Newspaper Page Text
Yesterday was a dull day In stocks. There were no fluctuations of any consequence on the Bond Exchange, and the California and Tonopah Exchanges held no morning sessions on account of. the Grand Army parade. Home Oil "sold In the afternoon at $1 37V4©1 50. Monte Crlsto Oil will pay a dividend of lc, or $5000, to-day. The Homestake . Mining Company of South Dakota has declared a regular monthly divi dend of 25c per share, payable August 25. Stock and Bond Exchange. WEDNESDAY, Aug. 18—2 p. m. UNITED STATES BONDS. . Bid. 1 Ask.l . Bid. Ask. 4s qr coup.. . — •• 110 1 4s qr c (new)134 135 4s qr reg... — 110 1 3s qr coup — 107Vi MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. Ala A W 5s. — — | Do con 5». — 105 Bay CPC. 5s. 104*4 — OW C g 5s. — — C C G&E 5a. — — Oceanic S 5s. 75 82 Cal G & E g ¦ . On C R 6s. — — and ct 6s.. — — Pac G Imp 4s — — Cal-st C 5s. — — P E Ry 5s..l06*4107".* C C Wat 5s. — — PAC R 6s. — — Ed L & P 6s. — P & O R 6s.. — — FACH6S. — — P&OR 6s.. — — Geary-st 6a.. — — ' Powell-st 6s. — — H C A S 54s — — ' S E G&R 6e. — . — H'C & S 6s.. 96 100 JSF & SJV fis — 120 Hon R T 6s. — 1074 8 R of C 6s. Ill — L A Elec 5s. — — S P of A 6s L A Ry 58..11241M (1909) ....107»il08 L A L C 6s. — — (1910) — — Do gtd 6s. — — S P of C 6s Do gtd 6s. — — <1905)Sr A. — — LAP lem 5s. — — (1905)Sr B. — — Mkt-st C «s. — — (190C) — — Do lem 68.1174 — M1912) — — NRofC 6s.lO6VilO7"4 S P C leg 5s. — — NRC(of OSs.119 120 Do stmpd.. — — NPC R R 58.106 — S P B R 6s. — 138 N C R 5s... — — S V Wat 6s.l07%108 N S R 6s.. — — Do 4s 2dm. — 100 . O G L H 5s. — — Do 4s 3dm. — — O T Co 6s.. — 122% Stkn GAE 6s — — Do Cs — — 'U G & E 5s. — — WATER STOCKS. Contra Costa — — iPort Costa . . — — Martn Co ... — — ISprlng Val.. 85 86 GAS AND ELECTRIC. Cent L * P. — 5 ISac E G & R — — Eqult Gas... 4% 54 S F G & E. 63 64 Mutual EL.— 134 S F Gas — O- Pac G Imp.. 50 524 Stkn G & K. — — Pac L Co. . . 55V4 — U G & E. . . . — — TRUSTEES' CERTIFICATES. S F G t E. C3 — INSURANCE. Firem's Fnd. — — BANK STOCKS. Am Natl Bk. — — Lon P & A. — — Anglo-Cal .. — — Mer Trust ..20C 260 Bank of Cal. — — Merch Ex . . — — - CSD&T. — — SF Nation*. — — First NatlonI — — SAVINGS BANKS. Ger SAL..— — Sav & L. So. 95 105 Hum S A- L. — — Sec Sav Bk.400 — Mutual Say.. — — Union T Co. — f — • STREET RAILROADS. California .. — — [Presidio .... — — * POWDER. Giant 674 684/Vlgorit — 54 SUGAR. Hana P Co. — — Kilauea S C. — 7 Hawaiian C. 43 — Makaweli C. 2O 25 Honokaa S C 13 13 Vi Onomea S C. 23% — Hutch S P C 134 14V; Paauhau S C 15 — MISCELLANEOUS. Alaska Paek.146 148 Oceanic S Co 7 — Cal Fruit As. — 904 Pac A F A. — — Cal Wine As. 96 96Vi Pac C Borx. — — Morning Session. Board — 10 Hawaiian Coml & Sugar 43 00 ISO Honokaa Co 13 00 ' 25 Honokaa Co 13 12Vi 75 Mutual Electric Light 13 50 100 Paauhau S P Co 15 OO 10 Spring Valley Water, cash 85 0«> $1,000 S P of Arizona (1900) 107 75 Street — 25 Cal Win Assn 85 50 Afternoon Session. 15 Cal Wine Assn 95 75 110 Cal Wine Assn 9« 0O 10 Giant Powder Con, s 90 68 00 50 Mutual Electric Co 1.1 00 1(X> Paauhau S P Co ...'. 15 00 50 Spring Valley Water S5 00 Street — 50 S F Gas & Electric Co 64 00 62 Spring Valley Water 85 00 $10,000 Market-st Ry 1st con 5s 117 624 California Stock and Oil Exchange Oil Stocks — Bid. Asked. Caribou Oil Co 75 SO Four Oil 70 Hanford Oil 130 OO 135 00 Home Oil 1 37Va 140 Imperial Oil 19 00 Independence Oil 17 IS Junction Oil 22 Kern Oil 5 00 5 50 Lion Oil Monte Crlsto Oil 80 85 Monarch Oil 64 M Oil City Petroleum 30 Peerless Oil 13 50 Reed Crude Oil 40 41 San Joaquin OH 5 50 Sterling Oil 3 00 Thirty-Three Oil 8 00 Twenty-Eight OH 3 50 Union Oil 68 00 United Petroleum IIS 00 West Shore OH 3 00 3 25 Miscellaneous — Abby Land & Improvement.. 1 25 1 50 Alameda Sugar 29 00 American Biscuit 8000 9000 American District Tel |Bay Counties Power ¦Cal Central Gas & Electric Cal Cotton Mills 85 00 Cal Jockey Club 105 00 Cal Powder Cal Shipping Co 25 00 Cal Title Ins & Trust 130 00 140 00 Central Bank of Oakland 60 00 Chutes Company 1 8 25 City & County Bank Cypress Lawn Impt Co 6 50 Eastern Dynamite ' Ewa Sugar Plantation ' Gas Consumers' Association 22 50 Honolulu Sugar 20 00 London ASF Bank (Ltd) ..... Mercantile Trust ..... Northern Cal Power 9 50 Nevada National Bank ..... North Shore Railroad 6 OO s 00 Orpheum Company 15 50 Pacic States Tel A Tel 122 50 Paraffins Paint 33 00 Postal Device A Improvement San Francisco Dry Dock 47 00 Sausallto Land A Ferry IB 00 Sperry Flour Company 27 50 80 00 Standard Electric • IS 00 Truckee Electric 1.1 25 IS 00 Union Sugar 22 50 United Gas A Electric ....... 34 50 ..... Western Fish Co OFFICIAL SALES. Afternoon Session. 600 Home Oil 1 37Va 1150 Home Oil 140 100 Home Otl 143 100 Home OH .'. 150 603 Reed Crude Oil 4O 600 Occidental, cash 18 100 Sovereign 33 Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE. Followtng were the sales on the San Fran cisco Stock and Exchange board yesterday: Morning Session. •00 Andes 161200 Mexican ......110 500 Caledonia .....1 Occidental 42 SCO C New York.. 131200 Savage ....:.. .15 100 Con Cal & Va.l 251100 Sierra Nevada. 66 200 Crown Point.. IB 4CO Silver Hill .... 67 300 Gould & Curry 33 5O Union 73 *0O Imperial O4 Afternoon Session. 800 Andes 17 100 Silver Hill.... OT 100 Caledonia 1 10 400 SIKer Hill W 100 Crown Point . 15 200 Utah 2» SCO Occidental 42i 100 Union* ?• 100 Savage 151200 Union TU 300 Sierra Nevada, lot PACIFIC STOCK EXCHANGE. Following were the sales on the Pacific Stock Exchange yesterday: Morning Session. 3tt> Alpha Con 07 1^.00 Con CaI&Va.l 27*i 200 Andes 17 1 Mi • Con New Torft lit 100 Best £ Belchr.l 90M0O Mexican 1 15 tOO Caledonia ....I lc|2(»j Unton Con ... 75 Afternoon Session. COO Bullion 0»lJl>0 Potosi 17 100 Con Cal&Va.l 27*4 ItOO Sierra Nevada. 63 £10 Occidental . 42 1 200 Union Con....' T» SQO Overman aci TONOPAH MINING EXCHANGE. The following were the sales In th« Tonopah Mining Exchange yesterday: Afternoon Session. 1000 Hannapah ... 25, 200 Un Tonopah.. 16 200 Ton N Star. . . 49, '¦- * CLOSING QUOTATIONS. WEDNESDAY. Aug. 19—3:30 p. m. Bid. Ask.) Bid. Ask. Andes 17 1* Julia 02 04 Alpha 07 C9 Justice 12 1*1 Alta 04 Oti'Kentuck 02 CCi Belcher 1« 17 Mexican 115 120 Belcher 32 o5 Ophlr 1 <tt 1 70 Best & BIchr.l «<> 1 75 Occidental ... 4.5 44 Bullion «>•¦? O* Overman 29 So Caledonia 1 10 1 2«> Potost 17 IS Challenge 30 a* Ravage IS 1« Con Cal & V.I SOI 35 feg Belcher.. 10 12 Confidence ...1 00 1 05 Sierra Nevada 6-S 7i> Crown Point . 15 1« Silver Hill... W Ki Exchequer ... 06 07 i Union 77 7'.» Gould & Cur. 24 .15 Utah 24 23 Hale & Nor.. 41 43 Yellow Jacket 66 53 Imperial 03 0*1 TONOPAH MINES. ¦Csperanza . 03 04 Tono A Cal. 33 3* Hannapah . — 25,Tono * GW — 1« MacNamara 15 25jTono N Star 47 4n Mon Ton...l 07Va 1 lOjTon Midway 47 4S Paymaster . — 25 Tono & S L — 55 Rescue. ... — 10 United Tono 15 — T Belmont. — 1 05 Utopia ¦ ... — 56 No. 1. 70c: Baken* AA. $1 10®l 12; Lncol. 41c for boiled and 39c for raw In barrels; Lard OH. extra winter strained, barrels. 90c; cases. 95c; China Nut. 574©62c per gallon; pure Neats foot, in barrels, 75c; cases. 80c; Sperm, pure, 70c; Whale Oil. natural white. 50«55c per gal lon; Fish Oil. In barrels. 45c; Cases. 50c: Cc coanut Oil. In barrels. SSc for Ceylon and 55c for Australian. COAL OIL— Water White Coal Oil In bulk. 14c; Pearl Oil In cases. 204c; Astral. 204c; Star, 20V4c; Extra Star, 244c; Elaine. 264c; Eocene. 23Hc; deodorlxed Stove Gasoline, In bulk, 17c; In cases, 234c; Benxlne, in bulk, 13c; In cases. 194c: 86-degree Gasoline. In bulk. 21c: In cases, 274c. TURPENTINE — 76c per gallon In cases and 70c In drums and Iron barrels. RED AND WHITE LEAD — Red Lead. 6® 64c per lb; White Lead. 6@64c. according to quantity. - RICE— China No. 2. $4 82V4B4 87V4; No. 1. $5 7.Vfi5 90; extra No. 1. $6 40@4 45; Hawaiian. $4 9O$5; Japan. $5 35@6; Louisiana. $4 50-37. SUOAR — The Western Sugar Refining Com pany quotes. as follows, per lb, in 100- lb bags: Cubes. A Crushed and Fine Crushed. 5.75c; Powdered. 6.60c; Candy Granulated. 5.60c: Dry Granulated, line. S.ROo; Drv Granulated, coarse. 5.60c: Fruit Granulated. 5.50c: Beet' Granulat ed (100-lb bags only). 5.40c; Confectioners' A. 5.60c; Magnolia A. 5.10c; Extra C. 5c; Golden C. 4.90c; "D," 4.80c; barrels, 10c more; half barrels, 20c more: boxes. 60c more: 50-lb bags. lOo more for all kinds. Tablets — Half-barrels. 6c; boxes. 6.25c per lb. No orders taken for Imss than 75 barrels or Its equivalent fi. t Receipts of Produce. FOR WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 19. Flour, qr sacks. 19,802 Hay. tons 414 Wheat, centals. 12,931 Straw, tons ... S Barley, centals.. 11.4S9 Wool, bales 117 pats, centals... 3,810 Tallow, centals. 2.V1 Rye centals ... 520 Wine, gallons... 47,550 Beans, sacks ... 191 Brandy, gallons 2,250 Potatoes, sacks. 1,94.1 Leather, rolls .. I:> Onions, aaeks. .. 933 Pelts, bundles.. 165 Bran sacks ... . 938 Hides, number.. 717 Middlings, sacks «70 Paper, reams . . 82 Screenings, sks. 2O0jQulcksllver. ttsks 70 Sugar, centals.. .600[Cnlcory, barrels... 20 Meat Market. The situation shows no further change. Hogs and Cattle are easy and there is sufficient Mut ton coming In to supply current needs, ion to."., b DRESSED MEATS. Wholesale rates from slaughterers to dealers are as follows: w BEEF 6©7e for Steers and 5$6c per lb °VEAL— Large, 7©8e; small, 9@10c per lb. MUTTON — Wether*. 8#9c; Ewes, 8684c per Spring. 94©10c per lb. PORK — Dreswed Horb. 8V4C9V4C per lb. LIVESTOCK MARKET. The following quotations are for good, sound Livestock, delivered in San Francisco, less 50 per cent shrinkage for Cattle: CATTLE — Steers, 8{i9c : Cows and Heifers, 7(ErSc: thin Ccws, 4®5c per lb. . CALVES — l§54c per lb (gross weight). SHEEP— Wethers, 4c; Ewes. 34@3%c per lb (gross welsht). . li!__ " . LAMBS— Spring. $2 75©3 per head. HOGS— Live Hogs. 140 to 200 lbs. 6@64c: under 140 lbs. 54fe6%c; Sows. 20 per cent oft: Boars. 50 per cent off. and Stags 40 per cent off from above quotations. General Merchandise. BAGS^-Grain Bags, B35Uc;- / San Quentln. 5.55c; Wool Bags, 32035c; Fleece Twine. 7 V4& 8c; Cotton Fruit Bags, 6V*c. 64 and 7V4c for the three grades. . ¦ COAL — Wellington. $9 per ton; New Wel lington, $h; Seattle, $0 50; Bryant, $0 50; Bea ver Hill, $5 60; Stanford, $7: Roalyn, $7; Coos Bay. $5 50: Greta. $7: Wallsend. $7; Rich mond. $7 50; Cumberland. $13 In bulk ana $14 25 in sacks; Welsh Anthracite Egg. SW: Welsh Lump, $11 60» Cannel. $8 60 per ton; Coke, $11 6O®13 per ton In bulk and $15 in sacks; Rocky Mountain descriptions, $3 45 per 20iX) lbs and $8 50 »er ton. according to brand. OIL— Linseed, 44o for boiled and 42c for raw In barrels; cases. 5c more; Castor Oil. In cases. ¦¦'¦¦' Nevs York Stock Market. SEW YORK. Aug. 19. — The reactionary 'orce* developed In yesterday's late stock mar- krt becanr.c preponderant in to-day's stock roar k. t and caused a sharp backset in prices. It \.aj. *vI4ent that the underlying cause of the r ••action «.ii that the rebound had been fast so Car as perctfradt the outside causes which were •'.var.ced to account for the decline being th? ef- , t ( .atfcer tftan the cause of it. The domi tant infiatnees in prices were In the market itM-'.f Yesterday'* profit-taking left the mar ket i« a weaker technical poeltion. The con <ir(t<5 celling all through the list caused the relief that a large* bear party had been organ ised among the professional traders to contest lne advance. In j>ome quarters lt was suspected i hat the choice of well recognized bear opera- ar* to conduit the selling was a ruse to cover n,f.\-itklnK sales cf those long stocks, as the ::;>earanc<? cf bear selling is the most likely to BvttB support of stocks by their market man ifrr. The kind of eupport and protection for ¦rk-< * which h«vr- been in evidence since the rend definitely turned upward was not 6<?en o-day and th* fall In prices was uncontested. riir speculative public at large was left to OBjectm* wht-ther the powerful capitalists ho**- leadership they have supposed they were illowirj? had sold cut their stocks and rc reil from the market or whether they had be- • tSrac dissatisfied with the rapidity of the ad vance and the character of their following ami lid determined to countenance a reaction for Um purpose of shaking off a weak and unde ••-.rable following of weuk traders. The reac ttea did. in tact, uncover large numbers cf i-top-losa order* and wiped out narrow margin* of small .speculators who have been attracted by the rapid rebound. London was a seller o" Mocks on a large scale. «-vident]y In the nature of profit taking. That there were large addi tions to the ehort interest aa a consequence of the day's sjeJling Is a fair conjecture. As 'or the news developments that were an Influence «--n important plac* must be given to the ques tion rained whether the rejection of the Panamg <ar,«l treaty by- the Colombian Senate Is to be r*«arded as final. Yesterday's news of the rejection was made njuch of by the bulls as re lif-ving the exchange market of the need of supplying means far remittance on the canal payment aad leaving the Treasury Department free to us* measures at relief for the mnn*y market. Buyers on this factor were naturally' <"i*fcppointed by to-day's revised view of the canal treaty outlook. Much attention was da voted to a circumstantial report that th« leg- ' lr!ator» who are looked to to frame the legisla tion have be*& unable to agree; ana that aoy1 Wheat — Sept. Oct. Dec Opening <> «H 664 0 UK Closing « 6% 0 64 6 ii% PARIS. Wheat— Aug. Ncv,-Feb. Opening 22 25 2155 Closing 22 15 ' 21 43 Flour — Opening 3<> TO 28 CO Closing 30 60 28 5j Eastern Livestock Market. * ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ ', ¦¦¦¦ - ¦ CHICAGO. Aug. 19.— CATTLE— Receipts 1S.500, Including .1500 Texans. Good to prime steers. $5 1005 60; poor to me dium, $3 <!5@4 90; stockers and feed ers. *2 2504; cows. $2 50@4 40; heif ers, $2@4 95; canners $1 50@2 00; bulls $2^4 30; calves, $2 50©7 25; Texas fed steers! $3 2. r >«i4 40; Western steers. $3 25ig'4 45 HOGS— Receipts : To-day. 25.000; to-morrow 20,000. Good, steady to strong; others slow' Mixed and butchers'. $4 9005 65; good to choice heavy. $5 15®5 45; rough heavy $4 75 OS 15; light. $5 20g6; bulk of sales. $5 15® 5 45. . SHEEP— Receipts. 25.000; sheep and lambs steady to 15c lower. Good to choice wethers $3 25^3 65; fair to choice mixed, $2 5003 25- Western sheep. $2 75tf?3 50; native lambs $3 25 @5 76; Western lambs. $4 60(85 50 ST. JOSEPH. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Aug. 19— CATTLE— Re ceipts. 1500; steady; natives. $3 85@5 40; cows and heifers, $1 50@4 50; stockers and feeders $2 5004 15. HOGS— Receipts, 6000; 5c higher. Light. $5 3005 65; medium and heavy $5 15ft 5 05 SHEEP— Receipts. 7500; 10@15c lower. Nczv York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 19. — The cotton market closed dull, but - 16 points' higher to 3 points lower. ... New York Metal Market. . NEW YORK.- Aug. 10. — Spot tin was . £1 lower in London at £127 and futures declined 10s to £124 5s. Locally tin was steady, with spot closing at $27 80®28. =.-...;• Copper was ¦ rather easier. .In London, spot there. declining 10s to £59 10s, with futures; however, unchanged at £53 15s. Locally cop-' Receipts of river Potatoes were light, bul carrled-over utock was plentiful and the tone of the market wa« rather weak. The low prices stimulated the demand for shipping, and buying for that purpose was moderately active. Some strictly fancy lots in boxes and sacks continued to command a small premium over the quoted rates. Three cars of Salinas Bur banks were on Hale and moved off well at steady rates. Sweet Potatoes were in light re ceipt and prices were largely nominal. Onions were in free supply and moved slowly at un steady prices. With the exception of poor String and Lima Beans, which were exceedingly dull, there was a brl«<k demand for vegetables and prices of several descriptions ranged higher. .Receipts of Tomatoes were light and choice offerings from the . river brought a« much as the best article from across the bay. Some very poor and soft stock sold at 75cft$l per box. Green Corn, Summer Squash, Egg Plant and Cucum bers moved freely, while Green Okra and Pep pers were dull. I POTATOES — Burbanks from the river, 75c@ $1 10 per ctl in sacks and $101 50 In box™, with some fancy higher; Salinas Burbanks. $1 60©l 75 per ctl; Early Rose, 80c©$l; Garnet Chiles, $1@1 15; Sweet Potatoes. 24@3&c per lb for river and 84@4c for Merced. ONIONS — 60f&;70c oer ctl. VEGETABLES— Green Corn. $l@i 50 pt . r eaok- crates from" Alameda, $1 25@l 75; from Berkeley. $1©1 26; Green Peas. 3@4o per lb; String Beans, l®24c*per 1b; Wax. 14@3c; Lima Beans. 2@3c per lb: Tomatoes. $i 25@2 per box: Summer Squash, 30@>40c per box; Cab bage. 75c©$l per ctl: Carrots. 75c@$l per sack; Cucumber-. r>3@50c per box: Pickle Cucumbers, $1 50 per box for No. 1 and 65c©$l for others; Garlic, 2@3c per lb; Green Peppers. 25®40c per box or sack for -Chile and 35@50c for Bell; Green Okra, 40050c per box; Egg Plant.' 60@ 65c per box; Marrowfat Squash. $20 per ton. Poultry and Game. • The,. Poultry, market, was heavily supplied Potatoes. Onions and Vegetables. EASTERN MARKETS. HIDES AND SKINS — Culls and brands sell about 14c under quotations. Heavy Salted Steers 10c: medium, »c; light. 8c; Cow Hides. 8c for heavy and 8c for light; Stags 6c: Salted Kip, 9c; Salted Veal. 9Vic; Salted Calf. 10c; dry Hides, 10c; dry Kip. 13c; dry Calf. 18c; Sheepskins, shearlings. 25@30c each- short wool, 4<Mj'60c each: medium, 70® 00c- long wool, $1C?1 60 each; Horse Hides, salt. $2 75 for large and $2 25@2 50 for medium, $2 for small and 50c for Colts; Horse Hides, dry. $1 75 for large and $1 50 for medium. $1@1 25 for small and 50c for Colts. Buck Skins^ — Dry Mexican 324c; dry salted Mexican, 26c: dry Central American. 324c Goat Skins— Prime Angoras. 75c; large and smooth, 50c; medium, TALLOW— No, i rendered, 4V4®4*4c per lb; No. 2, 4©4Vic; grease. 24®3c WOOLV-Fall clip — San Joaquin Lambs'. 9@ 12c; Foothill. 10012c; Middle County, 11013c. Quotations for spring clip are as follows: Hum boldt and Mendoclno, 18620c; Nevada, 13©15c: Valley Oregon, fine, 18® 19c; do, medium. 170 18c- do. coarse, 16@17c per lb. HOPS— 1003. 10020c; 1002. 17V4c per lb. Hides, Talloiv, Wool and Hops. Bruit and, Wheat Bulletin. For the twer.ty-four hours ending 5 p. m.. l^i'th tiMTidian time. San Francisco, August 20. 2 2— "i t3 < Iff 1*1 *: 8 *i STATIONS. 5= b" =5 % r =- \ '. """"b - • '• «*!cv*.rd:ile ... '.'"> C 2 Clear Coluna »1 61 Clear Eureka C2 f>4 Clear W Lt Krvsno U4 70 ....*. CWr NW 12 Har.tord «5 «1 Clear • .. Hol!ist«-r K» t2 Clear Independence 1<» <)C Clear W 20 King City ... K9 52 Clear N Lt Livt-rmcre . . M* f.2 Clear Los Angele*. 94 CS Cltar SW 12 Napa s*. 4S Pt.Cldy SW Newman I 1 * '*• •••• Cloudy Palerraa «3 «4 Clear e * .. Porterviile ... 97 05 Clear W r>d Biuflf ...'¦<•> 68 Clear SE 8 Sacramento . *»« 56 Clear S 12 f-un VHr.xo m; 4X .... Clear SW 6 San Fran . . . «4 S2 Pt.Cldy W 28 San Jom? ~* 52 Clear P. L. Obispo.. M C8 Clear NW 8 Fanta Rosa . Ml 45 Clear Stcxkton K1 «;i Pt.Cldy Willow H4 t.7 Pt.Cldy S .. WEATHER AND CROP CONDITIONS. — Packinc: houses report peach crop heavy. Prunes lisrht. Grape* excellent. Willows — Crop conditions continue favorable. HolUster — Coclln moth Injuring apples and I-urp th-it have not been sprayed. Nar>a— Prunes rl|.«nlng. good «ize and qual ity. Livrmore — First car of pears shipped tn-day. r-*r.ta P.osa — Peach and pear drying pro- PplernTv—Orctisrdi-rtF are drying late Craw ford ;*arh«i. «"!ov<rdale — Cling peaches large, but short crop. «¦«.»! uta — Prunes have commenced to ripen. Orapfs of fine quality; large crop. Newman— Light showers: no damage. Stocki'.n — Graf""* very Flow in getting eoler; holding back Eastern shipment!-. A. G. McADIE, Section Director. Chicago was easier, with no news of import ance. This market wa» ; dull, as the different houses closed during the middle of the day on account of the Grand Army parade. CUR£D MEATS — Bacon. 124c per lb for heavy 13c for light medium, 16c for -light. 154c for extra light, 174c for sugar-cured and 184c for extra sugar-cured; Eastern sugar cured Hams, 15%c; California Hams, 154c: Mess Beef. $11 60<912 per bbl; extra Mess, $12 ©12 50; Family, $13 50; prime Me?s Pork, $13; extra clear. $25; Mess. $20: Dry Salted Pork. 124c: Pig Pork, $23; Pigs 1 Feet, $5 25; Smoked Beef. 15c rer lb. LARD — Tierces quoted at 7*Jc per lb for compound and 10@10Vic for pure; half barrels, pure. 104©10"4c; 10-lb tins. 10%©llc; 5-lb tins U%c; 3-lb tins, 114c COTTOLENE— One half barrel. 9%c; three half barrels, 94c: one tierce, 9%c; two tierces. 9V4c; five tierces, 9V6c per lb. Provisions. There »re no, further changes to report In Beans. The market Is quiet. BEANS— Baycs. ?3; Pea. $3 25; Butters, $3 25; small White, $2 75fi3 10; Urge White. yz 75&2 ST.; Pink, $2 85^.1; Red, $2 9O@;;. Lima. $3 25413 50: Red Kidneys, nominal; Blackcye, $2 5032 75 per ctl : Horse Beans, »* 40@l 50. SEEDS — Brown Mustard, nominal; Yellow Mustard, nominal: Flax. $1 7o#l 80; Canary, 5fi3*4c for Eastern; Alfalfa, nominal; Rape, 1%®24c; Timothy, 6@«4c; Hemp, 3V«e3Vsc per lb; Millet, 3#34c; Broom Corn Seed, |2u@ 13 rer ton. DRIED PEAS— Green, *1 80(g2 per ctl. Beans and Seeds. Exchange and Bullion. Sterling Exchange, sixty days.. — $4 83J4 Sterling Exchange, sight — 4 86% Sterling Exchange, cables — 4 87% New York Exchange, sicht ..... — 74 New York Exchange, telegraphic — 10 Silver, per ounce — " °4 V* Mexican ' Dollars, nominal — 43 Wheat and Other Grains. WHEAT— Foreign futures were lower. Oth erwise there was nothing new from abroad.. Chicago was unsettled, declining from 80%c to 7991c and recovering to 81 Vic. The specu lative feeling was nervous. Offerings contin ued moderate. Southwest acceptances were light and Northwestern houses were buying. It was reported that Northwestern crop esti mates would be revised and increased. In this market futures were higher, but the cash grain remained unchanged. • -_.... * CASH WHEAT. .... California- Club. $1450150; California White Australian. $1 55«1 60; Northern Club. II 45ijl 60; Northern Blue Stem. $1 55^1 574; Oregon Valley, $1 524. FUTURES. Session 9 to 11:30 a. ta.~ Op*>n. Hl?h. Low. Close. December $1 464 *1 4 ?4 H *«H-*1 4TVi , 2 p. m. Session." . . , . Open. High. Low. Close. December .....$1 474 $1 ¦*"* H.47K $1 47V4 BARLEY — The feeling was firm and a sale of Feed to arrive at ?1 10 was reported. The southern coast sent up free receipts, but they were «n route to Port Costa. CASH BARLEY. Feed, $1 074@l 10; Shipping and Brew- Ing, $1 124S1 174; Chevalier, $1 20@l 40 for fair to choice. FUTURES. Session 9 to 11:30 a. m. Open. High. Low. Close. December ?1 07% *l 07% $1 07% $1 07% 2 p. m. Session. Open. High. Low. Close. December $1 01% $1 08 $1 074 $1 07% OATS — There is nothing new to report in this market. There 1? the usual Jobbing de mand for feed, while the inquiry for seed con tinues good. White, $1 20<31 30; Black, $1 30@l 45; Red. $1 16@1 20 for common and $1 25®1 30 for choice; Gray, nominal. CORN— The old prices are still quoted, with a quiet and steady market. Western, sacked. $1 50®l 524 for Yellow and $1 47 41; 1 50 for mixed; California large Yellow, $1 574©1 624: small round do, $1 70 ©1 75; White, $1 55 per ctl. RYE— $1 17461 2"» I*r ctl. BUCKWHEAT— $2 25^2 50 per ctL Flour and Millstiiffs. FLOUR — California Family Extras. $4 CO© 4 85, usual terms; Bakers' Extras, $4 50<tfJ 60: Oregon and Washington, |3 0004 20 per bbl for family, and $3 (KX&4 40 for Bakers. MILLSTUFFS — Prices in packages are as follows: Graham Flour, $3 50 per 100 lbs; Rye Flour, $3 25: Rye Meal, ""$3; Rice Flour. $7; Corn Meal. $3 50: extra cream do. $4 25; Oat Groats $4 50: Hominy, $4 2*.'i?4 50; Buckwheat Flour. $4 5C04 75; Cracked Wheat. $3 76; Fa rina. $4 50; Whole Wheat Flour. $3 75: Rolled Oats. bbls. $768 CO: In Eacks, $6 50©8 10; Pearl Barley. $0: Split Peas, boxes, $7; Green Peas. $5 50 per 100 lbs. Hay and Feedstuff s. Handlers of Feedstuffs continue to report a firm market for thesa goods. Hay is unchanged. The circular of Somers & Co. says: "Hay shipments have been increasing dur ing the r»ast week, the total for the past six days being ">500 ton». an increase over the week preceding of 400 tons. Under the pres sure of such heavy arrivals, matters have been dragging somewhat, but prices have been held up remarkably well. Choice grade Wheat Hay sells Itself, but the medium grades have to be worked off because of their abundance. Ordinarily this would bring a decided lowering of price?, but as the bulk of present ship-, ments are shipped on purchases. It can be readily understood why every- one holds firmly for the prices of 'last month. "Owing to the general fear of early rain*, much Hay is seeking storage room; private barns are being utilized in many districts and many lots that were purchased for immediate shipment will be put away for winter delivery. We believe the fields will be cleaned much earlier than usual, and that we will have to draw from warehouse stocks shortly after the first of October. This will probably occasion a much earlier advance' in prices than was generally exoectrd, and a fairly strong' fall market can be reasonably anticipated. "Export trade continues without chanee In any way. no orders of any great size having been placed here for some time. Town trade is brisk, as la usual' this time of year, with 1 many large consumers filling their barns for winter." BRAN— $24 50(?25 50 per ten. 1 MIDDLINGS— $27®30 per ton. SHORTS— $24(525 per ton. FEEDSTUFFS — Rolled B&rley, $23@Cil per ton; Oilcake Meal at the mill. $2iVg26 50: Job bing, $27@27 50; Cocoanut Cake, $21»22: Corn Meal. $33 S0@34 50; Cracked Corn. |34@ 35; Mixed Feed, $23^24; Horse Beans, $2S®30 I or ton; HAY— Wheat. S12igl4 50; Wheat and Oat. $110i:« 50; Oat.- $10013; Wild Oat, $9 50® II 50; Barley. $9«?11; Clover. $s 50©ll; Stock, *N0O; Alfalfa. $S@10 50 per ton. STRAW — 10@<X'c per bale. NEW FRUIT — Apricots. 64©9c for Royals and 9610c for Moorparks; Evaporated Apples. 54@6}<.c; Peaches, 44®7c for fair to good stock; Pears, nominal at 7c. OLD FRUIT— Evaporated Apples, 4g54c; Bun-dried, «K«Nc: Nectarines, 4©5c for white; Plums. 4Qtic for pitted and l@14c for unplt ted- Fig->. 3V.04c for black and 4©5c for white. PRUNES—^1902 crop. 2%«r2%c for the four sizes, with 4@lc premium for the large sizes. RAISINS — 1902 crop are quoted as follows: 2-crown loose Muscatels. 50-lb boxes. 5%c per lb; 3-crown, 5»4c; 4-crown. Cc: Seedless, loose Muscatels, 5c; Seedless Sultanas, 5c; Seedless Thompsons. 64c, 2-crcwn London Layers, 20 lb boxes, $1 40 per box; 3-crown. $1 50; 1 erown fancy clusters, 20-lb boxes. $2: 2-crown Dehesas, 20-lb boxes. $2 50; 6-crown Imperials, 20-lb boxes. $3; Seeded, f. o. b. Fresno, fancy. 1-lb cartons. 7%c: choice. 74c. NUTS — Walnuts, No. 1 softshell. 124® 13c: No 2. lOW.@114c: No. 1 hardshell, ll%@12c; No' 2 10®10M.c: new Almonds, lie forNonpa rell's, 'lC4c fo"r I X L. lOVic for Ne Plus Ul tra and 8*4c for Languedoc; Peanuts, ">B7c fcr Eastern; Pecans, ll®13c: Cocoanuts. ?4 50 e 'i>. * HONEY — Comb, new, 1240134c for white and lie for amber: new water white extracted. 54«j»5c; light amber extracted, SgfS^c; dark, 44©*" t ic BEESWAX— 27©29c per lb. Dried Fru its, Nuts, Raisins, Honey Boston & Albany.247 Pom Coal 80 N T. N II & H..195 Franklin - 8 Fltchburg pfd ..134 Isle Royale "4 Union Pacific 744 Mohawk 40V* Mex Central 144 Old r>om 10 Miscellaneous. — Osceola 57 Amer Sugar ./...115 Parrot 19 Do pfd 118 ,Quincy 05 Amer Tel & Tel.. 134 Santa Fe Copper. 1H Dom Iron & Steel. 9 Tamarack 100 Gen Electric 163 Trlmountain «»4 Mass Electric ... 22 Trinity 5% Do pfd 70 United States 19*4 ITnlted Fruit 95U Utah 26 U S Steel 224 Victoria 4 . Do pfd 71 Winona Rl Westing Com 80 Wolverine 66 LONDON CLOSING STOCKS. Cons for money.90 5-16IN Y Central 127H Cons for acct 00%lNor & West 654 Anaconda 4 t Do pfd 884 Atchison 63% Ont & West 25V* Do pfd ti2»4 Pennsylvania 64% Bal & Ohio 85 U Rand Mines W>Z Can Pacific 12S»4 Reading 25^ Ches & Ohio 35% Do l«t prd 42 Chi Gt Weste-n. I8V4 Do Id pld J54 Chi. Mil & St P.1484 So Railway ?4 De Beers 19% Do pfd 874 Den & Rio G 2<1V 4 So Pacific 474 Do pfd 804 Union Paciflo ... 78 Erie V.OU, Do pfd 884 Do 1st pfd C94 U S Steel ....... 244 Do 2d pfd 15r»H Do pfd 74V4 III Central 13ft Wabash 23V4 Louis & Nash. ..100 Do pfd 37% Mo. Kans & T... 214 Bar silver— Steady. 25%d per ounce. Money — 1HS2 per cent. ' * The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2% per cent and for three months' bills 2% per cent. • New York Grain and Produce. NEW YORK. Aug. '19.— FLOUR— Receipts, 17,800 barrels; exports, 23,633 barrels; steady, but dull. WHEAT— Receipts, 3S.2O5 busheU; exports, 31,eS3 bushels; spot, firm; No. 2 red, 85c elevator and 874c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 North ern Duluth. 95c f. o. b. afloat. Options opened steady with the Northwest, but booj yielded to liquidation. Near the close there was a sharp rally on covering and export busiMas. last prices showing %&Hc net advance. May closed at 88%c; September, 864c; December, 87%c. HOPS— Firm; olds. 7fi?9c; Pacific Coast, 1901 crop, 15©17c; olds, 7Cf9c. HIDES— Steady. SUGAR— Firm. COFFEE — Quiet. Futures closed steady at net unchanged prices; sales 19,000 bags. In cluding September at 3.90c; December. 4.45Q 4.50c; March, 4.70S4.75C; July, 4.9535c. DRIED FRUITS. ¦ EVAPORATED APPLES— The market is rather higher and quieter. There Is a good, demand with outside prices rarely obtained. Commort 4g54e; prime, 5»<i@6c; choice, 6^4® 64c; fancy. 6%^74c. PRUNES — Spot prunes are in coed demand from Jobbers and show no matirlal change, either in price or general condition*. Quota tions range from 3c to 7c for all grades. APRICOTS — Firm: new crop choice are quoted at 9QD4c; old choice, SSS%c; fancy, 10ffl24c. PEACHES— Moving a little better and rule firm at 7S74c for choice and SglOftc for fancy. Chicago Grain Market. CHICAGO. Aug. 19.— There was a fairly steady opening In wheat, due to reports of continued wet weather in the United Kingdom, and September opened a shade lower to a ehade higher at S0%@80%c. Local longs showed a disposition early in the day to buy back some of the wheat they .had sold out during the past few days and were encouraged in that by the action of cash houses, which bought freely of the September delivery. This demand resulted In a better tone during the first half hour, when September sold up to 61 %c. but later In the day reporU of good weather In the Northwest, together with a better field than had been expected, caused heavy liquidation and prices declined rapidly. A break of 2c In the price of the cash com modity at Minneapolis, heavy receipts at all primary points and light clearances added to the weakness and started a stampede to sell by local longs which resulted in September declining to 7!»%c. Covering by shorts during the last half-hour caused a sharp rally and the close was near the top, with September %G4c hirher at 81 Vic. There was some covering in corn early In the session on the firmness In wheat, and with light offerings the market became firmer. September closed a shade higher it lilVic. Oats were Independently strong throughout the entire day. September closed J4o higher at 344c. Provisions were without support and con tinued selling by longs forced prices to a lower level. Trading was dull the entire day. The close was weak, with September pork down 15c, lard was oft 74@10c, while ribs were down 5c. The leading futures ranged as fellows: Articles. Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat, No. 2 — September, old. 81 81% 804 81% .September, new. 81 Sl% 79% 81 4 December, new. 81% 824 H 82 1 ,;' May 83% 84 83 84 Corn. No. 2 — September 514 61% 50% 51% December 51 Vj 52 MM, 52 May 52 524 51% 524 Oats. No. 2 — i September 334 -4% 3.1 ** 34 4 i December 35% 3«4 K>=v 36^ May 37% 3$4 374 38% Mess pork, per bbl — September 12 55 12 65" 12 43 12 524 October 12 70 12 70 12 . r >24 12 60 May 13 024 13 024 12 82H 12 95 Lard, per 100 !bs — September 7 874 7 874 7 80 7 SO October 7 50 7 00 7 40 7 45 Short riba, per 100 lbs — September 7 324 7 374 7 324 7 35 October 7 424 7 45 7 40 7 45 Cash quotations . were as follows: Flour, easier- No 2 spring wheat, 82®83e: No. 3, 7805.1c; No. 2 red. 79',ii3*lc: No. 2 corn, 71 V« ©71 4c; No. 2 yellow, 524c; No. 2 oat*. 344c; No. 2 white. 33c; No. 3 white, 34U@ 354c; No. 2 rye, 514c; fair to choice malting barley. 4G!353c; No. 1 flaxseed. 964c; No. 1 Northwestern, $1; prime timothy «eea, $3 25; mess pork, per bbl. $12 45@12 50; lard, per 100 lbs $7 C2467 65; short ribs sides (loose), »7t?7 25: dry salted shoulders (boxed). J7(g7 25; short clear sides (boxed). $7 «24#7.7"i; whisky, basis of high wines, $1 24; clover, contract grade. »12@12 50. Articles — Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 35.700 11,000 Wheat, bu 212,300 &7.500 Corn, bu 200,000 209,600 Oats, bu 299,900 43,100 Rye bu 10,500 Barley, bu 11.000 2,500 On the Produce Exchange to-day tht butter market was steady; creameries, 141il9c; dair ies, 13ffl7c. Eggs, steady; at mark. 14gl54c Cheese, steady; 10«114c Weather Report. (I2f'th Meridian— Pacific Time.) SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 19. 5 p. m. ..«a s 2 r i J 9 b ~r , S a ** * * *r 2 |S == %.- »: S STATIONS. % :¦- 53 s5 =•"* ? T *L~ £~ r r 5 I S. C ; . 3 • S re • '. '. raker 23 . 7fi 02 60 NW Clear Too Cfcrtwa 2:».k2 84 60 w Pt.Cifly .<0 Kurtka :io.«2 62 54 W Clear T. Fresno 25*. 76 Ws 70 NW Clear .00 Flagstaff 28.80 M 52 N Cloudy .02 Independence 2&.CS 100 66 W Clear .00 Lab Angeles. .29. 8f» in ty* SW Clear .00 Mt Tamalpals.29.IH 78 fiO \V Pt.Cldy -O0 N»nh Head. ...H0.O0 «2 ">« S Cloudy .02 I'hc^nix 29.«V» li>* K4 s Clear .00 Pc<-ate:io, Ida.29.7S 94 58 SE Cloudy .02 Portland 29.94 78 «» N Pt.Cldy .00 Red Bluff 29. 76 'J*i «R SE Clear .00 Roseburg 2>.92 SO C2 NW Clear .<X> SacrarnfTito ..29.80 KS 5*5 S Clear .00 Salt Lake 29.72 9S 06 SE Pt.Cldy .00 t-an tYaftciseo.29.P2 «4 M W Pt.Cldy .00 8. L. Ohl*po..*».fc4 8* 62 NW Clear .00 Kan Diego 29. SO &« 6K EW Cloudy .00 Prattle 29.98 74 5S SE Clw T. 2S.74 SS 70 W Clear .00 Tatootih 2».M <X» f»4 SV\' Cloudy .02 "A alia Walla. .29. <«2 8* #3 r-W Clear .C«0 Wtr.nemueca .29.7>« f>2 M NW Clear .00 Yuma 29.C4 10*. 82 SW Pt.Cldy .00 WEATHER CONDITIONS AND GENERAL FORECAST. Thf pressure ha* ri?*n slowly over the north em hn'.f (,' the Paelflr Coast. An exten«i\-e de l>r^*ficn exists over th«- 5ntermountaln country, with an extension northeastward across the Kocky Mountains to the upper Missouri Valley. <"lcu<iy weather has prevailed over most of <*aUforn!a and thunder *howers have occurred in Snuth'rn Idaho, Utah and Arizona. Over the northwestern portion of the country ther* has beer a fail of about 8 degrees In tem- I*rature. « H;rh wind* are reported at Modena. Carson City and North Head. For*ca« madr at San Francisco for thirty hours ending midnight. August 20: Northern California — Cloudy Thursday. p<"* t-'.hly shower* In the foothills and mountains: in the interior; brisk westerly winds <,n the coast. Roetbera California — Clrrudy. unsettled -*«athrr Thtirs<day. -»ith showers in the ln ttrior: fresh eouthwest wind*. Xtvada— F»lr Thursday In northern portion; »'::<- wort; cooler in southern j>ortlon. Psn Frar.clsco find vicinity — Cloudy Thurs dar; licht southwest winds, changing to brisk »c*terlT. A. G. McADIE. District Forecaster. NEW YORK, Aug. 19.— United Ilallrpads of j San Francisco bond transactions were $15,000 at $77 50. NEW YORK STOCK LIST. Sales. Hleh. Low. Close. Atchison <>J,000 ti3«i 60 60 Atchlson pfd 1.500 90 89 89' Baltimore & Ohio.. 18.100 MU S2 82 Bait & Ohio pfd... 1.100 87\ S7 87 Canadian Pacific. 6,500 125"* 124 124 Centra; of N J 159 Chesapeake & Ohio 4.300 35 33V4 33 Chicago & Alton.. 1)00 23 23 22 Chi & Alton pfd... 100 63 63 61 Chi & Gt Western 2.000 174 16*4 l«?i Chl&GtWBfd.. 500 29*4 29 29 Chicago & N W... 100 1654 1654 1654 Chi Term & Trans 5*00 11 11 11 Chi T & T pfd rt<>0 21*4 214 20"-i C. C. C & St I 1.200 76 744 74>4 Colo Southern 1.20U 14*4 144 1*J4 Colo South l«t pfd. 700 53»fc 52 MS Colo South 2d pfd.. 100 234 234 22"* Del & Hudson 1624 Del. Larka & W 243 Denver & Rio G.. 800 25 24 24 D A R G pfd 300 77*.; 77 76 Erie 69.100 30% . 2S 28 Erie 1st pfd fc.300 68 OtH4 WU Erie 2d pfd 2.700 52»i 604 50 Vs" Great Northern pfd 165 Hoiking Valley ... 200 71?» 70 704 Hocking Val pfd.. 700 SI 80 78 Illinois Central ... 1,100 13***., 133 1S5 Iowa Central .... 100 22 22 21 Iowa Central pfd 39 Kans City South.. 5O0 22% 20% 21 I K C Southern pfd. 300 394 38 S7 Louisville Jc Nash. 6.900 107 104*4 104*i Manhattan L 2.300 130*% 133 13* Metropolitan St Ry 1.100 115«-j 1134 1134 Minn & Ft Louis.. 200 «2V* t*2"* 59 Mi-smri Pacific .. 34,400 9« 934 93»«, M. K & T .7.000 20*; 19\ 19»i M. K & T pfd 1.S00 43% 414 41 •* Nat RR of Mex pfd 600 39*4 3T"4 374 N Y Central 4.600 1244 122 122 Norfolk 6c WeEtwn.-. 1.800 .. O3i4_ .124 <"2*A Norf & West pfd.: . 80 Ontario & Western 8.400 24 Vt 23 23 Pennsylvania 13.100 1251* 123-4 1231s Pitts. C. C & St L 100 63 63 62 Reading 66.300 57 544 54% Reading 1st pfd... 200 81 s ; 80% SO"* Rwuling 2d pfd «S4 Rock Island Co... 130.400 30*; 26% 26% Rock Island Co pfd 3.400 «K$ C34 V2 St L & S F iFt pfd COO 704 704 C9 St L & S F 2d pfd 400 51 50 4 50 *=t Louis S \V 7<R) 17 16 16 St Louis S W pfd. 2.3O0 S44 32 S 33 St Paul 42.S0O 145% 141% 141 ** St Paul pfd 171 Southern Pacific .. 33.300 46% 43% 44"-, Southern Ry 18,800 24 ¦ 224 224 Southern Ry pfd.. 100 83% R3"» S3", Texas & Pacific .. 4,«00 28 H 264 2»J Tol. St L & W 100 22*; 22*; 22 Tol. Ft L & W pfd 300 30 % 23*4 29 Union Pacific 67.900 77 74 i s 74 4 Unton Tec r-M 7"0 8tt"-i 85 4 8«Vi ! Wabash 1.300 23 22 22 I Wabash ni4 6.000 XI :it% 34 * 4 Wheel & Lake Erie 100 174 17Vi 17 Wisconsin Central. 300 19«^ 184 18 Wisconsin Cen pfd. COO 40>; 39 384 Express Companies — Adams 221 American 183 United States 105 We-Hs-Farj-o 200 Miscellaneous — Amalgam Copper. . . 77.0<"i0 51 464 46% Amer Car & Found 1.400 34 34 >i 32 Amer Car & F pfd. 100 84 »J S4 83 Amer Lin OH 10 Am L Oil pfd 32 Amer Locomotive . 1,100 194 184 18 Amer Loco pfd ... 200 84*; 84 8«4 Aroer Smelt & Hef 3.700 46'^ 44^4 45 Am S & R pfd Kl'i Am Sugar Ref 6.90O 117 115 115 Anaconda Minig Co £00 7^"« 70>-i 754 Brooklyn R Transit 9.S00 47>; 44% 44% Colo Fuel & Iron.. 45 Colum & H Coal 1H% Consolidate Gas.. 2,000 180 178 177 General Electric... 800 1«5 103 177 Internl Paper 800 14 124 12 Intern! Paper pfd • 081} Internl Pump 200 S5^ 33 33 Internl Pump pfd 524 National Biscuit .. 1O0 3K»; 3S% 27 4 National Lead 100 1C 16 15 North American... 1,300 78% 754 75U Pacific Mail 100 22 22 21 Peoples Gas 1.000 95 934 »•"¦ 4 Prctsed Steel Car. COO 444 42 42 » Pressed f= Car pfd 80 Pullman Palace Car 10O 2IS 21R 21S Republic Steel 1.200 124 12 ll"i Republic Steel pfd 1.100 «7 iA C5% Rubber Goods 2,100 14"i 11«; »((, Rubber Goods pf<3 «l»4 Tenn Coal & lrcn.. 10.300 444. 41% 41M- U K Leather l..W> H\( t 84 «vii 1* S Leather pfd.. 9.."MW R3 81 Rf) V B Rubber 1.S00 13 11 4 10 \: H RuM^r pfd... 1O0 4O 40 3:» V fi Mccl KJ.flOO .24% 224 224 r S Steel rfi 11.300 73 714 71 Western Union $3 Total Mies xfM.Sfifl NEW YORK BONDS. V S ref 2s. reg. .IW- L & N u .i<n>d 4s. »8"4 Docoupon lOfii; Mcx Cent 4« 72% Do 3s. reg lOfiV.- Do 1st lne 10' Docoupon 10«4 Minn & St L 4s.. 97 - ' Do new 4s, reg. 134 M. K &. T 4s 9" Do coupon 134 1 Do 2ds 77 Do old 4s, reg.109 N V C gen 34s.. B8*4 ! Do coupon 109 N* J C cen 5s.... 1274 Do 5s. reg 1014 "*or Pac 4s 100% Do coupon 1014 Do 3s 7o«i Atch ren 4s sni$ Nor & W con 4s.. 97 Do adj 4s SS I Reading gen 4s.. 95 Bui & Ohio 4s... 100 S L & I M con 5s.lll Do 34» »2 iS L & B F 4s 92 Do conv 4s 95 |St Louis SW lets B3*S Can So 2ds 108^4 Do 2ds 73'* Central of Ga 5s. 1044 S A & A Pass 4s. 75 Do 1st '.nc 754 So Pac 4s R5"4 Che* & Ohio 44s.lO2>4 So Ry 5s mi* Oil & Alton 34s. 724 Tex & Pac lsts.,114% C, B & Q new 4«. 90% Tol, S L & W 4s. 71 U C. M 4 SP gen4«.102 Union Pac 4s.... 99% C & .NW con 78.129 Do conv 4s ... ft-lii C. R I & Pac 4S.100 Wnba-n lsts ...JUi2 C.C.C.&St Lgn 4s. B3 Do 2ds .A04 ¦ Chi Term 4s 724 Do deb B 6S4 Colo & So 4s 834 West Shore 4s ...lf«U Den &. Rio O 4s. 99 W & L. Erie 4g.. 89 Erie prior lien 4s. 9«4 Wis Central 4s... 89 Do gen 4s 82^ Colo Fuel & I.. HO F W & D C lsts.104 {Con Tob B7 Hock Val 4Hs... 1044 Pennsylvania B5W Rock Island 75 Manhattan 102 Steel 79 I NEW YORK MINING STOCKS. Adams Con .. 10 Little Chief 06 Alice 17 Ontario C 00 Breece 15 Ophlr .'..150 Bruns Con 07!Phoenix 08 Com Tunnel .... O6H Potosl 15 Con Cal & Va.. 1 40 Savage 22 Horn Silver .... 1 05 Sierra N»v 70 Iron Silver 1 75 Small Hopes .... 20 Leadvllle Con .. 02 Standard 1 75 itoSTON STOCKS AND BONDS. Money — Mining — Call loam 404% Adventure 6 Time loans ....*fj<J Allouez ....; 5U Bonds — Amal Copper .... 464 Atchlson 4s 97 Daly West 404 Mex Central 4s.. 70 Bingham 25 Railroads — Calumet &. Hecla.445 ¦' Atchlson «0 Centennial 1.* Do pfd 89 Copper Range ... 63?; currency measure at this coming session of the regular session of Congress Is Improbable. The selling was much concentrated, a single com mirel.-n houne disposing of many thousand shares during the day. The personality of thj firm and Its oast employment by one of the great financial groups caused considerable sig nificance to be attached to this selling. The further reduction In prices of Southern pig lruii had its greatest effect en Tennessee Coal, but the iron and eteel stocks all shared in the day's weakness. The concentrated selling referred to largely converged on Amalgamated Copper an-1 Rock Island was a leader in the reaction. The low temperatures In the corn belt and the ne cessity of early warm weather to ln6ure. the crcp from frost were considerably dwelt upon. There was a considerable covering movement at the beginning of the last hour, but the tears made a iresn onslaught and forced a weak closing at the lowest of the day. Declines in the active list ran from 1 to 4 points. Some early strength In the bond market gave ¦ way to heaviness in sympathy with stocks. Total sales (par value). $1,852,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. UNITED RAILROADS OF SAN FRANCISCO. LOCAL MARKETS. per was firm, lake being quoted at $13 82*40 13 75; electrolytic at $13 50@13 62% and cast ing at $13 25@13 67%. . Lead was Is 3d lower In London, closing at £11 68 3d but remained unchanged here at $4 25. : - - Spelter waa unchanged in New York, but' ad vanced 2s 6d in London to £20 12s fid. Iron closed at 51s Od in Glasgow and at 46s 7Ud In Middlesboro. Locally iron was un charged for Northern, but the quotations for Southern were lower No. 1 foundry. Northern $17 50©18; No. 2 foundry. Northern. $16 50® 17; No 1* foundry. Southern and No. 1 foun dry. Southern soft. $16 50016 75. St. Louis Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 19.— Wool quiet: medium grades, combing and clothing. 10©21c; light, fine 16©18c; heavy, fine, 12015c;. tub washed, 20®29ttc Northern Business. SEATTLE. Aug. 19. — Clearings. $688,841; bal-' ances. $fS4,039. ' ¦/*"* TACOMA. Aug. 16.— Clearings. $271,243; bal an pORTLAND. Aug. 19.— Clearings, $520,658: balances. $89,567. SPOKANE. Aug. 19.— Clearings, 1371,104; balances, $54,044. . Northern Wheat Market. WASHINGTON. TACOMA Aug. 19.— WHEAT— Nominal; 'blue stem. 83c; club. 80c. OREGON. PORTLAND, Or.. Aug. 19.-WHEAT-Walla Walla 77@7»c; blue stem. 80682c { valley. 80c. - HUCKLEBERRIES per lb. , APPLES — 85«©$1 15. per box for fancy. 50® 75c for good to cholae and 25®40c for common; Crabapples, 30@40c for small boxes and 50j365c for larse. PEARS— Bartletts. S5c*T$l 25 for fancy and 5CX375C for No. 2; per ton |20@35. FIGS— 75eg*l 25 per box. PLUMS— 50@65c per crate and 30@40c per box; large open boxes, 40® 75c; per ton, $20 925 t NECTARINES — 854785c per crate for red. PEACHES — 35® 60c for small boxes and 66® 75c for carriers; large. open boxes, 50c@$l per ton $15@20 for freestones and $20 for, clings. MELONS — Cantaloupes, 75c<3$l 25 per crate; Nutmeg Melons, 40@ti5c per box; Watermelons, $5020 per. hundred. ¦: GRAPES — Seedles*. 40<S80c per box and 65® 85c per crate; Muscat, 5CKgS5c per box or crate and $1 25 for large open boxes; Fontalnebleau, 35® 50c per box or crate; Tokay. 50c@Sl per box or crate; Black, 50® 85c per box or crate; Swectwater In large open boxes. 75c® $1. CITRUS FRUITS— Navel Orange*. $1 50® 2 50 per box; Seedlings, $1@1 25; Valencia*. *2@3; St. Michael. $2@3; Mediterranean Sweets $1 25@1 50; Lemons. 50c@*2 50; Grape Fruit. '$101 25; Mexican Limes, *4@4 50; Ba nanas. $1®2 50 per bunch; Pineapples, $283 per dozen. Trade in the fruit market was active under a continued strong demand for local consump tion and a steady inquiry for shipment on the Puget Sound steamer. Fine Pears In wrap pers, good hard Peaches and Grapes In crates were eagerly Bought after for shipment and readily commanded full figures. Receipts of fruit from the river districts were light and canners war* paying high prices for choice Pears. Fancy Apples moved freely, but trashy stock, which was plentiful, dragged at easy rates. / Peaches In small packages continued firm and cleaned up well, but offerings in bulk were easy, as there was only one canner on the market. Plums In boxes and crates were easy, supplies being heavy and the shipping demand light. Canning Plums were very scarce, and what little came In sold readily at full figures. Figs were more plentiful than for some ' time, but moved off well at fairly steady prices. Nec tarines were offering again and met with prompt sale. Cantaloupes were in free supply and easy, while Nutmeg Melons were very firm In the morning, but weakened upon the receipt of freBh supplies later In the day. Water melons were pretty well cleaned up and sales of flnellarge Melons were readily effected at higher rates. Strawberries and Blackberries were generally poor and soft and prices ranged lower, with some very poor offerings selling be low the quotations. Raspberries were in light supply and firm at a* sharp advance. •There is -nothing new to report in citrus rrults. supplies of all descriptions being plenti ful and the demand light. Ripe Bananas were more plentiful and sold at a wide range as to size of bunch. Pineapples were ¦" steady at firmer rates. • ¦ < . STRAWBERRIES — Longworths, nominal; other varieties, $3 50<ff5 per chert. - RASPBERRIES— $9® 10 pe rchest. BLACKBERRIES— $2 5O@3 50 per chest. Deciduous and Citrus Fruits. Though there is more Butter on the market than last' week, the extra demand due to the O. A. R. Encampment keeps the market firm at the advanced prices. Cheese rules steady at the old quotations. Eggs are firm and somewhat higher, with moderate stock. The demand is nothing extra, however. , , The Butter and Egg houses closed during the middle of- the day yesterday on account of the Grand Army parade, and business was light all day in consequence. Receipts were 41.600 . lbs Butter. 799 cases Eggs and 4900 lbs Cheese. • »___ BUTTER — Creamery. 2«Q28c; dairy, 20325c; store Butter, 17620c: Eastern, 22@24c. CHEESE— New, 12i913c; Young America, 14 615c: Eastern, 15**©16c; Western. 14®15c EGGS— Ranch, 28@29c for large white •elect ed and 23@27"4c for (rood to choice; store. 20 @24c; cold storage, 25c; Eastern, 20$22c per doten. Butter, Cheese and Eggs. Business slack yesterday, owing to the parade. Local Stocks and Bonds very quiet. New York Stocks experience another pronounced decline. Slight variations in Excltange and Silver. Wheat quiet, zvith higher futures. Barley firm. Oats, Corn and Rye as previously quoted. Hay remains the same. Feedstuff s firm. r. Xo further change in Beans and Seeds. Butter and Eggs fractionally higher and firm. Cheese in ample supply at previous prices. Provisions inactive and without change. Xo new features in live or dressed Meats. Poultry in heavy supply and weak. Potatoes and Onions about as before. Vegetables generally firm. Active local and shipping demand for fresh Fruits. SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS. POULTRY— Live Turkeys, nominal: Geeie. per pair, $1 25@1 60: Goslings, *1 60@l 75; Ducks, $3@4 per dozen for old and $3 503 4 50 for younic; Hens. $4@5; young Roosters. *4© 5 50; old Roosters, $4 BO; Fryers, (3 50©4; Broilers, ?3Jf3 50 for large and $2 25© 2 50 for small: Pigeons, $1 50 per dozen' for old and $1 00®l 75 for Squabs. GAME — Rabbits, |l 25©1 75 per dozen; Hare, $1 25@1 50; Wild Dove*. 75o per dozen. and had an' easy tone. No Westerns, were received up to a late hour, but there were lib eral receipts of domestic, . and as retailers were well supplied, trade continued quiet and quite a eurolus had to be carried over. Old Hens were very dull and young: Roosters were cheap er, . offerings being small and not up to the usual stand. Game of good quality sold easily at steady rates, while poor stock was practi cally unsalable. THE SAN FRAK CISCO CALL, THURSDAY,, AUGUST 20, 1903. STOCK MARKET. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL 13 OCEAN TBAVEL. Steamer* Ieav* Baa Fraa- /WJxVQX cisco as follow*: /££_ ror Ketchlkan. Jnncau. /ay**~*L~|--M-| \j\ Halnes. Ska*way. etc.. Alas- \\L"J»5^ \ I ka— 11 a. m.. August 4, 9. I V Vw^J J 14. 19. 24. 29. Sept. 3. W\ \\ * YO'f Change to company* a iUtm* VS>O> ers at Seattle. x4Wsi*5^ ror Victoria. Vancouver. --*^ Port Townaend. Soattla. Ta- coma. Everett, Whatcom — 11 a. m.. August 4. » 14. 19. 24. 29. Sept- 3. Chang* at Seattl* to this company's steamers for Alaska aod O. N. Ry.: at Seattle for Tacoma to N. P. Rjr.; at Vancouver to C. P. Ry. For Eureka (Humboldt Bay) — Pomona, 1:30 p. m.. August 2, 8. 14, 20. 28. Sept. 1; Corona, 1:30 p. m.! August B. 11. 17. 23. 2*. Sept. 4. For Los Angeles (via Port Los Angelas and Redondo). San Diego and Santa Barbara- Santa Rosa. Sundays. 9 a. m. State of California. Thursday*. » a. to. For Los Angeles (via San Pedro and East San Pedro). Santa Barbara. Santa Cruz. Mon- terey, San Simeon. Cayucos. Port Harford (San Luis Obitpo). Ventura and Hueneme. Coos Bay, 9 a. m.. August 5, IX 21. 29. Sept. 8. Bontta, 9 a. m.. Aug. 17. 23. Sept. J. For Ensenada. Magdalena Bay, San Jo*« del Cabo. Mazatlan. Altata. La Pax. Santa. Ro- salia. Guaymas (Mex.). 10 a. va.. 7th of e»ca month. For further information obtain folder. Right Is reserved to change steamers or sail- ing dates. TICKET OJETIC.ES — 4 New Mont-roni- ery street (Palace Hotel). 10 Market street aad Broadway wharf. Freight office. 10 Market street. C. D. DUNANN. General Passenger Agent. 10 Market St.. San Francisco* O. R. & 7V. CO. "Columbia" sails Aug. 21. 31. "G«or-r« W. Elder" sails Aug. 1«. 2«. Only steamship Una to PORTLAND, OR., and short rail line from Portland to all points East. Through tickets to all points, all rail or steamship and rail, at LOWEST RATES. Steamer tickets include berth and meals. Steamer satis foot of Sp«ar st. at 11 a. m. S. F. BOOTH, Gen. Agt. Pan. Dept.. 1 Montgomery st.: C. CLD7TORD. Gen. Agt. Frt. Dept.. 3 Montgomery st. AMERICAN LINE. NEW YORK-SOUTHAMPTON— LONDON. NewYork.Aug.26, 10 am, 'St. Louls.Sept. 9. 10am Phlla ...Sept. 2. 10 im' New York. Ser>.l«.lf» ara ATLANTIC TBAXTSPOBT LI2TE. New York — London Direct. Mlnneps.Aug.29. 10 amIMesaba. .Sept. 12, 9 am Mlnnehaha.Sept. 5. 4 pmiMln'fnka.3ept. 19. 4 pn\ Only First C\tt*% Passeneers Carrled- OOMXHI02T "LINE. Boston — Queeastown — Liverpool. ' Commonwealth.Aug. 27 pommon wealth. Sept. 21 New England.. .Sept. SINew England... Oct. I Mayflower ....Sept. 10| Mayflower Oct. % Montreal — Liverpool — Short sea passaga Kensington ...Aug. 29] South wark Sept. 12 Dominion Sept. 5 Canada Sept. 28 Boston Mediterranean Dlrect AZORES— GIBRALTAR— NAPLES— GENOA. Vancouver Sat. Ad|. 29. Oct. 10. Nor. 21 Cambrnman Sat. Sept. 19. Oct. 31. Dec. 13 HOLLAND AMEBICA LINE. New York — Rotterdam, via Boulogne. Sailing Wednesday at 10 a. m. Noordam Aus. 2*5. Potsdam Sept. 9 Rotterdam Sept. 2iStatendam Sept. IS BED STAB LINE. . -j • New fork — An t-rerp — Paris. Kroon'ld.Au-r.29. 10 am.iFtnland.Sept. 12. 10 am Zealand. .Sept. 5. 10 am ' VaderM.Sept. 19. 10 am WHITE STAB LINE. Hew York — Qneenstown — Liverpool. Sailing Wednesdays and Fridays. Victorian. Aug. 25, 7 amiTeutonlc.Sept. 2. 12 m Oceanic. Ausr. 26. 8 am Arabic Sept. 4. 4 pm Cymrlc.Au-f. 2S. 9:30 am! Armenian. Sept. 8. 7 am. C- D. TAYLOR. Passenger Agent. Paciflc Coast. 21 Post St.. San Francisco. TOYO KISEN KAISHA. (ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP CO.) 'Steamers will leave wharf, corner First an* Brannan streets, at 1 p. m.. for YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG, calling at Kobe (Hlogo). Nagasaki and Shanghai, and connecting- at Hongkong with steamers for India, etc Na cargo received on board on day of sailing. S S AMERICA MARU Wednesday. August 2«. 13OX S S HONGKONG MARU (calling at Ma- nila) Saturday. September 19. 1903 S. S. NIPPON MARU .Thursday. October 13. 1903 Via Honolulu. Round-trip tickets at reduced rates For freight and passage, apply at Com- cany'« offlce. 421 Market street, corner First. W. H. AVERY. General Agent. jfamburg-Stmerican* FOR PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG. HAMBTJRO. Twin-Senw Exerts* *3l Fish-;;: Strrin. p Slglsmund ..Aug. 15 j Patricia An*. 29 Bluecher Aug. 20jMoltk» Sept. .1 Pennsylvania ..Aug. 22|Palat!a Sept. ."» A Victoria. ...Aug. 27 'F*. Bismarck. .Sept 10 HAMBORQ-AlfiaiCA.M LI5B. 31 B'w» T . »• T. HERZOG & CO.. 401 California St.. Cen. Arts. ©ceanics.sxo. » ~™ b :e S S SIERRA, for Honolulu. Samoa. Auck- land and Sydney. Thursday. Aug. 27 2 p. m. S S ALAMEDA. for Honolulu. Sept. 3. 11 a,m. s' S* MARIPOSA. for Tahiti. Sept. 20. 11 a. m. 4J.S?KHEUi B303.C3.. l2Xftl3tari!eM43 tow* frt*it85a.323 larkatSL.Flvh. 7.PaafleSl COMPAQKIE GENERALS TBAKSATLAHTIQITS. DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE-PARIS. t jaj6sg» Sallini- every Thursday Instead of !WTOy> Saturday at 10 a. m.. from Pier 42. ****'•» North River, foot of Morton street. First-class to Havre. $70 and upward. Seo- cnd-class to Havre. $43 and upward. GEN- ERAL AGENCY FOR UNITED STATES AND CANADA. 32 Broadway (Hudson Building). New York. J. F. FUOAZI * CO.. Paciflo Coast Agents, b Montgomery avenue. San Francisco. Tickets sold by all Railroad Ttcktt Agents. Mare Island aad VaUejo Steamer*. Steamer GEN. FRISBIE or MONTICELLO— 9:43 a. m.. 3:15 and S:30 p. m.. except Sunday. Sunday. 9:43 a. m.. 8:30 p. m. Leave ValUjo. 1 a. m.. 12:30 noon. 6 p. m.. ex. Sunday. Sun- day 7 a. m.. 4:13 p. m. Fare. 60 casts. Tel. Main 1506. Pier 2. Ulsstoa-st. dock. HATCH BROS. AUCTION SALES fe fe ia& BIG AUCTION SALE OF 1000HORSES The first consignment of this Jot will be sold on THURSDAY. Aug. 20. at 11 a. m.. At SUNSET SALES YARDS. 18O VALENCIA ST., near Thirteenth. If you want good sound young hones or rr.ares at your own prices don't fall to attend this sale, as they must and will be sold to tt» highest bidder. 8. WATKIN3. Auctioneer. 122 Grotf st.