FAN JOSE. Nov. 4-Captain C. R. How
land, aid to General M».c Arthur, and
lieutenants Howard and Stewart. U.S.A..
are here for the purpose of Inspecting
sltts for a United States army rifle range.
They will visit Los Gatos and Congress
Hall to-morrow and then proceed to Sar
grent'a Station. „ J
Inspecting Sites for Rifle Range.
LONG BEACH, Nov. 4.— M. L. Le Fetra
was struck and killed by an electric car
to-day. La Fetra had alighted from a
northbound car about two miles outside
the city and had started across the track
behind the car he had just got off when
another car, southbound, struck him. Le
Fetra was prominently identified with
the early history of Long Beach and had
large property Interests at Glendora,
Killed by an Electric Car.
NEWPORT. R. I., Nov. 4.-The funeral
of Lieutenant Albert M. Beecher, U. S.
N.. ordnance officer of the United States
battleship Maine, who was killed by a
fall on board the ship yesterday, was held
on the battleship this afternoon. The cof
fin was covered by the stars and stripes
and floral tributes from the officers and
crew. Many naval officers were present
at the services.
Funeral on a Battleship.
THE HAGUE, Nov. 4.— After the Inter
val of a month the Venezuelan arbitra
tion was resumed here to-day. By general
consent the counter case of Venezuela,
which United States Minister Bowen,
through an over-eight, failed to deposit
In time, was admitted and arguments
commenced. The Belgian agent, M.
Woeste, contested the right of the block
ading powers to demand preferential
treatment In the case of their claims
against Venezuela.
Venezuelan Arbitration Resumed.
The War Minister Is also said to have
asked for the views of his colleagues on
the subject, but they were unable to come
to an agreement. ¦
PARIS. Nov. 4.— The Presse to-day says
that War Minister Andre, as a result of
the Inquiry which he has made into the
Dreyfuss affair, has informed the Cab
inet that In his opinion the sentence of
the Rennes court-martial should be re
"War Minister Andre Thinks Sentence
of Rennes Court-Martial Should
Be Revised.
HELENA, Mont.. Nov. 4.— The tran
eeript of the proceedings In the case of
John MaeGinntes vs. the Boston and Mon
tana and the Silver Mining companies and
ethers was filed in the Supreme Court to
day. This is the case In which Judge
Clanry cf Butte granted an Injunction re
straining the Amalgamated Copper Com
pany from voting the stock of the Boston
and Montana Company, which resulted
!n the closing of all Amalgamated proper
ties In the State.
I-ste this afternoon the Supreme Court
granted the motion of Attorney L- O.
Evans to advance the ca&e of John Mac-
Ginniss against the Boston and Montana
Company on the docket and the hearing
vra* set for November Cl.
MANILA, Nov. 5.— Yesterday a party
of ladrones captured the Teniente (munic
ipal officer) ofBuena Vista, near Mala
bon, Cavlte. They cut the tendons of his
legs and left him on the roadway. This
outrage was an act of vengeance because
the Teniente had given information to
the authorities regarding the movements
of the ladrones.
Cut Tendons of His Legs Because He
Informed on Robbers' Move
BUDAPEST, Hungary. Nov. 4.— Count
Steven TIsza's first appearance la the ca
pacity of Premier before the lower house
of the Hungarian Diet to-day showed
that the opposition Is determined to
maintain its obstructive tactics. The new
Ministers waited two hours while opposi
tion members made speeches on the sub
ject of Count Apponyi's resignation of the
presidency of the House. Finally Count
Tisza at the head of the Cabinet entered
the House and demanded that the Em
peror's letter appointing him Premier
should be read so that he could proceed
with business. This was the signal for
turbulent scenes. Amid the uproar the
clerk of the House read the Emperor's
letter, but he was quite inaudible. Count
Tisza attempted to address the House,
but in the general tumult he could not be
heard, and the sitting was suspended.
Members Refuse to Hear Emperor's
Letter of Appoi.itm.ent and Sit
• ting Is Suspended.
Governor Hunt has been notified by
Federal Marshal Wilson and District At
torney Pettingill, who Investigated the
charge that a San Domingan revolution
was being hatched in Porto Rico, that
they found no arms and saw no cause
for Interference. General Kuhnhadt
eailed to-day on a fast schooner bound
for San Domingo.
Advices were received here to-day indi
cating that Haytl is assisting the San Do
mir.gan rebels. Governor Hunt has noti
fied Secretary of State Hay of the situ
General Kuhnhadt of Managuez, who
c'alms to be the Deputy Governor of
Puerto Plata, has wired Governor Hunt
eaying he took this course because the
rebels now hold the cables at San Do-
PAN JUAN. P. R., Nov. 4. — General
Jirninez sailed to-day with twenty-seven
men. bound for Cape Haytien, on the
Trench steamer St. Simon.
2Z o Evidence, That the Revolution
"Was Hatched in Porto
Washington Government Does Mot Conceal Its Belief
That Revolution Will Be Successful.
the Colombian troops and to afford a safe
shelter for all the foreign residents.
In view of the ample measures taken
by the United States it .is not expected
that any foreign power will complicate
the situation further by dispatching war
ships to the Isthmian waters.
As soon as the Pacific squadron, consist
ing of the Marblehead, Wyoming and
Concord, now at Acapulco, finishes coal
ing it will proceed to Panama to join the
Boston, now bound for that port from
San Juan del Sur. »
To-night Acting Secretary Darling re
reived a dispatch from the captain of the
cruiser Atlanta at Kingston, Jamaica,
saying that he would sail with his vessel
to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock for Colon.
The Atlanta has been taking on a supply
o> coal at Kingston.
y TT Q ASHINGTON, Nov. 4.— The
Bag State Department to-day re
m Ml J celved a prompt request from
the representatives of the
revolutionary Government at
Panama that the United States recognize
the new State of Panama, but pending
official advices from the United States
Consular officer that a new Government
has been established and Is a de facto
government, the State Department de
clined to commit itself. However, atten
tion was called to the fact that It was the
invariable policy of the United States to
deal with the de facto Government in any
country. This statement is taken as fa
vorable to recognition should the new
Panama Government have an active ex
Early this mornlnsr news was received
of the shelling of Panama by the Colom
bian gunboat Bogota, and • Instructions
were at once cabled to the United States
Vice Consul there to protest against this
bombardment, while the commander of
the cruiser Boston was directed to pre
vent the Bogota resuming firing. It early
became apparent that this Government In
tended to take active steps to protect life
and property on the isthmus and to take
an advanced position. Instructions were
cabled to* commanders of warships on the
way to the isthmus, or already there, to
resort to any necessary measures to pre
vent bloodshed.
The situation at the two ends of the
railway, Panama and Colon, Is anoma
lous, and late to-night it developed that
the Colon situation was the result of
plans of the Navy Department miscarry
The dispatches to the Nashville, which
should have reached her immediately
upon her arrival at Colon on November
2. were intercepted and were not received
by Commander Hubbard until after trie
Colombian gunboat Carthagena arrived
at Colon with 600 . Colombian troops
aboard, when It was too late to prevent
her entrance to the harbor. The execu
tion of the original scheme would have
eliminated the Carthagena from the sit
uation at Colon and the present unfortu
nate complications would have been
To-morrow, it is expected, further ef
forts will be made on the part of "the new
Government of Panama to obtain recog
nition at the hands of the United States'.
No confirmation of the news from Colon
of the landing of the bluejackets has been
received, buf the State and Navy Depart
ment officials are quite prepared to near
It. The landing of ammunition Is sup
posed to be. for the purpose, of fortifying
the railway, houses against attacks from
Continued on Page 3, Column 1.
United States Takes Prompt Steps to
Protect Interests.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4.— United States
Vice-consul- Ehrman at Panama cabled
the State Department under to-day's date
that the Colombian Government warship
Bogota was shelling the city. One Chi
nese had been killed. Ehrman was in
structed to protest against . the bombard
If the Consul's protest is not sufficient
the commander of the United States gun
boat Boston, which Is by this time on her
way to Panama from. San Juan del Sur,
600 miles distant, will promptly seize the
Colombian gunboat, if necessary, to stop
the bombardment.
The bombardment Is In violation of all
the rules of war, beginning as it did with
out the required notice. Moreover, the
United States Government takes the
ground that It certainly Interferes with
the freedom of transit across the Isth
mus, which this Government Is treaty
bound to maintain.
The greatest activity was exhibited in
the State and Navy departments this
morning and there were frequent consul
tations between the officials, the naval of
ficers particularly being Intent on work-
Ing out the details of the plan for protec
tion of the Isthmian traffic, outlined by
the State Department.
it is quite evident that the navy is mak
ing preparations for a larger squadron In
isthmian waters than it has had in many
years,, and the. fact. Is not disguised that
all the information that has come from
secret agents point to the .ultimate suc
cess of the revolution. But meanwhile
extremely delicate questions are to be an
swered/ for the occupation of one end of
the Panama Railroad by the Government
forces and the other end by the lnsur-
Laborers Out of Employment-
WELCH, Va., Nov. 4.— The United
States Steel Corporation, operating here,
to-day laid off Indefinitely 2000 laborers
the bluejackets from the Nashville quick
ly placed bales of cotton on the tops of
freight cars,' forming excellent barricades.
Several Americans and other foreigners
took refuge on board the German steamer
Markomannla. The opinion of everybody
here Is that the isthmian canal is now
A dispatch has been received Trom Bo
gota, dated November 2, saying that Con
gress has adjourned without enacting leg
islation on the canal project.
The Prefect of Colon to-day received
the following letter from the- commander
of the Nashville:
"Sir: The condition of affairs at Pan
ama, I am advised, is such that any
movement of the Colombian troops now
at Colon to that neighborhood must bring
about a conflict and threaten the free and
uninterrupted transit of the Isthmus,
which the Government of the United
States is pledged to maintain. I have,
therefore, the honor to notifv you that
I have directed the superintendent of the
railroad that he must not transport on
his line troops either of the Government
or of the opposition party.
"Trusting that this action on my part
will meet with your cordial acquiescence,
I have the honor to be, very respectfully.
ii -, ••Commander, U. S. H.** .
COLON, Colombia, Nov. 4.—With
out the firing of a gun and amid
scenes of great enthusiasm, the
independence of the isthmus and
the department of Panama was
declared last evening.
The city of Panama Is now in the hands
of revolutionists and no serious attempt
has been made to recapture It. The Co
lombian gunboat Bogota arrived in the
harbor after the declaration of Independ
ence and threw a few shells Into the city
without doing damage to life or property.
Perfect order prevails In Colon to-night
and transisthmlan trains are running as
usual, without interruption. In Panama
the flag of the new republic, in colors of
red, white and blue, floats over the Gov
ernment buildings.
The movement' for independence has
been in progress since the rejection by
the Congress in Bogota of the Hay-Her
ran canal treaty, but its sudden ripening
last night was due to the news of the
unexpected arrival at Colon of the Co
lombian gunboat Carthagena, with Gen
erals Tovar and Amaya and a. number of
The movement has been promoted by
prominent and wealthy isthmians and
Governor Obaldla of the Department of
Panama, who arrived at Panama at 5:30
o'clock last evening, on computing the
troops and citizens in favor of independ
ence found that they numbered at least
1500. The advocates of independence, in
both Panama and Colon, are now jubi
The presence of the United States gun
boat Nashville at Colon is believed to
have resulted in the avoidance of serious
trouble. \ As the result of a conference
here, Colonel Torres, commanding the
troops, has sent on a special train to
Panama a representative to confer with
General Tovar, whose unconditional re
lease is demanded.
In reliable quarters it is believed that
peaceful results will follow a proposal
made to Colonel Torres that the American
troops shall return to the Nashville If
he guarantee to maintain order. This
proposal was to-night accepted by Col
onel Torres.
The British Consul has suggested that,
if requested, a contingent of marines will
be sent to.Celon from the British cruiser
Amphion, now at Panama. It Is believed
that the Nashville will be hardly suffi
cient for all emergencies. It Is reported
that the United States gunboat Dixie will
soon arrive here. Public alarm In Colon
is 4 now somewhat abated, ihe act of
Independence has just been signed at Pa
nama. «-* *-. .
During the . excitement this afternoon
The woman who was in the plot was
Ellen Eagan, employed by Lewis. He re
fused her demands for money, and she
conspired with De Vau to kill Lewis, but
accomplices revealed the plot to Jerome,
NEW YORK, Nov. 4.— In the office of
District Attorney Jerome to-night, after
the arrest of one man and the detention
of a young and pretty woman, a story
vras told of a conspiracy to murder a
business man of some prominence.
Edward de Vau, 23 years old, whose
home is in Nova Scotia and who says his
occupation is that of private detective. Is
under arrest charged with having con
spired to murder Samuel Lewis, a manu
facturer of clothing at 117 Mercer street.
De Vau was arrested at the time when
he believed his accomplices were commit
ting the murder. He has refused to con
fess his crime and also has refused to
deny his guilt. He is an enigma to the
In the opinion of District Attorney Je
rome and of the police and detectives who
have brought about the arrest of De Vau,
Lewis owes his life to the refusal of Wal
ter Nelson to take part in what probably
would have been a murder. The bludgeon
which was to have broken the skull of
the selected victim had been purchased.
De Vau's motive for the killing of Lewis
may have been robbery, as he explained,
but there are good reasons for believing
he was actuated more by jealousy and
a desire to put out of the way a man
whom he believed to be in love with the.
woman loved by himself than by the hope
of enriching himself.
Special Diiratch to The Call.
As the territory In question is a region
of the wildest character and is covered
by perpetual ice and snow neither this
Government nor Canada cares much
about this strip, but there is a remote
possibility that future developments will
make It cause for regret that the ques
tion of sovereignty over the whole region
was not settled now.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4— An important
fact In conection with the recent delib
eration of the Alaskan boundary tribunal
appeared to-day when It became known
that a stretch of territory 140 miles in
length is still in dispute and is likely to
remain for some time. The significance
of the matter was not appreciated by the
Government until within the last two or
three days owing to an error in the trans
mission of the summary of the tribunal
award as cabled from London. A close
reading of this summary made it appear
that the members of the tribunal were
unable to determine, on account of a lack
of data, the exact course the boundary
should take along the short distance be
tween Kate's Needle and Devil's Thumb,
mountain peaks belonging to the main
range between British Columbia and Alas
ka. It now appears that the territory
still unawarded stretches north and
south more than 140 miles between Kate's
Needle and Devil's Paw.
Special Ditpfttch to The Call.
Thugs Lose Cour
age and Spare
Boundary Commis
sion Overlooks
140 Miles.
The names of the murdered Armenians
were Agram Grigorian and Slgran Szml
cian. Their companion who escaped as
sassination was Reuben Glaberlaln.
It is believed that the identity of the as
sassin may remain unsolved unless he has
been previously In the hands of the po
lice, when the scars on his face may ren
der Identification easy.-
A member of th4 Armenian revolution
ary committee said to-night to the Asso
ciated Press correspondent: "The mur
derer is undoubtedly an Armenian, but
he Is not one of our people. He looks
like a man from the interior districts."
The costume of the assassin was of a
curious mixture. A new light overcoat
and a new black derby hat gave him a
respectable exterior, but his serge suit
was extremely ragged and his shoes were
much worn. His shirt was shabby, while
his underclothes were new and of fine
quality. In his pockets he carried a cloth
cap, apparently that said to have been
bought by the slayer of Sagouni on the
night of the latter's assassination. It is
evident that the plan of the assassin In
making his escape had been to discard
his overcoat and the derby hat and to
wear the cap. which would have given
him the appearance of a disreputable
street loafer, but his escape being cut off.
he determined to commit suicide rather
than to submit to capture. This series of
crimes has brought terror to the Armen
ians, who fear to leave their houses ex
cept under police protection.
The police, while believing that the mur
derer of Sagouni and the assassin of the
Armenians to-day are Identical, fearing: a
continuance of the murderous vendetta,
point to the ease with which the assassin
escaped them after the killing of Sagoun!.
It Indicates, they say, that the murderer
was harbored and given another set of
clothing by accomplices.
LONDON, Nov., 4.— The dramatic mur
der of Sagatel Sagouni, president of the
Armenian Revolutionary Society in Lon
don, on the night of October 26 was fol
lowed this afternoon by the assassination
of two more delegates to the Armenian
convention here. The suicide of the
assassin, though he has not yet been
identified, gives good reason to believe
that he also was the slayer of Sagouni-
The murders were carried out in the most
daring manner, more so than was the
assassination of Sagouni. They took
place In the early afternoon close to the
Armenian headquarters at Peckharn Rye.
The two victims were shot down from be
hind at close range. The murderer fired
twice at a third member of the group, but
missed him and then attempted tt>
fiee. Seeing that bis escape was cut off.
he drew another revolver and shot himself
with his left hand. It la considered a
significant fact that the assassin of Sa
gouni was also left-handed. .
The Government has received a reply
Jrom the Minister of Foreign
Affairs to the protest against the Rivera
Incident. Baron de Rio Eranco says he
laments that such trouble took place and
he will make an investigation. He an
rour.eed that Brazil had sent a regiment
cf cavalry to maintain order.
The Government directed the Uruguay
an Minister ct Rio Janeiro to protest
esai^st the proceedings of the Brazilian
authorities. The Fourth and Fifth regi
ments of cavalry arrived at Rivera last
The Uruguayan Consul at Santa Ana
U.egraphed that a rncb had stoned tie
consulate. Later telegrams say the Bra
zilians op«ned fire upon the Uruguayans.
killing four men and wounding several
ethers. Finally the executive of Rivera
ar.nour.ced that his own soldiers, charged
frith the custody of Gcrnez. had gone to
Brazil with the prisoner. He declared he
would no longer be chief of such unpatri
otic people. He therefore, resigned his
pest; but the President replied: "I have
confidence in you and hope that you will
restore order."
According to official dispatches from
Rivera the Mayer of Santa Ana, -who is
a. brother of Gomez, demanded his sur
render. The executive of Rivera refused
the Mayors reQUCSt, whereupon that of
ficial arrived at the frontier with a regi
ment d cavalry and numerous other
&rm«d men.
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Nov. 4.— A
serious combat has taken place en the
Brazilian frontier, between Urug-aayan
police and Brazilians. The Uruguayan
police arrested a man named Gentil Go
ru z at Rivera. Residents of Santa Ana
Dolivramento thereupon crossed the
boundary line and made an attack. (
RIO JANEIRO, Nov. 4— Brazil has
warned Peru to withdraw her forces
from Yurva ar.d Purus valleys.
Crucial Cifc'.c to The C&U and New York
Herald. Copyright, 1X3. by the New York
Heraid Publishing Ccrr.;i-;.
Homicide, Who Kills Him
self, Thought to Be the
Slayer of Sagouni.
Arrest on the Frontier Leads
to Clash of Armed
Is Already Embroiled
With Uruguayan
Victims Are Shot From
Behind in Broad
Brazil May War
for Disputed
Two More Political
Murders in
COLON, Colombia, Nov. 4.
General Guadros, the Pre
fect of Colon, and the sen
ior officer commanding the
troops which arrived yesterday
on the gunboat Carthagena
from Savanilla, are maintaining
their position of refusing to ac
knowledge the authority of the
provisional government of Pan
ama, and the troops still refuse
to return to Savanilla.
The lives of the American
residents are threatened. Amer
ican and foreign families are
flocking for shelter to the rail
road buildings.
The United States gunboat
Nashville has landed about
fifty bluejackets and a quantity
of ammunition.
The Colombian gunboat Car
thagena has just left the harbor,
headed northeast. It is said
she is speeding to Savanilla.
The Colombian flag still flies
over the prefecture. The flag of
the new republic has already
made its appearance in Colon.
«e*a rr an citco ,«id vicinity —
TgAz ThtLrsday^becomlsg- cloudy
it n*5rht;-fxesiijye»terly
*^f ' *'- A. OK MfATlTT,
» " ,< " *» »
Forecast Official.
The San Francisco Call.
Alcazar — "Too Mnci Johasaa."
Alhambra— Ellery's Eoyal Ital
ian Band. 'V
California — Haverly's Minstrels,
Central— "At Valley Porsre."
Columbia — "The Storks."
Fischer's — "Babes and Boiei."
Grand — "Ben Hur."
Orpheum — Vaudeville.
The Chutes — Vaudeville.
Tivoli — Grand Opera. *