Newspaper Page Text
: TONOPAH, MINES. Bid. Ask. , . Bid.Ask. Colehan — 18 Rescue ...... 10.. 12 Esperanza ..." 03 04 Ton Belmont.l 60 1 80 Eula Con ... — -—Ton & Cal.. — — Gipsy Queen.. 26 28 Ton Fraction. — — Gold M Con. w .10 Ton & O W. 02 03 Hannapah .. 24 25 Ton of Nev.. 6 00 7 25 Lucky Tom. . ¦ — 10 Ton N Star. 35 40 MacNamara . 10 ¦. . ' 17 Ton Midway... — 47 Mizpah Ex V. — 33 T & St Lake — — Mont Ton '..'.1.00 1 C5 Ton Union... — . — NY Ton-.... — ¦ — United :Ton... — — Paymaster .". -10 12 Utopia ....... — \ — • Pine Grove • • — 54 . • CLOSING QUOTATIONS. FRIDAY. Aug. 28—4 p. m. Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. Alpha ....... 05 .07 Julia ....02: 03 Alta ...... ...05 07 Justice ...... 10 12 Andes 12 13 Kentuck .... 02 03 Belcher. ..... 25 27 Mexican ..... OS 9fl Bert & Belch. 1 50 1 t)5 Occidental ... 38 38 Bullion 01 O2|0phlr .1501 55 Caledonia .... 84 83 Overman .... 23 24 Challenge Con 23 25 Potosi ....... 12-13 Chollar ...... 12 13 Savage ...... 21 22 Confidence ... 85 95 Scorpion .....02 04 Con C & Va.l 40 1 45 Seg Belcher.. 08 09 Con Imperial. 03 . 04;Sierra Nev . . 01 C2 Con N Y 12 14 Sliver Hill .. 66 69 Crown Point. 11 12 St Louis .... — lfl Eureka Con.. 40 — Syndicate ..... _¦ o« Exchequer ..04 05 Union Con . . 61 62 Gould & Cur. 27 28 Utah ........ 22 ,24 Hale & Norcs 37 : 38 Yellow Jacket 50 51 Lady Wash.. 04 - 00 The following tables give a comparative statement for two years of the estimated flow of certain California rivers in cubic feet, per second, or second feet, one second .foot equal- Ing 50 California miner's Inches, or about 40 Colorado miner's inches. - The figures for th« last year may be revised by later measure ments. The figures are by J. B. Llppincott, hpdrographer. United States Geological Survey: TUOLUMNE RIVER AT LA GRANGE] Second Feet. DATE. *,;;¦-; 1902. 1003. August 10 . 155 August 17 115 August 18 SO ... August 19 V 80 ... August 20 .'. 65 ... August 21... ' 35 August 22 ~ IS . TULE RIVER NEAR PORTERVILLE. - Second Feet. August 16.. 21 16' August 17 21 18 August ,18 • 21 18 August 19 21 14 August 20 21 14 August 21........ 21 14 •'.* August 22 21 14 SACRAMENTO RIVER AT IRON CANYON. . Second Feet. DATE. 1902. 1903. August lrt......'. 6660 4S0O August 17.. 6660 4S0O August 18............ -6660 4800 August 19 . 6660 4800 August 20. - 5600 4800 August 2t ¦ "5660 4800 August 22 , fritX) 4800 KINGS RIVER AT RED MOUNTAIN. - Second Feet. . , DATE. ~— — 1 1902. 1903. August 18l.. ..... „. '624 . 1170 ' August 17........... '' C24' '1103 , August 18.. 572 1105 ' August 19.. 52O 1040 August -SO..'...'..; B2O .1040 August 21. .:...... .480 1040 August 22.. :.v...\ :.;.... • 410 • 1010 FLOW OP RIVERS. The following were the sales on the Pacific Stock Exchange yesterday: Morning Session. 100 Andes ..... 14 .200 Overman . . 23 500 Chollar .... 13 600 Potosl ...... 14 200 CC4V...H0 700 Savage .... 22 300 Gould & C. 26 100 Sierra Nev. «1 100 Gould & C. 27 800 Sierra Nev. 63 200 Hale & N.. 39 200 Utah 23 300 Mexican ... 88 1000 Yel Jacket.. 61 Afternoon Session. . 400 C C & V...1 42% 300 Seg. Belcher 09 1000 Con Imper. 04 200 Silver Hill.. 68 200 Gould & C. 26 20O Union Con., fll 200 Mexican. .. n» 300 Utah 21 300 Overman .. 23 20O Yet Jacket.. 51" 300 Savage ..:. 21 TONOPAH MINING EXCHANGE! The following were the sales on the San Francisco and Tonopah Mining Exchange yes terday: • . Morning Session. lOOO'Eaperanza ... 04 600, South Eureka. 13 COO Hannapah . . . 25 50 Ton N Star... 40 200 Mon Ton..... 106 50 Ton N Star... 42 ¦ 200 Rescue ". I 1 Afternoon Session. £ 500 Esperanza . . . 04 100 Mon Ton.....l 05 500 Esperanza . . . 03 100 Pine Grove... 53 200 Gipsy Queen. 27 600 Ton & Cal.... 20 200 Mizpah Ex... .33 PACIFIC STOCK EXCHANGE. 100 Alpha 06 200 Hale & Nor. . 40 300 Andes 13 200 Mexican Oft 100 Belcher 27 30O Occidental ... lift 100 Caledonia .... 84 300 Ophlr 1 55 100 Chollar 12 100 Overman .... 21 40O Con Cal & V.I 40 100 Potosl 13 100 Con New York 13 400 Union Con.... 6!> 300 Crown Point. 11 600 Utah 23 100 Gould & Cur. 25 Afternoon Session. 200 Caledonia 85 200 Savage 21 200 Con Cal & V.I 40 100 Sierra Nev... 61 200 Crown Point. 12 100 Silver Hill. ... 6T 100 Mexican 9N 100 Union Con ttl 200 Ophlr 160 200 Utah 22 300 Overman .... 231 100 Yellow Jack. . 57 The following were the tales on tho San Francisco Stock and Exchange Board yester day: • Morning Session. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE. Mining Stocks. 100 Monte Crtsto 70 200 Four Oil 6S Afternoon Session. Board — 7000 Independence 17 - 25 Monarch 52 COMMERCIAL NEWS Continued From Page Eleven. Thomas Moriarty, the cx-soldier who shot himself in the right temple ; in . a Bush-street lodging-house on Wednesday night, is fast failing at the City and County Hospital and is likely to die at any moment. At first It was thought that the man would recover, but he has stead ily grown worse, till now he is delirious and the end Is Boon expected. Ex-Soldier Moriarty Failing, Twenty-six applicants for the. civil ser vice examination for truckmen in the Flro Department passed the medical examina tion and will be permitted to take the athletic test nex\ Monday at .the ..Olympic; Club. Of the 'remaiijln'p* v thJrtyrsix^;who filed applications three were rejected by the . doctors, seventeen were rejected on height and- weight and sixteen failed to respond. . .¦;'". . ... Pass Medical Examination. Mrs. Mary Gleeson (owner) with James P. Burke (contractor), architects Kidd & Ander son — All work exceot painting, plumbing for a two-Btcry frame building (flats) on NW cor ner of Twenty-fourth and Folsom streets, W 122:6, N 40. E 45:6. S 17, E 77, S 23; $3515. Builder's Contract. •S. Ducas Company (corporation) lo Erne3t A. Wakeley, lot on KE corner of GIrard and Felton (Henry) streets. E 00 by N 50, lot 5, block 2, University Mound: $10. J. Frank and Marea Walters to Stellssa Beebe lot on E line of Whitney street. 323 8 of Thirtieth, S 25 by E 125. block 27. Fair mount; $10. Celso and Carlotta Zanlni to Gerolamo A. Fabris. lot on E line of Conro street. 23 N of Flood avenue, N 25 by E 100. lot 8. blocK 43, Sunnyslde; $10. Adolph and Anna C. Widell to Louis G. and Mary J. Bersxen. lot' on 3 line of Rlchland street, 125 W of Mission. W 25 by S 100, lot 16 block E, French and Oilman; $10. -Louts G. Bergren to Mary J. Bergren. same; gift. Charlotte Robinson (trustee) to Lucretla Thomas (wife of Charles W. H.). 1P97 D. 311. as to estate of Georse Goodman, reconveyance deed; ?512. -^ Odd Fellows' Cemetery Association to George Weber, lot Jn cemetery; $220. City and County of San Francisco to Po trero Land Imorovement Company, nine de scriptions will appear in full in next Issue; $ — . -B40 by S 127:S}i: $10. Robert A.'and EUle Vance to Benjamin F. and MagKie Rellly, lot on S line of Aldlne street. 120 E of North Willard. E 20:3 by S 125; $10. • Clara H. Hatch to William W. R. Hatch, lot on W . line of Harr!son street. 95 S of Twentieth, S 75 by W 122:6; Klft. John C. • Doose to Georse A. De^enfant, - lot on E line of Noe street. 230 S of Duboce avenue (Thirteenth), S 25 by E 150; $10. Fernando and Julia A, Nelson to Thomas and Rose C. Thompsojj. lot on N line of Eighteenth street, 75 W ot Hartford, W 25 by X 1C0; ?10. > ' ( - Catherine Harrington to Patrick and Bridget Flanagan, lot on W line of Alabama street, 75 S of Twenty-sixth. S 25 by W 100; $10. Maurice and Maesie O'Dowd to Oscar Hey man lot on E line of Twenty-first avenue. 230 S of Clement street. S 25 by E 120: $10. ¦J. Frank and Marea ¦ Walters to Ellen L. Sorgenfrey. lot on E line of Thirty-ninth ave nue 05 S of Clement street, S 25 by B 120; $10. City Realty Company to Albert W. Lehrke, lot on SW corner of H street and Sixth ave nue. W 32:0 by S 95: also lot on NE corner of I street and Sixth avenue. N 35 by E »5: $10. • ' Hlbernia Savings and Loan Society to John and Hannah ' Welsh, lot on S line of Rlpley street, 115 E of Folsom, E 25 by S ISO; $250. KEAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Monica Lord to Francis Sullivan. lot on S Hire of Francisco street. 123 E of Van Ne»3 avenue E 37:6 by S 137:6; also lot on SW line of' Ninth street. 110 SE of Folsom. SE 25 by SW 100- also lot on SE line of City Hall avenue- 150 NE of City Hall squant. NE i3 by SE 100, City Hall lot 5C; $10. Catherine E. Coleman. now Catherine E. Grady. and Walter II. Grady to J. J. Rauer. lot on N line of Pine street. 15«:3 W of Buchanan. W. 25 by N 137:6; $300. >•,. - Matilda and Adam M. . Brutscher to Laura B McCornock lot on N Iin« of Oak street. 227:6 W of Fillmore, W 35:6 by N 137:6; $10. P. B Cornwall to Katharina Schaefer or SchaefTer, lot on S line of Turk street, 108:3 W of Steiner. W 30 by S 137:6, quitclaim deed; ?10. " Katharina Schaefer or.Schaefter to Rosalia Stlch; same; $10. . ; .' ' . • Edwin S. and Rebecca C. Tucker to Henry and Mary Muller, lot on N line of California street. 12S:» W of Steiner, W 25:10 by N 120; $10. Belle H. Plummer to Louis F. GelsSler. lot on. S line of Pacific street. 137:6 E of Lyon, NEW YORK, Aug. 28.— Calif ornians In New York: From San Francisco— T. C. Arnold, at the Imperial: Schweitzer, at the Grand Union: H. I* Tyler, at the Cosmopolitan; A. H. Cowey, at the Hoff man: H. S. Foote. at the Gilsey; A. R. Reynolds, at the Gilsey House. From Santa Barbara— Ia Thwaites, at the Morton. /. Calif ornians in Hevr York- Advices at 2 p. m. show that the bandits eluded the posse in pursuit and passed on through the thick brush territory to ward the Maple Hill bridge. At 1 o'clock this afternoon the report comes from Paxaco that Sheriff Frey and Chief Custy of the Rock Island detective force, aided by four county deputies, have the robbers located in a stretch oZ tim ber near Paxaco. McFARLAUD, Kans., Aufr a,— At 1 o'clock thta morning sis ¦ masked men heavily armed appeared . at the Rock Island depot and started to aster the of fice door. Conductor Menuehan el freight train No. tt, Which had just palled in, and Night Baggageman ! Charles Telsr saw them and hurriedly attempted to block the door, but tha robbers forced an en trance and. after taking their roonoy and watches, beat the men into Insensibility. They then rifled the depot ef Its contents and, going hurriedly to the eating-house, held up and took all the valuables' from a half-dozen men on the platform employed at the roundhouse and a part of the train crew. Passengers at the lunch counter scurried upstairs and blocked the 'en trance effectively. The bandits then loot ed the eating-house register and silver ware, doing their work in & cool and col lected fashion after the manner of vet erans, iv ---"-¦.- •¦•¦.'! Then, apparently aa a Jofte, they marched and carried six of the Bock Island employes, Including the night hos tler and baggageman, and locked them In a refrigerator car and disappeared In an easterly direction. . ¦ During the thirty minutes of their pres» ence not a shot was fired and only Mon nehan and Toler were injured. Two hours after the robbers disappeared Sheriff. Frey had organized a posse, re leased the prisoners from the refrigerator car 'and galloped in pursuit. The bandits were headed toward Topeka. - . The bandits secured eight watches and probably $150. They left McFarland on foot. : v Carrie, Pfeiffer Stuhr, the one-time Tivoll favorite, was awarded $50 a month alimony pending the trial of her suit for divorce. Thcawa.rd.was made by Judge Sloss, who also directed her husband, Louis Stuhr, to pay her $150 for counsel fees. . Judge Kerrigan made an order di recting Andreas Hanson to pay Ella Han son 130 a month pendente lite 1 . Mary T. Jones will receiv'e $75 a month alimony from James A. Jones, a bicycle dealer, until her suit for divorce is terminated. Judge Graham issued the order. * '%' ¦ A suit for divorce was filed by Mary Grace Terry against Frank . Terry for neglect. Annie McCarthy, a very pretty little woman, appeared before Judge Graham yesterday in quest of freedom from the marital yoke .that bound her to William McCarthy. •* With tears In her eyes she told the court that McCarthy, ever since their marriage two months ago, had treated her In such a brutal and fiendish manner that she had become a nervous wreck. 'Her evidence was ¦ corroborated by that of several friends, and Judge Graham granted her prayer for divorce. McCarthy Is property man at the Orr pheum. I Judge Graham also granted Josephine L. Libbey a divorce from Albert. H. Llb bey for cruelty. Annie M. King was granted a divorce from James King by Judge 'Kerrigan. King treated her bru tally, on one occasion breaking one of jher ribs with a kick. Judge Kerrigan also granted Rebecca Biddeman a divorce from Moses Biddeman for neglect, and Judge Hebbard granted Louise Michl a divorce from Joseph Michl for failure to provide. Ira Puerl Wllkerson, who , is being sued for divorce on the ground of cruelty and infidelity by Maude Amber Wllker son, leading lady at Fischer's Theater, demurred to his wife's complaint yester day. He demurs on the ground that her complaint does not state a sufficient cause for action. , Amelia B. Grannli, who afew months ago secured a decree of divorce on tho ground of extreme cruelty from James Q. Grannis of the manufacturing firm of J. Q. Grannla &. Co., is dissatisfied with that part of tho decree which gave to Qrannla the custody of two of their three children. Yesterday nhe filed a notice that she would appear in court shortly and move that the decree be modified so that her 'little ones could be cared for by her. She says that they are lonesome and homesick and In need of a mother's care and love. They are at present In an Institution. Sheriff and Mounted Posse Gallop in. Pursuit of the Fugitives. Asks Court -toModify-Decree Giving Them to Oare of Their Father/ < Relieve Passengers and Train Crew of . Valuables. Amelia Grannis Claims Her Little Ones Are t Homesick. MASKED MEN ROB RAILROAD DEPOT Captain Reginald F. Nicholson, United States Navy. Washington, D. C, is in the city. He will leave for his post of duty at the national capital this evening and S. D. Brastow will escort him as far east as Reno. Captain Nicholson will com mand the superb new cruiser Taeoma, now nearing completion at the Union Iron Works. It Is expected that the Tacoma's trial trip will take place next November. General Passenger Traffic Manager B. O. McCormick of the Southern Pacific Company left last night in his private car for a trip to King River Canyon. He was accompanied by Assistant General Passenger Agent James Horsburgh and others. Judge E. Finley Johnson of Manila, who lately returned to the United States to .W. 8. Taylor, a medical practitioner of LJvermore, is at the Palace. Ex-Governor John H. McGraw.of the State of Washington is at the Palace. He resides at Seattle and is a large stock holder in a Klondike railroad. General John'C. Black, commander in chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, and General W. R. Shatter. U. S. A., de partment commander, will visit the Vet erans' Home at Napa County this even ing. &*.: • ." E. K. Smart, a mining jian with head quarters at Grass Valley, is registered at the Grand. • ; : -' J«'-B. Kttlnger, a Maiden Lane Jeweler of New York, is registered at the Palace. W/'F.' Peterson, .'a 1 candy manufacturer of Sacramento, is among the arrivals at the Lick. L. A. Blasingame, a well-known horse breeder of Fresno, registered at the Grand yesterday. T. C. White, a banker of Fresno,- la at the LJck. . '.,... . . \ ... take his family to the Philippines, is at the Palace* : . ¦ Former Congressman James Aa Leuttlt of Stockton is in towm ,R. I* James, a mining man ef Seattle, is a ffuest -at the Grand. T. * Q. Yancey, a well-known merchant ef Newman, is at the LJck." Rev. Bernard Mi Kaplan of Sacramento is a suest at the Occidental. C. B.' Jillson, a capitalist of Napa, is spending a few days at the. Grand* A. S. Frost, who conducts a hardware store at Marysvllle, is at the California. B. R. Abadie, a mining man of Oro ville, is among: the arrivals at the Palace* SAYS CHILDREN NEED HER LOVE PERSONAL MENTION. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1903. 13 MEDICA1*. t!Rs! DR.! WYETH, Epecialist for all female ! complaints; Instant relief guaranteed; S(J' experience. 72S Post et. near Jonea. MRS. DR. KOHL, reliable epecialist for all fe- male trouble* and irregularities; Instant re- lief guaranteed. 10QSH Market Ft. opp. Dth. DR. G. W. O'DONNELL— All who are flck or in trouble consult this specialist en female complaints: positively corrected; the unfor- tunate helped; the mo«t difficult csswa «-*at- cd; advice free. Office. 101S Market «t MRS. D. ALLEN. 1118 Market— Reliable ladles' *prcia!i:»t; a rrivate home before and daring confinement : best medical care; low f^es. DZL ROSEN moved to 2005 FcUom st. cor. 2Cth; relief flO; ladles* exclusive office. Drs. Goodwin. 'Xi Turk. nr.Vtn Me?*— Kxpert la obstetrics, female comp. ;V!> UK. and SiUS. DAVIKS and HINIHOO HKUPS; original method cf treatment U3» Market st DR. NO TOY KEE. 319 Powell St.. ofppsIU Vnton gquatf; a!! cMyenpea cured by herbs. MlLLIM^rtY. Ladles* Imported & tslicrcd hall Just In; call: Trices low to etart them gntn* : fratres roaae to fit th» face. MME. DOS'.'H. "0" rst £ " PIA\OS A\D OIlC.t>S. PART of our list of bargains in second-hand llanos for 6er.tcn;bcr, HO3: OrU . lra] '. ' IV.ce. Now. I MAJESTIC— . , , Walnut case, medium size. • l-J octaves, three pedals, fa'.l twinging mnsic rack, latett design, eood ton- dition -. '- 150 *"-* Two in walr.ut ca*=e» an3 one in oak. email Mze, carved rtn«i». three petals, 7 1-3 octaves, fine con- eition. each * >l!> ~° 1 FISCHER— , . _ . , Mahosar.y case, large Fire, . l-J octaves fine ccr.tii:!on, thoroughly renovated, cannot l>e told from a new piano s ' 3 — 3 Mahopany case, large riie, latest style, three pedals, 7 1-3 octaves. raar.dolin attachment, almost new.. oOO -40 1 C A. STONE & CO.— Walnut case, medium tizf. fua fewtagirjr music rack, thoroughly renovated and equal to new 850' -oO c 1 F>TEY— Walnut case, medium elre, » 1-3 c-taves In good condition 400 _50 1 HRUENN— WaJr.ut case, cabinet rrar.d. 7 1-3 octaves, thoroughly renovated and _ , equal to new *50 *60 Complete list furnished on application at our etore. SHERMAN. CLAY & CO.. Corner Keamy and Putter eta. PERSONALS. A— FACIAL BLEMISHES REMOVED. Wrinkles, yellow and flabby ekln, birthmarks, rronllpox pitting and scars scientifically re- Tnoved without cutting, massage, electricity cr medicines; special deraonttratiens this week. Call cr write Hit. L. WILLIAM!;. oTl Geary. EPKCIAL — Reduced fcr the month only, home treavir.cnt that you can use at your own home, removing v.T:nklee, tan, Ireckles, leav- irg skin clear and smooth; to be had only at rr.y office. Call cr write M. ELLA HARRIS, TM O KarreUtt WANTED— 777 ladies with ecalp diseases; lots cf hair and premature grayucEs prevented. (Car. treat by mail. Blanks for ttamp.) Con- fuivation free. 6:30 to «: Sundays. 10 to 12. Prof. "GEO. A. CARLOW, Specialist, room ¦ -IS. 987 Market ft." THE Etar Hair Remedy restores gray hair, im- rrovet Its growth :steps falUng;cures dandruff ar.i itchir.ff eca!p; no train or stickiness; c!<r*ntes *ca.lp;ai drucglrtf'. hairdressers' ;ac- crpl no substitute. Star Reined yOo.,2S5Geary. >.'OT how cheap, but how good. U the motto of the manufacturers of the Rapid Rotary standard, the eewing-machlne of to-day. J. W. EVANS, aBer.t, 1021 Market st PHTSICXA3Z, 15 years' experience, cures per- tr.anently rncrrhlne. cocaine habit. Call or tddrrsB Central Pharmacy, 251 Grant ave.. . corner Sutter Et.; lee moderate. CPJNK Cof-fartii. the best cereal coffee oa earth, rich in flavor, absolutely pure and nourishing; composed entirely of. superior grains and £cs. DANCING Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday and Sunday evenings at Teutor.ia Hall, Howard ' et. near Ninth; management Prcf. Foster. AT less than cost, uncalled for suits, overcoats and trousers, at CHARLES LYONS', Lcndon Tailor. 721 Market ft. THE . high^t price paid for ladies' or gents' cart-eff clothing and all articles of value at WEINBERG'S. 1UA Ellis st ELEGANT euitt on easy Installments; 60 cents end up per week. LEON LE11OS. 1127 Mar- ki-t ft., between Seventh and Eighth. BRING your goods; will make tailored Ehirt •waist, f 1. The Fashion, 1129 Market, bet.7&S i MRS. RUMPLE will be plp&*ed to meet old and new friends at her millinery parlors.221 Geary 61'ITS to order on Installments, tl per week. N^uhaui & Co.. merch. tailors. 727 -729 Market- ALL styles halrdresEing, 2oc: hair good?; mani- curing, 25c. G. LEDERER. 123 Stockton et TAILOR-HADE ruit $7 W; dress pants $2 50. Misfit Clothing Parlcr. car. Bjsh and Dupont SUPERFLUOUS hair end moles removed by eWtr.c needle. Dr.&iIrs.Traverse,1170 Market MAPQUERADE costume*, piaj- books, wigs, country orders. GOLDSTEIN & CO.. 733 Mkt ALFREDUM'S Egyptian Henr.a restores gray hair to It* natural color; $1; at all druggists'. hair and moles removed with elec- tric needle. Mrs. & Miss Eaton. 1119 Sutter. A "WEEKS news for C cent* — The Weekly Call. Ti rftc»y. in Trapper, for mailing-, tl per year. PALMISTRY. A raw weeks aca a weman consulted MME. IjI^VAS who had consulted many of the leading PALMISTS and ASTROLOGISTS of • the world. After MME. DEVAS had pre- dicted the future for many years to come she lold the woman of her past. DEVAS found where she had KILLliD A MAN, the cause, in what Ftate and described the conditions ebowlng that she WAS JUSTIFIED IN HER ACT. YOUR LIFC ALL COMES OUT. PAST AND FUTURE, IN A $1 PALM READING BY MME. DEVAS. My offer to enswer 3 questions closes Sept J; full r<ad:pEs $1. X1S:E. DEVAS, 13a Post st. 10 to 32. 1 to :,; Tins. evg. ; Sun. by app't. UUE. 211 .T. All, ecientific palmist and card reader; £5 years' exjjerience; late of New Zealand and Australia. ',-Z, A Post et H JEROME FOSELLI. scientific palmist 315 . TmvJcr rt.. near Geary. Phone niark 561. PAPEttllANGIXG. PAJXTI.\G. ETC. ¦ ¦ — ROOMS papered. $3 50 up; tinting, painting. Hartrrarin Falr.t Or. 313 "ii ft.; fl. Main 413. 1'UYMCIAMs AMI SCRUEO.XS. DR. C. C O'DONNELL — Of See and residence, 1021% Market et, bet Sixth and Seventh. BLOOD, ekia and rectal diseases a epecialty. DR. BALL. 1073^ Market Ft REMOVED— DR. WONG HIM, herb doctor; treats 4II diseases of the human body; fcr paet four years at 115-117 Mason; now lo- cated at CtT Geary et.. near Leaveaworth. !.« II. TONG PO CHY. successor to Dr. Li Po Ta.1. herb doctor; cures all dltpascs of human by u*e of herbs 8nd teas. 727 Washia&ton st IYONG WOO, the famous herb doctor — All dis- tafu cured by Chinese hcrhn. 746-S Clay et LEGAL ADVEnTISEJIKVTS. IN the 8ur>»ricr Court of the City and County ef i-an Francisco State of California. — Filed Aug-ust 20. J'J03, ALBERT B. MAHONY, Clerk by B. J. CASEY, Deputy Clerk; No. 2<» lftO. Probate — In Uie matter of the estate of' ALICE SKAE. deceased. Notice for pub- 'llcation of time eppointed for probate cf will. C- C P.. See I."iu3. — Notice is htrcby given *. hat " Tuesday the Kb day of September, A. D. 1S»U3. «t 10 o'clock a. ra. of that day, and the courtroom ei Department No. & of paid court, at the City Hall. In the City and County of San Francisco, State cf California, ' -have been appointed as the time and place for provlnjr the <3u!y authenticated copy of the will and codicil of eaid ALICE EKAE. deceased »nd of the probate thereof, and for hearing; the app'-lcatSon of MERCAN- TILE TRUST COMPANY of San FraficiBco, a corporation, for the Issuance to It' of let- ters testanv-ntary thereon. ISeal.J ALBERT U. MAHONY. Clerk, by E. J. CASEY, Deputy Clerk. Dated. August 23, A. D. 1903. ! MORJtIBON & COPE, attorney! for pe- titioner^ _________^_______ THE drayaee firm of Baker & Co. has dis- solved partnership. R. T. Baker can be found with Hulme & Co.. 405 Front et. Telephone No. Main 17C7. NOTICE is hereby riven that the grocery and bar at 371 Harrison et will chance hands ¦ bout the 1st of September. STORAGE A \ D WlftE H OlCSE S. _ XTeMIWIUM fctoraRe & Van Co. ; furniture, jj household Boode etored, moved, shipped. 725- ¦,! 731 Howard ft., near Third; phone Grant 161. -PIERCE-RUDOLPH Storage & Moving Co.. of- flce Post and Pcwell eu.; tel. Priv. Ex. 871. CONKLIN'S etoragre— Furniture end merchan- filre. 333 Golden Gate ave.; phone Eaat 126. GOLDEN Wect Etorare: advances made; M0 Miseion gt.; tel. Howard SHI. F. W. Zehfuss. PACIFIC Storage and Furniture Moving Com- pany. 2:20 Fillmore rt; phone Jackson 281. EEKINS Van and Storcre Co.. 11 Montgomery •t; tel. Main 1H0. £hirplcr at cut rates. . ROOMS FOB HOPBEKKEPIJiG— Con. MISSION, 10G3 — Front suite, complete for housekeeping; other rooms $ 1 50 up. week. SEVENTEENTH. 3324— To let. 2 nice hskpg rooms; running water, gas range; adults; ref. SOUTH PARK, 84 — One or two rooms, nicely furnished, for housekeeping. THIRD. 143 — Sunny housekeeping rooms com- plete; front; first floor; hot and cold water. TWENTY-THIRD, 3726, near Dolores— 2 suites of 3 and 4 rooms: modern: complete for housekeeping; warm belt of Mission. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 2200 Fillmore. APARTMENTS TO LET. "EL MONTEREY," the city's newest apart- ment hotel, located on the north side of Pine st, between Hyde and Leavenworth: a puperb brick building? of Spanish architec- ture; all the comforts of housekeeping com- bined with the conveniences of hotel life; for J30 per month you can secure here an unfur- nished 3-room apartment, consisting of large ' living-room with ras grate and mantel, bed- room with bay- window and closet; kitchen equipped with gas range, built-in china closet and hot and cold water: . bathroom w:th toilet and porcelain tub (hot and cold water); this price also Includes Janitor "ser- vice nlfrht and day and night and day ele- vator service; only ten minutes' walk from PowMl and Market; eee these apartments to-day. ROOMS TO LET — Forn. and Unfair*. ! A— BRUNSWICK House. 148 Sixth— Rooms 25c to $1 per night. $1 25 to $5 per week and lleht housekeeping rooms; open all night. AT "The Almonte." S73 Market st (or No. 1 Fifth st)— Rooms, 28c. 50c, $1. $1 60 night; 91 CO to $10 week; house open all night. ANTLERS, 415 Turk et— Strictly modern; 4-5 room apartments; fur. or unfur. for hskpg. BURNETT, 1426 Market — (old No. 186*)— Fur- nished rooms, suites, single; also unfurnished. CLIFFORD, 204 Ellis, cor. Mason — Elegantly furnished sunny rooms; prices reasonable. EDDY. 495 — Quiet furnished, sunny rooms; single and In suite. * i . FELL. 491 — Fine furnished rooms; $10 and >12. FIFTH, 119, second flat — Nice furnished sunny bay-window rooms; convenient; reasonable. FOLSOM, 834 — Sunny furnished room; suitable for centleman. « GRAND Southern, 7th and Mission— Rooms 50c to $1 50 night; $2 to $3 week; reading-room. HOTEL GRAYSTON-E .... 66 Geary st. ; phone Bush R?0. Centrally located fireproof hotel; elegantly furnished suites, with baths and singles. HTDE. 810, near Butter 1 — A large furnished room, $9. -^ V MASON, 217— Sunny rooms; quiet, respectable house; board optional; phone Howard 2696. O'FARRELL. 20— Sunny furnished roojns and offices ; elevator; elec^ lights; day, week, mo. SUTTER, 1531—2 large furnished parlors; prl- vate bell; telephone; rent reasonable. THE FERNDALE. 7 Grant ave.— Furnished bedroom and kitchen; $5 per week. THE FERNDALE. 7 Grant ave.— Furnished rooms. $2 up: transient. UNITED STATES. 123 Eddy st, near Market — 400 single and family rooms; 55c to $1 night; $1 75 to $8 week; elevator; electric lights; reading-room; free bus and baggage. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 3d st. near Market — Most convenient and respectable; 700 rooms; S5e to II 50 night; $2 to $8 week; elevator; elec. lights; reading-room; free bus; baggage. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch 2200 FUlmore. " ROOMS AXD BOARO. , £mOyT'tHE~ W "^ 601 DEVISADERO ST. Strictly orst-class family hotel; sunny room*, suite or single; billiards; steam heat STEVENSON Mansion, 607 California st— At- tractlve and sightly rooms; best table and service: lowest rates. $30 TABLE board for $20; only flrst-classho- tels; no fake. Box 2120. Call office. -~~T NEWLY furnished rooms with board; low rate. 627 Mission st '• ' ' - ROOM and board; private family. Ill Twelfth St., near Mission. ¦ • - ROO31S AND BOARD WASTED. BY a young lady, board In respectable family; moderate price. Box 2451. Call office. Si • C^ARwir^EAFTTKS^an^NOilsE^rfliEARS positively cured; new method; 1 week's treat- ment free. Dr. Cottlngham. 204 Sutter st. STl'TTERIXG AXP STA>1ME ! RIXG : MELBOUKNE System School, Van Nes« and Market: poglttve cure for' all. Don't -delay. TYPEWRITERS AMD SUPPLIES. GREAtTbXrGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS^We sell better machines for less money than any house In the city; rentals $3. The Typewriter Exchange, t«.>0 California; telephone Main 2U6. A FEW good typewriters at $30 each; get par- ticulars. L. & M. ALEXANDER, 110 Mont- gomery st. ¦ 2D-HAND typewriters sold, rented, repaired. ; Webster Typewriter Inspec. Co., 209 Sansome. PROFOSALS. PROPOSALS— Bids wanted. Notice Is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the board of directors of the Veterans' Home of California, at Its office, room 13, 320 Bansome st., San Francisco, up to 12 o'clock m. on Saturday, August 29, 1903, for furnish- ing and delivering the materials and furnish- ings for the new hospital at the Veterans' Home, Napa County. Cal. (railroad station Yountville.) Specifications for above may be seen and examined at the office of the board of directors between the hours of 9 a. m. and 6 p. m. each week day. Money for payment on contracts will be available Immediately after January 1. 1904. Preference will bt given to goods manufactured In this State, price, fitness and quality being equal, under the provisions of Section 32*7 of the Political Code. The board reserves the right to reject •ny or all bids and to order any quantity over or under the amount specified. Address JOHN F. SHEEHAN. Secretary of the Board cf Directors of the Veterans' Home of Cali- fornia, room 13, 320 Sansome et., San Fran- cisco. Cal. By order of the board of directors. JOHN F. SHEEHAN. Secretary. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., August 26. 1003.— Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be re- ceived here until 12 o'clock, noon, September 10. 1903, and then opened, for furnishing at San Francisco, Cal., Portland. Or.,' or Seat- tle or Taeoma. Wash., for shipment to Ma- .nlla, P. I.. 7,800.000 pounds of hay and 7,400,- 0C0 pounds oats. Government reserves right to reject or acceot anv or all bids in whole or in part Informatlon'furntshed on applica- tion to C. A. (DEVOL, Quartermaster. Chief Q. M. , SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Aug. 29^ 1903.— Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will -bo re- ceived here until 11 o'clock a. m. Sept. 14, 1003, and then opened for construction of a frame guardhouse at General Hospital, Pre- sidio of San Francisco, Cal.; Government re- serves right to reject or accept any r>r all bids In whole or in part Information fur- nished on application to C. A. DEVOL, Quartermaster, Chief Q. M. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. Aug. 27, 1903.— Sealed proposals. * In triplicate, will be received here until 12 o'clock noon Sept.' 7. 1903, and then opened for construction of sewers at Depot of Recruits. Instruction, Presidio of San Francisco, Cal. Government reserves right to reject or accept any or all bids in whole or in part. Information furnished on appli- cation to C. .A. DEVOL, Quartermaster Chief Q. M. . U. 8. -ENGINEER Office Flood building, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 26, 1903. — Sealed pro- ' pofials for repairing TJ. 8. snagboat Selzer . will be received here until noon, September 26. 1903. Information on application. W. H HEUER. Lieutenant Colonel of Engineers. MARRIAGE LICENSEsT The following marriage licenses were Issued yesterday: John E. Collins, 23. 3170 Mission street, and Mamie A. Post 21, 3450 San Bruno road.*, Edwin M. Suplee, 37, Des Molnes, Iowa,. and Blanche H. Wilkinson, 27. Chicago. • Johnnie C. Meyere, 22, 53» Turk street, and Bertha Main. 19, San Jose. . Frederick S. Anderton, 50, San Jose, and Llbble H. Place, 48, Santa Barbara. ? Joseph Kllnd, 47. 825 Kearny street, and Annie Riant. 36. 624% Washington street Martin King, 29, 515 , Howard Btreet. and Delia Nee, 25, lOSVi Ninth street BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHSL Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mall will not be inserted. They must be handed in at either of the publication offices and be Indorsed with the name and residence of per- sons authorized to have the same published. - - BOBN. BELLMER— In this city, August 25, 1903, to ' the wife of Gus Bellmer, a eon. > BROWN— In thia city, to the wife of Max M. ! . Brown, a daughter. CONLON— In this city, August 16, 1903, to the wife of Frank Conlon, a daughter. ¦ MARRIED. BURKETT— PIERCE— la this city, /August 27,' OCEAN TBAVXL. S Steamen lear* Sao Fraa- ciaco as follows: For. Ketchlkaa. Juaeao. Haines. Ekaffway. eta.. Alas- ka— 11 a. m.. Assnst. 29. Sept 3. Change to company's steamers at Seattle. For Victoria. Vancouver. Port Townsend. Seattle. Ta- eoma. Everett. Wnatcom— 11 a. m.. August 29. Sept. 3. Changs at Seat- tie to thia company's steamers for Alaska and G; N. Ry. ; at Seattle for Taeoma t» N. P. Ry.; at Vancouver -to C. P. Ry.- • • • ' . For Eureka (Humboldt Bay)— Pomona. 1:30 p m.. August 26. Sept. 1; Corona. 1:30 p. m,. August 29. Sept. 4. : • For Los Angeles (via Port Los Anrele* and Redondo). Fan Diego and Santa Barbara- Santa Ko°a. Sundays. 9 a. in. State of California. Thursdays, 9 a. ra. For Los Angeles (via San Pedro and Eart San Pedro). Santa Barbara. Santa Crus. Mon- terey. San Simeon. Cayucos. Port Harford (San Luis Oblspo). Ventura and Hueneme. Coos Bay. 9 a. m.. August 29. Sept. 6. . Bonita. 9 a. m,. Sept. 2. . For Ensenada. Magdalena Bay. San Jose del Caba/ Mazatlan, Altata. La Pas, Santa Re- salia. Guayraas Oder.). 10 a. cr.. 7th of each month. - ¦ -'¦ i ¦¦• For further information obtain foMer. Right is reserved to change steamers or sail- lnjr dates TICKET OFFICES—* New Montj^nn- ery street (Palace Hotel). 10 Market street and Broadway wharf. Freight office 10 Market street. C. D. DUNANN General Passenger Agent. • 10 Markst st.. San Frandsco. O, /?- & N. CO. "Columbia" sails Aug. 81. Sept. 10. 26. 2a Oct. 10 20. 30. "George W. Elder" sails Sept- 5 15 25 Oct 5. 15. 25. Only steamship lln« to PORTLAND OR. and short rail line from Portland to all' points East. Through tickets to all points all rail or steamship and rail at LOWEST RATES. Steamer ticket* include berth and meals. Steamer sails foot of Spear st. at 11 a. m. S. F. BOOTH. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept. 1 Montgomery st.: C. CLIFFORD. G«a. Agt. Frt. Dept.. 3 Montgomery st. < r AMERICAN LINE. - NEW TORK-SOL'THAMPTON— LONDON. Phila... Sept. 2. 10 ami NT. York.Sept 18. 10 am St Louis. Sept. ». 10 am| Phila. .Sept. 23. 10 ca ' ATLANTIC TEA53POBT UVX. Hew York— Iiondon Direct. Mln'ha-.Sept. 5, 4 pml Mln'tka. Sept. 19. 4 pm Mesaba:Sept. 12, » amlMInapls.S«pt. M. ft am Only First Class Passengers Carried. ! DOMINION UVB. Boaton — Qnecsitowa — Liverpool. New England.. Sept 3 New England... Oct. t Mayflower Sept. 10 Mayflower Oct. 1 Commonwealth. Sept.24 Columbus (new) Oct. S Montreal — Liverpool — Short sea passage. Dominion Sept. 51 Canada ~ Sept. M Southwark ...Sept. 12' Kensington Oct. 3 Boston Mediterranean *»***¦ AZORES— GIBRALTAR— NAPLES— GENOA. Cambroman Sat. Sept. 19, Oct. 81, Dec 13 Hew York — Sotterdam, ' via BonlotiffB*. Sailing Wednesday at 10 a. m. Rotterdam Sept. 2|Statendam Sept. 1_J Potsdam Sept.- olByndam Sept. 23 BED ETAS USX. Hew York — Antwerp— P»rlm. ; Zeeland.-.Sept. 5.10 amlVadTnd.Sept.ia. 10 am Flnland.Sept. 12. 10 am I Kroonlnd.Bpt.3e. 10 am WKXTE STAB ZJJTB. Hew York — Queen Jtown — Liverpool. Sailing Wednesdays and Fridays. Teutonic. .Sept. 2, noon Germanic. Sept. 9. noon Arabic Sept. 4, 4 pm Cedrlc.Sept. 11. S am Armenian. Sept. 8. 7 am Majestic. Sept.' 1*. noon C D. TAYLOR. Passenger Agent. * Pactfla Coast. 21 Post st. San ¦ Francisco. TOYO K1SEN KA1SHA, (ORIENTAL' STEAMSHIP CO.) Steamers will leave wharf, corner First and Brannan streets, at 1 p. m.. for YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG, calling at Kobe . (Hlogo). Nagasaki and Shanghai, and connecting at Hongkong with steamers for India, etc. ' No cargo received ©n board on day of sailing. S. fi HONGKONG MARU (calling at Ma- nila)... Saturday. September 19. 1903 8. S. NIPPON MARU ._.. •"*.«*. ; Thursday. October 15. J803 S. 8. AMERICA MARU ".V.-^ Tuesday. November IA 1803 Via Honolulu. Round-trip tickets at reduced rates. For freight and passage, apply at Com- pany's office, 421 Market street, corner First. W. H. AVERY. General Agent ftss ms vVVUiuvvtvt**' oixeci um to num. s S ALAMEDA.. for Honolulu. Sept. 8. 11 a. m q 8 SONOMA, for Honolulu. Samoa. Auck- - lmid and Sydney. Thursday. Sept 17. 2 p. m. S I MARIPOSA. for Tahiti. Sept 20. 11 a. m. 4J. SFKEUELS k BZ9S.&, Agti.. Ticbt 3taa.Hl lartUft fctytBOctJU HirW 3L. Fir It 7, f adft «. . coxFASinx snncsALx TBivuTLiBnaxn. DIRECT LINE TO HATRE-PARM. f » Sailing every Thursday Instead of€gHft Saturday, at 10 a. m.. from Pier 42, •¦^¦•¦¦¦m North River, foot of Morton street First-class to Havr*. |70 and upward. Sec- ond-class to Havre, |15 and upward. OEN- , EKALAGENCY FOR UNITED STATE3 AND CANADA. 32 Broadway (Hudson Building), New York. J. F. FUOAZI & CO.. Pacific Coast Agents 5 Montgomery avenue. San Francisco. Tickets sold by all Railroad Ticket Agents. Mare laland and ValUJo UUm aawt, Steamer GEN. FRISBIB or MONTICELLO^ 8:45 a. m., 3:15 and 8:30 p. m.. except Sunday. Sunday, »:45 a. in.. 8:30 p. m. Leave Vallejo. 7 a. m., 12:30 noon. 0 p. m.. ex. Sunday. Sun- day. 7 a. m., 4:15 p. m. Fare, 60 cent* Tel. Main 1508. Pier 2. Mis«Um-st dock. ' HATCH BROS. ¦ ' » Weekly Call; $1 per Year ' 1003, by the' Rev. John Stephens. 'David;- 8, Burke tt and Minerva W. Pierce, both of San Francisco. : REHQUATE— XJPM ANN — August 28, 1003. i William C. C. Rehquate and Lizzie Upmann, both of Ban Francisco. DIED. ' Adama, Mary A", v Kniwlea, Elizabeth Ashton. Charles . ' McGrath. Thomas Burger, Charles ¦. — <; McMahon, Thomaa Corper, Jacob Neustadter, Henry Crocker. Isaac B. .' ' Page. Frank L. Davis. David Read. Alice Flannelly, Mrs. A; Rogers, Robert F. Flynn. Patrick • Simmons. Paul Orady, Margaret ¦ ' Smith. Mary B. Harper, Jeannle • Swanson. Gustave Hartje. Florence L. Wayne. Indiana ADAMS— In this city. August 28. 1803. Mary A., beloved wJfe~of W. - J.~ Adamn, a native of New York City, N. Y., aged 70 yearsand 8 months. ¦ - • ¦ ' ' . - ¦_ E7"Rema!ns will be shipped to Banta Rosa to-day (Saturday), at 1 o'clock. .Remains at the parlors of J. C. O'Connor & Co.\ 767 Mission Btreet, between Third and Fourth. ASHTON— In this city, entered into rest, at his residence, . 2BC0 Howard street. August 27, 1B03. Charles, beloved husband 1* Eliza- beth C. Ashton, a native of M».nche«ter, England, aged .75 years 8 months and 5. days. CT Friends are respectfully invited to at- tend the funeral services Saturday, August 29, 1903, at 1:30 o'clock, at Bt. Stephen's Church, Fulton street, between Webster and fillmore. Interment private. Pl«ast omit flowers. BURGER— In this city, August 27, 1903, Charles, dearly beloved husband of Gretchen Burger, .father of Pauline Burger, son. .of Johannls and Frieda Burger of Germany, . and brother of Frltx. Katie and Marie Bur- ger, a native of Weleae, Wurtcmberg, Ger- many, aged 84 years B months and 9 days. A member of Euroka Lodge No. 6, O. d. H. S.i White Eaele Tribe No. 72, Imp. O. R. M., and Master Brewers' Association of Cali- fornia. (Sacramento papers please copy.) EyFrlendn and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Sunday), from Pioneer "Hall. Fourth street, tiear Market, where funeral services will be held, commencing at 2:30 o'clock. Remains at the parlors of H. F. Suhr & Co.. 1137 Mission street, between Seventh and Eighth. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. CORPER — Entered into rent, in Amsterdam, Holland, August 28. 1903, Jacob Corper. be- loved father of Mrs. Jacob Voorsanger, aged 86 years. CROCKER— In this city. August 27, 1903, Isaac B. Crocker, a native of Massachusetts, aged 77 years. (?""Friends and acquaintances are respect* fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Sunday), at 1:30 o'clock, from Mission Ma- sonic ¦ Temple, 26CS Mission street, under the auspices- of Mission Lodge No. 169. F. and A. M. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Remains at the funeral parlors of Bunker &. Lunt, 2C6tt Mlsalon street, between Twenty- second and Twenty-third. DAVIS— In this city. August 28, 1903, David, beloved husband of Lulu Davis, beloved son of Rachel and the late Morris Davis, and brother of - Abraham, Marc and the late Lewis Davis, a native of Culmar, Poeen. Germany, aged 52 years 6 months and 5 days. E7"Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Bunday), at 1 o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 106 Austin avenue, near Polk street, and thence by electric funeral car leaving Eighteenth and Guerrero streets at 2 o'clock to New Salem Cemetery for Interment. Kindly, omit flowers. FLANNELLY— In this city, August 26, 1903. Mrs. Anne, dearly beloved wife of the late P. M. Flannelly, and mother of Mrs. J. W. Welton and Mra. E. Burcess-Badlam. ET'Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the .funeral to-day (Saturday), at 8:30 o'clock, from her late residence, 3823 Nineteenth street, thence to , Mission Dolores Church, where a solemn re- quiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock. Interment private, Holy Cross Cemetery, by electric funeral car from Eighteenth and ¦Guerrero streets. FLYNN— In Oakland, August 28, 1903, Pat- rick Flynn, beloved' husband, of Johanna Flynn, and father of Sara F-, James T., M. Ella, John P. and Margaret J. Flynn, a na- tive of County Sllgo, Ireland, aged 64 years. • (CTTriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral Sunday, August 30, 1903, at 2 o'clock, from his late ¦ residence, 1401 . Seventh street, thence to. St. Patrick's • Church,, where services will he held at 2:30 o'clock. Interment St. Mary's . Cemetery. - A solemn requiem mass will be .celebrated at St. Patrick's. Church on Mon- day, August 31,-1903, at 9 o'clock, for the repose 'of his soul.' GRADY— In. this city. August 27, 1903. Mar- garet, dearly beloved mother of the late Thomas' Grady, a native of. County Cork, Ireland, axed 75 years. E7The funeral will take place Saturday. August 29,- at 9 .o'clock, • from the residence of her niece. Mrs. William Keating, 1108 Taylor street, thence to St. Mary* (PauL- ists') Church, where' a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her bouI, commencing at 9:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. .. ¦ - . • - HARPER— In this city, August 27. 1903. Jeaii- nie Harper, beloved wife ef the late Thomas Harper, beloved mother of Herbert E. Har- per,, daughter of 'Ann Jane Greacen,- and sis- ter of Thbrnas, Samuel W., Wilson" and John Greacen, Mrs. Martha ! Harrison and ' Mrs. £arah Ann Harper, a native of County Monaghan, Ireland, aged 43 years. K7"Frle.nds and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral services Saturday,- -August 29, 1903, at 2 o'clock, at the mortuary chapel of the Golden Gate Un- dertaking Company, 2475 Mission' street, near Twenty-first. Interment Cypress Lawn Ceme- tery,- by electric funeral car from corner Eighteenth and Guerrero streets at 2:30 o'clock. ¦*" HARTJE— In this city, August 27, 1903. Flor- ence Louise, youngest and beloved daughter of Fred and Annie Hartje, and sister of An- nie, Fred Jr.. Henry, George. Mamie, Wal- ter, Willie, Meta and Albert Hartje, a na- tive of San Francisco, aged 1 year and S days. . . . (CTTrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-day (Saturday), at 1 o'clock, from the family residence. IS Chattanooga street, between Twenty-flrst and Twenty-second. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. ¦ - KNOWLES — In San Jose, August 26, 1903, Elizabeth A., wife of the late Stllman H. Knowles, beloved mother of Fannie M., Harry A. and the late Stllman H. Knowles, and sister of Mrs. Sophia S. Cannon and John- S., George N. and Thomas 8: Eells, a native of ! Delhi, Delaware County, New York, aged 03 years 8 . months and 2 days. McGRATH— In this city, August 28. 11)03, Thomaa McGrath, dearly ¦ beloved son of Daniel and the late Mary McGrath of Hack- ensack, N. J., and brother of James, John, Allle and Katie McGrath, a native of Hack- . ensack, N. J., aged 22 years. CFThe funeral will take place to-morrow (Sunday), at 12:30 o'clock, from the parlors of Carew & English, 29 Van Ness a*vcnue, thence to Bt. Paul's Church for services at 1 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. McMAHON— In this city. August 28. ll>03, Thomas, beloved son of John and Ann Mc- Mahon, and brother. of Katie and Annie Me-' Mahon and Mrs. T. Sullivan, a native of Drumshanbo, County Leltrim, Ireland, aged 27 years. CThe funeral will take place to-morrow (Sunday), at 12:30 o'clock, from the parlors of James McMcnomey & Son. 1057 Mission street, ; near Seventh, thence' to St. Joseph's Church for services. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. - NEUSTADTER— In Salzburg, Austria, August 24. 1903, after a brief Illness.' Henry Neu- Btadter, beloved husband of Caroline Neu- stadter, a native, of Bavaria, aged 73 years. PAGE— In this city, August 28. 1903. Franki L. Page, beloved brother of Mrs. John Scott.i Mrs. Peter Kumle, Mrs. S. Harrison, Mrs." Frank Scott, Frank and Charles Page of Yuba County and Mrs. A. J. Holmes of Nevada City, a native of California, aged •41 years -I month -and 6 days. READ— In this city, August 28. 1903, Alice, dearly beloved wife of George. Read, and de- voted mother of Rosa, John and Alfred Read and the late George. Lizzie and Alice Read, a native of Malton, Yorkshire, England, aged 00 years 10 months and 2 days. (ETFilenda and acquaintances are respect- <s. fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Sunday), at 1 o'clock, from her late resi- dence, 1631 Howard street, between Eleventh and Twelfth. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. ROGERS— In this city, August 28, 1903. Rob- ert F., beloved husband of Francesca-'rtog- ers, father of Robert T., Francesca M. and Isabella E. Rogers, and brother of Edwin N. Rogers and the late Mrs. Isabella P. Kln- sey. (Cincinnati papers pleape copy.) . E7"Notlce of funeral hereafter. Remains at the parlors of J. C. O'Connor & Co.. 767 Mission street, between Third and Fourth. SIMMONS— In this city.. August 28, 1003, Paul, beloved son of Edward and Alma Simmons, and brother of Grace, Raymond and Mary Simmons, a native of San Francisco, aged "8 months and 15 days. SMITH— In Oakland. August 27, 1903. Mary S. Smith, a native of Virginia, aged 68 year* 8 months and 15 days. .'.¦¦• ¦ ¦ . ¦ ItyThe remains will ,be borne from the residence of her son -John, 5G3 Twenty- fourth street, to the church. Friends and acquaint- ances are respectfully invited to attend the requiem high mass Saturday, August 29, 1903, at 9:30 o'clock, at th» Church of the Immaculate Conception. Interment private. SWANSON— In • this ; city. August 27. 1903, ¦ Gustave. beloved husband of Anna Swanson, a • native , of , Sweden, . aged 38 years and 7, months. -* E7"Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral . services Bunday, August 30, 1903, at 1:30 o'clock- at the mortuary, chapel or the Golden Gate Un» dertaklnj? Company, 2475 Mission street, near 1 Twenty-first. Interment Cypress Lawn Ceme- tery, by electric ; funeral car from corner . Eighteenth and .Guerrero streets at 2 o'clock. WAYNE-7-In ! Lorin. ,'Auguist 27, 1903. Indiana ' Wayne," beloved aunt of Josle Amos, a native of: Washington, D. C, aged ; 38 years -2 ," months and 2 flays. ' .' "¦' ' . REAL jESTATB-— CITY— FOR SALE. THOMAS MAGEE & 6ONS. ~"^ REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 5 MONTGOMERY ST. $42,500. MISSION STREET. ?Cot far from 3rd; eplendld frontage with extra depth running back to rear street. $17,500. 23x137:6; on a. main street north of Mar- ket end east of Larkln; splendid site for firet-c'.ass store and rooming house; If Improved will pay 8 per cent on $15,000. XEW RESIDENCES. ' $13,000— Vallejo st; 30x137:6; new two-story and basement residence ; very artistically arranged; 8 rooms and bath; first -class locality: fine view of bay; electric cars close by. $12,000— California et.; 27:6x137:6; 2-story, at- tic and basement house; 5 rooms on first floor, 5 rooms and bath en Becond floor, 2 rooms in attic, laundry and Chinese room In bae«ment; first -clai-s residence district; block level; Btreet work all done; house was rented for $75 a month. $7,500— Northeast corner; 61x72; park close by; new 2-story residence; 8 rooms and bath, attic and basement; hardwood floors In salon parlors, hall and dining-room; ma- : 'hogany and cak mantels; very artist- ically arranged; floored attic; planked and plastered basement; stationary washtubs; especially good hardware throughout; good gas fixture*; a partic- ularly sunny corner. $T,000— Washington et.; 27:6x127:8; rood 2-story residence with attic and base- ment; 8 rooms and bath; - heater throughout house; clectrle lighting; the rooms In this house are exceptionally sunny and light; fine view of Presidio and Marin County hills; plastered base- ment; first-class locality; a very cheap place. J4.2OO — California St.; 25x110; very good resi- dence; 5 years old; 6 rooms and bath; floored and plastered basement; fine southern exposure; very conveniently and artistically arranged: three car lines close by; mortgage of $2500 at 6 per c«nt can remain for 2 years; only $1700 cash will buy this place to-day. GOUGH STREET LOTS. Lots 27:6x110 on Gough St., near Broad- way; street bituminlzed; granite curb- ing: artificial stone sidewalk; one of the finest residence localities In the city. Key lot 27:6x110. with 50 ft of permanent Fpace toward the south and west.. $4650 Three other lots at $1550. $4-150 and $4350. Corner. 27:6x110. with street wcrk and sidewalk en both streets all done..$CO00 These are very cheap lots. THOMAS MAGEE A SONS. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 0 MONTGOMERY" ST. ¦ STOP PAYING RENT. $100 down. bal. $20 per month: cottage 9 r. I erd b.. on 26th st.. half block Castro-st. cars. $250 down, bal. $20 per menth; cottage 0 r. and b., Sanchez st. Office open on Sunday. D. COFFIN & CO.. 3303 Mission st. A BARGAIN— $4250. CORNER LOT. 2 FLATS: LOT £5x114; 184 CLIPPER ST. SEE OWNER ON PREMISES. FOR sale — House 8 rras.: high basement; sunny Bide 19th. bet_ Valencia and Mission; no reas. offer refused. Stephens & Co.. Unlon-sq. Mkt. LOTS north cr south of park purchased. W. J. GUNN. 530 California st. RE.iL ESTATI3 Country — For Sale. FOR cale cheap — "vVhltehcuse resort, rear Fair- fax, conslsttnr of restaurant business and furnished rooms In connection therewith; 24 pets of furniture, horses, wasona. etc For particulars apply M. COCHRANE, San Ra- fael, Cal. ALFALFA lands, stock ranches, orchards, vineyards: Inspected bargains; monthly cata- logues sent free. C. M. WOOSTEIl CO.. MS Market gt. POINT RICHMOND REAL ESTATE. WATER frcnt lots and bargains; all tracts; tnapg. photos, etc. BELL. 417 Parrott bid*. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS. , ALA Mi: DA REAL ESTATE. JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. A PRETTY HOME IN ALAMEDA. Surrounded by flowers and fruit trees; near train and schools; only $2»&0; lot 75x125. Nice 5- room cottage and bath. ALAMEDA LAND COMPANY. Tel. Gr. nd 14C1. 1500 Park Bt.. Alameda. BERKELEY' ADVERTISEMENTS BERKELEY . REAL ESTATE. AN opportunity seldom met with; I have a new 2-story 7-room nouse, 4 bedrooms, equipped with all modern conveniences, gas, electric lights, etc., on an Improved street, only 2 blocks from the station, which I will cell to a reliable party on the following terms: $100 cash and the balance in month- ly Installments; whole price $3500. JOSEPH J. MASON, Real Estate, Cot Shattuck ave. and Center, -Berkeley. FINE. new. handsome cottages; up to date; all conveniences: close to cars; large lota; $1550 to $1600; only $200 cash, balance $16 60 per month. W. C MORAN. Lorin station, or C C. EMSLIE. Aahby rtatlon. FRU1TYALE ADVERTISEMENTS FRUIT VALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. Ten-acre tract in Frv'tvale; suitable for sub- division. E. BISHOP. 4C6 Tenth St.. Oakland. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE, 1118 2B0ADWAY. | O A KLAKD REAL ESTATE. BARGAIN. Positively the most elegant Improved grounds In Alameda County: nne 8-room residence and barn; let irOxl&O; on the west side of Telegraph ave. BERKELEY. A 4-room cottage on a large lot, 80x150. This Is a snap at $1250. M. L. WURTS 17th st and Broadway. $7.'.OO FOR elegant residence In Highland Park. Eart Oakland, that cost $15,000; lot 300x112; 1: j entire block; covered with choice shrub- bery; lemon trees In fall bearing; away from fogs and cold winds; Improvements first class; electric cars to the, place; this fine property must be sold ; owner in Europe. E. BISHOP, 4C0 Tenth Et., Oakland. 0^__^\IJ^FOIXITURE FOR SALE. TO-MORROW the day for bargains. In furni- ture. II. Schellhaae, lltb «t.,cor. store.Oaklnd Mill Valley Advertisements. MILL VALLEY REAL ESTATE. TAKE YOUR WIFE AND FAMILY , TO MILL VALLEY ON SUNDAY And see the Gplendld lots we are offering right at the station for $400; terms 10 per cent cash, balance $1O monthly; large- lots, SAfxVUt; the new electric trains are now run- ning, the best service in the country; you will have a pleasant outing, and If you buy a lot it will prove a. very profitable one; values are bound to increase; agents on the grounds Sundays. LYON & HOAG, 116 Montgomery st. ROOMS roil HOUSEKEEPING. DEVISADERO, 1500 — Three sunny unfurnished housekeeping rooms; running water, gas; $14 per menth. ERIE, 117. near Fourteenth and Howard — Two ' furnished housekeeping: rooms; $8. FELL. 22S — Elegant Rilte, -furnished for house- keeping; $14; bath, gas range; adults. FOLSOM. 630—2 or 8 furnished rooms for - -housekeeping; others; with, stoves; cheap. HERBERT fThe) — Sunny apartment! for housekeeping; gas ranges; just newly fur- ¦ nlehed. . 1530 Polk «t. . HOWARD. J0C3— 2 sunny connecting complete. ly furnished bay-window rooms; electric . lights; others. . ; KEARNY. 104 — Sunny, frcnt suite; unfur- • nUhed; newly papered; no children; refs. . MISSION. - 811%— Nice evnny bay-window culte; also other housekeeping room*.