Newspaper Page Text
THE SAN FRANCISCO GALL, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1904. 11 'trr.P .WAVTEH M \».r Con«;nn»i1. A — MURRAY fc READT. 034-6^0 Cley St. Phone Main SS4S. Leading Employment ami Labor Agents. !0K3 we gave . 1U04 we hope to CU.OCO men work. increase CO.OoO. Blacksmith, factory, city, ?2 50. ( 5 mucker*, gold mine. $87. 2 rockbrealur n:en, go'.d mine, $2 50 day. Stablemen. .. " < Engineer, nevr pump on ranch ; Shackleton, engineer, report. 2 boiler makers, country rhr.p $3 MO day. IT'S SOUTH SHIP DAILY ARIZONA, f close to PRESCOTT. •^ -.ARIZONA (0.. HERE ARE OTHERS. Cork and helper, ccuntrp hotel, fare ad- vancrd. (M and found. Farmer an^I wife, vary place, we boss here. Nurseryman, near city. $26 found. PRL'NERS. ( 1.1 piiiners, all counties. ?2C and found. 0 prunrrs. vineyard: .T pruners. orchard. MURRAY & READY. <B4-<H0 Clay st. a — v;ooncHOPrERs" IT'S GOOD ITS? BIG. Vt --¦ 25 Woodchoppers Tc Cut Cordwood fr, r IJIr Lumb?r Company. Prices : Redwood SOc per cord Pinewood $i 25 per cord Hardwood $1 r>0 per cord <5ood timber; fine ground to work on; steady summer and winter; better go. BIG MONEY CAN BE MADE. MURRAY & READY. CM-CMS Clay st. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 Third St.. "near Mar- Ret— 700 rooms; 23c eight; reading rooms; free 'bus and baggage to and from ferry. MEN to learn barber trade. San Francisco Barber College. 741A Howard st. PENSION atty.. E. A. Bullis. room 40. Phelan blcg. Past Com. Geo. H. Thomas Post. G.A.R. McDONALD & PERRT have a large nock of new and second -hand shoes: cheap. 239 3d st A BRANCH office of The Call for the reception of advertisements and subscriptions has been opened at 1008 Market st.. opposite Firth. Open until 11 p. m. ALL sizes men's shoes, cllghtly damaged, half price. £63 Mission it., bet. 1st and 2d ets. GET your shoes half soled while waiting; 25c to 50c. 563 Mlislon St.. bet. 1st and 2d sts. HOUSES A.\D WAGCXS. 35 HEAD of good work horses and mares, suit- able for contractors or ranch work, must be cold; auction Rales every Monday at 11 o'clock at Ellls-st. Stable. 615 Ellis st.; If ycu want to bu>. se 1 or exchange anything in our line jive us a call: all horses sold from this establishment must be as repre- tented. S. WATKINS. Auctioneer. FOR sale — At Eclipse stable. 1375 Eddy st. — 1 epan bay marcs. 15-1 hands: weight 2200: good drivers; 1 good plow team; 1 cheap paddle horse. FOR sale cheap; .1 pprlng business wagons, new; one second-hand wagon. 16S0 Mission 5t., near Thirteenth. FOR sale — Handsome trap, cheap. Box 3753. Call office. Al EXPRESS wagon, light camping wagon and go-cart for sale cheap. 532 Mission st. Largest assortmt 2-hand wagons, buckb'd. sar- horses. 15th- Valencia. HOCSES TO LET. A — PRINTED list of bouses to let; send for cir- cular. G.H.UMBSEN & CO.. 14 Montgomery. A— HOUSES and fiats to let; an immense list; service absolutely free; take advantage of this department: it will save you time and trouble. Cordes Furniture Co.. 245-239 Geary it., en the equare. JONEF. lfiOi* — Sunny modern house of 8 rooms; marine view; rent reasonable. BEFORE moving get our printed list of bouses to let. BALDWIN & HOWELL. 25 Post St. INVESTMENTS. BONDS STOCKS AND MORTGAGES. All dJvidend-paying securities for us.le. GERMANIA INVEST CO . 327 Market st. LOST AND FOUND. STRAYED from Forty-eighth avetj near park. 2 gray horses and 1 sorrel mare. Finder please notify A. C. CAMPBELL. 524 Second st. Phone Mafn 134'J. or Fell 4332. LOST— Friday night. 15-foot skiff. 2 pairs oars a^d decoys; brass rowlocks fastened to oars. Return to GEORGE, the fisherman, at Pobrante; receive reward. LOFT— Saturday night, black Alaska dog: name "Knickoli" on collar. Tel. Howard 21.-.*. R. J. DILLON. LOST — Part of a cuff link diamond setting; reward. LOUIS PECK. 18 Montgomery ave. LOST — January 15, purse containing girl's sal- ary; reward. Return 1143 Oak st. LOST— Saturday, patent papers, etc.. Market and Third sts., or on cars to Cypress Lawn; reward. J. K. JONES, tax offlce, Cjty Hall. LOST— On Fillmore, bet. Haight and Fell, a pair of rimless gold bridge eyeglasses. Lib- eral reward return to 2217 Bush st. LOST— Feather bca, between Lyric Hall and 833 Hyde st. Return to 633 Hyde; liberal reward. aiEDICAL. MRS. DR. WTETH. specialist for all femalt complaints; Instant relief guaranteed; 30 years' experience; removed to 826 Post st. MRS. DR. KOHL, reliable specialist for all fe- male troubles and Irregularities; instant re- 1W guaranteed. 1008^ Market St.. opp. 5th. VALPEAITS female pills; best regulating pills sold; price $2 DO by express. Pasteur's syringe and tablets; price $5. By express only on receipt of price. OSGOOD BROTH- ERS, wholesale druggists. Seventh and Broadway. Oakland. DR. G. W. O'DONNELL— All who are sick or in trouble consult this specialist on female complaints: positively corrected; the unfortu- nate helped; the most difficult cases treated; advice free. Offlce. 1018 Market st. Dm. Goodwin, 733 Turk. nr. Van Ness — Expert In obstetrics, female complaints; inst. relief; treatment $10; hcurs, 10 to 5; 25 years' exper. CATARRH, DEAFNESS and NOISES In EARS positively cured; new method; 1 week's treat- ment free. . Dr. Cottlngbam. 204 Sutter st. MRS. D. ALLEN. 111S Market— Reliable ladles' tpecialist; a private home before and during cccflnement: best medical care: low fees. DR. and MRS. DAVIES and HINDOO HERBS; original method of treatment; 1126 Market st. DR. M. MATSUDA has returned from Orient. Now at SE. corner Geary and Taylor sts. DR. ROSEN resides 2305 Folsom st.. corner 26th: ladles, relief or no fee; $10. DR. NG TOY KEE. 319 Powell st. opposite Union Square; all diseases cured by herbs. BIISCEiJLANEOUS— FOR SALE, POIL.ERS. engines. Zd-hand machinery. McIN-. TOSH & WOLPMAN, 195-197 Fremont St. TRY ASBE&TOb tool paint and be convinced ihat it is the only paint that will stop all leaks in any rocf. either metal or shingle; It is also the best preservative paint for all new metal and shingle roofs, and makes the roof last over twice as Ions than tainted with any ether paints; It has no equal. Offlce. 419 • California St.. room 21: telephone James 5716. DOES YOUR r.OOF LEAK? Repair It with elaterite; In rolls easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good. over old ire u. tin or «hingl?s; best for new roofs. ELATERITE ROOFING CO.. 713. Market St. 21? -HAND machinery, boilers, engines, pumps, pulleys, shafting, etc. etc.. bought, sold, rented and exchanged; see Sunday papers. H. S. WHITE MCHY CO.. 130-132 Beale st. A— Fire suits. $7 50; dress pants. |2 50. Origi- nal Mi«nt Clothing Parlors. 233 Kearny. St.. near Bush; open to 9 p. m.. Sunday to noon. A — Buys, cells or rents gear machinery, en- gines, ocilers. water pipe, shafting, pulleys. 'tc. TVHITELAW. 253-255 Spear St. A FINE selection of. trunks, suit cases and tailor-made suits sold on email' weekly pay- tncnts. Misfit Clothing Parlore. 25 Stockton. A HANDSOME new Persian baby lamb pillow muff and lam stole: cost $100; accept $"M. | ¦• lOOtl Haicht St.: phone Page 718. | TYPEWRITERS, slightly used. • sold at cost: new Underwood visible . typewriter . catalog cent free. R. E. Revalk & Co.. San Francisco. ALTERATION* eale-^Best $2 R0 -ats, ft 50. Pcpular Price Hatter. 330 Kearny st.. near • Pine: open to a p.. m. : Sundays to noon. TRY our men's shoes at $1 and $1 50 pair: foct-form shoes at $2 SO; we pay express , -charges. 11 3d St.. Exam, bid.: catalog free. 3. GREAT. Dane bloodhounds for sale. 404 Carolina Bt. |___ - ¦ SAILING ark for fishing and hunting. 328 . Butb st.. third floor, room 4 REAL ESTATE— -CITY— -jFOR SALE. CALIFORNIA House Wrecking Co. pays the highest price for building* and will wrtjeit the largest bunding completely witaia 10 days.' Northwest corner Mission aad TectS tti., efflce and yard. EUILD on your unimproved realty; ' w* loaa full ccst Improv. and part lot at 8 per cent. MANHATTAN LOAN CO.. Crocker building. $16C0 — 8-r.OOM house with lot. 23x100; 5i Francis «t.. \<j block from MIshIoq cars. P. COFFIN & CO.. 33CH Mission St. 2 NICE ievel lots en A at., near 6th ave.; cheap. Apply I. Burgoyne, 211U Pt. Lobos av. LATEST s> stem, sanitary plumblnz. Phone Ahlhach & Mayer, plumbers. S3ft Howard st. REAL ESTATE Country For Sale. $10 A MONTH bays a 10-acre farm. $200 profit per annum per acre. Write for bcoklet. It's free. 60S J et. WRIGHT & KIMBROUGH. Sacramento. Cal. ALFALFA lands, stock ranches, orchards, vineyards; inspected bargains: monthly cats,-, legurs sent free. C. M. V.'OOSTER CO.. eiS Market st. roixT Ricimoxn _real^ e_stateT" 4 LOTS cheap for cosh. 323 Bush st.. room 4, third fleer. WATER front lots and bargains', all tracts: maps, photos. ' etc. BKLL. 417 Parrott bids. BERKELEY ADVERT'S'M'NTS MCO— SNAP; S0xl20; 5 blocks frcm station; running water and shrubbery: elegant place for chicheus; 4 acres or in subdivisions; Claremcnt ave.; easy terms; circular on ap- plication. $55 t>er foot for 50x150 on Warrine «t.. near Bancroft way; everything else $85. I1S.0C0— Business block of 5 stores, with 10 rooms above; all rented: brings In 7 per cent income: with email changes could be larjely Increased. $5750 — Beautiful house of 8 rooms: Hille- gass ave.: near Dwlght way: extra well built; all street work dons; nearly new. . $2000 — 5 rooms ar.d bath; lot «Cxl2O; Bate- mar. Tract, near College ave.; street work done: easy terms. $2500 — Let us build you a new. modern house of fiv» rooms on Parker St.. near Grove.; lot 40x1.15; street work done; thLi is your chance to get a home at low price and easy terms. Fine cciner near new Santa Fe deoot at *10. $2225; 50x130; on Haste St.. near Dana; ' big bargain. CHENEY & BERRT. P. O. Block. Berkeley Station. A FEW SN'APS. r * $1250 — t-room cottage, close to cars station, schools; lot 40x130; street work complete; $250 cash, balance $15 per month. $2SC0 — A neat nice 6-room cottage and corner lot: size 50x100; street work complete; electric cars pass door; only 3*4 blocks from Ashby station, Berkeley: situated at 2S2S Grove st. ; terms can be had. $2425 — A nice 2-story house of 7 rooms and stable; lot 50x140; strpet work complete; 1 block of electric cars and only a short distance from station; well worth $3000; call and ln- • spect at once $1000 — 4-room cottage; lot 40x134; street work done. L. J. MORAN & CO.. 2131 Shattuck ave.. Berkeley station. BARGAINS — We buy. sell, exchange or build. MURDOCK & CO.. Lorln Station. Berkeley. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE, 1118 BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. """ $750 CASH. $10 monthly; shingled cottage of 3 rooms, summer kitchen, lovely garden, large chicken run and chicken houses: good well of water; 3 lots, 75x100; all fenced; nice wide graded street; near U. S. postofflce, 2 stores, Town Hall, church and school: new large school now being built; 2 blocks to slectric cars: grand climate and view; away from fogs and raw winds: adjoining East Oakland; price all told $1300; call or send for. circular, 455 Seventh St., opp. Broadway station, Oakland; carriage free. H. Z. JONES, owner. OAKjLAXD^FtJRXlTURE FOR SALE. TO-MORROW the day for bargains in taml- tcre. H. Schellhaas. 11th ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. ELLIS, 611 — Nicely furnished sunny alcove room; 2 sunny connecting rooms; gaa stoves. FOLSOM. 647 — Lower part of house complete; piano. FRANKLIN. 45 — Sunny connecting house- keeplng rooms; $15; also single, $6. $S. $10. GEAKY.. 1002— Nicely furnished sunny rooms, en suit* or single; housekeeping privileges; running water; gaa; reasonable. GEARY, 1381 — Elegantly furnished suite -of 3 rooms; drawing-room; single room. JACKSON. 1511A — Two front rccms furnished for housekeeping. KNICKERBOCKER Apartments, 1340 Pine »t.. near Hyde — Sunny 3-room furnished suites; ¦team beat: electric lighted; free b*Uu; rates $30 up. LARKIN. 1537. near Clay— Three handsome furnished sunny rooms; 2 closets; 2 folding- beds; $17. 1 MINNA. 514 — Nice rooms, complete for housekeeping. MODEL House, 1206 Stockton — Newly furnished hskpg.. g[ngle rzrs.. $5-$12; gas, bath, phone. POLK. 612— $14: bedroom, kitchen; gas stove, bath; no children. SHIPLEY. 261—2 rooms complete for house- keeping; $3 month. SUTTER. 2620— Furnished bedroom, dlning- room. kitchen: yard; bath; parlor. TWENTY-SIXTH. 3367— $12; 2 sunny house- keeping rooms In the Mission warm belt. BOOMS WAITTED — Housekeeping. WANTED — 2 or 3 rooms, furnished for house- keeplng; give rent. Box 665. Call. APASTMSHT HOUSES. % EL CARMELO — Beautiful apartment bouse; Just comoleted. 1711) Washington St.. near Van N>38 ave. ; 3, 4, 5 and « roods and bath with each: finished in natural woods: tiled bath rooms, etc.; genteel residence location; convenient to car lines; rooms large and sunny; must be seen to be appreciated. MONTCLAIR APARTMENTS. Corner Pine iind Taylor sts.: beautiful new modern apartments; all sunny corner suites; furnished or unfurnished; none superior; ma- rine view. LYON & HOAG. 118 Montgomery. — '¦ -THE ALCALDE APARTMENTS 725 O'FARRELL ST.; Phone Pr. Ex. 700. Two modern apartments of 3 rooms each, with private baths and all the . conveniences of a private hom»; ST. CECILE, lift Fell, above Van Ness— The acme of perfection In elegantly furn. 3-room apartments; private baths, steam heat. elec. lights, elevator, gas ranges; $30 to $53. ST. LXDUIS.* 1575 Jackson St.— Modern 3-4-3 rooms, also single; furnished or unfurnished; marine view; now open; references. .HADDON HALL. 951 EDDY ST. REFERENCES. APABTMIIHTS WAHTSP. WANTED — Apartment of 3 or 4 rooms, fur- nished complete; state price; references. Box 470. Cail. FURNISHED 3-room apartment wanted; must be reasonable. Box 6C0. Call. ItOJJJlS^JTOLET--^ AURORA, corner Second and Folsom sta. — New . house, new furniture; every room outside: modern and sunny; prices from $1 BO per week up; this Is the only up-to-date house In this, vicinity: first-class grill attached. . A— BRUNSWICK House, 143 Sixth st.— Room* 25c to $1 per night. $1 25 to $5 per week and light housekeeping rooms: open all night. ABERDEEN". S36 Sutter — Just opened: ¦ hand- somely fur.: cor. suites: bath: sun all day; fine view; single naa.: tourists: excU location. AT "The Almonte." STS Market st. (or No. 1 Fifth st.>— Rooms. 25c. SOc. $1. $150 night; SI SO to $10 week: bouse open all nlgttt. BURNETT. 1420 Market (old No. 1364)— For- nlshed rooms, suite, single; also unfurnished. CLIFFORD. 2O4 Ellis, corner Mason — Elegantly furnished sunny rooms: prices reasonable. EIGHTEENTH. 39S6— Sunny good ~ room, par- ;tially furnished, $G month; private family. ELLIS. 1749 — 3 • sunny, unfurnished rooms for housekeeping . In modern flat; reasonable. FILLMORE. 826. nr. • Me Alllster— Nicely . Cur- nished room In flne locality: ear line passes door; reasonable;, bath; g*s; phone. FOLSOM, 574— Unfur. sunny rms. ; grate, closet. . running water; small ones, from |1 mo. up. , HB - ITiSLP \VAATKD— -FEMALE — Con. V." '..'."rnD — A German or Scandinavian chl for c-ooklnii anil tf»n«?ral JiouEewo-Jc- \v-k--s $25. '.'^S York tt.. bet. 21st Jt 22d, off nryer.t GOOD lh« woman: legitimate business. Call lS>C5_Market Ft., rocra S, 2 to a n. rn. COAT CntKber wanted. 31*0 Kerrny ft., room 1. AVANTr3«j — Lunch waitress, frcnt 11 to -. Ap- •JJR1. to h. lp :n kitchen nad Uinir^-room in- _Ftituticr 1 _^|44._Suttcr st *'IRL 'or bouMKurk and plain cooking; wages S"5. :>; Jackson st. TOl'NG plrl to assist ia light housework; ref- erencyg r-Tl California eu CilPJ, for light >-.omt?work. U» Fourth st L * T> Y to take cash and wait at rable. 25S Fir*t ft. TOUNG Firl Tor •r.n.-rni fcourowork and cook- in*. C210 OjJral ave; car far* paid. XAXEXTJ5D fcrsareur perforrrers. Apply at _Chut*« <t -j, m. tVedaeaOa*: «»ii»rv m object. GIRL <tf..h exrxrienre in priding office to hf.M eary. ftc : reference. Address Exjw- n(T,c«, b^x 743. Call offic?. WAN*;cD — First-clEFs Sni»her»: also aprren- U'y-a on vests. 230yi Ninth St., opposite O'dtcemlna. A QXBXJ muted far light housework. Apply at 1521 Webster *t. 3L.ADY traveler for business house; permanent position. Box 474. Call office. OPTRA TORP »rjd rr-.achlr.e hands wanted at M. Emi.NOrrs. 122S Market *t. FIRyr-CLAFS Ft. r.opraphers furn'^he.l. Miss M" G. Barrett. Instructor, 302 Montgomery. A % BRANCH office of The Cail for the recep- tior cf acverrisemrr.ts r.r.d s-jhscrtptiens has b»*n opened at 100S Market «.. opposite Fifth. Or en until 11 c. m. ui;l:- WAJCTiiD— male. AT*C. R. HAN'SEN & CO.'S.. Phone Grant 1S5 French ch^f, only one who has worked in the <•!'•>• $123 ~.Vaf8err.nn. country hotel. f4?-$-»ri and fd.: one »ho tas worked in creameries pre- ferred. - waiters, help's hall, country hotel $25 Waiter, country hotel, north $25 Boy about 15 years to run elevator, no ex- perlersce necsTtry. country hotel $15 Bus boy. erumtry hotel $25 P*eon<l hriid waiter, hotel, city $44-$.V) Storekeeper, city hotel $35-«45 A locomotive bollermaker for Central Amer- ica. J12 a day native currency, see party Hostler for first-clap* h«->tel stable, country. $35 and found; cr.e who has worked in city livery EtaM^s. <". R. HAXSEX & CO 429 Bush Ft. -A— PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 526 — Montgromory St. — 526. Phon* Main 1101 Cor. Clay Ft. CPSTAIBS 1101 Main Phone. OREGON Ship to-morrow OREGON. Ct*l Miner*. $1 ton OREGON Ln^ocoUv^ boiler maker. Central America, *12 day native money FREE FARE 10 wCKXjchopperF. north, pood Job; planer- rran. country. S.1 TM; stickerhan>i. country. ?Sjc hour; 5 families, with l>oys. country box factory: blacksmith, dredger. $50 and found u.vA increase. A— HOTEL GAZETTE. 2*5 Montgomery, R. 12. Houseman. ?25; bar porter, $25. WP.MAX laborer for ice house. SCO; Swiss milker and wife. $C> and found; farmer and "ortfe. ?.">?. no work for woman; cborcboy for hotel, 120 and found; 2 hotel cooks, $40 and • ?T0: eievatcr anl bell boy. $15 and found; MttflT for o!ub. 545. and others. J. F. CRO- SETT & CO.. U2S Sacramento et. -A— L U Men to learn the barber trade In two months acd K"ur» good petitions; catalogue and foil lcformetlon mailed free. &XOLER System (25 Clay st. I— OQCO men everywhrre. copy letters home oveaings; & 50 week. Send addressed en- velope for particulars. Manager Dept. S 4. U>x 1411. Pbiladelphls, Pa. ANTED— Steady, honest man for outsiJe v.'-rk and collecting; salary $oO; $200 cash required. 20 Montgomery, euite S. ARBEIi Fhcp for ?a>; runn 4 chairs; steady <Tntral location; would exchange for coun- ?ry fhoyi if in healthy place. Box 3296. Call. N old estab'i*hed four-chair barber shop; cood. paying businf*s and gool location; price reasonable. Address box 740. Call. BARBERS wanted. 627 Clay rt. Call oet. 9 ar.d 12 ra. 1 AGENTS wanted en new patent: immedi- ately. Call from 4 to » p. m.. 540 Duncan st. OOD, live errand bey; 14 cr 15 years: must have reference. 535 Mark«-t St. IRST-CLA&S baiber wants steady work. 607 Lasruna. st.. near Hayes.. 'ANTED— Experienced lunch cock; steady job; gooj ray. 130 Howard Ft. A nT barb«?r desire^ position. Address box 721, Call office. IPE fitter: fre^ far*. CALIFORNIA EM- PLOYMENT AGENCY. 14 2d. new Call bMg. ¦WANTED— A No. 1 cake baker helper. Call 7«a Market «C "WANTED — Cooper. 24 Commercial at. BOOTBLACK wanted, boy preferred, at Arena barbfr rhor. mi Jefferson st.. Oakland. BARBCl'.S — T»o-chalr outfit for sale; cheap <1* Larkir. St. WHT pey big prices to have your shoes haJf- •oled when you can get It done for 25c. 10a asd 60c while you wait at 563 Mission it.. bet. 1st and 2d su.. or 11 Third Bt. WANTED— I0O men and «> women to take part in "Quo Vadis." Apply Central Theater Tuesday at 9 a. m. A MAN of Indomitable energy and push, a good talker, eager to make money. F. PERSON 477 and 478. Parrott building. KIRST-CLAES t alocn porter wanted at 152 Eart rt. ; call early; wages $8 to $UL BARBERS — For sal#. two-chair shop: well fur- nifhed; good businee*. Box 736. Call offlce. TWO-CHAIR barber shop for sal*; established •even years. Apply 222 Gougn *t. TRT our ip.en's shoes, union made, at $1 and • 1 60 per pair, foot-form choes at $2 50 or «rtbcp«lic shoes. S3 50; best thoos on earth. 11 Third et . Exam. bldg.. 6 doors from Market. KXPEJ11EXCED business men and wcrneo de- fcirins mercantile position with good com- pensation are requited to rail on the Rcyal Mercantile Co.. suite 19. Columbian building £1C Market Et-. or to 952 Broadway. Oakland! UARBERS. take notice! — Th* offlce of secre- tary and Free KroDloyment Bureau has re- moved to 9 City Hall ave. or 1504 Market st.. ¦ t Journeyman Barber*' Unica, Local 14S* JCS. R. BLEILY. V.' ANTED — Men and womt-n to learn the fcarbtr trade: wajres paid while learning. fail or «dJrfW WESTERN COLLEGE OK IIARBER.S.O47 Commercial sC.San Francisco. ¦WANTED — An all around bookbinder; cn« who caa do forwarding and finishing on full lousAt Apply SAKBORX. VAIL & CO.. 741 Market rt. v. ANTED — Laborers and mechanics to know that Ed r:clk!n Reno House proprietor, has ¦ Cded 100 new rooms to the Denver House. 71 7 Third st. : 250 rooms ; 25c to 50c per night. THY cur'* eboes. ur.icn raade. at $1 ana fl £6 pair; font-form Ehces at $2 50; we pay • \;.- j* or mall charges. 11 Sd rt.. f:t«t» bid. iX'iAXMAKERS to learn ladies' tailoring, ¦ -_::!:-.;.' and Dttine: t*nns reasonabla. Ad- <Jre«* HOENdG. S19 Post st. i('j TOCNi* men of IS years, with srood char- «~ter. to organize military organization. : >'.i at (73 Vaieecia* ct.. bet. G ard S p. ra. Yol'NG man exfceTienced in offlce work, one who car do typewritiac preferred. Cox 4S5, 1 Call office. ft MAN" who thoroughly understands the print- ing business to office: permanent: references; experience. Address box 744. Call. WANTED — A first-class carriage blacksmith »i cwod «arta. Apoiy to A. MEISTKR & yp.NS CO- Sacramento. f«> j'FXSION ATTT, M. HARRIS. 4O EHU St.: 14 j years practice; references from thoosxeds of.1 r*Jtoss *or whom I bare secured perjsiass. L'ARBERS— r>Et 5- chair downtown shop for' gale; rarty gtrincJEart. Bex CT.ft. CalL WANTED — Men and voafo to l«*rn the, l-arbcr trade; good chance. <g7.Clay rt. 1HJEIC1ANS to Join military band.. :2S Bush **.. third floor, room 4. THREE-CHAIR harbor &bop for sale; strictly , mode:n. 127 Third et EAlLGItS and ordiBurr seamen, fnr deep-water ah:j*. Apply DKXTS place.. 28 Steuart «U »n_SCEJ^L^N]|^OC^FOn^^SALE-~CO | W J| "'tc ROLL and up; fine wall paper; samples mailed; painting.' tinting, papering. M. MER- IGAN. 1302 Webster. Tel. Jackson 1321. A ?i -KARAT diamond ring; old mine stone; finest color; Tiffany setting; great bargain. Mayflower. COS Th ! rd tt.. room. 16. 1 to 8 P- m. MILES of pipe and fittings: ail sizes. EU- GENE KILEY & SONS. 109 Vallejo st. \ SAFES ard cash registers, pew and second- hand. I. FREEMAN. 1329 Market St. SOME good second-hand g-asoline"englnes.~l"to 12 H. P. cheap. E. B. & Co.. 122 Mkt. SLOT machines cheap; Chleagces. Twentieth Centuries. Pucks. BACJGALUPI. 033 Market. DESKS ar.d safes; see the complete line at 1S16 Market, ab. Van Ness. RICHARDSON BROS. SAFES— New *nd second-hand. THE HER- MANN SAFE CO.. 307 Battery st < NEW snd second-hand machinery of all kinds. KROGH MFG. CO.. 519 Market st ." MOVING pictures, magic lanterns, sale, rental; bargains. Bullard & Breck. 131 Post st. SAFES — New and second-hand. E. B. BECK & CO.. 122 Market st. . . - ' ; Edl«cn phonographs, records, supplies, moving picture machine*, films. Bacigalupl. C33 Mkt. GASOLINE engines, automobiles and launches; all sizes. J. E. DOAK. 46 Fremont st. - : ASK for prices on second-hand typewriters; ail make?. ALEXANDER A CO.. IIP Montg/. A BRANCH office of The Call for the reception of advertisements and subscriptions has been opened at 100S Market it, opposite Fifth. Open until 11 n. w. .MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. MANUFACTURERS' agency wanted for New York. C. FLUHR. 48 Broad St.. New York. \ ANTED — To buy a steam merry-go-round in ad order. Address box 458. Call offlce. BOOKS and libraries bought. H. C. HOLMES. 1149 Market St.; phone Jessie 3741. or postal. I PAY highest prices for all kinds of cast-off clothing: tend postal. MORRIS. 870 Folgom. TILTON wants good second-hand clothing and theatrical goods. 154 Bth st. : tel Jessie 2851. MOXEY TO LOAJJi; _ AAA— HERMAN MURPHY. eOl-002-603 Examiner building. Quick settlements; no disappointment. Save expenses by. dealing directly. Estates, second mortgages, undivided inter- ests, assignments of rents, property In trust, etc.; legacies, life estates' and undivided In- . tcrests in property purchased. Courteous treatment. Strictly confidential. . When You Need Money S#e HERMAN MURPHY. ____*, WILL LOAN ':*".'£ .-, A reasonable amount on 1st, 2d or 3d Mortgage, on real estate or • Chattels. In city, town or country. fV^'v' Low rate of interest. Give full particulars / of property or chattels, - Location, - etc. Bex 40S, Call offlce. MONEY loaned to salaried people, retail mer- chants, teamsters, boarding houses, without security; easy payments; largest business In 46 principal cities. Tolman, 553 Parrott bldg. HIGHLY respectable private place to obtain . liberal Edvances on diamonds. Jewelry, at 2 per cent interest. Baldwin Jewelry Store. 846 Market; tel. Main 1614. Branch. 19 Third. A — 1 per cent on furniture or piano; no remov- al, no commission, no publicity; $25 up; quick, private, confidential. 20 Montgomery, rm. 7. MONEY to loan on low Interest; gold, silver, diamonds, pearls and precious stones bought at W. J. HESTHAL'S. -10 Sixth St. MUNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE. 103 Grant ave., LOANS FROM $1 TO ?10,000. NEW "easy method — To wage-earners on unin- dorsed notes: absolute privacy. Fidelity Loan Company, rooms 48-49. Chronicle bldg. TO salaried people without security; on furni- ture; indorsed nctes and other security. S. F. Discount Agency. 143 Phelan bullying. AT lowest rates on furniture and pianos; strict privacy; no commission installments accepted. BONELLI. :;01 Eddy. Conservatory building. ANY sum on furniture or pianos; no removal; lowest rate; easy payments; no commission. 1170 Market fct., room 6S. ¦ ALL loans on diamonds and Jewelry 2 per cent mo. S. F. Collateral Loan Bank, 53S Kearny. 3 % ON furniture & pianos; $15 up; no removal; no com. V. TREMAIN, room SI. 6 Eddy st. 1 PER cent on furniture or piano. 1003 Mu- tual Savings Bank bids.. "08 Market st. STAR Loan Co. of Wyoming loans money to salaried employes. R.311. Mutual Saw Bk.bld. CASH loaned salaried people on notes without lndoreer. MORELL. 609 Examiner building. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ALL UPRIGHTS. • "~-~~~~~~-- . Kimball, fancy walnut $30 Col lard $37 Steinway $50 Henry Hertz i....S78 Occidental $82 J. & C. Fischer $93 '3 Emersons. walnut, rosewood, mahog- any, same as new. each $187 Colby, cannot be told from new $235 Chickerlng $187 2 Steinways. large and small size, al- most new $195-$325 Heine. $475 style, slightly used $2S5 And 200 others. All pianos sold are guaranteed not to be de- fective. Examine this list. We have never had 6uch a great variety at so low a price. Rents. $2 up; Installments. $4 up. HEINE PIANO CO.. 235-237 Geary st. A FINE lot of bargains in second-hand pianos. Including such makes as Steinway, Halnes Bros.. Knabe, lizus. Foster, W r eber. Star, Marshall & Wendell, Sterling and other . makee. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON. 18 CFar- rell et; no branches In San Francisco. THIS week we shall offer some special prices on stock that we desire to close out before stock taking: a good stock to select from if you come goon. THE ZENO MAUVA1S MUSIC COMPANY. 7C9 Market st. A FEW unredeemed storage pianos (also fur- niture) will be sold to pay storage dirt cheap. WHITEHKAP'S storage. 1C36 Market at NEW pianos sold on $5 monthly payments. JOS. SCHMITZ & CO.. 16 McAllister st. A FISCHER upright piano for sal©; good as new; $135. 237 Geary rt. y $65— UPRIGHT piano: Steck mahogany: nearly new. HORNUNG BROS.. 216 McAllister St. BEAUTIFUL 3-pedal Steinway upright piano- perfect order; sacrifice. Keeffe t a.2S5 O'Fanell! 60HMER. Byron Mauzy pianos. Cecllian piano player. BYRON MAUZY. 308-312 Post st SUPERIOR violins.' zithers, old and nor! H~ MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place! OFFICES AND STORES TO JLET. NICE flee, offlce to let: also fine front desk room. Call at 410 California st. room 21. PERSONALS. ~ A — DID you see the lady's . face In drugstore windows? Ono eidc young and beautiful. The other old and wrinkled. Examine this real and wonderful Work now at my offlce. M. ELLA HARRIS. My prices reduced one-half for a few davs longer. Don't miss this exceptional offer. Call or send for book — free M. ELLA HARRIS. Chemist and Skin Specialist, 7S1' O'Farrell. PRIVATE Instructions given. to persons defl- ' cient In social manners and guarantee to i enable them to feel at ea»e and at home al parties, bails or any other social functions; correspondence strictly private; can only instruct two more pupils as my time is limited. Address box. 407, Call. THE Star Hair Remedy restores gray hair Im- proves its growth,stops falling.cures dandruff and itching scalp; no stain or . stickiness; cleanses scalp; at- druggists', hairdressers'; accept no substitute. Star Remedy Co. 133S Polk st. ... GRADUATES of New York School of Massage. Osteopathy, vapor and electric baths; face vibrating: machine for rheumatism; genuine tubs, hot and cold water; trained nurses as attendants. Prof, and Mrs. Morris. 406 Geary. A NEW idea, in Jewelry and Central American curios. Indian curtains, draperies .'shawls.* etc. :¦¦ the ' only store in the city that carries this. FROWISS & SON. 1239 Polk, nr. Sutter. NOT how cheap but how good I g the motto of the i manufacturers of the Rapid Rotary Standard, the sewing-machine of to-day. *J. W. EVANS, agent. 1021 Market st. , PHYSICIAN/-15 yeara' experience, cures per- manently morphine, cocaine habit Call or address ¦ Central - Pharmacy. . 251 Grant ave., corner Sutter et ; fee 'moderate. ; JIMMY CARROLL'S Academy of Boxing, and General" Physical. Training School Is at the , Lurline Baths. GRAND Southern. 7th and Mission — Rooms SOa tc $1 SO night: $1 to 53 week: reading-room. JESSIE. 3*3. east U. S. Mint— Furnlsiei rooms; $5 and $•> per month. MANHEIM. CS2 Sutter— Sunny front rooms; strictly flrst class: transient. O* FARRELL. 332— Handsomely furnished back parlor; private family; rent reasonable. O" FARRELL. 739 — Large sunny furnish*! room: gas; bath; phone; rent reasonable; reference*. PE^RL. 32— Sunny front room for one or two g^ntlerr.en: no signs. ROYAL House. 126 Ellis — Incandescent lights, reading-room, smoking-room and ladles' par- lor: rooms per night. 35c to $1 SO; week. S3 to $8: month. tS to $30; elevator en ground floor; rooms with hot and> cold water: h»tftt ST. JAMES. McAllister and Lacuna— A suoay furnished single room; rent $7. STEINER. 007—2 sunny connecting rooms: man and wife or gentlemen singly; running water; bath; phone: private family. SUTTER. 1022^. nr. HyJe — 2 large sonny par- lors and kitchen or laboratory; gas grate, etc. TEHAMA. 15J— Elegant furnished room: Ger- man: private family; $0 per month. UNITED STATES 123 Eddy, near Market— 409 roams. 35c to $1 night. $1 75 to $S week: elec- tric lights (no gas), running water la every room; elevator, read.-roona; free bus; baggage VAN NESS ave.. 519^ — Elegant front parlors and adjoining suit* for office or club. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 3d st.. near Market—' Mast convenient and respectable; TOO rooms: 35c to $1 50 night: $2 to $3 week; elrrator: elec. lights: reading-room: free bus; baggage. WOLF House. 202 Sixth— Electrto light H» every room: renm from 15c to $1 per nigh:. 75c to $5 per week: open all night. ADVERTISEMENTS, subscriptions receded at Call Branch office, cor. Duncan & Church sts. A BRANCH fffflce of The Call for the reception of advertisements and subscriptions has been opened at 100S Market st.. opposite. Fifth. Open until 11 pi m . ROOMS AND DO.VRD. HOTEL HATTON ™Z 977 Pine. nr. Taylor; elegantly furnished suites; private baths; all modern conven- iences; excellent table. BOARD and large sunny room tn a good lo- cality; fine view of bay: ail conveniences; $57 5U per month to a refined, quiet couple. Box 477. Call. BOARD, and nicely furnished front room; everything new, neat and clean: can only ac- commodate two persons; references. Box 393. Call office. ELEGANT frcnt. sunny alcove room: running; water, gas. bath; suitable for 2. with board; private family; also another room. 1234 Gold- en Gate ave.: phone Steiner SCTOl ¦ CALIFORNIA. 1240— Most select location la modern, elegantly furnished privau home; table unsurpassed: marine vltw. POWELL. 602. cor. Sutter— Largo sunny cor- ner room for 2; terms reasonable: also slnglo room. •• , -. FINE rooms, with or without boarJ. on O. O. Park entrance. 760 «th ave.. near Chutes. LARGE sunny front room. $3 50 per wk. j oth- era at $1 per wk. ; board, $3 23. 570 Harrison. SUTTER. 967 (Crystal House) — Elegant rooms; board optional; respectable; reasonable. HOTEL ELSMEKE, 41S Sutter— Sunny rooms; excellent table; from $40; single $23. NEWPORT, 101S Pine, near Taylor— Largs sun^ ny suites: also single room; excellent table. THE NIRA, 615 Taylor— Nicely furnished, sun- ny suites; also single; excellent table. Stevenson mansion. 807 California — Fine rooms; new chefs: colored service; table specialty. OTARRELL, 3C8 — Furnished rooms: horn* cooking; German family; $8 per week. POWELL, r>02, cor. Sutter — Large sunny corner room for 2; terms reasonable: also single rm. VAN NESS ave.. »44, comer O'Farrell— Board" and room. $25 per month. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has beea established at 1094 Valencia st. ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED. WANTED — Board and pleasant room for an elderly lady In a refloed. quiet family; a homelike place; state rates. Box 423. Call. BOARD and suite of rooms wanted for two> adults in bcardlng-house or private family; references exchanged. Box 4C0. Call. WANTED — Board and 2 rooms for two adulta and boy of 12; must be reasonable; stats price. Box 465. Call. A ROOM and board wanted for a rentleman: give rates and location. Bot 415. Call office. ¦'_;.". r ROOM3 WANTED. WANTED — Unfurnished: 3 rooms," kitchen; bath, yard: state rent. Box- .1238. Call office. SPECIAL NOTICES^ THE secretary of the St. Francis Girls' Di- rectory Orphan Asylum herewith gives notics that the following orphan, half-orphan and abandoned boys and glrU havs been admittej to the asylum at Central avenuu and Waller street from July 1. 1903. to January 1. 1904: Hazel Kane, tt yrs; Claire Kane, 2 yrs; Hazel Roche. 10 yrs; Margaret Roche. 13 yrs; Lil- lie Ivers. 7 yrs; Edna Ivers. K yrs: Joseph Smid. 4 yrs; Ella Creque. 6 yrs 4 mos; Ger- tie Robinson. 1 yr 11 mos; Edward Tansey. 7 yrs: Joseph Namoel. 5 yrs: Olander d» Fresel, 6 yrs; Hannah Murphy, s yrs; Patriot Murphy. 4 yrs; Timothy Murphy. 3 yrs: An- nie Farren, 10 yrs: Manuel Silvera, 5 yrs 4> mos; Andrew Varney. 5 yrs; Noble Varney, 4 yrs; Francis McCarthy. 8 yrs; El*i« Mc- Carthy, 6 yrs; Irvin McCarthy. 4 yrs: Eve- lyn McCarthy. 13 yrs; Allan McCarthy. UI yrs; Paul Papeera, 3 yrs; Peril Papeera, 2 yrs; Francis Hornbeck. 12 yrs; George Bo- han. 6 yrs; .Frank Cacace. 4 yrs; Annls O'Connor. 10 yrs; Ruth Courtland. 11 yrs. Daisy Sargent. 5 yrs 6 nios: Harry Hoiver- *on 7 yrs; Mary Matthews. 6 yrs; Rose Mat- thews 5 yrs; Frank Matthews. 2 yrs 9 mos: Joseph Waters. « yrs C mos: Thomas Waters. 4 yrs 5 mos: Ruth Smith. 10 yrs: Mary Mag- gio, 10 yrs: Raphael Maggio. 8 yrs: Louisa Koenig, 9 yrs; John Reardon. (5 yrs; Eddl* Reardon, 4 yrs; Mabel Adams. 8 yrs; Georg* Adams C yrs; Frank Adams, 5 yrs: Harold Spregue, 10 yrs; Lesley Spregue, 8 yrs; Mario Drendand, 6 yrs: Victor Drendand. 3 yrs: Loney Wolf. 2 yr» 6 mos: Stella Panla. lt> yrs 6 mos: Dorothy Roe. 12 yrs: Mary Clark. 10 yrs; Agnes Clark. » yra 3 moa; Annt* Clark T yrs; Catherine Clark. 8 yrs;. Frank Iver3, 4 yrs; Madtlina Clark. 2 yrs; t>.iv;d Mitchell. 8 yrs 4 mos; Roue Mitchell. 6 yra 11 mos; Catherine Coyle. 8 yr»: Dan Coyl«. « yrs; Francis Coyle. 5 yrs; Hannah Coyle. 2 yrs: Francis Everdlns. 5 yrs: Thomas Everding. 2 yrs: Mary Schlucb. 10 yrs; George Vcsine. 3 yra; Leo Goethals. T yrs; Herbert Kairies. 8 yrs; Rose Kalrles. * yrs; Isabella Bedella, 7 yrs: Ellen Ante. 11 yr<; George Tracy. <» yrs: George Hunter. 7 yr» 8 mos; Henry Foster. 8 yrs: Ev a Narvl*. 7 yrs: Josephine Narvis. R yrs; Ira Malnburg. 8 yrs: Leonard Malnburg. 7 yrs; Mary Caro- line Nowlan. 8 yrs 11 mos. Ladles! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Piria are best: safe, reliable; take nr» other. Send 4o stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladies" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chlchest»r Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. STUTTERING AND STAMMERING. MKLBOUKNK School. Van Ness-MarlBPt — Cur» In every C3se; individual teaching; no medi- cine". Inquire into wonderful cures; home cure. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were issued yesterday : •Robrrt C. Marshall. 27. 501 Geary str-et. and Reda Sics*. 22. city. Louis II. Waas. 21. 115 Fillmore street, and Lillian L Bennett. 13. 112 Fillmore street. Alphonse F. Furney. 24, «42 Ellis street, and Ma<gio Brown, IS, 1122 Post street. Henry Wunderlv. 32. Sacramento, and Mar- tha J. Cunningham. 2D. Sacramento.- . - Fentus A. Pust. 21, 1O Bernal avenue, and Margaret A. Lee. IS, 208 Fair Oaks street. Bernard F. Toner, 27, 1937 Howard street, and Josephine Collins. 19. 2»3CS Lombard- street. Arthur W. Whailty, 27. Seattle, and Eleanor D. Soper. 23. city. Jam** T. Jorger.son. 31. S30 Ellis street, and RosMle C. Poland. 31. 83O Ellis street. - Michael J. Catuslch. 33. «24 Twentieth street, ant] M-ry II. Pattenaude. 23. 174 Mln- "^Henn? McLauahltn. 23, 33 Sixth street, and Kathertne Cole. li>. Wilo Army Mrest. Jamr* A. Demlns. 2.\ 313 Ellis street, and Winifmi M. Palmer. 21. 522 Golden Gate ave. Thomaa Murray. 30. city, and Mary O'Con- nor. 21. city. Loring A. Collins. 23. 120fl Union street, and Bertha R, Ntuwald, 20r UG5 Filbert street. Frank L. Durant. 2«. S3O Church street, and Minnie R. Wisker. 32. 4O«8 Twonty-flfth street. Charles H. A. Schilling. ».' 1427 Steiner street, and Jessie H. Oeary. 2ft, Oakland. BmS-MAEMABES-DEATHS Birth. tr.arria.iTf and death not less sent by mail will not be Inserted. They must be handed in at either , cf the publication offices aad be Continued on Faze Twelrtv PERSONALS— Continued. SPECIAL OFFER for 1 mo. ; ladies' suits made ¦ to order; first-class *nork: SlOi with material furnished $20 up. At M. WILSON, 3S0 Gear}-. DRUNKENNESS, morphine and all drug dls- eases positively cured by Willow Bark Co., 1S39 Polk st. ; consultation free; call cr write. LIQUOR habit cured In 2 days or no charges; guaranteed. Acme Liquor Cure Co.. 097 Mar- ket St., room 203; phone South 7M. AT leea than cost, uncalled for suits, overcoats, and trousers LYONS' London Tailor. 721 Market st. • DANCING Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday, Sun- day evgs.. Teutonla Hall, Howard st.. near &th: Prof. - Fosterygoclety dancing taught. MRS. Eaton, electric needle specialist, 3(JJ> gut- ter.-, r. 609. Miss Eaton, 23:1 Geary, room &S.- SUPERFLUOUS • hair, moles perm, removed by electrolysis. Mrs. L. B. Johnson. 139 Post. BonMarche Pants Co.; special $5 pants to or- ¦ der. Rooms 14 & 10. 40 Ellis. Tel. Drumm 44. I MASQUERADE costumes, play books wigs; ¦. country orders. GOLDSTEIN & CO., 733 Mkt. SUPERFLUOUS hair & moles removed by elpc- --* trio needle.* Dr. & Mrs. Traverse, 1170 Market. TAILOR-MADE suit $7 50; dress panTs $2 50. ." Misfit Clothing Parlor, cor. Bush and Dupont. ALFREDUM'S Egyptian Henna restores gray hair to its natural color; $1 ; at all druggists'. V PALMISTRY. MME. DEVAS. scientific palmist and astrolo- glst; palm readings $1; 3 questions by ex- press, $1; open Tueaday eve. also. 139 Post st MME. NEERGARD. located at 212 Post: hours 1 to 5 dally. Phone James 1. Classes. H. JEROME FOSELLI. scientific palmist. 515 Taylor st. near deary. Phong Black 561. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. DR~cTc. O DONNELL^Offlce and residence. 1021% Market St.. bet. Cth and 7th; particu- lar attention paid to diseases of womea. BLOOD skin and rectal diseases a specialty. DR. BALL. 1073 Market at. ¦ »*jva REMOVED — DR. WONG HIM. herb doctor, treat* all diseases of the human body; for past four years at 115-117 Mason; now lo- cated at "667 Geary St.. near Leavenworth. DR. TONG PO CHY, successor to Dr. LI Po Tal. herb doctor, cures all diseases of human by use of herbs and teas. 727 'Washington st. WONG 'WOO. the famous herb doctor — AH dls- ea&es cured by Chinese herbs. 746-8 Clay St. DIVIDEND NOTICES. THE Phcenix. Savings, Building and Loan As- sociation. 516 California st., San Francibco, has declared a dividend for the six months ending December 20. 1903, at the annual rate of 9 per cent on general capital stock, t! per cent on term certificates and 4^4 per cent on Eavings accounts, the latter being withdraw- able upen the same general terms and condi- tions as tye usual with savings banks. The Flwenix has a paid in capital of $1,- 000.000 and a reserve fund and surplus of $210,000. Its directors are: A. A. Watkins, president; Charles R. Bishop, vice president; S. Prentiss Smith, treasurer; Clarence Grange, secretary and managing director; Gavin McNab, attorney; Charles E. Ladd and George C. Boardman. - ' SAN FRANCISCO and Suburban Home BulTT Ing Society, Cth floor. Mutual Savings Bank building, 708 Market Ft., opposite Third For the half-year ending 31st of December, 1803. a dividend has been declared at the rate per annum of (12) twelve per cent oa capital stock and participating certificates, free of taxes, payable on and after SATUR- DAY. January 2. 1904. JOSEPH A. LEON- ARD. Manager. HUGH CRAIO. Secretary. STOR A GEAWTW A? E .SPJ^IJE?' X^MToRTuir^toragT~&~Van^c?r^u7nlIureT, household goods stored, moved, shipped. 725- 731 Howard St., nr. Third: phone Grant 101. PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage & Moving Co., of- fice Post and Powell ats. ; tel. Prlve. Ex. 571. CONKLIN'S storage — Furniture and merchan- dise. 333 Golden Gate ave. ; phone East 126. GOLDEN West Storage:- advances made; 840 Mission et.: tel. Howard 941. F. W. Zehfuss. PACIFIC Storage and Furniture Moving Com- pany. 2320 Fillmore St.; phone Jackson 2S1. BEKINS Van and Storage Co.. 11 Montgomery ft.; tel. Main 1S4O. Shipping at cut rate3. SEWING MACHINES AND SUPPLIES NEW HOME — See our new triple-feed ma- chines; slightly used; $10, $15, $20; second- hand, $3. $5, $S: all styles; guaranteed. New Home Sewing Machine Co.. 1051 Market st $16 50 — NEW improved drop-head nickel-finish, guaranteed 10 yrs. : IM-hand sewing machines $2 50, $.'{. $4. 145 6th St.: tel. Jessie 3136. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. AN exceptionally good No. 2 Remington. No. T Smith Premier. $25; other typewriters at higher and lower prices; rentals $2 50. The Typewriter Exchange. 536 California st. " A FEW good typewriters at $30 each; get par- ticulars of L. & M. ALEXANDER. 110 Mont- gomery Bt. A typewriter at any rrl;e; agents Fay-Shole». $100: Sun, $40: Commercial, $35; Portal. $25. CUNNINGHAM. CURTISS & WELCH. 2D-HAND typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Webster Typewriting Inspec Co.. 008 Market. legal advertisements; CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPmi FIRST REFUNDING MORTGAGE BONDS— Notice Is hereby given that, pursuant to the provision of Article Eight of the morteax* from this Company to the Central Trust Com. pany of. New York. Trustee, dated August 1 1699. this Company has set apart out of U»« net income derived by it from the lines of . railroad therein mortgaged the sum of Twen- ty-five thousand dollars in trust to be used to redeem said bonds, and that bonds issued under said mortgage will be redeemed there, with and bids are hereby Invited for the sur- render of such bonds at prices to bn named by the bidders, to the amount requisite to ex- haust said sum. ' Such bids should be pre- sented .to this Company at Its office, 120 Broadway, in the City of New York, on or before i the 1st day of February, 1904, at twelve o'clock noon, and should be Indorsed •'Bids for Surrender of Central Paciflc Rail- way Company First Refunding Bonds." CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. - - By E. H. HARRIMAN. President. New York. January 2. 1904. ~ PRO I'U SALS. PROPOSALS for shirting flannel, depot quar- termaster's office, 30 New Montgomery st., San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 16, 1904.— Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this 'office until 10 o'clock a. m., Monday. Feb. 1, 1904, Paciflc Standard Time, and then opened, for furnishing 325,000 yards olive drab shirting flannel, to be subject tu an Increase of 20 per cent if desired by this Department. Bids will be opened for the delivery of the same article at tl.e San Fran- cisco, Boston. Chicago. Philadelphia and New York depots. To avoid misunderstand- ing as to the exact nature of the article to be furnished, bidders: will carefully, examine the standard sample and speculations. «o that proposals may be submitted by them with a full knowledge of what will be re- quired, as an absolute compliance with the standard and specifications will be Insisted upon in the Inspection of the goods. Un- guaranteed bids and bids upon samples dif- fering from standard and specifications will under no circumstances be entertained. Pro- posal* for less quantity than advertised for will be entertained. Bids • for delivery or Inspection at other points than those named above will not be considered. Early deliver- ies are essential. Bidders must state in their proposals the rate and 1 time of delivery should contract be awarded to them. The article advertised for is the same for which bids will be opened at the other depots. Preference will be given to articles of do- mestic production- and manufacture,' condi- tions of price and quality being equal (in- eluding in the price of foreign production and manufacture the duty thereon) and such preference will be given to articles of Amer- loan production and manufacture produced i oa the Paciflc Coast to the extent of the con- sumption required by the ¦ public servica there.. : The. Urtlted States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information and blanks for proposals will be furnished on applica- tion. Envelopes containing proposals will be furnished on application. Envelopes contain- ing " proposals ¦ will be Indorsed "Proposals for Shirting Flannel" and addressed to MA- JOR C. A.- DEVOL, Quartermaster. U. S. A., Depot Quartermaster. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., January 19, 1904— Seated proposals in triplicate, will- be re- at this office until 11 a.* m.'. Friday. January 29,"; 1904, ¦ and then- opened, ¦ for ."Do- ing all the printing, and furnishing all ma- terial • therefor. • that may , be required at Headquarters Pacific Division during the re- mainder of the; fiscal year, ending June 20, 1904." Preference will be given . to articles of domestic t production or. manufacture, con- : ditiens of quality and price (Including in. the - price of foreign j productions or manufacture the ¦ duty thereon), being equal. ¦ Th«i United States 'reserves the right to, reject or ¦ accept < any or' all proposals In whole or 'in' . part. •• Information furnished -on application . . to ; undersigned. ¦ ' Envelopes containing pro-- •* posals . should •• be- -marked' "Proposals', for '¦ Prlntingr.V and addressed - to WM. • S.- PAT- TEN.' Assistant Quartermaster General, U. - B. A.,' Chief Quartermaster. REAL ESTATE— CITY— FOR SALE. - AT AUCTION. . * AT AUCTION. ""*•,' *' 10 PER CENT DOWN. 10 PER CENT EVERT SIX MONTHS Until Tour Lot is Paid For. Buy a lot now on Parnassus Heights, when you have the opportunity to do so for such a small amount cash. ON THURSDAY. JANUARY 21. 1904. At Our Salesroom. "We Will Sell at Auction 50 Residence Lots fronting Golden Gate Park, comprising these Z Blocks. - _.S. y. •» . i rSST^B™ "«7i» at m 5 ¦> I' 1 ** : .1, . . . . , ... "» y * * \ * *\ *** • hi > ' * » tr » • ¦ >: < ¦ » ¦' . »• ' '*' u ».Lul-» ¦!' x L M M U C5 O « T^ L r-^-t€8»r^— ij 3 - * « M I It • n * * ' - i « » " ¦ T J r-^— —If- being on H, Hugo and I streets. Fourth and Fifth avenues; also 10 lots on east line of Fourth avenue, between Hugo and I streets. ¦ •¦¦/'•'-' Unprecedented Terms. For further particulars apply to BALDWIN & HOWELL, 25 Post street, or to Branch office adjoining the property, cor. H st. and Seventh ave. Open every day. Includ- ing Sundays and holidays. BALDWIN & HOWELL. 25 POST STREET. Don't forget our auction on Thursday, Jann- ary 21. 1&04, at 12 o'clock noon, at our office and salesroom. 25 Post st. We will sell 69 park lots on Fourth and Fifth aves, Hugo. H and I sts., on terms of only 10 per cent cash, balance 10 per cent every six months. Street work all done. Lots level and ready to build en at once. Suitable for residence or flats. Branch office on the property. Open Sundays. $0.250 — Rents $02 50 per month: new building containing 4 flats of 4 and 5- rooms and bath each; lot 35x90: (6000 mortgage at = ->>¦¦. 6 per cent can remain; Guerrero st. » $4,000 — Rents $t2 per month; 4 separate flats of 4 rooms each; close to 3d st. and Southern Pacific depot; lot has double frontage. $7,000 — Corner. 25x110; vicinity of Golden Gate ave. and Steiner St.; front house of S rooms and bath and 2 flats adjoining; all In perfect condition. '. $4,300— Downtown building lot; size 30x60 to rear street; vicinity of California and Stockton sts.; owner will exchange for other city property. $24.000— Large corner on 3d st., a few minutes' walk from Market st.; present rents, with old Improvements, $117 50 per month; splendid buy. $9,500 — Washington st., near Kearny; business property; 2-story brick building;- store and rooms above; rents $67 50 per month. $12,000 — Oak st., near entrance to Golden Gate Park; lot 25x137:0; new building of 3 separate flats of 6. 7 and 7 rooms and bath each; rents $105 per month. $5.500 — 2-story house of 7 rooms and bath; Webster St., near Washington; excellent location. $7.500— Powell St.; lot 40x70; rents $75 pei month; frame building; separate flats. $18,500 — Rents $168 50 per month; large lot 48x137:6; brick and frame buildings; stores and rooms above; under lease; vicinity of Kearny and Pacific sta. ¦ $6,150 — Baker st., near California; 2 flats of 5 •¦-. r -.and 0 rooms and bath each; rents $600 per annum. $11,750— Rents $92 per month: lot 25x160 to rear street; Folsom st.. near Sixth; busi- ness property. $10,000— First St., near Howard; lot 23:6x137:6; splendid site for new building; present old frame improvements rent for %tXi per month. _____ $16,000 — Washington st., near Walnut; new •v* building of 2 separate flats; splendid ma- rine view; rents $150 per month. $14,000 — Howard St., near First: lot 25x85' store and 2 -floors above; rents $82 50. $7,000 — Howard St., near 22d; lot 25x122:6; mortgage $3500 can remain; splendid res- idence. 10 rooms and bath. $16,000— Rents $12S per month; new building of 3 flats; pays 8 per cent net; Fillmore st • splendid location. SPECK & CO.. ~- ~~ 667 MARKET ST.. OPP. KEARNY. Real Estate Agents and Rent Collectors Full Charge Taken of Property. 17 PER CENT NET INVESTMENT. $175.000 — Modern 6-story brick building: se- cured lease to one tenant. *14C0 per month; bank mortgage." $95,000, can remain; by assuming mortgage, pa>» 17 per cent net; lot 68:9xn7:6. CORNER NEAR MARKET ST. $130.000 — First-street corner; new brick build- ing; 10 years' lease to one tenant; 9400 square feet floor space; a very choice ¦ \ buy. GREAT W* REHOUSE SITE. $100.000 — Corner; Vownsend street; 275x275 feet, railrcad frontage; no better site to be had; ?'J7,000 refused at auction. CHANCE FOR SPECULATORS. $45.000— Lot 82x275; two frontages; 106 rooms; rents $330: cne tenant; can be easily leased at $400. PACIFIC-AVENUE RESIDENCE. $17,500 — Cheapest buy on Paciflc avenue; hplendld residence; 15 rooms and 3 baths; lot 31x128. POLK-STREET BUSINESS PROPERTY. $20, COO— Stores and lodging-house; rents $15,- . OCO: lot '30 feet frontage; pays over 9 per cent; $10,000 bank mortgage can remain.' . DOWNTOWN INVESTMENT. $1C,5CO — O' Farrell street, east of Van Xess avenue; pays 10 per cent net by as- suming $9000 bank mortgage; rents $115; lot 27:6x120; two frontages. BIG INTEREST-PAYING FLATS. $25,000 — Corner; Western Addition; rent> $230; lot 37:6x&5. $22,500 — One-half block . from Market street; rents $171; flne improvements; lot 75x 100; improvements modern. i $19,000— Annual ' rents $21S5; i Golden Gate Park; modern bay-window flats; lot 50x137:6; no better buy In Western aTMBWfi 'Addition. ¦ i iWM *tfTW' I frti»V»«'Vw'' 'I $16,000 — Geary street: 3 new bay-window flats: '. . - ' . east Of Larkln street; rents $125.- $10,000 — Two beautiful Post-street flats; close to Gough street; 30 feet frontage; al- . - ways rented; yearly rents $000. ¦> $9,600— McAllister-street flats; rents $9C0 -S yearly; lot 25x137:6. , $9,250 — Rents $98 50; ' business property, neat r Sixth and Harrison streets; lot has two frontaees. - - $6.500-iYearIy - rents $924: Ritch street: lot 42x75;' pays 14 per cent net. .. - . $5,000— Mvst be sold to close estate; Wash- ington street; lot 50xll2:T3; worth $9500. , $5,000— Yearly rents -$C24;' 2-story" building -and stable for. 6 horses. ; $1,600— Two . Sutter-«treet flats; 5 and 6 .ioorr«:lot 25x137:6; a good buy. . , "_¦-'•. \ SPECK-&-CO.; «67 -Market Street. $S750 — ELEGANT new 2-ftat houses; income $870 per year: substantially - built. - See owner • on -: oremlsea. 1373. Masonic ave., bet. -¦.-Waller, and Frederick st. / :',¦->_ LOTS,' N or 8 elde of Golden Gate : Park, pur- chased by w. J. CUNN. 530 California al j fe Wants You Want— Then Use a Want Advertisement in The Caff