Newspaper Page Text
THE SAN. FEANOISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1903. 12 BMPLOY^IENTOFFICES. GEORGE^AOKI^ 4-1 Poet st ; ' tel. BusnTlSo— Japanese • Chinese employment otflce: fur- nishes best help; contracts for farm help, etc. A — ORPHEUM Employment Offlce-^Japanese- Chlnese help. 426 Powell. Tel. Main 8752. A — GRAND Japanese-Chinese Emp. Office. 410 Stockton; twl. Grant 1C8; expert, rellabla help, CHINESE Employment Offloo — Best help at Leon Seung's, 411ft O'Farrell j t«l. East 420. RELIABLE 'Japanese-Chinese Employment Of- flgej all kinds help. 310 Btocktun; Main B198. CHINESE and Japanese help; e;tab. 20 yearc. Tul. Main 1907. BRADLEY & CO.. 640 Clay. I BMPL OYHBIfT WASTED FEMALE. MIDDLE-AGED woman would like to take care of a child In the day time; come home evenings; reference. Please call 8 so Fifth Rt.; downstairs. YOUND lady wishes position In offlce or store; experienced and energetlo: used to meeting public. Box 242S. Call offlce, WANTED — A position aa Invalid's nurse or to take charge- of an Infant from Its birth. Ap- ply 34 Clyde st.. off Townsend. bet. 3d & 4th. ELDERLY woman wishes a situation to do general housework: city or country; no pos- tal* answered. 1100 Powell Bt. ELDERLY woman wishes situation to do housework for small family; city or country. Box 2432. Call offlce. YOUNO lady wishes situation for general housework or in a laundry. 523 Filbert st. SITUATION for , downstairs work; a good ' . cook; references. -2248 Bush gt. DRESSMAKER going- out by the day wishes an a— letant. Address box 2425. Call offlce. A DRESSMAKER would like a few more en- gagements by the day. 491 Eddy at. INTELLIGENT young woman wishes position as saleslady In cloak and suit department to gain experience; small salary. M. A. P., B07H Leavenworth Bt. RELIABLE woman wants general work and plain cooking In good clean family; kind to children; references. Box A. Call branch offlce. 800 Hayes tt. A TRAINED nurse, speaking French and Eng- lish, knowledge of bookkeeping-, desires posi- tion In physician's offlce or other suitable occupation. G. A. R.. 1250 O'Faraall st. DRESSMAKER wishes situation _s. helper In shop; $1 50 a day. Y. W. C A., 1259 O'Farrel! st. FIRST-CLASS German cook wants situation. 723 California sL THOROUGHLY competent young lady stenog- rapher wishes position; S-1O. per month; rapid and accurate. Box 2402,', Call office. WANT ads and subscriptions taken for The Call at Eaton's Bazaar. 633 McAllister st EMl'LO YME JIT UAXTED UALK. AN elderly man. sober and reliable, desires situation in private family; understands gardening and greenhouse work and other light work about alace. Address AXDER- SEN. 328 Jessie st. GENERAL ad writer, with Eastern experience, wishes a position in San Francisco or vicin- ity; reliable references furnished. Box 2418, Call offlce. jf N • RELIABLE accountant wants position; San Francisco or Sacramento; reference*. Box 2429, Call. . . POSITION wanted by young Eastern man as driver for flrst-class bakery. Box 2424, Call. ELDERLY German couple wish positions of any kind; city or country. Box 2119, Call. REFINED, well educated, active, unencum- bered-^J**rly widower, of perfect honesty and Integrity, desires light employment as care- taker, traveling companion on land or sea, etc. P. O. box 2163, San Francisco. Cal. A GERMAN, middle-aged ar.d single, wishes a situation In grocery store and barroom:' nrst-claes references. W. BOULING. 417 Kearny st. MAN and wife would like' situation in city or country: woman to do cooking and house- work and man outside work. J. FLEISCHER. 1417 Powell at. . WANTED — Work by the day; used to house work and stable and garden; has good refer- ences. Address box 818, Call offlce, Oakland. WANTED — Work by student, night and morn- ing, for room and board: Christian family. Address 184 Fourth st.. room 29. GOOD shoemaker and eolo cornetist desires po- sition in a mining town; write particulars Address box 1074, Call. HONEST old German wants light work. Box 2409. Call offlce. - JAPANESE couple want situations In small family; man is flrst-class cook; wife, wait at table. T. KATO, 1110^ Market »t.. Oakland. JAPANESE boy wants a position iu family as schoolboy. M. FUJI, 322^ O'Farrell st.; tel. John 4551. JAPANESE boy wants situation.. FRANK. S07 Thirteenth st. ; tel. Page 4363. JAPANESE cook wants a position In family or email hoarding-house. M. M. FRANK. feO6% Stockton at. ; tel. John 2121. . A BRANCH effice for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1053 Valencia *t. FLATS TO . LKT 1 HOUSES and flats to let; an immense list; ser- vice absolutely free; take advantage of this department; it will save you time and trouble. Cardea Furniture Co.. 245-259 Geary st, on the gquare. ELEGANT flat; half block from Market st. 394 17th st. (Castro and ISth st. cars.) THREE elegant nc-nr flats, 0 and 7 rooms. Church and Seventeenth sts. FLAT, 7 rooms and bath. 2146V. Market St.. near Lacuna ; Castro-sL car. PAGE. SOS, near Pierce — Flat of 5 rooms and bath; cheap rent. • PIERCE. 253 — Flat of •$ rooms and bath; vefy sunny; rent reasonable. TO let— Flat of 6 rooms and bath. 835 Ful- ton at. TO let — Flat of four rooms; 1897 O'Farrell. HOOKER _ LENT. 14 Post st. FLATS TO LET — FURNISHED^ TO let — Furnished, cozy, sunny flat; 7 rooms and bath. 032 Flllmo.-c st. ; apply between 11 a. m. and 5 p. m. to meet owner. NEW nicely furnished sunny flat of 7 rooms. 539 Clayton st., near Halght. NEW furniture 5 r. modern fiat; $15 rent: part cash. 1445 Greenwich. 10 to 12 or evening. FLATS FOR SALE. A BARGAIN— $4250;' CORNER LOT, 2 FLATS: LOT 25x114; 1S4 CLIPPER ST. SEE OWNER ON PREMISES. FLATS FOR SALE FVR.MSHED. . ARTISTIC furniture, carpets, for sale, in fine 1 flat. Inspection permits issued at 1325 Ellis st; flat for rent reasonable. FIVE-room furnished flat for sale; 4 Antonio, bet. Ellis and O'Farrell. Call bet. 10 and 3. FLATS \VA.\T_L». "WANTED^ — New flat, unfurnished; modern Im- provements; 4 or 5 rooms and bath. ' Address F. A. M.. room 11, 320 Sansoma st. I'lKMTinK FOM SALE. ' NEW furniture in 6-room flat for 6ale, cheap; new and modern: new gas range for less than half price; must be sold by 1st of Sep- . tember. Call between 0 and 12 a. m. and from 7 to 10 p. m.. 2321 California «t. / FUIIKITUKB WANTED. A. WOLLPERT. 773 Mission, phone Red 4462. buys, rents, repairs, packs furniture.- carpets. HE LP WAITED— FEMALE. WANTED — Waitresses, ?0 week; chambermaid girls' school; seamstress for hospital, $20; cook, country hotel, $35; 5 waitresses, coun- try hotel, fare paid, $20-$25; 2 laundresses, private lamilies. $30; 2 laundresses for insti- tution. $30; laundress for clubhouse, $25. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO., 334 Kutter. WANTED — Lunch waitress, $5 week; 2 second girls, Ross Valley, $25. Menlo Park, $3o. Mill Valley, $20: nurseglrl for San Rafael, $25; 4 nursegirls, city, $20-$25. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 334 Sutter st. - • WANTED — Working hotel housekeeper. $30; 5 second girls, city, $25; nurse for Institution, $20: German maid, $30; 1 invalid nurse, $25; 4 chambermaids, wait one meal, $20, city; chambermaid, country hotel. $20: 4 waitresses for hotels, country, $25, and 10 houseRlrls. at $20, $25. $30. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 834 Sutter »t. WANTED— Housework. Palo Alto, $25; Vaca- vllle, no wash, fare paid, $25; San Rafael $25; 5 girls for Alameda. $25, Berkeley. 825* .Fresno, $30, and housework, city. $35. An- ply to J. F. CROSETT & CO., 334 Sutter st. TWO first-class cooks, $35. German families'; flrst-class cook, American family, no wash $3fi; Protestant girl, general housework two in family, $35. and 33 girls for housework in city and country at $25 and $30. J. F.'CRo. SETT & CO.. 334 Sutter et. •AX FRAXCXSCO CALL. BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Call, corner Mark&t and Third streets; open until 12 o'clock every night In the year. BRANCH OFFICES— 527 Montgomery street, corner Clay; open until 8:30 p. m. 300 Hayes street; open until 9:S0 p. m. «k» McAllister street; open until »:S0 p. m - tl5 Larkln street; open until 9:30 p. m. 3&41 Mlaeion. street; open until 10 p. m. 2261 Market street, corner Sixteenth; open until 9 p. m. 106 Eleventh street: ©pea until 8 p. m. 1086 Valencia ttreet; open until 9 p. m. NorUiwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- lucky streets; open until 9 p. m. _.t)0 Fill— .ore street; open until 0 p. m. M—ETIXG NOTICES. CROCKETT Lodge No. 133, F. and A. fi M.— Second degre* THIS (WEDNES- VY DAT) EVENING. Aug. 26. 1903. at /V\ 7 30 o'clock. By order of the W. M. R. H. McPHERSON, Secretary. EXCELSIOR Lodge No. 166. F. and A. « M.— Second degree THIS (WEDNES- DAY) EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. /^r\ H. J. OWEN, Secretary. MISSION Lodge No. 169, F. and A. M. _ —Called meeting THIS (WEDNES- VSf DAY) EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock. /V\ Second degree. R. E. ALLAN. Sec. HARMONY Lod" No. 13. L O. O. < &&£X'ir u _ F — The olflcm and th* t un yal g J*J_y^ committee- of tbe above named lodge a— hereby notified to as- ~W_K~™ eemble at Odd Fellows' Hall, corner Market _nd Seventh sts.. on WEDNESDAY. August .6, at 1:30 o'clock p. m-. for the purpose of _tten_~.g the funeral of our late brother. Hear}- Koster. By order ADOLF PAUBA, N. O. CHAS. QUAST, Financial Secretary . £AN FRANCISCO Bricklayers' Intern*- « tlonai Union No. 7 of California. — Spe- !'l tial meeting WEDNESDAY EVEN- A\j0 ING, August 26, B. B. Hail, 121 Eddy &<¦/! ev By crder _TTi?_ E. L. NOLAN, Tree. ~ LT* CHAS. WAGNER. Rec and Cor. Sec NOTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE SAX FRANCISCO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Is hereby given that pursuant to an order and resolu- tion of the board of directors of the San Francisco Gas and Electric Company adopted at a meeting of said board duly held at the offlce of the company in the City and County of 6an Francisco, State of California, on the 12th day of August. 1903. a meeting of the stockholders, of £an Francisco Gas and Electric Company -.-ill be held at the offlce of the company, number 415 Post Strett. San FmdcUco. California <the same being the principal place of business of said corpora- lion and the building where the board of di- ° r«4oi» usuaily meet>, on Thursday, the 22nd day cf October. 1903, at the hour of 2 o'clock r. M.. for the purpose 01 arung and voting upon the proposition to create a bonded In- debtedness of said corporation to the amount ... cUe ar~ega.t«? of ten million (10.0ou.O<)0» doilatf* United States Gold Coin, for the pur- pose cf acquiring property to be used in car- rying on the business of the corporation and is crder to provide funds for other legiti- mate and neceesary purposes of the corpor- ation such bonded indebtedness to be secured by a mortgage or deed of trust upon all the property now owned by b_!3 corporation, or » hlch It may hereafter acquire. By order of the board of directors. CHARLES L. BARRE1T. Secretary San Francisco Gas and Electric Company. ATTOR.\EVS-AT-I_W. ROBT W. KING, atty-at-lay. Examiner bid., rra. €11; all caset, damages, estates, wills, attachments, collections, etc: consultation lree; no advance charges; call or write; even. lc— ¦ by appointment. Tel. Red 3601. ADVICE free — | "will advance cost In meritori- ous cases, divorces, probate and all other law caeee; no fees in advance; open every even- ing. J. M. THURSTON. &19 Market St.. r. 31. ADVICE fret divorces a speclalty;qulck.quiet; no charge without s-jecess; established 15 yrs. G. V.'. HOWE. 1122 Market St.. opp. Hale's. ADVICE free, all cases. R. C. ADAMS, room C16. third floor. Examiner building. A1TKEN & A1TKEN. attorneys, rs. 309-10-lL Clunle bid*.. 603 California st.: tel. Main 727. ADVICE free; all cases; open evenings. M. L. RYAN. S50 Market St.. cor. Stockton. BIRDS, DOGS, ETC. YOUNG- talking ?arrot£,$5 ea.cb;Germa_ singing canarlrb, $2; we will try to please you; every- thing in our line at right prices. 1546 Market. UOAUUIMi KU11 CH1L— <—Kfiu J.OOM and board for school boy 12 years old In nice lamily; terms moderate. Box 2422. Call. BL'SI.t—SS CHA.\CES. A-41500; RESTAURANT andT^dhophouse; close to Phelan building; daily receipts about ?»5: tplendld business. See R. G. WILKE, SBSff Kearny et. A— $~»; RESTAURANT and coltee saloon, on Third St.; rent $30; average daily receipts, |Ut; a bargain. R. G. WILKE. 264 Ke_rny. FOB sale— Furniture, ca-pets and good will of a new brick a&artment-house of 175 rooms. In the city's swellest locality; partly fur- nished, and although just opened is half filled with regular tenants already; long lease; if you want an apartment-house don't tail to get particulars of this at :00ms 1404- I40Sw Call building. CORNER lodging-house, 60 rooms, and every one big and sunny; downtown location; a new houst, nicely furnished: only opened a short time, jet already on a paying baeis; every- thing modern — electric light, steam heat, etc. ; long I'stp; a good legitimate investment; ofieiwl tor what it's worth — not a cent lese; Bf' a. ccat more. Apply rooms 1404-1405. Call building. MANAGER wanted — A national concern with headquarters in New York would like to cor- i-<^pond with men of ability who are capable of ect-bliEhlng branch office and — anaxring a large business on salary basis. They must be hustlers. ¦ strictly trustworthy, »«11 edu- cated ar.d able to Invest from $3000 to $50C0 i Is a thoroughly established, successful and 'fgitim ate buslnees; references exchanged. liox 400, CIV Sixth «ve.. New York. RESTAURANT— $1750— VALLEJO. CAL. Central location; rent reasonable; 48 chairs ujirxr floor; 25 chairs ground floor; average net profit per month $130. J. H. HARVEY, ill Market et., from 2 to 3 p. m. DO YOU WANT TO GO INTO BUSINESS? Do you want to go out of business? Wilford A- Harrison, Business Agents. 3 Taylor. ?S50 BUYS paying corner saloon; 3 living rooms: 5 >can>' loaup; rent $20; must sell to- ' day: death. CO4 Fourth et. I WANT a ch-ajj saloon for about $150; loca- 1 «lcn don't cut any figure; anywhere will do if In c-tv. Box 2431, Call. . GROCERY and bar for sale. 971 Harrison st. OPPORTUNITY for experienced liquor man as co-«orker and prospective stockholder In well «stabllEhrd liquor bouse. Applicants give age. exferience. references. Address box 520. Sacramento. FOR &»•;< — CJrocery business In small town; dean, new stock; will invoice about $3000; doing good business; best of reasons for wiling. Address P. O. box 123, Sulsun, Cal. FIRST-CLASS delicacy store; good location; doing good business; at a bargain; sickness cause of *e!Mr.s- Box 10V7. Call. ¦.»:>¦-.-.-. «~- ?¦ f i/-*v_THE Santa Crur bill-posting plant; will ray for itself in one year. 256 Pacific ave., Santa Crui. Cal. GROCERY and bar; great bargain: fine loca- tion and trade; cheap rent: living rooms; good b**r bUBlnc-—. 230 Minna st. ¦ FOR sale — Good paying restaurant and bar; ect&bhthed 12 years. 3 Jackscn ft. FOR sale — Mocha restaurant. 1753H Mission *tr*«t. A bakery: delicacy; all store trade; $25 a day; price S1S00: no agents. 715 McAllister st. « ..Ml'_'l-__ATI->«i .OU CL_A.M\U. AIR. compressed, dry. ice cold. Is now unlver- F&lly u.'.r-d in sanitarily cleaning carpets, on floor, without removal or injury; prices, mod- erate. Apply S. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO.. Call big.; phone Main 6237. WHEN you Deccme dif-usted with your work ?*nd fcr SPATJLDING'6 Pioneer Carpet -beal- is£ Works. U0O-S57 Tchama tt. ; tel. South 40. CALIFORNIA Carpet-beating Co.. J McQueen, proprietor, 323 Guerrero St.; tel. Mission 49. TRY' IIOPK— BROS.; excellent carpet-beating; inattrrssefc — «dc over. 1432 Howard ; South 210 ADVANCE Carr *t Cleaning Co.. 402 Sutter St.; tcl. Mam 334. GEO>WALCOM - CO.. Propfc. UUIxjLPH & CO.. carpet-be-.ting works; prices •>¦*.:¦ ¦jn.jbl*. 1703 Harrison st.; tel. Mission 2t3. t.'ONKLiN'S t-uuerior Carpet-beatlr.g Works. :«C Goid>n Gate ave. ; telephone East 12B. collection okficks. ~ ua^cg^[art*&^weye5^ ~ ~~~ ~~* Collectors. No. 1170 Market Street. Room 37. ADVICE Tree; bad tenants ejected epeedlly. CO- LUMBIAN LAW AGCY.. r. 85, 016 Market: tel. Red ei£; collections; gen'l law business. I>AD tenants ejected for il: collections made; city cr country. PACIFIC COLLECTION CO.. 416 Montgomery, rooms 8-10;. tel. 5£S0. LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE. ' H. C. DECKER. 008 MARKET. COR. 8TOCKTON. PHONE JOHN* 531. Headquarters for Real Estate, Roomlng- Houses Hotels, New Apartment Houses, Flats and Private Homes. 27 YEARS IN THIS BUSINESS IN BAN FRANCISCO. See the following bargains: 10 rooms; Folsom st.; full of roomer* $223 7 roorae; modern flat; fine furniture...... 203 8 rooms; newly furnished; clears $25..... 175 14 rooms; exchanges for larger house..... 000 17 rooms; 6 rooms furnished; snap 500 8 rooms; Leavenworth »t.j reduced to... BOO 35 rooms; choice location: Oakland. ..... .3200 12 rooms; Geary st.; choice; transient.... 400 42 room*; nunny corner; rent $100. .. .....320O SO rooms; nunny bay-window corner 2800 20 rooms; Mlsalon and Sixth Bts.; snap....l»00 12 rooms; Tayloi Bt.; transient only 700 CO rooms; Market Bt.; offices; permanent .. MOO 02 rooms; part house; long leans 2000 8; cost $1500; a beauty; reduced.. 750 15 rooms: newly furnished; long lease 1200 H. C. DECKER. 006 Market, cor. Stockton. "-ROOM house only $250; worth $500; must sell. DECKER. WO Market Bt. 20- ROOM house (transient); clears $150; price only $1200; only $500 cash. DECKER. 900 Market st. 100 ROOMS; house for men; rent $140. .. .$4000 RS rooms; couth of Market; rent $100.. 2000 24 rooms; corner; part cash; bal. easy. 11 rooms; good Income; rent $20 350 21 rooms; water front- rent $40; lease. 650 120 rooms; good leaaoilow rent CSOO 67 rm*.; apartments ; Western Add.; rent 250. Money loaned at 1 per cent. Hotels roadhousea flats S to 100 rooms. fclTEL & CARROLL. 212 Kearny at. 8 ROOMS; lease; men roomers $723 14 rooms; piano and paintings 1700 20 rooms; transient; straight 2100 $1600—27 rooms; S years' lease; clean $100; owner called East. Mossman, 850 Market. A BARGAIN this week: forced sale; SI rooms: Market st.. central; all rented; flrst floor of- fices, clearing $175: only $2400; easy terms. PETERSEN _ LARSEN. 1085 Market, rm. 1. SPIRITUALISM. ARRIVED — PROF. FRED P. EVANS, the fa- mous psychic; stamp for circular. 1112 Eddy Et.. near Octavla. THOMAS OUELLETTE; •pedal life readings 25c; absolutely free unless correct; full names given. 34 Sixth st., rooms 10 and 12. A— ETHEL. CRIXDLE. materializing seance Wednesday eve., 50c. 1115 Post St., 8 o'clock. JOHN SLATER'S circle to-night at 8:15 sharp; readings to-day. 10 to 4. 330 O'Farrell Bt. KATIE HEUSSMAN. circle Friday evening. Sac: fittings. 1000 HarrUon st.. cor. Sixth. MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, trance clairvoyant, business medium and life reader. 416 Turk. EDWARD EARLE, 1052 Ellis, readings dally. 8:S0 to 4; ceances Sunday and Thursday. CLAIRVOYA.VTS, A— CALL AT ONCH AND SAVE $2 My Regular $3 Reading This Week for $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 PROFESSOR PAUL DESTINE The First Registered Trance Clairvoyant a_d PaJmlst Ever In San Francisco. I do hereby solemnly agree and guarantee to make you no charge If I fail to tell your name, occupation and what you call for; I promise to tell you whether husband, wife or sweetheart is true or false; to tell whom and when you will marry; In fact. I will tell you every hope, fear or ambition better than you can tell yourself. He restores lost affections reunites the separated, causes speedy and happy marriages, makes you successful and prosperous, cures disease and lost vitality without medicine. locates hidden treasures; hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. ; Sundays 2 to S. 326 Q-Farrell gt.. 326. MME. M. BERNARD THE FAMOUS Clairvoyant and business medium, perma- nently located at 17 Third St.. next Examiner bldg.: she reads your life correctly, gives an accurate description of the past, reveals the present happenings and portrays events to occur In the future; if you are In trouble, dis- contented or not eatlsfled In life, or have do- mestic, love or business troubles, consult this great medium and you will b« told how to overcome them; valuable advice in all affairs of life: 25c up; satisfaction guaranteed; read- Ings by mall. Tel. Black 4569. ISMAR, the Egyptian gypsy, clairvoyant and palmist, permanently located at 1104 Market et. cor. Turk; private readings daily. 10 a. m." to 5 p. m.; readings by mall as eatlsfac- tory as in person; 3 questions answered. $1; full life $5: send lock of hair, date and year of birth; don't send currency. Send postofflce, Wells-Fargo money order or registered letter, A— MME. PORTER, scientific clairvoyant and card reader, born with a double veil and sec- ond sight; tells the past, present and future: ladles 50c; gents, $1; by cards, palmistry and clairvoyant sitting: $1 50. 126 Turk st. Mrs. A. H. Kronenberg. palmist, clairvoyant, card reader, will give a good reading, 10c, for a Ehort time only; when others fall try me to convince yourself. 402 Franklin, near Grove. A — Mme. Ravenna reads life, business advice; names given; 25c up. S 4th St.. near Market. MISS SEYMOUR, wonderful card reader; sat- isfaction guaranteed. 303 Jessie, cor. 4th. MRS SHAFER clairvoyant card reader; sit- tings dally. 448H Jessie st.. bet. 5th and 6th. OLDEST lady palmist and card reader in city. 26',£ Kearny. room 2O; ladles 25c. gsnts 60c ~ CHIROPODISTS. DUNLAP FOOT INSTITUTE, 60 Geary — All ailments of the feet cured: corns, bunlons.etc. COTTAGES TO LET. JESSIE. f21^— Cottage of 4 rooms; rent cheap; rear. _-, _________ DrTXuDLUM HILL, 1443 Market, nr.El-venth — No charge for extracting when plates are made; old plates made over like new; teeth from $8 per set; extracting, 50c: gas given. A NEW plate — The Whalebcn- — cannot break; warranted 20 yrs. ; crown, $3 BO; fillings, 50c; plates. $5: full set; all work painltss and war. ranted. Chicago Dental Parlors., 24 Sixth st. GOLD fillings, 75c; silver. 85c; crowns, $2; no pain: open Sunday. Dr.O.B.Hewttt.204 Sutter. PARIS Dental Parlors. 235 Kearny. cor. Bush — Set teeth. $1 60 up: crowns, $2 up; filllngs,25c 10 PER CENT oft* this month; estimates free. Xe— York Dentists. »C3 Mission St.. cor. 6th. UKLbSMAKEItS Jb S_AJISTltK55_S. McDOWELL Dressmaking and Millinery School — Any pattern cut to measure. 1019 Market. ACCORDION, sunburst & knife plaiting. Stew- art's button & buttonhole factory. 110 Taylor. o~E—erct aks c____iizio. SEA breezes sweeten all garments, blankets., lace curtain?, etc., done by the Presidio Heights Dye Works. 3015 Sacramento; phone for wagon. West 453. H. HICKMAN. pros. EDUCATIONAL. A — CALDWELL College of Oratory. Acting, Opera and Authorship; largest In the West; 14 teachers; positions guaranteed; fall term begins £ept. 7; (_.y & evening class; beautiful new catalogue free. 1205 Market, cor. Ninth. HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 24 Post. S. F. — Bookkeeping, shorthand, touch typing, languages, telegraphy, English branches; day and night sessions; illus. catalogue free. SAN FRANCISCO Business College, 1236 Mar- ket; modern, progressive, practical; estab- lished 15 years. Gregg shorthand, fastest, easiest, most readable. Actual business bookkeeping; typewriter at home free. AYRES. the leading business college, 723 Mar- ket st. ; special summer course in all depart- ments; handsome catalogue free; life scholar- ship, $50; day and evening sessions. CALIFORNIA Business College, 305 Larkln st. "A thorough school"; positions secured for graduates; modern methods: individual In- etructlon. Write fcr Illustrated catalogue. HINMAN'S Academy; a thorough school of dancing; established 20 years. 1412 Polk st., between Pine and California; both adult and children's classes are now open for the season. HEALD'S School of Mines &. Etectriclty.24 Post et., S. F. ; a practical school of engineering; complete equipment. Special catalogue free. THE Berlitz School of Languages has removed to 1000 Van Ness ave.; rates reduced during summer. Send for catalogue. ENGINEERING — Civil, elec., mln., mech., sur- vey, assay, cyanide; day. eve.; est. 1864. Van der Naillen School. 113 Fulton, nr. City Hall. SYSTEM, discipline and results: the Golden Gate Commercial College, Van Ness and Golden Gate aves..S.F. : fills every requlremnt DANCING Tuesday, Tlrursday. Saturday and Sunday evenings at Teutonia Hall. Howard St.. near Ninth; management Prof. Foster. PIANO and German; pupil of Lelpslc Conser- , vatory; lessons 75c and $1. 346 Golden Gate. AT Klngsland Art Shop — Drawing, painting and burnt work. 1184 Halght st.. near Lyon. SCHOOL OF ILLUSTRATION Day and PARTINGTON'S. 424 Pine st Night class. LESSONS given In Water Color or Oil Palnt- lng from Nature. CURRIER. 372 Sutter st. ARITHMETIC, bookkeeping, grammar, writing, etc; day or eve.; $5 mo. 1024 6th. Chicago Business College. 14C5 Market. nr.lOth Plttman shorthand, typing, bookkpg.. $8 mo! CHEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly Call. 16 pages, cent to any address in th« United States or Canada one year for $1. HELP WANTED— MAI-.' AT CALIFORNIA EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. C9 Third St.. nr. Call Bldg.; phone Bush 405. HOPS, HOPS, HOP PICKERS. 1 We ship Wednesday, Thursday and Friday; f Pay $1 per hundred; fare $1 50; fee $1; 100 men, women and children. S. P. CO.'S OWN WORK. FREE FARE— FREE FARE. 50 section hands, £1 CO and $1 70 a day. COAL MINERS. FREE FARE— OREGON. 14 miners, $1 a ton. 2 miners, single-hand, $3 a day. FREE FARE— NEAR CITY 10 laborers, $2 25 a day. < | 3 single-hand miners, $2 50 a day. 6 muckers, same mine, $2 25 a day. SAWMILL AND WOODSMEN. 2 timber fellere, $B0 a month and board. - b croE3cutters. $50 a month and board. 8 swampers, $40 a month and board. 10 mill and yard men. $45 month and board. 15 men for Humboldt Co. to pile lumber $40 and board, fare advanced. TO-DAY. S. S. POMONA. TO-DAY. 2 flrst-class machinists, country, $4 a day. Box maker for city. $2 50 a day. Box machine man, city, $2 50 a day Potwather, city, $25 and found. ?. * t t ; c l ass cooper for country, $3 a day. CAL. EMPLOYMENT AGCY.. 59 Third st. f " ' ~" " A Io<?V, R V HANSEX & co -' s Employ. Offlce. 429 Bush st. 612 Clay st. Hello Grant 185. SHIPPING TO-DAY. FREE FARE, FOR STATE OF NEVADA. For Ryndon Tunnel, Nevada. Muckers, drillers, ?2. $3. Stonecutters, ?5. For Reno, Nevada, New R. R. Work. Laborers, $2; board ?4 50. For Golconda. Nevada, New R. R, Work. Fence builders. $2 25. Jf^ ecoma ' ' N > v ada. New R. R.,Work. 25 Hammersmen, ?2 25; board $4 50. ?»J\, HAN ' S EN & CO.'S Employment Offlce. 420 Bush st. 642 clay st. A— HOTEL GAZETTE. 26 Montgomery, r. 12 — }<> colored waiters, $32; second cook. $70; _ bellboy. 15 years old, flo; 2 waiters. $30. F^? T »: CLASS WIndow dresser. $115 a month: 8 laborers for mill and woods. $40 and board half fare advanced; coachman, $35 and found; choreman. $15 and found- 3 farmers and wiyes. $45. $50 and $55 and found; milker. $.«> and found; farmer $1 60 ' .t 3^ and $'° month and found: blacksmith. $J day; blacksmith's helper. $2 day; garden- er. $25 and found; orchard foreman, *-M> and found; 2 sheepherders. $30 and found; all- round laundryman for Institution, $40 and found; 50 laborers for mines, quarries, etc.. $2 and $2 50 day; miners, woodchoppers and others. "J. F. CROSETT _ CO., B2S Sacra- mento st. ASSISTANT barkeeper and porter, $25 and found; butler. $30 and found; waiter and wife. $40 and found; cook and wife. $60 and found; boarding-house cook, $40 and found; ranch cook. $."0 and found; meat cook for in- stitution. $55 and found: hotel. second cook, country. $50 and found: restaurant second cook. $60; waiters, dishwashers and others. J. F. CROSETT & CO., 623 Sacra- mento st. A BRIGHT boy wanted: age about 14; good chance to work up; come with parents. SHERMAN. CLAY _ CO.'S, Sutter and Kearny sts. A SALESMAN and manager for large depart- ment boys" and children"s clothing. Address, stating experience and latt position, box 2427, Call office. GOVERNMENT positions — Examinations soon"; write for free circular 14, giving various po- sitions, salaries, etc. Polytechnic Bualnebs Collece, Oakland. Cal. , TRY our men's shoes, union made, at $1 and $1 50 per pair; foot-form shoes at $2 50. or orthopedic shoes, $3 50; best shoes on earth. 11 Third st.. Exam, bldg.. 5 doors from Market. WANTED— Young man from 16 to IS years of nge to learn the dry goods business. Apply between 0 and 11 a. m. at HALE BROS.' BOY about 15 years old by wholesale house for errands and Inside work. Eastman Kodak • Co.. 643 Market st. ! SALESMAN— Experienced In book business; state experience and salary expected. Ad- dress box 2423, Call offlce. BARBERS — Best bargain; 2 chairs; steady; no reasonable offer refused. 2 Summer St., otf Montgomery, betv/een Pine and California. TRY our men's shoes, union made, at $1 and $1 50 pair; foot-form shoes at $2 50; we pay express or mall chgs. 11 Third St.. Exam. bid. BARBER wanted for Wednesday evenlns and Saturday and Sunday. 1C06 Mission St., cor- ner Sixth. BARKER, stea'dy, for Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Sunday; watres $5. 303 Sixth st. GOOD barber wanted; steady. 304 Fourth st. WANTED— At once, two errand boys, at JOE ROSENBERG'S Store. 816 Market st. YOUNG men for Australian ships; also sailors, at HERMAN'S, 2B Steuart st. WAITERS and dishwashers wanted at the GPWen West Hotel, 68-76 Ellis st. WANTED — At once, good marker and distribu- tor. Call at 3372 Mission at. , GOOD tinsmith and sheet metal worker wanted. TAYLOR & PRITCHARD. 14 Market st. BOY wanted to learn picture frame business; good . salary. Apply 1304 Stockton st. ¦ ————__ -^ LUNCH waiter wanted. 5S2 SlxtH st. YOUNG man to drive butcher wagon. Call Bon Ton Market, 004-000 Valencia st. WANTED— Shingler. Call at 160 Chattanooga St.. bet. -Twenty-second and Twenty-third. - WANTED — A flrst-class plumber's helper. 504 Post st; WANTED — A first«class I waiter or extra. 29 , Stockton st. FOR sale — $3.1: '1 -chair barber shop; 5 rooms; rent to. '8 Thirteenth st. ;..-v TAILORS — Coat maker and ladles' tailor want- ed for Vallejo. STEIN; SIMON _ CO.. Mar- ket and Second Bts. ¦ . , YOUNG man with some experience either at -. harness .. making or carriage trimming. 718 ! Folsom st. WANTED-- Rough carpenters and laborers. Apply room 14, 23 Montgomery St., San Francisco Construction Company. COATMAKER for country. REISS BROS." & ' CO.. 24 Sutter St.. _-_ Boilermakers; steady employment to right man; state exp. ; wages standard. -Box 2413, Call. BARBER wants to sell;: must sell -.'account of retiring; bargain. Inquire '1541 Geary st. BOY wanted. : about 16 years old. DRUG STORE, 400 GouKh St.' . BOYS who have had experience at trunk mak- - Ing... S07 Mission st. FOR, sale— Fine paying barber'shop. Guerne- . Ville, Sonoma Co... H. E. Hart for particulars. BARBERS — Neat two-chair shop; weekly aver, i age.' $45 to $50; rent, $15. Box 2110, Call. PORTRAIT solicitors, city; Installment plan. Apply Golden Gate Portrait Co.. S32 Howard. FOR sale— Neat' barber shop; rent $12 SO; • price $75. Box 2416,- Call of flco. _.-'---¦."¦_*- ¦¦ -. . ¦*¦-...¦_ - ' " .- HELP WASTED-MALE — Con- MURRAY & READY, „- _. y gt PHONE MAIN 5843. 634 and63 « c^_ Leading Employment and Labor Agenw. Offlce half block long; 14 clerks e™P}«;"*- by our own printing plant w« P^ ll = h * "FREE" Bulletin of Labor, containing every position segregated under reaa> for distribution 7 a. m.: also noon and even- ing editions. GET ONE FREE. THIS IS WHAT MADE US FAMOUS. . We know no distinction between man ana man. YOU" ARE ALL EQUAL. YOU ARE ALL WELCOME. 19C2 WE GAVE 1003 WEXL GIVE 45,000 MEN WORK. 60,000 MEN WORK. WE SHIP YOU ~ FREE TO ONE. FREE TO-DAY. • FREE TO ALL. Ogden Utah. ~~ AU Parts Nevada. Los Angeles County. ChatswurtbParlc. Wllllts. Uklah. 2^5, Arcana, To-day. And AU Points North. East. South. Including ¦ Ogden. Utah. Carpenter* and helpers, pile drivers, fence builders drillers single, double and machine men corner and bench hands, muckers, chuck tenders, car dumpers, teamsters la- borers, track men. cooks.- waiters btaek- smiths etc.. $5. $4. $3 50. $3, $2 50. $2 day. Free Fare. Free Fare. Free- Fare. Everybody Talking. Thousands ColnB ; Are You? < Are You? Are You? Are iou. MU RRAY _ READY. 634 and 636 Clay at. 165 MEN OR BOYS. FRUIT PICKERS— $30 fd— FRUIT PICKERS Fare $1. Fee $1. Three months' Jobs. Picking, packing, drying. Se5 laborers, teamsters, city " and country Jobs. $2, $2 60 and $3 a day. AU classes of work: come see. '• - ; . 155 Italians. $2 25 a day. You .board yourselves. Steady Jobs. 26 laborer*, free fare, 14 mile* away, $42 and found. 26 laborers, you'll suit, factory, fare paid, $67 50. 155 coal miners, free fare. $3 to $5 day. 165 labore— . teamsters. YVilllts, UkJatt. free- fare, $67 50. Do. You Know— Free Fare — On every train we ship to S. P. Co.'« own work, on all divisions, laborers, extra gangs; also section hands. DIAMOND MATCH COMPANY. W. teamsters and axmen, $75. 197 laborers and drillers. $75. 155 track layers, ballast track. $K7 50. Cost you only $1; no discount; stiaJy job. MINES, QUARRIES. TUNNELS. 155 laborers. yqu'U suit, $C0. $75 pnd found. ' 06 miners and Jtlmber— en. $00 an«l found. 188 quarrymenf also drillers. $82 to $00. 9ti carmen, furnace men. $75. STABLES. FARMS, DAIRIES. HARVEST. 106 farm, orchard, vineyard hands, $30 to $45 and found. 38 milkers, butter makers. $30, $-13. $40 fd. 156 harvest hands, hay balers. $2 BO, $3 day. <58 choremen, coachmen gardeners. $30 to $50 and found. / 16 stablemen, city and country. $30 to $45 fd. bS men for brickyards, $35 and $S0 found. MARRIED HELP WANTED 12 men and wives, farms, orchards, mines, mills, $40 to $70 and found MURRAY & READY, C34 and 636 Clay at. WHERE ARE THEY? • 86 Lumber Trusts and Syndicates. Located In Four State*. Managers here. Two Territories. FREE— FARE— FREE. 995 laborers, no experience wanted. $35 to $70 and found. 1SS experienced mill and yard men $40 to $150 and found. 383 woodsmen $40 to $150 and found 3S6 ¦woodchoppers. tiemakers. shingle, poet, picket and box bolt makers stools and pro- visions found. BIG L MURRAY _ READY. TRUSTS. 634 and 636 Clay st. A— COOKS — BIG PAY. ~ COOKS BIG PAY. COOKS. COOKS. 26 cooks for harvest and fruit ranches hay presses, etc.. $70. $G0. $50. $40. $30 found; very few men to cook for. no women there; 4 cooks for different mines. $70, $65. $5O. $40 and found. ¦46 cooks hotels, restaurants, cafes, saloons, ' etc.. $70 to $40 and found. WAITERS. 32 waiters, different places. Including cafes, grills. $45 to $C0 and found. 0 bell end elevator boys, city and country positions. $15 to $30 and found. 0 ponlers and bedmakers. city and country positions. $45 to $20 and found. 66 dishwashers, etc.. city and all parts of California. ?to to $25 and found. 12 butchers, different Jobs. $35 to $60 found. 6 bakers. 5 helpers. $35 to $50 and found. in boys to learn trader and work in factories. $6 to $12 a week. SPECIAL. * Cook and wife, hotel, fare p*ald. Inyo County, strictly kitchen work. 40 board- ers. $75. boss here. Cook. Nevada. $50. fare paid. Baker, eountry shop, fare $3. $50; helper. $25. Cook's helper, for mine, extra good Job. $33 and found, fare paid. MURRAY & READY. 634 and 636 Clay st. SPECIAL ON MIDNIGHT MAIL. PHONE AND TELEGRAPH. ¦WAREHOUSE. FARE $1. 12 laborers, no experience wanted. $3 day. IN BUTTE COUNTY. $3 FARE. 28 laborers for woods, you'll suit. $40 found. FOREMAN GRAIN RANCH. $50. FD. | Carpenters, private work, fare 70c. $30. i 26 ITALIANS. FREE FARE. ; for Los Angeles. Santa Barbara and San |- Luls Obispo. EXTRA SPECIAL— SANTA CRUZ. 26 men. anybody will do. free fare to-day. ARIZONA— 900 MILES. TO-DAY TO ARIZONA. Cement flnlnher. $4 50: machine hand, furni- ture factory. $2 50. day: 2 bench bands, planing mill $•'< 50; cook's helper, mine. $3.. and found; bark peeler, fare $1. $40 and found; 6 laborers, city foundry. $2: tinsmith. S3- blacksmith lumber company, north. $»O; lever man dredger boas here. $60 and found; 16 hay balers, $3 to $5 day; boys for whole- sale druggist. $18 to $35; coachman, garden- "VaRE PAID TO OREGON-$33— TO _5 iawmilland woods men. $80 found. Machinist, country winery. $40 and found. 12 laborers. 8 hc*ire. city. $60. Porter and rousta i 'bout, hotel, nr3t class, near city. $25. TOGKTH - R _ BUTT _ R Maker and milker, fare paid. Inyo Co.. $70 fd - DRIVER— MERCHANDISE. Country store, Tuo'.umne Co.. $60 to $75. o g"'RM\NS WINE CELLARS. $10 to $12. 2 boys, little experience, city machine shop,*9 Butcher, young man. shop, wagon, near city, $:;o and' found. .'.-_». Chorcman. ranrh. boss here, private Job, $25 and found. , "__ m ;; steady farmhands, year round, $30 found. Carpenter set up tanks, * i i0. Stableman, south, exceptionally good Job. $*0 and found. , Box maker, city. $2 50. 3 milkers, steady jobs year round. $35 found. Best Places At MURRAY & READY. lest Wages At «" and 638 Clay st. 10 BLACKSMITHS and helpers, located every- where. $90 to 545 and found. Also i)C other different mechanics; come see. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st. WANTED For the U. - 8. Marine Corps, able- bodied, unmarried men. between 21 and 35; "good character; must speak, read and write English; marines serve at sea on men-of-war in ali parts of the world, on land In our Isl- and possessions, and at naval stations In the 1 United States. Apply at recruiting offlce. 40 Ellis st.. San Francisco. Cal.: 2221J N. Main St.. Los Angeles. Cal.. and 401 K st.. Sacra- mento. Cal. ' ' BOYS wanted Immediately to pare fruit with machine: *o<xl wages. California Canneries' Co.. 423 Brannan st. WANTED— Educated young man to learn our ' business and take responsible position - when qualified: $900 per year; flr«t-class references required. Stoddard Lectures. 210 Examiner building. ' - - MAN to assist with work In lodging-house; good home; state age and wages expected. T F. STACK, the Colonial. 616 Broadway. Oak. land. WANTED — Laborers and mechanics to know that Ed Rclkln, Reno House proprietor, has added 100 new rooms to the Denver House. 217 Third st.; 250 rooms: 15c per night. WANTED— Young man to teach llttla boys la. return for board and assistance In his stud- ies. Write or catl after 6 p. m. on 'H C COONLEY. 1017 Clay st.. San Francisco. Cal! TRY our men's shoes, union mad*, at SI and $1 SO pair; foot-form shoes at $2 SO; we pay e-prest or mall chgs. 11 Third St.. Exam. bid. BOY wanted. United States Laundry. Six- teenth and. Valencia st*. . BARBER shop for sale. $50; worth $100. In- qurty Call offlce. MAN to do Janitor work for tuition in S. F. Barber School, 741 A Howard st. SAILORS and ordinary fceamen for Europe and Australia. HERMAN'S. 2ft Steuart at. tOO MEN to buy new and 2d-hand army shoes 50c up: soling cheap. 023 Howard st.. nr. 5th. PENSION atty. E. A. Bullls, room 40. Phei*lT bldg. Past Com. Geo. H. Thomas Post. G.A.R. CLASSIFIED advertisement* and suhscrlptiosa received at Call branch offlce. 2200 Flllmcre. ALL sizes men's- shoes. 'slightly damaged half price. StS Mission St.. bet. 1st and 2dsts. GET your shoes half soled while waiting: 25o to 50c. 563 Mission St.. btt. 1st. and 2d •_. HELP WANTED — FEMALE— -Con. AT C. R. HANSEN & CO.'S -.Hello, Grant 185 1 * HOTEL DEPARTMENT. - • Head wal trees, short distance, " party here at 11 a. m. to-day. Head waitress, commercial notel, fare paid, $ 30. j 2 waitresses, ahort distance, $25. Waitress, arm work, country, $25. Waitress, bakery and restaurant, city, 53 wk. Housekeeper, city hotel, f30. Cook, few boarders, city, $35. 2 waitresses, south, fare paid, $25. 2 waitresses, Fresno, fare paid, $25. Chambermaids, city and country, $20. Chambermaid, south, fare paid, $20. 'V 2 laundresses, south, free fare, $25. Waitresses, city and country. $-.2O-$25. Chambermaid to wait, one used-- to private family and hctel work, nice home. $25. FAMILY DEPARTMENT. 2 nice places, 2 In family, country, $25 each, parties here, fares paid; cook, middle-aged couple, three weeks" work, best of wages, party here; woman, housekeeper, 2 men, 522 60; man and wife, private place, chore- - man and cook. $3.%, party here; housegirl, uleep home, no Sunday work, $5 week; cooks, houseglrls, second girls, nursegirls, others, $20-$30. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 429 Bush st. A MAN and wife, apartment house, city. $40. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 420 Bush st. HA1RDRESSING, manicuring, massage, hair work; removal of superfluous hair taught from A to Z in 2 weeks for $10; positions guaranteed: $lo to $20 per week; school day and eve. 233 Geary, r. 13; maids prepared. A — LADIES, learn all branches hairdrggslng trade; manicuring, massage, etc; 1236 Mar- ket it., cor. Jones, room 94; positions secured at highest wages; day and eve. class: call. MIDDLE-AGED women to sew buttons on shirts by hand; steady work. LEVI STRAUSS & CO., 0CV3 Fremont St.; take ele- vator; eee Mr. Henshaw. WOMEN and girl* wanted to work on fruit and canning; -cteady work; highest wages. Apply California Canneries Co.. Brannan ct., between Third and Fourth. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS AND RIV- ETERS; NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY; PAID SALARY. LEVI STRAUSS - CO.'S FACTORIES. 32 V, FREMONT ST. AND 1873 MISSION. NEAR FIFTEENTH. WOMEN and girls to work on fruit; steady employment; day and piece work; highest wagea. CODE-PORTWOOD CANNING CO.. Bryant and Tenth. \ A — Girls to learn millinery now for fall season; both seasons taught from start to finish in on* month for Jlu; positions a* trimmers, sales- ladles, etc., guaranteed at $10 per week up:, day and evening class. 143 Stockton st., r. 13. ASSISTANT cashier for part of day for large restaurant: one with some knowledge of shorthand preferred; no fee. 'Apply 9 a. m. to 12 m.,. Restaurant-keepers" Association, 6 Eddy et., room 48. WANTED— FlrM-clars corset woman; one ca- pable of selecting goods and taking charge of stock; state age, experience and salary expected. Apply box 2428. Call office. WANTED — A Blrl for necond work and watt- ing. Call before 12 at NE. cor. Clay and Broderlck sts. WANTED— Pants finishers, union shop and union wages. • Apply at 27 Geary 8t., S. N. WOOD & CO. ' WANTED — Experienced alteration hands on suits and skirts. STRAUSS _ FROHMAN. 107 Post Et. GIRL. Mondays and Saturdays after business hours; writing and sample packing. Box 2421, Call. ¦ GIRL for general housework and plain cook- in*?: small family; good wages. 776 Mc- Allister st. , WANTED— A young lady to sew ticks; one with experience preferred. Apply Wakefleld Mfg. Co.. 4(51 Fourth St.. Oakland. WANTED — First-class millinery maker. Apply between 0 and 11 a. m. at HALE BROS.'. YOUNG girls to work on gloves; wagea from start. CARSON GLOVE CO.. 123 Second st. OVERSTITCII sllker on sloves: permanent po- sition. CARSON GLOVE' CO.. 123 Second st. APPRENTICE for hair business at G. LEDER- EU'S, 123 Stockton st. GIRL" wanted to assist with housework; no children. tS20 Broderick st. APPRENTICES — Neat sewers, ladies' tailor- ing; paid while learning. HOEN1G. S10 Post. WANTED— First-class millinery makers. Apply superintendent's office. The Emporium. WANTED — A flrst-class tailoresw to work on custom coatp. 246 'Sutter, room 17, 2d floor. WAITRESS In a restaurant. 1759 \' 2 Mission st. WANTED — A girl for general housework; wages $30. 2S74 Washington st. » EXPERIENCED talloress on fine custom coats; steady work; good pay. 530 Xatoma st. BRIGHT lady or gentleman for permanent po- sition; salary $50. 1502 Callaghan bldg. WANTED— 2 ladies to travel with Ringling's . show; most be stout. Bos 2430, Call. YOUNG girl to do light housework. 511 Stockton st. :¦;¦» YOUNG girl to assist in housework. 1340 Eddy street. ¦' . '. ¦ .__--. NEAT German or Swedish girl for general housework; wages $20; 4 adults in family. Apply 2514 any st. WANTED — Flrst-class millinery maker; salary - $15 per week; state experience. Box 1091, Call office. GIRLS — About 15, for factory work; good wages; apply at once. AMES & HARRIS. 10C fcecramento st. ITALIAN lady who can speak. English wanted to travel. Apply Girls' Directory. Central ave. and Waller st. TALENTED amateur performer-. Apply at Chutes C p. m. Wednesday: salary no object." GIRL for llsht housework and plain cooking. Apply 1545 McAllister at.*, between 9 and 12. WANTED — An experienced girl to pack candy. P. J. BAUM. 1144 Howard St.. WANTED — An exDerienced trimmer at Free- ma's millinery store, 435 Geary st. FIRST-CLASS 'button-hole maker on custom coats; steady work. '40 Ellis Bt., rooms 43-44.' GIRLS wanted. United States Laundry, Six- teenth and Valencia sts. V TWO flrst-cjass, finishers on pants. 269 Clem- entlna St., upstairs, third floor. WANTED— Refined ' German girl "- for upstairs work and sewing. Apply 2010 Pacific ave. M SEVERAL salesladies for dry; goods store in the Mission. Box 2414. Call office. FIRST-CLASS pager wanted. F. MALLOYE, 422 Sacramento st. * A NURSE girl to take care of a baby. French Laundry. 125.-. Pacific St. ' ; LADY agents on salary. Call 9 to 5, office 53, Columbian building, .910 Market st. : . -J A WEEK'S news for 5 cent»— The Weekly Call. 16 pages, in wrapper, for mailing, $1 per year. ¦ '¦'-¦ HELP WASTED — 3IALE— -Con. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT AGENCT, 520— Sacramento St.— 520 Phone Main 11U1. Cor. Leldesdorff St. STEAMER SAILS TO-DAT " STEA1TER SAILS TO-DAY* , Call early, as the S. S. sall3 this morning: , company work; no strike: no discount FEK 11. Fare Very Cheap. fe_ m 11 more laborers, ?51 50 and found 6 rockmen, $5» and found. Big crowd going on the S. S. George W. j Elder; she sails this morning; call early. S. P. R. R- Co.'a Own Work. FREE FARE. FEE SI. . 10 laborers, near city; FREE FARE; FES $1; $42 r.nd found. BOSS HKP.E TO-DAT. "I"* Butt- Co., Chieo. Half Fare. FEE $V 30 teamsJf-rs. laborers «ind rockmen. $67 50 to $75- ".CO mm tor Diamond Match Co *s own work. S2 to |C 50 day. W* want SCO men for other jobs not advertised, call and aee us. get a free Ii3t of jobs at the PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT AGENCT. 520 Sacramento St.. cor. Leklesdorff st. ¦ WINCHESTER Hotel, 44 Third St.. near Mar- I ]j e t 700 rooms. 33c night: reading rooms; 1 free 'bus and baggage to and from ferry. '. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 10WI Valencia st. ; HOnSES ASD WAGONS. ON* account of golns to build, entire stock of wagons, buggies and harness must be sold at sacrifice. Corner 15th and Valencia sta. FOR sale — Largest, best located stable In city. Apply SCOTT — MAGNER. hay m ercfcjjitj. 615 SUth st. _________________ • 6 GOOD ranch mares cheap; coal wagon |30; ; peddling wagon. jZS. 78 City Hall ave. FOR sale— Handscm* trap; cheap. Box 10SOL Call office. 1 8 GOOD hors es for sale cheap. 327 Sixth st. GENTLE horse; will follow you; good homa more than price. 473 Valencia st. , ONE Sne buggry, fruit wagon, cart. 2d-h&nd: new laundry wagon, cheap. 82S Harrison st. Al EXPRESS wagon, light camplnj wagoa and gocart for sale cheap. 532 Mission st. UOl'SKS TO LET KIKMSHED. A WELL furnished house, piano, 3 rooms; -ei— sunny; fine location; 1375 Masonic ave. Apply MADISON _ RURKE. 30 Mont-otnery st. HOUSES TO LET. A — PRINTED list of houses to let; send for cir- cular. G. II. UMBSEN & CO.. 14 Montgomery. BEFORE moving get our printed list of houses to let. BALDWIN & HOWELL. 23 Post st. BOCSES TO LEASE: FURMSHED. FURNISHED house; six rooms and bath; cheap. 3033 Twenty-fifth st LOST AND FOC.VD. $25 REWARD for return of lady's purse. - rings (prized as keepsakes), keys and owner'* cards; lost Saturday on Scott St., near Halght. 115C Scott st. WHITE, yellow-crested cockatoo, lost near Golden Gate Park; $25 reward for ln- . formation or return at Cheer© Villa, corner Fulton st. and Seventh ave. REWARD for return of dress suit case marked J. A. K., left at corner Page and Buchanaa s_ . Return to Dramatic Review offlca. 29 Geary st. • LOST — On Sunday. 23d lnst.. an Eastern Star breastpin Leave same with A. J. SPAR- ROW. 23 Fremont St., and receive- reward. LOST— July 14. fawn greyhound dof. on Sec- ond and Howard sts. Return to 214 Linden ave. ; liberal reward. LOST — A lady's hunting-case gold watch: lib- eral reward. Return to E. B. MURBAT, 807 Castro st. LOST— Silk muffler, monogram ELI: Millwood to Sausalito. Aug. 23; reward. 141 Post st. IT will pa.y to --Re— ember" that the California, Watch Case Co.. 22O Sutter St.. neods ol<S gold and silver to make n;w watch c— sea. XiOrTS TO _GT. LOFT to lease — 656 Mission St.. NW. corner of Annie; light loft of 40OO square feat; pas- senger and frelsht elevator service; will l«a»« fcr a term; rent reasonable. SHAINWALD, BUCKBEE & CO.. 21S-220 Montgomery st.. Mills building. MEDICAL. MRS. DR. WTETH. specialist for all ftoil* complaints: Instant relief guaranteed: 39 years" experience. 728 Post st.. near Jones. MRS. DR. KOHL, reliable specialist for all fe- mals troubles and Irregularities; Instant re- lief guaranteed. 10C8>4 Market St.. opp. 5Uw DR. G. W. O'DONNELL — All who ar« side or In trouble consult this specialist on famal« complaints; positively corrected; the unfor- tunate helped; the most difficult cases treat- ed; sdvice free. Office. 101S Market st. MRS. D. ALLEN. 111S Market — Reliable ladles* specialist: a prfvate home before and during confinement; best medical care; lo— fees. A maternity villa: private: secluded: c5r."d»a- tial. Dr. E. Funke. 1416 Eighth St.. Alameda, ! DR. ROSEN moved to 2905 Folsom St.. cor. : 2tith; relief |10: ladies" exclusive office. jDrs. Goodwin. T£i Turk, nr.Van Ness^ — Expert In obstetrics, female comp. ;25 yrs. experience. DK. and MRS. DA VIES and HINDOO HERBS; original method of treatment. 1128 Market st. DR. NG TOT KEE. 319 Powell »t.. opposite Union square; all diseases cured by nerbs. CHEAPEST a_d best In America — The Weekly Call. 16 paxes, sent to any address in th« United States or Canada one year for Jl. J-1LL1A— ;K.V. Ladies' Imported & tailored hats Just In; c_ il: prices low to start them going; frames mad* 1 to fit the face. MME. DOSCH. 207 Post M MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. ¦ BOILERS, engines. 2d-hand machinery. McIN- TOSH &WOLPMAN. 195-197 Fremont st. A GOOD reason to buy diamonds, watches* and jewelry from us is that you need only pay - small weekly payment on all purchases; all goods delivered oa flrst payment. Call and examine our goods, even if y<rj don't car« to buy. LICHTENSTEIN BF.O9.. 25 Stockton. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with elaterite; In rolls easy to lay: needs no painting or coating: good over old Iron, tin or shingles: best for new roofs. ELATKRITE ROOFING CO.. 713 Market st. A— Fine euits. $7 50; dresa pants, {2 5a Origi- nal Misfit Clothing Parlors. 233 Kearny st.. near Bush: open to 9 p. m. Sunday to noon. A— $3 5O DERBY and fedora hats. $1 73. Pop- ular Price Hatters. SM> Kearny st.. near Pine; open till 9 p. m. Sunday to noon. A— BUYS, sells or rents gear machinery. «J- 1 glnes. boilers, water pip*, shafting pulley*. etc. WH1TELAW. 2S3-255 Spear St. FOR sale — One gasolln? launch, 10x43; 39 horsepower: ran be »cen at Rio Vista: good order. P. O. box 272. Rio Vista. Cal. SECOND machinery, boilers, engines, pumps. wood and Iron working t-achinery.bought,. sold and rented. H.S. WHITE. ISO- 132 Seal?. TRY rur men's shoe* at SI and $1 60 pair; fcot-for— shoes at $2 50: we pay expre-a charges. 11 ¦"*! St.. Es-tm. bldg.: catalog free. A JULES JURGENSEN 5-minuts repeating watch: very reasonable. 10 Sixth st. PAIR 3-ka-at diamond earrings at a bargain. 10 Sixth st. m A MARTIN guitar for *ale at 10 SUth st W. J. HESTHAL. ¦ CARPENTERS' and rtumNrs- tools; larg» grinding stone. 053_Howard. _____ SEALSKIN. ?225 quality, same as new. bu 3 t 34 to 26. |flO. 10 S 1:cth gt - TWO 5O-gallon copper caldrons. 1760 L~n!oa street. \ AUTOMOBILE— Olds : 1*» WttnBjAl condi- tion; used 6 weeks: $525. Apply 203 Larkln. •ViOVIN'G pictures, magic lanterns, sale, rental: barga Insl Eullard & Breck. 151 Post st. MILES of pipe and fittings; all sises. EU- GENE RILEY & SONS, 109 Vallejo st. MOVING picture film and song slides. 109 Montgomery st. _ *FE3— New and second-hand. E. B. BECK * CO.. 122 Market st. All bargains :camp stools and chairs. hammocks. metal beds.mattres3es.J.F.Hotter.712 Mission. Edison phonographs, records, supplies, moving picture machines, films. Bactgalvpt. 0S3 Mkt. GASOLINE engines, automobiles and launches, all sixes. J. ri. DOAK. 4tf Fremont st. SAFES — New and second-hand. THE HER- MANN SAFE CO.. 417-423 Sacramento st. ASK for prices on second-hand typewriters ;all makes. ALEXANDER & CO.. 110 Moctg-y. CHEAPEST and best in America— The Weekly Call. 16 pagesXient to any address in th« United States or Canada one year for $1 roetage paid. . . MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. TILTON wants good second-hand clathlag and .tb_*_Tl«-t -~>a« i._ o.w «t_: »«L J««_ro_»C |___ti-tfM_Tn_rT^i_r__wii-«i-i_i__i ~_i ¦_ A baby's a blessing-, lta mamma will declare, Though It can't be denied It's a very great care; So a nurse you ehoum have who Is cheerful and kind. Who her charsre won't neglect and lmtructlona will mind. Such a one you. can get and your heart be at rest By an ad. in The Call, of all mediums the best.