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' FLOUR— Calif ornia Family Extras, $4 80ffl 4 83, usual terms: Bakers' Extras, $4 C0@4 60; Oregon and : TVashlngton, • $3 9004 20 per bbl for family and |3 80@4 40 for. Bakers'. . • MILLBTUFFS— Prices in packages are : as follows: Graham, Flour, $3 60 per 100 lbs; Rye Flour, '¦ $3 25: Rye • Meal. , $3;- Rica fFlour, v ; $7i Corn Meal. |3 BO; extra cream • do, $4 25; Oat Groats, $4 BO; Hominy, $4 25O4 CO; Buckwheat Flour. ?4*60©4 70; Cracked Wheat, $3 75; Fa- Flour and Millstuffs. CHICAGO, Aug. 10.— Wheat opened with a good show of strength. Influenced ty higher cables, continued small movement and'.-un favorable weather. September being WQr%c higher at 80%®80%c. The early, market was active, with considerable profit-taking in the December and May- deliveries, - which caused an easier feeling during, tha first hour, but the news in general favored the bulls and private estimates on the new crop being more pessimistic than the most' enthusiastic bulls had anticipated and under this influence the market again became strong j toward the -noon . hour. During the - last hour there -was I quite heavy liquidation, due to the report that the' private . estimate on the crop *¦ prospects was altogether too low, and despite tho efforts of the. bulls the market' receded,: September, sell, Ingr off to 7994079HC and closing at 70%g80e— a loss of %eilc.' - ".....-. Corn ruled strong early in the 'day in sym pathy, with strength In wheat and In' higher cables and cold weather in « tbe corn - belt. Chicago Grain Market. NEW FRUIT — Apricots, 6%®0o for Royals and »®10c ' for 'Moorparks: -Evaporated Apples. 5%06ftc; Peaches, 4H©7c for fair to good stock; Pears, nominal , at 7c OLD FRUIT— Evaporated Apples, 4®5Hc; tun-drled. 3@4c; Peaches. '. 4©5%c: Pears, 4© ¦J^c for quarters and 6©OV5c, for. halves; Nec tarines, 4©3c.for white: Pjjims, 4i?<Jc for pitted and l@l%c for unpitted; FVgs. 3^@4c for black and 4®3o for white. ,:*-•--*•-.. -,.;¦.¦¦, « ¦ _i PRlJNEB — 1002 crop, 2%©2%o for the four sizes, with %!tflc premium lor the large sizes. RAISINS — 1002 crop - are quoted as follows: 2-crown loose Muscatels, 80-lb. boxes, 6Hc per lb; 3-crown, S%c; 4-crown, 6c; Seedless, loose Muscatels,' Be; Seedless Sultanas. 6c; Seedless Thom psons, 6 14 c ; 2-crown . Lonaon Layers, 20- Ib boxes. $1 40 per box; 3-crown. *1 60; 4 crown fancy ¦ clusters, 20-Ib boxes. $2; 2-crown Dehesas, 20-lb boxes. %1 50; 6-crown Imperials. 20-lb boxes, $;-):< Seeded, f.a b. Fresno, fancy, 1-lb cartons. 7%c; choice, 7HQ... .„,,«.» NUTS— Walnuts, No. 1 sortshell. 12'A(pl3c; No.' 2, lOWSHHc; No. 1 hardshell. ll%@12c; No. 2, lO@lo^c; new.Almonds, lie for Nonpa reils, 10% c for I XL,: 10«/4c for Ne Plus Ul tra . and 8%c for Languedoc; Peanuts,. 6@7c for Eastern; Pecans,; ll@13c; Cocoanuts, ii 80 «B. ---¦-.- ¦. --.".".¦ ¦' '' > ¦:¦-. ••¦ •' HONEY— Comb', new, 12>/i@13^c for white and llo for amber; new water white extracted, 5 V4@«c;. light amber- extracted, 5®5Hc; dark, 4H#4%c. '•¦•' . ¦ • • BEESWAX— 27©29c" per lb. • Dried Fruits, Nutsfeaisins, Honey. • inc. and its weakness and that of Atchison !:ad a f-ympatbetic effect in draugggrlng the whole Mat backward to below Raturdajr night'* level. This Jlgulfiatlon had apparently cpent Its fore* toward the latter part ci the day, and confl o< nc* was renewed as by the absence of fail ures. The market turned strong In the latt hour, and the early top-le\-el was generally ex '«*-ded and the active clocks rose from one. to '«ro points over Saturday's closing level. t'nion Pacific was consplcuouEly etroac and advanced 2% over £atur4ay to 70. The clos log was (jui^t and.tteady, with th« advances **!1 maintained. ; Oeaerel news was ignored in the day's move ment, whirh hinged upon the character of the i-vj-i&ff and the a«llii>£. There was less forced Thi» was notably the case In Missouri Pa- :;an Pacific etock, and that stock loaned at & ptenhua for use over night, which offered In ilucerocnts to refrain frcm forcing the ehorls :* ci>v«r comxileu-ly. The etork. after being :-ufhe<J un «lx points. ea.«cd off. The demand . .-r •¦..!¦•¦•!¦ was v«iry cone:;!cuous also in Union Pacific. SouthcrtJ Pacific and Metropolitan Hired Railway, which, n will be remembered, were very fiercely raid<-d by the bears on Sat ur<!ar- The fear that the Haturdsy slump had uncovered weak rpots again which would force ¦..•-•¦<¦!. n< :ii- was i.i:i,« t -i by the announcement ltt the • :.n of the :;im hour of trading that uii 1 back ti.i-f.t- had ;¦:>••¦ .-d thraamh - the Clearing Huuse. Tti« dJpciijllne administered ' to tbe !><-ar* by the upward flurry In prices had the •Xect ct somewhat subduing their ardor for i.ttack. The markfct was not frfe from points ¦<f weakness, however, and liquidation waa r« ¦ ..<•<! from time to time in different parts of thr Ufct. NEW YORK. . Auk. 10.— Measures were adopted in Wall tUvet to-day similar to those of last Thursday, when the demoralized break in stocks vu controlled by tbe opportune pro tective measures of large banking Interests ejid market manager* for various etockB. There vae a similar burrylnc back to the financial <1!ytrift by men in the financial world to re pair the 'damaee by Saturday's violent break in prices. The downward plunge of prices wes flMfcked for the time, but there was no such »--jsta-lned tendency to recovery as was the case .;.n Thursday, and the «entlroent regarding th<? market continued feverleh and unsettled throughout the day. The early dealings gave 'I ear indication of the large part played by 1 1 of*? fcional operations on the short side in • ausing Saturday'* slump. When It became i'-ar this morning that effective measures had . -«-n taken to bold price* at tbe start, there i.f Kotnetbins of m. acramble among- the li-jrts to cover their outstanding commitments, hlch caused a strong rebound in price*, •ftoir demand was notably urgent for -Cana- New York Stock Market. Yokota Denied a Landing. The special board of inquiry connected with th« 'United States Immigrant Bu reau at this port completed an examina tion \esterday Into the matter of the ap plication of Y. Yokbta. a Japanese shop keeper, oh returning from a visit, to Ja pan. A petition signed .by 100 Japanese residents -was . received stating that To kota was engaged in an immoral and. unlawful occupation— that ©f a. procurer. The evidence tended to substantiate th« . charge and -the board recommended that*; he be denied a landing. 'The findings and recommendation of • the :• board were ap» prove* by * Commissioner North. Yokota.haa been keeptns a. Japanese . bazaar on Post street, opposite Union Square. ' Seeks Custody of Ward. Anna M. Phillips, guardian of Sarah Lawrence, a minor, applied to Judge Troutt yesterday for a writ of habeas cor pus. She says the child te being'unlaw fullyrrestralned of her liberty by ; F. H. Hackett and his wife. The Hacketts Mto at 1108 Santa Clara street, Alameda. EVAPORATED APPLES — The market con. tlnues quiet, but attractive fruit is held at full late Drices and the tone of the market remains steady. Common are Quoted at 4© 5%c; prime. 6%@6c;- choice, «»48C%c, and fancy at 6%©7%e. >, . . PRUNES — Spot prunes remain firm, though the averase sales are of a Jobbing character. Pric«-s ranee from 3c to 7c for all grades. APRICOTS — Firmly -held on spot and tome buying of futures is reported. Choic*. 8@8%c; fancy, 10® 12c. . PEACHES— Quiet; choice, 7@7%cr fancy, SSlOifcc. : ,\v;cv:j +!:¦¦¦'¦ NEW YORK, Au*. 10.— FX/DUR— Receipts, 29,600 barrels; exports, 15,700 barrels; market ttrm and held higher. < ' WHEAT — Receipts, 85,375 bushel*; exports, 30,081 bushels; sales,- 2/600, 000 bushels futures. Spot market, firm; No. 2 red, 85*4 c f. o. b. elevator and 80%c t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 North ern Duluth, 02c t. o. b. anoat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, O5V4c f. o.- b. -afloat. Most of the session was active and stronjrer, with shorts nervous over prospects ' for a bullish Govern ment crop report, higher cables, small Russian shipments and a bullish estimate of the North west croD helped to advance prices. In the last hour however, realizing weakened prices and the close was l%c lower. . May, 87U® 88c, closed at 87%c; September, 85 G-lG® 86 l-16c closed at 85%c; September, 85%® bC^c, closed at 85%c. HOPS— Firm. ¦ : HIDES— Steady. WOOL- Quiet. ' . , . SUOAK— Raw. firm: r«flned, firm. >. , • COFFEE— Spot, steady; No. 7 Invoice, 5 3-16c. Futures closed steady, net 5016 points lower; total Eales, 24,000 bafs, . Including Au gust 3.70@3.76c; September, 8. 75@3. 85c; No vember, 3. 95® 4.05c; December, 4. 3504. 40c; January 4.45c; April, 4.76c; May, 4.75<g4.80c; July, 4.80@4.65c. DRIED FRUITS. New York Grain and Produce. WHEAT— Liverpool futures were higher and Paris futures lower. The world's shipments 1 for the week were as follows in quarters- Russian. 109,000; Danublan, 66,000; Argentine' 140.000. The American visible supply de creased 310,000 bushels. j Chicago sold higher at the opening, owing to expectations that the Government report would be bullish. The Commercial West, too issued an estimate cutting down the anticipated crop of the three Northwestern States to 147,000 000 bushels. Low temperatures in the Northwest were another bullish factor. The Southwestern markets reported a good cash demand This market showed a' continuation of the easy tone noted at the close of last week and futures were lower, but the cash .grain' re mained unchanged. , CASH WHEAT. . California Club, $1 45@1 50; California White Australian, $1 50®l 62%; Northern" Club, $1 45: Northern Blue Stem. $1 65- Ore- , gon Valley, fl 52%\ ' FUTURES. Session 9 to 11:30 a. m. Open. • Higrh. Low. Close December ..$14-4 $1 48 $1 47% $1 47% : 1 2 p. m. Session. Open. High. Low. Close December ..$1 47-)i $1 47% ?l 47% |1 47% BARLEY— Futures were lower, but previous prices ruled for the cash grain. A report from, Stockton said that thousands of tons had recently been purchased In the surrounding country for export. : ' . CASH BARLEY. / Feed, $1 OB®1 07%; new Shipping and Brew- Ing. $1 12U@l 17%; Chevalier. $1 20®l 40 for fair to choice. , FUTURES. Session U to 11:30 a. m. Open. High. Low. " Close" December ..$1 00% $1 06% $1 05% $i 05% \Vt.- '-:• •' '¦ 2 p. ' m. Session. '•': Open. High. Low. Close December ..$1 O5V4 $1 05% $1 O5V4 $1 05% OATS— Show no change. The market is quiet, but well held. White. $1 2001 30; Black. $1 12%@1<27U' Red, 12%®1 17% for common and «1 204* 1 SO for choice; Gray.: nominal. • CORN— Offerings are still light. Quotations show little change.: California", large Yellow. $1 67^01 62% small-round do. $1 7OQ>1 75; White, $1 65; Egyptian,, $1 45@1 50 tor White and $1 40® 1.45 for Brown. " - -'.¦¦¦¦'¦ RYE— $1 17%@1 25 per ctl. . BUCKWHEAT— $2 26©2 60 per ctl. Wheat and Other Grains. ¦ Bid.'Ask.l ' •"• •• Bid Ask 4s qr coup... 100 110 Us q c (new)134 K-, 4s qr reg.... 100 110 |.3s qr^coupT: - imv, ¦ / . MISCELLANEOUS/ ;' .*\ Ala A W 5s. — — ' Do coniis "— ! 10 1 : Z a Z £ P f£t. ~ - 105^ OWC*. 5s. — lOO C C G & E5s — — Oceanic SC5»*— 83 . Cal G & E g . .. Om cTlt 6» — 128 .¦ m & ct 6s — 100 Pac Gimp 4a 95 100 Cal-st C 5s. — — P E Ry 5s 10ti«10rtT' CCWat6s.l01 103 P'leK-^" Ed L& P 6s. — — P & O R tis *™ ;F Cl R^Cs.116% — Powell-st 6s.llOVi — Geary-BtR 5s 40 60 g E GAR 5s. lfW-v : h c&s 5%..io2% - sf & G fjv^:ii9^i^r: L 1 Ry C 5i S> li2% - (1909) * * • -WTOIOSK 1* AL Co tis — — ' <1010) ••-108% — £2 ftrt Ba'l06 — «9O6)Sr A.103% — LA^P fem <1905)Sr B. -*105 W Mkt-st C 68.122 — {lEioJ Yyiv ¦ Do lcra 5s.ll7^ — „ <J " 2 > • V-HIJ* ~ ¦M T» Vif P tis 106% B P C ICg 68.120% — • vT&VofO fa' -- 120 «mpd.lO7% — r- Rv 5s — 114$ S v w *t 6S.107U103 I? r P^5s — 100$ »o 4s 2dm. — — X k T H fiVllO — " Stkn °* E •" »7%102 O T to.- "• - 122^ U G & E 5S.105 107 Do 5s .... — m WATER STOCKS. ..... ro«ta — CO I Port Costa.. 64 66 Vi Marin C?A 80% - I Spring Val.. 83% 84 Mann w GAg and ELECTRJC r-»nt L & P — 5 s * c E G&B - M — TRUSTEES' CERTIFICATES. S F ' IJf BURANCK, Firem's Fnd.325 — BANK STOCKS. Am Niitl Bit 125 — Lon P & A.163 — g a aDiT.:i42V41W S-r Nation!. - - First nl - vl - Gg l BANKS . Oer S & L.. — 22'«5 J Sav & L So. 02% — Hum S & L. — — Sec Sav Bk.400 500 MuU-al Sav! 05 — Union T Co- 2i50 . . - S F SaV U..6U0 750 ; r STREET R.AILROADS. California . .200 (Presidio .... 35 45 Geary — 60 J ... POWDER.! - Giant, 6S 70 /Vigorit 6 . 6% SUGAR. Hana P Co.. ¦— 10c Kllauea SC* G'.i Hawaiian C. 44 46 Makaweli C. — 24 > Honokaa 8 C 11 13 - Onomea S C. 23 24 ¦ Hutch S P C 13 — Paauhau S C 14 15 /-.,«. MISCELLANEOUS.. Alaska Pack.142%145 Oceanic S Co 7 — CiU Frwlt As — J<>V; Pao A FA. 2% — Cal Wine As — • 07% Pao C Borx.lBC — Morning Session. Board— . 25O Hana Plantation Co 10 ¦ 40 Oceanic S S. Co 7 25 $5000 Contra Costa Watet; bonds ...,.103 00 \ Afternoon Session. ' Board — .. ' ¦: V-'V •" ' 750 Hana Plantation. Co ............ 10 ¦¦ 10 Hutehlnson " S P Co - ..:,:. .... . . 13 00 '" 30 Oceanic S S Co' ,;.....:... 'TOO • 40 Trustees* Cert (S F G A E)... 65 00 Stock and Bond Exchange. ' MONDATJ.* Aug. 10—2 p. m. UNITED STATES BONDS. .¦ Stiver and Sterling Exchange are both lower Domestic Exchange is as before quoted Sterling Exchange, sixty days.. $4 b-iii. Sterling Exchange, sight ......__ 4 »6 Sterling Exchange, cables ..... 457 New York Exchange, sight...;.. 71/ New York Exchange, telegraphic. — ] 0 Sliver, per ounce — 5 _jV/ Mexican Dollars, nominal 42 Exchange and Bullion. The ohlyMhlng new In local securities was a further shrinkage In Hana Plantation to 10c. Business was -extremely dull. The oil stocks were neglected in the morning, : but sold rather better in the afternoon. Ex-dlvldend. yesterday: Giant Consolidated Powder Company, regular monthly, 60c- per share, amounting to $10,000. California Wine Association,, regular, monthly, -60c per .share amounting to $26,023 20 r -¦ . - "¦ - a a = ¦ * B-r-'< -¦* Ha »2. -;* sr «• -= -c a-" £g ¦-¦= is STATIONS. |2i 3 |i V MT £ 5 I? : : : Cloverdale 83 49 .... deer Coiuea !»« f,9 .... Clear I'ureka 50 4s .... Cloudy W Lt Fresno 0 1«2 70 Clear W 6 Hanford 100 Ti7 Clear .... .. Hoilistet/ 72 47 Lt Fog W IndepenSence .. :>2 «S Clear SE King City .... K2 W> Clear N Lt. LJvermore . KJ f.0 Clear lx»s Angeles . . 82 6'» .... Clear W 10 Napa 73 £0 Clear S Newman lf"2 P7 Clear Palermo 83 66 .... Clpar S Portervilie ....103 O Clear W Red Bluff 92 CS .... Cltar SE Lt. Sacramento ... SO 54 .... Clear S 14 Fan Diego .... 72 C4 Clear W S Ean Francisco. «X) 4<s Pt Cldy SW 18 S. L. Obispo. . 74 6« near W Lt. Santa Iiosa . . 72 49 Clear Ftockton ...... M Cl Clear Willows S3 Cl Clear BE Lt. WEATHER AND CROP CONDITIONS. Willows — Peach drying commenced in river orchards. Coluea — Estimated prunes trill be about half crop, large elre. * Hollister — Hops doing well; prospects are good for a large crop. Palermo — Fir crop is looking well. Cloverdale — Foggy tnornings; Sweet water and iluf.catel grepes ripe. Hsnford— Hay and grain being shipped; cf finest quality Potatoes ecarce. Stockton — Grap* crop Is not up to expecta tions as to Quantity; quality good. Santa Rosa — Crop conditions same. L4vermor» — Warm weather ripening bops rapidly at Pleasanton. Napa — Apples and pears good crop. A. G. McADIE. 8ection Director. SEATTLE. Aug. 10. — Clearings, $6"1 01*> balances. $117,210. . , ' TACOMA. Aug. 10.— Clearings, $352 234 balances. $.14,322. PORTLAND. Aug. 10.— Clearings, $785 OSS balance?. ?.VS.914. SPOKANE. Aug. 10. — Clearings, $420 558 balances, $35,452. " Northern Business. WASHINGTON TACOMA, Wash.." Aug. 10.— Wheat— Un« changed. Bluestem. SOc; Club, 68c. POHTLAND, Or.. Aug. 10.— Wheat— Walla Walla. 7OS7Sc; Blufstem. 79«Slc; Valley, 80c. OREGON. Northern Wheat Market. FIGS— $1 P«r box. ¦ PLUMS— 60®75c per crate and . 40@50o per box; large open boxes, 60@75c; to canners, |20 @25 t>er ton. ' ¦ NECTARINES — Nominal. APRICOTS — $0&50c for smal boxes and 50® 75c for large; In bulk.' $10@20 per ton. PEACHES— 25@50c for small boxes and 35@ 65c for large; baskets from the river, 2O#4Oc. MELONS— Cantaloupes, 75c©$l for small crates and $1@1 75 for large crates from Win ters and the river; Nutmeg Melons. 35@50c per box or crate; Watermelons, $5@18 per hundred. GRAPES — Fontainebleau, 35@COc per box or crate; Seedlers, 00c@*l per box or crate; other varieties. 50cP$l per box or crate. CITRUS FRUITS— Navel Oranges, $1 60ft 2 60 per box: Seedlings, $10125; Valenclas. Si 50«3: Bt. Michaels. $2@3; Mediterranean Sweets, $1 25<fipl 50; Lemons, 80c®»2 50; Grape Fruit $1@1 -"•: Mexican Limes, • $4@t 50; Ba nanas *1 50@2 BO per bunch for Central Amer ican and 75c#$l 60 for Hawaiian; Pineapples, (1 60@2 50 per dozen. With ths exception of Figs and choice Plums all descriptions under this head were In ample supply and there was not much change In prices. The situation In Bartlett Pears showed some improvement. The river boats continued to bring large shipments of contract supplies, consigned direct to canners, but sup plies In the open market, while plentiful, were less liberal and choice lota in bulk continued to command good prices. . No. 2 stock moved off more freely, owing . to the shortage oX higher grade offerings, and the wharves were pretty well cleaned up. Choice Pears in wrap pers from Martinez and highly colored • Four tier Gravennteln Apples were . in fair request for ubisment and readily commanded the top limitation. Good Plums, too, were wanted for chipping, and desirable lots found quick sale at full figures. Peaches Rnd Apricots were in free supply and unchanged. Only a few small boxes of Figs came In and they were quickly disposed of. The cool, cloudy weather checked trade in Melons, and as supplies were large, prices ranged lower. Cantaloupes and Nut meg Melons arrived freely from the river and the /carry-over from Saturday was 1 large. There were eighteen cars of Watermelons on the railroad track and It was rumored that the' Growers' Association would, shortly com mence to cut' prices." Grapes 'wers dull, even the very best offerings being hard 'to dlspos; of. Berries stood about as previously quoted," the demand and supply about balancing;- . :, A car of choice and fancy Valencia Oranges on sale and cleaned up well at $2@3 per box. Otherwise there was nothing new to re port In Citrus or Tropical fruits.' STRAW BERRIES — Longworths. nominal; other varieties, ?3®5 per chest. " RASPBKKKIES — f5@7 per chest. BLACKBERRIES— 12 5OSI4 per chest. HUCKLEBERRIES — 6®Sc per lb. APPLES— 85ct«$l per box for fancy, C0@75c for good to choice and 35(5 50c ' for common; Crabapples, 30@50c for small boxes and 50<g-65c PEARS — Bartletts. 85c@$l 10 for wrapped; large open boxes. $1@1 25 for No. 1 and 25<}j» 60c for No. 2; to canners. $15035 per ton; Dearborn Seedlings, 40@5Oc for large open boxes. ' ' ¦ ' Deciduous and Citrus Fruits. CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Bid. Ask. - Bid. Ask. Alpha 07 OOfjtilia 02 04 Alt* 05 0« Justice 13 15 Andes 19 20 Kentuck 0.1 04 Belcher 35 :« Mexican 1 20 t 25 Best & Belch. 2 00 2 05 Occidental ... 35 37 Bullion .. 04 OSOphir 170 175 Caledonia v -4 25 1 SSOverman .... 24 25 Challenge ...' 33 40, Potosi IS , 2«> Chollar IS lOSavago 1SV *> Confidence ...1 20 1 25 Scorpion .... ©4 05 Con Cal & V.I 35 1 40 Seg Belcher. . 13 14 Con Imperial. 04 05 Sierra Ner... 64 65 Con NY 14 1« Silver Hill... 78 8O Crown Point.. 18 20 St Louis .... IS 23 Eureka Con.. — 43 Syndicate ... — 06 Exchequer ... 04 05 Union Con... 85 Srt Gould & Cur. 38 33 Utah 31 3^ Hale & Norc. 49 50 Yel Jacket.... 65 60 Lady Wash .- — OS . TONOPAH MINES. BM.Ask. Bld.Astc. Colehan IS — Rescue 11 12 Esperanza ... 04 05 Ton Belmont.l 85 2 flo Euta Con ... 25 — Ton & Cal... 37 30 ¦Glp«y Queen. . 27 is Ton Fraction. — 75 Gold Mt Con.. — 20' Ton Grt W«st — 07 Hannapah Mt. — 25 1 Ton of Nev.. 9 50 8 CO MacXamara . 20 26 Ton N Star.. 49 51 Mont Ton ...1 05 — Ton Midway. 42 49 N Y Ton.... — OS; Ton Union ,. 40 — Paymaster ... — 2Q_Utopla — OS MONDAY. Aug. 10— 4 B.,.in. Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE. The following were" the sales on the San Francisco Stock and Exchange Board yester day: Morning Session. 100 Caledonia 1 S0U0O Sierra Nevada. 70 100 Mexican 1 25i6C0 Utah 33 10O Ophir 1 75| , -V Afternoon Session. ; roo Ajta O7f30O Mexican 1 2O * loo Andes I:!.:... lfe Ophir 1 70 COO Challenge Con. 41(200 Seg Belcher... 14 300 Con Cal & Va.l 40i:)00 Sl'.ver Hill.... T» 300 Con New York 16; 200 Union Con.... » 300 Gould & Cur.. 40[400 Utah 32 100 Hale & Norc 50j PACIFIC STOCK EXCHANGE. The following were the sales on the Pacific Stock Exchange yesterday: Morning Session. 500 Andes ...... 20 1300 ro;oH ...... 2<> 200 Chollar 20 300 Sierra Nev. . iO r>00 Con N York. 16 200 Sierra Ne*.. 71 2OO Con N York. 17 2OO Union Con... to 100 Mexican :...l 3O 200 Utah 33 100 Ophir ...... .1 75 200 Yellow Jack. 03 ' 300 Overman . . . ' 25 Afternoon Session. 700 Andes ...... 20 600 Ophir .1 TO 200 Chal Con 41 200 Potoal 19 20O C C & Va...l 42% 30O Sierra Nev.. 67 , 300 Con N York. 15 20O Union Con.. 88 200 Gould & Cur 40 300 Utah ....... 31 300" Mexican 1 20 TONOPAH STOCK EXCHANGE. The following were the sales on the) Baa. Francisco and Tonopah Mining Exchanse yes terday: -¦* Morning Session. 1C0O Esperanza ... 05 500 Ton N Star.. 51 100 Mont Ton..l 07!-i 500 Ton N Star.. 60 100 Ton of Cal... 38 50 Ton of Nev..." 23 100 Ton N-Star.. 62 150 Ton of Ner... 7 00 . •* Afternoon ' Session. 400 MacXamara . 20 ICO Mont Ton..l 07«i 600 Montana. Ton. 105 3'X> Tono N Star. 50 224 Mont Ton..l 02% ICO Rescue ....... X2 ST. LOUIS. Aug. 10.— WOOL— Easy; medium ffradeg. combiner and 'cloth, I65J2H3C; light fine, ICiJllSc; heavy fine, HW15c; tub-washed. 2Qi&29%c. . v. St. Louis Wool Market. Flour, qr sks. ...22.829, Wool, bales.../. J. 147 Wheat, ctls 'S.MROiHay. Urns. ..-....• 1 *S5 Barley, ctls...;. 9.12l>;Feed, sks...... l'ooo Oats, ctls 3,«0jTallow, ctls..... 230 Corn, ctls ¦¦ 135|Pelts, No 415 Rye, ctls 5W| Hides,- No.. 640 Beans, sks 116, Quicksilver, fiks.' - 76 Potatoes, eks... 9,600; Leather, rolls... 21, Shorts, eks 460iWlne, gals 63 3t*\ Onions, sks 300; Lime. bbls...... 'jjgi/ Bran, sks "1.S1 5 Chicory, bbls..; ss< Middlings, sks.. 1.39H AVqfcST 10. FOR MONDAY. Receipts of Produce. I Fit the twenty-four hours ending 5 pm. I-'th meridian time. San Francisco* Aug. 10: frmf and Wheat Bulletin. NEW YORK, Aug. 10.— The visible supply of grain Saturday, August 8, as compiled by the New York Produce Exchange, was as fol lows : / Wheat 13,099.000 bushels, decrease 316.000 bushels; corn 6,758,000 bushels, decrease 233. 000 bushels; oats 3,60.1,000 bushels, . decrease 179CKW bushels; rye 678,000 bushels; decrease 71,000 bushels; barley 400,000 bushels, increase 62,000 bushels. Visible Grain Supply. The proportion of the oat crop last year still In the hands of farmers is estimated at 7.4 per cent, as compared with 4.2 per cent of the crop of 1901 In farmers' hands one year ago and 5.0 per cent of the crop of 1900 in farmers' hands two years ago, and an eight v«?ar averase of 7.4 ner cent. ¦ , The averace condition of " barley ' on ~ August 1 was 83.4, against m;.s one month ago, 90.2 on August 1, 1902, 86.1* at the corresponding date In lvtOl. and a ten-year average of 85.3. The acreage of buckwheat is less than that of last year by about 500 acres, or .01 per cent. The condition of buckwheat on August 1 was iCJ, as compared with 91.4 on August 1, 1002, Iil.l at the corresponding date in 1901, and a ten-year avera«ce of S9.8. The average condition of flax on August ¦ 1 was 80.3. as compared with 86.2 one . month ago. The averace condition of tobacco on August 1 was 82.5. as compared with 85.1 a month ago. The average condition of potatoes was 81.2 on August 1, as compared with 88.1 one month ago and 04.7 on August 1, 1902. Preliminary returns indicate an increase of .03 per cent in the hay acreage. The average condition of the oat crop on August 1 was 79.5; as compared -with. 84.3 one month ago. «9.4 on August 1, 1U02, 73.6 on August 1, 1901, and a ten-year average of K2.0. / ' The average condition of spring- wheat on August 1 was 77.1. as compared with 82.5 last month, fc9.7 in Ausfust, 1902. £3 on Au gust 1, 1901. and a ten-year average of 82. The condition in the State of Washington of spring wheat Is 74 for August 1, 1003, 82.5 on July 1. 1903, 03 -on Augtist 1 .last year.. iK> on August 1, 1901, and a ten-year average of 91. • - . •' r* ris ::.:. , . XEW YORK. Aug. 10.— The cotton market opened steady net 2 .point* higher to 2 points lower and closed steadv mt 4 to 6 points higher on the new. crop and net 24 points higher on August. . ¦ , New- York Cotton Market. BUTTER— Creamery, 24@25c; dairy, 22%@ 23c; store Butter. 17@20c; Eastern, 22@22}ic. ' CHEESE— New, 12®t2%c; Toung. America, 13%(6l4%c; Eastern, 10%@I6c; Western, 14^ 15c per lb. !.-•¦• - ." , EGGS — Ranch, 27%©2Sc for large white se lected and 25® 27c for good to choice; store, 18 @24c; Eastern, 18®21c per dozen. . - - . >. There was less steadiness to Butter yester day, and stocks were more liberal, with deal ers disposed to meet buyers. Quotations, how ever, remained as before. The supply of' Cheese, here continues large and the market is dull and easy at previous prices. Kggs have shown no change for some days, the demand ab<ipt -balancing the supply. • -Most dealers have ajl-they want to "carry. ¦ ..*-'..»¦; • Receipts w«-re :{J>.S)OO lbs Butter,' C70 cases Egss and 4800 lbs Cheese. Butter, Cheese and Eggs. NEW YORK, Aug. 10.— Spot, tin declined £1 to £1.1$- 10b in London to-day and futures dropped 17s 6d to £123 "s 64. Locally, tin was about 40 points lower at ?2S 7u«$S9 12%. ; , Copper was 5s lower In London, closing at £57 tor spot and at £55 5s for futures.. Lo cally, copper wan nominally unchanged, with lake quoted at |18$13 12%, electrolytic at $13 and castinc at $12 75. \ Lead was Is .'Jd higher in London at £11 Is 3d. but unchanged here at $4 20. Spelter closed in London at 520 2s Cd and in New York at $5t7.">ti5 87%. . ' Iron closed at . r .2s In Glasgow and at 54s 4%d in Middlesboro. Locally, iron was quiet. No. 1 foundry. Northern, Is. quoted at $17 50® 18;: No. 2 do, $16 50#17; Xo. 1 foundry. South ern, and No. 1 do soft, ?16 75'gl7. Warrants nominal. . " ¦ • . . Nezv York Metal Market. A par of Western Poultry was on sale and cleaned up well at steady prices.. Another ear is close nt hand and will be' "marketed to-day or to-morrow. Prices of domestic stock were largely nominal, he receipts were Insig nificant an<l the demand light, as is usual on Monday. Game arrived freely and good qual ity offerings cleaned up well. P0UI.TKY — Live '.Turkeys, -nominal;- Geese, per pair, $1 25@1 60; Coalings. $1 25(81 50: Ducks,' $:;@-l per dozen, for old and $3 f-O-a-t 50 for young; Hens, $4@5; young Roosters. *tj®S; old Roosters. $4 50®5: Fryers, S4@4 50; ers, $3 50^4 for Barge and $2 604f3 for small: Pigeons, 21 50 per .dozen for old and $1 50® 1 75 for Squabs. ¦ GAME — "Rabbits. $1 2501 75 per dozen; Hare, 51 25@1 50; Wild Doves. $1 per dozen. Poultry and GatQe. c EL c ' ' c (? ; »q v< m : n s 1 . s m s -g- Ua P ) STATES. - - w S ~ - w , « S 2 3 ¦ • ¦ : '. • ¦ n _:._ J !_ Illinois 74.o' 7S.o| 05.0! 61.0 87.0 Iowa........ 72.0 74.0 i. 93.01 67.0 86.0 Nebraska 75.0 75.0fl0l.0i 4«.O 79.0 Kansas -67.0 73.0jl03.0j. 19.0 77.0 Missouri 71.0 74.0 100. Oi 2».O 87.0 Texas 95.0 88.0 3S.D - 48.0 74.0 Indiana 75.0 76.0 S»7.0 07.0 00.0 Georgia 88.0 .f5.0 70.0 S1.0 89.0 Tennessee 83.0/86.0 78.0 17.0 H7.0 Kentucky 59.0] S2JI S6.O1 53.0 87.0 Ohio 73. 0| 79.0 91.0 73.0 88.0 Alabama 1M5.0 92.0 52. 0| 77.0 84.0 North Carolina 83.0 82.0 87. 0| 74.0 01.0 Arkansas 80-0 77.0 91. OJ 37.0 81.0 Mississippi ....... 92.0 04.0 55. 0( 06.0 79.0 Virginia 85.0 84.0 63.0 07.0 *9.0 South Carolina 78.0 7'J.O 82.0 tiU.O 85.0 Bouth Dakota 89.0 .87.0 SS.O 65.0 81.0 Oklahoma .- 71.0 S5.0 00. OJ 25.0 «6.0 Pennsylvania 80.0 S4.0 92.01 92. 0| 69.0 United States 78.7 79.4 SG.5| 54.0) 84.4 Preliminary returns indicate a winter, crop of about 410,000,000 bushels, or an average of 12.4 bushels per acre, as compared with 13.8 buEhels last year. ¦ The following table shows the estimated average yield oer acre In the twelve principal winter wheat States in 1903 and 1902. STATES. 1903. 1902. Kansas 14.0, 8,7 Missouri -¦. ... S:i 18;2 California 12.8: ,15.0; Indiana ,. 10.0. 15.0 Nebraska. 10.4 J 22.0.. Ohio., : 13.7 1U.0-. Illinois < S.4 16.0 Pennsylvania - 15.(! j 15.0. Oklahoma 14. « ... ll.<>, Texas •• l: }-± 9 ,-°. Tennessee ;.... 7.1- 6.6 Michigan ...* 15.5. 17.4 United States 12,4 j 1& S HAGS— Grain Bag*, 5®6%o: . San Quentin. 5.5.V; Wool Bags. &2@35c; FJeece Twine, 7%0 Sc; -Cotton Fruit Bags, 6! t c, G%c and 7}i c for the three.. grades. -• >.< - - -* .:>.• COAL—Wellingtoni *8 per ton; New Wel lington. $8; Seattle, $6 50; Bryant, $8 50; Beaver - Hill,- $5 CO;:. Stanford. • 17; Roslyn. $7: Coos Bay, $5 50: i Oreta,-, ~*7; Wallsend, (7 50;, Richmond. - $7 JJOi - Cumberland. $13 in bulk.- and .$14 25 In sack*; Welsh.' An thracite Egg. $13; Welsh Lump. $11 50; Cannel, $8 50 per.tjjoi Cqke.lll 50S13 p.e.r ton In hulk and $15 in sacks; Rocky Mountain descriptions $3 45 per 2C00 lbs and iH 50 per ton. accordios to brand. j,." - ' . .. . . .'. .. . ' OIL— Linseed. 44c for boiled and 42c for raw in barrels; cases. 5c more: Castor Oil, In cases. No. 1. 70c; Bakers' A A. 11 1001 12; Lucol, 41c for boiled and 3flc for raw in barrels; Lard Oil. extra.: winter strained,, barrels,' 9dc; cases, 93c: China Nut. 57% G62c per gallon; pure N'eats foot,-In barrels. 75c; cases. SOc; SpernV pure, 70c:-. Whale Oil., natural white, 60035c, per gal i Ion; Fish Oil. in barrels 45c;' cases. 60c; Co ; coanut Oil in. barrels, 58c for Ceylon and 65o for Australian. , .. •; ..-..-.. COAL OIL— Water. White Coal Oil In bulk. 14c; Pearl OU in cases, 20%c; Astral. 20%c; Star. 20%c; Extra Star, 24%c: Elaine. 2«%c; 1 Eocene 23%c; deoderized Stove Gasoline, in ! bulk. 17c; in cases, 23%c; Benzine, in bulk. 13c; In cases. 19%c: 86-degre« Gasoline. In : bulk 21c; In cases, 27%c. . .- ¦ : • TURPENTINE— 73c per gallon in cases and 67c In drums and Iron barrels,- -.- ii ¦ ¦. - : RED AND WHITE LEAD— Red Lead. 6® C%c per lb; White Lead. 6®6%c, according to quantity. ' ;. •- >:,. • .. SUGAR — The Western Sugar Reflnlnir Com pany Quotes as follows, per lb; in 100-lb bags: j Cubes, A Crushed and ! Fine . Cru&hed, 5.75c; 6.6t>?; Candy Granulated. 6.60c; Dry l Granulated.' fine. 5.50c; Dry Granulated, coarse, 5.50c; Fruit Granulated. 5.50c; Beet Granulat ! ed (100-lb bags only). 5.40c; Confectioners' A, i 6.50c; Magnolia A, 5.10c; Extra C, 5c; Golden C. 4.90oi,"D." -4.80c: barrels. 10c njore; half barrels, 20c more; boxes, 50c more; 60-lb bags, 10c more for all kinds. Tablets— Half-barrels, 6c; boxes. 6.25c per lb. No orders taken for less than 75 barrels or its equivalent. General Merchandise. CHICAGO, Au»?. - 10.— OATTLE— Receipts, 2S.000; Western. *tea<iy to 10c lowsr: good to prime steers, $5®5 45; poor to medium, JO® 4 SO; stockerg and feeders. $2 PO^M 25; cows. $1 50@4 50; heifer?, $2©4 S5; canners. ?1 50® 2 70; bulls, $204 20: calves, ?2 50(g« 75; Texas fed steers, S3 I'5?f4 50; Western steers, S3 50® 4':i7%. .'• HOGS — Receipts to-day, . 30,000; to-morrow, 27,000; left over, 4000; strong to- 5c higher, closed easier; mixed and butchers, $5 10®5 70; good to choice heavy. ?5 50® 5 70; rough heavy, $5 10@5 40; light, $5»40@5 SO; bulk of sales. ?5 30@5 CO. 4 'SHEEP— Receipts. 25.000; sheep and lambs, steady; good to choice wethers, S-l 40@3 g5; fair to choice mixed. $2 50@3 25; Western sheep, $2 75iJ?3 75; native lambs, $3 25@0; Western lambs, $4 50@4 65. CHICAGO Eastern Livestock Market. a BSD 2 Si 3 Iff SB ,-| H § STATIONS. J •§ *g |§ |- £ •eel - § : 3 3 : : : Eaker 29. S2 84 54 NW Clear iw Careen 25*. SO f>6 54 W Clear .00 Eureka. 29.96 56 4S W Cloudy .(0 Kresno 29.76 106 70 W Oar .00 Flagstaff 29.K6 80 62 N Rain -IS Independence .2».72 f>2 «>8 SE Clear .00 Lo« Angeles. .. 29. 9t» 82 60 W Clear .00 Mt TamaJpals.29.S0 70 60 SW Clear .00 ¦North Head '.. C2 ... Fhoenlx ».78 96 72 W Clear .00 Pocatello 23.74 00 54 W Clear .00 Portland 29. SS ' 82 62 MV Clear ,.00 Point Reyes... 28. KS 54 48 6E Cloudy .00 P^d Bluff 29.64 S2 C8 BE Clear .00 Iloe*burg 29. M M 60 XE Clear .00 Sacramento ..29.80 R» 64 S Clear .00 Salt L*ke 29.72 »0 64 N Clear .00 Fan Francisco. 29. B2 60 48 SW Pt.ClfJy .00 8an L. Obiepo.29.Jt4 74 50 W Clear .00 Fan Diego 23.34 72 64 W Clear .00 Seattle 29.99 78 C2 NW Clear .00 Fpokan* 23.78 SS 66 SW Clear .00 Tatoosh .." 23.98 56 60 SW Cloudy .00 WaJla Walla. .29.78 »0 CO S Clear .00 Winnemucca .29.76 »2 66 NW Clear .00 Vuraa 23.74 100 62 SW Clear .00 WEATHER CONDITIONS AND GENERAL FORECAST. There ha* beifn a client rise in pressure along the co&Ft of Southern California. No rams have fallen !n California, but winds ere In general from the southwest and low lying c!ouds are reported generally along the coast north cf £an Francisco. A Sonora storm overlies the country between the Rio Grande and the Colorado. R&lnc con tinue in Southern Utah. Northern Arizona and Northwest Texas. Thunderstorms are reported • •t Modcr-a. Flagstaff and El Paso. Coder weather prevails in the Sacramento alley. Forecast made at San Francisco for thirty lioure ending midr.ipht, August 11: Northern California — Cloudy, unsettled weath >-i Tuesday, possibly light Fhowcrs along the northern coast; light southerty winds. ' Southern California — Cloudy Tuesday: ehow- Mti in the mour.tBins; light southerly wind Nevada— Fair Tu*5day, except showers in hnRziciu portion, cooler. San Francisco an<! vicinity — Cloudy Tuesdav '^sh SOStbVest winds. . ALEXANDKH G. McADIE, District Foiecaster. LIVERPOOL. Wheat — Sept. Oct. Dec Opening 6 5>i 6 4% 6 6W Closing « 5'i 6 4% 6 5% PARIS. • Wheat — Aur. Nov.-Feb. Opening ." 22 B5 21 85 Closing 22 45 21 70 Flour — Opening .^ SO 75 ' 29 55 Closing ..'. 30 10 20 85 Foreign Futures. BOSTON STOCKS AND BONDS. Money— • Mining — ; Call loans ..,.....3@4 Adventure ; 6% TJme loans .'..'..4%@0 Alloues 4% Bonds — Amalgamated ... 39% Ai'h*i'n 4s ...... 97 Daly West .88 Mexican Cen 4i.. 70 Blngham 21% Railroads— Calumet & Hecla.430 Atchlson ..'..".... 66 Centennial ....;... 14% Do pfd bOUiCcpi-er Range . . 40J a Adams Con 14 Little Chief ...... • 08 Alice 17 Ontario .... 6 60 Breece lSjOphir 1 65 Brunswick Con ...03% Phoenix- 08 Comstock Tunnel.. 1 05 Potosi ...'. i« Cot C & Va......l 40 Sierra Nevada ... 64 Horn Silver .1 00 Email Hopes ..... 20 Iron Silver .......1 60 Sundard .... ....3 00 Leadrtlle Con 02 , Do 1st in* ... 48 Southern Pac 4s.. 84 Ches & Ohio 4%s..K)2% Southern Ry 8s..lI2tf Chi & Alton 3%s. 70 Tex & Pac lsts. 114 C B & Q n 4b 87% To| St L & W 4s 70% C M A. S P g 4s.lO6% Union Pac 4s ... »9% Chi A N W c 7s.l2» Do conv 4s ... 01% C R I & P 4s... 100 Wabash lsts ....114Ti C C C & S L R 4s. 06 Do 2ds 103 Chicago Term 4«. 71% Do Deb B .... 53 « Colo & 80 4s .... 85 West Shore 4s ...107 D & It G 4s 97% Wheel & L E 4s. 86 .Erie prior Hen 4s. 96Vi WIs Cent 4s .... 87% Do gen 4n .... 81 Con Tobacco B5 Ft W & D C lsts.104% Colo Fuel tt. I.. 77 Hocking Val 4%s.lO4%tManhatUn ... 77 Rock Island 73% U S Steel 100ft Pennsylvania .... 94 j NEW YpRK MINING STOCKS. U S ref 2s reg.106% L N Unl 4s.. 08% Do coup 1WH Mex Cent 4s .... 71 Do 3s reg 106% Do 1st lnc .... 15 Do coup 106% Minn & Ft L 4s. 97% Do oUJ 4s reg.. 134 M K & T 4s 05% no coup 134 Do 2ds 73% Do old 4s reg.. 109 N Y Cent g 3%s. 85 Do coup 109 N J Cent g 6s. .126% Do 5s reg .....101% Northern Pac 4s. 99% 'Do coup 101% Do 3s 71 Atch gen 4s »8% Nor & West c 4s. 96 Do adjt 4s 87 Reading Gen 4s.. 94 Balto & Ohio 4s..l00% St L & I M c 5s.llO Do 8%s »1% St L & 8.K 4s... Oft% Do Conv 4s ...100% St L 8 W lsts... 91% Canada So 2ds ..IOC Do 2ds %. 64 Cent of Ga 5s ..107% S A & A P 4s... 72 Total sales 756.200 shares. UNITED RAILROADS OF SAN FRANCISCO. NEW YORK. Aug. 10. — United Railroads of San Francisco bond transactions: 2000 - at 175 ZTA: 5000 at $75. NEW YORK BONDS. - selling en the closing out of collateral, and there were indications of Investment buying and of buying on a large scale by influential capitalists. There was said to be an important investment demand for foreign account. This was a factor in the further . weakening of the exchange market, which renewed talk of pos •ible gold Imports. Fears of an unfavorable Government crop report to be published after the closing was an influence in weakening Missouri Pacific and Atchison. The success which attended the effort to check demorali zation, following the similar success of last Thursday, had an encouraging effect and there was a more cheerful feeling at the clobe of the day without an entire passing of nervousness and apprehension. Bonds were heavy. ¦ Total sales, par value, $2,600,000. I'mtt ii States old 4s and new 4s, registered, declined % and the new 4s, coupon, % per cent en call. NEW YORK STOCK LIST. Sales. Hlch. Low. Close. Atchison tSl.UOO M% 64 56% Atchison pfd 3.900 b5<, 84% h5% Baltimore & Ohio . 2,1)00 79 77% 78^, Bait & Ohio pfd... l.ttuo 85% M% *5% Canadian Pacific .. 64,500 llili 123 1^4 Central of N J 154 Cher & Ohio 1,900 29 27% 2S% Chicago & Alton.... «00 19% 19% 19^ Chi & Alton pfd.. 100 61 61 61 Chicago & G W.. 1,600 14% 13% 14 Chi & G W B pfd 26% Chicago & N W 1.900 15«% 155 156% Chicago T & Trans. tKK) 9% 9 8 Chi T & T pfd 500 17% 17% 17% C C C 4 St Louis. MX> 67» 4 66 00** Colorado Southern . 2,400 11% 11 11% Colo Su 1st pfd .. 3W 44% 44 45 Colo So 2d pid 500 IS 17% 18 Delaware &. Hud . . 5.4U0 153 149 152 Del, Lack & W 2o5 Denver A: K t; .. 400 23 2O 22 Denver & It G pfd. 700 73% 72 7:i'i Erie 34.WO 24 T» 23 24% Erie 1st pfd 1,000 04 62% «4 Erie 2d pfd 200 44 44 45 Great Northern pfd . . . .- .... 105 Hocking Valley 64% Hocking Val pfd... l,7"O fco SO 79 Illinois Central 1.WJ 1^S* 4 127 127 J ,a Iowa Central 200 1U 16 16 Iowa Central pfd 31- Kansas C Southern 19 K&ns C So pfd bUO 34% 34% 34% 1 Louisville & Nash.. b;.M) 100 S»S>. 8 00% Manhattan L H.200 130 127V* 12*?« MttroiKjliian St Ry. lo.yoO 110=!* lttt 110 Miuneap A: S Loute. 21.2'>U M 4« 54 Missouri Pacific .... M.&OO KS'i K*>% S8 Mo, Kar.s & T 1,000 17 l -j lli% 17Vi Mo, K. &. T pfd.. 2.400 'M'% Boi»i 'M% National of Mx p'd 1,1U<> So :14V* 35 N Y Central ; 8.600 llS'i ll»i» 4 117% Norfolk & Western. 4,4<X> 5:» « 4 MVs 59vi Xor & \Ve*t jifd. .. Tie* *v>- +>5 J»5 Ontario & Western. «.700 'JO 1 - 1«% -*0*i Pennsylvania 4ti,500 12«> J , ll'J'ra 120^ PiUsbuiT.CC St L. .,.„ ...'. 50' Reading ;..«. 2S.7W -47Vi *5'-- 4*5% Mending Jut pM... 200 79'i 79% "'-Hi Reading 2d pfd 05 . Rock Island Co.... 13,300 21 WVa' 20% K Island Co pfd... 1,:JOO 57 3 i C»»S 57% St L & S F let pfd. .'. 78 tl h & S F 2d pfd. WO 44'j 42^ 4.iU St Louis S W 300 i:j's 12^ jaVi . JH Louis S W pfd. 1.500 25% 24 2oS St Paul 33,500 ViZ\ 13-{% 135% .^t Paul pfU JOO 1US J.0S 16S Southern Pacific .. 27,«X»O 41% aa$i 41% Southern Railway. . 14,300 IS** 17V» lb% Southern Ry pfd... 1.2UO 7yi* 7l>' 77 ». Texas & Pad He .. ti,W0 121% 20 'i 21 Tol. St L & \V 100 IS 18' 1«J»4 T, St L & \V pfd.. • »i Union Pacific 61,000 70 C7H t»W Union Pacific pfd. 7oO 84 &iy. 84 Wabash 1,700 lfl«4 17% 1S«£ V. abash pfd 3,100 31^ 2y»£ 31 Wheel & Lake E... 100 l^Vj 13% 13% Wis Central 900 lOVj 15Vi 15% Wisconsin Cent pfd 400 35 7 B 35^ 35^4 Express Companies — Adams 221 American 200 171 171 171 United States 90 Wells Fargo 105 ' Miscellaneous— Amal Copper 14,200 3OV4 37% 39^ Amer Car & F... 1,100 31 30 30ft Amer C & F pfd.. 400 Sl" 8 Sly, S7t 4 Amer Lin Oil ... 400 9 8% 84i Amer Lin Oil pfd ¦, Amer Loco 1,900 17 15»4 17 Amer Loco pfd ... 200 SOVi 80% SlU Amer Smelt & Ref. 4.C00 42^ 39>4 42 Amer J5 & R pfd.. 600 87^ 86»i m\b Amer Sugar Ref... 14.C00 111U 10S% HOy. Anaconda Min C6.. 600 «8i4 C«i4 68* Brooklyn Rap Tran 11,900 40 ' 37% 3q% Colo Fuel & Iron ¦ .... 41 Colum & Hock C. . 300 12*4 ll^i 12% Consolidated Gas... 12,900 lfiS** 164 166H General Electric ... 2,700 15lk 146V4 163' International Papers 300 10^4 10^4 10 Inter Paper pfd... 300 65 . C4K 64 Inter Pump 35 Inter Pump pfd .- 74 National Biscuit -• 1,100 34t-i 33% Zi% National Lead .... 13 North American .. 1,000 71% 70% 71>4 Pacific Mall 1,300 20 19^ 19 ' People's Gas 3,600 02 90^ 01% Pressed Steel Car. 2,000 35% 33 25 Pressed Steel C pfd 1,000 79-78 78 Pullman Pal Car.. 200 208« 208>4 2o8 Republic Steel . . . 1.600 J0% 10 - 1OV4 Republic Steel pfd. 2.000 61 CO «0 Rubber Goods .... 1,200 14 12% 13U Rubber Goods pfd. 200 65 65 C5 Tenn Coal & Iron. 4.91W 34% 32% 34W U H Leather 3.100 7% 6% • 7 U 6 Leather pfd.. 4,100 77 74% 75Vi V 8 Rubber 600 9 9 9Vi tJ S Rubber pfd.. 500 34 33 34 U S Steel 37.000 21% 20% 21% U S Steel pfd ... 20,900 68% -67 . 08% Western Union ... 300 62 81% tH% $3000 Pacific Electric Ry 6 106 75 Street— $10.C00 S F & S J V bonds, cash 120 00 / California Stock and Oil Exchange Oil stocks— Bid. Asked. Caribou Oil Co 85 Four Oil "... 70 Hfcnford Oil #,.130 00 Home Oil 2 80 2 90 Imperial Oil 19 CO Independence Oil 18' IT Junction Oil 20 23 Kern Oil 6 25 Lion Oil 04 06 Monte Cristo Oil 90 Monarch Oil 63 68 Oil City Petroteum 30 .... Peerless OH 14 00 .... Reed Crude Oil 40 41 San Joaquln Oil 6 75 Sterling Oil •: 3 00 8 10 Thirty-Three Oil 8 00 Twenty-Eight Oil 4 00 4 60 Union Oil .... 63 00 United Petroleum 11* 00 West Shore OU 3 60 Miscellaneous — Abby Land and Imp .... 125. Alameda Sugar .... 29 00 American Bl3cuit 05 00 100 00 American District Tel .... Bay Counties Power .... Cal Central Gas & Electric Cal Cotton Mills 85 00 ...-. Cal Jockey Club 105 00 Cal Powder Si'il Cal Shipping Co ..-. 30 00 Cal Title Ins & Trust 130 00 140 00 Central Bank of Oakland ... 60 00 .... Chutes Company 860 City and County Bank *± .... Cypress Lawn Imp Co ..... 800 .... Eastern Dynamite .... Ewa Sugar Plantation JL'iX Ga 3 Consumers" .... 22 50 Honolulu Sugar 18 50 London 4 S F Bank (Ltd).. .... .... Meercantile Trust •-•• Northern Cal Power 9 50 Nevada National Bank .... North Shore Railroad TOO Orpheum Company -••••: ,L, 22 Pacific States Tel & Tel... .... 122 50 Parafflne Paint 33 00 .... Postal Device & Imp .... .... San Francisco Drydock 47 0O .... Sausalito Land and Ferry... 16 0O Sperry Flour Co 27 50 30 00 Standard Electric •-• 1« 00 Truckee Electric 13 25 ltt 00 Union Suitar 22 50 United Gas & Electric »4 BO .... Western Flsb. Co . • • • • • • • SALES. Morning Session. Board— . „ 1000 Associated 25 S00O Occidental *» 20 Hanford 130 00 Afternoon Session. Board— 200 Home 2 85 -300 Home * 2°, 200 Home, b 30 2 80 8050 Independence *J 300 Pittsburg *» 60Hana Sugar - flrt =0 WASHINGTON. Aug. 10.— The monthly re port of the chief- of the bureau of statistics of the Department of Agriculture will show the condition of corn on August 1 to have been 78.7 per cent, as compared with 79.4 on July 1. 1903. 86.5 'on 'August' 1, 1902, 54 at the corresponding date in 1901, and a ten-year average of 84.4. . The following table shows for ?¦ach of the twenty principal corn States the condition on August 1 of the last three years and that on July 1. 1903. with the ten-year average: Condition of the Corn Crop. Weather Report. <120th Meridian— Pacific Time.) SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 10 — 5 p. ra. Hogs are weak. Receipts are somewhat larger and the ¦ local packers are not using many at the moment. ' , DRESSED MEATS. Wholesale rates from slaughterers to dealers are as follows: BEEF — 607c for Steers and 5©6c per lb for Cows. VEAL— Large. 7C8e; small, 909% c per lb. MUTTON— Wethers. 8©9c; Ewti, 8©8%c per Spring. 0%©10%c per lb. - PORK— Dressed Hogs. 8t4@8%e per lb. LIVESTOCK MARKET. The following quotations are for good.- sound Livestock, - delivered in Ban Francisco, less 60 per cent shrinkage for Cattle: - - CATTLE— Steers. 8<?9c; Cows and Heifers, 708c; thin Cows. 405c per lb. CALVES — 4@6%e per }b (gross weight). - •'. SHEEP— Wethers. 4c; Ewes. 3%03%c per lb (gross weight).-' ¦ • - LAMBa^Sprtn*. $2 7503 per head. , HOGS— Live Hogs 140 to 200 4bs. . «%c: under 140 lbs, 5%S6c; Sows. 20 per cent off; Boars, . 50 per cent off, and Stags, -40 per cent off from above Quotations. . - •- Meat Market. POTATOES — New White. 75c©$l 35 per ctl in sacks and $1 2501 50 in boxes, with soma fancy higher: Early Rose,' 7£>c@$l; Garnet Chiles. $1©1 15; Sweet Potatoes fror- the river, 2@2%c per lb. * ¦ '• ' ONIONS-^75@85c per ctl. VEGETABLF.S— Green Corn. $l@l 50 per pack; crates " from Alameda, $12502;. from Brrkoley $1 25; Green Teas. 2%©) per lb; String Beans 2@3c per lb: -Wax. 2ft:»c: 'Lima. Beans. 2@3%c per lb; Tomatoes. SO^tiSc for large boxes from the river; Summer Squash; 20(?t:{5c per box; Cabbago. 75c@$l per ctl; Car rots. 75c@$l per sack ;. Cucumbers.. 35<§;30c per box; Garlic. 2&3c. per lb; Green Peppers, 25$i 40c per box or sack for Chile and ."•5<£i50c for Bell; Green Okra, 50@G5c per box; Egg Plant, 4O@G0c" per box. | Receipts of Potatoes for forty-eight hours were large, aggregating nearly 10,000 sacks. Prices weakened under the increased receipts, but trade continued active, the demand for shipping and local use being steady. Two cars of Salinas,, were received and sales were reported at $1 r 60©l 75 per ctl. Sweet Pota toes and choice Onions were steady at the previously quoted rates. Receipts of Tomatoes were somewhat light land choice lots of fresh stock cleaned' up promptly at firmer prices. Some poor and car ried-over stock sold below the quotations. A small consignment of bay Tomatoes came in and sold at 65075c per boxi Choice offerings of Green Corn continued to command good prices, but common and inferior stock moved slowly at easy figures. String, Wax and Lima Beans were in free supply and easy. - Fresh offerings of Peppers. Cucumbers and Egg Plant were in fair request, but old stock was abund ant and weak. ¦ - - . . Potatoes, Onions and Vegetables. Dealers quote previous prices for Beans, with a steady market for most kinds, and a, firm ton* in Pinks, which- are wanted for th« Southwest. ii BEANS— Bayos, $303 25; Pea, $3 25; But ters $3 25; small White, $2 65©3 10; large White ,$2 65®2 90; Pink, $2 85@3 10; Red, $2 90@3; Lima, $3 2C@3 00; Red Kidneys, nom inal; Blackeye, $2 C5©2 90 per ctl; Hors» Beans, $1 2501 35. SEEDS — Brown Mustard, nominal: Yellow Mustard, nominal; Flax, $1 7001 80; Canary, 505%c for Eastern; Alfalfa, nominal: Rape, 1%@2%c; Timothy, 6®6%c: Hemp, 3%®3%o per lb; Millet, 3©3%c; Broom Corn Seed. $20® 23 ter ton. - DRIED PEAS— Green. $1 80®2 per ctl. Beans and Seeds. Wall-street Stocks ratlter higher on the day. Silver and Sterling Exchange somewhat lower. Wheat and Barley cosy, with lozver futures. ¦ Oats steady. Corn and Rye still firm. Hay weak under continued heavy receipts. Feedstuff s firm. Beans and Seeds as previously quoted. Butter easier again, with free ofhrihgs. Cheese. plentiful and dull. Eggs steady.. Provisions as before quoted, here and elsewhere. Hides declining in sympathy with the Eastern markets. Hops rather higher, firm and active. Hogs weak, with increasing receipts. Poultry and Game cleaning up' well. Potatoes lower under very heavy receipts. Omons and Vegetables in ample supply. Fresh Fruits in liberal receipt and not materially changed. Local Stocks and Bonds still very dull. SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS. Hides are very weak and the market con tinues to decline in sympathy with the East ern markets. Local Hop handlers are quoting a firmer and active market at little better quotations. HIDES AND SKINS — Culls and brands sell about l%c under quotations. Heavy Salted Steers, 10c; medium. 9c; light. 8c; Cow Hides, 8c for heavy and 8c for light; Stags, 6c; Salted Kip. 0c: Salted Veal. 0%c; Salted Calf, 10c; dry Hides, 16c; dry Kip. 13c; dry Calf, 18c; Sheepskins, shearlings, 25®30c each; short wool, 40®50o each; medium, 70® 90c; long wool, $101 50 each; Horse Hides, salt. $2 75 for large and $2 2502 BO for medium. $2 for small and 50c for Colts: Horse Hides, dry. $1 75 for large and $1 60 for medium. $101 23 for small and 50c for Colts. Buck Skins — Dry Mexican, 32%c; dry salted Mexican. 26c: dry Central American, 32%c. Goat Skins— Prime Angoras, 75c; large and smooth. 60c; medium. 85c; small, 20c. . . . • ...._ I TALLOW— No. I rendered. 4%©4%c per lb: No. 2. 4©4 %c: grease. 2% 03c. WOOL — Fall clip— San - Joaquln Lambs*. 90 12c: Foothill. 10012c; Middle County. 11013c. Quotations for spring clip are as follow*: Hum boldt and Mendodno. 18920c; Nevada. 13@15c; Valley Oregon, tine. lS019c; do. medium, 179 18c: do. coarse. 16017c per lb. - HOPS — 16018c to growers and 18020c from dealers to brewers. Hides, Tallow, Wool and Hops. Boston & Albany. 245 Dominion Coal .. 83% Boston & Maine. 16a Franklin 8}i Boston Elevated.. 135 Isle Royale 6 N Y. N H & H.105 Mohawk 35Vi Fltchburg pfd ..133 Old Dominion .^. 11% Union Pacific .... C9% Osceola .. 40% Mexican Central. 13',i Parrot" 17% Miscellaneous — Quincy 90 American Sugar. .110% Santa Fe Copper. 1 Do pfd 110 Tamarack 78 Amer T«"l & Tel. 128 Trimountaln ..... 19 Dom I & SteeJ... 8% Trinity 4% General Electric.,150 United States ... 17U Mass Electric 20% Utah 23% United Fruit 05 Victoria 38? U S Steel 21% Wlnona 6% Do pfd 68% Wolverine 62 LONDON CLOSING STOCKS. Cons for money... 91 IN T Central 122 Con* for acct ... 91 % Norfolk & West. 61 .Anaconda 3% Norfolk & W pfd 88 Atchlson 57 %i Ontario & West. 20% Atchlson pfd .... 89 Pennsylvania .... 02 Bait & Ohio 80% Rand Mines 9% Canadian Paclflc.126% Reading 24 Ches &¦ Ohio .... 20% I Reading 1st pfd.. 41 Chicago G W f '. .. 14%| Reading 2d P* d -- 33% Chi, M & Et P.139 Southern Ry 19% D«, Beers 19% Southern Ry pfd. 83 Denver -& R O.. 21% Southern Pacific. 42% Den & KG pfd. 76 Union Pacific ... 71 Erie 24% Union Pao pfd.... 88 Erie 1st pfd 65% U S Steel 21% Erie 2d rfd 47 US Steel pfd ... 70y 4 Illinois Central ..132 Wabash 19 LouUville & N...102% Wabash pfd .... 31 Mo; ' Kans & Tex. 17% Bar silver, steady, 25%c per ounce. Money, 2@3 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 2%@2 11-16 per cent, and for three months' bills is 2 11-16@2% per cent. September closed a shade lower at £>2%@52>4c. Oats were firm early, but free selling by some of those houses which were selling corn turned the market easy. ¦ The close was at about Saturday's. closing, figures, September a shade lower at 34 #c. Although trading In provisions was quiet prices ruled firm, due to a better tone in the hog marked Locals . were the best buyers. The close was firm, with September pork 10c higher at , $13 42^6; September , lard was up 5c while ribs were 5@7V4c higher. ' V The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles — ¦ Open. High. , Low. Close. Wheat No. 2— Sept. (old) 80%. 80% 80% 80% Sept (new) 80% . 80%; 79% 80.- Dec. (new) ..81% 8JJ4 # 80% 80% May 83% 83^/1,82% 82% SeSSnbervT.. 52% Kj% .52% 52Vi December 52% 52% 62 32% May ../ 52% 52% 52 62% Sep^mbe?' .*77 l . S4% 34% 34% 34% December. 35% S3% 35% 35% May 37% 37% 37%, 37% Mess Pork, per bbl — -. » . September .....13 37% 13 42% 13 27% 13 42% Lard, per 100 lb« — September^ 8 02% 8 10 8 02% . 8 07% October 7 SO 7 80 7 77% 7 60 Short Ribs, per 100 lbs— - f _' : ' " ¦ September ..... 7 92% 7-07% 7 92% 7 07% October 7 75 7 82% 7 75 • 7 80 Cash quotations were as follows : Flour, firmer; No. 2 spring wheat. 81@82c; No. 3. 77 j ©81c; No. 2 red. 78%@79%c; No. 2 corn. 51%c; ! No 2 yellow, 62%c; No. 2 oats. 35@35>4c; No. 2 white. 36c; Na » white, 33%@30c; No. 2 rye, 51%<S52c; good feeding barley. 47®53c; No. 1 flaxseed 94%c; No. 1 Northwestern. 98%c; prime timothy seed. $3 40; mess pork, per bar rel, $13 30&13 35; lard, per 100 pounds. $7 92% @7 05; short ribs sides (loose), $7 SO&T 75; dry 6alted shoulders (boxed). $7 5OQ>7 62%; short clear sides (boxed). $8 12%(S S 8 25; whisky, basid of high wlnea, $129; clover, contract grade, $12@12 50. - Articles — . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels. .1 17,800 V 11,100 Wheat, bushels 129,800 ~'10.700 Corn, bushels. 124,500 273.800 Oats, bushels..:-. 27(5,000 497,900 Rye, bushel*...*. 5,700 ....;.. Barley, bushels - 4,400 ....... . ' On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was firm. Creameries, 14@l9c; dairies, 13®17c. Eggs. • firm. 12%@14%c. Cheese,, steady, 10@ll%c. .., Heavy offerings of Hay kept the market weak, but prices showed no change. Feedstuffs remained; as before quoted. ,f BRAN— $24 5U©25 50 oer ton. MIDDLINGS— $27®30 D«r ton. SHORTS— $24025 per ton. PEEDSTHFFS- Rolled Barley. $23024 per ton; Oilcake Meal at the mill. $26@26 60; Jobbing, $27027 60; Coooanut Cake, none Here; Corn Meal, $33 60@34 60; Cracked Corn.-$34@ 35; Mixed Feed. $23®24; Horse Beans, $30 per t° n - ¦ . ~ \ HAT— Wheat, $11©13 60; Wheat and Oat. $10©12; Oat. $6®12 50; Barley. $M"11 ; Clover. $8 50@ll; Stock. $809; Alfalfa, $8 60©10 50 STRAW— 60060c per bale. Hay and Feedstuff s. 18%c for ! extra ' jaxar-curedr - Eastern niM* cured Hams. 15%c; California Hams, 15j4c: Mess Beef. $11-60012 p«r bbl: extra Mess. $120 12 80; Family;: $13 50; prime Mesa Pork. $19; extra clear. $25: Mess. $20: Dry Salted Pork. 12V4c: Pig Pork. $23; Pigs" Feet.- $5 25; Smoked Beef. ISc per lb. ¦ • ? LARD — Tierces quoted at 7%o per lb for compound and lOeiOUe for pur*; half barrels, pure, 10%ei0%c; 10-lb tins, 10&911cf* Wb tins. HKc:-'8-lb tins. ll%c. COTTOLENE— One half barrel. 9%e; three half barrels. 9^o; one tierce. 8%c; two tierces. 8V4c; five tierces, 9%e per lb. rlna. $4 80; Whola Wheat Flour. v 13 TBrRolled Oats, bbls. |7@8 60; In sacks, $6 60®8 10; Pearl Barley, $6; Split Peas, boxes, 17: Green Peas. (5 60 per 100 lbs. ' * THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1903. STOCK MARKET. LOCAL MARKETS. | EASTERN MARKETS. Chicago was rather higher on ' thfe day, but the : general situation was .'unchanged. ' There was nothing new in this market; ; ' CURED MEATS — Bacon. • l2ttc . per lb . for heavy. . 13c * for light- medium. ¦ 134 for. light. lOHic for extra light. l"M>o for sugar-cured and Provisions. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL 11 AUCTION SALES fe fe AUCTION SALE TUESDAY, Aug. 11, 11 A. M., at 114O Folsom St M Of WAGONS. STJRRETS. CAMPING Otrt- FTTS. RUBBER TIRES and- CARTS, and also 40 sets of SINGLE and DOUBLE HAR- NESS and 25 bead of all PURPOSED HORSES. £ft> ,£*$ Jt£$ Auction Sale 120 Horses August 17, at xi a. m., at ' J. B. HORAN'S STOCKYARD, . Cor. 10th and Bryant Sts. By order of G. H. MKISS of Montague. Ca!.. X will sell- at public auction 12O brokaa and unbroken horses; also a carload of fine year' ling and two-year-old colts. . S. -WATKiyS. Anctloneer. AUCTION SALE of 40 good horses. Aread« Horse Market. 327 Sixth St.. Wednesday. Au- gust 12. at 11 a. m. Every borsa must b« aa * represented or no sale. JOHN J. DOYLE. Anctloneer.