Newspaper Page Text
COMMERCIAL FINANCIAL SUMMARY OP THE MARKETS. bark clearings $2,800,000 behind last year. rts the dullest Saturday on record. v quiet on our local exchanges. cr higher. Exchange rates as before. 1 heat firm, with an advance in futures. ley closes the week in sharp demand and higher. Oats, Corn and Rye still firmly held. Hay. Bran and Middlings strong and in moderate supply. No further change in Beans and Seeds. ¦ : md Eggs close the iveek lower. Cheese still a drug. - quiet at Chicago, with packers selling. Cattle, Sheep and Hogs uncluinged. ' Potatoes, Onions and Vegetables about the sc Poultry -firm, nith a cleancd-up market. Game season closes ftp morrow. Oranges in better demand, but unchanged. Bank Clearings. Loca! Bank Clearings for the week Just .*s4e4 were 525,809,656. against $25,687.615 foe lbs corresponding week last year, shoving- a decrease of -:: ::,n The clearings durtnr . th« cams week in 1902 were $24,016,371. From Wail Street. Private -wires from Wall street to Mitchell. Maloahy & Co. of this city yesterday reported the dullest Saturday on record, only 95,000 • shares changing bands. Cotton was lower and the situation was easy ail around. The bank statement was considered rather poor than otherwise, CTrtog to the Increase in loans. Dried Fruit in New York. Mall reports from New York say: ' The market presented the usual Saturday a.pp«araDce of inactivity Still in one or two lines there was a considerable display of buy- Ing interest. Apricots are attracting a good deal of attention, particularly from exporters, and the market is strong and higher. The stock of rtaadard both here and on the coast is said to be 'entirely cleaned up, and stocks of choice and extra choice are running low. For choice »*ie is now said to be inside and extra choice is heli at 10@10%c as to quantity and seller. In addition to smaller transactions a sa'.e of about 3500 boxes, covering both grades, was reported at full -prices, which, It was under »«ood. virtually absorbed the holdings of one -d^f.ler. For Peaches there was a fair Jobbing c^n&nd at the previous quotations. There was a considerable demand from east side bayers fcr Oregon Prunes for shipment from the coast, the Inquiry being mainly fcr 30s. The latter Bppear to be growing very scarce in the pri ir.ary market, and bids of 2c f. o. b. bag basts have b*en. turned down, though In combina tions with i'« and 50s that price is acceptable. For 40-506 alone l%c basis is quoted. We heard of no business of consequence in Cali fornia Prunes, but the tteady tone of the spot market was retained. Offerings from the coast on a 2 J ic basis are still freely made. There ¦were no fresh developments In the Raisin situ ation. Currants were quiet and rather easy at 4*»c for fine AmsAias uncleaned in barrels. cr Report. (120 th Meridian — Pacific Time.) S*N FRANCISCO, Feb. 13 — 5 p. m. The foaowin* are the seasonal rainfalls to ds'e a* compared with those of same date le« Kfcason and rainfall in last twenty-four Last This Last Stations — 24 Hours. Sea?:- Season. rureka °2 27.!>2 , 40. .0 H.-n b:uJt ".'..'.'.. '.'. .w i"'-"^ }lit) Sacramento 00 ||-;* San Francisco ... -«*> J". .2 1 * •« Fref&o 00 1.73 ».• — Independence TV. . '».44 Jlig i-&n DJeco ¦¦- .-¦ •'*> h-Sa _ THE COAST RECORD. i_ . '' a .'"•* S ¦:*¦' S ; " S 2 ~ C^B^.-— =t" it - 1 I Z~ ¦ c 5 etat: r 1 i"* z. - r* r - ii '. Baker 30.1S 3«i 2S ¦> Clear .05 • •arson 29.W .VJ 4) S Clear -US Eureka 50.12 r^» 3S PW Cloudy .00 Karallcn 30.17 .'.2 A'A N Cloudy -O0 Fresno 30.10 srt Trft NW Cloudy .00 Flagstaff ....».S8 54 2G W Pt-Cldy .00 Poca-tello 30.20 32 38 8 Clear .10 Independence .2a."Kt <M 50 PE Cloudy .««o Los Ar.ge1«5..30.10 On 46 S Clou.iy .01 Mt Tamalpais.;jo.l2 4:{ :;7 X Cloudy .00 North Head.. 30.00 44 .. £E Cloudy .IS Point Reyes..: :».OC 54 44 NW Cloudy .<<<> nwiti 23.00 78 4fl N'W Cloudy .00 Portland 30.12 46 3S PW Cloudy .:« Rf-4 BlaS ...80.14 54 34 NE Clcudy .00 Roseburg" ....30.12 45 SO J? Cloudy .01 PaTajnento ..30.12 52 44 N Pt.Cldy .W Calt Lake 30.12 44) 38 NTV Pt.Cldy .01 Sa.n Franclsco.3o.l4 8« 4G W Pt.Cldy .00 c "L. ' >r;spo 30. 0S 52 f«2 N Cloudy .50 Ban Diego ...30.08 «2 44 NW Pt.Cldy .00 Seattle SO.IO 44 34 S Clcudy .14 Snokaae 30. 1C SS :>.O S Cloudy .20 TVaJla Walla. 3o 46 2S S Pt.Cldy .00 Wianeciucc* -SO.IO 42 30 W Clear T. y Urn.U m. 29.»4 78 41. W Clear .00 WEATHER CONDITIONS AND GENERAL ~ FORECAST. -~Jt* presrur* has risen over the northern half oi .-..- Pacific slope, but conditions are still somewhat unsettled. I/vght rain has fallen at hb:i Luis Oblspo ar.d at Los AnKeles. The tcmoerature ba« reiKair.fd nearly sta tionary, exceut In Wyomlnz ar.d Colorado, where* there as been a fall. The following- maximum wind velocities are reported: North HeaJ. forty- two miles per hour from tte !«v.nh«a?'. . Salt Lake, thirty. from the north; Pocalello, thirty-eight, south. Foreeart made at Saa Francisco for thirty hours endlnc raldnUrtit, February 14: Northeru California — Clwdy Sunday; fresh northeast winds. '¦"'¦], . , S'-uthcrn California — Cloudy. unsettled * weather Sunday, possibly light showers; fresh eouthwert winds. Nevada — Fair Sunday. Setj FniJicisco and vicinity — Cloudy Sunday, fresh ncrth«a»t winds. A. G. McADIE. Forecast Oiflcial. ERN MAKKKi Nezv York Money Market. :;nv: rOKK. Feb. l.i.— Clcse: LToney on call v>as nominal; no U-ans. Time leans were neady. Sixty days. 3%& 4 ;<cr cent; ninety . day a. 4@4V4 per cent; six months. 4 4 per cent. ITJrn"! ir.rrcanttle paper. 4»i<?5 1 4 per cent. . * fcterlirj; Exchange was steady, with actual . batfatta in bankers' bills at $».555054.8053 tor <Icmaud end at fl-JCOOgLSSCO for tixty-day V'oKtfd rates. $4 Kl*i?ii SJ and $4 SC%. • omme.-cUI Mil". H iSlliS* K2. l\nr silver.- SS'^c," Mexican doU*rs. 45c. lior.'ls — Covernmcnts, etca^y; raUrcads, steady. Nczv York Stocks and Bonds. Ptocks— Union Pac!2c .. 77". Atchieon C7«i Do pfd...." St'i Do pfd...... K>S! TVabesh ' JS"i Bat & Ohio 17%! ; Do pf<i. .... tt% - Can Pacific IKJ'.sIWJf Central ....." isy 3 • O-ntral of N J. 15.". | Do r>f<l 42% ' chc« & Ohio 31% Express Companies — »Chl & Alton 37^ Adams 220 Do pfd W j Arsf-rican ......'.lßi) Chi Great We*t.. ISUI United States 10." <"hi & N W.....1C2'/i Wflls-Farso ....205 <~ril Mil & St P.ltO • Miscellaneous Do pfd- J" 0 Amal Copper. . 47% Chi Terra.' A T... 015 Amer'Car & F-. 39 Do pfd 13 s * U& Pfd C 7 i" c C& £l L.. 70 A:nei Cotton Oil. 2fl'i Cole 'Southern ... lC»i Do pfd .'.... SS Do Ist pfd H3 Amer Ice 7% Do 2d pfd Do pfd . 30% Del & Hudson.- -l-'9 Amer Lin 0i1.... o** T>cl Lack & W.2CS Do pfd 27 Den & Rio G 19% Amer Loccmo... 21*4 Do pfd «7"£ I*> pfd 75*4 Eric ..25% Amer I & Ref.. 47>- Do let pfd..... 64*4 , Do pfd 00V4 Do 2d pfd 42V4 Amer Sugar Ref.l23;i flocking Valley.. 71 Anaconda Mir Co C 2 Do pfd .... M«i Brooklyn It Trans 42% 11 Central ......127 Colo Fuel & 1... 31 - lor.* Central .... 18 Cons Gas IWri Do pfd 38 Corn Products ..18Ji ¦ K«ns City 50.... IS% Do pfd ..... 70 Do rfd 34 Distillers' Secnr. 23»i l*»t:lf & Nash.. 1O3"4 Gen Electric ....165 >f=nhattan L. 142 j Inter Paper...... 11% iUt Securities .. &£ : « Do pM ...61 Met St Ry 117 Inter Pump 33 Minn & St L 60 Do pfd 71% Minn. StP& SSM. 62 National Lead... 15' 2 Do pfd 121 North Amer ... 84tj Mo Pacific fc95J Pacific Mall 2S*i M. X & Tex IGVi 1 People's Gas .. lOO'i Do Pfd 36%, Pressed S Car. 29 N RR of Mcx pfd *5 Do pfd H9>-> Jf T Central 113% Pullman Pal Car.2lo Nor & Western.. 57 Republic Steel... 7 *4 Do pfd 88 Do pfd....: 48U Ont & Western.. 20 , «•••-•¦,_ Goods 18^ Pennsylvania 114 Do pfd 75 Pitts. CCA StL. 60 Term Coal & Iron 36ti Reading 415; V s Leather 7*i Do Ist pfd 79 Do pfd 76% Do 2d pfd 57 D S "Realty 7 £ Rock Island Co.. 22«, Do pfd 54V- Do pfd ciVj U S Rubber 11 SL&s F2d pfd 44% Do pfd 48 St Louis S W 14 D B Steel 11% Do pfd 33*£ Do pfd 57«4 So Pacific 46H Westing Electric So Railway 20% Western Union.. 87% Do pfd BOH Nor Securities... 3S?i Tex & Pacific... 22U Tol. St L * W.. 24 * Total sales, 99,500. Do pfd 3444 NEW YORK BONDS. D S ref 2s reg..lO4Si Man con gold 45.103*4 Do coupon I<H\ Mcx Cent 1 45.... 65% Do 3s reg 106 Do Ist mc 13 Do coupon 106 Minn &St L 4s. 97 Do new 4s reg.i:«2^ M X & Tex 45.. 98 '• Do coupon 132 1-4 Do 2ds ..:.... 764 Do old 4s reg. 107 NX of Mcx con 4s 74 Do coupon 107 NYC gen"3 Vis.. 97% Atch gen 4s 9914 N J C gen 55... 130 Do adj 4s 8-14 Nor Pac 4s 103 Atlantic C L 45. 93 Do 3s 70"« Bal & Ohio 45.. 101 Nor & W con 4e. 97*4 Do 3%« 9314 OSL 4s & partlc. 91»4 Central of Ga ss. 105 £ Pa cony 3&s.\ . 95 Do Ist tee 70 Reading gen 4f. 96*4 Ches & Ohio 4«,5.H«-\ 8L & I M con 6e.112H Chi & Alton SVss. 75 SL&S Ffg 4*. 81% C. B & Q new 4s. M.% St Louis SW Ists. 92% CM & StP gn 4*106 Seaboard. A L 45., 67 C & N\V con 75.129% So Pac 4s 88^4 C. R 1 & Pac 4s. tV,u, So Ry 5s 112 • Do col us SI " fex & Pac Ists. ll6 ' C.C.C & StLgn 45 9S T St Lft W to. 69 Chi Term 45 784JUnton Pao 4? .102% Cons Tobacco 4s. 55 I Do cony 45..:. 95% Colo & So 4s SS\4JU B Steel 2d 6«. -72*4 D«n & IUo G 4s. Wabash lsts ....115 Erie prior lien 4s. !<7'. Do deb B 62U Do gen 4j? Ss'f,W & L, Erie 45.. 90iJ F W & D C lsts.lO4Vi Wis Cent 45.... 88^ Hocking Val 4H?205», Colo Fuel ...... r,9<s L i N unified 4s. 98 t* I NEW YORK MINING STOCKS. Adam* Con 10: Little Chief C 7 Alice 1« Ontario ...:..-.. 4 50 Breece lOiOphlr ....4 40 Bruns Con 05; Phoenix 08 Com Tunnel.:.... 06:Potosi 15 Con Cal & Va... 1 60 ] Savage ..•,... 36 Horn Silver 1 20] Sierra Nev .-,,- Iron Silver 1 93 Small Hopes, 20 Leadville Con 03j Standard ........ 2 50 Boston Stocks and Bonds. Money — I United Fruit . 96# Call loans :;i.,^4i- Westing Common. 57 Time loans . . .44^-5 Mmmg — Bonds — Adventure .....2 7-16 Atch adj 4c 97% Allouez 4 Mcx Cent 4s C4Va Amal . Copper ... 47 % Railroads — Hincham .... 15% Atchl?on 67& i Calumet & Hecla_44<' 1 Do pfd *»*? Centennial 17^ Boston & Albany.24s Copper Range ... i<' \ Boeton & Maine. Mß Daly West ..:. 34 Boston Elev 137 Doso Coal 59 Fitchburg pfd IX Franklin S'J Mcx Central 10 Isle Royale 714 NY NH & . . 194 ! Mohawk 35' Union Paclflc 77 V Old Dom 0% Miscellaneous — Osceola 56 Amer Sugar 124 ; Parrot 23' X Do pfd 12314 Quinry H " Amor Tel & Te1.. 123 Tamarack 100 <Dom Iron & S.. SV4 Trinity 4«i Gen Electric 166 ; Utah 32« Ma«s Electric 20U Victoria 314 Do pfd 77 Winona ay. V B Steel 11 Vii Wolverine 70 Do pfd 57% London Closing Stocks. * Cons money... M 15- IGjN t Central lis.'i Doacct 87 Nor & Western.. r.rn 4 Anaconda 3*i ( Do pfd 89 Atchlson pn*< Ont & Western.. 21 VJ Do pfd 92V4 1 Pennsylvania .... oK»; Bat & Ohio 7".»i*jßand Mines . 9% run Pacific 120% I Reading ..., 21% Ches & Ohio 33»i| Do Ist pfd 40% Chi Great West. 18 Do 2d pfd 2914 Chi. Mil & St P.144H Bo Railway .. .. 21U De Beers 19% Do pfd % ' Den & Rio < ; 2'i** ?o Pacific 4£ "- 4 Do pfd 701.; Union Pacific SOVt, Erie 27 Do pfd KM, Do Ist pfd 6C US Steel 11% Do -1 pfd 45 Do pfd 59 Ii: Central 131 Wabash 19& Louis & Nash..lOGri Do pfd 37' 1. X & Tex 17 » Bar diver Strady, 2C*4d per ounce. .Money — 2*i€'3 per cent. '..;V, ; - The rate cf discount in the open market for short bills is 2»i«t3 per cent and for three months bills 3«i®3% per cent Associated Banks' Statement. ¦ NEW YORK Feb. 13. — statement of the averages of the Clearing-house banks of this city for the five day? of this week shows: Loans. $!r.l!»,r»O.!>00: increase. $719,100. De posit*. ?1.026.337.5C0; decrease. S7SD.OOO Cir culation ,<10.737.100: decrease. *772,3'>0. 'Le^al tenders, $71,321,100; decrease. $1,343,000. Specie. $205,647,500; decrease. 531ft,400. Re serve. 527i;.!»55,C00: decrease. $14,683,300. He- Berve required. •-> :•-¦' 37! decrease. $199,750. Surplus. 520.219,225; decrease. $1,463,250. Ex- UnltM States deposits. $29.CC7.025; decrease, $1.CK5,175. AVrc York Grain and Produce. NEW YORK. Feb. 13.— FLOUR— Receipts, 23.. barrel*: exports. 23,700 barrels. Min nt-wjta patents, *i SSQ3 13: Minnesota bakers, $3 90r;?4 23. # " WHEAT- Receipt*. 3000 bushels: spot, firm: No. 2 rod, 07c e'evator, 97}4c f. 9. b. afloat. Options or>ened strong :..-'* closed firm with trie** hift^c higher. Hi;,. :' r eed 97=;c; July c2cr*d 03M.c; Ker>t?mbcr ..e. •-ii" v . HOP*-' — Firra: State common to choice, 1003 crop, 30OS€ci Pacific Ccart oMs, 10915 c; 1903 crop.' 27S?33c; 1902 crop, 24 ff 27c. HIDES — Finn; California, 21 to 25 pounds, 10c. - WOOL — Domestic fleece, 25©32 c. PETROLEUM— Easy. .COFFEE — Steady; No. ? invoice, nominal; mild, steady; Cordova, S*i@l3%c. Holiday in coffee market. • BUGAR— Rntr. steady; fair refining, 2 27-32 c; cratrifucal, 90 test, 3 11 -32c; molasses sugar. 2 19-32&2--JJc; refined, steady; No. .(i . 4.U.". • No. 7, 4c; No. S," ¦¦•Be; No. 0, '3.00c; No. 10 3.63 c: No. 11. 3.80 c; Ho. 12, 3.75 c; No. 13, 3. 70 c; No. 14. 3, 65 c; confectioners' A, 4.30 c; mold A. 4.80 c; cut loaf. 5.15 c: crushed, 5.J5c; powdered. 4.55 c; granulated, 4.4.V. cubes, 4.70 c. DRIED FRUITS. EVAPORATED APPLES— The market con tinues quiet In the absence of important de mand and the feeling is rather May; Com mon is Quoted at 4(g3c: prime. &*a@-s&c; choice, aVtiidc. and fancy, Gisg7c. PRUNES Firmer In tone as a . result of a better demand and strong advices from the coast. Quotations range from 3'.i©C^c for all graflps. - . ' > ¦- - ¦ APRICOTS— Remain firm under light offer lnEs. Choice are quoted 9*4c;<. extra choice, lOVifUO^e: fancy . 12<S>15c. .•..,- . PEACHES — Firm: * choice are quoted at 7% @7V-c: extra choice, 7 : JiQSKc and fancy, OglO. ' ' ¦ : . New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 13.— The cotton market opened -. steady at a decline of . 8 points. to an advance of 11 points. 'Boon after the. call the market eased off with the active months losing fHE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1904. 18 to 28 point*. Till* vu followed by a re covery, after whioh the market became narrow and Irregular with trading largely of a pro fessional character common to Saturday. New York Metal Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 13.— A1l metal markets to-day presented a quiet holiday appearance and the business transacted was of an unim portant description. Chicago Board of Trade. Future Grain and Provisions. . • CHICAGO, Feb. 13.— wheat pit was affected more perhaps by the strong cash sit uation reported . from all ( quarters than by any other factor. -The demand was principally for the July delivery, the congested condition of the May option offering special inducements to the majority of traders. Wheat prices at Liverpool . and Paris were considerably higher than yesterday and the fact that these markets showed gains in the face of Increased ship ments from Australia and Argentina helped to lfstlll confidence into the minds of traders here. May opened }4©-%c to ; %@%c higher at '.">V'T'"' .;c, .while July was up »4@Vic at B>@BSV4c. There was an early advanoe to }<STs<gSi>c for July on an active general de mand, but the May option held about ¦ steady during the first hour. The leading long took advantage of the advance in the price of July and handed out a considerable line. Smaller traders followed, the lead and in consequence a break to SB^4c occurred. The downward trend of the July delivery affected May, forc ing the price down to i'"> ! ! I c. St. Louis houses covered a big line of July late in the session and the market responded to the improved de mand and prices again reached the top figures. Seme of the advance was lost on profit-taking, but the close was firm, with May at 96 Vie and July at" SSsic . The ixirn market was strong, but the vol ume of business was small owing to a lack or offerings. May closed at 54^c. July was 14994 c up, closing at 52% c. The feature of trade in oats was the heavy buying of both May and July deliveries by the leading bull houses. The close was prac tically at the top". July closed at 39% c and May at 44 He The provision market was weak early on general selling, due to liberal . receipts of..hogs and a decline of 10c In prices at- the yards. May pork closed 10a lower at. $14 72>4. lard 714 c lower at $7.65 and ribs were 5c off at $7 07%. -' The leading futures ranged as follows: Article*— ' Open. High. Low. Close. ¦ Wheat No. 2—2 — - . • .- May 96^ 96^ 95& i 96% July .... 88 V 4V 4 "89. 88 88% September 83 1 84^ -• S3& - ; - 84 l Corn No. 2—2 — -• "- May 54% 54% 64% 54»4 July 52?* 53 52^ 523* Oats No. 2— , May 43*4 44U .43 44 Mi July .... SiJi/a 39% 39% 39% Mess Pork, per bbl— . May. .14 521,-14 80 14 524 15 721-4 July 14 55 14 70 14 55 14 62^ Lard, per 100 lbs — ¦ -..-.. May ..; .7 62% 770 7 624 ~ 63 July 7 721* 7 77 1 a 7 72V4.'7r ; Short Ribs, per 100- lbs— - ¦- May 7 0214 710 7 024 7 074 July ....7 15 7 224 7 15 ' 7 174 "¦ Cash Grain and Provisions. CHICAGO. Feb. 13. — Cash -quotations were as follows: Flour steady; No. 3 spring. wheat, 83@»«c; No. 2 'red. 94* ie > 9si4c: No. 2 corn, 50c; No. 2 yellow, 50c; No.- 2 -oats. 41%@42}£c: No. 3 white. 41®44c:' No. 2 rye. 62c; good feeding barley. 4<Xg42c; ¦ fair to choice malt ing. 4S®soc; No. 1 fiaxwsed, $1 11 No ! 1 Northwestern.- $1 18: prime / timothy. :$3 10; mess Dork. r>er-bbl, $14 55@14 62%; lard per 100 lbs, $7 42%©7 45; short ribs Bides (loose). $0 75®7; short clear sides (boxed), $7 12%@ 7 25; whisky, basis of high wines, $1 27; clover, contract grade. $10 75. •Articles— - - . Receipts. Shipments Flour, barrels 56,000 45,000 Wheat, . bushels 40,000 - • 52 000 Corn, bu.«helE 441.000 267,000 Oats, bushels ..;..... 369,000 1»8,000 Rye, bushels ....; ; . . 10.000 14,000 Barley, bushels 148,000 ' 59, 000 Livestock Market. .^CHICAGO. ¦^¦i j 3 ' CHICAGO,* ' Febr~*' 13.— CATTLE— Receipts. 2000, nominal; good to prime steers, $4 75<a' 5 75; poor to medium.' $3 50iS>4 60; stockers and feeders. $2 65@4 15: cows, $1 2564; helf- 1 ers, -?2@4 26: canners, $1 25©2 50; bulls, $2® 4 10. calves. ?3 50®7 60. T . ' - f HOGS— Receipts to-day. 28,000: Monday, 50 - 00; mostly 10c lower; mixed and butchers $4 00@5 25; good to choice heavy, $5 2566 30 rough heavy. $4 95@5 20; light, $4 70fl>r. 05 : bulk of sales. $4 95@5 20. ¦ -. .:.-. ¦. - SHEEP— Receipts. 10000; steady; good to choice wethers, $4@4 55: fair to choice mixed $3 50#4: Western sheep, S3 50<35 35; native lambs, $3 JKKiO 15; Western lambs, $5 25® 6 10. Buffer, Cheese and Eggs. CHICAGO. Ftb. 13 —On the Produce Ex change to-day the butter market was firm Creameries. 15<&25c;' dairy, 13Vi@22c- eggs weak at 28fi30c; cheese steady to firm "at 10® 71 j Miscellaneous Markets. ] Foreign Futures. - , LIVERPOOL. i Wheat— s March. May. Opening.. «5% (i s i^ Closing ;...... 6 514 65$ PARIS. Wheat — Feb. May-Au*. Opening 21 85 21 »0 ' Closing 22 00 21 95 Flour — ' ,¦ Opening... 30 05 29 85 Closing 30 15 30 00 Northern Wheat Market. ' OREGON. PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 13. — Wheat— Walla Walla, 75c; bluestem. 806(.Slc; valley, 70@SOc. WASHINGTON. TACOMA, Feb. -Wheat unchanged; blue stem. Sic: club 7Cc. . \ LOCAL MARKETS. * — r; r, ~ r* Exchange and Bullion. Sterling Exchange, sixty days....'! — si 83* X Sterling Exchange, Bight ...'... — 4 S6U Sterling Exchange, cables: _. 4 87^ New York Exchange, eight, — 12& New York Exchange, telegraphic. — 15 Silver, per ounce ..........; . ' — . HHVx Mexican Dollars, n0mina1. ...... 44 ©45 Wheat and Other Grains. — Foreign markets were firm, with higher futures.;'; The Indian advices of the Lon don Times reported that the Wheat was look ing well, with a crop prospect estimated at 25 per cent over la3t year. ',-:; •Chicago ruled firm and reported a broad and active market, with the outside buyers accu mulating their holdings. There was plenty of Wheat for Bate, . however, and It. was' thought that Armour was selllnpr. • There is : now an enormous short Interest in July. Dallas (Tex.) reported the demand for Flour' so great that orders cannot be filled and most mills - have called in their salesmen. > The foreign markets Khow more strength and the foreigners are bid ding more lreely In thl« country. .' ln*thls market there was; no change, except an advance in futures. . . . - : . CASH WHEAT California , Club. -$1 37>4®1 42%; California White Australian. $1 45@1 50;. Northern Club $1 :l;s%''il 41V4: ¦ Northern Biuestem $1 47H© 150: Oregon Valley. $1 40. -' FUTURES. Session 0 to 11:30 a. m. ,, '- " Open. -\.'~ High. "Low".' Clone May/. ... . . . .f i aa% : ?i;4ovi $1 :&„ ii 40 , December ... 1 34/ l 34%.;, 1 34,. j. 1.34%' BARLEY— The week closed with the most active market for a long, time and at higher quotations both » for cash grain and \ futures 'In the cash, market millers and speculators •were brisk buyers and there was continued in quiry for large lines ;of Feed, supposed to be tor export ~to the Orient. v This -. Oriental . de •rumcl is denied by some, but a, number of bro kers fay that they have « acutal -orders 'from parties operating for the Japanese Government ' and that large lots are wanted for this account. There Is 110 question that Japan Is buying, es pecially ' as press -. telegrams « from Vancouver report that' the • British • Government • has Just ordered 1500 tons of Wheat and Barley food stuffs on the i steamer Empress of China, des tiaed tor Yokohama, unloaded from the steam 1 r us she belongs to the British Naval Reserve, and to carry contraband of war would be a a violation- of 7 neutrality. This disposes of all drnials that Japan Is buying on this coast: The patches i add \ that I there ¦< are -' now .' at Sr. Van - . ¦ .- • • .. - 1 couver several thousand tons of Flour and Bar- 60-lb : cases^-2-crowrr Loose Muscatels, 5%c per ley In Canadian Pacific hands, awaiting ship- > lb; 3-crown. 5%c; 4-crown. &%c; < Seedle!'s Loos* ment to Yokohama. , " ' . ' -r ;;' Muscatels, 4%c; Seedless floated. 4%'cf 2 ; crown . '¦'-•- -¦'¦'¦¦ CASH BARLEY. • ¦¦-:¦¦--.-,. Malaga loose. Be; 3-crown Malaga loose. 5%c; Feed. *1 11%@1'13%j Shipping and ' Brew- "•; Seedless Sultanas, unbleached, t 4 He; i Seediest las 51 17%©1 18% ; Chevalier, $1 17%@>1 40 Thompsons, 5 unbleached. 6%c.- Layers, per 20 forf.i to choice V* -. i lb box— 6-erown Imperial clutters. 5-crown »r hit to cb«»._ __^ v -. j Deheea clusters, $2 , 50; 4-crown fancy clusters, „_. o ? vr!«ft . m if 2- 3-crown London Layers. |1 33; 2-crown Session 9. to 11.30 a. m. .. | London Layers. $1 25, usual : advance for frac- Open. High- . Low. ' Close, tional boxes and layers. - — Fancy ; 10-ox May $1 08& $1 09: ,II 08h $1 09 cartons, per lb.T'Jic; fancy 12-oz cartons, per December ... r 1 04% 1 04% 1 04% 1 04% package, e%c; fancy bulk cartons. per lb, 7%c; OATS — flrmnea* in Wheat and Barley choice 16-oz cartons, : per lb, 7 He: choice 12-oa and the Japanese demand keep the market very ' cartons, t per package. 6%c; ¦ choice ¦ bulk car firm, though prices art no higher. '¦ s '•¦ ¦-¦¦>, tons, per lb. 7V*c: 10-o« cartons, seeded - Seed- White $1 27%®1 87%; Black. $126*1 63; lings. Muscatels, per , !b, 7c; 12-o* cartons. Red $1'25®l 32 % for feed and $1 30®l S3 f or « ded Seedlings, Muscatels, per lb, S%c; bulk, seed'; Grays. $1 32% P«r ctl. ; v;., ; , seeded. Seedlings. Muscatels, per lb 6%c. CORN— Closed the weak firm but quiet," with ; . NUTS— Walnuts, No. 1 soft»h«ll. 13%014c; the usual daily arrival from the West., , No. 2. HV^@l2c; No. 1 hardshell, 13@13Hc; Western sacked. 51 35 for Yellow, $1 35 for No. 2.. llijfil'f.c; Almonds, lie for Nonpareils, White and $1 32% for ; Mixed; California large lOVic-for I x"l, vlo%cv lo%c for Ne Plus Ultra and Yellow 51 40; r small : round do, 51 50:. White, » g'Jic for Lang-.iedoc: Peanuts. 6@7c for Eastern: $1 87% per ctl: Egyptian,. $1 42% :. for white , Pecans,' ll@13c: Cocoanuts,, fi sOtgs; Chest ncd $1 25 for brown. ' nuts r . s@7c per lb. ' 1 .j ;•'. ." RYE — 51 30®l 32% per ctl. ¦ HONEY-^Comb, 10©ll%c for .white and 9W9 BUCKWHEAT— SI " 5@2 per ctl. • | 9^c for amber: water . white extracted, soy aV*c; light amber extracted, 4%©4% c; dark, BEESWAX— per lb. Flour and Millstuffs. FLOUR— California Family Extras. $4 CO® 4 S5 usual terms; Bakers' Extras. $4 50@4 60; Oregon and Washington. $3 90g;4 20 per bbl for Family and %r, Ws4 40 for Bakers 1 . MILLSTUFFS — Prices In packages are as follows: Graham Flour, $3 25 per 100 lbs; Rye Flour $3 25; Rye Meal. $8; Rice Flour, $7- Corn Meal $3 25: extra cream do. |4; Oat Groats. $4 00:' Hominy. $4@4 25: Huckwheat Flour $4 50@4 ~T>: Cracked Wheat. $3 75; Fa rina. $i 50; Whole Wheat Flour, $T> 50; Rolled Oats bbis. $7 28^-8 «>; In sacks, $« 7B®B 10: Pearl Barley $0; Bplit Peas, boxes. $7; Green Feas $5 50 per 100 lbs. Hay and Feeds tuffs. Hay and Feedstvffa continue firm at previous prices, with llsht stocks and a good demarfd. BRAN— SCI(g22 per ton. MIDDLINGS — $27 50@29 per ton. SHORTS— S2I622 per ton. FEEDSTVFFS— BoiIed Barley. $23®24 per ton; Oilrake Meal at the mill. $2» 50®3t; jobbing ?H2; Cocoanut Cake, $21@22: Corn Meal $2S 50^29 TK'; Cracked Corn. $29-330: Mixed Feed $22J?23; Horse Beans. $30@ 40 per ton- Broom Corn Feed. 900 per ctl. H\T— Wheat |15918; Wheat and Oat. $14® 17; Oat $145517; Wild Oat. $14©16; Barley, $12^14 60; Stock, nominal — none here; Alfalfa. $12®13 50 per ton. STRAW— SO®7Sc per bale. Beans and Seeds. The south Is still short of rain, as the recent storm did not extend very far down the coast, and I.imas continue firm in consequence. Other wise there is nothing new. BEANS— Bayos. $2 28©2 50; Pea. $3; But ters, $3 50: email White. $2 76@3; large White. $2 20g:j50; Pink. $2 90@3 10; Red, $4 25@4 50- Lima $3 2*53 30; Red Kidneys. $4 25@4 60; Blackeye. . $2 15©2 25 per ctl; Horse Beans, $2@2 60 • ' v SEEDS— Brown Mustard. $3 50; Yellow Mus tard $2 6562 SO; Flax. $1 So@l 90: Canary, SQf.Vic for Eastern: Alfalfa. 14@14 Rape, l%@2c; Timothy. 6@6%c; Hemp. 3H@34c per lb; Millet. 3©34 c; Broom Corn Seed, $20-021 P< DRIED Blackeye. $2 25@2 50 per ctl Potatoes, Onions and Vegetables. As usual? on • Saturday trading in Potatoes was very -quiet and prices of all descriptions were unchanged. ' Receipts were light, but there were heavy supplies of river and Oregon Burbanks >in the. hands of speculators, who were still asking high prices. The steamer which arrived '". from Oregon on Thursday brought ;.down'B33ti sacks of Burbanks, which did -not -appear on the manifest, making the total brought by that steamer t,;»4s sacks. The steamer due to-day will bring about 7000 sacks and 100 sacks of Onions. A carload of Sweets came in yesterday, but was not marketed; Old : stock was offering at the previous price.' . but sold - very slowly.- Onions ruled' firm at un changed rate**. '* Only ten sacks came In yes terday. -. . ' 'Tomatoes and Green Peas from. Los Angeles were- rather . weak under heavy receipts, but all other descriptions from that region were in li^ht receipt and cleaned up readily at steady prices. Occasional lots of fancy. Peas sold at 7c"per. pound and. a few small lots of Tomatoes brought $150. per crate, but the bulk of the supplies sold ¦within ' the quoted range. Small quantities of Asparagus came in from the river districts and -across the bay and sales were reported., at . - t;o<&"7sc per pound. Rhubarb - cleaned iup readily a f previous prices. Only. a few boxes . came jr.. ¦_ ( POTATOES Burbanks from the river 95c@ $1 10 per : ctl; Oregon Burbanks. $1 10© 1 30 per ctlrPetal'ima Burbanks, $1 05 per ctl; River Reds, $I@l 10 per ctl; Garnet Chiles. Ope© $1 06 per ctl; Early Rose, 90c®$l 05 per ctl ; Swwt Potatoes; .$2 per ctl. ' , ONIONS— YeIIow, $2 25 per ctl for Oresron and $2 50 for Nrradan; Green Onions, 50<ij<J6c per box. '*^V..'"-*': • . • i VEGETABLES— Green Peas, 5S?6c per lb; String. B^im*. 15©17'*ic per lb: Wax. — r-; Tomatoes from • Ijos Angeles. $l<3l 25 per hpx Or crate; 1 Rhubarb. f)#loe • per- lb: Summer Squash from Los ' Angeles. $1 2."(g:l 50 per box: Cabbage. "sl.lo per ctl; Carrots. 50c per sack;- Hothouse •Cucumbers. 50§75c per dozen for small and $l'tsl 'jn for large: Garlic, s®*ic per Ib; Egg. Plant. per lb; Dried Pe>ver6, 6@Sc,per>lb for Stockton and 10@12^c for 1 southern; Dried Okra. 12% c per lb; Green Pep- pers,.ls€2oc per. lb; Mushrooms, 40@f>0c per lb; Marrowfat ' and Hubbard Squash. tIOQIS per ton for round lots and per lb for sacked. • •. . .. -. : , ; Poultry and Game. Poultry ruled firm under a continued steady demand and > the market wag practically bare at the close. A car of .-Western was marketed, making, the third for the week. Receipts of domestic stock were very light and supplies of large young stock, which had the most call, were insufficient to satisfy the demand. A car -of Western falls, due to-morrow. A few cases 'of dressed* Turkey* came In and prices were nominally unchanged. ' Receipts of i Game were over 200 sacks and consisted chiefly .Of . wild Ducks, which were mostly poor and thin. AH dealers were anxious to clean up, as the season closes on Monday, and most kinds of Ducks were quoted lower. There was quite a surplus unsold at the close. POULTRY — Dressed , Turkeys. lS@22c . per Ib; live Turkeys . -15017 c per lb; Geese, per. pair, $292 2.V Goslings. $202 25: Ducks. ,$5 50@C per dozen for old and $6(37 for young; . Hens. $8 :>lX<ji7 for large and ?5 M(S« for email; young Roosters, $6 ,">o@7 50: eld Roosters. .sss?s 50: Fryers. $5 50@6; Broilers. »4 50(^5 for large and ' $4@4 50 for small; Pigeons. $1 25 per dozen for old md $2 25@2 50 for Squabs. ' GAME— Mallard Ducks; $3@4 per dozen; Canvasback. $3?T5; Sprig. $1 50#2; Teal. %\<Bi '1 : BO: Widgeon. $I©l 50: small Ducks. $101 2.">; Gray Geese. $3: White Geese. $I@l 25;, Brant. $125 for small , and $2 50 for large; Honkers $4 50 for large and $.1 50 for small : Engli&h Snipe. $3; common Snipe.- $1 50: Wild' Doves $1: Rabbits. $2 for Cottontails and $1 25 for Brush ; Hare, , $1 25. Butter. Cheese and Eggs. Butter and Eggs both i closed the' week at a further decline... with liberal receipts and stocks and buyers/ holding off for ' still lower, quota tions lon Monday. - Washouts on - the railroads in Maria County by the recent hard rain ; shut off yesterday's receipts "of ¦ Mutter , from ! that 'source.- but 'this : loss, cut very little figure, as the delayed shipments will probably come In to morrov.% - Cb«*«« continued in large supply .and weak at the decline already noted. - . Receipts* were 44,000, lbs Butter. 1100 cases Ekfs and .SHCO lbs Cheese. " j BUTTER Creamerj' at first hands, 27c for extras. 2.Va26c for firsts and 22»-j*f24c for sec onds; dairy. l.S@22c:\ store Butter, nominal; cold storage. 21<5-2c fOf extras, ;12320c . for seconds «nd • lOfflSic 'fir, ladlp-packe<l. • CHEESE— IO©IIc for ' good ' to ' choice ' new and BQOc for lower - grades; . young : Americas, 16?12c; Eastern, 15®10c; Western, 14@15c per pound. •.-'., * - ¦-¦- -.-¦- rt ' " EGGS— Ranch. 24«J25c; store. 2J@24c per doz. Deciduous and Citrus Fruits. The Orange market had a little better. tons yesterday as the demand among retailers, who were purchasing : for ; two days' . requirements/ was more active than usual. .The large sizes or fancy Navels still had. the most call, but stocks were ampin for all needs and prices wore with out quotable /variance: The - cheaper -grades moved ¦ imore' freely^ than; forborne- time; past, peddlers being the principal buyers. The other 'Citrus' fruits were plentiful and without espe cial feature. -A bout ten cars sof Oranges are expected for to-morrow's auction . pal*. ¦ r Stocks of Apples are more plentiful than for some time, as . they have been I aceumulatinß during th<* -past week." ¦ ' Fancy stock, * however, is still h--id at firm < prices,, but the cheat) and medium grades can-bo' liou^ht at liberal con (<?3Slc.!is. Winter, Nellls - Pears are higher ' again. . Supplies . In cold storage are said : to :be v^ryllght:. -h;--« ¦" ' " - : : ¦¦-. :^' • , :.,'^.. ,-¦.„.:• ¦; .APPLES— SI "5(32 per box for. extra fancy; Jl 25©1 50 r* for ordinary j fancy. > Ssc@sl . fot choice and rH)®7sc for common. ; ¦ ¦¦;¦_ s. ¦ : i PEARS — Nellis. from cold storage (re packed) rs2 BO«a per box. ; ¦ ; i CITRUS FRUITS— NaveI Oranges, $1 25@2 per box, for faTicy, -.73c0?1'25 for choice and 50c «s!' for ¦¦'¦ standards; See<uinics, 50c<f?$l-, : Tan gerines. $I<sl 50 per box; Lemons. Si 75(7T2 50 for fancy, /$1 25«il 50 -¦ for choice and • 75c«i$l for standard: ¦: Grape r Fruit. $1 sfx?i2 50: ; Mexican Limes $5 GO@C: Bananas;. sl@2 per bunch for . Hawaiian | and • $2'»2 50,, for Central -American; Pineapples. ¦$1 50<§2 ¦? per s dozen * for • Central American and $3©3 ¦ for ; Hawaiian. .: > » . ~>rr ; % Dried Fruits, Nuts, Raisins, Honey. •;' FRUIT— Apricots. 7%«rO3ie for Royal* and 9 ©lie »¦ for \ Moorparks; * Evaporated .• Apples. 4@ 5V4c; eun-drted, l .Peaches,: s@6^c; Pears. (iflOc; Nectarines, 4@s'4c; Figs, white, 4Q4VSO in boxes; ; black, 4%c; Plums, pitted, 6@9c per nd .^^lHlMyw^to^W&^^^^JliWaifrß^^^ :•-•¦ PRUNES— I9O3 crop. 2>/t(g2%c ; for the four rises. 1 :¦;-¦¦'- ' '.-¦;>'. '.: - \ -.'--¦ ¦ • . ¦.. v-, RAISINS— The ¦.; Association announces the following new prices . for 1001: Standard grades, . ¦ - . . ¦ . ¦ • ' . . •,-••-.¦'— Proz'isions. Chicago wa< steady en the day, with free selling by packers on large receipts of Hogs. The- support still comes from the outside trader. Stocks abow an Increase In Pork and Lard, but stand about the same In Ribs. This market is dull, unchanged and feature less CURED MEATS— Bacon, 104 c per lb for heavy, ll'.vjc for light medium, 134 c for light, 14c for extra light and 16c for sugar-cured; Eastern sugar-cured Hams. L>4c; California Hams, 1245113 c: Mess Beef. $11 50 per bbl; extra Mess. $12® 12 BO; Family. $13; prime Mess Pork $16; rxtra clear, $24; Mess. $18; Dry Salted Perk, lie; Pig Pork. $27; Pigs" Feet, $5 25: Smoked Beef, 15c per lb. LARD — Tierces quoted at 7c per tb for com pound and O'-.c for pure: half-barrels, pure. :>\c; lu-lb tins, 10y*c; 5-lb tins, 10% c; 3-lb tins. 104 c. COTTOLENE— One half barrel, 9V»c; three half barrels. !)c; one tierce, $%c; two tierces, S%c; nve tierces, B%c per lb. Hides, Tallow, Wool and Hops. HIDES AND SKINS— CuIIs and brands sell about 'iiSf-le.. under quotations. ' Heavy Salted Steers, 9%c: medium. 84c; light. 8c; Cow Hides. 6c for heavy and 9c for light; Stags. tic; Salted Kip. 9c: Salted Veal, 10c: Salted Calf, 10V«c; dry Hides. 15@16c; dry Kip. 13c: dry Calf. ISc.; Sheepskins, shearlings, 25030 c each; short Wool, 40«jti6c each; medium. 70@90c; lone Wool, $1-31 50: Horse Hides, salt, ;$2 75 for large and $*<&2 50 for medium, $1 2551 75 for small and 500 for Colts. Horse Hides, dry, SI 75 for large and $1 00 for medium.' $I@l 25 for small and rio<' for Colts. Buck Skins — Dry Mexican ."Sic; dry salted Mexican, 29c; .dry Central American, 31c.' Goat .Bklns — Prime An goras, .7.V: large and smooth, 50c; medium, 35c; small. 20c. . ' •TALLOW— No. 1 . rendered, 4c per lb; No. 2, 34c: grease, 24@3c. WOOL— Fall clip— San Joaquln Lambs', 0© lie: Middle County. ll@12c: Northern Defect ive, 9@loc; Nevada, 13©15 c; Oregon, fine, 18® 19c; Oregon medium. 17c per lb. ¦ : HOPS— 2s@3oc per lb for California. 1903. and 20c for crop of 1904. c , Meat Market. There is nothing new. The south is still short of rain, as the recent storm did not get fairly down into the southern stock districts. DRESSED MEATS. ; : Wholesale rates I from slaughterers to dealers are as follows: BEEF— 6%@7%c for Steers and 5%®«%c per lb fcr Cows. VEAL— Large, S@9c; Email, o@loc per Ib. : MUTTON— Wethers. 9't.®loc; Ewes, o#9%c per lb. LAMB — Spring. lft«lGc. PORK— Dressed Hogs, 7@B Hooper lb. . ; LIVESTOCK MARKET. The following quotations are for good, sound Livestock, delivered in San Francisco, less 60 per cent shrinkage for Cattle: CATTLE — Steers, B®9c; Cows and Heifers. 74?8c: thin Cows, 4@sc per Ib. . " CALVES— 434 He per lb (gross weight). SHEEP— 4H@Bc; Ewes, 4Vi@4%o per Ib (gross weight). LAMBS— per lb , HOGS— Live Hogs. 140 to 180 lbs. 5i4®5%c: over 180 lbs, 6c; roft Hogs. 4 He; Sows. 20 per cent off; Boar*. 50 per cent off, and Stags. 40 per cent oft from above quotations. General Merchandise. BAG'S- — Grain Bags, 5V4c spot and 5%<55%c ' June-July; San Quentln, 5.55 c; Wool Bags, ! 32(g35c: Fleece Twine. "V4@Bc. . COAL — Wellington. $8 per ton; -New Wel lington, $8; Seattle. $0 50: Bryant. $6 50; Bea ver Hill. »0; Standard. $7; Ronlyn. $7; ; Coos Bay $5 50; Greta. $7; .Wallsend. $7; Rich mond, $7 .*><>: Cumberland, $13 •in bulk and 1 $14 25 tn Backs: Pennsylvania Anthracite Egg. I $14; Welsh Anthracite Egg, $13; Welsh Lump. j $11 50: Cannel.sS M p*r- ton: Coke. $11 50© I 1 3 . per ton lln - bulk ; and $15 In sacks ; I Rocky I Mountain descriptions. $11 45 per 2000 lbs and I $12 SO per long ton. according to brand. . OILS — Quotations are for barrels: for cases. I add sc; Linseed. 49c per gallon for 'boiled and • 47c for rii*; Captor Oil, in cases. No. •1, 70c; ' Bakers' AA,,sl lOijil 12; Lucol. 44c for boiled and 42c"for raw; China Nut, 60<S70c per gallon; 1 Cocoanut Oil In barrels, '5Sc for Ceylon and 56c for Australian; extra bleached winter Sperm I Oil. 80c: natural winter Sperm Oil. 75c; extra '. bleached winter JVhale Oil. Csc; natural Whale ! Oil, «>oe; extra winter; strained Lard Oll.'85c: i No 1 Lard Oil 7."> c; pure Neatsfoot Oil. 76c; • No". 1 Neatsfoot Oil. Csc; light Herring Oil, ! 45c; dark Herring Oil, 43c; Salmon Oil. 38c; ' boiled Fish Oil, 40c; raw Fish Oil, 38c; boiled I Paint Oil. 35c: raw Paint Oil. 33c. COAL OlL— Water White Coal. OH. In bulk. 16c; Pearl Oil. in capes, 21 Vie; Astral, .21 %c; '-Star 21 He: Extra Star. 25Vic;' Elaine. 27»4c: ! Eocene. 24 %c; Deodorized Stove Gasoline, In hulk. We; In cases., 22^c; Benzine, in bulk. I 13c: In cases. ll>%cj> 80-degree Gasoline, in bulk. 25c; In cases, 31c. . , . TURPENTINE — 88c per gallon In cases and : S**c In drums and Iron barrels. RED AND WHITE LEAD — Red Lead. 6^@ ! 7c per lb; White Lead, CVi^'c, according to ¦ quantity. ¦ • STjGAR— The Western Sugar r Refining . Com i pany quotes as follows, per lb. In 100-lb bags: Cubes • A Crushed ' and Fine ' Crushed. 6.56 c; ! Powdered, 3.40 c; Candy Granulated. 5. 40 c; Dry f Granulated, fine. 5.30 c; Dry Granulated, coarse, I 5.30e; Fruit Granulated, 5.30 c: Beet Granulated ' (100-lb bags* only). 5.10 c; • Confectioners' A. ¦ 5.30 c; Magnolia A. 4.90 c; Extra C, 4.80 c: Golden C. 4.70 c; "D." r .4.60c;- barrels, ; 10c more; half barrels, 25c more: boxes, 60c more; 50-1 bags. I 10c more fcr all kinds.' Tablets — Half barrels, ! sSoc;<boxes. C.OOc; H & E. Crystal Domino*, 1 S.:!oc per !h. No orders taken for ' less than I ecventy-fiv<! barrels •or Its equivalent. Receipts of Produce. FOR SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 13. Flour qr ska .. 1,673jTn110w ctls ... 21fl Wheat ctls 4*o Pelts. No Z,:iSKI Barley ctls 5.<70! Hide*. No 117 rom, otln ( *>o; Sugar, ctls 2.500 Potatoes, sks . . 3T>O; Quicksilver, flies , 250 Onions, sks ... I<> r.eather. r0115... S2 Middlings sks.. 1.R40! Wine, gals 125.880 Hay. tons 748: Haisins. bxs .. 2.500 Hops, bales 0! Lime, bbis 590 Droomcorn, bales 26' Brandy, gals .. 2,650 OREGON. Potatoes. »ks . . 3,3.16! EASTERN. Corn, ctls 500j * — — ; ' .._ .. ..-..¦, ... . * | STOCK MABKET. I *— .—. — :: — ¦¦'¦•¦¦¦¦ "¦;¦' .__ _ — * Bonds Moving Well, but Stocks Continue Inactive. . , \ ¦ .: "¦ --» ...- .-• ¦-¦ .¦ ' \ '.;;.¦, .-¦¦.. For Saturday there was a .very good move ment in bor.da but stocks were, neglected, the only ("ales , on the < Bond Exchange being 30 share 3of 'Makawell Sugar at $10. The oil an>l '¦ mining : stocks continued quiet. v .- Sale* on the California Exchange last week were '25. 305. 'Shares, valued at $15,1«8, • the leading- sales v being as follows: Chicago Crude- ."COO shares; Caribou. 1000; Claremont, IJiOO; 'Home. 437.">: Monirch, 100T); O\\ City, 8400; Superior. lOOO; Illinois Crude. 500. "*•> ' Ex-dlvllend yesterday: .-.-' Pennsylvania Min ing Company;- regular ; monthly. ¦ 10c per share, amounting to $5050.-. " ¦ '¦¦¦'/ \, ¦ It Is reported ! that the ; Northern California Power Company will ' very shortly commence the payment , of , monthly . dividends. : • Recently sales have been made of the 5 • per cent | bonds at par which' has- provided sufficient funds to finish the -present improvements. There at present ' a '¦¦• to*nl - bonded : Indebtedness .' on •¦ the property !of $KM>,OOO In • 5 : per cent ¦¦, bonds, due in 1832, . and 100, 000 shares 1 of a psr value of $2 caclV; none of '. the > bonds or 5 stock ;hav<^ been sold - f or , less v than r par : ; the money] real -' ized from ¦ the sal« of stocks . and . bonds, " and in addition "fOO.COO In \ net earnings, have been put Into i the plant.' : - ,'• .-- U; L LKhtner Mining Company has i declared ' a dividend of Be, amounting .to $0250. . payable February 20/ _¦.";.• ¦;*¦¦?¦ ¦¦ ¦ '¦*¦ ¦' l'*.\ • ~ ¦.-_ ' -C' -¦'-• :¦ ','¦- *¦' . ' STOCK AXD BOND EXCHANGE. SATURDAY. Feb. 13—12 m . UNITED ¦ STATES .> BONDS. . .Bid. Ask.! Bid. Ask. 4, or coup : . .107 1*7% Us.qr , cpnewl.'{2iii:«U 4s or reg . . • — . — - * qr coup . . 106% 107 4 r miscellaneous; BONDS. v; Ala A W 6s.'— "-—.'- O.TCoCa... — . - — Bay CPC'sß.lo2',4''- Do r.s; ....109 ¦ — Cal'C-G ? 0s.l03%l« : - • Do y con 6s. — 104 ' i'ai c& E »*-" ¦¦- : "'A\ Oceanic S 5«. — 75 ~rn*ct Ps - 10* Om C «3. 122*4 Cal-st C '55.114 - — . Pac r, Im 4s. 04 -:(W . C Wat ss. — !>lo4k YE Ry .58.105^10594 F S & P C 5.12.". 131- p-*;CiH>lO37 _ '; F& C H 6s. — 120 :i P& OR Cs.UO — Geary : st: 5». 45Vi W iPowell-st Cs.llS^ — H C&S 545.104 — 8 E G&R ss. 98 10© 1 Do 5s .... 98 99% SF & SJVSS.IIB 118% Hon R T 68.106 107 ••» Sierra R 65.t1141124 L A Elec ss. — 10414 S 1' of A 6s ' L ARy 6s. — 114% (1909) l<**i — L A L 6a. —- — i (1910) ... — — Do gtd 6s. — — <l»05)Sr A-104V»104% Do gtd 85.103%in54 (1905)5r 8.104% — LAP lem 6s. 100 102 & 8 PofCtis Mkt-st C 65.11«% — (1906) . . 106^107 V* I Do lem 115 116 (1912) 118 — MV&Mt Tss — 112 SPC leg ss. — — NRR of C6s. — — Do 108% 1084 Do 5s .... — 118 3P B R 68.134, — NP C R 55.105 — S V Wat 65.10714Jj- X C Ry. ss. — 114 Do 4s 2dm. 99% — N C P C 6a. — 100 Do 4s 3dm. 99H — N8 R R ss. — : 100 Stkn G4E 6s — 100 O G LAH 58.108 — UGft E ss. — 106 O W gtd ss. — 99 I . . WATER STOCKS. Contra Costa — 41 j Port Costa.. — . — Marin C 0,.. — 634, S V W Co. 33 — GAS AND ELECTRIC. Cent L & P. ¦ — - 4 BFO *E. 564 58 Mutual EL.— 12 . Stkn G& E 5 — Pae L C 0... 55 — lv G & E.. — 3» BEOA R. — — I : '' .' TRUSTEES' CERTIFICATES. BFO& E. — — I INSURANCE. . Flrem's Fnd — 345 . I . . BANK STOCKS. Am Nat Bk. — 130 I.on P & A. — ITO Anglo-Cal .. 87*4 — Mer Trust .. — 230 Bank of Cal. — 445 Merca Ex . . — 63 Cal Safe Dp. — ' 14741S F Natlonl — — . First Natlonl — — ' i SAVINGS BANKS. - Ger SAL.— 23C0 Say & L So. — 100 Hum 8&L. — — Sec Say Bk. — 450 Mutual Bay. 100 — Union Trust. — — S F Ear U. — 650- STREET RAILROADS. California ..197^205 I Prceldlo : . . . "0 424 ' Geary .....-.— 80 ) POWDER. Giant ...... — 62 IVlrorit 3',i — SUGAR. Hana P Co. — 40c . Kllauea SC. — 6 Hawaiian C. 43&'— Makawell S. IS 19 Honokaa C. 11 . — ! Onomea S C 23 .29 Hutch S P. 7 — Paauhan S C 104 11 4 MISCELLANEOUS. i Alaska P A.i ;s 139 | Oceanic S C. 44 — : Cal FC A. lit! lIT 4 Pae Am FA. 5 6 1 Cal Wine A. — M Pac C Bon. — j MV& MtTm.loo — I j Morning Session. Board — $2,000 Northern Ry of Cal 6 per cent. .107 00 $L\O<X> Spring Val 4s 12.1 mtge) Vi 75 I $50,000 S P Ist con 5s (stamped).. 108 75 - Street — 30 Makawell 19 00 I $1,000 L A Pac R R Ist con 5s 101 00 j $100,000 U S/4a coupon (old), Ml 23 California Stock & Oil V Exchange. Oil Stock— % Bid. Asked. | Alma ....'. .... 1 Apollo . - ¦ .... Associated Trust Certificates. 19 *'> ' Aztec- 774 824 • California Standard 10 .... Caribou ISO 193 Central Point Con ./.. .... ' Chicago - Crude 18 .... j ; Clerercont " 50 .... 4 Eaperanza ;.', " 140 Four .......... ..:........•. 70 .... Fulton ; 4 00 Giant 17 Hanford ....... 135 00 141 00 H0me..... 1 20 .... Imperial .... f Independence - 15 Junction 15 Kern 4 25 Kern River 13 00 : Linn ....'* I Monarch (of Arizona) 40 41 » j Monte Cristo 70 774 } i Occidental of W Va .... 1« I Oil City Petroleum 34 35 Peerles* 5. r.V.r.V' :.::...... 13 80. Pitt«burg -22 ! Reed Crude '.... 4 65 S F & McKlttrick ... i San Joaquin O & D 2 00 .:.. \ Senator 60 Sovereign ......". - 41 4-"l ' Sterling 2 60 1 Superior 03 0« : Thirty-three 6 00 650 I Toltec 19 20 Twenty-eight * 30 West Shore '. •••• Miscellaneous — ; Abby Land & Improvement • .... Alameia Sugar .: •-•• i American Biscuit ••••/ I American District Tel . I Cal Gas & Electric Corp-. ••--. .... California Cotton Mills •••• j I California Jockey Club .. , •-.. California Shipping Co Cal Title Ins & Trust .... _ '-il ; Central Bank of Oakland.... 61 00 .0 CO • Chutes Company •• ¦ • •• • • I Cypress Lawn Imp Co 625 .... t ! Fischer's Theater ? > Gas Consumers' Association. .... -• • - ; : Honolulu Sugar '. ". '. '. '. '¦ -. » 374 jj <*> ; Northern Cal Power 9 37% 10 00 \ ! North Shore Rai1r0ad........ .... 19 50 j , Orpheum Company .... /¦ ¦ • j i Pacific States Tel & Tel -. .." , { ! Paraffine Paint 35 00 I "an Francisco Dry Dock .. i; .... ! ¦ Sanitnry Reduction Works.. 1 »5 215 | ! Sausallto Land & Ferry j i Sperry Flour Company .... .... — .... L f Standard Electric i Tesla Coal Company ' •••• j ! Truckee Electric . . .-» .•-• i i United Gas It Electric....... .... j ! SALES. ! | Morning V Session. ¦ ! 200 Oil City Petroleum • M ' 1 ,r, r 0 Claremont Oil , •*> 50 Home Oil .......' . \25 , 100 Home Oil ¦• 120 j 400 Artec Oil • *> ' - 100 Illinois Crude Oil . . . . • . . ¦ I's | Unlisted Securities. j _ . . ,. t s MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. j Bay CPC 6s. 95 100 , Sun Tel 65. 112 1144 t B L Wat *. — 120 : Do 5s ....102& — . SF DDk ss. — 1134 Sutter-st 55..105 113 I S F & NP55.110% — , UR of 9F 4s. 79% 804 , SP Co 449- 98 99 '' . MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. . ; Ala C 0... — 23 Mills Nat Bk3oo — - Cal Cot Mills — 95 Nev Nt Bk. — 210 ; Cal G&E. 40 — N § R P... 11 — Cal Jockey C 99 120 Nor C Power 9 — I Cal Powder. .120 — Oak Bk 5av. 1124 — Cal Ship Co 15 — Oak Transit 65 — CT I * T. — 155 IOOF Hall A 54 — ( On Bk Oak 61 — Orpheum Co. — 16% j i Chutes Co •• - 8 PS TaT. — 102 City &CBk — 112 Par Paint... SO — Eastern DynlSO — I 3 F D Dk. 60 — F S 8k.0ak.120 — iSF & SJ C. IS — F R Theater. — 2»,4 S J Wat Co. — 106 Frnch- A Bk.loo 105 SO* MTCo — lt»3 Gas Con Asn 19', 21 Swiss- A 8k.114 — Hop P Co. . 74 10 Truckee Elec — ; 13 : LiSF Ek — M UR I CopM 4." 4 — MaUon NCo — 90 | Do com .. 104 — i ; ' — — ' | Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE. Following were the sales on the San Fran- J 1 cisco Stock and Exchange Board yesterday: - . Morning Session. I * 400 Andes . . . . •'• • 3 200 Overman .... 25 1 200 Belcher ....:. 31 100 Ophir ..4, 65 100 Chollar 18 500 Savage ...... 42 100 Con C & Va.l 75 1000 Se» Belcher.. 05 ; 200 Con C & Va.l 70 100 Sierra Nev .. 61 ICO Crown Point. 20 10 Sierra Nev .. 60 800 Gould & Cur. 45 200 Union Con . . 90 400 Mexican .....1 05 300 Union Con .. SI) .200 Mexican .....1 90 PACIFIC STOCK EXCHANGE/ Following were the ' sales on ; the * Pacific Stock • Exchange yesterday: \ v Morning Session. 100 Andes ....... **? 00 Ophlr ..4 65 ! 700 Andes ........ 44 50 Ophir .........4 70 100 Andes ....... 45! ICO Ophlr ;..... :.4 83 100 Caledonia ...100i 300 Overman .... 23 300 Caledonia ... 97 100 Sierra Nev . . 64 SCO Caledonia ... 9<l 100 Sierra Nev . . 6« 1 300 Con C & Va.l 73 100 Silver Hill 67 I 400 Con C-& Va.l «>! 100 Union Con .. 92 500 Con NY ... 01 ICO Union , Con -..'- 80 j ! "00 Gould & Cur. 45 ICO Union Con .. 94 100 Mexican .....100 200 Utah 21 : - IPO Ophlr 4 624 100 Yellow, Jacket 47 50 Ophlr ........4 60 . TONOPAH MINING. EXCHANGE. Following were the sales on the San Fran- : 1 Cisco and Tor.opah Mining Exchange yesterday: ! " . Mornlnir ¦ Session.^' !i 500 Evelyn ...... .25 ,400 Rescue .07 1000 MacNamara . 10 208 Ton Belmont. 60 ' 500 MacNamara .- 21 200 Ton Midway. 44 I RAO MacNamira . 20 2200 Ton Midway. 42. I - 200 Mont Ten..l 37 Vj _ 200 Ton N. Star.. 34 ¦ i.ld:, CLOSING • QUOTATIONS. SATURDAY.' Feb. 13-12 m. Bid. Ask • ' , : Bid. Ask Alr>na ....... ¦'• 07 ¦;¦¦- 1.8; Justice :06 08 I Alta ..... 03 07|Kentuck ..... .03 04' 1 Andes"./..... 48 :4TiKfyes'Graes.. — 1 75 \ 'Belcher^...-.^.30. '33 Lady Wash.. — .07 I Best & Belch.l 78 1 m ( Mexican .....2 00 2 10 Bullion ..... 03 08 Occidental . . . 88 r l<o Caledonia ... 07" PS Ophlr .... ...4 80 4 M Challenge Con 10 22 Overman .... 24 -. 26 Soar .¦•:'..:..-• IS- -19; Potosl .....;. 14 15 t Confidence . . . IM 1 ?s ( Savage ..',... 41 43 , Con C A Va.l SO 1 «•->{ Scorpion .... 02 08 Con Imperial. C 203 Seg. Belcher.. 04 M , Con NY .... 03 OB K!»rra Nev;.. .63 m Crown Point: 19 -21 [Silver , Hill s .. 66 67 1 'East Sierra N — -Cs|St Louis i — .16 Eureka Con. : — 60 Syndicate ... 04 0? Exchequer :.*. r' l3 il4j Union Con .. 94 95 Gould & Cur. 44 4« Utah ........ 19 20 Hale &l& l Norc. 70 73 Yellow ; Jacket ,46 49 Julia ........ 08 041 .... , ; TONOPAH MINES. - ' "Bid.'Ask. I 'A • . Bid. Ask. j * Colchan ..... — '1» Ray t OBrien — 10 i Esperanxa ... — 01 Rescue 08 , 07 I Gipsy Queen.. — -30 Ton Belmont. 39 .60 ¦ 1 • Gold Anchor. 20 .25! Ton & Cal.:. 17 20- AUCTION SALES WILSON, THE AUCTIONEER, Toms Everything Into Money. GRAND AUCTION ANNOUNCEiUBtT. Wednesday, Feb. 17th, BROADWAY, near Franklin. I am ordered to sell th» entire contents st this artistic home to the highest bidder with- out reserve. Handsome and durable household effects AT YOUR OWN PRICE. £?> Sixth and Last Consignment £s» AUCTION sale of 100 Mares and Geldings "Welghlnr from 1000 to 1200, Consigned by the Churchill Co.'s J. K. C. a. and D. Ranches. Yreka. Sisklyi. . Co. To Be Sold On THURSDAY, February 18, 1904, ' At 11 a. m.. at sale-yard, 1732 MARKITT st. . FRED H. CHASE .4 CO.. ¦ Livestock Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE fe . ft* £» On MONDAY. Feb. 15. at It clock «• Ellis ! street stable. 613 Ellis street. 39 head of well- broken horses, suitable for all purposes- 6 new rubber-tire buggies. 1 new canopyltop surrey and several new and second-hand wagons. Sale positive, S. WATKINS, Auc- ¦ : tioneer. r\_^ Don't forget th» big sale of a lot off /T-»-» good horses and mare»; laundry, ex- press, grocery and PEDDLIXG WAGONS. SURREYS. "J searers. BUGGIES. CARTS and 40 sets of single and double HARNESS: 1 fine MILK COW. calf 2 days old. at 1140 FOLSOiI ST.. TUESDAY. Feb. lti. 11 a. m. Gold M Con. — 05] Ton Exten ..60 — Hannapah ... _ 15 Ton Fraction. — 45 Hannapah Mv — 23 Ton of Nev.3 75 623 Ma.-Namara . 20 23 Ton N Star.. 33 Mizpah Exten 08 — Ton Midway. 41 42 Mont _ Ton --l 35 1 371* Ton & S Lako 15 — -> 1 Ton .... — 0» Ton Superior. — 12 Paymaster ..00 12 United Ton . . — lv Ray Exten .. — IB) We3t End ..19 — UNITED STATES LEADS WORLD Oi ¦¦! '111 l Greatest Exporter of Domestic Prod «*cts — Only Three "Billion Dol lar" Countries. The United States again stands, at the close of the calendar year 1903, at the head of the list of world's exporting : nations, so far as relates to the expor tation of domestic products. Thj» fact is shown by a series of tables just pre sented by the Government Bureau tt Statistics. There ar c only three "billion dollar ! countries," considered from the stand point of exportation at domestic prod ucts, and they are. in order of the mag i nitude of their exports, the United l States, the United Kingdom and many. In the calendar year 1903 the exports of domestic products were: , From the United States. $1,547.565, 753 1 in value, and from the United King dom. $1,415,617,552. From Germany the figures for the full year have not been received, but an examination of the fig ures of the year for which statistics are available justifies an estimate of J1.2W. 00,000. It Is only within recent years that th- United States has taken its place at the head of the list of the world's great exporters of domestic products. In 1375 the exports I mestic products by the world's great exporting nations were as foilows: I'nited Kingdom $1.0«7.497.fV<> France Ormany 5Ki. 052.000 United States 497. In 1885 the domestic exports of these four countries stood as follows: I'nited Kingdom $I.<W Germany 680. M1. w0 I'nited States France 596,000,'HH) In 1»95 the domestic exports of the four countries were as follows: United Kingdom $1.1 no. 452 'TOO United States Germany 7«» n France In 1903 the relative rank of the four countries in the exportation of domes tic products was as follows: United States $1,437. M8, 7*l United Kingdom 1.41.'. liermany i<») 1.200. 000. i*m France ib) M 2. ia> Nine month* flgtir<-9 and estimate for closing quarter of the year. tb) Eleven months flgures and estimate for last month of the year. It will be seen from a study of the above tables that the United States in 1875 stood at the bottom of the I : the four great exporting nations of the ¦ world; that at the end of the next dec ; ade it had advanced one place; a dec 1 ade later still another place, and ie 1903 stood at the head of the list as th« world's greatest exporter of domesti* products. — Brooklyn Eagle. Animal Sympathy. The devoted love of the brute ap plies to humbler objects than man. A cat and dog- used to be very good friends in a well-known country house. Onlookers regrarded the cat as selfish, as caring only for the dog because ha would fetch and carry for her, and let her have the choicest place on th« hearthrug. The dog died. The cat refused all food and left the house. It was found upon the dog's f^-ave and brought back to the house. No per suasion could get it away. Kind friends built a little penthouse ovei the grave, and there the cat lay until, very soon, it, too, died. In anothei house were a cat and dog whose rela tions were of the unfriendliest descrip tion. The cat had kittens which wer« taken from her and drowned. Sh« grieved terribly over her loss. The dog appeared to understand her grief, ceased to torment and chase her; and. instead, did all he could to displaj sympathy. At length as the bereav«sj mother appeared inconsolable, tot bounded out of the house, sought dIX igently in the garden, found the gray« of the kittens, scratched it open with his strong paws, and returned la tri umph to the house bearing one of th< slaughtered innocents in his mouth.— St. James Gazette. SEE THE PICTI'BE Catholic Mass Told in Matnary Tho Most Striking, the Most Original, the Most Beautiful Idea Ever Developed in the Church. NEXT SUNDAY CALL. 47