Newspaper Page Text
Helena Schlestnger to Henry Mohr. lot on W line of Polk street. 30 S of O'Farrell. S 30 by *B ¦ and Marie Bernou to the Lambla Realty Company, lot on S line, of Geary street. M W of Bucbaran. W 30 by'S 95; $10., Wfnd*ll Eastcn to Mary A. Regan, lot on E line ofSteiner sireet. 07 N of Waller. N 0J& y Edith A." K. Lyman to J. L. Lewison, lot on S line of Pacific avsnue. 228:6 W, of Scott. W 0:6 by to 127 :SK: *l«0- ¦ , _ „"'; Painter & Company (by A. O. Colton.- re roivert-to J B- Painter Company <a corpora tujn) lot on SW corner of Twenty-fifth and Bryant streets, ;S HO by v W 100; also lot on W line of Kentucky street. '2C0 N of Army (Co lusa) N 50 by W 100: also loU 368 to 'MO. gift maD 1- also lot 34, blcck 12. Flint Tract Home .t?ad-'al«o lot on S Una of Farallones street. JsO \V of CapitoU E 180 by S 125. lot 5. block l Railroad Homestead Association; S7301. •j h painter Company ta George D. Gruenig, Jot onV line of Bryant street, 65 S of Twenty, firth - s 25 by " 100; ?io. RobeVtTc. Bolton to Walter B. Cope, undi vided third of the following: Lot on Nff cor ner of California and Webb stieeu. W 62:6. X ™9, W «2:«. N 76:3,*E 30. S w 7:«. E »«:6; S 1T7-6- also lot on N line of Merchant street. v« : 6'wcf Montgomery. W 31:8 by N «2;6; also' lot on SE corner Of Leavenworth and North Pofnt streets. S 137:6. E 137:6. N 21:7Vi. NW lM-9'i WU; also lot on w line of Jonw street'. 62:6 N of Greenwich. N 75 by W 112:«; ' l u»ry M. Smith to Pletro Pierini.- lot on S line of Greenwich street. 37:6 W of Kearny. W 25 by S 87:6: $10. _ _ _ E J f Zimmer and F. W. Eaton to Pacific States Telephone and Telegraph Company, lot on S line of Washington street. 25:10 E of Du- P °jo t nn E Aa^m y to AngeloDelmonte. lot on w'lln* of Trenton street. 112:6 N of Jackson. N 55 by John J. snd Alice Stofen to Horace J. Pe raxzi. lot on W line of Leavenworth street. 7?" S of Lombard. 8 SO by W 01; J10. ' ¦ Bridget Stryker to John and Annie Healy. let on SE line of Silver street. 212:6 SW of Third, SW 3«:6 by SE «0; $10. - . . ,» :• Solomon and •• Dore , Schloss - to Helena Schle- BEAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. MONDAY. AUGUST 10. 1803. The following tables eWe a comparative statement for two years of the estimated flow of certain California rivers in cubic feet per second, or second feet, one second foot equal, tne- 50 California miner's Inches, or about 40 Colorado miner's inches. The figures for the last year may be revised by later measure' ments. The figures are by J. B. LJpplncott. hydrographer. United States Geological Survey: SACRAMENTO RIVER AT IRON CANTON. I Second Feet. • PATE - —55r~a55r July 2tf MS0 5440 July 27. X®° 5=0 Juv 2S ,~ 5S80 5220 July 29 MSO 0220 Jnly MSO 5220 jSy M 68S0 5220 August 1 • SSSO «0O TUOLUMNE RIVER AT LA GRANGE. ' Second Feet. Jatv 28 560 25 jSly 27...... *% « July 2> .•...."........ . 410 M jnl? 29...'. r .T ..,- 4^ 35 July 30.... «*> • July 31..;.. W0 T August 1 .-- 300 0 . KINGS RIVER AT RED MOUNTAIN. J Second Feet. DATE. . 1902. 1903. i July 26 1O«> 1040 jSly 27...... . "05 »T3 jSly 23 "05 • »H> July SO •• 1040 f »IO July 31. ••• 104© 910 August 1. .........:.¦¦¦-.. 010 910 TCLE RIVER NEAR PORTERVILLE. Second Feet. July 26.......... : 29 >27 July 27......... 30 2* , July, 23...... : 30 25 July 29.... 20 2« July 30 27 24 July 31.... 2« 24 August 1-. 23 21 PLOW OF BIVEBS. Alice Phelan Sullivan (owner) with C. A., Injcerson (contractor), architect William Cur- Utt—Brick. carpenter, gtass. roofing and plas tering for addition to residence on SE corner of Van Xess avenue and Washington street; $1130. ;-f -t 7: ¦-'-."- '-/ : Builders' Contracts. singer lot on SE line of Howard street. 223 SSW of Fifth. SW 28 by SE 80; $10. - Herbert H Moore to Swift & Co., lot on \V corner of Fifth and Townsend streets. SW 100 b5 A*lbert V and Marie Lehrice- to James . H. and Katie McHush. lot on W line of Pennsyl vania avenue. 125 N of Eighteenth street. N 23 by E»len *S& George S. Fife to .WUUan* F. Ahren« lot on E line of Sixth avenue. 150 S of Lake street, fe 23 toy E 120: »1O: -, McEwen Bro». (a corjioratlon) to Loulee Ke« non. lot on E . line of Twenty-fourth avenue. SCO's of Clement strtet, 8 20 by E 120; $10. Solomon and Dora Ge*z to Frederick E. and Marv Fox lot on W line of Eleventh avenue. 150 N of J street, N 25 by W 120; $10. Lovell and Laura L. White to Gustav and Elizabeth Palm, lot on SE line of Pomona street 50 SW of Bay View (Parnassus avenue). SW 00 by SE 100. porUon of lots 5 to b. block B. Silver Terrace; $B00. • - Elbndg* J. and Mary E. Bailey to Herman M Kuhn. lot -on SE line of Edinburg street. "5* SW of Brailt avenue^ STV 25 by SE.-IOO. block 46. Excelsior Homestead; $10. / John H. and Ellen O. Grady to S. M. Llne kln (wtdow). lot on W line of NaUck street. 15-> -iH S of Chcnery street. S 25 by W 123. portion of block 1. Falrmount Homestead As sociation; $10. OLYMPIA, Wash., Aug.. 10.— The Su preme Court - to-day denied the writ of supersedeas asked for by a Bremerton saloon-keeper permitting him to ran his saloon pending a determination of an ap peal from a decision of the lower court upholding the Bremerton Town Council in its contention that it had a right to revoke a saloon license prior to its expi ration. Though the ca3e was. not tried out on Its merits and will not be. -the de cision was in effect final. - > Bales Against Saloqn-Keep«r. SAN* BERNARDINO,. Aug. 10.— "Man found one mile south of Helen. Think was killed by train." is the message re ceived this evening by the Coroner from Oro Grande, a station on the desert side of the range. Helen is a siding a few miles from Oro Grande. Coupled with the telegram is the fact that the conductor of an incoming overland train to-day was short a passenger upon arriving here. The name of the passenger is unknown, but he came from the East and was ticketed for Temecula and should have changed ears here. Body Is Found on Bailroad Track. GILROY. Aug. 10.— Herman R. Eschen burg, a prominent merchant and master of Keith Lodge. F. & A. M., was accident ally shot while hunting deer this morn- Ing in the vicinity of Bells Station «n .company with John F. Guiinamet.' He was on a steep hill when two deer were sighted. Both men dismounted from their saddles. Guilhamet's horse shied a;id fila rifle was discharged, the ball entering Eschenburg's right side, passing through the urethra and coming out of the left' leg. The wounded man bled profusely and was conveyed in a wagon to this city, thirty miles distant. He is resting easily In Dr. ClaTka sanitarium and the surgeons say there is a chance for his recovery. Herman R. Eschenburg, a Merchant Of Gilroy, Is the Victim, of a Serious Accident.' r»r?r --• DEER HTJNTEB- IS SHOT BY HIS FRIEND'S BITLE Deputies Prevent lynching. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Aug. 10.— A dozer deputies have been sworn in by Sherlfl. Smalley to resist any attempt at lynch ing Tom Horn and Jim McCloud, con demned murderers, who yesterday made an unsuccessful break for liberty-. • Th* city is quiet and. orderly to-night: BUTTE, Mont.. Aug. 19— The mystery »ur rounding the disappearance of Eugene B. Cooney. the 13-year-cld son of E H. Cooney. city editor of the Great Falls Leader. wa» cleared away to-day by the- discovery of th» youth's body floating in Lake Sewall. twehts miles from • here. A franchise asked for by the San Jose and Santa Clara electric road over the same routes on Market street from Santa Clarar street to the depot will be sold next Monday. There 13 much speculation as to whether Beggs will bid on this. Many believe that the Germanla Savings Bank of San Francisco, which owned the First-street road here, was trying to block Rea's road. Beggs would not say whom he represented, . but declares it was not the First-street road. He says outside par ities with plenty of money wanted the franchise and were prepared to build the road. SAN JOSE. Aug. 10.— President James W. Rea of the San Jose-Los Gatos Inter urban Electric Railway, was forced ta pay S5C3O for a franchise at the meeting of the City Council this afternoon in or der to secure a city terminal for his road. This is fifty times the usual price of fran chises in San Jose. It is considered a big price, as the franchise only extends three and one-half blocks from Santa Clara street, down Market street to the broad pau=re depot. Rea had submitted the usual Jl<» bid. but when it was opened William M. Beggs, an attorney of this city, raised It the required 10 per cent. , Rea responded with a like bid, and Beggs kept bidding until it reached $49001 Rea then raised it to $5290 and the fran chise went to him. Special Dispatch to The Call. SANTA ROSA. Aug. 1».-Mrs. A. C. Drayeur, wife of the aged wine maker whose mysterious death in Healdsburg-' Saturday is now being investigated by the authorities, to-day confessed to Sheriff Grace that she and her husband had quarreled last Thursday evening and came to blows, and that after he had struck her she finally felled him with a stick cf stovewood. According to her story Drayeur soon regained conscious ness. On Friday he arose from his bed and started to walk across the £oor. when he suddenly fell backward strik ing his head violently against the win dow sill. She elaims that it is from the effects of the latter blow that death re sulted. . An autopsy reveals the fact that death was caused by a fracture of the skull. The woman la being detained by the authorities and in all probability will b« arrested to-morrow. The couple lived at Healdsburg near the cannery and for years have quarreled and drank to ex cess. Gives Fifty Times' the Usual Sum for a Much Needed Right of Way. of Firewood. Admits Striking Him on the Head With a Piece James W. Rea Is Forced to Outbid Attorney Beggs. Death of Her Husband- Being Investigated by' Officers. WIFE MAY FACE MURDER CHARGE PAYS BIG PRICE FOR A FRRNCHISE THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY. AUGUST 11, 1903. 13 ' LOST AXD FOLWD. j t/ alI~LL^ ! !f b T k Wtth the Hlb-mia Savings i -ncer » t n please return to bank. ! U< rf3»^ -*S; i^ Jre a'asioad ring. A suitable j to rterk^rf r^if*". ftnder on <»«»verte» Hire ! *o cicric cf California Hotel. Bu*h st. 1 U ?f£7:l n vac » n t house. 1307 Octavla. box ccn- ! I-fSi?,,^*"* P m * nd other things. Return j 1.03 Hugh et.; liberal reward. I3!&* fc £ ach of keys; near Van Ness ar.d Market. Return SI Van Ness ave. X> iluT L *V h * r P urte « containing money, valu- •Wh?/^ S™^*- R«um to R. A BOOS. L<^ T ~A small open-faced pold watch with j rnonoeraei R h J. Finder leave at 753 1 Market gt. and receive suitable reward. * ><?5 "r — A black covered col'.ectir.c tv>o_ con- tatmeg laundry bills. P.eturn 4T2 O^ary st. IT T wi!1 i p*' p *<> '"Remember" that the California v * atcn Case Co.. 2_0 Sutter st.. needs oUi sTC.d and silver to make new watch cases. MEDICAJL. VALPEAtTS female pill*: best r»-gu'.ating pills •eld; price $2 50 by express. Pasteur's syr- inge and tablets; price f2 50. By express only on receipt of price. OSGOOD BROTH- ERS, wholesale druggists. Seventh and broadway. Oakland. _______________ A— Mrs. Dr. Sweet take* ladles before and dur- ir.g coc&reniest; intant* adopted; $15; S3 rocnis A beard; U3 years' experience. 2S2 7tn. »1RS. DR. WTETH. fpecialist for all female cc_e__nts ; lnst_rt relief guaranteed; 30 years' experience. 72S Post st.. near Jones. CR. O. W. O'DONNELL— All who are sick or in trouble comtuit this epectallst on female «*o— :pl_ints ; positively corrected; the unfor- tunate helped; the mcst <S!fScult case* treat- ed; advice free. Office. 1018 Market st. ilBE. DR. KOHL, reliable specialist for all fe- t-ale trouble* and i -regularities; Instant re- lief ruaranteed. 10C?>>^ Market rt.. opp. 5th. _4RS. D. ALLEN. Ills Market— ReUable ladies' specialist; a private home before and <i_rtng ccn£Lne_>est: b*Ft medical care; low fees. £>— . Goodwin. 733 Turk, nr. Van Ness^ — Expert in obstetrics, female comp. ;23 yrs-expertence. r>R. ana MRS. DAVIES and HINDOO HERBs" ericlr-ai method cf treatment. 1125 Market st. DR. ROSEN, moved to 2393 Folsom st.. cor. I6th; relief 110; ladies' exclusive office. DR. NG TOT KEE, 319 Powell St.. opposit* Union square: all diseases cured by herbs. HIKES AXD aiM.VC. <V VALUABLE PROPERTY. Investigate at; It wtl! pay you; 7H- foot led?*; assay value $4 13 to J« 10; de- velopment new being rapidly pushed forward. WTANDOTTE MINING AXD MILLING CO.. 17 Chronicle bldg.; hour?. 10 to 3 and 7 to 8. MISCELL-XEOl'S— FOB SAJLL- X3OI_ERS. engines. 2rha=d machinery. McIN- TOSH A WOLPMAN. 195-197 Fremont st. A GOOD reason to buy diamonds, watc—es and Jewelry frcm us is that you need cniy pay a email weekly payment en all purchases; ail roo—. del:vere<J en first payment. Call and examine our roods even if you don't care to buy. LICHTENSTEIN BROS.. 25 Stocktoo. DOES TOUR ROOF LEAK? F.epair it with elaterite; in rolls easy ta lay; retds no painting cr coating; goad over old lrcn tin cr, efclng'.es; best for new roofs. ELATERITE ROOFING CO.. 713 Market St. A— *1ae euits. »7 50; dress pants. S2 50. Orlgl- ttal MieSt Clothing Parlors, 23S Kearny St.. rear Bush: cpez to 9 p. ra. Eunday to nocn. A-43 50 DERBT and fedora hats, fl 73. Pcp- el_r Price Hatters. S30 Kearny et.. near Pine; cpen Ul! 3 p m. Sunday to noon. A— EUTS. sells cr rests gear macMnery. «o- r*.ne*. bribers, wtter p!p«. ehaftlng. pulleys, etc. WH1TELAW, 2U-223 Spear st. TRY cur BCB'a shoes st $1 rair; fOOC-CprBI *h'*s et $2 50: we r*y exrr»*s charges. 11 Tt-.rd Ft.. Examiner bid.; catalogue rent free. SECOND mach'y. boUers. engines, pumps. »cod and iron working — achlnery. bought. sold and rented, n. S. WHITE. 130-132 Beale. 'AS er._1ne for sale at a bars^ln: 8 HP. ; firrt-cia*s cne. Apply VON £ERK£T. 618 Clay et., Os-land. r.EMlNOTON tji*writer and c>»k; nearly new; also efftee desk; bargain. 411 Parrott builfiirg. FOR *a:«? — A ticket t<> DenveT: *20; good to October 19. Bex 4664,' Call office. MOVING pictures mag:c lanterns, sale, rental; bargains. Bullard A Breck. 131 Post st. M!LE« cf r:p« and fittings; all sixes. EU- GENE RILET A SONS. 109 Vallejo St. MOVING picture £:_ asd song slides. 109 51-ntccn:eTT et. • SAFES — New and secenc-hand. E. B. BECK A CO. 122 Market st. All bargains ;c£ir.p stools and chairs, hammocks. —•ta! beds, mattresses. J.F. Hotter. 712 Mission. Edison phonographs, records, supplies, moving picture — *cfc:ces. films. Baclg—upt. 033 Mkt. GASOLINE engines, automobiles and launches. tl! i:ict. J. E. DOAK. 48 Fremont at. SAFES— New and seccnd-han_ THE HER- MANN SAFE CO.. 417-423 Sacraaento st, A&K for prices on second-hand typewriters: all -ak«_ ALEXANDER * CO.. 110 Montx y. MXSCELLAXEOL'S WAJtTS. 73LTON wants g3od sec-nd-hand clothing and 'h'-arrlral goodf. 1T4 Oth ft.; tel. Jessie 2S51. BI3.VEV TO LOA.V AAA— JSERMAN MI'RPHy] ~^ 601-C02-O.3 Exiniiner building. &uick s*ttl»nwnts; no disappointment. Sa^e rxjwnses by dealicg directly. Kr-.ates. second mortgages, undi\-idte<l inter- ests, assignments of rents property in trust. •«tc:« legacies. Hit estates' and undivided in- t«T-e f ts in vrcv+rt? purchased. Court«-out treat— <?nt. Strictly confidential. Wh— 1 You Need Money {?ee HERMAN MIT.PHV. HIGHLT re«p*ctzbie private riace to obtain liberal advances on diamonds, jewelry at l<5w<?rt ,1*1^8. BaMwin Jewelry Store ' 646 Market st.; Ul. Main 1644. Branch. 19 fhird. iJUNEY loaned to salaried people, retail mer- chant*, trtmslfrf. boarding-houses, without ra-CJirity; etty payments; largest business in 46 prlacipal cities. Tolman. 5.^; Parrott bldg. A — 1 p**- cert on furniture cr piano ;no removal; no coEmiFslon; no publicity; t^3 up; quick.* quiet, confidential. :<5 Montgomery st.. r. 7. MUNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE. 103 Grant ave.. LOANfc FROM |1 TO SIO.OUO. AT cut tmtea on real estate, furniture or piano; no ccir.mUsion. E. \V. LICK 1C03 Mutual Esv. Bk. bid.. 70S Market; phone Main hlC. S. F. DISCOUNT AGENCT— Loans to salaried people on their note. The TOUSLET CO 143 Phelan bldg. MONET to loan en low inter«-st: gold, silvr. diamonds, pearls and precious stones bought at W. J. HESTHAL'S. 10 Sixth gt. MONEY loaned to salaried employes. G. "W. MILLER, room 74. f.rth floor. Chronicle bldg. ONE per cent on furniture: $5 a month on each >:¦••¦. any security. 3«J2 Montgomery, room l«t. Z"> ON furniture A pianos; $15 up; no removal; V. TREMAIN. room S.1. « Eddy st.. floor 4. ________ — — — , ALL loans en tflans one's and Jewelry 2 per cent mo. 8. F. Collateral Loan Bank. GCS Kearny. STAR Loan Co cf Wyoming loans money to salaried employes. R. 311. Mutual Sav.Ek.bld. . , CASH loaned salaried people on note* without in_ors«r. MORRELL. €09 Examir^r bid. ML 1 SIC AX lASiTIllMEATS. A NEW clano for next to nothing; two car- Icads cf pianos in a railroad wreck; damage to caste only: railroad claim of •'<> per cent allowed aa Xiw. entire amount; thik nako a good $300 piano cost only f ISO and first ci;i- ers mill get Cr*t and beet choice of these in- struments, wtuch are scarcely damaged in any way; this Is an epportunity you cannot aKord to put off. as the best bargains will gt> first; t_«re are stocae pianos badly damag-ed. but these will not be put on sale until they are thorcegfcJy repaired. • ...r.:* rented from $2 up. with privilege ot aiiowins; the rent to apply on purCbae* price; installments, $4 uj>; cash discount on all purcbases If paid for tn two years; great ».arg_ln« !n piano players. HEINE PIANO CO.. -S5-S37 Geary at. Largest wholesale and retail exclusive piano establishment on thg Coat. ASSORTMENT cf some •nprignt barg-ina. S Chlckenng »150. $1W. $233 1 Klmball walnut upright, celluloid keys.SCS 2 Emerson «•** |215 2 t-telnwa/ V^.'« Jlfc5 ' 5^2 4 Heine .$233 to $593 12 square. *l?« tO $ Hi 10 cr__ns $10 to $.3 Rents <2 up. allowed on purchase; Install- ments $4 up; piano players from $«X) up; new from $117 up. HEINE PIANO CO.. 225-237 Geary St.; phene Main 5744. - $63 — LEFT on sale; FlUher upright plana 237 Geary st. - tTEINWAY oprlsht. left by private party. *'•»-"¦: a crest bargain. 237 Geary et. Unredeemed storage pianos and furniture dirt cheap. Whitebead's Storage. 1630 MarVt- BKAUTIFUL 3-pedal Steinwsy upright piano: perfect order; sacrifice. Keeffe*s,285 OTarreu. Famiiy sailing for Australia offers at sacrifice ft-rtd»omc fuiawajr uprig-ht CIS Edcjr. OCEAN TRAVEL. y <i~J ! S. Steamers Ieava> Eas Fra _- /e^^-^DJy dKO u (oUowi: . ...... firi^ - xiffV For KetcMkan. - ¦ Joneau. ft/ Tli3?5$t \"*l S*ay~ay, etc., Alaska. — 11 a. I ! \^2»3L I 1 »¦. August 4, 9. 14. 13. 2*. I \ YWbk*fa/.i 23. Sept. 3. Chasie to ccsa- yj>\ \\ 7,0/ pany's steamers at Seattle. \5*vJ_^6^y For Vlctcria. Vancouver. N^aisAvS^ . Port TGwnaend, Seattle. Ta— coma. Everett. Wbatcom — 11 a. m.. August -4. 9. 14. 19. 24. ». S«pt. X Change at Seattle to this company's steamers for Alaska and G. N. Ry.: at Seattle for Ta- coma to N. P. Ry. : at Vancouver to C P. R7. For Eureka <Humbcldt Bay>— Pcmcna. 1:30 p. m .. August 2. 8. 14. 20, 2«, Sept 1; Corona. 1:30 p. m.. August 3. 11. 17. 23. 29. Sept. 4. For Los Ancdes (via Port Los Anxele* a&4 Redcndo). San Dte_o and Saata Barbara— Santa Rosa. Sundays. 9 a. m. State of California. Thursdays. 9 a. ra. For Lcs Acgelea (via Saa Pedro and East Ean Pedro). Santa Barbara. Saata Crus, Mon- terey, San Simeon, Cayucos, Port Harford (San Lois Oblspo). Veatora and Haeneme, Coos Bay. * a. m .. August 3. 13. 21. 23. Sept. 6. . - -. Kamona. 9 a. m.. Au— 1st 1, 9. IT. 23, SepC 2. For Ensenada. Magdalena Bay. Saa Jose del Cabo. Maxatlaa. Altata, La Pas, Sasta Ro- salia, Guay— as (ilex), 10 a. vs., 7t_ of e&an month. • For further Info— nation obtaia folder. ¦ Right Is reserved to change steamers or sall- ies dates. ¦ - mb TXCJCETT O~~1CXS — 4 New ilontgoa- ery street (Palace Hotel), 10 Market street aa<S Brcadway wharf. Freight office. 10 Market street. C. D. DUNANN Gesera) Passenger Agnrt. Z ... 10 Market St.. Saa Fraaelsco. O. /?. «£ TV, CO. ••Columbia" Mil* Aci. 1. It. St. 31. "O— r» W. Elder" soils July 37. Ac*. 6. *». M. OntT steamship Use to PORTLAND. OR., aad short rail Uae froa Portland t* an points East. Through tickets to all points, all rsJL or steaa- •tip and rail. v *t LOWEST RATES.. Steamer tickets Include berth and meals. Steamer sails foot of Spear st. at 11 a. ex. ~. T. BOOTH. Gen. Agt. Pasa. Depc. 1 Montgomery »t. ; C CLIFFORD. Gen. Agt. Frt. I apt-. S Monty:— - ery at. ' AMERICAN LINE. NEW YOBK-SOUTHAMPTON-LONDOX. St.Loul9.Au?.19. 10am ;Phila...Sept. X tOarn N. York-Aus. 2«. 10 a— .St.Louls.Sept.- »,10 atn ATLANTIC TRANSPORT Uf.E. NEW IORK- LONDON PIREfT. '_-- Min't'ka.Au*. ¦ 22. 3 am'Mtn'bx. .Sept B 4 pm Min'p'tls.Aug.29. 10 am-MesaJbs.Sept. 12.. 9 am Only First Class Passengers Canted. OOMiNION LINE. BOSTOX^UEENSTOWN— LIVERPOOL. Commonwealth. Aug. 27fColumbus(nrw)Sept. .17 New England Sept. 3 Comm .on wealth. Sept. 2* Mayflower Sept. 10' New England. . .Oct. 1 Montreal — I4verj ?ool — Short sea passage Canada .' .Aug. 22;Domiaion .....Sept.* .1 Kensington ..:Av?. 23 Southwark ...Sept. U bo* 100 Maditarranaan »««.: - AZORES— GIBRALTAR— NAPLES— GENOA. Vancouver Sat.. Aug. 29. Oct, . lft. . Xov _t Cambroman Sat. Sect. ' 19 ' .Oct. 31. Decl 12 HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. NEW YOBK T BOTTEKDAM..VIA BOULOGNE. : "•--, SalllEg Wednesday at 10 a. in. Ryndam .... Aug. 19. Rotterdam Sept. 2 Noordam Aug. 28; Potsdam ..... Sept. 9 RED STAR LINE. -' v--r Y*"*W— AVTWF.RP— PARIS. Vaderi'd.Aug. 22,10 am Zeeland. Sept. 5. 10 am Kroonl'd Aug'.29 10 am; Finland. Sept. 12. 10 am WHITE STAR LINE. XEW YOE_-QUEEXSTO~\\-_lYEltrOQL. Sailing Wednesdays and Fridays. L. MaJestlc.Aug 19. noon j Oceanic. Aug. 28. S am Celtic. ..Aug. 21. 4 p— ! Cymric. Au*. _S.0:30am Victorian. Aug. 25,7 am! Teutonic. Sept. 2. noon C. D. TAYLOR. Passenger Agent. Facias Coast. 21 Post st.. San Frs mciaco. TOYO RISEN KAISHA. (ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP CO-> Steamers wlU leare- wharf, corner First andl Brannan streets, at 1 p. to., for TOKOHAM.v tad HONGKONG, calling at Kobe (Hlogo). Nagasaki and Shanghai, and connecting at Hongkon* with steamers for India, etc. Na carco received on board on day of calllns. a _ AMERICA MARU.*. Wednesday. Angtut 29, 19Q3 S S HONGKONG MARU (calling at Ma- nila) Saturday. September 19. 19C3 8 S. NIPPON MARU Thursday, October 13. 1903 Via Honolulu. Round-trip tlcketj at radaced rates. For freight and passage, apply at Co— .- oany's offlee. 421 Market street, corner First. v^ W. H. AVERT. General Aeeat. VVVUUIV47«WVV> oma a,* UH[r _ S S. MARIPOSA. for Tahiti. Aug. 15 11 «. m. c' s ALAMEDA, for Honolulu. Aug. 13, 11 a. 03 «" S SD2RRA. for Honolala, Samoa. Auck- land and Sydney. Tharsday. Aug. 27. 2 p. ra. ULin Eciiis isxiJ.a,i4tj^rx_jtrrc»,!43i__5Si F^tK&kUSIiTkitIL.Pivli.7.PaaSeSL ffamburg-/}merican. FOR PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG. HAMBURG. T-ia-3er«- Ex?— « asd Punn^r Ssrries. P Siirtsmund ..Aug. 13 Patricia Au*. 23 Bluecher Aug. 20 Moltlto .Sept. 3 Pennsylvania ..Aug. 22 Palati* Sept. 3 A Victoria Aug. 27 F. Bismarck. .Sept 10 * H__aC33-AXKKICiS LETS. 37 BTwar. H. T. HERZOO * CO.. 401 California St.. Cea. Agta. C0XPA65IS fixxxuxs nuvsiT-urnaffi DIRECT LINE TO HAVR£-PARI3. _Mt»,_ tailing every Thursday. Instead ot^fjjSg* Saturday, at 10 a. m .. from Pier 42. «i*-K_ja North River, foot of Morton street. Flrst-cUa. to Havre. $70 and upward. Sea- end-class to Havre. (43 and upward. GEN- ERAL AGENCT FOR UNITED STATES ANO CANADA. 32 Broadway (Hudson Building). New Tork. J. F. FUOA21 * CO.. Partflo Coast Arenta. S Montgomery avenue. San Francisco. Tickets sold by all Railroad Ticket Agents. Max* Island and ya_UJo Ht«s_ns— *. hteamer GEN. FR1SBIE or MOXTICELLO-' 9:43 • m-. 3:13 and 9:30 p. m>. exese* Sunday. Eusday 9:43 a. m.. S:3O p. na. Leaves Vsiiejo. 7 a ia.. 12:30 noon. 6 p. m.. ex. Sunday. £un- day. 7 a. m.. 4:13 p. m. Fare. 30 cants. Ttl. Main 1508. Ftar % Ululoa-st. docX. - KAXC-I K&OS. gPECIALlBTg. ' V " CATARRH. DEAFNESS and NOISES In EARS positively cured; new method: 1 week's treat- ment free. Dr. Cottlngham. 204 Sutter st. gTORAGEAXD^WAREHO OSES. A— EMPORIUM Storage & Van Co.; furniture, household goods stored, moved, shipped. 72»- 731 Howard St.. near Third; phone Grant 161. PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage A Moving Co.. of- fice Post and Powell sta.; tel. Priv. Ex. B7L HOUSEHOLD goods and bric-a-brac packed for storage or shipment. Call or address 370 Fell. CONKLIN'S storage — Furniture, and merchan- dise. 333 GoldenGate^v^^^hTOs^EastlM. GOLDEN West Storage; advances made; 840 .- Mission st. ; tel. Howard j>41._ F. W. Zehfnas.. PACIFIC Storage and Furniture Moving Com- pany. 2320 Fillmore st. : phone Jackson 231. BEKINS Van and Storage Co.. 11 Montgomery , St.; tel. Main 1S40. Shipping at cut rates. STUTTERING AXD STAMMERING. MELBOURNE System School. Van Ness and Market; positive cure for all. Don't delay. LEGAL APVERTISE3IE.VTS. NOTICE of Dissolution of Copartnership — The firm heretofore existing under th« name and style ot Golden Gate Dredging and Reclama- tion Company, doing business in the city ar.d ccurty ot San Francisco, " State of Cali- fornia, is thi:,day mutual con- sent, MARSHALL C. HARRIS having pur- cbafed the entire Interest of WILLIS . G. WHITTER in the concern. Dated WILLIS G. WHITTER. July 17. 1903. MARSHALL C. HARRIS. PROPOSALS. ADVERTISEMENT for bids for steam-heating and distributing apparatus for the University of California — Notice to contractors, builders • and material men — Notice Is hereby given by the Regents of the University of California to all concerned that sealed proposals or bids are solicited on three water-tube boilers, each to contain one-half the heating surface required to furnish steam for one engine, as outlined below; one vertical or horizontal cross-compound, non-condensing engine, to be arranged for direct connection to one 200 K. W. alternator, the necessary fsed pumps, feed water heaters, steam separators, traps and fuel oil burning apparatus complete. In- cluding all necessary piping, valves and fittings within the building, and all neces- sary piping between tanks, etc.. the plant to be furnished and installed complete at Berkeley upon foundations furnished by the university. Also steam piping for distribu- tion of steam for heating purposes to the various buildings. Said sealed bids or pro- posals will be received at. room. 16. South Hall.! at the University grounds. - Berkeley, on or before 3 o'clock p. m. ot the 17th day of August. 1903. And notice "Is hereby further given that clans and speclflcations for said construction - have been made 'and adopted and are placed in the engineering offices, room 7. 331 Pine street. San Fran- cisco, where the same may be peen and ex- amined during each day from 8 o'clock a. m. until 4 o'clock V- m. from this date until the 15th day of August. 1903." No bids. or proposals will be considered unless the same are accompanied bv a certified check or a bond of said proposer* equal to te- (10) per cent of hhs proposal, with sufficient sureties, conditioned that if said bid or proposal shall b» accepted the party proposing will duly enter into a proper contract with the said Regents to faithfully perform the duty and Obligations in accordance with said proposal and plans and specifications, which shall be 1 and are hereby required to be a part of such contract. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. This notice Is given pursuant to an act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to create and organize the University of California,' approved March 23, 1S68, and an act. amendatory of section 25 thereof, approved March' 2S, 1972, relating to the construction o; buildngs." approved March 3, 1S97. By order of- the Committee on Grounds and Buildings ot the Board of Regents. W. A. McKOWEN Secretary of the Board of Regents of the University of California. PROPOSALS for Iron Pipe. — No. 3« New ¦ Montgomery Et., San Francisco, California, July 13, lSXO.— Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m.. August 12. 1903. for furnishing about 'J00 . tons cast-iron pipe and 12,000 feet galvanized Iron pipe, with fittings, delivered at ships' tackle in San Francisco. The United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Informa- tion and blank proposals furnished on appli- cation. Envelopes will be Indorsed "Pro- posals for Iron PlDe," and addressed Major C, A. Devol. Quartermaster. U. S. Army. Depot Quartermaster. - ;-*.'•« '. SEALED proposals for furnishing armor for naval vessels will be received at the Navy Department until 12 o'clock noon Thursday, October 1. 160S. when they will be publicly opened. Forms of proposals and all neces- sary Information may be obtained from the Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance, Navy De- i partment. Washington. D. C. CHAS. H. DARLING. Acting Secretary of the Navy. August 3, 1003. '\t MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were Issued : yesterday: - Edward C. Haln. 24. city, and Maud Farmer, 18, city. ¦ Joseph C. Trask, SO, city, and Mattie Jones, 30. city. George S. King. 29, Seattle, and Lena L. Haugen, 29. city. John J. Beusan, 2S. 1061 Mission street, and Mary Stanich. 23. 405 Fifth street. Fred E. Smith. 23. Denver, Colo., and Agnes L. Cornish, 21. Denver. Colo. Thomas E. McGovern. 23. 1057 York street. and Mary Nelson. 21. 3*35 Twenty-fifth street. David E. Richards, 21. 232S Folsom s-.reet, and May L. Skinner, 19. 605 Greenwich street. Carlos J. Briceno, 40. 757 Bush street, and Tlllie Muensate. 21, 757 Bush street. I Rudolf G. Smith. -a*,- 170 Perry street, and Clara Gustafson. 37, 139 Perry street. Albion Desmond, 21, Bakersfield. and Emelie A. Wild. 1J*. city. Terence O'Brien. 20. 2320 Humboldt street, and Nellie Sullivan, 30, Ocean View. Albert Waldstetn. 27. 1013 Hayes street, and Minnie C. Extrom, 26. 33 Turk st. Percy E. Green, 21, C10 Capo street, and Edith M. Parrtsh. 20. Denver. Colo. George F. McGrath. 27. Port Costa, and Emma Estas. 20. Port Costa. Abe Levy. 34. city, and Sydney E. Taylor, : 24. city. Lowell M. Lee. 22. Palace Hotel, and Isa- belle Erhardt. 21, Palace Hotel. Patrick Ferry. 40. SOW Thirteenth street, and Mary A. Harkins, 35. 227 Shipley street. Sebastlen £erff. 25, Santa Roea, and Marie ! Orenberger. 35. Santa Rosa. Jean Lalanne, 43, city, and Terese Sallcn, 43, city. George W. Ryan. 23. 2120 Folsom street, and Daisy M. Born. 20. 2S34 Twenty-second street. William T. Brouseau. 25, Oakland, and Ella Klley. 24, Oakland. Fltzhugh O'Fallon. 23. 114 Ellis street, and Sybil Hoeking, 24, 1*4 Ru«s street. * Burt L. Davis. 21, city, and Camilla C. Lund. 18. city. Charles E. Scott. 21. Belvedere, and Zetta G. AIsip_18. 1135 Oak street. Chee Dan? Sun, 4O. W)7 Jackson street, and Yut Sin*. 22. 716 Jackson street. BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS. Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mail will not be inserted. They must be handed in at either of the publication ofQces and be indorsed with th«r name and residence of per- sons autborlzed^to have the same published. Boiiir. DEVLIN— In ¦ Vallejo, "August 4. 1003. to the wife of Frank R. Devlin, a daughter.. JOHNSON— In this city. July 10, 1003, to the wife of A. O. Johnson, a daughter. McNULTY — In this city. August 9, 1903. to the wire ot George H. McNulty. a daughter. MARQUARD— In this city, August 7, 1903, to the wife ot R. Marquard, a son. JENSEN — WHITE^ — In Oakland. August 7 1003. John VV. Jensen and Camlla D. White! SCHWARZ — HEINE — In this city. August 4 1003. by Rabbi A. B. J. Brown. Charles Schwarz and Rosalia Heine, both of this city SEITZ— TURNER— In ' this . city, August io! 1003. at Simpson Memorial Methodist Epis- copal Church, by the Rev. John Stephens Leonard G. Seitz and Jessie M. Turner both of San Francisco. ZELINSKY— SCHAARY— In Oakland. August 5). UKKJ. by Rabbi A. B. J. Brown of San Francisco, Abraham A. Zellnsky and Esther Schaary, both of San Francisco. . ' „_ __ DIEI) - Bacon. Edwin Henney. James Bunsien. Henry A. Kane. Elizabeth Cathcart. John J. McArdle. Abbie ; Crosby. Brigld McKenna. John Curry. Ellen . - , Murphy. Timothy Ehlert, Jennie ¦ Regan. Annie L. Fegan, John H. Rolin. Bridget Flynn. Jennie Smith, John S. Green. Marvin W. . Smith, Margaret Haslett. Leah - Umhalt, Julius HawB.sley/ James H. BACON— In this city, August 9, 1003, Ed Win. beloved husband of the late Esther A. Bacon and father of Mrs. F. C Immel and Charles R. Bacon, a native of -Massachusetts, aged 7ti years. BUNSEN— In this city. August 10. 1903. Henry A. Bunsen, a native of Ohio, aged 31 years. E~ Remains st. the chapel of Charles H J. Truman & Co.. 1900 Mission street. . be- tween Fifteenth and sixteenth. CATHCART— In this city; August 0,1003, John Joseph Cathcart, ' dearly beloved son of Ellen Cathcart. and brother of. 'Charles, William and Frank, Cathcart. a native of San Fran- cisco, aged 30 -years 0 months and 2t5 days . C7 Friends *ud acquaintances are respect- • fully - Invited : to attend the funeral . to-day. August 11. 190B. at, 11:30 o'clock, from the parlors of the California Undertaking Com- t pany, 406 Powell street, thence to St. Mary's ' Church, corner • of 1 Dupont . and : California streets, where funeral cervices will be held. MCSICAL I.XSTRUMEXTS Con. A FEW good upright pianos from $70 up com- prising Vase, t-terling. Jacobsen. Schnecn- ten, ¦ Sherwood, Weser. Marshall tc Wendell. Halnes. Everett. Knabe and others; easy ravments. BENJ. CURTAZ & :*OX. l^ 20 O'FarreU. No branches in San Francisco. ; UNTIL Aug. 17 we will sell all pianos at spe- cially low prices, then our regular low prices will be resumed: take advantage of these low summer prices. THE ZENO MAUA AIS MUSIC CO.. 7IJ9 Market st. BAND Instruments; F. Besson. Paris, maker. Gus Malwald. Agt. Pac. Coart. 27S OFarrell; Fkilltul repairing: 2d-hand Instruments sola. BUY direct from the factory and save 50 per cent. HORNUNG. 210 McAllister st. ' KOHLER & CHASE. 30 O'Farrell St.; largest and oldest piano house^ 1 EEST renting piano in city for $-1 per month. PIANO CO., 5C0 Hayes st. BARGAIN: good upright; m Ust be sold at once. SCHMITZ «V CO-, l« McAllister st. FOHMER. Byron Mauzy piano*. CecilUn piano player. BYRON MAUZY. 30S-312 Post st. SUPERIOR violins, xithers. old and I new. H. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. FERSOXALS. ' _ • A— FACIAL BLEMISHES REMOVED. • . Wrinkles, yellow and flabby skin, birth-arks, fmallpox ratings and .cars *; w " t i?_*» \\ y *£ moved without cutting, mascage. electricity or nwd.cines: special aew 0 " 5 . 1 ™ 0 ™ 9 £1* Geary Call or write DR. L. WILLIAMS. 371 Oeary. THE Star Hair Remedy restores gray Proves its growth;stops falling ;cures dandruff and itching scalp; no stain or *t^' n « s - oleaas-g scalp^t druggists', h 1 '^ 1^.^. 1 ? '^ _ cept no substitute. Star RemedyCo^MSGcmry . WANTED— 999 men with scalp dlseaw^>: loss of hair and baMness prevented (can treat by mail blank for stamrV. con*u Ita tion 1 Tree, 8_0 to 8. S-KU- 1" to 1^,^ ro < ii- 0 1 ,?5 > rVp A t - GARIXJW. Specialist, room 21S. 99 1 Market. ANNIE HORI. a lady giving _ treatment to la- dies frr rheumatism, has her. of flee at the «»lden Gate House. 526 Kearny sr room 10; she spesks tfree languages— German. Bohe- mlun and English. - TO Whom It May Concern: I hereby give no- tice that frcm and sfter this date I will not be in any way n-s^-JMibl* for any debts contracted by my o^P M «ggjg^- VOT how cheap but h^w good. Is the motto of th- manufacturers of the Rapid Rotary Sfiflard the sewing-machine of to-day. J. W. EVANS, ajent. 1021 Market St. PHYSICIAN. 15 years' experience, cures per- manentlv mvrphine. cocaine habit. Call or address "Central Pharmacy. 2M Grant ave., corner Sutter ft.; fee rr:o«ier»t». DAN'nXG Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday and tJun<lay evenings at Teutonia Hall, Howard »t.. near Ninth; management Prof. Foster. AT l^s than cost, uncalled for suit*, overcoats »'d trousers, at CHARLES LYONS'. London Tailor. 721 Market St. - ' " ELEGANT suit* on easy installments: 50 cents ( . and up r*r week. LEON LEMOS. 1127 Mar- ket St.. betw-en Seventh and Eighth. j THE highest price raid for ladies' or gent*' cast-ofT clothing- and all articles of value at WEINBERGS. 114A Ellis «t. ¦ SUIT? to order on installments. $1 per week. Neuhaus A Co.. merch.tallorg.727-723 Market. ALL styles hairdressing. 25c: hair goods: mani- curlsg 25c. G. LEDERER. 123 Stockton st. TAILOR-MADE suit $7 50; dress pant? $2 50. Misfit Clothing Parlor, cor. Bueh and Dupont. SUPERFLUOUS hair and moles removed by electric needle. Dr. &Mr-.Tra verse. UTOMarket. MASQUERADE rostum»s. play books, wigs. country orders. GOLDSTEIN & CO.. 733 Mkt. AI-FREDUMP Egyptian Henna restores gray hair to its natural color; $1: at all druggists' . Superfluous hair anfl moles removed with elec- tric needle. Mrs. & Mtss Eaton. 111» Sutter. PAPERHA.NGI.VG. PAIHTPTG. ETC. F.OOMS papered. $3 50 up: tinting, painting. Hartmann Paint Co.. 319 3d st. : teL Main 413 REAL. ESTATE— CITY-— FOR SALE. A BARGAIN— $1250; corner lot. 2-story house; let 25x114; 1S4 Clipper st. See owner on premises. BUY A HOME; STOP PAYING RENT. Ixv-V at tho»« five cottages on Prectta avw.. west of York et.; take Folsom-st. carr lot 30x150: prices small; t«nns easy: open from e tt> 7 -30 p. m : Sunday. 3 to 5 p. m.. or address owner. WILLIAM MANN. 40 New Montgomery *t. • JIOOO— 2 new flats. 29th and Mission sts.: will rent for $40 per month. S.15OO — 2 new flats en Army St.. near Mis- sion. Your friends will loan the balance for the rent. D. COFFIN & CO.. 3303 Mission st. FOR sale— House 8 rms.; high basement; sunny side 19th. bet. Valencia A Mission; no reas. cfTer refused. Stephens A Co.. Union-sq.. Mkt. FOIi salt — Neat cottage; mod. imps.: tame aa rent. Apply SE. cor. Alabama & Monte— an. V W CORNER of Folsom and Eighteenth * st*. ; 50x100. Apply at 213S Folsca st. REAL ESTATE — Country — For Sale. ALFALFA '¦'"'», stock ranches, orchards, vineyards: Inspected bargains; monthly cata- logue sent free. C M. WOOSTEE CO.. 648 Market st. ¦ 1 10 nco— 40 ACRES good healthy vineyard near Llvennore. SILAS C. WRIGHT. Llvermore. ItOSS VALLEY REAL ESTATE. $Zl*jO — MODERN hen-.e; S rooms and bath: over half acre of srrounds: shade trees; 30 fruit trees In bearing: large stable and out- houses- located in that particular spot in Res* Valley that is Tree from asthma; 6 min- utes' walk from San Anselmo station. In- qqlre R- R. agent at San Anselmo. I'OIST RICHMOND KEAL ESTATE. WATER front lots and bargains: all tracts; map? phcto*, etc. BELL. 417 Parrott bldg. i ' == KEAL ESTATE TO EXCHA.NGC. P.EAL estate to exchange; free printed list. Pacific Coast Ex. Bureau. SSO Market st. TYPEWRITERS AXD SCFPLIES. g^at~bXrgains in" typewriters— we sell better machines for less money than *ny house in the city; rentals $3. The Typewriter Exchange. £3« California telephone Main 2*6. A FEW good typewriters «t $30 each: get par- ticulars. L. _ M. ALEXANDER. 110 Moai- gcn-.ery st. '_ ¦ 2D-HAND typewriters sold, rented, repaired. ! Webster Typewriter Inspec Co.. 200 Sansoms. BERKELEY ADVERTISEMENTS BERKELEY REAL ESTATE. c«,jyo_j{ouSE cf 6 rooms; lot 45x100; street work complete: house nearly new; cost $_5Ou; will take lot in part payment. $2000 — 6 rooms and bath; lot 6Oxl20; street work done: modern plumbing; 1 block from proposed car line. $400— Lots talf block from Grove-st. Caroline. •3500 7-room house; barn; large lot: on street car line: exceptional easy terms to re- sponsible party. $1630 — 6-rocm house, near ColJeg? ave. ; lot 40x 120. Acreage property adjoining university grounds from $400 to $700 per acre; fine view of San Francisco Bay. CHENEY & BERRY. . ' ' P. O. Block Berkeley. $4000—1507 PRINCE St., near Santa Fe R. R."; Large 8-rooza house; .high basement; t ta- ble ; cow barn; 7 booses for chickens; lot 160x132; street work complete;, call and taspect. ¦ _.'.•.<¦¦?¦; • W. C. MORAN ft CO.. 2131 Scat tuck ave.. Berkeley. FINE new, handsome cottages: up to date; all conveniences; close to cars; large lots; $1550 to $1600; only $200 cash, balance $16 CO per month. W. C MORAN. Lorln station, or .¦¦ - ( C. C. EMSLIE. Ashby station. AN opportunity seldom met with — I' have a new 2-story 7-room house. 4 bedrooms, equipped with all modern conveniences, gas, electric lights, etc.; on an improved street: only 2 blocks from the station, which I will sell to a reliable party on the following terms: $100 cash and the balance In monthly instsUm ents; whole price $3500. JOSEPH J." MASON. Real Estate. Ccr. Shattuck ave. and Center, Berkeley. «550 COR. lot. 40xSO; nr. Berkeley station. J0OO— Cor. lot, 40x100; Grove st. $2*00 — 8-room new house, nr. Adeline sta; $2tOO— «-room new house, nr. Ashby eta. . $5500— 8-room new house. North Berkeley. CO per ' foot — Splendid building lot on im- proved street, near Berkeley station. pro E. E. NEWTON. 21S1 Center. FOR sale — New <5-room, house In Berkeley; one minute walk" all trains and ears: lot 150x39: street work done; price $1730". terms if de- sired. H. D. IRWIN. South Berkeley. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS. ! ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. JCST WHAT YOU^ARE^L^OKJNG^FOR! A PRETTY HOME IN ALAMEDA. Surrounded- by flowers and fruit tree*: near train and schools: only $2S50; lot 75x125. Nice 5-room cottage and bath. ALAMEDA LAND COMPAXY. j Tel Grand 14<U. 1500 Park St., Alameda. $2700— FOR Sale— New house of 6 rooms; choice lot: 1400 cash, balance $35 per month. J. H. YOUNG, builder. 1243 Part St., Alameda. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE, 1118 BROADWAY. OAKLA.VD HEAL ESTATE. $4,250 — Reduced from $6000; owner compelled to leave Oakland on account of a busi- ness change and prefers to make sacrifice and a quick sale; house of S rooms, al- most new ; ¦ the latest style of archi- tecture; finished la first-class, workman- like manner; built for a. home and has every possible advantage; lot 50x116. with driveway, trees, palms, phrubbery and a small summer-house; neighborhood is first-class and near the business center; fSOO cash, balance mortgage. J. S. MYERS or GEORGE K. AUSTIN, ! 1002 Broadway, Oakland. $5,000 — Would cost to duplicate, $6500; new, colonial house in East Oakland: high and Flghtly. with a fine marine view; finished in curly redwood; dining-room 23 ft. j long, with bookcases and china closets built therein; ni<-kel and open plumbing; lot 50x145 (note size); 13 homes surround- ing it within a block, ranging in price from $7000 to $15,000; terms only $500 i cash", balance monthly. J. S. MYERS or GEORGE W. AUSTIN. 1002 Broadway. Oakland. JESSIE JONES TRACT. Lots $50 each, $5 cash. $5 monthly. It is seldom you find such property for the money; lflOxino for $200; our new tract Jessie Jones, and It's a beauty. Com* and see it. $75, $5 cash. $5 monthly: as level as a pancake, and the good Is there. Size 25x100. or any other sire you — ay wish for up to 26 acres. Jessie Jones tract, fronting on High st. boulevard, 90 feet wide, adjoining East Oakland: soil the best: view is grand; no fogs nor raw winds; near car and school: a delightful home site. Call or send for circular. 455 Seventh St.. opp. Broadway station. Oakland. Carriage free. H. Z. JONES, owner. SPECIAL BARGAINS— $3,0G0 only for a fne 7-room house; large lot; al! street work done; easy terms. $1,100 only for a 6-room cottage- in healthiest location, cf East Oakland; easy terms; " • must be sold this week. P. C. LASS EN & CO.. 466 10th st.. Oakland. HOUSE 6 rooms, etc.: modern; 857 37th st., rear Syndicate bank and station; a private loan at your own terms of payment. Address Builrer. 931 60th et., Oakland. Cal. ALEX MUBDOCK. Chronicle bldg.. San Fran- cisco', for Oakland. Berkeley or rural homes. OAKLAND FCRXITCRE FOR SALE. TO^ORROW^the^oay for bareainTTir^urnl- ture. H. Schellhaas. 11th st. cor. store.Oaklnd *1OOM3 FOR Ht>CSEICEEPI?IO. HERBERT (The) — Sunny apartments for housekeeping: gas ranges; Just newly fur- nished. 1S30 Polk st. MISSION, 2024 — 2 cr 3 sunny rooms for house- keeping. OFARRELL, 1516 — Very nicely furnished sun- ny front housekeeping rooms; parlor floor. WEB5TER. 430—2 or 3 large sunny connecting partly furn. basement rooms; cor. flat; yard. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office, 2200 FUlmore st A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1094 Va- Itncla ft. BOOMS for HOUSEKEEPING — Country Hous»keeplng accommodations, short time, on ranch ;2 women or man & wife. Box 3302,Call. ROOMS TO LET — Forn. and I'nfura. AA — City Room Renting Agency. ¦ . ¦ - - 1104 Market St., cor. Turk and Market sts.. Rooms 3 and 4. Phone Jessie 4471. FREE '.-• FREE We locate you free of .charge in Rooms with or without board. Housekeeping Rooms or Hotels. A GENTLEMAN of regular habits can secure a large, sunny and comfortably furnished room, with private family, one block from cable and electric car lines and 5 minutes' walk from park entrance; references. Box 4953, Call. ¦ ¦ ¦ - A— BRUNSWICK House. 14S Sixth— Rooms 25c to $1 per ulght. $1 25 to $5 per week, and light housekeeping rooms; open all night. AT "The Almonte." 873 Market st. (or No. 1 Fifth st.)— Rooms. 25c. 50c. $1. $1 50 night; $1 50 to $10 wrek: house open all night. ANTLERS. 415 Turk St.— Strictly modern; 4-5 room apartments; fur. or unfur. for hskpg. A LARGE furnished room for 1 or 2 gents; bath: running water; references. SS3 Post st. BaRTLETT, 21S. cor. 23d — Sunny furn. rooms; gas, bath, laundry.running water;warm belt. BELVEDERE, 152— Furnished rooms; near the park. BURNETT. 1426 Market — (old No. 13d4)— Fur- nished rooms, suttes. single; also unfurnished. CLIFFORD. 204 Ellis, cor. Mason — Elegantly furnished sunny rooms: prices reasonable. FELL, BOO— To let, furnished front bay-win- dow room; references. - -."• '¦ FIFTH 33 — Sunny bay-window rooms; also single rooms; $1 50. $2 50 to $4 per week. FOLSOM. S75 — One large, eunny front room. FOURTH, 223 — A nice large housekeeping room; also sinjle. GOLDEN GATE ave.. 527— Nice sunny fur- nished room; running water; rent $3. GRAND Southern. 7th and Mission— Rooms &0o to $1 60 night: $2 to (6 week; readinsr-roorn. HOTEL GRAYSTONE... V ee Geary St.: phone Bush SSO. Centrally located fireproof hotel; elegantly furnished suites, with baths md ningles. MISSION. 1607 — Large, sunny front room; gas. bath; reasonable; other eunny room. MISSION. 2901A — 3 front rooms, furnished for housekeeping; also front room for gentleman. MODEL House— Unfurnished front housekeep- j Ing rmt. 1206 Stockton; $5. $12; gas; bath. O'FARRELL, 20— Sunny furnished rooms and offices; elevator: elec. lights: day, week, mo. 1 THE Ferndale. 7 Grant ave. — Nicely furnished rooms for gentlemen; ?2 50; transient. UNITED STATES. 123 Eddy St.. near Market —400 single and family rooms; 35a to $1 night; $1 75 to $6 week; elevator; electrla lights: reading-room; free bus and baggage. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 3d St.. near Market — Mcst convenient and respectable; 700 rooms; Sfic to $1 CO night; $2 to $3 week; elevator; elec. lights; reading-room; free bus; baggage. i . , ¦ CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office, 2200 Fillmore st. ': ___—__—__¦_____——— ______—_««——— —____— ROOMS A.VD BOARD. % AMOY. THE 901 DEVISADERO ST. Strictly first-class family hotel; sunny rooms, suite cr single; billiards; steam beat. OLD Stevenson Mansion, odd. Grace Church, with annex, 807 California st. — Attractive In- terior: exceptional table; free billiard-room. OFFICES ASP STORES TO LET. EMMA SPRECKELS building, 027 Market St.— Office to let: rent $15; light, heat, janitor and telephone. ASHTQN _ GARDINER. ETORE to let with steam connections. ¦ 512 Front «t. - FALAIIST3Y. HUE. DEVAS, scientific palmist and astrolo- Kist. Office, 26 Ltebes bldg., 139 Poet rt; $1 palm reading a specialty; open Tuesday eve. PUVSICIAAS *A5D SURGEONS. DrTc. C O'DONNELL — Office and residence. lfJl »¦» Market St.. bet. Sixth and Seventh. BLOOD, skin and rectal diseases a specialty. DR. BALL. 1073H Market st. • REMOVED— DR. WONG HIM. herb doctor; treats all diseases of the human body; for past four years at 115-117 Mason; now lo- cated at 667 Geary st., near Leavenworth. DR. TONG PO CHT, successor to Dr. LI ' Po Tai, herb doctor; cures all diseases of human by use of herbs and teas. 727 Washington st. WONG WOO. the famous herb doctor— All dis- eases cured by Chinese herbs. 746-8 Clay gt. SPECIAL NOTICES. Ladles! Chlchester's English Pennyroyal Pills are best; safe, reliable; take no other.- Send 4o stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles." in letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Chlchester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa.-; WATER : well* bored through any formation with the C & C. Company's patented power drill. Call or address C Eddy st.. room 50. . Interment Holy , Cross Cemetery by funeral > car from Eighteenth and Guerrero streets. CROSBY— Entered into rest, in this city. Au- gust 9, 15*03, Brigld Crosby, beloved t sister of Patrick . Crosby. Mrs. Margaret^ Fitzge.- ald, • Mrs. Mary GUltgan. Mrs. Kate Mc- Donald and Mrs. Thomas Caulfleld. a na- tive of Ireland, aged €5 years. ¦ CTThe funeral will take place *o-w (Tuesday), at »:30 o'clock, from the parlors of Carew & English. 29 Van Ness avenue, thence to St. Joseph's Church, where a re- quiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul.' commencing at 10 o «oc_- Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. CURRY— In this city. August 8. 1903. Ellen, wife of the late Patrick Curry, and mother -of Kate, Luke and Margaret Curry and Mrs. John L. Mahoney. a native of Ireland, aged 65 years. . CTTlie funeral will take place to-day (Tuesday), at 0 a. m.. ' from her late resU dence." 3182 Twenty-third street, thence • to St. Peter's Church, where a solemn requiem " high mass will be celebrated for the repos* of her soul at 0:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery by electric funeral car from Thirtieth and Guerrero streets. EHLERT— In the City and County, Hospital. August 10, 1903, Jennie Ehlert. & native of Australia, aged 51 years. FEGAN— In this city, August 9, 1903, John H.. beloved husband of Catherine Fegan, father of Jonn and Christopher Fegan. Mrs. J. Fagan. Mrs. F. A. Hornblower and Mrs. W. B. Birdsal I, and brother of Joseph Fegan, a native of Ireland, aged 67 years 1 month . and IS days. . ¦ IE? Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 1:30 o'clock, from his late residence. 2490 Howard street, corner of Twenty-first. Interment Cypress Lawn Ceme- tery by electric car from Eighteenth and Guerrero streets. v " FLYNN— In this city. August 9, 1003, Jennie, beloved wife of William E. Flynn. and mother of John H.. Gertie, Willie, Viola. Charles.- Edward. Robert. Jennie and Alice Flynn and the late May Flynn. a native of San Francisco, aged 42 years 4 months and 3 days.. CTFriende and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Tuesday), at 12:30 o'clock, from the funeraj parlors of James McMenomey & Son. 105» Mission street, opposite new Postofflce. In- terment Holy Cross Cemetery. GREEN— In this city, August 10, 1903, Mar- vin Wheeler Green, beloved husband of El- vira Green, and father of Edwin. Lola, Wheeler and Warren Green, a native of New York, aged 02 years 11 months and 9 days. HASLETT— In this city, August 10. 1903. Leah, beloved daughter of David and Elizabeth j Haslett. and sister of Robert. Nathaniel, j Ruth and Jeannett Haslett. a native of San j Francisco, aged 2 years 2 months and 6 days. HAWKSLEY— In this city. August 10. 190.1. James Horace, beloved son of Charles and Jesste Hawksley. and brother of Alexander j Hawksley. a native of Aurora, 111., aged IS jtears 8 months and 16 days. (Aurora. 111., j papers please copy.) CyFriends are respectfully invited to at- t»nd the: funeral services Wednesday, at 1 o'clock, at his late residence, 353 Alvarado street,- near No». ¦ Interment private. . ¦ HENNEY— In 'this city. August 10. 1903. James, beloved son of. Martin and Catherine j Henney, loving . brother of . Michael. Martin. Thomas and Frank Henney and Mrs. John Walsh, and uncle of Rose and Virginia Walsh, a native of New York. . E7Fri«nd« and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at S:30 o'clock, from his late : residence. 8 Hunt street, off Third, thence to St. Patrick's Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of Mb soul at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross .-Cemetery. - " ¦-- KANE— In this city, August 9. 1903. Elizabeth, beloved daughter of the late Charles and Elizabeth Kane, and sister of Mrs. A. Mc- Devitt and Mrs. C. McDevitt «? San Fran- cisco and Andrew, Catherine and Annie Kane of Philadelphia, a native of Ireland. (C^Frienus and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 8:3O o'clock, from the resi- dence of her sister. Mrs. C. McDevitt. 3743 | Twenty-sixth street, thence to St. Paul's Church, Twenty-ninth and Church streets. where a requiem high mass will be cele- brated for the repose of her soul at 9 a. m. Interment Holy Crocs Cemetery. McARDLE — In Jh!s city. August 9, 1903. Abbie McArdle, a native of Pennsylvania, aged 73 years. • McKENNA— In this city. August 10. 1903. , John, beloved son of John and Catherine Mc- Kenna. and brother of P. J.. Jennie and Mary McKenna and Mrs. J. M. Kerr, a na- tive of Brooklyn. N. Y.. aged 3tt years and 4 months. C~The funeral will take place to-morrow (Wednesday), at 9 o'clock, from the resi- dence of his parents, .717 Webster street, thence to Sacred Heart Church, where a re- quiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul at 9:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. MURPHY— In this city. August 10. 1903. Tim- othy, beloved son of Timothy and Hannah Murphy, brother of Catherine. -John, Hannah. Patrick and the lats t Dennis Murphy, - and nephew of the late Patrick and Michael Des- mond, a native of San Francisco, aged 3 years and 4 months. E~Tb« fuaexal will take' place to-morrow (Wednesday), at 10 o'clock. ' from the parlors of J. C. O'Connor & Co.. 767 Mission street. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. . REGAN— In this city. August 8. 1903. Annie Louise Retan, dearly beloved wtfe of Jere- miah Regan, and beloved mother of Charles and Timothy Regan. Mrs. Edward Man- seau, Mrs. Charles Molloy, Mrs. Gecrsc D-- veg-gio and the late Mrs. Mary Parks and ', Jeremiah Regan Jr.; a native of New Bruns- , wick, aged 62 years 9 months anil 25 days. (Providence. R. L. papers please copy.) • C~f riendi" and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the fnneral to-day (Tuesday), at 0 o'clock, from her late resi- dence. Ill Landers street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth. ¦ Church and Dolores, thence to Mission Dolores Church, where a requiem high rna»s will -be celebrated for the repose of her soul commenoinjr at 9:30 o'clock. In- terment Holy Cross Cemetery by carriages. ROLIN — In Oakland. August 9. 1900.: Bridget, beloved wife of Henry Rolin, and sister, of the late Mrs. Ellen Callashan. a native of County Fermoy, . Ireland." -¦ - Eyrhe funeral will take place to-day (Tuesday), at 9 o'clock, from her late resi- dence 2203 Adeline street, thence to Sacred Heart Church, where- a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at »:3O o'clock. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. Oakland. SMITH— In this city. August 10. 190S, John S.. beloved husband of- Untie .Smith, father of Elverton, Stanley and Annette Smith, broth- ' er of C. J. and J. M. Smith, and son of Mrs. C. H. Spencer, a native of San Francisco, aged 40 years. : ..' ' t~Funeral private. SMITH InWIHlts. Cal.. August S. 1903. Mar- garet beloved wtfe of John Smith, a native of Scotland, aged 52 years. UMHALT— In thU city. August 8, 1903. Julius, beloved husband of Gesine Umhalt. father of Julius, Albert and Alma Umhalt, son of Anna and the late Julius Umhalt. and brother of Mrs. Ann Huntero ann and Charles and Andrew Qualllns. a native of Memphis. Tenn.. aged 41 years 5 mefcths and 13 dajs. (C7"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-day (Tuesday), at 1 o'clock, from his late resi- dence 'i23^ Francisco street, thence to I. O O. F. Hall, corner of Seventh and Mar- ket streets, where services will be held un- der the auspices of Alta Lodge No. 205. I. OOF commencing at 2 o'clock. Inter- ment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. Please omit flowers. _^ IT N E AR ES^Tlj^CJTY__| iFy_l_r~y8^^"^^y_iHr^T*^iQ _T jr» >> J8 f I OFT ICE: 916 MARKET ST. j( F J Monahan. President. MONAHAN & CO., (Inc.) FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBAUfERS. 2339-2341 Mission st. Telephone Mission 31.