Newspaper Page Text
LOSES HIS LIFE WHILE HUNTING Cloudy or foggy weather prevails alons the coast from San Francisco to the Columbia River and fair weather over the Interior, ex cept in Northern Arizona, where it is cloudy. Rain has fallen In Northern Arizona. A thun derstorm is reported from Flagstaff. ; The pressure has fallen weat. of the Rocky Mountains. " the ¦ greatest fall being over the P Th* temperature has fallen decidedly In the Sacramento Valley and slightly In other dis tricts. - Temperatures of 100 degrees or over are reported from • the Sacramento and San Joaquin Forecast made at San • Francisco for thirty hours ending midnight, AugusflO: . Northern California— Fair Monday, except cloudy or foggy along the coast; cooler In the interior; fresh to brUk west wind. Southern California— Fair Monday; light west wind. » '.- • •¦"¦'-¦¦ • / Nevada— Fair Monday. San Francisco and vicinity — Cloudy or foggy Monday; brisk southwest ' wind. -¦ • ¦"¦•• , $ G. H. WILLSON. Local Forecaster. WE VTHER CONDITIONS AND GENERAL , FORECAST. J 3 S5 aa °3 **" 2 I iriiii EJ-"f STATIONS. ;| gl-gS o. a I I '•an'. I '. Rah-r 2».8O 86 54 NW Clear Too Carson".' 2U.74 8S 54 SW Clear .00 l**li i*j*k H. • • ¦ • • * * vU • * • • •¦•¦¦ ••¦ Fresno '.'.'.'.'... 29.02 106 70 NW Clear- .00 Flagstaff .....29.72 82 50 NW Cloudy .4« Independence .29.66. 96 '70 , SE Clear. .00 Los Angeles... 20. 82 . 80 62 W „ Clear .00 i Mt Tamalpaifl.29.80 88 78 , W Clear .00 North Head!:. 30. 04 58 • 52 NW Cloudy .00 Phoenix ......29.66 £>« 68 W ¦ Clear .26 Pocatello .....29.72 86 54 W Clear .00 Portland -. ...29.02 80 56 NW Clear .00 Point Reyes... 29.78 52 « NW Foggy .00 Red Bluff.;... 20. «2 102 72 SE "Clear .00 Roseburg 2a. 88 88 M N Clear .00 Sacramento ..29.CS 88 56 S Clear .CO Salt Lake 29.72 90 62 NW Clear .00 San Francisco. 29. 84 56 48 W. Cloudy .00 San L. Obispo.29.82 80 52 S Clear .00 San 70 64, SW Clear- .m Seattle?.. 29.»8 78 54 NW Clear * M Spokane 20.78 90 M W Clear '.00 Tatooeb 30.02 62 50 SW Clear * .00 Walla WalU.. 29.76 92 6« W Clear .00 Wlnnemucca .29.72 92 60 NW. Clear; .00 Yuma ..'...... 29. 64 104 80 SW Clear .00 Weather Report. (120th Meridian— Pacific .Time.) . , SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 9, 1903. | GRASS VALLEY, Aug. 9.— Andrew ' Hansen, a woodchopper, committed sui cide In a cabin in the woods ten miles • below here. Hansen had been missing for | several days and on a search being: made his body was found lying on the floor of the cabin with the head nearly blown oft. He had placed the barrel of a shotgun In his mouth and then pulled the trigger. He had been missing since last .Thursday . night. ' h'I '¦ .-.¦¦ Woodchopper Commits? Suicide.* Frame Workers' Union No. 147 . held its first annual picnic at Buena Vista Park, Sausalito, yesterday. There were about 1500 peoplo pres«nt and they had a very pleasant time. .The picnic was a grand success. ;i- v >; Frame-workers' Outing. The Retail Drug Clerks gave their third annual picnic at El Campo yesterday and an immense concourse of clerks, their families and friends took advantage of the occasion for a day of pleasure. Everything possible for the picnickers had been done by the various committees, of which William H. Adair was the chair man. Not a single accident marred the day's exercises and no untoward event occurred. v ,.„.».* !i Many valuable prizes were distributed, Eome bv lot and others as rewards for victory in the various races that served to add interest to the day's proceedings. Third Annual Picnic of Association Given at El Campo. . DRUG CLERKS' OUTING. Tht following were, the committees in charge: Arrangements — C. W. Mueller, president; C. Zimmerman, treasurer; A. Hagedorn. secre tary; C. Kerstensen. P. Kahdemann, J. Wles mann, J. Wemmcr, I\ Schnoor. .W. Lueddeke, F. Hudemann. Reception— H. Mohl, II. Echroeder, M. Blan chard. F. Maas, J...jPape, F. Frenzel. II. Strauss. Wheel of Fortune — P. Kahdemann. chalr inan; J. -Wlesmann. assistant chairman; ,F. Vogtlaendcr, M. Gobel. F. Mohr, C. Sleverts. Bowling alley — C. Kerstensen, chairman; F. Baumann, H. Kessel, W. Maas, O. Simon. — . Lauterbach, W. Rabe. Floor — Peter Schnoor. chairman: E. Grels* wlt», A. ICVause. F. Kx>se, R Jungklnd, W. Klmme, II. Galzert. g ar — w. Lueddeke. chairman: C. Kretsch mann. C. Krueckel. II. Peters, F. Hesaler. M. Kcker. C. Voztleln. Candy stand— D. "Wedeklnd, Mrs. Nickel, M. Buck and Mrs. Ju«rel. About 4000 people attended the annual falcnlc and reunion of the united lodges of Hermann's Sons at Shell Mound Park yesterday. The time was Bpent in various athletic and field sports and dancing. A competitive entertainment was given by the singing societies of the various lodges. The prize winners ' will be an nounced later. • Crowd Numbering 4000 Attends Shell Mound Picnic. HERMANN'S .SONS. The officers of the assignation are: Fred C. Hensley. president; Henry L. Blenfleld, first vice president; Philip J. Diez, second vice pres ident; Louis S. Cornart, recording secretary; Samuel G. Drummond, financial secretary; Richard J. Courtier, treasurer. Board of di rectors — "W. II. Williams. John J. Mahoney. SamurJ Baker. Frank E. Haskell, John D. Har rlss and Henry Itoblnett, marshal. Arrangements— Matthew F. Smith (chair man), James Grady, J. J. Cain, Samuel G. Drummond. Richard Downing. Floor — Samuel Baker (manager). L. S. Cor nart (assistant manager), James E. Brltt, J. J. Colvin. Charles Murray. Samuel B. Kennard, Patrick Curran. F. S. Hall, Timothy Reagan, Silas W. Lauder. William Gill, Alfred Flor anre, Frank II. Kenny, James Buckley, Hugh McKnight. John J. Nagle and E. A. Richard eon. Many of the oldest firemen of. San Fran cisco were present, shaking hands with old' comrades and friends and in various ways thoroughly enjoyed the reunion. The committees having the affair in charge were as follows: Luncheon was served under the spread ing oaks at 12:30. Dancing was the chief amusement. The weather was cool and conducive to the terpslchorean pastime. Fully 1000 people were present. A large number came on the 9 o'clock boat via the California Northwestern, but \ the noon boat conveyed the largest crowd. The Vfteran Firemen, together with their many friends, held forth at Schuetzen Park yesterday. It was the fourth an nual picnic and outing of the Veteran Firemen's Association and was -without a doubt the most successful of any of the association's excursions. Hold Their Fourth An nual Picnic at Schuet zen Park. FIRE VETERANS ENJOY REUNION THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY. AUGUST 10. 1903. . SALJNAS. Aus. 9.— Manuel R. Merritt, former Supervisor. Presidential Elector on the Bryan ticket in 1896. a former~Justlce of the Peace and a leading Democratic politician of this county and well known throughout California, died this morning from an accidental gunshot wound" in the abdomen. Merrltt. . with Constable Smart. Justice of the Peace Browne and Court Stenographer Hawkins, left here last evening for a hunting trip in the sand hills across the river between Blanco and the coast. Just after crossing the railroad a place for the camp was selected, and while in the act of driving down a small grade a shotgun loaded with bird shot slipped from between Merrltt'" knees. and. striking on the double tree's of the wagon, was exploded. The charge struck Merritt Ju3t above the groin, punc turing the intestines. Merrltt was brought to town, where he lingered till the morn ing. . Deceased was 4S years of age, a native of Monterey County and son of ex-Judge Joslah Merritt of thia county. He was a member of several fraternal orders. He leaves a wife and three sons. Drops Gun and It Explodes, Sending Charge of Shot Into His Body. Prominent Resident of Salinas Is Accident . ally Killed. 9 Tuesday, August 11, 1903. at 2 o'clock, at . the residence. 588 Twenty-second | atreet. Oakland. Interment private. UMHALT— In thU city, August 8, 1003. Julius, beloved husband or Geslne Umbalt, father of Julius,' Albert" and Alma Umhalt, son of .Anna and the late Julius Umhalt. and brother of Mrs. Ann Huntemann and Charles and Andrew. Qualllns, a native of Memphis. Tenn.. aged 41 years 5 months and '13 days. • ETTnonda and acquaintances axe respect- fully invited to attend tbe funeral "to-morrow (Tuesday), at 1 o'clock, from bis late resi- dence, 223*4 Francisco street, thence to I. ¦ O. O. F. Hall, corner of Seventh and Mar- ket streets, where services will be held un- der the auspices of Alta, Lodge No. 205, I. O. O. F., commencing aut 2 o'clock. .. Inter- ment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. Please omit .flowers. .-• AUCTION SALES fe £s> £a Auction sale TUESDAY. Auk. 11. 11 a. m.. at 1140 Folsom. of wagons, surreys, camping outfits, rubber tires and carts, an.i a!3o 4o sets of single and double harness and 23 bead of all purposed horses. » fe fe fe AUCTION SALE of 40 good horses. Arcada Horse Market. 327 Sixth st., Wednesday. Au- gust 12. at 11 a. m. Every horse must be aa represented or no sale. . .X - r < JOHN J. POTLE. Auctioneer. RAILWAY TRAVEL. California Limited,,. To CHICAGO An Ideal Traln [ferSjSr^^l F° r Those Who Boyy Bcggl v^^a SANTA PC TRACTS. Leave Maritat-strest Ferry Depot. " ~ ¦ , Local Llm'd Local OVxi'4 Dally Dally Daily Dally Lv. San Fran.... 7:30a 0:30a 4:0Op 8:009 Ar. Stockton 10: 40 a KkOl p 7:10pll:15p "Merced l:0Sp 1:55 p 1:23* "Fresno 2:40p 3:20 p . ...... 3:13 a "Hanford 4:68p 4:07 p 7:50a, " Visalia ...... 4:55p 4:45 p 3:00 % "Bakersfleld .. 7:15p 6;0Op..' 7:33% " Kansas City 2:33a 7:00* "Chicago 2:lSp( 8:4Tpi a for morning; p far afternoon. 7:30 a. m. Daily Is Bakersfleld Local, stop- ping at all points la San Joaquin Valley. Car" responding train arrives at 8:53 a. m. daily. 0:30 a. m. Monday and Thursday Is tha CALIFORNIA LIMITED. carrying Palace Sleeping Cars and Dlnins; Car* through to Chicago. Chair car runs to Bakers. field for accommodation of local flrst-claaa pas- sengers. No second-class tickets ars honored on thla train. Corresponding train arrives at 11:10 p. m. Tuesday and Friday. ' 0:80 a. m. Dally. Valley Limited. Corapcsita Car and Reclining Chair Car between Bajters- fleld and San Francisco. Correspondlac train arrlTes at 11:10 p. m. dally. 4:00 p. m. la Stockton Local. Correspondla* train arrives at 11:10 a, m. dally. 8:00 p. m. Dally la the Overland Express with through Palace and Tourist Sleepers aad Free ReclinicB Chair Cars to Chicago; also Palace Sleeper, which cuts out at Fresna Cor- responding train arrives at 8:25 p. m. dally. Personally conducted parties for Kansas City. Chicago and East leave San Francisco every Monday. Thursday and Saturday at ft p m Offices — 541 Market street and In Ferry De- pot. San Francisco; 1112 Broadway. Oakland. CALIFORNIA NORTHWESTERN HY. CO. LESSEE SAN FRANCISCO AND NORTH PACIFIS BAXX.WAT COMPANY. Tlbnxon Terry, foot of Maxirt Bt BAH rSAVCXSCO TO SAN BA7AS&. WEEK DATS— 7:30, 8:00, 9:00, 11:00 a. m.: 12:35. 2:30. 3:40. 5:10. 5:50. 6:30 aad 11:30 P. m. Saturdays* — Extra trip at 1:30 p. - m. SUNDAYS— 7:30. 8:00. 9:30. 11:00 a. m.: 1:30. 2:30. 3:40. 5:10. 6:30. ll:3O p. nv 8A2T BAJTAEi TO SAK XRANCISCO. WEEK DAYS— 6:05. 6:50. 7:35. 7:50, »:20. 11:15 a. m.; 12:50, *2:00. 3:40. 5:00. 8:20. 6:25 p. rn. Saturdays — Extra trip at 1:45 p. m. SUNDAYS— 6:60. 7:33, 9:20. 11:15 a> m.; 1:43 3:40. 4:50. 6:C0. fi:20. «:1O. »:25 p. m. ¦Except Saturdays. Leave. J In Effect I Arrive San Francisco. [ May 3, 1903. [SanFranclaco. Week I Sun- I Destina- ' \ Sun- I Week Days. I days. I tion. ) days. | Days. 7:3Uai j 7:43 aj 7:43* 7:30 a 8:00 a 8:40 aJ S:4Os> 8:00 a 9:30 a Isnacio. 10:20 a 10:20 a I 2:30 p 2:30 p . , 6:CO pi «:2O p i 5:10 p 5:10 p{ «:2*>p 7:23 p | 7:25 p} 7:30a 7:30a 7:45a! 7:43a, 8:00 a 8:0Oa Novato. 10:20 a 1O:2O s> 2:30 p 9:3Oa Fetaluma. 0:20 p 6:20 p 5:10 p 2:30 p and 7:23 p 7:23 p 3:10 p Santa Rosa. | 7:30 a 7:30 a 110:20 »! 10:20 * 8:00a 8:0Oa Fulton. (T:25p 8:20 p 2:30 p 2:30 p | | 7:23 p Windsor. I 7:30 a 7:30 a Healdsburg. 10:20a 10:20 •> Lytton. 2:30 p 2:30 p Geyaervllle. 7:25 p 7:23 p | Cloverdale. 7:30 al 7:30 a! Hopland. 110:20 a!10:29 a 2:30 pi 2:30 p) and Uklah. | 7:23 pj 7:25 p 7:3Oa| 7:3Oa| WlUlta. j. 7:23 p| 7:23 p 8:00a| 8:00 al Camp Vacation. 110:20 all0:20 a 2:30 p| 2:30 p| GuerneviUe. | 7:25 pj 6:20 p ! 8:00 ai 8:C0aI Sonoma. I 3:40 al 3:40 a 5:10 pi 5:10 p) Glen Ellen. | 6:00 p| 6:20 p 7:30 a) 7:30 at 110:20 a!10:2O a 2:30 p| 2:30 p| SebastopoL | 7:23 pf 8:20 p STAGES connect at Green Brae, for Saa Quentin, at Santa Rosa for White Sulphue Springs; at Fultnn for Altruria and Marie West Springrs: at Lytton for Lytton Springs; at GeyservlUe for Skagga Springs; at Clover- dale for the Geysers. Boooevtlle and Green- , wood; at Hopland for Duncan Springs. High- ! land Springs, Kelseyvllle, Carlsbad Springs. Soda Bay. Lakeport and Bartlett Springs; at ' Ukiah for Vichy Springs, Saratoga Springs, ; Blue Lakes. Laurel Dell 'Lake. Witter Springs. Upper Lake. Porno. Potter Valley. John Day's. Riverside, Lterly's. Bucknell's. Sannedria Heights, Hullvllle. Orr's Hot Springs. Half- way Hcuse. Comptche. Camp Stevens. Hop- kins Mendocino City. Fort Brags. Westport. Uial: at WUllts for Fort Bragg. Westport. Sherwood. Cahto. Covelo. Laytonirllle. Ctua- mings. Bell's Springs. Harris. Olsen's. Dyer. 1 Garterville. Pepperwood, Scotia and Eureka. Satarday to Monday round-trip tickets at re- duced rates. - . On Sunday — Round-trip tickets to all points beyond San Rafael at half-rates. Ticket office. 650 Market street. Chronlcla building. H. C. WHITING. K. X. RTAX. Gen. Manager. - Gen. Pas. Agt. HTO SAN RAFAEL, SAN QUENTIN, MILL VALLEY, CAZADERCETC. via Sausalito Perry WEEK DATS-<Holldays exeepted V-6 :43. f7:43. 8:45. 9:45. 11 a. =»-. 12:20. *l:*A. 3.15. 415. h-13 nj'-lS. 6:45. 9. 11:45 p. m. 7T45 am. train peek day. doe* not rua to M SCNDAY9 . AND LEGAL HOLrDAYS-7. IS t*0. t*10. 11. Ul:3O a. m.. tl2.3O Vl.oV. 2-35 5. 6. 7:30. 9. 11:43 p. m. TValns marked <•) run to San Quentin. Tko»e marked <t) to Fairfax, "cep 1 3:15 1 + * hteh days. On Saturdays the 3:15 p. m. train run* l °FBOM*SAS RAFAEL TO SAN FRANCISCO —Weels days— 5:23. t«:25. T:¥k 8:13 »»:.». 11:05 a! m. 12:30. 2:20. t3:43. 4:50. 5:30. «:43. «:15. 7:35. t3:10. 9:40. U0:53. 11W5 £ ntTw^O. 2:30. 13:25. 4:40. 6' 55 1 '33. 10:20 p. m. Tralnii marked «> start from San Quentin. FROM MILL VALLEY TO SAN FRAN- C13CO— Week days— 5:43. «:40. 7:43. 8:23. 9 45. lT:10 a? m.. 12.40. 2:45. 4:13. 5.-10. 7:05. 1O s1?N^AYS— 8:33. 7:53. lft. 11:10 a. m.. 13:03. 1 0\ 2:40. 3:45. 4:53. 6:06. 7:10. 1Q:4O p. ta. j i.uo, „.»«* throCGH TRAIN* . ¦"'" 7:43 a. rn., week days — Cazadero and way * 5:13 > p. m.. weel^ days (Saturdays excepted) — Totrales and way stations. . 3:13 p. m.. Saturdays — Cazadero aad way stations. Sundays and Legal Holidays— ft a. nv. Caxa- dero and way stations. * * Sundays and Legal Holidays — 10 a. m.. Paint Reyes and way stations. TICKET OFFICE— 626 Market It. FERRY— Foot of Market st. MOUNT <TAMALPAIS RAILWAY Leave Via Snsa&i hrrr Arrtrn . - SsaPraa. IwirfMartstfc. Saa Fraa. Week San- __J_^^- 9av Week" Days, days dayi Days. *-.*5a 8: 00 a fe'Ueap^afia i*:otyn fiTsZ X:*3r 8:OOa Wft^SHa 19:AOr3:3Or S:1Sp1O:ODa WJw^Svw 3:3Op 3:3Or 11:30a X^SiSS^ 4:35f _ i:3Op yB&Jr ...,, 2:35 p| sioo f fcttriayi ealy, umton" 9a3Or,«rrh»lf. ll;3Oy TICW I SM Hasxst St« (North Show Katlroadi Q?nCB f and Saosauto F««*» Foot Market St. Weekly CaU,$l,00 per Year ROOMS TO LET— Fnm. and Pntnrn. TUmcTT^iS^NTcT^s^m^Tro^T^lroonr; "second I floor. I UNITED STATES, 123 Eddy «t.. near Market — 100 tingle and family rooms, 33c to 91 nisht: $1 75 to $6 week; eUvator; electrio lights: reading-room: free bus and baggag*. VaN NESS ave.. fil9 — Renovated; handsom* sur.ny furnished suites front uns.; mod, conv. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 3d st.. near Market— ; Mc«t ccr.venient and respectable; 700 rooms: Ji5c to $1 CO night; $2 to $S week; elevator; elec. lights: reading-room; free bus; baggage. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 2200 Fill more st. ROOMS AXD BOARD. AMOY. THE 901 DEVISADERO ST. Strictly first-class family hotel; sunny rooms, suit* or single; billiards: steam heat. OLD Stevenson Mansion, oco. Grace Church, with annex. $07 California «t. — Attractive in- terior; exceptional table; free billiard-room. OCTAVIA. 808— Rooms $5 up; breakfast and dinner. $2 SO a weei|. *. ROOMS AXD BOARD WANTED. A HOME for 2 gentlemen and 2 little girls. Box 4!>94. Call office. . ¦ . KCONS WA.NTED^ . FURNISHED housekeeping rooms.. Address, by mall, with particulars. A. J.%G. t 128 Church. OFFICKH AM* STORES TO JUET. EMMA EPKECKELS building. J27 Market sU— O:flce to let; rent $15; light, hear, janitor anJ ASHTON & n\HVlSEH. STORE to let with steam connections. 612 Front st. -r-:- TO rent- Magnificent location for dentlst'a of- flce. The Antlera. 415 Turk Bt. 712 BANSOME Ft., near Jackson — Handsome large store: rent $25. SML.^ISTftV. I MME. DEVAS. eclerflinc palmist and astrolo- Elst. 'Offlce. 26 Liebss bldg.. 1S9 Post st; $1 palm reading a specialty; open Tuesday eve. FUYSICIA.VS AXD SIJUUEUXS. i DR. C. C. O'DONNELL— Office and residence! i HEl'i Market «t., bet. Sixth and Seventh. i BLOOD, skin and rectal diseases a specialty. f UK, BALL. 107:^-i Market st. | REMOVED— PR. WONG HIM. herb doctor: ; treats all diseasf* of the human body: for past four year* at 115-117 Mason; now lo- cated at 007 Geary Bt., near T<eaver.worth. VII. TONO PO f'HY. puccfssor to.Pr. LI To Tai. herb doctor; ru-ps nil diseases of human ' by us? of herbs ami teas. 727 Washington st. ! WONG WOO, the famous horb dorter — AH dls- I pasfs <-ured I'.v «*hiney herbs. 716-B Clay St. | SPECIAL NOTICES. WATER wells bcred through any formation with the C. * Cr Company's patented power drill. Call cr address 'J E<!dy St.. room f>0. SPECIALISTS. ~ CATARRH. DEAFNESS and NOISES In EARS positively cured; new method; 1 week's treat- ment free. Dr. Cottlngham, 204 Sutterjst. STORAGE AXD WAREHOUSES. A— EMPORIUM Storage & Van Co.: furnlturiT * household goods stored^ moved shipped. 72S- 731 Howard st.. near Third; phone Grant 161. PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage & Moving Co.'of- flce Post and Powell sts. ; tel. Prlv. Ex. '571. HOt'SEHOLI) grods and bric-a-brac packed for etoraK* «r ehlpment. Call or address 370 Fell. CONKLIN'S storage — Furniture and merchan- dise. S33 Golden Gate ave.; phone East 12fl. GOLDEN West Storage; advances made; S40 Mission st. ; tei. Howard 911. F. W. Zehfu^. PACIFIC Storage and Furniture Moving Com- pany. 2320 Fillmore st. : phono Jackson 281. BEKJNS Van and Storage Co.. 11 Montgomery St.; tel. Main 1S40. Shipping at cut rates. STUTTERING AXD STAMMEHWG. MELBOURNE System School. Van Ness* and Market; positive cure for all. Don't delay. TYPEWRITERS A.XD SUPPLIES. GREAT^AHGAInITin" TTPE^RITERS^We pell "better machines for less money than r.ny house in the city; rentals $3. The Typewriter . Exchange. 530 California telephone Main 2W. A FEW fcood typewriters at $30 each; get par- ticulars. L. & M. ALEXANDER. 110 Mont- gomery st. - 2D-HAND typewriters scld. rented, repaired. Webster Typewriter Inspec. Co.. 200 Sansome. DIVIDEND NOTICES. ; DIVIDEND Notice — The Giant Powder Com- pany, Con. — A dividend. No. 50, cf fifty cents lEuc) per share on the issued capital stock of the company has been declared, payable at office of the compaqy. rooms 202, 2U4 and 200, Hayward building, San Francisco, August 10, V.'L.:',. Transfer books close August 'J, 1603, at noon. C. C. QUINN. Secretary. —™* "^ "~ — " — "— ¦" —— ™ mm — »— m———————m LEGAL AD VERT1SE.MKXTS. NOTICE of Dissolution of Copartnership— The firm heretofore existing under the name and ' Etyle of 'Jolden Gate Dredging and KeclaniA- r tion Company, doinc business in the city nrd ccurty of San Francisco, State of Cali- fornia. Ik iht; day dissolved by mutual con- sent. MARSHALL C. HARRIS having pur- chased tbe entire Interest of WILLIS U. WHITTEH In the concern. Dated WILLIS G. WHITTER. July 17. 1D03. MARSHALL C. HARRIS. PROPOSALS. •>— ADVERTISEMENT for bids for steam-heating and distributing apparatus for the Unlverelty of California— Notice to contractors, builders and material men — Notice Is hereby given by the Regents of the University of California to all concerned that sealed proposals or bids are solicited on three water-tub* boilers, each to contain one-half the beating surface required to furnish steam for one engine, as ! outlined below; one vertical or horizontal cross-compound, non-condensing "engine, to b« arranged for direct connection to one 200 K. W. alternator, the necessary feed pumps, feed water heaters, steam separatcrs. traps and fuel oil burning apparatus complete. In- cluding all nec-enBary piping, valves and fittings within the building, and all neces- sary piping between tanks, etc.. the plant to be furnished and Installed complete at Berkeley upon foundations furnished by the university. Also steam piping for distribu- tion of steam for heating purposes to the various buildings. Said sealed bids or pro- . posals will be received at room 16, South Hall, at the University grounds, Berkeley, on or before 3 o'clock p. m, of the 17th day of Aujrust, 1903. And notice Is hereby further given that dans and specifications for said construction have been made and adopted and are placed in the engineering offices, room 7, 331 Pine street. Kan Fran- cisco, where the same may be ceen and ex- amined during each day from 9 '/clock a. m. until 4 o'clock p. in. front this data until the 15th day of August. 1&03. No bids or proposals will be considered unless the same are accompanied bv a certified check or a bond of said proposer equal to cs** (10) per cent of his proposal, with sufficient sureties conditioned that if said bid or proposal shall be accepted the party proposing will duly enter into a proper contract with the tatd Regents to faithfully perform the duty and obligations in accordance with Bald proposal and plans and specifications, which shall be asd are hereby required to be a part of such contract. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. This notice is. given pursuant to an act entitled "An act' to amend sn act entitled 'An act to create end organize the University of California/ approved March 25, 1888, and an act. amendatory of section 25 thereof, approved March 28, 1872, relating to the construction o* buildngs," approved March 3, 1897. By order of the * Committee on Grounds and Buildings of the Board of Regents. W. A. McKOWEN, Secretary of th<> Board of Regents of tho University of California, PROPOSALS for Iron Pipe.— No. 361 New Montgomery st.. San Francisco, California, July 13, 1003. — Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m., August 12. 1003. for furnishing about U0M tons cast-Iron pipe and 12.000 feet galvanized Iron pipe, with fittings, delivered at ships' tackle In Ean Francisco. The United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Informa- tion and blank proposals furnished on appli- cation. Envelopes will be indorsed "Pro- posals for Iron Pipe." and addressed Major C. A. Devol, Quartermaster. U. S. Army, Depot Quartermaster. BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— -DEATHS. Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mail will ndt be inserted. They mutt be handed In at either of the publication offices and be Indorsed with tbe name and residence of per- sons authorized to have the same published. BORN. FRET— In this city, August 8. 1903, to the wife of N. C Frey, a daughter. , O'NEILL — In thla city, August 9. 1903. to the wife of-L. J. O'Neill, a daughter. " jjLajibiedT"" GILMORE— SOULE— In this city. July- 13. 1903. by the Rev. Erneat Bradley. Charles B. Gllmore and Abble E. Soule. both of San Francisco- , .¦ MORRIS— GALBRAITH— In this city, July I 190.1, - by the, Rev. J. P. Turner, Dr. " Charles Alfred Morris and Jessie Ualbraith, both' of Sao Francisco.' __MlSCE|JLA?iEOi:s— -KOa SALI1. A t^^v r ??*°* l ° l/> ' y , a'-an-wxii. watches and '?"-' 1 "> .-Moment en all purchases; all '¦^.tr, < s »" v «-* » "» Itrw payrr.L-nt. Call and -1 '-'I' p -^-'CUTKXSTKtN MHO?.. » Stocktnn. L«ji:s VOUK BOOF leak:" -V?A r lt Wi ,' h rt *tttiu: la roil, easy to lay; Vr^f . P»laU« or ccaiir.c; cck»1 over old 1-?;*tH^ ,2? *a»CKi«-: beM for new roofs. LLAT^P.ITE ROOFING CO^ 713 Market «u A— Fine suits. $7 &<>; <;«•«=« pants. $2 SO. Origi- .nai Misfit Clothing Parlors. 238 Kearny st . m^r Buth; open to 9 p. nv Sunday to nocn. A " * :i : * DERBY and fedora hats. Jl 75. Pcp- Price Hatters, 8S0 Kearny et.. r.ear Pine; cperntll » p. m. Sunday to noon. A — BUYS, sells cr renu gear machinery, en-, b<,i>rs. water p!p#. 'Iifcfting. pulleys. etc WHITCLAW. g&3-2Sfc g{)g»r St. TKT our men's shoes at Jl i^iir: foot-form shew* at $2 50; we pay exrr*-se charges. 11 -hlrd g».. Examiner bid.; oatalorue wnt free. SECOND mach'y. boilers, engines, puap*. wood and iron wckinr machinery, boasrht. fold and rented. H.<<v WHITg. UO-132 B»ai«. OAS r-nslr.e far saif »t a barcalu: S HI'.: fir*t-c:ass one. Apply VON PEHKET,: M* Pay rt.. Oakland. -. :'. FOR sa!f> — a ticket to Denver: fSO; gwd to October 1«. Brx -i>>A. t'a'l office. MOVING picture^ raijir lantern*, sale, renta;; bargains. Builard & R-eck. 131 Post St. I1ILES cf pip* and fl-.tmss; all sizes. EU- GEXE RILET & PONS. 1C» Vk11»j3 St. MOVING ri«ure ni=» and aos* slides. |0» Mcntgoraery st. EAFES— .New an>l se'ond-tand. E. B. BECK £. CO. 122 Market jBt. A!l barEainc;cau:p etools and chairs, hammock* metal beds. mstt-et*os.J. F.H»7tter,712 Miss'.crv td'sor. phAncpraph*. records, supplies, rcoviias picture nln-.». Baclgalupi. 233 Mkt. GASOLINE tr4r.:.?5. autctacbiies and launches, ell flsw. J.. H DOAK. 4G Fremorit ft. SAFES— New and sei-cnd-hand. THE HER- MANN SAFE CO.. 417-423 Sacramento Ft. j- - .". ior prices on «?ccnd-band typ*wr-.ter»: ali •nfekes. ALEXANnm CO.. 110 Mon-c v MISCELLAXEOIS WAST*. TILTON wasit* rood &e«"nn«l-hand clothing an.l th«H>trtcaJ FC"~gs. l»-4 I'th gi : t?l. Jesrif 2n"I. .'.JOMJ1 TO LOAX. AAA- HiuiM '.N~M Z kfH t, 6C1-€U2-UW Exatslser tw'.ldlcg. Quick settlemtcu; no disappointment. Eav* expenses ty ceaU&g directly. Estates, eeccsd racrtgages, undivided tcter- •«ts. aetlgsmcnts cf rects. property in trust, etc.; legacies, life estates and undivided o- terest* la property purchased. Ccuneous treatment. Strtctly conn<Seoti«i Wbea You Need Honey Pee HERMAN MURPHY. HIGHLY respectable pn^ate place to obtain liberal advances en diamonds. Jewelry, at lewest rates. Baldwin Jem-elry Store. 9W Market et. tel. Main 1644. Branch. 19 Third. MONET !cine<J to caiaried p>op.e. retail mer- chants, teasntters, bvianllng-hous-s. without security, easy payments; l&rirest business !a «6 prtaclpal cities. Tolman. 5^3 Panott bldg. A— 1 per oer.t en furniture or piano ;ao removal; no cosiEils«icn; no publicity; f23 up; qulctc CCiet. cosfidentiaL 26 Montgomery st-. r. 7. MUNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE. 103 Grant are.. LOANS FKCil $1 to SIO.OOO. AT cut rates en reai estate, furniture or piano; no commission. E. W. LICK. 1OC3 Mutual eav. Ek. bid.. 70S Market; phone Main Sl«. fc. F. JVSOMSrc AGENCY— Loans to salaried people on their nota. The TOUSLEY CO 143 Phelan bldg. MONEY to lc&n on low interest; fcUd. silver. £iamc&ds pearl* acd precious ct3n*» bougtit at W. J. HESTHAL'S. 10 Sixth st. MONEY loaned ta salati^d err-iloyes. G. W. MILLER, room 74. fifth flocr. Chronicle bl<ig. ONE rer cent on forsiturc; J' a mosth on oaca ( 1000; ary security. 302 Montromery, room !•. t"c ON furniture & pianos; $15 up; co removal; V. TREMAIN. room bl. 6 Eddy st.. floor 4. ALL loans on ci&sios^s and Jewelry 2 per cent mo. C F. Collateral Loan Bank. Xi Kearny. ETAR Loan Co. of Wyoming loans nioney to eaiaried employee. R. 211. Mutual SaT.Bk.bld. CA£H loar.ej salaried people on nctrt without indorser. _ MORRELL. CW Examiner bM. su> 1 1 al i.\STnLME.vrs. ArSOUTMEST cf some upright bargains. S Chick»nng $150. $183. S2S3 1 Kix&ball. walnut upright, celluloid keysSCS 2 Emerson $185. $215 2 t-te'.nway tlWi. $213 4 Heine $r» to S.'.3!5 12 squares $15 to $170 10 organs $10* to $75 Rents ?2 up. allowed on purchase; lnstaJl- nicsu $4 up; piano player* from $:>'J up: new rlaaos from $117 ur>. HEINE PIANO CO.. 2oj-237 G*ary st. ; pbcrje Main 5744. $03— LEFT on sale; Filsker upright piano. 237 Geary et. fc-TElNWAY upright. left by private party. $.1C5: great barfrnin. 237 Geary st. A FEW good upright pianos from $70 up com- prising Vcse, Sbtcrlmg, Jaccbs^n. Schwecti- ten. Kherwood, Weser. Marshall & W'endtil. Haines, Everett. Kr.abe and ethers; exgy pa> BEN^T. CURTAZ & SON. 10-20 O'Farrtll. No tranches In San Francitco. UNTIL Aug. 17 we will sell ail pianos at sp* 1 - ' cia!!y low prices, then cur r^cular low prices will b» rerutned; take advantajre of these l«w cummer price*. THE ZENO MAUVA1S MUFIC CO.. 7'tt Market st. BAND instrument* ; F. Bdssori. Paris, maxer. Gus MAitiaid. Agt- Pac. Coast. 278 O'Farrei:; skillful repairltic; 2d-hand instruments soM. l*ni*d«>eisj»rd rl^rvfe pianos and furniture dirt ch^ap. Whiu-h?ad> Storage. l«Sfl Market. J'.ZAUTIFUL 3-peiel Stelpway upright piano; perfect order; sacrifice. Keeffe'&.2S5 O'FarrelL J- krr.'.'.y bailing Coc Australia offers at sacrifice handsome Stelnway upripht piano. 616 Eddy. BUY direct from the factory and eave 50 per cent. HORNUNG. 216 McAllister ft. KOHLER & CHA.SE. SO CFarreil st.; Urgest and oldest ciaso hcuze. BEST renting piano In city foiv$3 per month. SCOTT -CURTAZ PIANO CO.. 660 Hayes st. BARGAIN; rood upright: must be ecid at once. BCHMITZ & CO.. 16 McAllister st. feCHUEB, Byrcn Mauzy pianos, Ceciliar. piano player. BYRON MAUZY. 308-312 Post st. t-UPERIOR violins, zithers, old acd Dew. IE MtTLLER. maker, rypaiitr. 'i L.-uham place. PERSONALS. A— FACIAL ELEMISHES'REMOVED. trrirJclrs, yellow and flabby skin, birthmarks, cmai'.pcx pittings and scars scientifically re- moved without cuttir.g.massage.eiectricity or tn*«iclae: special demonstrations this week. Call or write' DR. L. WILLIAMS. 371 G«ary. WANTED— 777 ladies with scalp diseases; lots cf hair end premature rraycesa prevented. <Can treat by trail. Blank for stamp.) Con- foltation free. 8:S» to €: Sundays. 10 to la. Prof. "CEO. A. CARLOW, Specialist, room ZIS. 997 Market st." THE Star Hair Remedy restores gray hair, im- proves Its growth ;stops falling ;cures dandruff and ltcttrr scalp: no etaln ori stickiness; clcantea ccalp:at dm^gists'. balrdre«»<»rs' .ac- cept bo substitute. Etar RemedTCo.,3S5G<>ary. ANNIE 'HORI a lady giving treatment to ladle* for rheumatism, has her office at the Golden Gate House, C£C Kearny ct.. room lo; she epeaks thrca languages, German. Bo- hemian and Ecglteh. NOT how cheap bet how rood. Is the motto of the manufacturers cf the Rapid Rotary Etaadard the eewiES-tnachine of to-day. J. TV. EVANS, agent. 1021 Marfcet st. PHYEIC1AN. 35 years* experience, cures p«r- zsacestly morphine, cocaine habit. Call cr adOresa Central Pharmacy 2tl Graat ave.. ccrcer Eatter st.: fee moderate. ALL ¦R-ishir.&T desirable acquaintances or in- formation, ad. Mrs. Ford. CaL Correspcrd- enc* Bureau. 83 City Hall ave.; details, U>c DAarCING Tveidzy. Thursday. Baturday and eunday evenings at Teutonla Hall. Howard ex.. near Ninth; management Prof. Foster. AT lew than cost, uncalled for «a!«. orercoau *nd trousers, at CHARLES LYONS'. Loadca Tailor. 721 Market et. KLECANT suits en easy Installments : 80 cents »nd up per week. LEON LEMOS. 1127 Mar- kft t.. between Seventh and Eighth. THE hithett price paid for ladies' or rent*' <3Bi-o$T rlothlng a2d all articles of value at WClNBERO'B. 114 A Ellis mt. SUITS to order oa Installments. $1 per week. Keufcauis &. Co.. merch. tailors, 727-723 Market. ALL Etyles hairdreaslng. 25c; hair roods: mani- curing 25c G. LEDERER. 123 gtoclctcn at. TAILOR-MADE suit f7 60; <!re«s pants $2 5a M-ieflt Clotning Parlor, cor. Bush and lJupcnt. CUPERFLUOUS hair atd mclos reraoA-ed by electric needle. Dr.&ilrs.Traveree.ll70Markrt MA6QCERA.DE «^5ctUTT.e«. f-Ity boolcfl. nln, country crtera. GOLDSTFlv .1- (O, 733 Mitt. AJ.KUEDUM'S Egyptian Ilcisa restores gray t-.slr to its natural t^lcr: <!. at a!I druggists.' fuperfluou* hair fc mole* r*rrcved~~wlth elec- tr1<- reegif. M-s. *¦ Him Katon. 1119 Sntter. fAPHRnAXGIXG. PAllvTIXC. ETcT 11OOMS papered. $3 00 up; tinting, painting. Karunann Paist Co., ZVj 3d ft.; teL Mala 413 I REAL ESTATE— CITY — FOR SAI.B. I' ' '~$ ' A BARGAIN— $4250: corner lqt. 2-story house; lot 25x114; 184 Clipper Bt. See owner oa premises. \"Vi :•'•"• •'"-- S23UO— Cottoge of 4 room* and bath. Lot 25x114: 27th et. (lovely home). Bet. Dolores and Church. ( MOO— Cottage o' 4 rooms; lot 25x80. Folscm «t., above Procita ave. BUY A HOME; STOP PAYING RENT. Look at those five cottages on Precita ave., ¦west of York ei. ; take Folsom-st. car: lot S0xl50; prices small; terms eary: open from P. to 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday. 3 to 5 p. m.. or address owner. WILLIAM MANN. 40 New Montgomery «t. $HXx« — 2 new flat*. 2^th and «, Mission ets.; v.-sll rent for fiO jxt month. J15UO — " new flats on Army St.. near Mls- r'.-.'n. Your friends will loan the balance for the rjnt. D. COFFIN & CO.. 5303 Mission st. FOK sal.-— House 8 rms. : high basement; sunny std« H N (h. J*t. Valencia & Mission; no reas. rffer r^fusM. Stephensi A <ro.. Unlon-sq. Mkt. KOU SALE — Neat cotta*t«>: modern irriFrove- m*r%i: terms same as rent. Apply SE. cor- ner Alabama end Montcalm sir. N W. CORNEIl of-Folnom an-1 Eighteenth >t?.; 50x100, Apply at 2138 Folsom gt. nr.AL ESTATE — Country — For Sale>. ALFALFA lands, stock ranches, orchard". vineyards: inspected barcains: monthly cata- l<-«u* s»nt free. C. M. WOOSTEP. CO., C4S Varkft it. jlO.Ot'O — 10 ACRKS good healthy vineyard near Llvfrrmcre. PILAS C. WRIGHT. Llverrnrr-. »'«l>r HICHMO^n REAL KtTATR. I WATER front lots and bargains: all tracts; j rnarr. phot.*. <-tc. HELL. 417 Parrott Kit. UEAIj BSTAT1S 1H) EXCHANr.R. j BCAL estate to exrhange: free printed list Tarific Cna?t Ex. Bureau. S50 Market st. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS. j JLL-OIEDA ItK \\. ESTATE. ¦ jTsT^vTTA^r^ou^iTiriiiwjnMrT^^ A PRETTY HOME IN ALAMEDA. ; Sunv>und°<1 by flowers: and fruit trees: near I train and schools; enly $2S50; lot 75xl2S. Nic» 5-rconi ccttace *r<l bath. ALAMEPA LAND COMPANY. T°l C.rar.4 14'.=T. ISOO I'3-rk >:.. AlaiaMa. BERKELEY ADVERTISEMENTS nERKELKY RF.AL ESTATE. AN opportunity £»Idoii met wlth^ — I have a new two-story 7-riom hous". 4 bi'droomp, equipped with al! modern conv^ni^noes. «a<». electric liphti. etc.. on an improved street, only two blocks fro^i the Ptatlon." which I will sell to a reilabl» party on th» follow- ing terms: ?100 cash and the balance In monthly Installments; whole price -J3500. $1500 — Fine two-story house. 6Oxl3S; will ex- chanjre for desirable residence In San Francisco. CC400 — Good fix-room houeo on Eur.ny side of street; large lot; a bargain. $l«5r> — 5-roora house near Dwight way station. $7000— Will be cnmpl<>t«1 in on» w»k: elejean! hiu«e of 8 roomq: evpr>-thir.^ mndcrn; fur-; <1ouM» floor?, etc.; fine corner l^t; a gentleman's home. JOS J. MASON. Real Estate. Corner Sliattuok ave. and Center st. fiooo — 1507 PRINCE et.. near Sacta Fe R. R. ; large S-room house; high basement; sta- ble: cow barn: 7 houses for chickens; lot 160x135; street work complete; call aad inspect W. C. MORAN & CO.. 2131 Ehattuck ave.. Berkeley. FINE. new. handsome cottages; up to date: all conveniences: c!o»e to oars: large lots; S13S0 to $1600; only f2C0 cash, balance $16 eo per month. W. C MORAX. Lorin station, or C. C. EMSLIK, Ashby station. $27<X> — FOP. Pal» — New house nf <5 rooms; choice lot; $iOG cash, balance $35 per month. J. H. YOUNG. •builder. 1243 Part »t.. Alameda. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE, 1118 BROADWAY. OAKLAMI ItRlLi ESTATE. J BARGAIN — Nt-arly- new. modern cottage. 6 r'ioms; hljrh basement; brick foundation; por- <fla:n baih; sanitary plumbing: lot 33 :4r ISO; fine garden; fruit . tr«>«>a in bearing: ElKhth-ave. cars • pass door: $2100: easy terms 17^3 Eleventh ave.. East Oakland. | ALEX. MURDOCK. Chronlcla bldg.. San Fran- clsco. for Oakland. Berkeley or rurul homes. OAKLA.M) HOO.nS AXD DOAUD. I TO RENT — Rooms and private board. 6tt! j Fourteenth st.. Oakland. OAJCLAND^FUnXITUIlB FOR SALE. J TO-MORROW the day for bargains ~In~furniu ture. H. Schellhaae. 11th st. cor. stor«.Oaklnd I » ------—---•---— -~-m-m-mm--mm BOOMS FOP. HOUSEKEEPING. < HERBERT (Tbe) — Sunny ajjartmer.ts ' for housekeeping; gas ranges; Just newly fur- r.'.ihed. lE::u Po!k «t- JKSSIE. 3X1 — 2 large punny bas»ment rooms, furnished for housf keeping; gas; 2 beds; $14. GROVE. 425H— 2 nicely furnished rooms; stove-, sink. Eunny yard; $8; Gr.rman. MISSION. 29U1A, cor. 23th— 3 front rooms, furnish»*d for housekeeping; also Iront room for eentleman. O'KARRELL. 1516— Very nicely furnished gua- ny front housc-kecpins rooms; parlor floor. STOCKTON. l:XW— Model house, newly fur- nlshe.l; front housekeeping rooms; .phone. WEBSTER. 430 — 2 or 3 large sunny connect- ing partly furnished basement rooms; corner fiat; yard. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions r«:eived at Call bracah office. 2200 Fillmore st A 'BRANCH office for Call advertisements and e>:bscrlpt:ons has been established at 1096 Va- : l»ncia ft. . | ! COOKS for HOUSEKEEPING — Country ! HOUSEKEEPING accommodations for short time on ranch for two women or man and wife. Address box 3302. Call office. ROOMS TO LET — Kara, and Cafara. j AA — City Room Rectln* Agency. 1104 Market st., cor. Turk and Market sts.. Rooms 3 and 4. Phone Jessie 4471. KREE FREE We locate you free of charge in Rooms •with or without board, j Housekeeping Rooms or Hotels. [ A GENTLEMAN of regular habits can secure ; a large, sunsy and comfortably furnished room, with priTate family, one block from cable and electric car lines and 5 minutes' walk from park entrance; reference*. Box 4953. Call. A— BRUNSWICK House. 14S Sixth — Rooms tXx to $1 per tttght. $1 25 to $3 per week, and light housekeeping rooms; open all night.. • AT "The Almonte." 87S Market st. (or No. 1 Fifth »t.)— Room*. 25c. 60e. $1. $1 80 nl^ht; $1 60 to >10 week; house open all night. ANTLERS. 415 Turk st. — Strictly modern; 4-8 room apartments; fur. or unfur. for hakpg. A LA ROB furnished room for 1 or 2 gents; bath; running water; references. SS9 Post st. UaP.TLETT, 218, cor. 23d— Sunny fnrn. rooms; gas, bath, laundry.runnlng water;warm belt. BURNETT, mtt Market— (old No. 1364) — Pur- r.ithfd room*, eultce. single; also unfurnished. CLIFFORD. 204 Ellis, cor. Mason— Elegantly fornlshed suany rooms: prices reasonable. FELL, mfO—'lo let, furnished front bay-win- dow room; references. FIFTH 33 — Sunny bay-window rooms; also Elagle rooms; |1 50. $2 50 to $4 per week. GRAND Southern, 7th and Mission — Rooms 50o to $1 BO night; |2 to $a week; reading-room. HQTEL GRAYSTONE to Geary st; phone Bush 880. Centrally located fireproof hotel; elegantly furnished suites, with baths end singles. MINNA, M5— Large sunny >front room; 1 or 2 gentlemen, or light housekeeping. O'FARRELL, 20— Sunny furnished rooms and offices; elevator; elec lights; day, week. mo. PINE. 2S30. cor. Baker— 2 furnished room*; net for housekeeping. ¦ . ROYAL House. 120 Ellis— Incandescent lights, readirg-rcom. smoking-room and ladies* par- lor; rooms per night. 25c to $1 50; week. (3 to $8; month. $S to $30; elevator on ground flour; rooms with hot and cold water; baths. BAH. WAT TBA7EL. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Trains leave and are da« to arrive st * SAX FRANCISCO. (Main Line. Foot of Market Street ) — LSATK — FaOM AP8C8T 1. 1903. — AMtlVT 7.00a Bentetft, Sulsuu, Elmlra and Sacra- mento 7.25* 7.00a. VscavlUe, Winters, Ramsey. 7-25p 7.30a Martinez. San Ramon, vallejo, Kspa, Callitogs, Santa Koaa 6 25r 7.30 a Nile*. Liver more, Lathrop. Stock- ton 7.25* 8.00a Davla, Woodland. Knlrhta Landing. Msrrtvllle. OroTllle. (connects at MsrytvlUe for Grldley. Biggs aadChlco) 7.5SP 8.00a Atlantic Express— Ogden »nd Bait. 10.25* 8.00a Fort Cotta, Martlnes. Antloeh. By- Ton,TracT,Stockton.6acramenta, Los Banoa. Mendota, Hanford, YUalla, PorterTllIe miJdr 8.00a Port Costa. Martinez, Tracy. Lath- rop, Modesto, Merced, Fresno, Goanen Junction, llanford, VI- talta. Bakersfleld 625? 8.30a Shasta Bxpreis— Davis. Winiami (for Bartlett Springs). Willows, tFruto, Red Blnff, Portland 7.65* 8-30a Kllet, San Jose, Llvermore. Stock- too,Ione,Sacramento,P!acerTUle, M »ry « vll! e. Chlco. Red Bln9 4.25r 8. 30a Oakdale. Chlneie, Jamestown. So- nora, Taolnmne and Angela 425? 9 00a Martinet and Wsy8tat!oni 6 55r 10.00a Vallejo 12.25i> diO. 00* El I'aso Passenger, Eastbound.— Port Costa, Martinez, Byron. . Tracy, I-athrop, Stockton. Merced, Raymond, Fresno, Ban- ford. Visalla, Bakenfteld. Los Angeles and El Paso. (West- bound arrives via Coast Line)... «1.33p 1000a Tbe Overland Limited — Ogden. Denver, Om&hs. Chicago. 8.25r 12.00x Bay ward. Nile* and Way Stations. 3-2Sr 11. OOp Sacntnento River Steamer*. til. OOp 3.30f Benlcla, 'Klnters. Sacramento, Woodland. Wllljwns. Coltna, Wil- lows, Knlfrhu'Landlng. Marjs- « Title, OroTlile and way stations. . 10.55 a 330p Harward. Nile* and Waj Stations.. 755* 4.08* Marttnex,SanIUmon.VaneJo,N»l>a, CalUtoga. Santa Rosa ... 9-25* 4.00r Martinet, Tracy.Lathrop.Stockton. 1025a 400r Nile*. Llvennore. Stockton. Lodl.. 4.25P - 4.30r Hay ward. Klles, Irrlngtoa. San ) 1 8.55 a Joee. Llvermore (111.554 B.COf Tbe Owl Limited— Fre»no, TuUre, BaieriQeld, Los Angeles; con- nects at Bangui for Santa Bar- bara 8-55a BCOr Port Costa, Tracy, Stockton. Los Banos 12.25F t6.30r Hayward. Ntles and San Jo«e 7.25k 6.C0p Hsyward, Klles and San Jote. 10 25* 6. OOP Oriental Mall— Onden. Denver. 3Rft& Omaba. St. Lonli. Chicago and tKast. (Carries Pullman Cv pas- tengers only out of San Fran- cisco. Tourist car and coach passengers take 7.00 r. m. train to Reno, continuing thence in their cars 6 r.K. train eastward.. 425> YTenbonnd, Sunset Limited. — ¦ ¦ From New York, Chicago. New Orleans, El Puo, Los Angeles. Fresno. Berends, Raymond (from Yoaemlte), Nanlnez. Arrives.. 8.25a 7.00p Ean Psblo, Port Coita, Marlines and Way Stations 11.25a J7.00r Vallejo.. • 7.55P 7-COp Port Costa, Benlcla, Snlsnn, DstIs, Sacramento, Trnckee, Keno. Stops st all stations east of Sacramento ....(. 7S5a ! 8.C5P Oregon * California Expreii— Sac- ramento, MarjBVllle, Redding, ; • Portland. Puget Sound and Bast. 8.55a 19.1 Or Bay ward, Klles and San Jose (San- day only) ..... 111.55s 11.25P Port Costa, Tracy. Lathrop. Mo- desto, Merced. Iiaymond (to To- sctnlte), Fresno, Hanford, VI- salla. Bakersneld 12-251 COAST LINE (Harrow Uanje).. (Foot of Market Street.) 1745a Santa Oral Excursion (Sunday only) «-10» 8.15a Newark. CenterviUe. San Joie. "..,.•*•- Felton. Boalaer Creek, Santa Crns and Way Stations. 6 23* t2.1B> Newark, Centerrllle, San Jose, New Almaden.Los Gstoa.r'eltOn, Boulder Creek, Santa Crui and Principal Way Buttons 10.55a 4.15? Newark. San Jose, Los Oatos and way stations (on Saturday and Sunday runs through to Santa Cruz; Monday only from Santa :. f Crnz). Connects at Felton to and from Boulder Creek f855 \ OAKLAND HARBOR FERRY. From SAN KKAK CISCO, Foot of Market St. (Slip <) — t7:I5 9:00 11:00 a.m. 1.00 3 00 5.15 P.M. Prom OAKLAND, Foot of Broadway — t6:0O J3:M t8:05 10:00a.m. 1200 200 400 r.n. ¦, COAST LINE (Uroad tiaage). Of" (Third anU Townsend Streets.) 8.10a San Jose and Way Stations. 7.30r t7.00a San Jose and War Stations 630p /8.00a New Almaden (Toes., Frid.) S4.10r 17.15a Uonterey and Santa Cnu Kxcur • ¦ _ sloa (Sunday only)... t3-30» 8.00a Cosat Line Limited— Stopsonly San •" -,,.'-¦ Joie.Gilroy.HoUlster.Pnjaro.Cas- trovllle. Salinas. San Ardo, Paso Roble*, SanU Margarita, Snn Lu!» Oblspt>. (principal stations thence) SantaBarbara,SaagusandLo« An- geles. Connection at CaitroTllle to snd from Monterey and Pacific Grove and at Pajaro north bound from Capitola and Santa Cruz.... IQ.ASr IXOa San Jose, Tres Plnoa, Capitola, SantaCrax,PsclflcGroTe,8altnas, San Luis Oblspo and Principal Intermediate Stations 4.10? Westbound El Paso Passenger.— From Chicago. El Paso, Los An- "r .•"__• gelei, Sant* Barbara. Arrives.. 1.30* 10.38a Pan Jose and Way Station*. 1.23r 11-COa Cemetery Passenger— South San . - __ ' Francisco, San Bruno 1.05> 1130a San Jose, Lot Gatos and Way Sta- „„ tlont 5.36p •1 •30P Ean Jose and Wsy Sutlons X7-Q0r 2.C0P Ean Jose and Way Stations 19 40a 2.30T Cemetery passenger— Sooth San , Francisco. San Bruno 4.3Sr T 13.0D* Del Uonte F.xprw*— Santa Clara. San Jose, Del Monte. Monterey. Pacific Grove (connects at Santa Clara for Santa Crui, Bauhler x ifh, w, 0 ™ 11 and X"tow Giurc Points) t12.1Sr ••30* Bnrllngsme, San Mateo. Redwood, . Menlo Park. Palo Alto, May deld. Mountain View. Lawrence. Santa Clara. San Jose. Gilroy (connec- tion for Holllater. Trea Plnoa), P«Jaro (connection for Watson- vllle. Capitola and Santa Cruz), Pacific Grove and way stations. Connects it CastroTllle for Sa- linas.... 10.45a ,{*' San Jose and Way Station 8-38a T6*0p San Jose, (via Santa Clara) loa Gato*. Wright and Principal Way J5.30* San Joie and PrlnelpaVway Stations tl.OOA t8.16» SaaMateo,Beresford,Belmont.Ssn Carlos, Redwood. Fair Oaks, Menlo Psrk. Palo Alto IT. ffl.48A |-Mr Ban Jose and Way Stations 6.38a 7 00f Bnnset Limited, Eastbound.— $an Luis Oblapo, Sanu Barbara, Los Angelas, Demtng. El Puio. New Orleans, New York. (Westbound • »n. Valley)... v8.2Sa 8.00? Palo Alto and Way SUtions.....!.. 10.15a ¦USto'MlUbrae.PaJo Alto aad Way " 8ti£ o 11 3Qt MiabraeVsan* Joie " Vnd' Way'sti^ tS ' 45 ' tlona t9.45p ( v _ •*• *5 r Morning. p tor A tternooa. X Satarday and Sunday only. I Stops at all it* tlona on Sunday. t Sunday exeepted. t Sunday onlj. a Saturday enly. > * Connects at Goshen Jc with trains for Haaford. ; Visalla. At Fresno, for Vlsali* via Sinter. • via Coast Line. / Tneaday and FrWay. • •* Ani Te y\ % Vttt _^ n DattT txct?t gaturuay. u> Via San Joaquin Valley. 1 stops Santa, Clara south bound only. Connects, ezeept Sunday, for all points Harrow Gevge. - ""Oaly trains stopping at Valencia St. loutaboon* «S iilQ *¦•«•. 1UW A.M.. 2:SOrj».*ci6i:Orjt- ' DIED. Brauttenbach.F. Herbert, William Cathcart. Jchn J. Holden, Mary M. Crcsby. Brleid Johnstone, Emma Curry, Ellen Jones. Mamie • - Curtln. Mamie Kelleher, John I'egan, John H. Meehan, Marttne Flslier, Alfred C. O'Neil, Everlynn Klynn. Jennie Kegan,- Annie L. Gerdes, Lena A. ROlin, Bridget Guj»man, Mary Sheehan, Frank Hammond. John , Stewart, XJarj" ; •' ' Haekell, Willis G. Umhalt. Julius BRAUTTENBACH— In the City and County Hospital, August C. 1903. Frederick Braut- tenbach. a jvative of Austria, aged 70 years. CATHCART— In this city, August 9. 1903, John Joseph Cathcart, dearly beloved eon of Ellen Cathcart, and brother of Charles, William and Frank Cathcart, a native of San Fran- cisco, aged Hit yearf-G months and 26 days. CR06BY— Entered Into rest, in this city. Au- gust 9, laoa, Brlgid Crosby, beloved sister of PatrlcK Crosby, Mrs. Margaret Fitzgrer- . aid. Mrs. Mary Qllllgan. Mrs. Kate Mc- • Donald and Mm. Thomas Caulneld." a na- tive of Ireland, aged 65 years. ESTThe funeral will take place to-morrow (Tuesday), at »:S0 o'clock, from the parlors of Carew & English. 29 Van Neas avenue, thence to St. Joseph's Church, where a re- fiulem high mass will be celebrated for the repese of her soul, commencing at 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. CL'URT — In this city. August 8. 1903, Ellen, wir- of the late Patrick Curry, and mother of Kate, Luke and Margaret Curry and Mrs. John J. Mahoney, a native of Ireland, aged t>5 year?. (CTThe funeral will take place to-morrow (Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock, from her late reslds nre. 31K! Twenty-third etreet. thence to St. Peter's Church, where a solemn r,equiem hlf?h mars will be celebrated for the repose . of her soul at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy «"ross r>rnftery. l>y electric funeral car from Thirtieth and "Guerrero streets. CURTLY— In this city, August 8, 1903, Mamie Curtln, denrly beioved wife of James Cur- tln, beloved mother of Thomas Curtln, be- loved daughter of Mrs. E. J. Unlack and the late George L'niack. and sister -of Harry Aloy&ius tfnlack and Mra. Lee Jackson, a- native of Chicago. a«ed 2C years 3 months and 2. days. (Seattle and Chicago papers 1 please copy.)' -f O"Frien<1a and acquaintances are respect- . fully invited to attend the funeral, to-day. • Monday), at l> o'clock, from the funeral parlors of James McGinn & Co.. 214 Eddy street, between Taylor and Jones, thence to ft. Mary's Cathedral, where a solemn re- qt*?m mass will he celebrated for the repose or h'.r soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock. 1 Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. KEOAX— In . this city. August 1>, 1903, John H.', beloved .husband of Catherine Fegan, and father of John and Christopher Fegan, j Mrs. .T. Fasran. Mrs. F. A. Hornblower and \ Mjs. W. B; Birdsall. a native of Ireland, I afeed <•>" years 1. month ami 18 days. -?..-,._•,.¦ (CT Notice of funeral hereafter. . FISHEK— In this city. August 8, 1903. Alfred ('.. beloved eon of Burtis C. and Nancy J. Fisher, and brother of Marshall W. Fisher. ! a native of Kansas, aged 25 years and 1 ( day. n 1 FLYNN— in this city. August 9. 1003, Jennie, beh-ved wife of William E. Flynn. ana mother of John II.. Gertie, Willie, Viola, Charles. Edward, Robert, Jennie and Alice Flynn and the late May Flynn. a native of San Francisco, aged 42 years 4 months and 3 days. -. CT 1 Remains nt the parlors of James Mc- Menoniey & Son. 1057 Mission street, near Seventh. Notice "f funeral hereafter. GERDES— In thla city, AubusT"8. 1003, Lena A., dearly beloved wife of William R. Gerdes. mother of Parah Maude Gerdes, daughter of the late Antonio and Rosa Ca- vagnaro, and sister of Albena A., Clara, Katie and Albert Cavaenaro and the late Nina Cavagnaro and Mrs. A. McLaughlln. a native of San Francisco, aged 19 years 8 months and lrt day*. EVFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day 1 Monday), 'at 1 o'clock, from her late reel- dnice, 130 Landers strept. off Sixteenth, be- tween Dolores and Church. Interment New Italian Cemetery. GI'SMAN— In the City and County Hospital. I AuRuet S. 10'U. Mary Gusman. a native of i Ireland, aged 45 years. . HAMMOND— In this city, August R, 1903, John i Hammond, a native of Euquena Bay, Or., j aged 3.S yt-ars 2 month? and 14 days. i CZFrW.OB • and acquaintances and m»>m- \ b«TR of Marine Cooks' and Stewards' Asso- ciation of the Parlflr are respectfully in- vited t'lattond the funorai to-day (Monday), at 2 oVlock. from the parlors of the United Undertaker!". S«6 Mission street, between Fourth and Fifth, where services will be beM. Interment laurel Hill Cemetery. HASKELL— In thla city. August 8. 1903. Wil- lis G.. beloved husband of Elizabeth F. Haskell, father of Edward G.. Willie J. and George W. Harkcll. son of Susan and the late Gilbert Haskell, and brother of Mrs. J. W. Davis and Mrs. James M. Brown, a na- tive of Liberty, Me., aged 45 years 2 months and 10 days. C7"Frienda and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-day (Monday), at 1 o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 223. Second avenue. Richmond. Inter- ment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. HERBERT- In this city. August 8.. 1903, Wil- liam, beloved son of Patrick and the late HrWsret Herbert, and loving brother of Pat- rick, Michael. Bridget and Catherine Her- bert, a native of Ballyhaunls. County Mayo, Ireland, aged 45 year*. O'Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Monday), at 8:30 o'clock, from th« parlors of McAvoy & Co.. 12'» Market street, be- tween ElKhth and Ninth, thence to St. John's Church (Old St. Mary's College), where a solemn requiem mass will be cplebrated for the renose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. HOLDEN— In this city, August 0. 1903. Mary M. Holdon. wife of the late Dr. E. S. Holden, and mother of Eraatus and Warren I*. Holden, aged 71 years and 2 months. IP^F.inCral services at Colonial Hotel Mon- day. August 10, art 2 o'clock. Interment at Stockton. JOHNSTONE — In this city, August 0. 190.1, Kmma Johnstone. beloved wife of William Johnptone, and sister of Margaret Loasius and Georce Martin, a native of California, aged 27 years 3 months and 25 days.' ' r JONES— In Oakland, August 8, 1903, at 923 Wood street, Mamie, beloved wife of Elmer - Jonts. h native of California, aged 23 years and 7 months. KELLEHER— In this city, August 7, 1303 John Kelleher, beloved husband of the late Eliza Kelleher, and beloved father of Mrs. James L. rimith, Edward Kelleher and of the late Mary E. Crosby and the late John Kelleher Jr.. a native of County Limerick. . Ireland, aged 76 years. (Los Angeles papers- please copy.) C7Frlend» and acquaintances are respect- . fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Monday), at 8:30 o'clock, from his late resi- dence. 1410 Kearny street, thence to St. Francis Church, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9 o'clock. In- terment Holy Cross Cemetery. . ; " : »i ; MEEHAN— In tnis city, August S, 1903. Mar- tine, beloved husband of Hanora Meehan and loving father of Sister Mary Ignatius of the Sisters of Mercy. J. j. Meehan of Sacramento, M. J., T. F. and Josephine Mee- han and Mrs. John O'Connor, a native of Rathdowney. Queens County, Ireland aged t>S years 11 months and 2 days. JE7 Friend* and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-day (Monday), at » o'clock, from his late resi- dence. 41« Steiner street, thence to Sacred Heart Church, where a requiem high mas.-* will be celebrated for the repose of his soul at 9:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Ceme- tery. O'NEIL— In this city. August 9. 1003. .Ever- lynn, beloved daughter^of Larry and Mar- garet O'Neil. and granddaughter of Mar- garet and the late Daniel O'Neil. E7"Funeral Monday, August .10, at 1 o'clock, from 711 Thirteenth street. REGAN— In this city, August S. 1903. Annie Louise Reiran, dearly beloved wife of Jere- miah Recan, and beloved mother of Charles and Timothy Regan. Mrs. Edward Manseau. Mrs. Charles Molloy and Mrs* George Da- vegglo and the late Mrs. Mary Parks, a na- tive of New Brunswick." aged t>2 years 9 months and 23 days. (Providence, R. I., papers please copy.) . \ ETFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fullv invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock, from her late residence. 111 Landers street, between Church and Dolores, Fifteenth and Sixteenth thence to Mission Dolores Church, corner Sixteenth and Dolores streets, where a re- quiem hich mass will be celebrated for the reposti of her soul, v commencing at 9 o'clock Intei-ment Holy Cross Cemetery, by carriage. ROLIN— In Oakland. August 0, 1003, Bridget beloved wife of Henry Rolln, and sister of the late Mrs. Ellen Callaehan, a native of County Fermanagh, Ireland, CT'TJie funeral will take place to-morrow (Tuesday 1 *, at 9 o'clock, from her late resl- dence,-223a Adeline street, thence to Sacred Heart Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9:30 o clock. Interment St Mary's Cemetery, Oakland. SHEEHAN— In this city. August 8. 1003. Frank, beloved son of • Thomas and Mary Sheehan, a native of Colorado, aged 18 years i and 9 months. . ' ' % E7The funeral will take ? place to-day (Monday), at 10 o'clock, from the parlore of J. C. O'Connor & Co.. 767 Mission street between Third and Fourth. Interment Lau- rel Hill Cemetery. , STEWART— In Oakland. August 0. 1903, Mary wife of Murdlo.A. Stewart, a native of Cali- fornia, aged 3o years. (Redwood City papers .please copy.) - • E7Frlcnd«pand acquaintances are respect- fully • invited to attend the funeral services f NEAREST THE CjTY ~"~7j |l OFFICE'- 916 MARKET ST. J I James McGinn.' ,• ' - - - ¦ Henry. Haasen. I JAMES McGINN & CO., ¦¦-""• I Formerly With McGinn. Bros.. ; ,. I , — Funeral Directors aad ¦ Embalmera ¦ I 214 -Eddy at.: TeL'- South 676. ¦ I