Newspaper Page Text
• It Virtue is its own reward it is all to the good. CAPE MAY. N*. J.. May 24. — The First National Bank of Cape May was closed to-day by order of the Comp troller of the Currency. The bank was recently reorganized and the present officers of the institution, after a con sultation with Bank Examiner Buck fast night, decided to suspend business. It is said that the depositors will be paid Jn full. Financial difficulties of the former president, it is stated, caused the present trouble. Financial Difficulties of Former Presi dent Cause SusiMMision of New Institution. COMITROL.LKR CLOSES BANK IX CAPE MAY ! you want, devise a plan, act together, show i your counsel, your co-o|ieration, and it shall j net be our fault If we fail in earning out J ycur wishes. " (Applause.) [might cost twenty millions. : "The Economic Aspect: Who Should ! Provide the Funds?" was the subject i discussed by Edward F. Adams, agri | cultural editor of the Chronicle, in one of the most noteworthy addresses de livered before the convention. Briefly stated, Adams' argument was that a large but equitable share of the cost should fall upon the land owners in the river districts, who would be the prin cipal beneficiaries of the improvement; that the whole State should be taxed at a low rate to carry out the pledge as sumed when these lands were ceded to ! it by the national Government, and 1 that when the State and the owners united in taking up these burdens in earnest, there would be no difficulty in I obtaining Federal aid for the vast project. The speaker created consid». erable enthusiasm by his frank declar ation that he believed it would proba bly cost $20,000,000 to do the work well and provide adequate relief for the great valleys. The estimates of half that sum offered by the engineers were, he believed, prompted by timidity. The floods could only be reduced to subjec tion by thorough-going measures. True economy and the welfare of the whole State demanded that these be not longer deferred. "We have been working at this re clamation problem," he said, "for forty years and have spent millions, but we have not reclaimed the lands and we have not kept faith with the nation, j^hich gave them to us. This is the re sult of our infernal habit of 'knocking* every man who proposes to accomplish anything." " - This emphatic utterande won more applause than any other saying heard during the convention. The substance of Adams' paper was as follows: Long before this convention wa» thought of I had been collecting data for a paper on the economic history and aspects of reclamation of these swamp lands to be read before the Commonwealth Club, a body which considers euch subjects and of which I am a member. In the course of my study I reached certain conclusions, which seem to me Just and wise, but to which I am not even personally com mitted. If upon further examination - they do Continued I-Yom Page J. Column 5. That for the purpose of making the burdfn on the reclaimed lands as easy as possible bonds of the . State be Issued as required for such- part of the work as cannot. In reason be borne by annual taxation: such bonds to b» issued without condition* in order. to secure a low rate of. interest, but* under a law which shall require • principal and interest to be paid from the proceeds of the. assesment on th fc reclaimed lands, and no bonds to-be Issued until the validity of the. assessment on tho, reclaimed lands for their redemption shall have been fully sustained by the Supreme Court The bonds to run- for -such period, as may be deemed best.'- provided that complete redemp tion be i effected within forty years. That the State ought not to appropriate an other dollar In aid of reclamation, unless, poj.. slbly. In some great emergency, until a com plete plan for reclamation ha* been made throughout and funds provided for Its accomplishment under such ¦ pledges of the State^and nation as shall assure an ample and uninterrupted revenue. (Applause.) L? t \ af t?r the completion of the system tho cost of maintenance be assessed equally on all the lands of the district and paid Into the State maintenance fund. ,.. . -.,. ¦ Thatthe cost of a complete reclamation «ys* »? m m« e e8 " m , ate <l. including that , of such «h«,iJ T dral K S as ¦ the Montezuma canal, should they be ultimately found . necessary, u ,i v l the C08t > or' "o much thereof as should be ultimately required, less the sum contributed by the Stato and Federal Govern ments, should be assessed upon the lands of the river district, with due credit to each of the present reclamation districts for the estimated v »' u « «' the construction turned over by them f h * thereupon become 1 . the property The State should levy a tax of 1 cent on $100 for ten years, conditional. If possible, on ihe pledge of an equivalent aum for the eame period from the national treasury, with the "•"^standing that the first object in the ex penditure of this fund should be the rectifica tion and deepening of tho channel of the rivers u dIe P° sal of the material removed as t^Vi ,i ol J e no danger to" the Interests" of navigation elsewhere; t WOULD DISTIUB; E BURDEN. The cervice should be absolutely, and by the most drnstlc legislation, removed from any form of political influence. (Applause.) The chief engineer should be a man of the highest standing In hi3 profession, preferably with experience on the Mlsislssippi River, and the salary should be such aa to attract a man of that kind. I do not think any California engineer available, for the. reason that all our hydraulic engineers are too much committed — or would be believed'to be too .much commit ted, which would bo about as bad— to some particular plan. Congress will recognize by the expenditure of money in a Way that will materially aid recla mation. I have thus i.ersonally reached th/j following- tentutlve cnncluslqns: The State should resume ¦ entire control of reclamation of the Sacramento and San Joa qu:n swam:> and overflowed land.", tn formal and permanent co-op*ration with th^ Federal Government, which has charge of the Interest of navigation. • The State has conveyed no lands to counties, but has merely made the counties th« agents to fulfill, through reclamation districts cre ated by them, the State's obligation to re claim. The State has never undertaken to convey to purchasers of these lands any other title than that which It possessed— that is. a title subject to the obligation to reclaim. No" individual wa; obliged to aesume this burden. Having assumed it, he can never escape .it except by returning the lands. The State can never escape Us except by regrantlng the land unlncumbered, to the Federal Government. Some lands bought as swamp lands werei easy of reclamation. Other lands may cost; more to reclaim than they are worth If re/ claimed. But all the lande will pay for re claiming all. It was the Intent of the Legis lature to make all these lands pay for re claiming them all. those. who were so fortunate as to get the best lands sharing tqually in the cost of redeeming the worst. Thl« last posi tion has never been sustained by the Supreme Court because, as I believe, it has never, been squarely presented. All the other positions. I think will be found sustained. I feel pretty certain that whenever this State takes uii the question, of redeeming Its pledge to the nation to reclaim these lands those who do not own any swamp land . will take very much such views as I have ex pressed, namely, that all lands purchased for $1 per acre as "swamps and overflowed lands" should be assessed equally, If : necessary, to reclaim all bo purchased, rather .to lay any very important burden upon property not di rectly benefited by the expenditure. If : those who hold hand under this title recognize the obligation assumed when they purchased I am equally confident they will be met>by the peo ple of the State In the most generous spirit, and that the burdens of complete reclamation will not baar heavily on any one. Thus all will work together to transform the flooded lands of this fertile valley Into what they are some time destined to become — one of the most produc tive spots upon the earth, capable of sustain ing •*¦ population in American comfort. (Applause.) Furthermore, I. am persuaded that by per mitting the river to be choked with debris the State has created obligations with the pur chasers of swamp lands that It Is in honor bound to redeem. It can well afford to re-, deem these obligations in view of its increased Income from taxation of values created. I also believe that there are certain obligations resting upon . the United States, in respect to the regimen of the river, which I believe DUTY OF STATE AND OWNERS. Historically. I Hnd these to bo the facts: The. lands were granted to the State to bs reclaimed. In accepting the grant the State accepted the obligation to reclaim the over flowed lands. '• > not geem well founded I may come to think differently. Nevertheless, my Invitation com ing from tho.*e who knew what now ceems to me to be right, I can only conclude that I am expected to present these conclusions to this convention, iry conclusions may be quite'un acceptable to some who are directly concerned, but. on the other hand. I believe that a 'greit many will think as I now do. WILL SEEK AID TO RECLAIM TES FLOODED LANDS . NEW TOIIK. May 24. — officers of the American Smelting and Refining Company \rill within a few days di vide $100,000 in cash arnong their em • r.loyes, in accordance with the profit sharing scheme announced two years ago. Arrangements are now being perfected to divide the cash in prl» rortion to the amount of earnings. Managers, superintendents, assistant managers and assistant superintend ents, together with foremen and as fflbfcint foremen, chemist"? and assist ant* chemists and a number of others, will participate in the fund. Smelter Trust to Carry Into Effect a Pmjcti Planned a Year Ago. WILL, SHARK PROFITS WITH ITS EMPLOVES (Butler Hall was badly burned, though | the loss will not be more than $500. The engine house also suffered to some ex tent, the 1<*5S being $200. Several other buildings were also slightly damaged. The owners, it is understood, will im mediately reconstruct. Special Dispatch to The Call; RENO, New, May 24.— Lactyof wind is all that saved a large portion of Tcnopah from being burned this morn ings Fire was discovered in Booker & Bradford's office and before the blaze could be extinguished a number of buildings had been destroyed and dam age caused to the . amount of $12,000,' covered slightly by insurance. The ori gin of the fire is unknown. The volun teer fire department responded prompt ly and worked in a heroin manner to save property. But for their efforts the damage would have been much greater. Booker & Bradford suffered most. Their loss is about $5000. M. G. Orr lost property valued at $4000. The Sim mons building was damaged to the ex tent 6f $1500; Dr. Wheeler's property was damaged to the extent of $200; PAN JOSE. May 24.— C. II. Mooney of Sar» Francisco Is accused of passing: a bogua chirk for $20 on H. U. Miller, proprietor of th* Bristol Hotel, and the police are searching for him. BEAVER, Pa., May 24. — The im provement noticeable in Senator Quay since his return home continues. His physician says his condition to-day is more fovarable than it has been for weeks. , Senator" Quay Improvinsr. SAN DIEGO, May 24. — Death came this noon to young Donald Henderson, son of Walter J. Henderson of Chula Vista and nephew of ex-Speaker Da vid B. Henderson of the House of Representatives, through an. accident with a shotgun, which had' been ac cidentally discharged by the bov himself. He was only 12 years of ag*e. yet owned a gun. with which ho and his sister had gone hunting rab bits. - Tormer Speaker's Nephew Killed. Prisoner Commits Suicide. LIAOYANG, May 24. — A Japanese CHEFU, May 25.— Four Japanese cruisers and a fleet of torpedo boats and torpedo-boat destroyers passed midway between Port Arthur and the Miaotao Islands at .4 o'clock this morn ing, but no sounds of firing have" yet been heard. The Russians have again removed their guns and troops from the forts at Newchwang. Cruisers, Torpedo-Boats and Destrjy ei-s Seen Near Port Arthur. JAPANESE I LEKT MOVING. The report circulated by the St. Pe tersburg correspondent of the Central News' that ten stokers were killed by an explosion yesterday on board the Russian battleship Orel at Kronstadt is absolutely denied. The report cabled to the Associated Press yesterday that the Foreign Of fice had received a telegram from the Russian Consul at Chefu, reporting that the Japanese had macie a land at tack on Port Arthur and had lost 15,- ST. PETERSBURG, May 24.— The Admiralty denies the report of the cap ture of three Japanese cruisers' by the Vladivostok squadron, which has not been outside the harbor for several weeks. FAI.SK WAR RUMORS. Russia Officially Denies a Number of ' Sensational Re|)orts. toria, from Liverpool. * Sailed May 24 — Stmr Syndam. for Rotter dam; stmr Kaiser Wilhelm aer Grosse. for Liverpool: stmr CItta «ii Napoll. for Naples, and Genoa ; 5tmr I'ltonla. for -l'risste. etc. LONDON — Arrived - May 24 — Stmr Minn- haha from New York. SYDNEY, N. £. VST- — Arrives prior May 21 — Stmr Aorantfi. from Vancouver, via Honolulu. AUCKLAND — Arrived prior May 24— Stmr Sirrra from Pan Francisco, via Honolulu, lor Svdney. N S. \%. 'YOKOHAMA— Sailrd May 20— Stmr Em preFs.of Japan. from Hongkong-, for Van couver. OCEAN STEAMERS. GIBRALTAR— Arrived May 24— Stmr Ro ma ni. from Koston for Naples. HONGKONG— Arrived May 24— Stmr Em press of China, frtflfi Vancouver, via Yoko ham and Shanghai. LIVERPOOL — Sailed May 24— Stmr Cham plain, for Montreal. Arrived May 2a — Stmr Bavarian, from Mon treal and Quebec. NEW YORK— Arrived May 24— Stmr Vic- Late Shipping" Intelligence.- Washington; May 24.—^Through our Ministers abroad, the naval at taches of the United States have been instructed to report upon the num ber and danger to neutral shipping from war mines floating off the Man churian coast. This information will be placed in the -hands of the na.vil general board, which will submit its views to the President, and, if occa sion warrants it. representations will be made to the belligerents. / American Inquiry Into Danger "• to Shinning From Derelict Mines. PROTEST MAY BE MADE. BUTTE, Mont.,, May 24.— Within the course of a few days the Washoe cop per smelters of the Amalgamated Cop per Company at Anaconda will have an arsenic refinery in operation, one of the first of the kind in the United States. The plant is patterned after the German models, and it is ajmed to save the thousands of tons of arsenic, antimony and sulphur expelled through the stacks of the company's plants as gaseous substances. MONTANA WILL HAVE AN ARSENIC PLANT SAN JOSE, May 24. — Sheriff Cudi hee of Seattle believes he has James C. Dunham, the murderer of the Mc- Gllncy family at Campbell, located near Seattle. He wired the authori ties here to that effect to-day. The following~descriptibn is furnished of the suspect: Height, five feet ten or eleven inches; weight, 175 pounds; stout build, dark complexion, hair and eyes; heavy mustache. Sheriff Cudi hee fails to state whether the man is arrested or not and what he is doing. Sheriff Langford at once wired the Seattle Sheriff that Dunham was still wanted and sent him a full descrip tion of the man. Pictures of the mur derer were also maileid him. The delcrlDtion, which is meager, tallies well with that of Dunham, but the authorities place but little cre dence in the belief that it is really the Campbell murderer. Seattle Officer Sends Description of Supposed 3Iurderer to San . Jose Authorities.' ",'... SHERIFF FKELS SURE SUSPECT IS DUNHAM The fire, which broke out in the lard department and spread with remark able speed, burned fiercely, and when the fire reached the scene the' big buildings were all ablaze. A call was sent in for all tile engines available, but notwithstanding the greatest effort possible by the entire tire department the buildings could not be saved. The entire plant was valued at $400,000. and it was estimated by the manager of the branch house that the loss will total three-fourths of that sum. The- insurance is given as $263. 000, distributed among a number of companies. The cause of the fire Is unknown. All that is known is that it had its origin in the lard department, where there was a considerable stock stored. and spread to other rooms containing inflammable material. An investiga tion will be made to ascertain the cause of the fire. LOS ANGELES, May 24.— Fire to night destroyed the local branch pack ing-house of the Cudahy Packing Com pany, located near the Los Angeles River bottom. The loss is estimated at about $300,000 and the insurance at $265,000. FIRE DESTROYS PACKING-HOUSE HOUSES BURN IN TONOPAH PARIS, May 24.— The Council of Min isters has considered the Vatican con troversy and in an official note says: "The Government is satisfied with the authenticity of the reported protest sent by the Vatican to the powers, and therefore has decided to recall M. Ni sard, leaving the- routine business to the third secretaiy in the Vatican em bassy." The Government has fully decided to present the Vatican controversy, cul minating in the recall of M. Nisard. to the Chamber of Deputies. A violent de bate is expected and the Government Is preparing itself for more radical action than that heretofore taken, since it is anticipated that an effort will be made to abolish the French embassy to the Holy See. Foreign Minister, Delcasse will present the diplomatic negotia tions with the Vatican, and Premier Combes will set forth the attitude and intentions of the Government. The of ficials express the belief that the em bassy will not be suppressed, but they say, the Dresent feeling may lead to that result when the appropriation for sustaining the embassy comes before the Chamber a month hence, at which time the budget for foreign affairs will be considered. But some parliamentary elements are seeking the immediate consideration of the matter, with a view o£ abolishing the embassy. Members of the diplomatic corps say it is definitely settled that the protest to which France took exception was ad dressed, by the Vatican to Spain. This was the only protest containing the clause intimating that the papal nuncio would be withdrawn if other anA^simi lar visits were made to King Victor i Emmanuel. j Apparently there is good warrant for the belief that General Kuropatkin has a strong line expending south from Liaoyang and west of Haicheng pro tecting an advance upon Kaichou and Newchwang. A direct attack upon General Kuro patkin's main force apparently is not considered to be impending. Nothing more than outpost affairs are expected, although some of these may be san guinary. The Russian scouts are keep ing in constant touch with the enemy, and thus far the minor shiftings of the enemy's detachments west of the Ta yang River and northward of Moiting ling are considered to be in the nature of screens. If the two armies of . the Russian commander in chief are trying to work a force around in the rear of General Kuroki or are planning a sur prise, of course the fact is sedulously concealed here. Uneasiness is displayed at the near approach of the rainy season, which will retard if not com pletely stop field operations, although this is playing directly into the Rus sian hands. The Russians will continue to hold Newchwarig, Kaichou and Tashichou until a move in force is made toward Haicheng with the object of cutting off the retirement of the force at Kaichou, which Is sufficient to stand off an or dinary force of the enemy and dis courage the landing of troops there or at Hiungyochen. The Japanese are not In force north of Wafandian. ST. PETERSBURG, May 24.— The prevailing opinion at the headquarters of the general staff is that the with drawal of the Japanese upon Feng wangcheng means that the enemy has decided to devote himself to operations against Port Arthur, and that the pres ent object of General Kuroki with the first army, supported by General Nadya with the third army, now land- Ing near Takushan, is to watch Gen eral Kuropatkin and prevent a move southward, which would take Oku and the second army on the» Liaotung Pen insula in the rear. Will Hold Off Kurppatkih While Port Arthur Is Being Attacked. KUKOKI'S PJLAN OF CAMPAIGN". MAY WITHDRAW PAPAL EMBASSY Volunteers Rout Chinese Bandits. VLADIVOSTOK, May 24. — Chinese bandits are active in this vicinity. A party on a flotilla of boats, while pil fering along the shore, was pursued by a boat manned by seven Russian volunteers, who routed the maraud ers. One volunteer was killed. The following dispatch from General Kuropatkin to the Emperor, dated May 23, was received .to-day: "Our cavalry outposts on May 22 and 23 observed a movement of a portion of the Japanese forces westwardly along the Haicheng road, six miles from FeYigwangcheng. "On May 21 a Japanese detachment, consisting of six companies of in fantry and three squadrons of cavalry, attacked some Cossack.-; en the heights on the right bank of the Sedezi River, near the village of Pootteikha, When the engagement began the Japanese cavalry remained under cover and the infantry, which declined to cross the valley, maintained a distant and al most harmless fire, without sparing ammunition. A small party, unsup ported, tried to cross the river for the purpose of turning our left flank, but was driven back by the charge of Cos sacks and the fire from the heights. Toward evening the Japanese retired. Our losses were ten Cossacks wound ed." The optimistic sentiment which gains grc-und is reflected on the Bourse here, where four per cents have risen to 91. ST. PETERSBURG, May 24.—Expec tation is running high in St. Peters burg. According to the latest news.i General Oku's army, which has receiv ed fresh reinforcements, is marching toward Port Arthur,' where General Fook is instructed to offer the utmost resistance. At the same time, it is known that General Kuroki ha3 been daily strengthening his extensive lines, which he found too weak to face the Russian forces. General Kuroki's army will soon be sufficiently reinforced to give battle, as fresh, forces are con stantly arriving. Military experts es timate Japanese strength west of the Yalu at 200.000 men. Special Cable to The Call and New York Her ald. Copyright 1004, by the New York -Herald Publishing. Company. Kuropatkin Eeports Affray of Cossacks and a Jap anese Detachment. It is rumored from Brussels that the Russian Government is making great efforts to buy thirty large steamships from Belgium and Holland, to accom pany the Baltic fleet as colliers.* The Standard's Tientsin correspond ent asserts that the Chinese Govern ment is still levying heavy military contributions from the provinces, and he thinks that this accumulation of sil ver at Peking foreshadows some fool hardy action by the Chinese. i Special Cable *r> The Call and New York Her- I aid. Copyright. 1004. by the New York Herald Publishing Company.. SE^UL, May 24.— Kinchou, north of ! PojJ/ 1 Arthur, is being besieged by the Japanese. Its surrender is expected at any moment. I LONDON, May 25.— The correspond ent of the Morning Post at Mukden, under date of May 24, says it is be lieved there that General Rennen kampff's Cossacks captured two Japan ese transport columns, thus leaving the Japanese army without supplies in a difficult country. The Daily Mail's correspondent at Shimonoseki, Japan, cabling under date of May 24. asserts that active prepara tions are -in progress for the reduction of Port Arthur, and that these prepa rations have been intrusted to a care fully chosen force of veterans, forming a part of the third army. Very heavy i artillery, the correspondent says, is be- j ing landed on the Liaotung Peninsula. Dispatches to the Daily Telegraph show that on May 16 the Japanese ] headquarters were still at Fengwang- I cheng. This the correspondent attrib- | utes to the necessity for Joint action j with the Japanese army which has landed at Pitzwo. Communication has I not yet been established by the two ! armies, but it is expected to be effected within a few days. The dispatches say that the telegraph line between Feng wangcheng and the south has been cut by Russians disguised as Chinese. A Russian transport is moving from Liaoyang in the direction of- Mukden, but it is not known whether this means i a retirement of the army or merely | the removal of winter clothing, which j is no longer needed. Loss Places the Army of In vasion in a Precari ous. Position. At the conclusion of the President's address Dr. Peabody announced that President Roosevelt would present the prizes. The boya who had won honors during the year were called to the plat form and President Roosevelt shook hands with each one and passed him. the prize, in most cases a book. HARTFORD. Conn.. May 24. — President Roosevelt's private train ar rived here at 10:30 to-night. The President was presented with a hand some lot of flowers by the Brother hood of Locomotive Firemen. The train then left for Poughkeepsie. At various stations along the route from Grpton the train stopped and the President made brief addresses to the assembled citizens. "Boys and men," he said, "possessing such qualities -will not be snobs. There are in social and civil life worse crea tures than snobs, but no creature is more contemptible." The President alluded to the athletics of modern school life, saying that he believed in athletics and sports and in the spirit which was back of them. He also referred to the advantages of training in public schools, which train ing he believed to be most beneficial because of the democracy of the Insti tutions. GROTON, Mass.. May 24.— President Roosevelt's triD from Washington to be present at the Groton school to-day and participate in the annual prize day exercises was accomplished without especial incident, save that at a num ber of stations which were passed after daybreak to-day the citizens assembled to greet him. In his remarks to the students the President said that if a boy had not pluck, common sense and decency he was a pretty bad sort, and a man with out these qualities was even worse. He admonished them that they must not in any degree become "prigs," and urged them to be strong, to be decent and to be resourceful. •'The Lord, thouph it may shock you. Mr. Shearn. was responsible for that." Prior to the Temple Company agree "n*pr.t Simpson & Watkins, said Baer, *>pPrated the mines on lease. The jnjne? were owned, the witness thought, 'iff the raiiroads that tarried the coal. .The Temple Iron Company directly sells no coal except locally at the mines, the witness said. The coal was brought .t"6. tidewater by the railroads connect ing with the collieries. ' Baer could not recall the price of coal >»er tofc for mining. He said the cost .varied from month to month and year "lo year, but had been higher since the strike commission decision thtan before that time. Meanwhile bituminous prices .had decreased, he said, and anthracite "prices had been reduced to meet them. -Farmer President Walter of the Le high Valley Coal Company was called 'to the stand. Walter said he was pres ident of the Lehigh Valley Coal Com pany while he was president of the rail road company. For tidewater coal the railroad paid the coal company from 50 *to €5 per cent of tidewater prices. The coal companies* production cost was on a basis of CO per cent to the miner and 40' per cent to the company, the witness fcaid. and in 1901 the proportion was changed to €5 and Z7> per cent. " Shearn sought to show i>y the wit ness that the Lehigh Valley road re bated to the Lehigh Valley Coal Com *pany and practically greatly reduced the carrying rate, but Walter's memory •was a blank as to details. He made the assertion that the coal company paid the published tariff rates. Shearn asked if it was not true that if the published rates were paid the Lehigh Valley Coal Company would lose mon ?y. - Walter answered affirmatively and said that the coal company borrowed from the railroad company. •' Baer was recalled late in the after • noon. /.''On a four per cent basis the Read *ing ought to make f 5,000.000 a year." said Baer. "and until it does reach that •figtfie I will not agree that the price ' of coal is too high." He said in answer to Commissioner Prouty that reduction in freight tariff would not necessarily mean lower prir-es for coal to the consumer if the operators thought they should get mere for their product. The allegation that the carriers purposelv tied up coal ttaffic in winter or failed to furnish cars to collieries has no foundation in .fact, said Baer. There was freight <-nncestic-n last winter to a degree not known ir. many years and it was due to physical conditions. He continued: Eaer was asked to produce the con tracts between the Temple Iron Com pany and Simpson & Watkins of Scranton. Pa., dated February 27. 1895. This* the witness did. together with cop ios of other contracts. The copies were Jiled as evidence. In its decision the Supreme Court di xected that E. B. Thomas, president of the Lehigh Valley Company, and W. H. Truetdale Df the Delaware and Lacka \va::na answer questions regarding the fixing of coal rate? at tidewater, trans portation to tidewater and the manner ot preparing price circulars. The deci sion also compels the Temple Iron Com pany and other operating companies to produce in open court their contracts with the carriers. NEW YORK. May 24.— The Interstate Commerce Commission to-day renewed ite inquiry into the anthracite coal trade based on the complaint of W. R. H caret against the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company and other teal carriers, which was continued from laet September. The first witness called \\as President Baer of the Philadelphia and Heading. On AiTil 4 the Supreme Court of the United States decided that Hearst's at torney, Clarence J. Shearn, had the right to demand answers to his ques tions relating to the contracts between the railroads and the operators, by which contracts it is alleged the coal trust will be established as a fact and will be proved to exist in violation of the Sherman anti-tru?t law. Kuroki Will. Advance to the Attack When Sufficiently Reinforced. Two Transport Columns Fall Into the Hands of Keii nenkampff. 1 General Kuropatkin, after inspecting the defenses of Liaoyang, advised Viceroy Alexieff to retreat to Harbin. NEW YORK, May 24.— The World publishes the following from Shanghai: Chinese report that there has 'been an engagement ' near, Newchwang, which ended with the Russians fleeing and abandoning fifty guns. The . Russians are concentrating to the rear of Port Arthur and are greatly strengthening their defenses. SLAV DISASTER REPORTED. Chinese Tell or Russian Flight and Loss of Fifty Guns. Chief Executive Champions Athletics as a Feature of Modern School Life officer, who was a prisoner here, com mitted suicide to-day, according to the ancient Japanese custom, by dis emboweling himself. He was the son of the commander of an' army corps. Additional details of the fight at Wangchiatun, near Takushan, on May 20. indicate that the squadron of Cossacks was almost annihilated by the Japanese infantry, which sur-. rounded and completely routed >the enemy. All of the Russian officers were killed, wounded or captured. Natives report that some of the Cos sacks escaped on foot, abandoning their equipment. Many killed and wounded were found on the battle-, 'field. . . . . . TOKIO, May 24.— General Kuroki reports that a section of Japanese in fantry encountered and defeated 200 Cossacks at Toutaokou, eight miles northeast of Kaungtien. The Cossacks fled to Aiyuangpienman, leaving twenty dead. The Japanese sustained no loss. Squadron of Cossacks Almost-Annihi lated by Infantry. TWO JAPANESE VICTORIES. ST. PETERSBURG, May 2 4. — Ad ditional details of the disaster to the protected cruiser Bogatyr confirm the previous reports to the effect that she went ashore in a fog at the entrance of the gulf of Amur, opposite Vladi vostok. Her guns were taken off and' some of them were mounted ashore, to protect the vessel during the sal vage operations. Although the statement was posi tively made yesterday that she had al ready been blown up, the Admiralty insists that it is not true and that ef forts are still progressing to save her, Vice Admiral Skrydloff having tele graphed to the Emperor that he thought he could do so. Russian Cruiser Still Fast o n the Hocks "Near Vladivostok. BOG AT YR NOT BLOWX UP. The report .transmitted to the Bres lau Zeitung by Its St. Petersburg cor respondent and. published May 18 of an alleged attempt on the life of Emperor Nicholas has, according to official statements* the following foundation: Miss Mereheusky, daughter of Privy Councillor Mereheusky, and her broth er, are under arrest for possible impli cation .in the recent fire at Kronstadt. She was not arrested at the time of the May parade^ of troops; no ,bomb was found upon her and she has ,not been hanged. ¦":,-. ¦¦" •.: * - Tho War .Office denies any -knowl edsjo' of the alleged charges against Lieutenant Colonel Corlinsky and Staff Captain Ignetowich of selling Government riiles and ammunition to the Chinese, as reported by the Harbin correspondent of the Frankfurter Zei tung. The director of the department of military statistics says that he cer tainly would have been informed of such a serious case, as it would have been submitted to the Emperor. 000 men killed and wounded, and that the Russians had lost 3000 men, is true, but as nothing confirmatory has been received fro'm any other source, the re port is not given credence. I The Consul in his telegram said his information was .obtained from the Chinese. , The War Office has nothing to confirm his report. • •,./. 7 ' -¦¦ It is reported from a Chinese source that the Japanese have evacuated Fengwangcheng and are occupying vil lages in the surrounding country. There is no explanation of this move, but it is thought that it may be connected with the prevailing cholera epidemic. General Kuropatkin has just returned from a tour of inspection of the Rus sian camps, with the general health of which he is greatly pleased. Prince Khilkoff, Minister of Rail roads, has arrived here from Harbin. A typhoon is raging off the coast. The Russian wounded are rapidly re covering. Several wounded soldiers de serted from the hospital and stole back to the front. The general plan of the Japanese has not been divulged. They are appar ently marking time, awaiting the ar rival of reserves from Korea, who have been delayed by the impassability of the roads. ¦ The Japanese are sending all invalids in the direction of the Yalu to a cen tral hospital. Several Japanese who landed from junks near Port Arthur -and started toward the town with the intention of dynamiting the docks were captured and shot. LIAOYANG, May 24.— There is con tinual skirmishing between the Russian covalry and the Japanese. Cossacks are pressing the Japanese in the hills and byroads, generally driving them back. XATIOX NEEDS 3IEX GREAT BATTLE OF THE WAR IS DRAWING NEAR SLAV RAIDERS CAPTURE FOE'S FOOD SUPPLIES Brown Men Attempting-to Reach Port Arthur With Dyna mite to Destroy Docks Are Captured and Shot. Attorneys Question Opera tow About Compact With Transportation Companies ILVILKOAD 3IEX TESTIFY Interstate Commerce Com mission Uenews Inquiry Into Methods of Carriers President IJooseVelt, in Ad dress to Students, Irges Themf^ot to Be 'Trigs" COAL BARONS ON THE RACK HAS NO LIKING FOR THE SNOB COSSACKS AND JAPANESE IN DAILY CONFLICT ON HILLS AND ROADS IN LIAOYANG'S VICINITY THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, MAY: 25, 1004. 2 11 Never know what it is to b^ restful with a ,«n c So qo constant aching back. You are "all done out" r«>J'S-^ffife^??®^ If oo §§ all the time— morning, noon and night the back Jp^S^^S^^^S^®/ **> eg bothers you— sometimes with sharp shooting ° 9 IS pains, sometimes with slow, exhaustive aches. vW^S^^^^S^^^^' ®* 12 Why don't you rid yourself of that "bad \^§^^^^^^^^^!;f o% ©g back" ? The sure way is to reach the cause— So qq the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills cure every eo |® form of kidney ill from backache to diabetes, Yiffl sMfMpp/^\ %% «© dropsy, all urinary and bladder disorders luh^m oo ®§ down to that dread destroyer, Bright's disease. ci4g&£§ h f^ So ! 52 ' The best of proof that this is so. . "-^» ~* *• •• I ww ¦ OS) ••' A HP ¦ • t T^ • . . O9 || To San Francisco Ca.I. Sail FrailCiSCO PfOOf !! 9® Readers. I -~ ; 99 OO ;' ...¦' '. • ———————————————— — — —^— — — «— — — — — 4 OO e» t^~ —^=a ¦ ¦ 09 23 mf^^L/^OBn^S^^^. Captain N. 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