Newspaper Page Text
"• Cloudy" weather 'prevails over Western Wash ington Southeastern 'California- and Arizona; elsewhere west of the Rocky Mountains It ; Is fair Light rain Is reported from the western portions of Oregon and Washington. : The pressure has fallen over the southern portion of the Pacific Slope and risen over the northern." ' - , ' * ¦•- The temperature has risen over California and Southern .Oregon and remained nearly sta tionary in other districts. Temperatures are slightly above the normal . throughout Calif or- Forecast made at San Francisco for thirty hours, • ending midnight. August 17: Northern California— Fair Monday; continued warm; light northwest wind.^ v". Southern ; California— Fair Monday; continued warm; light weat wind. - - , Nevada — Fair; warmer Monday. . :.;¦:¦ Ban .Francisco -and - vicinity— Fair Monday; continued warm; light northwest wind. . ,- G H WILLSON.' Local. Forecast Official. WEATHER -CONDITIONS AND GENERAL FORECAST. STATIONS. |-- |g '_Jb |§ I" g -:- I : i I T .;¦ P" '. ? . • I ' • Baker ........20.92 S8 60 SW Clear • .00 Carson ......29.90 82 42 W Clear .00 Eureka 30.00 66 64 W Clear .00 Fresno ......29.78 96 56 NW Clear ,. .00 Flagstaff -....'.29.82 84 60 NE Cloudy ".CO Independence .29.80 82 62 S Cloudy .00 Los Angelea..29.74 88 60 W Clear .CO Mt. Tamalpals29.96 78 52 W Cloudy .00 North Head ..29.04 64 56 N Cloudy .05 Phoenix ......29.62 106 84 SB Pt Cldy .00 Pocatello ;....29.82 92 66 SE Clear .00 Portlar.d .....30.00 76 68 NW Clear .00 Red Bluff ....29.86 92 .. SE Clear .00 Roseburg 29.00 80 68 E Rain T. Sacramento ..29.84 88 68 N Clear • .00 Salt Lake . . .29.84 94 68 NW Clear .00 ' San Franclsco.29.93 76 64 W Pt Cldy .00 8 L- Oblspo.. 29. 80 94 60 W Clear .00 San Diego ...29.78 74 62 W Clear .00 Seattle .......30.04 ¦¦ 68 54. W Cloudy T. Spokane ..... 29W ¦ »» 66 W Clear .00 Tatoosh ......30.02 66 62 E Rain .01 Walla Walla. 29. 90 00 62 W : Clear .00 Winneroucca .29.92 86 46 W ' Clear .00 yuma .. ......29.64 112 78^E Cloudy .00 Weather Report. (120th Meridian— Pacific TJme.) ; , SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 16— 5 p. m. M. L. Davis to Kmanuel Velladao and John Oliver, lot on W line of Wood street. 371:9 N of Point Lobos avenue. N 53 by W 100; $ 10. Isabella H. Benson, wife of Francis V., to William Miller, lot on E line of Clayton street. 103 N of Frederick, N 25:9 by E 106: $10. William and Mary J. Miller to Mary W. Weaver, Bame; gift. Gabrielle and G. de Lachasse to John L. and Maria F. Kelly, lot on W line of Cole street 50 S of Frederick, S 25 by W 70; *10. James A. Freeman to Mary A. Freeman", lot on E line of Harrison street. 182 N of Twenty third. N 28 by E 100; gift. Same to name, lot on E line of Harrison street. 234 N of Twenty-third, N 26 by E 110; RoBert Schulz to Robert -Scholx, lot on N line of Twenty-third street, 60 E of Bryant. E 25 by N 90; $10. * ' William C. and Sarah J. Hamerton to Al bert F. and Amelle L. J. Petersen, lot on line of Guerrero street. 141:6 S of Twenty-seventh, S 25. E 70:8. -N 25:4. W 75:2; $10. Estate of James Fltzslmons or Fltzslmmons, by executor to John B. Carson, lot on W line of Diamond street. 60 S of Twenty-first. S 50 by W 115:0; ¥1650. ' . Ellen FItislmmons to same, same: S10. . Albert Meyer to Frederick O. Ilsen, lot N line of I street, 100 W of Nineteenth avenue, W 25 by N 100; $10. Oscar Heyman to Thomas A. Perkins, lot on N line of J street. 82:8 feet W of Forty-sixth avenue. W 50 by N 100; 810. - McCarthy Company to J. Chaban, lot 13, block 2, Lakeview; $10. John F von Herrlich to Thomas Phillips, lot on SW corner Virginia street, 25 NE -of Henrietta, NE 1.38. N 25 A. NW 61:5. SW 25. BE 70, lot 220. Heyman'a subdivision to Cobb tract; '$10. -r^ __. Moses and Sarah R. Samuel to Elseman & Co.. lot on N line of O"Farrell street. 28 W of Laguna, W 20:2 by N 94:4; $10. Charles F. Doe to Charles W. Rosenbaum, lot nn N line of Washington street, 92:6 E of Buchanan. E 45 by. N 1O7:8V4: ?10. ' William A. and Delia F. Nevills to Charles W. Rosenbaum, same; |10. Edwin R. Dlmon,' Eleanor . S. Jarnoe (P 1 mond). Mary G. Tobln (Dlmond) and B. P. Oliver, trustee, to same, same: $10. Catherine Dutton to J. W. Smith, lot on S line of Fell street, 189:6 E of Webster, E 80:6 by S 120; |10. City and County of San Francisco to Mark I. Hart, lot on N line of Pine street, 105 W of Broderick. - W 25 by N 137:6; $ . Mark I. and Phoebe C. Hart to David F. Mc- Graw. same; $2900. BEAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. ST. LOUIS, Aug.' 17.— An e&rthquake shock that lasted for several seconds was distinctly; felt here at 3:53 o'clock this morning. Houses shook and many-per sona* jumped from their beds in fright. ALTON, 111., Aug. 17.— An earthquake shock was felt here at 3:54 o'clock this morning. The majority of the residents of Alton were awakened. The shock broke a quantity of plastering loose in the auditorium of the Methodist Epis copal Church. At East Alton bricks were shaken from several chimneys and glass broken in several windows. The shock lasted nearly ejght seconds. LOUIS THE CENTER OF EARTHQUAKE SHOCK Nearly all the municipalities of the isthmus have already answered favorably the request of the Municipal Council here to send a petition to Congress In favor of the ratification of the canal treaty. PANAMA, Aug. 16.— The following tele gram in favor of tbe Panama canal was sent this morning: >-^-*H* The Vice President of the Republic, Bogota: Numerous munlclpalltlea request Congress to approve the Hay-Herreran treaty, which sig nifies the salvation of the Isthmus*. I am send ing by mall the original petitions. Inform the House of Representatives, the Senate and pub lish. DE*MEL*IO BRID. President of the Municipality of Panama, COLOMBIAN CONGRESS IS ' ASKED TO APPE0VE TBEATY R. I.. Aug. 16.— James H. Ferrill and Fred Le Clalr, the self-confessed assailants of Isaac B. Seeley of New York, the prominent manufacturer, were captured here to-day. They stated that they entered Mr. Seeley*3 office Friday morning on a pre tense of soliciting the^.work of washing his windows, attacked him. beat him Into uncon sciousness and robbed him of about |6O In cash and a sold watch. CHICAGO. Aug. 10. — To-morrow 13 the one hundredth anniversary of the permanent set tlement of Chicago, August 17, 1303. when Lieutenant Swearingen of the United States army landed with a company of troops on the lake front and began the construction of Fort Dearborn. Chicago will celebrate the anniver sary In a small way to-morrow, but tha real Jubilee will take place September 2tf to Octo ber l. ' ¦: ;.. ': WASHINGTON, Aug. 16.-Stephen E. Hall of Aurora. 111., a protege of Senator Albert J. Hopkins, killed himself in his room here to-day. Hall had suffered great pain . from some stomach trouble and had applied at a near-by drugstore for a certain medicine which the druggist was unable to supply. Hall was a clerk In the Department of Commerce and La bor, having been transferred recently from the Census Bureau,' where he- had been employed during the past two years. The only known relative of Hall is M. Downey, manager of the Union Forge Company of Chicago. GOVERNMENT CLERK EHIS HIMSELF IN WASHINGTON THE SAN FB AN CISCO CALL, MONDAY. AUGUST 17, 1903. 11 HUNT — In' this city, August 16, 1003, " Georgo Washington Hunt, a native Of New Yor«t. aged 81 years and 1 day. JOOST— in" this city, August 10, 1000, Anna O.i dearly beloved wife of John Jooat, and devoted Bister cf John. Henry and Herrman Ticncken and Mrs. C Claussen. a native of Kohlen, Germany, aged 3'J years 2 months and 1 vay. |C!7Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Tuetsday), at 1 o'clock, from her late resi- dence,' 105 South Park, between Third and Fourth streets, Bryant and Brannan. Inter- ment Mount OH vot. Cemetery. JUDG1-: — In this city. August 15, 1003. Kate ('*.. beloved daughter of Julia and the late Frank Judee. and dearly beloved sister of May Judge, a native of Virginia City, Nev.. aged 2i years. • C7"The funeral will take place Tuesday, August 18, at 8:30 o'clock, from her late residence, 309 Texns street, between Eight- eenth and Nineteenth, Potrero, thence to St. Terrs*' a Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose ox her soul, commencing at 'J o'clock. Inter- ment Holy» Cross Cemetery. , KELLY— Jn this city, August 15, 190.1, Charles K, Keiry, beloved sen of the late Michael and Catherine Kelly, and loving brother cf Mrs. John peterkln, Mrs. E. Rellly, Mrs. Thomas Reilly and John. Henry, Cornelius, Daniel and Jeremiah Kelly and the late Mrs. Thomas Duignan, a" native of San Fran- cisco. A memter of Aerie No. 5. F. O. V E. C?"Fr!em!» and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 242 Clara ctreet, thence to St. Pat- rick's Church, where a requiem high masa will be celebrated for the repose of bis soul at 0 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Ceme- tery. - KUKULJICA— In this city, August 16, 1903, Carolina, dearly beloved wife of Petar Ku- kuljlca, a native of Austria, aged 40 years nnd 3 months. LENNON— In this city, August 14. 1903, James H., beloved husband of the late Annie F. Lennon, father of John H.. David J. and Frank W. Lennon, Mrs. M. Shea and Mrs. F. Laponta, and brother of Bernards Lennon, a native of Philadelphia, Pa., aged 63 years 1 month and 10 days.' -\ (EVFrienda and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to*day (Monday), at 10:30 o'clock, from the parlors of the United Undertakers, 866 Mission street, between Fourth and Fifth, thence to St Brendan's Church for services at 11 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. LONG — In this city. August 16, 1003, Emma T., beloved-wife of Harvey Long, a native of New Brunswick, aged 15 years. LOWNEY— In this city, August 10, 1903. Jer<- mtah. beloved husband of Alice E. Lowney, loving father of Daniel D., T. J., J. E. and Sadie V. Lowney. Mrs. J. Schallch and Mrs. E. Riordan. and brother of T. J. Lowney Still Sirs. J. Leary,of Fall River. Mass., a native of Ireland, aged 70 years. BCTFrlcnaa and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Tuesday), at 0:30 o'clock, from his late reel* dence, 70C San Jose avenue, thence to St' Paul's Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul at 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Com«- tery. ' ' "' ->>V:—" : MILLKK— In Colma. August 16. 1003. Charles Wesley, beloved and. only son of Isaac and Margaret Miller, a native of San Francisco, aged 4 months. MOFFAT— In Valenzuela^ Mine Slnaloa, Mex- ico (suddenly), John^R. Moffat. dearly be- loved husband of Charlotte L. Moffat, -de- voted father of James R., R.j Lillian J. and Margueritte L. Moffat. and brother * of Robert and William Moffat. Mrs. M. Johnson and Mrs. M. Nllson. a native of Melbourne, Australia, aged 42 years and 10 months. MULCAHEY— In this city. August 15, 1903. Catherine M. Mulcahey. elster of R. * p Qulnn of Watsonvllle and J.-m.'- Qulnn, a na- tive of Virginia City. Nev.. aged 33 years and 17 days. y " > ¦ [r_rThe funeral , will take place to-day (Monday), at 8 :45 o'tek^rom the parlors of.J. C. O'Connor &^Co.. 767 Mission atreet. , thence to St; Patrick's _ Church, where a re- quiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul at 0 o clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, j NEE— in this city. Augustus, 1903, John, be- loved huFbnnd. of Mary Nee, and father o£ Thomaa Nee. a native of the parish of R U8 h- muck.^County Ualway. - Ireland, aged "7 years. A member • of -¦ Riggers' and Steve- dores' Union Association. Local 222, L L. M. and T. A. , . CTFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Tuesday), at 10:30 c clock, from the parlors of J.C. O'Connor & Co.. 767 Mission street* thence to St. Jost-ph s - Church for services commencing at * 11 o ciock. ,- Interment Holy Cross Cen>etery. OFFERMANN— In thla city, August 0, 1003 George D.. beloved son of Henry and Kath- arine Offemann ¦ of Germany, and brother of Mrs. Loui* rfchlohandJ.. William, August H -and Frtd Ortermann.- a native of Obern- dorf, Germany, aged 44 yeara and 0 months ICT Services will be held to-day (Mondavi at 2 o'clock. 1 at the parlors of H. F. Suhr & Co., 1137 Missicn street, between Seventh and Eighth. Interment private. Please omit ¦ >: flowers...-. • . ¦ "- -' . ¦"¦ ' ¦ : „> ¦¦ ¦ ¦ .. PUCKHABER— In this city/August 15, 1903,. BAH.WAY TBAVEIu California limited... To CHICAGO f^^^^^lpi For Those Who SANTA FE TBAINS. Leave Market-street Ferry Depot. Local Llm'd Local |Ov*rl"d Daily Dally Dally Dally Lv. San Fran.... 7:30a 9:30a 4:00p 8:00 p Ar. Stockton 10;40 a 10:01 p 7:10p 11:15 p "Merced 1 :08 p 1 :55 p 1;2§ a "Fresno 2:4Op 3:20p 3:1a a "Hanford 4:5Sp 4:07 p 7: 5£ a "Vlsalla 4:55p 4:4Sp 3:00* "Bakersfleld .. 7:15p 6:00p 7: 25 a " Kansas City 2:35a I :0Oa "Chicago 2:15p 8:47o a for morning; p for afternoon, 7:30 a. m. Dally is Bakersfleld Local, stop- ping at all points In San Joaqutn Valley. Cor- responding train arrives at 8:55 a. m. dally. 0:30 a. m. Monday and Thursday loathe CALIFORNIA liIMITED, carrying- Pal- ace Sleeping 1 Cars and Dining Cars I through to Chicago. Chair car runs to Bakers- fleld for accommodation of local first-class pas- sengers. No second-class tickets are honored on this train. Corresponding train arrives at 11 :10 p. m. Tuesday and Friday. 9:30 a. m. Daily,~ Valley Limited. Composite Car and Reclining Chair Car between Bakers- fleld and San Francisco. Corresponding train arrives at 11:10 p. m/dally. 4:00 p. m. la Stockton Local. Corresponding train arrtvea at 11:10 a. m. dally. 8:00 p. m. Dally is the Overland Express with through Palace and Tourist Sleepers and Free Recllnlrwr Chair Cars to Chicago; alao Palace Sleeper, which cuts out at Freeno. Cor- responding train arrives at 6:25 p. m. dally. Personally conducted parties for Kansas City. Chicago and East leave San Francisco every Monday. Thursday and Saturday at S p. m. Offices— 641 Market street and In Ferry De- pot. San Francisco: 1112 Broadway, Oakland. CALIFORNIA NORTHWESTERN Ml. CO. LESSEE SAN FRANCISCO AND NORTH PACIFI3 RAILWAY COMPAinr. Tiburon Ferry, Foot oZ ¦ uarket St. . SAX PKAUCISCO TO SAX7 BA7A2O. WEEK DAYS — 7:30. 8:00. »:00. ll:0O a. m. ; 12:35. 2:30. 3:40. 5:10. 5:50. 0:30 and 11:30 p. m. ¦ - Saturdays — Extra, trip at 1:30 p. m. SUNDAYS— 7:30. 8:00. 9:30, 11:00 a. m.; 1:30. 2:30. 3:40. 6:10, 6:30. 11:30 p. m. SAW BATAEL TO SAN PBAITCZSCO. WEEK DAYS— 6:05. 6:50. 7:35. 7:50. 8:20. 11:15 a. m.: 12:50. »2:0O, 3:40. 6:00. 5:20. 6.25 p. rn. ; \ Saturdays — Extra trip at 1:45 p. m. SUNDAYS— «:5O. 7:35. 9:20. 11:15 a. m,: 1:43, 8:40. 4:50. 5:00. 5:20. 0:10. «:25 p. m. •Except Saturdays. ' ' Leave J In Effect 1 Arrive San Francisco. I May 3, 1903. |San Francisco. ; Week I Sun- I Destlna- I Sun- I Week ! Days. I days. | tlon. | days. [ Days. ; 7:30 a 7:45 a 7:45 a 7:30 a 8:00 a S:4Oa 8:40a 8:00 a 9:30 a Ignado. 10:20 a 10:20 a 2:30 p 2:30 p - 6:00 p 6:20 p *6:10p 6:10 p, 6:20 p 7:25 p ,-. . 7:25p 7:30 al 7:30 a 7:45 a 7:43 a 8:00a! 8:00a Novato, 10:20 a 10:20 a 2:.10p 9:30 a Petaluma, 6:20 p 6:20 p 6:10 p 2:30 p and 7:25 p 7:25 p 6:10 p Santa Rosa. 7:30a 7:30 a S 10:20a 10:20a 8:C0a 8:0oa Fulton. 7:23p 6:2Op 2:30 p 2:30 p ' 7:25 p Windsor. 7:30 a 7:30 a Healdsburg. 10:20 a 10:20 a Lytton. 2:30 p 2:30 p Geyservllle. 7:25 p 7:25 p Cloverdale. :.¦' ~ 7:30 at 7:30 al Hopland 110:20 a|10:20 a 2:3') p[ 11:30 p| and Uklab, | 7:25 pj 7 23 p 7:30al 7:30a| Willlta. |7:ljp|7:2&p 8:00 al 8:00 al Camp Vacation. 110:20 a|10:20 a 2:30p!2:3Opl Guernevllle. ( 7:25 pf <S:20 p 8:00 al 8:00 al Sonoma, I 8:40 al 8:40 a 6:10 p( 5:10 p| Glen Ellen. |C:00p|6:20p 7:30a| 7:30 a! 110:20 a|10:20 a p| 2:30 p) Sebastopol. |7:2Sp|6:20p STAGES cennect at Green Brae for San Quentln; at Santa Rosa for White Sulphur Springs: at -FL-ltcn tor Altrurla and Mark Weat Springs; at Lytton for Lytton Springs; at Geyservllle for Skaggs Springs; at Clover- dale for the Geysers, Booneville and Green- wood; at Hopland for Duncan Springs, High- land Springs, Kelseyville, Carlsbad Springs. Soda Bay, Lakeport and Bartlett Springs; at Ukiah for Vichy Springs, Saratoga Springs, Blue Lakes. Laurel Dell Lake. Witter Springs, Upper Lake. Pomo, Potter. Valley. John Day's. Riverside, Llerly'a, Bucknell's. Sanhedrtn Heights, Hullvllle. Orr'a Hot Springs. Half- way House, Comptche, Camp Stevens, Hop- kins, Mendodno City. Fort Bragg. -tVestpcrt. Usal: at Wlllits for Fort Bragg. Westport. Sherwood. Cahto, Covello. Laytonville. Cum- mings. Bell's Springs. Harris. Olsen'a Dyer. Garberville. Pepperwood. Scotia and Eureka. Saturday to Monday round- trip tickets at reduced rates. • . On Sunday — Round-trip tickets to all points beyond San Rafael at half-rates. Ticket office, 650 Market street. Chronicle bulldlng.- H. C. WHITTNG. R. X. RYAN, Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass Agt. hto san rafael, san quentin, mill Valley, cazadero, etc. via Sausalito Ferry WEEK DAYS-(Holluays excepted>-«:4a. t»7-45 8:45. U:45. 11 a. m.. 12:20. »1:45, d:LV 1:15. t5:15. •6:15. 6:45. ». 11:45 p. m. 7:45* a. m. train week days does not run to AND LEGAL HOLIDAYS— 7. t8. r»- t'10. 11. tn:30 a, m.. tl2:30 t1:3u. 2-35 »3-50 5 6. 7:30. 8. 11:45 p. ra. • 'Trains marked (•) run to San Quentln. Those marked (t) to Fairfax, except 6:15 p. m. Sat- days. On Saturdays tha 3:15 p. m. train run* tO FROM*a IAN RAFAEL TO SAN FRANCISCO — Week uaya-fi:25. J6:25. 7:40. 8:16, V*:^ 11:05 a. m.. 12:S0. 2:20. J3:45. 4:50, 5:^0. 6:45. 1 °SU ) NDAYS— 6:15, 7:35. J8:10. 9:40. ' J10:5ft, 111:45 a m.. 12:50. 2:30. J3:25. 4:40. t5.&o; 6:55 7:35. 10:20 p. m. ¦ Trains marked <t) start from 8an Quentln. ! FROM MILL VALLEY TO SAN FRAN- CISCO— Weelt days — 6:45. 6:40, 7:45. 8:25, 0:45. 11:10 a: m.. 12:40. 2:45. 4:15. 5:10. 7:05. 10:40 p in." SUNDAYS— «:33. 7:55. 10. 11:10 a. m.. 12:03 1:06 2:40. 3:45. 4:55. 6:05. 7:10. 10:40 pr nx! . :*' THROUGH ..TRAINS. 7 : 45 a. m.. week daya — Cazadero and way atatlona. . ¦- \ ¦'.' :. 5:15 p. m., week days (Saturdays excepted)— Tomales and way stations. . 8:15 P. m.. Saturdays — Caiadero and way ¦tattona.; ._ ... * .' . Sunday* and Legal Holidays— 3 a. m.. Caza- dero and way stations, Sundays and Legal Holidays — 10 a. m.. Point Reyes and way stations. TICKET OFFICE— €26 Market at. FERBT— Foot ot Market at. ¦ #M^ loans on diamonds and Jewelry 2 per cent Tr.o. S. F Collateral Loan Baak. 53S Kearny. .-TAR Lotn Co. of Wyoming loans money to >alarl«d employ et. K. 311. Mutual Sav.Bk bid. CASH leaned ealatied people en note* without !r.gor»«T. MORttELL. 60a Examiner bid. MlMCAiu IXSTRVMEXTS. I.S.OKQ OUR BARGAINS AJ:E: S Ct-.tckerinps ...: $150 fiS5 $233 1 Filther; upright .• '...$63 J Jfcw<»u; mahogany; new ,$1SJ 1 SchaSer; mahocany; new 1 .51*5 J i;raer?.cn $1S5. $214 Z;Ptein«ray >is p « $J1j '•i Heine J_J5 to $>t'5 -5 euuares fii to $170 7 organs $10 to $T5 Item* $2 up allowed on purchase; instail- metts $4 up: runo pla:. tra from $9'^ up: new pianos from $117 up HKiXE PIANO CO., ri5-237 Geary st.. «{c.iu tor the Oab- ler. Krell. Steeer. etc. A~ SMALL walnut Emerson upright, absolutely like new. $1:53. U;i7 Gear>- st. M'KINWAY uprlCht. '.C.l by private party. HUi; a great barealn___i|£J_G^ry_jit ;: ______ A 1T.W i^d upright pianos from $70 up com- prising Vi-s«. Btertfas. Jaccbsen. brhnech- t*n. Sherwood. \\>s<-r. Marshall & \\endell. liatnes. Everett. Knube and cthrrs: easy ravm.nta. HENJ. CUBTAZ A hON. lb-20 O'Farrei;. No branches in San Francisco. KAVMKISTER etar.<3s fcr u.M that is gwd In plfcnu manufacture; a:s>> you «-*n buy ft .nr a reasonable amount of money. THL. .(SL..NO KAfVAlS Ml'SIC CO.. 7t£» Market St. All I'.inr* on tapy lavmratl. GAR VISITORS — Krfe Cecilian IMano PUrer concert.* daily *>t BTBON MAUZrs. Ail are welcome. «'^ Post i-t.^ U*XD Ir.ttrumept*; F. lieston. J^aris. msker. Ouo Maiwaid. Act. Pac. Ccast. O'Farrell; ckilliul repairing: instruments sold. Till; bi K jlaTio sale at CVl'.OX MAUZVP Is a prand ihaare to i.ufrhase * piano cheap. .ins port *t. . . L'NFORSEEX circumstance* cause Bacrlflce of f.rst-C!aKs j-pefial upright piano. 258 Golden Gate ave. I3AHGALN — St*nrtard make upright;- pood con- dition. SCHMITZ. & CO.. 26 McAllister at. Vnredeenied Btcrace pianos und furniture dirt cheap, yrhitrhead'e ttrrage. 1CS6 Market. A GRAND rti5h at HYUOX MAITZY'S We of»; uprights. $r>0 up; b<;uarcs. up. ;;os Post tt. BEAVTUTL 3-re<2»l Etelnwtiy upright piano: perfect order; sacrifice. Kee!Te'B,_*5 O'Farrell. Bl'Y Cl~ect from tne factory ar.d save &0 per c<r.t. HORM'XU. 210 McAllister si. CALL fit UVRON MAUZY'P Piano House ani prt oiices on pianos which will please you. ;;< •*• Pwt st. KOHLtP. * CHASE. SO OTarrell St.; largest and oldest piano house. . liEt-'T renting jMano In city for $3 per month. SCOTT-CL'RTAZ PIANO CO.. 5<« Hayes st. hOHMFR, Byron Mauiy piar.os. Cecllian piano player. BYRON MAl'ZV. .".QS-312 Post tt. Fl'PnRI^R vicOinp. lithers. eld and new. H. MI'LI.rR. rr.sker. nrairfr. 2 I-.«th«m pine*- REAL ESTATE: CITY FOR SALK. BARGAINS?'™ ' $2300 — Cottage. 4 rooms and bath, etc.; brick foundation; in fine repair; lovely home; lot 23x114; tunny ride. $1300— Cottage, 4 rooms; lot 23x80; Folsom St.; Vs block from cars; street work all done. $3400 — I'-story. 7 rooms; modern; lot 20x125; fine neighborhood; between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-elxlh sts.. Fair Oaks. $1100— Lot 25x125: Fair Oaks St.. between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth; eunny side; fine neighborhood. $l»C.o— Lot 25x78:«; San Jose ave.. between Twenty-fifth and Army ets. ; bltuminlzed. and sidewalk. $55O— 2 Jots 2Cxll4: Duncan st. J. F. PLUMBE. 1402 Valencia st. NEW WAREHOUSE TO LEASE. SPEAR ST.. NEAR HOWARD. 3000 SQUARE FEET. THOMAS MAGEE & SONS. 5 MONTGOMERY ST. BETTER THAN ANY BANK. • $1000 down and ?S0 per month for new nata near Twenty-Viinth and Mission street*. $300 down and $20 per month will buy you cottage. 5 rooms and bath: up to date. P. COFFIN & CO.. 3303 Mission street. FOR sale— House S< rms. ; high basement; sunny elde 13th. bet. Valencia and Mission; no. reaa. offer refused. Stephens & Co.. Union-sq. MKt. WANTED— An ofier on a house of 8 rooms and bath: lot 25x120. Call at S\S . cor. Sixth and Mission sts.. Lemferjjros.' cigar store. FOR sale— J-"!000; modern fl-room house in best portion of MiHPicn. 500 Hill «t.. near Castro. nS0b—2 LOTS: 50x125; 2 frontages :_ 17th Bt: e*e. for Income city property. Box o3d.. can. 2 NEW flats 5 and 9 rooms; a good buy. Beaver st.. 'between Noe and Castro. INVESTMENTS— $1400 up, paying 10 to 15 per "cent. THORNE & CO.. 207 Montgomery st. HOUSES fron~!f2000 to~$40.000'; also other prop- crty of all kinds. MOSSMAN. 850 Market. A WEEK'S news for 6 cents— The Weekly Call. ]6 paeef. in wrapper, for mailing. $1 per year. REAL ESTATE — Counlry— For SitAe - FOK SALe! . ,_ Orchard and poultry farm; 49 acres; Sonoma County; 40 miles frcm San Francisco. : . " 2000 full-bearlr.s fruit trees; this yeafs crop approximately 20.500 lbs cherries, 4000 lbs Crawford peaches. tiOOO lbs Bartlett pears, 6000 lbe plums. 4000 boxes apples. 3 acres asparagus. 1300 hens. 7 pens fancy fowls, horses. Jersey cows and heifers. Large barn, fruit .housea, chicken -house.*, brooders. Incubators, wagons, harness, farming and orchard cutfit complete and modern. Dwelling house 11 rooms; fine shade grove*. lawns and garden: abundant water. This year's net Income $4000; distant resi- dence of owner compels sale. L. E. THOMPSON. 452 Parrott Bldg., S. F. FOR SALE— TOKAY GRAPE LAND. This flaming Tokay grape land can be pur- chased in 10-acrc tracts, in Whitaker A Ray Colonv. Calt.. Sacramento Co.. Cal.. $400 a tract." H down: the Tokay grape ripens In thla OFFICES AXU STORES TO LET. EMMA SPPXCKELf building, 027 Market et.— O'fic* to !*>t; rer.t J15; li?ht. heat. Janitor and te>rhcne. ASHTON A- GARI'INER. PERSOXALS. A GRAPKOPHONE free with two dozen rec- crcs. Make your friends a present. Talking machine* and records or all makes ex- changed. We are manufacturing- headquar- ter* and ouf tuarar.tee mear.s something. eOLVMBIA PHOKOGBAPH CO.. 125 G^ary t>t.. £ F-. and 4<;8 Thirteenth St., Oakland. A — FACIAL BLEMISHES REMOVED. Wrinkles, yellow and pabby Kkir.. birthmarka, ¦ F.raa!!pcx ana tears scientifically re- aoved without cutting, massage, electricity or medicines: special demonstrations this week. Call or write. I»R. L. WILLIAMS. 371 Geary. locality 4 weeks earlier than In any other part of the State. Grapes from this locality can be eeen In the windows at <US Market st.. 11 Mont- gomery et. and at the Sacramento County ex'. hibit. ferry building. CJl'IGGLE. 11 Montgomery St.. care Wood- ward & Co., hours 9 to 10 a. m. and 12 to 1 and 4 to 5 p. m.. or address box IS. Gait. Sacra- menu County. Cal. . $2000 — 6 ACRES line valley land; elegant chicken ranch and finest roadside house lo- cation in Sonoma County; at forks of main county road; 5-room cottage; house fine or- der; barn; 2 chickeh-housee; well, windmill; 2 acres orchard; 8 miles north of Santa Rosa. Particulars. PETERS & BAINES. 116 Mont- gomery st. ¦ FOR pale — 20 acres. 3 miles from town and railroad station; 12 acres bearing vineyard. 5 acres bench-grafted resistant vines; house, barn and well; income last year $1400; a Kood crop; 1 horse and all tools go; price ! $4S50 Box 111. Sebastopol. Cal. '¦ ALFALFA lands, stock ranches, orchards, i vineyards: Inspected bargalne: monthly cata- Icerue sent tr*e. C. M. WOOSTER CO.. ft4S Market st. THE best stock, dairy, fruit and grain ranches in State. MOSSMAN. S50 Market st. $10.000 — 40 ACRES rood healthy vineyard near Hrermcr*. SILAS C. WRIGHT. Llvermore. A "WEEK'S news for 3 cents — The Weekly Call. IS paees. In wrappr. for mailing. $1 per year HOJ5S VALLEV IlEAL. ESTATE. j $5000 — MODERN Jiome; 8 rooms and bath; k over half acre of erounds ; shade trees; 30 fruit trees in bearing: large stable and out- houses: located In that particular spot la Rrsa Valley that In free from asthma: « min- utes' walk from San Anseimo station. In- quire R. R. a«rent at Pan Anselmo. POIXT RICIIMOXD REAL. ESTATE. WATt^R front lots -and bargains; all" tracts; mafr. photo*, etc. HELL. 417 Parrott bldtf. REAL, KSTAT13 TO EXCHANGE. CALIFORNIA • ranches to exchange for East- ern property ; free printed list. MOSSMAN, fcSQ S^rKet. st. REAL estate 'to exchange; free printed Hit. Pacific Coast Ex. Bureau, 850 Market st. . REAL . ESTATE WASTED. WANTED — To lease (furnished) a good paying etock and grain ranch for a term of years, with the privilege-of buying. Box 1038, Call. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS. ' ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. wH^ME^COMRADEs! DON'T FAIL TO VISIT ALAMEDA; THE PRETTIEST AND HEALTHIEST CITY IN THE COUNTRY. A VERITABLE CITY OF HOMES. $1300— Fine 6-room cottage; can sell thla on cae y terms. '.-.•;-']' $2000 — Modern cottage of 5 rogm;; porcelain bath; a snap. 12500— This Is a well-appointed house of 7 rooms; porcelain bath; light between the railroads; near station and schools; lot 40x150; Just see this and you will know that it is the best buy you ever saw. £3750 — Beautiful cottage of 8 rooms on Santa Ciara ave. ; just the home for you. $.3000 — Beautiful home; almost new; 6-room house; everything up to date; sunny; good view; can be bought for $500 down, bal- ance on easy monthly • payments. :-..•¦;, $3250 — Swell modern cottage of 6 rooms; nice lot; well located on Mozart street.. . $5000 — An artistic cozy home, built for - the owner; contains 8 rooms; sun all day; near Chestnut-st.— station; la cheap for the money; nearly new. HAMMOND & HAMMOND, ' — X 1422 Park st.. Alameda. JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. A PRETTY HOME IN ALAMEDA. j Surrounded by flowers and fruit trees; near train and schools; only $2850; lot 75x125. Nice D-room cottage and bath. - ALAMEDA LAND COMPANY, Tel. Grand UC1. 1500 Park st.. Alameda. 12300— COTTAGE of 7. r.; lot 50x100; $1850— Cottage of 5 r.; large lot: $2700— New house ofOr.: terms. J.*H. YOUNG. 1243 Park at.. Alameda. BERKELEY'- ADVERTISEMENTS BERKELEY REAL ESTATE. : AN opportunity seldom met with; . I have a new 2-story 7-room house, 4 bedrooms, equipped with all modern conveniences, gas, electric lights, .etc.. on an .improved street, only 2 blocks from the station, which I will sell to a reliable party on the following terms: $100 cash and the balance in month- ly installments; whole price $3500. JOSEPH'/.. MASON. Real. Estate. Cor. Shattuck ave. and Center, Berkeley. 1S07 PRINCE St.. near Santa Fe R. R.— Large 8-rcom bouse; high basement; stable, cow barn, 7 houses for chickens; tot 160x135; btret't work complete; call and inspect. LEVI J. MORAN, 2131 Shattuck . ave.. Berkeley. $4000—3 ACRES on Dwlght way. East Berke- ley; elegant location; fine. LEV! J. MORAN. .' ' < , 2131 'Ehattuck- ave.,' Berkeley. FINE new. handsome cottages; up to date; all' -conveniences; close to cars; large lots; $1850 to $l<iO0; only $200 cash, balance $10 CO per month. W. C ¦ MORAN. Lorln : station, or • ¦ C. C. EMSLIE. Ashby Etation. NEW. modern houae 10 rooms, near university, fr,r rale or to rent; $30. Inquire WllAddlson FACE massage a rpeciaJty, 40c; manicure, 25c; chatnioo, etc.. 4'jc; at your haaie; ladles and pentiemen; I give b#st reference^ ; first-class »ork. ilR. MEL.CESCO. 'M* Ellis et. THE ?tar Hair Itetaedy restores gray hair, irn- rrovt? its growih;£tops fa!lSng;cure« dandmS ar.d itching ecalp: no etain or sttckiness; cleanses eca!p;at drujrgifrs". hairdressers" ;a.c- c^pt r.o sub*t!tute. Star Rcmfd yCo. . :iS5Gea ry. WANJKD — SV9 rr^ea -with scalp diseases; loss cf hair and ba'-'i^ess prevented <can treat by tra'l blaiik for ctamp); consultation free; 8 SO" to 6 Bondaya lu to 12. Prof. GEO. A. G4BLQW. fpt-cla.;i8t. room ei>>. 037 Market. "V\'ANTEI>— Ladies to know that the RoyaK *:ioak and fuit Co.. make t*iijr-made suits to order at factory prices; elvt them a trial. r.23 Siirket fct- ;\i;T l.c* cheap but hew good. 1« Ihe motto of the manuracturtrs of the Rapid Rotary fctar.iard the Eewir.g-mach'.ne of to-day. J. \Y. EVANS, agent. 1U21 Market st. I'HT?ICIAN. 15 yeare" experience, cures per- manently norphine. cocaine habit. Call or fc<5dro*e Central Pfcanr.acy. 251 Grant ave.. comer Sutter ft. ; fee rr:odc-rate. 2,^-<«^IN(i Tuesday. Thursday. Saturdey and Sunday evemntrs at T*>utonia Hall. Howard tt.. near Ninth: niar.agrement Prof. Foster. AT !es* cost uncalled fcr ruits. cvercoata ar.d troaaen. at CHARLES LYONS'. London Tailor. 721 Market et. THE hlirhet-t i.r!ce paid for ladles' or rents' rart-eff cUshlng end ail articles of value at WTgOfBEBCa, 1HA Ellia ct. El BOAST *u:ts on eatv snEtallrnents; SO cents ar.d up per week. LEON LEMOS. 1127 Mar- It' t St., between ffventh and Elrhth. BAXCIHART & V.'EYER. Ccllectors. No. 1170 Market Street. Room 37. • NIT A — Send your address to 0O4 Market St. - CHARLIE. EI'ITS to order on Installments. $1 per week. Neuhaus & Co.. merch.tailors.727-729 Market. ALL Ftyies hainlreEsiriSr. 25c; hair goods; macl- rurlr.p 25c. <\. LEPERER. 123 Stockton st. TAILOR-MADE suit $7 50; dress pants $2 5tt MiFflt Clothirjr Parlor, cor. ,Baeh and Dupont«. M'PEKFLL'UL'd hair and moles removed by electric needle. Pr.&MrVTTaveree.mOMarkar. UA6QUEBADS costuaies, play books, v'.gt, 'ccur.trj- orders. GOLDSTEIN & CO.. 733 Mkt. ALFREDl'M'S Egyptian restores gray hair to Us natural color; SI; at ell druggists' . Su-^rfiucus hair and moles removed with elec- tHc t)p^i», Mr>. & Mir* Eatnn. lilfl Sutter. PALMISTRV. MME PEVAS, ecier.tlflc palmist and astrolo- rlet. Of flee, 2C Liebes bldg.. 130 Post St.; $1 palm readings; 3 questions free. 5 JEROME FOSELLI, scientific palmist. 515 Taylor gt.. nf-ar Geary. Phone Clark f»61. PAPEHUANGIXG. PAIXTIXG, ETC. ROOMS papered, $3 60 up; tinting, painting. Hartmar.n Paint Co.. 311* 3d gt. : tel. Main .413 PUVSICIAAS AXD Sl'RtiEOXS. 3DR 6. C^O"VOT<KT:LJj— Office and reaidence, 1021 Vi M&rkfctfeL. bet. Sixth and feventa.- liLOOD. *k!n and rertal dlseatea a specialty. DK. BALL. 1073H Market at. . KEMOVED — DR WQNG HIM. herto doctor; treats all diseases of tbe human body; fpr past four years at 115-117 Mason; now lo- cated at CC7 Geary «t^.near Leavenworth. UR TONG FO CI1Y, euccesaor to Dr. LI • Po Tal. herb doctor; curea all <Jieeas*s of human by vse of herbs and teas. 727 Waghlrgton -et. ¦ WONG WOO. the famous herb doctor — All Ala- rusrr r«ir«^i hy t^hlnefe herhF. 746-B Clay «t C0LICIT0KS &RB SAXESMEN. WANTED — 3 or 4 outside men; houee to bouse proportion; cood thing for hustlers. Apply room 3. Ill* Washington «t., Oakland, 10- 12 a. tn*. . • • " ' TVPEWIIITERS AXD SUPPLIES. G IiE aIT^ARC aIn 8 ilN^TT PE WRITERS^W* ••cli better machines for lees money than :-ny house !n the city; rentals S3. The Typewriter Exchange, C26 Calif orr.:a;telephone Main 268. A FEW cood typewriters at $30 each; get par-, tlculars. L.'A M. ALEXANDER. 110 Mont- gomery »t. 2U-HAKO typewriters «old. rented, repaired. W«-b* ter Typewriter ln?pec. Co.. 2<>g feansome. DIVIUEXO XOTICES. A DIVIDEND of cer.U per share of the California Schuetien Park and Iiu.'lding Ajs- nj'.Utlon has been declared, payable on or. - after August ' So. 10p3. at the office of the treasurer of the association, Louis Reubold, il2 Hush et. P. JACOB Y, President. P.. BREMER. Secretary. ________ PROIU«ALS. C"FICE of C Q. IS... Vancouver Barracks, Warn.. July 22. lt»03 — Sealed proposals," in triplicate, will be received here until 11 a- • X August I'l. 1SC3. and then opened for the 'onetraction at" Vancouver Barracks, vWa«h-t •-' 1 double barrack. 1 guardhouse, \^ gun- kheCa and "i workshops. For full informvion, !::*o« and t ;.• < -.:,¦ r.i:..:. r apply to this office. t". K. reserves the right to reject or accept *-y or all proposals or any part thereof. En- '••lopes containing pronbtals should be mark- *4. "Prcposals for construction of buildings •t Vancouver Barracks, Wash.," and a4dre»»- «» F. U. Uattavvay. C, Q. M. ' » BAILWAT TBATXL. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Trains leave ami are due t«» arrive »i 1 S»AN FK AN CISCO. <Maln Liaa, Foot of Market 8 tree* > _ liati — From Arecsr I. lsoi — abbui 7.00a Benlclrv. Suuuo, J&iinlra »nd Sacrm- mento 7-25v 7.C0a TacarlUe, Winters. Ramsey 725? 7.30* Martinez, San Ramon, Vallejo, Napa, Callstoga, Banta Rosa 6 25* 7.30a Nlles, LlTennore. Lathron, Stock- son 7.25» 8.00 a DaTis, Woodland. Kntxhu Landing, M.trjrsTiile. OroTille. (connect* -. » - V. »t >lt»ry«YUIe for Uridley. Bigg* •ndCbiro) 7.55» 8-OOa Atlantic Express— Ogden snd Ea»c. 10254 8. COa Port Costa, Martinez, Anttoch. By- roa. Tracy. St<x:kti'n.Sacr.iinentj. ¦ Los Bano*. Mentlota, Han for], Vlsalla. rorterville r>U£5r 8.00a Port Costa, Martinez. Xraey. Lattl- rop, Modesto. Merced. Fresnoi, Oosnen Junction. Uaolord. VI- ¦"•• - ¦alia, Bakanneld .J 525* 8.30a Shasta Ki press — Da vli, Wltllum* (for Bartlett Springs). Willow*. tFr nto. Red Bluff. Portland 7-55* 8.30a Xlles, San Jose. Llvermore, Stock- ton, lone. Sacrnmento J*iacenr llle. MarysTllle. Cblco, Red liluff 4 25* 8 30 * OakJale. Chinese. Jamestown. So nor*. Toolumno nod Angela 4.25v 9.00a Martinet and Way Station* 6-65r 1000a Vallejo 12.25* 410.00a £1 Paso Paaaeosrer. Eaatbounil. — -. Port Costa. Martinez. Byron, Tracy, Latnrop. Stockton. Merced. Raymond. Fre»m>, Han- . ' \ ford. Vlsalla, IJaUTstlcld. Los Angeles and El Paiio. (West- bound arrives via Const Line).. . <1.30T 10.00a Tbe Overland Limited — Ugdcn. Denver. Omaha. Chicago. 825P 1200k Hayward. Nile* and Way Stations. 3-25* 1 1 .00* Sacramen to River S te»mer». til .CO* 3 30p Brali-la, Winter*. Sacramento, Woodland. Williams. Colu*a.Wll- lows. Knights Landing. Marya. Tllle. Orovlile and way ttatlons. . 10-55* 3 30p Hayward, Nlles and W:ty Stations.. 7-55* 4. COp Martinez.San Knmoo.VaUejo.Napa. Callstoga. Sant» Ro«a. §¦?.« 4. COp Martlni»i.Tn»cy.Latbro!>,Stoekton. 10.25a 400* Nlles, Llvermore. Su>cStoa. Lodl.. f 425* 430r Hafwarri. Kiles. Irf Ington. San I t8.55 4 Jose. Llvermore \ 11 1.65* 5. COp Tbe Owl Limited— Fresno. Tulare. Ba2ersfleld, Los Angeles; con- nects at Saugus fur Santa Bar- bara. 8.53a SCO* Port Costa. Tracy. Stockton. Los Banoa 12.25* t6-30r Hayward. Nile* and San Jo*e 7.25a i 6-00* Hayward, Nile* and San Jose....... 10254 6.00* Oriental Mall— Osden. Denver. Omataa. St. Louis. Chicago and East. (Carries Pullman Car pas- , stDgers only out of S«n Fran- cisco. Tourist car and coach passengers take 7. CO r. u. tmla to Hcno. continuing thence In their car* a r.x. train e«*tward.. 4.289 S IFeetbound, Sanset Limited.— From Sew York. Chicago, New OTlesns, El Paso, Los Angeles. Fresno, Berenda. Raymond (fros Toeemlte), Martinez. Arrives.. 8 23a 7X0* Ban Pablo. Port Costa, Martlnes and Way Stations. 11.25a *7.C0* Vallejo 7.65* 7-00* Port CoMa. Benlcl*. Sulsnn. Davis, Sacramento. Trnckee. Reno. Stop* at all stations east of Sacramento 7S5a 8X5r Oregon ft California Express— S*e- - . ramento, Mar&srtlle, Redding. • Portland. Puget Sound and East. 8-55 * :8.10* Bayward. Nile* and San Joie (Son- day only) ZX 111.55 a 11.25* Port Costa, Tracy. Lathrop. Mo- desto. Merced. Raymond (to To- •emlte). Fre»n«. Hanford, Vl- salla, Bakersfleld 1225» COAST LINE (Sarrew «aa*e). (Foot of Market Street.) "j7-45a Santa Crux Excursion (Sunday . only).. t8-tO* 8.16a Newark. Centerrllle. San Jose, Frlton, Bonlaer Creek. Santa Crna and Way Stations JL... 825* t2.15* Newark, Centenrllle. Saa Joae. New Almaden. Los Gri ton.Feiton. Bonlder Creek. Santa Crus and Principal Way Stations ......... 1055a 4.16* Newark, San Jose. Loa Qatot and way ttatlons. (on Saturday and Sunday runs throngb to Baata Cruz; lAlondsj only from Santa Craz). Connects at Kelton to ' and from Bonlder Creek f8-TO<, OAKLAND HARBOR FERRY. from SAN r'KAM CISCO, root of Market St. (Slisl) -«:1S 9:00 11:00a.m. TOO 300 515*.* { From OAKLAND. Foot of Broadway — 1«:00 (3:01 ta:05 10:00a.m. 12 00 200 4.00*.M. COAST LINE <Uroaa «aag»). ry (Tnlrd and Totrnsend Street*.) 6.10a San Jose and Way S.tailon».. ....... 7.30* +7 COa San Jose and W»r Station* 8.30* /8.00a New Almaden (Toe*.. Frld.) /4.10* 17.15a Monterey and Santa Craa Excur- sion (Sunday only) J3.30» • COa Coast Llfie Limited— Stops only San Jose,Gllroy.HoUlster,Pajaro.Cas- troTlUe. SaSlaa*. Ban Anlo. Pa*o Robles. Santa Margarita, San Lnta Oblspo.(prlncipalrtatlon*thence) Ban taBarbara, Sangria and Loa An* geles. Connection at Caatrovllis - to and from Monterey and Pacific Grove and at Pajaro north bonnd from Capltola aad SantaCnu.... 10.48V BXOa San Joae. Trea Plnos. Capltola, SantaCruz.PaciflcOroTe.Salinaa, Ban Lais Oblspo and Principal Intermediate Station* 4.18* ! Westbound SI Pa*o Passenger.— From Cnic»go..El Paao. Los As- reles, Santa Barbara. Arrtvea.. 1.30* 1038a g M Jose and Way Buttons........ 1.20* 11 COa Cemetery Passenger— SouUj Saa .. _„ Francisco, Saa Bruno ilO6> 11.30a Ean Jose, Los Gatos'and Way 8ta- ,,. tlons B.J8* •1-30* San Jose and Way Station* ... .... x 7. 00p 2.0C* San Jose aad Waj SuUons 19.40a Z.30* Cemetery Passenger — Soutn San *»«« Francisco. San Bruno 435* • T >«.C0P Del Monte Express— Santa Clara, • . Ban Jose, Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove (connects at S.anta Clara for Santa Cms. Bonlder x sn. and Narrow Gauge Points) M2.18* ••40* Baritngame, San Mate o. Redwood, Menlo Park. Palo Alto May field. Mountain View. Lawrence. Santa /Clara, San Jose, Gl'.roy (conneo- ' ¦ tlon for HollUter, Tres Pino*), Pajaro (connection for Watson* ' ' vtJle. Capitola and Santa Cms), Puclflc Grove and way nation*. ¦¦<•* ; .-.-. Connects at CastrovlU* for Sa- ' -_ ' Unas..... 10.48a *-5«' Saa Jose and Way Stations 838a To-00* San Jose, (via Ssnta Clara) Loa Gatog.AVrishtand Principal W»y .__- Station? ; f9.C0* Jf-30* SanJoseandPrlnclpalWayStatloBf t3.0Ofc TB.16* 8anMateo.Bere8ford.Belmont.Saa Carlos, Redwood. Fair Oaks. e w. c MeB l°P»rlE- Palo Alto „.„ t84«A ••S2* San Jo»e and Way Stations. 8.38a 74)0* Sunset Limited, Eaatboand.— San Lais Oblspo, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles. Demlng. El Pano. New Orleans, New York. (Westbound • i(^_ trr l T « STl ** i *nJoa<julnV8llcy)... r8-25* ¦ • CO* Palo Alto an.1 Way Stations......... 10.15* • 11-3CP MiUbrae, Palo Alto and Way Sta- • 11-30* Mnfbra'eVsaa* JeaV "and* way's ts> ¦ t8 - 8 " f »°n» ..: t9.45* v e.f f 5 r MornlB lf- ¥ tor Aiteraoea. X 8«turdaj and Sunday only. • I Stops at all stations on Sunday. . ' ' t Sunday excepted. {Sunday only. « 8atnrday only. . , • • .- • d Connecu at Gosbea Je. with tnrina for Haaiord . _,, Vlsalla. At Fresno, for Vlsalla Tla Sanger. • Via Coast Line. / Tuesday aa<l Friday. m^. rrt J e Ti * X1IM - " D*JlJ except Satarday. ¦ v Via San Joaquin Valley. - - 1 Stops Santa Clara sooth bound only. Connect*. f«ept Sunday, for all point* Narrow Gangs. t»~Only train* atopptng at Valencia St. s< uthbooa* are 5:10 a.*.. 11:U> a j».. 2:30 r.v. and «:M t.*- MOUNT TAMALPAIS RAILWAY Leave Via Siusiiio tvrj Arrive Saa Fran. to* >f MartM R r ' San Pran. . Week San- gm^ / Sun- I Week Day». days Jtfgf&rfffi^ d.iy« Days. B;45a "STooX K^SS&ieh HiOOn tt": l"5* l:45r 9:OOa IWt^gQiBB 19:S0p3:30p S:15p1O:OOa \ftpg^^^y 3:3Op S:5Op , 2:35 r S:OOr *** ,' jatartayi «aly. i»n ftwaY 9:3O*,*rrtT»iy. lltSOt> neat t &» M«wt St.. (North Shore Railroad) tfflCS { aad Sausauto Fkx&y, Foot Maram Sc OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE, 1118 BROADWAY. OAKLAND URAL ESTATE. BEFORE moving get my printed list of houses to let. GEORGE W. AUSTIN, 1003 Broad- way. ALEX. MURDOCK. Chronicle bldg., San Fr»n- clfco. for Oakland. Berkeley or rura' homes. OAKL.AM) KliRSlTliKE FUR SALK. TO-MORROW the day for bargains in furni- ture. H. Schellhaas. 11th st. cor. store.Oaklnd j ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. CAPP. 634, near Twenty-first — Furnished houae- keepirg rooms; very desirable . • - _ EDDY, 207 — Furnished front and sunny rooms ' for housekeeping; no transient allowed. FIFTH, 853 — Three housekeeping, 2 bed, $20 per month; 3 2-bed, $13.50 month; 2, $13; sin- Ble rooms. >6 to $7. \ FOLSOM. 754. near Third — Large sunny _ front room; folding bed. gas. grate, water handy: another room for housekeeping. HERBERT (The) — Sunny apartments for \ housekeeping; gas ranges; just newly fur- nished. 1530 Polk st. % KEARNY. 104 — 3 unfurnished or partly fur- nished rooms; newly papered; no children. STOCKTON, 120(5 — Model house; nicely fur- nlshed:$5-$12; front; phone, gas, bath, sunny. TURK S10 — Nicely furnished, sunny house- keeping rooms, single or en suite; reasonable. VALENCIA. 822— Two sunny furnished house- keeping rooms; electric light; gas stove. - A BRANCH office for Call-advertiF«n-.ents and subscriptions has been establishwl at. 11W6 Valencia st. * APAETMSNTS TO LET. "EL MONTEREY." the city's newest apart- ment hotel, located *on the north side of Pine et., between Hyde SLnd Leavenworth; a cuperb brick building of Spanish architec- ture; all the comforts of housekeeping com- bined with the conveniences of hotel life; for $30 per month you can secure .here an unfur- • nlthed S-room apartment, consisting of large living-room with gas grate and mantel, bed- room with bay-window and closet; kitchen equipped with gas range, built-in china cloFet and hot and cold water; bathroom with toilet and porcelain tub (hot and cold water); this price also Includes Janitor ser- vice night and day and night and day ele- vator service; only ten minutes' walk from Powell and Market; see these apartments to-day. ROOMS TO LET— Cum. and t'nfurn. A BRUNSWICK House, 148 Sixth — Rooms 2tSc to $1 per night. $1 25 to $o per week, and light housekeeping rooms; open all nlsht. ¦ AT "The Almonte," 673 Marke'. at. (or No. 1 Fifth st.)— Rooms, 25c. 50c. $1. Jl 50 night; %\ 50 to $10 week; house open all night. ANTLERS. 415 Turk st. — Strictly modern; 4-5 room apartments: fur. or unfur. for hskpg. BURNETT. 1426 Market— (old No. 1364)— Fur- nlshed rooms, suites, single: also unfurnished. CLIFFORD. 204 Ellis, cor. Mason— Elegantly furnished sunny rooms; prices reasonable. DIAMOND, Slf) — Two furnished rooms, $10. DUNCAN, 118%. near Guerrero — Large fur- nished sunny room. FOLSOM. 764, near Third — Large sunny front room, suitable for two; two single rooms. FOR rent during G. A. R. Encampment— 2 fine sunny front rooms; accommodations for 2 persons each; 10 minutes' walk to city; near Nob Hill; private family; reasonable. Box 1033. Call office. ¦ GILLESPIE House. 119 Ninth st. — Nicely fur- nished rooms. 50c to $1 per day; phone; quiet. I GRAND Southern. 7th, and Mission— Rooms 50o j to $1 50 night; $2 to $6 week; reading-room. HAYE3. 009, corner Laguna — Three sunny rooms and yard: rent reasonable. HOTEL, GRAYSTONE C6 Geary st.; phone Bush 880. Centrally located fireproof hotel; elegantly furnifhed suites, with baths and singles. j JESSIE, .159— Nicely furnished front room; grate, gas, phone; $7; gentlemen. LARKIN, 81»H — Large sunny front room; 2 or 4 gentlemen; 75c per night. • ! O'FARRELL. 20 — Sunny furnished rooms and offices: elevator; elec eights: day. week. mo. POST. 1064 — New and elegantly furnished rooms. In suites or single; *as, electric lights and hot bath; something fine. SUTTER. 800 — Three beautiful new furnished rooms and bath. " | SW. CORNER Sixth and Howard — 200 rooms at 15c, 25c and 50c per night; from. $1, $2, |4 a week; open all night. TURK. 1218— Nice sunny front room, conven- lent to town. » UNITED STATES. 123 Eddy st.. near Market — 400 single and family rooms; 35c to $1 night: SI 75 to S6 week; elevator; electrio lights: reading-room: free bus and baggage. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 3d St.,. near Market— Most convenient and respectable; 700 rooms; S5c to fl 50 night; f2 to $8 week; elevator; elec. lights: reading-room; free bus; baggage. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch offlce.2200 Fillmore st. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 109S Valencia st. '¦¦ ROOMS AXD DOARD. AMOY. THE 901 DEVISADERO ST. Strictly first-class family hotel; sunny rooms, suite or single: billiards; steam heat. OLD Stevenson Mansion, opp. Grace Church, with annex. &07 California st. — Attractive in- terior; exceptional table: free billiard-room. GOOD room and board at 323 First st. SPECIAL XOTICES. £ DOCTORS and nurses — Candidates for chief surgeon and for chief nurse at the French Hospital are called. Address to the office of the French Mutual Benevolent Society. 316A Post st. on or before 6 o'clock Wednesday August Ifl. l»03. V. CARPET. -Secretary. x specialTsts. CATARRH, DEAFNESS^ andNOISES in EARS poeltlvely cured; new method; 1 week's treat- ment free. Dr. Cottlngham. 204 Sutter st.' ; I STORAGE AXD WAREHOUSES. A — EMPORIUM Storage & Van Co.: furniture, household goods stored, moved, shipped. 725- 731 Howard st., near Third; phone Grant 161. PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage & Moving Co., of- flce Poat and Powell sts.; tel. Prlv. Ex. 571. CONKLIN'S storage — Furniture and merchan- dise. 333 Golden Gate ave.; phone East 128. GOLDEN West Storage; advances made- 840 Mission st.; tel. Howard 911. F. W. Zehfuss. PACIFIC Storage and Furniture Moving Com- pany, 2320 Fillmore St.; phone Jackson 28L BEKINS Van and Storage Co.. 11 Montgomery «t.; tel. Math 1840. Shipping at cut rates. STUTTERING AND STAMMERING. MELBOURNE System School. Van Ness and Market; positive cure for all. Don't delay. BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS. Birth, marriage and death notices. sent by- mall will not be Inserted. They 1141st be handed In at either of the publication offices and be Indorsed with the name and residence of . per- sons authorized to have the same published. SOBN. DE HAVEN— In this city, August 16. 1003, to the wife of E. M. de Haven,- a son.- HELD— In this city, August 14, 1903. to the wife of Fredrick W. Held, a son. TffAKBIED. TANNER— FAILS— In this city, August 10. 1U03, by the Rev. Dr. John A. B. Wilson, pastor of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Chi'rch, Charles de Witt Tanner of Little Falls. N. Y., and Hattlc Henrietta Falls of West Berkeley. - ~~ DIED. Bacon. Thomas E. Kelly, Charles E. Bouse. Thomas J. Kukuljlca, Carolina Carlln, Rodger . Lennon. James H. Clough.- Z. M. P. Long; Emma T. Crew, Molina Lowney, Jeremiah Dietz, Louis / Miller, Charles W. Dornblerer, Aline Moffat. John R. Dray, Nancy J. Mulcahey, Catherine Fors. Peter C. Nee, John : Gorevan. Mary Oftermann,~ Geo. D. Guldner, Edward E. Puckhaber, Harry C. Haley. John Reichstetter. Gottlieb Harrington, Capt. M. Reuter, Henrtette M. Heydenaber, H. Jr. ; Sample, Robert A'. ' Hunt. George W. ; Stewart. Isabella 'M. Joost. Anna C. Tully, Sarah - Judge. Kate O. _Van Allen. Mrs.*L. BACON— In this city. August 15. 1903, Thomaa E. Bacon, beloved hufband of. Mary C. Ba- con, a native of New York. . aged 37 j ears » . months and 11 days. BOUSE— In this city. August 14. 1903, Thomas J. Bouse;' beloved son of ; Margaret ; Haynes and the late Thomaa Bouse, stepson of the AUCTION SALES Auction Sale 120 Horses August 17, at ii a. m., at J. B. KORAN'S STOCKYARD. Cor. ioth and Bryant Sts. By order of G. H. MEISS of Montague. CU., I will sell at public auction 120 broken and unbroken horses; alao a carload of fine year- ling and two-year-old colts. . S- WATKIN3. Auctioneer. BIG AUCTION SALE OF -^ 1000 HORSES The' first consignment of this lot will be sold on THURSDAY. Aug. 20. at 11 a. ra.. At SUNSET SALES YARDS. ISO /VALENCIA ST., near Thirteenth. If you want good sound young horses or mares at your own price* don't fail to attend this sale, as they must and will be sold to the highest bidder. S. WAT KINS. Auctioneer. 122 Grov at. &* t £* £* AUCTION SALK OF nORSES. WAG0N9. HARNESS. WEDNESDAY. Aug. 19. at 11 a. m. Arcade Howe Market. 327 Sixth st. Every horse must be as represented or no aale. JOHN J. DOYLE. Auctioneer. ETFrlenda and acquaintances are respeet- tully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Monday), at 8:30. o'clock, from her late residence, 627- Ca*tro street, thenc* to Holy Redeemer Church, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her eouI. commencing at & o'clock. In- terment Hcly Cross Cemetery. VAN ALLEN— In Robb, August 16, 1903. en- tered Into rest, Mrs. Laura. E. Van Allen, beloved mother of Mrs. Callsta B. Farr. Mrs. isdward Bosqul and Mrs. Charles D. 'Haven. Cy Interment private. Harry C, beloved husband of Louisa Puck- haber, .«on of Louia H. and Anna S. Puck- haber. and brother of Mrs. . Minnie L. -Bou- ton, a native of San Francisco, aged 26 yeara 8 months and 18 days. - ¦.."."¦ . CDTrlerds and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited .to attend the funeral cervices to-day Monday), at 1:30 o'clock, at his late . residence. 3*25 Seventeenth street, be-ween Sanchez and Noe, thence to Masonic em- ple, corner Post and Montgomery "V**"?,.,: 2:30 o'clock, under the auspices of Golden Gate Lodge No. 30. F. and A. M. Crema- tion I. o. O. F. Cemetery. '^ CALIFORNIA i Council No. - 1. Daughters of Liberty— Officers and members are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother. Harry Puckhaber. to-day, at 2:30 o clock, from Masonic Temple, Po«jt and Montgomery street*. LAURA CAUTIES, Secretary. . REICHSTETTER— In this city. August lo. 1&03.; kt h la residence. 716 Railroad avenue- south. Gottlieb Reichstetter. dearly beloved hasbana of Anna Reichautter. and bclovea father of Harry. George. Annie. William. Gottlieb Jr.. Frederick. Charles and Mat- thew Heichstetter. a native of Forthelm. Wurtemburg.- Germany, aged 66 years 4 months and 6 days. A member of Hermann Lodge No. 145. I. O. O. F. (Louisville. Ky., and Cincinnati papers pleaaa copy.) - * ETTrieiids imd acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Tuesday), at 9:30 o'clock., from his late, 716 Railroad avenue south, corner Tenth avenue south. South San Francisco. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. S REUTER— In this city. August 16. 1903, llen- rlette M. M.. beloved wife of William Reu- ter. and devoted mother of Carl. Gertrude, Clara and William Reuter Jr., a native or Stade, Germany, aged 54 years 10 months and 13 days. . SAMPLE— In this city. August 16. 1003. Rob- ert A., dearly beloved husband of Mary J. Sample, j and devoted father of Isabell and the late Willie Sample, a native of QOunty Derry. Ireland, aged 34 yeara 8 months and 10 days. , ., , STEWART— In thla city. August 18, 1903, Isa- bella Margarett Stewart, beloved daughter of Robert L. and the late Jane Clark, and sister of Robert L. Jr. and Fred W. Clark. Mrs. W- Loveland. Mrs. J. E. Shand and tha late J. C.. Clark, a native of California. . E7Friends are respectfully Invited to at- •;tend the funeral Tuesday, Auguat 18, 1003. ; at 1 o'clock, from the residence of her father, 861 Greenwich street. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. TULLY — In this city. August 14. 1903, Sarah, beloved wife of the late P. F. Tully. and dearly beloved mother of Margaret. James and Charles Tully, Mrs. F. "H. Ktmball. Mrs. . E. F. Ring and the late Mrs. L. J. Luttlcken; a native of Scotland, aged £>u years. late Richard Haynes. and t brother ' of the late Mrs. S. McKee and Margaret Bou*e, a native oi San Franci3co, aged 40 years. ; O*Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-day (Monday), at 8:30 o'clock, from bis late resi- dence. 1140 Alabama street, thence to_ St. Peter's Church, where a solemn requiem hign ma.«« will be celebrated.for the repose of his soul at 9:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. , CARL1N— In this city, August 10.^1903, Rod- ger, beloved husband of Ellen Carlta. and loving brother of Edward and Thomas Car- lin, a native of County Tyrone, Ireland, aged 07 years. '¦ «• CLOUGH— In this city. August 15 1903, Z. M. P. Clough, b*-ioved husband of _Lucy E. Clough, and father of William. J. P^, Gtorge A. and Alton H. Clough, Mrs. F._P. Cook. Mrs. R. F. George, Mrs. E. S. DeardorfT. Mrs. A A. Powell and the late Frank M. Clough, a natlvg of Alabama, aged 16 yea-s C^The -unerHl will take place tc-morrow (Tuesday), at 10 o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 443 Fillmore street. Friends are re- spectfully invit?d to attend. Interment Lau- rel Hill Cemetery. CREW— In this city, August 15, 1903. Molina Crew beloved daughter Of Laura and the late Henry C. Crew, . and sister of Thomas N. and Alexander Crew, a native of Lon- don. England, aged 42 yeara 6 .months and 1 day. ->, IC»"FrIeriils and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral services Tuesday, August IS, 1903, at 10 o'clock, at the remdonce cf her brother, 541 Lombard street, between Stockton and Powell. In- terment Laurel Hill Cemetery. DIETZ— In this city. August 16, 1903. Louts, belt ved fathfcr of Frank. Charles and Louis Dletz and Mrs. Nellie Hebener. a native of Germany, aged 71 years 5 months and 6 days. DORNBIERER— In this city. August 15, 1003, Aline Dornblerer. beloved wife" of James DornbleJer. mother of Mm. Constance Chaw. slater of Adrien and Sebastien Pidancet, ana mother-in-law of Adrien Chais. a native of France, aged <!0 years 7 months and 9 days. - C7" Funeral services Tuesday, Augun IS. , 101M, at 2 o'clock, at the parlors of Julius S. Godeau, 305 Montgomery avenue. Jntennent ' private, Laurel Hill Cemetery. DRAY— In this city. August 15, 1903, Nancy Jane, beloved wife of Calvin H. Dray, and mother of William F. Dray and Mrs. Sarah E. Byers. a native of Colorado, aged 55 yeara 1 mortth and 22 daye. B^TFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Tuesday), at 1:30 o'clock, from Central M. E. Church, Mission street, between Sixth and Seventh. Remains at the home of his son, 1026 Golden Gate avenue, between Scott and Devlssidero streets. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery, by carriage. , ¦-« FORS — In this city. August-16. 1903, Peter C. beloved husband of Isabella Fora, and father of Aloysius Milcbtor Fors, a native of Gel- leburg, Sweden aged 83 years 3 months and 14 days. A member of the Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers' Union No. 67. and of the Independent Order of Foresters, Court Southern Heights No. 1150. tu?"Tne funeral will take place to-mcrrcw (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 17 Clyde street, off Townsend. between Third and Fourth. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. GULDNER— In Oakland, August 15. 1903, Ed- ward Everett Guldner, beloved son of Mar- garet Guldner. and brother of Earnest F., ' Walter A. and Alice E. Guldner, a native Of Oakland, aged 17 years 3 months and 21 days. GOREVAN — In this city, August 13, 1903. Mary, dearly beloved wife of the late James Gorevan, and loving mother of James, Ella, Anna and Agnes Uorevan, Mrs. Loula Vin- cent «.nd the late Theresa, John. William and Joseph Gorevan, a native of Kings County, Ireland, aged 70 yeara 7 months and 8 days. t-T Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral Monday, August 17. at 0 o'clock, from her late resi- dence. 1825 Clay street, thence to St. Brigid a Church, corner Van Ness avenue and Broad- way, where a solemn requiem high maia Will be celebrated for the repoae of her soul, commencing at 8:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. HALEY — In this city, August 16, • 1003, John, beloved husband of Nora Haley, and father of Agnes, George and Frank Haley and Mrs. Charles Boehn, a native of County Kerry, • Ireland. HARRINGTON— In this city. August 15, 1903. Captain M. H. Harrington, beloved husband of Mary K. Harrington, loving *f*ther of Florence Harrington, and son of Mrs. N. O. Berry of Appleton, Me., a native of Maine. (Appleton and Rockland. Me., papers please copy.) . (C7" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Monday), at 8:30 o'clock, from his late resi. dence, 23S Ehotwell street, thence to St. Charles Borromeo's Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9 o'clock. Inter- ment Holy Crocs Cemetery. HEYUEXABER- In this city. August 16, 1903, Henry Jr.. dearly beloved son of Henry and Annie Heydenaber, and loving brother of Annie Marie Heydenaber. a native of San Franclcco, aged 3 months and 6 daya. BJ^Frtendh and acquaintancts are respect- fully attend the funeral services Tuesday, Auguat 18. 1003. at 10 o'clock, at the residence of his parents. 2030 street. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery.