Newspaper Page Text
'•','••'- THE "WEA.THXH.i . -• .% rcr«ca«t . xn*de at Sau rraa clsco for thirty hoars easing mlflnlght, Jantuxy 2: . - .;• San Francisco and victtsitr— ra.:r Saturday : . Urht northwest wind. ¦ - -O. H. "WIIiLSOET, .. • . ' ¦ Local Pcrecaster.'' S^N : , FRANCISCO, ySATURD^Y^ ' < j)VNtJ>KBY ' I 2, ) 1904: FIVE CENTS, \v 'Continued on'Pagc^,' Columns 3," 4.and"5.' Appointment j Causes Comment. ROME,! Jan'. 11— The • appointment' of Monsignor •• "•' Xozaledo-, ' -, iformer Archbishop ; of . Valencia,^ is 'widely commented on. The new position by tradition entitles Monslgnor >Noza ledo to the]red hat.and if- that honor is bestowed =,upon him the sacred col-, legejwill have -a member .whose anti-*, American sentiment " is "weir known. BLOOMINGTOX, :ill.. Jan. 1.— The street;' railway.; system; of Bloomington and Xormal are- tied', up by - a strike. The men demand an increase in wages.* There is "1 Jit tie' prospect of an early set tlement.'- ¦•¦;.'*•"-•' ' r* Streetcar System Tied. Up. LONDON, Jan.' 1".— The British. Foreign OfHce»is {confirm or deny Baron Hayashi's information; The officials'," however,.; say. they, are not T surprised at'the tenor of his _advlces.'{r The ''Foreign-* Office -seems inclined' to think that:Russiawlll,'if'possible, avoid making aireply^Pfianylkind^tb'th^'last^ . ¦ • ' . . . ..•'.'¦';* "My .; information from Paris," said the Minister Jof:* Japan,". "is.-not^QffiCial/.but'-Jn connection i with' information imparted to me by'the British Government,: it is*. probably^ onjy^^ Information that ''.Russia's ' reply will \ be framed ; In a mariner ; to. satisfy^ Japan turns qut{'to ; be "correct j'y will be better .news than I dare Ao/hope for." ¦. . "¦:,•. .. ,\; ' ¦.--..' -. . ¦• ; ,/ ~;^ vV-";^;:..-'*^;.:^^;.;/-^'.'-^:! '•" • *>' ''.-!-. ; ' '' '-' ,''¦';: .'¦'¦'¦ '¦ '".- PUEBLO. . Calo., , Jan.f l.^-William B. # : Slopre. who; has fpr yyears "*be"en cleric in^the pfflceof.the County. Treas urer, has been rriissihg-since ihe night of Saturday last;' when; he' accompan-: ied his father to tKe Union "depot, | the' latter leaving 'for; California. The son was. to ' have ' departed" on,' a.* later train for. Denver. Whether. he .'\Vent -to Denver Is'not known; and; the police after a thorough search of .' this city have been unable -to/' obtain a clew. Moore has .a family- residing* in ,a prominent neighborhood. He Is very popular and-wejl known. : . • , TREaSUREB'S' CLERK DROPS OUT OF SIGHT . JBAKEriSFIELO,- • Jan. ;1 :f .^— Persons-' in .this cfty 'txioKx -Sunset' Report *fha.t there, are' no'signs^of any -settiement pf*,the' contrp-versy .betweeh .the 'Cali^ ; f priiia. CPhsolidated i Oil -Fields e6m pany"«irid . the; Santa Fe '* Ral lr.oad . p\^r .the .rigiitiof -.way across the forty acres north ."of. 'the Alariieda property 1 ,* al th'ough (lt| is . generally believed that spme agreement vwiil be reached. . The oil iGonipany still has its armed guards patrolling the' disputed-; strip: and the hPuse.-. which was . moved', on the rigTit.'of.,viay i$ still. there: The Sinta. Fe,. f Prces. are' , working. Pri other parts of the. line. and. makings-no'. attempt" to operate in" the guarded strip, ot land. Right';of ¦ Way .'Agent- Henderson -has visited .the field several times in an endeavor to straighten-' out -the trou ble.'. . : Jt- *';:>':.'•"„; • • .• .-' • . ¦• Sdnta-'Fc Jtailroad'and 'ithc-.Callfornla • ¦-. Consolidated " "Oonapany* Appear.'.-.'/' •¦.¦".-'•:.."; ijnable to Agree.-. ',"; "V- ' » ARMEfij GUARDS iPATROXi: .' - mSPUTEb :OIL. ..TERlliTORi' • : BUTTE, 'Mont'., Jan. IT.'— A 'report' hgts jlisV been-. received from the. llarus arid Pe'bnsSivahia mines, the :sGfcne."pf th^ •last: underground battle/* ' says 'ihat'.anbther clash has occurred be -t.wecn'-th« . Heinze and Amalgamated miner's, iu .which one man • kiil'od •several . were injured. .- • |.v I "-':¦'; ¦ ." ¦ •The''-foi-ccs of Mayor Pat.Mullihs. Tihp, •hitifieHo -has ;been Knawn as a. stanch . fteinze-supporter, and Heinze came to ¦feethcr.'- last' night, on the Copper King mining; claim, which Mullins. ; -claims lloinzr is.seeltihg to jiimp. Word .w'a's brought to-'Mul'ins of the departure of the- Montana Ore Purchasing Company, .rnin^r's -for the- Copper King ground, *ard the' Mayor eummonirig all the po .licemen within- the sound of his call eci.c/ron-a run f er his mine. He found a., .force of . men under Foreman Creadon busy at work in the shaft.. MulIinV shouted to the. men below if they did hot come to thfi sur face rocks would. be hurled down the rhaft and all of tne trespassers would be thrown into a dirty jail. .. - ; "Well, as your the Mayor, I guess xve "«iii have to go," said one of the men. ".' . j "You tan just cut this Mayor- part out. of it and this is -Pat Mullins.who is going to fight it out as Pat Mullins! If Heinze wants this .claim he hac gpt to punglo up five thousand ylunks." Hepdrt Says : a iGlosfr-Betitvceri •• FoFces.-at^riis .aitil--Peq-p's.)i '¦• .Taiiia Mines Resiilis, EttutUr. • LOS ANGELES,; Jan. ; 1— There i* no'. longer .any doubt ' as t6 the status 6t the Salt. Lake Railroad, Senator Clark's line between this city and Salt -Lake.' with reference to existinK railrpads. : It maynpw be- positively stated that R. H. Harriman of the Southern Pacific Is. practically an equal owner In the property with Senator Clark. That be ing the case, . It means that the new line -'will- be simply a j Southern Pacific: feeder;. under another name and' that its .construction will in ho wise disturb easting ' conditions ; with reference" . tc/ "transcontinental freight and passenger trafnt/:'.- ;';;• .'..•• . •; '..:' -.. : '.••;•• .• * c " -. Senator' Clark .and President Harrt-. man • have agreed .that each' sfrall be represented by. two persons in, the con-' •structlon; of the. new .road across the cpuntry.' Fpf the first named J. Ross Clark and Engineer William. HawfcobdT have been' acting, and for Harriman the construction agents of Chief Engi-' neer. William the Southern Pa cific and General Manager Bancroft pf the Oregon Shprt Line. .The two last named recently completed an Inspection pf the graded poxtipn pf the' line and both have left Los Angeles. •Whether or hot the new road will become part of the Oregon. Short Line system or will continue its present cor porate existence pnly the projectors of the enterprise know. The presumption Is the two properties will be managed separately, as the southern feeders of the first mentioned road were sold last year to the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad. The new line will, hpwever, give to Harriman two separ ate feeders into Pomona, as the South ern Pacific now is in that eft*. "O'C- Special tH sj>«tch; to, Th» CmXt. BRITISH DIPLOMATS ARE NOT SURPRISED % % ,.' sliOKDO^'Jan. The.. Far' Eastern ;.ouU6ok.iS;glppiii)^ Nq'further news has; (developed, but ;; the/ fact -iliat; n6t .a single telegram from 'japan- has 'heen received^ by * aTtiy - Londoji. newspaper •sinpe Tfiursciay/iaiglit'in- itself creates ,'T^eVtelegraph 'company is not ; a>yare "of; any- delay, in' ths trapsit : dj TTfessageSj ap'4'it therefore' ;is;'5iippo # sed: that the-^japanese '; government. 'is. .shopping dis^tcheS.; V ': ; - '{ ."'./ ¦- ¦ ; . : .' ' V '.,.". :: ..' , : ¦"•' ' . ¦' y: H ; ; ¦i : :"'.f':' '*•'¦¦¦ ¦;¦ :\\\ :• [I - y . "•! ' '¦'[ 4 '\ '-': ' , v -The ieering.' of appreh£nsi on Avas Reflected -at ; I^loyd- s Vyester'day,^underwriters demanding;ad ditagnai .preniiiuii \ to c'ovef ,*a war risk.oa' a"li'yesseJs, no matter, of what r nationality, proceeding ( east of Singapore:.' : The Xiondon rtidrnin^' papers' print' alarmist statements.', ..The .Daily .Telegraph,;. in leacled type', says;-.: •.;. ' • . •*. • - ; *.•-. '^' r ' .¦'• '¦', ' - : •>;. : - '7 ? - '£]$'' : '-- '''¦ '¦'.'. ' ! ';' : ••>•'• : ¦,.'••• ';• ' ! '•¦¦ • ;• "¦ .fEym 'm ;diplckmati^ hithertp^saoguine' ohpeajlxffi is:a.ll-b.iit inevitable.' # Neither- Japah por : RussiaNwill a'bate^anythin^ 'disposition.- on either 'side' to invite- the mediafioh of' friendly^pb\vers...' It is believed %'that- japan wgill'tak^clecjsivje stepfs". within the .next ./few days,; unless 'a : conciliat6r} r ;;messa'ge^is. dispatched ;.from St.. •Petersburg,' a" -contingency Av'lnch those bQst.abile.tO;i6rnn judgmcVlt;•dp'.^ot B antic^patc;"•r¦^;¦ i^* ; ••/¦ :i .;:'; The Daily. Mail. deak ; ;Similarly ; withife it understands that; ;1^uss}a' has . reached | a decision ; whith- .: when conimunicate'ei ;tb /'Japan; ;mustTprecipitate : .hQs£ilitjes.v ¦ .The . sk'iU ing of' : the Nippon Mail' boat v lriaba^taru : f^ postponed.: .* '• • -:••¦'. .. •'. - : '', ¦ ¦ ¦: ' :r;-.-^-^-.- -.- -.*-—-• ••.:;., -:;.{'./; :»\ : ..,' : ¦^y^\~; : ?. ¦..*-;...•' -.'':.:¦" ¦¦• . 7:-X} a\^ : -vVrtiohg utiraiifrrmecfrimiors. in steamships circle^^{qne^ 5t.eamsW •;.".. The Daily Mail's Malta correspondent y repqhs ; that/' five -^ which'are'undergohig'. repairs- there.hax'e been suddenlyjord : ; ;Are vHep6H?i; to. Be UqndV: ypytners in 'Salt lake^Koad [under t JMmiralk^imura;)i RAILWAY KINGS JOIN INTERESTS THE;RUtJER OFAIiL, THE. RUSSIAS," WHO -ARE XIIiEL^Tq' J3E CALLED :VPti$: f TO ? EIGHT ' •";". with^ THE 'FORCES' OF "JAPAN; OVER -THE •QUEBTibNiOFJTERRITORlAL- RIGHTS v 'lN '.&¦ ! VALUABLE' .;'.¦ SECTION 6&THE.ORtENT.'- ." ; > .M ',;';/' v .r .." I'.-:'."- ' -> ; ' . ." • / ' : •' '" ¦'•''. " ; ' v , ¦.; ; . : '; ' '.' .•CALli:JvtES,Xev;v.J^ri: : l.-^Wor:d has JUst reA.cfaed here of therkllling-.o-f. two prospectors, WiUiam 'JOH^/ahd. Hepry ' Alexander,, by. 'Piuie. . Jnd-ia.rrs* w^h>>- are thre&4:eni'rtg a revolt against the whites'. • Thfe pro5pect6f5.w£r(iVo)rkrng : iii v the Arrow Canyon range,* hptth'Qf'the-.San ' Pedro and L«os Angeles- Railroa'd, being biiilt" by : Senator IW. ' A- , Glark and : b'is .asEoointes. Henry' Slowe ; /a"r)d; Jariif3 D.urrlan, two •othcJ'-pr.ospejitpri, passed their 'tent and found-th'e'bojStes ol ;tbe two jlying: ' riea-'r_"<tJic;aWh^s - :cif; a .earppjElrc. "They iiad-'been.'shot arid trtt^e "' had aft^f-.vard-'iiee-n'.nvutilated%. ; : . 4 ft«3-/nTui'der -is- iaild: : ti3.iihe;/ Piutfi/-In di.iotts". from tfic ¦¦ Mp^pa; ' R^servJatlpn, HvW have, been .iigjly-. bf.;Iat;e-. '. jrany prparj/ p.'artit's- Wave, leff-the' r^sen-atldn" &n;d -are rpvingvabout', cpmmjtting'd^p.' redations Qh-Tainones ..arid-^n thi'bainps jo't^s-UirveyoYB' or prospectors^ " . A- geBjeral .arid massacre". arfei.feaFe'dv-arid an appeal = may Jje.'.ma'de' for. troop's- Vo '.quelj'the disturbahcGS. t • \ . " . . * .. ¦ /• . .'.The; troul)i6 started ;bvet- tlie passage ef . i sentenc;^ -of death ' Qh a Piute . boy; •who killed Wiiiiahi: Willfam's near. La? Vegas' iq. August or last. ye?r."- -The boy a'dpiJt'ted' he- .was.: 'feuUtyi.. but -'cJaiiried .Williams' had treated; hi mr^cruelly. }> The Indians 'threaten- a wholesale Wiling x>t ' whites if tlie-^entencjs of death Is car-. r.ied ;:ut. Efforts afe beirrg-m'ade tp )se cure a cpramuta.tlpn.' •': •*."*..' i~: ¦. .; ' •'¦¦': £p«ciai .bispateh. tor Jhce <"&IU lv . •'; "A- Band •from-. "tne"" Prairie was to-liave tak'en.part," in the Ne.w.Tea.r?e celebration; to-dfly,.liavlng 'be^n left-behind by that cful^'er\ w-hen she\ was hurried;, away yesterday. ... The band dgparfed .tPrday. .with. the- rest pf the.cpmp.ahy -on board the Mayflower.;" . '¦ " .. .. ¦¦•¦.. • •¦.• • The .- Generarl • Pinzon ' wft's -f pririerly James' Gprdpn Bennett's vya.cht. ¦NaV .mouna.- ; '.••.¦' '•{•/*/¦ • '. : '• ;.'¦'* :';. ''¦ '-.'• WASHINGTON. 'Jan.'- X-^ecretary 'Aippdy says:.'he/.knp'rt-B iothlns.of the srnklhg pf '.a -Cplpmblari. gjznbp'at' by 'American.: warships,* -and •¦ does' -bo t .' b© •lieve-it 4s true..-- .. ". •' " . : . V/: : - ;:: :: .' •Irrirnediately upon, receipt; p£ : (he "neyrs •Admirai/G6shlanyre'ft".h6re.iBioar:d;;^ .Mayflower. :- Th1s.;.way;tb^;.last^Amefl i cari warsiiip -jfef tVfiere". -;T.he ; (Olyrnpra, the . auxiliary •.CEuJs^rv.i'iaiiHe ''?thd.; the gun.bont '.Casti Re';' were.- hastijj^ ;.- preparetj for sea rfnd. dispatched -for thft Sari Bias coait yesterday.; iTn'fe-Casttne u'as.'qiil'te. 'unprepared; for' the. trip'.- • ijhy- had. jhst arriVed • ffdnj", , ; PhiladelpTiiai: and: >. was coallns at, .ihe : titne-the # rie\v» was.'rer cerved- 'of the*, landt-ng .Of.-.CoK'Oi^bian regulars "- dn. • teffitpry: v ':b"elohgin^:.tP : J'anama. ,'/ '. .'• - "'•' '.' '-.'' "¦ /. ¦.•-. : ". ; :V. ••'. that^Sthe •;. Cblombianr. gunboai: '7Gei^e-rai X>aflen '.Gutf 'by v an/iAJTierJcan;: ci^iiser, prp.bably.,th* i^; : wHlch.-way/pewf*-' ey'.s;flagsh}p- in •.the .battle. ¦pf-iMa.B.tla .Special .¦JJIspatch'-tq'The :- ; CtAt Sunk. SAVAGES THREATEN MASSACRE AMERICANS FIRE UPON A GUNBOAT ;>Therei >er>,t\vaV:^rjtifi(eatca' '¦:-iiiJ'.- : d^' fj&ro- $250p,^pf ; . :: tecelnt ?.dat"*;| • .jjy. s^id to hay e toKt. ah ; a<!q'uabitaiice : -that he a brice . lost hiai savtnga\ Jr». a' Chfcag^ a sister In Bqstori.v ; ;vv^ 7^.:'.; : ;Vr-'V.:v?.- ;.. ;lin _'t-!i^llniii_gs -p-t^^W^ltsr'iJ.s^qeVq't'heV pr^e.t»backs and ! : -.g;oid 'piece? j&te : loun& In ¦a::air?Lpldaied tFunjc. ether garnient?, Tvorp shinjf ;WlVlt; age;^ifeiaei'tHbtasatidal of dpliarifrprii^^vragkedjfcin^fc v .;iiusty bid .shpe* hi^d;.f.^l'se-..spie*s:;.f.uliof-^iQn'ey; ; H^V; : - .baDda.^twJfred-'-'writii '". treased ; '^eenbaicks; •¦ : .:. : -:C-vV ;: .•.•!.: . -^;.'^ f or ;h"crardljie .;-".^e.a^t)bii;'^sri)»-.>.isxa<ril» tft-idVy ,: by; : -iyr.rf^r^i; : in\the-'-:Pra^ . ha tel. ' / itran' §;era.'^ asked .VfoT^ cs.^t6^p'f!;jqh ; 'n. :^^ a: f eVvir :^My»' ;»«&'- ' in ; :;a.outfi.'-p joaW: !of .' a : ;c^d;: ; ;_flfr! ha^; ;wGrRif (l- : for- At;riiour/!& ¦ •: ; -eeveti- .yeafa ' yn !*. :8.riiail. salary' khd *as rjeyer/s^^ io hay'ei iponey.- • -\ : .. : ..>l l he;^mJ.ejEx^^pi^;.the:^fcr,•:fij¦Ou8ei^¦ ;tH«f !b«dV ;in.V Jtts. : T yifn^J?hed'':apartr.' irifen't.': •¦_: 'iSjwaf'ewtrif wist tfriat' h'Js ac* titf iintaricr.e9; f patxpeV.. ;^hV^i^r^V<t^k^\ha^ v '-;aicidentany. Ga^ie' : in ;:c<?ntaet r^iwitlJ;.a:.liard subaitahce' Jn:-th;e.Vep4t;iJnJ»gi^ It^aa::* S30 igold' p.l^ct. . : t7j> aftd; .^pwii^ -the ieams, of ¦ the cpaiy^^ : trt»useiivah<3 [Vv^ti,"w^reV^w;a';-.;ojE' simiIa;r;^cpiris!;::^^e:sh«»uiderW coaty-^ei-e ; .- padjBed: .w0h3bUl.s J ; ;4*Bnqmliii^biu : -^'.^^^ y. cars;--' ;-S<>tithi '.¦^Tri^hi irupte ;8eyjreft: 'tii.f he Jinin^,orii^ i^hs"*; f$2<^ r 0WVin, iotd ,an'^-:^b injg t»* :^q^ia^^c^ :ture;oi- ; abJfect>S6V€!rtyvW • : - !i 3V':K'"-V*'':-£ 'Special. Ertspitch to. Ttiij - Cini HEINZE MEN AGAIN BATTLE T^i'e'tA' Auf»el - L^vils \Vafe d-fs ;.<*p\'eTr!i':ThanK»gfv£ni!- day; The- bendy 'jgacik jbgrfflMy^* Jfrojtnajtfja ; an"4 the -clpth- JjiK-- ;pa\;^-. evidence _' '.nf • ¦fia.ving'. been ¦*F«?ajT-fi.c^. '.The' "couhiy" officials failed To 'fiiyi p riTigt^-'c'ejv" t«t. - : th«f "rniiTdercrs; an.'d : \h^\tx : at dyremalp^d' ji ; my&i^ry up '$• jui'-day: . .; •;. ¦ : :-;'-i •"'-;•'•' -;••• .' v:-..'Tie;'f\.is} : jre'il, ;Kat ; .'-T> : as\«nly . itiinned. \S^>*n'; : ti<? iti.tterppted- to. eet. Up ihe;. three i^pyi?, . apcqrdih-g--. to' • tk-hofield's s^crry» ;f^|i • -Ujj/ »h 'aijd .vith. stones- bekt put -.Th.ey^theil-rJne^' his . elotii iag.v^iybizi.itifi booty .'and separated. . . -.and.'- Ritcfjie. .rnafle'-; fpr - the. ;n-jr|hVirii part- cif t^e :State,: and. : " news hks {¦byK'ii received j.'by ; the'.'* St^u*61:'autirpfitjes- Jha-t;-.Oi'o' ; v\1ey'--;\vaS'. • Thursday 'at .Slercfed. ;- Ritchie ;i*;^ill' -ih ./the • -¦horHlern'';part ' Jot* th«5 giat^. ; • Sohofield' reiirSined .in -Soiither'n ..Ca*Htor^al'Ab^-aft«rv.uian'aer4n^''XLrbund' •f^r;;rnore .thi.ft a- jmoSnth ifeturned .to. Ayh'ttiep to-day.ana : ;.; \Jie-:'p.aa<t t hat af t^r" he, -Crow-ley 4pd ;K/tijiU;^.ii3^': effected •.lh<elf i :;-if>^ape. they • T^de r. jtiietf.. ..way.-: : to ]•• the -Ban-, fling;-, roacd-^iji.qn _':TJianksgtvfn.s . daiy jfeil .tri ' Wiji :^h^J ; I^vis.. 'itj convefEa <l5nv.^;it'h; iih^m' Le.\v.{^.. }ei : : jt . b> : tno\ya- on^^hjs /pei^ori. ••Sctrqfield. «ays jie';^jid' ; hlis companions, . 'uppn'./iearnlhg '-tjpis'.' ¦ kill teytis. aiia. .take Jila •wtrriejr iana.- Valuable?. ¦ : SchpfteJd says Jand" ;-Crbwley- -.61^ jsa^'ed "::'L«eSyJ5 : in.icvjm-ersaiiori-, . one -. ; Qf ihrav-^aiitiiygoit either. sideof the vic •tini, H.Hv.ifioJd. dropped . beiiind; /secured .XV-^^iibr^tuh'e^«iiK^|i^jUi^«^:^|^|k4. l^iS;fe; fiTJQcK!hirti' 'a'iblo^y .b'n. Ui6 head ;'-¦ ;jAth ¦^ ; 8chf»fi%l.dv. : -Cornelius -^-Cr^TcIpj: ¦f!1v>ng:; : ;.- : .Schonerd; : to V'i'he •P chOfil ; to-day and . .beeanse tie t\-"s s con V Rt-)^Hr*rj5irf cjt^h ¦;tol3...t fte . ftofy-." of. t Jie" TJliirde.rof liCwiS^ ;': • •¦;X'r- :; • '• "'¦'.:''..:¦'¦ ; : - ' ,-r -froi<% .i>< tti yjyag' f oii hd nejir'.Ba^mng • on .Thaii^^i vinsr day, '-h^^rt elrared up.; ¦He .';it^s",mjir4ei*d.;i3y: three -bW?;3ac •jJor^iijg^.i^the-' E^^r.t^^by^¦pIie;;ot i'ie.K: ftettrjri School. : "v '.-'¦'•":¦' :K ':.}¦. \ '¦ '¦.' z . ' : i''~: : - y Garments of a Dead , Mam " Ara-.Fonnd Heavy With Gold Coins and .-". Very Much Currency, Companions Killed Stranger and I • -. Tfeea Rifled His Clothing"! • :".'. Extraordinary Instances Wealtn Hoar^figiii Nebraska. ' f esses Crime. .. • Hiieffiilli lars Sewed in | Linings. - CLOTHING CONTAINS HIS RICHES BOYS PLOT AND CARRY OUT MURDER : No w 'Have a ; V ery^ Early ; ; y; : ¦ Opening. • > Clash; <>f Nations. Is Declared: to • ¦¦;.-.• v Ber Irieyi- : --:-' : --'V : table, '? ' ONDON, Jan.*. i.—rBaron Hayashi;, the JapiancserM mister Jtefc; has .been infahhed : from \-w parts' that Russia has 'decided not tq'grajit the Japanese proposals. This is^ve^^intimay; ¦ t ion any one; here admits having received aticnt the Jiussian -reply^. The B'aron % s'aid to a repre-\ ' tentative of the. presss . • • V- : ; : :;; " V.-" ¦ : -'[ ";.h/' v\>.' .'. '¦¦•;;. ;... j -^ . - : ' ¦- . .'• / : '"' ¦' ''...'. • ;. : I : : : 'J"If'thc information. from Parti ¦: the : Japanese '¦'Government adheres, to its 'present determination there Seems. to -be' small possibility . ,6-f ' .averting ivar."[ " .-. . ¦ .. ' ¥*$^l$$Ll -* „«;'..> vVv' .. : " v ' -¦ ; *> V •; "WAR CANNOT NOW BE AVERTED"! SAYS JAPAN'S MINISTER IN LONDON - Tim-Tjmniiim. Alcazar— "Bias Jean a." . ' - ¦¦ ¦ Cftltfeznla— "Are Tom a Maioa7** Csatral — "Tho Dairy Farm." Pfcchertr-"!. O. V. n . - ; • ":• , Grand — "Th« Minister'! Son. 1 *. , Orphenm — "Vaudtville. :\. "• . .The Chutes— "Vaudeville. . '. '¦..-' Tivoll Opera-Souse — "Xslcm." ¦': Colnmljia— "Tao Olxl Wltli the, " Green Ejm. 4 '"'.- r - .;•¦ •'•••' -.-. Uatineei at All Thsatcrt ' To-' '.'..': Bay:..' •¦:-;:¦/ V. '. "• •' ;'• ...;.:-. ;;': The San Francisco Call VOLUME XCV— NO. 33,-; •'-'