Newspaper Page Text
THE SAN FBANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1903. 14 HELP WANTED— FEMALE-— Con. OUTING la the country and earning money at name time; women and girls wanted to cut fruit; working pears and peaches, the most profitable part of the season; comfortable workroom; furnished room for two, with use of kitchen. In private family. $1 50 per week; fr«e camping grounds. Further Information, 220 Market st., room 12; come at once to LOS GATOS CANNERIES. Los Gatos, Cal. WOMEN and girls wanted to work on fruit and canning; steady work; highest wages. Apply California Canneries Co.. Brannan St., between Third and Fourth. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS AND RIV- ETERS; NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY; PAID 8ALARY. LEVI STRAUSS & CO.'S FACTORIES. 3215 FREMONT ST. AND 1873 MISSION, NEAR FIFTEENTH. WOMEN and girls to work on fruit; steady employment: day and piece work; highest wages. CODE-PORTWOOD CANNING CO.. Bryant and Tenth. WANTED A girl to assist in general house- work; sleep at home. 234 Fair Oaks st.,, near Twenty-fourth. • LINERS and finishers on furs. Apply before 10 a. m., H. LIEBES & CO.. 137 Post gt. WANTED— First-class millinery trimmer. Freeman's Millinery Store. 435 Geary st. GIRL to do general housework and plain cook- Ing. 42 Stanley place, bet. 1st and 2d sts. GIRLS wanted to sew labels on coats. Call at 11 Battery st. GIRL, general housework, plain cooking; wages $25; call Thursday; refs. .1810 Vallejo st. A WOMAN with experience In the nursing line for commercial position. Box 3390, Call. MIDDLE-AGED Swedish woman as working housekeeper; 2 In family* 622 Natoma st. YOUNG girl assist in housework; sleep home; wages $12. 410 Jones st. AN experienced stenographer. Call THE . WHITAKER & RAY CO.. 723 Market st. WANTED — Neat girl for light hecorid work and sewing; good wages. 11S0 O'Farrell st. STENOGRAPHER to assist In office work. 538 Washington st. WANTED — Girl to learn to label and trim cigar boxes. Apply 226 Fremont gt. GIRL for downstairs work and cooking. 1207 Gough Et. - CYLINDER vamper; steady work; on men's fine shoes. Apply to BUCKINGHAM & HECHT. 26th and Valencia sta.. S. F. SHOE fitters on men's shoes wanted; steady work. Apply to BUCKINGHAM & HECHT. 26th and Valencia sta. S. F. WANTED — Experienced millinery maker. - 'Ap- ply, between 9 and 11 a. , m., at HALE BROS'. WANTED — Young lady to keep stock In wholesale millinery house. Apply HOLM & NATHAN, 512 Market st. BOOK folders and sewers; girls wanted to learn the business; wages paid from the start. F. MALLOYE. 422 Sacran»ento sU GERMAN girl In home restaurant for plain cooking and to help on tables at lunch; fair wages. 1S37 Union St.. near Octavia. ITALIAN lady who can speak English wanted to travel. Apply Girls' Directory. Central ave. and Waller St. PANTS finisher*- wanted by 8. N. WOOD & CO. Apply at 27 Geary st. : union wages. GIRLS wanted; wages from start. CARSON GLOVE CO.. 123 Second st. GIRLS wanted; collar rubber. The Electric Laundry, S37 Folsom st. WANTED — Woman for light housework; good home. Call 382 Fourteenth st. GOOD skirt hand; apprentice paid while learn. ing. 121 Geary st.. Starr King bldg.. r. 336. LADY of good address to represent high-grade magazine; good pay. 59 Columbian building. ELDERLY German Catholic woman for house- work; 17 per week. 1071 Market et. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office, 2200 Flllmore st A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and has . been established at 109<S Valencia st. . • H E LPAV A j^EP— -MA^E^^ AT CALIFORNIA EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 59 Third St., nr. Call bldg.; phone Bush 405. Section hands, coast line and all parts of California. S. P.'S OWN WORK. FREE FARE— FREE FARE. 50 sectton hands, $1 60 and $1 70 a day. BUTTE COUNTY— CHICO. 50 teamsters and rockmen, $2 tiO a day. 60 laborers and , axmen, $2 25 a day. COAL MINERS. FREE FARE— OREGON. 25 miners, $1 a ton. 5 miners, single-hand, $3 a day. 5 muckers. $2 50 a day.. FREE FARE— CASPAR. 10 tunnelmen, $2 75 a day. 10 teamsters and muckers, $2 25 a day. 10 laborers and teamsters, $2 a day. No discount; no hospital fee. 8 men for the sawmills, $30 to $60 a month and board. ¦* 4 carpenters, big company. $3 60 a day. flfl families, boys and men, to pick prunes, hops and grapes. Blacksmith, country. $3 a day. 12 laborers, $2 25 a day. CAL. EMP. AGENCY, 69 Third st. BUTLER. $40: barkeeper. $60: meat cook for institution. S55 and found: 3 hotel cooks. $33, $45 and ?t>0 and found; boarding-house cooks, $40 and found; cook and wife for kitthen. hotel, country, $60; restaurant por- tsr. $30; dishwashers, $30. -and others. J. F. CFtOSETT & CO.. 62$ Sacramento st. . FOREMAN for orchard, $40; 4 laborers for mill and woods, $55: 3 section men for R. R.. $2 day: 20 laborers for mines and quar- ries. $_• and $2 50 day; 6 miners. . $3 day; farmers, $25 and $30 and found; 2 farmers and wives. 540 and $50 and found; laundr>- man. $40 and found; handy man for lnstltu- SETT & CO., 628 Sacramento et. ANDRE'S. T.17 Stockton st. Chicken butcher, $50: kitchen hands of all descriptions. $20 to $35 a month and room; cock iFrench), a la carte, $75; second cook. $10 a week; night cook, club, $50: 2 wait- ers, courrtry, eame place. $35 and $30; 2 glass and silver pantrymen, $25, etc. A— HOTEL GAZETTE, 26 Montgomery, r. 12. 2 colored waiters $32; elevator and bell boys, SIS. "¦ TRY our men's shoes,' union made, at 51 and $1 50 per pair: foot-form shoes at $2 50, or crthopedic sho s, $3 60; test shoes on earth. 11 . Third St.. Exam, bldg.. 5 doors from Market. VESTS presser. Apply early- at S. N. WOOD & CO.. 2" Geary st. ; "WANTED— A live man as porter.' 212 O'Far- rell gt. ¦ / v WANTED — Good lecturers and canvassers.' Call or write r. 8. 855 Washington St.. Oakland. WANTED— Strong boy to learn carriage black- ' Bmlthlng. 828 Harrison et." ' -:-.-•-. WANTED— Good.- steady, sober dishwasher at restaurant. 02 Eighth »L HELP WANTED MALE Con. AT C. R. HANSEN & CO.'S _o« « EMPLOYMENT AGENTS. 429 Bush st 642 Clay st! • Hello Grant 183. SHIPPING TO-DAY FREE FARE, FOR NEW WORK. RENO, NEVADA. 50 laborers • $2 GOLCONDA., NEVADA. 10 fence builders $2 25 CHATSWORTH PARK. L. A. CO.. CAL. Machine men, drillers.; $3-$2 Bonus 25c day, remain until work Is done. Absolutely free fare for all above. EL DORADO AND BUTTE COUNTIES. Laborers, rockmen, rough carpenters. $2 25-$3 Special Rate Fare. 10»drillers, 8 hours' work ...$2 75 10 Scandinavian lumber pliers, north. $52 and found; 20 laborers, city, $'_': 6 young men, IS to 20 years $2 a day; a grading foreman, small camp, $55-$6O and found; good rough carpenter, $60 and found, same place, sea boss here; buggy washer, $70 and rootn. 20 fruit pickers, almonds $1 day Young man, general ranch work and learn - butchering, $30 and found, fare advanced. HOTEL DEPARTMENT. ' Upstairs porter, country hotel, good wages; 9 meat and pastry cook, country hotel, $75; cook and wife, country hotel, $80; ceok and wife, country hotel, $60; cook, country hotel. $(!0; third cook, country restaurant. $35; third ' cook, country hotel, $30: German porter and lunch man, $40; 6 waiters, country hotels and restaurants, $30-$45; 3 restaurant wait- ers, country, $40-$45; dishwashers, kitchen hands, pantrymen and others, $25-$35; bread baker, city. $17 a week; second on bread, country shop, $40. C. R. HANSEN & CO., Employment Agents, 429 Bush st » 642 Clay at. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 620 Sacramento St.; phone Main 1191. Steamer sails to-morrow morning to ASTORIA— OREGON— ASTORIA. Near PORTLAND, on Columbia River. FEE $1, Fare very cheap. 30 laborers, $51 found. 20 rockmen, $59 found. Company work. No strike. No discount. BOSS HERE TO-DAY FOR CHICO. Diamond Match Co.; R. R. — FEE $1— half fare; 50 laborers, teamsters and rockmen, $2 25 and $2 50 day: ship to-night. WILLITS, 10 men. FEE $1. FREE FARE. Men. call and read our bulletin boards; hun dreds of other jobs: also get a free list of jobs at PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. S20 Sacramento et. ; phone Main 1191. BOYS wanted Immediately to pare fruit with machine; good wages. California Canneries' Co., 423 Brannan st. A GOOD .opportunity for a steady and sober man with experience, to solicit orders and take charge of delivery wagon for a whole- sale liquor house; must furnish references and bond. Apply box 1016, Call office. WANTED — 'Man and wife to take charge of kitchen and dining room in country hotel; good chance for people who understand the work. See party at 1 o'clock on Aug. 21, at 616 Clay st. ___^ WANTED — A first-class custom pants operator and pressman for Los Angeles. Apply to-day at 116 Sutter st. be.t. 10 and 11 a. m. or 4 and 5 p. m. WANTED — Al traveling salesman to sell me- chanical rubber goods and assume estab- 0 llshed trade on first-class line; references re- qulred. Box 1017. Call. WANTED — Genteel boys to sell the official G. A R. souvenir badge on guaranty; must de- posit $1 05. Apply at 8:30 a. m., 19 New Montgomery st. 1 GOOD barber, Saturday and Sunday; steady; union wages and houra. 3083 Twenty- | fourth fit. _^ A MAN of Indomitable energy and push, a good talker, eager to make money. F. PERSON, 477 and 488 Parrott building. TRY our men's shoes, union made, at $1 and $1 50 pair; foot-form shoes at $2 50; we pay express or mall-chgs. 11 Third St.. Exam, bid. WANTED — Dishwasher. 145 Fifth st. LUNCH waiter wanted at 506 Howard st. WANTED — Bootblack for barber shop; wages paid. 15-1?. Devlsadero st^ BOY wanted who understand butcher busi- ness. 3329 Sacramento st. BARBER shop wanted in small town; state price. - Box 104S. Call. BARBER shop; 4 family rooms; old estab.; cheap rent; 3 years' lease. 229 Hayes st. WANTED — Young man who Is an experienced dry goods wrapper. Apply between 9 and 11 j a. m. at HALE BROS. WANTED — Cash boys from 12 to 13 years. Apply at once S. N. WOOD & CO., 740 Mar- ket st. SKIVER wanted on boots and shoes: steady work. Apply to BUCKINGHAM A HECl^r, Twenty-sixth and Valencia sts., S. F. WANTED — For the U. S. Marino Corps, able- bodied, unmarried men. between 21 and 35; good character; must speak, read and write English; marines serve at sea on men-of-war 1 In all parts of the world, on land in our Isl- and possessions, and at naval stations in the United States. Apply at recruiting office, 40 Ellis St., San Francisco. Cal.; 222>£ N. Main St.. Los Angeles. Cal., and 401 K at.. Sacra- mento, Cal. WANTED— By a large tailoring establishment, a flrst-cjass cutter of experience, ability and p'easlng personality; must have good char- acter and habits; the position affords a good salary: this Is a splendid opportunity for the right kind of a man. Address box 3349. Call. WANTED — Educated young man to learn our business and take responsible position when qualified; $900 per year; flrst-ciass references required. Stoddard Lectures, 2ill Examiner building. WANTED — Laborers and mechanic! to know that Ed Rolkln, Reno House proprietor, has added 100 new rooms to the Denver House, 217 Third St.: 250 rooms; 25c per night. FURNITURE packer wanted: state experience, salary expected: must have practical city experience. Address box 1043. Call office. TRY our men's shoes, union made, at $1 and $1 60 pair; foot-form shoes at $2 50; we pay express or mail chgs. 11 Third st.. Exam. bid. WANTED — First-class pressman on platen presses. FORD. CMITH & LITTLE CO.. Los Angeles. ; . . ;--. v WANTED — Rough carpenters and laborers. Apply room 14, 26 Montgomery st., Saa Francisco Construction Company. EXPERIENCED layer-off; steady. CARSON GLOVE CO.. 123 Second st. BOT,' 16 'year*... to learn trade: wages to start. CARSON GLOVE CO.. 123 Second st. WANTED— Boys to deliver telegrams: wages. $25 to $35 per month. Apply 000 Montgom- cry st. . . FIRST-CLASS tinner wanted. Call 8 a. m. 1832 Union St., near Octavia. WANTED — To buy a good barber shop in country town. GUS MAUER. BIO Utah. BOY of 16. generally useful, wholesale house. $4 50 per. week; Box 1020. Call office. BOT wanted at 25!) Stevenson st, between 1 Third and Fourth.- '. . ~ $275 BARBER shop, sale $100; snap for right man; retiring. Inquire 1541 Geary st. FOR SALE— 2-chalr barber shop; rent $12 80; price $75. : Box 1018. ¦. Call. ..; BARBER shop ' for eale. Inquire at Call of- fice. IAX FRANCISCO CALL. BUSINESS OFFICE of tte San Francisco Ca!l. censer Market and Third streets; open tr.til 12 o'clock every night in the year. BRANCH OFFICES— 627 Montgomery street, ecrrer Clay; open until 9:30 p. m. 800 Hayes etreet; open until 8:30 p. m. C39 McAllister street; open until 9:30 p. m. 615 Larkin street; open until 9:30 p. m - 1W1 Mission street; open until 10 p. m. 1261 Market street, corner Sixteenth; open nstil 9 p. m. 106 Eleventh street: cpen until »<J>. «- 1096 Valencia street; open until 8 p. "• Northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky Btreeis; open until 8 p. m. •200 Flllm ore street; open until 8 p. «. ¦ !JT!~~~~- 3HEETING NOTICES. SPECIAL and stated communica- j-j tlon of Yerba Buena Chapter of J < r.^Fy., THURSDAY EVENING. T_T"~^ August 20. 1903. at S o'clock. In ft the Preceptor}- of the Kite. Com- l( ir.andery Hall.- Ma»on»c Temple. P The sublime eighteenth degree. U in full fun* and ceremony, inci- dental music, augmented choir and new and brilliant effects. HARRY J LASK. M. W. and P. M. HENRY BI'HNER. Kt. Secretary. MISSION' Chapter No. 78. R. A. M.— _< Sl»t»d meetir.f THIS (THl'RSl)AT>'Jy KVEKZMG, 7:M o'clock. Itoyal Arch /V> l>fgre+'. Fly order of the H. P. - * JN'O. R. HILLMAN. Secretary. CALIFORNIA Lodge No. 1, F. and A. » M. will meet THIS (THURSDAY) W EVENING. Aug. 20, at 7 o'clock. />r\ TttTd degree. By order cf the Mas- ter. FRANKLIN' H. DAY. Secretary. LA FARFAITE UNION Lodge No. 17, O F. and A. M. — Called meet:ng, FTU- VV DAY. Aug. 21. 1U03. at s p. m. First /Y\ degree. By or ier ot the W. M. P. ST. JULLIEN. Secretary. FIDELITY Lodge No. 120. F. and A. M. » ' Special meeting THIS (THURSDAT)VY ' EVENING at V :30 o'clock. First <3e- /VN I gree. Masons cordiallj- invited. By order of the W. M. . FREDERICK BARRY. Secretary. DORIC Lodge No 216. F. and A. M. ~ .<i«-c:sl meeting THIS <THURSDAY> I t-VENIXG at 7:30 o'clock. Seccnd de- TQT I grt-e. By onier i>f the Master. /V\ J. R. GOLDSMITH. Secretary. wFFXCEHS and member* of San ocaa^v^fe. ' Kr<ii> <-¦,«-.-, I.,,.;!;:.- Nc. :;. I. < >. •"?jk^_56£fe; I «' K. are rf-.j j"Me.i t'i att»:n1 ¦-•rjCSESr.y : the funeral of our late brother, "^SW/rW**- j JOHN REAGAN, from Odd Fellows' Hall, Kt 12:45jo'clotk p. m. eharp TO-DAY ' .THURSDAY). AugUFt 2<», 1803. A. STEIN'METZ. N. G. J. ALLEN, Recording Secretary. ' HARMONY Lodge No. 13, I. O. O. I^b^Z" F.— The officers and the funeral J'JU^feC'i ' Lommlttt* of the a>>oi f-namfd '' lodge ar« hereby notified to as- JS^lftwSi**' ¦ fcmble at Odd Fellows' Hall, corner Market I and Seventh sts., on THURSDAY. Aug. 20, ! lft<:3. at 1:30 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose \ of attending the funeral of our late brother • JOSEPH ASSION. By order ' ADOLPH PAtBA, N. <S. ] CHAS. QUAST. Financial Sec. | YERBA BCENA Lodge No. 15, I. J ___£'_ O. O. F.— First degree and a fra- :'rnal visit by Pacific Ixxise. TO- NIGHT, August 20. A pleasant "~8H«flP* evening aasured. All brothers welcome. FRANK KRULL. Noble Grand. CHAS. A. WISEWELL. Rec. Sec. PACIFIC Lodge No. 155. I. O. O. .^m^,.. F.— Meeting railed to order -* rJ-ffTfttiLr 7.:;O THURSDAY EVENING. THORNTON THOMPSON. N. G. J. S. MEE. Recording Secretary. iTnITY Lodge No. 61. K. of P.— Mem- "<E5L '. »rs erp hereby notified to attend the 'uneral services of our late brother. 79fc_»_> ARTHUR WINHALL. from the un- __S5*C ' <l*rtaklng parlors of H. Suhr & Co.. 1137 Mis- j sion st., FRIDAY, August 21, at 12:30 p. m. 1 JAS. MORAN. Chancellor Commander ! P. W. GATES. Keeper of Records and Seal. I FRANKLIN Lodge No. 44. A. O. U. .-< ft ! W.— Regular meeting THIS <THURS-^>g»i DAY) EVENING at 8 o'clock. Grand E&J5? Master Workman FRED W. BROWN- cEs;^ ' ING will be rresrnt and address the mem- • h*rs en mature of importance. All brothers i Of the order cordially invited By order cf j C. E. KHEFPER, M. W. ! JOHN BOVET. Recorder. : CHIEFS and member* Pohonachee -rv*--w Tribe No J(\ Imp. O. R. M. — You jKSi* ¦re hereby notified to attend the 4_a_9aV_f 1 funeral of our deceased brother. Past Sachem ': .T. B. JONES, from his late residence, 1618 , Pir.e st.. FRIDAY Aug 21 at 9:3O a. m. j Py order 8. M. WEBB. Sachem. i TVM. NUTTALL. C. of R. THE officers and members of _{y>^__ j Burnaby Lodge No. 104, Or- £^p£3fzf ! der Sons oC St. George, are fj?VXLJi\. ._. i requested to assemble at the ijtfj_rS v «^^ I funeral parlor* cf H. Suhr -^2*^T*sV"^V * «"o.. 11^7 Mission st., on w\ wrJVOX . FRIDAY. August 21. at tt - \flp?Ctr/ : ¦-:.'." p. vr... for the purpose 7 • f £tr«rTll!ic the funeral of v*_S?^^ DOT late brother. A. WINHALL. J. E. POTTER. President, n. J.. Secretary. REGULAR meetir.z of the Oal- ry >. ' ! f donian Club at 8 o'clock and open liiS? meeting for members end lady xViSs ' friends at S:30 FRIDAY EVEN- "<£^?"W ING, August 21. Scottish Hall. 117 Larkin st. ' A. M. MACPHERSON, Chief. j JAS. H. DUNCAN. Secretary. < THE annual meeting of the stockholders of i the Pacific Undertakers will be held at 777 I Mission et.. San Francisco, on MONDAY. August 24. 19C3. at 8:30 p. m.. for the elec- tion of directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. Transfer bcok« wi:i close on Thursday. Aurust 20. By crder of the board of directors. M. C. GORHAM. Secretary. SCNDAY LECTl'RES. HENRY FRANK. « * Eminent lecturer In Carnegie Lyceum, New York, on The Religion of Science, and founder "Independent Liberal Society of the New Thought," delivers address Golden Gate HaH. Sunday. 11 a. m. 'only); subject, "Prngress and Triumph of Truth." "Mag- netic Orator." "Profound Thinker." Miss Xena Roberts sings. Seats free. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS— A new money-makerT^FTpE^RSON* 477 and 478 Parrott building. 0 ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. ROBT. W. KING, atty-at-law. Examiner bid., rm. 6U; all cases, damages, estates, wills, attachments, collections, etc.; consultation' free; no advance charges; call or write; even- tnp* by appointment. Tel. Red 3601. ADVICE free — I will advance cost In meritori- ous caac*. divorces, probate and all other law cases: bo fees in advance; open every even- int. J. M. THURSTON. 818 Market St.. r. 31. ADVICE free: divorces a specialty :quick.qu!et; no charge without success; established 15 yrs. G. W. HOWg 1122 Market st.. opp. Hale's. ADVICE free, all cases. R. C. ADAMS, room £16.. tfclrd floor. Examiner building. L. 6. CLARK. Emma, Spreckelc bldg.. 827 Marl ket St.; ccecultaticn free; no fees In advance. AITKEN & AITKEN. attorneys rs. 300-10-11 Clonle bldg.. SOa California st.; tel. Main 727. DIRDS, DOGS. ETC. YOUNG talking parr ots,$5 each;German singing canaries. J2; we will try to please you;every- thirs; in our line «t right prices. 154C Market. DL'SINESS CHANCES. A— $1300; EEBTAUBAKT and chop^ho^se; close to Phelan liu'ldlng; daily receipts about $&.¦»; tpleiuJid buslntes. See R. G. WILKE IX'-j Ktarny st. A— *C00: COUNTRY bakery, with chop house, in Cilavera* County; living rooms; no op- p-*;tio:i: a splendid chance for baker or cook n. G. WILKE. -t>'i Kearny st. A— V-00; SALOON. •Mth 10 furnished rooms"- rlac<>. iurrouiiricd by hreweries trfi malt- houses: rent $10; 4 gcod business, hat 6\r- *_T*eme-rjt of three partners is cause of sale; j Cell R. <i. WILKE, 20'i Kearny st. I A — tSSSi I1E3TAUHANT and coffr* saloon, on I Third «.: rent *J0: average daily receipts 1 *' S: __ t/ *j[f <1 "- I{ - G - WILKE, 26H Kearny. nESTAURAICT. $«jo! IIESTAURAKt". Th«- b^-st bargain ever offTed for the money; re«-elj>ts sv<r«_> $40 daily. S«e \\lLFo::D & HARRISON and get in >vrint.ft. BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS At 3 Taylor «t. THS bett business In the Mission; stationery Here, ncer 7 school*, for what It will invoice fcr; fci-V» for a business at 31X1I Army «t. P. COFFIN & CO.. 3303 Mission rt. TWO quartz claims, fixl2 feet; timber and water ; buUiiTigt; too!*; for sale cheap or traCr. A. B. li.. 13S Sixth St. FOIJ itiv fcind of business, city or country, get our list. MOSSMAN. 650 Market ,t. Jiff» WILL. bay & lunch counter; a bargain. • 7:>5 Ftlroin «t. tZ<X> BUYS ccrncr saloon to-day: 5 years' lease. t>ll early. 2«W Ninth St.: sickness. FOR «a!e— Printing office: good condition; e«- t&bHfhed puf-onage; cheap rent. l(H2. Call. tU<O— HOME bakery: brick oven; choice loca- utm: lew rest. -SbO Foleotn st BUSINESS CHANCES— Continued. jT-oCO^FIRST-CLASS delicacy Btcre and branch bakery doing good business; good location In Weite'ni Addition; sickness cause of selling. Box 1O47, Call. : $350 CHICKEN ranch, chickens and fixtures for bale; 5-room houre, 1 acre of land, for rent: $10 p*r month: 5 years' lease. Address P. O. box 142, Fruitvale. Cal. I5OO— PARTNER; tend to shipping goods: do some "collecting; $KO month guaranteed. Par- tkulars 620 Bryant st. Halrdressing parlors; cheap: value In eight; good location; retiring. 1153 Market st. A bakeiy; delicacy: all store trade; $25 a day: price $1800: no agents. 715 McAllister st. OCTSIDE route No. 4 this paper for sale. Inquire hardware store. 19th and Folsom sts. lodging-houses for sale. hTc. decker! 0<;6 market, cor stockton. PHONE JOHN 531. Headquarters fcr i.ual Estate.- Roomlng- Hou^ep. Hotels. New Apartment Houses, l'ltiis ar.c! tnvate Homes. 27 YEARS IN 1HIS BUSINESS IN SAN FRANCISCO. See the following bargains: 10 rooms. Kclsom gt.. fall of roomers.... $225 7 rooms, modern flat, nne furniture 200 8 room*, newly furnished; clears $25.. 175 14 room*, exchange for larger house 5lH> 11 rooms. M rooms furnished; p-nap OOJ * room?. Leavenworth st.. reduced to — 500 30 roums. choice location, Oakland 3l'00 12 rooms, Geary st., choice transient 400 42 room«, sunny corner; rent $1CO 3200 :>'» rooms, sunny bay-window corner 2800 26 rooms. Mission and 6th sts.; snap.... 1900 12 rooms, Taylor Et.; transient only.... 700 CO rooms. Market St.; offices, permanent. 5600 52 rooms, part house, fong lease 2C00 8 rooms, cost $15C0; a beauty: reduced. 750 IK rooms, newly furnished, long lease... 1200 H. C. DECKER. 906 Market 6t.. cor. Stockton. 100 P.OCMS; bouse fcr men; rent $140.... $4000 ES rooms: ro'Uh cf Market; rent $100. 2000 24 rocms; corner; part cash; bal. easy. 830 11 rocms; good Income: rent $20 330 21 rocms; water front; rent $40; lease. «50 ICO rooms; good lease; low rent 6500 67 rrr.s. : apartments ;Western Add; rent. 230 Mcney leaned at 1 per cent. Hctels. rcadhouses. flats. 5 to 100 rooms. EITEL & CARROLL. 212 Kearny st. $650^ — ELEGANT colonial flat, 5 reams and bath; beautifully furnished; all new; cost over $10<i0: piano cost $350 alone: must sell. PETERS EN & LARSEN. 1035 Market, rm. 1. A BARGAIN this week; forced sal*; 34 rooms; Market St.. central; all rented: first floor of- fices, clearing S175: only $2400: easy terms. PKTERSEX & LARSEN, 1035 Market, rm. 1. $1500—26 ROOMS: rent $70; clears $100; three years' lease. MOSSMAN. 850 Market st. $750—8 ROOMS, nicely furnished: gcod loca- tion. MOSSMAN. 850 Market st. $2100—20 ROOMS: rent $125; clears over $100; snap. MOSSMAN. 850 Market ?t. $S0O ON'LT — 12 rooms; new furniture; rent cheap; must leave city. 7S8 Bush st.. rear. NEWLY furnished house of 15 rooms; owner leaving citv. C1C Taylor st. SPIRITUALISM. JOHN SLATER'S circle Friday evening 8:15 sharp: readings to-day, 10 to 4. 336 O'Far- rell st. _^ MME. YOUNG'S convincing spirit messages to-night. 10c; readings dally. 619 McAllister. KATIE HEUSSMAN. circle Friday evening. 25c; sittings. 1000 Harrison st.. cor. Sixth. MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, trance clairvoyant, business medium and life reader. 416 Turk. EDWARD EARLE. 1052 Ellis, readings dally, 9:30 to 4; ceances Sunday and Thursday. CLAIRVOYANTS. A^ CALL~AT~ONCE AND SAVE $2. My Regular $3 Reading This Week for $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 PROFESSOR PAUL DESTINE. The First Registered Trance Clairvoyant and Palmlet Ever In San Francisco. I <3o hereby solemnly agree and guarantee to make you no charge if I fail to tell your name, occupation and what you called for; I promise to tell you whether husband, wife or sweet- heatt is true or false: to tell whom and when you will marry: in fact. I will tell you every hope, fear or ambition better than you can tell j-ourself. He restores lost affections, reunites the separated, causes speedy and happy mar- riages, makes you successful and prosperous, cures disease and lost vitality without medi- cine, locates hidden treasures; hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. ; Sundays 2 to 8. 326 O'Farrell St., 326. MME. M. BERNARD, THE FAMOUS Clairvoyant and business medium, perma- nently located at 17 Third st.. next Examiner bldg.; tfce reads your life correctly, gives an accurate description of the past, reveals the present happenings and portrays events to occur In the future; If you are In trouble, dis- contented or not satisfied In life, ot have do- mestic. Iov> or business troubles, consult this great medium and you will be told how to overcome them; \-aluable advice in all affairs cf life: 25c up; satisfaction guaranteed; read- "lngs by tnall. Tel. Black 4569. IEMAR, tfce Egyptian gypsy, clairvoyant and palmist, permanently located at 1104 Market rt., cor. Turk; private readings dally. 10 a. m. to o p. m. : readings by mai! as satisfac- tory as In person; 3 questions answered, $1; full life, $5; send lock of hair, date and year of birth; don't tend currency. Send poetofflce, Wfclls-FarKO meney order cr registered letter. A— MME. PORTER, scientific clairvoyant and card reader, born with a double veil and sec- ond sight; tells the past, present and future; ladle*, 50c; gents. %\; by cards, palmistry and clairvoyant elttlng; $1 50. 126 Turk St. Mrs. A. H. Kronenberg, palmist, clairvoyant, card reader, will give a good reading, 10c, for a short time enly; when others fall try me to convince yourself. 402 Franklin, near Grove. A — Mm* Ravenna reads life, business advice; names given: 25c up. & 4th st . near M«rnet. MRS. BROWN, clairvoyant card reader: ladies 25c; gents 50c: readings dally. 132 Sixth st. OLDEST lady palmist and card reader In city. 26*4 Kearny. room 20; ladles 25c, gents 50c. MME. LE FERN, professional card reading. 109 Fifth st. MRS. EHAFER. clairvoyant can. reader: tlt- tlngs dally. *4F.V, Jessie St.. bet. 5th and 6th. CARPET-BEATING AND CLEANING. AIR. compressed, dry. Ice cold. Is now univer- sally used in sanitarily cleaning carpets, on floor, without removal or Injury; prices mod- erate. Apply 8. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO.. Call big.; pijone Main 5237. WHEN you become disgusted i»ith your work send for SPAULDING'S Pioneer Carpet-beat- ing Works. 355-357 Teh&ma st. ; tel. South 40. CALIFORNIA Carpet-beating Co.. J. McQueen, proprietor. 329 Guerrero Bt-. tel. Mission 49. TRY HCPKE BROS.; excellent carpet-beating; mattreeses made over. 1432 Howard ;South 21S ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.. 402 Sutter st. ; tel. Main 334. GEO. WALCOM & CO.. Props. RUDOLPH & CO.. carpet-beating works; prices reasonable. 1703 Harrison St.; tel. Mission 263. CONKLIN'S Superior Carpet-beating Works. 333 Golden Gate ave.; telephone East 126. CHIROPODISTS. DUNLAP FOOT INSTITUTE. 50 Geary— All ailment? of the feet cured: corns, bunlons.etc. COLLECTION OFFICES. ADVICE lree; bad tenants ejected speedily. CO- LUMBIAN LAW AGCY., r. 83, 916 ftlarket; tel. Red 618; collections; gcn'l law business. BAD tenants ejected for $4: collections mede; city or country. PACIFIC COLLECTION CO.. 415 Montgomery, room* 0-10: tel. a.*SQ. COTTAGES TO LET. FURNISHED 6-room cottage; rent $30. Call after lla. m.. 2S->4 Pine St.. cor. Baker. DENTISTS. DR. LUDLUM HILL. 1443 M*a7ketT^ir^eventn — No charge for extracting when plates are made; old plate* made over like new; teeth from $S per set; extracting. 50c; gas given. A NEW plat«- — The Whalebone— cannot break; warranted 20 yrt.; crown, $3 50; filling?. 50c; plate?. $5:full set: all work painless and war- ranted. Chicago Dental Parlors. 21 Sixth st. GOLD fillings. 75c; silver. 88c; crowns. $2; no pain; open Sunday. Dr.O.B.Hewltt.204 Sutter. PARIS Dental Parlors. 235 Kearny. cor. Bush— Set t?eth. $1 50 up; crowns, $2 up; filllngB,23c. " 10 PEIt CENT off thin month: estimates fre*. New York Dentl5tg. »y> Ml«plon -t.. cor. Oth. UK liSSMAKERS dc SLIAMSTUKSSKS. McLOWELL Dressmaking and Mllilnery~School ---Any pattern cut to measure. 10ia Market. ACCORDION, sunburst & knife plaiting. Stew". art'* button & buttonhole factory. 110 Taylor. BTEING AlffO C_EA_XHa. SEA bieeses eweeten all garments, blankets. lace curtains, «tc.. done by the Presidio Heights L>ye Works. 3915 Sacramento: phone for wagon. West 453. H. HICKMAN. pre«. EDUCATIONAL. A— CALDWELL College of Oratory, ActlngT Opera and Authorship; largest in the West; 14 teachers; positions guaranteed; fall term begins Sept. 7; day Si evening class; beautiful new catalogue lree. 1295 Market, cor. Ninth. HKALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 Post. S. F. — Bookkeeping, shorthand, touch typing, languages, telegraphy. English branches; day and nicht sessions; lllus. catxlorue free. EDUCATIONAL — Continued. ''- KAN FRANCISCO Business College, 1230 Mar- ket; modern, progressive, practical; estab- lished 15 years. Gregg shorthand, fastest, easiest, ' most readable. Actual business bookkeeping; typewriter at home free. AYEES, the leading business college, 723 Mar- ket st. ; special summer course in all depart- ments; handsome catalogue free; life scholar- ship, $50; day and evening sessions.: . .. CALIFORNIA Business College, 305 Larkin st. "A thorough school"; positions secured for graduates; modern methods; Individual in- struction. Write for Illustrated catalogue. HEALD'S School of Mines & Electricity,24 Post et., 6.1 F.; a practical school of engineering; complete equipment. Special catalogue free. THE Berlitz School of Languages has removed to 1000 Van Ness ave.; rates reduced during summer. Send for catalogue, ENGINEERING— Civil, elec, min., mech., mr- vey, assay, cyanide; day, eve.: est. 1864 Van , der Nalllen School. 113 Fulton, nr. City Hall. SYSTEM, discipline and results: the Golden Gate Commercial College, Van Ness and Golden Gate aves.,S.F. ; nils every requlremnt ; DANCING Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and j Sunday evenings at Teutonia Hall, Hcward st., near Ninth; management Prof. Foster. ¦ PIANO and German; pupil of Leipclc Cor.ser- vatory; lessons 75c and $1. 346 Golden Gate. AT KIngsland Art Shop — Drawing, painting and burnt work. 1184 Haight st., near Lyon. KENT Law School, day and night; assures ad- mlsslon to the bar. 554 Parrott building. SCHOOL OF ILLUSTRATION Day and PARTINGTON'S, 4J>4 Pine st Night class LESSO?CS given in Water Color or Oil Paint- ing from Nature. CURRIER. 372 Sutter st ARITHMETIC, bookkeeping, grammar.wriring. etc.; day or eve.: $5 mo. 1024 Chicago Business College. 14S5 Market, nr. 10th. Plttman shorthand, typing.- bookkpg.. $8 mo. ¦ CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office, 2200 Flllmore. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. GEORGE AOKI. 421 Post st.; tel. Bush 135 — Japanese-Chinese employment office; fur- nlshes best help; contracts for farm help, etc. A — ORPHEUM Employment Office — Japanese- Chlnese help. 426 Powell. Tel. Main 6752. A — GRAND Japanese-Chinese Emp. Office. 418 Stockton: tel. Grant 168; expert,rellable he)p. CHINESE Employment Office — Best help at Leon Seung's. 411V4 O'Farrell; tel. East 428. RELIABLE Japanese-Chinese Employment Of- flce; all kinds help. 315 Stockton; Main 5188. CHINESE and Japanese help; estab. 20 years. Tel. Main 1997. BRADLEY & CO.. 64ft Clay. EMPLOYMENT WANTED — FEMALE. DRESSMAKER and seamstress would like a few mere engagements by the day; good dressmaker; Jl 50 a day. Address 359 Pros- pect ave. Phone Capp 3096. SWEDISH woman wishes work by the day; a first-class laundress; best of references. 1517 Turk st. COMPETENT girl wishes any kind of work; city or country; wages reasonable. J. P., box 33S9,_Call office. - COMPETENT woman wishes position In pri- vate American family as cookA will do wasa- lng; references. 794 Folsom st. TRAINED nurse with knowledge of bookkeep- ing, speaking French and English, desires position In physician's office or any light occupation. MISS G. A. R.. 1259 O'Farrell. AN American lady just from Europe, speak- ing German, desires position as housekeeper or seamstress in respectable family. Box 1023, Call office. . . ' :, ; WANT ads and subscriptions taken for The Call at Eaton's Bazaar. 633 McAllister st. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions ha» been established at 1094 Valencia st. ' ' EMPLOYMENT WANTED MALE. A FRENCHMAN, married, having long ex- perience in own vineyard In France, desires position where he can make improvements: knows all about making of wine, etc. Box 3383. Call office. ; EXPERIENCED bookkeeper would like to keep books for several small firms; best of refer- ences. Box 33S4. Call. ! AN experienced packer and cellarman wants I position with wholesale house; city refer- ences. Box 1039. Call. PAINTER, Eastern man, wants work by day or small jobs and contracts taken. Address painter. 1121 Webster st. JAPANESE student wants position as school- boy in small family; without rootn; speaks English. S. K.. 1329 Pine st. JAPANESE wishes to work as school boy; good cook. Box 1051, Call office. ' JAPANESE student wants position as school- boy; speaks English. KONDO, 132S* Pine st. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions' ' received at Call branch of^ce, 2200 Flllmore. ~ FLATS TO LET. HOUSES and flats to let; an immense list; ser- vice absolutely free; take advantage o! >thu department; It will save you time land trouble. Cordes Furniture Co.. 245-259 Geary ct.. on the square. ! CORNER Noe and Elizabeth sts.; new, sunny ! flat on corner. 1050 Noe st.; modern Improve- ments; convenient to Twenty-fourth and Cas- tro st. cars; rent reasonable. PAGE. S05, near Pierce — 5-room flat and bath; reasonable rent. i PIERCE. 239— 6-room flat, very sunny, with bath; near Haight st. HAYES C09, corner Laguna— Three sunny rooms' and yard: rent reasonable. TO iet— Flat of four rooms; 1897 O'FarrelL HOOKER & LENT. 14 Poet st. FLATS FOR SALE— FURNISHED. FIVE-room furnished flat for eale; 4 Antonio, bet. Ellis and O'Farrell. Call bet. 10 and 3. FURNITURE WAITED. A WOLLPERT. 773 Mission, phone Red 4482. 'buys, rents, repairs, packs furniture, carpets. HELP WANTED — FEMALE. WANTED — Cook, Protestant, 30 children, $40; cook, no wash, $40: 3 cooks, $30, $35; cook, small restaurant, $30: governess. 3 grown children. $30; house girl, $40; house girl, Rosa Valley, $30; cook, 20 men, $35: 5 nurse girls, $15, $20, $25; 4 second girls, $25; 5 waitresses, $20. $25; chambermaid, girls' school, $25; 3 cooks for ranches; butler, $40; nurse for home, $20; companion, old lady, German, $25; nurse girl. San Rafael, $25; nurse for lady. $26. 2 laundresses. $30; help for club house, $25. and others. Apply to J. F. CRO- Sfc/TT & CO.. 334 Sutter st. ¦>¦:¦'¦>¦; A NURSE. $25; housekeeper, $20; 6 cooks, $:!0 and $35; second girl. $25; house girl, $35; laundress, $30; cook, hotel, $40 MRS. NOR- TON, 313 Sutter st. A— HOTEL~GAZETTE, 26 Montgomery, r. 12. chambermaid; $25. HA1RDRESSING, manicuring, massage, hair work; removal of superfluous hair taught from A to Z in 2 weeks for $10; positions guaranteed; $10 to $20 per week; school day and eve. 233 Geary, r. 13; maids prepared. A— LADIES, learn all branches halrdresslng trade; manicuring, massage, etc.; 1236 Mar- I ket st.. cor. Jones, room 94: positions secured f at highest wages; day and eve. class; call. A — Girls to learn millinery now for fall season; both eeanons taught from start to finish In ons month for $10; positions aa trimmers, stales- ladies, etc.. guaranteed at $10 per week up; day and evening class. 143 Stockton Et.. r. 13. YOUNG lady assistant In Auditor's office; must be of neat appearance, quick and accurate at fgures, and have some knowledge of book- keeping; state salary expected.' Address Box IC4». Call office. ARTISTIC trimmer wanted for baby baskets; good references necessary. Apply between U and 10 a. m. I. MAGNIN-& CO., 43-53 Ellis nt. GOOD home for elderly woman to take care . of paralyzed lady; $12 month: call only after 6 p. m. for a week. 136 Colllngwood St., near ISth and Captro. HANDFINISHERS on ladles' wal-ts«. I. MAG- NIN & CO., 43 Ellis st. Call bet. 8:30 and l»:30 a. m. WOMAN wanted as cook at Pacific Hebrew Orpliansge. COO Devisadoro St.; goo3 wages. Apply between 10 and 12 a. m. WANTED — Refined German girl for upstairs work and sewing; references required. Apply in morning 2016 Pacific ave. WANTED — Girl to do plain cooking, help with housework and care of baby; $20 a month. o04 Made st., bet. Clay and Sacramento. GIRL to mind C-year-oM boy: sleep home. Call between 10 and 12, room 109, Hotel Granada, ¦ ' Butter and Hyde. WANTED — Girl to do general housework and assist with two small children; wages, $20. ; Call between 12 and 4, 1636 Waller at. A LADY of indomitable energy to make money and a convincing talker. F. PERSON, 477 and 478 Parrott building. . . A— HANDFINISHERS wanted to work In fac- tory. 650 Mission gt.. 3d: floor; take elevator. A — OPERATORS on ladles' underwear; good wages. : 656 Mission St.. 3d. floor. . •- A— GIRLS from 14 to 17 to sew bjTnand. 656 Mission st.. '3d floor: take elevator-. HELP WAHTSP— MALE-— Con. MURRAY. & READY. PHONE MAIN 5848. 634 and 636 Clay st. Leading Employment and Labor Agents. Office half block long; 14 clerks employed; by our own printing plant we publish a "FREE" Bulletin of Labor, containing every j position segregated under departments, ready for distribution 7 a. m.; also noon and even- Ing editions: GET ONE FREE. THIS IS WHAT MADE US FAMOUS. We know no distinction between Man and Man. -* YOU ARE ALL EQUAL. YOU ARE ALL WELCOME. 1902 WE GAVE 1903 WE'LL GIVE 45,000 MEN WORK. 60.C00 MEN WORK. ' WE SHIP YOU FREE TO ONE, FREE TO-DAY. FREE TO ALL. Ogden, Utah. All parts Nevada. Los Angeles County. Santa Barbara. Chatsworth Park. Hawaiian. Islands. Santa Suzana. * Oreson. San Fernando. Washington. Los Angeles County. Central America. Arizona. « . willlts. Uklah. And All Points North. East. South. Including Ogden, Utah. Carpenters and helpers, pile drivers, fence builders, drillers, single, double and machine men, corner and bench hands, muckers, chuck tenders, car dumpers, teamsters, la- borers, track men. cooks, waiters, black- smiths, etc.. $5. $4, ?3 50, $3, $2 Co. $2 day. Fre« Fare. Free Fare. Free Fare. Everybody talking. Thousands going. Are you? Are you? Are you? MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay St. 165 MEN OR BOYS. FRUIT PICKERS— 430 fd— FRUIT PICKERS Fare $1. Fee $1. Three months' jobs; picking, packing and drying. 365 laborers, teamsters, city and country jobs $2. $2 80 and $3 day. All classes of work; come see. 155 Italians. $2 25 day. You board yourselves. Steady Jobs. 26 laborers, free fare, 14 miles away. $42 . and found. - 26 laborers, you'll suit, factory, fare paid, $67 50. 155 coal miners, free fare, $3 to $5 day. 165 laborers, teamsters, Willlts, Uklab. free fare, $67 50. Do You Know — Free Fare — On every train we ship to S. P. Co.'s own work, on all divisions, laborers, extra gangs; also section hands. DIAMOND MATCH COMPANY. 156 teamsters and ax men. $75. 197 laborers and driller-. $75. 155 track layers, ballast track, $67 50. Cost you only $1: no discount: steady job. MINES, QUARRIES. TUNNELS. 155 laborers, you'll suit. $60. $75, found. 96 miners and tlmbermen. $90 found. 156 quarrymen. also drillers. $82 to $30. 96 carmen, furnace men $75. STABLES. FARMS. DAIRIES. HARVEST. 196 farm, orchard, vineyard hands, $30 to $45 found. 38 milkers, butter makers. $30. $35. $40 fd. 1C6 harvest hands, hay balers, $2 50, $3 day. 68 choremen, coachmen, gardeners, $30 to $50 and found. 16 stablemen, city and country, $30 to $45 fd. 86 men for brick yards. $35 to $80 found. MARRIED HELP WANTED. 12 men and wives, farms, orchards, mines, mills, $40 to $70 and found. MURRAY * READY. - 634 and 636 Clay st. WHERE ARE THEY? 86 lumber trusts and syndicates. Located In Four States. Managers here. Two Territories. FREE— FARE— FREE. 995 laborers, no experience wanted. $33 to $70 and found. 186 experienced mill and yard men. $40 to $150 and found. 383 woodsmen. $40 to $150 and found. 386 woedchoppers, tlemakers, shingle, post, picket and box bolt makers; tools and pro- visions found. BIG L MURRAY & READY. TRUSTS. 634 and 636 Clay st. A— COOKS— BIG PAY. COOKS. BIO PAY. COOKS. COOKS. 26 cooks fdV harvest and fruit ranches, hay presses, etc., $70, $60. $50, $40. $30 found; very few men to cook for: no women there. 4 cooks for different mines, $70, $05. $50, $40 and found. ' 46 cooks, hotels, restaurants, cafes, saloons, etc., $70 to $40 and found. WAITERS. 32 waiters, different places. Including c&fes, grills. $45 to $30 and found. 6 bell and elevator boys, city and country positions. $15 to $30 found. 9 porters and bedmakers, city and country positions. $45 to $20 found. 86 dishwashers, etc.. city and all parts of California, $40 to $25 found. 12 butchers, different jobs, $35 to $60 found. 6 bakers. 5 helpers, $35 to $50 found. 15 boys to learn trades and work In facto- ries, $*i to $12 week. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay at. MISCELLANEOUS. 35 carpenterfT new Job. fare $1, $90. 16 blacksmiths and helpers, located every- where. $90 to $45 found. Also 96 other different mechanics, come see. Pattern-maker, large sawmill, free fare. $120. MURRAY & READY. C34-636 Clay St. SPECIAL NOTICE. We want 8053 men not advertised for: come see. MURRAY & READY, 634-636 Clay st. CARPENTERS. FREE FARE. 36 CARPENTERS. Plain work, building sheds, barns, etc.; few tools will do. $90; steady, good job, north. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st. _ LOOK^ ~~ ~~ 4 carpenters, city job. $3 to $4 day; cook. Nevada, fare paid. $50. tinsmith, $3 day. city; young man work city laboratory, $30 and found. Trackman, care R. R. spurs. $3 day. Fireman traction engine, 30c fare, $40 found. Watchman, lumber company. $2 23 day; gardener. Institution. $35 and found. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 gay st. COATMAKER for country. REISS BROS. A CO.. 24 SutUr st. MAN to do janitor work for tuition in S. F. Barber School. 741A Howard st. ''.,*. SAILORS and ordinary seamen for Europe and •Australia. HERMAN'S. 26 Steuart st. 600 MEN to buy new and 2d-hand army shoes. 50c up; soling cheap. 923 Howard at., nr. 5th. PENSION atty. E. A. Bullls. room 40. Phelan bldg. Past Com. Geo. H.Thomas Post. G.A.R. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 Third St.. near Mar- ket — 700 rooms, 35c night: reading rooms; free 'bus and baggage to and from ferry. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 2200 Flllmore. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at lOOti Valencia st. ALL sizes men's shoes, slightly damaged, half price. 563 Mission St., bet. 1st and 2d sts*. GET your shoes half soled while waiting: 23c to 50c. 563 Mission St.. bet. 1st and 2d sts. HORSES AND WAGONS. ¦ »----»»--————-¦-¦- -——-'-'- - — -—¦ - - - - — -~^_ — _»_ ON account of going to build, entire stock of wagons, buggies and harness must be rold at sacrifice. Corner 15th and Valencia sts. 4 GOOD big ranch mares; combination buggy, $25; cart. $10; buggy, $12 50; waron, $25. 70 City Hall ave. "^ FOR sale — Handsome trap; cheap. Box 1050, Call office. GENTLE horse; will follow you; good home more than nrice. 473 Valencia st. 8 GOOD horses for sale cheap. 327 Sixth st. GOOD horse for sale, $45. 2091 San Bruno ave. 3 SHETLAND ponies, harness and carts In- cluded, fcr $125 each. 1504 Folsom st. ONE fine buggy, fruit wagon, cart. 1'd-hand: new laundry wagon, cheap. 828 Harrison st. Al EXPRESS wagon, light camping wagon and gocart for sale cheap. 532 Mission at. A WEEK'S news for 5 cents — The Weekly Call. %fj pages. In wrapper, for mailing. $1 per year. HOUSES TO LET. A— PRINTED list of houses to let: send for cir- cular. G. H. UMBSEN * CO.. 14 Montgomery. BEFORE moving get our printed list of houses to let. BALDWIN & HOWELL. 25 Pest st. HOUSES TO LET FURNISHED. A COMPLETELY furnished 2-story house; gar- den; back and front rooms all sunny; reason- able. Apply HOOKER & LENT. 10 Post st. A WELL furnished house, piano. S rooms; very sunny; fine location: 1375 Masonic ave. Apply MADISON & BURKE. 30 Montgomery st. A WEEK'S news for 8 cents— The Weekly Call. 18 pages. In wrapper, for mailing. $1 p«r year. LOST AND FOUN D. LOST — Monday, on Hayes, between Polk and Franklin, one pair of diamond earrings, a diamond stud and a breastpin in shape of clover leaf; were all tied In a handkerchief. Liberal reward at 103 Polk st. LOST— A pass book, with the Hlbernla Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, tin the name of THOMAS H. FITZGERALD. No. i 116-439; the finder will please return to bank. LOST— Ladles' gold watch; Initials P. A. on plain front: flowered design on back. Ad- dress W. B. A. Co.. 931 Market st.. and receive . reward. ¦ ¦ - . . ¦ . . - • - -¦ -¦ LOST — On Market 'st.-. between 2d and 7th, or on Haight'st. car, small watch and pin; re- turn STEINBERGER & KALISHER, 200 Sutter at., receive reward. ¦ 1 LOST AND FOPND Continued. LOST— Tuesday evening on Market st.. be- tween 10th and 3d sis., a ladies' gold watch and rope chain, with two monograms; liberal reward at 172t Market st. REWARD for return of dress suit case marked J V K left at corner Paare and Buchanan sts. " Return to Dramatic Review office. 2« Geary st. LOST— CoiTieTlog. yellow and white: liberal re- ward at 403 Montgomery St.. room 9. IT will pay to -Remember" that the California Watch Case Co.. 220 Sutter st.. needs old gold and silver to make new watch cases. iOrTSOTOIiET^ LOFT to lease — 63C Mission St.. NW. corner of Annie: light loft of 40OU square feet: pas- tenger and freight elevator service; wi:; leas* for a term; rent reasonable. SHAINWALD BUCKBEE & CO.. 218-220 Montgomery it.. Mills building. ! MILLINERY. Ladies' Imported & tailored hats Just in; call: prices low to start them goinsc: frames made to nt the face. MME. DOSCH. 207 Post st. MINES AND MINING. PRACTICAL and experienced mine superin- tendent wishes i-csition; good refirences. Box lfrlC. Call. ' FOR sale — Whole or part Interest In process for saving flour gold. Box 1040. Call. MISCELLANEOUS — FOR SALE. BOILERS, engines, 2d-hand machinery. McIN- TO3H A WOLPMAN. 185-197 Fremont »t. A GOOD reason to buy diamonds, watches and jewelry from us is that you need only pay a. small weekly payment on all purchases; all goods delivered on first payment. Call an<t examine our goods, even If you don't car* to buy. I-ICHTEN3TEIN BROS.. 25 Stockton. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with elaterite; In rolls easy to lay: needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles: best for new roofs. ELATERITE ROOFIXG CO.. 713 Market St. A — Fine suits $7 50; dress pacts. $2 50. Origi- nal Misfit Clothing Parlors. 238 Kearny St.. near Bush; open to 9 p. m. Sunday to noon. A— S3 50 DERBY and fedora hats. $1 73. Pop- ular Price Hatters. 330 Kearny St.. near Pine; open till » p. m. Sunday to noon. A — BUYS, sells, or rents gear machinery, en- gines, boilers, water pipe, shafting, pulleys. etc. WH1TELAW. 253-255 Spear St. SECOND machinery, boilers, engines, pumps* wood and iron working machinery, bought, sold and rented. H.S.WHITE.13O-132 Beale. TRY our men's shoes at $1 and $1 50 pair: foot-form shoes at $2 50; we pay express charges II 3d st.. Exam, bld'g.: catalog free. GAS and gasoline engines, new and second- hand; all sizes. E. B. BECK & CO.. 123 Market st. TICKETS, whole and half fare, to St. Paul. Minn. Evenings. 507 Golden Gate ave. TWO 50-gallon copper caldrons. 1760 Union street. AUTOMOBILE— Olds ; 1303 pattern; Al condl- tion; used 6 weeks; $525. Apply 203 Larkin. MOVING pictures, magic lantema. sale, rental; bargains. Bullard & Breck. 131 Post st. MILES of pipe and fittings; all sizes. EU- GENE RILEY & SONS. 109 Vallejo at. MOVING picture film and song slides. 109 Montgomery st. . SAFES— New and second-hand. E. B. BECK & CO.. 122 Market st. ________ All bargains ;camp stools and chairs, hammocks, metal beds, mattresses. J.F.Hotter. 712 Mission. Edison phonographs, records, supplies, moving ' picture machines, films. Baclgalupl. 033 Mkt. GASOLINE automobiles and launches. all sizes. J. E. DOAK. 46 Fremont st. SAFES — New and second-hand. THE HER- MANN SAFE CO.. 417-423 Sacramento st. ASK for prices on second-hand typewriters; a!l • makes. ALEXANDER & CO.. IIP Mcntg'y. A WEEK'S news for 5 cent*— The Weekly Cal!. 1rt paew. In w— «tjpw. for manttifr. »"1 t>er v«ir. MISCELLANEOUS AVANTS. WANTED — To buy a busheling shop; must b« a bargain. Box 3324. Call office. T1LTON waats good second-hand clothing and theatrical goorig. 154 nth -t. : tel. .Te-»ie 2SH1. MONEY TO LOAN. AAA— HERMAN MURPHY 801-902-603 Examiner building. Quick settlements; no disappointment, gave expenses by dealing directly. Estates, second mortgages, undivided Inter- ests, assignments of rents, property In trust. etc.; legacies, life estates and undivided In- terests In property purchased. Courteous treatment. Strictly confidential. When You Need Money See HERMAN MURPHY. HIGHLY respectable private place to obtata liberal advances on diamonds. Jewelry, at lowest rates. Baldwin Jewelry Store. 844 Market st. : tel. Main 1644 19 Third. __ ¦ MONEY loaned to salaried people, retail mer- chants, tearasters, boarding-houses, without security; easy payments; largest business la 46 principal cities. Tolman. 533 Parrott bldg. A— 1 per cent on furniture or plano:so removal; do commission; no' publicity; $23 up; quick, quiet, confidential. 26 Montgomery St.. r. 7. MUNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE. 1C3 Grant a**.. LOANS FROM $1 TO $10.000. AT cut rates on real estate, furniture or piano; no commission. E. W. LICK. 1003 Mutual E»f. Bk. bid.. 708 Market; phone Main Slfl. 8. F. DISCOUNT AGENCY— Loans to salaried] people on their not*. The TOUSLET CO 143 Phelan bldg. MONEY to loan on low Interest: gold, silver, diamonds, pearls and precious stones bought at W. J. HESTHAL'S. 10 Sixth st. MONEY loaned to salaried employes. O. W. MILLER, room 74. fifth floor. Chronicle bldg.* ONE per cent on furniture: $3 a month on eacH $1000; any security. 302 Montgomery, room Id. 8% ON furniture A pianos; $15 up: no removal; V. TREMAIN. room 81. 6 Eddy St.. floor 4. ALL loans on diamonds and jewelry 2 per ceat mo. 8. F. Collateral Loan Bank. 933 Kearny. STAR Loaa Co. of Wyoming loans money to salaried employes. R. 311. Mutual Sav.Bk bid. CASH loaned salaried people on notes without Indorser. MORRELL. 609 Examiner bid. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. AMONG OUR BARGAINS ARE: 3 Chlckerlngs $130. J133. $233 1 Ftlsher; upright $&f 1 Jewett; mahogany; new list) 1 Schaffer; .mahogany; new ilSS 2 Emerson $183. $215 2 Stelnway .|lM. $213 3 Heine $233 to $3U5 23 squares 113 to $170 1 organ* $10 to $7S Rents $2 up allowed on purchase; install- ments $4 up; ' piano players from $90 up: new piano- from $117 up. HEINE PIANO CO., 2X3-237 Geary St.. agents for the Gal>- l«r. Krell. Steger. etc A SMALL wa'.nut Emerson uptight, absolutely like new. $133. 237 Geary st. STEINWAY upright, left by private party. $163; a great bargain. 237 Geary st. A FEW upright bargains from $70 up, compris- ing such makes, as Chickerlng. Jacobaon. Vose Sterling. Knabe. Fischer, richweenten. Weser. Schuman and others: easy payments. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON. 16 O'Farrell St.; ao branches In San Francisco. BAUME1STER stands for all that Is good in piano manufacture; also you can buy It for a reasonable amount cf money. THE ZENO MAUVAIS MUSIC CO.. 769 Market st. All pianos on easy payments. G A R VISITORS — Free Cecilian Piano Player concert* daily at BISON MAUZY' ». All are welcome. SOS Post st. BAND instruments: F. Besson. Paris, maker. Gus Malwald. Agt. Pac. Coast. 273 O'Farre'l; fklllrul repairing: 2d-hand instruments sold. THE bis piano sale at BYRON MAUZY'S Is * grand chance to purchas* a piano cheap. 3<V» Pout st^ ' UN'FOKSEEN circumstances cause sacrifice of first-class 3-pedal upright piano. 35S Golden Gate ave. BARG \IN— Standard make upright; good con- dltlon. SCHMITZ A CO.. 18 McAllister st. Unredeemed storase piar.os and Itrnlture dirt cheap.'s Storage. 1636 Market. A GRAND rusn at BYRON MAIZT'8 sale of planoa; uprights. $50 up; squares. $2O up. 308 Post st. CALL at BYRON MACZYS Piano House ani get prices on piano* which will pleaaa you. SOS Post st. BEAUTIFUL 3-pedal Stetnway upright pUno; perfect order: -acrtflce. Kecge's.2S5 O* Fa rrelL £jY direct from the factory and save 5O per cent. HORNUNG. 218 McAllister St. KOHLUR & CHASE, 30 O'Farrell St.; largest and oldest piano house. BEST renting piano In city for $:s p-r monrV SCOTT-CURTAZ PIANO CO.. SCO H a °es ,t KOHMER. Byron Mauzy ptanoa. Cecilian pUno player. BYROX MAUZY. 30H-312 Po«t Su S H?t E t R t X £S vlo " na - *"hers. old and new. H." MLLLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. A WEEK'S newi for 3 cents— The Weekly CalL ie pages, la wrapper, for malltas. $1 per w. For her skill and her rig this fair maid took first prize At the Blingum horse show— and we're telling no lies When we say through The Call you such turnouts may find, *»> From the prancer In front to the tisrer behind. If first prizes you'd win In the business of life, From the choice of a horse to the choice of a wife, Our ad columns consult, for there each day you see * What will bring you success wheresoe'er you may be. -•'¦.-