Newspaper Page Text
THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1903. 14 HELP WASTED— MALE— Con. MURRAY & READY. Phone Main 6848. 634-636 Clay st. Leading Employment and Labor Agents. Office half block long; 14 clerks employed: by our own printing plant we publish a free bulletin of labor containing every position segregated under departments ready for dis- tribution 7 a. m. ; also noon and evening editions; get one free. *" THIS IS WHAT MADE US FAMOUS. We know no distinction between man and ' man. YOU ARE ALL EQUAL. YOU ARE ALL WELCOME. 1902 we gave 1903 we'll give 45.000 men work. C0.00O men work. We ship you Free to one Free' to-day. Free to all. Ogden. Utah. All parts Nevada, Los Angeles County, Santa Barbara, .Chatsworth Park. Hawaiian Islands, Santa Susana. . Oregon, San Fernando. *" Washington, Los Angeles County. Central America, Arizona. Wllltts. Uklah, And All Points North. East. South, Including Ogden, Utah. Carpenters and helpers, pile drivers, fence builders, drillers, single, double and machine men, corner and bench hands, muckers, chuck tenders, car dumpers, teamsters, la- borers track men, cooks, waiters, black- smiths, etc.. $5. $4. $3 50. $3. $2 50. $2 day. Free fare. Free fare. Free fare. Everybody talking. Thousands going. Are you? Are you? Are you? MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay it 111 COOKS— BIG PAY. ~ COOKS-^BIG PAY. COOKS— COOKS. 26 cooks for harvest and fruit ranches, hay presses, etc., $70. $60, $50. $40, $30 fd.; very few men to cook for, no women there. 4 cooks for different mines, $70, $65, $50, $40 and found. 46 cooks, hotels, restaurants, cafes, stations, etc., $70 to $40 and found. WAITERS. 82 waiters, different places. Including cafes and grills. $45 to $30 and found. 6 bell and elevator boys, city and country positions, $15 to $30 and found. 0 porters and bedmakere, city and country I positions, $45 to $20 and found. •S6 dishwashers, city and all parts of Califor- nia, $40 to $25 and found. MURRAY & READY. C34-636 Clay st. FRE*E ONLY 14 MILES AWAY FREE. 16 laborers; you'll suit. $42 and found. MURRAY & READY. 034-636 Clay st. SPECIAL BY MIDNIGHT. MAIL. PHONE AND TELEGRAPH. ! Greenhouse gardener, $50; sheep herder. $25 and found. 2 miners, gold mine. Scandinavians. $90. Carpenter, ranch, boes here, $40 found. Cook, fare paid, ?40 and found. SPECIAL. 12 men, warehouse work, fare $1. $3 day, EXTRA SPECIAL. CITY. 12 laborers, Oakland. $45 found. Sheetiron worker, city. $3 day. 2 cappers, country cannery, $2 day. Bench capper, country cannery, $2 day. 2 boys, learn tllesettlng, city. $32 50. Milker and wife, Coluxa County. $50 found. Walter. Santa Cruz County cafe, HO found. Log way man. also sawyer, south. $90 found. LOOK— R. R.— 10c FARE. 12 laborers, track men, $2 25 day. Laundryman. country job, $35 found. Boy carry U. S. mall. 4 young men. help ttlesetters, $2 day. OREGON— FREE R. R. FARE. 26 laborers, sawmill, boss here, $60. Kdgerman, same place, boss here, $75. 5 extra waiters, city hotels, $1 50 day fd. Milker and wife, boss here, $50 and found. Cook. Nevada, free fare, R. R.. $50 found. Slaughter-house butcher's helper, fare $1, $30 and found. Bell boy for first-class club. $30 found. Baker's helper, fare $1 70, $35 found. »> hammermen, 8 hours, new Job, $«2 50. Blacksmith. 8 hours' work, camp, $90. .'» laborers, help mechanics, you'll do, $2 day. EXTRA SPECIAL. Butcher, ranch, boss here, $40 found. :."> fruit pickers, fare 75c. $30 found. 12 cooks, ranches, $60, $50, $40. $30 found. Butcher, wagon work, fare "0c, $35 found. Man and wife, dairy. San Mateo Co., $55 fd. 2 families, pick almonds. $2 50 ton. Choreman, State Senator's residence, $30 fd. Carpenter, 8 hours, city, $3 50 day. BEST WAGES AT MURRAY & READY'S. BEST PLACES AT 634-636 Clay St. LOOK! UTAH STATE LINE. Steam shovel engineer, free fare, $75 to $125 Cranes man. fjee fare. $00 to $90 Cook, few men. camp, free fare. $50 fd MUR R A Y A READY. 634-636 Clay Bt. GOING TO-DAY^ HUMBOLDT CO. 55 laborers, anybody will suit, $35 and found; steady Job; big lumber trust. MURRAY & READY, 634-636 Clay st. ITALIANS— BOARD YOURSELVES. 25 laborers, new work, steady Job, $67 50. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st. EL DORADO CO. BIG SAWMILL. Y<*ur R R Fare Paid. 2f> woodsmen, $45 fd. 25 laborers, you'll suit. v $60 MURRAY & READY, N 634-636 Clay St. MANUFACTURING SYNDICATE. FARE PAID. 43 MILES AWAY. 25 laborers, no experience required. $67 60. MURRAY & READY, 634-636 Clay at. BIO NEW GOLD MINE. 25 laborers, you'll suit. Calaveras County $07 50. MURRAY & READY, 634-636 Clay! GOLD. SILVER? COPPER. COAL. 26 machine miners, southeast mine, $90. 1»S single and double hand miners, $90, $S2, $75. ? S« timber furnace men. also muckers, $30 $75. *eo and found. 16 car men for good mines, $45, $60 and fd COME AND SEE. 2fiS laborers, no experience wanted, located everywhere. X7. r >, WO and found. NEW TUNNELS. OLD QUARRIES. 237,simrle and double hand drillers, also la- hortra, located all over California. $S0 $75 $60 and founrt. COME SEE. " ' FARMS AND DAIRIES. 33 milkers and butter makers, $40, $35 $30 and found. 180 ranch hands. $45. $30. $26 and foirad THRESHING OUTFITS. 38 men about threshing machines, you'll do $45 and found. * 26 hay balers, located all over. 20c, 25c ton BIG WAGES— GOOD JOBS. FOR STABLES, 2(5 men, $R0, $70, $50, $.15 fd FOR CHORES. 39 men. $35. $30. $20. $15. fd. Coachmen, gardeners, private family men, ¦sheepherders. MARRIED HELP WANTED. Waiter and wife, country. $55 and found, ex- ceptionally good job. 8 farmers and wives, cook and wife for mills, woods, mines, etc., ?40, $30 $f>0 and found- come see; WE'LL TELL YOU. _ MUST HAVE 'EM. " 26.1 laborers end teamsters, located all over California, excavating mills, factories grad- ing, etc., some in San Francisco, $2, $2 50 day. BOYS. BOYS. BOYS, lfi boys, to learn trades, work in factories $5, $6, $7, $9 week. LOOK AGAIN. 16 brick bufners. boys here. $45 and found 12 brick wheelers, boss here. $35 and found 10 brick setters, boss here, $2 50 to $3 day. 2(j laborers, brickyard, boss here, $60 MURRAY & READY, 634-636 Clay st. RAILROAD'S OWN WORK. 154 laborers to lay track and ballast work, $67 50 per month. , THEY WANT YOU. DIAMOND MATCH SYNDICATE OF NEW YORK-COST $1. 1S6 teamsters and axmen $75. 186 laborers. $67 50. 186 drillers, rock hammersmen. $70 LOOK— NOW— TO-DAY FREE M^HEADERMEN, TUNNEL. FREE FARE. "FACTORY— EXTRA GOOD— $60. 16 -laborers; you'll suit; steady Job near city. $60. BORDERS OF OREGON FREE. 25 two-horse teamsters, lumber company, free fare., $50 and found SHASTA AND SISKIYOU COUNTIES. 26 laborers, you'll suit, lumber trust. $72 50. 2 screw setters. $105; 15 offbearers. $S2 50. 25 laborers, pile lumber, you'll suit. $S2 50. 16 crosscut t crs for woods. $60 and found. 26 boys ' for box factory, anybody will do, : $32 and found. TUOLUMNE GOLD MINE REGION — FREE. 65 laborers, anybody will do, R. R. fare free. $42 and found. North— GET ABOARD THIS BOAT— Free. 27 laborers, lumber mills, yards, etc., fare * paid. $35 and found up. AS WE TOLD YOU— TO BUTTE $1. 196 teamsters laborers and axmen $75. . FREE— OREGON— FREE. ' 26 woods and mill men, regular Oregon big wages — WAGES. > FRUIT PICKING— AS YOU LIKE IT. 65 men, you eat fruit, you can pick fruit, fare $1 $26 and found. - ARE YOU A COAL MINER? 155 coal • miners — OREGON — FREE FARE. - WILLITS— UKIAH— FREE FARE. 26 teamsters and laborers, others going — Are you? $75. DO YOU KNOW? FREE FARE. On every train we ship to S. P. Co.'s own work. (All. yes, all divisions.) Laborers. • extra ¦ gangs and section hands. Free fare. SANTA BARBARA BY THE'SEA. 155 laborers, free fare. $45 and found. '" . MURRAY & READY, . ¦ 634-636 Clay at. • MECHANICAL. READ CAREFULLY. 9 bench hands. $3 50; tt helpers, bench Job, $60;. country jobs.- BLACKSMITHS. 34 blacksmiths and helpers, located every- where, $90 up. 16 coopers, lie barrel; 2 carriage makers $4. Sandstone quarryman. $3 day up; stone- mason country. $60 and found. » BUTCHERS.- 8 all-round butchers. $40, $60. $70 and found. MILLINERY. LADIES' Imported and tailored hats Just In: call' prices low to start them going: frames made tr. fit the face. MME. DOSCH. 207 I'Ofct tt. - MISCELLANEOUS — FOR SALE. BOILERS, engines, tM-hand machinery. McIN- JOSH & WOLPMAN. l'.>5-197 Fremont St. A GOOD reason to buy diamonds, watches ani Jewelry from us is that you need only pay a small weekly payment on all purchases; all goeds delivered on first payment. Call anJ examine our goods, even if you don't c_r» to) buy. LICHTENSTEIN BROS.. 25 Stockton. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with elaterlte: in rolls easy to lay: needs no painting or coating; good ov»r oH Iron tin or shingles; best for new roots. ELATERITE ROOFING CO.. 713 Market st. NEW lumber for sale; used for Official grand- stand at City Hall siuare: bi<! a Bawl be in before Aug. 10, 5 p. m., at 1O."> GoMen Gat» ave. A _ r i ne suits $7 5f>; dress pants. $2 50. Origi- nal Misfit Clothing Parlors. 23S Kearny St.. near Bush; open to 9 P- m. Sunday to noon. A— $3 50 DERBY and fedora hats. $1 75. Pop- ular Price Hatters. 300 Kearny st.. r.ear Pine; open till 0 P. m. Sunday to noon. . a BUY 5 * sells, or rents gear machinery, en- gines boilers, water pipe, shafting, pulleys. etc WH1TELAW. 2y.-2.V-> Spear st. . SECOND machinery, boilers, engines, pumps' wood and iron working machinery, bought. ToM and rented. H.S.WHITE.130-132 Beale. FOR sale 2 carloads No. 1 Jerseys. Holstelas and Durham cows; fresh and springers: at a bargain. Mission road, near Flve.Mlle House. CHEAP; nearly new Jewel gas range and small coal stove. 7 Ewer place, off Mason St.. bet. Sacramento and Clay. Al FRESH family cow. Just from the country. Inquire SAM AFTEROUT. Mission road. nr. Seven-Mile House and county line. TRY our men's shoe3 at $1 and $1 50 pair: foot-form shoes at $2 50: we pay expreM charges. 11 3d st.. Exam_bl£g.; catalog free. GAS and gasoline engines, new and second- hand; all sizel E. B. BECK & CO.. 123 Market st. „ FOR SALE— Gasoline engine*. Bay City Iron Works. Third and Washington sts.. Oakland. LADY'S ticket for s!im brunette, medium height, to St. Louis: $2T.. Box 3331. Call. AT a great sacrifice bracelet containing 4S large diamonds. Box 30C3. Call office. MOVING pictures, magic lanterns, sale, rental; bargains. Bullard & Breck. 131 Post st. MILES of pipe* and fittings: all size*. EU- GENE RILEY & SONS. 109 Vallejo st MOVING picture film and song slides 109 Montgomery st. t SAFES — New and second-hand. E. B. BECK * CO.. 122 Market st. ________ All bargalns;camp stools and e ha 'rs. h arn mockji. metal beds, mattresses. J.F.Hotter.712 Mission. Edison phonographs, records; supplies, wovinsj picture machines, fllms. Baclgalupl. 93o MXt. GASOLINE engines, automobiles and launches, all sizes. J. E. DOAK. 4B Fremont et. SAFES — New and second-hand. THE HER- MA NN SAFE CO.. 417-423 Sacramento st ASK for prices on second-hand typewriters: all makes. ALKXAXPF.Tt A CO.. 110 Montg y. MISCELLANEOUS WASTS. WANTED — To buy a bushellng shop; must b« a bargain. Box 3324. Call office. TILTON wants good second-hand clothing «n<l theatrical ronrtV 154 !»th »t. : tel. Jessie C*St. ~ JIOSEY TO LOA\. AAA— HERMAN MURPHyT 601-602-603 Examiner building. Quick settlements: no disappointment. Save expenses by dealing directly. Estates, second mortgages, undivided Inter- ests assignments of rents, property in trust. etc.; legacies, life estates and undivided in- t*rests ln property purchased. Courteous treatment. Strictly confidential. When You Need Money See HERMAN MURPHY. HIGHLY respectable private place to obtain liberal adv&ncea on diamonds. Jewelry, at lowest rates. Baldwin Jewelry Store. 841 Market st: tel. Main 1644 Branch. 13 Third. MONEY loaned to salaried people, retail mer- chants, teamsters. board!n?-houses. without security; easy payments; lareest business la 46 principal cities. Tolman. 553 Parrott bldg. A — 1 per cent on furniture or piano:no removal; no commission: no publicity; $25 up: quick. quiet, confidential. 2& Montgomery st, r. 7. MUNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE. 103 Grant aft.. LOANS FROM $1 TO $10,000. AT cut rates on real estate, furniture or piano; no commission. E. W. LICK. 1C03 Mutual Sav. Bk. bid.. 708 Market; phone Main 81«. B. F. DISCOUNT AGENCY— Loans to salaried people on 'their cote. The TOUSLET CO 143 Phelan bMg. MONEY to loan on low Interest; gold, silver, diamonds, pearls and precious stones bought at W. J. HE3THAL'S. 10 Sixth st. MONEY loaned to salaried employes. O. W. MILLER, room 74. fifth floor. Chronicle bldg. ONE per cent on furniture: $5 a month, on each $1000: any security. 302 Montgomery, room 18. 8% ON furniture & pianos; $15 up; no removal; V. TREMAIX. room 81. 6 Eddy St.. floor 4. ALL loans on diamonds and Jewelry 2 per cent mo. 8. F. Collateral Loan Bank. 333 Kearny. STAR Loan Co. of Wyoming loans money ta salaried employes. R. 311. Mutual Sav. Bk. bid, CASH loaned salaried people on notes without lndorser. MORRELL. 609 Examiner bid. MUSICAL ISSTRlMEJiTS. AMONG OUR BARGAINS ARC: 3 Chlckerlnga ..: $190, flS3. $2.11 1 Fllsher: upright $3.1 1 Jewett; mahogany; new ..._ $18O 1 .Bchaff er; mahogany; new S1S5 2Ub— .erson SISS. |213 2 Ftelnway -$1S3. $213 S Heine $235 to $393 25 squares $13 to $179 7 organs $10 to $73 Rents $2 up allowed on purchase; Install- ments $4 up; piano players from $90 up; new pianos from $117 up. HEINE PLVNO) CO., 23S-237 G«ary »t.. agent* for th* Gab- ler, Krell. Steiter. etc A SMALL walnut Emerson upright, absolute!?: like new. $133. 237 Geary it STEINWAY upright, left by private party. -$16C; a great bargain. 237 Geary st. A FEW good upright pianos from $70 un com- prising Voee, Sterling, Jacobsen. Schnech- ten, Sherwood. Weser, Marshall & Wendell. Hatnes, Everett, Knabe and others; easy payments. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON. lft-20 ; O'Farrell. No branches ln San Francisco. BAUMEISTER stands for all that is good la piano manufacture; also you can buy It for a reasonable amount of money. THE ZENO MAUVAIS MUSIC CO.. 7K> Market st All pianos on easy payments. G. A. R.' VISITORS— Free Cecilian Ptana Player concerts daily at BYRON MAT.ZY S. All are welcome. 3C8 Post st B<ND Instruments; F. Besson. Parts, maker. Gus Malwald. Agt Pac Coast. 273 O'Farrell: skillful repairing; 2d-hand instruments sold. THE big piano sale at BYRON MAUZY'S Is m grand chance to purchase a piano cneap. 30S Post at. _______——___——, UNFORSEEN circumstances cause sacrifice of first-class 3-pedal upright piano. 353 Golden Gate ave. '- . BARGAIN— Standard make upright; good con- dltlon. SCHMITZ & CO.. lft McAllister st. Unredeemed storage pianos and furniture dirt cheap. Whltehead's Storage. 165C Market. A GRAND rush at BYRON MAUZY'S sale of pianos* uprights. $50 up; squares. $J0 u;x 308 Post st BEAUTIFUL 3-pedal Steinway upright piano; perfect order: sacrifice. Keeffe'«.2S5 O'Farrell. BUY direct from the factory and save 50 per cent. HORNUNO^ 216 McAllister st. CALL at BYRON MAUZY'S Piano House aai get prices on pianos which will please you. 30S Post st. KOHLtR * CHASE. 30 OTarrell St.: largest anJ oldest piano house. BEST renting piano In city for $3 per monti. SCOTT-CURTAZ PIANO CO.. 560 Hayes st. SOHMER. Byron Mauzy planes. Cectlian plan* player. BYRON MAUZY. 308-312 Post st. SUPERIOR, violins, xlthers. old and new. H. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. A WEEK'S news for 5 cent*— The Weekly Call,, i« par*«. In wranr»r. for mailing. $1 per year. OFFICES AXD STORES TO LET. EMMA SPRECKELs" building. 027 Market at.— Offlca to let; rent $15; light, heat. Janitor and telephone. ASHTON & GARDINER. SANSOME. 712. near Jackson — Handsome larg> store to let: rent $25. PALMISTRY. MME. DEVAS, scientific palmist an3 astrolo- glat. Office. 20 Llebes bldg.. i:u> Post st • $1 palm readings; 3 quest iona free; Tue3. eve. MME. ZILLAII. scientific palmist and card reader: 25 years' experience; !ata of New Zealand and Australia. 525A Po»t st. H. JEROME FOSELLI. scientific palmist 513 Taylor st, near Geary. Phone Black 381. EDUCATIONAL- — Continued. LESSONS given In Water Color or OH Paint- Ing from Nature. CURRIER. 372 Sutter st ARITHMETIC, bookkeeping, grammar, writing, etc.: day or eve.; $5 mo. 1024 Mission. nr. 6th. Chicago Business College, 1435 Market, nr. 10th. Pittman shorthand, typing, bookkpg., $8 mo. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 2200 Flllmore. CHEAPEST and best ln America— The Weekly Call. 16 pases, sent to any address In the United Statf* or Canada one vear for $1. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. GEORGE AOKI. 421 Post st: tel. Bush 135— Japanese-Chinese employment office: fur- nishes best help; contracts for farm help. etc. A — ORPHKUM Employment Office — Japanese- Chinese help. 420 Powell. Tel. Main 5752. A— GRAND Japanene-Chlnese Emp. Office. 415 Stockton: tel. Grant 168; expert.rellable help. CHINESE Employment Office — Best help at Leon Seung's. 411% O'Farrell; tel. East 426. RELIABLE Japanese-Chinese Employment Of- fice; all kinds help. 315 Stockton; Main 5183. | CHINESE and Japanese help; estab. 20 years. Tel. Main 1097. BRADIiEY & CO.. 640 Clay. EMPLOYMENT WANTED FEMALE. A LA.OY delegate to the encampmmt of G. A. R. horn New York State desires a situation as nurse for aji elderly lady or eiderly couple or housekeeper where servants are kept; large experience; reliable. Call or address E. A. KINGSBURY. 1164 O'Farrell st. TRAINED nurse with knowledge of bookkeep- ing, speaking French and English, desires position in physician's office or any light occupation. MISS G. A. R.. 1250 O'Farrell. AN American lady Just from Europe, jpeak- j ing German; desires position as housekeeper or seamstress In respectable family. Box 1023. Call office. STRONG young woman would like place as housekeeper or chambermaid; country pre- f erred. Call 123 Tenth St.. city. GERMAN girl would like position to do up- stairs work. Call 524 Stevenson st. WANT ads and subscriptions taken for The Call at Eaton's Bazaar. 633 McAllister st. A BRANCH office tor Call advertisements and fubscriptlons has been eatabmtbed at 10»« Valencia st. _________-_-_—_——— EMPLOYMENT WANTED MALE. MARRIED German florist and gardener wishes permanent position; either commercial or private. Box 1022. Call. SITUATION wanted; a butcher, sober and steady man. Box 1027. Call office. AN experienced wine maker and cellar man wishes porltlon. Please apply 630 Sacramento. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires permanent situation; rapid and accurate- worker; good references, including present employers; not afraid of work. Box 808. Call office, Oakland. A GERMAN, middle-aged and single, wishes a fltuatlon ln a grocery store and barroom; first-class references. W. BOHLING, 417 Kearny st. A REFINED, good natured old gentleman, eminently respectable, good habits, unln- cumbered, desires a position as companion. Box 3338. Call office. PAINTER, Eastern man, wants work by day or umall Jobs and contracts taken. Address painter, 1121 Webtter st. YOUNG man with experience In office of wholesale grocery desires situation. Box 3332. Call office. JAPANESE student wants position as school- boy In small family; without room; speaks English. S. K.. 1329 Pine st. JAPANESE first-class waiter, want* a posi- tion In family; city or country. FRANK HIRA. 427 A Stevenson St. JAPANESE student wants position us school- boy: speaks English. KONDO. 132V Pine at. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch of*ce. '221 tO Flllmofe. ~ FLATS TO LET. 11OUSE8 and~flats to let; an immense list; ser- vice absolutely free: take advantage of this department: it will save you time and trouble. Cordes Furniture Co.. 245-259 Oeary tt. en the square. I CORNER Noe. and Elizabeth sts. : new. «runny ! flat on corner. 1060 Noe st. ; modern Improve- ments: convenient to Twenty-fourth and Cas- tro st. cars; rent reasonable. HATEs7~C0ft, corner Laguna— Three sunny 100ms and yard: rent reasonable. ¦ BEAVER. 67 — 9-room flat? cheap to a good tenant: between Noe and Castro sts. ELEGANT sunny upper corner flat, 6 rooms, bath. Hattle and Merrltt. west, off Castro. ! TO iet— Flat of four rooms; 1S97 O'FarrelL HOOKER & LENT. 14 Post st FLATS FOR SALE FURNISHED. ELEGANT new furniture of 6-room flat: every-, thing complete. 1130 Golden Gate; no dealers. FURNITURE WANTED. A. WOLLPEKT, 773 MUslon. phona Red 4I6-, buys, rents, repairs, packs furniture, carpets. I HELP WANTED — FEMALE. WANTED — 4 cooks. $30. $35; 3 housework Kirls, *:t0; 5 second girls, city and country. $20, $25; 4 nurseglrls. $25; nurse for home, $20; kitchen helper, $20; man and wife, kitchen work, $60, country; . 5 cooks for ranches, fare paid; 3 lunch waitresses. 75c; dining-room girl, sanitarium, $25; laundress. $30; 3 chambermaids and waitresses, country hotel, $25; housework. San Rafael, $25; cook 1 lady. $-5; 5 waitresses for city hotels. $20, ?25; woman with a child, country, $t0; 40 house girls at $20. $25, $:t0. Call to-day. J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 334 Sutter st OUTING ln the country and earning money at name time; women and girls wanted to cut fruit; workinc pears and peaches, the most profitable part of the season; comfortable workroom; furnished room for two, with use of kitchen, ln private family. $1 60 per week; free camping grounds. Further information, 220 Market St.. room 12; come at once to LOS GATOS CANNERIES. Los Gatos, Cal. WOMEN and girls wanted to work on fruit and canning; steady work; highest wages. Apply California Canneries Co.. Brannan «t, between Third and Fourth. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS AND RIV- ETERS; NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY: PAID SALARY. LEVI STRAUSS & CO.'S FACTORIES. 32% FREMONT ST. AND 1873 MISSION. NEAR FIFTEENTH. WOMEN and girls to work on fruit; steady employment; day and piece work; highest wages. CODE-PORTWOOD CANNING CO., Bryant and Tenth. PICK HOPS — Excursion to El Robles ranch, on Russian River, fixed for August 18 only. In- stead of August 25, as previously advertised; call Immediately for El Robles tickets; fami- lies and young people preferred; heavy crops; excellent pay; beautiful camps; plenty amuse- ments. E. CLEMENS HORST COMPANY. 122 Battery st.. 8. F. WANTED — Experienced ribbon saleswoman, one who understands tying bows; also ex- perienced embroidery saleswoman to go to Sacramento; state age, experience and salary expected. Apply box 1009, Call. A LADY housekeeper wanted, and care of children; with seme knowledge of music pre- ferred, ln a plain cottage ln town in San Joaquin Valley; salary $.'10 and good home. Address Box 1021, Call office. HA1RDRESSING, manicuring, massage, hair work; removal of superfluous hair taught from A to Z ln 2 weeks for $10; positions guaranteed; $10 to $20 per week; school day and eve. 233 Geary, r. 13; maids prepared. A — LADIES, learn all branches hairdresslng trade; manicuring, massage, etc.: 1236 Mar- ket St., cor. Jones, room 94; positions secured at highest wages; day and eve. class; call. EXPERIENCED GIRLSfON PATENT BUT- TON MACHINES. LEVI STRAUSS & CO., 32& FREMONT ST. MR. ; DAVIS, .a. — Girls to learn millinery now for fall season; both seasons taught from start to finish in one . month for $10; positions as trimmers, sales- ladies, etc., guaranteed at $10 per week up:' day and evening class. 143 Stockton st, r. 13. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housework; family of four, in Belvedere; liberal wages. Call 1905 Pacific ave.. from 11 to 2 o'clock Wednesday. August 19. WANTED — At once a eempctent maid, able to cut and fit; must be good packer and willing to travel. Apply 123 Phelan Building, be- tween 10 and 12. ' A — OPERATORS on ladles' '. underwear- , good wages. <X>H Mission st., 3d floor. . A — GIRLS from 14 to 17to sew by hand. ' 656 Mission Et., 3d floor; take elevator. HELP WASTED— FEMALE Con> . .. GERMAN girl in home restaurant for plain cooking and to help on tables at lunch; fair wages. 1837 Union st. near Octavla. STENOGRAPHER whoTcan also play piano; light work; permanent position. Hoover University of Culture. 1639 Flllmore st. A— HANDFINISHERS wanted to, V rk il'i/tnr" tory. (tttt Mission St.. 3d floor; take elevator. GIRLS wanted; collar rubber! The Electric Laundry. 63" Folsom st. _____ GIRL for housework. 51 Cumberland st.. bet. 10th and 20th and Guerrero and Dolores sts. WANTED— Woman for light housework; good home. Call 382 Fourteenth st. GOOD skirt hand; apprentice, paid while learn- Ing. 121 Geary >t _Starr King bldg.. r. o.?ti. RESPECTABLE middle-aged American two In family, $15. 371 Minna st.. near Fifth. PANTS fini»heib wanted by S. N, WOOD & CO. Apply at 27 Geary st> union wages. WAITRESS. 1759^_Iisslon st. GIRL for dressmaking: also an apprentice girl. 2715 Sutter, apartment 6. , WANTED— Girls to wo7k in factory. Apply ¦ Trunk Factory. Eighteenth and Folsom Ets. WANTED— Women Tnd girls to work on fruit. 1731 Folsom st. GIRL for housework. 1053 Market St.. up stairs. __. TALENTED amateur performer^ Apply at Chutes 6 p. m. Wednesday; salary no object. A LADY of indomitable energy to jnak* money and a convincing talker. F. PERSON. *iT and 478 Parrott building. ITALIAN lady who can speak English wanted to travel. Apply Girl.' Directory. Central ave. and Waller st ¦ . GOOD position for an ambitious woman as representative for a wholesale house. Box 1015, Call office. — BODY ironer wanted. United States Laundry. Sixteenth and Valencia sts. PANTS flrlshers; also girl with Mine «xperi- ence ln operating on pants. 245 Seventh at GIRL. 16 years, to put on fasteners. Carson Glove Co., 123 Second. < ; APPRENTICES wanted at millinery. Suite 8. third floor. 131 Post st. FIRST-CLASS buttonhole makers; also finlsh- era on vests. 230VJ Ninth, opp. Clementina. PANTS finishers wanted by S. N. WOOD & CO. Apply at 27 Geary st. ¦ 1 AnT of mod address to represeift high-grade L m^Iarlne^oo'd pay » Columbian building. ELDERLY German Catholic woman for house- wcrk ; 17 per week. 1071 Market st CLASSIFIED advertisements and » ub ,» cr lPtions received at Call branch office. 2200 Flllmore st A WEEK'S news for 6 cents— The Weekly Call, ¦ 16 pages, ln wrapper, for mailing. $1 per year. HELP WAXTJBDJ--5L4JLE. AT C. R. HANBEN & CO.'S Emp. Agency. 429 Bueh st .....642'Clay st. Hello Grant 185. Shipping Day To-day for CHATSWORTH PARK, L. A. CO., CAL. Machinemen, drillers ,'¦;"*, • \ (Bonus 25c day remain until work is done). 8. P. CO.S OWN WORK, near MLRCED. 30 men, extra gang •• • • • • • ••• $1 l0 WILLITS. MENDOCINO CO. Laborers .........$- -3 Absolutely Free Fare for All Above. EL DORADO CO. and BUTTB CO. Laborers, rockmen. rough carpenters. $2 .5, $3 Special Rate Fare. fl drillers, tunnel. R hours' work ...... $2 75 f.0 Scandinavian lumber pliers. $«2 found; bricklayers and concrete men. country. KOini? wages; 2 camp blacksmiths, country. $..0 found; carrUse maker, country, $J CO day: 20 laborers, quarry. $2 cay; for large brick vard. burners $45, setters $40. wheelers $J5 found; 6 choremen. $20. $30 found. Head second dishwasher, country hotel. $1 75 Cook and wife, country hotel $S0 2 all around cooks, $«>, $75; kitchen stewasl. country hotel. $50: waiter ami wife, country hotel $50; tt waiters, country hotels. £35. $45- 6 waiters. R. R. lunch coun.or, t\U: 4 waiters, country hotels. $25. $30: dishwash- ers, pantrymen, sllvermen. kitchen hands, city and country, $25. $35: bread bakor. city, $17 week; barkeeper, resort, $50 found; bell boji. S.'»v C. R. HANSEN & CO.. Employment Agents. 420 Bush at '»- Clay, tt. AV outside salf-sman who und<*r*ti:Hs gro- ceries and provisions; $100 monin to the j right man. Apply C. R. HANSEN & CO., 429 Bush st. A>? errand boy for this, office. C. R. HAN- KEN & CO., 429 Bush St. JANITOR $40; young man for mill. $1 25 to $1 50 day; laundryman, $40 and found; handy man for Institution, $30 and found; foreman for fruit ranch. $40 and found: 2 farmers and wives. $40 and $50 and found; farmers, $30 nnd $1 25 day and board; fruit pickers, $1 25 day and board; 2 section men for railroad. $2 day: miners, quarrymen, laborers, wood- choppers and others at good wages. J. F. CROSETT & CO.. b"28 Sacramento et . BUTLER. $10 and found; cook and wife, $60; hotel cooks, J43: restaurant second cook, $60; barkeeper, $.">0: 2 bakers' helpers, $1 day and $7 wrck and board; dishwasher, $30 month and $8 week; waiters and others. J. F. CRO- SETT & CO., 02S Sacramento st. ' A— HOTEL GAZETTE. 20 Montgomery, rm. 12. Second cook, ?00; dishwasher. $30: vegetable man. $.'J0; bell boys. $22 50 and $30. WANTED — Stenographer; young man for posi- tion ln country town; must be quick, accu- rate, have some knowledge of bookkeeping, write good hand; In answering; give expe- rlence, refs. and sal, required. Box 3340, Call. BOY 16 to IS years old to attend soda foun- tain: no experience necessary; must live at home with parents: boy of German descent preferred: wages $6 week to begin. Inquire between 8 and 10 a. m. at 810 Market at. A GOOD opportunity for a eteady and sober man with experience, to solicit orders and take charge of delivery wagon for a whole- sale liquor house: must furnish references and bond. Apply Box 1016. Call office. TRY our men's shoes, union made, at $1 and $1 .V) per pair: foot-form shoes at $2 50, or rrthojiedlc fho a, $.1 CO; test shoes on earth. 11 Third St., Exam, bldg., 5 doors from Market. WANTED — Al traveling salesman to sell me- chanical rubber Roods and assume estab- lished trade on first-class line; references re- quired. Box 1017,' Call. WANTED— A boy or young man in a cake shop: wages $20 to $30 If right party. 1048 McAWat^r et. EXPERIENCED grocery salesman wanted. Apply superintendent's office. The Empo- rium. . WANTED— Dlshwaeher at 506 Howard st. ; no Sunday work BOY of~Tfi~ generally useful, wholesale house. $4 50 per week. Box 1020. Call office. TINSMITHS wanted; steady work. for good workmen. 17 Drumm st. ' ; BO"f wanted at 259 Stevenson st, between Third and Fourth. '2 GOOD tinsmiths: those used to some outside work. M. J. CONWAY, San Mateo. WANTED— Walter. + pantryman and dish- washer at MARTIN'S, 15 Third Bt. APPRENTICE that has worked ln cabinet shop one yetfr. 61S Third st. > ASSISTANT waiter wanted: small restaurant; $15 per mo. and found. 2723 Sutter »t. FIRST-CLASS tinner wanted. Call Tuesday, 8 a. in. 1832 Union St.. near Octavla. WANTED— Bootblack in barber shop. 1543 Devlsadero st. . ________ WANTED— A good second-hand bread baker. 911% Larkln st. GOOD size man of appearance wanted; ref- erences required. 1185 Market st. TRY our men's shoes, union made, at $1 and $1 B0 pair; foot-form shoes at $2 50; we pay express or mall chgs. 11 Third at.. Exam, bid. $275 BARBER shop, sale $1CO; snap for right man; retiring. Inquire 1541 Geary st. FOR SALE— 2-chatr barber shop; rent $12 60; price $75. Box 1018. Call. ' BARBER shoo for sale. Inquire at Call of- fice. ' BOYS wanted Immediately to pare fruit with machine; good wages. California Canneries Co., 423 Brannan st. A MAN of indomitable energy and pueh. a good , talker, eager to make money. F. PERSON. 477 and 488 Parrott building. BARBER wanted: steady man. 2092 Mission street. y '¦'.-.' ¦ ' - ¦¦¦¦•¦» WANTED — Men for light work on fruit. 1731 Folsom st. ..'¦¦'. WANTED— For the U. 8. Marine Corps, able- bodied, unmarried men. between 21 and 35; good character; must speak, read and write English; marines serve at sea on men-of-war ln all parts of the world. 'on land in our Isl- and possessions, and at naval stations ln the United States. Apply at recruiting office, 40 Ellis st, San Francisco. Cal.; 222tf N. Main at. Los Angeles, Cal.. and 401 K at., Sacra- mento, Cal. . •; . WANTED — Young man who is experienced ln cloaks and suits to go to" a city not" far from San Francisco; state age, experience ' and salary expected. ADDly box 1010. Call. ¦a~ rRAjrczsco call. BUSINESS OFFICE ef the San Francisco Call, corner Market and Third streets; open eatil 12 o'clock every night In the year. BRANCH OFFICES— C27 Montgomery street, eon ier Clay; open until 8:30 p. m. 800 Hayes street; open until 9:30 t>. m. €33 McAllister street; open until 9:30 p. m. 618 Larkln street; open until 9:30 P. m. 1941 Mission street; open until 10 p. m. 22C1 Market street, corner Sixteenth; open tea! 8 p. m. 108 Eleventh street; open until 9 p. m. 1086 Valencia street; open until 9 p. m. Northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky street*; open until 9 p. m. 2200 Fill— .ore street; open until 9 p. m. MEETIXG NOTICES. ING Aug. IS. at 7 :S0 o'clock. Stated /V\ meeting and 1!. M. decree. By order of the H. P. FRANKLIN H-^DA^ GOLDEN GATE Lodge No. 30, F. and fi A M.— Called meeting THIS (Tl'ES-OV DAY) EVENING at 7:.«» o'« lock. Third degree. By order of \\ . M. EDWIN L. MEYER. Secretary. HERMANN Lodge No. 127, F. and A. «S M — CalleS meeting THIS PA\ W (TUESDAY). Aug. IS. 1903. at 2:30 /V\ o'clock p. m.. in Masonic Temple, for the funeral ef our deceased brother. WIL- LIAM SCHAUMLOEFFEL. By order of ths TV. M. L. SCHUMACHER. Secretary. ORIENTAL Loig* No. 144. F. and A. « M —Third degree THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. /?> A. S. HUBBARD. Secretary. EARGENT Lodge No. 368. I. O. O. ___**__«. F. — Merr.te rs are hereby nctiSed 4*_S»£S^t; to atter. 5 the funerxl »?r\ ices <,l : S^*$_|5r 1 cur late brother, ROBERT A. FAMPLE, from our lodgeroom. Market and Seventh sts.. WEDNESDAY. 1:45 p. m. In- terment at Cypress Lawn. . GEO. W. DIXON, Secretary. MAGNOLIA Lodge No. 29, I. O. O. F.— Initiation THIS (TL'ESDAY>>2«^ EVENING. Visiting brothers ofHj33g£_j/S» the G. A. R. especially Invited. "¦*MW^ g. POLACK. Sec. E. R. MOSS. N. G. 6AN FRANCISCO, Aug. 17. 1903— Vet-Xjy^ 1 en ins' National Guard of California : '«S_-S | An«emble at headquarters at 24 Fourthd-SZ-. «., TUESDAY. Aug. IS. at S:30 a. m.. tor jarade with G. A. R. . EDWARD G. EISEN. Commander. C. W. RADEBOLD. Adjutant. THE funeral delegation of ttin a~«» l 7b |v Riggers' and Ftevedoree-' i mi '_ J Irii »»N L'nion Association, I^cal c^^iy^Sift^* __2. commencing with ~r— 'ir* -¦¦¦ j Manuel Eouza and ending with E. Schnep- pie will assemble at our hall. 603 Front ; •t. TO-DAY (TUESDAY). August IS. at , 10 a m eharp to attend the funeral of our • lat<? brother. JOHN NEE. By order of THOMAS F BRYANT. President HENRY JEND. Rec. Sec. NOTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE SECURITY SAVINGS BANK- Nottce is hereby given, ln pursuance cf a resolution of the • Board of Directors of the Security Savings Bank. * corporation organired and existing under the ltws cf the State of California, passed and adepted on Tuesday, the 14th day of July, 19f«. tt a regular meeting of eaid Board, duly held at Number 222 Montgomery street. In the <~'ty and County of San Francisco, ln the fctate cf California, the same being the prin- <ipal place of business of eaid corporation, the Security Savings Bank, and at the build- ing where the Board of Directors of »a:d corporation usually meet, tiiat a meeting of the Ftockho'.ders cf said corporation, the Security Savings Bar.k. Is hereby called for. •nd will be held at Number 222 Montgomery f.reet. in said City and County of San Fran- cieco. the same being the principal place of business of said corporation, and being at the building where the Board cf Directors of I taid cor]>oration usually meet, on Wednesday, I the 23rd day of September. 19O.«. at the hour cf three o'clock in the afternoon of said day. for the purpose of considering, deciding and cctir.g upon the proposition to Increase the capital «ock of aald corporation, the Security Savings Bank, and to increase it to the smojnt of One Million Dollars. The amount to which It la proposed to Increase the eaid j capital etock is One Million Dollars'. By j order or the Board of Directors. Dated, July ; 14th. 1903. FRED W. RAY. Secretary cf the Security Savings Back. THE annual meeting of the stockholders cf the Pacific Undertakers will be held at 777 ¦ Mission «L. San Francisco, on MONDAY. '• August 24. 1903, at 8:30 p. m.. for the elec- tfca of directors for the ensuing year and i the transaction of such other business as ! may come before the meeting. Transfer j backs will close on Thursday. Aurust 20. By order of the board of directors. M. C. GORHAM. Secretary. AGKATJ* WASTED. A'JENTS— A new money-maker. F. PERSON, 477 and 478 Parrott building. . — • ¦ 1 ATTOR>EVS-AT-LAW. | ROBT. W. KING, atty-at-law. Examiner bid., rm. 611; all cases, damages, estates.' wills, attachments, collections, etc.; consultation free; no advance charges; call or write; even- Ings by appointment. Tel. Red 3C01. ADVICE fre* — I will advance co«t ln meritori- ous cases, divorces, probate and all ether law cases: no fees ln advance; open every even- I irg. J. M. THUR8TON. 819 Market st. r. 31. ADVICE free: divorces a specialty ;qulck,quiet; no charge without success; established 15 yrs. G. W. HOWE 1122 Market St.. opp. Hale's. ADVICE free, all cases. R. C. ADAMS, room Zlft. third floor. Examiner building. L 6. CLARK. Emma Epreckels bldg.. 627 Mar. ket ct.; consultation free; no fees ln advance. AITKEN & AITKEN. attorneys, rs. 300-10-11 Clunlg bldg.. 6O3 California at.: tel. Main 727. BIRDS, DOGS, ETC. YOUNG talking: parroU,$S each;German singing canaries. $2; we will try to please you;every- thing ln our line at right prices. 1546 Market. BUSINESS CHAXCKS. A— $000; COUNTRY bakery, with chop house, in Calaveras County; living rooms; no op- IKttitlon: a splendid chance for baker or cook. It. O. WILKE. 'M\j Kearny ft. A—9SO0; SALOON, with 10 furnished roorr.r; place surrounded by breweries and mnlt- ikjufcs; rent ?40; a go<rl business, but dis- agreement cf tnree partners Is cauv. of salt- \*uf-t. Call R. O. WILKE. -6«j Kearny Et. A— J1255; CORNER iraloon In wholesale dis- trict; estab. many years and known he a Lopcnr. noP! g!^^glLJ? A Jh?^-S : ? > "'- 100 ROOMS: house for men; rent $140. . . .$*000 68 rooms; south of Market: rent $100. 2000 24 rooms: ccrner: part ca«h : bal easy. 850 11 rooms; rood income; rent $20 850 21 rocms: water front: rent $40; lease. bJ) 1M roorai; good lease; low rent.. .. 6600 C.7 rm*. : ap*rtments;Western Add; rent. -30 Money loaned at 1 per cent Hotels, rcadhouses. fiats. 8 to 100 rooms. E1TEL & CARROLL. 212 Kearny st $650— ELEGANT colonial flat of R r. and b.: beautifully furn.: all new nnd ud to date: coFt over $1000: piano cost $350 atone; must sell. Petersen & Larsen, 1035 Market, rm. 1. A BARGAIN this week: forced sale; 04 room?: Market st central: all rented: fit?t floor of- fices, clear'ine $175; only $2400; easy terms. PETERSEN & LARSEN. 1035 Market, in. 1. J75O— g ROOMS nicely furnished; K'^od loca- tion. MOSSMAN. 850 Market St. jojVio CO ROOMS; rent $125; clears over $100; "snap. MOSSMAN. S5t> Market ft 25-ROOM house: north of Market; five min- utes from Kearnv and Market: all newly furnished; oj>en plumbing; pas and light; baths; three years' leas-: direct cars to f«rry. Cliff House and park: sudd?n dea.h in family caus? of pale; no agents. Box 3371. Call. — NEWLY furnished house of 15 rocms; owner leaving city. f.iC, Taylor ft. A WEEK'S news for ft cents— The Weekly Call. lfi pacen. in wr;tPt»er. for mslllnr. %l per year. SPIRITUALISM. MME YOUNG' P convincing spirit messages to-night. 10c: readings dally. 619 McAllister. KATIE HEUSSMAN, circle Friday evening. 25c: sittings. 1000 Harrison St.. cor. Sixth. MRS J. J. WHITNEY, trance clairvoyant, business medium and life reader. 416 Turk. W G. KEEGAN holds a test meeting to-night, iOc: fittings. 10 to 12 and 1 to 5. EDWARD EARLE. 1052 Ellis, reading* dally. 9:30 to 4; eeances Sunday and Thursday. CLAIRVOYAXTS. A— CALL AT ONCE AND SAVE $2. My Regular $3 Reading This Week for $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 ?1 *1 PROFESSOR PAUL DESTINE. The Flrn Re*l?tered Trance Clairvoyant and Palmist Ever in San Francisco. I do hereby solemnly agree and guarantee to make you no'charge If I fall to tell your name, occupation and what you called for; I promise to tell you whether husband, wife ur sweet- I heart Is* true or false; to tell whom and when you will marry; In fact. I will tell you every hope fear or ambition better than you can tell yourself. He restore* lost affections, reunites the jieparated. causes speedy and happy mar- riages, makes you successful and prosperous. cures disease and lost vitality without medi- cine locates hidden treasures: hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. ; Sunday* 2 to S. 320 OFarrell st. 32tf. MME. M. BERNARD. THE FAMOUS Clairvoyant and business medium, perma- nently located at 17 Third st. next Examiner bldg ; ehe reads your life correctly, gives an accurate description of the past, reveals the present happenings and portrays events to occur In the future; if you are in trouble, dis- contented or not satisfied ln life, or have do- mestic love or business troubles, consult this great "medium and you will be told how to overcome them; valuable advice ln all aSalri of life: C5c up; satisfaction guaranteed; read- Ings by mail. Tel. Black 4569. ISMAR. the Egyptian gypsy, clairvoyant and palmist permanently located at 1104 Market Ft., cor. Turk; private readings dally. 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. : readings by mal! as satisfac- tory as ln person; 3 questions answered. $1; full life. $5; send lock of hair, date and year of birth; don't tend currency. Stnd postofflce, WWl*-Fargo mccey order cr registered letter. X MME. PORTER, scientific clairvoyant and card reade-. born with a double veil and sec- end eight; tells the p-st present and future; ladies. BOc; gents. |1; by carCs, palmistry and clalrvoyan; sitting: $t 60. 128 Turk it Mrs. A H. Kronenberg. palmist, clairvoyant card reader, will give a gcoi reading. 10c. for a short time only; when others fall try me to convince yourself. 402 Frankl'.n. near Grove. A — Mm*. Ravenna reads life, business advice; names given; 25c up. 5 4th «st . near Mnr<et MRS. BROWN, clairvoyant card reader: ladies 25c; gents 5Oe; readings daily. 132 Sixth st. MRS EBERHARDT test meeting. 8 p. m. sharp. 10c. 3250 22d Bt.; readings dally. MME. WALTERS, great card reader; la. 25c; gents. 50c. !'51 Mission st. nr. 6th; open Sun. OLDEST lady palmist and card reader ln city, j 2t;v« Keamy. room 20; ladies 25c. gents 5Oc. MME. l.E FERN, professional card reading. 1(1) Fifth tt. MRS. SHAFER. clairvoyant cani reader: »lt- tln— « dally. 44FH Jessie St.. bet. 8th and gth. CAUPET-DBAT1XG AXD CLEA.MNG. AIR compressed, dry ice cold. Is now univer- naily u/ed ln sanitarily cleaning carpets, on j floor without removal or Injury: prices mod- erate. Apply S. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO.. Call big.; phone Main 5237. WHEN you become disgusted with your work Bend for EPAULDING'S Pioneer Carpet-beat- ing Works. 355-357 Tehsma et- ; tel. South 40. CALIFORNIA Carpet-beating Co.. J. McQueen. proprietor. 329 Guerrero st.. tel. Mission 49. TRY HOPKE BROS.; excellent carpet-beating: mattresses made over. 1432 Howard ;South 216 ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.. 402 Sutter st: | tel. Main 394. GEO. WALCOM & CO.. Props. | RUDOLPH & CO.. carpet-beating works; prices reasonable. 1703 Harrison at. ; tel.MI»»ton 263. CONKLIN'S Superior Carpet-beating Works. 333 Golden Gate ave.; telephone East 126. CHIROPODISTS. DUNLAP FOOT INSTITUTE. 50 Geary — All ailments of the feet cured; corns, bunlong.etc. COLLECTION' OFFICES. ADVICK tree; bad tenants ejected speedily. CO- LUMBIAN LAW AGCY.. r. 85, Dltf Market; tel. Red 618; collections; gen'l law business. BAD tenants ejected for $4: collections made; city or country. PACIFIC COLLECTION CO.. 415 Montgomery, rooms 9-10: tel. 5580. DR~LtJDLUM HILL, 1443 Market. nr.Eleventh — No charge for extracting when plates are made; old plate* made over like new; teeth from $8 per set; extracting. BOc; gas given. A NEW plate — The Whalebone — cannot break; warranted 20 yrs.; crown. $3 50; fillings. 50c; plates. $5:full set: all work painless and war- ranted. Chicago Dental Parlors. 24 Sixth st. 1 nrrt-ruiFt paying business. See R. G. WILKE. 2C'a Kearny «t. A— $•;_.•.; RESTAURANT and coffee saloon on Third Et.; rent $30; average dally receipt?. tlS; a bargain. K. G. WILKE. 2>iV, Kearny. THE bett business ln the Mission; stationary rtore. near 7 echools, for what it will Invoice for; $.'i5o for a business at 3f«l Army st D. COFFIN & CO.. SS03 Mission st. JSW-rARTNER; tend to , hipping goods; do ecme collecting; $100 month guaranteed Par- tic-ulare C20 Bryant st. FDR any kind of bus!ne5K. city or country ret cur lift. MOSSMAX, 850 Market si Hultdrewing parlors; cheap; value in eighf jroodjocation; retiring. 1153 Market Bt. 6TEADY, reliable minis office assistant- ix-rmanent rlace; S«o month guaranteed- *"»<K> c ** h ""3"' red - >"07^ Market, nr. ,6th. r* 1. $2000-0001) eaioon on Kearay st; owner go- ing to Europe. Hox 3361. Call office. A bak «>: ftlKacy; all Ftori trade- $25 a day rrtce $1*00; no agents. 715 McAllTster /t' RESTAURANT: seaUng 62: snap; no Su"_dli- work; oegarture. W« Fourth «t! ouaa *J r ri i^ r " CL w SS £j_ kery for Ml « ln country town. Andrew box S05. Call office. Oakland. OUTMDE route No. 4 thJ, paper for sale. Jpqulre hardware store. 19th and Folsom sts. i^i^S^SlHPJii 12 s POR SALE. ATTENTION. G.— A.— R?t " H. C. DECKER. LINCOLN POST NO. 1-Dept. Cal. & Nevada. !*>« MARKET. COR. STOCKTON- PHONE JOHN 531. H.adfjuarters for Real Estate. Roomlng- Houees. Hotels, New Apartment Houses Flats and Private Homes. Having been In this business for more than twenty-seven years. I am in a position to Mil you m. place at Its actual value MONEY LOANED ON ANY HOUSE Til I I /f£. G ,V^ RANTEED - EEE FOLLOWING 14 rooms. • xchange for larger house. $500 17 rooms. 9 rooms furnished; enap 600 R rooms, Leavenworth «t., reduced to!! NX) Xi rooms, choice location. Oakland " 3T0 12 roome. Geary st.. choice transient.' 400 42 rooms, sunny corner; rent '$100 3200 •TO rooms, sunny bay-window corner.!.'! 2S00 26 rooms. Mission and 6th ets.; snap.... jj»oo 12 rooms. Taylor st.; transient only.... 700 «O rooms. Market rt. ; offices, permanent. 8500 12 rooms, part houses, long lease 2000 e H rooms, cost $1500; a beauty; reduced 750 15 rooms newly furnUhed. long lease.. 1200 H. -C DECKER. 906 Market tt.. cor. Stockton. S3C5 WILL buy 12-room boarding-house; Urge yard; tsunny all tfte day; bargain. 41S L_r- • kin st. a£00 ONLY— J2 rooms; new furniture; rent ctocap; mutt leave city. 768 Due- tt, rear. GOLD fillings. 75c; silver. 35c; crow'hs. $2; no pain; opcrr»Sunday. Dr.O.B.Hewltt.204 Sutter. PARIS Dental Parlors. 235 Kearny, cor. Bush— Set teeth. $1 50 up: crowns. $2 up; filllngs,25c. 10 PER CENT off this month: estimates free. New York Dentist-. Ufa Mission rt.. cor. 6th. OKESS.MAKERS «fc SEA31STKES5»iiS. McDOWELL Dressmaking and Millinery School — Any pattern cut to measure. 1019 Market. ACCORDION, aunburs t & knife plaiting. Stew- art'« button &. buttonhole factory. 110 Taylor. OYXIXTa A~T» <~_~_— iTZTG. EEA bieezes sweeten all garments, blanket!, lace curtain*, etc.. done by the Presidio Heights Dye Works. 3915 Sacramento: phone for wacon. West 453. H. HICKMAN. pres. EPt;CAT . I .?. J ' A .JV. ~ X^CALD\VELlT College of Oratory. Acting, Opera and Authorship; largest in the West; 14 teachers; positions guaranteed; fall term begins Sept. 7; day 4 evening class: beautiful new catalogue free. 1295 Market, cor. Ninth. EAN FRANCISCO Business College. 1236 Mar- ket; modern, progressive, practical; estab- lished 15 years. Gregg shorthand, fastest easiest, most readable. Actual business bookkeeping: typewriter at home free. HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 Post, 8. F. — Bookkeeping, shorthand, touch typing, Ian— jages, telegraphy. Kflgllsh branches; day and night sessions; illus. catalogue free. AYRES, the leading business college, 723 Mar- ket et. ; special summer course in all depart- ments: handsome catalogue free; life scholar- chip, $50; day and evening sessions. CALIFORNIA Business College. 305 Larkln st. "A thorough school"; positions secured for graduates; modern methods; individual In- struction. Write for illustrated catalogue. HEALD'S School of Mines & Electricity,24 Post st. S. F. : a practical school of engineering; complete equipment. Special catalogue free. THE Berlitz School of Languages has removed to 1000 Van Ness ave.; rates reduced during summer. Send for catalogue. ENGINEERING— Civil, elec. min., mech., *ur- vey, assay, cyanide; day. eve.; est 1864. Van der Naillen School, 113 Fulton, nr. City Hall. ! SYSTEM, discipline and results: the Golden Gate Commercial College, Van Ness and I Golden Gate a ves..S.F.; fills every requiremnt I DANCING Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday and |. Sunday evenings at Teutonla Hall. Hcward «t., near. Ninth: management Prof. Foster. PIANO and German; pupil of Leipsic Conser- \-atory; lessons 75c and $1. 348 Golden Gate. AT Klngsiand Art Shop— Drawing, painting and burnt work. 1184 HalKht at., near Lyon. KENT Law School, day and night; assures ad- mission to the bar. "554' Parrott building. SCHOOL OF ILLUSTRATION...... Day and PARTINGTON'S. 424 Pine sU... Night class HELP WASTED— MALE — Con; 3 experienced factory butchers, across bay. | $3 day. 3 helpers, slaughter-house work, fare $1. $<>« and found. MURRAY & READY, 634-636 Clay st. WHERE ARE THEY? 85 LUMBER TRUSTS AND SYNDICATES. LOCATED IN FOUR STATES. MANAGERS HERE. TWO TERRITORIES. FREE— FARE— FREE. 995 laborers, no experience wanted. $35 to $70 and found. 186 experienced mill and yard men. $40 to $150 and found. S83 woodsmen, $40 to $150 and found. 38t> woodchoppera. tiem akers. shingle, post, picket and box bolt makers, tools and pro- visions found. BIG L MURRAY & READY. TRUSTS. 634-630 Clay st. NEW RAILROAD WORK. 155 Italians. FREE FARE. 155 Greeks. FREE FARE. 155 Austrians. FREE FARE. Board yourselves; managers at our office; see them. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st. LOOK LOOK. LOOK. 65 ITALIANS-SPANIARDS $35 and fd. 55 AUSTRIANS-MEXICANS. 35 and fd. 55 GREEKS-PORTUGUESE, $35 and fd. For a large American lumber trust, located north. Humboldt: any laborer can do it In the w"oods. You'll suit. General manager at our office; see him. FREE FARE. LOOK. FREE FARE. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st. PICK HOPS — Excursion to El Robles ranch, on Russian River, fixed for August 18 only, in- stead of August 25, as previously advertised; call Immediately for El Robles tickets; fami- lies and young peopls preferred; heavy crops; excellent pay: beautiful camps; plenty amuse- ments E. CLEMENS HORST COMPANY. 122 Battery st.. S. F. WANTED — Bright young man of good address, between 17 and 19 years of age. to learn the dry goods business. Apply between 9 and 11 a. m. at HALE BROS.' TRY our men's shoes, union made, at $1 and $1 50 pair; foot-form shoes at $2 50; we pay express or mall chgs. 11 Third St., Exam, bid. WANTED— Stock boy from 15 to 17 years of age. Apply between 9 and 11 a. m. at HALE BROS'. WANTED — By a large tailoring establishment, a first-class cutter of experience, ability and p'easing personality; must have good char- acter and habtts; the position affords a good salary; this Is a splendid opportunity for the right kind of a man. Address box 3340. Call. WANTED— Educated young man to learn our business and take responsible position when qualified; $900 per year; first-class reference* required. Stoddard Lectures. 210 Examiner building. WANTED — Laborer* and mechanics to know that Ed Rolkln, Reno House proprietor, has added 100 new rooms to the Denver House, 217 Third st; 250 rooms; 25c per night. FOR $1500 will sell the best paying barber shop and baths ln city: lease. S. GORDON, 916 Market St.. room 18. WANTED — First-class pressman on ' platen presses. FORD. SMITH 3c LITTLE CO.. Los Angeles. WANTED — Rough carpenters and laborers. Apply room 14, 26 Montgomery st., San Francisco Construction Company. GOOD strong boy wanted. United States Laun- dry, Sixteenth and Valencia sts. UNDER Dressers wanted on vests. 8. N. WOOD & CO.. 27 Geary St. EXPERIENCED layer-off; steady. CARSON GLOVE CO.. 123 Second st. COATMAKER for country. REISS BROS. * CO.. 24 8'atUr st MAN to do Janitor work for tuition in S. F. Barber School. 741A Howard st. SAILORS and ordinary seamen for Europe and Australia. HERMAN'S. 26 Steuart st. 500 MEN to buy new and 2d-hand army shoes. 50c up; soling cheap. 923 Howard st. nr. 5th. PENSION atty. E. A. Butlis. room 40. Phelan bldg. Past Com. Geo. H. Thomas Post. G.A.R. ALL sizes men's shoes, slightly damaged, half price. C63 Mission st.. 'jet. 1st anJ 2d sts. GET your shoes half soled while waiting; 25c to 5Oc. 563 Mission St.. bet. 1st and 2d sts. HOTELS AND BOABDIKO-HOUSES. "THE PRINCETON." (EUROPEAN FLAN.) Superbly furnished and the only high-grade residence hotel ln the city which is operated on the European plan. Located at No. 71t> JONES ST.. bet. SUTTER and POST STS.. and reached by three street car lines. One hundred rooms, mostly arranged en suite, with bath. Electric lights, steam heat, long distance telephone in every suite: btlliard and smoking rooms and a maRnlflcent xrlll room. Rates are very reasonable. HORSES AND WAGONS. ON account of going to build, entire stock of wagona. buggies and harness must be Fold at sacrifice. Corner 15th and Valencia sta. 8 GOOD horses for sale cheap. 327 Sixth st. GOOD horse for sale, $45. 2001 San Bruno ave. 3 SHETLAND ponies, harness and carts In- cluded, for $125 each. 15O4 Folsom st. ONE fine buggy, fruit wagon, cart, -'d-hand: new laundry wagon, cheap. 828 Harrison st. Al EXPRESS wagon, light camping wagon and gocart for sale cheap. 532 Mission st. HOUSES TO LET. A— PRINTED list of houses to let; send for cir- cular. G. H. UMBSEN & CO.. 14 Montgomery. BEFORE moving get our printed list of houses i to let." BALDWIN & HOWELL. 23 Post st. HOUSES TO LET FURBISHED. A WELL furnished house, piano, 8 rooms; very sunny; fine location; 1375 Masonic ave. Apply MADISON A- BURKE. 30 Montgomery st I HOUSES WAITED. WANTED — An elegantly furnished house ln Western Addition for family of three; no childten; references given; willing to pay first-class rent. Address R. S. D.. box 43. San Rafael. LOST AXD FOl'AD. LOST — Monday, on Hayes, between Polk and Franklin, one pair of diamond earrings, a diamond stud and a breastpin in thape of clover leaf; were all tied in a handkerchief. Liberal reward at 103 Polk st. LOST— Wallet containing two return tickets to Eathan. S. D.. $50 draft favor C. F. DRAKE, and other articles. Liberal reward if returned to South Dakota Headquarters. Palace Hotel. LOST — Pockctbook containing currency, draft. notes and railroad tickets; will give $25 re- ' ward fv-r book, notes and draft. Leave book and l.otice at Call office. James Buchanan. REWARD for return of dress suit case marked J. A. K., left at corner Page and Buchanan sta. Return to ' Dramatic Review office. 2(J Geary at. LOST— Sunday, on Sutter st car or 3:30 boat Berkeley, a pansy enameled pin; pearl cen- ter; $5 reward. Box 1019. Call office. LOST — Thursday, pair rimless glasses, gold mounted; reward. 460 McAllister «t. LOST — Diamond shirtstud, valued a* keepsake. Return to office Royal House: reward. IT will pay to "Remember" that the California Watch Case- Co.. 220 Sutter st. needs old gold and rtlTtr to make n«~ watch ram. ~~ LOFTS TO LET. LOFT to lease — 656 Mission St.. NW. comer of Annie; light loft of 4000 square feet; pas- senger and freight elevator service: will lease for a term; rent reasonable. SHAINWALD BUCKBEE & CO.. 218-220 Montgomery >t. Mills building. -___—- ~~~ VALPEAU'S female pills; best regulating pills sold; price $2 50 by express. Pasteur's syringe and tablets; price, $2 50. By express only on receipt of price. OSGOOD BROTHERS wholesale druggists. Seventh and Broadway' Oakland. • MRS. DR. WYETH. specialist for all female complaints; instant relief guaranteed: 30 years' experience. 728 Post at., near Jones. DR. G. W. O'DONNELL— All who are sick or ln trouble consult this specialist on female complaints: positively corrected; the unfor- tunate helped; the most difficult cases treat- ed; advlca free. Office.. 1018 Market st MR8. DR. KOHL, reliable specialist for aU fe- male- troubles and irregularities; Instant re- lief guaranteed. 1008% Market St.. opp. 6th. MRS. D. ALLEN. 1118 Market— Reliable ladles' specialist; a private home before and during confinement; best medical care; low fees. Drs Goodwin, 733 Turk/ nr. Van Ness— Expert ln obstetrics, female comp.;25 yrs.experlence. A maternity villa; private: secluded- conflden- tlal. Dr. E. Funke. 1416 Eighth st. Alameda. DR. and MRS. DAVIES and HINDOO HERBS; original method of treatment. 1126 Market st. DR. ROSEN • moved to 2905 Folsom st. cor. 26th; relief $10; ladles* exclusive office. DR. NO TOY KEE. 319 Powell at. opposite Union ; square; all diseases cured by herbs.