Newspaper Page Text
COMMERCIAL FINANCIAL SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS. Wall street stocks about the same. Cotton still lozver. Fair Saturday business on the local stocjz exchanges. Silver cud Exchange as previously Quoted. Local bank clearings about $2,ooo,oco behind last year. Wheat and Barley quiet and weak, ozring to the rain. Oats, Corn and Rye firm, but not active. Brar. and Middlings in very slender supply and firm. Hay steadily held, zrith the market quieter. Large transfers of Pink Beans reported. Butter and Eggs continue to ease off, and Cheesczveak. Great damage to Eastern Peach orchards by cold reported. Improzing demand for Dried Fruits in New York. Provisions firm here, but easy at Chicago. No further change in Wool. Hops and Hides. Livestock market not yet affected by the rain. Enormous sales of Coffee at Nczv York. Good speculative demand for Oregon Potatoes. Onions aiid Southern Vegetables firm. Poultry and Game zcell cleaned up at the close. Rainy zceathcr operating against the Fruit market. Batik Clearings. lyisal Eank dfrir.g the week Just en<i«i were $2S.tST.7ti3. tga^nst $30,107,213 <*. -.-r-t-rg xijt corresponding week la 1S03. a de cretse of 52.009,450. The clearings during the •«."ae we'll la 1302 wer» J22.C90.S32. Dried Fruiis in Nezu York. Mail aflvice* from New York say: "For Fav-irtiay mere business was noted than usual a.t the endjof the week, aad the market had a much more cheerful tone than it has shown for «ee*s pa»t- The increasing interest In Peaches, previously noted, continued and a stronger feel ing was developed as a. result of reported trans actions iniolving a considerable quantity of «pot stocks. Amceg the saies was a lot of 1500 parkages extra choice at a price not made public, but understood t» be In the Etighbcr hood of So For Apricot* there wm a very goes! >3bb:ng demand, with a Tew innuiries for carioa"! lota. Views nt buyers on the latter, however *pp«B.r to b« too much out of Ime »ith hc'.ders 1 ideas f> admit of buElness. There >»•«:» little, ram-ement in Prunes on Saturday »n4 tfce cr.'iertcne of the market appeared to b* easy. While there wif no advance la coast prices " advice* from there- indicated a. rather Ra.t»ins remained dull and wwaJc on the epot and there were no fresh develop ments tn the <<out sunntion bo far a.« couIJ be lfarac-3. Cumcts were quiet but steady. fwk* of Date* en the crot are c' up r.rvier the steady demands cf consumption, and the market ha? a firm tone." Flour Exports in January. In January the erports of flour rora San rran-:?eo by »<a were as follows: To Barrels. Vaja**. .-bina 32.470 $180,477 Japan 2.U.13 <lreat Britain 5.O0O 20.OO0 Hawaiian Islands 7,S»1 34.9*3 Vnhiti I»»M S.1T8 Mexico S31 3.2C4 • >-!tral America 1S.23« 76.212 Fir.araa 1.O5O 3.*>7 'V!otnfcia 47.1 2.2« Kcuador ST-5 1,540 .~smcan Ifslarfis . — ...... 40 179 Totals 70^63 $2».01S In Jtiauary. 1305, th* exports were 35.140 r«_rrpl*. v«Jue<! at TI-'i0.903. In that ' the shipments to Chir.a m-ere unusually small, tiring or.Ty 14.r.70 barrels, valued at *4fi."10. | In January. 1»C th* extxirts. ercraslve W the j -■i::pm»r.t.s \<y the Hawaiian Islands, were 16«,- ; WiG tarrels, valued at &36.I&1. Weather Report. Cj^Otii Meridian— Pacific Time.) FAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 6 — 5 p. m. The following are th* reasosal rainfalls to dale, ai cempareii uith thos* cf came date last sesion. ari'l raiafalls in last twenty-four hours: Last This Last Stations — 2* hours, season, season. Hurtka 0.44 23.<V> SS.M Red BiufT ©2W 14.OS 1«.*1 Sacramecto .......... ©.f^ 5.4«$ 10.56 Fan Francisco 0.13 7.K3 10. M Fresno 0.00 l.«6 5.52 In<ieper(lence 0.<X) r'.44 1.72 Stn Lais Ob'.sro O.O4 3.04 1«.51 L-3S Angeiea O.»> l.«l S.21 E*a I>.fcga 0.4S 1-31 8-69 THE COAST RECORD. t: Z — 1 a *! I H zl z* •• - 3 == gi <= %o « 8TATIOK3. 2. h% *§ =§ =■" p .- •" V ?■ ? f ' c s . - a : 3 » : • : Baker 2»54 22 20 NE OouCy TTi "arson a».7« 34 6 S Snow Tr. Eureka 29. SS 4S 40 VT Cloudy .44 Fresno 30.00 82 34 FB Cloufly .00 Flagstaff 29. S3 32—2 W Pt. CICy .00 Point B>-j-e»--.2»-&4 50 43 W Cloudy .16 Pccaiello 29.74 30 £0 £B Cloudy .C3 Ir.iepeaaenc* .29.78 44 2« S O«ar .00 I>o« Angeles.. 30.04 M 4S SW Clear .30 Mt Tama!?als.2a.91 41 22 NW Cloudy .50 Ncrta He*d...r»..V) 44 40 W Cloufiy .20 Karallon 2».»2 T2 4*'. ItfW Rain .14 P>.oesix 30.00 tA 40 NW Pt.Clciy .00 Portland 23. M 42 40 SW Cloudy .24 Ked Bluff £9.74 SO ~*2 NE Clear .20 RcMburg 29.70 42 40 BW Rain .58 Sacramento ..23.8S 4S 3<5 S Cloudy .04 Fait Lake 23.82 SO 22 EE Cloujy .US; fan Franc!sco.29.»4 C2 &2 W Rala .12 Fan L Obisso.30.0<J C2 42 8 Cloudy .02 i Faxs Diego 80.06 M 44 SW Clear. .48 I Seattle 29. 4« 44 33 S Cloudy .9 f^rxkaae 23.50 38 SO 8 Fnow .12 -atooeb 23.40 42 3.S SW Rain .:;8 Walla Wall*.. 28-50 44 34 F Cloudr .00 Wirinesnucca .29.6* 34 14 SW Fr.ow Tr. Ytizzm. 23.63 €3 42 S Oar .00 ■WEATHER CONDITIONS AND GENERAL j FORECAST. AnotheT stcrm appeared en the Washington "cast asd txi coved rapidly southeastward. I resettled weather prevails over the entire country west of the Rocky Mountains. Sncw is '■■ '. .:r.r in Nevada and showers have occurred j •n Central and Northern California. Th« temperature fcas risen siowly In, Southern California. . Tl>e following maximum wind velocities are r«?r>crte<l: North Head. 34 miles, from the n-est; Wlznemucc*. 30 miles, frca the south- W< Korecast maie at Saa Francisco for thirty hours rnCizis midnight. February 7: Northern California— Unsettled weather Sun is,? «,-ith rain: brisk to tigh southerly winis. S^cthern CaHrorclau— Sboti ers Sunday; freua •oatherly winis. Nevada— tnow Sunfiay: «rner. Eaa Francisco and vicinity— Encwere Sun day; brisk southwest winds. A. G. ilcADIE. Dietrirt Forecaster. EASTERN 3IARKETS. j Nczv York Money Market. XJTW TORJC Feb. «. — Clo«e — Morey on call r-is "nomisal; no loans; time loans, firm; tix'T (".*}-«, 3V>€* Pf ce:it: ninety days, 4§4Vi P«r cent; six months. 4U«1% percent. , ,} - Prlsia rr.ercinUle paper — *?i35'i per cent. Btczttss «tchacp»! — Steady, with actual busi- BC9M in bankers' bill? at »I.S5C5S4.S3C0 for de-« r..aad tnd ct $*>2K v ?T4.Kr{ for sixty fiaya.v V. ■-'■: ntri, ti ■- .-.v > <••■:,. rcmmfrcial bill* — ?4 B2C4 b2tt i'.tr rilver — W*c. Ucxlcan dollar*— *Zc. Buntf* — Covwnncnta, steady; railroads, easy. . .,■.-! NEW TORK .STOCK LIST. Stocks— Sil**. Hlcfa. Low. Clow, Atrhicon 13.«» «3 • e7T, -€SK Atrhifcon pfd TOO S»tt K» K>*J naltimorv & Ohio.. 10.500 ei«4 S0% Rl% Bait & Ohio pfd l»l Canadian Pa-Ific... 1.200 UT UC^i rta d Nt* >•»■» !•'" Chesapeake & Ohio. 200 S3 32'; .*?t T i ( >i,-i S o U Alton... 5,0»> 4« CS .T5*i Oil & Alwn pfd... 100 M=4 Sl% »» r-hl Great Western. 400 15% 15^4 IS 1 ,! rbisw»*N W-- 1 '* t I" le3 - X<i»% Chi. Mil *i Et Pawl. 6,'JOO 142 141 Vi 142 | <:, m tk at r pfd i7(i Cfcl Tern & Trass. MO JO* ' »% 10 , CbX T * T gii •••• ♦••• — >*i ,C,C, CtSt Louis. 100 78 78 73 Colorado Southern. COO 17 16% 16% ! Colo Scuth 1st prd 54 ! Colo South 2J pM 24 i Delaware & Hudson 1,000 16O% 159 I6OV4 I Del. Lack & West 2wS i Denver & Rio G... 300 204 20Vi 2" l i ! Den & Rio G pfd.. 2W«> t"94 684 iZ>\ I Erie 5,300 2t>^fc 2l>4 2«4 ! Ert« 1st pfj 1.5O<) C4»i 64V * U4* I Erie 2d l rf"l l«0 444 44 4 444 I Hocking Valley 74 1 Hocking Val pfd S2H . Illinois Centra! 1,000 12SH 127 T » 12S% Iowa Central W'a : Iowa. Central pfJ 37 K C Southern 1SV4 1 K C Southern pfd 34 Louis & Nash 2.000 1044 1»4 104 «4 Manhattan L 5C0 142;* 141% 142» 8 . Meti-!tn Securities S3 Metro.TOlItan St Ry. 600 1174 H" l 17^ Minn U f-t Louis CO :M, SlPiSSM.. 700 O0\ 534 59r* ! M, StP&PS M ptd 113 Missouri Pacific 7.0HO 81 90Vi 61 Mo. Kan & Texas. 100 1»>4 1«4 1«H M. K & T pM.... 2<10 27 S«% 37 .Ntl RR Mex pfd.. 37 New York Central. 1.000 117T» 1174. H^* Norfolk & Western. 1,200 53 5S* 4 5r»4 I Nor & West pfd &S Ontario & Western. 2.200 21H 21=^ 21S Pennsylvania 12<).mO 1164 H54 113 vs P. C. C & St Louis C<)_ ; Reading 4,900 43 42% 42 g Reading 1st pfJ... 7!? * Reading 2 p<4.... 200 68J4 » sl ? 5J4 Rock Island Co.... 3,<XiO 2"J^ 22% 22^ I Rock Island Co pfd 700 624 . «% I PtL & SF 2d pfd 454 I Ft Louis S W 2<"tf 1S4 1S4 14 1 St Louis S W pM.. 1.4<"0 32% 31 s i 32?, j Southern Pacific. .. 20. 700 47% -474 4.'* • Southern Railway.. l.<*»0 21U 214 21>^ 1 Southern Ry pfd.. 700 81^ 81 814 • Texas i Pacific.... C<X> 244 ~* 24 'J 'T Pt L & W "34 T St L & W pM 351 * ! Union Pacific 24.500 79 78«4 J» \ 'nion raciiSc pfd »?, , Wabaeh 100 13 19 19 '? ■\Vabash pfd 5.5iX) 37 35% 3tt% Wheeling & L E.. 1<*> 16^4 l«^i 1* Wisconsin Central.. 100 19 19 »' Wiscorsin ren pf.t Express Cotr.panies — Adams • f r? '.American *;*' 1 United States J°Y We!ls-Fargo zl1 4r^c e "o^?"~ . 22.200 46 «H 45% AmcLrSr Foundry 200 1S« 18 J, 184 Ara Car & F afii-. l«t C74 6.4 b.Jr* Am Cotton Oil ~* Am Cotton Oil pfd •; —;; »2., Ami^pf,-::::::: ™ '£& & C Am LinseM Oil J^ Am Un Oil pfd •••: 28 Am Lvccmotlve .. 1.3CO 20*, 204 20U Am Loco rfd ■•• '2* Am Sm«lt & P-ef.. 100 4S 4A 4S Am FmeJt Jt R pfd 200 91 4 91 4 91 4 I Ara Sugar Refining 6,S<">0 124H '■Z>\ i-* 1 ? I Anaconda Mtn Co. 6C0 M 05 JT • ! Brooklyn R Transit 13,800 40% 40 , 40^ i Colo Fuel 4 Iron.. 100 31 1, .^14 .«H I Co-«olMated Gas.. 4.000 1S9", l«!04 1S : >4 I Corn Profiucta 100 19 IS 1» ! C«rn Products pfd J^.. I Dif tillers' P'.curities .S* .General Electric... 2<X> 170 170 l«f v i Intersil Paper .... 100 12 U 12'» 114 Interntal Paper pfd « Intemtl Purcp **S Inierntl Pump pM 'I* Naticr-al Lea3 15 North American... 700 K% 82 KJ Pacific Mall 200 23 2S 27vs Peorle's Gas 400 994 09 S 91 * Preised Ste*l Car. 100 29% »X 20% Pr Steel Car pfd.. 100 O C3 W4 Pullmtn Pal Car -15 Republic Ste«l ... 1C0 74 74 7Vi Republic Steel pfd 3'TO 434 434 MJi Rubber Goo<3« 700 1&4 1S% 1S% Rubber Goods pfd 76 Tenn Coal &. Iron. 3,400 35% 34% 354 C P Leather 300 7>-i 7% 7 U S Leather pfd... 2«) 7(5% Wtt 704 V S Realty 100 74 T4 7% U S Realty pfd 22.000 5*i B5H t5U. : U S Rubber 300 11 104 10% V 6 Rui-ber pfd... 60O 47 454 37 cssteci «.«*> "H 10 *4 ll ! t; s st«l pfd ....247.CJO 564 «5i 5? Westinghcuse Elec. 700 161 1O 161 I Western Unlcn 100 87% 67% &". Northern Securities W% Total sales 300.600 shares. UNITED RAILROADS OF SAN FRANCISCO. NEW YORK. Feb. 6. — No bend transactions t»-<lay. AMERICAN CAN COMPANY. NEW YORK. Feb. C— American Can Com pany : . Common — Bid. $3 87 4 ; asked. $4. Pre ferred — Bid. $33: asked. $34. NEW YORK BONDS, r 6 ref 2s reg-.104% L t N unified 4s. 0S% Do coupon 104% Man con gold 4s. 103 Vi Do 3s reg 1C« Mex Cer.t 4s feS'i Do coupon.... .100 Do lei ire 14 Do new 4s reg..l32% Mien & St L 4s. 97% Do coupon I&.M2 M. K & Tex 4s.. 97^fc Do old 4s reg..l07 Do 2is 78 Do coupon 108 NR. of Mox con 4s 74 Atcli gen 4» 93% N Y C gen 34s.. 98 Do a'ij 4s 83 N J C gen Ss... l:U^ Atlantic C L 4s. 93% Nor Pac 4s 1054 Bal & Ohio 4s 1014 Do 3s 72 Do 34s 9* 1 * Nor & XV con 4s. 97 r -4 Central of Ga 5s.IC54 OSL 4s & rartic. 92^ Do 1st inc 71 Pa cony 3';s 30 Ches Sc. Ohio 44s.10.1H Reaxling gen 4s.. l>6Vi Cti & Alton 3V-«- SXV4 SL & I M con CVi & Q new 4s. 0.5% S L & S F tg 4s. S3 CM & StPgn 4S.10S St Louis SW lsts. 9:'.% C & NW con Ti.US'-b SeaJward A L 4s. 6S% C R I & Pac 4s. G»% So Pac 4s Si>:~. 'Do col 5s 80 So Kailr/ay tSa.T.112% C C.C & StLtm 4s. 9S4 Tex t Pac l3ts.HC4 <rtl Term 4s 7B4 T. 6t L & W 4s. 71 Cons Tobacco 4s. ST»4 jqi-.ion Pae 4b 102% C K & I conv 5s. 724 I Do conv 4s O'JV* Cclo & So 4s 8U"fc 0 S Steel 2d 5s. 72 Dm &. Rio Q 4s. 084 Wabash lsts UC% Eric prijr Hen 4s. 9S Do deb B 634 Do gen U WH W & I. Erie 4s.. W>4 F W & D C Irts.103 Wls Ceat 4s g!»4 Hocking Val 4Us.l054 NEW YORK MINING STOCKS. Adams Con 10 (Little Chief C7 Alic* l*|Ontario 4 50 Brcece lOiOphir 3 W B*una Con 03: Phoenix ftS Ccs: Turr.el O7|Potosi .../.17. Coa Cal & Va... 1 50 Savage 40 Horn silver 1 20; Sierra Nev. E2 Iron Silver 1 23 .Small Hopes 20 Leadvllie Con ... C2lStacdard 2 40 Boston Stocks and Bonds. jjcr.ey— Westing Cora 76 Call loans 3V4C4% Mining- Time loans 4';'55 Adventure 2*4 Boada — Alloues 4'i \tchlson 4» 9*% Amal Copper 43% Mex Cent 4» «3 Blngham 21 Railroads — ] Calumet &Hecla.<50 Atrhlson' CSvfc -Centennial 144 Do pfd 6 9 4 Copper Range.... 42H Eoncn & Albany .247 JDaly West 8Sg P.oFtcn & Maine.lC8 Dom Coal ; 53 r.c*tcn Elev 152 Franklin H NY N H & H..l!»44 ! l*l* Royale 8 Fitchburg pfd 135 Mohawk 2.-,^ Union r7cinl .... 78% Old pom ....... 8* Mex Central 11* Osceola r,!j Miscellaneous — I'arrot 23% Amer i-ugar 12W Quincy 80 D O r,fd ....124U FasU Fe' Copper. 1H Atnex TrJ *.T«1. .183^4 Tamarack ...I0O Dom Iron «: S... 8!4 Trinity ;/. 4% Oen EU>ciric ...:1O United States/...-. Wa, Mjiss Eleclrlc 21 irtah ....32 Po pfd; 77 >. Victoria -....%.,.. 3Vt, Tnitcd Fruit 08- Winoaa 5H U S. Steel........ 11 Wolverine ....... 724 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, IDO-i. London Closing Stocks. Cons for money.S7 5-16'N' Y Central 121*4 Do for acct.87 7-16! Nor 4; Western.. 130»» I Anaconda a% Do pf d 90 Atchison 70 Ont & Western.. 22 Do pfd 92 '-i Pennsylvania 58 'A Bal & Ohio S3H Rand Hines 9% Can Pacific 120 Reading 21% Ches & Ohio 33% Do 1st pfd 40% I Chi G-reat W... 16 j Thy 2d pfd 30 Chi. Mil & St P..145Si'So Railway ...... 21% De Beers 13»i| Do pfd S4 Den & Rio G 21 So Pacific ••....- .• 4S»4 Do pfd 72 Union Pacific S0»i 1 Erie 26TJ Do p'd.:... ..,. 93 Do 1st pfd teu, U S' Steel." ... 11 Do 2d pfd.. 48 Do rfd .....56 ■. HI Central 132' Wabash ....19«i Louis & NaEh._10T^ Do pfd. ..1 .87 M. K & Tex.' 17% Bar silver^ — Quiet 25 ll-16d per ounce.- f Money— 11452 rer ce'nt. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 2?iS2 7 , per cent and for three moDths" bills 2% fi2 15-18 rer cent. ,; • Associated Banks' Statement. NEW YORK. F«b. 6.— The ) statement of averages of the clearing-house banks of ■ this city for the week shows: Loans, ?9';>S,I55O,SOO; increase, $4,233,700. Deposits. $1.027. 15U.5O0; In creaFe, $3,212.7(.«. Circulation. S41.5C9.4C0; de crease. S2. 927.500. Specie, $205, O<56, 90»>; in crease. $Si»,400. Reserve. $J78,e31,!)00: de crease, $2,843,100. Reserve required. S25fi.7Sy. 125; increase, $803,175. Surplus, $21,842,175: de crease. «.2SC,275. ex-United States deposits, |31,0Co\100; decrease. $3.2S7,7CO. Nezu York Grain and Produce. NEW YORK. Feb. 6.— FLOUR— Receipts. t 55,100 barrels; export*. 3G,O:>0 barrels; "quiet \ but steady at last night's price. Minnesota : patents. $4 85^5 15; Minnesota bakers, ?3 90$ ; 4 25; winter patents, $t 00^4 S5; winter : straights, *4 35§4 50; winter extras. ' $3 25® 05 60; winter low grades. S3 0563 4O.' - i WHEAT — IiPceipts. 13,650 bushels; spot,: easltr; No. 2 red, 9<5c elevator; No. 2 red, 07*1 c , f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1 (Xi j f. o. b. aflaat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, j f. o. b. aficat. Options opened stronger on j the> war news, but experienced a rush of prcfit- j taking- rales which broke prices about a cent a bushel in the first hour, helped by prsdic- I tions of larre wcrld'n shi^raep.ts on Monday. Near the close the market rallied on a war rumor and closed firm at **i!??%c net lower. Hay. 9«?e»7V«c. closed Mi}4c: July. 90<4@91c, closed OOUc: S^^tember closed S^^c. HOPS — Firm; Sute. common to choice. 1903, 30&2Sc; 1U02. 24g2Sc: - olds. - 104E13c;. Paciflc 1 Coast. 1900. 27ST"Sc: l!>02 2i / g27c; olds. 10^15c. ; HIDES — Firm; California, 21 to 25 pounds, 1 25c. . ; I WOOL — Firm; domestic fleece, 2S^32c. f SUGAR — Raw. • etwdy ; fair refining 2 27-r52 I cer.trifusral, 06 test. 3 ll-lfrS'S'ic; mo- ;' lasses supar, 2 19-32#2%c. Refined, steady; '■ No. C 4.C5c: No: 7. 4.00c: No? S, 3.95o; No. 9, 3.90c; No. 10. 3.S5c; No. 11. S.SOc; No. 12. 3.75c: No. 13, 3.70c; No. 14.' S. 65c: confectioners' A, j 4.30c; mo-ld A. 4.S0c; cut loaf. 5.15c: crushed, J 5.15c; powdered, 4.55c; granulated, 4.45c; cubes, j 3.7CC. • r COFFEK— Spot Rio, steady; No. - 7 invoice, |, 7 l."-16c; mlW. steady. . Cordova, . S%<S\ZV^- < The msrket for ccfTc» -futures opened steatH' at j an of 3 to 8 pofnts on July and 5 to [ 20 points en other position*, c-n mofleratebuy ine Inspired by ftfmtr Prench cables and light- ; er primary receipts. There was. continued liqui- ■ dalion by cctton exchange hcuses ar.d later th<* ' market eased off. soon losing all the initlil . train. Pellinsr becain" particularly active Just before the close, partly an a result of the fur- j th*r reduction is package coffee ar.d in. syni- " pathy with the continued, break in cotton which permed' to be un?ettl!ni? conBdcnce- in the coffee market as well, airl the cK)3e Tras steady at a decline of 5II15 points. Sales. lirr.otx) bars, including: March. «.ir>{rfi.4:>e; May July. 6.7Qtf?7.<"-5c; September, 6.0o#7.25c; Decerr.ber. 7.25.R7.50. DRIED FRUITS. EVAPORATED APPLES — The market con tinues quiet. Common are quoted at 4{T3c; prime, 5^Q5Uc; chclce, 5^g«c; fancy, e^ • C7c. PRUNES — Continue in moderate demand, but rule etrady with quotations ranging from 3«;C to «»4c. — Are in fair demand, but steady, i Choice, WUaiO^jc; extra' choice, B\QlQ)fa:fA fancy Il!il5c. PEACHKP — Firm. Choice. 7^i!37*ic: extra chclce. 7*iesV*c; fancy. itglOc. Nezu York Cotton Market.- NEW YORK. Feb. 6.— The buying of cot ton yesterday suppose! to be for a bull pool in order to regain control of the market, came to naught to-day, when a sensational break in Liverpool, very threatening news from the ' Far East, heavy estimates and a bearish I visible suprly statement rendered the local i bears more ccrfMTt than ever. ' The New York market opened weak at a loss j of 44 to 55 points, which had been Increased tr> B2S76 points on the active months before the call was completed, with March selling as low as 13.8-Sc. May 14.05o and July at 14.08c. • Following this there was extensive covering and prices rallied a few points from the bottom, but every trlfiine bulK* brought out fresh pressure, and the market rule<i feverish and ir- . regular. The New Orleans market cpaned at ' a decline of "0 to 39 points and there was little 5i£n of New Orleans buying in the local , market. ', , I Trading after the call was only moderately active.. New Orl-ians became firmer and a cov- j erins? movement set in here and that, in con- ■ ne-tion with local and Southern bull support. , raliiod the market from 3ft to 45 points. The aJvance met very heavy selling, chiefly from outside soirees, and in the late trading the market was very w?*k. being finally easy at a n»» decline of 4O to 4j points. Closing prices were practically the lowest, with July quoted nt 13.03c. Sales wsre esti mated at 200,000 bales. 1 Nefo York Metal Market. XEW YORK. Feb. 6. — The metal jr.arkets to-<iav were reneraily qu!et. w TIN— Firm at $27 SG$28 2r, for sr-ot. . COPPER — Dull Lake. $12 37U5S12 H21J: elertrolytie. $12 25t?12 5C; castlwr, $12 12»i9 12 r.7 1 -. SPTXTEP.— QuJet at $4 BOfTSw LEAD — Quiet 3t *4 4."^4 .10. IRON — Dull ar.d ur.char.scd. Exports and Imports, y NEW YORK, Feb. fi.— Exports of drytoeds ar.d general rnerrhantlise at Nfw York fcr the I week were valu;d at $12,727,773. Experts of STircit; from New York frr t.h« I week were $€7.1.911 silver and S333,B2S ifold. | Imrort!" c.t srecie at New York this woelc j were |44,1S8 cold ami $35,235 silver. ; Chicago Board" of Trade. x Future Grain and Provisions. CHICAGO, Feb. 6.— A storm of liquidation broke ever the fain pits to-day. In spite of the critical situation in the Orient. Sharp losses were sus'ainod in all cereals. The market was unable to rally, and closing prints were near the low point. May wheat being oft 1 cent from lart nlsht's close. May corn closed l%c lower, while oats were down 2^ 2He. Provisions were rracticaJly unchanged. Strength &vA activity marked initial trading in wheat. That the war outlook was of a most mrious nature was evidenced by a de cline In the r.rice of Ensll«h consols. Bhorts were active buyers at the start, and bid up the price of the May option Vic to %c above yesterday's close, the opening quotations be!n;j at MV'iC to 05«4c. July was a shade to %ff%c higher, at SCc to SC^c. But these prices Iat>ted only a moment. There was such a quantity of wheat for 5al?— both May and July deliver ies — that within five minutes the price o£ May ha<1 fallen to &l-%c and July to SV>ic This selling craze ws» »r>cn partly exhausted. On support from the leading Ions the market quickly recovered part of the early loss. May rallied to 94vic and July to SOc. Trading was comparatively quiet durins thn remainder of the day until within the last half hour. Com mlMicn-hcuses continued to sell on all slight rallies, while small holders netz;d every op portunity to eecure profits. In the face of fresh war rumors th« ult was delused with fcellinr orders late in the day. There was not enough demand to absorb the offerings and. In consequencp. May broke to 03%c, while the price of July was carried down to Sl'ic. The close was extremely weak, with May at 04c, a net loss for the day of lc. July was irjl',;e lower, at 54 a »c. . . ■ . About the same conditions surrounded tradlnsr in tb» corn rlt as were VB-itnesyed In ths wheat market. Hay closed at 5494c, a net loas of l%c. ' . > . . The feature in trading In oats was the weak ness of the May delivery and the comparative ftrenuth cf July. May closed 2©2Hc lower, at 44\4<M4Uc Provisions were atrcng- early. In sympathy with higher Drices for hogs and on war news. At t!ie clrse all tht caln 'was lost. May pork an4 lard l.einr oil 2*4c. but riba were up 2&c. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles— Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat No. 2— May 05% 85% 03»i 04 July -;.... 88% 50% SA% f4^ Eeptentber SOH S0?i 79% • 70% Corn No. 2— . :,.--» ''f^MMHg February ...%.. Bl% TU% .51 "51 May ...... - . ' Mtt, --■■ • 00% • {S4% / 64% July :. 53!s 53' /8 62 :: 52V<, Oats No. 2 — February ...... '.*..VX*)>««: :;.".;■ "41% May 46& 48U 44% ' 44Ti July 40 40% 3OV4 89% September S3?i 34 33*, 33% Mess Pork, ter bbl — May 13 65 13 75 18 57 H 13 57^ Lard, per 100 lbs— May 7 65 7 67*i 7 50 7 52^4 July 7 70 7 70 7 55 7 05 Short Ribs, per 100 lbs — May 6 82*S 6 85 8 77% 6 80 July 0 97% 6 67% 6 9O 6 92% Cash Grain and Provisions. CHICAGO. Feb. 6.— Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, firm; winter patents, $4 15© 4 30; straights. $3 S5@4 10: spring patents. $4 10*?4 50: straishts, ?3 7O®4; bakers'. $3@ 3 40; No. 3 spring wheat, SO®83%c; No. 2 red, 02%©97*ic; No, 2 corn. 50»ic; No. 2 yellow, 50?ic; No. 2 cats. 4l%QiV,ic<; NoA2 white. 4^i@45»4c; No. 2 rye. ei&c; good feeding barley. 39@40c; fair to choise malting. 48^ 5Sc: No. 1 flaxseed. $1 11; No. 1 North western. ?1 18; prime timothy seed, $3 13; mess pork, per bbl. «13 G0©13 62%; lard, per 100 lbs. *7 30$7 S7»i; short ribs sides (loose), $6 GO® 6 75f short clear sides (boxed), $G 75$je S7%; whisky, . basis of high wines, $127; clover, contract grade, - J10 75® H. • ti :_ . Articles— : . . Receiptsi Shipments. Flour, barrel 21,000 16,000 "Wheat, bushels . . . .■ ... 52.70O ' 29,200 Corn, bushels 192,300 206,Iit>0 Oats, bushels 172.100 116,700 Rye. bushels 0.700 7,800 Barley, bushels 03,500 3,600 Butter, Cheese and Eggs. CHICAGO. Feb. 6. — On the Produce Ex change to-day the butter market was firm; creamery, 15Q24c; dairy, 13%@20c; eggs, weaker at mark, cases ■ Included, 27®°9c cheese, steady, »%610%c. ' Livestock Market. CHICAGO. CHICAGO. Feb. 6.— CATTLE— Receipt*. SCO; nominal; gocd to prime steers, $4 90^5 60; poor to medium, $2 25@4 SO; stockers and feed ers. $2 2of?4 15: cows, $1 50JH 25; heifers 5i®4 50: . cannors. $1 50@2 40; bulls, »2&4 calvts. $2@7 23. HOGS — Receipts to-day, 13,0CO; Monday 45,- OOJ; mixed and butchers. $4 75.35 05; good to choice heavy, *4 Oo^S 10; rough heavy $4 80 <?M 85;. light, $4 SOfei 80; bulk of sales" SI 75 SHEEP— Receipts, 20CO;* sheep and lambs, steady; good to choice wethers, $4@4 60; fair to choice mixed. 53 75@4: Western sheep. $3 755} 0 75: native lambs. $IQ5 S5;- Western lambs, $5 £5t?6 10. • • ' Miscellaneous Markets. Foreign Futures'. ' LIVERPOOL. . Wheat — ■ March; May. Opening 6 4% 6 3% Closing 6 4»4 6 3% PARD5. Wheat — Feb. May-Aug. Opening 2120 21.15 Closing ..'. 21 20 21 35 ' Flour — Opening 29 25 2S 00 Closing • • ?. . 20 20 2S i90 St.'Louis Wool Market. ■ ST. LOUIS. Feb. .6. — Wool, nominal. Medl •um' grndM. combing actl clothing. 17621c: M«ht -fine. 15&17Hc; heavy Rax. 12*J14V4c; tub washed. 20tj3Oc. Northern Business. SEATTLE, ,-Waah/. F^b. e.^-Clearings. $J09,- CS7; balances, ?123,C9S. . ■ ■ TACOMA. Wash., Feb. '6.^-Clearings'," $322, 01ft: balanop'. $S2,107. ■ ■ •' ■ . ■' PORTLAND. Or.. Feb. 6.— Clearings, $423,- S2»>; balaircej>; ?4l.-«23. < - '- 1 ■ -•• »- SPOKANE, Wash., Feb. 6.— Clearings, $321,- S79; balances, $42,477.- , -• • -, - ♦ Northern Wheat Market. OREGON. PORTLAND. Feb. «.— WHEAT— Walla Wal la, 75c; Bluestem, SOgSle; Valley, 79@80c. WASHINGTON. TACOMA. Feb. 6.— WHEAT— Bluestem. 60c; Club. 75c. *• - X LOCAL MAKKETS. Exchange and Bullion. Sterllr.,, Exchange, sixty days — $4 83% Sterling Exchange, sight — 4 SS* Sterling- Exchange, cables — 4 S7^i New York Exchange, sight .... — 12% New -York Exchange, telegraphic. — 15 Silver, per ounce — 55*4 Mexican Dollars, nominal 44 O 45 Wheat and Other Grains. WHEAT-tCTileaeo declined frcm 95c to 03%c and closed \t 94c. Trading continued active and wires to this city said that the whole situ ation is sensational and so artificial that wldt> and rapid fluctuations are llktly. * What with the Chicago decline and a re newal cf the rain this market was weak, with lower futures. Trading in the cash grain con tinued light at previous prices. CASH WHEAT. California Club. $1 37H©1 42H: California White Australian. $1 45©1 DO: Northern Club, $1 38%G1 41H; Northern Bluestem. $1 474© 1 50; Oregon Valley, Jl 40. FUTURES. Session 9 to 11:30 a. m. Open. High. Low. • Close. May $1 3S% -*13SH *1 ?"V4 *1 37% BARLEY — The week closed on a dull and soft market for cash grain, with lower futures, due to renewed rain. Operators are Ktill holding off and the millers are Indifferent buyers. CASH BARLEY Feed, $1 CS*4&1 10: Shippiite and Brew- Ing. 51 15®1 17H: Chevalier. $1 17%©1 40 ror fair to choice. FUTURES. \ Session 9 to 11:30 a. m. Open. High. Low. Close. May $1 00 Jltfi $1 04*4 $1 05 December ... 1 02tf 1 02% 1 O-'ij 1 02*4 OATS — DcaKrs continue to quote a quiet market at unchanged rclces. White. $1 37ij; Ulack. SI 25©1 63; Red. ¥1 2."#1 ai'/j lor feed and $1 30#l 35 for toco"; Grays. |l'g£Wft)CC ctl. CORN— Them is soothing new of Interest tn this market. Buyers are doing little at the moment. ' THe tone, however, ia very firm and purchasers can obtain no concisions.' Western sacked. »i .XHi :J5 for Yellow, Jl 30 gl S2U for White and SI 32V4 for Mixed; Cailx'O'nla largt-. Yellow. $1 a5«l 37V4; small round do, $1 40'Sl 50: White, |l 2561 30 per ctl: Egyptian. %l iSijl 55 fcr white and $1 25 for' bn-wn. RYE— $1 30© I 32i,i per ctl. LUCKWIIHAT— $1 7532 per ctL Flour and Millstuffs. FLOUK— California Family Extras, t4 BO® 4 to usual terms; Bakers' Extras. $4 5Og4 60,' Oregon and Washington, $3 9004 20 per bbl for Family and $3 »C®1 40 for Bakers*. MILLSTUFFS— Prices In packages are as follows: Graham Flour. $3 23 per lpO-lbs; Ry e Flour, $3 2.1- Rye Meal. $3; Rice Flour, 87- Corn Meal $3 25; extra cream do. $4; Oat GroaU $4 50; Eomlny. UQ4 23; Buckwheat Flour $1 MtfM 75: Crack'd Wheat. $3 75; Fa rina $150; Whoie Wheat Flour, $3 50; Rolled Oats bbls, J7 25®S 60; tn tacks, in 75OS 10; Pearl Biriey, $0; BpBt Peaa. boxes. 37; 'Jrnn Pea* $3 3»fper 100 lbs. Hay and Feedstuff s. The Oregon uteamer expected on Friday with COCO or 7000 sacks of Bran came in with only "70 The market for Bran and Middlings con tinues very stiff, with practically no stock offer- Ing. The ether F^dstuffs are as before quoted. Hay stl'l shows no change.' It Is b«iieved. however that the rain has checked the ad vance fcr the present, though no decline is ex pected. Recelots are moderate. BRAN— S21622 per ton. MIDDLINGSt-$27 50S29 per ton. 'sHORTS-!-$2l!&« per ton. FEEDETUFFS — Roiled Barley. $23 G<hB24 SO cer ton; Oilcake Meal at the mill. $29 504Z31; jobbing $32: Coccanut Cake. $21@22: Corn Meal $23 50<ft29 60; Cracked Corn. J2903O; Mixed Feed *21 004122 50: Horse Beans. *JOt> 40 per ten; Broom Corn Fe3d. 00c per ctl. HAY— Wheat. $15«1S; Wheat and Oat. $140 17- Oat. $14©17; Wild Oat. $14®15; Barley, J12C14 30; Stock, nominal— none here; Alfalfa. JIL'&IS 50 per ton. . STRAW— 5C073C per bale. Beans and Seeds. Pink Beans are active and are being bought up and large transfers have been made during the rast two days. Prices snow no further change. Th* other v description* are as pre viously stated. • HKANS^-Bayos," $2 25C2 50; Pea. $3: But ters, *3 60; small White. $2 75<g3: large White. $2 15S2 40: Pink, $2 SZ&3; Red. $4 2Rfr4 50; Lima $3 23fc3 SO; Red Kidneys, $4 25<M 00; Blackrye.-tf! 15©2 25 per ctl: Hona Beans, $24?2 50. • SEEDS — Brown Mustard. $3 BO: Tellow Mos« tard. ii C3©5» 80;' Flax. - 91 SO®1 Wu Canary, 5i&5V4c for Eastern: Alfalfa, 14©14%c: Rape. 1Vi9-^: Timothy. 6g6%c; H«np. :n;«3Vit: p«r lb; Millet. 333&C;- Broonl Corn Seed. 120021 P *DIUED PEAS— Blackeye. $2 23ff2 50 per ctL Potatoes, Onions and Vegetables. As usual on Saturday there was very little demand among retailers for Potatoes, but wholesalers reported a good ypeculative de mand for Oregon fiurbanks and price* were well sustained. The steamer Oregon arrived overnight with 7040 sacks, only a small portion of which were unloaded up to a. late hour. An other steamer U due to-morrow with 'addi tional supplies. Holders of river Burbanks were still asking high prices, but trade on the wharf was 01 very small volume. Salinas and Lumpoc Burbanks were closely cleaned up and sieaay. Sweets were unchanged, with supplies ample and the demand light. Onions ruled firm at a further advance and fine Oregon stock was strongly held on the wharf. The steamer Oregon brought down 230 sacks. Receipts of southern vegetables were lighter than usual, as tho rain in the growing districts prevented farmers from picking. The demand was steady and all descriptions ruled tirm at gocd prices. Cabbage was higher under a steady demand for shipment to the Southwest and higher prices are expected in the near future. A few boxes of Rhubarb came in and met with prompt sale at slightly firmer rates. Choice Iota ot new Potatoes (rom across th« bay were itill selling at 3&4as&er pound. POTATOKS — Burbanks irom the river. 90c3 $1 C5 j>er ctl; Salinas and Lompoc Burbanks, si 40@l 60 per ctl; Oregon Burbanks, SI 109 1 30 p«r ctl; River Reds. 60<g73c per ctl; Gar net Chiles. 9Ocg$l per ctl; Early P.ose, aOc^Sl per ctl; Sweet Potatoes, $2 15 per ctl. ONIONS — Yellow, (1 73®1 90 per ctl; Green Onions. 50670c per box. - VEGETABLES — Green Peas, 5<g7c per lb; String Beans, 10S17*4c per lb; Wax. S^12Hc: Tomatoes from Los Angeles. $1©1 50 per box or crate; Rhubarb, 8910c per lb; Summer Squash from Los Angeles, $lgl ila per box; Cabbage, $1 10 per ctl; Carrots, 50c per sack; Hothouse Cucumbtrs, ode's il per dozen for small and $l'C0@2 for large: Garlic. 5 ©tic per lb; Egg Plant. 17%'$20c per lb; Dried Peppers. 5@Sc per lb for Stock ten and 106124c for southern: Dried Okra. 12Uc per lb; Green Peppers, l'2>ic per lb; Mushrooms. SJ&SCc per lb; Marrowfat and Hubb-ird Squash. S10@13 per ton for round iota and Vjii%c per lb for sacked. Poultry and Game. As usual on Saturday there was not much doing in Poultry, but what little came in was easily disposed of at previous prices. Local stock was cleaned up at the close, but a car of Western, which came In late In the day, was held over for to-morrow's market. All dealers are expecting an active market this week, as the Chlnesa will be stocking up in order to meet the extra requirements for their New Year festivities. Six case * of -dressed Turkeys carna in and sold at prevfus prices. Game was in moderate receipt and cleaned up quickly under a good demand. Several descrip tions were quoted higher. POULTRY— Dressed Turkeys. 16§21c per lb; live Turktys, 15@17c per lb: Geese, per pair. $2g2 25: Goslings, S2l&2 25; Ducks. $5 ftOfttJ per dozen fcr old and $*K?7 for young; Hens, $5 50&0 for large and $4 50#5 50 for small: young*-. Roosters. $6u37; old Roosters, $59 5 50; Fryers. $5 50©«; Broilers. $4 5OS3 for large and ' 33 50^4 50 for small; Pigeons. $1 25© 1 50 per dozen for old and 52 25@2 50 for Squ»b*. GAME— Mallard Ducks $.1ft4 SO per dozen: Canvasback. $.?g5: Spring. $2®3; Teal. $1 50^ 2: Widseon, SI 5C@2: small Ducks. $lfil 23; Gray Geese. $3@-3J>0: W*h:te Gee«e, $l@l 25; Brant. $1 25 for small and $2 50 for large; Honkers, $4 SO fcr large and $■! 50 for small; English Snipe. S3: common Snips, $1 50: Wild Dovts. $1; Rabbits. |1 for Couontalls and $1 25 for Brush: Hare. $1 25. s Butter, Cheese and Eggs. Butter closed the week dull, with stocks larger and the feelinjr weak. Offerings of firsts and even extras at 2332$ VAc were still reporter!, but the quotations below represent the market as th« majority of the trade quoted it. There are two elements — one bull and the other bear- In the market at present, and between them a range of 2c In quotations is given. Cheese shows no Improvement and the shelves continue full of the goods. A shipping broker reported yesterday that he could buy store- Eggs at 24c cas °d. which shows a weaker market for this description. Some commission merchants, too, quoted ranch a cent o£f. The feeling is not as firm as it has been, and, though receipts were not as large as the average for the past three or four days, they T/cre too large for the market to ab sorb, and there was quite a little stock on hand at the close. Receipts were 25.f00 lbs Butter. 97S cases Efnrs and 6100 lbs Cheese. BUTTER — Creamery. 2Sc fer firsts. 2»3-' > .'>c for extras and 2fi@27 I^c for seconds: dairy. IS7J 22c; stcre Buttrr.' 1 nominal: cold storage. 21iJ£2e for extras. 17£20c for seconds and lC©18c for ladle -packed. CHEESE — lOijfUlVjC for good to choice nsir and 0910c for lower grades: Young Amer icas. ll«12c: Eastern. 15ft 14c: Western. 14@ 15."! per lb. rROS — Ranch. 2BtI27e for choice to fancy and 25c for small and mixed colors; store. 24@25c per dozen. Deciduous and Citrus Fruits. The inclement weather continued to discour age trade in fresh fruits and the demand for all descriptions was very light among local r« tallers. Stocks of Oranges were heavy and only the large sizes of Navels were wanted. Fancy l>Cs were scarce and firmly held at an advance over the quotations. The promoters of the Orange auction announced that eight or ten cars, including the four cars that were sched uled fcr Friday's fale, would be sold to-mor row. Tangerines were In pood request amcng tie 'Chinese for the approaching New Year cele bration, and prices were firmer. Occasional sales of large sizes packed In half boxes wen? reported at |1 75 per box/ Lemons. Limes and Grape Fruit were unchanged. The pre%-aillny high prices of Apples have drawn In liberal supplies from the country and. as the rainy weather has chicked the demand somewhat, stocks arc commencing to accumu late again. Prices, however, .are unchanged. APPLES — <1 75^2 per box for extra fancy; $1 25«1 ,*>O for ordlitary fancy. SSc£$l for choice, and C0<S75c for common. PEARS Winter Nellis from cold storag«. SI 7K€2 per box, TTRCS VnriTF — Navel Orates. $1 5C*I2 per box for fancy. $1 25^1 75 for choice and 5Or<gSl for 5t»«n'l8nis: SeedMncs. RO«»*l: Tangerines. $1 2r>@l 00 for half boxes and 75c© $1 for quarter boxes; Lemons. $1 7."32 30 for fancy, SI 25(51 50 for choice and 75c;p$l for standard: Grape Fruit.^1 5^22 50: Mexican Limes. $4^4 GO: Bansnas. $lft2 p-r bunch for Hawaiian and S2#2 50 for Central American: Pinc-spplea, $1 50<St2 50 per dozen for Central American and $3^3 for Hawaiian. Dried Fruits, Nuts, Raisins. Honey. There Is no change In the market and trade is still dull. Prtss dlspntchos (ma the Eastern Peach belt Yerort extensive .lamas* to tha orchards by the recent rerr.arkahly cold wave. Npt onfy were the buds froten over wide areas, but th! trees themselves were killed, son* of them beins actually split from the forks down ward by tl»9 Intense cold. If thesw reports prove true the supply cf the tenderer kinds of fruits will show a marked deficiency In th; East and West this year. FRUIT- -vicricot!. WttMfl for Royals and 9 <f?l!c for M ""narks: Evaporated ADples. 49 r>Hc: snr>-fjr|e<1. a^4~- PmcH«i. 4©flu,o: n~.r*. eOlOc; Nectarines 4#5^o: Figs, white. 41?4^c In boxes; black. 4%c; Plums, pitted. 0Q9c per pound. PRUNES— 1903 crop. 2>it?2-%c for the four "ttxes. RAISINS — The Association announces th» following new prices for l'JiM: Standard grades, fiO-lb cases — 2-crown I^>C!« Muscatels. 3V4e par lb- 3-erown r.\c; 4-crown. 6>^c: Seedless Loose Muscatels, 4Uc: Seediess floated. 4He; 2-crown Malaga locse. 5c; 3-crown Malaga loose. 5%c; Seedlees Sultanas, unbteached. 4V.c; Seedless Thompsons, unbleached. 5%c. Layers, per 20 lb box — C-crown Imperial clusters. $3; 5-cr;wn Dehe3a dust*r», *2 CO; 4-crown fancy Clusters. 12- 3-crown London Layers, fl 33; 2-crown London Layers. SI usual advance for frac tional boxes and layers. Seeded — Fancy 16-ox carton*. P*r lb, 7%c; fancy 12k>z cartons, per package. C*ic; fancy bulk cartons, per lb, i&c; choice I6-0* cartons, per lb. 7Hc; choice 12-oa cartons. v*r package. «%c; choice bulk car tons per lb. 7 Vic; l«i-oz cartons, reeded Seed ling^ Muscatels, per lb. 7c; 12-oz cartons, seeded Seedlings. Muscatels, per lb. 63(c; bulk. geedeJ Sei-dlloss. Muscatels, per lb. 6»ic. NUTS — Walnut*. No. 1 roftshell. UH914c: No 2 llV4©l"-c; No. 1 hardshell. lSBUUo- No. 2 11611 J .4c; Almoads. lie for Nonpareils, lOUc'for IX L. 10»,ic for Ne Plus Ultra and S%tc for Languedoc: Peanuts. 6©7c for Eastern; Pecans. Iiei3c: Cocoanuts. Si 50*35; Chest nuts. 6©7e per lb. I HONEY — Comb. 10<gll»4c for white and S^n OVtiC for ! amber: waUy white extracted. 6MJ 5^c; light amber extracted. 4«4e*%c: dark. 3 *UEE:SWAX-27620c F« lb. Provisions. Chicago opened firm on the serious aspect of ths war situation la the Orient, but the mar ket lacked support and closed weak, with Uduidatlon going ott. Wires to Mltch'Il. Mul c^hy & Co. from the Board of Trade said that the great elump in Cotton was forcing liquida tion by Southern holders. The opinion seems to be that receipts ot Hogs will continue large. . This market : remained without change, thoush there are hints that there will be a cfiance In Pork products • In ths near future. CURED MEATS — Eacon. 10V»c • p«r lb for heavy ll%c fcr light medium. 13Hc for light. 14c for extra light and 16c for sugar-cured: Ea*t*m susar-cured -.Hams. ISHc: California Hams. 12Htft3c: Mesa Reef. Stl M> per bbl; extra Mess. S12012 50» Famtlv. $13: prim* Me»s Pork. SIS: extra clear. *24: Mms. SIS: Dry Salt'd Pork, lie: Pis Pork. $27: P!»s* Fe*t. $5 25: Smelted "Beef. 15c per lb. • LARD— Tierces quoted at 7c per lb for compound and OVic for pure; half-barrels, purs. B^c: 10-Ib tins. 10c: 5-tb tins. 10%e; 3-tb tins. 10U c ■ % COTTOLENE— Cn» half barrel. OUc; thre« half barrels. 9e: one tierc«. 8%c; two tierces. 8%e; nv« Uerces. 8%e per lb. . • Hides. Tallozu, Wool and Hops. HIDES AND SKINS— Culls and brands sell a tout *vi?lc ' under quotations. ' Heavy Salted Steers, 8Hc; medium. 8%c; ll«ht. 8c: Cow HIdea 80 for heavy ana Sc for light; Stags. 6c; Saited Ktc. 9c; Salted Veal. 10c: Salted Calf. lOHc; dry Hides. 15«16c; dry Kip. We; dry Calf ISc; Sheepskins. ihearUnga. 23i830c each; short Woo!.- 40©e."c each: rr~ <!luin 70-S»Oc: long Wool fl81 CO; Hone Hides. i*Jt. *2 "5 for large" and *-'u~ 60 for medium. $1 25©t 73 for small ar.d COc for Colt*. Hoys- 1IWI»9. dry. ?1 "3 for lanre ind It 50 for medium. $1©1 25 for iniall and 50c for Colts. Buck Skin* — Dry Mexican, Sic; dry salted Mexican. 23c : dry Central American. 31c. Goat Sklas — Prim* An goras 73c; large' and smooth. SOc; medium. 33c: imalf. 20c. TAIXOW— Xo. 1 rendered. 4c per IS: JTo. 2. .me; grease. 2H©^c. • , , w , WOOIv — Fall clip — San Joaquln Lamb**. »O llr- Middle County, llfn^e: -northern-- De fectlv». OfllOc: Nevada. 13*J13e: Oregon, fine, ISSISc: Orescn medium, 17c per 1b. HOPS — 23ft.10c per lb for CalUorala. 1003. and 17C2Cc fcr crop of 1904. Meat Market. Quotations remain as befor*. The effect of the current rain on the market still remains to te reen. DRESSED MEATS. Wholesale rates from flaugateren to dealeis ai* as follows.: BF.KF — tt%f?7%C for Steers asd C86%e per lb for Cows. VEAL— Large. 8««c: small, OSIOc per lb. MUTTON— Wethers. 9%810c: 3wes. 99t>%a >er lb LAMB— Yearlings, 10%QUc per lb; Spring. 15316c . PORK— Dr*M#d Hew. "ft$V.c per lb. LIVESTOCK MARKET. The following quotations are for good, sound Livestock, delivered In San Francisco, less SO per cent shrinkage for Cattle: CATTLE— Steers. S8»c: Cows and HsUcra. 768c: thin Cows. 4@5c per lb. CALVES — 164%c per lb (gross weight). BHEEP— Wethers. 4%85c; Ewes. 4Vai"-i= per lb (grcss weight). LAMBS- 535Uc per lb. HOGS— Live Hogs. 140 to ISO lbs. 8H05%e: over ISO lbs, 5c; soft Hogs. 4*>jc; Sows. 2O per cent off; Boars. SO per cent off. and Stags. 44 per cent ott from above quotations. General Merchandise. BAGS — Grain Bags ara firmer, owing to the rain, at 5V£c; San Quentin. 5.55c; Wool Bags. 32g35c; Fleece Twine. 7%CSc. COAL— Wellington, is per ton; New Wel lington. $3: Seattle. SZ 50; Bryar.t. $6 50: Bea ver Hill. $6; Standard. |7; Roslyn. $7: Coos Bay. $5 50; Greta, *7; Wallsend. $7; Rich mond. $7 50; Cumberland. $13 In bulk and $14 25 in sacks; Pennsylvania Anthracite Egg. 114; Welsh Anthracite Egg. S13; Welsh Lump. $11 50; Cannel. 98 50 per ton; Coke. Ill 500 13 per ton in bulk and $15 In sacks; Rocky Mountain descriptions,' $11 45 per 20CO lbs and $12 SO per Icng ton, according to brar.d. OILS— Quotations are for barrels; for cases, add 5c; Linseed. 4Uc per gallon for boiled and 47c for raw; Castor Oil, In cases. No. 1, 70c: Bakers' AA. (1 MSI 12: Lucol. 4tc for boiled and 42c for raw; China Nut. 60<g70c per r»Uon; Cocoanut Oil. In barrels 58c for Ceylon and 55; for Australian: extra bleached winter Sperm OIL 80c: natural winter Sperm Oil. 7-c; extra bltacbed winter Whale Oit. 65c: natural Whale Oil. 60c; extra wlnt«r strained Lard Oil. R.V; No. 1 Lard Oil, 75c: pure Neatsfoot Oil. 75c: No. I Neatsfoot Oil. R5c: Uzht Herrln* Oil. 45c: dark Herring Oil. 4-Te: Salmon Oil. ."We; bol!ed Floh Oil. 40c: raw Fish Oil. 3Sc: boiled Paint Oil. ".*c: raw Paint Oil. 33e. COAL OIL — Water White Ccal Oil In bulk. 15c: Pearl OH in cases. 21 4c: Astral. 21%c: Star. 21%c: Extra Star. 25Hc: Elalas. 27%c: Eocene. 24%c: Deodorized Stove Gaso line. In bulk. 17c: In cs.«s». 23*4c:. Bemin*. In bulk 13c: In cases. l!)Uc: Se-degree Gasoline. In bulk. 25c: In cases. 31c. TURPENTINE— ««c per irallon in cases and S2c In drums and iron barrels. RED ANP WHITE LEAD— Tied Lead. «'.i^ 7c per lb: White Lead. 6%©7c. according "to quint'tT. COFFEE — C. E. Bickford's circular irtves the receipts at this port in January at 15.2as bags, against 24,lt39 for the same menth last year. The sales from first hands were 1S.14O bass. a;alnst 15,075. The stock in first hands Feb ruary 1 was 17.C27 bags, against 31,156. The circular ?ays: '"The New Tork market continued the ad vance not«d in our last circular up to and In cluding the 1st ln«t. fsnot Coffee advancing l%e on No. 4 Santos and ITic on No. 7 Rio during January), when a fharp break In prices occurred. du» to encrmous liquidations. The speculative Interests which for some time p«.«t hav« been th» most active factor hi the mar ket se*m to have temporarily withdrawn their support, nnd at pr?sert writing; have lost con trol. The pa*t four days, with the enormous pales of over two million bags, shows a steady decline In prices ae*regstlnr lc to l'-ic on spot Coffee anrt nbout 2c on futures. •This demoralization ha« naturally afT*ct»4 local condltlnns. Tradlnc has jtoppod entirely and can hardly b» expected to mam* unttl the Ne*.v York marfcpt has pdJuMM itvelf and the confidence of buyers restored by more normal conditions. "To-day^ first hnn<1 stock con<tl»t« of 147 h*rn r-o«ta Rtra. ltW Nli*araRua. 4730 Pntrador. 7049 Ount"aniii». W47 Mexican and CS23 vari ous: in all 21.49* b«**.' v Market closes dull and nominal. Last sales Indicate: Costa Rica — lJitfMSc nomlrnl for strictly prime to t»ncT washed: 12H«13c for prim* wx«ibed: 11U1»12U<* for pood washed: lftUfS 12Ue for tecoA to prim* ws«h<^1 p«»h"«-ir: l»u« 10»ic for enod to rr"m«» peaberry- 10U«'l2e for jrood to rrime: B®10'4c for fair; 7tt9e for com mon to Ordlrary- Salvador — 1S/i7Hc romlnsl for strictly primw wj»«h < v1: ll«n2 J *<* for c«M tonrlm* wajhed: PUUS10U- for fair washed- to^ljc for fair to prime vr»<>ho<i oestxTry-T 0«;<?lf>r for «rood to rr t)7.» •«>rn'-waPb» i d - l n « for ""UTWf'or inwash'o!; pu,Tinv,c for coo<l creen utrwa«h<»<1: fli**i'10c for rood to superior jjnwasaed peaberry: '?SSVic for ln^»r!or to ortilnHr*. Nlrartrun — tI*<*liJMtC nomttml for prim* to farcy wanbed: 0';f»11'» n"in!r«I for '«<r to rtrietly pood wasbed- !)«f>v t c for good to su perior itpw^ohorfr f>H^10V,e for gt»d to prime urwa*Jied r^nttm: Gnaten^p'>» •"* M?Ticar» — 14U«1'r fir fancy wachM: 1?t'.#»i4^ic f<"-r r rt m» to strfftlv rr»r>« V n<M- nt/.«ri2U(« for BtHett* rrwvi •wds>«-d: 10* 1 . «11ti«« for tncwi wuh»i: !>«*?10c for 'air vrathrA- SUfl!"> •** "Mln: Tf**~ for In'^'ior to onHunry; 11U«12".^ for fair to pr*me ws^hci r-ppborrvr 0 t * f * 1fl H<* for rood to pr'nv* vnw«i*h»d r^al-rrv: O^lOc nominal Tor good to superior nr.wrtf^i. SUGAR Th» 'W>(«t»rn Su»nr Reflrfn^ Com pany qu<itw nn fc-Mow«. p*r lb. !•» ifXVIb huar^- Cub<»* A Cnwhert »>r"l *te» Cn»«h*«j. S.W^: Powrt»r»i1. S.4rtr: Candr Ora»til»«tM R.40e: Dry Or^ruiat^'. fl"»". 5.V**: F>'v Ora."nl*t»<1. f^x»r««. 5 .^: F"iit nrsnn'ated B.Sftc- P*-t Ortnnlat- H) flOO-lh b«*» ontr*. S.'<v«- ronf»<-fion»»^' \ 5 30c- Marnol|» >. « Ortr- r»t-, r. l.«o-- OoH-t» C; 4.7(lc: "T>." 4."<V'- T>*«-"»l«. lt>f "^or-: half t\r.rre1* 8"«* m"»e: >>r'^<"». r.(v> "torf r^V-l>» h«»x. IPc more for 'U Vl-^'. T«h»«t« — K-«|' Mrr»1s. ?; soe; box'-*. s.' lf >!'r P * r: rvmtii D.-mino^ s!.*f!c'rer lb. No nrdrr« talrert for l»ss than c«v*nty-flv» barr«t« or U« eo'ilvaTe'nt. Receipts of Produce. F'nur tjr »ks... Ki*? ctta 227 W>eat. ctls ... ».!»' M». Xft *W Barley ctl« S.- lW>r ' T Mes. No 1.311 Oat.<« ct!« T! * r "»'iMm11vw. fisks 20 Benn's. ' sks 2^<* n-jne. K a!s 37.7ro Potatoes sks 2.2^0 lalslns. bxs 3.fK"«> Onions aks 3* Suirar. ctls 440 Rmn sJrs l.?10i».#»ther. re.l'« ... 2*1 MMAitnv* «ks .. ft'O^Meorr. bbls ... 13 TTay t^ns 4T0 Paper, rms C.-.Z Hot* bal« .... W'Lime. bbls 317 Wool, bales 333 OREGON. Flour, qr sks... 400jrvnicns. sks 2S4 Oats ctls StK» Bran. »ks 27t» Potatoes sks ... 7.0I0 1 Buckwheat, ctls. 163 STOCK MARKET. Trading on the Exchanges of a Saturday Character. Business pn the Stcck and Bond Exchange was of a 'Saturday character, bring quiet. with a slight decline In Gas and Electric to ; S.ift 00. Amon? the unlisted securities flOCO 1 California Northwestern 3s sold at 5112. The I movement in the oil stocks was better than for some time past. | The feature of the stork market tiering the I patt few days has been the lartr« transactions : In bonds and the small sales of stocks. Just what caused the liberal trading In bonds daes not arsear on th» surface. Sales on the California Exchange last week were 34.145 shares, valued at 911.075. tha leading j>ales belns aa follows: Associated Oil HVC8* 6har?s: Fauna. 5000; Independence, lOfl'O; Moearch. 2SC0: CkHrfdental. 1300: Oil City 4100; Toltec. 1500; CTamnont. 700; Hccie. 900; Eorereitrn. 500. Ex-dlvidriul yesterday: Imperial Oil Com- paay. recular monthly. 20a per shore, amount* .' ins to ?2O.C00; Thlrty-thre* OH Company, reg ular monthly. ICc per share, amounting to j ?10.0<}0. The Seg. Belcher and JMh Consolidated ; Mining Company has levl»d an assessment of 5c per share, delinquent March 10. The Savage Mining Company has levied an ■ assessment of 10c per share, delinquent ( March 11. The Presidio and Ferries Railroad Ccmrany has declared a regular monthly dividend of 20c per share, payable February 15. The Occidental Consolidated Mining Com pany has levied an assessment of Sc per share, delinquent March 10. The gross earnings of th* United Railroads of San Francisco for December. 19C3. ara offi cially stated to have been S5CO.3S4 an in crease of SiS.GOO aa compared with December. 1302. The gross earnings for the calendar year mm wtre • $*.243.2IS, as compared with $3,- S3S,91d for 1302. an Increase of 1704.209. STOCK AN'D BOXD EXCHANGE. SATURDAY. Feb. 9— 12 m. UNITED STATES BONDS. Bid. Ask.[ Bid. Ask. 4s qr coup.-lOT 1CS 4s Qrcp(new)l."t2Hl33H is qr reg ... — 107KI3* qr coop ..106U107U AUCTION SALES WILSON The Auctioneer. That's All. 1710 MARKET ST. IMPORTANT AUCTION ANNOTTNCEMEXX t ENTIRE CONTENTS GRAND AND PALATIAL RESIDENCE ON COLE STREET Must b« SoU Previous to Depaxtura to th« Highest Bidder. Wednesday, February 10. Watch aad Wait! Flae and Durable Fumltars AT TOUT. OWN PRICE. £& • fe* AUCTIOIM SALE 60 HEAD Or WELL BROKEN HORSES Of every description a- on? carload assorted rubber-tire buggies and n«w and second-hand harness. This Is a chance seldom oCered to liverymen to get Mgh grade of new rubb«r- tlred rigs at their own prices, as this eartoad must be disposed of to the highest bidder. Sals takes place at Ellis-street Stable. «15 Ellis street. Monday. February 8. at 11 o'clock. S. WATKINS. Auctioneer; phone East 743. *v_^ At auction. Tuesday. February 9. 11 a. &-*** m., at 114<> Fclsom street, there will ba a large consignment of 53 horses and mares. 4 surreys, 2 phaetons. 5 carts, 2" exnrems. 4 peddling, 2 camp wakens. 2 stantjups. 1 20- passenger carryall. 1 donkey, buggy and har- ness, 1 fast read horse, 35 seta of harness. WILLIAM CLOCGH. Auctioneer. I MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. Ala A W 5s. — — O T Co Cs.il9 — B C P Co 5«.IC2% — Do 5a 1C0 — C CG&E 5S.10341C5 Do con 53.102 — C G & E g Oceanic S 5». — 73 m & ct Js. — 104 Om Cable 6s. — 135 Cal St C 5s.ll4 — Pac GIm4iH 100 ! C C Wat Sa. — 104 P E Ry 39.105^4 — : E L A P es.125 131 P & C H 63.103 — F & C H 6a. — 120 P&OR 6«.ll* — ; Geary -st 5s.. 451J »0 Powell-st 6s.U2H — 1 H C&S 51.23.104 — 3 E GAR 5s. — 1C0J4 Do 5s &S*;iOO SP & 3JV5s.llS3ii — , Hon R T 5s-10« — Slerry R 6a. — 112*4 I L A E>c 5s. — — 3 p of A «m L A Ry. 5s. 11* 115 <10C») I053» — I L A L 6s. — — (10*0) 106*4 — Do gtd €s. — — S PR Of C 1 Do gtd>3%lC34| «19C5)Sr A.IMHNM 1 .* I L A P Icm5s — 105 <19G5)Sr B.1C5 IOC : Mkt-st C 6a.llfPi — S P R of C « ; Do lem Cs. 115 — MSt«> 106'i — ; M V &MT5*.1O1 — <1012) — 119 j X R of C 6S.104 — Do lc I St — — Do 5a 118^120 Do stmpd. — lOST-i N P C R 5s. — 105*i 3 P B R 6s.lMti — I Nor C Ry 5a. — 114 S V Wat Is. 107 — ! Nor C P 5s. — ICO Do 4s 2dm. 6»H — 1 N a R R 5a.I0O — Do 4s Ma. US — j O G L &H3s.l*S — Stkn GAB •'d — 10O j O W gtd 5». — 99 U G & E 5s. — 106 ! . WATER STOCKS. I Contra Costa 37 T i 41 iport Costa.. — — ! Maria Co .. — C3 \s V Wat Co 38'S 39 GAS AND ELECTRIC. , C L * P Co. — 4!9PG4E. 58>i — Mut E L Co. — 12HStkn C, £r E. 3 — Tariac L C«. CflU — L* O Jfc E. . . — 33 S E G & It. — — I TRUSTEES' CERTIFICATES. ■ S F G & E. — — ! INSURANCB. I Firem's Fnd — 313 I bank stocks. Am Ntl Bk. — 1.T0 L P & A.. — 170 Ahglo-Cal .. 8"? SO Mer Trust.. — 2CO Bank of Cal.4'i3 44f) Merch Ex... — 85 Cal Safe Dp. — 1JSH 9 F Natlonl — — . First Natical — — I SAVINGS BANKS. O*r S & L. — 2300 Sav A L So. — 100 Kum 3 it L. — — See Sav Bk. — 43O Mut Sav Bk.lOO — Union Trust. — — , S F Sav U.C2O C50 STREET RAILROADS. California ..197^205 iPresldio .... — 42tt G«ary — SO I POWDER. , Giant 61*» 62V»i Vigorit 3^4 — SUGAR. I Hana PC— COc jKllauea S P— .5 Hawaiian C. 444 45 [Makawell S. — 22 Honoka d C. — 13 Onomea S C. 25 2a j Hutch S P. S\i 8'ijl'aauhau 3 P — 13 MISCELLANEOUS. . Alaska P A.l.T9*i — (Oceanic S C 5 • Cal F C A. 94 07 >i Pac Aux FA. 3 — S a V* n M T'lOO — FaC C Bo . rx ' 1CT — Morning Session. Beard — 10 Alaska Packers' Assn. b 5 14O 0O 1C0 Hawaiian Coral <ft Sugar 44 73 A> S r Gas & Electric, s DO 5« 50 Ctieet — 15, CCO Sierra Ry cf Cal 6 per cent. .113 CO I $1!>.CCO S F it S J V 5 per ceat lUW Unlisted Securities. MICELLANEOUS BONDS. BH. Ask. Bid. Ask. j Bay C P 6s. 05 ICO S T A T «*.112 114', Blue L W6s. — 12W Do Ss 102'i — S F D D5S.109 112H Sutter-st 5«.1O6 113 , S F&N P 5s. 11 'W;iU»5 U R of SF4» SOU S0% 1. & * C 4^8. tW ■•^ MISCELLANEOUS STOCK3. : Ala S Co... — 21 iNtDk. Mill3.3C0 —V ' Amer B Co. — sS4'Nev Xt Bk-107U — Cal Cot Mills — 93 N 3 K R... lo — . ; C O <tc E C 4O — Nor C Power 8%. ! Cal Jockey C 0*J 120 Oak Bk Sav.lOO — ' Cal Pow Co.lli> — Cak Transit. «■> — i Cal Ship Co. 15 — Odd Fel Hall 3U — I Cal TI&TCo. — 153 urpheum Co. — K5X. j Cen Bk. Oak 60 — Pac S TAT. — 108 i Chutes Co... 74 — Par Paint... 30 — City & C Ek — 112 3 F Dry D. BO — I E Dyn Co.:2CO — ,SF * SJVC. 2a GO i Fit NtB.Ok.120 — is J Wat Co. — 10« i F & R T Co — 2V; ! SO *l ilTC. — le3 ; Frnch-A Bk.100 1(53 SwUa-Am Iiklli Gas Con As. 194 21 1'ruckee EC— 13 Honolulu P. ti lu'i'U R I pfd. 434 — L i 3 F Bit — 5.1 I Do com .. 1UW — . I Matson N Co — . fH \ 1 Morning Session. I1.CC0 Cal Nortiiweatcm Ry 3 per cent.112 CO '■ California Stock andOUExchangs Oil Stocks— Bid. Asked. Alrna Apollo 43 --Jl m Associated Trust Cert 20 A»t»c jejii Cail(ornla> Standard 12 . Caribou 1 es 1 90 Central Point Con es .... ; Chicago Crude is is I Clartmccy 50 ! Esperanzi 130 .'.'.'. Four "t> 72 Fulton 4cu Giant T. 23 Hanfcrd 113 C«> j Horns 1124 113 Imperial 1700 Independence 13 x$ Junction I Kern 4 25 4 73V : Kern River to CO ' . . x (Lion -. .... I >lor.arch of Arisor.a 39 +•> t Mont« Cristo 73 774 j Occidental of W Va 14 '■ l« i Oil City Petroleum 30 34 ! Peerlesa 13 50 .... : Plttsburs; Reed Crude 4 70 S F * McKittrtck .... San Joaquin O & t> .... Senator 63 .... ; Sovereign 4O .... 'Sterling 2 43 2(5* Superior 05 04 1 Thirty-three 8 CO 7 00 I Toltec 1» 2O Twenty-eight 4 SO j West Shcre .... ! ASscclatetl Bonds CS4 .... Miscellaneous — Abby Land ft Improvement.. ..... 1 60 Alameda Sugar .... j American Biscuit .... • American District Tel .+- .... •!Cal Gas & Electric Corp .... • California Cotton Mills .... I California Jockey Club .... California Shipping Co ' .... I Cal Title Ins It Trust .... I Central Bank of & kland TO 00 Chute* Company •• .... Cypress Lawn Imp Co 9 23 .... ■ Flxcher'B Theater '... . 2 CO ! Ga» Consumers' Association 21 CO Horotulu Sucar ••-. .... 1 North -rn Cal Pnwer 9 CO a 73 •North Snore- Railroad .... i Orphenm Company 15 CO ~ ; .... iPaclfl'* Stat«. Tel & Te!.... I Part rflnt Paint f ST 30 .... > San Francisco Dnrdocfc .... ; Sanitary Reduction Works.. I 30 2 23 • S«u«aliio Land * Ferry , >r^rrv Flour Company .... .... • PtarHhra' Electric .•••. -••« Te*'« Coal Co -••• ..-. Tmckfe El-etric ...* I'nlen Sugar •.... .... United Gas ft ETwt''-* .... SALES. Momin? Session. 1.M5O Independence 13 ICO Illinois Crude 1 JS 3CO Monte Cristo 75 Continued on Page Fortj-stx. 47