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14 ROOMS TO LEI^Fnra. nnd Pnfnra. TBIRXV SOt^StoaBS.' 25c." «Ktei T5c^and :i per ntgBt; $1 to $4 week: nice, quiet; bath. UNITED STATES, 123 Eddy, near Market— 400 rooms, 35c to f 1 night. *1 75 to $6 week; elec- tric lights (no gas), running water In evjtrr room; elevatcr. read.-room: free bustbaggagg. VAJ^TneSS ave.. Bl»— Elegant front parlor* and cdjolclcg pulte for office or club. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 3d et.. n e * T _M*rket— Mort convenient and respectable: 700 rooms . SSc to Jl 50 eight: $2 to $8 week; elevator; dec. light*; reading-room; free bus: baggage. WOLF House, 202 Blxtb— Electric light In every room; 15c to $1 a night; .5o to $3 • week; open all eight; convenient to all cars. ADVERTISEMENTS, subscriptions received at Call Branch Office, cor. Duncan & Church »ts. A~BRANCH office of The Call for th« reception cf advertisement* and eubscriptlone has been rpened at 100S Market «t.. opposite Fifth. Open until 11 p. m. ROOMS A XD BO A HP. " HOT^T" HATTON K77 Ptre, nr. Taylor; elegantly furnished suites; private baths: all modern conven- lences; excellent table. ' HOTEL BALTIMORE, 1C13 VAN NESS AVE. NEAR GEART ST. SELECT AND FIRST CLASS. PHOXE PRIVATE EXCHANGE 706. TDDT R4— Xlcelr furnished, warm, sunny rooms: $8 and $10; breakfast and dinner if rfefired. -.:-'■-■■:■<" BOARD and room In private fatnllr in Berke- ley, close to cars; rood home cooking; $20 per month. Address box 2570, Call efflce. Ftevea*on tsanslcn. S07 California — Fine rooms; r.ew chef t : colored service: table tpeclalty. noons a\d no.viro wa.vtkd. MARRIED cour'.e want two ur.furnlfh'-d connecting rooms, wit* beard; Co children; terms. Bex 2538. Call efflce. A TtOOM with board for a gentleman <2 mealt) in family or board!n«-house; bcarfiing-houye rreferred; reasonable rates. Box 25S2. Call. SPECIAL, \OTICKS. Ladies'. Chlchester's Engllfh Pennyroyal Pills are best; eafe. reliable; take no other. Send 4c I't-r; for particulars. "Relief for Ladies'' !n letter by return mail. Ask your druggUt. CfcJclrster Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. J'o REWARD for the tx-fly of Philip Slmon- etli. fisherman, drowned near Sausallto. ONETO BROS. 410 nsy ft., rity. iEUIAO MACHIXES AVn SUPPLIES t\T have several slightly shopworn sewing j machines that we eball close out at half i price or less at once. White Sewing Machine • <"o , S00 Pott «t. I Vi'K want three live canvassers at once. Ap- p'y st .IK) Pest rt.. from S to 9 a. m.. White Sewing Machine Co. DOMESTIC — Th# machine for family use: N»st le cheapest: second-hand all makes at ary pric*: all kinds rented lowest rates. Domestic office, IC21 Market, near Sixth. NEW HOME— See cur new triple-feed ma- rhinet: slightly used; $10. $15. $20; second- hard. $3. $5. $,£: all style*; guaranteed. New Home Sewing Machine Co.. 1051 Market tt. STITTERIXG A\D STAMMERI\C. MELBOURNE School. Van Ness-Market^Cur* in every case; Individual teaching; no medl- dce. Ir.qjlre Into wonderful cvrcs: home cure TO LEASE. j THREE-ROOM crttage en beach; good bath- ing. Apply C. F. M.. box 54. Sausalito. TgBF. FEn J. S C. 114 ELLIS ST.. And Join his concentrated class: 17 actual dinner* in the last 13 days. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. AN exceptionally good No. 2 Remington. No. 1 Smith Premier. f25: other typeswrlters at higher and lower prices; rentals S2 50. The Typewriter Exchange. 636 California St. A FEW good typewriters at $30 each; get par- ticulars cf L. & M. ALEXAXDER. 110 Mont- gomery «t- 2D-HAXD typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Webwer Typewriter Irw-pec Co.. 60S Market. DIVIDEXD XOTICE8. CAN FRANCISCO and Suburban Horn* "Build- ins Society. 5th floor. Mutual Savings Bank building. 70S Market st.. opposite Third— For the half year ending 31st of December, 1003. a dividend has been declared at the rate per annum cf (12> twelve per cent oa capital stark and participating certificate*, free of taxes, payable on and after SATUR- DAY. January 2. 1*04. JOSEPH A. LEON- ARD. Manager. HUGH CRAIG. Secretary. MAltKIAGK LICENSES. ■. The following marriage licenses were issued | ;ts»crd?y: Hors'-e W. Atkins. C9. city, and Mina P. Steinkoonlg. 20, city. Perry Nannie. 4(». *•(! Harriet «treet. and HnttU- M. no'.i. .'«>. 20 Hayes street. fJinin E. Stillwell. 4«'.. W. Natoma street, | sni Marj" M. tvxt't. 4:!. 1!43 Natoma ttrct. Otto von Skotnicki. S5, ISUTi HatTison street. I and Anna C. Heeth, Itft. 13« Eleventh street. Marcus Ston<-. 44, U,"iS Franklin street, and Tl-.Tft-n H. Frank. 34. 1»44> California street. ra:ri-k A. UcGetanen, 10. K» Kearny •tre*t, tnd Arr.le B. Uempfry, 1«, 520 Keamy. R«-V-it L. Wilson. :.".». 2»'i5 Howard street, ; »nd Msry E. Watson, 25. 11 Clara etrert. EIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS, j Birth, marriage and cleath notie<?» ecr.t by rtifcil will not be inserted. They must be handed in at cither of the publication offices and be sr.dorted with the name and residence of per- fctin* authorized to have the gam? published. Nctic*a restricted simply to the announcement •if the cxent are published once In this column • free of charge. BORN. UnOEZINGEn— In this city, February 15, V.*H, to tho wife of Emile A. Gnj?ringer, a son. • • LERCARI— In this city. February 15, 1904. l" the wife cf C. J. Lercarl, a i"on. MrPHEDRAN— In this city. February ]O. IWi lo the wife of James McPhedran, a daughter. S'.'HNEIDER — In Benieia, February 13, 100;, to the wife ot George Srhnoldcr. k daughter. MARIUED. NFAI.OX— BAKER— In thi* city. February 15. V.Ktt, at Mission Dolores Church, by the *R»v. H. Tobin. James J. Nealon and Clara A. Maker. SCHROTH— RCK3ERSOX— la this ejty. Fob- ruarj I.*>, ll»04, by the Rev. Durr M. We«-d<. n John F. Behrotli and Honcia J. Rocrrssn. Ixith of this city. STONE— FRAXK— In thi» rity. February 17 1{*H. by th- Rev. Jacob Voorsanger. Manu* f^tone to Thcrtfa Irank. l>oth oi this < lly. rtrire. Catherine P?terson. Marguerite Bymm. Marj- E. >»ow<rs. Marcaret J. * ollirm, oe.jrge P. Reynolds, John F Orowler. Harbara lUU-y, Thomas E Dobje. Margaret B. Sellon. Joyce Uri*co11, Effle II. Sleh. Metta M ' Knskln*. Mary A. «hani an. William Oroerinrw (infant) Smiddy, Ellen He yes. Edward Stockman, John M. Hayward. AMInza. Theobald. Susan UJ? kcl .'. J f""P h Thorndlke. Frances Jffla. llachael Tully Mia E Kellogg. I*vi M. Van VoorUles.' Mrs. Klopi««-nknjnr. Dora D. TV. Marino, Rocco Warren. Alta \ MtDermott. Edward Whitley, Mzttle' II Moritx. Charles R. Window, Dr. Henry Murptajr joba C. Woerner. Adolph Nulty. Nellie BRICE— In this city. February 17. 1904 Cath- erine Brice (nee Welsh), beloved wife' of the late <»eorfcc Brire, and sister of Mrs. J Hur- Iry. Mr*. F. Gorman and Mrs. A. Reln- hardt, a native of Connecticut, aeed 38 year* 9 months and 2 days. BVRXE— In this city. February 17 1004 Marj- K. Byrne, mother of Philip Byrne a native of (California, agrd 39 years 4 months tJ-Ft lends and acQuaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Fridayi. February 13, m 10 o'clock firm th- funeral carloni of Bunker & Lur.t 2C0« Mission ttreet. between Twenty-second and Tweaty-thlrd. Mission Masonic Temple ln- terer.t Blount O!lvet Cemetery. COLLINS— In Oakland. February IT l»04_ it VJSX Webftcr mreet. George Scott be! Iwed son of Delia a. and the late H M <V.llin*, and brother of Mary Collins Mrs' Thomas .«t ester*. Mrs. John Lawrence and William II. Collins, a tiatlve of Oakland Cal.. aged 22 yers 3 months and 12 days C1JOWLKY— In this city, February 16 J9O4 Barbara Crowley <nee Sullivan), relict of Cornelius Crowley and beloved aunt of John I i*tutm McGinn. Henry^aMeau™" { JAMES MeGIXX & CO.. I Formerly With McGinn Bros , -Funeral Director* and Embalmers I 214 Eddy »t.: Tel. South 676. I J. MONAHAN. Manager. TeL Mission 3L MONAHAN, O'HAR A & CO. FL'NERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. •338-23U Mission «t.. near Nineteenth, £** FriscUco. P., Thoma* F., Richard P. and Cornelius L. Kcatlnc. a native of Cahlrciveen, County Kerry, Ireland, aged f>x years. CTFrlend* and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Friday), at 0:30 o'clock, trom the residence. of her cousin. Timothy Sullivan, 771 Harrl- eon street, thence to St. Rose's Church, where a requiem high mass will be cele- brated for the repose of her *oul. commenc- ing at 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. DOBLE — Entered Into peace. In Berkeley, Feb- ruary 15. 1904. Margaret Buchfleld Doble, wife of Abrer Doble, a native of West Vir- ginia, aced 73 years. tyFunernl private. DRISCOLL— In this city. February 16, 1004, Efflc May, beloved wife of Dr. Edward Dris- coll nnd mother of Ray Hitchcock, a native of Missouri, aged 33 years 11 months and 4 dayp. E7"Funeral strictly private. Please omit flowers. ERSKIXE: — In this city. Mary A., beloved v.-lfe of Captain M. C Ersklne, and mother of William W., Melville C. Jr. and Richard G. Ersklne. C7FrjendB are respectfully Invited to at- tend the funeral, from the First Unitarian Church, corner Fr.inklln and Geary streets, Friday, February 11), at 2 o'clock. Interment private. CROEZIXGER— In this city. February 17, 1AC4. infant son of Emile and Drama Groez- Ir.ger, a native of San Francisco, aged 2 days. HAYWARD— Sunday. February 14. 1004, Al- vinz»> Hayward, of San Mateo. Cal. \ JCT'Frlrnds are invited to attend services at Masonic Temple, corner of Post and Montgomery streets, Thursday. February IK. at 2:30 o'clock. Interment private. it is kindly requested no flowers be sent. HATES— In this city. February 16, 10<M, Ert- - ward, beloved husband of th? late Mary ! Hayes, and loving father of James Haye*. and brother of Maurice Hayes, Mrs. M. Mitchell Mrs. J. Wallace and the late: Mrs. Kate Flvnn. a native of Freemom, County Cork, Ireland. CTFriencis and acquaintances are respects fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrnw : (Friday). «t S:'M o'cUiok. from the parlors of Monahan. Oils™ & Co.. !23."S9-2341 Mis- won street, near Nineteenth, thence- to St. j John's Church, where a solemn requiem | lv.ass will be clebrated for the repose of htl f-oul. commencing at 0:30 o'clock. Inter- tnent Holy Cross Cemetery. H1XKEL— In this city, February 17. l!»04. Joseph Hinkel, a native of California, aged | 43 years. • IFFLA— In tJ-.!« city, at 3 a. m.. Wee!n»5\iay, : February 17, 1904. Mrs. Hachael I ffla. I widow, mother of Mrs. Ix»uise Cants-. Mrs. Clara Harris and Joseph Iffla, a native of Jamaica. British West Indies, aged 71 years «n<j 11 months. (CyFrtend? and acquaintance? are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral 5»ervloes. Thuis-lay. 18th Inst., at 11 o'clock, at SOO Seventh etreet. Interment Salem C«»metory. KELL»JC,G-In Berkeley. February 17. l'JOt. i l.r«vi M. Kollogg. beloved father of Minnie ' Kellogg, a native of Headline:, i'a., ated 74 ! years tund 5 months. C^Fnt-nds and ax"<iuainti.nces are regpect- ' fully Invited to attend the funeral s^rvics ; Friday morninc, February 19, at 11 o'clock, st his late residence. 2413 Bancroft way. Berkeley. Interment private. KLOPPEXBL'IKJ— In this city, February 16, i J9O4, Dora Kloppenburg, beloved mother of lienry A. Duhmen. a netfve of Germany. ] aged 67 years 11 months and 9 days. (New i York and Chicago. 111., papers pleaee copy.) j CT 1 Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the fu-r.t-ral to-day ! <Thursday>, at 10:3<> o'clock, from the par- ! lors of Halsted & Co.. '.MO Mission street. ' Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. MARINO— In this city, February 16, 1004, Rocco. dearly beloved huehand of Elena Marino, and father of Frank, Domenlc, Jo- Feph and Pletro Marino, and Mrs. Lucletta Curclo and Mrs. Filomena a na- tlve of Vleglaco, Italy, aged CJt jears. C7Trlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to- day (Thursday), st 10 o'clock, from his late residence. 717 Greenwich Ptreet. corner of Powell, thence to Sts. Peter and Paul's Italian Church, where a requiem high ma« will be celebrated for the repose of his soul. commencing at 10:3O o'clock. Interment Holy \ Crosi Cemetery. McDERMOTT— Near I>o«= Banos, February 17. ' 1904. Edward, beloved son of Thcmas and | the lat»j Ellen McDermott. and brother of Jrihn. Ijawrem-e, Michael and ICIizabc-th Me- l>-miott and Mrs. J. I'uch. a native of Con- | nectlcut. II. I., acrd 47 years. MOKITZ— In this city, February 16, 100*. Charles R. Morltz. beloved husband of B»r- «ha Morltz. and toHoved father of Freda and .Manila Mnritz. a native of Ger- I many, aced J>6 years 10 months and 4 days. I M1RPHY— Jn thin city. February 17. 19f>4. ' John C. Ix>!oved husband of the late An- j tonfta •-uinl Murphy, and father of Eva and Xonie Murphy and Mrs. H. J. McEnroe, a native of Ireland. ; Nl'LTY— In this city. February 16, 1904. Xel- I lie, l-elo\cd daughter of Nicholas and the I late Mary Nulty, and sister of Mrs. J. Fran- ; cis of Spanishtown. a native of San Fran- cisco. C7Friend? and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-day i Thursday), at S:.'l0 o'clock, from the chapel of the Passion of St. Mary's Hospital, where » requiem high mass will be celebrated lor the repose of her Foul, commencing at 'J o'clock. Interment Holy Crces Cemetery. PETBItFOX- In Oakland. February 17, m(M. Marguerite, beloved daurMer of Hans Thyj; mid Annie SonMa Peterson, and sister of i Peter mid Clavs IVterRcn. a native of Den- mark, aged 22 years. POWERS— In this city. February 17. Mar- garet Jcsephin'- Powrs. infant daughter of l-'iorc* and Josie a native of San FranrifW-o, r.grfi 15 days. BKYXOLUS- In this city. February 17. 1904. John F.. beloved p^n of the late Frank and Nellie Reynolds, and nephew of John Rey- nolds, a native of Kan Franci*i-o. aged 28 year*. A member of Western Addition Camp :;<;«. w. o. w. ETPrieodi at.d actjoalntane^i are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow • Friday*, at S:.'M» o'clock, from his }fiU resi. | dence, 709 Howard Mrcet. thence to Ht. Pat- rick's Chur<-h. where a rpquiem high niat-s will l>e <-olebrated fur the repose cf his soul, commencing at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy 1 < 'rms Cemetery. MK'.iHnn.Sof Wertern Addition Camp No. ."..Mi, W. O. W.. arc requested to attend the funer- al of our late neighbor, John F. Reynolds, from his late residence; 709 Howard "street, to-morrow (Friday), at S:.'!0 a. m. F. H. SEAVET, Con. Com. V. F. DE ROCO. Clerk. RILEY— In this city. February 16. 1901, ; Thomas Eduaid, be|n\ed pon of James Jl. and Ellen Rlley. brother of Walter. Artnur, J'Si~ an<l Maud Rlley and Mrs. J. Williams. Mrs. II. Ames. Mr.s. F. Wilson and tlic late Oeon e Ril?y. and nephew of Mrs. L. tn- gclke. a native of San Francisco, aced Jl years 2 rrcnths and 24 days. £7"FrIen'is and acquaintances arr respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Thursday*, at I o'clock, from his late resi- dence. 5(,« Rryant street, thence to St. Rose'* Chur<-h for terv'.ceE. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. ! SELLON— In this cltv. February 17. 1901, Jcyce. beloved wife or the lato E. R. Sellon, nnd devoted mother of Arna L., Edward L. and Mary J. .Sellon. a native of MarysYlUe, Yuba County, Cal.; aged 40 years. PHANA1IAX— In this city. February Ifi. r.»O4. William Shanahan. a native of County Ker- ry. Ireland, aged f>7 years. (DTt'-ir.ainK a< the PHrlor;" of J. C. O'Con- nor &- Co.. 7<J7 Mis<non street, between Third and Fouith. Interment private. SIT'H— In this city. February 10, 1004. Mctta Marie Sieh (nee Ko<Un). dearly beloved mother of Georce \V. Sieh. Henry Sleh of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mrs. Henry Meyer. a native of Elmshorn, Hoistein, Germany, aged 04 years- and 12 days. (Brooklvn, N. Y.. papers plc-asc copy.) CyFrierds and ar-quair.tanccs are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-day (Thursday), at 2:."3O o'clock, from the par- lors or II. F. Suhr & Co., 11U7 Mission street, between Seventh and Eighth. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery, by electric funeral car from Eighteenth and Guerrero streets. SMIDDY — An anlvcrsary requiem mass will lie *aid at St. Rose's Church on Friday, at tU o'cloek. for the repose of the soul of the latt? Ellsn Smlddy. Friends are invited to attend. STOCKMAX— In Calls-toga. Cal., February 15 VM)4, Jchn Milton, beloved husband of Sophie K. Stockman, and stepfather of II. D. and S. C. trkellenger and Mary D. Eng- land, a native of Massachusetts, aged C3 yearn 10 months and 10 daya. GyFriend* and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Thursday), st -10:30 o'clock, from his late residence, 05 Caeelll avenue, off Douglass street, between Eighteenth Rnd Nineteenth. Interment Mountain View Cemetery, Oak- land. THEOBALD— In Alamcda. February 17. Susan, v.-ldow of tiie late George John Theo- bald, and mother cf Robert W. Theobald a native of England, aged 78 years 11 months and 0 days. ICTFrlendi are rewoectfully Invited to at- tend the funeral pervlees. Friday, February li>. at 1 :30 oV!ock. at Christ Church, cor- ner cf Santa Clara avenue and Grand street' Alameda. Interment urlvatei THORXDIKE— In Haywards, February 10 K»04. Fiances A., beloved wife of T II' Thornd'.lte. and mother of Mrs William I-awIer. T. B.. Allc*, Emma, Willie, sr.d Herman Thorndike, and daughter of ' Mrs Marguerite Murphy, and ulster of E. I>., D. J. and J. W. Murphy, a native of Alvnrado, aged 42 yean? and 5 months. ryFnends and acquaintance*) are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral Friday nt 9 :r;o , o'clock, from her late residence! thrnce »o All Saints' Church, whore a requiem maw will be said. Interment Et Joseph's Cemetery, Haywards. TL'LLY— February Ki, i«04. Frank beloved IKX S-4£... MrS ; E ' T . uIIy ' a natlve of Sa n Jose. E7The funeral will take place to-day (Thureday). at 10 o'clock, from the' parlors' cf Carew & English 29 Van Xess avenue I Interment private. Kindly omit flower* VAX VOORHIES— In Annapolis. Maryland February 13 1904, Mrs. D. W Van Voor' h . lc ?i~ daU , Ch ,V M "oP f ~, eh * latP A< lm«ral David McDougal. II. S. N.. and si«ter of Mrs. \1- bert !>• Breton of Washington, D.' C C7"Funcral «enlc*s at Mountain View Ceiueury, Oakland, Saturday morning Feb- ruary 20, 1904. at half-oast eleven o'clock; WARREX — In Los Angeles, February 16, I 1UCJ, Alta A., beloved daughter of C. i\ and ' rHE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1904. Jfannette P. Warren, and sister of Mrs. Jes- sie Luhorne. Mr*. Fannie B. Castul. Mrs. Anna J. Crothers of Los Angeles and Homer H., Edwin and Mary Warren, a native of Illinois', aged 24 years. •WHITLET— In this city. February 16, 1904, Mattie Ilolbrook, beloved vrlfe of Gerald S. ■Whitley, and daughter of the late Henry C. and Martha Hnlbrook, and ("later of Harry Holbrook and Mrs. Tessle H. Field, a na- tive of San Francisco, j aged 21 years <S months and 5 days. ICTFriends are respectfully Invited to at- tend the funeral Thursday, February 18, at 1 :.*;0 o'clock, from the residence of G. T. Whitley, 1157 Valencia street, between Twerty-eecond and Twenty-third streets. In- terment private. WIXSLOW— In Manila, October 8. 1003, Dr. lienry E. Winslcw, beloved husband of France Robins Wlnslow, and con of Mrs. Emily M. and the late H. K. Wlnslow. and brother of li. J. Wmslow, Mrs. H. S. Daw- tnn, Mrs. J. A. Kaler and Mrs. F. W. Law- der. a native of Oakland. (Augusta, Me., papers please copy.) WOERXER — In Sacramento. Cal.. February 17, 1904, Adoluh Woerner, beloved san of the late i.'aviil and Carmen Woerner, and brother cf Gust ave, Frederick. David, Louis, Elizabeth. Charles, Henry, John, Carmellta ' and William Woerner and Mr*. D. C. Sheerin, a native of Santa Clara, Cal., aged i>7 years 3. months and 28 days. JCTXoiice of funrral hereafter. KKAL ESTATE TRANSACTION'S. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 17 Charles M. Sorensen to Hulda Sorensen. lot on N line of Tost street, 54 \V ot Franklin, \V 26 by N 137:0: gift. Hulda and Bcrnhard Kambergcr to Hulda Soren.«en iv.-ife of f.'harlrs M.). tame; $!0. George M. and Florence Q. Perine to John H. Dooley lot on \V lin«" of Lnguna street, SO N of Lombard N .10 by W HO; $10. Grace J. and H. M. A. Miller to Ellzabp'.h A. Cafihman. lot on N line of Pago street, 122:0 W of Webster. W 27:« by N M7:6J $10. Ferdinand Toklas' to I^eopold MtclMs. lot on E line of Filhnore street, 27:6 N of Eddy, N S2:H by E JCC; $10. I^eopold ni:d Carrie Michels to Canle D. Rodolph. same; 510. ; Caroline II. and James A. Robinson to Sada 1). Cornwall, lot on S\V corner of Pacific and Weh.'Ur streets. \V 104 by S .31:6; $10. Estate of Horatio S. Gates and ICmma G. Butler to Arg*lo J. Kossl. lot on N line of 1'ost street, l'J2:6 E of Stciner, E 27:6 by N 137:6; $10. Francois and Hannah Marx to Henrt Marx, lot en TV line of Flllnfiore street. 112:6 S of, O'Farrell. S 25 by \V 87:6; $1. Elizabeth, A. and D. A. Macdonald to Charlea H. Rosrnthal. lot on S line- of McAllister ureet. 102:6 W of Broderlck. W 43:9 by S 1:J7:6: $10. Pacific Improvement Company to Charles C. Meussciorffer lot on \V line of Clayton street. 17.". S of Frederick. S 25 by "W 100; $10. Henry Hich t<nd J. H. Brunings ta Theresa Urunings (wife of J. H.). lot on W line of Clayton street 75 S of Hayes, S 50 by, W 1C6:3: $10. Charles u Glick to John J and Nora Man- Kan, lot en N line of McAllister street. 20*i:fl \V of Paikcr avenue, W 25, N 93:6 NB 25. S S!4:4; $10. Golden Kule M. B. and U Association to Simon and KUzabeth T^lnehnn. lot on N line of Twenty-second street 185 E of Noe, E 28 by N 114: $10. Otto F. and Mathilda von Rheln to Joseph G. and Mary M. Gallagher, lot on E3 line of Valencia street (ifi:fl;n S of Twenty-fifth, S 32:.'! by K 117:0; $10. Louiya Ix-lth to May R. Craigl*. lot on NE corner of Twenty- sixth and Dolores streets, N r,0 by E f25; $I<> May "n. CYaiRfe to Harold JIcC. Wallace H. and Peter W. Cralgle. same; $10. Bridget Uiordan to John and Elizabeth F. Rionian. lot on \V line of Maoon street, 137:6 N of CFarrell. W 103:1^ by S 22:6; also un divided >4 of lot on B\V ccrner of Seventh ave- ' nuc and I- street, \V 1»h» by S 100, lot 120, block 140, Central Park Homestead; gift. C. T. Reli to William Nlcol. lot on W line of Poweli street, f>.S:8 S of Washington, H 18:10 by W 80; also lot on R line of Green street. tS:9 E or Hyde. E G8:l>. S 137:6. W «7:C, N 51 :G, W 1-3, N 86, quitclaim deed; If5. Patrick and Mary McCarthy to Delia M. Murray, lot on SK line of Shipley street, 91:8 SW of Fifth. SW 1C:S by SE 75; $10. Charles S. Noyes and Nannie K. Jonps (Noyea) to K. M. Galvln, lot on K line of Utah Ftrert. 3CO .« of Yolo. .S 50 by K 100, and In terest in estate of Charles G. Noyes: quitclaim deed: Jl. Drury and Sarah B. Melone to Georce A. Merrill and Mary M. Miller (wife of Georga B.t. rerecord 1»44 V. l'i>4, lot on NE corner of Seventeenth street and San Bruno road. E 100 by N 1S5; also lot en HE corner of Six teenth street and .San Bruno road, K 100 by S IS"*: $10. . • Frank R. nnd Pox>hfe Grannls to Mary H. Smyth, lot on N line of I^ake street. 78 E or Sixth avenue. N £4, E 41. S 84:8, W 30:8; $10. P.ay Iiistrlct l.<in<l Company to Patrick and Abbie O'Donnell, lot on NE corner of ThlrJ averue and A street. E 32 :« by N 100: $10. City Realty Comnany to Charles F. Beha, lot on W line of Fourth avenue, 95 S of H street, S 25 by W 12u: $10. Same to Fusion J. Keller, lot on S line of H street. 32 :« E of Fifth avenue, E 25 by S !i5; $1<>. .Same fo Matilda E. Moore. lot on E line of Fifth avenue. C(i .« of Hugo. S 25 by E 95; $10. II. J. and IZ M. Ooeth to Elizabeth A. Har nish. lot on E line of Forty-seventh avenue, 175 N of J street, N 25 by E 12O; $10. Solomon and Dora Getz to Ernest C. Read, lot on E line of Tenth avenue, 150 S of J street, S 25 by E 120; $10. ' Estate of John P. Harrington by Union Trust Company (executors) to William ,J. Gleason. lot cm W line of Eighth avenue, 100 N of K street. N 100 by W 11S1: $2700. Thomas K. and Elizabeth H. Brophy to Solcmon Getz. lot on W line of Tenth ave nue. J7r. S of M street, s 25 l<y W 120: S10. William J. Witts to same, lot on W line of Eighth avenue. 225 N of O street. N 25 by W 120; $10. J. W. Wright & Pom* Investment Company to James \V. »in.l Mary McMeelien. lot on NE line cf China avenue. 25 XW of Vienna street, SW 23 by XK lOOt lot 5, blrck 53, Excelsior llome.-tead: $10. Michael an.l (Catherine A. McCann to Elisa beth Rnthcrmel. lot on .SE corner of Sargent anJ Ralston street?. E 75 by 6 100, lots 25 to 27. I lock is. City Land Association: also lot on W lin? of Vcrnon street. 100 S of Sargent S 25 by W loo lot 33, block IS. same; also 'lot on W line of Vernon j-treet, 100 N of Randolph, N 25 by W 100. lot 4S. block 18. same; $10. Felice and Maria Rancatore to Salvatore Piazza, lot on E line of Manchester street 200 N or .«tcneman. N 12:H by E 80 lot 124, Pre clta Valley; $1O. Palvatore ami Ninfa I'lazr^i to Felice Ran catore. lot on E line of Manchester street, 212:« N of Stoneman, N 12:8 by E SO lot 12J I'reclta Valley; $10. ' Abraham and Charles Rosenstein to Leon Schneider, lot on SW line of Son. Bruno road, 175 NW ot Burrows Htreet. NW 31 by SW VM, block o, ITr.iverpity Mound: $10. . Charles L. I'atton to City and County of San Francisco, lot on W line of Andover street 200. 007 N of Crescent. W KK) by N 00.002; al&o lot on W line of Andover street. 400 016 N of. Crescent. W 100 by N C0.002: $1500 Ora C. Messner (by D. W. Coring and C. F Rilliet. trustees) to Continental Building and l>3an Association. HC>1 D. 142. lot on N line of Txibos avenue. U40 E of Orizaba etreet E 25 by N 125, block O. Railroad Homestead Asso ciation, trustees' deed; JSIfi. Petra G. de Bargone to Charles A. Louis undivided % of lots 125-1 to 1253, gift map 2; Walter, Flora, G. D.. Frederic E. and Bell M. Magec to C. M. Bertelsen. lot on S line of Richland avenue, 410 W of Mission street W ?,0 by S 100. lots 4 and 5, block E, French and Gilrnpn Tract; $10. James H. and Sarah J. Thrane to Eliza beth G. Pow (wife of A.), lot 22, block P, Park I-i«ii<- Tract 5: $10. William and Agnes G. Mann to Joseph H. and Anna J. McLaughlin. lot on N line of Fairmount street, 142 E of Chenery, E 30 by N 125. block 18. Fairmount: $10/ Builders' Contracts. Minerva S. Miller Cowner) with E. T. Leiter architect Edgar A. Mathews All work for a three-story frame building (fiats) on NE corner of I^eavenworth and Sacramento streets. E 137:0 by N 53; $37.000., John M. Vance (owner) with Pa'elflc Tin and Sheet Iron Works (contractor), architect Na thaniel Rlaisdell — Tinning and galvanzlcd Iron work, leaders, skylights, ventilators, etc., for an eight-story and basement brick building on E line of Taylor street, 72:6 N of O'Farrell N C5 by E 92:6; $1000. Dr. Alfred Eichler (owner) with Bernard Dreyer. contractor, architects Mahoney & Ry land — All work for a two-story and basement frame building- on the NW corner ot Nine teenth and Eureka streets, — 83, N 25, J3 83, S 25; $4555. Same owner with Petterson & Persson (con tractors), architect name — All work, except grading, etc.. for same on same; $10,750. I>ccturc nt Polycllnic. The fourth lecture in the series be inp delivered at the Emanu-El Poly clinic was given last evening. Dr. D. A. Stapler was the speaker and he chose for his subject "How Our Body Protects Us From Disease." The lec ture was interesting, not only to the professional, but to the layman, the doctor showing throughout ' what ex cellent provision nature has made to protect the various organs and keep them in a state of health. Next week Dr.; Voorsanger will lecture on "A Drop of Blood." Pleads Guilty of Burglary. Ray Morgan pleaded guilty to "a charge of burglary in Judge Lawlor's court yesterday and will be sentenced on Saturday. He entered the room of R.* Gibbons, 209 Kearny street, on New Year's eve and stole some cloth ing. MARINES GUARDING RAILWAY AT ISTHMUS IN GOOD HEALTH Captain Porter of Pacific Mail Company's Steamship City of Panama Reports That of 1 400 iMen on Dutyv Ashore Only Seven Have Contracted Fever, Which Formerly Affected Ail The Pacific Mall Company's steam ship City of Panama, Captain W. P. S. Porter, arrived yesterday from Pan ama and way ports. She brought TOO tons of cargo, treasure valued at $25,000 and forty-two passengers. The cargo included 1583 bags of coffee. The liner encountered fine weather and reached port c-n time. She was 22 days coming from Panama. Among the passengers was Ferdi nand Servat, United States Consul at Kcuador, who, with his wife, has come home on a vacation. Sucn of the Pan ama's passengers as crossed the isth mus speak in glowing terms of the splendid showing made by the United States marines at present guarding th*- Panama Railroad. Captain Porter says that the sanitary problem of the isth mus seems to- have been solved a3 far as the marines' are concerned. Of the 1400 men on shore duty, only seven have boen reported sick, and these are only mildly affected with the low fevar from which formerly few escaped. There had been a striKe among the dock laborers at San ' Jose, but the Guatemala authorities regulated mat ters by detailing a soldier to guard each laborer and when the City of Pan ama arrived there things were running with some martial clatter, but smoothly. Passengers from New York say that on the steamer City of Washington, on which they traveled to Colon, flen eral Silva Gondolphi, formerly Minis ter of State of Venezuela, took pas sage. The general was exiled to Paris by the Blanco administration and is going back, he says, to stir up x revo lution. He claimed to have on board the liner 8000 rifles, which he proposed to land at Costa Rica and there equip an army. Lieutenant Sweet of th>? navy also traveled to Colon on t!u City ot Washington. His mission w.i3 to equip the warships on duty at the isthmus with the Slavy-Arco system of wireless telegraphy. Mrs. M. G. Smith, wife of Captain Smith of the bark Mauna A!a, which was wrecked last July at Topo'.obampo, returned on the Panama. Captain Smith is still at Mazatlan, straighten ing out the tangle resulting from the wreck of his vessel. The City of Panama's passengers in cluded the following named: Ferdi nand Servat and wife, Madeline Dii^ marest, Selina Holonquiest, Eugene Tanke, Edmund M. Boothe, W. H. O'Donnell, Marian Stephenson, H. S. Avery, A. G. Stephens, Joseph J. Webb and Mrs. M. Gertrude Smith. The Southeaster's Harvest. The recent southeaster, which brought the rain that cheered the farmer, played havoc with the eteam schooners engaged In the coast trade. With the two vessels lost on Tuesday, the record stands: Four schooners totally wrecked, five coasters brought to port In dis tress and minor damage to nearly every other vessel that was out In the storm. Th« first vessel wrecked was the steam schooner Fulton, which broke from her moorings ofC Port Orford on February 12 and was destroyed on the beach. Two days later the Alcalde was driven ashore and wrecked at Grays Harbor. Then on Tuesday came word of the loss of the Gem at Nehalem and the Emma Utter at Barclay Sound. The Empire came out of the blast with a twisted rudder head: the Acme lost 40,000 feet of lumber from her decUload and was rolled repeatedly on her beam ends; the Lee lanaw'a pilot house was smashed in, part of her rail carried away and other damage In flicted: the Prentlss broke her rudder stock and was piloted to port with the aid of Jury steering gear; the Newsboy had part of her deckload washed away. Slaking Another Long Trip. The French bark La Bruy«re Is out S3 days from Port Los Angeles for Portland and the underwriters Interested In her are worrying about the risks they have on the vessel. The British ship Thistlcbank. which arrived at Portland yesterday, left Port Los Angeles two weeks ago, more than a fortnight after the French vessel palled. La Bruyere made a very \ong passage from Cherbourg *> Port Los Angeles and a high rate of reinsurance was paid on her.i The fact that the .winds prevail ing since the overdue bark left the southern port have been favorable for fast sailing adds to the anxiety for her safety. Wyefleld Smashes Wharf. The steam collier Wyefleld. which arrived yesterday, 4»i days from Nanaimo. with 4931 tons of coal, crashed into Mission-street wharf No. 2 when going alongside the coal bunkers. She damaged the dock and caved in '.he walls of an office on the wharf.' . : The Overdue List. The vessels on the overdue list were quoted yesterday for reinsurance as follows: Theodor, SO per. cent: Robert Rickmers, IB per- cent; "W. F. : Babcock and. Bangalore, 20 per cent, and General llelllnet* 10 per cent. Could Not Make Bandon. ' The schooner Bella, which left here January SCHOONERS GEM AND EM MA, WHICH WERE TOTAL LY WRECKED TUESDAY. 23 for Bandon, arrived yesterday at Coos Bay. having been prevented by the rough weather from entering' the Coqullle River port. Succeeds Commnnder Milton. Lieutenant Commander J. B. Milton, United States Navy, for the Twelfth Light house District, has been ordered to the Asiatic station. He will be relieved by Commander W. P. Day, at present captain of the Mohican. Chances In Commands. Captain Guttormse'n has been appointed com mander of the barkentine Mary Winkelmann and Captain Lancaster Is now master of the barkentine Archer. NEWS OF THE OCEAN'. Matters of Interest to Mariners and Shipping Merchants. The schooner A. J. Wood loads lumber a% Grays Harbor for Guaymas and the bark Tur ner general cargo here for Hilo. A Cargo for Honolulu. The barkentine W. H. Dimond sailed yes terday for Honolulu with an assorted mer chandise cargo, valued at $57,784 and includ ing the following: "75 bbla flour. 536 bales hay, 223 etls oats. 15,115 lbs meals, 235 ctls corn, 23/ctls wheat, 102« ctla barley, 6305 fbs middlings, 7C92 lbs bran. 400 lbs teas, ."00 lbs coffee, 153 pkgs paste. 2000 lbn beans. 11. 250 lbs sugar, 518 cs canned goods, 54 cs canned and 20 bbls pickled salmon, 22.15O lbs salt, 22 pkgs groceries and provisions, 5477 lbs bread, 25 cs whisky, 31 pkgs table prepara tions. 22.50O lbs rice, 1480 lbs lard, 48i> lbs chocolate, 34.403 ft lumber, 113 tons fertilizer, 255 cs coal oil, 40 kegs zinc, 10 cs drugs, 55 pkgs paper. 1170 lb? starch. C3 pkgs ma chinery, 123 bxs soap, 17 pkgs dry goods. Shipping* Intelligence. ARRIVED Wednesday, February 16. Stmr Whlttler, Macdonald, 64 hours from Portland. Stmr Corona, Nowuider, 13 hours from Eureka. Stmr South Coast, Olsen, 15 hours from Caspar. Stmr Jeanle, Downing, £»V6 days from Se attle. '•- - Br stmr Wyefleld, Watson, 4\$ days • from Nanaimo. Stmr City 'of Panama, Porter. 21 days and 20 hours from Panama, via Mazatlan 5 days and 22 hours. . Stmr Centralla, Erickson, 44 hours from San Pedrc. Schr Ida McKay, Lehtola, /( days from Eureka. Schr Zarnpa, Kallenbtrg, 11 days from Co lumbia River. CLEARED. Wednesday. February 16. Bktn W II Dimond. Hansen, Honolulu; J D Sprtckels & Bros Co. - Br shlo General Roberts, Murdock, Sydney; J 3 Moore &. Co. Stmr Stntn of California. Thonia*. San Di ego; Pacific Coast Steamship Company. SAILED. ?/■•■>'-•. Wednesday, February 16. Stmr laaua. Jorgensen, Eureka. Stmr Oregon, Doran, Astoria. Stmr Arcata, Nelson, Coos Bay. Stmr Greenwood, Thompson, Albion. Bktn W II Dimond, Hansen. Honolulu. Schr Laura Madssn. Cook. Astoria. TELEGRAPHIC. I POINT LOBOS. Feb 17. 10 p tn— Weather hazy; wind r.orthwesti- velocity 8 miles per hour. ->.<-'. SPOKEN. Jan 23—15 S. 36 W. Br shlo Scottish Hills, from Hamburg, for Honolulu. - . Feb 2 — On equator, iil W, Nor bark Vivax, from Eureka, for Queenstown: becalmed: was supplied with provisions. DOMESTIC PORTS. SEATTLE — Salltd Feb 16 — Stmr Bertha, for Valdez. - Arrived Feb 16 — Br ship Barcore, from Ant werp. Arrived Feb 17— Stmr Melville Dollar, hence Feb 13. PORT TOWNSEND— Arrived Feb 17— Br ■hip Edenmore. hence F*b 7. REDONDO — Arrived Feb 17— Stmr South Bay, from Eureka. * TATOOSH— Passed In F«b 17— Schr C S Holmes, from San Pedro, for Tacoma; strar City of Puebla. hence Feb 15. for Victoria. Passed In Feb 17 — Schr Spokane, hence Feb 1. for Port Gamble: bktn John Smith, from Santa Rosalia, for Port Townsend. :. PORT HADLOCK— Arrived Feb 15— Schr Ludlow, from San Pedro. ASTORIA— Arrived Feb 17— Br snip Thistle bank, from Port I<oh Angeles. . ' ; FORT BRAGG— Sailed Feb 17— Stmr Bruns* wick, for San ■ Francisco. v SOUTH BEND— Arrived Feb 17— Scbr Wa wona, from Son Pedro. . CLALLAM— Anchored In bay Feb- 17— Shin Spartan, from Belllnghnm Bay, for San Fran cisco. . . , COOS BAY— Arrived Feb 17— Schr Bella hence Jan 8; sehr Ivy. hence Feb 10. JUNElAU— Sailed Feb 16— Stmr Valencia, for S-rattl". PORT I.OS ANGEL.ES— Arrived Feb 16— Stmr Brooklyn, hence Feb 14; schr Albert Meyer, hence Feb 5. failed Feb IT — Stmr Brooklyn, for San Pe dro: Aus shlD Francesco Gluseppi I. for Orrgnn. GRAYS HARBOR— Sailed Feb 17— Schr Dauntless, for Pan Pedro. Arrived Feb 17— Schr Falcon, from Pan Te dro; hktn Jchn Smith, from Panta Uosalla, for Port Townsend. EUREKA— Sailed. Feb 17— Stmr Arctic, for San Frp.n c-isco. w Arrived F"b 17— -Stmr Pomona, hence Feb 16. ABERDEEN— Arrived Feb 17— Schr Falcon, from San Pedro: bktn Wrestler, from Santa Rosalia. ISLAND PORTS. HONOI-UIX- Sailed Feb fC— Stmr Sierra, fJr San Francisco: Br stmr Miowera. for Van couver. Arrived Feb 16— Br jsMd Clan Buchanan, from Bremen. EASTERN PORTS. N7W YORK— Sailed Feb 16— Stmr City of Washington, for Colon. FOREIGN PORTS. WALMER— Passed in Feb 13 — Ger ship Nauarchos, from Oregon. HONGKONG — Arrived Feb 16— Stmr M S Dollar, from Samarang. ANTWERP— In oort Feb 4— Fr baric Bri zeux. for Oregcn. . QCEENSTOWN— Arrived Feb 17— Br ship Queen Victoria, hence Oct 6. , DOVER— Parsed Feb IT— Fr bark Anjou. from Falrooutb, for . L.ADYSM1TH— Arrived Feb 17 — ShlD W H Macy, heat* Jan 30.- OCEAN STEAMERS. NEW YORK— Arrived Feb 17— Stmr Fur neisia. from Glasgo-r. Sailed Feb 17— fetmr Celtic, from Liverpool. NAPLES— Arrived Feb 16— Stmr Perugia, from New York. ANTWERP — Arrived Feb 17 — Stmr Finland, from New York. • -*■• QITEENSTOWN— Sailed Feb 17— Stmr Sa monia. from Liverpool, for Boston. LONDON— Arrived Feb 17— Stmrs Minne haha. from N<?w York. LIVERPOOL— Arrived Feb 17— Stmr Oce anic, trom New York. _ <. Sailed Feb 17— Stmr Majestic, for New York. HONGKONG— Arrived' Feb 17— Stmr Em press of Japan, from Vancouver, via Yoko hama, Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai. Movement of Steamers. TO ARRIVE^ Steamer, i From. | Due. Laktre ! San Pedro.. IFe b - ls Bel Norte Crescent City ;Peb. IS ! Arctic Humboldt 'Feb. 18; Coos Bay San Pedro & Way Pts.iFeb. 13 Point Arena.. Mendocino & Pt. ArenalFetf. 13 Santa Rosa.. San Diego & Way Pts.JFeb. JS North Fork.. Humbcldt | Feb. 18 G. W. Elder.. Portland & Astoria IFeb. Id S. Monica | San Pedro |Feb. 18 San Pedro... Grays Harbor \Vib. 20 F. Leggett. . . I Seattle [Feb. 20 Pomona [ Huruboldt Feb. 20 San Mateo Tacoma IFeb. 2O Tellus ! Oyster Harbor |Feb. 21 Eureka | Humboldt |Feb. 21 Queen : Piiget Sound Ports [Feb. 21 Algoa i Hongkong v. YokohamaJFcb. 21 Centennial... ! Seattle & Tacoma Feb. 21 G. Llndauer. . j Portland |Feb. 21' Alliance Portland * Way Ports. IFeb. 21 Anata Coos Bay & Pt. Orford,|Feb. 22 Clavering | Hongkng v. VanzanlllojFcb. 22 Anubls : Hamburg & Way PortslFeb. 22 Sierra ! Sydney & Way Ports. .(Feb. 22 Santa Cruz.. . j Newport & Way Ports. Feb. 22 State of Cal.. j fan D1»go * Way Pts.lFeb. 22 Chehalls : Grays Harbor Feb. 23 Corona j Humboldt Reb 23 Ponio 1 Point Arena & Albion.. Feb! 23 Senuols Grays Harbor IFeb. 23 Corcnado Gray? Harbor IFeb* 23 Acapulco New York via Panama. I Feb! 24 Memphis Seattle •. IFeb 24 Oregon I Portland & Astoria IFeb! 24 Doric — - China & Japan IFeb "(J City Puebla.. Puget Sound Ports IFeb 2»5 Curacao Mexican Port3 IFeb. 27 Jeanle... '.Seattle & Tacoma |Feb! 2S TO SAIL. ' ~~^ ~ Steamer. Destination. I Salla.l Pier. rebrnary 18. i " Chico Coquille River 8 Dm'pirr 9 Elizabeth... Coqullle River 5 pm Per Rival Willapa Harbor... 4 pm P ler Centralla... Grays Harbor 4 pm Pier 10 Czarina.... Ccos Bay direct.. B pm Pie? s Kureka Humboldt fl .„ p," .?. 1'omo Pt. Arena & Albion « p£ p *J! 2 State Cal... Fan Diego & Way. 9 am Per 11 JeanJe Seattle & Tacoma. 5 pm P er "O February. 19. " v S. Monica . . . Grays Harbor 4 pm Pl er 2 Nevadan.... Hono. & Kahulul. 3 pm Pier ">^ Rainier Seattle & Whatcm 4 pin Pier m B. Barbara.. Seattle & Olympla. 4 pm Per • <-««"»» Humboldt : 1 :S §™ f, £ 5 February 20. Pt. Arena... Pt. Arena & Mdcno 4 pm Pier •> ssfeg s&sai . Pan . ama - !? Isilg «$ retoruaryaiii | r " N°orth B Foru! ffiffiS? * ?£ % SET k 8. Rosa...,, s., .Diego *wkV: 0 S ffi? g I February 23. 1 " I Pomona Humholdt .. i.m.L. asp £3 1 ?r-£F% > February 24. | er 16 Arc.a...... Co^ 0ampiepi3 ?S;«r Sssa *. *"••/■• am \pr " Queen. . . . . . Puget Sound Port's", li' am pit , ~ n ie h ruo«a!!::! ssa s^t£ is sr k Co^do... Cnj-Hjjcj I! tffleHS $*ft£ «»- g « W 24 Memphis.. ..Hamburg &™™'.] 1 ! £$£ « - "- FROM SEATTLE. ~~ ~ Steamer. «•__ " — — ■ _ For - Sails. ANKl Svaf w»t * 5-* y E ort8 - 2^ Binmwiffri "• - 3 COMMERCIAL NEWS Continued From Page Fifteen. Cisco Stock and Exchange Board yesterday: Morning Session. SCO And-- 48; 2<X>Ophir 4 JKJ 4ro Andes 47 ; 2flO Overman .... 29 ."CO Caledonia ... 87 1 600 Savage *♦ ino Challenge Con 24 2f^) Sierra Ner .. »• .W> con C & Va.l 65 4(i> Sierra Nev- .. 5'. UK> Con Imperial. 02 2fiO Silver Hill •• wj 10() GouM * Cur." 42 1 .V)O Silver Hill .. «• »«> Mexican 2 10, ICO Union Con .. *•' B30 Ophlr 4 85) 2C«> Unton Con .. ICO Ophlr 4 SOj 2C0 Vnlon Con ••.,_•* Afternoon Session. .^10 Andes 4R 1 CO Occidental ... 8» 4(1> Andes 4.-.J 4W> Ophlr * W loo Belcher "2: 20O Scorpion «• 4((O Caledonia ... 0oi 10«> Sierra Nev .. JW 10«) Challenge Con 24 1 40«> Sierra Nev .. .» t 2C0 Con C & Va.l 7.\ 4CO Inion Con .. 8« 100 Con XT 04 Union Con .. S« r>cO Gould & Cur. 44 200 Yellow. Jacket 4o 7C0 Mexican 2 00 PACIFIC STOCK EXCHANGE. Following were the cales on the Pacific Stock Exchange yesterday: Morning Session. 10f» Andes 45 W> Ophlr 4 « .W) Belcher 31 100 Ophir 4 70 100 Caledonia ... W 2i:0 Overman .... 2S i'OO Chollar -I M0 Savage 4."S 400 Con C & Va.l 7" 100 Savage 4fi 400 Con C * Va.l 65 200 Savage 47 2C0 Con C & V.I C2»i ICO Savage 4<* 1 00 Gould & Cur.- 4S 4Dt> Peg Belcher.. </7 10O Mexican 2 25 «0O Sierra Nev .. «> 300 Mexican 2 15 400 Sierra Nev .. 5f» iOO Mexican 2 10 200 Sierra Xev .. JW 100 Mexican 2 20, 20<> Tnion Con .. !*» 2C0 Mexican ...2 124: 2C0 Union Con .. S* ino Mexican SOS ftno T'nion Con .. to 10O Mexican 2 CO 100 t'n!an Con .. S* 300 Mexican 1 J>5 ! 10O Union Con .. S« 30O Mexican ...197Vi 10.A Utah 21 100 Mexican ...1»2V ?.m Utah 2f> ICO Ophlr 4 85 Sr.O Tellow Jacket 45 100 Ophir i SO Afternoon Sesulon. 200 Alpha Con .. 07| 10O Mexican 2 03 1100 AJides 46! r20O Ophlr 4 05 2CO Cale<loni* ...itOi ,".00 Overman .... 30 100 Chollar 20; 2CO Overman .... 31 SCO Con C & Va.l 70. ICO Overman .... X2 100 Con C * Va.l 73 WO Overman .... XI lfiO Con N T »l! 10O Savag» 4» 4C0 Con NT 0::' SCO Savage 4!> 100 Exchequer ... 14 1 40O Sierra Nev .. 57 700 Gctild * Cur. 44; «V) Union Con . . «7 .100 Gould & Cur. 45- 20O t;n1on Con . . »* 100 Mexican 1 90| 2ii<» Tellow Jacket *"• 650 Mexican 2 CO! 2(K) Yellow Jack-t 47 TONOPAH MINING EXCHANGE. Following were tfce sales on the San Fran cisco and Tonopah Mining F/xcharg» yesterda7: Morning Session. , ''■ 400 Evelyn 23j 4<h> MacNamara . I s * 100 Evelyn 2GJ 400 Rescue os l'.iO Evelyn 27 200 Ten B^lmont. 6t SCO Con Mercury. 58 1 Afternoon Session. 70O Brunswick ... 06 ieCO Rescue C3 500 Evelyn 3^ 40O Ton Belmont. RT MK) LJghtner 3 25| 2CO Ton Belmcnt. en 6C0 MacNamara . 19 SCO Ton Midway. 4t ICO Mont Ton ..t 40 Ton Midway. 40 225 Paymaster ... 11! 100 Ton of Nev. 6 12 U 402 Pennsylvania 7 CO 1 COO Ton N Star.. 33 5C0 Ray & OBrien 10: CLOSING QUOTATIONS. "WEDNESDAY. Feb. 17 — 4 r». ra. Bid. Ask. I B14.A-i!r. Alpha 06 CS! Justice C« c* Alta 05 MJKentuck 03 C4 •Andes 4."J 45, Keyes Graes.. — 1 7"> Belcher 32 B: Lady Wash.. — f>7 Best & Belch.2 .'rf> 2 €0; Mexican 1 SO 2 TO Bullion 10 111 Occidental ... S3 9" Caledonia ... OS 1 no Ophlr- 4 00 4 «.'. Challenge Con 23 25 Overman 33 .1* Chollar in 2iiPotosI 15 1« Confidence ...t 00 1 ID Savage SO 51 Con C & Va.t 75 1 so| Scorpion 02 04 Con Imperial. 02 C": S*g Belcher.. M CO Con NY 04 OSj Sierra Nev .. M .V. Crown Point.. 21 2T Silver Hill .. OT 70 Kast Sierra X — ffi; St Louis .... — 11 Fnreka Con.. — BO; Syndicate ... 04 OS Exchequer ... 13 15 Union Con .. W Sf, 'Sould & Cur. 44 45iUtah 2O 21 Hale & NDrc. «o t>5 Yellow Jacket 47 4S Julia 03 CV TOXOPAH MINES. Bid. Ask. I Bid. Ask. Colehan — 17, Ray & OBrien — f.9 E3reran:a ... — 01 1 Rescue ...... 07 c<» Gipsy Que»n.. — JO, Ton Belmont. CO -- Gold Anchor. 15 CV Ton & Cal.. — :o Gold M Con.. — 0<<fTon Exten ..70 — Hanrapaii ... — 20 ; Ton Fraction. — 4". Hannapah Sla — 25. Ton or Nev.6 CO « S7', MacNamara . 17 1S| Ton N Star.. 3« 3? Mizpah Exten 1O — 1 Ton Midway. 40 f- Mont Ton..l .".7ii 1 4O|Ton A S Laku 10 N Y Ton — 03 Ton • Superior. — ""IS Paymaster ... rw 12 h;nlted Ton.. 03 ' 12 Ray Exten .. — 1.9' West End ..25 — Donkey Was a Bad Actor. Justice of the Peace Lanrson gave judgment yesterday for $22 50 in favor of George H. Davis, manager of th^ Central Theater, who sued Solomon Barnett to recover money on c con tract. The testimony showed that Da vis bought some dogs and a % uonkey from Barnett to be used in a road pro duction of "Uncle Tom'3 Cabin." It was agreed that Barnett was to buy back the animals at the end ot the season at 50 cents on the dollar. The evidence disclosed that the donkey was a bad actor, often refusing to jjr> on in his scene and then eating the green foliage of the scenery when he was induced to appear before the foot lights. Raises Qnestion of Profits. Charles F. Miller was arrested yes terday on a warrant from Pollc* Judge Fritz's court charging him with obtaining money by false pretenses. The complaining: witness is John Lentz, 717 Howard street, who al leges that on January 13 he paid Mil ler S100 for a share in a business known as the German English Rem edy Company on Miller's representa tion that the net profits' were from $50 to $)00 per month, but Lentz found that the business was not yielding any profit at all. Talks on Ufe's Phenomena. A very interesting lecture was given at the First Unitarian Church last night by Professor W. J. V. Oster hout, who took as his subject "Some Problems of Life Phenomena." Th« lecture was given under the auspices of the Channing Auxiliary and at its close the speaker was warmly con gratulated for the able manner in which he had handled his subject. Sun, Moon and Tide. United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Time and Height of High and Low Waters at Fort Point, entrance to San Francisco Bay. Published by official authority of th» Superintendent. NOTE — The hi*h and low waters eccur at the city front fMisslon-street wharf) about "5 minutes later than at Fort Point; the heicht of tide Is the same at both places. THURSDAY. FEBRTJAF>Y 13~ " Sun rUes ;• R .-,,, Sun aeta «:,, Moon »et» 8:62'V. m. ? s I s Ft . p- Ft p- s IS Ties 4.8! «:2.-: 2.2112:30 4.7! 6'4«i 0 7 19 1:30 4.» 7:0S 2.0l 1:10 4 5 7 : l5 "• •JO l:5« Jl.0 7;51 1.8j 1:50 43 7 : 53 1.5 21 2.:24 ».O S:Xi 1J »:4« 4 1 k : 3"\ \u 22 .1:00 5.1 1 9:3S 1.4! Ti:RO •> »\ »|« A™ 23 I 3:47| 5.1|10:40| l.ij r»:10[ 5!6U0:17| Z* NOTE— In the above «xpositlon of the tides .« ?L ~, and . the RU «e'slve tides of'th* tnZrtS ti Crd r r Of occuppen <*> a» to time: th« d«v «elf c ° lum " « lv « the last tldff of th« •mnVti^ , V% hen th^ * rc but threo tide*, as »?wm™ t"«^ CUn> - P* he| Shts Riven are In «^n n«e.\ y ' XCept When • m «nUS (-> SSn P i^ k. . eight ' and then tlie number of the w.J? e Plan * of rcf erenc« Is the mean of the lower low waters. Time Ball. Branch Hydrographlc Ofttce r. 8 7T M»r buTldMj'wa 5*' 1 0! \ th * tOWer Of th « Fe "^ buildlnK was dropped exactly at noon to-day o m* rU«. K f .! h " 12Oth m«ldian. or at i P. m. Greenwich time. j c. BURNETT Lieutenant. U. a. N.. | n " chari*. Fulton May Be Saved. DaVcheTfrn; ? ray , & c °- received two d!s the ,t?am . V Lanslo ' !l >-«terday statlnr tfat la"t*TW«4 chocn «- Fultcn. which «mt ubm« clou]? i7^! ' S ,^ t l ndln * u^ «t™l«ht. Th. to Hoa? htr J »k lth her and h °P c " to *• ■""• to noat her at the next unusually hi^H U4«.