Newspaper Page Text
Military Spirit in Canada. Figures have just been published which the Canadian press claims as an Indica tion of the military spirit which animates young; Canada, i The- State of New York has a population of nearly 2.000,000 more than the entire Dominion of; Canada,; yet its National Guard has an enrollment of only 14,463 men;. -Canada, on ; the other hand, has 35.000 men in Its active militia and thousands of pothers who have, gone through] militia training and are ' now : on the retired llBt.--Exchange. 1 ; Quit Hunting With Preachers. A Clay- County (Mo.) man, according to the Platteburg Democrat-Lever, took his pastor out hunting one day. They had but one gun 'between ••- them and the preacher carried it. , After they, had been out half an hour the: man felt something poking him i in the side. ; Turning around quickly he found the preacher poking him with the muzzle^of the gun and fumbling over the hammers. "Say," brother," asked the minister, "how do you let these things down?" The man. has % ' sworn off. taking Drcachers ; huntlnff.-Exchange. California Stock and Oil Exchange Oil Stocks— Bid. Asked. Caribou Oil Co T3 80 Four Oil 70 Hanford Oll^ .....132 00 Home Oil .............\,... 1 35 1 40 Imperial Oil 19 00 Independence Oil 17 lg Junction Oil 22 Kern Oil 6 00 5 50 Lion Oil ....: 54 Monte Cristo Oil 75 S3 Monarch Oil ...' 53 58 Oil (Oty Petroleum ....- 29 Veerless Oil -. 13 50 ..... Reed Crude Oil 40 41 San ' Joaauln Oil 5 75 . Sterling Oil - 3 00 Thirty-three Oil 8 00 Twenty-eight OU 3 50 Union Oil f,H CO United Petroleum 118 00 West Shore Oil 3 00 ' 3 25 Miscellaneous — Abby Land & Improvement.. 1 23 1 50 Alameda Sugar ...r. 29 00 American Biscuit 85 00 05 00 American District Tel Bay Counties Power Cal Central Gas & Electric. ..... California Cotton Mills 85 00 California Jockey Club 105 00 California Powder California Shipping Co 25 00 ; I Cal Title Ins & Trust 130 00 140 00 ! Central Bank of Oakland... COCO I Chutes Company j City and County Bank [Cypress Lawn lmz> Co 8 50 'Eastern Dynamite j Ewa Suz*ar Pl?.ntatlon '..... • j Gas Consumers' Association • 22 SO I Honolulu Sugar 20 00 1 London & S F Bank (Ltd.).. : Mercantile -Trust ..... , Northern California Power. ...... 0 50 Nevada National Bank 1 Xorth Shore Railroad 5 00 R 00 Orphc-om Company 15 (V> Pacific States 'T«l & Tel 122 50 1 Paraf fine Paint 33 CO Postal Device & Imp . San Francisco Drydock ...... 47 00 "Saasallto Land & Ferry 16 CO ; Sparry Flour Company 27 50 30 00 ! Standard Electric 18 00 . Trucks Electric 13 2.1 16 00 Union Sugar 22 5(> I United Go* & Electric. ../. 34 50 W'estern Fi*b Co., i OFFICIAL SALES. ! Morning Session. Boar*— •50 Home Oil Co 1 35 100 Home OH Co. cash 1 S5 ; leno Home Oil Co 1 40 POO Home Oil Co 150 S00 Home Oil Co, s 00 1 45 100 Monarch Oil CO 56 1 2tt!0 Occidental Oil Co ! IS * r.00 Poverelgn CHI Co JW I lrtOOJndependene* Oil Co 17 SCO lndTicndertce Oil Co. cash IT Street — 400 Home Oil Co 1 17*i 200 Home Oil Co 1 15 25 Home Oil Co' 1 25 Afternoon Session. ISO Home Oil Co 1 SO V«vi TTnmei r>l! Co 1 SS 2OO Home OH Co 1 37%£ 1000 Lion Oil Co/. 04 1 Street— . 50 Home OU Co 1 30 1 SCO fleed Crude Oil 40. Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE. '' Follov/Irjr were the sales on the San Fran [ clsco Stock and Exchange Board yesterday: ! Morning Session. 100 Caledonia 1 £(•[ 100 Silver Hill... 71 100 Occidental ... 42J 100 Union Con .. 77 GOO Overman Ml Afternoon Session. 200 Belcher 32i 30O Savage . ..". IK 1M Mexican . ...1 10 80O Silver Hill ... 7f> JW> Occidental ... 42 20O Union Con ... 76 ?0O Ophlr . 1 B, CCO Tellow Jacket 58 400 Overman .... 311 PACIFIC STOCK EXCHANGE. The following were the sales on the Pacific Stock and_ Exchange Board yesterday: Morning Session. 200 Caledonia .1 20 1 500 Potosl IS 100 Con CAVlr.l 27% 20O Union Con.. 77 400 G. & Curry 35 1 200 Utah 25 Afternoon Session. 2M)C C & Va.l 27^4 .W) Savage .... 1« 1000 C Imperial 04 200 Sierra Nev. 65 400 Crown Ft.. 17 200 Silver Hill. 7rt 800 Mexican ...112H 200 Silver Hill. 67 100 Ophlr 1 «» • 20O Union Cton.. 77 BOO Overman . . S3 200 Utah 25 1500 Potosl ., 18 TOXOPAH MINING EXCHANGE. Following were the sales on the San Fran cisco and Tonopah Minim? Exchange yesterday: Morning Session. 1000 Esperanxa ... 04 \ 100 Ton A C!sJ... S* 50 MacNamara . 201 400 Ton A Cal... 35 100 Mont Ton ..1 101 < Afternoon Session. 100 Mont Ton .1 12^1 300 Ton Midway.. 4.1 100 Mont Ton ...1 10 100 Ton N Star. 50 . 600 Ton Midway.. 47| CLOSING QUOTATIONS. TUESDAY. Aug. IS— 4 p. m. BId.Ask. v Bid. Ask. Alpha 00 08 Julia 02 04 Alta 04 W Justice 11 lft Andes 16 17 Kentuck 02 Oft Belcher ..... 32 33 Mexican 1 10 1 15 Bmt & Belch. 1 70 — Occidental ... 42 44 Bullion 0.1. <U Ophlr 1 fi) IB Caledonia 1 *** 1 '"'Overman .... 30 31 Challenge ... SO . 34 Potosi 17 18 Chollar 17 is Savage 15 17 Confidence ...1 OO 1 2O|Scorplon ..... 02 04 Con Cal & V.l 25 1 30 Sey Belcher.. 10 12 Con Imp .... 03 Oi Sierra Nev'. . . <5fl 67 Con N Y.,.. 12 14 Silver Hill... 68 70 Crown Polht.. 16 17|St Louis .... 16 19 Eureka Con.. — 45; Syndicate '...- — - 015 Exchequer... 05 OfiiUnlon Con;.. 75 77 Gould" &' Cur. S.1 34 Utah ........ .24 2B Hale & Norc. 45 47 Yel Jacket.... 53 60 Lady Wash .. — 061 - TONOPAH MIXES. BId.Ask. I -' Bk!.Ask. Colehan '..... — 20, Ton Belmont. — 105 -JSsperanza ... 04 05, Ton & Cal... 35 ss Gipsy Queen.' 26 — .Ton A Gt W. 12 Han Mtl .... — 25 Ton of Nev.. — sou MacNamara . 16 24. Ton N Star. 48 si Mlzpan Ex .'. — 85 Ton Midway.. 4T 4* , Mont. Ton..! 07^1 10 United • Ton.. 13 17 Paymaster... — .'25, Utopia .;.... — 56 Rescue '. ,10 'lit ;¦• - ,, ., ' , m , „ „ _ A Maryland Jutslce of the Peace. In de ciding an action against a railroad com pany for killing a' cow near a road cross ing, decided the case In favor of the plaintiff for the reason. that "the defend ant had no sign up at the crossing." • O GL H 5a. — '— Jftkn G*E to — ¦ — O T Go 6s.. — ' — - ]U G Jb E 6s. — — Do ha .... — lUfcl - : WATER STOCKS. Contra Costa — 00 .iPort Costa. .. — — ¦" Marln Co .... — — . lUprlng Val.. 84% SStf GAS A>'D ELECTRIC. fent L & P. — 4%.rac E G * K — — ):qult Gas... 4'i 54;li F O & B. 6.1 C4 Mutual E L^13H 14 J! F Gas — — l*ac O Imp. 60 , 51H I tkn G & E. — — rao L Co... 53K — UG&E — — TRUSTEES' CERTIFICATES. . S T O A. E. 63 — INSURANCE. Fir-em's Fad. — ' BANK STOCKS. Am Natl Bk. — ¦ — t«on P * A. <— ' «— Anglo-Cal .. — '— Merch Ex .. — — Bank of Cal. — — Mer Trust.. — — CSD&T. — — ep NatlonU — — first Nation! — — . SAVINGS BANKS. „ * .1 1. Cer S & L.. — y- fav & L Bo. 85 1C5 Hum S & L. — £- |>c Sav Bk.400 BOO Mutual 8av.. — — . Union T Co. — — $ F Sav L\. — — STREET RAILROADS. California .. — — ipresidlo .... — — . Ueary — — ] j-^-;. - -.- "i/ POWDER. c «ant (57% 68 /Hgorit ..... 1% 5% SUGAR. »ana P Ocv. 1% 2KiKllauea. S C. — 6% Hawaiian C. 43% •— Makaweli C. 21 — Honokaa S C 12U 13H Onomea S C. 23% — • Hutch S P C 13% — |paauhau S C 13 15% MISCELLANEOUS. Alaska Pack.145 14«H Oceanic S Co T — lal i-ruit As. — — Pac A F A. — — Lai Wine As. 05% 90 Pac C Bon. — r Morning Session. Board — 20 Alaska Packers' Association. ...145 50 ' 25 Hawaiian Com & Sugar 43 60 40 Honokaa Co IS 00 60 Hutchlnson S P €• 13 37% 00 Paauhau S P Co 15 00 $9000 Nor Ry of Cal 5a bonds 119 00 Street — 25 Makaweli 21 00 Afternoon Session. Board— 12 Alaska Packers' Association 143 60 5 Giant Powder Con 63 00 60 Honokaa Co 13 00 PO Hutchinson S P Co 13 T5 250 Mutual Electric Light 13 60 " 40 Spring Valley Water 85 00 10 Spring Valley Water 85 25 " Street — 10 Alaska Packers' Association.... 14ft 00 25 Hawaiian. Com & Sugar 43 50 W) Honokaa S Co 13 23 Builders' Contracts. Michael Toland to 'Mary: Toland, lot.Dtt -W: line of Octavla street. 85 S of Ivy avenue, W 60 by S 25; gift. ¦•« - ¦ " - Mary A. Cowling to Henry W. Blau, lot on S line of Oak street. \ 60 B of Laguna. E 25 by S 120; $10.- . . City and Countv of San Francisco to Emma V. Anderson, lot on W line of Devlsadero street, 80:7 S of fiaccamento. S 26 by W 110; . . • .. ........ Catherine Dowllng to John Peters, lot on N line of Grove street 113:9 W of Devlsadero, W 23:8 by N 82:6; $10. Annie E. and Paul O. Burns to Clara H. Wis« (wife of, W. C.) rerecord 165S D. 2S8. lot on N line of California street, 81:3 V." of Baker, W 25 by N 90:2%; $10 • * • Cyrus Chambers to William A. Law*, lot on SW corner of Frederick and Willard streets. B STS. -W' 100. N 137 :« W 78. 6 137 :«. W »4:4> NE to Frederick E 326:11; $10. Joseph and Nellie Coleman to William Gold man lot on SE corner of Carl and Wlllard streets. S 100 by E 30; $10. Ane Johnson to James Papina. lot on KE line of Tenth street, 120 SE of Folsom. SB 25 by NE 100; $10. Estate of Albert J. Wilson, minor (by Har riet Wilson guardian) to Maude H. Garthorne, lot On N line of Ridley street, 280:7 E of Va lencia. E 40, N 114:8%, SW 45:9. S 109:2ft; $250. •* •-.••.- / ¦--.** Maude H. Garthorne to Bridget Costello. lot on N line of Thirteenth «treet.' 78:1}4 B of Ste venson. E 40. N 114:8%. SW 45:9. S to begin ning; $10. I. W. and Augusta W. Coburn to Patrick J. Land lot on E line of Noe street, 130 N of Fifteenth. N 25 -by E 105; $10. Alice and J. T. Jones to A. Oscar Land, lot on S line of Twenty-first street, 358 E of Caa tro. E 25 by S 114; $10. Harriet H. and L. H. Molse to Valentine and Katie Laplanch, lot on S line of Seven teenth street, .81:3 W of Diamond, XV 21:l(>/i by 6.75; $10. " John B. and Catherine C. Carson to Martin anfl Katie Concanhon. lot on W line of Dia mond street, U0 S of Twenty-first, S 50 by W 115:9, lot 12, block 2, Noe Garden Homestead; $10. • Adelaide and John T. McCrosson to W, F. Laumelster, lot on SW line of Stanford street, 200 NW of Townsend, NW 25 by SW 80. to correct 1651 D. 377; $5. Lydla M. and John M. Oat to same, lot on SW line of Stanford street, 175 NW of Townsend, NW 25 by SW 80. to correct 1658 D. -208; $5. W.' F. and Cella A. Laumelster to T. J. Parsons, lot on SW line of Stanford street. 175 NW of Townsend, NW 50 by SW SO. to correct 16«3 D. 244; $5. v -Thomas L. and Philippine Henderson to J. D. Mtndenhall, lot on NW line of Jessie street, 366 NE of Sixth. NE 23 by NW- 80; $10. W. A. and Jennie Ettlng to Rose Hogan. lot on W Une of Second avenue, 100 N of Clement street. N 25 by W«120; $10. George. C. Beggs to William R. Veale. lot on E line of Tenth avenue, 200 S of M street. B50 by E 120; $5. Fanny M. Winter to Edgar B. Salslg. lot on W line of Eleventh avenue, 123 S of N street. S 875 by W 120; $10. Eliia D. Msck to Eliza J. Wilson, l«t 619, G Annie? Thomas T. and Walter J. Douglas to Blanch A. Rubin, lots 43 and 44, block 19, Lakevlew; $10: ¦• Walter K. Dora to same, same, quitclaim e Ma'ry Nolan to John Tlmllty, lot 4, block 3, Holly Park; $10. t, Herman Muller (owner) with Mager Bros. (contractors), architect , alterations and additions except n&ntels. ga» fixtures and shades for a two-story frame building on W line of Bryant street, flO N of Twenty-sixth; "Mrs. J. F. Kennedy (owner) with A. How kins (contractor), architect Frank S. Van Trees — All work for alterations and additions to make a two-story frame building (flats) on N line of Grove street, 137:6 W of Octavia.,W 57:6 by N 120; $7000. Lenore Colllgan fowner) with Louis M. Wels rtann (contractor and architect)— All. work- for a . three-«tory frame building (flats), on In line of Green street, between Larkln and Polk, 107:6 E of Larkln, E 25 by 137:0, WA 24; $8750. , . California' Baking Company (owners) with George Mccre (contractor), architects H. Gell fusa & Son— Foundation wall and excavation, cementing concrete floors, basalt block paving for partly one and two etortes high . brick building on SW corner of Eddy and Klllmore, W 137:6 by S 110; $7650. National Brewing Company (owners) with Western Iron Works (contractors), architects John & ZimmeTtnan-J^Granite and iron work for a new tank house on E line of Webster street. 120:3% S of Fulton; B-4WM*. E 77:«! N 30:0. E 12:3H.« N U^Vfi.-rW-SSMli*; $10,635. Alameda County. Mabel and Fred ' HambeUon to Cora B. Ware (wire of-L. i\), lot on N line of Walton street. 85 E of Market, E 33 by Ni 100, portion of lots 1 and 2, block M, property of Central Land Company, formerly Brown Tract, Oakland; $10 William and Mary C. McDonald to Paulena Hlnch (wlfe-of -Joseph) lot on N line of Thirty jec.nd street,"45O E-af Grove, E 5o, N 148,76. W 50.23. S 152.58, lot 11, block 2043, Rowland Tract, Oakland; $10. William W. and N. Jeannette Chisholm to William J. Kitto, lot beginning 415 W frcm NW corner of Grovo and Thirty-flrst streets. W ~M by N 140. lot 2fl. block 2037. same, Oakland: $10. Gustav F. Blebeshelmer to Lena (or Lene) BiebPshelmer. all Interest in lot 2, block D, Suburban Tract. Berkeley: gift. • Mary E. Gamble <*lngle) to H. P. Nelson, lots 1 to 7, 13. 14. 18 and ID. Crystal Spring Tract, Berkeley; $10. ' L .C. and Miriam llorehouse to Thomas and Matilda Merllno (wife), lets SC to SO. map Elm hurst Park No. 2,; Brooklyn Township; grant. Henriette and Leon Btne to John F. Dacha, lot 50 fe»-t on Telegraph avenue and 133 more or less <vn Vernon avenue, lot 49, map Temes cal Park, Oakland; $10. John Tlsch Company (comoratlon) to James J. McElroy (single), lot on W line of Grove street, 40 N of Thirtieth. N 50 by W 115. block 20X4. Rowland Tract. Oakland; $10. H. • Rosenstrauch to Lena Rosenstrauch (wife), lot on N line of Jefferson street, 73 N of Fourth, N 25 by W 75, lot 1», block 46, Kellcrsberger'M map. Oakland; gift. - W. and Florence W. Havens to George Sterl ing, lot 5, block. P. property Central Laad Company (frrmeriy Brown Tract). Oakland; $10. George W. and Carrie R. Sterling to Realty Syndicate, tame, Oakland; $10. Same to same, lots i:i and 14. block 2007, lets 3 to 5 and 1 4. block 2091*. lots 2, 3. 7. UU to 41 and W 38.39 of let 38. block 2101, lots « to 8. 11 to 15. 25, 2(i. 2fl to 31, block 2103. lots 1!> to 22. block 21OT, lots 8, 13. 38 and :R>, block 2110, lot 23, block 2113, lots 11 and IS. block 211(5, lots 11 and 12, block 211S, map Alden Tract at Temescal, Oakland: $10. Same to wmc, im on N line of Forty-third street 140 W of West. W 100 by N 100 lots 22 and 2.H, block 20i»S, same map. Oakland: $10. Charles M. Wilson to Robert O. Wilson lot on S line of Crawford street 125.1:2 E of San Pablo avenue E 50, S 2T} W 50 N 232 13 being E 50 feet of lot 1!). block d. amended map J. W. Crawford Tract. Oakland- $10. Ada Elizabeth Sample (W. V. Sample), Wlli Ham Veck Sample and Edmund Tyler Sam ple to William Veck Sample, lot on S corner of East Twentieth street and Thirteenth ave nue. SE 1C0 by SW,37:«. block 113. Clinton. East Oakland: $10. Peter and Dorothea Madren to Christian E. and Oline M. Fablansen. lot on S line of Prince street, 150 W of Tremont, \V 60 by S 1C0. lot 4, block Q. amended map portion New. bury Tract. Berkeley; $10. Simon and Rosa Flschel to C. Fred Ren*, lot on N line- of University avenue, 760 E of Louisa. E 24. N 114.fiS. W 24. S 114.C8 (S 144.C8). lot S College Tract Berkeley: $10. J. A. and Emily V. Marshall to B. F. Hawes lot ft block 12. map resubdlvlslon block 12. McGee Tract. Berkeley; $10. Virgil T. and Josephine M. Nahl to Mary Ann Hunt (wife of R. H. H.). lot 17. map No. 2, Boehmer's Ranch. Brooklyn Township; $10. Georgo Lydlksen to V. C. and Florence M. Iverson, lot on NE line of Monroe or East Six teenth street 35 SE of Twenty-flfth avenue, etc., SE 40 by NE 125. block B. revised map Oak Tree Farm Tract, Brooklyn Township; $10.- • - Ednle C. Jones (as trustee estate Andrew Jones) and Jane C. Jones (widow) to C E. Carroll, lots 3 and 4. block L. map Andrew Jones subdivision. Brooklyn Township; $10 E. C. and Mary D. Sessions (wife) to J. E. Polhemus. land bounded SE by SE, Sixteenth avenue If extended SW on present course until it reaches United States harbor lin* or Oakland Harbor as established by United States Engi neers, NE and N by patent line of that portion of Peralta, San Antonio Rancho. as finally con firmed to A. M. Peralta, NW by line parallel to and distant 300 at right angles NW from said *SE Sixteenth avenue extended SW by United States harbor line. East Oakland; also triangular piece of land covered by lease. Bran nan to Sessions. 2, leases 211. bounded on the NW by land occupied and claimed by Savings and Loan 8oclety of San Francisco. SW by NE line of right of way of Central Pacific Railroad Company, SE by line parallel to and SCO at right angles NW' from SE line of Sixteenth avenue extended SW on present course. East Oakland: also land covered by aforesaid lease which lies SE of aforesaid SE. Sixteenth ave nue extended as aforesaid. East Oakland: also United States harbor line hereinbefore referred to means pier head line as now or as It may at any time be established by United States Engi neers: also all land within limits of right of way of Central Pacific Railroad Company (100 feet on each side of NE track) and lying be tween S line of Commerce street and line paral lel to and distant 30O at right angles NW from SE Sixteenth avenue extended SW. quitclaim J E. Polhemus to Pacific Improvement Com pany (a corporation), same. East Oakland, quit, claim deed; $10. ¦,. SEAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY/ AUGUST 19, 1903. Continued From Page Thirteen. COMMERCIAL NEWS 15 REAL ESTATE— CITY-»F0B BAJjK l SPECK & CO., ? — — 6G7 Market st.. Ops. Kearny. REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND RENT COLLECTORS. FULL CHARGE TAKEN OF PROPERTY. 1160,000— Modern 0-story brick building; leased $1143 per month; assuming mortgage ' m $76,000; Investment pays 11 per cent " net; lot 60x137:6 feet. 1100,000 — Corner, vicinity -Montgomery and Bush; 57:6x77:0 feet; present improve-, ments rent for JM5; a choice buy. •; -., $70,000 — New'building; 1 tenant; 10 years' cash security lease: pays "Hi per -cent net; lot 35x137:6 feet. . . .ii :..- $53.000— Best Larkln street corner: 87:6 feel frontage; fine building; stores and lodg- ing-house; very safe investment. " , $50,000 — Corner; 87x85 feet: new building; an- nual rentK_$M72; pays over 10 per cent.. $50,000— Corner. 137:0x137:6 f^et: good im- provements; mortgage $30,000 at D^ per cent; can remain; pays 8 per cent net. J25. 000— Bush street, near Grant avenue; 45x126 feet: -2 frontages. > •• $10,000— Corner business property; modern Im- provements; rents $164. $18,000 — Fronting Golden Gate Park; rents $180; splendid flats; lot 50x137:0 feet. $17,500 — Sansome street corner; rents $132.50; stores and 1 floor above. $16.500— Post street flats; yearly rents $1770; lot 25:Cxl2O feet; 2 frontages. . $7000 — Three good flats in Mission; rent $63 a month. ' ' , ' $6500— Three fine flats, vicinity Eighteenth and Castro; rents $."S a month; lot. 25x125. • $5250— Fifth and Clementina; fine front and rear Improvements; leased- 2 years at $600' a year. • .- . , .. -.. $5000 — Four good flats 'In Mission; always rented at $48 a month. $2C00— New cottage in Mission; fl rooms and bath; fine lot. . $1400 — Corner lot near Golden £ate Park; 23x 10O feet. $1000— Lot 119x111; corner cottage; 3 rooms; in Mission. BPECK & CO.. 667 Market street. POIXT RICHMOND REAL ESTATE. WATER front lots and bargains: all tracts; mapy. photos, etc. BELL. 417 Parrott bid*. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHAXGE. EXCHANGE. ; WILL give $3000 or ?4000 in cash together with good paying ranch near Capltola. worth $4000. all clear, for Income property. THE ALDEN CO.. 1118 Broadway, Oakland. REAL estate to exchange; free printed list. Pacific Coast Ex. Bureau. 850 Market st. REAL ESTATE WANTED. . WANTED — To lease (furnished) a good paying etock and grain ranch for a term of years, with the privilege of buying. Bo< 1036. Call. STUTTERING AND STA31MERISG. MELBOURNE System School. Van Ness and , Market; positive cure for all. Don't delay. 1 MAKEIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were Issued yesterday : David R. Norris, 21, 1C35 Fulton street, and Albertina Kish. 18. 2» Lloyd street. August Retch, 27, 123 Eddy street, and ' Louise Claussen. 26, 10 Fella place. Henry J. Mahoney, 24, 560 Page street, and Marguerite If. Murphy, 22. 107 Devisadero st. William P. Klnser, 25. city, and Elizabeth Thompson. 2S. city. Albion E. Perley. 21. 222 Dolores street, and , Ella Lagoni, 18, 400 Noe street. Louis P. Lavoie, 35. 415 Mason street, and Elizabeth Amyott, 40. 227 Sixth street. Eli Benolt, 32. Grass Valley, and Mary G. Shea, 30. Grass Valley. Christopher F. Butt. 25, 84S1 Nineteenth street, and Annie M. Rush, 22. 1344 Scott st. James A. Lamey, 26. 035 Folsom street, and Mary A. Lyne, 25, 140S Shotwelt street. John L. Pattern, 2.'$, 100O Vermont street, and Josephine M. Anderson, 10, 2 Hayward street. Myer Htrsch, 25, Portland, Or., and Martha E. Loewt-nstein. SKJ. l.^S Geary street. Charles H. Tie. 2«. 571 Folsom street, and Annie Brown. 23, C>75 FoUom street. Danli! Sullivan. 2ft, €2 Ellis street, and Car- rie Furlo, 20. C2 Ellis street. BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS. Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mall will not be inserted. Th«y must be handed in at either of the publication offices and be indorsed with the name and residence of per- sons authorized to have the same published. BOBN. BRINCKMANN— In this city. August 17. 19OJ. to the wife of F. H. Brinckmann, a son. STEVENS— In this city, "August 10, 1903. to the wife of Edward H. Stevens, a daughter. MARKIED. REICH— CLAUSSEN— Ln this city. August 18. 1UG3. bv Thomas F. Dunn. Justice of the P^ace, August Reich and Louise Claussen, both of San Francisco. VIGNO— GALLieON— In Alameda. August 15, laiW, by the Rev. W. J. Peters. John J. Vigno and Elizabeth M. Galllson, both of Coultcrvllle. died] Asslon, Joseph Maguire. John Boecke. Clemens Mocker, Annie L. Bosel,. Emma Mosher, John Brunlg, Robert B. Nelson. James Brunn. Hans P. Osborn. Dan H. Chelini. Emlle Otey. Robert M Cobleigh. Mary E. Page. Hugo E. Conner, Capt. T. J. Penco, Giovanni Dunbar, Margaret Raferty, Ellen Dunn. John Reagan. John Hammersmith. Jas. Renter. Henriette M. Harris, Fanny Rosenberg, Mertyn Hickey. Julia M. {-ample. Robert A. Hurst. Jaraes Silva. Mary i. ' McConnell. Agnes Stevens (Infant) McCormack. Frank Wheeler, Alfred Madden. John J. Winhall. Arthur ASSION— In this city. August 17, 1903. Jo- seph Atfslan, dearly beloved brother of Mrs. M. Fehrenbach, Mrs. E. Hernster of Santa Barbara and the late Mrs. K. Wlese of Peta- I luma, a native of Germany, aged 82 years 3 I months and 1 day. , CTFriends nnd acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral Thursday, August 20, 1D0.1, at 1:30 o'clock, from the mortuary chapel of J. S. Godeau. .105 Mont- gomery avenue, thence to Odd Fellows' .Hall, where services will be held under the aus- pices of Harmony Lodge No. 13, I. O. O. F., commencing at 2 o'clock. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. BOECKE— In this city, August 18. 1903. Clem- ens Boecke. a native of Germany, aged 77 yearH and 16 days. tCTTriends aud acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral services : Thursday. August -20, 3003. at 10 o'clock, at the mortuary chapel of Julius S. Godeau, 305 Montgomery avenue. Interment Presidio Cemetery. BOGEL— In this city. August 18. 1003. Emma Louisa, beloved wife of Henry F. Bogel, mother of Carl, Rita and George Bogel and infant daughter, daughter of Mrs. C. Engei, and sieter of John A. Kutschmar. Mrs. F. ,E. Redfleld and Carl F., Frieda and Julia Eng<>l, a native of San Francisco, aged 2S years 3 months and 11 days. . Cy Remains at the residence of her fclster, Mrs. F. E. Redfleld, 1915 Taylor street. No- tice of funeral hereafter. BRUNIG — In this city, August 17, 1903. Rob- ert B. Brunig. dearly beloved son of Louts atod Rebecca. Brunlg, beloved brother of Au- drey M. Brunig". and grandson of Mrs. Mar- garet Morris and Mr. and Mrs. L. Brunlg a native of San Francisco, aged 7 years 7 months and 27 days. ICTFiiends and acquaintances are respect- fully inviud to attend the funeral to-day (Wednesday), at 11 o'clock, from the resi- dence of his parents. 1722 Twelfth avenue south, between N and P streets, south. South San Francisco. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. BRUNN— In this city, August 17, J003, Hans P. Brunn. dearly beloved husband of Anna lirunn, and devoted father of Anita and Peter Brunn, a native of North SchlesWig, Germany, aged 53 years and 14 days. ETTiiends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to. attend the funeral to-morrow (Thursday), at 2 o'clock, from the funeral parlors of Theo. Dlercks, 057 Mission street. where the funeral Bervlces will be held, un- der the ausDices of Court America No. 3, F. of A. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. CHEL1NI— Drowned at ' tValleJo, August 9, 1!«<i;i, Emlle Chellni, 4 native of San Fran- cIkco, aged 34 years. ._• . COBLEIGH— In this city, August 18,- 1903, Mary E.. wife of the late John L. Cob- leigh, mother of Mrs. J. S. Love, grand- mother of Mabel Love, and sister of Mrs. D. I. Newklrk, a native of New York, .aged 73 years. ' 1" CONNER— In this city. August IS, 1003, Cap- tain Thomas J. Conner, a native of Wex- fora. Ireland, aged l>0 years. *..:,_ DUNBAR — In this cily, August 18. 1903. Mar- garet, beloved wife of Robert C. Dunbar. a native cf California, aged/2S years 8 months and 24 days. (^Friends and acquaintances, are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral Thursday, at 2 o'clock, from the funeral parlors of Porter & White, 423 Golden Gate avenue. Interment Odd Fellows' Cemetery. HENRY J. GALLAGHER CO: (Successors to Flannagan 3c Gallagher.) ' . DANIEL P. DONOVAN. Mgr. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. 20 Fifth st.. opposite Lincoln . School. v Telephone South 80. UNITED UNDERTAKERS. Funeral Directors and Embalmers—— — Formerly In Metropolitan Temple. Now at 86(J MISSION.- Tel. South 167. Between Fourth and Fifth. Near Fifth Bt; . - Finest Equipments at Moderate Hates. -" PERSON AL,S— Contlnned. . 3ENTS furnishings, notions toys and station- ery. WOODWARD'S Bazaax. 2200 Fillmore. ANITA MIA MAUD — Please send me your ad- dress to a04 Market st. CHARl-lE. KlITS to cJer on inFtallmenU, $1 per week. Nfuhaus & Co., -merch.tallor-t.727-729 Market. ALL i-tyles halrdresFln*. 2V; hair goods: mani- curir.g 25c v Q. LEDETtEn, 123 Stockton st. TAILOR-MADE f*ult J7 f-O; dress pant* * 2 5 * Misfit Clothing Parlor, cor. Bush and Pupont. 6DPEBFU3OCS hair and molf* removed by electric needle. Dr. &;0Marker_ MASQUERADE cortunw. play books, wigs. cr.ur.try orders. GOLDSTEIN & CO.. 'JM_g£Jih ALFHEDUM-S Egyptian Henna restore* gray hair to IW natural coior; $1; at all druggists . Superfluous hair and moles removed with elec- tric tip^I>. Mre. K Mi** E.-.'rn, 1113 S'Jtter. rALMISTRY. JiilE. DEVAS. »<-jcntiflc pali*ni»t ar.fl MtrolO- piFt. Office, 26 LJebes bldg.. 13» PatX St.. fi. palm; 3 questions free; Tues. e\e. MME. ZILLAIl. scientific palmist and card reader; 25 years' experience; l»i» « r - Aew Zealand and A j stralia. MSA Pi"* st. H. JEROME FOSEIXI. rcirrAICc P*llKl?t. 315 Taylor ft., near Geary. Phone Black P ATCttHAX GI > g71'"aI > TI X G, ETC. ' ROOMS papered. $3. 60 up: tinting, painting. Paint Co.. "r.> 'i ft.: tel. Main 413 PUVSICIANS AJVM^StKCiE'OXS' X5R C C O"DONN1:lL— Office and residence. 10214 Market ft., bft. Sixth und ELOOU. fkin and rectal diseases & specialty. VK. BALL. 107:;'4 Market St. XtEMOYED— DK WONG HIM. herb doctor: treats all dieeaM-* cf the human body; for past four years st 115-117 Mason; now lo- cated st CC7 Ofsry «t.. near Leavenworth. Jr TONG PO CliY. to Dr. LI Po Tai herb doctor; cures all d.seases of human by u?e cf herbs asi teas. 727 Washington St. WONG WOO the famous herb doctor — All dls- gmef cx:rrA bv Chlnw herbs. ?4ft-S Clay St. ROOMS FOR IIO^ SEI 5HE?ii G JU^. CAPP 634, near Twenty-first— Furnished house- kwplrg rocrr.?; very desirable . j^II-TH 34S — Suite of rooms, furnished for housekeeping: complete. GULDEN GATE ave.. M3— Very desirable- front r-ulte; rrivate family. HERBERT <The) — Sunny apartments for housekeeping; cas rar-ges; Jurt newly fur- r.lthed. 1^0 Pcik gt. % * JESSIE S33 S'-r.r.y front room, furnished housekpe.. $12: other room $10; gas ranges. MINNIE, 30 — 2 eultes of housekeeping rooms, complete; elso wUh yard. 6TOCKTON, 1206— Model houte; nicely fur- nished :$5-$12; front; phene. ga>. bath, sunny. TURK HO — Nicely furnished, sunny house- keepir.g rooms. 6:r.gie or en suite; reasonable. TWENTY-THIRD. 3726. near Dolor's— 3 sunny bay-wlndcw roome;, neat, complete. UNION, 1S44^ — 2 cr 3 Funny fror.t rooms for light housekeeping; pas range, water. VALLEJO, 101S ffiunlsn Hill) — 4 rooms, part- ly furn. ;'two people; rent *;>2 r>0; before nocn. ' CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch cifice. 2200 Fillmore. A BRANCH e:£ee fcr Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 10*J(i Valencia st. APABTMEJTTS TO I.ET. "EL MONTKKKY, " the city's newest apart- ment totel, located oa the north side of Pine st-, between Hyde and Leavenworth; a Euperb brick building cf Spanish architec- ture; all the comfcrts cf housekeeping com- bined with the conveniences of hotel life; for $30 per month you can secure here an unfur- :.-•¦: S-room eparuv>*r,t. consisting of large F-- -.:-.. with gas grate and mantel, bed- room with bay- window and closet; kitchen .,-:;;- I with gas racge. built-in china cJocet and hot and cold water; bathroom tcilet and porcelain tub (hot and cold «-&ter): this price also includes Janitor ser- vice eight and day end night and day ele- vator service ; only ten minutes' walk from Pcwell and Market; see these apartments ?n-«ay. ROOMS TO LET — 1-nrn. and Infurn. AA— City Room Rehtlcg Agency. 1104 Market Et., cor. Turk and Market Ets., Rooznc 3 and 4. I'hcne Jessie 4471- FREE. FREE. We locate you free of charge in Rooms with or without beard, Rooms or Hotels. A -BRUNSWICK House. 14S Sixth— Rooms 13c to SI per night. SI 25 t 0 $a per week, and . „¦;.•.. housekeeping rooms; open all night. AT "The Almonte." £73 Marks*, et. (or No. 1 Fifth et.) — Rooms. 25c. Sue. %\, SI W) eight; fl .'••• to }10 week: house open all night. ANTLEKS. 415 Turk St.— Ctrictly modern; 4-5 room epartrr.ent*; fur. cr unfur. for nskpg. MT.NETT. 1426 Market— fold No 1S64)— Fur- •.•¦¦•¦¦: rooms, suites, single: also unfurnished. CLIFFORD. £i<4 Ellis, ccr. Mason — Elegantly furnished runry rooms; prices reasonable. FILLMORE. 1720— Large eucny furnished room for 1 or 2 rer.tlemen; bath. GILLEPPIE House. 119 Ninth et.— Nicely fur- cisbf-d rooms. f*c to $1 per day; phone; <julet. OKAN£> tkiUJnern. Tth ar.d Mission — Rooms Sue to Jl SO r.ig-ht: *2 to $G ir«k; reading-rooni. HATES. ST." — Elegant newiy furnished parlors er.d bedrooms; bath; phene. HOTEL GUAYSTONE <XJ G*»ary et.; phone Bus * 880. Ctr.traDy located fireproof hotc-1; elegantly reralstMd euites. with haths and singles. LAIIKIN. MfrH — Larjre sur.ny front room; 2 cr 4 s' nt>m«rn ; 75c p»r night. O y.\ I1RELL, 23 — Sunny furnished rooms and | L'f.ctr; elevatcr: tlec. ights: da" week. mo. fcUTTEP.. r»0ft— Three beautiful new furnished n MM ar.<3 bath. E\V. CORNER Fixth and Howard— 200 rooms rt ir>e. 2f«c and W>c jwr night; from $1, S2. S4 a ueck; optn all night. TI'IIK, 121$ — f-ur.ny front room, convenient to tewn; all night car l:r.e. i;,JTEl) STATES. 123 E<Wy st-. near Market — 404 single and family rooas: 35c to $1 ripht; fl 75 to $6 wn-k; elevator; electric Debts; reading-room: free bus end baggage. vT.VCHESTER Hotel. 44 3d St.. near Market— Meet convenient «n<J respectable: 700 rooms; n.*.c to $1 50 night; $2 to $8 week: elevator; e-Ie-e. lights; reading-room; free bus; baggage. A liHANCH efflce for Call advertisements and FtibceripUcEE has been established at 1096 V«>nrli rt. ROOMS A.VD DOARD. AJ:OT, THE 801 DEVISADERO ST. Strictly flnt-clMS family hotel: funny rooms, ruite or single; billiards; steam heat. OLD Etevenson Mansion, opp. Grace Church, tilth annex. 807 California st. — Attractive ln- -lertor: ejrr-^ptional table: fn**^ M!l!ard-room. ROOMS A\D ROARD WASTED. DT yotzng lady employed during the day. with- oln fifteen minutes' walk from Powell and Markef terms not to exceed $30 per month; tefrrtnees if required. Box 2.317. Call office. ROOMS WASTED. ' WANTED — 2 unfurnished cunny rooms; 1 front; by man and wife: north of Market; Ftate price. Box 1041. Call office. • ¦ SPECIAL NOTICES^ 1>OCTORS and nurses — Candidates for chief tui-geon and for chief nurse at the French Hoepita.1 are called. Address to the office of the Fr«a»cn Mutual Benevolent Society. 3X6A o l l t»t it. en or before 0 o # clock Wednesday. August 7». I'MX V. GARDET. Secretary. SPECIALISTS. C^tXi^KhTISeXfNeIs and NOISES in EARS poeltively cured; new method; 1 week's treax. o ir*nt Tree. Dr. Cottir^ham. 204 Sutter «t. STORAGE .l.M) WAREHOUSES. /.—EMPORIUM Storage & Van Co.: furniture, houzehold goods stored, moved, shipped. 725> 731 Howard «t., near Third; phone Grant 16L flEBCE-RODOLPH Storage * Moving Co., of- nce Post and Powell ets.; tel. Prtv. Ex. S71. cONKLIN'S rtorag* — Furniture and nierchan- Clse. 233 Oolden Gate ave.; phone East 128. GOLDEN West Storage; advances made; S40 ii*««lon «t.: tel. ffo ward P4X F. W. Zehfusi. J'ACIFIC 6tor»ge and Furniture Mot-ing Com- ;.»ny, 2320 Fillmore it.; I hone Jackson 281. M.KIN.s Van and Storage Co.. 11 Montgomery rt.; tel. Main 1840. Shipping at cut rates. Tri'CWRITERS A>P SUPPLIES. CKEAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS— We sell better machines for less money thanVny b<.uae la the city; rentals $3. The Typewriter F.xchacge, &36 California .-telephone iJain 3C4- *¦¦ FEW good typewriter* at $30 each: get par- , ticuUrs, L. i 11. ALEXANDER, 110 Mont- ffmery «t. 2D-HAWD typewrttem eold, rented, repaired. Wtt*ter Trpcirrlter Icrpec. 209 Satuome. ADVERTISEMENTS. UNITED. STATES BRANCH. STATEMENT ——OP THE . - CONDITION AND AFFAIBS " ' OF THB>— • • . . ¦ .- Commercial Union ASSURANCE COMPANY, Limited, OF LONDON. ENGLAND, ON THE 318T day o« December. A. D. 1902. and for the year ending on that day. aa m«4* to the- Insurance Commissioner of the State of Cal- ifornia, pursuant to the provisions cf Sections 610 and -611 of the Political Code, condensed »s per blank furnished by the Commissioner. ASSETS. ReaL Eatate owned fty Ctomj>any. . » $TO9.14S 69 Loans on Bonds and Mortgages.... 212,000 00 Cash Market- Value of all Stocks and Bonds owned by Company-. 2,110.981 25 Cash la Company's Office 8.232 e.1 Own In Banks ..— 175.730 50 Intereot due and accrued on all ¦ Stocks and Loans •• 1,015 23 Interest due a«d accrued oa Bonds ..'•• and Mortgages 3,184 18 Premiums tn Jue Course of Col- lection «30.T« T8 Bills receivable, not Matured, taken for Fire and Marine Risks. 9.114 4t Rents due and accrued 5,702 17 Due from other Companies for Re- insurance oa losses already paid. 22 85 Total Asset* .$4.073,824 77 LIABILITIES. Losses adjusted and unpaid ...... $79,059 CO Losses In process of Adjustment or r In Suspense 213.243 00 Losses resisted. Including expense*. 37.200 00 Gross premiums on Fire Risks run- ning on* y«ar or less, $2,292.- - 071 39; reinsoranc* 60 per cent.. 1.146.433 70 Grot* premiums on Fire Risks run- ning more than one year. $2,120.- 902 04; reinsurance cro rata... 1.119, iM OS Grc?-s premiums on Marine and] Inland Navigation Rl»k9, $...;( reinsurance 10O per cent {¦ 61.13(5 0<J Gross premiums on Marine Time J Risk*. $ ; reinsurance 60 I per cent J Amount reclaimable by the In- sured on perpetual Fire Insur- ance Policies 103.41* 12 All other liabilities 134,032 42 Total Liabilities $2.8^861 35 INCOME. Net cash actually received for Fire ' " premiums $2.S10.0«U M Net cash actually received for Ma- rine premiums 131,430 63 Received for Interest on Bonds and Mortgages 19.4CS 13 Received for Interest and dividends on Bonds. Stocks, Loans and from all other sources T1.379 4« Received fbr Rents 18.312 85 Total Income .....J3.0B1.865 7.t EXPENDITtrR.ES. Net amount t>ald for Fire" Losses (Including $ losses of pre- vloua years) i i . . .|l,«S4,eiO 06 Net amount paid for Marine Losses (Including $ , losses of previous . years 118,613 66 Paid or allowed for Commission or Brokeragl G43.S3O 47 Paid for Salaries. Fees and other charges far ' officers, clerks, etc. 142,913 43 Paid for State. National and Local taxes ...-...: T2.243 73 Alt other payments and expendi- tures 143.539 74 Total Expenditures .$2.6Q3.S0O 20 Fire! Losses Incurred during th> year. ,$l.<70.435 72 Risks and Premiums. Fire Risks. ) Premiums. Net amount of Risks written during the year $337,002,558 $(,034.476 39 Net amount of Risks expired during the year 838.000.101 9, 702, 333 99 Net amount in force December 31. 1902.. 405.174. TIT 4.413.873 43 I Mar. Risks.) Premiums. Net amount of Risks written durteg the year $33,040,561 $281,239 0« Net amount ~*f Risks expired during the • year 57.662.154 272.S30 63 Net amount tn forco! December 31. 19O2.| 4.183.394 | 84.543 23 ~" C. F. MULLIXS. Pacific Coast Branch Manager. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 10th day of March. 1903. M. M. RHORER. Deputy Insurance Commissioner. 416 California Street, SAN FRANCISCO. UNITED STATES BRANCH. stat¥meint OP THE CONDITION AND AFPATBJ . OT the . • ¦; ,\r, ASSURANCE COMPANY, Limited, OF LONDON. ENGLAND, on the 31st day of December. A. D. 1902. and for the year ending on that day, as made to th« In- surance Commissioner of the State of Cali- fornia. DUi-suant to the provisions of sections 610 and 611 of the Political Code, condensed as per blank furnished by the Commissioner: ASSET3. Real Estate owned by Company. . . $173,170 8T Cash Market Value of all Stocks and Bonds owned by Company. 5S7.00O CO Cash' In Banks 73.SC3 80 Interest due and accrued on all Stocks and Loans 3,250 CO Premiums in due Course of Collec- tion -63,430 SI Rents due and accrued 063 0O Due from other Companies for re- t > Insurance on losses already paid 2.031 93 Total AsMts $304,317 411 LIABILITIES. Losses adjusted and unpaid $16 33 Losses in process of Adjustment or in Suspense ;..*.. 10,1 45 S3 Gross premiums on Fire- Risks - . running one year or less, $233,434 17; reinsurance 56 per cent .'. • .....' 116,717 09 Gross premiums on Fire Risks running more than one year, $11S,921 23; reinsurance pro rata 63.213 43 Due and accrued for salaries, rent. •te... 4,566 33 Commissions and Brokerage due and to become due H.lWt 8SJ All Other Llabl 11 ties 11.397 5? TOtal Liabilities $217.2^3 U INCOME. ~ Net cash actually received for Fire premiums * ' $276,607 64 Received for interest and dividends • »••" t**.^ ¦ on Bonds, Stocks, Loans, and from all other sources 18.6A1 93 Received for Rents 13,821 50 Total Income $309.111 12 EXPENDITURES. ~ Net amount paid for Ftre Losse* (including $3,02T. losses of pre- vious yeara) $83,931 49 Paid or allowed for Commission or Brokerage 63,780 62 ! Paid for Salaries. Fees and other chances for officers, clerks, etc.. 14,183 03 Paid for State, National and Local taxes • : 8,801 75 All other payments and expendi- tures 19,004 68 Total Expenditures ....."..„. W Fire. Losses incurred during the year... f 88.743 11 Risks and Premiums. IFire Rinks. | Premiums. Net amount of Risks . y^ r "! X ..f. U . rl^.. t . h !$23.230.2U $578.07111. Net amount of Rinks expired during the: year 25,163,083 347.553 34 Vet amount la force December 31. 1902.(23,013,127 3S2.355 39 SAMUEL R. WEED, of Weed A Kennedy. . V. 8. Managers. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of February. 190.T. F. FISHBECK. Notary Public 416 California Street, THE. WEEKLY CALL $1 per Year. KEAIi ESTJVTE—-CITY-- FOR . SALE. • EASTON. ELDR1IXJE t COMPANT, «3a MARKET 6T. AUCTION. AUCTION. AUCTION. TUESDAY. AUGUST 23... 1803 At Our Salesroom. 638 Market Et. At 18 O 1 Clock Noon. WESTERN ADDITION FLATS. E. line of Buchanan Bt.. 137:6 ft. N. of Union: beautiful bay-window frame building, consisting of two flats, 6 and 7 room* and 1 a thy. modern In -every respect: Noo. 8018 and 3020; lot 25x117:6 ft. SOUTH OF MARKET-STREET INVEST- MENT. NW. line of Harrison Bt., 185 ft NE. of Eighth; No«. 1176. 1176A and 1176B; Improve- ments consist"" of 3-story frame building, con- taining 3 flats and Email building in the rear containing 2 rooms; rent $42 60 a month; lot 20x80 ft. SUNSET DISTRICT BLOCK. Entire block of excellent land, bounded by Seventeenth and Eighteenth aves. and. W and X «-U.. being block 1257. bIm 240x000 ft.; this is a most desirable location- for a roadhouse, ' being adjacent to the fajfrour Ingleslde racing cour»e and covered with eucalyptus trees. It U on a par with Trocadero. MISSION BUILDING CORNER. : NE. corner of Seventeenth and Noe sts.; ex- tremely desirable corner; lot 30r91:6 ft.;- this is a particularly desirable location for etores , and flats. MISSION BUILDING SITES. NE. corner of Seventeenth and Prosper sts.; lot £2x91:6 ft.; an excellent location for the . erection of flats; this property lies in the heart of the warm belt. ELIZABETH-ST. INVESTMENT. S. line of Elizabeth et.. 236:8 ft. west of Diamond Bt. ; 2 very desirable building lots, •lie 51:8x114 ft.; improvements on property : consisting of a cottage of 5 rooms. WESTERN ADDITION FLATS. N. line of Bush st., E. of Broderlck; Nos. 2626 and 2C26A. 6 and 7 rooms; fine stable in the rear; rent $48 60 per month; lot 27:6x , 137:6 ft. DOWNTOWN INVESTMENT. N. Ue« of Clay St.. 70:*- ft. W. of Powell. correr of Parker alley; improvements consist of & substantial 2-story brick building; ex- tremely large lot, 86:6x97:6 ft. BRODERICK-ST. BUILDING LOT. "W. line of Broderick St., 75 ft. N. of Oak; very desirable neighborhood; 1 block from en- t ranee of Golden Gate Park Panhandle; 25x 100 ft. ! For further particulars apply to EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO.. 638 Market st. : HEADQUARTERS FOR PARK LOTS! $500 to 11200— Only graded lots fronting i boulevard, ocean and park. Unobstructed view from every lot. Fronting electric cars. ¦ Don't miss this opportunity. Easy terms. $60 to $230 — Near ocean and park— $5 monthly. I Oceansld* branch office on 49th ave. and K at. 1 OPEN SUNDAYS. ', 6ELLINO FAST— SEE THEM TO-DAT. $500 to $1000 — New lots In Sunset District. 1 Graded and sewered, near cars, $10 monthly. ; Sunset branch office on 0th ave., near H it. $150 to $200 — Level Excelsior Homestead lots • near Mlsslon-st. electric cars — $5 monthly. Choice Richmond District lots, $10 monthly. r $1000 to $3500 — 4, 6 and 6 room modern cot- tages. Sunset, Richmond and Excelsior 1 Homestead. AH bargains! Easy terms! , i SOL GETZ St. EON, owners and dealers. Room 54, Chronicle building. 1 1 . JOSEPH STRAUB, e30 Market Bt ' $3000—2 flats. 9 rooms, basement: rear house 4 roomE; basement of 2 rooms; Mason and F1I- • bert Ets. • $S500 — Good income property; nice locality; ! 3 bay-window flats: basement; sun all day; t pays over 11 t>er cent. Nlc« level lots on Eighteenth and Nineteenth • aves.; easy installment or cash; south of park; marine view. $200 — Choice level lots, ready to build on; ' Excelsior Homestead; Mission; installment. t BETTER THAN ANY BANK. k $1000 down and $50 per month for new flats i near Twenty-ninth and Mission streeti. i I $300 down and $20 per month will buy you cottage. 5 rooms and bath: up to date. D. COFFIN & CO.. 3303 Mission street. i FOR sale — House 8 rms. : high basement: sunny eide 19th. bet. Valencia and Mission; no reas. • offer refused. Stephens & Co.. Union-sq. Mkt. , FOR Bale — $3000; modern 6-room house in best portion of Mission. 606 Hill ct.. near Castro. INVESTMENTS — $1400 up. paying 10 to 15 per ' cent. THORN'E & CO.. 207 Montgomery st. REAL ESTATE Conn try— For Sale. FOR SALE. r Orchard and* poultry farm; 49 acres; Sonoma County; 40 miles frcm San Francisco. 2000 full-bearing fruit trees; this year's crop . approximately 20.500 lbs cherries, 4000 lbs Crawford peaches. €000 lbs Bartlett pears, C000 lbe plums, 4000 boxes apples, 3 acres asparagus. 1300 hens, 7 peos fancy fowls, horses, Jersey cows and helfere. Large barn, fruit houses, chicken houses, brooders. Incubators, wagon*, harness, farming ¦ and orchard outfit complete and modern. Dwelling house 11 rooms: fine shade groves, lawns and garden; aburv-lant water. This year's net income $4000; distant resi- dence of owner compels sale. L. E. THOMPSON. 4S2 Parrott Bldg.. S. F. 1 FOR SALE— TOKAY GRAPE LAND. " Tfcls flaming Tokay grape land can be pur- chawd in 10-acre tracts, in Whi taker & Ray Colons*. Gait.. Sacramento Co., Cal., $400 a tract. *£ down; the Tokay grape ripens In this ) locality 4 weeks earlier than in any other part j of the State. Grapes from tbta locality can be s*-en in the windows at 648 Market et.. M Mont- i gomery «t. and at the Sacramento County ex- hltit. ftrry building. QUIGGLE. 11 Montgomery St.. care Wood- ward & Co., hours 9 to 10 a. m. and 12 to 1 and 4 t3 5 p. m., or address box 15, Gait,. Sacra- mento County, Cal. ALFALFA lands, stock ranches, orchards, ' vineyards; inspected bargains; monthly cata- '¦ logue* nent free. C. M. WOOSTER CO.. 643 Market et. -'..., j ¦ i $15.000 — A LOVELY countrr home:'80 acr»s fruit: 60 milew. MOSSMAX, 850 Market rt. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS. alameda real estate. juIst'^vyiia^tou^aI^ a pretty home in alameda. Surrounded by flowers and fruit trees; near train and schools: only $2850; lot 76x125. Nice S-room cottage and bath. ALAMEDA LAND COMPANT. Tel. Grand 1461. 1500 Park st.. Alameda. $3150 — EIGHT- ROOMED bouse In good loca- tion: must be cold. W. H. POLLARD. 218 California Et.. San Francisco. BERKELEY" ADVERTISEMENTS BERKELEY REAL ESTATE. AN opportunity seldom met' with; I have a new 2-story 7-room house, 4 bedrooms, equipped with all modern conveniences,' gas, electric lights, etc. oa an improved street., only 2 blocks from the station, which I will sell to a reliable party on the following terms: $100 cash and the balance In month- ly Installments; whole price $3500. •_.; .< *¦ JOSEPH J. MASON. Real Estate. Cor. Shattuck ave. and Center. Berkeley. 1507 PRINCE st..- near -Santa Fe R. R. — Large 8-rcom bouse; high basement; stable, cow barn. 7 houses for chickens; lot 160x135; street work complete; call and Inspect. LEVI J. MORAN. 2131 Shattuck ave.. Berkeley. $4000 — 3 ACRES on Dwlght way. East Berke- ley; elegant location: -fine. LEVI J. MORAN, 2131 Ehattuck ave., Berkeley. FINE. new. handsome cottages; up to date; all conveniences: close to cars; large lots; $1560 to $1600; only $200 cash, balance $16 60 per xncoth. W. C MORAN. -Lorin station, or •; - ¦ C. C. EMSLIE, Ashby rtatloa. FOR RENT— House of 8 rooms and bath; near U. C. and Head Semlnarr. JOa J. MASON. Real Estate, Corner Shattuck ave. and Center, st. NEW, modern house 10 rooms, near university, for eale cr to rent; $30. Inquire 1811 Addlson * st.. Kaft Berkeley. - OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE, 1118 2BOASWA7. OAKUM) REAL ESTATE. RFFORE moving K«t my printed list of house* to let. GEORGE W. AUSTIN. 1002 Broad- ' -way. . - '"'-',. : " ; • "•"-. ' .' "- •' ALEX. MURDOCK. Chronicle bldg.. San Fran- clsro. for Oakland. Berkeley or rura' homes. OAKLAND FimXITUHE FOB SALE. TO-MORROW th« • day f or bargains in furni- ture. II. Schcllhaa?, 11th eb cor. store, Oaklnd DUNN— In thl« city.. August 17. 1903, John. beloved husband of Mary Dunn,' father of Philip J,. John J.. and Charles A. • Dunn. ' Mrs. A. Gale, Mrs. J. A. Murphy and the Jate James A. Dunn, and brother of Mrs. R. Jepsen. a native of Youghal. County Cork. Ireland, aged 05 years 3 months and 15 ¦days. (CTTrlendS/and acquaintances are respect- ' fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow I (Thursday), at 12:30 o'clock, from his late '. residence, 12<S6 Folsom street, thence to St. ¦Joseph's Church for services at 1 o'clock. % , Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. HAitMERSMITH^-In V this city, August j 18, ¦ 10y3 • JamoB 'R.. belovd. son of Edward and ; '."Catherine. Hammersmith.' and brother of Eri i and Edward Hammersmith; a native of San t -.Krahclsco. aged 3 months and 22 days. HAKKIS— In thi3 city, August 18. '1003, Fanny. ¦ beloved wife of Uenjamln Harris, mother of - Mrs. Bert Llssner of Oakland -and .Stella, £f Canine,. Tessie. Myrtle, Sylvlan and Lloyd Harris, and daughter of E. Klrschbraun. a native of Germany, aged 42 years and 8 . months. " E7"Fiiends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral services to-day tWednesday), at 1:15 o'clock, at her I Jate residence, SIS Hayes street. Interment • Hills of Eternity Cemetery, by 2:30 o'clock - train from Third and- Townsend streets. .. OFFICERS and members of Congregation Sherlth Ierael are hereby notified i to attend r the funeral of Mrs. Fanny Harria, the es- ;• t tumble wife' of our member, Mr. Benjamin • Harris, at 1:15 o'clock, from 818 Hayes ¦ - etreet. .HICKEY— In this city, August 17, 1903, Julia M., dearly beloved daughter of John F. and the late Elizabeth Hickey, and loving sister of William J. and Thomas C. Hickey and Mrs. II. B. O'Donnell. a native of San Fran- cisco. E7"Fnends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-da) {Wednesday), at 8:30 o'clock, from her late residence, 3»3S Eighteenth street, thence to Mission Dolores Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul at 0 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. HURST— In -this city. August 18. 1003. Januu, dearly' beloved husband of Allle Hurst, and dearly beloved father of Mabel, James Jr., Georgia and Willie Hurst, a native of County Fermanagh, Ireland, aged 53 years and 1 month. K7"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Thursday), at 10 o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 1331: Fulton street. Interment Cyprem Lawn Cemetery, by carriage. McCONNELL — In this city. August 17, 1003, Agnes, beloved wife of Frank McConnell, and daughter of the late Hugh and Mary Healey, a native of San Francisco. IC^Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-day (Wednesday), at 8:30 o'clock, from her late residence, 2CK5 Franklin street, thence to St. Ignatius Church, tvhere a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing: at I) o'clock. « Interment Holy .Cross Cemetery. McCORMACK— In the City and County Hos- pital, August 18, l«03. Frank McCormack, a native of California, aged 32 years. MADDEN— In this city. August 18. 1003. John Joseph, beloved hust>and of Mrs. Annie Mad- den, lather of Joseph Madden, and eon Of Mary and the late Michael H. Madden, a na- tive of San Francisco, aged 28 years 9 months and 19 days. A member of Gentle- men's Sodality of St. Ignatius Church. lC7"Fiiends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Thursday), at it :.':<> o'clock, from his late residence, 1SSI2 Ellis street, thence to Holy Cross Church, where a requiem high mass ¦will lie celebrated for the repoee of his soul, commencing at 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Crws Cemetery. Members of Gentlemen's Sodality are requested to meet at the late home of the deceased this (Wednesday) even- Ing, at 8 o'clock. MAGUIRE— In this city, August 17. 1903. John Maguire. a native of Canada, aged 71 years. MOCKER— In this city. August 18, 100;?, Annie L., beloved wife of Andrew Mocker, mother of Irene M. Jlocktr. and daughter of Sophie and the late H«er.ry Schroder, a native of San Francisco. s, IC?*Friends are Invited to attend the fu- neral to-morrow (Thursday), at 1:30 o'clock, from the residence of her sister, Mn. J. Thode, 820 Wuller street, near Broderlck. Interment urlvate. Please omit flowers. MOSHER— In Nile?. Cal., August 18. liW3, John Mother, beloved father of Kitty Mosher. and brother of Mrs. A. Rowell and A. H. Mcsher, a native of New York, aged M years 9 months and 0 days. " [CTFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the interment to- morrow (Thursday), at 1 o'clock, at Cypress Lawn Cemetery, San Matco County. NELSON— In this city. August 18. .1903. Jamea, beloved husband of Margaret Nelson, father of Mary, William ami James Nelson, brother- in-law "of Myles Knonan. and uncle of Pat- rick McMahon, a native of County Clare, Ireland, aged 52 years 10. months and 12 days. ETTriends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attond the funeral to-morrow (Thursday), at !(:-'?0 o'clock, from ¦ his late residence. 41" Folsom street, thence to St. Brendan's Church, fcr services. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. OS BORN — In this city. August 17. 1W?, Dan Henry Osborn, nei>hew of Sarah Osborn, a native of California, aged 23 years and 2 days. £7"P*uneral services at Ukiah -August 20, 1903. Remains at the mortuary chatjel of the GoMcn (Jate Undertaking Company, 2175 Mission etreet, near Twenty-first. OTEY — In this city. August 15. 1903. Robert j M.; beloved husband -of Mary Otey, a- native 1 of Oregon, aged 42 yeais 2 months and 1/ dayp. PAOE— At Rubicon Park, Lake Tahoe, El DcJrado Coufltv. Cal., August 17, 19C3. Hugo E. i'ase, dearly ' beloved son of Gustav and BeHha Pace, and beloved brother of Alvm and the late Hemard Page, a native of San Kram-isco. aifi-d ~~> years 2 months and 20 flays. • CyVriends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Wednesday), < at 2 o'clock, from the resi- dence of hia parents, 7i:o Turk Ftreet. near Van Ness avenue. Intt-rmont private, in Odd Fellows' Cemetery. Please omit flowers. PENCO — In this city, August 17, 1903, Gio- vanni, dearly beloved husband of Mary Ptnco. son-in-law of Louisa and Domenico Ferrt-a, and brother-in-law of Jamrs Ferrea, Mr?. Jennie Alrola. Mrs. Sophie Demartmi and Jwtph, Charles, Lily and Lillo Ferrea, a native of Italy, aged S7 years and 1U months.. • • . /. Ul/Fner.ds and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral Thursday, August tQ. 1'JtXi. at 12:C0 o'clock, from hi* late residence, 2300 Mason Ftreet. thence to St?. Peter and Paul's Italian Church fcr blessing. Interment New Italian Cemetery. ' RAFEKTY— In this city, August IS. l!)0.l. Kilen, beloved wife of the late M. Raferty. and mother of Thomas K. Raferty. Mrs. Mae Ackerson, Mrs. Kitty May and Mrs. Thomas, Flynn, a native of Sileo, Ireland, aged 50 years & months and 7 days. E^Frlenris and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend tht funeral Thursday, at »:3O o'clock, frcm her late residsnee 1477 • Ocnry street, thence to St. Mary's Cathe- dral, O'Karrell street and Van Ness avenue, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for ' the retxise of her soul, com- raenclnjj at H o'clock. Interment Holy Cress Cemetery. REAGAN — In Alameda. August IS, 1903, John Reagan, husband of Aurclle Keagan, and father of Mia. William J. Gorham, Mrs. T. E. Hrennnn. Mrs. George Stewart and Wil- liam II. H«*>aran, a native of Tennessee.- aged 70 years 8 months and 17 days. A member of San Francisco Lodge No. 3 I. O. O. F. . • CTFrieniU rind acquaintances are respect- fully irivited to attend the funeral services Thursday), August 'M. 1903, at 10 o'clock, at the res'denvc, IT. ill! Lincoln avenue. In- terment Odd Fellows' Plat, Laurel Hlil Cemetery, San Francisco. REUTER— In this city, August 10, 1903, Hen- riette M. M., beloved wife of William Reu- . ter. and devoted mother of Carl. Gertrude, 'Clara and William Reuttr Jr., a native of Stade. Germany, aged 54 years 10 months and 13 days. - ; • E?" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-day (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock, from her late ! residence, 213 Capp street, between Seven- teenth and J51f?hteenth, Mission and Howard. Interment private. ROSENBERG — In Oakland, Augu«t 18, 1003. Mertyn II., beloved «on of Laz. and Sarah Rosenberg, and brother of Mrs. F. E. Ilas- kette arid Herbert M., Grace, Esmee, Lester and Inland KosenberK, a native of Oakland, aced 2 yeara 3 months and 5 days. SAMPLE— In this city. August 10, 1903. Rob- ert A., dearly beloved husband of Mary J. " Sample, and devoted father of Isabell and the late Willie Samnle, a native of County Derry, Ireland, aged 34 years 8 months and 19 days. . . . tty Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral Wednes- day, August 18, 1903. atl o'clock, from his late residence. .4330 Twenty-thUd street, • thence to I. O. O. F. Hall, where services will bo held under the auspices of Sergeant Lodge No. 3CS. Interment Cypresa Lawn Cemetery. > • ...... SILVA — In Mill Valley, Marin County. Cal.. August 17. 1903. Mary J., beloved Infant daughter of George and Mary SUva,' a na- tive of Sausallto. Cal., aged 1 year 5 months * and 28 days. '. •; - - : • STEVENS— In this city. August 16, 1903, in- fant daughter of Edward H. and Edith Stevens ' (nee Kennealy). WHEELER— In this city, August 18, 1003 Al- fred Wheelef, . a native of New York City, aged 81": years. WINHALL — In this city, August 18, 1903, Ar- thur, beloved husband of Rose Winhall, and father of Marjorie Wlnhall, a native of Lon- don, England, aged 30 years 5 months and 18 dayg. .*¦ ¦ *. . ¦¦