Newspaper Page Text
Sues Husband for Support. Franjiska Lorenz, who was married to Rudolph Lorenz In Germany eleven years ago, filed. a suit for maintenance against him yesterday.. She says that slnca Octo ber 12 last, when he deserted her, she has had to depend upon her own effort3 and th-2 charity of others for her support. She says he earns good wages as an expert confectioner and should be compe.lod to make fcer an allowance of JJO a month. Lola Roberts, a waitress in a danc© hall on Kearny street, met Hjalmer Nell son, a bartender, at Washington and Kearny streets while she was on her way home early yesterday morning. Neilson asked her for a kiss and because she re fused he struck her on the breast. She shouted for help, and Policemen Holmes and Skaio arrested Nellson on a charge of battery. He appeared before Police Judge Mogan yesterday and the case was continued till this morninc She Refused to Kiss Him. The machinists employed by the South ern Pacific have asked for an Increase of wages. J. D. Buckalew, president of the international association, representing the machinists, has been in consultation with the officials of the railroad with the object of reaching an agreement. At present the average pay of the men ranges from 33 to 38 cents an hour. The men want 40 cents flat, without any change in tha working hours.- The Hat and Cap Makers' Union is forc ing the union label on its products. The trouble between the employes and the officials of the telephone company is now settled, and President McNulty has left for his home In the East. Of Interest to Labor Unions. Customs Promotion. Harry F. Ruthrauf, night inspector of customs, has been promoted to b© dis charging Inspector. « Reduced rate* on household goods to '4b from the East & South. Uekln's. 11 Montgomery. • John Johnson, chief engineer of the gasoline schooner Monterey, filed a libel in the United States District Court yes terday against the vessel to recover J539, alleged to be due as wages. Libel for Wages. Wedding cake boxes, wedding stationery. Ed ward S. Knowles, 24 Second et.. Main 60S. • Held on Bobbery Charge. George Ring and Frank Badgalupi were helu to answer before the Superior Court by Police Judge Fritz yesterday on a charge of roooery in $2000 Bonds each. They are accused of holding up and rob bing Joseph Frank of 36 Clay street of $7 35 on the night of October *j. Insolvent Carpenter. George W. Griffin, a carpenter and ealoon-keeper of Loleta, Humboldt Coun ty, filed a petition in insolvency yester fiay in the Unlttd States District Court He owes J1803 and has $577 assets. The old original Indian Basket Store, 63S Post et., cor. Jones, selling out at cost. Examine our stock before buying. • La Grille BemovecL United States District Judge de Haven yesterday ordered William S. La Grille removed to Los Angeles for trial on a charge of Impersonating a United States secret Bcnice officer. Stole a Box of Cigars. Willie Murphy; a small boy, stole a box of cigars from M. Wolf's store, 1348 Mar ket street, on Monday night and Police man Cook discovered him selling them on Market street near the Central Thea ter. Tho l>oy told tne officer where he had stolen the box and he was booked on a charge of petty larceny.- Yesterday he was sent to the Juvenile Court. The work of treating the roadway of Second avenue, between Clement and California streets, with oil was begun yesterday under the supervision of the inspectors of tho Board of Works. The work comprises first the sprinkling of the roadway with oil and then the laying of a layer of macadam one inch In thickness. This is sprinkled again with oil and the mass is rolled by machinery until it is compact. On this is put a layer of sand, which receives a final rolling. Insuring a smooth and dustless roadway. The cost of the work is borne by property-owners. This is the initial work of a proposed plan to treat many streets In the Rich mond district, Including Point Lobos ave nue, with oil. Treating Street With Oil. Shoes 25c a Pair. To-morrow (Thursday). 9 o'clock, ladles' shoes, high or low. Slippers also 25c a pair. Busy See Shoe Co., 1029 Market street, above Piith. • Reports Loss of a Shotgun. . C. C. Bradcn, an employe of the Stan dard Oil Company at Point Richmond, reported to the police last night that he had « suffered the loss of a twelve-guage shotgun, valued at 543, while wjmingr in the ferry depot for a Santa Fe boat. Braden states that he purchased the gun yesterday afternoon, and upon going to the waiting-room last evening placed it by his side. ¦ He fell asleep, and upon waking up twenty minutes later found that the 'gun had been- stolen. Champagne. A« usual Moet & Chandon heads the list of importations to the United States up to No vember 1. according to the recognized and au thentic organ of the importations of wines. Bcnfort'e Wine and Spirit Circular of Xew York: Moet & Chandon White Seal and Brut Imperial, 91,612 cases; Ilumm. 00,904 cases; I'ommery, 24,240 cases; Ruinart, 19,005 cases; Clicquot. 11.934 rases; Roederer, 3576 cases. Moet & Chandon has the distinction of being the only ivlne «erv*-d at the banquet tendered by the "Old Guard'" of New Tork to the An cient and Honorable Artillery of BoEton and its irueEUs. the Honourable Artillery Company of London. Moet & Chandon White Seal is al most exclusively used at all prominent social eatherings. — Post. • The Civil Service Commission yesterday issued the following list of eligibles for chief plumbing inspector. Department of Health, as a result of the recent exami nation: Thomas J. Farrell, 91.3 per cent; William D. Hobro Jr., S7.7; Thomas A. Casserly, 79.G; Peter Mulligan. 7S.S. Far rell is now a plumber in the Department of Works and Hobro, Casserly and Mulli gan are assistant plumbing inspectors un der the Health Board. Ten applicants took the examination, six, of whom failed. May Be Chief Plumbing Inspector. Mayor Schmitz "visited the Union Iron ¦\Yorks yesterday and was accorded a big reception by the men employed there. The Mayor delivered a brief address, in which he thanked the men for their sup port of his candidacy and promised to continue to serve the whole people as Mayor. The Mayor was then presented with an immense bouquet of flowers. Mayor Schmitz Gets Big Reception. The parallel case of Milton Blanchard, principal of the Hancock School, who also administered corporal punishment to a boy named Raggio, is cited in behalf of Miss Dwyer. Blanchard received only a reprimand from the board which tried him on the charge and the present board feels somewhat averse to meting out such a humiliation to a lady principal. The Board of Education will render its decision at to-day's meeting in the case of Miss Jean A. Dwyer, acting principal of the South End School, who was ac corded a public hearing recently on charges of having severely punished Frank Duignan, a pupil in the school. The board discussed the case at its last meeting, but was unable to arrive at any decision. It is understood that at least one of the directors is of the opinion that Miss Dwyer did not punish the boy ex cessively, while another is of the opinion that Miss Dwyer 6hould not be called to account for ho.r act. Board of Education to Announce Its Findings on Punishment of Pupils by Miss J. A. Dwyer. WILL DECIDE CASE OF THE ACTING PRINCIPAL A large number of witnesses were ex amined yesterday for the prosecution* In cluding Fire Marshal Towe, James 'Con r.iff and John FItzpatrick of the Fire De partment, who described minutely the condition of the shop at the time of the tire and after. It was shown that Gularte had a short time before the fire insured his *tock for $300. The trial was contin ued till this morninc The trial of Antone Gularte on a charge of arson was commenced before a Jury in Judge Lawlor's court yesterday. Gularte conducted a barber shop at 415 Powell street. A fire broke out in. two places in the shop on the morning of Sep tember 12. The flames were quickly sub dued and Fire Marshal Towe, after mak ing* an investigation, decided to arrest Gularte. There is a lodging-house above the shop and thirteen people were asleep in it at the time of the fire. Is Accused of Having Set Fire to His Barber Shop on Powell Street. GULAHTE ON TRIAL ON A CHARGE OF ARSON Interlocutory decrees were granted to Etta Ncalon from James Joseph Nealon for cruelty, Freda Greenwood from Hugo Greenwood for neglect. Mattie J. Brooks from G. W. Brooks for neglect, Rose L. Champlin from M. A. Champlin for deser tion and Mary Nune from Jose Nune.for neglect. • Suits for divorce on the ground of deser tion were tiled by Jeannette Yates against Charles Yates, Emma Hall against Ed ward G. Hall, Mary T. McLaughlin against John J. McLaughlin and Emma P. Niedt against John O. Niedt. Eva Lane was granted an interlocutory decree of divorce from Charles B. Lane, a Kearny street dentist, by Judge Graham yesterday on the ground of neglect. She was allowed {10 a month alimony. Lane, the testimony taken at the hearing showed, had not provided for her during the last six years, though in receipt of a large income from his practice. Judge Graham also granted an interlocutory de. cree to Sarah R. Hergens from F. C. Her gens, a contractor, on the ground of in temperance. Tells Her Troubles to Judge Graham and Is Given Her Freedom and Alimony. Oscar Hocks Closing Up the Gap Be tween Himself and the Next Highest Candidate. The official count of the returns of the recent election was resumed yesterday by the Election Commissioners. Supervisor Loughery wound up. the day with a net LOUGHERY LOSES EIGHT VOTES IN OFFICIAL COUNT WIFE OF DENTIST LANE GETS DECREE OF DIVORCE loss of eight votes, which leaves him only sixteen votes in the lead of Oscar Hocks, the next highest candidate. Hocks gained four in the Fourth Precinct and five in the Twelfth Precinct of tho Thirtieth District. Loughery gained one in the Righth Precinct of the Thirtieth. There was some doubt as to the latter gain and final action was postponed until the en tire board is present. McClellan, for Su pervisor, lost four in the Tenth Precinct of the Thirty-first District, with which the commission finished its labors for the day. Levy denied the allegation that he acted In a rude manner, and stated that the young women asked him if he would act as their escort to their destination. Upon arriving there he immediately took his departure and adjourned to a nearby res taurant for dinner, and was arrested upon coming out of the establishment. The young women declare that they will prosecute Levy to the full extent of the law. He was released later in the even ing upon the deposit of $30 cash bail by two friends. - David Levy, a tailor, hailing from Los Angeles, was arrested last night by Pa trolman James Cullinane and booked at the City Prison on a charge of disturbing the peace. The arrest was made upon complaint of Misses Angela and Alvanisa Bartorius, residing at 1646 Howard street, who allege that Levy approached them in an insulting manner at the corner of Geary and Market streets at 6 p. m. Grabbing them by the arms he insisted upon walking with them, they say. The young women were too frightened by Levy's actions to ask assistance from passers-by. When they reached Professor Mansfield's studio, 4G2 Geary street, they broke av.'ay from their unwelcome escort and notified their music teacher of the matter. He immediately followed Levy and pointed him out to the policeman, who took him into custody. David Levy, a Los Angeles Tailor, Is Arrested for the Of- . fense. YOUNG WOMEN CLAIM THEY WERE INSULTED ON STREET The matter was voted on and it was de cided to increase the committee on grounds and buildings, but not to in crease the committee on finance. The regent^then adjourned to meet on the second Tuesday in December. Regent Budd introduced • a resolution that the committees on finance and grounds, and buildings be increased from three to five members. • He stated that an increase of membership in the two com mittees was needed in order to allow the requisite work to be accomplished. There was some division of sentiment by tho regents as to the adoption of the reso lution, some favoring and others oppos ing the change as suggested by Regent Budd. - Regent Dohrmann recommended that a new boiler for heating purposes be erected in the college of pharmacy at a cost not to exceed $500. There was some doubt as to whether the regents or the State should pay for the improvement and the matter was referred to the finance com mittee with power to act. The regents decided to lease five acres of land. at Petal uma from G. S. McNear for use as an experimental agricultural station. ". - ¦ The litigation was in connection with certain swamp lands claimed by the uni versity regents and Baldwin. The de cision of the referee appointed by the court awarded certain portions of the lands to the contestants and . ordered Baldwin to pay the university the sum of $10,000, with Interest and costs. As the case is now on appeal to the Supreme Court the tender of payment by Baldwin was declined. Attorney Cope of the law firm of Cope & Morrison appeared before the board and made a tender of a check for $10,000 in settlement of a suit in the San Mateo Superior Court on behalf of A. S. Bald win. -- - ... The Regents also decided to adopt the recommendations of President Wheeler that J. H. Barber, in charge of the Sierra foothill sub-station, be transferred to the Southern California sub-station at Pomona, as assistant superintendent. J. W. Mills, foreman at Pomona, was given the title of superintendent of the South ern California sub-station. Hereafter he is to be engaged largely in the direction of the university's co-operative field work in the orchards of Southern California. A. A. Knowlton of Chico, formerly a member of the faculty of the University of Wisconsin was appointed patron of the Chioo forestry station. R. S. Holloway, temporarily appointed as Instructor in the department of edu cation, was appointed to hold his position fcr the rest of the fiscal year. Prcsidfnt Wheeler drew the attention of the Regents to the absolute need of fire-proof buildings for the university. President Wheeler stated that on the pre vious day the university buildings had been endangered* by the burning of a cot tage on the grounds and that but for the extension of the university water system many buildings might have been de stroyed President Wheeler said the town supply of water was entirely inadequate for fire purposes. He also spoke of the darjger that always threatened the botany build ing where a valuable collection of Cali fornia fauna was stored. He urged that a fire-proof building be secured for the botany department. The Regents took President Wheeler's statements under ad visement. MONTGOMERY AVENUE BONDS. The finance committee reported that A. Holliday had made an offer to collect the money represented by the Montgomery avenue bonds, issued by the city and county of San Francisco. The regents hold $22,000 worth of these bonds and Hol liday is willing to try to collect them and if successful take one-half of the pro ceeds. The committee favored giving Holliday the power to act. ; Regent Hellman said the bonds were practically lost to the university. Many owners had agreed to allow Holliday to try to recover the amount of the bonds. Regent McEnerney said the chance of recovering was very remote, but favored giving authority to Holliday to act. Regent Charles S. Wheeler, was op posed to taking any action that might af fect the titles to certain property owners in San Francisco and thus cause antag onism to the university. The resolution to ellow Holliday to proceed as regarding the bonds held by the university pre- The sale of the medical college building on Stockton street by the finance com mittee for the sum of $4750 was confirmed by the regents. The recommendation of the finance committee that $1000 be appropriated to the department of Celtic philology was adopted. Routine bills recommended for payment by the finance committee were approved. DECIDES TO APPEAL CASE. The work of testing the varieties of fruits, grapest grains and forage plants suitable for the Sierra foothill region had been carried on for fifteen years and the results had been given to the agricultural population of the State. ABOLISH SUBSTATIONS. Regent Chester Rowell presided, and those present were Regents Alden Ander son, A. S. Fisk, R. J. Taussig, J. A. Britton. John E. Budd, F. W. Dohrmann, Guy C." Earl, C. N. Ellinwood. I. W. Hcllman, Garreti^Enerney, J. B. Rein stein, Charles S. Wheeler, P. C. Yorke and President B. I.Wheeier of the Uni versity of California. The most important work done by the Regents was the adoption of a resolution reeonveytng " certain lands near Jackson, Amador County, formerly used as an ex perimental station, to the orjginal donors. President Wheeler of the State Univer sity presenteu his report, in which he stated that there was no further use for the experimental station in Question and that co-operative work with ranchers and farmers had caused the experimental sta tion to be of no further value. The regular monmly meeting of the Re gents of the University of California was held yesterday afternoon at the Mark Hopkins Institute of Art, on California street. The police at the Central station are investigating a burglary that occurred in Coppe's restaurant, 619 Montgomery street, some time Monday night. The burglars secured $250 in cash from where it had been concealed in one of the table drawers in the dining-room. Suspicion falls on an ex-employe and detectives are searching for him. The proprietor of the restaurant on clos ing soon after 8 o'clock Monday night took all the money in the establishment and placed it in a dining-room table draw er, where thieves would be most unlikely to look for it. He has been in the habit of doing this for some time past and was not aware that any person knew of its hiding place. Yesterday morning when he opened his place for business the money was gone and the police were im mediately notified and detectives placed on the case. The detective ascertained that a for mer employe of the restaurant, who was discharged a short time ago. was in pos session of a key to the place during his employment there. This, however, was surrendered at the time of his discharge. The detectives point to the fact, how ever, that he may have had a duplicate made and retained it for future use. Tho proprietor believes his ex-employe may have known where the money was kept, but*he is not positive on that point. In addition to the names of others who have been mentioned in The Call as being certain to receive appointments, it may be noted that Dr. A. S. Adler, who was once appointed on tho Health Board by Mayor Schmitz in his attempt to remove the old board, would like to be City Phy sician to succeed Dr. Joseph G. Morrts sey, who will also be retired next Jan uary. Thomas Egan, present storekeeper of the Board of Education, is also being considered for promotion by Mayor Schmitz. • Notwithstanding the fact that Mayor Schmitz has definitely announced that he will not take up the question of his ap pointments on the various boards and commissions of the municipal government until after December 15 next, gossip still continues to discuss the na'mes of. those who stand splendid chances of picking some of the official plums which his Honor will have at his disposal next Jan uary. It is said with an assurance that Is al most positive, that when the Mayor has assumed control of the Board of Health with the appointment of two new mem bers Frank Schmitz, the Mayor's brother, will be at .once appointed superintendent of the City and County Almshouse to succeed William J. .Kelly, who will suc cumb to the fortunes of political warfare. Schmitz was formerly building superin tendent, but was forced out of his posi tion owing to the stand taken by Presi dent Casey of the Board of V/orks in re taliation for the abolishing of the posi tion of superintendent of streets formerly held by Benjamin Heath. Casey declared that the position of building superinten dent could bo done away with also and Frank Schmitz lost his job. The Mayor hopes to even up matters by having his brother appointed superintendent of the Almshouse. It is understood that Mrs?. Fabian, at present matron of the City Prison, will be matron of the Almshouse as soon as her marriage to Frank Schmitz takes place, their engagement having al ready been announced. Morris Levy will in all probability be appointed registrar of voters to succeed Thomas J. Walsh. < Levy was very ijromi nent in Mayor Schmitz's fight both at the election when the latter first ran and at the last one, when he was re-elected. Levy was formerly chief deputy under former Tax Collector Scott and was a faithful city official. Now that Frank Schmitz is almost sure to be superintendent of the Almshouse John Daughney, who was at one time considered for the place, will in all prob ability be named on one of the com missions. Thomas Reagan, at present Police Commissioner, is under considera tion for member of the Board of Public Works to succeed Manson, owing to the fact that the Mayor will be unable to ap point Election Commissioner Boyle to the first named board because of the prohibi tive charter provision preventing the ap pointment of any election commissioner until one year after the expiration of his term. Suspicion Falls on Ex-Em ploye Who Once Had * a Key. Office of Registrar Will Prob ably Be the Reward of Morris Levy. . / President Wheeler Points Out Danger of Fire to Buildings. Sierra Foothill Experi mental Station Is Abandoned*. Brother of Mayor E. E. Schmitz to Secure Large Amount I§ Taken While Establishment Is Closed. BUSY SESSION OF THE REGENTS BURGLAR STEALS FROM RESTAURANT MAY BE HEAD OF ALMSHOUSE THE SAN FBANCISCO CALL. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 3903. The cases of F. M. Ballard, son of a wealthy capitalist, and. his friend, John Johnson, charged with driving away with a hack on Sunday night without consent of the owner and with cruelty to animals, were dismissed by Police Judge Mogan yesterday.^ Ed McLaughlin, proprietor of the hack said he had been paid for, the damage and the defendants bad expressed regret for their conduct. Ballard Fays for Damage. Jean Lillian Wills, who was married to George E. Olsen in Oakland in October, 1301, filed a suit yesterday for the annul ment At the bonds. She claims that at th^'tlme she became Mrs. Olsen he was Insane, having but a short time before been released from the Agylum for the Insane at Napa. She says he was com mitted to that institution in 1895, and that at present he is confined in a private sani tarium at San Mateo, "Wants Her Marriage Annulled. 14 AJJVEBTISSaiJEJTTS. m • • • ¦>«>••• «•»»••••• ••>¦» Drink l^^^^v t ;:Cof=farin J| pIFffillto | ¦ Cereal -|%es^^. I ;: Coffee KiHiffi f On Enrth 1 Awtrciti1 ° ow ***** : drink ;: ; Cof-farin and your;: Nerves and Diges-; : tion will be all rightf One Bottle Cures Rheumatism or Neuralgia, /IRIs iMcBURXEVS KID- <tta. *U>^fo^! NEY AND BLAD- '/«» '«5**5K/ DER CURE Is guar- / **^ ** £)»f anteed to be abso- Ipl ' *+%£? lutely harmless and K\ vf a strong tonic In 1 • I buiiamar up the vtreak tS^. A and debilitated. It iJw ,/JV. cures Acute or Mus- cular Rheumatism. Stiff Back aad gi n Pains in the H>P» anl Loins. Chrooic ' I Rheumatism. Sciatica, Lumbago and : E almost Invariably cures before one bot- ; ? tie has been used. 4 S Bright's Disease. Brick Dust Deposit, j B Bed Wetting. Gravel, Dropsy. Diabetes ; V cured with one bottle McBurney's Kid- r f ney and Bladder Cure. Relief In 20 . I minutes. Express prepaid SI 50. Send jj | ¦ 25 cents to W. P. McBurney for five IT H ¦ days' treatment. 226 South Spring ' Jfj ttreet. Los Angeles. Sold by druggists. ( BERKS Famous the World 0ver-~Fu!l:&>fatare4» <Sotd EVtrgivhert; I HlLbt-ul UbnvAAtivci CO.. I l'aeiae Cuust Agents. .• Oehoois and Colleges* LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE OF THE WEST. 24 Post «t.. San Francisco. Cal. E»t«Wl»hed 40 years. Open cntir* year. _ JVrito tor Illustrated catalogue (free). ADVERTISEMENTS. A TEST EXPERIMENT. Peculiar Power Possessed by a New Medicine. Of new discoveries there is no end, but one of the most recent, most remarkable and one that will prove invaluable to 'thousancls of people is a discovery which it is believed will take the place of all I other remedies for the cure of those com- mon and obstinate diseases, dyspepsia and stomach troubles. This discovery is not a loudly advertised, secret patent medicine, but is a scientific combination of whole- some, perfectly harmless vegetable es- sences, fruit salts, pure pepsin and bis- muth. I These remedies are combined in lozenge ! form, pleasant to take and will preserve ! their good qualities indefinitely, whereas all liquid medicines rapidly lose whatever good qualities they may have had as soon as uncorked and exposed to the air. This preparation is called Stuart's Dys- pepsia Tablets, and it is claimed that one of these Tablets or lozenges will digest from 300 to SO00 times its own weight of meat, eggs and other wholesome food. And this claim has been proven by actual experiments in the following: manner: A hard boiled egg cut into small pieces was placed in a bottle containing warm water heated to ninety-eight degrees (or blood heat); one of these Tablets was then placed in the bottle and the proper tem- perature maintained for three hours and a half, at the end of which time the egg was as completely digested as it would have been in a healthy stomach. This ex- periment was undertaken to demonstrate that what it would do in the bottle it would also do in the stomach, hence Its unquestionable value in the cure of dys- pepsia and weak digestion. Very few- people are free from some form of Indi- gestion, but scarcely two will have the same symptoms. Some will suffer most from distress after eating, bloating from gas in the stomach and bowels; others have acid dyspepsia or heartburn; others palpitation or headache, sleeplessness, pains in chest and under shoulder blades, extreme nervousness as In nervous dys- pepsia, but they all have the same cause — failure to properly digest what is eaten. The stomach must have rest and assist- ance, and Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets give it both by digesting the food for it, and in a short time it is restored to its normal action and vigor. , At. the same time the Tablets are so harmless that a child can take them with benefit. This new prepa- ration has already -made many astonishing cures, as, for instance, the following: After using only one package of Stu- art's Dyspepsia ; Tablets I have received such great and unexpected benefit that I wish to express my sincere gratitude. In fact, it has been six months since I took the package, and I have not had one par- ticle of distress o: difficulty since. And all this in the face of the fact that the best doctors I consulted told me my case was Chronic Dyspepsia and absolutely incura- ble, as I had suffered twenty-five years. I distributed half a dozen packages among my friends here, who are very anxious to try this remedy. - •* .. ... MRS. SARAH A. SKEEL, ¦ , Lynnville, Jasper Co., Mo. *' Stuart's Dyspepsia -Tablets . are sold by druggists everywhere at 50 cents for full sized packages. A little bookNon Stomach Diseases mailed . free' by. addressing F. A. Stuart Co. t Marsnall t Mich* , NEWMAN & LEVINSON. 1 1 Kearny and Satter Sts. Annual Art Exhibition To-day Th£t much anticipated event which for so many Novembers past has been a prominent featnre of our store, begins to-day in our splendidly arranged Art Department The rare beauty of the articles shown this season will delight every lover of art There are a thousand and one exquisite pieces suitable for holiday giving— and we will hold any article selected until you wish it delivered. The Display will also continue during Thursday and Friday— and we bid you wel- come whether wishing to purchase or not. Decorative Art Needlework The richest ideas, the daintiest designs fh Art Needlework are here. The most beautiful collection ever shown by us, embracing advanced styles in Sofa Cushions, hand embroidered and painted, beautiful floral, conventional and poster designs, in entirely new effects ; from $5.00 to $35.00 Handsome oblong and square Pin Cushions, hand painted and embroidered, prettily trimmed with lace, from 60c to 1 1 5.00 Toilet Sets, of ret and Swiss, also some of real lace, very elaborate, handsomely trimmed from : 50c to $26.50 Handkerchief, Glove, Necktie and Veil Cases, new designs, in various colors, hand painted and embroidered, from f 2.50 to $ 1 0.00 Fancy Work N'ovelties of every description, bcth useful and ornamental — many shown for the first time this season; priced from . 10c to $10.00 Handsome Decorative Art Linens, in scarfs, center pieces, tray cloths, doylies, etc., exquisitely embroidered by hand; from $ 3.50 to f 30. 00 Pyrographic Novelties — hundreds of artistically burnt leather and wood articles are here to choose from, prices from 45c to $5.75 Bronzes and Objects of Art Bronze and Fancy Metal Smoking Sets and Ash Trays — a large variety of odd designs, in hand- some effects, prices from J2.25 to 540.00 French Bronze Busts, Statuary, Groups, etc., in antique and bronze rinish, some with electric light attachments, prices from $2.50 to $125.00 Latest Novelties in Liquor Sets, representing automo- biles, telephones, etc., something entirely new, prices from J4.50 to $40.00 Cabinet Ornaments — real bronze, in a large variety of miniature pieces, including ail kinds of birds and animals, prices 30c to $16.50 Beautiful Art Glassware Bohemian Glass Vases and Bowls — the designs are odd, the color schemes are odder, the effects are inde- scribably striking — scores of artistic pieces that any connoisseur would appreciate, prices range from $2.50 to $22.50 Austrian Glass — entirely new ideas. The quaint shapes > are part of their attractions — colorings are rich and beautiful, prices $4.75 to $10.00 Karlsbad Hand Carved Glassware. If you want your gift to be uncommon, choose from these vases and bowls ; flowers beautifully carved, in pretty tints, prices $ 1 .85 to $20.00 Write for Our New Illustrated Catalogue APVEBTIST'. "rETTTS. Commencing Monflag, November 9th, we will place on Special Sale about 400 pairs Fine California Wool Blankets for single, thpee-quartepf double anfl extra large beds. These Blankets were purctiasea _u us from the Goldsn Gate Woolen Mills at a areat reduction in price and are the finest goods made bu them, Theu com.3 in assorted Bor- ' ders, are bound with wide Silk Ribbon and will be sold from $3.75 to $10.00 Pair. Housekeepers will save from $1,50 to $5.00 per pair in purchasing these Blankets now. t_ t _>-^_ *m wtv Orders by mall recelvz prompt attention. i^U' 1 £__/ All orders for samples or goods filled — - and shipped same day they are received. ill, 113, 115, 117, 119, 121 FOST STREET, ADVERTISEMENTS. ' Substantial Trunk AT SPECIAL PRICE All heavy brass trimmings, two ex- tra trays, double strapped; specially good value. Reduced to ...... SG.OO Special Suit Case Offer— Handsome, .well.flnished, strongly made; looks its good quality. Easy to buy...$(J.OO A. B. SMITH CO. Trunks aad Traveling Outfits. 128-132 ELLIS STBEET, above Powell . . San r ranciico. ' ADVERTISEMENTS, ONE DOLLAR A WEEK j A complete outfit, including one io-inch turntable ma- ; chine (Type AJ), horn, reproducer, needle box, ioo needles j and six io-inch disk records, the best in the world. Price $28.00— $5.00 Down, $1.00 Per Week. j We have cheaper and more expensive machines, ranging from $3.50 to $100. Call or send for catalogue. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., Gen'l, 125 Geary Street. OPEN S ATUI&A Y EVENINGS.