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apartments the bachelor does not always ear* to reveal her nooks and crannies. But she gets around this as she gets around many other things. A few min utes in the mornins count more than half an hour in the afternoon when one Is in a hurry, so she prepares her little feast, draws a* screen partly about It and feels secure In the knowledge that It la ready and waiting. There Is such an air of sociability, such an air of good fellowship and so much simplicity connected with an Informal coffee that the bachelor has adopted It as one of her favorite methods of en tertaining. And then, too. she does not dispense her hospitality unaided. A chap can manage cups quite as well as she can— that is. if he Is trained— and no girl, no matter what her name may be. ever gets over the love of cracking: the whip and watching others do their little dance. It is pre-eminently feminine. This girl has taken tip a trick that hag always seemed mannish and that is shak ing hands with her friends when ther come and when they go. She does not trouble herself about a fellow's overcoat, nor look to see whether he has forgotten his stick; these things he must look to himself and It would be worse than poor venttonallsms . and .cares less what folks think of her as long as they do not pass the "erratic" mark, for her life has wld- ened and she no longer treads the beaten path, but has little side tracks paved with Individuality. Yet to .be the popular girl, the attrac tive girl, there are pemnal qualities that must be hers. She must know how to receive guests and how to speed them on their way. She must know how to en gage them in light If sometimes frivo lous conversation, and above all she must have tact, presence of mind and the abil ity to say the tight thing at the right time. With these tucked under bet arm, she could brave the world and be sure of coming out on top of any shuffle. But there are a few things that this wondrous maid must- positively not; have. Her little reception -room must be ' fitted up In . good taste and to represent noth ing, else under the shining sun but a re ception room. There must be no wash stands but half way. concealed,, a coucb that has bed written all over It with capital letters instead of pillows, or an array of suggestive cookery articles These things positively must not be. : The , bachelor .„ who makes her apart ments a study appreciates the cozy ef fects. Her belongings may not be worth more than a handful of pennies, a pot of palms, a candlestick, a trinket here and there and some glmcracks that take the place of "bric-a-brac, yet they arc so ar ranged, that they, give the appearance of a homey home. In one corner she finds that the chafing, dish with ite bubbling mysteries gives her excellent opportunities for harmless frolics;, in another she establishes a coxy corner filled with souvenirs of this, that and the other thing that i never fall i to be interesting, ..and. the rest .of her "sphere" Is rounded off In coxy sections with individuality. If this maid bachelor can reach her home a little before S In the afternoon she may entertain In the easiest but one of the most effective ways In the world. Over her tea standard may bubble and boll a .kettle, or If she prefers the 4 o'clock coffee, which so many do these days, she has a small spirit lamp that sends forth Its appetizing fumes almost In the' twinkling of an eye. No girl, no matter whether she Is a bachelor, an old maid or a sweet bud, can prepare coffee In a second. The ta ble must be daintily set. thin bread, sand wich fashion, must be buttered and sweet cakes must be set forth, and In small taate for her to assist to gmtaertar Ms belongings; but she does extend her band in a frank, cordial way and bid him wel come when he wills.' An Invitation or*« extended to coffee Is a permanent on* and there Is no need to repeat It unle*s ua« certainty Is decidedly noticeable. . There are hosts of things that this ad vanced young woman has added to her rights. In forsaking the cheerless board-* ing house she took the biggest leap of all. but she landed high and dry and found herself not only happier and more con tented but a creature whoso whims and fancies are pampered more than tb«y had ever been before. She Instantly changed from the drab to the rosy, from the ordi nary to the fascinating and all because she willed to be a happier woman than ¦he could have been under any other cir cumstances. : Society has broadened and the woman who has alvocatlon need never be afraid of being lonely, neither need she b« afraid of gossip and unkind chattw, for just as long as she adheres to certain rules of etiquette the bachelor gtrl wtn bean immense favorite, living happOji and radiating contentment and oh*erfa|« ness about her. But the gods be praised we have I a brand spanking new kind of an "old maid." And she isn't an old maid at all. Best of all ho one even ever thinks of her summers, and winters axe positively sever She was an "old maid" and If ever znortai looked the part she did after a summer or two. Instead of Keeping her self fresh, and young looking to please her friends she went about with that don't-care expression eternally and for ever on her face, and of a truth she tfldu't care., for the simple reason that BOpone entered her life that was worth troubling about. Each hum-drum week was the same as the one that bad gone before It. At twenty-five she was drab and slow. Thirty found her too faded to be attract ive and at thirty-five she ranked with her own grandmother and all the maiden avunts in the country. THE bachelor maid and her new life In a great city is the most attrac tive and fascinating of all lives. ThJs girl, by the way. is an en tirely new type, for until the last half dozen years she was an unknown quantity, although on the ragged edge of making herself heard and felt in a tiny world of her own. All can without diffi culty remember the fairy stories that brightened chi!d:sh days in which the fairy god-motlier invariably bestowed coruentmtnt upon her chosen few rather than -'great riches." It is more than un fortunate that there are not a few fames scattered about in this advanced age, for there are great bands of discontented people thoroughly dissatisfied with them selves and their surroundings, entirely out of gear with their environments and absolutely uncomfortable, but thanks be, help ha* poured in from ar. unexpected quarter In the shape of the bachelor girl. In the times of yore if a girl suddenly found herself with poverty staring her in the face, it is true she -made a brave front of it and hustled from one place to another until she had secured some kind Dff employment. ; She had been cut off by a sex line from all the gt»od things of this earth and her fate had, been determined from the day of her birth, so she thought in her con •ervatisrn. and without try:ng to alter her condition in any respect she settled herself down tc follow out a life narrow and intense. But, of course. ev->-ybody knows and understands full wjihat the bachelor girl, is .quite unlike "\iy other and they grant her almost unlimited leeway They know that she thinks but little of the con- She receives her guests, both masculine and feminine,' with as perfect freedom as though a chaperon ; was :' standing t at, her back and watching "every movement with her eagle eye. She Is ever courteous and she demands respect and courtesy by her simplicity and ea^y, manner. If she entertainsTier friends with a wee small dinner, the evening is the time they are Invited, and ehe cooks and serves It herself, because, forsooth, there le no one to do it for her, but in doing It. she makes such rollicking fun out of It- that each and every guest feels it a distinct honor to be there • and enters into . the frolic right royally. There. Is. no stiffness about her or her home, but always that name less charm called "manner." So she dons her sweetest frock, tucks a bow or a flower in her hair in a cou quettish. fashion' and "prepares for war generally. If it is war to the death she takes the trouble to discover Individual tastes and to find out what pleases' each one the most, and then - with a slyness and a deftness all her. own,, manages to see that the right thing is forthcoming at the ' right time, i The evening of a bachelor girl Is her day time and 'she is forced to use it as such unless she is contented to Vork, work, work and live otherwise in a state of vegetation. It is true she may be weary body and soul, but society demands just so much of her time, "and whether she will it must be given or else Borne bright day she will wake up and discover herself a complete, nonentity. Friends are queer beings. If you are ever before them they remember you, but per mit a few months to keep you apart and lo and behold, you are as though you had never been. • self and spend her days In a dreary, lone some fashion. So in selecting her flat she keeps a weather eye out for conven iences | and arranges her numerous be longings so that she can do her own work with little r or no trouble and then skip away to her duties. It might be all well and good to keep a maid, and no one will deny that they are mighty useful about dinner time, but comparatively speaking they are too much of a luxury. Space i3 limited, money is limited and time «s limited." • Her home, be It large or small, Is by courtesy dubbed an apartment, for she rarely can afford a flat proper and be sides a perfect network of small fami lies so far away and yet so near have their compensations Although -she is alone it is quite another thing to be lonely. And family! She has none. That Is ex actly the reason which makes her a bach elor maid and that makes her position in life peculiar She stands alone without a prop or a support she asks no odds of an> one and she even denies herself the privilege of having things made easier for her just because fate decreed that she must be a woman She stands shoulder to shoulder to man and when she de manded his lights she accepted his bur dens quite at a matter of course. And thle home of hers Of course, the bachelor maid Is always a professional woman, for what other excuse could she offer' for cutting herself free from soci ety and people in general to live by her- This home, as it chances, is what rives this business woman her new name, and Incidentally it Is the halo which throws the glamour of a subtle charm about her Her rooms and her life are her very own to do with as she deems best and It is this very freedom that is her unquestion able right which makes her the. center of many wondering eyee. And really that isn't the way of it at all. What is her first move after finding employment? Why. the hunting and fit ting up of a home, no matter how small ar.d cramped it may be, for after -a busy day's work It affords her the rest, the quiet and the peace that every home lover finds in a pet corner. mentioned. No matter what tier age may be she is always a young maid. Into the forties and into the fifties she Is attract ive, and. in fact, justas long as she re mains a bachelor maid there is a cer tain fascination about her that makes her simply charming and worth cultivat ing. And how this woman Is abused! It has always been the mark of femininity to do housework, to understand the art of boiling potatoes and grubbing gen erally, but when she added letter? to her name, passed from college Into the world with a profession at her fingers" ends. It was a positive fact that she was mas culine, that she was forward and apt to be a decided crank. THE ETIQUETTE OF THE BACHELOR GIRL Sunday Call Women and Children's Section