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Distinguished Soldiers Speak in Braise of the Impressive Pageant (~*eneral John C. Black — / have nrcer seen a better parade than this one. It lias exceeded my expecta tions in every respect. The large number of men zvho came thousands of miles to attend the encampment Jiave been well tewarded by the heartfelt welcome they have received. San Francisco is to be congratu- FLOWER OF REPUBLICS CHIVALRY PARADES THROUGH STREETS BENEATH BATTLE-FLAGS TORN BY SHOT AND SHELL, RECEIVING WHIRLWIND OF APPLAUSE FROM VAST CONCOURSE OF CITIZENS consln and Iowa— from, the workshops and fields "of . the Middle ;West-»caine • the com mon people that ; Lincoln" gloved. V-The old men -that -filled the [ ; City's streets, yester day .were youths when the great Abraham wrought his' immortir deeds^-and) the old men of /yesterday's : procession ;!were the very boys ¦ that. answered Lincoln's call." Sturdy j and patriotic . boys .were they in the days of war— and they are patriotic old inen now, old and ; onJy waiting . until the shadows are a little longer grown.' FESTERDAY was a festival of memory, for the great proces-. sion of old soldiers recalled' the stormy • yesterdays .. of • their lives, when j they ' heard their country's call I and j went ;forth to do or die that the flag of the Union might not be taken from the* sky. | Men of Iron from Chapyltepec stood side by side with heroes of the Civil War.'and the great types of history— the living he roes of Vicksburg and Antletam— none Thrilling Sights Are Seen as Heroes of Ciml War march. . - ¦¦ . . ¦ . , . . MARCHING VETERANS .WHOSD PRESENCE ON CITY'S STREETS AWAKENED INTENSE ENTHUSIASM AND .WHO, WERE GREETED ALONG THE LINE BY- ROUND AFTER ROUND OF CHEERS. \/'-...- successes,- was suggested by his • dlscoy; ery some time since. that the unfertilized eggs of a sea urchin could be- developed by the simple ¦ extraction of water ' from vividly and were constantly reminded of them during the passing of the veterans yesterday. It was a grand sight and was worth traveling hundreds of miles to see. Two hours and a half were consumed la passing a given point. No one seemed to take notice of the time, as all mind* were filled with a moving picture of a truly remarkable procession. No acci dents were recorded, thanks to the watch fulness of the Police Department. Vet erans fell out of line at intervals before the reviewing stand was reached, but there were so many in line that the few departures were not ¦ missed. Flowers were showered on the com rades from every side. Roses strewed This is the boldest statement that Dr. Loeb has ever made since his discoveries elevated him to fame. He has been rep resented as Eolvlng the problem of life and peopling the world with artificially made animals and soiling the race sui cide question, but these he 'never dreamed possible. His latest discovery, however, has put science one step nearer the solution of that greatest of all prob lems, the mystery of life. Dr. Loeb's last investigation, with . its From these experiments Dr. Loeb makes the deduction that if science ever acquires positive evidence making for the solution of the secret of abiogenesls, that is. the fertilization of the eggs of au!ma!s where the sexes are separate, it will be through artificial parthenogene sis. Berkeley Office San Francisco Call, 21iS Center Street, Aug. 13. Professor Jacques Loeb, the German bi ologist, whose scientific discoveries have attracted the attention of the world, be lieves he has hit upon the path that will lead to the solution of the problem of the chemical fertilisation of the ova in all animals so that life will epring from them. In a series of experiments that he has Just completed at the University of California Dr. Loeb succeeded in demon strating that the eggs of animals con taining both sexes can be fertilized and developed into animals through physical and chemical agencies, technically, arti ficial parthenogenesis. Chemical Agencies the Hope of Science. WIZARD LOEB PROBES INTO LIFE SECRETS Continued on Page • 4, . Column ¦ 7. Continued on Page 2, Column 8. less illustrious; than" these, . made' for; the people a holiday, a carnival of old memo ries. From i-Newy York. and - tlie/fSouth, from the ] great \ cities ; of ' the East, r came the heroes of the 'parade. >' ': - ":'".':?'.*' 'J'*,.*. -From "Indiana* and Illinois, from Wis ¦ .The processlonvwas »,llying,picjture.}The spirit ot- 'Amer^ca^s^immortaJ^iilpalBt^arbse from the^ silence* of "^a : \ygenenitlon'^'as*' ! Burned ;visible 1i f dfhi.f andtmarched 'through taeTstreeta*- to- the'Sttrrinjj 'muBic* fof'many , The surviving; heroes were V cheered 'by those that ; were their contemporaries 'and cheered by* their ' Juniors/' by the v genera-' tion that has come, on .the; stage^ sincel the sixties. ¦ The'observers did not forget that the 'first marches ?Vof- those 3 they ¦.looked upon under.1 yesterday; s •¦ benign ¦ August sky were the marches that made history— and.', the; object jle'sspn'ywast a £ panorama. And over jail -came ;• the; : thought" that was but ¦ a" remnant:that r pasaed J in; review; only Ja f remnantVof -that! Grand ?Army ?.of the ' Republic, th"at* is * fast > vanishing j from the! field ; of }lUi'.% k ' : : - ,";V ' • . '-i^-S't " " ! t...r J-, ¦¦ ¦• 1 e JJllnd, the crippled— meir of Shfloh^and "the Wlldeiness^-ttiese "we're" in 'the '• procession— the : past* Invoked, men .whose • glory .? can never fade., trudging their -,way; through the streets, their. eyes kindling, ~ r their ' steps* tottering and their hearts ; bounding at ' the sound of ' music, thesight of faces, and the spirit of com radeship- that : "will .soon' unite ; them no more \ forever,- In '. the i land ; they made iree." . - The'/ residents of , San : Francisco ;' proved to • the world yesterday^ that they : possess theUrue spirit 'of \ patriotism. With wav ing* flags and ' handkerchiefs, • with >6lces lifted *in ; on« great '.greeting, the' old '• bo\ 'diers;were • made -, to • feel -.that ; their > deeds havernot-beehi forgotten; that their sacri fices were I appreciated^ and that all ¦ honor' la due" them.T^0Wj^SSj^^^>^S|^j^^fi^ : .t No 'comparison can be made between 'the two parades the people have seen in the last" forty-height' hours." The r one' held on Tuesday ; morning was in the nature of a. military. pageant, whereas yesterday's parade was a grand review of the heroes of the war of secession. ¦ The veterans marched 12,000 strong. . They passed be tween long: lanes of, people, with heads erect and bared to. enthusiastic greetings and with 'contentment'; in -their hearts. , It is a difficult task to picture the scenes on the streets of San Francisco yesterday. Once seen they can efface^ from the memory of those who witnes^d them. Seventeen years ago the veterans marched through the streets of this ; city in an other encampnientl '•- They, marched with a firmer. tread and in. larger numbers.' Those who ' remember those scenes. recall them PRICE FIVE CENTS. SAN FRANCISCO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1903. VOLUME XCIV— NO. 81. Qommander-in-Chief General Stewart- I never ex ' pected to see such a big parade as this one. ;It has exceeded all calculations. Words fail to express: my thanks} to the people for the welcome [accorded the vet erans. I must thank Commander Cook of%Penycr for the splendid music furnished by the Zouave band at the revirjuing stand. •' \ : . f^eneral Nelson A. Miles—The parade was a very , fine one. \ ~: With the glorious weather, the grand hospitality of the people of California and the perfect police arrangements it is one of the finest parades I Ivxve lever witnessed. -New York can learn a lesson from San Francisco as to the liandling of large crowds. The San Francisco Call