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THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL. AY, NOVEMBER 11, 1Q03, UP-ARM MOTION, According to ; the Westminster Gazetta General ' Desslrier, the' hew' military gbv- Nervy Goiter nor. > When it comes to 'unselfish forethought and premeditated kindliness to his feilows- and to those 'that trusted in his honesty.the Oklahoma bank president who recently skipped must be given the palm/ He* left* $50 in silver for the deposi tors, who are wondering if he did it as a joke or out of pure cussedness. ,,.^:~ "-,'¦:' ¦' ..•--'•V/ The mendacity of the boodlers of /Missouri was never more glaring than' when they made their shameless confessions" of crime upon the witness stand.. It maybe well »for "men to speak the truth even when it accuses themselves/but'the'pub lic should be spared an indecent exposure by a trial of. the affair behind closed doors. The, only' mitigating element in the whole wretched business is the certainty, that theVof fenders will be punished. : .. . . •*--!¦¦ Several powerful insurance companies have instituted pro ceedings in court to have canceled the enormous' policies held by James L. Blair, the St. Louis boodier, on the ground that he intends to defraud them by committing suicide. Life has reached a pretty pass when a man can't kill •himself without being accused of cheating somebody else. In this game with death the joke is generally, considered 'to be oh the suicide. • " tf : .i ' . The time is fast approaching, if it has not come, when the Klondike will cease to be a field for, the romancer, the story teller and the* literary Jiar. The telegraph has brought the frozen north into the world and now prices for the neces saries of life have gone down to the commonplace ¦ plane of the rest of civilization. The last element, of the extraordi nary has been destroyed and even life is respected by the denizens of the frozen fields of ¦'gold..' l#t ua keep the pole we cherish— Though we don" t. know its location— Por Canadian • explorers • . Have their books In preparation. Aye, -we vow that we will perish- " Ere this spot imac! nary Is yanked from our ¦ mental wearers Who write things clrcumpolary. - - T-Ch'ca«o Tribune. Oh, Canadians, take warning — Should tne Yankee thus surround us. They will write a "proclamation."- , ¦ Swearing that they have just found us. All our protestations scornlnar, ~ They will worry and perplex us lentil -to U»etr BDreadinr nation -•: They will skillfully annex us. Fellow ' citizens. I «' shiver - At the thought of Uncle Sammy Sailing: northward with a compass And a little olece of chamois- To remove each Seek and silver " And each blemish to ' abolish From the north pole. What a rumpus " If he tried to put on polish ! ' [It would be a mistake for Canada to allow the United States to get pos session, say or the north pole. — Senator Polrer. tn the Canadian Parllameat.] Brethren, tremble when you think of Oar aurora borealla Beine captured by a Yankee. Who would take it down to Dallas There in Texas, on the brink of " The domain that's full of cactus. "With a nasal murmur: !Thankee, I must; keep myself In practice!" Dire Possibility. The threatened bankruptcy of Portland has paled into in significance in comparison with another disaster which lowers ominously over Oregon. Some of the followers of John Alexander Dowie, dissatisfied with his conduct and principles, arc planning to invade the Webfoot State and establisha reformed Zion with many modifications of Dowie ism. There is not, in the United States a State big enough in which successfully to create a fools' paradise. *» \ WItlST EXERCISE + * worked months over It and I cannot make my hands so together at all. I never knew there was any music in it until I heard you play It Just now." At a glance I knew her to be one of that hopeless class of musical aspirants who are anxious to get t<P the top, but who are in such a hurry to 'become pian ists that they do not let their right hand know what their left hand doeth, and the result is— chaos! I wanted to help her if possible, how ever: so I carefully explained to her that the way I had first learned to play the Impromptu was by paying every atten tion to small details— working at the 6eemingly unimportant passages as much as at the important ones— working at my left hand In exactly as thorough a way as at my right, trying them first alone and then together, until each note held its allotted place in the impromptu as se curely and could give its own particular message as well as if it were being played by an orchestra, where they are plenty of instruments to bring out each shade of tone. My explanations ended, the girl looked seriously at me a moment, and then said: "Why, do you know, I never bothered about the left hand at all! I thought that would take care of Itself, if I could get the rlzht hand to go!" I suppose she is plodding blindly along yet somewhere, waiting for some miracle to come and make her left hand play as her risht one does. I merely mention this example to show how necessary it is to watch every mo tion, every sound, during these first les sons. Nothing is lost that is done care fully and conscientiously. One is sure to be repaid a hundred-fold, as time goes on. Now let the pupil attack the "down arm"- exercise given In the last lesson and see if he can apply it to the piano himself, without your aid. If he is un able to do so, recall to his mind the imag inary string, have him raise his arm In accordance with it (always being sure that the wrist, and not the elbow. Is lead ing) make him count aloud as usual, drop the arm at "four," striking middle C (with middle finger) with a loud, ringing tone. Here It is no question of a little strength in the end of- the finger, but it In the weight of the whole arm, and if struck properly the note should ring and reverberate like a deep toned bell. Do not let the wrist sink until after the note has sounded; the arm must come down exactly as It went up. Strike the note on Its downward Journey; then, using the middle finger as a pivot, relax carefully and begin again. A college education Increases the chance of the high school boy nine times,, giving him 219 times the chance of the common school boy and - more than 800 times the chance of the untrained.— The World's Work. '. , -. ... . . . An uneducated child has one chance in 350,000 of attaining distinction as a factor in the progress of the age.' A common school education increases his chance nearly four times. A high school education Increases the chance'of- the common school child twen ty-three times, giving . him eighty-seven times the chance of the uneducated. ¦¦: Education and Success. exercise Never let him hurry in his counting His "one, two, three four, five, six 1 should be slow and even as the ewingin, of a pendulum, for it is the first step to ward his knowledge of rhythm. In using this exercise it Is well to start with the thumb or first finger of the right hand placed over the key of C (commonly called "middle C") and the other fingers on corresponding keys in playing position. Teach the child to find "middle C" him self by showing him, first the grouping of the black keys as they are placed in twos and threes from one end of the piano to the other, and then explaining that the note C is the white key always to be found Just below the first or left hand bl&ck note In the groups of two. Let him look for the groups of two and the adja cent C's up and down the piano until he is familiar enough with the position of C to find it instantly. Now explain to him that the one called "middle C" is so called because it Is In the middle or rather near est the middle of the keyboard, and may be found by counting the C's from each end of the piano until he reaches the cen ter one. The piano, or rather the keyboard, hav ing now become as it were an outline map of the country wherein he Is to travel, ."middle C" is the road by which he be gins his journey: therefore on "middle C" let his first finger (thumb) take its stand. After trying the finger exercise with the first finger slowly six times, counting each time and relaxing after each trial, let the -pupil try it with each finger in turn in exactly the same way, always re membering to put Just enough strength in the end of the finger to make a sound, but no more. It Is also very ; important that as the descending finger strikes ' the should keep its curved position ex- He was a recent arrival from the Em erald Isle by the name of Grogan, and on applying to the superintendent of the Southern Pacific Railroad shops was at once put to work and was told to make himself generally useful. Grogan began operations by removing some rubbish from one of the roundhouses, but his work was somewhat Interrupted by the apparently futile attempts of an engin eer" to run a refractory engine in the roundhouse. The engineer would run the engine into the house, but the machinery must have been out of order, for as fast as he ran the engine in, I t N would reverse and run out again. This occurred several times and the anger of the engineer was not mollified when Grogan, addressing him, said: "You don't seem to be able to put the engine in the roundhouse, do you?" "Is that so?" retorted the engineer. "Probably you can do the trick." . "Be«gorry, I'll try," said Grogan, at once climbing up on the cab. Grogan pulled open the throttle and the engine went in the roundhouse, but Just as -before it came out again. Grogan was puzzled at the strange action of the engine, but kept at it until finally he gave It up in disgust. "Well, I don't see that you put the en gine in the roundhouse,", said the engin eer, evidently pleased at Grogan's dis comfiture. - "Well, I put her in all right," said Gro gan. "Yes, but you did not seem to be able to keep her there," said the engineer. "Well," said Grogan, triumphantly, "when I had her In why didn't you close the doors on her?" Irish Ingenuity. THE Pacific Fruit World turns to the varieties of eucaylptus tree to insure, in California the amount of bloom necessary for bee feed. '-The honey industry is a large one. Sometimes the fields do not suffice' to make what is Considered a full crop. How is this defect to be remedied? The Fruit World says simply that the planting of a proper number of eucalyptus trees is all that is requi site. There is something novel in the proposition to cover the land with trees of the size of the lofty eucalyptus to serve the minute, buzzing honey-makers. It does not follow from this suggestion that because the idea is new it is not prac ticable. Indeed the Fruit World cites facts that arc at least interesting in support of its scheme. There are a sufficient number of varieties of eucalyptus known to California to provide blooms during every season in greater or less quantity. When the flower-bearing plants and shrubs fail to contribute their full quota of nectar the eucalyptus would be invaluable, so j estimates the .Fruit World. "It is possible," says the editor of the journal, "to make such planting of eucalyptus trees as to secure from them a succession of bloom which will, in addition to their use as fuel, give ranges for the honey-gatherers." The Eucalyptus callophy lla and the Eucalyptus aceme noides are in flower from July to October. The first named is the bearer of ; \yhite blossoms.- The Eucalyptus cornuta, which is well known by its affluence of yellow flowers, fol lows closely after > the callophylla in time of blossoming. The Eucalyptus corymbrosia has the same season practically. The Eucalyptus exima, a Iow-growin& tree, reigns Morally from September to: December. The Eucalyptus punctata, famed for withstanding drought, is an October bloomer. The most brilliant of the eucalyptus family is the ncifolia, but its season is short. On the adobe hills the rudis thrives. At all seasons the occidentalis proclaims its name through its crimson adornments. Then there are the Leli mellidora, that is rich in honey; the lehmani, the paniculata. Seeds and trees, it is said, are available to start all the plantations that may be required. The eucalyptus has re tained its popularity variously in this State during many years. .Tall groves make wind breaks to shield orchards of de ciduous and citrus fruits in many localities. Long avenues of shade attest its desirability in another use. / Stout cord wood it makes to enhance the joys of home as it is con signed to the; open- grate. qualities inhere in it, arid many men bless its oil. , It has been employed to furnish materiai for cleansing the interiors of steam* boilers. Now, humming through the ambrosial air of California; the nec tar gathering bee'may add its note of cheerful praise for. the bouquets of ¦': flowers raised high above arid lands by the eucalyptus' aspiring and mast-like trunk as a ; source of a table "dainty.- 'r-U- " .^ v TIMBER AND BEE FEED. A warrant issued for the arrest of a New York State Sen ator named Green shows that the hunted man has thrived through life in the possession and profitable use of four aliases. This should silence our boasts of legislative tri umphs. Our Solons generally have their time fully occupied in ruining one name much less four. IT is a good' indication of what California will do at St. Louis that our counties are competing with each other for space in which to display their resources. When a single county asks for 2000 square feet of floor space it means that the people are thoroughly alive to their opportunity and their responsibility. But while the interest felt by those who will exhibit is unprecedented in its vigor, it is still not up to the expectation of the East about what California .will do. 1 The State's exhibits, heretofore made out of the abundant facilities of the State Board of Trade, have only whetted the curiosity of the East and its appetite for more. At no time in our history has there been as much interest in Cali fornia as now. In commercial circles it i- at last under stood that we command the raisin, prune and citrus fruit supply of the world, and that our product controls the mar ket. Along with this goes the important fact, now well un derstood, that our area of these productions is so capacious as to guarantee stability. There is no such thing as failure in the staple fruit crops of California. If there be a shortage in one valley, there is extra and surplus production in another. It shows the most admirable natural adaptation of the State to the character istic productions which interest the consumers of the world. In Europe the field is limited. If conditions are unfavorable in any season, production is curtailed and the market suffers by aberrations in price. From all this chance and accident California is free. The exhibits of counties at St. Louis in conjunction with a raised map of the^State will show the vast distribution of production and exploit California as a land where the milk and honey are always on tap and the fountain of production is always affluent. SPACE AT ST. LOUIS. At the recent election it cost New York $300 to secure the vote of one elector, for whose special benefit an entire district was created. There is, however, some sentimental satisfaction in the fact that the vote thus "Secured was cast for Low. Tammany ought to increase the expense account by instituting proceedings to have the vote thrown out on the score that it violated the secrecy of the ballot. Now. with the hand in playing posi tion, try the circle exercise a few times, until you have loosened any tension which "the change from table to keyboard might occasion. When all the muscles are limber and relaxed raise the thumb precisely as in the finger exercise given in the laFt lesson. Instead of merely let ting the finger drop at will, however, we now. for the firyt time, -use a little •strength— just enough to enable the finger to bring forth a slignt sound from the key as the latter is pressed downward. In the former finger exercise you will remember that we raised the finger very slowly, at the Fame time counting "one, two. three." Then as we gave the count "four" we merely ceased to hold the fln gtr upraised and it dropped of its own accord. In this exercise as the pupil counts "four" hn must drop his finger in the same way. but must put enough strength In the very tip to depress the key his fin ger falls on until it emits a slight sound. The attraction of gravitation still brings the finger down until it hits the key, but if perfectly relaxed the slight resistance of the key Itself is enough to stop the finger in its downward course, unless it be aided by a little output of strength. It is surpriEing what an infinitesimal bit of pressure will do in this case, and it is necessary to guard against using any surplus f-nergy. for therein lies the dif ference between a "singing" tone and pounding. We will want all our strength later on. but until that time we must hold it in reserve as much as possible. After striking the key have the pupil hold the finger on the key just as It fell until he has finished the exercise by counting "five, elx." after which he must relax thoroughly by means of the circle Me. The arm must have plenty of room to swing freely, to allow for relaxation, and yet must not be too far above the piano, for the whole figure would thus be thrown out of poise. If the fingers rest lightly on the piano keys and the flbow swings from two to three inches above the level of the keys everything is at it should be. "I had often heard of bucket brigades, but never eaw one In action until I struck a little Nevada town last week," said a drummer in a downtown hotel. "The place had about 250 inhabitants, one store, the customary number of saloons and Just enough in the treasury to pay Constable and Justice fees and keep square with the county on the pro-rata plan. Some wag dubbed it 'Bucket-town,' but it never got on the map as such. "I put up at a one-horse hotel, where they all wash in the same tin basin on the front porch and congregate around the kitchen stove to swap yarns at night. About 3 o'clock in the morning I was awakened by a hea-vy pounding on my door and Jumping into the hallway stum bled over a bucket. Looking down the passage I saw the proprietor with an armful of buckets, leaving one at each door. ¦ The guests who had been sum moned first, at the other end of the hall, were by this time appearing, hastily clad, and grabbing their buckets they disap peared In the street. "I followed suit, took my bucket and hurried along. The schoolhouse was on fire and I Bhall never forget the sight that .greeted me. Men, women and chil dren were hastening out of the* darkness toward the burning structure and each one carried a bucket. Swinging into a line they passed water from the town well a quarter of a mile distant. I work ed for half an hour until I was exhausted and when the schoolhouse was in ashes they tapped the fire 'out.' Then the citi zens stood around in bunches and dis cussed the fire, which proved to have been the only event of importance since Frank Milich's cow was shot by Hank Farlot's boy last spring. I have worked the old band engines, but no more bucket brigades for me." "Bucket Tozvn." ernor of Paris, at the time of the Franco-Prussian war was a subaltern or eouaves. Wounded and left for dead on the field of Froeschwiller, he managed to crawl as far as the village of Meder bronn. where a cottager looked after him until the enemy arrived and took nlm pris oner. He escaped by Jumping out of the train that was taking him to Germany, and after hiding in a hop field found his way to the little fortress of Bltche, where he recovered and played his part in tne defense. His next task was to paaa through the Prussian lines to iota the Army of the East. He accomplished it disguised as a young man taking home the washing from the laundry, carrying a basket of linen on his head and accom panied by a real washerwoman, who cov ered his confusion and coached him in the details .of the role. Golfers' Wives Suffer. An English newspaper asks the follow ing pertinent question: "Do golfers ne glect their wives? An amazing number of married women are of opinion that they do, if we may Judge by the series of •wives* complaints and confessions now appearing in the Weekly Scotsman. Into too many households we are told golf has insinuated its seductive form and para lyzed the enterprise and energy of the bread-winner. The man who formerly gave his spare hours to self-Improvement and the companionship of his wife and family now spends every available mo ment on the golf course. His once bril liant conversational powers have given place to the gossip of the clubroom. and when he does read it Is only the books, magazines and papers that supply him with the small talk of his hobby that have any Interest for him. Altogether a very sad state of affairs, if the wives are to be believed." California Building. The California building at the World's Fair is nearly Inclosed, and preparations for staff work have begun. Mr. Smorell, the sculptor, will model the work so as to faithfully represent the old Santa Barbara Mission. Space has been allowed around the building for the sacred garden, and also for a stone fountain .In front. This fountain will be a copy of the one in front of the old mission building, and will be set up after the fair in Golden Gate par\ San Mistake No Excuse The New York Tribune shows that jus tice in Tennessee is not of the stripe of that in South Carolina. It says: "As strance a case as could well be found in the hlstorv of court proceed ings is that of Clarence Peak, who Is under a sentence of eighteen years' Im prisonment in Tennessee on a charge of killing a person named Silas Ilulin. It Is true. Peak did murder a man who was supposed to be Hulin, but his victim was a wholly different individual. Hulin Is alive and well and has shown himself in court repeatedly. Peak never attacked him. The friends of Peak are trying to get his release because a mistake was made in the identity of his victim. But the Tennessee courts have decided so far that even if Peak did not slay Hulin. he certainly killed some one and must serve out his sentence." _ , '[ ;V : -' 'Answers to Queries. REGISTRATION— T. S. W., Oakland. Cal. The . registration of voters Is not required In Indiana, New Hampshire or Oklahoma. By constitutional provision it is prohibited In Arkansas and West Vir ginia. ,, " -I" CHAUFFEUR— Subscriber, Boquei. Cal. It is rather difficult to give in print the exact pronunciation of foreign words. Such can be obtained only by hearing some one versed in the language utter the word or words. As near as the pro nunciation of chauffeur, the driver of an automobile, can be- grfven It is "show-fir." BAYEUX TAPESTRY— W. I., Oakland, Cal.* What is known as the Bayeox tap estry . is ' said to have been wrought by Matilda, Queen of William I of England. It is 19 'inches wide, 214 feet Ions', and is divided into sections, showing the events from the visit of Harold to the Norman. court to bis death at Hastings. It is preserved in the public library at Bayeux, near Caen. VEGETABLE IVORY- — B.. City. Vege table ' ivory is an albuminous substance formed from a milky fluid In the fruit of the species of palm, common in Peru and New Granada. It corresponds to the meat of the cocoanut, the fruit of another spe cies of palm. When the nuts* are per fectly, ripe andjiry- the kernels are hard, like Ivory; and very, white. WOMAN SUFFRAGE-^J. D., Oakland. Cal. In . the States of • Colorado. Idaho, Utah and Wyoming female citizens have full suffrage and' vote for all officers, in cluding Presidential Electors. The woman suffrage law was adapted in . Wyoming In 1370, In | Colorado In 1 1883 and In Utah and: Wyoming woman suffrage is a. con stitutional provision. V CRIMEAN, WAR— J. F. D., San Dfego, Cal.* The Crimean ;\Var commenced March 2S, 1S54, on which/ date England and France declared war * against Russia. Large masses of troops' were sent to tji e East, which, after remaining some time at GalUpoli and other places, sailed for Varna, where they disembarked March 29. An expedition against the Crimea having been determined upon, the allied British, French and Turkish force*, amounting to 58,000 men, of which' 23,000 were British, sailed for Varna' September 3, and landed . on the 14th. ' 15th and 16th without' opposition at Old Fort, near Eu patorla. about thirty miles from Sebasto pol. On the 20th they attacked the Rus sians, between 40,000 and .50,000 strong, en trenched on the heights of Alma, "sup posed to be unassailable. After a sharp contest the Russians were. totally routed. Special information supplied daily to business houses and public men by tha Press Clipping Bureau (Allen's) 220 Cali fornia street. Telephone Main 1042. • • Townsend's California glace fruits and candles. 60c a pound, in artistic ttre etched boxes. A nice present for Eastern friends. 715 Market at, above Call bldg. * <Sofik Writ*!-, formerly Director cf Music in the Collepe of ft. John the UaptlFt. New York.) In the preceding lessons we have taken the child through the preparatory exer <i»es that are the first steps toward the piano, and now it is my purpose to en able him to put those exercises Into prac tical use at once. Place the pupil at the piano, taking great care that the piano stool Or chair is at just the proper height— that is, that his hand and arm bear the same relation to the keyboard that they did at the ta- ANI«"E TERHOTE. Rudiments far Musicians. This can be only by the independence of the State of Panama. The isthmus has the enterprise and the progres sive element of the country, and its people have been ruled by successive packs of thieves at Bogota until they have grown weary and have decided to govern themselves. Ger many will hesitate long before going so far from home in search* for trouble that she can find with less mileage. Our desire to perform our international obligation under the treaty of 1846 is no reason for Colombia asking a foreign protectorate that violates the Monroe doctrine. It is still less a reason for German interference in this hemisphere, where that empire has no colonies and no interests present or prospective that require naval stations or the direct or indirect acquisition of territory. Our interest is apparent, direct and known of all nations. We are bound by the treaty of 1846 and by our obligation to the world as the only nation that can construct an isth mian canal. There is no reason to believe that Germany will seek to interfere in a hemisphere where nature and the political situation join to make ours the paramount interest. If Colombia should adopt the proposed measure of asking for foreign aid, it would simply mean that we must occupy that country before it can be alienated in any form to any European power. We would probably do this and turn it over to the Republic of Panama as soon as we have intro duced order and decency into its administration. The Democratic press would dignify itself by standing in with its own country, supporting the Monroe doctrine and taking on some of the sturdy Americanism that made Ben ton illustrious. If, instead of doing this, it chooses to sup port chronic disorder on the isthmus,, and give aid to such German pretensions as are implied by the Colombian threat, it can do so. But it is a far cry from that kind of Democracy and the quality that was illustrated by Jackson, Polk, Cass and Marcy. < IT is probably a* wild rumor that Colombia' is out for blood, and proposes to get it By seeking a German pro tectorate and giving the Kaiser naval stations within striking distance of the ends of the isthmian canal. 'Some of the Democratic newspapers are talking about our Gov ernment despoiling Colombia and comparing. President Roosev«lt to Sir Henry Morgan, pirate and cutthroat. Nobody has despoiled Colombia. She has been in ¦ a chronic state of civil war for years. Under our treaty of 1846 we are responsible for the freedom and neutrality of the Panama Railway, "or any other .means for transit of the isthmus of Panama." No one can say without reference to the record how many times we have been at the expense of policing the railroad during civil brawls between the isth mians and the misgovernment of Colombia. It has been of yearly occurrence, and sometimes has been necessary sev eral times a year, until it has become requisite in the dis charge of our duty to the world under the treaty that brawl ing cease. . , Before the eye of what he regards as his mind there rises the vision of the Republican party as the party- of spe cial privilege, for the benefit of the few and the oppression of the many. He sees the many divided and the few vic torious over the two minorities. Consequently, everything is going wrong and he was born to set it right. The history of the Republican party is a refutation of his uneasy nightmare. The condition of the whole people of the United States turns his dream into. a calumny upon his own country. One must seek in the independent and uncon trolled movements and actions of men for the true index to conditions. The freedom, self-government and prosper ity of the plain people of the United States are certified by the fact that this country attracts to it the greatest movement of men who seek betterment of their conditions that the world has ever seen. Others are as rich in natural re sources, some are as free, and several have a scantier popu lation in proportion to their area. But the movement is persistently hither. The opportunity and prosperity of the many here are so pronounced that immigration flows in a vast stream to us, that millions more may have a share in our birthright. If the hypodermic revery of Mr. Hearst were true, this coun try would be avoided by those who seek better fortune and a larger life. The solemn fact is that Republican policies, wrought upon our natural resources and respectful of the rights of man, have made the United States so. desirable that we are in danger of sharing too freely what others come to enjoy. There be those who believe that we should more carefully save for ourselves, and our natural increase, the riches that nature has stored and wise government made available for man. The proposed fusion is based upon the theory that these conditions Can be made better. How? What is the bill of particulars? President Roosevelt has declared his policy and has done more. He has concreted it into action. His whole administration has been a successful effort against all special privilege. His energetic action in that direction ha"s brought upon him the wrath of one of the parties to Mr. Hearst's proposed fusion, for some radical labor men have already declared war upon the President for refusing to violate the law and give them discrimination and special privilege. For the same reason the trusts are embattled against him, and do not scruple to declare their purpose to have his head. We hope that Mr. Hearst's fusion will fuse, and will pull the band-wagon together, and. that he will be the band. THE Examiner wants the Democratic party to fuse again. Mr. William Randolph Hearst is not admon ished by the fate of Bryan, but feels that he needs fu sion in his present business of bawling from the housetops in order that a Presidential nomination may ; find him. Therefore he wants a labor party and a Democratic party, but wants them to pull in the same harness, and as he pro poses to be the load the team is to haul, it will be cheerfully admitted that the burden is too great for one;-and needs two. His imagination is excited by figures. He creates purely fanciful statistics of the vote of the three parties in this city, and proves to his own satisfaction that if the Dem ocrats had nominated Schmitz and the labpr party had nom inated the Democratic candidates for Auditor, City Attor ney, County Clerk and all the other nominees of that party who were beaten, they would all. have been elected and would have lived happy ever after. " 'Go get it.' says he. straightening up and pointing his finger in a kingly fash ion. "I starts down the stairs, and so help me, I could see before I was half way down that that horse of mine was rest less. So Instead of bringing the twenty I climbs up on the seat and drives off. When I gets about twelve blocks oft I climbs down and looks for the twenty. So help me, there wasn't no more, twenty there than there Is In the bottom of that beer glass. So you see there I lose four cases cold and get a bad name with the swell guy, who probably thinks I meant to be crooked." •It pays to be honest," said the old hackman as he signed up to Louey for enother lager.— That's my plan. When ever you see a fellow doing anything crooked you can bet everything down to your finger nails that he is framing up to get a bet down on a loser. "Now, for instance, a swell guy up the other night to where I stand and told me to take him out. to an address on Pacific avenue. He was all togged up In them swell clothes that don t aim , to prove no alibi .for a shirt and he had some spirits concealed , about his ; penoM. We drove off, him a-slnging *My_ Sweet Anona From Arizona,' and me a-drtying plenty over the cobbles to keep h ln V? h °°* up so he wouldn't go to sleep. Finally we comes to the address, which is one of them big mansions with a long flight of stairs leading up to the front door. I helps him out of the cab and pilots nim up the stairs. S "Shall I ring: the bell, sir?" I says. ! " 'Not on your life.' says he. My turn is the soft and lowly and I don t need no partner for that sketch.' "Then he runs his hand Into his pocket and pulls out a handful of money. I f« ls a lamp at It and It looks like about «. ; " 'What's the charge,' Bays he. "Four dollars," Bays I. . . - ' "Just then he runs his hand down In nis other pocket. '„-¦ ' ".'Driver.' says he, 'I dropped a. $20 gold piece In that blooming hack of yours. : "All. right, sir," says I, "I'll go and get it," at the same time holding: out my mitt for the four cases. Honesty Pays. "How can any one possibly play tha Chopin Impromptu as you did? I hav< I remember one© playing at a concert among other things an "Impromptu in A Flat," by Chopin, which as far as the actual notes are concerned is not tremen dously difficult, but it demands great agil ity, lightness and velocity— should give the Impression, In fact, of a bit of clear, bracing winter air. At the close of the concert many people were introduced to me. and among others was a young girl who said to me: Try this exercise over and over until, as the wrist drops, the sound emitted is clear and ringing, instead of hard and dry, as it may be at first Above all, be particular in every little thing, for now is the time to prevent slovenly, uneven chords. The habit of thoroughness in de tail, once acquired, will save the pupil many unhappy hours later on. Next In order romes a wrist exercise, similar to that already explained in the former lesson.^but with the difference that in this, as in the finger exercise men tioned above, strength enough Is used to strike the key, or rather keys, for this time two notes are to sound. From playing position raise the wrist slowly, counting "one,' two, three." Hold it in Its raised position (strictly according to the first wrist exercise)' until the count "four" is given, when it must drop at once to the five keys under it. The fingers fall on the keys C, D. E. F and G, and as they hit the keyboard there must be just enough strength put into the first (thumb) and fifth (little) fingers to bring out the sound of the two notes C and G, after which, of course, comes the always neces sary circle exercise. This combination of sound in the simul taneous striking of C and G is the pupil's first introduction to a chord. In this case the chord is what is called a "fifth," or "quint." Explain this to him and tell him it Is called a "fifth" because five notes are contained in the space from C to G. If the notes are to be In accord they must be struck simultaneously. Therefore be very careful that the hand comes down in perfect position, well curved, with the joints of the fingers making a perfect arch and the hand returning to playing posi tion. actly as It did In descending upon the table before any pressure was used. - If the position of the finger changes it shows that the muscles have tightened slightly with the added strength, and you must work carefully and steadily with the child until his motions become as relaxed with the accession of strength as without it. If he cannot seem to conquer the tightening muscles, take him to the table again for a few moments and try the old exercises there; then return to the piano, then back to the table again, and so on, until he has found the difference between strength and tight muscles. Just at this point it will require much patience, for it is a matter that cannot be hurried or passed over lightly. All will most certain ly come right In a little time, but until this exercise Is perfectly understood by the pupil do not attempt to push him a step further. COLOMBIA AND GERMANY. MORE FUSION. THE SAN ::; :^FFb^^pCgC<^^':g^LjK JOHN D. SPRECKELS, Proprietor ... > • • « . .Address All Commonieattons to JOHN McNAUGHT; Manager Publication Office . ..'... '<3&§J$s&™k> '. ... . ?•Third and Market Streets, S. F. WEDNESDAY ........-....>.......:.....:. I ...:... .^..^:. ..........NOVEMBER n, 1903 6 INSTRUCTIVE STUDIES BY NOTED MEN AND WOMEN TALK OF THE TOWN AND TOPICS OF THE TIMES SINGLE FINGER EXERCISE.