TATOOSH — Passed In Aug 17— Br «hlp Lau
rlston, from Hamburg, for Tacoma.'
MENDOCINO— Sailed Aug 17— Stmr News
boy, for San Francisco.
ABERDEEN— Arrived Aug 17— Stmr New
burg, ¦ hence - Ang 13.
Sailed Au$\ "— Stmr Centralla, for.- San
Late Shipping Intelligence.
Monday, August 17.
Stmr Rarnona, Eagles. Seattle.
i John E. Lamb (heir at law of James Lamb)
to M; A. - Koepig (wife of C. J.), lot on E
corner of Seventeenth avenue and East Four
teenth street. SE 75 by NE 140. lots 1 to 3
block 19. San Antonio. East Oakland; 110
Rudolph and Marie Men (wife) to Ollnto
and Josephine Landuccl. lot on N line of
Blackstone street 142:5 E of Baker. E 50 bv
N 100. lots 77 and 78. map plat 5 and portion
plat B. Dohr Tract. Berkeley; $10 *™ r " on
A. F..Hass (single) to J. 9. Myers, lots 23
to 30 Snter- Tract. Brooklyn/Townshlp- $io
Roblna Low (wife of James B.) to W F
and Morgrlt Randall, lots 4 to 6. block F Daly
Tract. Brooklyn Township; $10
F. W or Frederick W. and Gertrude D
Van Sicklen (wife) to J. F Henry lot on E
line of Fruitvale avenue, 150 S »f Pleasant
street. S 50 by E 181:6. lot 6, block Deor
rected map subdivision block* D ahd E Cham
plon Tract. Frultvale. Brooklyn. Township- *lo
Sarah E. Dplbier (wife of F D.) to Geonre
W. A.' Blethcn. lot on SE corner of Caroline
and Louisa streets. S 50 by B 100. lot 177 on
2 plats established map Enclnal ' Park Ala
meda; gift. -
Dureasso E. Goodman to William Crane
Spencer, lot on N line of Haskell street 175
E of San Pablo avenue • E 25, N" 121 30 W
25. S 121.25, lot 8. block 1. subdivision of' blocks
£ and D,, Carrlaon Tract, Berkeley; $40..
Jens C. and Cecilia Jensen (wife) to Henry
T. Bower, lot on N line of Kent street 22a 4"
E of Stanford avenue. E 45 N 100 "lot 14
block Q. amended map of Newbury Tract lii
plat 51. Rancho V. and D. Peratta, Berkeley
$10. . '
A man usually •makes a virtue of th©
means Jie uses to conceal his faults.
w »-»~.-r-j- t t . ¦'¦.¦vrt".",T.-l"i"n"i-i- Q
Axeredo (wife) and Jennie E and M. L
Schlueter to John and Vltoria Sezario (wife)
lot on S\V Una of East Seventeenth ctreet 175
SE of Thirteenth avenue. SE 25 by SW* 100
block 00, Clinton. East Oakland- $10 '
OAKLAND, Ausr. 17,-Henry Gaffke and
MelJnda F. BIgelow, 65 and 60 years of
age, respectively, were married here to
day. They came to Oakland from San
Francisco, where both have relatives
whose advice as to their wedding they
wished to avoid. They will make their
home at 12 Langton place, San Francisco.
A*ged Couple Marry.
OAKLAND, Aug. 17.— A petition has
been forwarded to Postal Inspector R. R.
Munro of San Francisco by Postmaster
T.-T. Dargie of this city asking that at
least ten more carriers be allowed to the
local department. The document is
signed by many of the leading firms of
the city, and calls attention to the fact
that the population 6f Oakland hag in
creased from 66,960 in 1900 to 82,185 in 1902.
Petition for More Carriers.
OAKLAND. Aug. 17.— Twelve gradu
ates of the Frultvale Grammar School
have been unable to secure admission to
the Oakland High School and unless they
can enter the Alameda, Berkeley or Hay
wards high schools, they may be forced
to abandon the high school course.. The
Oakland High School is at present crowd
ed to its utmost capacity and it was found
impossible to accommodate the twelve
graduates from Fruitvale.
Ftuitvale Students Shut Out.
OAKLAND, Aug. 17.— Governor George
C. Pardee and his. family have ar
rived In Oakland after an outing In Big
Basin. They will remain here for two or
three weeks while the Governor's resi
dence In Sacramento is being refurnished.
Miss Madeline, the Governor's daughter,
who suffered a dislocation of her shoul
der while in Big Basin, is improving
rapidly. The dislocation was reduced at
once, and was followed by no serious re
Chief Executive of State Intends to
Remain in Home City Sev
eral Weeks.
Georgo Schomer (owner) with Henry A Far
ry (contractor and architect— All work for a
three-story frame building on 8 line of Six
teenth street, 75 W of Sanchez. 25 by 53:6;
Conrado and Kate Selpp (owner) with
Brutcher & Serna (contractors), plans by own
er — All work for alterations and additions to
make a two-story frame building on S line
of Greenwich street. 1U3 W of Stockton W
25 by S 100; $3005. '
Elizabeth M. J. Packer (owner) with John
Wikman (contractor), architect . All
work for a three-story frame building (fiats)
on N line of O'Farrell street, 123 \V of Scott,
W 27:0 by N 13T: 6;. $10,350.
Alameda County.
H. M. Smith to Elmer C. Smith, undivided
half interest in lot S line of Eighteenth street.
100 E of Grove, S 88. U0, N W ii&, N U6.Hl, lot
30, Map Johnson tract, Oakland; $2500. • <
George and Carrie R. Sterling (his wife) to
Realty Syndicate (corporation), lot on S line
of Forty-second street, 150 E of West, E 60 by
S 137:7*6 lot 15, and portion of lots 14 and lo,
block 2089. Paradise Dial. Oakland; also lot
on S line of Forty-third street. 190 W of Grove,
"VV 50 by. S. 200, lots 23. 24, 41 and 42, block
2002, same subject to all liens now of . record,
Oakland; $10. «£.f4*V
- Same to same, lot on SE corner of San Pablo
and Wallace avenues (Forty- fifth street), E 175
by S 75, lot 5 and N % of lot 4. Coggeshall
tract, E of San Pablo avenue, Oakland; $10.
J. M. Henry (femme eole) to same, lot on
W - line of Telegraph avenue, 50 N of Garfield
tract, N 25 by W 100, lot 34. Drexler tract,
Oakland; $10. . .' ¦ ;
Same to same, and Oakland Township, S
acres, beginning at Intersection of lot on N
line leased of one Coggeshall with lot on W line
of San Pablo road, thence along line said land
SW 15.88 chains, NW 3.2S chains. NE 18.51
chains, SE .'{.lit chains, portion plat 4*>, Map
Ro V and D Peralta, Oakland and Emeryville.
Oakland; $10.
W. S. and Elmlra L. Williams (his wife) to
Blanche Whltehead, wife of Rupert, lot on
NE corner of Telegraph and Weston avenues,
N 50, E ISO. S 47. W ¦ 130.37. portion lot 1.
block A, Map Resubdlvlsion Weston tract, Oak
land; sift.
F. W. or Frederick W. and Gertrude D. '
Van Sicklen to Cyrus J. Howard, lot on W
line of Champion street. 150 H of Pleasant, S
50 by W1S1.50, lot 4. block D, corrected map
subdivision blocks D and E. Champion tract,
Frultvllle. Brooklyn Township; $10.
J. E. 'and. Mrs. Maria R. F. O. Booth to
Manuel A. Nevas, lots 3 and 4, block 08,. map
town of Nlles. Washington Township; $10.
Sarah J. Lane (widow) to Charles W. Keel,
lot on 8 line of Sixty-first street, 103.42 W of
Telegraph avenue. W 51.08. S 100, E 25, N 100
lot 9 and portion lots 5 to 8, block C. map re-
BUbdtvislons blocks A to F, map 3 Roberts &
Wolfskin Tract. Oakland; $10.
R. D. and Ida B. Winters (wife) to James
E. Holllday (single). , lot on W line of Brown
street. 190:5 8 of Benton or Sixtieth. W 107
by S 30, being N 30 feet of lot 39. map re
subdivision block , A, Brumagln Tract, Oak
land: $10. •¦¦
Matilda M. and George H. Ewart to Charles
F. Gulllck. lot on S line of Sycamore street,
.133 E of Grove. E 35 by S 100. portion lot 28,
block L map blocks O. P and L. Kelsey Tract,
Oakland; $10.
Charles W. Richardson (widower) to Frank
J and Mary E. Carroll (wife), lot on W line
of >3rove street. 130 S of Russell. S 40 by.
W 122 lot 22 block 10. map subdivision block
10, Central Park Tract. Berkeley; $10.
Cella Marks (widow) to Charles A. Bailey,
lot en W line of Third street. 111:0 N of Bris
tol S 11:9. W 108, N 13 inches, to beginning,
being fractional lot 9. block 72. map Tract B,
Berkeley Land and Town Improvement Asso
ciation; also lot on W line of Fourth street,
145:10^ N of Bristol. S 45:10%. W 123, N
33:3% E 123. being fractional lot 9. block 73.
same 'map; also lot on S- line of University
avenue 75 E of Fourth street. E 25 by S 100,
being E % of lot 2. block , 94, same, Berke
ley $10 ,
John C. and Mary E. McMullen (wife) to
same, lot on N line of Delaware street, 100
W of Franklin, W 171:3, N 271, E 271:3. S
I 135:6. W 100. S 135:6, portion of block 7. Cur
tl» Tract. Berkeley: $10. ;
Leo C. Williams to D. Lambert, all Interest,
being undivided one-half Interest, in lot 101.
map of Regent Street Homestead Association,
Berkeley; $10.
Letitla Acheson (widow) to Dora E. Clark
(widow), lot on 8 lln« of University avenue,
275:0 E of Shattuck avenue, E 50 by S 138:2%.
lot -13 E 5 feet of lot 14 and W 20 feet Of lot
12, Terminal Tract, Berkeley; $10.
Ruth R. Taylor (Armstrong) to Julia S. San.
born, lot ' on N line of Bancroft way, 100
E of Telegraph, a venue, E 00 by N 120. Map
Hlliegabs Tract, N of Bancroft way,. Berke
ley; $10. ' '
Isabella A. Taylor to Edward K.
Taylor (widower), lot on- W line of Mound
street, 20 S of Calhoun, projected In right line
W across Mound street, thence 8 along W
line of Mound street 844, etc., W 209:1, N
848, E 209:1; also all interest in all marsh and
overflowed lands lying between the sides of
the land above ; described projected in right
line of S and extending from above described
to deep water channel of San Francisco - Bay,
which said channel extends from San Leandro
Bay; $10.
Margaret Kelly (widower) to William Kel
ly,'lot 53, Elmhurst Park, Brooklyn Township:
clft. ' : ¦ .
George and Carrie R. Sterling (wife) to
Realty Syndicate ¦ (corporation), lot at Inter
section of E line of Telegraph avenue with N
line- of property conveyed to St. Joseph's Home
for Deaf Mutes (a corporation), 749" D 166. said
portion being NW corner property described in
said conveyance, thence NE 20. E 140. S 20.
W 140, portion plat 12. map Ranchos V. and
D. Peralta, Oakland; $10.
Same to same, lots 34, 35, 54, 65, ' 78 and 70,
Drexler . Tract, Oakland; $10. .
Same to same, lot on N line of Thirty-ninth
street, 263:8 E of West, E 133:8 by N 100, Oak
land;. $10. '
Charles R. and Etta C. Allen (wife) to Ellen
Smith (widow), lot on N line of Park or
Thirty-fifth street.* 477 :C Eof San Pablo ave
nue. E 25 by N 112. lot 12, map No; 2. Mitch
ell Tract, Oakland; $10. "¦•; ¦ . *
•William W, Lydla G.. James W. and Flor
ence K. Fogg to Mary C. Fogg (single), i undi
vided ope-half interest" In lot beginning on
S ¦ boundary line of lot 3, block D, Peralta
Heights, on N line of Athol avenue, 50 E from
SW coiner of. said lot, thence ! N 142 to point
In N line of said lot 39.44 E from NW corner
of - said « lot. I E to . NE corner." thereof," S to N
line of Athol , avenue, W 40 to beginning the
said lot 3, in block D. as per map of Feral ta
Heights, East Oakland ; $400. *
--'H. J.:'Knowle8f to". Femand" and Henrietta
Meunier, lots . 17 and 18, . block P, map ~ of
Knowles & Potter Tract, East Oakland; $700.
An tone J. and Maria F. or Maria Franceses
Builders' Contracts.
A strenuous fight is being made against
allowing the- notorious place to open
again, and every means is being taken to
block the passage of vne resolution.
The question of whether a woman could
be considered a legal signer was referred
to the District Attorney, while a survey
has to be made to settle which are the
nearest ten residents. In, order that this
may be done, the question went over for
another week. 'Yi-,'v
.When the matter was brought up before
the board thia morning it was asserted
that among the signers was a woman and
that Schnarr did not have the necessary
six out of the nearest ten residents.
OAKLAND, Aug. 17.— The Inspecting of
the names of signers on the petition of
Fred C. Schnarr for a liquor license for
the old Hermitage at Frultvale before
the Board of Supervisors progresses with
utmost deliberation.
Matter of Granting Petition of Fred
Schnarr Postponed for An
other Week.
OAKLAND, Aug. 17.-FIve hundred
dollars was voted to-day by the Board
of Supervisors for the purpose of.adver
tising Alameda County at the coming
State fair at Sacramento. The money
will be used to amplify the exhibit now
maintained under the direction of Pro
fessor Hilgard at the State University.
To Advertise County.
Lancaster's Will Proved.
OAKLAND, Aug. 17.-The will of the
late A. V. Lancaster was admitted to
probate by Judge Hall fo-day. The es
tate, consisting of property estimated to>
be worth $23,000, is left to his widow and
two sons, C. J. Lancaster and E. M. Lan
caster. Lancaster was an old resfdent
of Alameda.
CHIHUAHUA. Mexico. Aug. 17.'— A sen
sational duel was fought here yesterday.
Joseph Searcy, an American traveling
man for Ketelsen & Degetau, killed Lieu
tenant Chalos J. Estrada, aid to General
Bravo of the Mexican army.
Estrada found Searcy at a bull fight and
invited him to fight a duel. They hired
a coach together, and, without seconds,
drove to the vacant country, where they
fought with pistols. Three shots were ex
changed. Estrada was shot through the
head. Searcy gave himself up. 4 ''.-',, I
There, are conflicting stories of the causa
of the tragedy, but the most common ver
sion is that it was about a Mexican bella
to whom both had been paying marked
attention. - - ¦
Special Dispatch to The Call.
Theirecord card is as follows:. Norman
F. Hunter, Oxford-Out, 5, 4, A, A, 3. B» 4,
4, 2— 35; in, 3, 4, 3, 5, 4. 5, 4. 4,4—36; total, 71.
Harvard champion. Chandler Egan, and
Norman F. Hunter, the Californlan, fur
nished the . most exciting match of the
contest. Five hundred enthusiasts who
watched the play saw Hunter total 71 for
the most difficult golf course In America,
breaking all records for competition and
practice made by . amateurs and j profes
sionals. Hunter won his match- handily
by 4 up, going out in 33 and. coming home
in 36: but Egan was not disgraced, for
he totaled 76, which is one better than
his- former record and only one .stroke
worse than the record of 75 made yes
terday by.C. H. G. Ellis of Oxford, and
equaled early to-day by,H. W. Lautheart
of Cambridge. Not even British Cham
pion Harry. Vardon, who made the Chi
cago course In 74, played such remark
able-golf as Norman Hunter, who ts a
product of. North Berwick, Scotland, and
who was followed by the largest group
of professionals from hi.s native land that
ever watched an amateur, event.
CHICAGO, Aug. 17.— Captain J. L>.
Lowe's visiting team of Oxford and Cam
bridge English golfers to-day won the
honors in the international golf- contests
in the West, defeating C. H. Boy's all-
Western team on the links of the Chi
cago Golf Club In the scheduled four-ball
contest and winning the. team competi
tion by the score of 8 to 3. In the latter
event National Amateur Champion Louis
N. James, Western amateur champion;
Walter E. Egan and Veteran B. F. Cum
mins were the only American golfers who
succeeded in defeating their British riv
als. *
Three Shots Are Exchanged
and Ballet Pierces Of
ficer's Head. •
Defeat the All- Westerners in
the. International
Meets a Mexican Lieu
tenant on Field of
. Honor.
Oxford and Cambridge
Players Take Honors
at Chicago.
, K 1
f y \ Tu^T^W^ATToTr^R^liio^KiNGnFoX^"
». ! Surrounded by flowers and fruit trees; near
e- I train and schools; only (2S50; lot 75x123.
vc I
«¦- ( Nice S-room cottage and bath
y. I
,. Tel. Orand 14C1. 1500 Pnrk St.. Alameda.
•• f 2000— HOUSE of 6 rooms: lot 45x100; street
¦7 work complete; house nearly new; cost
?: J25OO; will take lot in part payment.
t. 52OOO — 6 rooms and bath; lot C0xl20; street
~. work Uone; modern plumbing; 1 block
'' from proposed car line.
• $400 — Lots half block from Grove-st. car line.
$3500 — 7-room house; barn; large lot; on street
T car line; exceptional easy terms to re-
Fponslble party.
- $1530 caph — 5-room house, near College ave.;
f lot 4t'xl20.
40 lots — 1 block from car line; 4 blocks from
- high school; $400 to $H00 each; fine villa
• pites: from 1 to 3 acres each; fine v|ew
B of San Francisco Bay. and adjoining . the
_ university crcunds.
P. O. Block. Berkeley.
AN opportunity seldom met with; I have a
t new 2-story 7-room house, 4 bedrooms,
equipped with all modern conveniences, gas, j
electric lights, etc.. on an Improved street,
• I only 2 blocks from the station, which I will |
sell to a reliable party on the following
terms: $100 cash and the balance in month-
~f\ ly installments; whole price $3500.
10 JOSErH J. MASON. Real Estate.
Cor. Shattuck ave. and Center. Berkeley.
I 1507 PRINCE et.. rear Santa Fe R. R.— Large
I P-rt-om hodse; high basement; stable, cow
- barn. 7 houses for chickens: lot 160x135;
I- I street work complete; call and inspect.
2131 ShaUuck ave., Berkeley.
- 1 $4000 — 3 ACRES on Dwight way. .East.Berke-
• j ley; elegant location; fine.
2131 Shattuck ave.. Berkeley.
~ FINE, r.ew i handsome cottages; up to" date; all
conveniences; close to cars; large lcits;'$1550
: to $1600; enly $200 cash. balan:e $10 CO per
, r.-.rr.lh.
W. C MORAN. Lorln station, or '
• C. C. EMSLIE.. Aihby rtatlan.
- FOR RENT— House of fi rooms and bath; near
\ U. C. and Head Seminary.
; JOS. J. MASON. Real • Estate.
' Corner Shattuck ave. and Center st.
NEW. modern house 10 rooms, near university,
for sale or to rent; $30. Inquire 1911 Addlson
I et.. Berkeley.
- $150 CASH. $10 monthly — New Queen Anne
IS -story cottage, 5 rooms and bath; 3 fin»
lots. 75x100; all fenced; rich sandy loam soil;
' immense Ehade trees, oak, laurel and pine;
1 running firing water; a lovely home; near
; cars and line school; no fogs or winds: ad-
Joining East Oakland; price In all $1200;
nothing like it for the money in California;
• call or «end for circular. 455 Seventh «t.,
opp. Broadway station. Oakland; carriage
free. II. Z. JONES, Owner.
» HOUSE 6 rooms, etc.; modern; 857 37th st.,
r near Syndicate bank and station; a private
• loan at your own terms of payment. Address
Bullrer. 031 60th st., Oakland. Cal.
BEFORE moving- get my printed list of houses
to let. GEORGE W. AUSTIN. 1002 Broad-
. ALEX. MURDOCK, Chronicle bldg., San Fran-
. Cisco, for Oakland. Berkeley or rura' homes.
TO-MORROW rhc day for banratns tn farnl-
ture. H. Schellhaas. 11th st. cor. store.Oaklnd
CAPP. C34. near Twenty-first — Furnished house,
keepirg rooms; very desirable .
FIFTH, 348 — Suite of rooms, furnished for
housekeeping; complete.
FOLSOM, 754. near Third— Large sunny
front room; folding bed. gaa. grate, water
handy; another room for housekeeping.
FOLSOM, fCO— 2 or 3 furnished rocma, for
housekeeping; also others; rent reasonable.
FOURTH. 223 — Nice housekeeping room.
HERBERT (The) — Sunny apartments for
housekeeping; gas ranges; Just newly fur-
nished. HjXO Polk st.
JESSIE, 333 — Sunny front room, ' furnished
housekpg, $12; -other room $10; gas ranges.
KEARNY. 104—3 unfurnished or partly fur-
nished rootta; newly papered; no children.
MCALLISTER, C21— Large front bay-window
room, kitchen adjoining; newly furnished,
complete for housekeeping; private family;
LINDEN ave.. 3S2— 2 or 3 nice sunny rooms
for housekeeping; cheap. • >¦
STOCKTON. 1206— Model house: nicely fur-
nished ;$5-$12: front; phone, gas. bath, sunny.
TURK. S10 — Nicely furnished, sunny house-
keeping rooms, single or en suite; reasonable.
TWENTY-THIRD, 3720. near Dolores— 3 sunny
bay-window rooms; s»e,- neat, complete.
UNION, 1844 — 3 or 3 sunny front rooms for
light housekeeping; gas range, water.
A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and
subscriptions has bt»n established at 1096
Valencia st.
"EL MONTEKKY." the city's newest apart-
ment hotel, located on the north side of
Pine et.. between Hyde and Leaven worth; a
tuperb brick building of Spanish architec-
ture; all the comforts of housekeeping com-
bined with the conveniences of hotel life; for
$30 per month you can secure here an unfur-
nished S-room apartment, consisting of large
living-room with gas grate and mantel, bed-
room with bay-window and closet; kitchen
equipped with gas range, built-in china
duet and hot and cold water; bathroom
with toilet and porcelain tub (hot and cold
water); this price also Includes Janitor s«r-
vlce r.itht and day and night and day ele-
vator service; only ten minutes' walk from
Powell and Market; see these aparticents
to-day. .. m » . ¦
BEAUTIFUL Haddcn Hall, 951 Eddy St., bet.
Franklin and Gough: a few high-grade fur-
nishod and unfurnished apartments now to
be had: 4 rooms «and bath; kitchens unusual-
ly large and have gas ranges; telephone In
each apartment: gas and electric light; steam
and gas heat; watchman on duty all night;
fleva'or service day and night: ref. required.
'IIOOM.S TO LIJT rum. and I'nfurn.
A— BRUNSWICK House. 148 Sixth— Rooms
25c to $1 per night. $1 25 to $a per week, and
light housekeeping rooms; open all night.
AT 'The Almonte." 873 Marke*. st. (or No. 1
Fifth st.) — Rooms, 23c, 60c, $1, $1 60 night;
$1 50 to $10 week; house open all night.
ANTLERS. 415- Turk st. — Strictly modern; 4-5
room apartments; fur, or unfur. for hskpg.
BUCHANAN. 1533— Sunny furnished rooms"
one has a double, the other two single beds-
take Geary-st. car.
BL'KNETT, 14^ti Market — (old No. 1364) Fur-
nlshed rooms, suites, single; also unfurnished.
CLIFFORD, 204 Ellis, cor. Mason— Elegantly
furnished sunr.y rooms; prices reasonable.
FILLMORE, 1720— Large sunny furnished
room for 1 or 2 gentlemen; bath.
FOLSOM, 523 — Large front parlor; bath, gas-
private family; no children;
FOLSOM. 754. near Third— Large sunny front
room, suitable for two; twp>B>ma rooms.
CILLESPIE House. lift Ninth sT— Nicely fur-
nished rooms. 50c to $1 per day; phone; quiet.
GRAND Southern. 7th and Mission — Rooms 50o
to $1 60 night; $2 to $6 week; reading-room.
HAYES. 857— Elegant newly furnished parlors
and bedrooms; bath; phone.
66 Geary st. ; phone Bus>. 880.
Centrally located fireproof hotel; elegantly
furnished mites, with baths and singles.
JESSIE. 353— Nicely furnished front room-
grate, gas. phone; $7: gentlemen.
LARK1N. «l'.»Vi — Large sunny front room; 2
or 4 gentlemen; 75c per night.
MISSION. £022 — Sunny furnished rooms. ;
O'FARRELL. 20— Sunny furnished rooms end
offices; elevator; dec. lights; day, week, mo.
A GUAPHOPUOXE free with two dozen rec-
ords. Make your friend* a present. Talking
tr.achine* and record* or all makes ex-
•-canjted. We are manufacturing h»adquar-
t«f> *nd our guarantee meant- tomtthing.
*t.. S. F.. and 4C3 Thirteenth st.. Oakland.
»>rlr.k:es. yellow and flabby tkln. birthmarks,
i^.allpox plttlngs and Fcart *cienilficalljr re-
Oioved without cutting. massasE. electricity or
:¦¦•» dicinet; sprcial demonstrations this wrek.
Call <r write PH. L. WILLIAMS. 371 Geary.
PACK msstage a Fpecialty. 40c; mar.:eure. 25c:
, t!:an-.poo. etc., 40c; at .your home; ladles and
*;«r.Uemen ; I give btrft retCreseei; Brs*-«t*s*
vvik. MR. MELCESCO. l'0;» Elils gt-
'- JiE *tiir Hair lUmedy restores gray hair im-
t ion* its irrouih.etops ful'.lngicurw <Jsn3run
»r.d :tch:nK acalp: no *tain or etickines*;
¦ ..•.!¦'¦>¦ (Jruggiyts". hairdre^ers :»c-
• •*;¦•'. no mbnltutf.. Star Rerr.eJyCo..3S5<Ie-ary.
.1'flTiTTT Mil men wiih fralp diseases: less
cf hair and baldnes* prevented <can trtat by
trail blank for stamp): consultation .ree:
t:30 u> a Sucdeys I'J to 12. Prof. Gtu . A-
GASXJOW. SyeclaltTl. room 21*. »i'7 Market.
.n.-T bow t !i«ai but Ik w r^-i. a- I** «' o , U0 ° r
the manufacture cf the Kap'd 1{otar /
Ptanfiard the «wir.K-niaohine of lo-oay. J.
W. EVANS, agent. H^21 Market st. (
niVhlClA.N, 15 y«are- «M~' iencr - cur ",, p ":
ir.anently cocaine hab.t. can or
faddrtst Central I'harn-acy. C51 i.rant ave..
gentleman, :*. oeni. wifhfs 'toVewrj-
¦pond with a r.iro yocnir woman; object, mat-
rtroony. liox :~iZ:>, Call ofgoe^
UAKCXNO Tuesday. Thunvia>. £ a: ,y rJ , 11 * *.r2
PuniSay even:ngs at T.utonta Hall Howard
n.. near Ninth: management Prcf. Foster.
AT left than CO*, uncalled for fulU overcoats
p.r.A trout*-!*, at CHARLES LYONS'. Londoa
• Tailor. 721 Market ct. . p
vTlK hithfft prfca l<ald for ladles' or sent*'
Vait-"« cirthirig and all trtlcles of value at
UPXBggQ'g. 1HA K'.!!« et.
I V(!a\T suit* tri eafy insta!!mer.ts: W) cents I
ard up p^r week. LBON LKMOS. 1127 Mar- ,
k-T et.. h»t»fen fpvcwli ar.d Eighth^
VOTICB to milkmen — For sale at the Pianf j
Farm Da'.ry <"".. 514-510 Octavia st., 200
pallors of rr.'.lk.
No. 1170 Market Ftreer Room 37. j
ANITA MIA MAl'P — 1-1 ease «"n<3 me your ad- ,
dress to BM Market ft. CHARLIE. !
HITS to order on installments, fl per we»k.
Neuhau* & Co.. roerch.ta»or?.727-72'J Market. !
ALL Ft>;es hairdre**in(t. 25<~: hair B<»ds: niani- ]
curing 2.V-. r, I.rnnr.En. 123 Ftockton *t. j
TAILOP.-MADE BUtt t" i>": dr<-ss pants $2 f-b I
M:f=fit Clcthing Tarlcr. ccr. Bu?h an.1 D'jpor.t
J-l'PKRFLVOrs hair and melee r»moverl by
electric needle. Dr.&Mrg Travcrw.lKOMarker.
MAPQfKHAl)n roftunifi. piay books, wlge,>- ord»n>. OCI.r>PTEIN & CO.. '** Mkt.
ALKREDI'M-S Eeyptian Henna restores rray
hair to Its natural color: fl; at all drugclsts'.
tuperfluous hair and nr>» removed with e'.ec-
tr^c rje»(f1e Vry K- V'f? Kat.-»n. 111H Putter.
ROOMS pap*re-J. $3 W up: tintir.ft. palntlr.g.
Hurtmann Pairt (>., 310 3d yt.: tel. Main 413
ijR. C. C O DONSELL — Office and residence.
Z'Xl 1^ Jlnrket n. b«t. Sixih and Seventh.
IiLOOl». tk:n a;:d rectal diseases a. tyecialty.
DR_ BALL. 1073^ Market st.
REMOVED— DB. WONG HIM, herb doctor;
treats eil d:s.-ase» of the human body; for
pa«-t four >cats at 1^-117 Mason; now lo-
cared at 6CT Geary »t.. near Leavenworth.
DR. TONG TO CHV. euceeesor to Dr. LI Po
Tai, herb doctor; cures all diseases cf human
Ly t:je cf herbs ar.d teas. 72" Washington bU
WONG WOO. the famous herb doctor— All dis-
nfp« rur^i bv rMn>f» riorbf. 74C-«8 Clay »t
fell better machines fcr less money than :-ny
htuse in the city; rentals $3. The Typewriter
txchanee. C3tJ California, -telephone Main 264.
A FEV." g/>od typewriters at $30 each; get par-
ticulars. L. & M. ALEXANDER. 110 Mont-
ecmery »t-
2D-BA1CO typewriters eold, rented, repaired.
W^bster'Typewriter Inspec. Co.. 2(>9 Sar.some.
fKK.«> dfwn and $00 per month for new Cats
r.eir Twenty-ninth and Mission Etreeti.
fSOO down and $20 per month will buy you .
cottajre. 5 rooms and bath; up to date.
D. COFFIN 6i CO., 33<)3 Mission street.
FOR eale — House H rms.; high basement; sunny
fide 19th." bet. Valencia and Mission; no reas.
cfT«>r refused. Stephen* & Co.. Union-eq. Mkt.
WANTED — An offer on a house of S rooms
and bath: let 15x120. Call at SW. cor. Hixth !
ar.d Mission sts., Lercser Bros." cigar etcre.
FOR eale — $-1f»00; modern 6-room house In beet .
portion of M;ss!cn. f.uC Hill et., near Castro. •
f25OO— 2 LOTS; 50x123; 2 frontaireB; 17th St.;
etc. for Income city property. Box 3367. Call.
2 NEW f.ats. 5 and 8 rooms; a good buy. ]
• Beaver st.. between Noe and Castro.
INVESTMENTS— $1400 up, paying 10 to 15 per J
T.t. THORNE & CO.. 207 Montgomery st.
HEAL ESTATE Conntry For Sale. '
ron sale.
Orchard and poultry farm; 49 acres; Scnozsa
County; 40 miles frcm San Francisco.
20«K> full-bearing frul*. tree*; this year's crop I
a; iroximateiy 20.600 lbs cherries. 4000 lbs
• raw-ford peaches. CTjOO lbs Bartlett pears, 6000 -
lbc plums. 4W0 boxec apples, 3 acres asparagus.
1300 bena, 7 pens fancy fowls, horses. Jersey
ccw* and heifers.
Large l»m. fruit houses, chicken hoase^, 5
t.roodert. incubators, wagons, harness, farming
tr.a orchard outfit complete and modern.
Dwelling house 11 roomF; fine ehade groves, 7,
Jawr.s and earden; abutvlart water.
ThU year's net Income $4<*jG; distant resi-
dence of owner compels eale.
L E. THOMPSON. 4C2 Parrott Bldg.. S. F.
; This flaming Tokay grape land ran be pur-
chased in 10-acre tracts, in Whltaker & Ray
Colony, Oalt.. Sacramento Co., Cal.. $400 a
tract. % down: the Tokay strap* ripen* In this
locality 4 *«:kf earlier than In any other part
of the Ftate. Orapea tmrn this locality can be
-¦ • r. in the window* at C4S Market et.. 11 ilont-
K'-nirry *i. and at the Sacramento County «x-
nifclt. firry building.
QUIGGLE, 11 Montgomery *t., care Wood-
ward & Co.. hours '.» to 10 a. m. and 12 to 1 and
4 to 5 P- m., or address box 15, Gait. Sacra-
mento County. Cal. -
FOR Bale— 20 acres. 3 mile* from town and"
railroad station; 12 acres bearing vineyard.
5 acres bench-grafted resistant vine*; house
barn and well; Income laFt year $1400; a
good crop; I hor»e and all tools go; price
$4S50 Ilex 111. Sebastopcl. Cal.
ALFALFA lands, stock ranches, orchards. !
vineyard?: lnepected baixaJns; monthly cat*- t,
lcgue «»-nt free. C If. WOOSTER CO.. «4S
Market st. '
f:0.00(>-— 40 ACRES good healthy vineyard near
Livermore FILAF C. WRIGHT. Llvermoro.
> WEEK'S new* for 5 cents — The Weekly Call. '
W v*r*^. in nmvTi+T. for Tnalllnr. $1 per year
WATER front lots and bargains; all tract*; :
mapF. phoujn. etc. HELL. 417 Parrott bldg. '
, «_ ]
HEAL ce-tate to exchange; free printed list.
Pacific Coaft Ex. Bureau. R50 Market st.
iu;al estate waxted.
WANTED — To lease (furnished) a good paying
f • 4k and erain ranch for a term of yearm, ~
with the pnvilc-ge of buying. Box 1036, Call. *
positively cured; new method; 1 week's treat- c
rr.i»r,t free. I>r. Cottinpham. 204 Gutter St.
- C
/-EMPORIUM Storage & Van Co.: furniture,
household goods stored, moved, shipped. 725- -
731 Howard et.. near Third; phone Grant 18L
J'JERCE-ItODOLPH Storage tc Moving Co.. of-
fic* post and Powell sts.; tel. . Priy. . Ex. B7L
• I 'NKLIN'6 storage— Furniture and merchan- j
<i:se. 333 C^jlden Gate a\e. ; phone Fait 120.
GOLDEN West Ptoraee; ad\-ance* made; 8J0 L
Mjtf.ion St.; tel. Howard 841. F. W. Zehfua-s.
* ACIFIC Storaee and Furniture Moving Com-
Pany. 2220 Fillmore et.; phone Jackron 2S1. M
Btklics Van and Storage Co.. 11 Montgomery O
•*•; UL Main 1S4U. Shipping tt cut raws.
ROOMS TO LET— Fnrn. and Unfnrn.
POST. 1064 — New and elegantly furnished
" rooms. In suites or single; gas, electric lights
and hct bath; something fine. . - '
2 SUTTER. 506— Three beautiful new furnished
rooms and bath.
k.. SW. CORNER Sixth and Howard— 200 rooms
at 15c. 25c and 60c per night: from SI, $2.
tr $4 a week; open all night.
TURK, 1218— Sunny front room, convenient to
town; all night car line.
UNITED STATES. 123 Eddy st.. near Market
— »00 tingle and family rooms; 35c to $1 ;
m night; $1 75 to $6 week; elevator; electric
~ £ lights: reading-room: free bus and baggage.
Z WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 3d St.. near Market—
} Most convenient and respectable; 700 rooms;
8Sc to $1 60 nlpht: ?2 to $8 week: elevator;
elec. lights: reading-room; free bus; baggage.
~ CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions
received at Call branch ofnce.2200 Flllmore st
A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and
it jutjfcrlptlons has been established at 1098
11 Vp)«ricla *t. -
>. Superbly furnished and the only high-grade
residence hotel in the city which is operated
t on the European plan. Located at No. 710
and reached by three street car lines. One
hundred rooms. • mostly arranged en suite •
; with bath. Electric lights, steam heat, long
distance telephone in every suite; billiard
and smoking rooms and a magnificent grill
a room. Rates are very reasonable. .,
e ' Strictly first-class family hotel; sunny rooms,
suite or single; hllllards ; steam heat
OLD Stevenson Mansion, opp. Grace Church
with annex. 807 California St.— Attractive ln-
terlor: exceptional table; free billiard-room.
a - — ¦
'' GOOD room and board at 323 First st
. KY young lady employed during the day with,
in fifteen minutes* walk from Powell and
Market: terms not, to exceed $30 per month;
iffenncfs If required: Box 3347. Call office.
' DOCTORS and nurses — Candidates for chief
" surgeon and for chief nurse at the French
• Hospital are called. Address to the office of
the French Mutual Benevolent Society, 316A
Pust st. on or before »i o'clock Wednesday
August IP. 1903. V. CARPET. Secretary. '
* i Ladies! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills
are best; safe, reliable; take no other. Send 4c
stamps • for particulars. ••Relief for Ladles."
in letter by return malL Ask your druggist.
Chlchpyter Chfmlcal Co.. Philadelphia. Pa.
MELBOURNE System School. Van Ness and
Market: positive cure for all. Don't delay.
PROPOSALS — Bids wanted. Notice is hereby
given that sealed proposals will be received
by the board of directors of the Veterans'
Home of California, at lta office, room 13, 8^0
Sansome st.. San Francisco, up to 12 o'clock
m. on Saturday, August 20, 1003, for furnish-
ing and delivering the materials and furnish-
ings for the new hospital. at the Veterans'
Home. Napa County. Cal. (railroad station
Yountville.) Specifications for above may be
seen and examined at the office of the board
of directors between the hours of 0 a. m. and
5 p. tn. each week day. Money for payment
en contracts will be available Immediately
after January 1. 15104. Preference will be
given to goods manufactured In this State
price, fitness and quality being equal, under
the provisions of Section 3247 of the Political
Code. The board reserves the right to reject
any or all bids and to order any quantity
over or under the amount specified. Address
JOHN F. SHEEHAN. Secretary of the Board
cf Directors of the Veterans' Home of Cali-
fornia, room IS. .120 Sansome et, San Fran-
cisco, Cal. By order of th* board of directors.
JOHN F. SHEEHAN. Secretary.
OFFICE of C. Q. M., Vancouver Barracks,
Wash.. July 22. 1903 — Sealed proposals, in
triplicate, will be received here until 11 a.
m., August 21, 1903, and then opened for the
construction at Vancouver Barracks, Wash.,
of 1 double barrack. 1 guardhouse, 2 gun-
cheds and 2 workshops. For full Information,
plans and specifications apply to this office.
U. S. reserves the right to reject or accept
any or all proposals or any part thereof. En-
velopes containing proposals should be mark-
ed. "Proposals for construction of buildings
at Vancouver Barracks, Wash.," and address-
"d F. H. Hathaway. C. Q. M.
SEALED proposals for furnishing armor for
naval vessels will be received at the Navy
Department until 12 o'clock noon Thursday.
October 1. 1903, when they will be publicly
opened. Forms of proposals and all neces-
sary Information may be obtained from the
Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance, Navy De-
partment. Washington, D v C. CHAS. H.
DARLING. Acting Secretary of the Navy.
August 3, 1903. ¦
The following marriage license* ¦were issued
yesterday :
Charles O. Chaee, 34, city, and Ida M.
Smith. 24, Vallejo.
Andrew J. Murray. 29, 120 Lundies Lane,
and Mary Farrell, 27, 2311 Jackson street.
Jame* E. Scull, 33, 1702 Sacramento street,
and Josephine Cash, 33, city.
Edward Kerr, E'J, Oakland, and Mariah Ber-
nard. 45. Oakland.
John Purvis. 32. 1055B Howard street, and
Jessie R. Petrle. 20, 610}* Natoma street.
Marion Carr, 34, city, and Agnus Sheridan,
33. city.
Charles M. Worley. 43, Visalla, and Kate
Swartz, 35, Vlsalla.
Charles Bustillos, 30, Bakersfleld, and Cor-
inne Pierce, 20, city.
Charles A. Monroe, 25, 19.14 Post street, and
Alma A. Smith, 21, 103 Congress street.
Thomas T. Hammerschlag. 21, 175 Shipley
street, and Millie A. Krenz, 22. 227 Sixth st.
John A. Ysunza, 45, West Berkeley;' and
Teresa Alvlso, 20, San Jose.
Henry A. Green. 35. Iron Mountain, and '
Alice G. Llnderberg, 21, Bourbon place.
George C. Little, 23, city, and Margaret G.
Curran, 19. city.
Arthur White, 27, city, and Annie S. Thomas,
2C. city. ,
Samuel M. Moore, 25, city, and Ethel V.
Isbelle, 20. San Jose.
Alfred P. KantfTs, 2J>. Tonopah, and Susie
L. Yoacham. 20, Tonopah.
Robert Cock, 21. 181 2 A Post street, and
Mamie Flanagan. 22, 1S12A Post street
Albert J. Rice, 45, city, and Sybil F. Bag-
nail, 27, city.
W. Archie Straub, 24. 39S6 Twenty-third
street, and Lenna I. Scott, 22, 39S6 Twenty-
third street.
Jung Hing Yuen, 48, Fresno, and Ng Yau
Kwal. K. 020 Sacramento street.
Birth, marriage and death notices sent by
mall will not be Inserted. They must be handed
In at either of the publication offices and bo
indorsed with the name and residence of per-
sons authorized to have the same published.
MATTHIES — In Alameda, August 16, 1903, to j
the wife of George E. Matthles. a daughter.
GREEN — LINDEBERG — In this city. Aumist
17. 1903, by the Rev. Dr. E. Nelander. pas- *
tor of the First English Lutheran Church
Henry A. Green of Iron Mountain. Shasta
County. Cal., and Alice Geraidlne Llnde-
berg of San Francisco.
- IED i
Assion, Joseph Judge. Kate G
Darnes, James Kelly. Charles E.
Brunlg, Robert B. Lowney, Jeromlah
Brunn. Hans P. McConnell, Agnes
Clough, Z. M. P. Masterson, Geo II
Crew, Molina Mayon, Jaraea R.
Cullinane, Lawrence Nee, John
Dornbierer, Aline Page, Hugo E
Dray. Nancy J. Penco, Giovanni
Dunn. John Piercy, Edith M
Fors. Peter C. Rauber. Jennie R.
Greenwood, Catherine Relch*etter. Gottlieb
Haley. John Reute?.\ Henrlette M. F
t!"^ AI '£ and TT r t Salomon. Herman
Heydenaber. H Jr. Rample. Robert A.
Hlckey. Julia M. Stewart. Isabella M
Hudson. James Van Allen. Mrs. L.
Joost, Anna C. Walsh, Emma E.
ASSION — In this city, August 17. 1903 Jo-
eeph Asslon, dearly beloved brother of Mrs T
M. Fehrenbach, Mrs. E. Hernster of Santa
Barbara and the late Mrs. K. Wlese a na-
tive of Germany, aged 82 years 5 'months
and 1 day.
BARNES — In the City and County Hospital
August 17. 1903. James Barnes, a native or
England, aged 38 years. lve or
BRUNIG— In this city, August 17. 1903 Rob-
ert B. Brunlg. dearly beloved son of Louis
and Rebecca Brunlg. beloved brother of An
drey M. Brunig. and grandson of Mrs Mar-
garet Morris and Mr. and Mrs. L. Bruniir
a native of San Francisco, aged 7 years i
months and 27 days. " ™ years 7 P
ETFriends and acquaintances are 'resnert.
fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow
(Wednesday), at 11 o'clock, from the resi-
dence of his parents, 1722 Twelfth avenue
south, between N and P street*, south South
San -Francisco. Interment Cypress Lawn E
Cemetery. . F
BRUNN— In this city, August 17, 1903, Hans
P. Brunn. dearly beloved husband of Anna
Brunn, and devoted father of Anita and
Peter Brunn, a native of North Schleawlc v
Germany, aged C3 years and 14 days. ~
CLOUGH— In this city. August 15. l'J03 Z M —
P. Clough, beloved- .husband of Lucy e°- m
Clough, and father of WlllUm. J. P.. George
1 A. and Alton H. Clough. Mrs. F. P Cook
Mrs. R. F. George. Mrs. E. S. Deardorff'
Mrs. A. A. Powell and the late Frank M*.
Clough. a native of Alabama, aged 70 yea's
S months and 25 days, .
• • - .
J y<yr~7>^. Steamers leave San Fraa-
/rv^®V Cisco as follows:
/£%_ _ n;_\ For KetchikaD, Juneau,
/flY^ISJO^i V*l Halnes, fckagway. etc.. Alas-
I I YcX$2l I I ka— 11 a. m.. Ausrust 4, 9.
\ V VwSiQa/ / 14. 19, 24. 29. Sept. 3.
\(9\ \\ "¦ Vo/ Change to company's sttram-
VJiivJ'^^y ¦ era at Seattle.
For Victoria, Vancouver,
*— """^ Port Townsend, Seattla. Ta-
coma, Everett, Whatcom — 11 a. m.. August 4,
9. 14. 19. 24. 29. Sept. 3. Change at Seattl*
to this company's steamers for Alaska and. O.
N. Ry. ; at Seattle for Tacoma ta N. P. ft jr. ;
at Vancouver to C. P. Ry.
For Eureka cHumboldt Bay) — Pomona, 1:30
p. m.. August 2. 8. 14^20, 23, Sept. 1; Corona,
1:30 p. m.. August 5. 11. 17. 23, 2fr. Sept 4.
For Los Angeles (via Port Los Aogelei and
Redondo), San Diego and Santa Barbara-
Santa Rosa. Sundays. 9 a. m.
State of California, Thurstays, n a. m.
For Los Angeles (via San Pedro and Ease
San Pedro), Santa Barbara. Santa Cruz. Mon-
terey. San Simeon. Cayucos. Port Harfonl
(San Luis Oblspo), Ventura and Hueneme.
Coos Bay, $> a- m., August 5. 13. 21, 23,
Sept. e.
. Bonita, 9 a- m.. Aug. 17. 23. Sept. 2.
For Ensenada, Magrdalena Bay. San Jos» det
Cabo, Mazatlan, Altata. La Paz, Santa Ro-
salia, Guaymas (Mex.), 10 a. m.. 7th of eacb
For further information obtain folder.
Right is reserved to change steamers or sail-
ing dates. .-i, •
TICKET OFFICES — 4 New Montgom-
ery street (Palace Hotel), 10 Market street and
Broadway wharf.
Freight office. 10 Market street.
C D. DUNANN, General Passenger Agent.
i-f"'-. 10 Market St.. San Francisco.
O- /?. & N. CO.
"Columbia" sails Aug. 21. 31. "George. VT.
Elder" calls Aug. 10. 20. Only steamship Una
to PORTLAND, OR., and short rail line from
Portland to all points East. Through tickets
to all points, all rait or steamship and rail at
LOWEST RATES. Steamer tickets Ineluda
berth and mealK Steamer sails foot of Spear
st. at 11 a. m. S. F. BOOTH. Gen. A»t. Pass.
Dept.. 1 Montgomery »t.: C. CLIFFORD. Gen.
Agt. Frt. Dept.. 3 Montgomery st
. __
New York. Aug.28.10 am (St. Louis.Sept. 0, 10 am
Phila ...Sept. 2. 10 am'NewYork.Sep.16.10 ana
MInneps.Aug.29/ 10 amjMesaba.. Sept. 12 '9 am
Minnehaha. Sept. 5.4 pm!MIn't'nka.Sept. 19, 4 pm
Only First Cfass Passengers Carried.
Commonwealth. Aug. 27 Commonwealth. Sept. 24
New England... Sept. 3 New England... Oct. 1
Mayflower ....Sept. 10 Mayflower .....:Oct.'8
Montreal — Liverpool— Short sea passage
Kensington ...Aug. 20]Southwark Sept. 12
Dominion .....Sect. 5. Canada ..Sept. 2S
:, Boston Mediterranean wrect
Vancouver Sat. Aug. 29. Oct. 10. Nov. 21
Cambroman Sat. Sept. lf>. Oct. 31. Dec 12
Sailing Wednesday at 10 a. m.
Noordam ....%Auar. 26iPotsdam ......Sept. 9
Rotterdam'. Sept. 2!statenriam ....Sept. 18
rtw; Y^nw— Antwerp-Paris.
Kroon'ld.Aug.29, 10 anvFlnland.Sept. li 10 ara
Zealand.. Sept. 5. 10 amIVaderld.9ept. 19. 10 ant
Sailing Wednesdays and Fridays.
Victorian. Aug. 25, 7 am [Teutonic. .Sept. 2. 12 in
Oceanic. .Aug. 2Q, 8 am Arabic Sept. 4, 4 pna
Cymric. Ati*. 28, 9:30 amiArmenlan.Scpt 8, 7 am
C. D. TAYLOR, Passenger Agent. Pacific Coast,
21 Post St.. San Francisco.
Steamers will leave wharf, corner First and
Brannan streets, at 1 p. • m.. for YOKOHAMA,
and HONGKONG, calling at Kobe (Hlogo).
Nagasaki and ' Shanghai, and connecting at
Hongkong with steamers for India, etc. No
cargo received on board on day of sailing,
Wednesday. August 2«. 1303
S. S. HONGKOXO MARU (calling at Ma-
nila) Saturday. September 19. 1903
Thursday. October 13. 1903
Via Honolulu. Round-trip tickets at reduc«4
rates. For freight and passage, apply at Com-
pany's office. 421 Market street, corner First
W. H. AVERT. General Agent.
Twia-Sersw Exprtss aai Pasuartr iUrrie*,
P. Elgismund ..Aug. 15'Patricla ......Aug 29
Bluecher Aug. 20, Moltke ..; Sept 3
Pennsylvania ..Aug. 22 Pa la t! a Sept. 5
A Victoria Aug. 27 F. Bismarck.. Sept 10
HERZOG A CO.. 401 California st. Cen. Agts.
S. S. S1EKRA. tor Honolulu. Samoa. Auck-
land and Sydn«y. Thursday. Aug. 27. 2 p. m.
8. 8.' ALAMEDA, for. Honolulu. Sept. 3, 11 a.m.
S. S. MAR1PO9A. for Tahiti. Sept 20, 11 a. m.
. Frdcbt.8iau.329 Karbt SL.flsr b. 7. Paa& ft
Sailing every Thursday Instead of «Jjf frt^
Saturday, at 10 a. m.. from Pier 42. <fceay5£3
North River, foot of Morton street
First-class to Havre. $70 and upward. Sec-
ond-class to Havre.' $45 and upward. GEN-
CANADA. 32 Broadway (Hudson Building).
New York. J. F. FUGAZI A CO.. Pacific Coest
Agents, b Montgomery avenue, San Francisco.
Ticket* sold by all Railroad Ticket Agents.
Hare Island and Vallejo Steamers.
0:45 a. m.. 3:15 and 8:30 p. m., except Sunday.
Sunday. 9:45 a. m.. 8:30 p. m. Lea vo -Vallejo.
7 a. m., 12:3Q noon, 8 p. m.. ex. Sunday. . Bun-
day. 7 a. m.. 4:13 p. m. Fare, 50 cent*. T«L
Main 1508. Pier 2. Mission-at dock. HATCH
i. E7"rhe funeral will . take place to-day
- (Tuesday), at 10 o'clock, from his late rest-
id dence, ¦ 443 Fillmore street. Friends are re-
t s spectfudly inv!f?d to attend. Interment Lau-
rel Hill Ctmetc-ry.
- CREW— In this city, August 15, 1903, Molina
(d Crew, beloved daughter of Laura and th«
late Henry C. Crew, and | sister of Thomas
~ N. and Alexander Crew, a ' native of Lon-
J 9 don. England, aged 42 years 8 months and
*• 1 day. »
CFriemls and acquaintances are respect-
72 fully Invited to attend the funeral services
lo Tuesday, August 18, 1003, at 10 o'clock.. at
_ the • residence of her brother. 641 Lombara
¦ t street, between Stockton and Powell. In-
';l- terment Laurel Hill Cemetery.
c CtTLLINANE — In Sacramento, August 14, 1903,
. Lawrence J. Cullinane, beloved husband of
- Parthenia Cullinane, a native of Detroit,
Mich. • -
'• DORNBIERER— In this city. August 15, 1903,
'• Aline Domblerer. beloved wife of James
•• DornbiKrer. mother of Mrs. Constance Chan.
~ sister of Adrien and Sebastien I'idancet, aiu
L mother-in-law of Adrien Chaix. a native of
_ France, aged (50 years 7 months and 9 days,
d JETFuneral services Tuesday. August 18.
8 1003, at 2 o'clock, at the parlors of Julius S.
Gpdeau. 305 Montgomery avenue. Interment
¦~t private. Laurel Hill Cemetery.
DRAY — In this city. August 15. 1903, Nancy
, Jane, beloved wife of Calvin H. Dray, and
mother of William F. Dray and Mrs. Sarah
E. Byers. a native ot Colorado, aged 55 years
1 month and 22 days.
• tC7"Friends and acquaintances are respect-
? fully invited to attend the funeral to-day
u (Tuesday), at 1:30 o'clock, from Central M.
• E. Church, iMissicn street, : between Sixth
e . and Seventh. Remains at the home of his
'•' . son, 1620 Golden Gate avenue, between Scott
B and Devisadero streets. Interment Cypress
<J Lawn Cemetery, by carriage.
1 DUNN— In this city, August 17, 1903, John,
beloved husband of Mary • Dunn, father of
r Philip J., John J., Charles A. and the late
Jamrs A. Dunn, Mrs. A. Gale and Mrs. J.
' A. Murphy, and brother of Mrs. R. Jepsen,
a native of Youghal, County Cork, Ireland,
,, aged . C5 yeara 3 months and 15. days. • ; •
- FORS— In this city, August 10, 1903. Peter C.
beloved husband of Isabella Fora, and father
of Aloyslus Mllchlor Fors. a native of- Gel-
leburg, Sweden, aged 33 years 3 months and
14 days. ' A member of the Amalgamated
- Sheet Metal Workers' Union No. 67. and of
the Independent Order of Foresters. Court
Southern Heights No. 1150.- .
i- ET-The funeral will take place- to-day
d (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock, from his late re*l-
i; dence. 17-Clyde street, off Townsend. between
>. Third and Fourth. Interment Laurel Hill
¦ Cemetery. ... ... ... .. . \i.\
OFFICERS and members of Court. Southern
Heights No. -1150, I. O. F.. are hereby notl-
T fled to attend the funeral of our late brother,
f Peter Fors, on Tuesday, August 18, ¦ at 2
, o'clock, from his late residence, 17 Clyde
r street. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery.- ;
J. "W. HAMILTON. R. S. ......
- GREENWOOD— In this .city. August 17. 1903.
s Catherine A., beloved daughter ¦ of the late
0 Captain A.- and Mrs. Greenwood, and sister
of Mrs. : tvill'la.m -Sully, '.Mrs.'- Agnea Hague,-
Mrs. Frank Morris, Mrs. J. -Ford. Mrs. C.
Leddel and George Greenwood, a native of
; Victoria, B.C., : aged 30 years and 9 months.
HALEY— In this, city, August 10, 1903, John,
beloved husband, of Nora Haley, and father
1 of Agnes, George and Frank Haley and Mrs.
Charles Boehn, a native of. Qounty Kerry,
• Ireland. A member of ..Triumph Lodge No.
,180. a. o. u. w. '.:..• '
C7"Frlends and acquaintances are respect^
» fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day
j . (Tuesday), at 9:15 o'clock, from his late
• residence, 615 Ellsworth street, near Cres-
0 cent avenue, thence to St. John's Church,
t \vh*>rt a solemn requiem high mass will be
celebrated for the repose of his soul at 10
1 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
• HAY— In Alameda. August 18, 1003, Alexan-
i : der Hay, father of the late Mrs. A. G. Brick
» and Warren B. and Florence A. Hay, a na-
i tlve of Nova Scotia, aged 68 years 6 months
1 and 4 days. . ;
t / ICTFriencIs and acquaintances are respect-
f fully invited to attend the funeral Tuesday,
I August 18, at 2 o'clock, from his late resl-
\ dence, 1530 Railroad avenue. Interment
r Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland.
I HEYDENABER— In this city, August 10, 1903,
t Henry Jr., dearly beloved son of Henry and
r 'Annie Heydenaber, and loving brother ot
i Annie Marie Heydenaber. a native of San
I - Francisco, aged 3 month? and 6 days.
CT" Friends and acquaintances are respect-
fully Invited M attend the funeral services
Tuesday, August IS, 1003. at 10 o'clock, at
the residence of his parents, 2039 Powcil
street. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery.
: HICKEY — In thia city. August 17. 1903, Julia
M., dearly beloved daughter of John F. and
1 the late Elizabeth- Hickey, and loving sister
of William J. and Thomas C. Hlckey and
I Mrs. II. B. O'Donnell, a native of San Fran-
cisco, s
' ¦ ETFriends and acquaintances are respect-
i fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow
(Wednesday), at «:.'<O o'clock, from her late
' residence, 31)33 Eighteenth street, thence to
, MiR.siun Dolores Church, where a requiem
high mass will be celebrated for the repose
of her soul at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy
Cross Cemetery. . ,.
f HUDSON— In this city. August 16. 1903, James
r Hudson, a native of Ireland, aged 69 years.
• JOOST — In this city, August 10. 1SO3. Anna
' C, dearly beloved wife of • John* Joost,- -and
devoted sister cf John, Henry and Herrman
• Tlcncken and Mrs. C. Claugsen. a native of
Kohlen, Germany, aged 39 years 2 months
and 1 day.
E7*FrIends and acquaintances are respect-
fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day
'¦ (Tuesday), at 1 •o"clock, from her late resi-
dence, 105 South Park, between Third and
Fourth streets. Bryant and Brannan. Inter-
ment Cypreea Lawn Cemetery.
1 JUDGE— In this city. August 15, 1903. Kate
G., beloved daughter of Julia and the late
P'rank Judffe, and dearly beloved sister of
May Judge, a native of Virginia City, Nev.,
• aged "2 years.
- • cy The funeral will take place Tuesday,
August 18, at 8:30 o'clock, from her late
residence, 3CTJ TexRS street, between Eight-
eenth and Nineteenth, Potrero, thence to St.
Teresa's Church, where a solemn req\Mem
mass will be celebrated for the repose o*
her soul, commencing at 0 o'clock. Inter-
ment Holy Cross Cemetery.
KELLY — In this city. August 15. 1903, Charles
E. Kelly, beloved son of the late Michael
and Catherine Kelly, and loving brother cf
MVs. John Peterkln, Mrs. E. Rellly, Mrs.
Thomas Reilly and John. Henry, Cornelius
Daniel and Jeremiah Kelly and the late Mrs.
• Thomas DulKnan. a native of San Fran-
' clsco. A member of Aerie No. 5. F.- O. K. ''
(EyFrleinJs and acquaintances are respect-
''' fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day
(Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock, from his late resi-
dence, 242 Clara street, thence to St. Pat-
rick's Church, where a requiem high masj
will be. celebrated for the repose of his soul
at 0 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Ceme-
LOWNEY — In thia city, August 10, 1903, Jere-
miah, beloved husband of Alice E. Lowney,
loving father of Daniel D., T. J.. J. E. and
Sadie V. Lowney, Mrs. J. Schalich and Mrs.
E. Rlordan. and brother of T. J. Lowney
and Mrs. J. Leary of Fall River, Mass., a
native of Ireland, aged 70 years.
ErTrlemia and acquaintances are respect-
fully invited to attend the funeral to-day
(Tuesday), at 9:30 o'clock, from his late resi-
dence, 706 San Jc«e avenue, thence to bt.
Paul's Church, where a requiem high mass
will be celebrated for the repose of his soul
at 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Ceme-
- tery. ¦ r ¦
McCONNELL— In this city, August 17. 1903,
Agnes, beloved wife of Frank McConnell,
and daughter of the late Hugh and Mary
Healey, a native of San Francisco.
(CTFrlcnds and acquaintances are respect-
fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow
(Wednesday), at 8:30 o'clock, from her late
residence. 200 Franklin street, thence to St.
Ignatius Church, where. a requiem high mas*
will be celebrated for the repose of her soul,
commencing at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy
Cross Cemetery.
MASTERSON— An anniversary requiem high
mass will be celebrated In St. Rose's Church
Wednesday, at 9 o'clock, for the repose of
the soul of the late George H. Masterson.
Friends and acquaintances . are respectfully
requested to be present.
MAYON—In Oakland, August 17. 1003. James
Ralph, beloved son of Dr.' J. L. and Evelyn t
F Mayon. and brother of Ethel. Clara. Ma- jj
bel and Kuth Mayon, a native of California, I
aged 16 years 6 months and 11 days.
NEE— In thU city. August 15, 1003, John, be- (
loved husband of Mary Nee, and father of 2
Thomas Nee, to. native of the pariah of Rush- 1.
muck. County Galway, Ireland, aged 47 1
years. A member of -Riggers' and Steve-
dores' Union Association, Local 222. I. L. b
M. and T. A. „ E
(CFrlcnds and acquaintances are respect- I
fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day 1*
(Tuebday), at 10:30 o'clock, from the parlors
of J. C. O'Connor & Co., 707 Mission street, 1
thence to St. Joseph's Church for services s
commencing at 11 o'clock. Interment Holy \
Cross Cemetery. n
PAGE— At Rubicon Park, Lake Tahoe, El 8
Dorado County;' Cal., August 17, 1003, Hugo o
E. Page, dearly beloved son of Gusti,v and t!
Bertha Pace, and beloved brother of Alvin II
and the late Bernhard Page, a native of ti
San Francisco, aged 25 years 2 months and *
14 days. •-•¦ < - I
E7"Notlce of funeral hereafter.
PENCO— In this city, August 17. 1903, Glo- l!
vanni, : dearly beloved husband of Mary" C
Penco, son-in-law of Louisa and Domenico
Ferrea, and brother-in-law of James Ferrea, '
Mrs. Jennie A lrola, Mrs. Sophie Demartini •'
and Joseph, Charles, Lily and LIIlo Ferrea, 1 H
a native of Italy, • aged 87 years and 10 f<
months. • : p
EXFriends and acquaintances are respect- *
fully Invited to attend the funeral Thursday, "V
August • 20. 1003, at 12 :50 o'clock, from . his I
I late residence. 2309 Mason street, thence to
Sts. Peter ' and Paul's Italian Church for I
blessing. ¦ Interment > New. Italian Cemetery
PIERCY — In this city, August 17, 1903, Edith B1
Mildred, beloved daughter of Alpheus U 1<
and Louise C. Piercy, and sister of Kvelyii
J L:;- Ralph, .Viola W- Earl R. "and Lloyd S
Piercy, a native of -San Francisco, aged 8 T
years. ¦ ¦•¦ - • ¦¦¦-.--¦¦ ¦••-.- , . ',,
.FT J. Monahan, President.' '.
(Inc.) '/ K
2339-2341 Mission st. -Telephone Mission 31. •'
*~— — — — — — — — : ; — , oi
— — — •" ' — — — — . 11
James McUlnn. '¦" :.¦'¦ :. - :r "¦ Henry Hansen. - 1 si
,¦,- ~ Formerly .With McGinn. Bros., • -' I
Funeral Directors . and - Embalrners I W
¦.-- 214 Eddy St.; Tel. South 576. "I K
RAUBER— In Seattle. Wash.. August 14. 1903.
, Jennie R., beloved wife of George Rauber.
a native of . Kentucky, axed 38. years and 3
days. •
' -tS" Friends and acquaintances are xespect-
fully Invited to attend . the funeral to-day
- (Tuesday), at 10 o'clock, from the parlors of
•the Henry J.. Gallagher Undertaking Com-
' pany, 20 Fifth street. Interment Laurel Hill
REICHSTETTER— In this city. August 15.
1903. . at his residence. 716 Railroad avenue
south. Gottlieb Relchstetter. dearly beloved
husband of Anna Reichstetter. and beloved
father of Harry, George, Annie. ¦William,
Gottlieb Jr.. Frederick. Charles and Mat-
thew Relchstetter. a native of Fortheim.
Wurtemburg. Germany, aged 06 years 4
months and 5 days. A member of Hermann
Lodge No. 145, I. O. O. F.- (Louisville. Ky.,
and Cincinnati papers please copy.)
"^"Friends und acquaintances are respect-
fully invited to attend the funeral to-day
(Tuesday), at 0:30 o'clock, from his late
residence. 716 Railroad avenue south, corner
Tenth avenue aouth. South San Francisco.
Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery.
REUTER— In this city. August 16. 1003, Hen-
rlette M. M., beloved wife of William Reu-
ter, and devoted mother of Carl. Gertrude.
Clara and William ' Reuter Jr.. a native of
! Stade,' Germany, aged 54 years 10 months
, and 13 days. • ¦ —
(ETFnends and acquaintances are 'respect-
; fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow
(Wednesday), at 2 o'clock, from her late
residence, 213 Capp street, between Seven-
teenth and Eighteenth, Mission and Howard.
Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery.
SALOMON— In Vallejo. August 9, 1803. Her-
man, dearlv beloved husband of Mary Salo-
mon, devoted father of Ruth and Zara Salo-
mon, and beloved son of A. and the late S.
Salomon, a native of Lautenberg, Germany,
aged 34 years and 9 months.
t£7"Frienti8 and acquaintances are respecl-
. fully invited to attend the funeral service*
to-day . (Tuesday), at 1 o'clock, at the resi-
dence of A. Mamlock. 1027 Turk street. In-
terment Eternal Home Cemetery, by Bpeclal
car from Third and Townsend streets at 2:30
_ p'clock. . • . . . •
SAMPLE — In this city, . August 16. 1903. Rob-
ert A., dearly beloved husband of Mary J.
Sample, and devoted father of Isabell and
the late Willie Sample, a native of County
Derry, Ireland, aged 34 years 8 months and
19 -days. ,.,' .
ETFriends and acquaintances are respect-
fully Invited to attend the funeral ' Wednes-
day, August 19, 1903, at 1 o'clock, from his
late residence, 4330 Twenty-.third street,
thence to 1. . O. O. : F. Hall, where .services
'will be held under the auspices of Sergeant
Lodge- No. 368. Interment Cypress Lawn
'Cemetery.'-.; . ¦¦¦•¦¦¦ . • •¦ . r -,.. -¦.•¦
STEWART— In this city, August 16.^ 1903, Isa-
. bella Marsarett Stewart, beloved daughter
of Robert L. and the. late Jane Clark, and
sister of Robert L. Jr. and Fred W. Clark.
Mrs. W. Loveland. Mrs. J. E. Shand and, the
Iate-J. C. Clark,. a native of California.
CTFriends are respectfully invited to at-
tend the funeral Tuesday, August 18, 1903.
at 1 - o'clock, from the residence of her
father, 861 Greenwich street. Interment
Mount Olivet Cemetery. ¦¦¦
LIVE OAK Circle No, 20, C. of F. of A.—
Officers and members are requested to at-
tend the funeral of our late companion, Mrs.
' I. M-.". Stewart, to-day, at'l o'clock, from the
residence of her father, 861 Greenwich street.
N. ROTHMAN, Secretary.
VAN ALLEN— In Ross, August- 10, 1903, en-
tered Into rest. Mrs. Laura E. Van Allen,
beloved mother of Mrs. Calista B. Fair,
Mrs. Edward Bosqul and Mrs; Charles D.
• Haven. • - : -
tCTInterment private. ¦ 1 '
WALSH— In this city, August 16, 1903, Emma
E.. beloved wife of Thomas Walsh, daugh-
ter of Daniel and Macdelena. Wiehle, and
sister of Carl, Annie. Nora. Frtda, Mar-
guerite a,nd Elsie Wiehle and Mrs. M. W.
Kelty, a native of Germany, aged 24 years
and 25 days. ,-. ' • ¦