. 20c to 25c ton. LOOK AGAIN. 2 brick burners, boss here. $45 and found .1 brick- wheelers, boss here. $35 and found. 2 brick- setters, boss here. $40 and found. Janitor for Insurance office, city. $55. Clerk, country merchandise store. Clerk, night work, hotel, country. $30 found Foreman carpenter, 50c fare, plain work! $3 50 day. , . Kaundryman. fare paid. '¦ north, call to-day. Fireman, city planing mill. $2 25 day. " ; B»*IH- I ' rtrAL ' ISM V BE *£n S l?'3. Whitney tranc* clairvoyant business medium and life reader. *lfl Turk rt!; room 2_ first floor (Hotel Regina). MME. 8WANSON, spiritual medium and card reader. 17 Fourth et. ¦ EDWARD EARLE, 1052 Ellis, readings datly, 6:30 to 4; ceancts Sunday and Thursday. KATIE HEUSSMAN. circle Friday evening. 25c: sittings. 1000 Harrison St.. cor. Sixth. CXAJB.VOVA3TTS. A— CALL AT ONCE AND SAVE $2. My Regular $3 Reading This Week for (1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 II PROrESSOR PAUL DESTINE. The Fir*: ReglFtcred Trance Clairvoyant and Palmist Ever in San Francleco. I do hereby solemnly asree and guarantee to make you no charge ir I rail to tell your name, occupation and what you called for; I promise to tell you whether husband, wife or sweet- heart Is true or false; to tell whom and when you will marry; in fact. 1 will tell you every hope, fear or ambition better than you can tell yourself. He restores lest affections, reunites the separated, causes speedy and happy mar- riages, makes you successful and prosperous, cures disease and lost vitality without medi- cine, locates hidden treasures: hours 10 a m. to h p.m.: Sunday* 2 to 8. 32(5 O'Farreli St.. 320. MME. M. BERNARD. THE FAMOUS Clairvoyant and business medium, perma- nently located at 17 Third st.. next Examiner bldg.: she reads your life correctly, gives an accurate description of the past, reveals the present happenings and portrays events to occur In the future; if you are In trouble, dis- contented or not satisfied in life, or have do- mestic, love or business troubles, consult this great medium and you will be told how to overcome them; valuable advice In all affairs of life; 25c up; satisfaction guaranteed; read- ings by mall. Tel. Black 45C9. ISMAR. the Egyptian gypsy, clairvoyant and palmist, permanently located at 1104 Market St., cor. Turk; private readings dally, 10 a. m. to 5 p. m.; readings by mat? as. satisfac- tory as in person; 3 questions answered, $1; full life, $5: send lock of hair, date and year of birth: don't rend currency. Send post of flee, V.*Wls-Fargo meney order or registered letter. A — MME. PORTER, scientific clairvoyant and card readf - . born with a double veil and sec- ond tight; tells the past, present and future; ladles, 50c; gf-nts, $1; by cards, palmistry ond clairvoyant eltting; $1 60. 1M Turk sL Mrs. A. H. Kror.enberg. palmist, clairvoyant, card reader, will give a good reading, 10c, for a short time only; when others fall try me to yourself. 402 Franklin, mar Grove. A — Mm Ravenna reads lif-». business advice; names {riven: 25c up. 5 4th st , near Me.ricet. ! MMi:. HARSEAU. clairvoyant nnd card read- er; love, business, marriage, 25c. 545 Minna. M. nELLE~RUSSELL7"paImlst. 55 Third St.; ladies. 50c; gents, $1; hrs. 10-0 (ex. Sunday^. MME. WALTERS, great card reader; la. 25c; gents. 50c. OM Mission Bt.. nr. 6th; open Sun. MRS BROWN, clairvoyant card reader: ladles 'J.V; ?ents->0c: readings dally. 132 Sixth st. OLDEST lady palmist and card reader in city.- 2ti'i Kearny. room 20; ladles 25c. gents 60c. MKS. SHAFiTit, clairvoyant card reader: *It- tincs daily. 44'='4 Jes>le st.. bet. 5th and 8th. CHIROPODISTS. LUNLAP FOOT INSTITUTE. 50 Geary— A1J ellments of the feet cured; corns, bunions.eto. COLLECTION OFFICES. | ADVICE tree; bad tenants ejected speedily. CO- LUMBIAN LAW AGCY.. r. fe5. «l« Market; tei. Red CIS; collections; gcn'I law business. BAD tenants ejected for $1; collections ma.le; c'ty cr country. PACIFIC I COLLECTION CO.. 415 Montgomery, roorr.g il-10: tel. R5S0. COTTAGES TO LET. I COTTAGE for the r«>nt— $12 50 per month. 5 r. & b. • on Nevada ave. $20 per month. 5 r. & b.. 1215 Sanchez st $2n per month, 'o r. & b.. on 2*tth st. with • a sn-.ali i>aynifnt down. Your friends. D. COFFIN & CO.. XVXi Mission St. i COTTAGE. 5 rooms and hath: rent $11; no chil- dren. 1M> Nevada ave, cor. Cwrtland ave. i »»———— — — — * DENTISTS. L'R. LUliLl'M HILL. 14*3 Market. nr.Eleventh — No charge lor extracting when plates are made: old plates made ever like new; teeth from $S per set: extracting. 50c; gas given. A NEW plate— The Whalebone— cannot break: warranted 20 yrs.; crown. $3 50; flUinss. 5&s; plates, $5: full set; all work painless and war- ranted. Chicsgo Der.tal Parlors. 24 Sl»th st. GOLD fllHnK. $1 ; silver. 50c; crowns, $2. Elite Dental InFt., SS8 Market; open evenings- PARIS Dental Parlors. 2S5 Kearny. cor. Bush- Set teeth, f 1 5<> up; croivn*. $2 up: fillings. 25c. GOLD fillings 75c. ellver .'J5e. crowns $2; no pain: open Sunday. Dr.O.K.Hewltt.204 Sutt»r. i 10 PER CENT oft this month; estimates fre*. I N>-»- Torfc T>ntl«tg. 9CT MIfglcn «=t.. <w. 6th. j ijKKS!5>iA*vi:iiS A: SEAMSTRESSES. ! McDOWELL Dressmaking and Millinery School — Any' cattern cut to measure. 101U Markft. ACCOUUION. runburst & knife plaiting, Stew- art's button & buttonhole factory. 110 Taylor. STXX5G Aiizs cLEA-.irra. SEA breezes sweeten all garments, blankets, lace curtains, etc.. done by the Presidio Heights L'ye Works o.tlo Sacramento; phons lor wagen. West 453. H. HICKMAN. pre». EDUCATIONAL. A — CALDWELL College or Oratory, Acting, \ Opera and Authorship; largest In the West; 14 teachers 1 ; positions guaranteed; fall term begins Sept. 7; day & evening class; beautiful new catalogue free. 1235 Market, cor. Ninth. BAN FRANCISCO business College. 1234 Mar- ket: modern, progressive, practical; estab- lished 15 years. Gregg shorthand, fastest, easiest, most readable. Actual business : bookkeeping; typewriter at home free. HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 21 Post. S. F. — Bookkeeping, shorthand, touch typing, languages, telegraphy. English branches; day and n!ght sessions; lllus. catalogue free. AVRES. the h ding business college. 723 Mar- ket St.; special summer course in all depart- ' rr.-ins; handsome catalogue free; life scholar- chip, $50; day and evening sessions. ! HINMAN'S Academy; a thorough school ot dancing; est. 'M years; 1412 Palk st., bet. Pine and California; adult class now open; children's class wlU cpln Sat. aft.. Aug. 15. i CALIFORNIA Busings College. .105 Larkin *t. "A thorouch school": positions secured for , graduates; modern methods; individual in- struction. Write for Illustrated catalogue. ' THE Berlitz School of Languages has removed to 1000 Van Ness ave.; rates reduced during summer. Send for catalogue. ', ENGINEERING — Civil, dec. mln.. mech..sur- vcy, astay. cyanide; day. eve.; est. 1864. Van der Nalllen School, lia Pulton, nr. City Hall. STSTEM. discipline and results: the Golden Gate Commercial College. Van Ness aad Gclden Gate aves.,S.F.:fllls every requirement DANCING Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday and Sunday evenings at Teutonla .Hall. Howard tt.. near Ninth; management Prof. Foster. HEALD'S School of Mines & Electricity. 'Jl Poat f et.. S. F. ; a practical school of engineering; complete equipment. Special catalogue fres. PIANO and German; pupil of Lelpslc Conser- vatory: lessens 75c and SI. 346 Golden Gate. AT Klngsland Art Shop— Drawing, painting and burnt work. 1I.S4 Halght St., near Lyon. SCHOOL OF ILLUSTRATION D*ay and PARTINGTONS. 424 Pine St.. ..Night class EVANISH Academy — Professor Arribas; classes day and evening: private lessons. 834 Sutter. LESSONS given In Water Color or OH Palnt- Ing from Nature. CURRIER. 372 Sutter st. ARITHMETIC, bookkeeping, grammar. writing. etc.; day or eve.; $5 mo. 1024 6th. Chicago Business College. 1435 Market, nr. 10th. Plttman shorthand, typing, bookkpg.. $8 mo. E3ITLOYMEIVT OFFICES. ™ GEORGE AOKI. 421 Po3t stTrten^BushTlsi^ Japanefce-Chinese employment office; fur- nlshes best help; contracts for farm help. eto. A — OHPHEUM Employment Office — Japanese- Cblnese help. 42tt Powell. Tel. Main 5752. A — GRAND Japanese-Chinese Emp Office 413 Stockton: tcl. Grant 1CS; expert. reliable help. CHINESE Employment Office — Best help at Leon Semite' k 411^ O'Farrell: tel. East 426. RELIABLE Japanese-Chinese Employment Of- flee; all kinds help. 315 Stockton: Main 5188. CHINESE and Japanese help; estab. 20 years. Tel. Main lgQ7. BRADLEY & CO.. 640 Clay. KMPLOVMEXT WANTED — KEStALE. AN elderly woman wishes position as nurse or cook in a email family; no postal cards. 140 Seventh st. , \ SITUATION wanted by Novatla Patlson woman in small American family; good cook Call 1230 Market st. A REFINED German girl wishes situation for upstairs work; wages $25. 2427 Sutter st. WANTED — A situation for down fitalrs work"' • a good cook; references. 2208 Bush st. HOTEL housekeeper, lady of experience and ability, desires position in first-class hotel as managing housekeeper; first-class refer- ences. Box 4C91. Call office. WANT ads and subscriptions taken for The Call at Eaton's Bazaar. C33 McAllister st. _ __ . ; i # ; — . We are proud of this sketch of the maiden so fair, .For the artist exerted the utmost of care, .' And If there were a place In this land of the free Like the Paris salon it would take the Grand Prix. The gentleman, too, Is a Jolly good fellow. And, to Judge from T>ls nose, is often found mellow. ' The maid Is a treasure In the work of the farm, And while she's at the helm there is felt no alarm. You can get Just such girls through The Call any day, For our ads never fall, so our patrons all say.