Newspaper Page Text
OAKLAND, Dec. 31. — There will be only one delivery of mnl by the car riers to-morrow and the office, will be open only between the hours of -7. and 10 a. m. Public offices, banks and business houses will remain closed during the entire day. - v Xew Year's Mall Delivery. Miss Florence Young of 5147 Channlng way gave an informal fat home"' Wednesday after noon, many young people being the guests The house was handsomely decorated : for the occa sion -. and refreshments were served after a brief entertainment. . Miss Hop« White assist ed Uie hostess in recetviug he* — ;-—,- BERKELEY, Dec. 31.— Mrs. George Lowe was the hostess at an "at hoiie" yesterday afternoon at her residence. 1904 Louisa street the honored guests 'being membra, of Enclnal Circle, Women of Woodcraft. 'The hours were passed In . the enjoyment of .instrumental and vocal music, after which refreshments were served.. • Sam Knowles. the son of Mrs. VT. T.- Veitch. aiul Senator Perkins" son. Fred Perklr*^ are expected home on the Alameda. finishing a tour of the world, which they made -on the- United States cruiser Albany. They have be«n away almost two years. ' Mr Perkins has been assigned to she nava] station at .Yerba Buena as paymaste/ and Sir. Knowles will be his assistant. Both young men have many friends in Oakland and their homc-eoml-is will di uttless be signalized by much en*— Ttal.iing. • •/ "A Spanish Cavalier." Professor Vv\ W. Chap man as "A Gentleman of Leisure." Mr. Hamp ton as a football player. Miss Lola Hall as "A Cowboy Girl." Mr. Feise as a Chlnaroan and S. A. Lumsden as "Little Lord Faurtle roy." / Tli*» fancy dress ball of the^Maple Hall As sembly Club Tuesday evening was one of the year's social successes. Th* decorations were most elaborate and the number of pretty cos tumes worn was very large. A few grotesque figures added zest to the general fun and mystery. > A few vt those In ccHume were M!«s Mary Dobfoson as Martha Washington. Miss Maud Myall as "tfwee.t Sixteen," Mrs. J. O. F*alkin hiini as a Japanese lady, J. O. Kalktuham as "Uncle Sam." the Misses ¦ Fryer, representing cards and paper, the tatter's colors being pink and white, the colors of the club, Mrs. Lock wood &s "Bow- Knots." the Messrs. Lockwood in knee pants and blouse* Ttpnotntlug 'Little Boys," Miss Rose Campbell as a colonial dame. Miss Maud Damcron as "Night." Miss Falkin ham as "Evening." Miss Prather as a Jockey. Mrs. Center as "Evening." Edward Myall a* • • • The hospitality- of Arbor Villa will be ex tended as usual thla year and New Year's call ers will be received both afternoon and even ing. Mrs. FVM. Scott will be assisted by her daiiKhtcr. Miss Marion Smith. Miss Florence Nightingale. Miss Mae Burdge. Miss Winifred Burdge, Miss Grace Sperry and Miss Evelyn Ellis. >; • The home of Mrs. V»\ T. Veitch was the scene of a Jolly watch night gathering this evening and the big rooms resounded with the laughter of young people until a late hour. A few intimate friends assembled at the homeof the Dan Beldena this evening to watch the old year out and the new year in. In the party were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Farr. Mr. and Mrs. Irvins Lundbory. Miss Chrlssle Taft. MI33 Bessie Palmer. Miss Marlon Smith. Miss Anita ami- Miss Caroline Oliver. Miss Edith S-lby. Prentlss Selby. Rowland Oliver. Will Russell, Ueorge Jensen and Ralph Jones. WilMam Carson Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. William Angus. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Downey. Mr. and Mrs. William Backus. Miss Coke Johnson, .Miss Julia Wel»b. Miss Atlle Ballard. Miss Elizabeth McDonald and Messrs. Geoocc- Walker. Carlton Wall. Alton Dayton and ¦Clurl'?!. A. McDonald. The resolutions' were presented by a committee from the Letter Carriers' Association, composed of Joseph S. Kenny, Fred Berger and William H. Smith. Through the Postmaser's work at special census of the city was taken, showing a population of 82,974, or nearly 8000 more than the 75,000 nec essary to put the city in first grade. By the advance the first carriers re ceived a raise of $150 a year in pay. OAKLAND. Dec. SI. — In token ot his successful efforts to hare Oakland raised to the position of first class in the Postofflce Department the car riers at the postofflce to-day presented a beautifully engrossed, set of resolu tions to Postmaster Thomas T. Dar gie. CARRIERS APPRECIATE POSTMASTER'S EFFORTS Charged With Mayhem. OAKLAND, Dec. 31. — V. Cirulla. a workman at the Judson Iron Works, has been arrested on a charge of may hem. It is said that Cirulla, during a flght with L. Falasco, a fellow work man, bit his opponent's finger so bad ly that the injured member had to be amputated. The plumbers' apprentices held a New Year's eve smoker and jinks at Kohler & Chase Hall this evening. Following was the programme: Tum bling by William Sullivan, Al Blakeley and Charles Conlon; horizontal bar v.ork by J. Kelly; Highland fling dance by William Dalzie!. The jinks commenced at 12 o'clock and lasted until morning. OAKLAND. Dec. 31. — The Plumb ers' Union last night elected Dwight Durant to represent the local union at the - natio'nal convention, which will be held in St. Louis on January 21. 1904. The union allows its delegate 5700 for expenses. The ne\y wage and hour schedule of the Carpenters' Union will go into eftVct on January 2. 1904. The Newsboys' and Carriers' Union has elected the following officers: President, Warren H. Pillsbury: vice president, Clyde Warren; recording secretary, Henry Greenough: financial secretary. Harry Armstrong; treas urer, Charles W. Petry of the Feder ated Trades Council; sergeant at arms, Guy Butterick. The Housemovers' Union has elect ed the following officers for the en suing term: B. Thompson, president; Charles S'nger, vice president; B. Ma lone, secretary; P. H. Spencer, treas urer. They will be installed at the next meeting. - Hotisrinovers and New*pa|>er Carriers Choose Their Officers — Plumbers' Apprentices Give Smoker! PLUMI1KRS ELECT DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION Clara W. Hester has filed an action for divorce against Charles G. Hester on the ground of cruelty. They were married in Denver in 1900. OAKLAND, Dec. 31. — A. R. Cope was granted a divorce to-day by Judge Melvin from Eleanor F. Cope on the ground of infidelity. They were mar ried in London several years ago. Hannah "Hoffman has begun suit for divorce, from Frank Hoffman on the ground of desertion. He Is the proprietor of the workingmen's re treat on Sacramento street in San Francisco. by Discontented and Un happy Wives. Actions for Separations Arc Beffun A- K- COPE GRANTED DIVORCE BY COURTS HARTLEY CASE IS DISMISSED BAD COLLISION IS PREVENTED Trainmen on Key Route Local and on a Southern Pacific Freight Act Just in Time Court Holds the Charge of Burglary Agaiust Young Man Was Not Substantiated Alumeda County. REAL <KSTATE TRANSACTIONS. Albert and Elizabeth Rhoda to Aususte L. Meyer (wife "of Albin). lot on X' llrre of Hop kins etrcrt. 4(S3:7 W from stake at Intersection of said line of said ntre«t with W line of lane 20 feet wide known as Peralta avejiue. thence X 125 by W 50. Brooklyn Township; $10. Albert" E. a^d Mrs. M. E. Oleson to Jules ind .Ui'.ift Tcussaint. let beginning 50 E from intersection of Xcrth Holyoke street with E .Sixth. E 25 by X 100. block 50. tract B, Berkeley Loan and Town Improvement Asso ciaiion. Berkelry. warranty deed; $10. ' Harvey 8. and Laura S. Haseltlne to E. M. a'nd I. W. Bridenbecker (wife), lot on W lino of .Kelsc-y street, 1U9 8 of Stuart, S 45 by W 120, block C. map t'niverslty Villa Tract, Berkeley; $10. • .' . Evergreen Cemetery .Association (a corpora tion) to Emma F. Jacob!, lots In cemetery, Brooklyn Township; $51. Derby Estate Company -(a corporation) "to George Lydlksen, Jot on X line 'of East Eighteenth street. 450 W of 'Frultvale. avenue, W 50 by X 15<». lot 19. 'Derby Tract. Brooklyn Township; also lot on S line of Sherman street, 300.7 W of Frultvale avenue, W 50.C3. S. 106.95, E 50. X 157.54. lot 13 fame; $10. John and Sarah B. Yule to Christian and Louise Bauder. lot IP. block 2. revised map of Eden Park. Brooklyn Township; |lw. John Kelleher (administrator eetate oT Julia Kelleher, deceased) to Thomas Murray, lot 15, block H, map of Andrew Jones' subdivisions, Brooklyn Township; also all Interest of estate of Julia Kelleher therein, quitclaim deed; $10. Ednie c. Jones as trustee under will of An drew Jones (deceased) and Jane C. Jones (widow), by Susie E. o Smythe, attorney, to same, same; $10. • Florence A. or Florance A. and William A. Patterson to Isaac T. Cole, lot on W line of Mlnturn street. 150 »S of Eagle avenue, S 25 by W 108. lot 15, block 51. map restvbdlvlsion of block 5S and portion of block 51, Enclnal, Ala meda; $10. -Millie A. Leach (widow) to Fred L. Button, lot on XW corner of Eighth and Harrison otreet*. \V 100 by X 10O. lots 1» to 2.T block MS. Kellertbergers m*p (recorded December 2!*. l!*m. Oakland ; c $10 Daniel and Alice Ho'gan to John Centino. lot on N line of Sixth street. 100 W of Jack son. W 25 by X 100. lot 24, block «2 same (recorded December 29 1003) Oakland; $10 Frederick and Mary Thornbury to Mary F. Xichols. lot on N"E line of East Xineteenth Ftreet. 166 PE of Thirteenth avenue SE C8 by XE 75. block 113. Clinton (recorded Decem ber 23. 1903). East Oakland: $1450 Viola M. Summerford (widow) 'to Flllppo Pinjritore. lot on E line of Alice street. 6<» S of Sixth. S 25 by E 75, lot 6 block 59 Ket lei-stKTger's map Oakland: |10" J. \Y. Grant (single) to Ajrostlno FIrenie, lot on X line of Forty-fourth street 140 \V of Grove. TV 100 by X 100 lots 20 and 21 block 2102. Alden Tract at Temescal Oakland; $5. Charles A. Bailey (by Raymond H. Bailey, attorney) and Alice C. Bailey (wife) to J R eimpton. lot on E line of Fifth street 20^ jj of Channln* Way. N .*> by E 13(5 lot 23 block 120. corrected map Raymond Tract Berkeley Goldpn Oate" Syndicate fa corporation) to Mary L. Swain (widow). TV 108 feet of lot 19. block 7. map Graven and Taylor Tract con talnlnjr 40 acres, and belngr S\V U o f plat S3 quitclaim deed. Berkeley: $10 Hetty T. and William G. Henthaw (and as attorney) to Margaret G. Dickinson lota 10 and '£1. block B, resubdlvlsion map Frultvale Tract, Brooklyn Township; $10. Samuel S. and Josephine E Brower to Ern est Willis m C. ChrUtlanwn lot on S line of Ea*!e avenue. 232 E of Willow street E 42 by S 147:6. block 17. map resubdlvislon' blocks 15. 10. 17. etc.. Alameda; *5. L,. G. and Mary I. Burpee to James Daly lot on E line of Adeline street. 310 S of Thir ty-fourth. S 10 by E 12T. block 07«, Oak land; 910. D. M. Colburn (single) to Market Street Bank, lot on ,N line of Mariposa avenue loo \V of Racine street. W 50 by X US being E '4 of let 2. map portion BrumaeinT Tract E of Shattuck avenue. Oakland; $10 - '. ¦ Edson B. and Elizabeth A. Spitfer to Chris tine II. and Thomas J. Bennett lot on SE corner of Vino and Henry streets E 95 bv S 40. block 8, Graves and Taylor Tract, Berke ley; flO. Could Find Xo Poison. OAKLAND, Dec. 31. — Dr. - B. T. Mouser held an autopsy to-day in the case of Jerome Pujol, and Oakland Transit Consolidated conductor who it was reported to the Coroner, had committed suicide by taking mor phine. The autopsy surgeon said he could find no trace of poison and he gave his opinion that acute meningi tis had caused death: Morphine had been prescribed for Pujol by the phy sician to alleviate pain and his wife thought he had taken enough of the drug to cause death. OAKLAND, Dec. 31. — During the Christmas entertainment at the Swedish Lutheran Church, at Tenth and Grove streets, last night sojne of the decorations caught fire, creating a .great deal of excitement, but the blaze was extinguished without calling out the Fire Department. Decorations Catch Fire. OAKLAND. Dec. 31.— John W. Mott, clerk of the Police 'Court, de partment 2, has filed a report show ins'that since December 19, the day court opened, 1145 was turned into the city treasury from criminal ca«*» fines and forfeitures and" $56 25 for fees in civil cases. Record of-Xew Police Court. OAKLAND, Dec. 31. — The wills of Terrence Monaghan and Edward Hol land, former residents of Eden Town ship, were filed for probate with the County Clerk to-day. Monaghan leaves an estate valued at $15,000: Holland had property which is valued at about 520,000. v. File Wills for Probate. Oakland Office San Francisco Call, • 1118 ¦ Broadway, Dec. 31. A serious collision between a South ern Pacific freight train and th'e 9 o'clock westbound Key route Berkeley local train was averted this morning at the crossing at the new Southern Pacific freight yards, Shattuck avenue and Adeline streets, by the prompt action of '.the -motorman -on the electric train and the engineer of the freight train. As it was, the motor car and the freight engine were, within five feet of each other when they were" stopped on the curved tracks. Engineer John Williams and Fireman Charles Mc- Kehzie, both jumped, so close to a smash-up did they believe they had come. '•'¦ -.-. r The electric train was running rapid ly, and had pulled into the .crossing before the warning flag, waved by the crossing '* man, was noticed. Running out of the spur track from Hunter's lumber yards was . freight extra . 1080, with engine and three flat cars. Just as Engineer Williams poked his head out of the cab . window he saw the . motor train booming squarely across . his tracks. Conductor. Hawkins yelled to jump, and jump the trainmen did. The motorman jammed on his reverse and his air brakes and brought his train up standing. - , : .After the crews recovered from the shock , they found the electric car so far over on the. steam railroad tracks that the motorman was compelled to back away to clear the tracks that the freight ' train I might pull out on ¦ the mainline. The Southern Pacific trainmen claim ed that the motorman had not observ ed the flagman's : signal and did not slacken, speed when he , reached £ the curve. The steam road people claim right' of way over the crossing. Shipbuilder's 4 Sudden * Death. • OAKLAND,' Dec.; 3 1.— William D Cameron, &0< years old, a shipbuilder! died .suddenly this: afternoon at. 5 o'clock at his residence,^ 472 East Eleventh; street. Death was caused by heart disease. , Cameron was a na tive of Nova Scotia. The, Coroner took charge 1 of - the: case. : : ' .'.:•. Thirty-seven per cent of the Ameri - can people now live in cities of more than 4000 inhabitants. " - • ALAMEDA, Dec. 31. — Theodore Hartley, prominent in local social cir cles and a member of a prominent family, was to-day purged at his pre liminary hearing in the Justice Court of a charge of burglary preferred against him by Livingston Taylor, a boatkeeper at the Webster street bridge. Hartley was arrested Christ mas day at the Instance of Taylor, who alleged that the young man had stolen a boat, anchor, oars and jib from his place on the night of the Sth inst. Attorney A. F. St. Sure, who rep resented Hartley, brought out in evi T dence that the craft taken by Hartley was his own and that the defendant had kept it at Taylor's house for some months, had paid for its storage and was entitled to use it when he 'de sired.- It was admitted by. the de fense that the anchor was the prop erty of Taylor, but the latter had often permitted Hartley to take- it when necessary, as it was always re turned. Hartley testified that on the night when it was alleged that he had burglarized Taylor's boathouse he had waited for two hours for Taylor to put in an appearance at the place in or der that he, Hartley, might secure his boat to row around to the . south side of Alameda. When the boatkeeper did not return Hartley stated that he raised the latch of the door, entered the house and launched his boat, takt ln£ Taylor's anchor, as he hadv often done before. It was his purpose, he said, to bring the anchor back' with the boat. When the prosecution en deavored to prove that Hartley, had broken into Taylor's with intent to commit , burglary Attorney St. Sure asked the complaining witness, if he did not hav« a sign on the, door of the house which read: "Open "day and night." Taylor admitted that ¦ such was the fact and that the sign meant as it read. This admission. shattered the charge of burglary and Justice of the Peace P. S. Cone immediately dis missed the case against Hartley/Since the arrest of . • Hartley • the Rev. Frank S. Brush of th [First Presby terian Church has taken • a 4*een : in terest in .the case, -_ as ¦ he firm 1 ™, be lieved that the young man iwas inno-i cent of ,. the '. accusation and that -i the issuing of . a warrant : qn a • charge of burglary^ hiy the_ District Attorney's of fice was J a mistake'." • ? BERKELEY, Dec. 31. — A Congre gational Chinese Mission -School has been opened in Berkeley and, already gives promise of being a successful institution. The first session was held last evening and was 'well attended. Dr. "W. C. Pond has been elected prin cipal of the school, and Mrs. Carnall will be the first teacher. For the pres ent the work* will be .confined to two primary grades. Opens Chinese School. OAKLAND, Dec. SI.— The trouble between the Puget Sound Lumber Company and the Building Trades Council of Alameda County has been amicably settled, the company agreeing to employ only union tallymen in its Oakland yards. The action of the Building Tr&des Council declaring the Puget Sound Company unfair has been rescinded. . . Business Agent J. B. Bowen of the Building. Trades Council has issued the follov.-ing statement: The difference between, the Building Trade* Council and the Puget Sound Lumber Ccm pnay has been" Adjusted, the Puget Sound Company agreeinK t-> employ union tallymen, carrying B. T. C. cards, hence the Building Tiailfs Council has removed the ban from tha company. J. Bk BOWES, Business Agent for Building Trades Councu. BOYCOTT AGAINST PUGCT • SOUND COMPANY IS OFF Union Tallymen AV111 Be Employed and Building Trades Council Rescinds Recent Action- - •BERKELEY, Dec. 31.— Now it is clubs for men as w'ell as clubs for women -that it is proposed to found for house students of the University of California. The people back of the scheme believe that it is just as nec essary to look after the comfort of the boys as. the girls, so the scope of the proposition has been enlarged. The scheme had its inception in the petition of a. number of 'co-eds. to Dr. Mary Ritter of the physical culture department to assist them in raising the necessary money to sjtart a club. Out of this petition grew a committee of men and women, who assumed the task of raising the necessary money to form the nucleus for a loan fund. Then some one conceived the idea of organizing a permanent committee, which would seek tb provide. the money for as many clubs as could be formed. At first it was intended to assist only the women, but now the men will be encouraged. The forming of these clubs is by no means a chafity, as .'the money fhust be paid back in time. The money is loaned to any regularly organized club that applies. It takes about $1000 to purchase the furniture. A clubhouse is to be rented. The great benefit s that the members are able to live it "There is no reason why there shouldn't be as many .men's clubs as women's. The men really need more looking after than the women, and clilbs -would be of great use to them. The club promotes good fellowship and at the same time reduces the cost of living." The committee having the loan fund idea in charge consists of Dr. Mary Rit ter, chairman; Mrs. M. L. Cheney. Mrs. Leon J. Richardson Professor George C. Edwards, Dr. James Torrey Allen, Professor C. H. Reiber, .. Professor William Carey Jones, Warren Olney Jr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ide Wheeler. cost, the funds for the living being furnished pro rata by the.n. In some cases the cost is not . more than ?15 a month for a single student. "One club for girls has been formed," said Colonel George C. Edwards, a .member of the committee. ",It is to open at the beginning of next term and will be conducted along the same lines •as the. Pia del Monte and Enewah clubs. We have ¦not gathered enough money to start as many clubs as we would like, but. that will come in time. The funds we have may. be -used over and over again, because as the older clubs repay the amounts advanced we may loan the money to form .other clubs. • OAKLAND, Dec. 31. — The follow ing marriage licenses were issued by the County Clerk to-day: Frederick Page, 'over 21, and Alma M. Schmidt, over 18." both- of Oakland; Joseph J. Cuneo,' 23, and Annie Davis, 26,* both of San Francisco; Rollin K. Morgan, over 21, and Alice" Busk, over 18. both of Oakland; Bruno Steinmetz, 21, arid Ida Schumann: 18, both of Alameda; Allan C. Burdick, over ill Oakland, andi Grace Penwell, over 18, ley;V Jasori B. , Morse, over 21, and Adele J. Mills, over 18, both of Oak land; Walter T. Kellogg, over 21. and Florence A. Britton, over 18, both of Oakland; Nikolai Nilson. 45, San Francisco, and Anna B. Sanderson. 40, Oakland; Jose V. Marcos, 23, and Ma-' ria Silva, 17, both of San Leandro. Marriage Licenses. TWO MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE "HAVING IN * CHARGE ; THE • RAISING OF FUNDS TO BE LOANED \,TO UNIVERSIT.Y STU . DENTS WITH WHICH* TO START- CLUBS. • ' . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald entertained a merry party of friends this evening In their East Oakland hcrne. The early hours of the evening were. devoted to 500 and as midnight approached ; the . New Year, was . greeted with music and merry making. • 'The guests were Mr. and Mrs. W.-W. Crane. Mr. and ¦ Mrs. J. * V. \Nearon. ¦ Rev. aad Mra. The list of suests Invited to the wedding Includes Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Adams of Stockton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Adams. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Adams. Miss Almy H. Anderson. Mrs. Jane Brltton, Mrs. E. Brew er. George Randy. Mrs. Bis-, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert I.. Belcher. Mr. and Mrs. David Ewald Brown. Miss K. Bostwlck of New Voik, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Blxley. Mr. and Mrs. George Baldwin. H. Brown. ¦ C. G. Bag nal!. Dr. and Mrs. K. Erwin Brlnckerhoff. Mr. and Mrs. K. Bryan. Captain and Mrs. F. M. Baes, Mr. and Mrji. Charles W. Coullck, Mr. "and Mrs. John F. Conner*. Mr. and Mrs. H. Chamberlain. Mr. and Mrs. ¦ H. Chamberlain Jr.. MIsb Emily Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cartwright. Mr. 1 and Mrs. S. Covert. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cot ton, Mr. and Mrs. A. F\ Coffin. Miss MoIIIe Conners, Mr. and Mrs. R. Connell, Miss Con nell, Mr. and Mrs. E. da Sabla Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Dallam, Mr. and Mrs. de la Montanya. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Dargie. William E. Darsie Jr., Miss Dargie, Robert Davis, Dr. and Mrs. E. L.. Dow, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. AIfr*i Eastland. Miss I^oulse Earle, Charles Robert Kgelly. Mr and Mrs. John D. Eby. James "P. Edoft, Mrs. A. J. Eastland,* F. H. Elchbaum, Joseph East v lahd, Thomas Eastland, Wallace H. Foster, Mr and Mrs. Charles Foy. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Flint. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Gallndo, Mls» Katherine Gray, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Uunnlson W. M. Goggln. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hol t «rtqn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hutchlnson, Mr. and Airs. C. A. Hellborn, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Hub banl, Mr and Mrs. E. A. Heron. Miss Helen Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hosmer, Mr. ond Mr3. George H. Isenon. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Judah,' Miss Gertrude Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. James, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Joy ner. Miss Joyner. Mr. and Mrs. James John son Miss Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kergan. Mr.' and Mrs. W. F. Kelly. Miss Emma Kel logg. William Knowles, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Leach, . Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyraan, Mr. and Mrs. - William McMur ray, Mr. and Mrs. James Watson McClure, Mr", .and Mrs. John Martin. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. MacdonaM. Mrs. D. E. Martin. A. Mltchler, Miss Mltjhle;*, Benjamin Mltchler, Mr. and Mrs. Will Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. William Mil wain, Dr. and Mrs. I. Emmet Nicholson. Miss Laura NIcootson. Mrs. M. B. Nicholson. J. Newman.' Claience-- Oliver, Mr. and . Mrs. G. Pohlmann, Miss Pohlmann. . Governor and Mn. George C. Hardee. MIS3 Penntman. Miss Cecilia Prltchart, Mrs. E. Payne. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ray. Mr. arrt Mrs. George Ryno. John' li. Reed, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lawrence Reed, Miss Ger trude Ruddlck. Harry Rinn. Mr. and Mrs. Jchn Ross, - Mrl' and Mrs. J. Walter Scott. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Smith. Clifton' A. Sause, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Smith. - Mrs. Sherwood. Mips Sherwood. Edwin L. Smith, Mrs. N. Stevens. Miss M. C. Stroud. Miss Summers, Mr. and Mrs. Allen D; Sloan, Dr. and Mrs. M. Splnk,-Mr. and Mr*. M. P. Smith, E. L«. Spatn, Dr. and Mrs. John Thomp son, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Taylor, Mr. and Mr». J. Thompson. Miss Grace Thomas, the Mlsso* Thompson. Mrs. Brlggs Utuely. Mr. Vose. Mr. and Mrs. William Veltch. Mr. and Mrs.- George E. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Walsh, Dr. and Mrs. Wall.. Miss Wall. Mr. and Mrs. James ¦ Wiggins.- Captain - and- Mn'. - John T Wright, Miss Edna White, Mr. and Mrs L White, Hume Wllhoit. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. M Wate. Robert Westdahl, Harold York, Mr! and Mrs. E. C. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Leon P. Low of San Francisco. The sroom was attended by his brother Wal lace Foster. The nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. William Carson Shaw, pastor of the Church of the Advent. He was assisted by the Rev. John Thompson, the groom's grandfather. The bride's mother. Mrs. John A. Brltton. wa3 radiant In a very becoming gown of smoke colored zamallte, elaborately trimmed with gray and white cluny lace and coral jewels. Mr. and Mrs. Kelloeg will enjoy their honey moon 'In picturesque Mexico and expect to b« there two. or three weeks, after which thev will «reside in Oakland. Their artistic little cottage home Is a wedding gift from the bride's father and Is situated on Walsworth avenue a few doers from the family home. Nearly all of the furnishings are "wedding presents nnd few Oakland brides have been to happily and bountifully remembered. Mr. Kellozg holds an- excellent position in the general passenger agent's office of the Southern Pacific. The wedding of Miss Brltton and Mr. Kel ijgK has been anticipated with unusual inter erf In Oakland, owing to the- prominence of the bride's father, John A. Brlttfjn, «who is r resident of the Oakland Gas, Light and Heat "Company, and general manager of the Califor nia Electric Corporation, and also on account of the ijcpulartty of "the* young bride and groom. Tretr romance 'began eight years ago in the Lincoln school, when they learned the first lesson in love from a. teacher not on the county's payroll — HUJe Dan Cupid. The scene of the wedding, this evening was the home of the bride's parents on Walsworth avenue- and the artistic residence was like a bit of fairyland. . The Interior was a perfect bower of . palms and huckleberry foliage, through which scarlet berries occasionally gleamed, while through th'e garlands and from every nock and corner tiny electric bulbs shed, a soft light. The ceremony took place In the library, wheie me whole side of the room was cov ered with graceful follagf, through "which In candescent lights shone- "like stars. In the center ot this green panel, from the garlanded celling, hung a large white bell, the clapper of which was formed by an incandescent bulb. As the stringed orchestra -played the wed ding march the white-robed ribbon bearers, Miss Louise Earl nnd Miss Edna Pohlmann, formed an aisle through which the bride passed, leaning en her father's arm. Her gown was a beautiful creation of cream silk crepe, i It was simply but exquisitely made, a : deep shirring- forming the skirt yoke and four wide tu:ks finishing the long train. The well-fitting hoalce was low on the shoulders, the yoke being of lucked net. studded with penm. A wide collar of point lace outlined the .joke, on which was pinned the groom's gift, an exquisite brooch of pearls.' The con ventional veil of tulle and the shower bouquet finished an unusually beautiful costume. Miss Alice Brltton was her sister'a only at tpndant and wore a irown that was much ad mired. It was of white novelty cloth and made with a triple skirt and low bodice thii transparent yoke being jeweled and finished with a deep cobwebby collar of rare point lace. The short undersleeved were covered by angel sleeves, which fell from the shoulders. Mls3 Britton carried a great bunch of red carnations. OAKLAND, Dec. 31.— JVhile the present year was still in Its infancy Miss Florence A. Brit ton announced her engagement to Walter F. Kellogg and to-night, standing at the threshold of tfie new year? the happy couple were made man and wife. * EVENTS IN SOCIETY George W. Meeker, a saloon-keeper at 4364 Telegraph avenue, would be pleased to know the whereabouts of an affable and well groomed young man who represented himself the day be fore Christmas as the Pacific Coast representative of the Kentucky Eag!» Distilling Company of Cincinnati. Ohio. Detective William Quigley would also> be glad if he could find the aforesaid affable "and well groomed young man. It is the old story of a clever swin dler and his victim. Meeker parted with $31 88 so easily that It is whispered in police circles thdt it hurt the confi dence man's feelings to take the money. At any rate, he got the coin and has not been seen in these parts since. And the saloon* man is waiting fc-r two- bar rels of whisky he purchased from his missing caller that have failed of de livery. In short. Meeker has been eas ily -separated, fro'm bar receipts aad. he has told his tale of woe to the police. . Ori December 24 it occurred. Enter salesman, presenting card. Treats the crowd. Goc-d fel)ow. And then to busi ness Meeker he requires a couple of barrels*, of • fine whisky in bond! Sale is made. Visitor gets an advance of $31 58 to pay warehouse charges, etc., and save Meeker trouble. Whisky to be delivered in a few hours. Nothing dofrns yet. Charge it to profit and loss and credit experience, said Meeker.' . * • Oakland Office. San Francisco Call, 111S Broadway, Dec. 31. Police Requested to Assist in the Search After a Missing Bunko Distillery Salesman BUYS PHANTOM WHISKY Saloonkeeper Is Induced to Part With His Coin at the Be hest of a Confidence Man They bought a ring- in San Francisco and then started for Berkeley in the afternoon. They could not buy a li cense there, and were directed to Oak land. They went to the City Hall in stead of the County Clerk's office, and finally arrived just in time to catch Cupid Hanley, who Issued them the necessary license. With the important document landed, 'they journeyed to Alameda, where they were married by Judge Cone as quickly as the statute allows. c It took Charles Landers and Sylvia Messe, two young people "of San Fran cisco, an entire day and a chase over the better part of three counties to gel the matrimonial knot satisfactorily tied, and they only succeeded in their purpose late last evening after a day spent in misdirected effort. They were finally married in Alameda, after visit ing San Mateo, Berkeley and Oakland. According to the story told by the bride they started off early yesterday moming with the intention of being married ip Pan Mateo. Upon their ar rival there they visited "a jeweler's for the purpose of buying a wedding ring. He told them wedding rings were no longer in fashion, and tried to sell them a watch. It transpired he had no wed ding rings, and for the want of one they had to go back to San Francisco, as she would not be married without one and there was no place in the county where a wedding ring could be pur chased. Oakland Office San Francisco Call, 1118 Broad-nay. Dec. 31. Fire Chief James Kenny and Town Marshal Kerns investigated the prem ises afterward and concluded that the fire had been set by an incendiary, who had some motive. The investigation will be continued in the hope of appre hending the criminal. The house was occupied until yester day by R. W. Alcorn, a plantation own er of Missisijini, who with his wife and sister and brother-in-law, J. H. Wise, had been there a month. The Alcorns moved to-- 593 'O'Farrell street, San Francisco, yesterday afternoon,. and the Wises to 1152 Regent street, Alameda. They had originally rented the house from Mrs; J. E. McMahon of San Fran-- Cisco, who owns the furniture in it. Be fore going they had arranged with Dr. arid Mrs.. -TV. A. Wilson of Oakland to take the house, and the Wilsons moved in to-day, though unaware that an in cendiary had been there a. short time before them. • " • A determined attempt was made this morning by some mischievous or re vengeful incendiary to burn the cottage at. 2633 Shattuck avenue, belonging to Mrs. M. W. Mather of Oakland. That the miscreant did not succeed was due to the prompt efforts of George McCall, whose home is next door to the Mather cottage. No motive is assigned for the crime and there was no one in the house at the time. There was appar ently no effort at robbery, and so far as known there is no insurance on the house. :- ; \ The fire was discovered at 7: SO o'clock this morning by McCall. who turned in an alarm. George Heggerty of the Per alta Fire Company came upon the scene first and put out the fire, which was blazing in the basement of the house. Heggerty found that the fire and Smoke were coming from a pile of shav ings, shingles and broken laths that had been saturated with coal oil. The house escaped injury, as the flames had not time to reach the woodwork. Berkeley Office San Francisco Call* 2148 Center Street. Dec. 21. Hugh J. Corcoran, formerly a prom inent, steamboat man of Stockton, has begun suit to have his divorced wife re strained from shutting him oat of his house. A short time ago she had him arrested for disturbing the peace, and he was given his liberty upon furnish ing. $100 cash bail. In his complaint he says he is ill and fears she will carry out a threat made by her of ousting him from the premises. After ten years of married life Cor coran and Ella M. Corcoran were di vorced about two years ago. The d*fe cree made no provision for the division of the property. He says that he bought his home, at 389 Twenty-second street, on the installment plan, and that It is still subject to a $2400 mortgage. He claims he paid for it out of his own money, but that his wife now maKes a claim for it, has threatened to "oust him— to catch him out of the house, and lock him out and keep the furniture." He says he believes she will do it, and as he has a paralyzed leg he cannot combat her. He has appealed to the courts' to decide their dispute. 111S Broadway, Dec* 31*.' Oakland Office San Francisco Call, HANDS MONEY TO SWINDLER At thr- Church of the Advent in«East Oakland hofy communion w.111 be cele* brated at 40 o'clock. 'with a sermon" by tbe rector. Rev. William Carson Shaw. The Laoies' Aid Society and the Ep worth Leagu" of the Eighth-avenXie Methodist Episcopal Churcli will keep open house on New Year's day from 3 to 10 p. m. During the. afternoon re freshments will be served. » An oripinal Xew Year 'service will be held at the Eighth-avenue Methodist' Episcopal Church next -Sunday even ing by the Men's Sunday Club of East Oakland. A "New Year's Welcome" has been planned by the club, and a long programme of musical selections ond addresses has been .arranged by the following eommitee: Frank Tr&wer < chairman), T. Wall and Stuart W. Booth/ A special music programme was ren dered at the watchnight services of the First Congregational Church -this even ing, and to-morrow mornine sunrise communion will he celebrated at 7:15 o'clock 0 in the chapel., -at which the church motto for 1904 will be am nounced by the pastor. Rev. Charles R. Brown. ' In nearly every church in this citjy, ts well as in Alameda and Berkeley. the majority of the congregations at tended the waichnight services, and v\ith song and prayer celebrated the advtnt of the new year. Owinc to the fcerere illness of Clement P. Rowlands, the oratorio '"The Holy City." which was to have been rendered at the watchnight service of the First Pres byterian Church, was postponed, and instead a watch social was held in the parlors of the church from 9 to 11. to night, and from 11 until midnieht a religious v.-atch service was held. A young people's meeting and love feast service, followed by a social inter mission ami ah address by the Rev. E. R. Dille. marked the watchnicht ser vice at the First Methodist Church. The annual business meeting and roll of the First Free Baptist Church were held this evening. Following the meet ing refreshments were served by the ladies in the vestry of the church, after which a' watch service of prayer and praise lasted until midnight. A social and religious watch service, lasting from 8 until 12 o'clock, was held at the Xorweprian-Danifh M. E. Church at 547 Twentieth street. .Oakland Office San Francisco Call, 111S Broadway, Dee. 31. At midnight to-night a Ions scream from the big siren aL -Boole's ?hip yard, and a ch«rus from every factory whistle ixr.ti every bell in the city, aid ed by the din of hundreds of h<>rns of all descriptions, announced the death of the old year and the birth of the new. Special Music Is 'Arranged for Services at Many of the Down town Houses of Worship Charles Landers and Sylina Messe Visit San 3Iateo, San Francisco and Other. Towns Steamboat Man Asks Judge for Order Restraining Woman From Interfering With Him Discover No Plausible' Motive • for the Miscreant's Attempt at- Wanton .Destruction NEIGHBOR SEES FLAMES APPEALS TO THE COURT CHOCHES KEEP WATCH INVADE THKEE COUNTIES Young: Couple Spend a Day .. in Efforts" to Have Matri monial Knot Suitably Tied Bells and Whistles, -Led by Big- Siren at Boole'-; Shipyard, Sound a Salute ill Chorus Hugh J. Corcoran Declares Former Spouse Awaits Chance to Shut. Him Out of Home Incendiary Piles Shavings and . Laths To«retheE, Then Ap plies Torch to Kerosene Male Students Are to. Be Aided to Establish Habitations, Where They 0 May Live Cheaply and in the Same Spirit of° Goodfellowship as ; Is Afforded- the Girls CHASE AFTER WEDDED BLISS TRIES TO SET HOUSE ON FIRE SAYS HE FEARS DIVORCED WIFE CLUB FUND IS STARTED FOR BOYS OF BERKELEY OAKLAND GREETS THE NEW YEAR -. ¦ 7 --¦*¦.- --ill--- ¦>-~-Jf( ¦:¦' ' ¦-> *-- .¦'-"^ - «T - - ¦ ¦ ¦ - . . THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL,. FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 19U*. NEWS OF THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA 6 ADVERTISEMENTS. ¦ ,- Dyspepsia and other stomach troubles quickly relieved and m most cases' ' surely cured by the use of " Jk This scientific genuidde is ahsp- Itttety harmless i it subdues the. ¦ inflammation of the mucous mem; brane of the stomach, and by re- moving the cause, effects a cure." Used and recommended by leading phy- sicians. Take no »ubstitute and «r« that each bottle bears my signature. TrialsUe, 3 1 .00, at dtuggist3 or by mail, from ( CIA Fxlaca St. - *«w Tori aendjuT Bootlrt . - • •^k> Dr. Gibbon's Dispensary, fiL. W» G 4> 1> EEtBXT XT. Establish^ I>r. jr. *•. UIBBOX. sau Francisco. Cat NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GEOEGE VTASHXXrGTOZrS QUEUE. It Sid s Lnruriant Suit of Straight aifi Very Dark Hair. The Father of His Country concealed a luxuriant suit ¦ oi hair, beneath hl3 queue wig. Many now wish the old fash- ion was In vogue to conceal thinned hair or baldness. Yet no one need have thin iiair nor be bald, if he cure the d*:»dru3r that causes both. Dandruff can- not be cured by scouring the scalp, be- cause it is a fiferrn disease, and the perm has to be killed. Xewbro's Herpicide kills the dandruff jrerm — no other hair preparation will. "Destroy the cause, yoa remove the effect." There's no cure for dandruff taut to kill the germ. Sold by leadinsr druejrlstB. Send 10c in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co.. Detroit. Mich. CASTOR I A Tor Infants aad Children. His Kind Yc.'j Have Always Bough! Bears ft* Sj? Z/f/?-s-4-' ©gaatcre of W^T^^ BRANCH OFFICES OF TIEK CALL IN ALAMEDA COUNTY OAKLAND. I11S Broadway. Telephone Main 1063. BERKELEY. 21 IS Center Street. Telephone North 77. ALAMEDA* 1435 Park Street. Telephone Eagle 502.