Newspaper Page Text
VICTORIA, R. C. Aug. 10.-H. M. S. Amphion left Esquimau to-day, for Portsmouth, England, via the South American coast ports. The steamer Amur, which arrived; to-night from Skagway, had three passengers on board who were from the new gold fields recently discov ered on Arkell ' River. 180 miles from White' Horse. They say 400 claims have been staked; . No one ¦ has reached bed rock.-.The .majority -of the stampedere were like themselves, being forced to come out owing to the fact that they had no provisions or tools. _- Return From New Gold Fields. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 10. —Major Weaver to-day personally interested him self in the Investigation into the cause of the collapse of the promenade at the Philadelphia National League Baseball Park, on Sunday, which caused the death of nino spectators and the serious in jury of nearly 200 others. In compliance with an order from the Mayor, the Bu reau of Building Inspection appointed a special committee of expert builders to examine the broken promenade. Their re port: will be submitted to the Coroner. Robert Cling, died at a hospital to-day from - his injuYies, making " the ninth '. fa tality aa a result of the accident. _ .^ ,. To Find Cause of Collapse. Monday. August 10 . * Br ship Dundonald.. Milne. 142 days from Newcastle, England. . - ¦ \. .. . . mark Kaiulani, Colly, 17 days from Honolulu. Bktn W H Dimond, Hanson. 20 days from Honolulu. , . Schr Wn • Renton. Anderson, 10 days from Whatcom. ' ¦ •¦ OUTSIDE BOUND IN— Au» 10—12 Dm. 6hlP ! F *"' D^MlsTIC PORTS. . PORT TOWNSEND— Passed In Augr 10— Bktn Retriever, hence July 23 for Port Had lock: schr Polaris/hence July IT for Port Gam ble; schr-Ludlow, from San Pedro for Port Arrived Au* HV— Ship Hecla. from Port Had lock. for San Francisco;, bktn Hawaii, from Ch^mainus for. South ;Africn. ¦ . • '• MENDOCINO — Arrived Aug- l>— Stmr Pasa dena,- from San Pedro. ABERDEEN— Sailed Auk 10— ?• — Santa Monica, for San Pedro. . ,.-V ;.•-..; Arrived Aug 10— Stmr San Pedro, hence Aug 6. via Eureka. Late Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVED. BOSTON, Aug. IO.-A man believed to be from Stockton, Cal., was killed on a tram last night, his head having been crushed by a bridge. The body was found on top of a baggage car. In the man's clothing were found time cards made out by the Union Pacific Railway Company payable in Nevada to S. A. Norris and 'a -letter .to Mrs. A. C. Norris, 112 East Main street, Stockton, Cal. Stockton Man Killed by Train. Hooley's meteoric financial career and failure were the sensation of London a few years ago. ,v': s LONDON, Aug. -10.— Application was made to a magistrate in the Marlborough street Police Court to-day for a warrant for. the arrest of Promoter E. T. Hooley on a charge of having fraudulently and by false pretenses obtained signatures to checks and bills of exchange amounting to more than $630,000. The magistrate reserved his decision. On Saturday At torney Finlay Instructed the director of public prosecutions to investigate some of the transactions of Hooley in connec tion with the Sapphire-Corundum mine of Canada. APPLIES FOE WARRANT FOR PROMOTER HOOLEY OAKLAND. Aug. 10.— The following marriage licenses were issued by the County Clerk to-day: Morrison E. Mer lam, 35. Chlco. and Annie L. Maiden. 31. Massachusetts; Joseph B. Batten. 34. San Francisco, and Evangellne L. McLeod, 2D. Alameda; Charles S. Cu3hlng. 33. an»i Anne L. Sessions. 34, both of Oakland; Mathews -Hamilton. 23. and Elizabeth Stokes. 28, both of Salinas. Marriage Licenses. Special Dispatch to The CalL CHICAGO. Aug. 10.— Clinging in her dying hours to the name which she had chosen to save an honorable Southern family from the disgrace of the life Into which she had been led, Mary Lytle. who shot herself on Saturday evening In the Auditorium, gave an ante-mortem state ment to the police this afternoon,' signing to it her adopted name of "Marie Gordon, Montgomery. Ala," The statement Itself is a mere catalogue of the events of her stay in Chicago since her arrival on July 29, which the police and public already knew something about, but In occasional explanatory remarks made to detectives who were standing about her bedside she revealed the tragedy which blighted her life and brought sorrow and disgrace upon the Lytle family of Tennessee, Into which the late ex-President Benjamin Harrison married. A trip through the red light district with her brother, W. R. Lytle,' his shoot ing of a porter and her own attempt at Miiclde form the last chapter of her sad life. In her younger days Mary Lytle was a belle of Murfreesboro. Tenn. Among her admirers was a young man now said to be prominently connected with a South ern railroad. Whether through his Influ ence or not she did not say, but at all events she became involved with a fast set and finally became a social outcast, moving at last to Montgomery, Ala. Despite her downfall, she etill retained her affection for and admiration of the man for the love of whom she sought death in her room at the Auditorium on Saturday evening. Their attachment was the talk of their circle of acquaintances In Montgomery. Then he deserted her and she left Montgomery in the .' latter part of July with the avowed intention of coming to Chicago to find him or to kill herself. MONTGOMERY. Ala., Aug. 10.— Under Instructions from Superintendent of Po lice O'Neill of Chicago. William Lytle, said to be a brother of Mamie Lytle, alias Mamie Gordon.^ was arrested here to-night. The Instructions from Chicago simply stated that Lytle was wanted there on the charge of assault to murder. The young man was arrested at the house formerly occupied by his sister. Lytle 1« wanted by the Chicago police In connection with the shooting of Jacob Smith, a negro porter In a South Side .re eort. Lytle visited the place In company with his sister, and as they were leaving the place he engaged In a quarrel with the negro and, Jt is charged, shot him. India's Crop Prospects Good. LONDON. Aug. 10.— The Viceroy of In dia has telegraphed to the India office that the crop prospects arc good, except in a few districts where the rainfall was scanty and the monsoon late and weak. Many Veterans in Los Angeles LOS ANGELES, Aug. 10— The advance puard of the G. A. R. veterans bound for The Grand Encampment at San Francieeo was conspicuous* in Los Angeles to-day. ThP arrivals up to to-night included Penn sylvania, 253 strong: Illinois. 70; Utah. 40, and Bma.ll scattering delegations from i>t her States. McDowell Post of Phila delphia, with 300 members, will arrive to morrow morning on a special train. Former Southern Belle Shoots Herself in Chicago. The Chief of Police at Vallejo tele phoned to police headquarters early yes terday morning that three suspicious look ing men had left by the steamer Sunol. It was thought they might be three of the prisoners who escaped from Folsom peni tentiary. Detectives Ryan. Taylor and Free! met the vessel on her arrival and saw the three men hiding among the freight parcels. They were taken to the Central police station, where it was dis covered that they were three stevedores who had been In the country on a vaca tion and were "beating" their way home. They were released. They Were Not Folsom Escapes. ST. PAUL. Aug. 10.— Word was received by Union Pacific officials that the missing hurtle In which $7500 had been sewed by Mrs. Lucy Van Cerke of Shawn ee and which ehe supposed she had dropped from .i train while en route to St. Paul, had Urn found. Mrs. Van Cerke In the hurry of leaving her old home had forgotten the valuable article, and returned home just in time to save It from being burned as rubbish by new tenants of her house. §750O Bustle Becovered REVEALS TRAGEDY ON DEATHBED ALAMEDA CITIZENS WHO ARE PREPARING FOR GRAND ARMY DAY. WOODLAND, Aug. 10.— Mrs. John Wil son of 1201 Laguna street. San Francisco, visited Woodland to-day and in company with the Coroner had the remains of the man killed by the officers near Davisvllle exhumed. The body was not that of her oldest son, who escaped from the Stock ton State Hospital about four weeks ago and has not since been seen. Another woman, whose identiy was not disclosed, arrived on the train to-day at noon and also viewed the remains, but stated that the body was not that of the) person of whom she was in search. NOT THE BODY OP WILSON. CHICAGO. Aug. 10.— E. T. Fetch and M. C. Krarup to-day completed a SO0O mile trip from San Francisco to this city in an automobile. They were entertained tqr a unmber of automobile enthusiast* and ¦will stay In Chicago until to-morrow, when they -will continue their journey to New York City. The travelers left San Francisco June -0, arriving at Denver on July 29. Although BMght mishaps befell them on the trip, nothing of a serious nature was encountered. To Chicago by Automobile. GEORGETOWN. Colo., Aug. 10.— Judge Frank Owers to-night issued an injunction against every member of the Citizens' Protective League, restraining them from In any way interfering with the eighteen members . of the Idaho Springs Miners' Union who were driven out of town Just after the blowing up of the compressor of the Sun and Moon mine. Immediately after the issuance of the temporary restraining order, attorneys representing the eighteen miners and the Western Federation of Miners filed crim inal complaints against the members of the Citizens* Protective League of Idaho Springs. Warrants against each of them were Issued and the Sheriff was instructed to start to-morrow and arrest all of them that he could find and send them at once to Georgetown to appear before Judge Owers. Swear Out Warrants for Citizens Who Drove Them From Idaho Springs. EXILED UNION MIirEHS OBTAIN AN INJUNCTION The National Educational- Association not being an institution clothed with leg islative Dowers, it took no official action on any of the questions Involved. Presi dent Wh«eler made' an effort to have the next convention come to Spn Francisco — an effort that is likely to bear fruit. St. Louis is the natural place for the con vention, but as the world's fair will be In progress there next year there will probably not be room to accommodate the delegates. Seattle is also a candidate for the convention. . _, , 4 • MEETS . GBOVEB CLEVELAND. \ During hia journey President Wheeler met former President Cleveland at his home in Princeton. From Mr. Cleveland he gathered that the former President would not be a candidate for re-election, though he expressed satisfaction that the Democracy was returning to its old time conservatism and was likely to again become, a power in politics. Regarding the changes that would oc cur In the faculty of the University of California this year. President Wheeler said there would not be as many new men as last year. For the vacancy in the civil engineering department he said he had secured Professor Charles Der leth of the University of Colorado. The two vacancies in the history department, due to the resignations of Professor K. C. Babcock, who has accepted the presi dency 'of the University of Arizona, and Professor G. T. Lapsley. will remain un filled for the present. Professor Lapsley's place will remain vacant until after the present term, but Professor Babcock's place will be filled In September. k-k-m i I'M-n; ; : i h-m : h-w Yale and Princeton and most of the lancer universities and State universities are satisfied with the four-year course. They are all willing and anxious, however, that Harvard should try the three-year course. It Is recoirnJred that there is too much of nameness In the character of the American colleges. Wo have (tone too far In leveling out the Individuality cf our institutions. We ought to find some uni formity of standard, so that students may h» abl* to movi^from one Institution to another without beinic hampered by a great many petty restrictions In the way of requirements to bo met. When a student comes to us we ask "what has he studied?" but it seems to me it would be far more rational to aek If the etu dent is able to go on with the work he wants to do. President Eliot's theories were not convinc ing enough for the convention anil the general feeling of the representatives of the State uni versities was that the four-year course should prevail. ment that the lengthening of the high school course to four years really shortens the bacca laureate term by one year. His ideal of cul tural studies is, however, not the literary stud ies to much as the scientific studies, and hU culture is not bo much in the humanities as in the control that comeS from scientific culture. It is reported from Sedalia that thirty persons were injured, but that none were killed. The -passenger train was known as the "Katy Flyer No. 6." It was due in Btl Louis at 7:30 o'clock this evening and is a through train from Texas points. It is Impossible to obtain details. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Aup. 11, 3:13 a. m. —A diepatch from Sedalia. Mo., reports the Missouri. Kansas and Texas Flyer No. 6 ditched near Schcll City. PRESIDENT OF UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. WHO HAS RETURNED HOME. NEW YORK,, Aug. 10.— A small army of. dockyard employes . besides her own crew and some of the crew of Shamrock I, swarmed about Shamrock III as she lay in drydock in Erl© basin to-day fcnd began the task of putting: her In trim for the cup races. She will be cleaned, repainted and re-enameled., Captain Wringe does not expect to get her out of drydock before next week. On Wed nesday, the day before the first race with the Reliance, she probably will be, meas ured by the official measurer of the New York Yacht Club to ascertain her facing length and whether cither boat will have to give the other time allowance. Washington Township — C. F. Homer, Dr. James Walrhe. Rev. J. H. McCullough. Haywards — John McCoy, Charles W. Heyer. San Lorenzo — Gove Roberts. Alameda — Joseph Knowland, Major C. L. Tilden. Dr. T. Carpenter. Murray Township— Dr. 8. 'I* Savage, W. A. Wright. T. W. Harris. Transportation committee — Theo. Gler, Ed* win Stearns. I. A. Beretta. Preparing Challenger for Race. Oakland— Mayor Warren Olney, Theo. Gler 3. C. McMullen, John A. Britton, J. D. Henne berry, Charles L. Smith. San Leandro— L. C. Mor«house. J. N. Frank. Berkeley — J. W. Richards, H. B. Griffith, F. W. Richardson. Berkeley — J. W. Richards. Captain J. T. Morrison, Friend W. Richardson, H. B. Griffith. Alameda — Dr. Thomas Carpenter, Colonel R. A. Daeue, Major C. L. Tllden. Joseph Ford erer. Colonel George 8. Babcock. - , • Haywards— Mayor Charles W. Heyer, A. -S. Jones. A. L. Graham, P. Wilbert. John W. McCoy. Livermore^ — G. Kennedy. Dr. 8. L. Savage, "W. H.- Wright. San Leandro — Joseph Barberria, H. F. Eber, S. Huff. Pleuanton — Frank Lewis. FINANCE COMMITTEE. Oakland — Mayor Warren Olney, J. W. Evans. W. S. Palmer. D. Edward Collins. Theo. Gler, J. C. McMullen. John A. Brttton, I. A. Be retta, Charles L. Smith, James I>. Henneberry, H. D. Rowe. J. Tyrrel. J. W. McClymonds.' It is the intention of the committee to have a special boat run from' San. Fran cisco direct to the foot of" Broadway,' where the veterans and their families will be met by the members of the recep tion committee and escorted to the "Wil lows," on the shore of Lake Merritt, where an open air lunch will be served. If the necessary funds are subscribed to cover the expense of the entertain ment, the ladles of the various auxilliax ies of the Grand Army posts in Alameda County will be requested to assist in serving the refreshments, but owing to the uncertainty of the committee as to the programme, no official action 'has as yet been taken In the matter. Arrangements will be made with the Oakland Transit Company whereby every veteran will be presented with a ticket entitling himself and the members of his family to transportation to any of the following Berkeley, Alameda, Haywards,* San Leandro or Fruitvale, over any of the lines of the company. The committee does not intend to have any parade as it would only result in an unnecessary amount of fatigue to the old soldiers, but it may be decided later to have a line of march- from the foot of Broadway to the lake shore. In appointing the citizens' reception committee Mayor Olney endeavored to avoid, as far as possible, the appoint ment of members of the Grand Army, for the reason that he as a member felt that the members of every Grand Army post In Alameda County should consider them selves members of the reception commit tee and U6e every effort to make Alameda County day a success. The finance and executive committees will hold a meeting to-morrow at 4 o'clock and It is likely that the pro gramme for Alameda County day ' will be finally decided upon. Mayor plney, who initiated the plan of. getting the soldier visitors from the East to this side of the bay. has recog nized all sections of Alarneda County In his committees which are as follows: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. penses incurred by the citizens' committee on the Alameda County day reception to the Grand Army of the Re public. -'" - ' .' -, _ ¦'¦ ." ' V J;>^ 5 ** The. total subscription to date'aTriatjftif' to $6J7 SO, .and this added to the approV; priatiori of the "Board of makes a totai'-qf .111*7 SO-'XitceadT'lp^ttitt' hand? of the finance cornmIttee.'* less "than half , enough, however, '¦¦ as "it has been estimated that the expenses' of the reception will amount to about $3000. OAKLAND, Aug. 10.— A resolution wae adopted to-day by the Board of Supervisors, appropriating $»0O to be used In defraying the ex- Fast Express Ditched on the Missouri and Texas Road. The maple rrtom' of- the Palace will con tain a bewildering display of cartoons, ideal heads) landscapes. 'marine views, pictures .of news events, portraits, senti mental studios .in the, first . annual exhi bition of the Newspaper Artists' League. The artists will be represented by their best work, embracing subjects of world-' wide interest and worked;. out in every medium from pen and ink to water colors. •_Thfe--most clever conceits are ¦, the result ; of their -labor, arid the eargernesa to ob tain these studies is largely responsible for tl\e. popularity of these displays. From present, indications this jfirstv exhibition, ¦which wni^epenfoh ¦0ctob6r;S. will be a brilliant success. The patrons at this time Include the .following gentlemen: ' H*nry T.~ Scott", Louis Blocs Jr., J.- A. Kolger, •Edwin Goodall. George P. Cooper. 8. J. Hendy. J. S. Tobln. William' Dingee,. Marcun Gerstle. James Kelly, W, M.< Pierson/ Charles J. Heg karty, Emll • Baaer. >: Judge W. P. L*wlor. James C. McKlnstry, Dr. Washington Dodge, Hon. James D. ; I'helan,' M. S. -Wilson. Alfred J. Smith. William Alvord. Judtre G. H. Ca banlps W. E. -Dean. Judge V. J. Murasky. W. fci. Wood. Kdgar Felxotto. I. W. Hpllman Jr.. A. K. 'Buckingham, Edmund Godrhaux, Wake field Baker. R. V. Watt, Dr. Window AndfT *on, Colon* 1 . A. Andrews. Arnold Detune, ICd ward J. Smith. Hon. Julius Kahn. F. W. Dohr mann. Julius Kruttschnltt. A. H. Vail, Dr. W. F. McNutt. Daniel Bixler, Thomaa Alton. Hen. William H. Beatty. Herman Shainwald. H»nry Payot, J. A. Morrow, JudftP Jam»i< M. Seawell. Horace G. Platt. Judse C. T. Conlan, Peter F. Dunne, William Sproule. Arthur G. Flsk. Frank P. Deerinjt, Ludwlg Hoefler. Alexander Vogelsang, L. F. Byington. Dr. Georjr« K. GoodfeUow. William Rlx. F. .McG. McBean, Frank J. Devlin. Hon. Tirey U Ford. Gavin McXab. J. R. Jlowell, P. Cornwall, George Tyson. Edward Bosqul, Allan Pollock. W. C. Van Fleet. Louis liazet. H. G. Murphy. Homer 8. King. William A. Blssell, Charles A. Mc- Lane. W. W. Foote. J. H. Ames. Irving B. Moulton. G. T. Marsh. James Moffltt. Dr. E. R Bryant, A. Ruef, James W. Reid. Robert Fitzgerald. William Corbtn. Rudolph Herold Jr.. Robert Oxnard, Judge Carroll Cook. George H. Mastick. Edward L. Braytcn. M. J. Bran densteln. Thomas Addlson. W. D. Biles. F. W. Zeile. Percy T* Morgan. Dr. J. Stow Mallard. George H. Shreve. R. H. Countryman, C. C. McDougald,' Alfred Sutro, George W. Spencer, John Breuner, Gustave Gutsch. Harry M. Gold berg. Henry Schuxsler. C. F. Runyon, Henry Ach. Thomas P. Woodward. Milton J. Green. W. E. Dargle, William Babcock. C. M. Bel shaw, H. D. Morton. J. O'B. Gunn. W. G. Stafford. Dr. Paola de Vecchi. Dr. G. J. Buck nail. George W. McNear. John Lloyd, William R_ Daingerfleld. Dr. Owen Buckland John Lackman. William" L. Goodfellow, Colonel George PJnpy, William C. Murdock. George D. Gray. William Cordes. J. F. Maroney. Major General William R. Shafter, Donzel Stoner, David Rich. Frank S. Johnson, R. J. Davis, W. B. Tubbs.^H. T. Lally, Franklin K. Lan? Charles Page. Cutler Bonestell, H. W. Phelps Leon Slow, Henry J. Crocker. C. K. Mulllnc. Andrea Sbarboro, Ed B. Heald. .Alexander Hamilton, W. E. Dennison, Henry Elckhoff M H. Cook. John Bermingham. G. W. Kline*. C* Osgood Hooker. J. C. Campbell. E. Lande. c' H. Llndley. William H. Mills. Thomas Price. Clever Drawings 'arid Caitoons : to Be ' Exhibited in Tttaple Room V at Palace Hotel. , : NEWSPAPER ARTISTS. TO v ' EXHIBIT ' ".THEIR - WORK THIRTY INJURED IN TRAIN WRECK The retiring president. ex-Attorney Gen eral Tirey I... Ford, was given a hearty vote of thanks for his indefatigable la bors in the Interest of the organization. During the reception Miss Watson de lighted the society with an Informal talk entitled "Modern Egypt." There were atso vocal selections in which several Missourians took cart. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted in the choice of the follow ing: Frank H. Short of Fresno, presi dent; Dr. J. B. Hodzen. first vice presi dent; William Lowe, second vice presi dent; R. O. Osborn. third vice president: R. B. McNutt. secretary, and W. A. Ja cobs, treasurer. There wa* a large attendance, and among the distinguished Mlsaourians were Major Salmon, ex-State Treasurer, and E. XV. Stevens, editor of the Colum bia Herald. The Missouri Society of California met last night to commemorate the third an niversary of the organization and the eighty-second anniversary of the admis sion of Missouri into the Jf.'nlon. State Into Union. Observe Eighty-Second Anniversary of Admission of Their Native MISSOURIANS MEET AT INTERESTING EXERCISES TOPEKA, Kans., Aug. 10.— Kansas re ceived heavy rains this morning, with ad ditional showers to-day. The Kansas Riv er has risen .almost four feet since Sun day, and a still greater rise is expected. Driftwood and trees coming down indi cate tha risa above. Packing companies near the river are unloading dirt in the river at their plants to-day and clearing the basement of goods to be ready for an emergency. Most of these companies suffered during the M«v flood. :\:' Advices from over the State say > the streams are generally rising. The Smoky Hill and Blue are especially, high, and will cause the Kansas River to get much higher. The temporary bridges erected after last spring's flood are In danger and It is possible that another bridge "famine will be the result of the present flood. Not much damage has bc.n done to the crops. Corn is in good condition. River Rises Four Feet and Packing Companies Are Preparing for Coming Inundation. HEAVY BAINS THREATEN KANSAS WITH MORE FLOODS SAMENESS IN" COLLEGES. President Eliot of Harvard was strongly op posed to this plan. He ttands for a baccalau reate course of three years/ making the argu- The most Interesting session was that in which the baccalaureate degree was discussed. This Is a question upon which the "University of California . has already taken a decided stand. I was glad to • note that thts general, trend of opinion was directly In line with the solution of the question as practiced here — that is, toward the maintenance of the four-year course, with the distinct demarcation at the ejid of the two college years. By making this sharp division of the college course the two first years are devoted to general culture and the two last years to specialization, these last being also the basis for a professional career. This plan. I believe, corresponds more truly to the actual demands of the facts In American education and offers the genuine American solution. . "That Embassadorship story must have been suggested by my visit to the White House," he said. "There never was any thing of the kind thought of either by the President or myself." "How about President Eliot of Har-_ vard? They say he is going to retire and you will probably take his place?" "Well, that's the first I've heard of it," replied President Wheeler. "The last time I saw President Eliot he was in ro bust health and 1 am sure there's no pros pect of his retirement for a long time." President Wheeler then seemed to think he ought to make one sweeping, unequiv ocal statement as to his position and. after pausing to gather himself together, he proceeded to unburden himself of thu words quoted above. The primary purpose of President Wheeler's Eastern trip was to preside as chairman of the sessions of the Na tional Educational Association at Boston. This is an immense institution, including as It does representatives of every edu cational Institution in the country,' the membership being about 40,000 people. Its progress was watched by educators ev erywhere, as Its conclusions have an im portant part in shaping the conduct of all educational institutions. Speaking of the gathering. President Wheeler said: EMBASSADORSHIP STORY. In (his brief but unmistakable state ment President. Benjamin . iA} Wheeler, just after his return this morninsr from a two months' absence. in. the East, set at rest, for once and: all the' rumors that he •contemplated, retiring * from \ the univer sity to accf'pj'* a diplomatic or some other university position: .V ¦ ~. Rumor' always takes liberties with Presfdent^wheeler when he Is in the East and. during . each of his., three annual absences from the Pacific Coast his name has been coupled with all sorts of absurd possibilities, ' Ills' visit to President .Roosevelt, with.. whom he. spent a night at 'the White HouVe this summer, started the rumor that hf had been offered the post of Embassuojr to Frame, though there was no ¦ vacancy there, or likely to be. A little later hi* visit to Harvard University set a rumor a-going that President Charles W. Eliot contemplated retiring and that President "Wheeler was being sought after by the trustees of the university for the vacancy anticipated. Thess absurd stories followed President "Wheeler all through his. travels this sum mer and he smiled when the representa tives of the press, to whom he gave audi ence this morning, asked him to deny or affirm them. •|—^. ERKELEY, Aug. 10.— "Just say I 1»=4? nm devoting my life to educa- LJ/.tlon in California; and I never will think of any other career." Just before the shooting Folsom-street car number 1005 passed on its way to the ferry. Motorman W. H. Bookman and Conductor I. Watsoti consulted for a mo ment, then ran the .car to the scene of the shooting and" took Sample to the Harbor Hospital. Their presence '.of ,'mlnd en abled the wo'unded man to reach the hos pital and -make' a dying statement.- It is believed he'- will --die #arly to-day r ,. ;¦.•;. Sample's dying statement was taken by Assistant District Attorney Flood. He pai<l .the two men were lighting a third, who was a boilf>r-maker> When he tried to break up the fight h*» was atacked and shot down. Dr. Miller said Sample could not live. The suspects werfi taken to the Harbor station, where Sample great pain, a bullet wound in his brain, his face powder burned. He identified Sullivan as the man who fired the first shot, possibly the second, though of this he was not certain. The prisoners are men of scare 21 year* of age. \ The combatants at once attacked him and Sample fought back with his club. During the struggle two shots were fired and Sample fell to the sidewalk. The dis turbance made a great noise and Patrol men N'obman and t Clark, and Special Bcatty arrested ' Powell and Sullivan as they ran from the scene. ! Robert Sample, a special policeman who lives at 4330 Twenty-third street, was fatally shot at a late !rour last night, and John Henry Powell and Charles Sullivan were arrested for the crime. Sullivan was once arrested for robbery, anu he bears a hard name. . '•» .¦•'¦*¦.' ¦. The shooting occurred ; •- on Folsom street, between First arid Second. There had been a political meettngJn the vicin ity, and after the crowd had dispersed Powell and Sullivan got into a' fight. Martin Kelly, It is, said, told Robert Sample that the men were fighting, whereupon Sample attempted to separate them. .,'¦-. Capitalist Charles R. Lloyd never for gave his son Frederick for the • stand t: . latter took In connection with th« shooting of Lloyd by his nephew, William Boxall, at San Bernardino last January, and In his 'will, which was filed to-day with the County Clerk, the senior Lloyd expressly states that he makes no provision for his son Frederick. The will was dated June 19. 1903. and was mada Just prior to the senior Lloyd's sailing for t! ? Orient. He was under $100,000 bonds to appear at the trial of his nephew on a charge of assault to commit murder. Representatives of Lloyd's estate say he was worth close to Jl.000,000. The will was filed to-day by Attorney Arthur W. Goodfellow, who, with Thomas Addlson. Is named as executor. The entire prop erty is left In trust to them for ten years. One-third of the Income Is to go to the widow of the deceased and the other two thirds Is to be divided among: three of his children. Charles R., Mabel F. and Ethel Mary. At the end of ten years me prop erty is to be divided in the 3am« propor tion. In alluding to his son he says: "For my son, Frederick XV. Lloyd. I ex pressly make no provision." There Is no allusion as to the reason why Frederick is said to have sided with the Boxall forces in the troubles of the capitalist last winter. Certain small legacies are left by Lloyd as follows: To Matilda Buttner of Sunot. $500; to Lcie H. Wilkinson of Los Angeles. $500; to Elizabeth M. Nix. wife of Samuel Nix of Oakland. $3000, and her mother, $1000. Oakland Office San Francisco Call, 111S Broadway. Aug. 10. Early Morning Affray on Fol som Street Will ReVulb' in Death: ; Will Leave His Estate to Hi3 Widow and Three Children. Citizens of Oakland and Other Towns of the County Will Exert Themselves to Make the Visitors Happy, and an Open Air Luncheon Will Be Served on the Shores of Lake Merritt Ruffians Fatally Wound Special Who , Was Quelling Fight. Charles Lloyd Expressly Disinherits One of His Boys. ALAMEDA DAY WILL BE MEMORABLE FOR VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR ROBERT SAMPLE IS SHOT DOWN NEVER FORGIVES SON FREDERICK THE, SAN FBANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1903. President Wheeler Returns From the East, Disposes of Rumor That He Is to Accept Office From Roosevelt and Tells of National Educational Association" Session DENIES HE IS TO ACCEPT FOREIGN DIPLOMATIC OFFICE 9 ADVERTISEMENTS. To restore vigor to the system, promote sound sleep and assist di- gestion' you should take a dose of the Bitters before each meal. It will cure Sick Headache, Ner- vousness, Indigestion, Constipa- tion, Dyspepsia and Kidney Trou- bles. Be sure to try it. DENTAL BRIDGEWORK Made for the Cost of Material at the COLLEGE CLINIC. AH work under the personal supervision of the professor of Crown mnd Bridge work, and Euarar:te»<i 22K told and th« b«t materials. EXTRACTION Free. PAIXLESSMethod,. CLEANING Free. GRADUATES Only. Week Days. 9 to 9 Sundays. 0 to t. POST-OitADUATE DENTAL COLLED* ' Saa Prancitco — 3 Taylor Street. Oakland — 973 Washington 8tr««fc Saa Joie — 45 East Santa Clan Strtft, ADVERTISEMENTS. Long Sick and Nerv- ous Headaches. Dr. Miles* Anti-Pain Pills Cured Me. They Gave Me Instant Relief. The coEmon affliction of all mankind is headache. From it few are entirely free. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills will cure and in most instances prevent headache of any kind or decree. If you cannot enjoy theatre going, car-ridinc, dznrin*. if you are subject to nauaea from nervous excitement, the f atirncs of travel or s-.fht- seeing, Uke an Anti-Pam Pill before an attack comes on »nd you will find that you can successful!/ ward ott all disagreeable symptoms. AnU-Pain Pills are the best of remedies for backache, neuralgia, sciatica and rheumatic pains: .co^ 1 *" 1 no opiates, non-laxative; never sold in bulk. "With the greatest pleasure I recommend Dr. Miles 1 Anti-Pain Pills to everyone who suffers from nervous or «ick headache. All my life long I was troubled with headaches of a very severe natare, and have tried many powders and other remedies without success. By chance I tried Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain PUU and they gave immediate relief. *:nce the first dose have I been troubled with headache. Whenever I feel it cominir on I take one or two Pain Pills and it all disappears."— WH.UAM Brown, Genesee, Idaho. This is to certify th*t I have used Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills for neuralgia and neu- ralgic headache and have found them to give relief— E. D. Weed. "Ex-Mayor and tx- U. S. DiiL Atty.. Helena, Mont. All druggists sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. They are non-laxative: con- tain no opiates, never sold in bulk, 25 doses, secerns. Dr. Miles' Medical Co, Elkhart,Ind.