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SCENES INCIDENT TO AR RIVAL OF CITY'S WELCOME GUESTS. All the blood In a man's body passes through his heart once in every two min utes. BRfl Before returning home you will be interested in seeing Sausallto. Mill Valley or San Rafael, the beautiful suburban home district: 14 trains daily via North Shore R. R. <Sausalito ferry). Fare, round trip. 25c to 5Oc. Mount Tamalpais (scenic railway trip), $1 90. Ticket office, 61H Market tstreet.-S. F. (Phone Private Exc. - 16tt.)» Holders of G. A R. Tickets. NOTICE Minnesota ' Asylum Contracts for Large Supply for Use in State Institutions. # ST. PAUL, i Minn., Aug. 16.— The con tracts awarded by the State board of con trol ' for. supplies , for the ensuing quarter include a considerable quantity of chew ing gum to pacify the patients of the in sane asylums and the State hospitals. The observation of the board Is that chewing gum often has an excellent, ef fect'on the patients and , that it enables the- Inmates to concentrate their minds on various 1 forms of work and . . soothes them during. violent spells. . N On being given gum some of the violent patients have. been known to collect their wits and diligently pursue a ' task. FIND THAT CHEWING GUM SOOTHES INSANE PATIENTS KANSAS CITY. Aufc. 16.-Notwithstand- Ing the fact that the Kansas River at this point had risen a foot In the twenty four hours up to 2 o'clock this afternoon, when It became stationary, and that a further rise is expected to-morrow, no great damage is likely to result. West of here, at Lawrence arid Topeka, the Kan sas .River has risen slightly since last night and at Sallna and Junction City its tributaries, the Smoky Hill and Republi can rivers, are rising at a steady rate and sending their water this way. Most of this water will reach Kansas City within another twenty-four hours, but while a further two-foot rise Is predicted, a fall from that time on is looked for. Traffic between the two Kansas Citys is . still suspended, as the temporary pile bridges are unsafe. A sand scow broke away to-day, striking the James-street bridge, the principal outlet between the two cities, knocking several plies loose and rendering that structure unsafe for street cars or vehicles. At the Belt Line bridge the current was so swift that it became necessary to remove a section of the bridge to let the great mass of drift wood through. Fearing a temporary abandonment of some of the railroad yards in the lower part of the bottom%. the Swift Packing Company moved se^j eral tons of provisions to this side of thfe river to-day. The water must reach fl£ teen f e«»t before it can reach the plant or the business houses, however, and this ia not at all likely. ' .. HW FALL OF WATER IN KANSAS RIVER IS EXPECTED SOON til the sun had disappeared beyond the horizon. "Yes, sah." remarked the man from the Northwest, In accents pronouncedly Southern, to a Call reporter, "I was on the other side and -had a lot of fighting to do. I live 'way up in Washington and when I heard that the Grand Army chaps were going to meet here, I quietly said to myself that I'd go down to 'Frisco and see some of the fellbws that were plump ing lead at us back In the sixties. I put on the gray clothes because I wanted to get acquainted, and I knew that when these chaps saw me coming they would be pretty nigh keen enough to learn who I was, and wo would have a good time making up over our old troubles. ; ;i ; OLD SORES HAVE HEALED. "The war's over and we are all broth ers and sisters again, ain't we, com rades?"—and a chorus of voices respond ed with "You bet." "See that fellow over there?", suddenly exclaimed Heater, pointing to a Union veteran wearing a yeljow badge of In diana's delegation, "I'll be d— d if he ain't one of the fellows who captured me and a lot of our brigade in '61. It was the First Indiana Cavalry. Say, old man, I spent an hour blazing away at your crowd, and If half of the bullets my gun belched that day reached the mark I must have killed a hundred of you. "But," added Heater, rather thought fully, "I guess they didn't. At any rate, I hope they didn't. Wai, sah, on May 20, '64, the Eighteenth Pennsylvania - In fantry got me again, and do you know, they came nigh keeping me fo' good, sah!" —and as Heater's mind reverted to the in cident' of forty years ago he glanced slowly around him, scanning the features of his newly made gray-haired acquaint ances and added: "Well, : boys, we're all getting pretty close to the grave. It's too bad we ever fought as fiercely as we did, g + j* OHN W. HEATER, sah, • • M Thirty-first Virginia, Pe- M gram's Brigade, Early's Di mj vision, Jackson's Corps, and a good one, sah. Line up there on the left. Now, what shall it be? Whisky? Good! Here's to you all, sah." A gurgling sound, followed by a smack- Ing of lips, and then fourteen men in blue, preceded by a stalwart man in gray, filed out of the liquoring place and reas sembled around the veteran of Pegram's Brigade. It was an eventful day for John W. Heater, a typical Southern soldier, dressed in the Confederate gray, hailing from the State of Washington, and eagerly search ing for 6ome of the men who, in these trying days, when lead poured into tho ranks 'of the opposing forces and death reaped an hourly harvest, kept him on the move on the field of Gettysburg. Heater has come to San Francisco to witness the reunion of veterans. He has forgotten the prejudices of the past and yesterday he mingled with the men of the Northern armies and received from them assurance of good will, which he returned in kind, and over the bar of the Grand Hotel united with his former foes in drinking to the health of a great and glorious nation. WAS ON THE OTHER SIDE. In his familiar gray uniform, fresh from a tailor's shop, a black slouch hat with gilded tassel and bearing a ribbon upon which Is inscribed in gold letters: "3lst Virginia, Pegram's Brigade, Early's Di vision, Jackson's Corps, '61-'64," the tall figure of. Heater was most conspicuous around the gathering places of the Union veterans yesterday, and more so because the latter, recognizing In the visitor a. "Johnnie," from south of the line, eagerly surrounded him and kept him in tow un- "Amen," solemnly shouted a veteran from Maryland, and the hero of Jack son's Corps again marshalled his forces before the bar for another drink. On every side Heater was the recipient of cordial greetings and frequently he would meet an old soldier who would re call some Incident of the war that would precipitate an argument as to the merits of the ppposlng armies, but it was a good natured controversy and Invariably ended in what will' undoubtedly prove undying friendship between John Heater and j the man with whom he engaged In counter talk of the war long passed. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon, while Heater, standing In the midst of a gath ering of old soldiers on New Montgomery street, was describing some of the inci dents of the battle of Gettysburg, and was telling of his capture, " he was sud denly grabbed by two Union men, who shouted. "Throw down your gun. Johnnie, you're taken!"— a*nd they rushed the tall man from Washington out into the street. One of the captors was R. M. Green of this city, formerly of the Eighty-fifth Ohio, the other Dr. R. M. Stewart lof the Fifty-fifth Ohio, a resident of Kansas City. "Well, by gosh! If this don't beat the drum. It was the boys of the Eighty fifth and the Fifty-fifth that peppered us so hard Just before Gettysburg. Golly!. but I'm pleased to meet you," and again the Heater brigade was deployed along the bar. . John Heater was the hero of the day. HERO OF THE DAY. A mighty good lot of chaps died on those rough fields of battle. God bless them all, and may we here thank God that we're good friends again." At that moment Colonel Currier was crossing the room toward the speaker and heard him say: "I was with Cap tain Currier at the battle of Poplar Spring Church. September 30. 1864. when he was shot, the bullet going through his face. I saw him fall and carried him off the battlefield." Colonel Currier promptly made himself known and the meeting that followed was very pathetic. The visitor who was looking for Colonel Currier Is G. T. Ordway of Redlands. California, where he owns an orange grove and Is one of the leading citizens of his com munity. A pathetic incident occurred yesterday when Colonel J. C. Currier met for th© first time, after thirty-nine years, the man who carried him off the battlefield of Poplar Spring Church near Petersburg. Va. * Colonel Currier sauntered Into the headquarters of the department of New Hampshire, Palace Hotel. A vl3itlng vet eran was seated, registering his name. While registering he asked the comrades near him whether any of them knew Cap tain Currier of the Eleventh New Hamp shire Volunteers, as he had been trying to locate him. Comrades Meet After Many Years. In the National Cemetery at Arlington there is a burial plat presented to Rand by the Government, and although it will probably not be occupied for several years at least, it will eventually mark the last resting place of a man who, by his readi ness to serve his country In time of trou ble, lent inspiration to a cause that must ever remain illustrious in human history. : It was on the afternoon of April 13, 1S61, that young Rand, then an 18-year-old clerk, serving at Batavia, N. T., attended a meeting at the old Eagle Tavern, where there was a heated discussion in progress over the possibilities of war. In the midst of the debate a townsman suddenly rushed into the tavern waving a telegram over his head and shouting: "The Presi dent has called for 75,000 men to go for ward and fight!" Henry I. Glowacki. who was presiding at the meeting, took the message, and hurriedly reading it. exclaimed to his anxious fellow-citizens: "We have to raise our quota to fill this call. Who will be the first man to enlist?" "I will." came a voice from the center of the tavern, and. turning their heads, the assembled people saw young Rand rise from his -seat and proceed toward the speaker's chair. On a quickly Improvised roll Rand hur riedly affixed his signature and with the scratching of his pen he gave to the Twelfth New York Volunteers their first recruit and to New York State the dis tinction of furnishing the first volunteer for the Civil War. Batavia was not slow In raising Its quota, and not long after Rand was n the midst of battle. Later, for a daring act, Congress awarded him a medal of honor, the first ever presented by Con gress for distinguished gallantry on the battlefield. Among the advance guard of the Army of the Potomac contingent, which arrived early yesterday from Washington, was a no less notable/ person than Charles F. Rand, who proudly bears the distinction, fully attested by Congressional inquiry, of being the first man to enlist in the War of the Rebellion. First Volunteer of Civil War Is Here. WEARS AN HONOR MEDAL. Though Once Foes, They Now Meet as Friends. Captain Loeffler is accompanied by" his wife and daughter. This is their first trip to California and they are delighted with the State. Yesterday afternoon they paid a visit to Golden Gate Park and the Cliff House. Captain Loeffler entered the army three years before the Civil War. He was at tached to the Second Cavalry Regiment and first saw service in Texas. At the breaking out of the war he was detailed at headquarters at Washington and with the rank of captain his duty was the bearing of important dispatches from the front to Washington. The work was irksome and dangerous and he asked his regimental commander to allow him to return to his regiment and fight at the front. The request was refused, however, as Adjutant General John Seth stated that he was too valuable a man and could not be relieved. In answer to the question as to which of the Presidents he liked best, the cap tain said that he had no preference. He spoke cordially of all the Presidents and said that they had all treated him with kindness. ;'i -. "**• In discussing his position yesterday at the Occidental. Captain Loeffler said that he had charge of all callers at the White House and that it was his duty to see that they receive proper attention. He re marked that once In a while a religious crank or a man with imaginary wrongs would call at the White House and ask to see the President, but that they came few and far between and were of little bother. Captain Loeffler was appointed as door keeper at the Whi^e House in March. 1863, a few days after President Grant took his oath of office. Two years and a half ago Captain Loeffler reached the age of sixty-four years and was forced to retire from the active army list, and a special act was passed in Congress to make pro vision for the captain and his office as door keeper, and a provision reads that he shall hold office until relieved by the President. ter, known from one end of the continent to the other, as for the last thirty-four years he has held the respon sible position of door keeper for the Presi dent of the United States at the White House at Washington. ygMON'G the. arrivals to the Grand Encampment is Captain JjY Charles D. A. Loeffler, U. S. A., *r retired. He is a national charac- Doorkeeper at the White House Is Here. Executive Committee Grand Hotel Reception Committee Palace Hotel Press Committee Grand Hotel Registration and Information. G. A. R.. Postofflce and Medical Department 19 New Montgomery st. W. R. C. Dept. of California Palace Hotel Ladies of the G. A. R, Dept. of California.. > Palace Hotel W. R. C. Dept. of Massachusetts. Palace Hotel Ransom Post. Dept. of Missouri. . .Grand Hotel Northern California Brigade. G. A. R. — Halleck Post No. 19, Sherman Post No. 96, J. F. Miller Post No. 110. Maywocd Post No. 184. E. F. Winslow Post No. T9. Corinth Post No. 80 LJck House, Sacramento Association. G. A. R. — Belmont Post No. 101, Sumner Post No. 3. Warren Post No. 54. Colonel E. D. Baker Post No. 71. Placervllle Post No. 108.Occidental Hotel Southern California G. A. R — Bartlett Lo gan Post. No. 6, Stanton Post No. 55. Sedgwlck Post No. 17, Riverside Post No. 118 California Hotel Lincoln Post No. 1 Pioneer Hall Atlanta Post No. 95 Pioneer HaJl Garfield Post N» 34 Alcaaar building George H. Thomas Post No. 2. .Steinway Hall Fifth New York Cavalry Association 320 Post st. Berdan's Sharpshooters Albion Hall, Alcazar bul!dla« First Missouri Artillery Albion Hall. Alcazar building Second United States Artillery Albion Hall, Alcazar building Ninth Ohio Cavalry T. M. C. A. Hall United States Maimed Soldiers Temple Hall. 117 Turk st. "Wisconsin Society B. B. Hall. 121 Eddy st. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS. Grand Army of the Republic Palace Hotel Woman's Relief. Corps Palace Hotel Ladies of the G. A. R Palace Hotel Army Nurses of the Civil War.Golden Gate Hall Union ex-Prisoners of War B. B. Hall, 121 Bddy it. Association of Army Musicians Armory, 815 Ellis St. Military Order of the Loyal Legion Occidental Hotel Society of California Volunteers. . . .320 Post »t. Veterans of the Spanish War Armory, 815 Ellis st. Mexican Veterans City Hall Naval Veterans B. B. Hall Sons of Veterans Lick Hous« DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS. Alabama Palace Hotel Arizona Washington Hall, 320 Post st. Arkansas Grand Hotel California and Nevada Palace Hotel Colorado and Wyoming Windsor Connecticut Palace Hotel Florida Palace Hotel Georgia New Western Hotel Idaho A Grand Hotel Illinois Palace Hotel Indiana Palace Hotel Iowa Palace Hotel Kansas '.....Palace Hotel Maine Palace Hotel. Maryland Savoy Massachusetts Palace Hot K Michigan / Grand Hotel Minnesota Lick House Missouri Grand Hotel Montana Lick House Nebraska Palace Hotel New Hampshire Palace Hotel New Jersey Palace Hotel New York Palace Hotel North Dakota Palace Hotel fhlo Palace Hotel Oklahoma LanKham Hotel Oregon Occidental Hotel Pennsylvania Palace Hotel Potomac ' Palace Hotel Rhode Island St. Nicholas Hotel South Dakota Palace Hotel Tennessee Palace Hotel Texas Grand Hotel Utah Grand Hotel Vermont Palace Hotel Washington and Alaska Grand Hotel West Virginia Palace Hotel Wisconsin Orand Hotel VARIOUS HEADQUARTERS. THIS morning the various national and State department headquar ters of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Woman's Relief Corps, the Ladles of the Republic and affiliated bodies will open and during the entire encampment the doors will not be closed. Receptions will be given daily, after noon and evening and all visitor" will be welcomed. The ladies of the local organ izations have decorated the various head quarters and many of the- headquarters will dispense good cheer and baskets of California fruits and flowers. With but a few exceptions, the follow ing Is the complete list of the head quarters: < Will Dispense Good Cheer to . Visitors. All-Headquarters to Open This , Morning. CROWDED SPECIAL TRAINS ARRIVE WITH THRONGS OF VISITORS AND ANIMATED SCENES DISTURB USUAL QUIET OF SABBATH Veterans Reach Their Destination and Are Delighted With - San Francisco. Energetic Committees Direct the Visitors to Places of Residence. VEBMONTEBS SLATED. Tho Vermonters are elated over the compliment they received from the Pull- party are W. M. Pierce, Hon. J. K. Dar ling and E. S. Johnson. man officials at Ogden. The latter said the Vermonters had the finest train that had passed through there so far. Mrs. J. M. Holllster, a lady very promi nent In Grand Army circles in New Eng land, is also in the party. More than 100 members of Memorial Post No. 141. Department of Ohio, also ar rived. Another section containing mem bers of the Ohio delegation reached here late last night. J. L. Smith is commander of the post. The delegation which ar rived in the afternoon was selected to act as escorts to the department commander, but their train was cut in two and they were sent ahead. Commander Smith Is general passenger agent of the Lake Shore road at Cleveland, Ohio. ADMIRE DECORATIONS. For the next twenty-four hours every train that enters this city either at Oak land or at Third and Townsend streets will contain veterans who are coming to this encampment. The railroad company has made every arrangement for the speedy transit of the soldiers and it Is ex pected that every special now on the road will be here not later than this evening. Many favorable comments have been heard on the streets from the visitors. Although the decorations In their honor have not been completed they express the opinion that they have never seen any thing to equal them. They are awaiting eagerly for the night Illumination. The thousands of globes glittering in the sun light had attracted their attention and they marvel at the number used to Illu minate the streets. every hour yesterday trains bearing members of the m^F Grand Army of the Republlo •^ A end their families rolled into the depot at Oakland pier. Wearied by their long ride on the cars, but eager to reach their destination, the veterans marched on to the terry boats and en- Joyed the ride on the bay. The weather was Ideal and the visitors were charmed with their first view of the city and Its surroundings. The old soldiers were laden with valises and grips. On their breasts they wore the badge of honor aud printed badges telling from whet State they hailed. Committees from th© local posts met the veterans cm both sides of the bay and directed them to their hotels and abiding places. In the Ferry building a committee on registration toiled all dey. The visi tors were assigned to rooms and directed without loss of time. The ecenes at the pier in Oakland and in the grand nave of the Union Depot were pathetic and many eyes were dimmed with tears. Old comrades met for the first time since the war and brothers clasped hands of brothers and sisters greeted brothers. Hand clasps and embraces were numerous. Loud ex clamations of Joy at seeing a dear one were followed by anxious inquiries; about the folks at home. . PERRY-BOATS CROWDED. The ferry boats were crowded to their utmost capacity. Besides the visitors, hundreds of residents took advantage of the delightful day to cross to either side. No accidents marred the day. The trair.s. as were expected, were be hind time. The train dispatcher at the Oakland pier had a large force of men at work and the air vibrated with the in. cessar.t clicking of telegraph machines, fiection followed section into the depot. Every half hour the trains rolled in. The cars, after being emptied, wers immedi ately Fide-tracked and will remain on the sidings until the visitors are ready to return home. Within twenty-four hours as many trains came in. Delega tions came from all parts of the Union. The veterans looked wan and worn and dusty. Some were feeble- and pome car ried heavy canes for assistance. There were hundreds of the jrrizzled com rades who were feeble and every one was eager to help them along. Willing hands assisted them up the steps leading to the boat and carried heavy valises and every kindness was shown them. True California hospitality is being extended the soldiers and they are delighted at the v.armth of their welcome. The first train to arrive yesterday was a special from Connecticut. In the party na? ex-Governor Morgan G. Bulkeley, who is the department commander. The party consisted of 150 men. The tattered flasrs which were borne so proudly in the front ranks of battle were guarded jealously by the color-ser peants. They were encased in leather and the blood-stained and bullet-pierced 'mblems, which were followed by the brave defenders of the Union, will be un furled to the breeze Wednesday when the big_ parade of the Grand Army is to be held in this city. The Connecticut veterans came here in style. They had eight Pullman cars and a diner attached. They nad a good time across the continent and came through without accident. DELEGATION FROM IOWA. The Iowa delegation arrived early in th.* morning. They were greeted on their arrival by Sergeant J. Brady, Corporal Charles Rehn, Privates James Edwards, J. Arling. L. Levy. Hanna, C. J. Smith and Musician Alfred Ames, Veterans of the Spanish War. A large delegation of the young veterans went up the road and boarded all the trains for the purpose of registering the visitors and directing them to find their hotels and giving all the in formation they needed. The Iowa special contained ten cars, which were crowded. More than 200 vet erans and their families came on this train. In the afternoon the Vermont contin gent arrived. They were represented by 194 veterans, headed by Frank Kentfield, the department commander. The latter has surrounded himself with his aids and other officers of the department. Ten del egates to the National Convention are with him. They have no choice for com mander in chief and come here unpledged. In the party were George W. Kenney. superintendent of motor power of the Rutland Railroad Company: A. A. Nlles, and Aids G. W. Kenny. E. McEntyre and <!. E. Beach. Colonel A- C. Brown is here 2F a delegate at large. B. F. Bowman is also a delegate to the convention. Mrs. C. E. Beach, president of the Relief Corps, accompanied Shcr husband on the long trip. A. !>. Cheney, commander of the Vermont Eons of Veterans, has been very busy looking after his large contingent Among others with him are A. II. Camp and E. C. Wilson, quartermaster of the Eons of Vermont. Others in the ENCAMPMENT'S FIRST DAY WILL KEEP VETEUJWS BUSY PENSIONS WTLI. DIMINISH. Commissioner Ware Gives Interest ing Statistics of His Bureau. United States Commissioner of Pensions E. F. Ware arrived here yesterday from Washington, D. C, and is registered at the California. He is here to attend the National Encampment and will no doubt be a prominent figure at the many meet ings. In an Interview last evening he gave many interesting statistics of the Pension Bureau. "The United States Pension Bureau han dled more business last year than any thing approaching it in the last ten years," he said. "We handled 100,000 -old cases and there are still 304,000 pensions that have to be decided upon. In the Pension Bureau there is a clerical force of 1500, and the field force, that is, doc tors and others all over the United States, makes 5000 more. "Ten years asro there were 1,000.000 pen sioners. There are 3000 less now. I think from this time on the pensioners will gradually diminish. The death rate is 42.2 per year to the 1000. The amount now paid annually in pensions and in run ning: the office is $142,000,000. There are eighteen different agents who distribute eubagents throughout the United States. Two agencies in the East alone pay out to 100,000 pensioners. On the Pacific Coast the pension office is located In San Fran cisco, and at the suggestion of Agent Fuller the pensioners of Hawaii, the Phil ippines and Alaska are paid in the San Francisco office. "We have 9200 pensioners as a result of the Spanish War and 3662 widows to care for. There were in all 75.003 applications from former soldiers and widows and there are now 3000 cases pending." Morning. Reception of visitors by. the several committees; assignments to hotels, boarding-houses and furnishing information as to various headquarters. Opening of all national headquarters and those of State depart ments. .:'•','„'. '% f Registration of comrades at various State and post headquarters. Opening of headquarters of Woman's Relief Corps and Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic. Registration of 'members. Afternoon and' Evening. z Receptions at national and State department headquarters of the Grand Army, the Woman's Relief Corps, the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, Army Nurses of the Civil War, Union Ex- Prisoners of War, Association of Army Musicians, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Veterans of the Spanish- Americcn War, Mexican Veterans, Navd Veterans and Sons of Veterans. " Evening receptions by Lincoln Post No. i at Pioneer Hall; George H. Thomas Post No. 2 at Steinway Hall, and Garfield Post No. 34 at Alcazar building. Electrical illuminations of Market/ street, public buildings Jand Gothic arches at Third and Market streets. . Pope Receives Archbishop Harty. ROME, Aus. 16.— The Pope at 5 o'clock to-day received at a private audience in his apartment Archbishop Harty (who yes terday was consecrated Archbishop of Manila), with whom he spoke at length about the situation in the Philippines. The Pope said the efforts of the clergy toward the pacification of the archipelago and the triumph of Catholicism would al ways receive the warmest support at Rome. Archbishop Harty then presented to the Pontiff his secretary, Monslgnor f-Qwlerj and Father Donohue of Alabama. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1903. 3 ADVERTISEMENTS. Skin Diseases" of the most stubborn and chronic kind are promptly relieved and eventually cured by the use of Hydrozone This powerful germidde is ab- solutely harmless. - It has cured cases pronounced incurable and will cure" you. By killing: the germs that cause skin diseases, it allows Nature to restore a healthy skin. Used and endorsed by lead- ing; physicians everywhere for the last 1 2 years. Booklet on request * Sold by leading dragsists or trial bottle sent prepaid on receipt of 25 cents. C 1 .0 Prince St., New York Your grocer is glad to return your money, if Schilling's Best is not good -enough for you. It isn't bis money. — *-