Newspaper Page Text
Injured on City of Puebla. J. Seward, an oiler, who iives at 414 Bran nan street, had three ribs broken yesterday in Sun rises .*.. .......V.'."...".; '.7:25 sun* eets ............:.:....! ]s '01 Moon sets .5^24 a. m. O.ITlmej .ITl'mel |Time| " JTimei •i . 1 Ft. I 1 Ft. Ft • ? |L W| ,|HWr '|L W| . '|H W| 31 2:1S 2.71 8:30] 5.9 iHis 0.5 10:46 4.5 1 3:0s 2.V 9:u «.l 4:17 ; 1.0 11:24 4.C 2- 3:57 '^.BIlOiOO . C.3 5:00—1.2 ..... ..... . H AV . L, .W . H.W L. AV 3 I O:1O| - 4.S 4;47 »2.7 10:4s . «.l S:47 — 1.2 4 I 0:^1 ,4.J>! 5;37l 2.7111 :3K| 6.0 r,:31|— 1.1 b; 11:38 P,l fi:3nl .2.7(12:321 'fi.Sl .7:171— O.7 ¦0,1 2:2lj .5.11 7:27| 2.C| l:30| 5.a| 8:04[— 0.3 N0TE~In the above exposition of, the tides the early mornln(ftlde3 are, given In, the left hand column and the successive tides of th» FRIDAY. JANUARY 1. ¦Sun; Moon and Tide. United t States Coast and Geodetic Sjirvev— ' ., TJme.and Height of High and Low Waters at Fort Point. • entrance ¦ to San Francisco Bay. Published by. official authority of the . • Superintendent . • . .- . ; NOTE — The. high and low waters occur at the city :/rontM Mission-street ' wharf) about 25 m!nutps:iater than at Fort Point; the height of tldg Is tha- same, at 'both places. -.. ' a. I "M.\f • T. 1 W. I ,T. I; F. -I .S,- • . lloon'.s' Phases : ' :•'. " .. I- ; '.( • j" -l.| 2/ /."iv'Full M.non ji\ $#&*i&iA$*}\f : *A • . .' • ••¦..¦,• •IP ,1.1^2:4,13 tM^(25J ; j6^ S/'vian 1 ..^'' 17'. '1JT-. : 19 i^f^l S j" 22 23. Moon W-. iaiSpSvESj^i V " Jan17 ' h^ —^-F— —^]r ~— -m .First Qr.. 31" ( ¦ f- I'-' (¦¦ :(. • J -.Jm. 2S. January/ 1004. THE. CALL'S CALENDAR] Shippii! g- Intelligence. ARRIVED ': ' • . ' '-TnurBday, December 31.' . ; Stmr Santa Rosa,' Alexander, 40 'hours from- San DltcO, ' . •' ..-'•• " '. " "' • ¦ •. Stmr Mackinaw'; Storrs; 03 hour-S • f r,o.m Ta coma. •" ". '•-. •• .;-. ¦- '..'¦¦ '•¦ »!tiiir Alcazar. ' Johnson, .SO .hburs from ' R"e.-" dondo.-. ; . ' • • • • *-l .' '" • .'.-. ' ••";•• • •f-tnir .Aurelia. -Ericksori.'- 0 hours ; from. Port. RodKers. . .* ¦ : . -.. .' ¦' .' .. .---'- ••-.;•-.-.' . -. "Stnir CJiehalis," >Ia'rtln',-C5 hours "fr<im-<5rEi} ; 8. Harbor.. •.-..'•.'.•. • .-".¦; •' -. ; ". .'•¦'¦.•.:".•':'.•• •¦ .'• Stmr-'^pokane, .Johrisoft;'" IS' hdur« .fr.o'm.'.Ey-' rekh;.-' .-V-.. : .''"".••¦..' •.',•••¦•¦. ¦'. !•;••'-.. - Stmr Pojnt ;A'rexia. : '.-Mllrer;- "II'." hours; •frc'm' Me.ndoclno.''. • ."'' . . ••.•¦•!¦.•.':"••.-.••';•.•'• ..' Ktmr Georjre '.\V. • Eliler.- ; Ra"ndall;- fa hoijrs .from " Portland. "vla''Astor1a-,47^i hours.. ' -.." -'. .- Stmr "^outh Coast,- .Cflsehi. -17.^1 hours 'from Forf Brake.- ..-¦-- .- - ' -.-' .. •' •• , " • :•...-•. - ..-. Stmr I'ho^nlx.- :Odland, 16 'h'ours from' "M&n-" •doclno.', . •" . - " . ' •' ' .''.-•. • Strnr- Gipsy. Leta,nd. 20. Hours, .from."Mon terey.. • /. ..".'• •• -.;..' ' ."-.¦' -: • '. • Stmf reru,-,Macklnnorf; .2? days from Paha-. rnar.-'vla Maratlan. 5',4 days. . .. ¦"' Stmr iicspatch, Lev|na*on,* j>9 -hours. jfrom -San • Pedro . "• . •• ;. " '-.-: .. - . Ptm? Whittirt-. .Macdonald,""- 2 . days' '/from V«ntura: uj> river direct-. . .." ¦• ; •; •' Br shiD Edenmore,' Keniiell.. 52 days from Plsagva. ••••-•'.¦.-¦ Br shlo WJ PlrT4e, Jenkins, .91"jla>-s from Newcastle, NSW.- *; .';.-•.' . •"•; .•;• Br >hl» Pert Caledonia, .Manning, 80 days from Newcastle, Av.s. . '. -..."-. Oer «hlp Llka. Jans&en. 144 days from Ant .werp. . , ¦ . . - - . ¦. • Bark' Albert, Turner. 21 days from Honolulu. Bktn S. G. Wilder.. Jackron. 14 .days from Honolulu. . ..:.-.* BUtn Archer.' Melville, 16 days from ¦Hono lulu. . Schr Newark," RcSnerUen. 12 ; hours from Stewarts. Point. , . ' ' *'* • Schn ¦ Oakland.^ Ewart. < 15 days . from Tilla mook. . • . Schr- H C WriRht, Nlelson. "22 days from Mah'jkona. ¦ • Schr; C T Hill, Huhs, 9 days from Tilla mook. . . CLEARED. •. aKSfc ; •¦•' ' Thursday. December :t1. Stmr .Rainier, Hanson, Seattle; Pollard Steamship-. Co. . .' ... -¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦¦ > ¦ Stmr •Centennial,, Strand, Seattle; E' T KrtUF.e. : ¦ >>-" - ¦¦¦-' ¦ -. ¦¦¦ ¦ ,;.- . • - - -: '¦• Stmr. -City -of --PuebJa.' Jei»seni Victoria, 'etc; Pacific Coast J Steamship Co. . ¦ ' • Stmr Sierra, -HoudlettVSydney and " Hono lulu; J DSpreckels t'Bros Co. • ' ¦ ' Stmr Alliance, Hardwlck,. Portland; Cal and Oregon Steamship Co. . Stmr Santa Roea. Alexander, San 'Diego; E.\i>prts.".jro.r Hawaii! '••"The -b'afV;€ntinje.'Co'r'onado- . war- cleared..,yes-: terday'= .fir," : HonQlulu-.-'.vUft «i) . "assorted.- mer chan^i>e"-.oaT^o.'. .vajued'.'at-.$3U,0?.">, -and" Includ : !n? th»' foHOwlng:. •' '¦'¦¦ '¦¦¦ •""' : '•'• '. • ¦'. ' 505 bbls flour,. .'m.Vcs. canned goodf^ 12?SbalPs hay 2U.T91 Ubh "hraiT. • 247 ctls. oatt. OS72. lbs middllopR;"'"M00 lbfi shrimp, shells. 334K ct!s barley, .'J2' ctls corn. SOSt lbs ch-icken' feed,' >17 oils feed. 22.500 lbs sugar," 170 1 lbs bread, 'HO fjil«- wine, 1» ts'gin. 27. pkgs groceries' and lirovlsions, '-(iOO" lbs salt. • 4S2tt lbs- lord, 20 bbls .salmon, 23DO lbs beans, 270 1bs tea. 1596 lbs '3 C3 coffee, 4-"cs baking powder,- 13S7 fials vinegar,".' 1.1J cs table preparations. 365, C60 Isb-'fertllizor. ..'500 bxa- soap, 50- b.dls- pipe, "14 .pkRs- machinery', 55 cs .matches, .12.0 bdls shocks.. "14 bdls' brooms. t>41" pkgn paper, !>8. colls rope, :> j)!»j?«. Kaarilery. :{ .pKks • agricultural lmple-' t'nent", 20 btls coal -tar, :t>6 jikgs white'-lead; 107 pkrrs paints. 12" pkgs drug*. -5S7.7 ft"-lum-' her,. WO-' bars 100- bdl.>< .Iron, 51 pkgsr nails, 157-pkgs oil". 10'cs benzine,- 4^57-S -gal.i distillate, 5. cs fuss," 27 pkgs' acid, '11 .cS dry fioods t 225 cs coal all'. . • >¦'¦; ¦ . • '.' ' ."• "The ?chconer James,- Rolp'h; which was cleared y.est<?rday for.Hana. carried an assorted, cdrffo, value-1 at $JP80, and. including' the- following: 7.1 -bbls' flour.- f>4S ctis- barley. 0775. lbs bran'.. 25.t;O». lbs rice, 477S "lbs middling*. 26 ctls corn: 13 ctls wh«at.-4 ctls .oats. ' 1238 lbs brend, .25 es sHimon. 442 lbs butt"r. canned konds. <i. os bakin/r powder. 27 "pkgs groceri'eH 'and pro •vlsions, i'. r i cs galmo'n.. 273 Ips .ham, l«2n 'lbs sugar, .".CO -lbs- lard. } cs w.lne,- 75 • bbls llpie;". 70 tons coal, 2 purf boat^..' ."•-.•.•• ." . :. XEAVS 6£ THK OCEAXv 5iatters --pX Iriterest to . Mariners . ana yr\ ¦ Corittmicil on Pace Twelve.:', f .'•• ' ; T.nft-b : "ai-k S.t! Katherine returns, -to- iUlo/wi.lh' general.' cargo.," -.-'/ ::-.". "•: • • " ••'" ;•'/.! • .•• '• •'•• :. /Ir was.^bhly-. by -.liteFilly.' breaking- a febie ;ik: accumulated freight ¦;tiia't ; vthevvjgfang^vay :'of/thB steamship JPeru,X>vKi'ch..;^riVed v yesterday,.' from Pa'n.ama.v-fbuh.d.'a-. place to. rest on'the •pacihG--MaH.'«:na.rf';-'" Except in. a few. .'truck- Avifl'e -passageways.'- cargo from the "ends'; lies all over the .big..ahd. .little, ¦Mail docks and every where heaped roof high. The Peru's passengers were landed, however,'. but '..only Captain Wilson knows where- her • going to "be discharged. .- .. ; •.'•.'The Peru brought thirty-four • jia's ¦seng"ersV -706 tons' of freight and ' tfeas-: ure -valued at $34,12150. . Among- .the: passengers from Xew York was. Mrs: Maravene-Kennedy, a woman known in the'-. literary circles of the- metropoilsf.' R.. AJv-ih"- Weiss, who has been mining in- JJoliyia, and Allan C. Hardison,- a mining engineer frqm Mexico, came up on.-.the'- Jiner. . "-" ."• . v.-- •• .-' -Captain MacKinnon reports that -the ."coffee crop, which is large this. season, will shortly begin moving and business along the coast will be lively foi*-l the next few months.- H. Cunningham,- a fireman on the Peru, 31 years of age. died last Tuesday 61 congestion of the lungs and was buried at sea. On the Peru's downward voyage a cabin "passenger. Domingo Barba Of Salvador, committed suicide by jump ing overboard. Nobody saw him go and his absence was not noticed until the following day.- He was a native of Spain, 62 years of age and was de spondent over the recent death of his daughter, who was murdered ' by her husband in Guatemala.- • . • • .' - •• The Peru's passengers include the fol lowing named: , . Mrs. Maravene Kennedy, Miss Louise E. Colwell. C. 31. Greenland, Mark J. Harrison. R. Alvin Weiss, Gustav Laube, Miss Jennie Ells. Francisco de Ojeda, Beatrix de • Ojcjda, Allan • C. Hardlson, "William S. Rodger*.. Edwin Swin fort, Kate A. Svvinfort, Raymond Haux, Ebelin Haux. ' . ""' • Sierra Delayed by Mall. The lete arrival of the British-AUstfraliar. mails detained the" Oceanic Stean-.Fhin Com pany's liner. S!srra Fomc hours' beyond ".the scheduled sail.inp lime: The stea-mshlp ¦sailed, how.ever. and v,!'l have. little difficulty in mak-. InK up the lost hours long- before she reaches the Antipodes'. Among the passengers to •Auckland was Rev. Francis E. Clark, tho founder of the Christian Endeavor movement. The passengers' included the- following named :- — ¦-' . Honolulu— S. T. Alexander. Mifs A. Alexan der, Mrs. (¦'. A. Bartlett,- Mlfs . X. = Crook G. H. Emerson; Mrs. Emewwv. R: -'».-. Emerncn. Dr. Xl.S. ¦ Falrweather, A. \V. Fisher.' Dr. Mj ¦E-.. Grorfman, It. G. Henderson', • jklrs: • Hodg 1 kins", 'H.-.Wt HollInB,': -George. Hunger. E. ins ham. Miss Emily Inghara.' S.- A. I). . -lones,' >'.-.. N. Laughlln, -Mrs. Laugh,Hn, '•'A 'Lsfclp' Jr.. Miss .E. Lewthwalte.- S. M.- Little. C. T Littlejohn, Miss 'Lynch, W.- • 1»,' Miller. Mrs. G. . "Oi«lway and" f*llj,. H. V, ¦Reevec. Mi-*." M. K. .Rlchard5»n.- Dr. -B. F". San".' -low. Mri«. Sandow, J. Sco;t, .A. Seale',-. E- .B ¦Strong. -Miss Edna Whemple, ' C. H Wllcox" G. X." Wilccx".- Mrs. R. W.- Young. -\V P 2wlllinr. Mrs. ZniHlns. '/• ' ¦ ' Pago Pago— T. Bernhauk, Judge E." Kraues, T.'J. Marininr. • • . ••;•¦• Auckland — Rev. Francis E". Cla'rk, Mls'e M. W. Clark. T. J. Collln*. A. E. Cowper,. Mies M Fra^er. MIps F. -M. Hewln, George Lorimer-, L.. S. Maxwell. . ¦ •• • ... • • ¦¦• . Sydney — C. " D. iRroadbent, ' Mrs. Broadbent, Mrs: F.- Buckhtirst. Miss I.. M". Dickens -"J U f>lwards,'W. M. .Firiky. F." W. GodlnR. E R -tiodward. Mis. W. L. Hoyt. I). W. MacKay Mrs. VV. C. Macl^cod, Miss F A.'" 'MacLeod' Mm. M." McLene,' R." Ritchie, W. Stewart.' VinI cent' Si!rr. Mrs. S,urr, F. P. Tavlor. F W Vofeel. L. A. B. "Wade. - .'.-¦; Encounters Heavy Gnle. Craft of all sorts • end eizes peem v to have made an effort yesterday to: finish their vo'y 'aglng before the old year ended, and as a re sult more than thirty ve*>»2ls passed In through the Golden Gateand were safely anchored or tied un to wharves when the midnight pan demonium announced the birth of 1904. -Among the early arrivals was the Uritish ship Port Caledonia. Captain . Manning. - So days from Xewcastle. Australia, . with 37CT tons of coal. Captain Manning, reports that October 20, In latitude 33 south, longitude 173 east, he en countered an easterly gale which continued two days and wrought considerable damage to the Pjsrt Calodonla. The sea filled the ves •scl'n deck to the rails, ami during the blow two pcrts on the starboard side were washed away. .P.aclflc:,' . Ste-amsh,lp r . Co."/ • : :"'"-'- -V-''^-'v.- '•:'• .' BarK -iMartSa " D^vis.-.'V.McFail-;"H<1.6;'-W.elc}i '& Co:,' •-.- .•-.-¦• ;...-. ¦-....;;.:"•:> •¦./._" ..>;"..'v ; '.' fiktri ." Coronajd'oi ' ¦ Potter,- 'Honolulu;".". J-V D: SpreckeJs ¦& . Bros "• C.*.- ."•" ¦ "•••" "" •'¦';;•. ':•'•'. :.v;v ' •'" .Sch.F-Jamec. RoJDh; t blsen.'-Hana;. M'.-S.Gflnr. jbaunj. • :. " "-.v-:.. ". . -.- -.'.••.¦¦ . ; " •'..•'•'•., .'¦•-¦'¦. '¦• '•". ''¦.':. "..'-;• ; ¦; .'SAjLEp:' -. : ' ,." : -.' '••".¦¦¦:'.'.¦ .' ¦':' .-.'.-.. ". ".'• ,-.-•' • -Thursday. 'December 31. .- StnVr 'Konita.-Gie.low. for" Pari/Fiedro. '•- ;. -7 •" Stmr 'Sta.te of California: '.Thomas % -.for' San- Diego... :..-•"." ;-". ¦ •¦ ¦"•¦...- • " -.•••:.•..".-¦.. ¦". '.:~: . Simr:'.Chehaifir,-; Martin," 'Sji'h. -Pedro. ¦ r ; -. - ¦" •'. . " . St-tnr, H.o.m;er.- AonaldsOn." .1?an-,, : Pe<If d: ' ,'. - . . -.. ..¦•Stirir'.-S|-Bn'aK,.-J3endec:ar;d;"CoftS.-.il4>T. '.'.;;• ¦/;• '.' . TStrnr. -^.IcU'zb r/ -.J.dt<"nsojrf- t -_ Grejeh.wobA..'. .-. ••: ''¦ ? .' " Htmr. - 3Uandalay..-jPayne...-Crf<=cenl : .-Cijtylv : >: •. Stthr; Ce/itenniali- ' :^tr&ria, Seattle,:'. ."-" •.-•¦.•¦¦ -. t-'jchr-.GoBiiieei:, ;.'Kappiug;- Eureka.- •» 'V--->i -"•' : Hchr' 'Sflh/'BUeriaventura; /ilplnibery, • Coos' 'Bay. ..:.. :¦¦;¦ •.-:-.•.• V} ¦¦- : -.<--'r ¦¦¦.:¦ ¦ .¦ : ¦ ¦/¦'. ¦'¦ '¦'¦/¦'¦¦¦:Sr- ¦rTELEG'nAPincv.':'.' .;"¦.¦•' "".. : ' • : .-POIXT-. LOGOS;- -.peeVsi;' la -p - Trrx— Weather clo.u;d>-; wind- yW;.velocity:"l.r>"mlle8^per' hour. '-• . ¦-:¦'::¦¦' -sliEtOHtiSTiQ: PbnT.S;- ' i\'\':\i '= ¦ ¦ ¦ ..•tVHA.TOOJI -Saijed- De'c.'sir^Schr Mawe'e'ma.' .fc(r- San" -fc'ra.nclscd-.- •.'¦¦."" -¦• : -.--. ; •...-"•¦"¦¦ • .GRiVY."S'.HAIt'BCiR-^Arrived': Dsc "-.3Q— §chr Jamo.s H Bruce,- .from Sari Pedro:'- •. •••-.' . EUREKA— Arrived Dec" JH-r-fjtmr Tomoha,-' honce Doc .30| «Unr."Redondo;'berrce: D«fcr .10.-" • . :.SOITTh "BENlO^SatUd. Dec'.-3li-Stmr Rival-,.' ipir- San, Francisco ¦'-..• .' '.¦ ': ..':'.'¦¦'¦."•.¦ ¦ =P.ORT- TOWNJSeXDv-A'Tr|.yed.-" : .Dec'*i— Schr •Oliver-, il," Olspn-. -from" Sari- Pt'dro.---.' : ••- .•-.•••' : PORT.OAMBllB— Arrivel Vec Sl^Schr. Rpb '.ert I»e'wer». hence'. Doc 21: • '... ;•.'••"':• •••• .". Satilea- Uec" 31^rSchr W H Em'lth,..i6r San •Pfcdre. .• ¦'•-.¦¦•. ' ¦..'¦.-.••. -.' : : ' \ • ASTORIA— Arrived -Dec 31 : VStmr.. Columbia; hence Dcc'20.; stmr 'Kosecraris, hence-. Dec 28. * . Arrlveil .Dec- ol — Hark/ Haydrj ' Brpv/n, .from San Pedro.. • ¦• *' ' -..' .'•/. Arrived Deo 31 — Stmr . Nome City. " hence Dec 2!>: stmr- Francis H I,:ggett," from Eureka. . PORT H A RFORI5— Sailed Dec" 31-*-Stmr Coos Bay, for San Francisco.." . • •" ¦REDONDO— Sailed : Dec 31— Stmr National Cltv. for Sari Franclwo. '• , ¦ ••-.'•¦ " TACOMA-^Arrived Dec 31— Schr Expansion/ from San .Pedro '• . -.'•.• • : CRKSCKiVl' CITY— Arrived • Dec Z\— Stmr- Del Norte. hence Dec .20. .•--• ' SAX PEDRO— Arrived Dec 30 — Sttnr Coro nado. from Grays Harbor. Dec 31— rStmr Santa Barbara, l'ro'rrj. ' Port Harford;'. .echr. Stimson, ¦ from Kallard. . . ' Pallf d Dec ."il— Rtmr Olympic, for. San Fran'-' .cIsco; scbr Lottie Berinett. • for' Blalne; bktn- Katie Fllckin-rer. -for' Portland. . Aj-rived "Dec- 31— U -S'.strrir Mohican, .from '.San.' DUgo: stmr .Santa Monica; from Redondo, . TATOOSH — Passed out" Dec •' .31 —^.Br stmr Wrlllhrroii.. from Comox.- for San' Francisco. .. Js'EAH. BAY— Anchored in .bar ¦ Djec 31— Schr- Eric, from.S8-ntn--ri6fialia, for Seattle, .. • * . : ".. : ISLAND PORT. '' • ..- •. " r; V • '.¦HONOLULU— Sailed --Dea'-IU— TStmr' Argyll, for San Francisco.' ..'•-. ;>.,-.'".•' - ••¦"• " v '.; FOREIGN- PORTS. .•••"•':¦ ¦ • CAPE TOWX— Arrived IJec' 31— Shrp • CHar .mer.'.- fr<vir l'ort. Hiakele'y. • • •" ." • ' . ¦¦-' COlvOX— Arrived . Dec.. 2n^Stm"r. • City j of." Wa'uhinstton.. fnom Xew york. V •• . • Sailed Dec 2a— Stmr. Yucatan for New York. ' TALCAH-UAXO— In port Nov" -U— Br .barlj. Pitcairn Island for 'San Francisco-. -. ' u .' yOKOllAMA—Ar.rlved. TTefi' «0— Stnir. China, hence Dec "12. .*-. .•'.''•¦ ' • . ' •;•¦ -.Arrlvftl Dec 30^-Br •ilmf' Wyneric," frsm Port 'V.rrllow.- •••;.: . • .-•¦••.•. ' .'C.<rRON K.I^vATrtyed;Dcc.lMVGer' stmr'Xa^ip lla.'. -frorn .Hamburfr, ."toV. Sah Francisco: stmr: Cadizctte, .fpi-".Sp."n." FfanclRco.. •: Dec- .2pr-Ge'r ..stm'r.Theben.-.frorn Hairi-burir." ior-'San ; .Fra'n'-'-. cisvO;'--' :." .-'': 4 ".• • '"¦'-. •„.'*•.-.- -••'.'¦.'¦.-• -. .¦;¦} A(UT'fLCO4-$ai-l'p'l''ner' 2ft— Stnirc'-^an ->To??', r'/or'Kamama.- .•'De£..f{i>*S^ri)r; Ean'.Juaq,; forSaJJ' • Fiaistisco,- . •". •." •'.¦¦'•': •.¦'..'¦ ''¦¦;¦'¦'¦''':,' ..- .".-¦:•• •'.. ocean; steamers.; • ;'.•: ' ¦' - : . ai^Stmr".' Qovlc, •from Iilverpo'ol:-.-Btnlr- Peiiri'sylyaUla^' . from ¦HamVuTX. '. • •--.¦ ¦ •• ."..¦.."• •• -•-. •."•...-• ••;. failed ". Dec '-.- 3-1— 'Stir.r* La" - fo'irai'ne" for Havre.- . . . • .,-•.-• . ,• ,-.•.-.. •••"• ; '•' ••. .-. " LIVERPOOL^— An-iVed Dec' 30—Stmj'-Teu« tpnlc, fronviS'ew Vprk.'' • . •• •" •"• ' '; • . .^GLASGOW— ArVlved Dec ffl^-Sim r "Ethiopia.' from- Nc«' Vnrk.--- ••¦-•.. .'...: •:¦ QUKEXSTO\VX^,SaIled Dec 'Sl-^Stmr ¦'c'el-' tic", for Neve Y-ol"k. ". ••• • •'¦'¦'.' HAMRtJRG— Arrived •-..Dec '91.-r— Stmr t3raf Waiaersee. from .'".•' .V ¦ ".• • the -.erlBJne'roofri- iof ¦^pi- •'eity'. ¦ .'of Puebla. '.; Sewat'd • \vas--' sthu;U'.-a; .terriido • .bloiy. but* his': injuries;. "treated by:'D.r-:-'Armtst?'ad at the .Harbor .^lIOFplta!. ' wiU •.notvprove J fatal:;'-' "" TJeirisureil . Sliip -Arrivcsi .. Tlie -ji'rlttsh.:fhjp "V\VJ.,-.'Pirrle,:; nof.pvefdue' "hut •reinsured ;.a.t 15 per cent-.".ojy; : .iaQCOunt .of. a tyrhoon; fchlch'.it xs-as thoupiJi'r «iie ; m!ght have enoountPred, arivrd yestorday;' . iJ3- -days. • from, Australia. "-.The .Pji.riK " how out"2.";»j days from ¦ iJamburp : for: Hon'Olulu, -.wasj' . .ad^ vancfd' y>sj.erdaxv to. 75 por cVnt-.-.'.-.The ' Loch ¦lin'eilaihils.-.tiup.ted at;7<> per cent".";' ¦'¦•¦ ¦ . ";*."' Govcnini'cnt Gunboat Ashore* •':'Ai-cqrdiris to'.'a. cable --dif patch- -from Manila,' .r^ceiyeil- y'esLenJjJy. 'af the-Merc^arits'- Exchange,' "the ,t?hited-. -States sunb<jat Quiros-is'agroynd on .the.-«2st- coast^of Borneo. : ':" " ; "-.'' .'' • .- •.: /BHif rsi'i ;skip..w: / j, T*mkiE;: re.insured; for "35 \> jxXs:: : ¥^^^:'r^H^ ''¦'¦:':¦''.- :-:;\.-: : f iff, •¦-. : %y> { •'V/.-'j " Men t^ra .".- ".:';- ; j '.-Ta«om^'v, '.¦'. '."• i~i±ii iV .. -. i' : 'l-t-eianaw,-J.;c.L T^icyjrili-'- ;"i. :~.y-.\ *'.-- '-v.-; -lan-r :V: ¦ j?a» PKro. - : i f..ganr. Tffedr* -•-'••"•'¦- '¦'¦ '¦ - >V >V- ! Jait-; -1 ¦Coqs ¦Bay*ii>*j-Sari Pedfrit &-M'iy yotts-tfaA. --.1'' 1 OlyiiitJfp- ¦•••>! . d.. .. ;i -V. .." .i Jfen.. - 1. : Iiikhif ... . >1: 'J HurnboWf r;. :.-.;-. .-; ; i.V -j Ja>. ;' 2 .'Ceni'ralfa. '..:.;. J-.Uraj-s ¦ Harbaf.;^, ."...-. .i. , rJao.'. : ; 2-. •Gorohado." : ,.-. .San'.Petfro"-'.;.':¦:'.'.:.:-.Vl.lJan.'V'V'.' yirlartria-'...v Plight- Soun"^. Pi>rt»; liV.Uah:.- 2.'. BOreka^r,:.; . -.Kum'&dl4f- ."¦..-.- ,-., :¦.- .-U.ilaiv,. .2..' Iaqua>.V. '.- ;„'.- '¦ r;ra y.s 'Harbor ';'. i: 1.,'i. ::. Wan."-. 2r lii Dollar. '-i-v. : Sairj -. Pedro ...... .vly. iytJan.f'.-S '. WieUtnrtoli'i : - .Cfoirtox -..:•:. y ;' : >' i r»' . .« ..' ," -I Jap; - 3 •". 'rji'ti.oNprie^v.:; -.crescehr^eit :jr ; .:.V;.;> . . . part. -.-'<$.. -eoi?il<?- :'-<i** >:|cHlriai" ¦&•- -Japan ¦•"«," .-'.•.¦..". rJan.."-- 'A •Fqniona.'.'»•;'.¦-.-'.I-!Hjiniboldt' '¦'. ¦- '.¦¦: r .^.'i i ; : ;-'.' :', Jan. ' • ;t-. ''P.iyat*'.;^.u':i '¦- WilWpp. -HarVpr. ?:'.:,'..ViJan;\ .4. •fjT'tifn^aupr-.-." ..Gfays : ...I.larbor.'"-_.v. :*.-.".'.:-!Jan- : *. 4-'. • ¦....','¦•.• "••Sain'.'-E«Irq;-.-.';.rr: ."..^. :•". ._'1Jan.".' -4. State, ;of'.eahr- San-. Dfeggr.^. Way Ft?:! Jan. : : 4. f>.'-"Bar.t)ara.v:, ; .J .-Sai:' l*ed»o .•-•;.,-.. .. .\.'.A.'Jan..--..-t: •'P6mp. V»*.«»'f '•¦f-'Pt. '-Aren'a''.&" Alblqn.'. . . ! Jan:"'.' 5 ; Jionita.-l.'.', : .'.i;'. -Newport". & "."Way Ports. (Jan. "5, "AIan:wia..'..:.'.M :JIonoI.oiy,- -^ • • '•¦. •"• • '¦A4*V- '.": » ." Ccluinbiav'.,;. -.)'.gtt land- ¦&-. -Astoria;. -:-.vtJan. -'».r 1 'Co<|uiHe'-. ftivet ••:;.."... .'. : [Jan. ." .6- ¦fcpQka'ae,i..!.V-W.unjboldt ¦;•.¦..•.¦;.•.'..•..¦: -i". . . |Ja;n-. .t>' : ATcata-."-- ;.;.-,-.. !.«"^Jds. Kay.;"&"P.t.' Orford.lJan. ••»••¦ Santa Rosa.. ' fearf t>!ogrp : & "-Way .Pts:jJan;:-;t. •Point 'Arena-. "51en'd6cirid-&- Pt^ Arenajjan"; ¦."". "San .Tuan- .i.'.-. -'New .York""yra.'i'anataa.|jan. -..y .'Que?n. „,„.".• '•'.P.iiBet- -Souad •" Ports. -.'•., I.Ia.h. ..'«.. ;-North' Fork •.'¦'." ¦."¦ttumboldt • ¦". ."...-»:; . .'. .' tJ . . ! Jari;' -.» : : -.6; >V: 'Elder/i -. portla,nd". & "A-storiay . ... !.Jan. if). Seffeta.-- • r.U Seattle : --.:::'..;.',i; ;.v'.....'i . "¦.¦I'Jarn. -10." ¦. Centf n nfa I '.';... ¦• l-SfiiXX le - ¦& '• Tacoma .'.>• /Xt Jan:; 10 '¦' "' V.'-xv : ';!>y : " *o;saiiJ..' ':-;\ iyki ¦•• '••."•"¦; •;-. .'..;B.te'arhtff. : " . :: \^b'estinkyo'ni:i'.i'.;:|:ga!ls;J. Pier.'.'-' :"' •"••¦' •:¦ :; '• :¦.';' 3a.hna.jy -a:.- :i : - ¦: ??M ¦¦";"-''-. '.Centralla. . . ¦ Ix^ .Vn(?el«>s- •Ports.^"4 ,p"ip"iPier"-10 •Corona'dp-... Grirj v 8.- Har.fapr'."- :..-:(• "/t/pmU't^r 10 •Sarricia'.-.¦¦.'-'¦/ J^s".. -Angeles -Port?:. 10.i»rn|Plej> ''Z Lakme; . . .. -Kos-. AnBele ! s.Po'rtS:H<) Ant)"Pif r.'20-l San PedFO.'. .'Humboldt : .'- v^ ;.:.: l_. i U2'.--rn'Ptie.r -51 ," Spokane Hurnboltl.t . .'- : '.V. ; . ; :|l.:3.0-.^[Pier V U ;•' Pti Arena.'.. "•Pt:-;Arena'-<k-M<jfchor.-4 - pinl-P.ler" . 2' Acapulco.-... -V. 'Y,"--vla..P&'h«tea.-|t2' m Pl'er-40. Clty'Pufblai Pugct:: Sound ".Ports:. U- -am Pier" 9:' •Ctiico;",".'. ••. . ';Co<iuin». Uivet ":•:.•.;¦:- '.eprBlPier '-2' •'Pqmo. •..-%.. .' PtiArerlaA-. 'Albion 6-pjfn|Pier- "% ¦ .'.. .;• Coos BHPt.-.. prXoi'd/ JO am Pier. IX' Empire. ¦.•.'.'. jLVu.vHay-djrect.*' 'X-i. .ni\ei<!C.%; . '¦-, ; ......-.•..;• -;.-:.... January "3; '; Y\ : J~ :'V ¦-. :<>¦ ' Arctic '. . . '. . v| .'irVini boirtf- . -;' ..-.;i -y^'r. !>->m iFj-y . 2- North FarkVr.Hiiroboldt ¦•..:. .".'."i/^I^-'.nilP.ier 2i>\ G W. Elder • Astoria &\ -PortlandlU' ani Pier 24 Santa Rosa. Safl.pleRd * \Vay,-|:'0. a"n» P.ler 11 o ." '•;• "Jaoinaryv,4." -.",•:"" •:'•.¦.' ' S.Monica.', draj-s. Harbor: :".V, 4' pmiPJer -2 Kureka...,i IJumboldt:. •..•.":•.".•.'... 12 hii-Pier l.J Coos Bay.. San -Pedro" '&• Way. 0 amj'.er 11 ' S. Barbara. Stattle i'Olympia. -4-pnriHier -"^ Januarys.' -|. ' -|. '-•-. Pomona^".". Huniboldt-. ..".:-.~..|-l;30 p|Pier 9 ¦ : - "• ' Janxury : 6i-. :) '-•/ .' " ¦ Rival.... -..'. Willapa Har.bor .¦..f-4pm!Pier 20 Mariposa:.. 'Tahiti. direct. ..-...'.|H um|Pier' t, •Umatilla..V Pu km Sound Ports, jll" ami Pier a • . January 7. I ¦ - I • Ch'ehalls.:.* Grays Jiarbor" -...". 3 pmlPler 10 ! titate Cal..- Han Diega & Way.l 9 amlPifrll- (Siberia -.':... .Cbjna & Japan. . .'.I- 1 pm|Pier-*«> i Curacao Mexican Ports.- Mo ami Pier li' i J. Dollar... Seattle fc Taccma. |10 amlPier' J.. • January 8.' ' I' f .-• • •' •, Columbia.. Astoria & Portlandlll am'Pier 24 ' • -' ". . January 9. • j .' • . •¦ Ellzab.eth.;. i CoquUle River Ill amiPIer 24 • Peru. .....'... j. X. Y. via Panama. 112 .mlPler4n- Alameda. .. • Honolulu ..-..( 2 pmll'ier T • ' •• ¦ . ' |. January 11. I "' I • . ' Queen ...... .'! Pugct Sound Ports.lll am'Pier • 9 . -.' . FROM SEATTLE.- •'. Steamer.'.' : ... For. ¦ " Sails. Cottage CJty. .Skagway"& AVay Ports. Jan. 1 •Excelsior...... Cooks Inlet & Way Pta Jan. 2. Farallon. ..-..-. Skagway & Way Ports.Uan. '3 "Valencia..,. .;¦ .Skagw.ay & Way Ports. I Jan. ¦ R . Dolphin... "... Pkagway 4 Way Ports.jJan.- 8 .B'rtha.". .-,.'.. Cooks Inlet & Way Pts.l.Tan. 10 Al-Kl:.'. Skagway& Way Ports. | Jan. 10 Moyenaen]ts:bt ? .Steainejr5, ' . Tire"- business ".of ."the." ipcal Custom- I hojise\«fjor ¦ the ; calendar .year -ending ! yesterday shows] an extraordinary.- ihv. I crease 6ver".the business of last; year'.- ] .Collector"'.. Strattbn received, late j j yesterda'y 'afternoon, reports from his! various"' 'chiefs of divisions, showing j ; the incresO"? iii various departments. j f< The w : ork of. tabulating these sta- "j tictics, 'except the total receipts, will] not be o copipleted for several, day's, yet«i the reports of Deputy Collectors \V. B, ; Hamilton, kfld X S. Farley and of J Auditor fJ. \V, Cope show a material.-! increase in the .work of their depart- i meuts, necessitating '* an increase.ini clerical, assistance, which is .not vet! sufficient *o handle business with ihe 'i facility arfd- d'ispatoh demanded and •' expected by ahe. importing community.. Cashier Clement C. Perkins .reports the total collections for the last three I years a* follows: Ending December 31, 1901, $7,ll'o,0S7 '35; .December 31; 1902, $7,735.015 42; December 31, 1903.47v:i3.48S 39. Colfector .Strattori «aid 'yesterday: "Taking into, considerationi the fact ' that the duty of 10 .cents- per pound j was permanently, taken off. tea on the i first of" hist .January., .and the'.collec- i lion of duty on c-dal- suspended for one ! year from the J5th of - last January, j the total collections .for the year just j closed 'sho.w an ". extraordinary ' In- ! crease. . • . ¦ ¦'.¦.•¦"-•...-. • "-. ¦I "Thf quantity-'. of tea entered at this port during -the; last year, was over ?.500.00a pounds, on -which" the dutyV jf collectabje. would have^ -amcurited to more- than t950.C00:' and xhequan tity. of cQirf. imported ..since Jartuarj 15. 1903, •¦was approximately .605,000 <ons, the .duty on- which, at. "6 7' cents per toru'if collectable,, would taye a:liountvd to ' more . than f*05.000. - - - • ."Adding these two the total actual- receipts . > as ; stated, -Itiie to\aj collections for. th.e. calendar y^earJ e:iding*. - yesterday. . - would = ' hkve' am5uV^ed;tb more thari i $9,0 OO.Vp4)-."*-=""" : " ."."is;.an . extraordinary r'lncreacse- 1 qyer f.qf rrjer . "years .and -ougrix - to ibe- : convincing to the most skeptical that t he "- wave- of prosperity :isr : -jstil 1- con-", xiniiing "ivkii- Calif qrnia;/.hb<rrit'h$tand^. ing. the assertions r rhade.Tt>>-: soti>e iiusi--' h'esS ' Kieh-^ that;busmess : . for , : thfe; year 1903 was':..cot vas good. -'as. -for tiie A-ear rao2^-. " :• -.. V--.--- "'¦. :-.^- :.;: ¦ There -ar© tx?o tbreories.o^'red'as:-a solutioji': of-- -the .disagreerneht ";tretvr&ien: •the" .-stdtembnts of these., business -Tiicri and the ..facts ;"as . rfeveaJ.ed 1 -" by: the tptkt 'customs r.eceip.ts r^brie'bei-ng'ti?at : riiQre pebpJe" w.ere: engaged in- business' Sui-V c ing i902 th»n : .in .19(>2;:"an-d:.tliat'nVore retaKers fhan formerly irhpprtea'.thelr' poods .themselves arid • .not ." -trrraugh •others, '.thus .appareritly' decreasing ihe.: vorumeijf. "business "transacjied.'in- 1902 b>*' wholesale ' importers 1 ,' ¦ yyhilg '¦•¦ the: other theory." is the -claim that^ theV ¦ business ¦ .of the" ' Customhouse. •" is ' : n6'v an indication of the conditions' • pre v^ilinBT. ot;.curr-ent" business^ -iorV the reaso.n.- that orflerj? for. foreign, goods are -usually giyen uiany months jn. "ad vance 1 , and .lhat-.the customs receipts for- 1903 are Ih "reality, an -indication of business conditions prevailing dur-= ing- 1^02 and the'early part of 19.0,3. and not far The wh^te of the yesir.-just. closed. Th*» fact remains. never.the); that a much, greater.. volume of busi ness .was . transacted at the Custom^ house In 1903'than in 19Q2..'.'-. ;;/- ... N. S-.« Farley, deputy co'Hect-b.r in charge of-' the -entry" division, reports ihe number of .pntri<es -. .of " imported mercharldjs.e fo'r*fij-e- years Scs f.oliOjvs- For t.hf year ending Dec.embef : ".31, 1S99. .20.373,* •December Z\, ¦ 190fi, '21,042; December 31/..1901; "26.967; December 31. l"902,"21,4"28; December 31. 1903. 21,698.-. .-..•.' " . .<"..•. This" shows a healthy increase -over:' 1902. and. would -seem, to • bear. out the' Ftatemerx«*nade above-ihat.more'peo. ple are engaged* in importing goods than ever before. ' . ' '•:'.'¦ ¦ . JIBtJTII^l ' French ;.g©waUI^ncF,^-t>^t5 31'.T-^The" Uhited-f Stales'.- exposition" '.{?)• Abyssinia'' under' Consul/. General ;Skifi ner, of .'Marseilles! ..which .Arrived at Adr' isabetfa' December .21," has! siice3S9f uliy carried 'o.ut the principal.- .features, of the mission;/-' A : ..treatr : 'betn'-een the" United States and'the Empire. of/EthU opiaj opening for'th£ first time friendly commercial: relations, -has been nego tiated' and ' signed. , Emperor Menelik has also given his formal. acceptance of the invitation to- participate in the St. Louis Exposition. • " ¦-" . " . :, . ..As' a personal' tribute from Emperor Merielik;to President Roosevelt, Consul Skinner, has" been charged .to -deliver to the President, two ljons and a pair of elephant^ tusks. ' « Each member, of the American party has been tendered a decoration, the ac-'. ceptance of which is held in- abeyance owing, to the official character of ; the expedition. •• . . -.Ax-;':' ¦¦'.;- ¦'• • ' The closing audience granted by. Em peror Menelik to Skinner and the- lead ers of the American escort was of a. particularly; cordial character. : ' . .--• Customs Collector SStratton Says % That.' X 903 'Outstripped All •• the .Others in Value and Biilk ¦of; El^lwnt'Tiisks : . to Presl--: dent -aS^^ferlojial^.T tfMlfc Sends Tivo Lions and /.a . Pair. X0 EBB TO PROSPEBXTY 31ENELIK:. WELL: PLEASED Consul. • General' ..Skiniier .Stic "¦ ..ieessfu.IJj;'.'.' 'Carrie's Out Prln-: • eipal features of the Mission Extraordinary Swelling Noted Volume, of Business for This Tort- During the: Year Steamship Peru ; Arrives From the /JJ|^miisi^^tiH|^ : Officers Report- a Rich ;H : ;• ; tations—Despohderit ;• GbmmitS; '. Siiicidh IMPORT TRADE IS INCREASING ; ¦"Tbe..Ti«ne.--CiU-;£in -<*«-.toyer. of. the Ferry building -was. dropped -exactly -at-riobn .'to-day.-:-' 4 e;-'at hobnr-W-t*!*- I2Cth; merldianr.' or at 'ft -V--m-' Gr"eenw.Icb> .-time. :<~--li C- JS^KXETT.- . '.- _- - -' - -.-: .: tieateaantr-Vi /S- V3J-i.= In charge. day Jn th» order of oc"ctirrence as. to'.-tline; .the fourth -time column 'gives' the 'last tide, of th>, day except- w.heni there, are but three, tides, .as. sometime.*' • occurs.. . The h*iehts given -are In addition ttt' the- "poundings of this. United State's Coast Survey charts, e.xcept when -a. taints <— i'. eign precedes - the'- hejjrht. .and theh; : the number given /Is "subtracted; <rom--tner d'eptq. given -By the Charts; . -The- plane -of reference: is the mean. HI the -lower" low-'waters;.-- r ;• . . -.-" .-;.'-.-_-' Time. BalL Branch. Ilydrcjrraphic .Office^ -J3.- S.-; N.^ilerr ' • .- chants' '--ExchafcKe-.'.:_Sair. -.Francisco, Cal.. -•D#c*nib«r .31.. 1903.- ' '";¦-: ~- : . --L--:-'..'- '-'".-¦ SIGNS TREATY WITH ETHIOPIA CENTRAL AMERICAN COFFEE CROP WILL SOON BE MOVING THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL;' ; FRID AY. -JANUARY 1, : - 1904. 10 ADVEBTISEMEMTS5.. ¦ ' .' ; ' j Twenty-Eighta Serai-Annoal. Statement • — OF THE— • Mil Saws Bank OF SAN FRANCISCO, No. 710 Market Street Capital Stock Subscribed $1,000,000 Of which has been paid in Gold Coin. 300,000 statement of the condition and value of the ! ji5-«--Ts and liabilities of the Mutual Savings. Bank of San Francisco, a corporartlon doing 'nusiiiefs at 710 Market etreet, city of San Francisco, St^te of California, and where 'said Resets were fituated on December 31, 1903. Hank rremiB^s } 892,293 12 Jleal »-fctate tak«^i for dpbt 57,48125 United States bondc.., S18.419 U9 Mi»-oel!an*ous bonds ;..". 2,81S,ail 46 I'romiFsory notes, secured by first ' . mortgage on real estate "within this State and Portland. Or., the actual \alue of which If 4,238,699 42 Bf>nds and ehaics of carltal stock" of corporations upon which this "• ••'¦ ¦ corporation has advanced 209/415 '00 <Ail said promissory notes, bonds snd ttock certiflcates are kept In •'".*' the vaulis of this corporation at * -; 710 Market street. Sa« Francisco.) -. ": • Ca^h in gold, eilver and currency,' • • • • th* actual value of which Is: • .' '¦ '."'.': • In vault $ 00,2«2 22 • •" In t.anks 429,050 79 ¦ 4S9..-J15 01 Tasc-*-- paid in advance*.... :....... 4 I'o" S9 Furniture and. fixtures. ._ • *]oS7:w- Total^Fsets. .* .•....¦..•.'..$9,229,027 V4 '¦'*. '¦'_' LIABILITIES. ."• • : ~. To depositcrs this corporation jowes " •' ,-• deposits amuueting to and the • .- • ' actual cash value ot which 1*... 8,679.706-65 To ttockhoidtrs the amount of "cap-. ...-.- ital jjaid in, the actual v^Jue • * ' of which is .-. 300,000 00" Suijius soo.ooooo:. ¦"The condition of eaid liability . • to FtocfcfoiloVrK if that no part of • ¦ the amount can ><e paid to them, ; '¦ " or in any way withdrawn except in payment cf Iofsp* during th<5 ex- • . . " iytencf of th.e 'conioration until drpOFlto.-B 5h£ll ijave been paid In - ' full the amomt of -their deposits end declared dividends. ) - " — CeniinRent fund, exclusive of ac- crued but ur.colleeted interest on . investments 49.32H9 Total lUbilitlet ."....... .f 9,229,027 84 "Sco" SAVINGS BANK OF san-fran! By JAMES D. PHELAN, President GEO. 'A. STORY, Secretary! State of California, \ „.' *J"ty and County 0/ San Francisco— ss ! Ve do polemnly swear that . we ha've (and each of us has) a poreonal knowledge of the matter contained in the foresting report, and that every allegation, statement, matter «nd thing therein contained is true, to the best of our knowiedse »nd belief. JAMES D. PHELAN. President. CKOTa. RTOnr. Secretary. . Futecribed and twoin to before we this 31st day of DectjEber. 19C3. ''.. _, . R. D. McELROT. *>oULn- Public In and for the City an4 County Of Sen Francieco, Oute ot California. STATEMENT OF CAPITAL STOCK /v. '-¦' i :*'! ' • •• — of- — THE GERMAN .v^ Savings and Loan Society, • A" Corporation doi'rp business at. >'o. ,.5"6 Cal-. •.'¦;;¦¦¦ -. • • tfornia streeet.- ' '• .- • ."¦" .."."• ' ; ,"DATKI> l)KCE3lBEll 31.; l?03.: . : '/•'. CAP'itAiL-' STOCK.' -actu-aHy/v- .-.¦;..¦-¦ '-, -;...; '¦paid .ur) ih Gold Cpln. ...::-. ..f l^MMVOWV IM) RESERVE-. Kt'XD." aetually -.- • ' • • \- . paid up fn Gold Coin --..JJtviSp.OOO 00 ¦ .;. .- •• .-.-. .? JOHN" LLOrr*. -"."¦ • ',':'.'-¦ ". - H 'President <(f-.- the . Gcrrow Saving's"-'and".-'lidan J .." -.-• ¦•'-¦ • ¦ ". • "¦.-•¦ •"'.-. :'.'.:¦¦¦' ..":"- • ".• • •.',•;¦.••.•• : ;¦ gf;o. tocrny, " ..•.- ¦ .. -. •¦ ¦¦•¦'} Se"cretary--.of- the German- .Sayings ¦.•and..-L,.oah-. *: ;:'• : .'.' V' ' : ''.'' Society ..' r \'y : .'•.•';;.' 1-. : :\ -..•S»air'-of.'. Cal!rorh!a,'.'-Ci{y: : .an.d" County' 61 Sa-n' • :FrancL&co, 'sT>.-- '•'" ' •-'. '.' •• • •• .'.'• .'•".." .'. ';¦¦ ¦ *''" ' • -.- J-OH-V -LLoyp-and GEORGP-TprRNT. be- J inK".'e^ch.-"se'pa'ratd(>-';. xiuly' sworn, eatrh for hintw.-1 : self, ray?-: YTliat s^idJ.OHS LLOTD Is PrsI-4 dont, -and- -that -sal;}' G-ErOROE-.' .tnVHXY'-in" ¦ ¦S-ecrptary ' of THEQERMAS SAVINGS : ANp. L ¦"LOAK .' J?pCIET.V'.- - t^ec .tMr-twratlorr -above im?i* t- tifinfrl. nn.l :that.-':the' fcregoiog statement .-'i'jj • true.;. ."•¦•.• ;. •" ¦ JOHS' LJ.O5"D: •"" .-•" ."'.-:•'. ¦"...•' -.. '¦¦¦¦ '.-.'«EO. T0VRNT, '. - Subscribed and sworn -to, before me", this alst' day of I>ecemher." 1:103. ¦' -. GEO. T. KSOX. -. {Seal.J.. ,.."_•;• ¦->'.} -.-.\-:-NoiStr3r- Public. ¦•.' .5E 1 VfLvirY-SKCOND HALF YEL\ULY. !. •'' : '".'\ : ¦¦ ¦:?'¦ ¦'.'•' .HHPORT : - - -,; ; vr : -v •>; THE.- ; GI^R3IAX:. SAVINGS -l-AND . '.; -," . - LOAN SOCIE7TY:/ -', .'. V : - -' . . 52C X^alifornia Stri^eU •""'. .'."' '..• - ' • .- SAX FRANCISCO. "CALIFORNIA. . '. V '.. : r -' . . : SWORX STATEMENT . • Of- the rendition and value of the. Assets and Liabilities of THE GERMAN SAVINGS AND LOAN KOCIKTY. a' corporation doing business at >'-o. ."20 Califom'a ctreet, in-.the City and County cf San Franc'.sco. State of California, and. whert 1 said assets are sitaatedj on Decem- ber 31; io(sj. ... • .- . ', : -. . V.'-: -••¦ • v. ' ¦ assets*; ¦ _¦:.; -.i : --i 1— $3.CCO,C0O. Unitod' States 4' per . ..- ".."- ¦•-.-¦(•¦* n'. X registered •• : . "¦¦ ':: - .- ¦ ' . " • Rond3 • fit lf»25. .- the " .-• " ; • ¦ "¦".. '.""- value of whh:h-l»...-"J4,027,CCO CO y .$3.0CO,CCO"i:nM.»d;'St»tC9 2:p»r- ", . '.- - . ¦ • . • ' ' ' • ." '.c. e o t- . resiste^-e-i • • , -.: ¦ ¦ '¦¦ - • . . -Tior.rla "of 103O. • .the • •". •". .. -' .'} •-..:.' Vilu<» cf- which in.. .3,190,000 CO '-.'-. - • . l>f ¦ 'tbea-s*. "borids' '. • • • . ." • ". -.. ' .-.WjOOO.OOO . are kept . . - -.-.::¦;: -.*• ":. -.-. Iit . .a ; safe:] ".fn-.. ' '.. -' .-. -"- . :'¦'.¦.. .. ' - .t" - . • vault ' of :' .arid . ; ''-."' .. .''..—'- - -*. " "-. •- .;' '-'rented from- ihf' New ' • ' -.".- ;."-' '; /¦'¦'¦¦¦' '¦ ;' : \nr.k .-"-Stopk.-. .Ejt*. ¦.¦--•'¦-.'-"¦ -'• .'-"--.'¦ >' ' ";-.<¦ 5-a_ngVf..\BoI13!n2.' .-- .-?.-/¦-" •'¦¦ ; ' -.'. .-. '•" - -. «>.mpanv : -',ln "- -New' .?...'.- ' '.- : -,'.- • -- -•'-'" '¦.¦Xrrk. eky.- «fnd- the'- .-.'.'-.•' .'-" ¦¦;'-•¦ .¦'¦.'-.'¦ ¦ reinalnder- ' ,;i-i%: '¦..¦¦'¦'¦ ?'....:;" ;.-- .¦-.""-¦ -.-" -•.a'urt's..of. <he ccrpo- :-'-"-' -'-*--.:"'''; .-' - ; ' ;";;' r 'ration.'-'-- '. .'¦':. •"¦? - V-'" ". : .-/' :' .r V-$?.636;c«0':.MIs v e!lan«»<i3;Rail' : ', ' -'.'- -' ;-'-.-' /''-'¦-¦¦'.: : .-'foad-^-' ¦ Cable, -..'and-'--'.'.; '.:•--" '.-"'- '¦':'/:--.. ' -'¦¦ --.'S-t ree.t- Railita $;.'"- ¦ ; -- "';¦"¦¦'¦. '".'¦-¦"/.. '".'¦ .' Ligl>t-'..';and'.;.'o*he>*.- '¦';¦'-. ¦'¦'.;'¦ --.: '-.. .: : ; - -¦ 'Ccrpcratlcn'.- - Bond* •-'''- '' " --'-.' .-.-%.. .' -."..¦ahd --. . Sh;ar«» - -— i>?T \ l: "'.'' '.'- '.'-"--'-;--.'"- : Stbck.'- the . Tafiie- ol '--'- -'¦¦¦"''. : . ¦--- -.-.---:. :->hicn. is ; . .-;>j':-vi- :¦- 7,ct6.so6 m '..'.-¦:' r ¦'.-\"'--'~-~.'-'*W of 'tM&-BcTi4s/.-,-. ';-.,-. ;'. : :--': .-.;/.;;-:'-"-„* ,--.-= "--'-anit -Shares - ! 4yt} Stocle "' .--¦ '.-_ : : ¦'-¦; ¦¦¦¦ ¦ -'i>/-r---'\""'V;a"rf'->'k«j)t-.;u»---'^>Ji«.- :.-.:'_/ -._ *:-;.".'.' C ¦' ¦'- — '¦' '. - - -'.>"*ult8 pt the JCo"rpo-^~.-. '.-.--. '.' -\-- ->'-\L -'.';**-':'.: "r>tiort^-wftTi''-tft«'j»«-i . -¦-•.•.--¦¦¦.•;"•--'. ¦-'¦¦':- i -: 1 --.-t»"?.tion.'vtff*M(irt.T-70- • V,-.*:-. : - ¦;'¦¦ .¦'. ¦' - -"_- "•' - Aoathetri.- P. a'c-f f l.c •¦'--' ' '" v" -. :" .':'- -;'-.--; -:- --Railroad' of .I'-.': -;':>;- ."! ;'- ¦""/--'•"¦'-'--' > t-av ¦" Gp.nsclid^t e-i -''-"¦ '¦:¦'.'¦: '¦'¦--:-.' : ¦-'--;-;.; y.--"i ¦ -"- First -"- Mertgarge- -"3 '.-¦ ¦'.'--¦• ':¦¦'¦','..¦ '-.- •:-'.".-.¦: -:¦'¦: - - 1'per .-'cient"" .Staniped • '¦:¦.- ¦'¦¦¦¦. ¦ ¦ ¦-.'¦. -,"."¦:-.¦. '¦¦ : rtena»7kep>-ln': S>w..~: '-.- :.'..¦; •""...¦^ ¦•..•.--..*,¦•- '.: ; ' : '^-'.\'crii.-'C<tir: in :_tii?:\ ¦/¦¦' ... ;'.;", ~tS: -¦.¦'.-."' - -Safe.' -:raWoye ---'nien--'.. ¦/':.':. '•'.' /•-' ; :--•;"; :.l -••';• "'^t'joneVl :• ;/¦ : -':: '*¦'.'; ¦¦' '¦¦':¦. ¦'.. '.-') '~:l~'.; : f~ : ."iiz.& .'- ,.: 'y\'{\:\[. : /^\ > -ji4i;8e9.39o'-.w >¦¦ '¦ '¦¦' :Sta.rtdiftg--.o"h'-l'He-'rj«>o'kii.6f..tlje : '. ..¦-.••¦: : -;.:r'-' .-'- ... ' C-orpsratiori.-a't ."I ;.J/ : .;*\..-:':fA%\ZX?&,%i£AS. .C^Pjrcniiisory"- .-.' notcs.-..»e'c\if-ed-' ' Ky .."--¦.;." '; •' •"':-- ',.-;'• ¦' ." -..'first mortga-ge^' pa' ite^l jj^ate,'.' ."i ¦•.••'•-.¦ ¦'¦' '¦'¦[¦¦ .. . .wfth.iij- .thls-Siarei-fh?" Stites ;: ¦'¦>¦:'¦ ¦'/ '..'r. ' '..'-of-'OVgonv" ¦V\"ashlngton.;.-k;tah,"'.- '•;'. ¦¦':¦.-.-.¦ ;V ¦'.¦ '¦' ;..• "-NeyadV : a-nd •TeErito.ry- of. lia-r 7 :• - T- ¦¦ .'-¦' ' .-.-."' .-:•' ;-waH.;.- '¦'.'-' ' •'¦' '-' •':." ""'¦' -; .-¦¦¦¦'".; • - '^'Fh^-va'lue-'ot. -sgtd promissory ¦-¦ '¦•' : V/'.-~ '¦¦¦¦?: ':¦ ¦j. '. nHtes;.rs .-•,:.•.>..¦;•.:..¦¦:.';•-.¦.•.;.•;:;•..: 2D;l9» { 44i CS". •iri-Mis'cellaiieqBS . IJallroad^' Afreet : -.; ;¦-.".:"- ' '•• ¦ -' v Rairway.'ahd -other Corpora" tlflri" ;-" ¦¦¦¦¦.' ¦ ' '¦'.' ¦'¦: I ':¦?• . Bonds;. 'ahd. Stocii. ; rerdnpajesV -. •• ".':' .'¦'. - - • ; ' V.'-'-.ljJedseTr, t'o-the Society for" th*-"-'. .--"••••. ; .•¦¦-•':'"'•':•• .;.;amwir,t. at' -. ;»...: :-...-.' s ';.. .-. :¦; '^.iiipott 23- -. ¦;: ' Sajd->'o^p».- Bonds ' a'nd". Cer'-. • • "• "• •.-•:'.-' V - • : ' -.-: tl.flcates-'are -partly, held ' a" nd ¦¦'¦'"¦¦ ¦::: -•":,'.•'. - ; :, .." : "kepr- by.-?aid Corporation inr lts : \'''..'. : :¦¦:••.. :". .. '-.owp'-TauItsVand partly in.' -New'' ¦'-.'• : /'-:.":}:-x ¦. ¦ .V9rk :'Clt> v in -the '.safe : '.atK/>-e" >'r;".j '-:^-' : -.'f '¦ .."•irien.tioned..' "- -. '•• .-'•¦•.. -... : .- \~/ ".¦.';:--, -.' : V:- .4-H-Bank. -iSuUdrnK.."«nd-.rJdt.-''th« :¦': ' V- '«'; ' I '.. .'.W'aruf' of which- is lOOiCfcO 00 ¦R^OUVer Real. Estate situatefl-Vn.:'; •; -.-'-- .:'¦..'.-' ¦-"] .fhe; -States- of Califomfa. .''.Or.ev.- .-r : .'~'.' "... ¦ • V" ::;¦ p=>ii. ¦.¦.^^¦o!^^.'nEton 'and VUtahy .-. '¦•;'.'-:''.X.' '"¦'¦}¦¦ :._ '.the- va'lufs of which .isV- '.'...'.•." :> : ¦ i. 029. 5T5 'tit '¦ .'6-rtFuTnlli>re. In. the .'bank .cfRce'.'--- :: ¦''.¦¦¦¦."'.'¦ :¦'¦¦¦ orsaid-'Corpcr'atlon'- ._;;»•.;'¦.¦;¦¦¦.".- -'.'•..¦ iiOOO'CO 7.-^Ca>h :ln-.. i:-nlr?d ; -SiXteji-. 66l<.r •-• ; -.-.>.•-" •: •-¦ arid .Silver : Cbln; '.kept -bjr' ja.Vd. ' : -' •-••;'.- ; - ¦'.'::' ;.. /•.t.'prpo'ra t i(5n .- l.n ' 1 t."i jo wh . Vail 1 1>; ' •• '¦ •' '.' .- " ¦ - . ' " J - ;-. ; :th;e •.actual- value- of -VhlcWv lV.'.:.';'l.O77.7iS S* j- •',./:•• tfoValV-.^.'i.^M,.,. 1 -^ ..¦..¦.';v$38 I -340j43jj ;i : I ¦r-rTTo'.-T>ejk)!ri{or« : :' • Said "Corpora*:" •".-¦- ¦' :'. -V 1 ' ; j ¦..-¦¦.¦^roh..:6wes--^)eposlts-.'ajiio-yntlng''- '/'- -•'. ¦¦¦¦¦••[ . ..V.idJ. and- ; of which ls..*3.e,043'.;4p'i • IS' . 2r^3to -.Sto«;khpliiprs<-.; The amount ¦ :"":.' •:" ".;¦"; J .. :v ..<fT-.VapUaJ:S.tbck;'4crualIy-pald>-.'. ¦•••-..'.; : "•••'•I '; "PPi-Jh-GoOl Uclij. the" value or'.- • ."' .-••'.' : '-"I : ¦;.;>.ifch;'.i»: > -. ; 'i" v -. : .-:--.'.:.;^.i.v;.i: ;..|iCoco;poo ¦¦'wyy .-.' ..-.r'The. ccnilitlonV.of-.iaia Uabil.-.; ;;.-..'¦ i-"-."/- • : : . I.tx:-.tto;«!t'ockh6lders.-i*;'-,t.hat h6= .'; • -'¦ '¦.-.'¦¦ '~.Z, : '-i .'-¦_..' i/ar,t-v"of...""the .amount -can '''-be. ¦••."- ''¦ '¦¦'. '•'.- •'¦ ¦. ¦]• ¦ : .-paW.t-6. th*jn,;or.!rr an-3J':'.way,-b*:'..;: .;.•; . '.¦.• >.-.ij ¦• • viih'drawiiv'.ex'cf'pt'- ln-.-pky.meht! "•'• : -' ¦'•'¦.'¦.;¦.'"".¦ ••' •;",| . 'of. losses.- during" the--, existence- '.• : ' -'V . ••; > : .-•o/-.the ,-.Corpcr'atlon'. ¦ -nor • until' "¦" : T.'C. -X 1 '.¦ ajl Deuosltors-shalV Kite" b»»en'. : -..- : -.;-""- ."• ¦[ ' '" paid- In. full the "amount of "th«;ir/ '• '- '•'. '"¦'¦' :'.' : .-; ."¦". deposits and deelared dividend*. •••¦' ¦•"••" ¦' "1 3 — Tp Depositors •'-and- . Stock.- . : :7-r ¦ • ¦¦'.: '¦ • holders: .'.-. • . • •; ' ..'...-' •¦"'' ! - < a)- The' amount 'of- .the Reierv*'- "' • '.' '• ' ' • j ' . Fund In -Gold Coin, the Value" ¦•.-•'' .'•' '¦ • ' of whfch-.U. '.:.¦.•.". ,.".:..'. : 1,150,000 00 •' " -Including the amount. of ma-" • ¦ •• .. tured.but uncolleoted " Interest .-• v> '". '.. "ori loans."- .. . ' " .. .•"-..'• -. ' <b) The -amount-. of "-the Contin-1 '•- : ' "gent Fund, the- -value of- "'•' - ' ' .which Is .......:.¦.;.•..;:¦.....;•. -73,751 6» . Th»'. condition of said Fundsf '¦.'.. ¦' .is; that "the. same have been ¦ : .created for the, purpose of'ad-'.' • dltlonal security to Depositors V ¦" . ' against' losses. . :- - ' - - . ••.•'•• 4— >Stat-e. City and County faxes " • ! assessed by the Government. 1 but'not yet payable............ ¦76[lJK> 24 ' " . ..Total: . . „ ..... .;: .:. . ... . ... . .y:».34».4:tt n j. • ' ' ¦ ¦¦ -¦' ¦ JOHN LLOTD. rresidenr,tf.,l-hc German Savings and Loan tociety.'- -.;•.- ," . ..„¦¦' CEO." TOURNT. j secretary cf The. .German Savings and Loan! .. society; " i Frarfclsce.' ;ifor * Iii ' . Clt y * n d County of' Sari I •JOHN LlJoTD and GEORGE TOURNT be- ing each separately, duly sworn, each for him- self, says: That said JOHN LLOYD Is Pr. -3\- dent; and that said GEO. TOURNY Is S*cre- ' £?mptv- HE », GERMAN ' • SAVINGS AND LOAN .;•.,* Corporation aboie mentioned, and that the foregoing statement Is true!-" ' .;•;."'-. ' ' • - ¦'- . ' JOHN LLOYD. ' .. ' ', •••'•"• GEO. TOURNY. - Subscribed and sworn. to. before me this 31st day of December. 1903. •" . .- " ¦ [Sc»l ; ] | • • •: * .- GEO. T..KNOX. Notary Public in and for the City and County ' - gf - 8at > Francisco, State of California. '. ' .'-. ". ¦ CAZADERO, Etc; via Sansallto Perry. Suburban Set vice. StanVlard Gauge Electric — Depart from San Francls«o Daily— 7: uo h:W>. 8.00 10:0O. lt:CO a. m,. 12:20. 1:45. 3:li. 4:16. 6:1.'.' «:15 7:0O. »:45. 10:2O. 11:45 p. ro.- . - -; ¦ FROM SAN RAFAEL TO- SAN FRANCISCO [ —Dally— 5:25 6:33 7:40. 8135. 0:35. li:C5 a_ m.. 12 .--"0. 1:45. 2:S3. 3:43. 4:45. 6:45. C;4i 8:*5. 10:20 p. in. . . FROM MILL VALLKY TO SAN FRAN- CISCO— Dally— 5:45. «:». 7:52. 8:53. 0:i3. 11:20 a. m.. 12:35 2:00. 3:13. 4:03.' 5:05, e03. 7:05. 0:C0. 10:35 p. jn. THROUGH TRAINS. I . 8:00 a. m. dail> — Cazadero and way stations. B:15 p. in. week days (Saturdays exeep.ed) — Tomales and way stations. . • / 3:15 p. m; Saturdays— Caxadero and w«y sta- tions. / i Sundays only— 10 a. m.. Paint Rejes « n< j way stations.- , ¦ TICKET OmCB-^KC Market at.rA- . FERRY— Union Depot, foot- of Market st, Mt. Tamalpais Railway . • Lea\« Ti» Sianliu ftrrr I ¦ Arrive San Frandsco Not *! Kirktt it. j S»n Francisco Week San- .SB """" |/ Sun - Wtt'i }^1— a y» /&<$0#4f$ l ±. I'^y* Days. •11:33 k »8:OOa P^fifa^^ VijOSr l0:*0i •l:46r 9:OOa MraMflH l:«5p *:6t»p 0:15r 10:OOa W)«M|SSy S:S!>r .%;*»* 11:OOa TKSSsgJf, *:HOr »:SO» l:45r ¦ A:A«r -,,-,,,, -3:15p ¦ •- /\ T:5Op . *awant Titi it^t fcr * ftyam as Tfflty Casjy ' TICtir 1 628 Markkt ST.,(^orth Shore RailroadT , tfllUS I aad SAUSAixro Fstiv, Foot Market Sc SOUTHERN PACIFIC Trail** m»v«» ai»«» »r*» «!«« n» a«rri«0 *t ' {Mala Line, foot ot Mnritct Street) ";..«« — KkV.m P«c«»n»n;«». I-1B- -^ K »' T *. — TtTtiA v>.ci«vtile. Winierx. ll»««y ' I 6** 7 0J» C«nlcl«.6uU.. a . .Elmlr-wU Sicf* . y • . nieniu • ¦' ¦••• ' V ¦ . .• |j iv «. Murtinra, Sin Ramol»..,.. 9** r :'7 3a» Kites. Liv^rnaore. Tracy. L:ithn>t>. -ij" - -¦ s:.'ct:«»i .. -.-'• : 'TfT "' ¦ 1 00*' 8h»»W Kxpre«— (Via. l>«n*>.- ¦ .- : 9 wnixxm. \u>r Cartlett Spr n^o, •.. • -. • •- WIi:«w» -*i-rnUK Ucd liUXC^-- _. ":*. •;•"; • :x>ortl»ifel. Tiwoina. Se»tt!e...... Z-sa' - ... M,ry*vi!;e.Orovlll« 7*** ' 8 30* Port Cost*. Martlaez. Aat!;»cU. ¦¦ , •' "-.llyron. Tracy. Stockton. Now-.. ..'. ' ¦: •¦•¦'¦¦ man. to* U-mns. Men-lat*..- - .'• : . Armonn, • lUnf-.r-l, . Vls*ll«.. ¦ •• •¦ : ' -.port^rTille - •• •"" ••«»' '-".•,S3»' Port Costa. M*nlne4. Tmcv. l«<ita- <-• V,rr a^ r V",,. Moa«t«. Mrrced. , ' -' ' '(i^aen JuacHon. Haaford. •-, ;•: -'. vUalU Halcer-ffcld -.,......,... 4.Bj» '..":¦ v ¦ 5,,, !l .(.iMUf>0>. lonffl. SacMmjnto. : : ¦ -"• ¦"•¦••.' 'ria'cervlilo. . Marysvlile. Calco. ¦ arm ••A«»^tlcExpre.*»-«lt«Jen^o4*i»i. tl.2J»- :. 1.30l Ricnmond. VortlT." »nU W.y • itiOa* TbI* t Ov n e"r:an'^ " Lfrnfje'-i'- ogtlcn. " .Dcnrcr. (unalw. Chloai,'*. '|-||J 10 °° 4 Cost.. Martinez Brr Ja .Tr»c^ i^jg .'.-¦¦•-• ¦ Kaymoa.1. Fresno. OusbenJune- " ¦¦ : .t'ofl. Hanford. Lemoore. \lsalla. * --. • : ¦ • lMfceT«ne!d. !•<>• A user!** ...... 7«|p ft .001- 8«er9in«ioinTer8tewner* : ......%t1J.00» . i.30f B^nlcln. CT^;' f L 9- . c SSd? n « •"¦;•'¦ Marysvllle. OroTlira- »M w *',-, 0 55^ j.J0r nayw^XneTjBd^ayflwUo^ 1 -Sir SSO** fort Co.ta. M»r.inrr l|»jwj . • • Tr«cy. LatSrop. »'•*«•**' •.'. ¦;-.¦! Merced. Fresno »nd V. ay. Star t tlon^ iveyond Port Costa la'X- 3 30P MsrtinM. Tracy. Stocswa Lodf... 10..23A 4 CO^ Martl«ei.Ssii IUra.>n.ValleJo,>ara. C»l!itoK», SanURosa...... 8 Z|* 4C0f Xlles. True*. 8 toskroa. I.odl ...... *-?3 F ' 4Z0r llaywanl. ITIles. Irvlnstan. Saa» t».|S* '• . Jose. Ll»ermore - I til S»* E COr Th» Owl Limited — .Vewm*n. L"* , iuni.s. M<-nftot*. Fre«no. TaUre, lUSersHeld. Los Aneeles. . - Golden Slate Limited Sleeper. O*k!and to Los Angeles, for C'fcl- r»go. » la C.R.I. *P .5'5? 4 SCOr Port Costa. Tracy. Stockton 'ill' t5 30r Hsyir«rd. N'iim »n.l s«n Jo«« ...... 7.25* 6 OOh Ha/w»rd. Nlles«nd Ssn Jose 3 ja* 6 OOr E*»tern Eipress— Of dm. Uan-rer. • umaas. St. Loals. CBlcaco aad . "- '-.". Ksst. Tori Costa. Benleix Sol- sun. Elmlr*, Da»:s, Sarrammto^ ¦ Kockllo. Aabaro, Colfax. .-.. Trnekee. Does. Ueno. W«d»- - ¦'• .'•.' worts. Wlnnemncr* ....' 5-7ST 6 OSr VsHejo. dally. -rsrept Sunday.... f 7 55, 7 0'r Vsiiejo. Snodif only » r*- 7 CHr hS<-hmo!ui. S«b Pablo. Port Costa. ¦ HarUaex and W»y HmiIsm...... 1125* tiSr Oreym *. California Express— Sac *• . -. ramento. Mary»Tlile. I:^1-?:nj, . - : ¦'.'— '¦'¦-. ptrrtUnd. Pozet Soand •»<! Esst. 8-55* ¦ ¦-..- -.-'-¦ n«r -n'.y » 11.55* COAST LINE i^rrmm umm^;. : V- ¦ . ¦] ¦ . c yo*>t »f !>Urlcet Street > •'• t-15* Xcwark. Centerrtlle. fcaa Jo»«. --. •'. . Felt»B. Boalaer Creek. 3»st* '¦''• '.. ' -'- Crcx aa<t tr«y Ststlons _ 5 55r \l\ir 5e«srt. CeaterrUle. 8«a Jovt. '¦:¦-¦¦ ¦:.. Sew AlBsadea. L«» G»to*.Fe:tom. --'-•. --- Kaqlder Cr»«lt. Saata Cn* and .- ;---.- Priadp«l Way Stations t*0-S34 - : 4 1&r Krvsrk. 6aa Jose. LoaUatos aa4 j »S56 4 V.— "- .•-- • »»r »tJtitn» «.-.#M0 55a *\ZQr Ilonters Train. Saturday on'v. .-»^» • *.-::-.•-. -'-.- Jo»« and Way Stations. Betora- '-¦-.'¦ .¦-.--•-..¦ inz frora l>m Gst«*» SiiqHst ae'T- 17 25»" OAKLAND HARBOR FERRY. rroBQbA.N KKANCJSCtr. kontot M»rkrt BL<3;ipO .'.':¦— K'.li t:U> llutM.M. 1C3 300 515r.« rrotB OAKI^ASD. Foot <•* Brosdway — +*:Otf ti:3t ¦¦ : " rt:O3 : 10-JUP^.M. ¦ 12 CO 2 00 4-00 r.M. ; . COAST LI IM E~T»r»a4 tairt. ¦;;.¦¦:¦ y t rnlnt »»<l l.»iTinen<i Streets.) -¦ -610* 6«*Jnscaad Way Statious 630** '• 7 0f>* Paa Jo«e aad W>»t Stations. .... .-.. 5 51' - t CO* New Alnviden (Taes.. Frid.. on'.yr. 4-13^ ' 3 00* Th» C< »-f- — Bu»p« only Sap Jo»». • ¦'-. . -.- '--GJlroy ¦¦(••.mBectlon for Borita- .'-••< •¦• • .'V ;•'¦¦¦¦ terr.. Psjaro. CastroT:i:e (con-. ;'. .-- .•;.¦¦..¦•:'¦¦•'¦ idrctlon to «a4 from Monterey. ¦'•¦ .:". :'; .' >«.<« Paclar Giwre). S«l!nas. Saa. ,:'' : --. ...Anlo. .Paso Ruble*. Santa Mar- •¦'-'-. -. ' ¦.'•;.;." . psr!ta»San Luis O0!»po. principal : ¦'¦¦¦ ' ,. ;...¦-•¦ '•' nf»tion» thence Sarf (connection...- ';. ' ¦ • i-'.v-. :. :f<»r Lonrtpoo.princ!?"! stations . • '•."••"¦¦:..;.;...-.. ¦¦jhencei?aBt*narbi»r».SsnB«eu*< ¦ • • -¦•¦¦ ¦%..• ; . teatata, S»airaj. Lo* Aasteles... 13 43* t.CO* S«n : .Tone. Tres. P1nos. C»pttola, '. -. .. . ¦ . •-. .•'.¦.: -'..'gantsCraz.P»clflc<rrore.Si>Ilaits,.. -•'•"¦- ... . ; 8»a Lirin Ohispo and Principal ' • -• "• •¦¦" T -'.::..'.TV*sy Statloo* ; 4.1BF MO-JO* ?«n Jpte and Wsy Stations..... ... .1.20^ ¦,V14C* Santa Clsra. b*u Jote, Los Catos - » -¦•¦.•. •: snrt Way Stations ..-. ./30r UOr Ssn Jo»esnd Way Stutloai .; : 808 iCOr Del Monte tfxprets— Santa Clara; . . - ."::-'.-. :-San Jo»e, Pet Monte. M8nt*rey-.. '.' ; ' -.••..;''." •'.I'scinc GroTe (connects «t Pnat* . .'* , ".". ' v ..: ¦; ¦ '* • '. t'-?»ni for' Santa Cruz. RouJder ' . ' • '.'.;'.: ¦¦.'¦ : . ,-fcreek andN«rro»UsuxePoint»>.- • ' ::- ':;»t Gllroy for 1I»1 lister. Tres " . . •. . : .- : r -. -piaos. at Castrori'.ie for Salinas.. IT-Iw 3-36* i TresPtn6sTVaT Pa»senger 10 4"u . 4-30p-fc'an Joae tad Wsy Station* *800* t6 'Off«r'*».n- •*«•«<• (»t» Santa C!a>a> Los - ..-•.¦;¦¦'.¦•....• «i«:p». ami Principal Way Star . •.¦:':••'.- -/iIom (except R«n<J»T) '900* ' ¦ t J> Z Or ¦ fc it n Jos* * ad Principal Way Stations (9.40a ...K.tOF bnnset Limited.— Ue.twiv>d. Saa . . • ¦"•"-¦• .-.•Jftse.Gliroy.SaMnM.l'asoKobles. : " •¦"'• : ¦ :¦•'" Vfiaa Luis Ublipo. Ssatd D<tr)>ara. - ? . ¦ ' '..¦.¦'••:•¦' 1.O* Angeles. l>cmlmr. El PasoV- -. : ;'.' -. ¦ ' .:-'!Naw Oriesns. New Vorlt. Con- •:'. -..<'¦ . : nects »t P»]«ro>*or Ssnta Cra» ;.--•• ' •"' ¦: snd st C«ttrovtn*i for Pacific ¦ .-..'.-' .:. Grove and Way 8tations 7 13* -. tfj -IEf San Mateo, Beresford.Belmont.San ¦ -.-• • ¦ . '. Carlos, lledtrood. Fair Oaks, . ¦ •¦ •"• »nlo Park. Palo Alto..... .- .t«.«tj " • ?Cr e»n Jose and Way Stations......... .' B-39* I.OOr r»:o Alto and Way Stations...;.... 10.11* .11. JO' bouibsanFrnnelsco.Mlllbrae.Bor-. • ':.':"- ' • ¦llndMn' 1 . San Mateo. Uelmont, :, ; ".-":'".V' San Carlos. Redwood. Fair Oaks."--/' •¦ - '• ' M-n:.» Park, and PaloAlU* • 9-437 all. 30r May field. Mountain View. Suony- .-. .--. v .-•• Tale. Lawrence, Santa Cltra aad • •,-¦'.: ¦'.'.- 8»d J»w> ..'. " ¦' t9-48l .: . A for Morning. Pfor Afternoon. ,. ISondar exefpted. . J Sonday only. : " ' n Saturday only. '..'..¦¦ • .' • * ¦ I Sto»s at all stations «a Snnday: , O'Omy train* stopping at Valencia Bt. sonthbouai sre«:10*.x.,7:G0*.]i^ 11 :30*.M^ 8:30 r.Jf^ 6:30 r.Jf.aj* >.00 F.M. . : ; - CALIFORNIA NORTHWESTERN RY. CO. . LESSEE SAN FRAKGISIO AN j NUHTH PACIFIC eaiiwat coacPAjrr. Tiburon Jferry. Foot ot Market S treat. SAW PSAH CISCO TO 8AIT BATAZb AVEKK DATS— 7:30. 9:00. lf:0O V- m.; 12:35. 3:30. 6:10. 6:20 p. m. Thursdays— Extra trtj at 11:30 p. m • Saturdays— Extra trip at t:SO and 11:30 p. m. SUNDATS— 8:0O. 9:30. 11:00 a. m.; 1:30. 3:30. 5:00 6:20 11:30 p. m. -, , SAH RAFAEL TO SAH 1 TSAXTCZSCO. WEEK DATS-r«:05, 7:33 7:3O 9:20. 11:1* .a. m.: 12:30. 3:40. 5:00. '5:2O p. in. ' Saturdays — Kxtra trip at 2:05 and 6:33 p. m. SUNDAYS— 9:0O. 9:40. 11:15 a. m.; l:iO 3:40 4:55. 5 :C5. 6:25 p. m. " ' Leave I In Effect I Arrtv* . San Francisco. [ Sept. 27. 1903. (San Francisco. Week J Sun- I Destlna- . I. Sun- I Wee* Days. I days. | . ' tlon. | days. | Days. . 7:30 a »:00a| ." . . 9:10 al 8:4Oa. 9:30 d Ignaclo. 10:4O a 10:20 a 3:30 p 3:.*:»p| ¦ 8:05 p 6:20 p tiilOp! 5:C.pp' 7:35 p T:30a = ~ • : 9:10 a 9:40 *T .R:W>a ' Norato, 10:40 a 10:20 a 3:30 p 9:30 a Fetaluma 6:05 p 6:20 9 5:10 p *:3Op . and • 7:33p ' - - 5:00 p Santa Rosa. ~:30a| . • 10:40a 10:20 C . . • j 8:90a ' . Fulton. 7:33p 6:2O» .3:30 p| 3-SQ.p . f (¦ . |- "Windsor. fl.:0Oat Healdsburs. 10:40 a 10:20 a •-¦ • " Lytton.. . 3:30 pf Geyserytlle, " 7:33 p «:20p . I. . I' Ooverdale. I 7:.TO.a| S:06»| Hopland. |lO:4O"a"|IO:2O a. _3£3 / >_pJ_3j30 jpr_;_and Uki£a r7:S5p| 6:20 p- 7:SOat"8:0Oat ' . Wnnta. | 7:35 p| eFsOp* 7 30 a I 8:.0<>a| ? ~ jlOUO al 10 :2oT 3X0j>\J\:Z0 p| Gnernr/lllf. | 7:35 pi 8:20 j> "f:30aj S:0O tt\ Sonoma. . I 9:10 al J»:40l Sao^lS^OOpt Glen Ellen. | 6:C5 pj «:2Op '7:3O'a| K:COa| - - |lor4fTa"]io:20 •> 3:30p| 3:.TOpt ' Sebaatopot. I 7:35 pj 6:2O p. •STAGES "connect at Green Brae for. San Quentln: at Santa Rosa, tor AVh!t« Sulphur Springs; at Fulton for Altrutia and Mark West hprings; at Lytton for Lytton Springs; at Gey. •erville for SkagKS Spring*; at Cloverdala for the. Geysers. Uooneville and Greenwood; - at Hopljind for Duncan Springs. Highland SDrinxa KelseyvUl-. Carlsbad Springs. Poda Bay t.ak? Port and Bartlett Springs; at Uklah for Vlcbv Springs. .Saratoga Springs. Blue Lakes Laurel Dell L^ke. -Witter Springs. Upper Lake Porno Potter Valley. John Day's. Riverside Lltrly'a' Buckn«?ir» Sanhedrln Heights. Hullv'nie Orr'i Hot Springs. Halfway House. Comptche " Camn Stevens. Hortlns. Mendoclno City Port'BraM Westport. Ural: at Wllllts for' Fort Braer W»stport Sherwood. Cahto. Covello. •Layto^i ville. Cummlngs. Bell's Springs. Harris o"i »n'«. Dyer. Garbervllle. P*ppen»ood Scot 1 1 and Eureka. , .... Saturday to Sunday round-trip tickets at re- duced rates. On Sunday round-trip Uriels to all point, beyond San Israel at half rates Ticket offlcet. CO Market street. ChrcnlcU building. . . H. C. WHIT1XG H. X. RYAN Gen. Manager. Oer>. Pass. A*gt- THE WEEKlTgALL per Year. Y': ¦•¦ ¦" bailway.travelI : " CALIFORNIA LIMITED TO CHICAGO LEAVES DAILY/ »'t t)'3O a. m., thronyh is 3 Am.jn, with, diner aad all trapping*. •.' Other Santa re Tralni: 7:H0 a. m.,1 {or gtockton. E"resno, Eakersfieid, 8:30 a. m.f Merced, Hanford and Visalla. 8:00 p. m. J. 4:00 p.m. for Stockton.; 8:00 p. m. for Kansas City; Grand Canyon and Chicago. S£|SBHBfiH TICKET ' OFPICE— 641 Market St.. and Perry Depot, Q. IP.. Also 1112 Broad- way, Oakland, Cal. 27 South First St., San Jcie.