England, it is feared, may seek to extend her East
ern influence \vhile Japan engages Russia -.and -both do
each' other immeasurable harm. There is what is called
diplomacy in international affairs, and a mixture- of
cowardice, treachery and deceit in.^ the '.code- which gov
erns the. honorable relations of' men. ¦ . ; .. . ...••.. •
Sowc.olup Canals.
3V oM Al.Ci >-.M VcDC<"El.L.
CAutlior or c "Shop TnlU ou th»- Wonders' of the
(CopyriRh! 13.'4.. by Jos«j>b B Kowlcs.)
Engineers*' and CMitractors arc saying
•"Ixtok'ou.t for a ship canal boom in the
United States. '•'. Some of them declare
that the- ev«*nts Sn. Panama are but
the beginning" of an. era of canal build
inr i« this .country. They base this
prediction on the interesting fact that
ihelSuez shij» canal, on which work he
ea»"in o lS59 and which was .first filled
with water in<186!». started canal build
ing schemes all-over the civilized
world, and •.claim, that this: movement
pave Ui commerce ' the Cronstadt and
St. PetersburK.".ship canal, ..the Corinth
ship jcanal.-.th" Manchester ship, canal,
the ¦Kaifer'.iyilhehn .Ehjp canal,'; the
North' H.olland -ship : ta'nai;.«nd tbo ¦'.£&*
largement. of t.he ; -We"llan"<i.'.}ship: cihal
and t.he'.Sanlt-'Stei :Marre'tanais.: .' }i\l*.
" ¦¦'¦¦. ."»• '"!•.."• ¦*'¦'¦ - ")r - .[' : - ¦ '-':¦
":J^jIp"^nalK : <iiffo'r'.t^pn^-; : tltt^ : .-Vi^<ii.iia.r>'"
artinci^l: M^e^:^P'^lv,^a;^;they::^ojV^
pect; large h'odies ptwaltipr Ja.rge:
' ehpugh yip- kccptninp^at-e' fmjjderh'.-^^e?:.
Vfel's, -.'. At : cordi ftg ; >tp • the •; -UtiK^d States
t ay«-' : i^'-l1^Nwnrttt'-igrhlfek
.6b 1 ri '. -prVipierly- ;Ue : ealleVi ,'"siiip;) canals."*
These 9Ti;<:'':'-K^' y^:{A '¦".'¦¦ :?:.^'V:.-!.'
¦ "Su'ei *aha'V!l)fSun ; ;ift' : K5^;^d
pl^tfed; iti 1R6?.
' ¦ > .Cfonstad< -atrd £>t>"! Petersburg;; .cariali
.istfgxin 'jnfi.S77"and.."cpnHpVefe4"' ; "i^'i''.i5^:v : '' : ""
ple'ted tn"lS93.
;'>$DA^arti^c^^(-''iiPSUi>^in;' : 'i&sr:.A-n.(t' i
tnmpjeted in lS?i. ,
: Kaisor ';be"ifuri-; iii; \1SS7
gfrd cprirpiefed • in -i'8.35; -\ '-./. -, : : ¦:'.':¦ . ' '• '•) : v :: '.;;
"Ej tie land '".Trave. \ca'naft.'opifened'"-ln.:1^0(t;
.-A\ie : rl.k"n"d." icja^ajl. .buii^iin/is^atid; -efja-;
iar6ed;iriis7i:.and ; a#iiri -'JWvi^^P^
and 1^5. ' : '
, " . -.1 ¦'.'¦ .-' ".' -these.- caTi^tsl&'av^ yvn^ilred. :
-.more : or : .leii t "prphilne.niiyi>i.ri ."-th.6- ;<lis.r'
Panarnu. V4^<J - Nicaragua:!^rputesi" and.
the : oonte m p\aieii: \ rojit^s ; "tp -.. f^ rpvtde ;
I short -cots, f.r.Q^ .' jiie^^r*.at/.-ta.ke»- . to .
thfe A.tian\i'e '.~0.c>«! 11
'.Mexico^X'hfrfi..b^s b'een-m
'f ects'^pf -,Ship : •cansfl^in*' .pf ;Uteir-,mil' :
ilary -. iuid- : "poiiTflca'T) -importance !buJt
>pn'e' : .mu"st ¦-^o.'.fo^.the'[ejfi^r».ei(*V'afi'4\^"nc.v
" trapt»rs"; *|^[^ii^r;s\.d.f'-4fe^m^ijeiji;
TPf'k- \cuttLn-g-'. rna.c-hinfffy-.-.:'and..' -lh'e
-kr.oci-'a'.bbuir ho*\<i "\o !..gather ;.tti*» f nteir-.,
esttp^ .featares. .pf, < 'tiye.-;^.^a.^;yk;pH<'a.V.ov
'• *•¦ "Riciu-re: 3/o.-b^!-la.bpl^V-^.p!f.^iy;.0'nd5l'
& n<l ¦: bree d -fewVa't jiig;.: a nd V'suffVr rj ng-vM n :
the!' desert" .Wherfe'«tx^<:hu'se ; <iFed5i.ng
niactiiries' and ."-thousari'd? '¦ tit: &Q.rrt>\T$ r
¦tlu.Tn.p -.-car^;. (carts; ajid ot-h^p. ;mateTiai
jn'o-virig! ;vfh"ii4ex". J 6cidlp.pe.^'.;.dut-i:thiff..-80 < .v
!^0V,<lt»0:cub:i.c >"?rds of •sand-; :-ea'rth;Jan3.V
'.'roc.t-..t'o rh>ake % !^»'n :^fii&htj^isfe.'irii le ¦
•clKi'nneT.Vrdm' • th<&;.: :M;ediiex'ra;ieaiT- to.
the* He 1 * Sea". "Tha t .wits -th&,.Su.'e2.t ; aiial,
Vhoii ' the -work Ayas ; in'.f iilt'-bl'asi.". The
fresh !.\\;ater for":the 'fa-borers'.' had to. -W
J>roughf 'frorii the. Xile'.-at! Cairo and
a large 'cpr'itP r>f- doctors! was. tin uf.ge;rit.
n"eces'sitV:'*it alj tunfvf?. -.. - : - : '¦'- ¦'¦¦. • ". '¦': . : -. :
."•-...-.. ¦'• ¦•"*¦' ¦'¦* : " i * : ; : ¦!.'•-.'.• ¦¦¦;:-'¦ "-.
"'..TIvp. Suez Variai -traverses • .a ; :;x-;6m" i:
f" r^ara'tively: flat- cobnut." •frbfri;Poj;t..S.it(l.
on •"the'.jieditefr.aneah to Suez 'on "the :
JEled" ?Jea. The "Jiri^ .ia.ia- put .took. ;id r -
Vantage ..of : : valleys '.arid- .depressions-'
'•caH^fl : lak'esi but jyhich;.. -before -the-
Canal. "was filled with!wn(er;..wei'e"-Imy-,
"lying- tracts -of Jaiid.- iri -spme" cases'
".b^low tJie. sea leve.1. X.eitHer ipeks -nof.
; ;fcates "iinpede.' navigation. ;pn' the Pufz
i-analV The 'wjiple length \pf riavigatiorL
is c eighty-eight ' miles; ¦ of which sixty-
Fix-miles afe real caiial.- fourteen mi.ies
, are- •; dredged • -cha*irieJs . . ihrpiigh -the
Jakes arid eigivt -miles.- natural channel
"thrckigb. the lakes: -.IThie- .'canal now
*h'as a depth cf -thirtyio'rie- feet • and is
108 -.wiQe on" the". bottom "and. 420'. in
width on th < v>urfaee: . EI*>clric lights'
ilJuminarte the ¦ »»nt.ir«'" length -.of-, this
1 ro?.B.-.m 1 ailc Ftra-it;. s'o that vessels can.
¦na.yica.te nt. night. 'The. length- of. time.
•occupied in-pasisine lhr.ough : ,the cinal
ay^rages eiglitor-n" lio.urs^. ../LithoUgh
th.<?- £uoz" canal . is: .usually. ••.cPusidered.
th'e-rtio^t .important, of iicankis.-
the 'hji jiilier- .-• of y-vrssc-li. ; i\-!h!lch-:paSs'.
'Xh rough ' \l_ ilnnuaHy':. ialls" ".fir"
tho."r.urril.>cjr '.o'f-jvesjWs Aypich.nise. .th'e.:
'SWd'" ca:iai/ : "tri : J.i(0,0'. : (he: Su«z "vwas"
. j>jttronized .by. : 3.4.4 J . yjpjssels wiih a ¦ kross.;
tonnage ot; 1 3;&9?..'237 .tp'risx; w"hii.<? !.in'.
the .-s:tfnr« ye".ar;-lhe ; ;^a'uit'.- -Stei ••.^la.rje:
cana"h; Raw. !l ii.VfT vessels with a're^is-,
tered" tonnaff* ;ofl $.Wis *$&'.:',: - : - (k^'7?.
Tb«» "V^o.rintl|.'! : caiiaU--VJiicli.* rji'*i'ppis.'
Aegin'a.' .. >e.diifcing ! !-tlie;.-dis.tapce-; !.trpm •
Adriatic ports., ;J 7 5. -.'miles, arid
c frorri". "Meaiterranean i)orts"'abput-".J.0.0
milcs,-"-.is ¦ ji bt". ; . regarded" "as'.-'a".-.'!'^o.od-".
pteCt! <}t wol k by Aiiierjca'n 'engineers.
Il Is' n«;aM>' .four miles" long," it ..took,
nearly -twei.ve • -years, .to build it-a'-nd it
tost about. -"$4^00, OOP a .m'ile, : .- ThV
1 depth". : .is" .twehty : six" feet "and •".width,
seven ?y-nve-fc&t; -ahd -the total exca
1 vation jrais 10,000,000 cubic' yards;
* Tfi?V-anal known"' as. the Cronstadt'
• anil SL'- Petersburg ship- caiial "cdri
. necls <he Bay of-.Cr-orr3ia.dt In the'Cfqlf
;of Finlax«J*.with Russia's, capital; It .is
*of considerable c"orfim;ercial"-im'portT
knee.' but seems to have . been built
with an *ye more io it?, strategic value
'.hun to Its* freight carrying possibil
ities: The* cannf and sailing course
in t'he Bay of Cronstadt are about six
teen miles long, the canal proper he
ing about six miles in length. This
Cinal "was opened in tS'30 with a nav
«cablc *»lJ*pih of twenty-one feet, the 1
Olney of Massachusetts looks kindly,' it is" announced,
upon any effort the tendency of which is to boom him for
•the Democratic nomination for the Presidency. Honors
certainly are not easy in- these days of strenuous compe
tition, when men such as Olncy .will jeopardize the good
opinion- in- which they are held to grasp at such a
shadow of reality as Pemocracy's empty grft.
I New York Mail and Express says: "The
j wearing of these $1000 shoes' is. "in the
main, a hobby, and is based on"nervea
gone wrong. For there are some, per
sons, it seema, who are plagued, with
I sensitive nerves ' In their feet which
! ache so excruciatingly that nothing
lean assuage the. pain but shoes *pr£-
I scribed', by a physician-cobbler. The
j learned cobbler listens to a talo of" toe
! ache, with attending nervous dlsturb
j ances. and examines the patient's, feet
with critical scrutiny.' Every hill .and
dale of the foot is Inspected" and/stud
ied, and especially is a s-narp lookout
kept for the sensitive nerves.. which ul
timately are sure to be found'. A- vol-'
ume of notes Is taken and the. prospec
tive customer naturally becomes Im
pressed with the severity of his ailment.
; "• ~T!he "dematnd !;.fpp!:ceri t !a . frbjri.;th« Pa
ciftc .Criist; h33-be$n'a$''&?dl : .&iaivig the
I es " ift : -.' Jf e w •: T-« rkv! Ba^hnbre.- : Phi lade 1 -
twid; St. -.lidutat- have-: been/ catted :.<J». to.
Supply it:" • -Th** bl.il ref ejrred ttf is . c6n r
tp" pa$s "anjl; : .prfepa.r^t.ipiis .8tr e already,
being! .made .^tb^sUppiyVSajV"':' Francis'QcJ
¦^iih\^the;:;n(?ces*^y ;^.'f^'a;--!!3ia^pa;'/*a'ft
otHer-apiiai-a.tus ! f pr.tiieNbpinagfe:pf on*-;
e^pt/piec^s/l.';'"^^^^-. .^^^AlM' ¦: '¦"¦ •
!, "The maligrned and hitherto. ihslgTjiflr
cant copper coin." bearing the alnUgKty
the Pacific Coast and ¦/secured a permaL-
hent place to the circulating medium'of
the tld,ewdaliecl Sifates. Ever. since, CaU
Ifornia; :bp!rn vwJth a golden spoon
In its :Tri^th:th!e:cpppeF prece; haar lji|«i
li Vbit eft • «i.s. -a * curidsity ;".'• 'y (t^Vcpmmanded.
spine! interest; -but :w^^n-/-!lKsQUg;ht": to
dio! business It . was; glye-.n a- :Slferra ; frost;.
TJie": ; "-.ae'pirtixjeni " V.\ v :; hpweverv
wrpiight !i /change: (OLmalce. change- and
the- f fprit- ¦'• \^'iek^iif^'.\>:o^c'ia\i:-;:'±iiV i .QTt'
Fraiicistp.: l.bsv bUrer
introcluced: Jn' CbTi^ess-ai^hoTiiih^ the
«plM^e.'^/^e^rit;;Tpli(i«?ii >t .'.the .".San:
Frarie/is^p- miiit;:; \f iv. ; -^
• The Omaha Bee seems to think- that
We Californtans are losing, our pride.
It says: ; ; . ;'\ ¦'.: '.' . " '¦-..-• '". •".
Rise of the Pzniiy.
¦\ Jeemsy .;*'iid"deiil y.;. thrust. '%lnt6.'..'M.i^
wrj jrgUng; s^Jii,, a!nd, was away ,:atpiind;
protestSi'- ':.X". : .' !v.^ '¦'.'. '''¦ ¦*¦:';.:¦?:' t : ;i': '.'^¦T'^'^C::
After all had gone from the New
Year's entertainment down at the old
South Park College Settlement the. la
dies who had devoted their time to the
amusing of their guests were going
about putting out the lights prepara
tory to closing the doors for the. night.
As .one -of them stepped up tp the. front
wtiidpw, which "looked: out-' upon, the
dark square,: she". noticed a little, figure
waving at" herfrothputjof "the shadow
under .tire'.' trees-..-" '.doing, -to.: the front
•door;'- she\cailed put to/khow.-what was
wanted:-- :!;.\/ ': !•'.-•'•'¦'•'•.•".. '!!'"!- }' -'''¦;• ¦'.'•-.' '¦'¦-¦ : :
. ¦ . "Curii. piii; h'^^J^^tW^WK^^**
nobody ' can' : .see,'yo!use','!*.-.was .the; -tens^.
whisper. ! 'from' under;', the j tre^sf.;:"- *W SS .
''Mary accor^rigljr J^ain .'down the !sti?pd
•and . .•over' the pave'nifitit"- : 'to. wh^re !the
Iittte\. ; ufcftln-'bf:. -tQ. . Br-".. ji;;. years; > '^s
•;"•':. •''..'•. ¦..'-.:.-'. 'U-:-'.' : \- -.'.•.¦.•/-.-'¦ ---.-V '?¦ 7
: ¦- ''&&}- What-'ig^it. : ' Je^tnsy7:": .&h;e in
quired iri^'a. kindly ypicfe; •:.¦!¦".¦.- '.V.-;' : .
; : 'J^ty>u', : -aiiss^aiary, : : X .'d.annbihow'^ypusre:
squirming .-"abbut.." -anij[<rasly'--XJi)on:. : .-p](i5!
f op.t : :iaridV'lKJldins : a arm: over;.
Bive-'nie- a 'jiresenti -(^hristTrias, ..-'•_ ah'"" ..-it
"v\\ui"the! only j^e^ni i : g6i;X:iifisf.m&s.'
atj'^an'r^-well;, ; yduse-'-so. > - ; mighty, -good.
tfv--me- t. •jrapis;.t(J- [k}*'i •¦yo^se-^/New:
year.'s present.. I aidn' t. h'a\Se np-.d'otigh;
. : an';;.mirvi)ld; : jTian. ; .ha<i "siTCibuli; pups^ an!!
• I-. "• j\is': nafehaily • . :"s jvljpecj.-' 6rie .; tor : bring,
•ijere >.tot- ybiir ; : Ne\v: '."•ypaVs,^ gift, - !- 1 ;
Well; take'^fcv.--,:'.- ¦'"-.'.'• '' : .-.'-.:"yv.--'"- ; .-";,: : '',-.r.-"v •"¦¦.'.¦•'¦¦.:'
'A Nm Year's Gift.
¦ - : ; '-. : .t;h F^E-^QXaLuAR: ; BIIJLS^Iriquir r
e^XSity^.: " jThe : ) IJnlted^ States;- Goyex'nT
m!»nt-.Tt.e.ver';iS!iued'"th :^
;^^$PlliiT^-^ub^crllj6r.: €tty>v.Whtsky
;cb!njaiiis : f torn .'¦ : +».' tpv^iviper. -cent- pt
laipo^olV^aie:. -from! 6;;tp ;!9vper;c:^nt and
tteeT^fram- ii6vtP:;5^9t-;Pier ierik;;- .-r '¦}¦¦'-'
Pel lhaa!*- peeji ' ..-: ; .;.,:;
¦: .'Sfters- -tobited -a't.'si-lkst-.'Kalor^/v '¦¦-' ¦¦'¦¦>'¦
¦-Vnd -.hk.ts .and .h'ose -aixd >^eTv<t .- ¦¦ ¦¦':'¦ ¦
-• 'Enough toffUocfk. a tore: r. !;-"¦ : - ; - • V "'
S1ie-'s-.ask^d : : the .'.price- -of. bronze's,'-'. :
.-' ¦ A-nd.-potnf !lace-. <>ollai'.ettes: : .'"^.v.°".; "
.Sti-e'.S. -.ibpKed'.at/Fer&tari'pyayer ,'rugs,
B^Hirda.'?^'b'eert-' ¦a-^'h.trppj'ng' :•;'-¦'¦ ¦•"¦••./.•¦ '¦'
':• '.y&pBi. .says-', stte's-- ail mqkt: dead'. ¦-. S ':<:-' >•
•3He^^¦¦boiuiiht-^ind': hadVderiVefecl.^- :?¦.'•. .?¦ ¦
-: ¦'twQ^peiQfsVp.f,! Litton; thread> = '.-: "--'»'::
-'-'i : : >••¦;>. v :.¦;>.; ;;Pe>st:
m'G3i|j}n^' of-the •Sp£rto#. word hidajgo
is. '.' -a.:: jje rspti of ;nd.t>tfr # ". b Ir thv ! a. - man .of
icptisideratlph ', - : consider?!*
X'lprt'l r ./it" ; is- !.a !. f of .' : .th'e:-. words
hijp de : alguiip,. a,' ispn-. of spmebpdy, as
ppposed :! to; "those Who . dre-.texrae fllfl,
lit^fialiy;^ sdris \. of, the; ¦earth^^-obscure
persons;. sons. of. nobody .:\-' .',-." .. •
¦ .Jf that.'.'cpnvictioij! by-' a".- ntajo.ri.ty" : pf :the ; .
k Council, ' .the'!' .p<sp.pie' : Of :• West;'. Oakland" \wili, .-qJ ; cpuVse",
pbtaiirjhe 'tract, upon! easy-.'termsl; -It is Vnow-upiQ'tlietn^
to-'.ta ; ke advan'tage-.of. : the. favorable opp'brtujiitx^: ."There,
,oari.-be-np questjoii of .the; benefits, of ".playgfouiidsi- : Tfbie
canipaignV of j edncat.io'ri . oty-tfi at -.is;sue • has. b.een. l.ang :i.iri'ce
•Cipsed' : iri".-',.ey.eryyc.iviliied
¦ influence .;pf.'.hqiJthfur. ov^^^^
'and ift.'oral:ay ..w?il -a.s' the .physical.. develpprnerit; qf;boyi
;'an.d young',. rri en" that'in 'the great cities pf the.-Oljl-. World
:mill.ibns of . doljars "are . being", ."'expended' in" fpyoyidirig:
:: stich. rrecreatiOJi- "grounds;" and'.t&e--f i esulis ;?hpw.'."that ; ,;th.e
idimiriution ' in'..sickness, dest itntjbn" !a"h"d-. crim?/ iriakes;'the
:exp.end;tu"re ..'a ; true- eebnomyv.'. - IV is : cheaper •ei:^n..ai fa?
, frrioney vpropps-ition" to-- bring, .up •hwys'-properly.wi.th: ample.
{recreation than. to. : let them- : gro w:\upi. in; yic'ii. orc/irii.weak-J
¦rie : s£r.?nd"the.n; cafe •• '.fbr-' then^va.ferwarcl/.in i^spitals'; or
ix\ .•p'rispfis-.'.v •-.."• .•¦,v^'.:""' '¦¦¦.•\ '•"¦• ' '} -.".V/ '•" ';'.' ',:.'.'.) .v-.''V-\- ' ; W :"-?^
. . "comniuni(i«s\ have.-a!>g r Q.o'd.'c i h-a.nce \'&; profit"
by' the experience of •' older .¦.cities,- -We"; s.ltoj>l4J-ne[^?^e^
peat ' iri" : ; f he \ twe.ii tieth /centtiry . the: bluri d'efs . b.f . : th.e' ¦. b«i}d ?
ers. of". "cities' ..'in..;t'ime.s .-past:..'- Wherever; there ¦is:..!oppoFT
' t«nity to.-.eslabli^/aVpaiic and".plh^grp'u'n-'d'-irt com- :^a'.
niuriity- that -.is 'to" be Vjthickly! Stti\e<l.jfc'&'jeto?}xfor£t'*$Q
establishrneiif s.hbuld.- be" rri.acl.e withoiU.rlie.siJtatjbn. ,'S.qCb
parks and • athletic- "fie.lds Imay"'-^©'.-^ somethTp'gV^a.t ::tlie:
. start/ but-.theexperictiee.of. -.the ;cities 'of '-the Bait ¦and'-pf
Eiirope- attests ¦jthat/>mvt-he](en^- ; :^
.the. .most .economical "expenditures -.th'aX -muriicfpaHties;
can make: V ' -.'..-;• : /• ¦-. ¦¦¦,''-;.;•¦•.¦.•'-.!.'• ':^' r "••.'¦ I'.v ..- -~^[j
" Oakland -claims ;.fhe "..iitlc." of t.hc.'AitTeris' . -of-." -'the
Pacific and her people r are" aware, that Atheniaij" life, .bf
old was the. life of a- people- m^idefiratie in ; -rn-ind.".a?Svell;
as in body" by-.athletic/out- of. do.pr .sppcts; •¦ In our- time
the peoplcare. crowding more and rhbre- irito'cities^" -It'
is; therefore, more . important • than • eVer that- cities -be
provided • with- '' ample playgrounds an.4 =.p;arks,"; West
Oakland should rejoice in her opportunity: to-gef- a 'g'ood
athletic field on* easy terms'" a.nd give co'rdial. "support
to the .project- of "the Aloha Club "for.* providing. one. at
the^ earliest' date '.possible.- " ."' "' - ••; '¦ . ¦ ' '¦:''¦¦'
AMONG the many- popular movements running
• throQgh Oakland in diverse channels, but. tending
all of them to. the improvement of the city, there
is n«ne more interesting just now than the proposal
made by the Aloha Club to : establish a spacious ¦ pjay
ground for- the enjoyment and benefit of the youth of
West Oakland. • > ":• .'• . . " ' . . . . ."
As it 'has been reported, the plan-'appears quite feasi
ble. The city owns intha.t: district a' iract. of .land, con
taining ten acres available for th.e purpose, so that there
will, be no difficulty in obtaining'" the. ground! .Cb'un'cilr.
man Pcncjletpn, in -speaking at '.a. recent ¦• jnass" nieetirig
called -to .consider :the'-"propo3itipriv. described! "the.;, tract
as .being ."at, •present.u'seless' to -the. .i?it.y':an<I';.an"!eyos!bre,
.to the residents- bf the' .section." -. He Went bit. id. say- 'jt
might be" filled i ' iii" and" leased- or -sold 'by'- the-cUy; -'.or "it
might " b'ej converted . into ' the" 'propos.ed ' park ¦¦- arid play-.!
grciiipd, „ and conchvded by. "arguing -that '.it wouLd ; be'
much .mbfe .yajuable'-.to the crty:,:a'nd -.beneficial • to'- the:
cornmtitMty -as' a; playground ¦•th,an.:.by.' applying. "it:,(p."ai>y"
otherhtse..- °. •"-..•. :.'¦ • ;•-."? '-"../.'!"V- v*-'- '•.".- ¦" • *. .-; "'. : ' :: ¦¦.* :- 5 : -. - ; ;'.
. .TEMPPiRS ". THE' AiVINI>r-S.. pfar;
j^^fCo^^^i^jt^ltK^ar^e^M^ to
¦jthe.shpirri lamb'' is not- from the Bible,
This., phrase, in- English, was first used
by Sterne in. hlsi "Sentimental Journey."
it isr an adaptation of the French, pro-
Verb, "A brejbis tondue- Die,u mesurer le
yent^" literally.- "To .the "shorn, lamb
GotTrneasures the wind^" ."••'= •
The legation of the United-. States, of .-Colombia at
Washington will soon be a memory of -.vanished hopes
and thwarted ambitions. Uncle Sam will probably try: to
console himself for. the loss" in the gratification of the
fact that we have a new isthmian -riatibn with which to
deal, "and one with whom, our relations, for many appar
ent reasons, must be friendly. It is better to be friendly
with a fellow who can't fight than at odds with one" who.
won't be friendly. , ! ":"
.IiATIN QUOT ATION&—A. . 6. . S,.
Oakland. '.'"'CaL'. "Hie nigrer -est. • hu'nc
.tu.-romahe, caveto.'r is from the I^atin
of ;Horace; and means: ''Thisrrian (fel
low) is of a black character; do, you,
Roman, -beware of him; be on your
guard . against, him. This fellow is
black <>f. heart;, shun him. thou "that
ha?t the .spirit of a Roman".'* The
word " "tiiger" was used by the Latins
.to.. denote that which was deemed
either .wfeked. pr unfortunate. The
<iaotation is frequently used as. a cort
flusionafter summing up a bad man's
qualities v . .'.. ••.¦."• "'.'".
lrtj"h^s : ;life':!^aaittlie^]&rri r
perpi* of Japan be.eir'gre.et.ed by".bls'^sili>^
¦ject's In [. th'e ' wfay in \yliitii.r.the:: Jwhile
man is accustomed- . t.o.' - expVe's^ ";his .loy r :
aity.' -. One.' of-' these". ac'caslohs- was. .an.
the recent celebration' -of -,the! lErixpefb^s.
birth'day,. on ":N6VejTiber..3,-. wheri.-^Cr
c'prdirig' to" the. L.bridph"..Chrohiele,- the
people were u'na'ble" : t'6" . repress, .thefr
feelings at .the sight of his]MaJ!f.?ty;' the
ofhe'r-was wheh the..Mifeado; : .returned to
Tqkfq from 'the. seat' "ojf-./ : the." 'military
headquarters /after, the Chinese- ¦ wari
"when he-was greeted'for the first tlm?
in Japanese history;, with ..a:. . rpar of.
'"'Banzai!"- by imnjense.- crowds- who
lined the whole.'. route. frprn Shimbashi
to the palace gates.--. Nothing \Is. more
signrificarit of the. change ; wh.tchf . has
come over Japan." In. .the pld' days; the
person of the Mikadp was '¦ so; sacred
that when he- passed" every . subiect had
to leave the house ..and" kneel on .the
ground, without dariris to look , at the
Imperial person: and to-anjr : orte who.
uttered a sound'de?ith. would have: come
swiftly.- Even when Japanese-¦civiliza
tion .was. so- far advanced thai. the Em
peror held - his- ft'rst'- naval -review ¦ it ¦ is
rerriembered' that; --in.. accordance -witty
court ¦gtiq-aet l te^, he cairef uljy. turned. Ws!
bacit "ba tlfie'. \:ess^l8.and.;!.iheir;- . Cf4y;s
who .were, 'isalutfng: him.;. ..' : '"¦•¦ ;.;!. . ""'¦
." In' a recent election at -St. Pierre and Mfquelon. a
candidate who openly. and-. aggressively favored annexa
tion to the. United .States failed of success- o..n.ry;by": a" : fe\v
votes. - :The strength- ' by- this, candidate; ha ; s' ere-,
ated' \vid«pr gad. "anxiety/^¦whichV,aeems AvhoU-y iinwar
•ranted."..Our French, frietids'ishpqid'.- Ha'vieo.at.' least, ,V.he
couffesy. to. Consider" ¦.that'.'we.-are.-enti.tledy-'yet 1 -tp./the
choice, of ".the. company ..\ye" ; shaii:'.k"ecpV '..-,-. ';".•:•" ./..'.••. • . . :
¦-¦•jSf^tVA-li AGAbEMY— Subscriber,, Al
¦jajneda."."QaJ.. -.The Urrited StatteX Naval
Academy" was founded during the pres
.'tdehey- cf .President PolK, at*, the in
"stance .of George Iiancroft,.njen Secre
tary, .of the Navy.; Trieflrst act^of'Con
gfess.'regarding It! was that -of AugU3t
l'oi" iSifr. when- there was Bin appropria
tion, of $28,200 for repairs,* Improvement^-*
and'instructlon at JPort* Severn", AnnafS.
'oils',' Maryland.- During :th>. CJyll AN|a
the Academy was .for a. time located at'
•Newport. Rhode .island.- *"• •
.".Because -lie; had ".ribt.- rec.e'ived- 'Citris'tmas presents". sul-.
fic.ie.nt fn. quanXity.-ahd" satisfactory ih-.quajity .-a". ChicagQ
njan.'shot- his-.,cpi:is.in and jHfs" aun-t'.an'd. ..tried" to. kill His
! uric.fe»V."I-i : 'th,ls'be/ the 'correct- method" qt. regulating these'
little domestic : aff airs ' irt Chic.agb "it \V.ould- be interesting
to, 'k ; n6\S r .what the", sanguinary ¦ geTitlerhan'-.'.would .haye
"done- if." he hadn't deceived any present, to. .honpr-'tHe.'sea-;
spri of peace 'and/goo'dw'^l: \ : ::•/'-'..'.,•• ";' '.¦"'..¦•..'¦¦- '"
.• Engl|§hr pr-Jd'ft has -.".n&rejr-ju'p;: at "...th'ist
T.he:"Lon.abri prfesS jqolc it so hara- as Vp
find-it riecessary W majie'edit'brial pjp-i
.t'esf".asal-h>t.'.tHe" '.'preposterous clain^.'*
• The ' Kaiser's Illness, has. "not. "Impaired,
.nis* love". of- a". jok'e. ."Th'e ioast .. soOrids
very mu'9h..-llke a goodrnatured Wig.'-*
but,-, of course, Englapd; being/a ' bit.
dense .on. the jo'kV question, cannot "real
ize that" in "all -probability: thjyKalser
dj"d- not. mean that • his"; jdvial . remark?!
should "'be- taken- so. serlou?!/.— Balti
more-Herald^. •'.¦.' • ' *. / • ...'•¦'
. ! Enrperor WiU'ram.' toiiched Eniglarid- 6n
•Ing toast at thetariau^in'-h^or.of-.tn.e
HaabverianlregUnents 'hesaid /}"£ q the.
heakh-pf.the German" ifegtong. in. 'mem.
Ih cqiijuncUon. wit.h j ¦Blucher ah'd.'Prlis-'
sja"! rescue.^ tlje'p'nkUsh irniy/fi'dm-de
"striiction."at : Water4crci. : M - :.•."•'-¦>'•¦ ."... "." j
° ;" TKe.riKindate' has "gone, forth* in Oakland' that = police
officers must possess spme capacity, moVe appealing than
a /political pull to hold- their; po'sitions.'"* This. js'ptobabry
one of 'the reasons 'wh'y"Oakla'nd.'is not a"- cq^g^nial o wiri-'
tefTcsbrt fof." the" army of " rascals A'hq °move 'iypon our
cities' -after r the summer 'harvest o o f country "crimes. hVs
been gathered". "' '•' "•.•.' ' • " ]'...*•
Curative Shoesi
•;PL.I?O HATSt— Cit. # Ci-tV. ' TJ>ere
: is. . no.. ' certainty/ as ; 'to.' the. origin of
"plug," -a slang, 'term* applied *tp the
fashionable, dress hats, but it is be
lieved :t<j have orijfinated in New York
City. In the e'arly days of the volun
teer flre- department of that city each
member qt "a- company wore a dress
hat •a.n.d'by reason of* its resemblance
to .the" form of # the--fire*plus or hydrants
of those days they were called. '.'plugs."
"Plug" hats were* brought prominently
'to public attention when the. character
of .**.Mose,'\a fire department hero, was
brought.out.in the Old Bowery in the
city named. * • . "• ;
Townscnd's California glace fruits and
candles, 50c a pound, in artistic fire
etched boxes. A nice; present for Eastsrn
.friends. 715 Market sc. above Qall hldg. •
" .By authbrity of" , Congress. we wilr ¦soori'.'have'-a-navy
next in power'.to- Great' Britain.- '.. I.f experience can'.rea
sonably be accepted^ as a .precedent; it will Ibe wise t fdr
the builders to expend as much money, and perhaps more
care upon the. construction and "convenient distribution
ofjrepair shops and vards as upon the building of # the
fighting- boats."
"New .York, newspapers lave recently
discovered." ""a" man'.o? fjenlua" Iti-the
person of &'¦ ?hoemakerv'-.TWs "cobbler
conducts a factory ; "n'ear" Madison
square, He. call's .U, a 'ihpe gear insti
tute,";and the proprietor Is known by
the title of "curative , orthopedist." The
shoes turned out />y *thl3; "curative
orthopedist" sell at/ 11000 a* pair. Re
ferring to this seniiis and'hia worfe the
Special information supplied dally to
business houses and public men by th«
Press Clipping Bureau (Allen's). 230 Cali
fornia street. Telephone Main 10U •
THE year now past has added to the world's basket
and' !»tqre. and has increased the sum of man's
knowledge. The most important, scientific accom
plishment of the last twelve mon-ths was the develop
ment of the use.s of radium. This new agent, provided
by nature',, unlike any other creation discovered, seems
to invade all fields of human thought and speculation. .
It's iuminbsity and storage of heat, and emission of both
without reduction of its capacity- or volume, make it a
problem jn chemistry and in light". Connecting it with
the theory that our planetary system was originally
thrown off from, the body of the sun, and that the
planets partake, therefore, of the- physical nature of the
sun, except in the quality of self-luminosity, and heat,
science" gets the sugge.stion that the body of the sun may
consist of radium and that its exterior hu.sk, which, ex
pelled into space, formed the planets, contained that"
clement in a less degree.- Theological speculation is in
volved also in the radiiim problem, and the quality of the
new force projects it into medicine, for experiment as a
therapeutic agent.
If must be remembered that- radium is now in the
same staere that electricity was when Franklin ; sent up
¦his kite. The progress of the knowledge of electricity
was hindered by the dogmatism of the theologians. As
late as 1755, Rev. Dr. Priuce, of; the old South" Church,
Boston, in a sermon ascribed the great earthquake of
that year to God's desire to punish Ben Fraflfklin for in
venting the lightning rod. He proved tfiis to h]s own
satisfaction arid the terror of his congregation, and cried
out: -"Oh, there is no getting out'of the mighty hand of
God." : . ' ':••' " ' . ' •' ."
Now science' is no longer obstructed. by theology, and
the wider intelligence of the age Justly differentiates -the-,
spiritual from the material, so that more rapid progress
is made. in prj-ing !into .the great plans and seqrets of
nature, and we; will soon know a}( about radium, v.; .v
In the Av'orld o.f -civics .great :-prdgre!ss was made in
iQO.vVThe great peace-.of the Xvprld had its_ guarantees,
strengthened -bV- the' >yonk .qf ..the; Hague court,, and the'
tt^t^.^vi^^^^^'-:$i^W^P '.?P." ce • .^V-d. England, by
;>v h i eh \ a n t a'.gb/ri j s ms ' ¦ Aye re ¦ .' c.omp .os. ed -. • t h a t ' h a d - . ' e x i s t e d
cilice-' 'the:-.battl<i ¦ of • Agiilcourt. ' ' .. 'Shortlj; after ' appeared
the ; "pi05pe<t ;<>f "311=., ar-bit.rAtio.n.. treaty" between !Eriglarid
;nnd ;S^^».^ttVM;$qntr^.-:whicH -will, "greatly, enhance the
..prbjspect'pf -^e-ace/iji^thrs: hemisphere:;. •' It is gratifying io
Americans v that. • one.. :. qf •. bur- : - countrymen, ' thotigh ajien
borhv y-ea'r ga-ve- a mfllioh: dol : '
lar's-; tQ-ier'ect At thfe a": tempie of peac;e». to. serve aj?
th.i? : -.c0vi"rtroom iiprVthe^Hagtie' tribunal. .That, -gift has.
"hipfc" sigriiii.ca.qce .fpr'.rn"ankind;than ali'the. millions- spent ;
Pn ;{yarsfeips.. and "fortificatipn-s,' -.Though .issues ¦ iriyolying;
natibnai= honor ; "an.<j : .iescist^jicV w : iil! .always. ;be •decided 'by
battiei'tjiere; ij:jkji|C!Patvcla?S: : -"<3f questrons ? ;. involving : ek
pedieMcJJ:,-¦qT\iy i - : . which:;het(Sltbfpre"haye • beeiv p&fep't P.rb-'
«&^|s^f ; r^ayj{ti»t swijr b : e-.^ entirely' elinVhiated by tran-s
'i€v¦"$&¦ ttiat" great-.-irilifnalional\'cq.urt;- '.v,:h-iclr vyill.'- come 1 ,
riear -td. realizing/the-. Hspiration.:fpr- a Parljanfent' pr=man:
In bu.r-bWri-.cpuntTy'jfereat moral and material' progress
was madeVV.T^e'.Jaws..\viiich ftx and..lfmit. arid Rrotecf t&e
rights, of Ihe .p;eopTe-.haye' been ihvoked: and : en.fprced!prt
thc : several.. ne'\i' ..lin'ei that' havelb.een developed; by our
>api.d: -.mate rial-' advance, arid civil liberty and .personal;
:md?pendence',in the; pursuit '"p.f ? Happiness .have "beea.p.Vo
moted'.thereby;>. •.•.:"•.:•¦. -.'-.•" •;• . : . : . :..":. - : ; .'.•'"•
.' Ti?e." only ' shadow 5faife-; near', the: close- of th.e. ; jpear"ih'
tjie'.'app' ailing", rarir.bad; disasters' sp- d.estr'ucriye:"of,;hum.a'n
JifeVrand. sq 'Aprodiicjiyfe of misery : ''and' spr.row,= "at ; a. season
-glye.ri!; :^- : er.- ; to -:j:o^^a^ri.^;pieas^rfc-\--The'se'".dJsaat^s-{ar« in
!theif.-!fti^ri; : forgot{feit':i'n thfc. horror ;of^^=.tlyfe' Chicago tfje. at ej*
iVe, whieh-.-giyesva.;^ e
year. ..-••Svich/ K cajanrity;- "injpre?ses-..thq-'wjiQle- rworjrf^ Ohe
¦'.^srtno't. meei.-.k. ,c>r ¦:c6nt'empl^tfi.';it/.unmoye'd'..--.r(rhe 1 'i?ejts6n
r : e!e1«- -at- jtiie. "¦.spectacle. / -ifeut:. -the: day- is-, -gahe "by • when
sufch'. Iforro.f,-'- fold" -t.heir" Hands
Hjsl-pie^siy: /try-- vki^me.i,'*-' fatG;- ; Such " e.yents-':are' pre :
.vQnfabie.- 'byrpropcr-L'.cautioVr. '.'•vThdjives"; of ' thousands
ri?ed\ : bc" no" Joriger "ie'ft at;'the : .mercy of.-, a. defective rivet
¦pr --the. -Waste- br-'car^lessncsji.of "a- plu'ih'ber.- •'• .: " '
. -••¦'.Ev,efy"-day •in^all-'of/.o'ur great cities thousands, of .lives
arc-'exposed to .danger in audiences in theaters, ..churches
and ,oiner places of .'popular assembly. .In all respects
.not. only such but all buildin'gls in a city sh.6.uld be under
.such expert official inspection that no bad-.- joint, : n6r
: wcak'- boiler, .gas holder or- flue can endanger "life. .The
Chicago" disaster is a- lurid-' torch, 1 lighting the new year
with a'.wafning-that life must. be made, safer in our cities,
by a better public administration. .-
California is happy in a year of plenty and prosperity,
and free; from great calamities or misfortunes, .by
drought or. flood* or fire. Nature makes the State a New
Years gift of gold by filling our stockings with water,
the element that here promotes more fortunes and pro-,
dtice's more plenty than elsewhere on the earth. So,
with hail and farewell, California condoles with those- in
sorrow and rejoices with those in gladness, and girding
her -with gold and. fruits,', steps into the new year on a
path of flowers. . . • . ¦
• The Old Year Oul. / •
fiour. after hour the merry crowd
paraded up and down Market street.
Oblivious of 'everything but the sights
and scenes that only regale the eye dur
ing the last hours of the departing year,
the men, women and children passed
ana repassed the spot where stood an •
aged man. The long locks that showed
above the collar of his threadbare coat
were "snowy white, and the hands that
tightly grasped his heavy cane were,
searfied-.by the years that had frosted,
his hair. ; . "-! ~ V . ' ; '• ' "' :
• Occasionally, a. smile lighted up the
old man's face, bu.t' it disappeared as
.quickly as it came. Once a party of
young folks," brimful of fun, stopped in
front of the aged watcher. One of the.
party, a boy not yet out of his teens,
poked a fresh, fragrant branch of ever
green into the age-bedimmed eyes. An
other, agirliabout the same age as the
youth, threw a handful of confetti over
the" threadbare coat. A third called him
Santa Claus.
The old- man only smiled, and the
party passed on. It had not proceeded
far when the clang,' clang of a bell at
tracted its attention. An ambulance
dashed by. The jolly trio rushed to a
corner, blackened by a mass of people.
The youth and the two girls saw two
burly police officers lift a limp figure
from the sidewalk. Again they saw the
Snowy locks and the threadbare coat.
"Rush," the officers cried to the ambu
lance'driver. "Carbolic." ; ... .
give up an kbur to meeting with the .teachers arid listen
ing 'to the narrative of their experiences, and the inter
change, of -their professional opinions.
i^o life" in our country should be made freer'fr.om care
and apprehension of the future than that of the teacher.
•But as a matter of fact, there are few of us who carry
more or more constant cares than -the teacher. It is a
chapter in the great history of. the glory of womanhood
that so many women charged with the support of infirm
parents or dependent relatives,, some toiling to pay debts
and'- burnish again 'with Honor the name o£ their family,
carry it all by the insufficient pay of. overwork in the
schoolroom. There is ho n.eed to go tq revelation, for
descriptions of° the angelic" spirit, for ir shines in the.
ffice.s of scores of women who train our children and
bear our responsibilities, while "bending. under their own.
Such deserve the place" of honor- and the high seat in
the community, and should have every assurance of re
spect in proportion to their sacrifice and their- service.
width, varying from- 220 tq 350 feet.
Its total cost was Sl.0,000,000. . ; ; -
Probably no ship canal was opened
under morn favorable auspices' or with
ipych elaborate corempnies as.th Kiel
Qfc : Kaiser" \Vilhelm .canal,, which con
nects, the- German' Ocean and the Ual
tkv • In June, lS95,"'this magnlflcerit
v.oi.ic became.' the rf a Hzation of a plan
Iwrig: .cherished' by Gerniaii'y and Den
hiirk. ;JThc"" German Emperor, his
fleet and the -"warsjiips of all nations'
axsepnbled at Ivie.l and dedicated it
¦to'-.coriunoTte and' to war. •;*\v;; . ••
• -This-:- stupeiidous and magnificent
pfece'/of work" is remarkable for one
unusual Eawt — Its* - .total cost feU v-itli
i)it.h« original estimate made by Herr
Baeusch, its chief engineer, who was
in. " charge of the work from its stai't
'io its! "finish. .^s -K"^ ;^-^ "4^
• • The Kaiser Wilhelm. canal stands as
an example of high class engineering'.
It-begins near Holtenau. on the Bal
tic, nnd .terminates at Brunsbuttel, on
the North Sea. It is sixty-one and a
half miles long, and its total cost was
S37.44O.OOO. The total excavation
amounted to 100.000,000 cubic yards.
In 1900 the number of vessels which
passed through it was 21,571.
It is a sea level canal with tidal locks.
The line was laid -principally ..through
marshes and shallow lakes ami along
river valleys. The deepest cut is .the
Gruenlha' cut at the divide between
the Elbe and the Eider. At this point
the canaJ banks are Blxty»flve feet
high: the bridge over the ca'nal at this
point- has" a single span 513 feet long
and the lowest chord' of the roadway is
l?S;feet above the surface or th<» canal>
"¦•¦A-:, unique. methptl Was adopted .for
c.o'netructing :.the canal- banks across
the marshes.'... Light trestles. were erect
ed' iirid -saha -was dumped into ;the
marsh from sdiaH dump cars which
ra-.ii..' pye£: : th.e. : -trestles- : .jT / he sard- gra^-"
Jualiy ."diSpi^tced.^the.'5(if.t;.' m.u^'..sinking
tOo^heV-liarct : th/v Then .the
'.b'elirg aepbJsited outside th^:. sand -.banks.-
:; : .In"19O0'±he;^Jbe and Tra\-e s-lifp.canal,
cohjiedting: the ¦ and N; < jr't ix '¦'. seas,'.
; opened By : Emperor' William..; It;
is'jfb;rti v '^OTle.; miles .lonK.Vhas / .i r i .n;ayig-'
aililt- depth. Qfi ten feet!. a-ncl;i.a' severity-,
i^Tid ; i& icro^&e'd • by ; UV-enty tsIx- ' bridgesi
¦''Which! colt ;another "mnijop; : "¦:'¦ ¦¦'; . .':.' V [: >'
.-'. .The ¦¦•-$ianclie??t^rr.'; ship" ; .,cana>,-: ; which
practically:- makes tKe - city., iof Mancjieg- '
t'e^V-,Englari.d t :¦ aL: seaD/prt, ¦;; ajt hough . it ...
isvfif ty ;mile§ froni • salf : Xyailc)'; :Ts !al
>yays- spoken ~- of ; by.' erig|rteers Ws ?$$$¦'.
dt~ the great .canals:.'' viT^jfs 1 lif^n^i-}^^]
aUvi'." but :pe.<;ause ¦ 'It /is;-a.; ;w;oxk
: f y\i. *)l^ ;ln1.ter?est ;to : .feii^ineexs ¦ '.and', coji-v
tr^ctQrB : arid:-iQ- peoplh'- who. like to .see
:a :-bJtR : ..thirtg '-\yhieh -\yas'- :b'u ltt Viir! a. : 4>ii5 '
canai; ,iiriaV .in X8S4,; \ynen.'.ii; : ,;.vaB opened.
for^t.ra : ffi.c;.Vlt:.ftad coet: $77,6o / . % ,OOO. : The
total : excayati6n \xsus .^,.500,-:
;Q00 c"]uWi^}y4T;^£5Vin^re; w"^reV Qy.er '-\7S-ir;
.^..cuCbi'e. ya.r ; dS.- of ! irick : ¦•U-prk,- ;Te-:;
'quiriT!k; : 70;a0O;..O0O ' bricks'L'.i^'aO.riOb.'cub'ic"
"yards '¦•.of- : ;'c6ricre%e vand"^ : 22O.DOO.;cublc.
: yards.'.bf/;mas6fiyj\:'.'.-At.rone. : "tiine .th'Cr.e ;
tyejfc/4ri&g^^B.^i)iT3:ix6r]Z its locdinxjv
ft fves,' ¦ -• JS% " Iffi^- s t earn;' •: erigi liesV!
2.12 "^fa^^tu^ni-j!S^iy^^i^i^?^\vf
UriiVers', £jS,36.t : ..W0riini*h : and --22? Praifei'
.6r!,ra-ir^ayi:V::;;b- : ;( : - "-¦ - : ¦* y-iy's :-V:V-.«"ii
~ .-. At"- ; ahe':;p.oiii;t . :(tie _';.$ici '¦'; Bi:iHg.ewatfer
canal icr^sses-.tjle s.hip; c-a.na.V.;.arid (l% is
;carrie<i ;'-over! onj'a ' : "s.\ying- ittdse.--; t'.hiV
;^rlci«? ; ii 'ivzrif'M . ¦ Iwifi?. .-ta : n-;c-.; : 53^: ; ?e>t
JpVis;'- ? 19. ;¦¦ f e&i '• >y id<?' • ' an4 '/ 1 'iX&fo .! d^ep..
/Wh^n'^.hi;s.!p.ivot ed aquediict ".is- cfosed
ihe.canaiivjbpats i>ass ovtf.'it; J;utvwhen
4t^.i5- swiirigvtp:; : permit;;shjpi \6'.\xSqlss
thtpujrh AV;a,t"er-tiBht gates' V.^.fet' ftotixf
]aV cach'^ndV^cliaiising./tjje^ V^Ver : -th^-.
:ship-c^nai" .section .of. .-.the'. /jld'!cjihal
tpL'i tWnjk'whiolx '^ffOly^pxflts. center..
Th.^.- shJp.:'canaT ".proi>er': is .about thjrty
flycfrniles-long; and giyes'Maiichesrer,
which.- "j.s".."abo;ut- jAj^ty/Jte^l s?a
.level,- sa.!t " water'.- conpefetioR .with'- the
: Mersey!.. Hi verV: Live rpoci] -and'.' the At°
raftfic Jpceaji/ • 'Fpu'r •¦groups' ; <>f lock's
•phrn-ide the required- "si-xtj-foot lift:- '.
• •-. : • . -."• ' •
!•¦ .Three ship canal's : - give *>6hti jiumis
passage - to vesse-.ls-" froni. the. hvad of
I>ake Superirtr ioJ^ake OntaTJo and" th-;
¦ Su .Lawrence -."Kivier-. ¦• -They- .are the
Welland -Canal, the SJ.t.- Mary's ' Fal!.v
Canal, at. Sault«'.'Ste. Mich., .and
the -Canadian canal on the- plher side. -
. ' The Weliand . ranal Connects. Lak««s
iontario and-Kri.e; And th«."Soq'.' canafs
provide a' Jift. from the -levejs of Lakes
Michigfan-and -Huron to Lake- .Superior.
These are hot Fhip'canalsin the senso
that thc-j-Jare 'short Cuts" or. artificial
straits, but were, built to overcome
rapids and waterfalls. " . >'•¦.-
'.The *.*Soo"/"ls» probably the- oldest his.
toricaUy of- any of the modern ship
canals, for as early as 1797 a canal v.ith
tociqi was": built to overcome the Sauli
Ste. Marie; rapids by • the. Northwest
Cprnpanyao take, up" loaded canoes.
The present "jSod";canal "was begun in
isri? >y ;the. • State ¦ '".: of Michigan ; .ami:
opened tyro; years lat'^r; the. length be
f ng-J6.74 feet. • "in-; 1870 tfie] Uftrted • "States
GOvemnieni ; : .began" /.tec.. '. enlarge \ th^
canal," [and jin ! i^S2 'Michi&an : tarne&! th'f;
"eajial'.-pve.r to- 'the.'-;-Gpverhrn£ht. "•.".'• "Five
dp*yn ..and ; a. single/J.o'cX •" 800.' feet" ip'ng;
iOO^teet wjde.'and. 22-.fe.et "deep, 'was' .put
.in,.:; The.c^nal o.n. .the; "Canadian isldo,
is ..onje .and° : one-eighth' mrles. -long, .150
feiet w!d.e : and 22vfe!eUde'ep/ : "find:, has. a
lock ".900 i.ee£- long.! : ; •" ' . .- •-,:¦:'• ' V ,. r ' -';
. The •Welland:'. canal -.was'.cbhstructe.j
in 1833; enlarged; "in.""IJ$7jLf a'nd'.' afeaJuY j.n
1^09- -It' Is- twenty'-geyeh .milealong ana
its twenty-five locks- 6-vefc.etn'e -a differ
ence of-327;feet lh_*leveis",.".. This. canal
cost. about $25,000,000. : ;""• ' • I ..:. • ¦ ."• •'
"I ; h : -vieW: of -the probability" that "the
t'-nlted .States wjil build- r ami-. maintain
"the Panama canal the. cost of construe"-,
.tioh and •maintenance of some of the
big. shhi .canals is c" Interest/ As there
are no locks -in ••the $uez canal; lock-,
keepers" are" not" an item I "of- expense,
but the. drifting and- shifting, sand re
quires constant dredging to keep.' the
channel clear: . An easterly current, also
carries- the. sand 'and sedJment dis
charged from the Nile, to the Mediter
ranean terminus oT the. Suee canal; and
this must be dredged.. The .a-nnual
cost of operation and. maintenance is
about $1,300,000 a year, or $13,000 a milft.
•The- Kaiser Wiihelm canal costs in
operation • and maintenance: annually
about $8600 a mile, 1 and the annual cost
of maintenance only of the Manchester
canal Is $9SC0 a mile. : .
JOHN D. SFRECKELS, Proprietor . ... . . .° . "? .. Address "AH Commanications to JOHN McNAUGHT, •Manager
Publication O^ce . <Jp?3CTfs§fe>' Third and Market Streets, S. f:
._ : ___ ' o • • ' • ' ' °
FRf DAY .....: ..............'...............'....: JANUARY i. IQ04
• ¦-¦:.-••;. v- ,.-¦.¦.¦¦•:-•
|-fv "Vpfar the most important gathering of the/year- in
r~>L San' Francisco is the -meeting of school teachers.
-¦--''..Perhaps, no great- public interest -gets as. little at:
tentioTrfrom" therp.eople'as the schools and the teachers.;
-H\'a*' qhtld" is p{inbhed ' or . disciplined, .the parents., and
neighbcirs. : are Keard:frOm ahd their side' of -.the.' cas.e "gets"
Into -the '¦/papers', 'to.' the .disadvantage .of- thV; teacher.-
Otherwise;, as a..- rule, we : pass* "the _sc.h"oplhQuses unim
pressed by : what they./rnean.-.The future of .the' country
i^ -being '.determined Avithin" their ;walls, ..as -far as .the
training imparted .'there" affects the //character /-.of" •• the
future' citizen. ••"•'-' •¦'.'.'•' " ; ' •• ¦ " '. .. .. ' . •"•
We' .seem t5 need, more '.touch' with 'the' schools. • The
curriculum is : evidently' overcrowded, and . this is the re
sult '<?f •inattention on, the. part of.' the people.. Teachers
will have fads. Wd Qur children are ¦.experimented with-,
through • the agency, of school boards and compulsory
action' toward "teachers. If less'-.werfe. taught and better,
by leac.hers whose energies are not. sapped by. the exac
tions of an overloaded course, .we -would meet -.more
teachers: in .other than teachers' conventions,, and they
would have vigor and leisure to impress themselves, and
their work more upon the community. If this -.were^the
case,.sucha convention as that of this week would' not
meet without ah. audience composed of the public, The
parents of the children who are being schooled would