Newspaper Page Text
PRICE FIVE CENTS. "VOLUME XCV— XO. 32. FALSE EXITS IN IROQUOIS THEATER PLUNGE AUDIENCE INTO DEATH TRAP Identified Dea'd.--485 Unidentified Dead 97 Injured y-180 Grand Total 762 GRIM RECORD OF CHICAGO'S CATASTROPHE 9 hoT.-n to be cf -aabMtcs. altfcw«h" tfca' examln?r rron&unred It cf ? low srad?. ; ¦:fnh«y.- v/antcd a . cheap ¦ cortaja iaad - they cot t V an ir.cautuaw eirrts re r •fllJMfiwa^:H«jfriw Inttaatlrhtaattls^ • f>y '4 etmtot ? U»« :*memtjfi«iof Bih* rca»*^ pany. a'Wcd that -tfcpy <Ud .net I yeUYt, tbf dlscdw the mitter ;jloa«WttVt M,th>r-Iiaa k 5Ud-o»/ft>|iplsrtn9;j1^«Q9»^ tain to th« theater and the» Mtud of , ; . the > law. , ; The investigation : of /the' flre-;w^n^be^thbrbuBhVl/ ; \yb^wIHAieave ho stone unturned in our efforts to flx" the respdnslliility.". -• . ' The Cororier'a Jury Is as'-fbiibws':^ L^ H. Meyerv^ secretary of th« Kennedy Furniture. .Company; .Petertr'Byrries,' salesman "for: Lyoii & Healy ; Walter Clingmapi- iBalesman - for " the : Tpbey. FurnUiire';cbmpaiiy : Joseph; A^Oum-' jni nK-s,' mitnnRer of, BrpwniniT, Klnft % ; Co. ;; .Gebrjce W. Atklhs;fcr<?ait mhr^Uei ManhalK Field & Co.: J ohn.-'WfZMmii 'salcpjnah:'ffliri:A. \ H. ; Reveti*»/«C«^M.; ¦•Cdrbner^ Trphger.;to-night/<ipnc1udcd' an inforn^- inquiry lhtb^th^^au^.gt^ sentatii^^lpi^would;'' listen ;- to : all the ¦ :^U<n^0r§p^^ingl the^flroi: wid return 'a* sinKlevi-.*e^tt;'fdr^ : ;all^th'e vi«Ums, Coronejr;f^!Treager.'.. to-day prpriiptly^ e"mpa.n«iwi>")rijury- NaUbnal Kr publican :'l(9nitsfttceninn Graeme St«W»rt, memlH^of the firm of. Wlll iam. H. Hoy t \\CM told by tJ»» ".cntoner that the death; Of rJHbyt's daughfljt, .; Mrs. : F.\ Morton Fc.X,- and her;thrftV ; childrea would.-tie taken fas' :a-- bajatitov; thevinvestigationi; ¦'¦: "If. Bny^peiMni:f^iresp«fth*M»ie tor tU!» flre." raid .CorVjev Trmumii "they %rlll be prosecuted to ibrfttlkat. extent •Conaa^lpmP^;lii:Ci^§^M Gprpnerjs : Jury Be^ih? Its Inquiry Inrto ; the y Cause of the Holocaust.; 7 V:S Xiti^jUycerine Is.; Used - toCBma:' ¦'•,¦ Strons Boxe#, but a rirm Lc^o» v:;>'-.^";iV.^l^Ue.'3lbneTi'> ! ;.-^";^'^^ : ;^ ; LOS Decv;^tli-rtii^ crackers ? last - night entered bf.t.he,Uclm;BottUnff.-TVork3.and.b!«w open two safes, using nitro r Rlycer*&& to -ad the; worfc^MottSpf f unda had . been banked the preyfoua evcnJns and ths craclMMen wcured but & tri flirt*, sum. The safes, however, were /badly v^teclccd.: 'one? .;of *:> theei I *lr.x literally • b!o«rn to '. pieces. Tho police'.-; 2ikv&'' Co clue ta th« perpe- SAFE ;'CRACKERS^»EKntOr is« ?ri- PROPERTY IN ; TIIE SOtTTH ftrs^O the Board o* Public Works, the Bonnl of Fire' Commission- i ";¦• | rrs. the. Board of Police Commissioners, (lie Chief of the Fire j X department and the Chief of .Police.: of the City and County j /;y : \ ' ot San Francisco: ¦:,:'.-¦ .' ! j. - ¦'- '¦ ... ¦¦¦¦'.'¦.¦¦¦¦'¦¦¦-•':. ¦- ; ;.-:' . . 'A . . . Gentlemen: TJic nnpallinz disaster tvhirh has- just come updn ! .the city or 'Chicago, the. frightful loss of life which" lias Tcstiltert from the Iroquois Theater fire, appeals to us all to take. every prc caution; in our po^vcr to prevent the possibility of n .similar fatality '¦ hem : :V:^,>i.;v-. : ;-vf •::-¦'; '¦¦ '¦'¦. ;: ; ¦•¦;¦¦".'.;¦ O'.v"- ¦•-"¦ '- : '-.- : . :•¦.'.'• ; ':--¦.-; ,v; ¦••¦:;,¦¦.;.•' ; ¦ Care and attention now may avoid regret and sorrow hereafter.' - ' I therefore orgently 'request you nnd eacb ot you at once to in- 'V snect and examine all ; our local tlieators and p'inecs.'of amiisc'mcnt, . causing each to comply strictly avIUi A the : proVisIon^yOf our. existing ; building ordbioncc Bovenilnc theaters iind other ivjers of amuse ment.andralso^tb tcpart; to me immediately hnyilanscrons drfeot- or^nnsafc 'construction or comlltlons which may exist nnd any. . departure from the t»rdlnant^;'and'regulM ¦ force,, to- ' gcjlw \Wlth/a^ deem It. proper to make/ to Improve or render them more safe. V; ; S-U : A i^t^ire^>onsmuy^l^ : iwty vnohe;of .w "eTer^fee'Valled upon to reproach, one another for'^"* r «PT.r«Bch^^ caiiunliy: aV;h»sTjast brought grief nml mourning to our " li&&z*&*ii%&*:&- : --'-\ : W^:- v ' : '" : ' E« K- SCHMITZ, Stnyor. " ; - ¦-¦• ' j>eccmbCT. ; 31,'..19O3. -'-'j-:'-} ••.- . • ;;¦;¦::.¦-¦ .. : - •¦ ..; /:¦ '•••?.-' ¦. ' WILL INSPECT THEATERS •that ..theaterc.jbfi'v.teQUlp.ived .,- with : -. flrc FIRK) A LA ipi^USEI^SS. .vVThere/ was ' ro sprinkler system Vln tb'e-!theater.|but;the ; nrtylslon"abr>» Iron? doors : madeTlt-^tinnccessary; for the th"cater ; to:haveUh;e;m/:* : -.''.' , . ¦ • • . ; evidence. at present obtain- '| able: Is- that: the ' fire • was sparks from an arc light striking. 1 ; the edge of the' drop curtain, but this has not. been proved.' There are so many, statements "as. to the cause at present and they differ so '¦ widely that it is im possible, toascertaii\ v thc exact truth.. . .Although' the : IrVjquols Theater was as; safe as any theater in CJhicago,-. it be came evident to-day .that .the.; city building department had not strictly enforced > one or... two : sections .of the building ordinances. .William Curran, :' a building inspector, wan In the , theater a j few moments ' b«- ¦ fore? the':^catastrophe ". and- went; axviiy. . sayhiK-Hhat eveo'thlngiwas ..In-: good : condition. :4H« reported this? fact v thisVi morninsii;to;.Deputy Building Cpmmisi sloner Stanhope. ... The deputy; com r mlpsloner. this, morning, in .'company with; 'Inspectors Laughlln. Dalton^ and. Jjenz. ; went ; to ,t he theater, to :make an lnspectloh.-v.On his .return to the City i Hall hiefsald: ,>. ,-'; ' - -• '; : ." V;. « "Thejtheaterr and . its management wcrc.::strlctly • the lawv)- 1 shall' ; riot Vpq'- into :'rtetailfl ;untii j; iiave^com* pleted^my.; report^; vr^v.-.vviv '0^-':* i. ¦¦:¦:]¦'¦ .; Section 1E5 of- the :loeal buildins; f.rdi r * hahee provides : buildings of ftikl class t«> which' thclrpijupls ¦ *rjj ieato'r"; be ?; Iqns^; there. shairb>%^sy«Jetti';bf -aiutpii niatlc^;sprinklers. '¦- Th*f«-jti'«!re'' no - suqh< sprinklers;, In * the^roquipl^Theater.' and- Stanhope, .\whenC this: wap called ft) -hi* 1 attentionTsaid:: '> . . - ¦•'¦: ;-<:i! sl6h;tb6k\piace^A'7number;p'f-':'persons left I theirs seats ; Jaftef/'seelrig;. the.:; blaze .when jpyeftaken-byi rthe ¦ frightened 'ruyh •of those, ;they;;haii ; Ief^behindi^ehii^O ;;¦ iiiss; Ann^;Woi)dwartli- 'who ;'-sa' second halcony, to-day' said: .; ;: ':ivnlainJy:sawYtHeiflre.::.I;aml : iVIarge. womanirwelghing • close -tbilSO: pounds; anil ;I made up my -mind .if there.was to be -a- panic" it would; be: wise Xafime. to beat it • to :the^8treet; t;i lot t ; niy; iseatiiii !the:''.baIcony^:!.Syent>vdowKv:th'e.? stairs N*to; balcony and:from ; ,th'e"re.atarted to »irt8s;;piit through the.' very ;dbor.' : .In which so. •' many persons were .killed^ a few minutes later. The door; was closed, and a man-jitandinir on" the outside: re-; fused to open It for me. Whether" he .Svaaah employe" of 'the .theater L do hot ¦know,, but he evidently had determined •that no .biie : should leave? the theater and'lh so. ddihe- start a panic. I was leaving quietly up to this time. \ but when he "re'fuae'd .to allow me to pass out peaceably I determined to get out if I had; to make all sorts of noise.- I went alone the balcony about teni. :'eet ¦to a glass.- partition • and siriashetV Jt Svlth the point of my umbrella. ¦> I. whht down the stairs. When about half-w»\y down I heard the roar of the crowd as It came after me. arid I hurried with, air the" speeii I had. They overtook nie, however, and knocked , me . dowu;\ "and but. for the fact that I was 'close to the door I -think my : chance of life .would have been almost nothing. As It \vas.' I think I ' must'.have walked the last ten feet-of > my -passage, to the exit ..on. the bodies of those, who had fallen." . '"¦ ' BUIIiDIXG LAW /VIOLATED; ¦¦: • u Alderman Frie3tedt-;dec!ared :tmCCm' tbe second balcpnyXth«re -was nbt's^f ileient: room ¦« ; ;«tcats : were;idoWn to allow. M$y one'itblw|lkvte'twegn:'ttH>frt^ f'i'v\idef'nietf-^^huilyTand;«Aldorman;Con«. ¦ O£ &^X 8^1 wt^XOft Ct£iRH^9(&S^* -* *iIXC Cits Wtf Ffi I r*; Aldernia n Jones then .remarked that | the ordinance required: all exits to be » marked. '.•¦¦;••.•' .¦: ; -/.;>:-v: : ; '< '.^ ; .-t.- ¦¦"¦ ¦¦ /.; :: ¦ i ."That will be looked into,". Stanhope j.said. . '•Remember, . however, --that - the |r lights were but. and that many of the j peoplft; were kUIed In thfelr, seats." , [•; .; Po.intlng ,to-the .diagram of the thea ! ter.'.AldermahiHerman satd;-: ; :** Here. is i a passagewoy ' oh. the' igputh side of :the-5rst : balcony which looks as { thoughit leads- to the- stairway, but in the d ar kh ess; peopl e B'cra mblcd through It and w*re"causht" like rats in a trap. They could, -not' get? either- way. -The cpnfuslpn of esits was. such that no one could flrid his 'way In 'the, dark. If those thing? arc .regarded as exits .1 do not know .what constitutes an exit that would be 6f;any use.!' V. :.;.:: : . : ¦ : Stanhope told the Aldermen; that he ha'd made an inspection of the building and that It was good. :: V:^ .^ - : v v "You : cannot convince nie,'*^ declared Alderman .Herman, - "If you talk for a hundred years, S that people: could- get out of -tKat place. ; lido. not care what they call the exits— they did hot work. { there-were, not enough of them open and thepeople could not art out. These plans show aisles at tho end of the first floor, but we were over .there- and saw the >?ats run bang up against the railing, leaving no aisle: at- ; iaH.i;>NoTv; ".what I | .want „ to know, is: I»Id . these •people,^ in [building, this '.theater".'llve r lup:' to "the plans they submittedvtp the City Build- Iok \ Department ? • Here .there • «e>«m t& be ample, exits on papar. bat a nombjr ;0f^frieh&:^f:nlne:^t^1»dl3r'iJM^b;ea Wfaj*^ the.nrVt 'iSow^they;*goV.o\xV,"..saia' ;Stanhope. .. :; ':-<¦%¦£}££';) .' '¦, >:*" '¦':'&¦$ % : :*My v friends were ion/ the first flopiv but* they' received burns . r on, their Backs •Just:j the; same, 1 ;V; «M .-Alderman^ flcr* man. ' ..-;V-;/fcv .'t-ZV?& •'.••'The ;Iroquois has fii-e alarm connec tions.. : I did .not see .the box. but that isrny .Information." /.:/'?:• ; .-. •• '-. :\. Cit>^ Electrician Hylahd said: ..:..¦ . had.hb'flre alarm con nection: with; the city; fire- alarm sys tem:^; No application is on file for any such;; connection." :,>:.: '¦/¦¦^^:.:-. /.';'• ¦ •- ¦•; • .-. q'The alarm of fire. was turned in from a i box.more..thana naif block, from the theater. -.-- .v.-^:-:A; ¦:¦¦¦':•¦. ' la wv providesj that^there "•shall be aXyehtilatiriff. shaft- at'the; rear .end of the stage; to conduct jiflamea and .smoke a\yay-froni;the ; ':audlto'rium'in Just' such eniergehclesv as: arose-; yesterday. 1 -A: The Iroquois possessed ho Isuch-* ventilating shaft:- ¦ • -' • •'.'.-' •.•••¦¦ .. the \ theater \ and : returned . to : the -City Hall and caliedjuponAthei building de partment. They; asked to see the plans of . the theater, and Stanhope produced them. >Hq>y; about sprinklera??. demanded Alderhian iories; ' ' " ' _•_• ¦ .; ";'••"¦> •>¦ - :; .•¦• ' '. : "Th<»\ way t: th> theater' ia i 'buiit r they: can b*»" lof t tout." Stanhope replied. "And. -.anyway. . the flames - spread s>6 rapidly, that no sprinkler system >wrould have : availed any thing." ¦¦.» : y - :; ¦••.-? J ; . ; .-;. •?¦.': FAIiSE- teXITS- QX>FAEER. WhUe *. thf ? crowds ; of ; anxious seek *t*J- tor :.tteiws beslefcd Z, the d iff erent • ' .-<.r&iM>. the telegraph and- long- dis :iinee;teTephbne^offlcc8 <»-ere • almost liwemi^J>y:»^fl6iffdVof;to>j B irlng mes cart*.:*c* H«peafer;^i>py« for. u»e tele n^tii- erKi<u;!fii v,tr* en the k<» all 4ay.v«Ba i ,|O*fttt*t:;tlio ; terrific rush of tlggtCCfiivyatylrtn|^flO.V Private wjres »jf^^;-8|to^JE^cfta^©;«^-J3fltard of TdXnRAPH TS KEPT BUSV. .Mr*..B. .1^. Minosk. III.. l*y..*U niornlns at a hotf J, in a. seml conec!ou« condition. jrrievlnff\ over the Itm* of h*r.- daughter/ and . 'so*. :- : Mr*. Sto4«S«rd purChBs».«d tickets for herself, dauirMer and:son for the matinee' but later j brrxms: indisposed and dU-ixot altfnd the .performance. Her Ron ac3 daughter vest) and both were burned to <leath. Mr*. - Stoddard returned to her home thfs afternoon,; takinar %«Ith hrr the bodies of her children. A\ • Frcm iarly in the morning uhtft. lite at r.rrht crew<l» bcslc k< d the undertak er rootcii and;: hospitals looking- for dead and injered.. . r«.l!remen were" de tailed .at all places trhr>r«> the dead aod *rMre4 had been carried to restrain i',« mil'iuj men and women,- who urerted la at the doorways and. ln fiuiced for lost frtendc and relatives. '• In all the uncertaWnjc rooms bodies' were placed as far as possible, on cots. Arti. v?rh*n these . wrre exhausted, the bsifliMi were stretched -In long lines un the: floor, and «T constant succession of . ¦ . ' f-f act d men . «nd > tearful women : ,*red slowly bsttreen the bodies, tlf t :rjc the coverings from the burned and bruited' fates, and searching; In the the dead for something by *hJfb;. their lost ones' could be recog b!m!/";. 1» : many v. inrtanees women faints *rfe»ttv lifting, the Bheet^ftom ssn-d* : face ;n wh!(A they recornhwd thA'titttfr? tit. .«;aead.chlld^^; :•¦"••:•¦•.'- -. LOSES HER TWO CHXIiWlEN. To-day . Freer, made inqulrien of the police and "-'.-spent .: ; hftjrs examining Dodles in- niorRues. Many of the •corpses bore/R.rcsfcmblance to his wife and daughter and 'more were clothed in dresses Fimllar to those "tor which he was looking, but after Investigating i very; clew and 'xaminins - every body in every me ri;uc ht» rcturn"4 to a hotel to-night heartbroken and.ln'-despalr of 2cdfns his famliy. . ¦¦¦¦: ¦ •• ¦" -. / "\ C ICAGO. Dec. SI.— On every train which arrived in Chicago to-day came relatives of persons who are thought to have been killed or injured in th-» fire. The lobbies of the downtown hotels were scenes of many happy meetings, as well as of anxious in quiries on the part of fathers, mothers and more distant relatives of. persons of whom no trace could be • found. Many of these strangers returned to the hotels late in the evening^ .after either a fruitless search or 'after, find ing in a charred and disfigured body lying in a morgue all that remained -of the relative or friend, for'. whom: they had searched., - : •:''^ : v. .¦:.'¦' ¦'¦¦¦' F. A. Fretr. postmaster of Oaiesburg; 111., arrives to.<lay ; .in:-, response to a telegram -. • saying : wife and dtttghter ;.v."-'- we're'. r - amonp the missing. .V ¦. Mrs. .Freen ¦•.•¦' and Miss Freer Chicago on Wed nesday morning txprt-sslj' to attend the play at th* Xrb^jois .Theater. - Since their arrival In Chicago Freer has had no news of them..:.- ,\ •.. .' ¦ . Crowds of Stricken Relatives Throng Morgues. Chicago,Stunned by Playhouse Horror, Takes Prompt Steps to Place the Blame and Prevent Future Catastrophes. ! -fiiThere ';:\ya8^ahirnated • • to tiaj*' ampn|f|{.flreihfth,;- employes , of '« the ; theater ;ns>(«j 'the cause \i6tjt h e nrjS^AccQUnts differed! to-day - as r^iaely;as"«jiey^iyo^Jed^ast^night.^The.| 7 peppTe .lire a' ,Un J tZIn%declar; j« JneUnTl^thp.'nreiS ta'r ted if tvl th ' an fexplo 1-this i'thtf J' ' aje; tlatly , cont ra:-* • Mprea of : perti<)hn iri^theTaiidl^ -ih^iftinf* VrcevJn'f nlAtg the edge of the.carttin .Including the dead, missing 'and- in jured, the total number, of ; casualties is approximately 1000. .">."•; ¦ ".vTherc: were abotft, 2500 Rp'eetators and actors In'ithe ; t heater! at the'tlme pf v thp flrc. v :&iri; : the* excitement . fallowing ; t.he calamity ..:. many; persons were? reported mlBslni;.:.>ho have; since -/returned ' to • homes. * No report -bf>.thei^e returns ;ha.8' iJeeh made to the- ypllccV^ahd; their 'hanibsi'stlll swell the Hst.of^hcirnlsslhj.' When % the^noineB/ ot^ the dead ;. who are 8tllls.; : td : ,be •;; idenUfled ": ; bave>; b'e'eii;'sub tracted ; 'f r«mith«?; ; llstv of the : riil*slhff ' it Is probable: that t H c • extent of; the ;-catos-; trophe will^ifully^r^vdaletKjv:;: \ ;;; ?: ¦::'¦ [ Th<V )ipi 'of.- dond''o<mtinue«,'w^iV Styon {last* night,' in ;the neighborhood of 600.- A widely accepted estimate is 564 dead. This, number will be. 'increased, as .there a re persons In hospitals who;\vill die/ ltisbelievdd." however, .that, the total number. of - dead- will not 'exceed C00.-,: Vv ¦"¦¦¦^.¦¦::.. :^--'v..- ' ¦/.-;.;,; ;:•;¦.;.: v:. { ; .tlK r : : sQconil'tinie-v^hi6afi;o-; has bf>»:n :'»ttrto.kcn • tn th<s ;hV.irt.v_. Not only have ihaqy.' .*>f • h»f sohh 'sinVi' met ;0catli- *H- a .variety ¦ 6f jhorribleainl tortuiri nis'iioxm^- but c tlic~bi6^ Ii'as f alu; eh ' sis i heavily; on^ fitrhnisers within ;Ker 'gates; • .^Thpr/??is^hay(lly- a :; village town; ".iivitMn'/avraflius of ; .i0ti .imilcB^of ChlPaR'oV-wliose.'ipeonle are', not;4Jtectlr or indirectly ."interJ&isleir Jn the piles, of dead.-or-'iji- the)" liijiirefl •which fill ;thc hospitals, or. in ; th<» fato "of "thqae who are ¦''inlssinp'.^i probably J deadi'!; .likely ¦biirned \hr, trant^letl beyond- recbghition. 'Cities far distant in America :. ; are .mourners : and'., sympathy, his . -comb ;frnrn-iieross-tha'.nea!?.:: ¦¦:¦..¦ : /:;:.¦:¦;** } MOUHNlNCi INv^IAXV; CITIES. Ordinarily on vNev.-. Tear's. .^evCi/ the streets ar? filler? ;mcrry-mak*er.V, but: to-night the -only Uhrongs.TAv.ere thoi-e nr«,ujj^5ho. morgues.',-; 'prdlria; rlJy • fr-shumablV restauraritsvare ifllled with Hght-heftrtcd '•revelers. V who ; •toast the- year, that paBsesranfl r'hail>;the year thai.comesr: To-nlgh't- those" plftces >yere dopirtcd. 1 . while. :••• in ' »btn»;:' ;; 'dopr* : were looked and curtains'-dfawhVH"! ¦ ; v ¦ f : ¦• CHICAGO. Dec'.' 31.^F ; or, the ¦-.¦first time sincfi .Chic-agoXhas. possessed. ;bel!s to-peal. : xhistles?to .shriek;': and^horns to; blow, ;'. the old '¦. yea r / ; was; : ajlbweil, silehtiy; : to : v take .Its ;iSa<;e^ih^hlst6ry ; and .the New Year !>«• rm itted : V .t6. coma with no evldcnve of joy at :: its?vbirthi AH Chicago mourned for ..the) <»Wr perr|' sons who.' died -yesterdayj- ia^ihe vflr?^ panic and suffocation at-.the- Ivoiiuois Theater. •¦ ; in an oRldal proclamatiorvV'issueil this afternoon' lia yor Carter = Harrison suggested that the usual New Year's eve celebratioti -be omitted; Tlie : idea found ready response in; the. hearts' of the .people, and the Mayor's • woroa seemed only to jjive utterance ';• tOv'geif oral desire; ¦¦%'-':S : - "¦ - : . '•..;:'. ¦'^¦¦¦r-i ¦': The calamity • of. ;thpjlrdquola.TheJater has caot Chicago jnt(i glooftv to-duy was ' aerfornii'-d WHh -a view to necessity. -' '¦¦¦ '¦'[' -¦'.. "\ . '; '' : ' ¦'•.¦'.•'.'¦ -; : ¦'':'i-'C':''' : i TYPICAL HOm»I^S£E^ FIRE, STATESMAN WHO HASTAKEN.THE LEAD IM.THK KES<;n;Mdt^IxiTHi?^ftE5P.bNSlI3lLlf V ~.\2ii> SAN FRANCISCO- FJRE CHIEF WHO WJI.L r{IX-> :\ f : >¦:-. \=< ; rX:.'£A'i 'ff "MitTp'ii^^C&K i ; i'S"i> : I'ftoCrJJtArAYidx-' con- tcxijA L I- '¦'. \ nuts ts. . »-. -j* **\*ztf~J r * f i£-1!y r ~- ¦ **<¦** ,:¦¦¦¦'•-¦--•.-.' ¦-,'¦¦, ,..'.* Thrilling Escapes and Sad Incidents of Disaster. :; &-y£:-i?/>F. l*rqclaxnatlan. : : \ • .."•¦"¦ , ¦qmc AGO.' peel '31..— Following is the text /-of aiplea; issued^ -by;; Mayor Harri son: ' r^'On r ;.oach/ • recurring-; New iYeaW^ve :ainpyanw-:Has\be'en\cauaeil"-\tqi\ttie;aIclc and 'infirm- v by, •=? -the /^-indulgence -:•¦; vt thoughtless person is > in no'l»y. ealebrn-. tiohs bf ;the : passage -of. the old year. The ; city -authorities have at ail times discouraged : thia practice, v but : - now.- Avheh^CKIcastt-.Ues. :In;the shadow of thc'Sreatest .disaster- ln:.her ; h!»t6»y for ¦a generation; noise? .makfnc, whether by bell?, whistle*, cannon," horns, or. any, other means; is particularly objection able..* -•¦.:¦:.• ¦¦:>x. .v;-v- : V" . : ;---^.'.; 'L\s Mayor of Chicago, X. would there fore request all persons to refrain from this indulgence, and ; I /would particu larly ask all railway officials and . Hi persons in control, of factories and rail; ',$ to their' employes sot to btow whistles between the hours of 12 and 1 o'clock to-ntsht. ¦:'¦ 7J^'--* :i ' "CARTER H.HABRISO2?. Slayer^ ' ¦In addition to this proclamation lliy or Harrison to-night announcea tint ail departments of the city would be. closed on Saturday. January 2. on account of the calamity of .the Iro<r«Jois Theater. He made the request that alt business houses throughout Chlea go also closa on that day. making it a day of general mourning^::- •: : -.- 7 :::v:-. ;: vv:;':^--:;;.,-.;.; ; :-' ; : : ; : :; Y'suni i>lriis Prevented by this Mayor's MLEXT, OX, N*E\V YEAIVS EVE. :«J<5awir:an.who w»s killed. In, tha Iro quoJn TJbeater, was a former resident of ; thls city. His parents still live here, residing at 727 Shotwell street. Studley was born and reared in this city. In the younger years of his life he was a clerk. Later, in 1893. he was assistant secretary of the Twen tieth street branch of the Youns Men's Christian Association. In 1895 Studley was transferred to the posi tion of department secretary of the Young . Men's Christian Association. He was studying for the ministry while holding these positions and in 1896 married the daughter of William Wolff, a real estate man residing at 1059 Brush street, Oakland. Two years ago he went to Chicasro. Although a minister of the Methodist faith he assumed the pastorship of the All Strangers' Church in that city, a non»sectarian house of worship. He was still connected with that church at th«*. time of- his death. ¦ • Keverend Mr. Studley was well knoivn in religious circles in this city an<* his death, so terrible and sudden. came . as a great . shock to his ' many friends here: -He leaves a father. George W; Studley.. a printer: a moth er, and a sister. Miss Ruby VT. Studley. a. th& Irvin* Institute. They reside. at 727 Shotwell street.: v. • Persinger, on receipt of the sad tid ings, at once wired to Chicago, but until a late hour last night had re ceived no particulars. He will start for the East this morning. Reverend Wil'iam II. Stuclley, "the F. M. Persinger, a merchant tailor in the Phelan building, received a tel egram at 8 o'clock yesterday morning announcing the death of his wife and 10-year-old son in the Chicago theater catastrophe. The message was sent by his bortheY, H. R. Persinger, and announced that both mother and 'son were, without doubt, lost. In 18 as Mrs. Persinger, her two daughters, Irma and Gladys, and her infant son left San Franci3co for Chi cago. Miss Irma went for the pur pose of cultivating her voice. Since then the young lady has completed her musical education and plans were being made by which the family could be reunited. Mrs. F. M. Peasinger Is Among the Dead in Chicago. San Franciscans Per ish in the Theater Holocaust. CHICAGO, Dec. 31. — Coroner Trea ger's inquiry into the Iroquois Theater dis aster has already be gun. A jury com posed of business men, which visited the charnel house this evening, found that the protection against fire had been inade quate. The fact that bodies were piled ten feet high before the doors of minor exits bears out the charge made by survivors that these doors were locked. Some of the exits led to false pas sage ways from which retreat was impossible. LOCKED DOORS BAR THE WAY TO THE EXITS Alcatm t »*Bla« - J •ana/" I Col tf onifa— M Ax« Tern » UwBt" O«3rt«a—^-Th* OalirhO'" IlietaCi- "I- O. tT/» Oxmad— rrt» Mtai*t«r> PCS." Orpi«nm — Vmn&tvW*. * Tt» Clwtw Taudrin*. ttvoh Optra-atom * "Ixlon.* Oolnmt^— - T£» Gtrt Witi tts.» Oreen. Tre*." MTMtiw •« AD Tieat«r» To . Bar*. ¦ ¦¦-¦ A. x \' TSU WEATIIX.V *', fBlWUK' Forecart ma4« a* Saa Traja cl*co for ttlrty hours «adlas* «4 miOalxltt J&nnuT 1> 1904: Sxn Fncciico tad vicinity^— Clonly rrlfiay. probably cloar lar fluxing- til* day; light aortb erly wlsdi, changing to west erly. A. Q. McASXS. Dlitrict roreoutar. The San Francisco Call SAN FRANCiSCO;g£Rl#AY, * JANUARY 1, " 1904;