Newspaper Page Text
last , street Is now located.-v.W 40, 9 100.33 NE 40:2, N 96.30, .portions lots 3 and 4, block T, amended map NewbUry Tract,' in 'plat 51, etc.. Berkeley; $10. '¦ * .*..,: . , Richard and Maria Leavers to John Leavers, lot on S line of East street, 228.2i from East Central avenue, E 37:9 by S 111, portion lot 10, Fruitrale ;; Homestead-'- Association Tract,' Brooklyn Township: gift. ¦.- Christ "A. andi Margaretha Wlebcn to Nels P. and Anna Johnson, lot on N line of Put nam street, - 75 E of Bassett, E 37:6 by N 105, lot 12 and portion lot 13, block. 771, «map resubdlvlslon block 771, Levy , Trait; Tpwnshlp; $10.- ,• ¦ • • . - , . Caleb and Viola P. Jewett to Lucy D White (wife of C. JE.). lot 40. map Forest Park Tract. Brooklyn Township; .$10. .' ••"; .Frederick and- Anna : C. Bammannrto J. H. Young, *• lot on *»W Hne of > Fifth »tre«t ' : 250 N. of Halght : aveniie, W * 160, . S • 115,' W 320, N 185,* E 480, 8 70/ block 22.1, Alameda; $10. Miss Jessie B. Dodge tb Elizabeth B. Dodge, lot ofs*NE ; corner -of; Alameda avenue and Chestnift street. ;E. 200 by N -150, -lots. 1 to 4, blolk A; -lands adjacent to Kntinal. Alameda; »10.r ¦-; -.-„;- -_.; ., :-: - ' : - .... -, ,. '• . Mabel -LV-.-and George A. - Innes - to • same, same. 5 Alaraeda;" $10. / ¦ • ' , Blushing is not an. art, neither is it a sign of ill-breeding, as some unkind.peo ple maintain. The fact is, it is just as natural for some persons to. blush as it is for others to turn pale. The same laws of nature which govern the one rule gov ern the other. The capillaries, or small blood vessels which connect the arteries and veins of the body, form, particularly over the cheeks, a network so fine that it is necessary to employ a microscope to distinguish : them. Ordlnatily the blood passes through these vessels In normal quantities, leaving only the natural' com plexion. But when some sudden emotion take.s possession of -the heart its action increases and an electric thrill Instantly leaps to the- cheeks. The thrill is nothing more than the rush of blood through* the invisible capillaries just beneath the del icate transparent surface of the skin. The causes that bring about this condi tion in the circulating system are called mental stimuli. They consist of joy, an ger, shame and many other emotions. ' Sudden \horror, remorse or fear, on the contrary the nerves which con trol the blood vessels, and' the face be comes white. I Blushing and pallor result from the Budden action of the mind on the ¦ nervosu system. " So If the mind be forewarned and prepared " for emotions, both habits can at least be partially over come. But when the nervous system la highly strung It would be a lifelong. It not a futile task to endeavor to effect a perfect cure. It is the. sensitive, nervous girl wtfo blushes easily, while the ¦ girl stolid by nature, or who by conventional education has her nerves under perfect control, seldom ¦ blushes.— St. James Ga zette. V ( ;-:'; ' '.;•- : . : . ¦- : : \ ¦", . ¦ -¦¦•.; ."Art-V A Showing of How Little the Doctors Know About the Ancient <I " THE .^lAIDENLY BLUSH " \; O- 1^ liATTEB OF PLAIN FBOSE TATOOSH— Passed Inward Aug 19— Stmr Montara. hence Aug 16 for . Seattle. COOS -BAY — Arrived Aug 1J>— Schr Jas A Garneld/ from San Pedro. ABERDEEN— Arrived AUg 19— 6ehr Sailor Boy. hence July. 30; schr Cecilia Sudden, from San Pedro; schr Fannie Adele. hence July 21; schr 'Jas H Bruce, hence Aug 1: schr W J Pat terson, from San Pedro: schr Fred E Sanders, from San Pedro; »schr William Bowden, hence Aug 8. • . Sailed Aug 19^-Stmr Newburg, for San Fran cisco. \ . ¦ • ,.- - . SAILED.-^ ,- : - Wednesday. August 19. Stmr Del Norte. Green, Crescent City. DOMESTIC PORTS. Late Shipping Intelligence. . AV*dnesday, August 19. Ship. Star. of Russia. Lindberg. 20 days from Karluk.- ¦ • - - - . OAKLAND, Aug. 19.— Despondent be cause of, hja falling eyesight, Ul Hecht, a native of Germany 45 years of age, liv ing at 529 San Pablo avenue, committed suicide to-night by shooting himself In the head. The dead man lelt two let ters, one directed to his sister, Mrs. Levy, and the other to his brother, H. Hecht. who lives in New York. Both letters were In German and . gave as the cause of his deed that he was going blind and was tired of living. ' ' , Failing Eyesight Causes Suicide. Same to Richard E. Queen.' undl\*'.ed half interest In lots 3 to 13, block 2091. Map of Ceni trar Oakland Tract. Oakland; -$10. - • * J.*;H, and Agnes A. 1 Simpson* to" Richard 'P. M Gardiner -lot. on N line of Brockhurst street; 345.65 W of" -Grove. W 30 by N 100. r block F, map • of ' remaining property ¦ of Central Land Company, blocks F and G. Oakland; $10. : ': ¦. '.' John' H- and- Carrie C. Bills to ¦ Joseph ;E. Greaney (single).; lot on SW- corner of Thirty fourth and Grove streets. -\V 117.10., S S8.19, E 11(1.56 N 25," Oakland; $10. - : Murray ; Laldlaw - to Frank' Laldlaw,', lot* on E line of Ettle- street, 600 , S.of Thlrty-escond, E 116 S 112, more or ; less,. W 142 :+, N 38 , to • beginning - lot- 1;, block '-O^ Peralta Homestead, Oaktand; warranty deed; $5. ' ,. ,,¦,»' • Edward an J ¦ Adeline • .Kaeser . to ¦ Lloyd "- C. Eartness '" lot -on *N.> corner' -of East Tenth street arid • Fifth '¦ avenue, NE ¦; 50 ty '¦ NW 115, block 22,^ Clinton. East Oakland; $10.-; ¦ " John W and; Susan Floud to R. ¦• A;- Berry t lot ' on ; S line - of ' Alvord street, . 240 \W of Dwlnelie, W 40 byS 132:6, lot 4. block; 3, Case : Tract, 'Berkeley; ¦ $10.- • ¦ ' '¦ :- ¦¦¦':•-.*> •-. Edward D." and- Hele^ Harmon to Peter Mad sen., lot on S line * of Woolsey* (Kent) 1 street/ 130 .'W'-of ;T/emont," paid: point being distant 129:2 ; W frdra , W line" of Tremont, as * said ' ¦ Richard ' J." Montgomery (single) to r Ellen Montgomery (widow), lots 20 to 39.. block 2001. same Oakland ; also lots 38 to 40. block 2081. same,- Oakland; also lots 1 to 5.-7 to 11;-- black 2081,- same Oakland; quitclaim deed: $10/ . Mary I C. 3 John . J.'; James P.' and Richard J. Montgomery (and a3 attorney), . Margaret and Jane Montgomery to Ellen Montgomery (widow), kkt on NW corner of Forty-second street and Telegraph avenue. W 409.80 SCO, E 425.03. N 60 being portion of land covered by Forty- second street. Map No. 2 Montgomery Tract, Oakland ; also. deed made to. convey fee title of all original owners to land covered by Bald portion, of Forty-second street not included In deed to'R J. Montgomery. 725 D, 422; quit claim deed j $10. • •-• • ¦ V ; Ellen Montgomery (widow), to Richard J. Montgomery, (single), lots 1 to 19. block 2011, Map of Central Oakland \Tract, Oakland; also lots 1. to 37, '47 to 4«, block 20»O, same. Oak land; also lot 6, block. 2081. same. Oakland; quitclaim deed: $10/: \ - » , Samuef Solomon ¦ (single) to H. D. Brown (single), lots 82 and 8.1, Drexler Tract, Oak land, quitclaim deed;. $10.- • . . Same to F.M. = Smith, same. Oakland- $10. F. M. and Mary R. Smith to Realty Syndi cate . (corporation), same,- Oakland; $10. Fred and. James Chrlstensen tc Cecilia Bryan, -lot on W line of Adeline street 1OC-C N of Third, N 25 by W 12S:3. lof 42, block 477. Brlgss Tract, Oakland: gift. - Matilda Lundqulst (wife of E.) to Christina Palmer (wife of AdolpTi P.). lot tin S line of Eighteenth street, 155 W of Cypress, W 37:6 by 104:9, lot . 11 and portion- of lot 10, block t)03, A. Bagce Tract; Oakland ;' gift. .Hamilton H. -and Margaret 'T. Plant to N. Castle lots 1 and 2. block C, Parson'* Golden Gate Tract,' Oakland: $10. V» ' ', - , . •- Wellington Jr. and Leonie Gregg, to" Charles R. Hatrquist, lot on. W: line of Linden street, I>0 : S of Railroad avenue or Seventh street; S 25 by W 132, block 480, Boardman map, Oak land; $10. Thomas Hill to Carrie L. Partridge (widow), lot on N. corner of Webster street or Piedmont avenue and Howard street. NE'100 by NW 125, lot' fl. block 7, Plan Howe Tract, Oak land; $10: . ¦ George W. aRd Mary J. Keeler to Almarion L. and Mary Keeler, lot on S line of Thirty second; street,' 315 W of Grove, W 5d . by S 140, lot 12, block 2037, Rowland Tract, Oak land;, elf t.- . ','¦' Joseph and Margaret Davis to - .Tames Gor don, lot on SE corner of Bancroft way and Tremont street. E 34.14, S 130, W. 43.89, N 1.10.39, 5 lot 25. block 1, map ; Barker Tract; portion 'plat 68. Berkeley; $10. . • ¦.- ; Alameda County. Margaret and Ludwijr Kirshbaum to Oscar Heyman, lot 23. block C, Pajk Lane Tract; $10. 'Oscar Herman to Margaret Moore, same: $10, Joseph and Dora Chabati tct Anna D. Joost, lot 13,.block'2.-Lakevlew; $10.- -,.-- ¦ ¦ Estate of Margaret Moi-daunt (by executor) to F. C. Clark. lot 49. block V, Park Lane Tract 2; also lot 31; block 5, Holly Park; $50. Robert Giles to Marietta Welch (wife of L. J.). lot on SW line Of Eighth avenue, 150 NW of M street. NW 50 by SW 100, block 166, Cen tral Park Homestead; gift. ¦¦ ' . . , Herman and Clara Klepen to Mary Coleman, lot on N line of Sadowa avenue, 100 E -of Ply mouth street, E 27 by N- 125, lot 5, block H, Railroad Homeetenrl; ?10. . Hlbernia Savings and Loan Society to James Brennan. lot on SE corner of Rlpley place and Folsom street. S 30 by E 116; $410. Same to James J. Donovan, lot on K line -of Folsom street, 30 SofNRlpley place, S 125 by E 115. r. V. lands; $1300. Annahella McMillan to Edward D. Swift, lot on W Uh« df Stefner street, 125 N of Sutter, N 25 by W llOj $10. '! , . .-. California Safe Deposit and Trust Company to William J. Gunn. lot on tt line of Green street. 58:1% E of Devlsadero. E 43 by N 105; . - Samuel W and Margaret P." " Cowles to Charles M. Belshaw. tot on W line of Broder lck street 75 N of Oak, N 25 by. W ICO; $10. Hlbernia Savings and Loan Society to Kate E. Sloper. lot on N line of Twenty-first street, 185 W.of Noe W 25 by N 114; $1000. ' Martin F. Fragley to John 1 McGrath. lot on W line of. Hampshire street. 171 N- of .Twenty-, fifth. N ICO by W 100; $10. ' Teresa A. Farran to Benjamin Healey, lot on: S line of Twenty-Seventh street.- SO w of. San-, chez W 25 by 8 U4; $10. •" - Benjamin Healey to James Clarke, same; $10; Andrew B. and Jennie G..Knox to Jane Noo nan. lot on W. line of Castro street. 89 S of Twenty-fifth.. 8 25 by W 80; $10. ¦ • - F' M and Katherlna Freund to John M. Manning lot on N line of Twenty-sixth streei. 80 \V of Diamond. W 80 by N 114; $10 ' Mllo J Glllett. Oeorge \V. Dennis, Josephine D Crofu't Henry I Kowalsky (and as trustee) and Walter J. and Clara Tuska to'Jose COata.' lot on S line of Ellin street. 38:6 of Glas gow W 36:6 by 8 80:6; $10. Edward A. Belcher to J. Costa, same; quit claim deed; $10. . ,. Martin Kelly to same, same; quitclaim deed; Josephine D.^and ; George R. Crofut to Jose Costa, same; quitclaim deed;-—. , . Mary A. McDonald to California Title In surance and Trust Company, lot on MV line of Jessie street. 150 SW of. Fourth. SW 25. by NW Mary" E. Priest to John and MarlaAMonte verdl, lot on NE line of. Geneva streeSFl50 SE of Brannan, SE-25 by NE 100; $10. Charlea H. and Agnes A. Breslln to Char lotte 8.. Weir, lot on W tine of Third avenue, 225 S of Lake street; S 25. by W 120; $10. }• . • Oscar Heyman to Frederick W. Foley, lot on S line of California street. 107:0 W of Fourth avenue. W 25- by B 1C0; $10. »- Jacob and Llnft Heymftn to James M. Cor dray, re-record 1020 D. 24«. lot on- E line of Thirty-eighth avenue. 125 N of R street, N 25 by E ISO: $10. :. Jacob Heyman Company (corporation) to same, lot on N line Of U street, 67:0 W of Fortyfourth avenue, W 25 by N 1£>Q, to correct 1875 D. 2t ; 8: $10. ..-. , ¦ '¦ • • " BEAL ESTATE TBANSACTIONS. Councilman Howard and Fitzgerald re quested that a statement be prepared for the future . use of the Council touching the assessments. Councilman .Wallace, in making the mo tion to deny the application, said he did so because of the City Attorney/a opinion and because the. company was doing all of Its business in this city, jle considered the assessment of $300 on Its franchise in San Francisco, to ,be a subterfuge. The water company's application to have an assessment of $147,000 on solvent credits was granted, on the ground thai the figure represented the amount in liti gation over water bills. An Item of $16, 650, money in bank, was also stricken from the » rolls. ' The assessment on the West Oakland railroad yards was reduced from $250,000 to $200,000 on real estate and from $50,000 to $40,000 on improvements. On Central Pacific property at the . foot of Broadway the assessment on real. estate was re duced from $158,000 to $100,000, and on im provements from $75,000 to $50,000. ; sessment of ; $50,000 on the block signal system, was reduced to ?7BQ0. ( An assess ment of $25,000 on one-half pf a franchise on. the freight ferry : was' reduced to- $5, but a like aasesmenfc on the, harbor ferry system, with . terminus at the i foot of Broadway, was not touched. • Division Superintendent W. . S. Palmer appeared for the railroad, company. Dur ing the discussion to-night Mr. Palmer contended that the bulk of the property along the water front other than that owned by the railroad company was as sessed at one-half and, In some cases, an eighth as much as the company's hold ings. The City Council to-night, sitting as a Board of Equalization, denied tha appli catlpn of tho Contra Costa 'Water Com pany to have the assessment of J1.05O.00O on its franchises in the city of Oakland cat off the rolls. This- action was taken on an opinion filed by City Attorney Mc- Elroy, who. said: •The right to exist as a corporation 13 a franchise. The right to collect rates or compensation for the use of water l»y vir tue of the constitution is. also a franchiso and cannot be exercised except by author ity of and in the manner prescribed by law. The manner prescribed by law is set forth in article XIV, section 1, and by reason of the action of the legislative body of this city, namely, Ita Council, an ordinance was passed fixing water rates. In my opinion the Contra Costa "Water Company exercises a franchise in the city of Oakland by reason of said legislative act of said Council, authorized by the constitution of the. State of California, and said franchise is assessable by the Assessor of the city of Oakland. Cal." Oakland Office SJan Francisco Call. . ' 1118 Broadway. Aug. 19. Contra Costa Water Com pany's Petition for Reduc-' tion Denied. Council Holds to Its driginai Valuation of Franchise. REFUSES TO CUT ITS ASSESSMENT THE SAN FR AKCISCO a G ALIv ? THC R SD AYv A UGUST 20, 1903. 15 • HEAL ESTATES- WANTED. . "WANTED— To lease (furnished) a good paying stock and grain ranch for a term of years. with the privilege of buying. Box 1036. Call. _, ROOMS^FO REHOUSE WEEPWG/^ CAPP, C34, near Twenty-firBt-^Furolshed house, keeplrg rooms; very desirable-. . ' EDDY, 207 — Front housekeeping and single rooms for families; no transient; unsurpassed cleanliness. . . ' ,'. „ .; HERBERT --(The) — Sunny apartments '¦ for housekeeping;' gas ranges; Just newly fur- nished.' > 1530 Polk -st.', -,->•> ¦ ¦ .-; :¦':. ¦)¦ JESSIE. 333 — Bunny front- room, furnished housekpg., • ?12 ; - other room <10; : gas ranges. STOCKTON. 120«— Model house; nicely fur- nished;$5-$12; tront; phone, gas, bath, sunny. TWENTY-THIRD, 3720, near Dolor.?«-<3 -Sunny bay-window rooms; nice, neat, complete. UNION. 1844 — 2 or 3 sunny front rooms for light housekeeping; gas range, water. VALLEJO. 1010 (Russian Hill) — I rooms, part- ly furn; two people; rent $32 50; marine view. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 2200 FlUmnm. A BRANCH' office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established et 109S Valencia st. . -. HOTELS ASP BOABDINO-HOUBES. ~" "THE PRINCETON?" (EUROPEAN PLAN.) Superbly furnished and the only high-grade residence hotel In the city which Is. operated on the European plan. /Located at No. 710 JONES ST.. bet. SUTTER and. POST STS., and reached by three street car lines. One hundred rooms, mostly arranged en suite, with bath. Electric lights, steam heat, long distance telephone In every suite;' billiard and smoking rooms and a magnificent grill, room. Rates are very reasonable. APABTMEWTS TO LET. "EL MONTEREY," the city's newest apart- ment hotel, located on the north side of Pine St.. between Hyde and Leavenworth; a cuperb brick building of Spanish architec- ture; all the comforts of housekeeping com- bined with the conveniences of hotel life; for $30 per month you can secure here an unfur- nished 3-room apartment, consisting of large living-room with gas grate and mantel, bed- room with bay-window and closet; kitchen equipped with gas range, built-in china closet and hot and cold water; bathroom with toilet and porcelain tub (hot end cold water); this price also includes Janitor ser- vice night and day and night and day ele- vator service; only ten minutes' walk from Powell and Market; see these apartment! to-day. -_;.; BEAUTIFUL Haddcn Hall, 031 Eddy" St.,, 4 bet. Franklin and Gough; a few high-grade fur- nished and ' unfurnished apartments now to be had; 4 rooms and bath; kitchens unusual- ly large and have g&o ranges; telephone In each apartment; gas and electric light; steam and gas heat; watchman on duty all night; elevator service day and nleht: ref. required. ROOMS TO LET— Porn, and Unfarn. AA — City Room Renting Agency, 1104- Market et.. cor. Turk and Market ets.. Rooms 3 and 4. Phone Jessie 4471.- •. FREE. . • FREE. We locate you free of charge In Rooms with or without board, 1 Housekeeping Rooms or Hotels. A— BRUNSWICK House. 148 Sixth— Rooms . 25c to SI per night. $1 20 to $a per week, and light, housekeeping rooms; open all night. AT f The Almonte," 873 Marked st. (or No. 1 Fifth st.)— Rooms, 25c. 50c, $1, $1 60 night; fl 50 to $10 week; house open all night. ANTLERS. 415 Turk et.— Strictly modern: 4-5 room apartments; fur. or unfur. for hskpg. BURNETT. 1426 Market— (old No. 1384)— Fur' clshed rooms, suites, single: also unfurnished. CLIFFORD. 204 Ellis, cor. Mason— Elegantly furnished sunry rooms; prices reasonable. . FILLMORE, 1720 — Large sunny furnished room for lor 2 rentlemen; bath. GILLESPIE House. 119 Ninth st.— Nicely fur- niehed rocms. 50c to $1 per day; phone; quiet. GRAND Southern, 7th and Mission— Rooms 50c to $1 CO night; $2 ta $3 week; reading-room. HAYES' 857 — Elegant newly furnished parlors and bedrooms r bath; phone.' - - .. • - ". ...HOTEL GRAYSTONE. 06 Geary st:;- phone Bus:i S80. Centrally located fireproof hotel; elegantly furnished suites, with baths and singles. O'FARRELL, 20— Sunny furnished rooms and offices: elevator; elec. lghts: darv-week, mo. SW. CORNER Sixth and Howard — 200 rooms at 15c, 25c and 50c per night; from $1, $2, $4 a week; open all night. UNITED STATES, 123 Eddy tt.. near'Market — 400 single and family rooms; 35o to $1 night: SI 75 to $0 week; elevator; electric lights: reading-room: free bus and baggage. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 3d St.. near Market- Most convenient and respectable; 700 rooms; 85c to $1 SO night; $2 to $8 week: elevator; elec. lights; reading-room; free bus; baggage. CLASSIFIED advertisement* and subscriptions, received at Call branch office. 2200 Fillmore. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1098 Valencia st. _"-¦ ROOMS AXD BOARD. * "THE PRINCETON." (EUROPEAN PLAN.) Superbly furnished and the only high-grad» residence hotel In the city which Is operated on the European plan. Located at No. 710 JONES ST., bet. SUTTER and POST STS., and reached by three street car lines. One hundred rooms, mostly arranged en suite, with bath. Electric lights, . steam heat, long distance telephone In every suite; billiard . and smoking rooms and a magnificent grill i room. • Rates are very reasonable. AMOY, THE 901 DEVISADERO ST. *¦ Strictly first-claps family hotel; sunny rooms, suite or single: billiards; steam heat. ' ¦HAIGHT, 214 — 2 large sunny 10 ,ms; hot and cold water; private family; with or without board; phone Fe'l 2383. OLD Stevenson Mansion, opp. Grace Church 5 with annex. S07 California st. — Attractive tn- terlor: exceptional table: free bl!liard-room. A WEEK'S news for B cents— The Weekly Call Ifl pages. In wrapper, for mailing. *1 per year'. ROOMS WANTED. ~ j UNFURNISHED room; easy walkln^distance i of Affiliated Colleges; state price. .Box 33SS i ¦ Call office. - . '. j WANTED — 2 unfurnished sunny rooms- 1 ! front; by man and wife; north of Market;! state price. < Box 1041. Call office. ; STCTTEIUXG AXD STAMMEHIXO. MELBOURNE System School. Van Ness and Market: Positive cure for all. Don't delay. " ¦ MARRIAGE LICENSES. *fhe following marriage licenses were issued yesterday : , , ¦ . . Clementh L. Glrard. 21, 1032 Clay street, and Camille M.. Conklin, 18, 2324A Mission street; Henry Jurs, 52, -4,'t Third street, and Hannah L. Wristen. 42, 43 Third street. Irving T.- Nixon, 27, 510 Fulton, street, and Ethel M.Garrett, 2a, 510 Fulton street. ¦ Paul • L. Spottiswood, 21,' 2010 Eddy street, and Margaret V. McGovern, 18, 147 Cook st. Jacob Vanderlln, 20, 549 Howard street, and Amalla' Finstrom, 24, 549 Howard stregt. \ . Moody Pound, 24, Prince Edward Island, and Esther Abbott, 22, Prince Edward Island. Edmond S. Lee, 21, 448 Eddy street, and Lilian Mahon, 18, 240 Dolores street. Elmer C. Jennings, 24, 130 McAllister street* and Elizabeth Boyd, 18, 630 San Bruno avenue. Clement Furrer, 29, 119 Albion avenue, and Karollna Wurech. 24, 3116 Sixteenth, street. . Andrew Dahl. 28. city,, and Hildah Ander- son, 29, city. -- • Sidney A. Johnston, 31, 332 Eighth avenue, and Effle I. E. Banfleld, 17. -318 Eleventh ave. Waller S. Davis. 46. Santa : Rosa, and Nan M. Orr. 26, city. * Harry Roeenblum. 31,- 803 Leavenworth street, and Beckle Asher, 18, 1858 Geary street. Frank Dale, 43. Denver, Colo., and Margaret Smith, 26, 58 Webster street. Charles Klnzel. 20, 3709 Washington street, and Josle A. IJoysen, 22, 1018 Folsom street. Emli Kaufmann. 33. 524 Castro street, and Mary Barrett, 28, 141 Linden avenue.. -\ .. Ludwlg Hildebrand, -30. 351A Minna street, and Meta Blohme, 30, 351 A Minna street. • - , Johii/F. O'Brien. 28. Salt Lake City, Utah; and Elolse Shoebridge. 24. Salt Lake City. ; BiBTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS ¦ Birth, ' marriage and death . notices Bent by mall will not be inserted. They must be handed In at either, of the publication offices ami be indorsed with the name and residence of per- sons authorised to have the same published. born.; KRAUSS— In Honolulu, August 4, 1003. to the . wife of F. G. Krauss (formerly Hllmer)/ a daughter.' ¦'...• NAUNTON— In this cjty, August 18, 1903, to the wife of Richard 'H. NaUnton, a son. ROSSI— In ¦ this city, August 13, 1903. to the wife of Angelo J. Rossi, a, daughter. . . STRONG— In : this city, August 17, 1903.- to the •wlfe'of 'Henry : Strong,' a son.' ' -.. »¦ . •':"=.', ";-,.'¦ : ; .MABRlteD. •.' .. . ;^>';; DAVIS— tUND^-In this' city, AugusV 18,'l903.' j by the- Rev- Dr.-.E. Nelander. pastor >of the -First English Lutheran .Church,, Burt Lincoln •' Davis and Camilla Corln Lund, both, of this I city, ¦-:>;•-. •.;:¦- '--¦/: v; •? -v .'-•¦.' SAMPSON— OLDHAM— In this city, August MEDICAL* I MRS- DR. WTETH. specialist for all femala j compatints: instant relief guaranteed: 30 > ears' fxperlcncg, 728 Poet St.. near Jones. 1IRS V L-R. KOHL, reliable specialist for all fe- m*.e troubles and Irregularities; instant re- •jlef guaranteed. lOO&y^ Market St.. opp. 5th. YALPEAU'S female pills; best regulating pills sold; price $2 50 by express. Pasteur's syringe und tablets; price. $2 50. By express on!y on receipt pf price. OSGOOD BROTHERS. wholesaie druggists. Seventh and Broadway. Oakland. PH. G. W O'DONNELL— All who are sick or la trouble consult this tpeclalut on female j ccmplaista; positively corrected; the unfor- 1 vur.ate helped; the most difficult cases treat- <d; acvlc? free. Office. 101S Market ft. T> ALLEN, 1318 Market-^-lteUablp ladies' • specialist; a private home before and during 1 ¦ ¦(¦Efinteunt; best medical care; low fees. A rr.att>mlty villa: private; secluded; conSden- J tlal. Dr. E. Funke. 141B Eighth st.. Alatneda. j Prs Goodwin. 733 Turk nr. Vcn Ness— Expert in obstetrics. ?eraa.!f> comp. ;25 yrs.experterce. DR an3 MRS DAVIETanTllINnrlo HERBS: oririnal method of treatment. 11-'! Market st. PR. rtOSEN moved to 2»35 Foisora «t.. cor. aatfc: relief $J0 : Udies" exclusive office. Vn NCI TOY KEE. 319 Powell rt.. opposite T'r.ion square; all* diseases <-ur»d herbs. OFFICES AXU STOKES _TO LET. I KM. 1 , SPRECKELS bui'idins. Market St.— . Offict to let; rent $15; lijtht. h-at. lar.ttor aad \ telephone. ASHTOS & OAKUINKlt. j FOR RENT— lTL\l of rtoTTiSxUS CeetJ all the- basement; 115 Davis pt. Ca!l Los Angclee , P<.»ap Co., 124 Market st. ! 6ANSOME~712*nrar Jackson— Handsome large store to let : r^nt $25. rCItSOXALS. _ A CaAPHOPBONE Jrce wiU. two dozen reo- cr<i^ i!ake your friends a present. Talking machines and records ex a:i makes ex- chare.d Ve are manufacturing headquar- ters and our guarantee means something. COLCilJ-IA PBOXOG5APH CO.. 1^5 Oeary tt.. S. K-. and 4O Thirteenth St.. Oakland. ¦* A _KMIAL ULES11SHBS REMOVED. . V. ririkieis >« How and Cabby ekin. birthmarks, frr.illpcx pitlir-rs and e<-*rs seienUSca'.ly re- r.-.cved without cuttir^, maEsags;. electricity or rcedicinet; enecial demonstrations this week. Call or write PH. L. WILLIAMS. 371 Geary. THE Star Hair luniedy restores gray hair, tm- pro\"e« its growth ;stops falllng;cure» dandnisi 1 •nd itcains scalp; no stain or stickiness; cleanftes eca!p;at drugKists'. hairdressers' ;ac- c*pt no substitute. Star RemedyCo..^>5G€aj-y. WANTED— «W mea with scalp diseases; loss cf hair and baldness prevented (can treat by *r.*ll b:&nk lor stamp); consultation free; C:30to 6 Sundays 10 to 12. Prof. GEO. A. CARIBOU"' Specialist, room 21S. 997 Market. J\OT hew cheap. Lut how good, is the motto of the manufacturers cf the Rapid Rotary Standard the sewing-machine of to-day. J. W. EVANS, agent. 1021 Market at. FHTFICIAN. 13 years' experience, cures per- manently morphine, cocaine ha.bit. Call or ' address Central Phann&cjr. 251 Grant ave.. RAG carpets wove to order and for sale; also checiJle-wove rugs, eilk portieres; dealer In carpet twine, in hank or chain, at lowest rates. Geo. Matthews. 70» Fifth St.. Oakland. DANCING Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday and t Sunday evenings at T<*utonia Hall. Howard et.. nfar Ninth; rr.ana^ercent Prof. Foster. AT lets than cost uncalled fcr suns, overcoats ar.d trousers, at CHARLES LTONS'. London Tailor. 721 Market st. _^ THE kitb?£t price paid for ladies' or gents' cart-eff clchlng ar.d e!1 articles of value at WEINBERG'S, 1HA Ellis ei. ELEGANT su!l* on ea*y installments; 50 cents and up per week. LEON LEMOS. 1127 Mar- krt St.. between Seventh and Eighth. NOTICE to milkmen— For sale at the Piant Farm Dairy Co.. 514-M6 Octavla St., 200 gallons cf rr.l'.k. X5ANGHART & WETEH. * Collectors. No. 1170 Market StreelL Room 37. MRS. PX'MPLE will be pleased to meet old and new friend* her miliinery i»arlors, 221 Geary. j GENTS fumiFhlnfr»,.notIona. toys and station- ery. WOODWARD'S Bazaar. 2200 Fillmore, ANITA iJIA MA1TD — Please send me your ad- firess to 90* Market et. CHARLIE. Sl'ITS to order on Installments. Jl per week. Neuhans tc Co.. merch.tallors.727-729 Market. ALL styles hairdreesing. 25c; hair goods; manl- curing 2^. G. LEDERER. 123 Stockton st. TAILOR-MADE suit $7 EO; cre*s pants $2Sa Hieflt Clothing Parlor, cor. Du*h and Dupont. trCPl-KKLVOUS hair and moles removed by electric n»-*dl«. Dr. AMrs Traverse.ll70Mark«_ ilASQTKRADE cofturres. p'.ay books, wigs, ccurtrj- orfl»rs. GOLDSTEIN & CO.. 733 Mkt. ALFREDPM'S Ep>-ptian Henna restores gray hair to Us natural color; Jl; at all druggists'. Kuperf.-jcuF fcaix and, moles removed with elec- tric r.f*<ilc. Mrs. & Idas Eaton. 1119 Sutter. CHEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly Call. 16 paees. eent to any address In the T'n<t»-<! St«tr« ct <"arafl» on* year for tl f PALMISTRY. MME. DEVAS, Rcientlfie pa'mist .irsd astrclo- Ktst. Office, 26 Lit-l>es bldg., VJ9 I'ost st.; Jl I aim n-afiirtCE; 3 questions free; Tues. eve. MME. ZILLAH, scientific palmist and card reader; 25 year*' experience; late of New Zealand and Australia. ;&:>.\ Post ct- II. JEROME FOSELLI, scientific palmist. 5i5 Tavkr ft., near Oeary. I'hope Black 561. PAI'HUHAAGI\G. PAIXTIXG, ETC. noOMS papered, $3 50 up: tinting, painting. H»rtrrf»n Faint Co.. 31!i Hd yt. : tel. Main 413 PHYSICIANS AXD SLIIUEOXS. VR. C. C. O'DONNELL — Office and residence. tflglH Market «.. bet. Sixth and Seventh. BIjOOD. fkin end rectal diseases a specialty. DR. BALL. l<yrr-4 Market et. REMOVED— DR. WONG HIM. herb doctor; treats aU d. r- t.r-ft cf (.he human body; foi past four' years at 113-117 Mason; cow lo- . cated at <&7 Gesry «t.. near Leavenwcrth. DR. TCNG PO CHY. cuccctFor to Dr. LI Po Tai. herb doctor; cures all <".'.&t-ae*s of humti by use cf kerbs ard tf*as. 727 \rcshlngton st. WONO WOO, the famous herb doctor — All dis- Hfw >-ur«*i1 >>v Oriinpy h»rt>«. 74fl-^ Clay sf PROPERTY WAXTEO. ' WANTED — Farms and town property for rash customers. W. 11. HL'RKE, Clifton Springs, N. Y. SPECIAL XOTICEh. LadiesT Chicf.c-ster's English Pennyroyal Pills I tre best; eafc. reliable: take no other. Send 4c j Ftarnps for particulars. "Relief for Ladies," In letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. rhteriort*»r Chemical Co . Philadelphia. Pa. SPECIALISTS. cXTARRHT^HA^NEsFamTNOISES" laE ARS potitlvely cured; new method; 1 week's treat-- roent free. Dr. Cottintrham. 204 Sutter st. STORAGE AXD AVAHEHOCSES. A-EMPORIUM Storage & Van Co.; lurr.lture, 'household goods stored, moved, shipped. 725- ~4l Huward et., near Third; phone Grant lfll. PIEUCE-KODOLPH Storage & Moving Co.. of- fice Poet and Powell «ts. ; tel. Priv. Ex. 571. COXKLIN'S etcrage — Furniture ajid raerchan- di»e. ZZ3 Golden Gate ave.; phone liast 12.H. COLDEN West Storage; advances made; 640 U iselcn rt.: tel. Howard ML F. W. Zehfuss. PACIFIC Storage and Furniture Moving Com- r-any. 2320 Fiilmore et. ; phone Jackson 281. liEKINK Van and Storage Co.. 11 Montgomery n.; ttl. Main 1S40. Shipping at cuf rates. TYPEWRITERS^ AXDJSIJPPLIES. G>-;EATnBAP.GAIX8'lN' 'TYPEW'RiTERS— w"« bill better machines for less money than . ny hotse in the city; rentals $3. The Typewriter Exchange, I'M California ;telephone Main 266. A FEW good typewrite! « at fSV each: get par- Ueulara. L. fc M. ALEXANDER. 11U Mont- ' comery «t. "U-HAND typewriters *old, rented, repairefl. V'fbtter Typewriter Ingpec. Co;. 209 Stnsome. PROI O*=ALS. ,', J'JUjI'OSALS — Bids wanted. Notice 1» hereby i'.\er. that Bcalcd 'proposals. wJll be received I'l the board of dir»-ctors of the Veterans' Home of California, at Its office, room 13. 320 Ransom* et.. 8aa Francisco, up to 12 o'clock 'm. on Baturday, Auguist 2». 19(13, for furnish- ing arsd delivering the materials and furniftb» '•¦is for the new hospital at the- Veterans' H>-?,i», Napa County. Cal. (railroad etation Ymintvllle.) " Epepifiraticns for above may be "¦T s-nd -examined at the office of the. board £f directors lx-twwn the hours of 0 a. m. and 5 v m. each w**-k day. ' Money for payment en contract* will be available Immediately «f!«r Januarr I. 1SO4. Preference will be , Kn'm to goods manufactured In Ojtr State, )/ric*. fitness and quality being, equal, under • the provision* of Section 3247 of the Political Co«e. Tl^e board reserve* the right to reject , any or an bid* and to order any quantity T^i»^ r T . un "'* r »»"*" B 'no«nt (*rwc!fW. Address , JPtS F ' S"r E ™ N - -Permary of the Board ! rr IJirertorB dr the Veterans' Home at ***!|- If«^ o r ? om ,' 13 - :r!20 6pnstf) «e ft.. Ean TTan- • Cisco, Cal. nj-ordrr of th^ board rt directors. ' 3OUX T. SHEEHAN. Secretary. I REAL E STATE-^ITV~FOn,^ S ALE. W. J.' GUNN. . . I - 530 CALIFORNIA ST. (Savings. Union Building.).- . i'y~-£ CHEAP LOTS NORTH OF THE PARK. $2G0o — 3 lots. A et. , near : 6th ave.; graded; street work done; brick fewer; 3 lines cars. - jlv.n — 2 lots, B st., this side 9th ave.; graded. ready for building; sewered. • • $9(>0 — 1 lot. 8th ave.; near B. " : jisini — 2 lots, 7th ave.. near B. jl^SO — Tenth ave.: Jot 34:4x120. f (;.-><> for both; 2 lots near D> et. .- ¦ •• • ' . ' .ci-t"ii — cth ave.. north of Lake st. ; lots 25x120. WESTERN ADDITION LOTS THAT ARIJ CHEAP. ¦ * ,'?'-- 1 J1C75 — Union, N. side, west of Broderlck ;.25x 100; grand marine view. $^>O0 — Union, near Scott; 23x110; wrl! located; elevated. ! S2000 — \Vebster-8t. corner, 25x100. • •••¦"¦' I $rnt->0 — Iiroderick-st. corner; 44x103; grand ma- rine view; fine lot. j $2000— Filbert et.: lot 34:4x137:6; street bltum- J lnized; marine view; choice location. W. J. GUNN. 630 California st. FINE LARGE HOTEL SITE ON VAN NESS AVE. . We have responsible and experienced tenant for six-story . building. . - , THOMAS MAGEE & SONS. Real Estate Acents, ." 5 Monteomery st. . 1 ¦ —^—^ - -',..-*' . BETTER THAN ANT BANK. flOOO down and ?50 per month for new flats \ near Twenty-ninth and Mission street*. £300 down and J20 per month will buy you cottage. !i rooms and bath: tip to date. . D. COFFIN & CO.. 3303 Mission street. FOR EAle — Hotis* 8 rms. ; high basement: eunny fide 19th. bet. Valencia and Mission; no reas. cfter refused. Stephens & Co.. Unlon-sq. Mkt. FOR sale — $3000; modern 6-room house In best portion of Mission. 506 Hill st.. near Castro. INVESTMENTS — $1400 up, paying 10 to 15 per cent. THORNE & CO.. 207 Montgomery st. REAL ESTATE— Conn try— For Sale. FOR SALE. Orchard and poultry farm; 49 acres; Sonoma County; 40 mile? from San Francisco. 2000 full-bearing fruit trees; this year's crop approximately 20.500 lbs cherries, ,, 4000 lbs j Crawford peaches. 6000 lbs Bartlett pears, C000 lbs piums. 4000 boxes apples, 3 acres asparagus. 1300 hens. 7 pens fancy fowls, horses, Jersey cews and heifers. Large barn, fruit houses, chicken houses. brooders. Incubators, wagons, harness, farming arid orchard outfit complete. and modern.^ .' ! Dwelling house 11 rooms; fine shade groves, lawns and garden; abundant water. This year's net Income $4000; distant resi- dence of owner compels sale. L. E. THOMPSON. 4tg Parrott Bldg.. S. F. „ FOR SALE— TOKAT GRAPE LAND. This flaming Tokay grape, land can be pur- chased In 10-acre tracts. In WhltaJser & Ray Colony, Gait.. Sacramento Co., Cal.. $400 a tract. >4 down: the Tokay grape ripens In this I locality 4 weeks earlier than In any other part of the State. Grapes from this locality .can be seen in the windows at 648 Market st.. 11 Mont- gomery el. and at the Sacramento County ex- hibit, ferry "building. ¦' ;¦/ - • QUIGGLE. 11 Montgomery st.. care Wood, ward & Co.. hours 9 to 10 a. m. and 12 to 1 and 4 to 5 p. m.. or address box 15. Gait, Sacra- ' County, Cal. • ' - - - - ALFALFA lands, stock ranches, orchards, vineyards; inspected bargains; monthly-cata- logues rent free. C. M. WOOSTER CO 643 Market et. - • - - . ¦ • $13.000 — A LOVELY country home: 30 acr«s ' fruit: 00 miles. MOSSMAN. 850 Market at. POINT RICHMOND REAL ESTATE. -WATER front lots and bargains; all tracts; • maps, photos, etc. BELL. 417 Parrott bldg. 1 REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. REAL estate to exchange: free printed 11st.- Padflc Coast Ex. Bureau. S30VMarHet st. , ; ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS. ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. A PRETTY HOME IN ALAMEDA. Surrounded by flowers and fruit trees; near train and schools; only S2830; lot 75x123. i Nice 5-room cottage and bath. • • ALAMEDA LAND COMPANY, Tel. Grand 14C1.' ' 15W Park st.. Alameda. $3150 — EIGHT-ROOMED house in good loca- tion; must be sold. W. H. POLLARD, 218 California el.. San Fra.-.clsco. BERKELEY ADVERTISEMENTS BERKELEY REAL ESTATE.. CHENEY & BERRY. $2000— HOUSE of C rooms; lot 43x100; street work complete; house nearly new; cost $2^UO; will take lot In part payment. $2000 — C rooms and bath; lot 00x120; street woik done; modern plumbing; 1 block from proposed car line. $400 — Lots half block from Grove-st. car line. $3500 — 7-roora house; barn; large lot; on street car line; exceptional easy terms to re- sponsible party. < $1330 cash — 5-room house, near College ave.; lot 40x120. . » 40 lots — 1 block from car line; 4 blocks from high e<Jiool; $400 to $C00.each; fine villa eites; from 1 to' 3 acres each r fine view: of Ean Francisco Bay, and adjoining' the university grounds. • .;• . . >-, . . CHENEY & BERRY. -•¦¦¦- P. O. Block. -Berkeley. AN opportunity seldom met with; I have a new 2-story 7-room house, 4 bedrooms, equipped with all modern conveniences, gas, electric lights, etc., on' an Improved street; only 2 blocks from the station, which I will sell to a reliable party on the following terms: $100 cash aDd the balance In month- ly installments; whole' price $350" ; '.". JOSEPH J. MASON. Real Ertate. .' • - Cor. Shattuck ave. and Center. Berkeley. 1507 PRINCE St.. near Santa Fe R. R.— Large 8-room house; high -basement; stable.- cow barn, 7 houses for chickens; ¦ lot* 160x135; street work complete; call and Inspect. LEVI J. MORAN, rj 2131 Ehattuck ave.. Berkeley. $4O00 — 3 ACRES on Dwight way. East Berke- ley; elegant location: fine., .. . ¦ .. LEVI J. MORAN. .: 2131 Sbattuck ave.. Berkeley. FINE, new, handsome ottages; up to date; all conveniences; #lose to cars; large lots; $1350 to $1000; only $200 cash, balanre $16 60 per mcoth. ¦ x W. C. MORAN. Lorln station, or C. C. EMSLIE. Ashby rtatlon. FOR RENT — House of 8 rooms and bath; near -^ U. C. and Head Seminary. •';••/-' JOS. J. MASON. Real Estate, . Comer Shattuck ave. and Center st. TWO 7-room houp-es; modern; street work all done; 2 blocks from North Berkeley station; south frontage; price $3000; one-third cash, balance same as rent: no agents. See owner, 1925 Vine St., Berkeley. NEW, modern house 10 rooms, near university, for sale or to rent; $30. Inquire 1911 AdQlson Ft.. *CaM Berkeley. . ¦ ." . . . ¦*.'..; OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE, 1118 3B0ADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. $450 CASH. $10 monthly— New~Queen"Anne 1 Vi-s toi-y cottage. 6 rooms and bath : 3 fln4 lots, 75x100; all fenced; rich sandy loam soil; Immense Ehade trees, oak. laurel and pine; running spring . water; a lovely home; near cars and fine. school; no fogs or winds; ad- Joining East Oakland; price In all $1200; nothing like It for the money in California; call or «end 4 for : circular. '455 Seventh' st., ' opp. Broadway station, Oakland; carriage free. . H. Z. JONES. Owner. LOOK AT THIS--$2e30 only for a fine home of 7 rooms and bath : better than- new; - lot OOx 127; -all . street -. work done • and cement walk around the bouse, etc. Apply to' P. C. LAS- • SEN & CO.. 4C0 lCtta st.. Oakland, Cal. BARGAIN— Only $1000 for a flne~5-room cot- tage in East Oakland. P. C. LASSEN & CO^ 406 Tenth st,, Oakland. HOUSE « rooms, etc.; mftdern; 837 37th st., near Syndicate bask and station; a 'private loan At your own terms of payment. Address BuiU er. 831 ,eOth_ et.. Oakland.^ Cal. . . 'BEFORE moving get ray printed list 8f houses to let. . GEORGE W. AUSTIN. 1002 Broad- ' way. . :" . ""-'"*V*. ' '.;¦"''.'.. ¦'¦ ALEX. MURDOCK. Chronicle bldg.. gab Fran- ' cinra. tor 'Oakland. Berkeley or'rura* home< O.tKLAM) FUKXlTLltB ' FOR SALIS; TO-MpItROW; thejday for. bargains -In furni' • ture. H. Scheilhaas, 11th Et. cor. store, Oaklnd I ADVERTISEMENTS, .r UNITED STATES.jBBANCH.-h, S STATEMENT |* OF THIr— .-..-. Condition and j^faxsa '¦: v-- ...'•.¦. OF THE— —>: '¦.""'-' / Commercial Union ASSURANCE COHPAHY. LtalW, Or-tOKDON. -ESaVJ^STK' OX THEMStT.' dar ot December., A, D^ l>902. -«*><!" for the year ending on that day.' m madt to the . In»ura\ce . Commissioner of the State of Cal- ifornia, pursuant to -the provisions cf- Sections 610 and 6H of the Political Code, .condensed a* per blank fumiaatd by the Commissioner. -Asgirra ' • .* Real Estate owned by Ct«nj>a*y... 1^?.^ »' Loan* «n BorvUanof Mortgage*,... SU.00O 0O C**o Market Value of all Stock* and Bond* owned *y Companjr. . iWMl 25 , Ca«h In Company's CWOce .rTiTT.,. ,, *232 63 Cash In Banks 1TS.730 50 Interest due and accrued on ail __. Stocks and Loans 1.813 25 Interest due and accrued on Bonds -; .— and Mortgages ... .......... *,1** W Premluma Iri due Coarse «C Col- _„:*__" lection 83(^792 78 Bills receivable, sot; Matured, taken for Fire and Marine Rlsits. 9.114 41 Rent* da« and accrued . ... ..,.,. \ '- '^703 IX ¦ 1 Due from other Companies tot Re- Insurance on losses already paid. ' 22 05 I Total Assets «?-• M.0T3.824 77 rjABILlTtE3. *~ Lomm adjusted and unpaid ...VI. S73.950.0O i Losses In process of Adjustment or " ¦ '' \ - I In Suspense .».. 00 Losses resisted. Including expenses. 37,200 00 ' Gross premiums on Fire Risks run- ning one year or less, .$2,283.- • ._..___.- ; 971 39: remsTirance 50 per cent.. 1,146,485 »0 ; Gross premiums on Fire Risks run- -/>-..' ! sing more than one year. $2.13<>.- ¦- • ¦ * ¦ ¦ 902 04: reinsurance ort> rata. . . t 1,113,498 09 ; Gross premiums on Marine and), Inland Narigatton Risks. $...: i reinsurance 100 per eent U.136 Off ¦ Gross premiums on Marine Time Risk?, I ..:..; reinsurance SO per cent :.. '....,...... J; ...',-"¦ Amount reclalmable by the In- sured on perpetual Fire Iaaur- - - ance Policies ........ 103.416 13 All ot&er UakUltiea « -y 134.833 43 Total Liabilities 3S INCOME. Net cash actually received for Fire premiums ...$2.S10.0S4.M Net cash actually recerwed tow Ma- rine-premiums .~ .... 1S1.4S0 63 Received for Interest on Bonds and . ' Mortgages 10,408 13 Received for interest and dividends on Bonds, Stocks. Loans •and from all other source* ,. TJ.3TO 4f| Received for Rents 19.512 S3 Total Income $3.091.885 73 . EXPENDITURES. ~ ~~~~ Net amount, oald for Fire Losses • ?J (Including $.....», loesea of pre- '^ „ vloua • year»> .". Jl.634,610 08 • Net amount paid for Marine - Losses (Including $......, losses ,„-„. ' m ef previous years 118,615 68 Paid or ajiowed for Commission ' / - or Brokerage M8.85O, 4T Paid for Salaries, Tees and other . charges "for officers, clerks, etc. 142.913 43 Paid for State. National and Local taxes ..;....... 72.243 TS All other payments and expendi- tures; .148,559 74 Total Expenditures . . . ."« ? . .".12. 663.800 20 '-.. - ' 'y^:: . - Fire. -. ." Losses ineurred duricg, the year.. $1,670.433 72 Risks and Premiums- Fire Risks. Premtajns. I Net amount of Risks Net amount of Risks •."--• * -f^ - expired during - the year •.........'..-• S39.009.101 S.702.333 W ¦ Net amount h» force . ¦ ~ December 31. 1902.. 403.174.717 4.413.873 43 Mar. Rtaks.1 Premiums. Net amount of Risks . '", SSSJSS?.^ $38.<M0.5dl $261.239 06 Net amount of Risks expired during the year 57.662.154 272.820 53 Net amount In' force? . .... December 31, 1902.) 4.183.394 84^.343 29- ¦ C. F. MUIXIX8.' :.»«•. V pacific : Coast Branch Manager. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this' 10th day of March, 1903. '„''' * 'A' '.. Deputy Insurance Commissioner. 416 California Street, SAN FRANCISCO. : *• ' UNITED STATES BRANCH. STATEMENT . CONDITION AND AFFAIBS . • — oi>.the-^ : [?:»'v* ASSURANCE COMPANY, Limited, OF LONDON. ENGLAND, on the 31st 4ay . of December; A." D. 1902. ahd for th* . year ending on that day. as made to the In- surance Commissioner of. the State of .Callr ' ; fornia.- Dursuant to the provisions of. sections. 610 and 611 ot the Political Code, condensed. as per Wank furnished fey the Cornmtsstonen . - ' ' . "AS3ETS.' .. Real Estate owned by Company. ..'*¦; H73.17O 8T Cash Market Value pf all Stocks • - and Bonds owned by Company. • B87.000.0ft ¦ Cash In Banl* » ,.73.868 $Q - Interest due and accrued . on, all . , . Stocks and Loans *..'..' 2.250 CO ; Premiums In due Course of Collec- tion ••• i — ;.........'. 65,430 Rl Rents due and accrued ........... CCS W Due from other Companies for' re- Insurance on losses already paid 2.031 f»2 Total- Assets ...\..r. $904.317 40, LIABILITIES. ' - -. . -r - Losses adjusted and' unpaid...... . $l« 33 Losses In process .of Adjustment. . : or In- Suspense, '¦ 10,145 83 Gross premium* . on . Fire . Risks ....... running . one ". year.. or les*». . .' -i . $233,434 17; reinsurance 80 per ¦ - w - cent ............' 11«;T1T 09 Gross premiums • on Fire - Risks • • ¦ . ' running more than one year. .;- , S11S.921 22; reinsurance pro rata 43.213 43 Due and accrued tor salaries; rent.'" " etc.. ........ •-*• 4,568 33 Commissions and Brokerage due -. and to become due A ll r l!>o S3 All other LlablliUe* -. 11,397 57 Total Liabilities $217.133 64 . "-.INCOME.*' Net cash actually received for Fire . premiums •' • .. . - . . .'- • ; . . ..— $279,607 64 Received for Interest and dividends : ¦ on Bonds, Stocks. Loans, and from all other sources.......... 19,68194 Received for. Rents . 13,821 50 Total Income $30941113 EXPENDITURES. ~ Net 'amount paid for Fire Losses ¦'¦'_-, (Including $3,927, losses of pre- f] vlous years) $S3.9S1 49 Paid or allowed Tor Commission or --- Brokerage ,63,780 62 Paid for Salaries. Fees and other . . ¦ charges for officers, clerka. etc. . 14,185 03 Paid for State, National and Local taxes ...... ... ............;..; 1.801 1$ All other payments and expendl- . , .. tures .:......„.-..... ;.... ,19.004 6.4 Total Expenditures .......... £$184.723 37 : .;-'¦•" ' '" " ' -Flre"^- ' Losses Incurred during the year... $ 88.743 It ¦ Kfgki andf Premiums. I Fife Risks. | Premluma. , Net amount • of : Rlski ; ' ¦ '^ en ..^^f.. .^! $23,230,241 $ 378.071 It, Net amount of -Risks . . ¦ .... .'£¦„-;•„' expired "•daring the ,:¦,.-• ,. • yekr ...... -".-.; 25.165.083 347.585 34 . Net amount ' In force : . December 31. 1902: { 25.913.127 352.353 S3 BAMUEL R. WEED,! of Weed & Kennedy, : . V. 3: Managers. , .'. ; : Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14thj - day of February. 1903. . ... - » * - -F. FISHBECK. Notary Public.; 416 California StpeetJ f 18, 1P03, by the Rev, A. C. Sane, pastor UoW. ard-street Methodist Church, Frank R. Samp- 66n of this city and Julia E. Oldham of Kan- . sas City. ; ¦£¦-<::, •'. - ". •¦¦• SMITH— KRAMER— In this city. August 18. 1903, at the Mizpah Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Frederick A. Doane, Leonard A. Smith of San Francisco and,Fiida A. Kramer Of. Alameda. - '•.'•:'- A : _L..-lLiiL— _i.._ --¦.-, -. t * -¦ mma •-¦;.>¦' . . ¦ ! ' Asfeioh. Joseph • Hurst, James - Berwick, Mrs. Mar- Jpnes.-'JpW B. — - garet - : ' c -t- - .-¦ ; Leopold, . Pauline "" Bogel, ¦ Emma L. ¦ Madden,' John J. Brady, Thomas Marryatt, Henry A. Brunn. Hans P. * ; Mqcksr, Annie L. - , Chellnl, Emli ' Woelien John 1 con very. Patrick Ntlson, .Jamea Davenport r Amanda < .-. pt.Cpnuor, ; Michael V. ¦ Ue- ticrg. Christian Piercy, Mary Delpech. Ameda»-- y -RaUary, Ellen Dunbar. Margaret Schleiden, > Joseph F. Dunn, John , ', •••Schonfeld. Louia •DffPy, Maria G: - Tietjen. Florence I. Flaherty;. Wllllam-H. Webster, Lemuel " ., Gibson, Mary . . Wheeler, Alfred, ' ¦ Hoeft, Gustave . AssiON--ln this dt£, August IT, 1903, Jd* ! *eph Asslon, dearly beloved brother pt MrS; 1 M. Felirenbach, Mis. E. Hernster tt garita Barbara antt the late Mrs. K. Wiase of Peta- luma, a native of Germany, aged 82 yeais 5 hionths and 1 day. • (CTFrlendB and acquaintances. are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral Thursday. ! ; August 20, --1U0.1, at -1:30 o'clock, from the ¦ mortuary chapel of J. S. Godeau. 305 Mont- gomery "avenue, thence to Odd Fellows' Hall, where tservlces • will be held under the aus- plcee of Harmony Lodge No. 13. I. O. O. F.. commeccing, at 2 o'clock. Interment Laurel ' Hill Cemetery. 1 BERWICK— In Oakland, August 19, 1003, Mrs. * Margaret llertv'lck. widow of th^_ la^e V&xiA '. Uerwlek, a nfetlve of St. Andfewsi Scotland, . ttged.lra yeah 0 months arid 10 daj-ft. ' UOGEL^-ln this city, August 18. lsto, Emma Louiea, beloved wife of Henry F. Bogel. mother of Carl. Rita and George Bogel . and Infant daughter, daufehter of Mrs. C. Engel. ! and sister of John A. Kretschmar, Mrs. F. E. Redfleld and Carl F.. Frieda and Julia Engel. a native of San Francisco, aged $8" ; years 3 months and 11 days. . (ty Friends and -acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral services Friday. August 21,-1903. at 1:30 o'clock, at the residence of her sister. Mrs. F. E. Red- , field. 1!U5 Taylor street, between Union and Filbert. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. BRADY— In thie city, August 19, 1903, Thomas.' ! belovtd husband of Annie Orady, and uncle of Mrs. John English, a native of County Cavan, Ireland, ' aged C5 years. . • , . (tT Remains at the parlors of CarSw * English. 29 Van Ness avenue. Nbtle§ dt funeral hereafteh ' : ! OFFICERS and members of the Veteran Volurl- ' teer Firemen's Aseoclatlon will please assem- ble at hall, 2S3 Jessie street, on Friday morn- ing, August 2r, at 8:30 a. m. sharp, to at- tend the funeral of our late brother, Thomas > Brady. By order. . •-.--., . STEPHEN: BUNNER." President. ' 1 J. J. McMAHON, Rec. Sec. ... 1 BRUNN— In this city, August 17. 1903, Hans ; P. Brunn, dearly beloved husband of Anns* Brutin, and devoted father of Anita and ! Peter Brunn, a native of North Schleswlg, Germany, aged 53 years and 14 days. ' . CyFrlencls and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Thursday), at 2 o'clock, from the funeral parlors of Theo. Dlerckts, !>.*>7 Mission street, where the funeral services will be -held, .un- der the aunplces of Court - America No. 3, F. of A. Inferment_Laurel Hill Cemetery. CHELINI— Drowned at Vallejo, August f>, 1903, 1 ¦ Errill, dearly beloved ' husband of Margherte Chellnl, father of Kdfth Chellnl, dearly be- loved eon of Joseph and the late Annie Che- llnl, -and brother of John. Joseph, and Annie Chellnl, Mrs.' E. Reith nnd Mrs. F. Toso, a native of San Francisco, aged 33 years. . ; .~- CTFuneral will take o!aee from 332 Sixth street, at 10 a. m... Thursday,' August 20, thence to Holy Cross Cemetery.- " • - CONVERY— In this city, August 19, 1003, Pat- rick, beloved husband of the late Annie Con- very, and father of ', Annie .and Catherine Convery, Mrs. A. W. Shields and the late Helen , Convery, a native of^ County Derry, Ireland, aged 78 years.* ••-'.-' • "¦- -^ IWFriends and acquaintances are respect- l fully invited* to attend the funeral to-morrow (Friday), at 8:15 o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 2549 Post street, 'thence to St. .Dom- inic's Church, where a requiem high mass ; will be celebratsd for the repose of his soul at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy Cro«s Cemetery. DAVENPORT— In this city, August 18,: U'. • Amanda Davenport, daughter of Mrs. F. G; • Hall, .and sister of F. H. Hall. Mrs. -W. A. - Jones of Vlsalla,. Mrs. John Rebman of. Los Angeles and Mrs. K. A. Langrlck of ¦ San Francftco, a rintiv'e"bf Illinois. ? . DE BERG— In this City, August 18, 1003. Chris- tian A. De Berg, a native of St. Thomas, West Indies, aged 50 year?. DELPECH— In Los Gatos. August 19, ' 1903, Amedee Dtlpech. beloved hunband of Ger- , malne Delpech, arid, father of Margueritte Delpech, a native of France, aged 52 years and 4 months. (CT'Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited' to attend" the— funeral Friday, Aueuet 21, 1003, at 2 o'clock, from the mor- , tuary chapel of Julius S. Oodeau, 305 Mont- gomery avenue, thence to I. O. O. F. Hall, where services will be held under the aus- pices of Franco- A mericaine Lodge No. 207..' DUNBAH— In this city, August 18, 1903, Mar- garet, beloved wife of Robert C. Dunbar, a native of California, -aged 2S years 8 months and 24 days. ¦- . tyFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral Thursday, at • 2 o'clock, from the. : funeral parlors ot Portvir & White, 423 Golden Gate, avenue. Interment Odd Ftllows' Cemetery. ! DUNN— In this clfy, August-17. 1903. John, beloved husband of Mary 'Dunn, father of Philip J., John J. and Charled A. Dunn, Mrs. A. Gale. Mrs. J. A; Murphy and the late James A. Dunn; and brother of Mrs. R. Jepsen, a native of Youghal, County Cork, Ireland, aged 03 years 3 months and 13 - days. . ¦ • ¦ - i C/"FrIends and acquaintances are respect- I fully Invited to attend the funeral to=day' I (Thursday), at 12.-.5O o'clock, from his late ! residence, 12U0 Kolnjin itreet, thence, to St. ! Josephs Qburuh for: services at. 1 o'clock. j Interment. Holy Cross Cemetery. ! DU PY— In this city, August 19, 1003 Marie OibPlin du Py. beloved mother of O«?tave and Peter du Py/nnd Mrs. H.- D.- Scripture, and grandmother of Hortense Maugln, a native of France, aged 04 years and 8 months. (CTFuntral Friday. August 21, 1003, at 8:30 o'clock, from .her. late, residence. 1517 Sacramento street, thence :to"French Chiirch (Notre Dame des Vlctolres). ; Interment prl-' vate. Holy Cross,. Cemetery. '¦¦:¦ ¦;.<-; .. , FLAHERTY— In this rlty,-- August . 10. 1D03' William -H.; dearly" Ijticfveif 'husband 'of Kitty Flaherty, beloved father of ."Willis, LilHe and Georgi Flaherty. . and ¦• .beloved- brother - of Fletcher Flaherty, , a native o? New \ York aged 42 years 1 month and. 17 days. .' GIBSON— In this city, 'August 19, 1903. at the residence, .M5 .Minna .street, -Mary, beloved i wife of the late Samuel "-'8.' Gibson, and mother', of ' George, 'Janjes,". William • H. and ! Samuel OibSori and the late Louise B. Wal- • droll, a native of County Limerick, Ireland, : aged ''2 years. ' ' . ".; 1 HOEFT— In. this city, August 16, 19ft3, Gus- • tavc Hoeft, a native of. Germany, aged 45 years^* " • . , (?'"Remains at Charles J. B. Metzler's undertaking parlorB, (i'{(J Washington street. HURST — in this city, August- 1H, l!)03, Jamej dearly beloved husband of Allle -Hurst, and dearly beloved father- of Mabel, James. Jr., ¦GeorKl'^'anJ Willie Hurst, a native of County "• Fermanagh, Irtiahd, aged. 53 years and 1 monlh. CTFrlends and acquaintances are res'pett- fully lnvlttd to attend the funeral to-day (Thursday), at 10 p'clock, from his latp resi- dence,' 13.'{2 Fulton street. Interment Cypres-a Lawn Ceriietery, by carriage. JONES— In this city, August 18. 1903. Joel B.. beloved husband of Gussle Jones, and father of Gerald Jones, • a native of London, Eng- land, aged Si) years 5 months and 17 days. * ¦ IC7Frl*!n<ls and icquaintancea are respect- • fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Friday), at 9:30 o;clock, from his late resi- dence, 1018 Pine street." near, Van Ness ave- nue. '; Interment ¦ Home of Peace Cemetery by 11. o'clock train from .. Third and Townsend streets. ¦ i ;?;%;: LEOPOLD— Friends and acquaintances are In- . vlted to attend the dedication of the monu- ment to be erected in - memory of Pauline Leopold (deceased) at Salem Cemetery, Sun- day. August 23, af 2 p. m.,. . MADDEN— In this city, .August 18, 1903, John \ Joseph, beloved husband of Mrs. Annie Mad- den.'i father of Joseph Madden, and • son of Mary and the late Michael H. Madden, a na- tive of San ' Francisco. ;¦ aged '28 years 9 months and- 19 days. A member of Gentle- men's Modality, of St., Ignatius Church. . , : Cy Ft lends, and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day 1 (Thursday), at; 9:30 o'clock, from his late residence. 1802 Ellis street., thence to Hoiy Cross Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, - o6rnmanelnjr;at ,10 o'clock. T Interment Holy Cross . Cemetery. .'. - .-- . , . • .;.. MARRYATT— In' this city. August 19. 1D03, Henry A. '. Marryatt/ devoted husband of Sarah A. Marryatt, and loving father of Mal- vlnla, Henry A; : and Noble O. ; Marryatt; a - native of ¦ Kingston, Jamaica,, aged 48 years ' 6 months and 28 • days/ - c ¦¦-¦ ... MOCK£H— In this city, 'August 18. 1903, Anm« L.; belo\'ed wife of Andrew Mocker, mothe- Ot IrAne M. Mocker,' And daughter of Sophie * and' tMeMute ¦ Her.ry ; Schroder,-' a native ,of -- San-' Francisco, r-,.':' . -, r - - - i- ¦ v IC?"Friends I are Invited to .'attend" the fu- neral-to-day'; (Thursda'y). : a.t 1:30 'o'clock' 1 I fron» • the residence* of her .sister. Mrs. J Thode, . 820 Waller street, near • Broderlck. Interment orlvate.. Please, omit flowers, MOSHER— In Nilesl Cal.', .August 18.--1903 John .' Mosher. beloved • father t' of ¦. .Kitty Jamea McGinn. -i .-¦'•% '"¦¦ '-: ¦¦¦; Henry Hanaen.- " ' - • JAMES ' McGINN & CO./- . ,-,.,. ,.... v', % .Forrterly; With McGinn Bros., — — .Mineral -Dlrfcctors and vEmbalmers— — * . ! . 2H Eddy. St.; Tel. > South ,576. ¦', : ; F.'J.;Monahan, President* "' i ;>!-;' f' M MONAHAN::Sv CO., .'„, :.-..:..¦..,-,,_, '.- ,i (Inc.)' "f ,'¦:¦¦ _•..- FUNERAL* DIRECTORS AND 'EMBALMERS. 2339-2341- Mission st. -Telephone Mission 31; - Mosher, an« -brother of. .Mr* A. B»weH and A. K. Mosher, a. native at New York, aged 58 years 9 months and" 9: day s. ¦--" -;. - C7Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to 'attend the Interment to-, day (Thursday), 'at .1 o'clock, at Cypress ' La wo Cemetery, SaaTMateo County. ' " NELSON— In thia city, August 18; 1908, Jamea, beloved husband . of . Margaret Nelson, father ; Of Mary, William and James Nelson, brother- in-law of My U s Nionan. and uncle of Pat- flck Mellahoti, a native of County Clare Ireland, aged .62 years lQu months and \& days. .::-:--:¦:•¦¦ ¦ ¦ '¦¦ - B^?" Friends aad acquaintances are respect- fully. Invited to. attend the funeral to-day (Thursday), at 9:30 o'clock, from his Iata resldenee, 417 Folaoro street. : thence to St. Breadan'* Church for /services.. Ioteonent Holy: Cross- . Cemetery. O'C0NNOR--in thi* city, August 19. . 1903. Michael ' F,, belovtfd husband of Katherlne O'Connor, father of Hqward and Bernice O'Connor, and son of George O'Connor, a na- . tlve of San Francisco, aged 4S-jeaM. ¦.' IC The -funeral will take place to-morrow (Friday), at 0:45 o'clock, from the parlors of J..Q. O'Connor & Co., 767 Mtaslon street, thence to St.* Patrick's Church for service* st 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Ceme- tery. ' ' i ¦¦¦:•'. : -\ PIERCY— In this cltyj, August 19. 1903. at the residence cf her son, A. J. Piercy. 3548 . Twenty-third streeli Marv ,. Piercy, - beloyed 'mother Of Mrs. J- L. Marteli, A. J. and E. M. Piercy and -the. late Samuel W. Piercy. and grandmother ot Viola C. Piercy, a native of Ireland, axed 84 years. ETNotlce of funeral hereafter. ».-'. ¦ HAFTERT— In- :¦ thia'.. city,- August 18, 1903. Ellen, beloved wife of the-late M.. Raftery. and mother of Thomaa F. - Raftery, Mrs. Mao Ackerson Mrs. Kitty May and Mrs. Thomas Flynn, a native- of SHko, Ireland, aged 56 years 8 months and 7 days. ¦--- -,- CT Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully ihVlted to attend the funeral Thursday. at »i.1O tt'cleeh, from her late residence. 1477 $eary street, thefltfe ' to Bt. Mary's Cathe- dral. 6'Farfell street afitf Van Ness avenue, where a solemn retjuleiti high ma»» will b* celebrated for the repose 6f her jeul, com- mencing at 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross 2 Cemetery via electric car from Eighteenth and Guerrero streets. SCHLEIDEN— In th« City of Mexico. August 17. 1903, Joseph F. Schleiden, beloved hus- band of Virginia H. Schleiden. and father, of Emillo, Adolf o. Juan and the late Joseph L. SchUlden, a native of Mexico, aged G5 years. 8CHONFELD— In this city. August 19. 1903. at his residence, 54« GouKh street, corner of Fulton, Louis, dearly beloved husband of Catherine Schonfeld. father of Louis Jr.. ¦ George and Hed wig Schonfeld, brother of Mrs. ' Aug. Trost of Germany ¦ and David and the late Aug. Schonfeld, son-in-law of Mrs. Mar- farethfe Hess, and brother-in-law of ' Mrs. bhn Jebe and Midi Btfse Meldner of Seattle, a native of FrahketibUfg, Hessen. Germany, aged 44 years 5 months and 26 days. > TIETJEN— In this city. August 197 1903. *"»<»- ence. Irene, dearly beloVed daughter of George H. and N. Tietjeh, a native Of San . Francisco, aged. 16 years 5 months and 8 ¦" days. WEBSTER— in this . city, . August R 19,, 1903, Lemuel Webster, beloved father of . Cecil Webster, and -brother. of ' Mrs. J. R. Troxel and Peter and William Webster, a native of Prince Edward Island, aged 57 years. WHEELER— In this city, August 18, 1903, Al- fred Wheeler, ft 'native of New York City. • aged 81 years.