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6Atf x FRANCISCO, FKID AY, AUGUST 21, 1903. Loud Cheers for General Miles. VETERAN'S LEAVING - THE "GRAND OPERA-HOUSE, • WHERE THEIR THIRTY- SEVENTH NATIONAL CON VENTION IS. BEING ..HELD,: AND TWO DISTINGUISHED SOLDIERS WHO WERE'ELECTED TO HIGH OFFICES IN- THE GRAND .ARMY -OF ; THE 'REPUBLIC. • U . < ;.>"'• • . LONDON, Aug. 21.— A Brussels dispatch to the Daily Telegraph says it is stated there that x a «ecret agreement was re cently concluded by which France will not permit any aggression against the Congo Free State or any violation of Its territory. Protects Congo Free State. Vf» ENERAL JOHN C. BLACK. J&^ V the; newly elected |sf JST' : ' er in chief of the Grand Army M B ¦¦ of, the Republic, has adistin- guished record. I When the great war came John C. Black a student at Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Irid. . His first en listment, for • three j months* service, was on Sunday, April 14, 1881 (the ¦ day after the surrender of' Fort Sumter), as a; pri vate In Company I, Eleventh Indiana Volunteer . Infantry, . commanded : . by Colonel Lew Wallace. .Soon after. he > was promoted sergeant major of the, regiment. His first fight was at Romney, ..W. w Va., June "11, 1861. - Atv the close of. his j first term of service he returned- tojhls-home in Danville,' 111.^assisted In raising a'com pany ; * for the -Thirty-seventh Illinois -.Vol unteer Infantry' and . was ! elected, its cap tain. Upon thaj organization "of , the, regi ment he was " made its ' major, and ; was subsequently - promoted '.. to lieutenant colonel and to • colonel, : and V. later, "ivas given the rank 'of i brevet^ brigadier/ gen eral, * each promotion* gained for .gallant and meritorious service In battle. At Pea PROMINENT IN CIVIL LIFE. .. Appointed ~ Commissioner '•¦ of .. ' Pensions March 7, 1S85, ; the fact that General BJack administered fthe affairs of.'- that'' great trust,'! so ' vitally *' important - to old -vet-, efans,' to the entire satisfaction"; of his comrades of war .•"approving and granting about -300 ,000 'pensions during; his four years' term. Including 71,000 original pen sions' : to the soldiers 'of v tne great • war. others ; heing . for .Mexican war service', widows, minors, .increase," etc.V-*peak vol umes 'i for his administrative capacity; ability; and ; fidelity. - GerieraliBlack was elected Congressman at 'Large'; from* the State ; of Illinois in Ridge he was severely wounded: In the right arm. land at. Prairie Grove his left arm 'was disabled and. remains 'so to this day.' In the campaign and siege of Vlcks burg and -. on other historic fields he . gal lantly bore his part. : His last battle was at the storming of the Blakeley batteries in the Mobile j campaign,- April- 9, 1865. , the day of Lee's surrender r at Appomattox. He' resigned j In August, 1865." af ter/a con tinuous i service of • four ' ye'ars ~ and four months. -.-,.•". MEN SELECTED TO HIGH OFFICE BY COMRADES HAVE MOST DISTINGUISHED RECORDS. ROME, Aug. '20. —In official circle* It Is de clared that the fact that Italian war vessels are preparing to start for Turkish waters No Break Has Occurred In the Rus sia-Austria Agreement. ITALY IN THE LEAGUE. GREEKS MAKE APPEAL. Hundreds of Macedonian Houses Are Destroyed by Dynamite. NEW YORK. Aug. 2L— A special to the Tribune from Athens says: M. Ball!. Premier and Foreign Minister, has presented to the representatives of the powers here the gist of reports made by the Greek Consuls In Macedonia, In which it 's stated that the Greek church schools and 322 houses belonging to Greeks at Ketchero have been blown up by dy namite and burned, and that a number of Greek subjects have been killed. M. Ralll appeals to the powers to end tha excesses In Macedonia, from which, ha says, the Greeks are greater sufferers than the Bulgarians and '-urks. 1S92. He served as United States District Attorney for the Northern District of Illi nois from 1S95 "to 1893. He was a member of the Board of Managers for the Na tional Homes for disabled volunteer sol diers for twelve years. He is president of .the board of trustees of the Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors' Home and president of the Illinois Vlcksburg Park Commis sion. Altogether General Black has given about twenty years* services for ex-sol diers without fee or reward. : .' For many years General Black has prac ticed law, in Chicago. COLONEL KINNE KNOWN HERE. Past Department Commander C. Mason Kinne, elected senior vice commander in chief, is well known in San Francisco and has been connected, with the Grand Army since the first post was formed on this coast, .being a charter member of post No.'l. He, is a Benlor past post com mander in the department and has served two, terms as department commander. He is also a member of the Loyal Legion and A negro employed by Captain Griffln, when searched, was found to have the keys of the stable, a bloody knife and blood on his hands and clothing, and he was at once arrested by citizens. HALIFAX. N. C. August 20— A negro ¦who confessed to having assaulted and murdered Mary Jenkins, a 13-year-old white girl, was to-night hanged by a mob to a tree and his body riddled with bul lets. The negro confessed after the noose had been placed around his neck. After disposing of the negro the mob, which made no attempt at concealment, dis persed. The body of the child was found in the stable of Captain Griffin, her grandfather, to-night, with her throat cut from car to ear. Infuriated Citizens Riddle the Body • of the Fiend With 0 Bullets. NEGRO CONFESSES CRIME AND IS HANGED BY MOB The observance of Memorial day was of a character to assure us that the heart of the' people of the land Is still In sympathy with the beautiful and impTessivo service. There have been, as there always will be, some who will disregard the obligations that rests upon all the people to pay tribute to those whose valor secured them the blessings and the se curity which tWs and future generations will enjoy and share. We cannot but hail with delight the participation in the ceremonies of the school children of the land. I believe that in this direction la one of the ways. If not the surest way. to perpetuate the day. We roust ' invoke aid in the work. Our lumbers grow less and the sacred mounds increase' in number with each passing year. In many \&. callties- appropriate services are "held In the public schools, and the children told the "story of the days of .the war. and the meaning of the service of Memorial day. What more im pressive sight than to see the children of the land gathering from fields and - garden, hill and ¦ valley, the sweet flowers of springtime, to lay them lovingly upon soldier and. sailor graves 1 , or with. song cast them upon the wa- The gains in membership the past year were by inuster, 8183: transfer, 3608; reinstatement, 11,672. The losses — By death, S3C6; honorable discharge. 730; transfer, 2090; suspension. 13,513; dishonorable discharge, 70; delinquent reports, CC22; net -loss. 7245. OBSERVE MEMORIAL DAY. united country, and carried It forward In the march of civilization and of progress. To-day, as surviving soldiers of the war for the. sup pression of the rebellion and the preservation and continuance of the Union, we rejoice in the added glory of the flag and tha greatness and the power of- the nation, all of which em phasizes the grand results of the war in which we bore a part, and the crowning glory of which was the Inestimable blessings conferred on the human race. Although a week ago the Macedonian revolutionary committee notified the Con suls at Monastir that they were no longer able to prevent reprisals in vengeance for the Turkish atrocities, Boris Saraffoff. the Macedonian leader, has now addressed a circular to the Turkish notables on behalf of the committee, announcing that the insurgents will not attack the peaceful Turkish population except in self-defense. - SALONICA. Aug. 20.— Skirmishing is re ported to be proceeding at Vodena and Ostroro. A large band has crossed the frontier and is advancing on Drama. Servian bands are said to be forming with a view to operating In old Servla. Turk ish families are leaving the Servian towns of Nlsha and Vrenja and a number have arrived at Salonlca. Turkish Families Are Forced to Leave Servian Towns. Reports of battles. For the second time In Us history, the Grand Army of the Republic has Journeyed to the Pacific slope, to hold Its annual encampment. When we niet In • the city of San Francisco, seventeen years ago, the eastern shores of the Pacific Ocean- marked the western boundary of the republic. Since that time the .' foes of other days, the men who wore the blue and gray In the creates t war .known In all time, have marched together under the flagr of a report, which was referred to the prjper committee,' is in part as follows: MOBILE, Ala.. Aug. 21.— A cablegram ¦was received here to-day from the captain of the steamship Bratton, dated Puerto Cortex, saying the American bark John R, Stanhope* had been lost in the great etorm which swept the Island of Jamaica, but that the crew had been saved. The vessel and cargo were Insured. Fears have arisen for the safety of the British three-masted schooner G. E. Bent ley, which cleared from Mobile July 22 for Cienfuegos./ On board were the remains of Captain John Wood, lieutenant com mander of the schooner, and his brother in-law, Mr. Eden, which were being taken to Grand Camen for Interment. The fam ily of Captain Wood and the wife of Cap tain Rennesien, in command of the ship, were also on board. The vessel should have been reported from her destination more than a week ago. v The John R. Stanhope Reported Lost, but Crew Is Said to Be 'Safe. AMERICAN BARK WRECKED IN JAMAICAN STORM General Thomas J. Stewart . made s a short address and then delivered his an jiual report as commander in chief. The The committee on credentials, which consisted of Adjutant General - John »\V. Echall, John A. Thacher, assistant ad jutant general of the Department • of Connecticut; F. A. Walsh, Inspector gen eral; Thomas B. Rodgers, assistant ad jutant general. Department of Missouri, and Peter B. Ayres, assistant adjutant general, Department of Delaware, sub mitted its report, showing that the en campment was composed of fifty-four na tional officers, fifty-two past national of ficers and 12S4 representatives and past department officers, . entitled to seats, making a total of 1400 delegates in the convention. MANY DELEGATES PRESENT. The delegates went into session at 9:30 o'clock yesterday morning and took a re cess for an hour. On reconvening at 2 o'clock they remained in session until nearly 6 o'clock. It is expected that the business of the encampment will be com pleted to-day and the convention adjourn to meet In Boston next year. Commander In Chief Thomas J. Stew art called the delegates to order, and aft*r a prayer by the chaplain the busi ness of the convention was taken up. A roll call of the officers showed two ab sent. One of these was Senior Vice Com mander In, Chief William H. Olin. He is Secretary of the State of Massachusetts a lid was compelled to remain away from the encampment owing to a law recently passed concerning the absence of officials from the State. Never before in the history of the or ganization has so much business been transacted in one' day. The veterans wasted no time and worked with great rapidity. Reports were read, resolutions were adopted, officers elected and much other business was disposed of. honor was by acclamation. Every delegate in the Thirty-seventh An nual Convention, which opened . in the Grand Opera-house yesterday, voted for the war hero and cheered him to the echo when he ascended the platform to express his great pleasure at being cho sen to the high office. * S was predicted, General John JBl C. Black of Illinois was elect /^ ed commander in chief of the A am^L Grand Army of the Republic. JL JbL. His selection to the place of Boston Gets Next Con* vention. LONDON, Aug. 20.— The Associated Press learns that Important negotiations are in progress between the powers which promise to result In the early adoption of a new plan for the settlement of the Macedonian trouble. A Foreign Office official said this after noon: "It is somewhat premature to say that a definite agreement on the subject has already been reached, as stated by the Independence Beige of Brussels, but notes are being exchanged In this direction." ' In other Quarters It was Intimated that the scheme was partially on the Hne3 referred to by the Belgian newspaper. There Is no doubt that an agreement of some kind has been reached, as at the beginning of the negotiations the powers started with the general purpose of co operation and this harmony has con- Negotiations in Progress looking to New Plan. POWEBS IN ACCOBD. Veterans in Executive Session. WINXEilUCCA, Nev.. Aug. 20.— Sheriff Lemb of Humbolfit County rounded up four criminals early this morning at Love lock. They are members of an organized band that has been operating through this section very successfully for some time past. The desperadoes boarded two freight trains near Oreana. fifteen miles east of Lovelock, and after robbing the train men beat them and threw them off the swiftly moving cars. Patrick "Welch of Palisade, Nev., was shot three times after being robbed; once In the back, the bullet entering the left lung, once In the left forearm and once in the left leg. all the bullets ranging downward. He died here this evening at the County Hos pital as the result of his wounds. Sheriff Lamb arrested four men at Love lock, all of whom he had be*n -watching for some time. They were broujrht to "Winaeniucca this afternoon and Identified by Welch. Welch pointed out the man •who shot him. He picked the four high tvaymen out of a crowd of men brought before. him. „ . „. r * n *• . The robbers have also been identified by another of their victims. They gave their r.-xzr.cs as Fred Roberts, John P. Eevner, T. P. German and Frank' "Wil liams. Roberts is a mere bov and was pointed out by Welch as one of those •who shot him. Wii;iams is a Nevada ex convict, having been sent to prison from this place two years ago for robbery. The four persons •were also Identified as having been Implicated in the stealing of the grip of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Murton of Montreal. Canada, which contained {2000 worth of Jewels and $400 in currency. The grip was stolen on the morning of August »13 from a passenger train. Another member of the gang Is re ported to have b«en captured at Sacra mento this evening. A diamond brooch ¦was pawned at Reno a few days ago by one of the men. The Reno Jeweler will arrive here to-morrow to identify the man •who pawned the Jewelery. The capture of the criminals breaks up one of the worst gangs that has operated In this section for seme years. For their crime last night two are liable to hang and the other two will undoubtedly re ceive long-term sentences. It is officially reported that a strong band of insurgents has been captured near Fiorina and that the peasants are surrendering their arms. According to the Turkish official re ports, the strongest positions of the In surgents are at Krushevo, Merlhero and Fiorina. Contrary to previous reports. It is now stated officially that Krushevo is still occupied by the insurgents. Tha headquarters of the revolutionists are in th* mountains In the vicinity of Monastir. Women and children are not molested by the Insurgents, who have destroyed only fortlfled^dwelllngs occupied by rich Turks. It Is not denied that they kill all Bulgarians and Greeks found acting as Turkish spies, but the strictest orders have been issued not to interfere with women or children. The news of the impending arrival of the Russian squadron is spreading, not withstanding the continued suppression of all telegrams and announcements on the subject. The general opinion of all Europeans here la that the time has ar rived for a vigorous Intervention and the abandonment of all semi-measures which are regarded as the cause oi the present rising. :, V CONSTANTINOPLE, Wednesday. Aug. 19.— Tewfik Pasha, the Turkish Foreign Minister, yesterday visited the Russian Embassador and notified him that the Turkish Government accepted all the Russian demands and begged that the Russian squadron bo withdrawn from Turkish waters. ¦'¦':•', " Revolutionists Continue to Murder and Destroy Many Towns. One of Them Is Recognized as Former Inmate of Penitentiary. Warships of the Czar Cause Increasing Anxiety. Bold Criminals Fall Into Hands of the Authorities. Minister Hurries to Grant Many Demands. Shoot and Kill One of the Freight Handlers. RUSSIANS AROUSE FEAR IN THE TURK FOUR THUGS ROB TRAINS NEAR OREANA GENERAL BLACK OF ILLINOIS IS ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION TO BE COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF GRAND ARMY OF REPUBLIC Continued on Page 2, Column 3. Continued on' Page 2, Column 6. Continued on Page 4, Column . 2. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOLUME XCIV->~O. 82. The San Francisco Call