Newspaper Page Text
• LONDON," Aug.; 10,— The Bulgarian, sit uation • has assumed a more , serious 'aspect In the eyes of tho British "authorities. , No official; statement of, the British . attitude can bo obtained ? pending the 'receipt . of Balkan ' Situation. Government Awaits' Developments in ANXIETY IN, GREAT : BRITAIN. The chiefs of the gendarmerie and the police cf Ealonica have been dismissed. It is officially reported that fifteen Turk ish villages in the vilayet of Okhrcida have been burned by the Bulgarian revo lutionists. There were many victims. The Turkish troops arrived too late to save the villagers. FALONICA. Aug. 10.— Further fighting occurred near Sorovlch yesterday, the Turkish troops coming into collision at the village of Kallar with a large insur gent band. Twenty-four Turkish bat talions have been ordered to proceed to the revolutionary districts In Macedonia from Anatolia, Russi Pasha passed through Salonica with two battalions on bis way to Monastir. FIFTEEN VILLAGES BURNED. Revolutionists, Active Throughout the Vilayet of Okheida. The statement further says that three Christian villages— Smllevo, Krouche arid Bolno, near Monastir— have been ' com pletely destroyed by Turkish troops. SOFIA. Bulgaria, Aug. 10.— The repre sentatives of the Macedonian revolution ary committee have published .a-, state ment saying that the number of insur gents tn the district of Monastir is'SOUO and that they are armed. with rifle's pur chased in Greece. It also states that, on August 2. COO Insurgents destroyed three detachments of Turkish troops, number- Ing altogether 100, and attacked the town of Kltchevo, but failed to occupy It. • The insurgents, however, destroyedthe Turk ish village of Drougovo, whose Inhabi tants had co^ne to the assistance of the garrison of Kitchevo. ments of Turkish Troops. INSURGENTS CLAIM VICTORIES. Report Destruction of Three Detach- Hake Overtures to Russia for a World-Wide Increase of Prices. LONDON. Aug. 10.— The Daily News this morning prints a dis-patch from War saw, dated last Friday, which says that, an American association, said to com prise S7.000 farmers, has addressed jtself to the Russian Ministers of Finance and Agriculture requesting their assistance in raising the current prices of agricultural produce, particularly wheat, and saying that the association projects a great union of the wheat growing countries of the worldTor the purpose of fixing an annual minimum selling price. In view of M de Witte'B abhorrence of trusts, the corre spondent adds, It is doubtful whether he will accrpt the bait. AMERICAN FARMERS PLAN AN INTERNATIONAL TRUST Practically.- the ¦ whole 'country north of Monastir Is in revolt. The. Turkish official reports state' that revolutionary forces In considerable- numbers 'have"crossed "the frontier from Bulgaria during tho last" few days. The local Bulgarian ofnclal3, how ever, deny this, and declare that . ; the strictest watch , is. being .kept along; the frontier. . .. . . ....-.¦: v._^, :._„ . . . According ' to mair advices from • Monas tir dated August ; 5 'the Insurgents who recently occupied the little town of Krus hevo, twenty-three miles north of Monas tir, numbered 900. They killed the garri son, consisting , of .fifty-two soldiers, . dy namited and burned the government head quarters ardholsted on a hill a red flag bearing on ¦ one side "a 'lion with the In scription "Death or liberty, '•• and on the other the words "Courage, brethren/'. The rebels were ptill in possession of, the town when the letters were sent. 1 • Tha/ murder of 'the Russian Consul has caused Inteiise'excttement here and. Is the sole topic ,Vf conversation "In , the streets, cafes and public places." The lief Is thafthe-lncident is bound to ' con-, sldoxably^ aggravate the already serious situation in Macedonia,' arid It Is felt that It will? undoubtedly .cncourawi the Bui 1 garlans to • support >¦ the • Insurrectionary movement, * which Is " spreading rapldfy", notably to the southward-of Monastir. Orders Trial of Assassins and Dis misses Vali of Monastir. .CONSTANTINOPLE, Aug. 10.— The Vail of Monastir' has been dismissed andJIus-' sein Hilmi Pasha, formerly Governor of Yemen, Arabia, has been appointed as his successor. /An Imperial Irade ..orders a court-martial to assemble at 'Monastir to try the assassin of •- M. Rostkovoski and report on the of the author ities In the.murder of the Russian Consul. TURKEY MAKING REPARATION. head and hip. '-'The horse drawing the carriage in -which- the Consul was rid ing received .two bullets and shots were fired at the coachman also. Special Dispatch to The CalL - LONDON, Aug. 10.— The social revolt In South Russia continues to spread and Is everywhere taking the shape of strike riots on a great scale. Dispatches just re ceived from Nicolalcff tell of a severe fight between 10,000 strikers and a mili tary force from Odessa. The strikers were ordered 'to disperse, with the alter native of having ball cartridges fired at them. They . refused and thereupon vol leys were fired straight into the mob. Twenty- persons were killed and 300 seri ously wounded. ';''W ~y\- The Cossacks were then ordered to charge the strikers. —They rode up and down through them, wounding many. This occurred on. August 5, but the strike was still maintained and the town is .in a state of anarchy. The central ad ministrations of Industrial towns through out a great area are completely at a loss to know how to deal with the present labor rising. • The general strike at. Odessa marks a "new era In the economic history of the nation. . The tramway 'employes there have resumed work' on the appointment .of a, commission by the Governor to de cide, their grievances. The steamship companies. It is believed, will take a sim ilar course. An order, has been Issued ¦from" St. Petersburg to the Governor of tho Black Sea and Batoum district re- % questing the heads of '. Industrial estab lishments to direct their, workmen to ab stain .from work on holidays. Artisans must not work except In cased of abso lute necessity on Sundays. On • tho other hand Jews may bo required > to Hvork on Sundays arid' Christian " holidays. . Working days strictly' limited to ten hours -for adults and eight hours for apprentices under the age of fifteen. Business In Odessa Is being slowly re sumed. Only a , portion of the men are returning to work In the factories at Baku. SARAFFOF GIVES WARNING. Revolutionists Will Use Dynamite on the Railroads. VIENNA. .Aug. 10.— Officials here real ize tho" gravity of the situation arising from the murder of M. Rostkovoski. but believe that Russia, in spite of the provo cation, will maintain a peaceful attitude as: long. as possible. According to' reports received here, tfie Turkish population in Macedonia is form ing bands to fight the Bulgarian revolu tionists. It appears that the insurgents captured three cannon'at-Krushe'vo. •Boris Saraffof. .the active leader of tfie Macedonian Insurgents, - has warned the directors 'of the Oriental Railway not to sell passenger, tickets, as all tho railways, he says." will be destroyed. "According to a dispatch from Salonica, the insurgents last evening blew up with dynamite ; the custom house at Zlbevche, on th^ Servian 'frontier. Thero were " no fatalities. LONDON. Aus. 10,-Thc report on the amendments to the Irish land bill were read ip the House of Lords to-night and the bhl probably will be pasied to a third reading to-morror.-. Jnhn E. Redmond, Nationalist, said to-night: "The Irish land bill may now be re garded as past all danger. We may look upon it as an accomplished fact. If it vorks as it is confidently hoped it will, there is no question that it will effect a revolution in the condition of Ireland. I feel quite sure that the national move- ment is now on the high road to com plete BUCCPE3." IBISH LAND BILL IS NO«T PAST AXL DANGER •John E. Redmond Says Measure Is Safe and Will Revolution ize Ireland v— — —^ g -* Czar Demands Full Reparation of the Turk. BULGARIAN WAR SCENE AND .LEADING FIGURES IN LATE DEVELOPMENTS. Meanwhile tens of thousands of anxious persons gathered' about the station. 'AH of the police and fire" engines were on the spot and the excitement was Intense. Finally the firemen succeeded In flood- Ing the burning mass and shortly after ward thev were able to enter the tunnel. They brought up the corpses of nine men and two women, all belonging » to the working class. There are believed to be many more bodies In the tunnel. LONDON. Aug. ll.-A dispatch from Paris, timed 4:15 o'clock, says that. in the underground railway disaster many were killed and that ele\-en bodies have been recovered. Three empty trains were burn ed and a fourth was full of victims. PARIS, Aug. 11.— An awful catastrophe occurred last evening on the Metropoli tan Electric Railroad, which runs mostly underground, in which many persons lost their lives. Up to 3 o'clock this morning eleven bodies had been recovered, and the search continues. ¦ - One of the trains broke down at Monil montant, which is in a po6r and popu lcus section of the city. This train was promptly emptied and the train which followed was ordered to push It to the repairing sheds. On the way these two trains caught fire, but the employes suc ceeded in cscaains. Meanwhile a crowded train reached Les Charonnes, the preceding station,' and the officials, seeing smoke pouring out of the tunnel, gave the alarm. A panic ensued, the passengers struggling to escape from the tunnel. Amid the Increasing smoke many attempted to return along the line toward Belleville and were suffocated. The officials seem to have lost their heads and are unable to say how many passen gers went out. The firemen for several hours were unable to enter. the station or the tunnel, owing to the dense smoke, which poured out in black. clouds. -. ? •; PARIS, Aug. 11— C A. M.-Elghty-two bodies have been recovered from the trains which were destroyed by fire yes terday on the Metropolitan Electric. Rail road. The total number of victims Is estimated at nlnetv. ThV^Brltlsh'Govcrriment^concluded Bal four, , did f not : desire to see such", a policy succeed^ .Its policy ".was to t aid Austria and in Introducing the elementary principles " of sound [ government,';; which for the 'present "constituted "th"i?b"est means of dealing with the deep-seated evil." Balfour. acknowledged the ill-success of the efforts of Europe In the Macedonian question since' the signing of the treaty of Berlin, but he thought that' the of ¦ English- diplomacy- should "not forget the extraordinary complications* ahd;dif^ ficultles of 'the task." There '• were 'grave grievances • arising from a ' deep-set '. dls : ease. Ho '. deplored the non-success of their "' effort's to" deal with ¦ the, situation, but', he 'was still hopeful, that; the'. plan recently designed by Russia and Austria .would prove, the best way of dealing with the problem. It was therefore \ the. duty of the "rest of Europe to support them as long *as .their, efforts were dlrected-ln-no ambitious spirit to the amelioration of the lot of the population' of iuacedonia. " • It' must sorrowfully be ' admitted, he said,", that 'the revolutionary bands'. them? selves;were:one of the chief obstacles' to the success of Europe's efforts. * ;• ¦ The. picture -drawn; of -the condition of Macedonla-by his' Interrogator 'was not painted In ' colors . any f too* dark. Between the" outrages deliberately' planned .by the revolutionists . and ; the license or Turk ish troops ;' the historical- truth required him to. say that the balance of criminal ity lay rather with the revolutionists than with, the Turks. Balfour said everything possible . would be done . to impress the Porte with the necessity of keeping • Its troops well In hand and every assistance given to the Porte In. carrying out, that object. He. believed, that the, Porte: was keenly alive • to the present necessity .of repress ing, the excesses 'committed- by ¦ the Turk ish troops. Unfortunately, "Europe ; had not . the- same; opportunity of " bringing pressure to bear on the rebel; bands. ; The latter's deliberate and avowed object* was to : make • the - condition - of • Macedonia - so impossible. that, lat* whatever, cost- to the peace of , tbo world. . there • must . be some Intervention* on the_ part- of Russia v or Austria, ! 6r' both. -^ / ":- \ '*.' - . .'. information regarding the length- to which Russia will go in exacting 'reparation for the murders of the- Russian Consul at Monastir. It Is expected, \ however, ¦ that the Russian demands for the punishment of. the murderer and the responsible of ficials will .be. followed by others . of greater -International Interest and' affect ing, the general Balkan question. '.,.,. .',.-' It was stated to-day by an official. In a position. to know tlic Czar's policy that the Emperor had no Intention of precipi tating a war and that before dealing .with tho international situation In Turkey Kussia would communicate with Austria and acquaint the : other signatories of the Berlin treaty with at least part of her plans, j '. - The state. of affairs in Macedonia was brought up In the House of Commons, but Premier,. Balfour ¦ declared he was unable to give any satisfactory assurances re garding the situation. The latest news reaching the tJove'rriment; . he said, was far from reassuring, i' "His. Majesty has received a telegram from" the Sultan expressing his deep re gret at the death of the Russian Consul at Mor.astlr. When I showed the tele gram- to, the Emperor his Majesty gave orders that you 1 should. not confine your self to receivinsr explanations" from the Grand Vizier, but should make tho most energetic demands on the Turkish •'Gov ernment .for "full' satisfaction and Imme diate and. exemplary:, punishmerft both of 'the murderer and of all the military and clftl 'officials, on whom responsibility for the audacious crime may.' fall." r , '. ; According to' the. report made by. the official now In charge or the Russian consulate , at Monastir, tho murderer. Is a gendarme. The Consul had '; asked - his name because, in defiance of instructions, the gendarme did not salute • him!' : The gendarme thereupon fired several shots, mortally wounding '• the Consul in '' the In reply Count Lamsdorff, the Fo'relgn Minister, telegraphed to the Embasnador on AuKtist 9: • ',.• from hi* post." The assassination of the Russian Con sul at Monastir, M. Rostkovoski, was the second murder of a Russian Consul in Macedonia within a few months, and cre ated intense indignation here. In report- Ing the occurrence to the Foreign. Office the Russian Embassador telegraphed on August 8 from Constantinople as follows: "The Russian Consul at Monastir .has fallen the victim of an atrocious crime. The Grand Vizier and the Turkish For eign Minister have come to me with ex pressions of regret In the name of. the Sultan.; Fcrld Pasha, the Grand Vizier, Informed me that the assassin was a gen darme named Hallm, and that he will be subjected to the severest punishment, nnd thn Vail of Monaetir will be removed st. Petersburg; Aug. 10.— The czar has demanded the exemplary punishment not. only, of the murderer of the Russian Consul rat Monastir, who' was killed last week -by Turkish 'gendarmes, but of all the military and ciril officials In any way responsible for the crime/ Requires Punishment of Officials as • ¦ Well as Assassin. CZAR'S SWEEPING DEMAND. The plan of Saraffof, as understood, is to bring about European Intervention by provoking the Turks to a massacre and the murder of the. Russian- Consul at Monastir. M." Rostkovoski. is considered here to have played into the hands of the revolutionists in this respect. "TT**. OME, Aug. 10.— It is stated here Bj that there has been • an ox j»V^ change <>f vfcws between thn • in Macedonia and that apparent powers regarding the situation ly j the ; powers have decided to support Austria and Russia in efforts to re-es tablish . peace. Reports previously re ceived here from Italian Consul3 In the Balkans predicted the present revival of the insurrection, which the Consuls con sidered to be almost entirely the work of Boris Saraffof, "the Macedonian agitator, who is now in command of the Insur gents, It being pointed out that the atti tude of the Bulgarian Government Itself had been correct since receiving Russia's admonition.- : . > ¦ ; Kill T^ Wound Three g Hundred. Catastrophe on a French "Under ground Road. Russia and Jfustria to Have Joint Support Revolution Spreads Throughout the Peninsula. COSSACKS FIRE UPON STRIKERS ENTRAPPED PASSENGERS DIE IM FIRE New Order Will Prevent In terference by Reason of Strikes. Now the Government will make itself responsible for the proper carriage and delivery cf this mail, and to this end will commission and pay salaries to trainmen over and above the compensation received ty them for their rr-sular work. The policy adopted by the Government is really an amplification of the system which has been in use for some time by publishers of papers, who serve subscri bers en rural free delivery routes where the mail train facilities are limited. It has been the custom of these publishers to intrust bundles of papers to trainman on trains which did not carry United States mails, with instructions to throw them off at certain points. This system, however, has been very unsatisfactory. Postmaster General Payne and Second Assistant Postmaster General Shallenber ger have had the plan under considera tion for months. The agitation, however, which really led to the adoption of the r.ew policy has been growing for several years and, like eo many other important *t+pa «.j. i-:. d *>>• the PosiofUce Depart ment in late years, this is a result of the tremendous growth of the rural free delivery service. The purposed step will be accomplished by commissioning railroad conductors, baggage Aasters and other trainmen, ¦wherever desired, as employes of the United States, postal service and empow ering them to handle a desired class of mail. WASHINGTON. Aug. lO.-Postmaster General Payne decided to-day to issue slt, order which "will have the effect of making practically every train in the "United States a mail train and of plac ing the railroads in their entirety under the protection of the United States Gov «":.iaem. Incidentally this will obviate the possibility of interference with inter state commerce and passenger traffic by strikers, as in times past. Special Dissatch to The Call WIU Be Commissioned and Paid by the Government. Railroad Men to Act as Postal Clerks. ALL TRAINS HILL CARRY THE MAILS MURDER OF RUSSIAN CONSUL IMPELS THE EUROPEAN POWERS TO THRUST SULTAN ASIDE AND RESTORE PEACE IN BALKANS MONEY KING TO CONTROL LEAD MINES Rockefeller Joins in $30,000,000 . Merger. Wants to Consolidate Coeur d'Alene Properties. Combines With Capitalist of Spokane to Put Through the Big Deal. Special Dispatch to The CalL SPOKANE. Aug. 10,-Rockefeller Inter ests have joined hands with Charles Sweeny of Spokane In forming the Fed eral Mining and Smelting Company, with a capital of J3O.OOO.O0O, to control the Coeur d'AIene lead mines and engage in the smelting business. The deal, which is now being perfected in New York, is the most important merger that has been at tempted In the mining Industry since the flotation of Amalgamated Copper. John A. Finch, representing the Standard and the Mammoth mines of the Coeur d'Alenes, which will go into the combine. Is now in New York perfecting details of the transfer. A. B. Campbell, Finch's partner, said to-day: "It looks now as if the consolida tion will go through. I feel confident that the Rockefeller interests are behind it. The deal will take in the Rockefeller mines (the Monte Cristo) and the Ever ett smelter, which are owned by^ them. The deal is on the stock of the Standard Company and Is not .for the property it self. I am not particularly anxious to see it go through, and I have not given any kind of an option to my personal holdings in the Standard. However, If looks now as if It will be closed. I under stand that there is $300,000 on deposit in New York now as an initial payment on the deal. The options which Mr. Sweeny holds will expire September 1. I do not care to state at what price the properties will be turned over. I understand the capital is JCO.OOO.OOO." The Standard Company owns a three eighths interest in" the Mammoth and the neighboring property, which Is also under option to the Sweeny- Rockefeller interests. The Mammoth is perhaps fh« most valuable silver-lead mine In the Coeur d'Alenes and It is held at about J2.00O.O0O. It has- been paying dividends of from J20.000 to J4O.00O a month for the past three and a half years. The Standard Company has paid up to date J2.S50.000 In dividends In ten years. It is expected that the Standard will be turned over to the now syndicate on the basis ot about $8 a share, or J3.000.000 for the company's holdings. That surplus above $1,250,000. to be paid for the re maining five-eighths Interests tn the Mammoth, would make the two properties stand a little more than J4.00O.O0O. The consolidation would Include also the Tlger-Poorman group at Burke, Idaho, and the Last Chance group at TVarda«r« Idaho, owned by the Empire State- Ida no Company. It has an issued capital of $5,500,000 and is paying dividends of 6 per cent a year. * The three properties under one manage ment would form the strongest silver-lead combination in the Coeur d'Alenes, which produces about 60 per c?nt of the argen tiferous lead mined in the United States. The options on the Standard and the Mammoth were secured by Senator Tur ner, acting on behalf of Charles Sweeny. Consul Rostkovoski Delighted in Dis playing Authority. AEROGANCE COSTS HIS LIFE. BELGRADE. Servta. Aug. 10.—Accord ing to the latest reports received here re garding: the murder of the Russian Consul at Monastir. M. Rostkovoski abused the Turkish gendarme, who was doing sentry duty, for not saluting him. and called him a "pig. of a Turk." Then he struck the sentry with his whip, saying at the same time, "Perhaps you will know me." Tha gendarme thereupon fired on the Consul. It is said that M. Rostkovoski was hated by. th« Turks on account of his In tense arrogance. M. Rostkovoski has been In Macedonia for twenty years. He knew the Inside of almost ev«ry village In the province and was regarded as a friend of the Chris tian^. He was a belWver In the tradition that an overbearing manner was best In dealing with Orientals. , . Last May the Consul had an experience apparently similar to the ,incldent which led to his death. He went to the village of Mogil. six miles north of Monastlr. to Investigate the Turkish excesses there. The Turkish troops had cordoned the vil lage and a sergeant seized the brldlc3 of M. . Rostkovoskl'3 horses and attempted to stop the Consul. ' The latter raised h!3 cane and struck the sergeant. His action placed him In Imminent danger until hl3 identity was revealed. Xords Pass the Sugar Bill. LONDON, Aug. 10.— The House of Lords to-day passed the sugar conven tion bin. which was adopted by thm House of Commons last Thursday. _. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOLUME XCIV— NO. 72. BAN FRANCISCO; TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1903^ The San Francisco Call