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Cutting remarks prove that the pen is mightier than the sword. Will Observe Anniversary. A meeting of the board of managers of the California Society of the Sons of the American Revolution was held last evenlnK at 411^ California street. Colonel A. D. Cutler, the president of the society, in the chair. Arrange ments were made for an informal din ner ip occur June 17. the anniversary of the battle of Bunker HUL OAKLAND, May 25.— The following marriage licenses were., issued by the County Clerk to-day: Harold H. Har vey, 27. and Edith Goodfellow, 24, both of Oakland; Petrus Lundstedt, 21, and Edith Larson. 19. both of Oakland; John Storry. 54, and Catherine Murray, 27, both of San Francisco; Eugene Q. Dannenbaum. 29, Vallejo, and Mary L. PollifA, 20, Oakland; John J. Sllva, 21, and Virginia Jacinto, 19, both of Hay wards; Tom N. Way. 54, and Augusta Grange. 52, both of London. Ontario. Marriage Licenses. OAKLAND. May 25.— Police Judge Mortimer Smith to-day accompanied a flne of $10 he imposed upon Mrs. Lucy E. Moore for using vulgar language in presence of Miss May Morrlssey, a tel ephone girl, with a warning that fur ther difficulties might involve impris onment. '-'- •¦.- ¦ Adds . Warning to Sentence. OAKLAND. May 25.— Mendelssohn's oratorio. "Elijah," will be sung Thurs day evening at St. Paul's Episcopal Church By a vested choir of eighty voices, under direction of Edwin Duh bar Crandall. ' The soloists will be Lowell Redfleld. Mrs. Carrie Brown Dexter, Mrs. Mollie Melvin Dewing, Miss Mary Chester Williams, Miss Minnie O. Smith, Mrs. A. E. Nas.h, Mrs. George Lowell, Mrs. Blanche Youtog. J. F. VeacO, Ernest H. McCandllsh and C. E Lloyd Jr., with Arthur Ficken echer organist. No admission fee will be charged. Will Sing in Oratorio. OAKLAND. May 25.— H. turn Suden of East Oakland has sworn to a complaint before Police Judge Samuels charging Former Constable Sd Weidler with the embezrlement of $150. Weidler, it Is said, has gone to British Columbia, OAKLAND. May 25. — While leading a cow to pasture Mrs. A; Furtardo, of 251 Louise street, fell and the rope •winding about her thumb tore It off at the knuckle. She was taken to the Receiving Hospital, where her hand was dressed by Dr. Stratton. Accu.«e«« "Former Constable. Thumb Torn Off. OAKLAND, May 25. — Nicholas HIrsch. a waiter, member of the Walt ers' Alliance of San Francisco, dropped dead this afternoon at Orange and Per ry streets. Coroner Mehrmann took charge of the body. Hirsch's mother resides at 91S Sixteenth street. Waiter Drops Dead. It was shown that Ennis had deeded about $10,000 worth of property to Joseph Bettencourt. For property valued at about $S000 Ennis was given a "back deed," which he could place on file at any time. The piece valued at about $2000; however, Ennis says he thought was also included in the "back deed." Bettencourt on the other hand claimed that this was given him and his wife for care they gave Ennis during a long illness. OAKLAND. May 25. — The gift of a $2000 home to Joseph Bettencourt in West Berkeley by George Ehnis was confirmed by Judge Ellsworth to-day, and the suit brought by Ennis to get back property he had given away was denied, and he was ordered to pay the costs of court. Judse Decides Property Given Him By George Ennis Was Bona Fide Gift. JOSEPH IJETTENCOURT MAY KEEP HIS HOME ALAMEDA, May 25. — Fred Clark, an expressman, had his left leg badly crushed last evening between the tall board of a wagon and a flat car at the Park-street station of the south side railroad. He was sitting on the rear end of the vehicle when the team backed the wagon against the car. The injured man was conveyed to the home of William Patton for treatment. Expressman's Lee Crashed. OAKLAND. May 25. — Suit for the annulment of marriape brought by Alice C. Maurer agninst James M. Maurer was decided in her favor to day by Judge Ogden. She married Maurer in Pennsylvania in 1902 and he already had a wife living- in New York. There was no appearance made bv the defendant. Marrinje Annulled. The Knights of the Maccabees ani the Ladies of the Maccabees of San Francisco, together with the Fir*t Battalion, Thirteenth Regiment of th* Uniform Rank of the order, tendered a reception last night in the assembly hall of the Pioneer building: to Ed ward Young, great record keeper of the Great Tent of Ohio, and Rev. E. T. Hegermnn, MaccabVan lecturer for that State. J. C. Sharp of Gold en West Tent presided and introduced Great Commander S. W. Hall of thia State, who welcomed the sruesta. Maccabee Chief* Received. BERKELEY, . May 25. — Funeral services were held this afternoon over the remains of Colonel John M. Math eny, an ex-Federal soldier and resident for many years of Berkeley. The obsequies were attended by the entire membership of Lookout Mountain Post and the local Relief Corps. Ser vices were held at both the residence, 1924 Berkeley way, and Mountain View Cemetery. • Veterans Conduct 3Iatheny Funeral. Florence Belle Porter has institut ed divorce proceedings against Charles E. Porter on the ground of extreme cruelty. Fhe also.a^ks for a division of the community property. OAKLAND. May 25. — Marie A. Fox has brought an action for divorce Alymer H. Fox on the ground of desertion. They were married in Martinez in IS 95 and have a little girl seven years of age. I'nhappy Wives In a postmortem examination yes terday by the surgeon it was discov ered that Professor Spinello had no chance for recovery. Besides the loss of his. legs he sustained a fracture of the skull and internal injuries. Mrs. Spinello will send the body East for interment. No funeral services will be held in Berkeley. BERKELEY, May 25. — The French department of the University of Cali fornia is crippled by the death of two of its foremost instructors, Professor Fellcien Paget, who died suddenly last December, and Mariu's Spinello, who died yesterday afternoon as the result of having his legs crushed* off by the electric ferry train. The death of Professor Spinello will necessitate a change in the summer school schedule of studies, in which he was to have conducted courses in both French and Italian. Dentil of Marius Spinello, Following That of I»rofessor Pajjet,, Is Great Loss to State University. LEAVES ANOTHER GAP IX FRENCH DEPARTMENT ALAMEDA. May 25.— George Gib son and his wife. Nanette Gibson. whr» were arrested on complaint of ' the woman's father. Fred Woolf. »ml charged with battery, were dismissed when their cases were tried before Justice of the Peace F. S. Cone to-daS'. for lack of evidence.. Woolf had al leged that his daughter and son-in-law had thrown him over a banister and beaten him while he lay prostrate. Fails to Prove Battery ALAMEDA, May 25. — Principal William W. Kemp of the Longfellow School will not teach in the locals de partment next year. He will be grant ed a year's leave of absence, during which time he will study in the East and at Stanford University. Horatio Cogswell, instructor in Latin at the Alameda High School, will resign to enter Columbia College, and Professor Arthur Ellis, teacher of history in the Alameda High School, will take up the practice of law in Los Angeles. The annual election for teachers and principals will be held by the Board of Education Friday, June 3. Alameda Teachers to Leave. Judge Henry A. Melvin responded to the toast "Social Influence in the Growth of Oakland," saying, "Adopt the motto of Dumas' three guardsmen, 'One for all and all for one,' and you make for development." C. R. Smith extended Alameda's con gratulations. John A. Britton talked about the In dustrial future of Oakland, declaring he was glad that the-sptrlt of "knock ing^ every corporation that had in- We want men who will welcome every new enterprise, who will see to It that every dol lar Invested In Oakland ts protected, for where graft crows cities rot. I We want men who will build our sea basins, our factories and docks; men who will rejoice In the prosperity of their neighbors, - who - will not sneer or belittle him who , Invests . a dollar. "The Civic Pride of the Clergy of Oakland" was responded to by ReV. William Carson Shaw, rector of the Church of the Advent. 'Dr. Shaw was felicitous and witty in his address, making pleasant reference to the place of the clergyman in the civic life, and declaring strongly his own personal views of what a citizen of Oakland should be proud. He said scenic beauty, climate and schools ap pealed to him strongly. He urged bonds for public improvements and concluded: "What we need in the city. State and nation is the loyalty of the citizen." To the toast "Greater Oakland" Har mon Bell responded, saying: MINISTER .SPEAKS. At that meeting I heard John . B. Ki-lton. magnificent orator that he. was, predict that Oakland would have 75.000 people In her midst within the lifetime of some of those who heard him speak. Oakland. Indeed, fulfilled the eloquent prophecy of that matchless orator. Pl»e hos thrown off her swaddling clothes and has grown far beyond th« limit of that ut terance of thirty-six years ago. To-day along the eastern shtfres of the bay there are nearer i.*«),000 people than the 75,000 which were pix-dlcted. . •'Oakland a Necessity to the State" was the subject assigned to me. Oakland has given many things to California. Her homes, her schools, her churches, are' Items In a long list. There, is not a loyal Californian that does not Five to Oakland the mred of praise that is hera, Oakland commands the situation. She lms -within her crasp the possibilities of the future. The State of California looks 'With lovicg eye upon this fair city, and In the name of the people of California I bear to you the best wishes of the State. • Governor George C. Pardee was in troduced, being welcomed with much cheering. The Governor, at the outset, reverted to a mass meeting he, as a boy in 1S68, had attended in Oakland, then a town of only 3000 population. He said: The national Government by wise and lib eral appropriation is imikliyr a great harbor for the city of Oakland. In helping to make Oakland a great commercial port, remember that the bay of San Francisco Is the best fortified port In the United States. New York not exceptf-d. Our fortincetions are perfect, and this its the way to insure peace — to be forMfled against war. Oakland, .with her best of schools, best homes, churches and libraries, with a flne harbor, has a magnificent future. BAY IS THE KEY. spoke to the theme "The Interest of the National Government in Oakland." Senator Perkins said:" I /eel elated that I am privileged to be a member of the Oakland Board of Trade, be. cause it is an organisation that is working for Oakland. Oakland is eharlng In that which the national Government Is doing for the whole Pacific Coast. Our shores are the great right hand of the nation. The great motto of Cali fornia. "FJurcka," should be the sign manual of Oakland.. Alameda County has 740 squate miles. All of Rhode Island- has only 1250 square miles, yet there are more possibilities of wealth a. id development in Alameda County alone than in all of Rhode Island. And when we think of California with 13«,000 square miles we cannot conceive what is our heritage. The other speakers and toasts were: "The Best Government for Oakland," City Councilman A. H. Elliott; "The Relation of the Press to Greater Oak land." Joseph E. Baker; "The Interest of the Merchants' Exchange in Oak land," A. Jonas; '"Is There a Place for Knoekt-rs in Oakland?" Dr. H. B. iMehrmann. The banquet was handled by a com mittee, composed of Charles E. Snook, chairman, E. P. Vandercook. Frank K. Mott, Emil Lehnhardt, Charles J. Heeseman. vested money in Oakland to her indus trial advancement had ceased. DISTINGUISHED OFFICIALS AND PROMINENT CITIZENS OF THE STATE DEMVEP.ED ADDRESSES LAST EVENING ON THE OCCASION OF THE BANQUET GIVEN BY THE OAKLAND BOARD OF TRADE. OAKLAND. May 85. — Echoes* of the fistic encounter between City Engi neer F. C. Turner and City Councilman G. E. Aitken rumbled over the heads of the Twenty-third Avenue Improve ment Association members at their meeting last night in East Oakland. Both of the principals in last Satur day night's encounter were present. Whiie no open hostilities resulted. there was the atmosphere of sup pressed ill feeling. Turner offered to apologize for 1j!p #hare in the fight, but Chairman T. W. Jeffress suggested that such a course was not necessary. Aitken was not in an apologetic mood. The projected storm drainage sewer, which caused the trouble, was dis cussed by the association. Resolutions •were adopted urging: the carrying out of the scheme as rapidly as possible. Club, but Are Not Hostile. City Engineer Turner and Councilman Aitken Apjtcar Kef ore Improvement former beijjgi:ri:xts meet peacefclly Toastmaster Snook presented United States Senator George C Perkins, who We have a Governor of the State and a United States Senator on our membership rolls, and If these centlemen can a£foni to enroll them selves In our work there are many more who should join hands with them and us in this great movement. A city prosptra to the extent that her cm sens are willing to bear their share of the burden. Any man who falls to associate him self with such an institution as this Board of Trade falls to display those qualities of good citizenship that make for- advancement. What the Merchants' Association of San Fran cisco Is doing lor San Francisco, what the California Promotion Committee and the State Board of Trade are doing for California, that we. the Oakland Board of Trade, can da and have been doing for Oakland. A PROUD ROLL. The Baard of Trade has outgrown itself. It reeds new members to carry out the projects v.hlch It has In hand for the growth and de velopment of Oakland's splendid resources. Al though w; have grown and never have been. rocr« united or determined, we want still to We are \jeyond the one-man propo sition. '. ; -i' -.•¦:¦ The only absentee in the list of in vited guests was Thomas Rickard, Mayor of Berkeley, whose regrets an nounced an illness which prevented his attendance. Two interesting in terpolations to the lengthy programme lent pleasant color to the unusually successful gathering. First was the presentation of a chest of'magnificent table silver to Edwin Stearns, the in defatigable secretary of the Board of Trade; second was the launching of a $500,000 tourist hotel project by C. H. King, the East Oakland capitalist. He announced that the hotel committee of the Board of Trade had secured an option on the block of land bounded by Jackson, Madison, Twelfth and Thirteenth streets and he started the subscription list for stock with $10,000. following with the names of Frank M: Smith. Dr. E. H. Woolsey, William G." Henshaw and the Realty Syndicate for $10,000 each. Additional subscribers at the banquet were E. Lehnhardt, $1000; Henry Butters, $2500, and the Laymance Real Estate Company, $2500.. , In his welcome to the 300 guests at the table President Capwell presented Toastmaster Snook, who said the feast was strictly an Oakland affair. Fol lowing canie President Capwell, who gave eloquent expression to the pur poses of the Board of Trade, saying: OAKLAND, May 25.— Oakland, spelled In capitals, was the keynote to-night of a splendid outpouring of men distinguished in national, State and municipal affairs, who gathered at the annual banquet of the Oakland Board of Trade in Maple Hall. In point of numbers and enthusiastic in terest it was one of the most notable assemblages that has ever been re corded in the civic history of Oak land. Leaders in political life met in touch with captains of industry, with mer chants, bankers and capitalists, with professional men, all imbued with a hearty, whole-souled desire to ad vance the interests of the city. Speeches glowed with a prophecy of great things for the future and the efforts of those who have started the new era along the eastern shores of the bay were not forgotten. Peculiar ly noteworthy was the fact that at'the guest table sat Governor George C. Pardee, an Oaklander, and United States Senator George C. Perkins, an Oaklander. With them were the president of the Board of Trade, H. C. Capwell; Charles E. Snook, the toast master of the evening; the Rev. Wil liam Carson Shaw, Harmon Bell, Judge Henry A. Melvin, C. R. Smith, representing the sister city of Ala meda; John A. Britton. general man ager of the California Gas and Elec tric Corporation; City Councilman A. H. Elliott, Joseph E. Baker, A. Jonas, president of the Merchants' Exchange: Dr. H. B. Mehrmann, N. P. Chipman and Arthur R. Briggs of the Califor nia State Board of Trade. ABSENTEES SEND REGRETS. OAKLAND, May 25. — Suits that have littered the court calendars for a quarter of a century were dismissed by Judge Ogden to-day for want of prosecution. They were over the title to water front property, but their is sues had been determined by deci sions in other cases. The suits dis missed were: John Caperton vs. Charles Lefever, J. P. Dameron vs. W. H. Glascock. John Caperton vs. John Holding, Oakland Gas, Light and Heat Company vs. John Holding. Edson F. Adams vs. D. Xearny et al., the people vs. Oakland "Water Front Company, Doane vs. Dameron et al. Old Actions Dismissed. OAKLAND, 'May 23.— An effort to ar rive at a compromise In the suit of Florence Richards against Harry Rich ards, the basso and actor, caused the postponement of the further trial of the case until next week. It Is claimed for Richards that he has such proof of his wife's infidelity that he can defeat her suit, but that he does not wish to bring it to light unless compelled to do so. With this in view there was a consultation be tween the attorneys to-day and an ad journment was then asked for until next Tuesday. In the mean time it is believed that a separation without a divorce will be agreed upon. Adjournment of the Case Taken Until N'ext Week to Permit a Conference. The pupils cf Mrs. E. W. Prentiss will give a recital at Reed Hall .td-morrow evening, as sisted by Mrs. Louise Rugg. soprano. The pro gramme is a promising one and among those whi will i^artlclpnte are Mls« Leura Prentiss. Miss Rcse Strauch. Miss Jennie Morgan, Miss Vera Campbell. M!fs Hazel Johnson and Mr. Halph McFadyen. OAKLAND. May Co.— Joseph Rosborough Is a delightful affair for next Saturday .-.::< r--i r. that \vi!l have all the pleasant fea tures oi" a musicale anU also of a garden party. His mother's home in Baft Oakland will be the *c«>3e of the r r °P«se<l entertainment. «nd Mrs. Boaboraocti wi " assist In receiving the firiy cr n<crp society folk who will be, her s«.in'e pue^tr-. At thi; lime of year the gardens of East Oakiar.d i'rfs.-nt a very tempting appearance. and jr. invitation to *nend an afternoon out of doori, ?njo>ing the fraprance of flowers and ii^enfag to ?ood music, is not to be lightly (.¦<>nFi<5»re<l. 'J.i: ;• of thore invited for Saturday will be Mr. KosbonjuKh's guests at the new limcku^y Hctel. oa Uake Tah • . during the «-«rly dayi of Jure. His hou«e party will in clude about thirty ladles and gentlemen and, tearing nere next 'Wednesday, for two weeks thry Trill "own" the. beautiful new resort, until the foimiil opening: about the middle of the menth. Among th<«-<» who will enjoy the hospitality oi the Ro»b<>ruugh homo next Saturday are: Dr. H. J. Miss Frances Stewart, Mies Grue liailry..Mi5y Kl*io Maxwell. Mrs. Wads worth, Mis* Voorman. M;?s Ida Voorman, EciTvard I"J*vis, Louis Allen. Philip Pasch«l, Walter I>arton. Arch!« Artlcues, Arthur Tashclra. Mr:-. George Carr, the Masses Sheri dau. Mrs. Bates. Miss Bates and Mts* Dean. ! all of i>«n Franrisco. Quota from this side will lncluJi l>r. and Mrs. Tai-heira, Mrs. F. I. Ken«la!lj Miss U-al>ell«- Kendall. Mrs. Henry Wruth^rtx-.-. Mrs. K. B. Miss Laura Sariborn. ilr?. Louis Meade. Mrs. Jane Ev*rt», Mrs. Garrett L&nring and Miss Dolly Tarpey. m • • Mrc. Jtssie E'Jridge Pouthwlck. reader, fur nithe..! enttrtair.ment for the ladies of Ebell |Tt> tmimy- Hailir.s from Boston and the much talked about Emerson Collefre. a great deal was expected of tfc- lady, and if she fell a little rhert el expectation* it may not be her fault — perhaps we. in our wild. Western wooli n«r*. Jiave ovtrtstimated the advantages of a i- •:'• n tralniiig;. In some things Mrs. South wick va« very good. Tjut lrequently a poor enunclatinn and an inclination to rant marred th«- otherwise artistic performance. Her natural voi'.-e ;s unurui?lly melcdlou? and she is a woman of pl-asing pt-rwonalitv. Mrs. n A. Klue^e: was jr»sidine hostess yes terday assisted i/» Mrs. F. A. Hackett. Mrs. Frederick Page Cutting. Mrs. E. L. IX)W, Mrs. \V. K. Miles. Mrs W. E Millwain. Mr? F. F. McHenry. Mrt S. C. Titus. Mrs. A. C Schlc-s finger Mr>. Fred A. AUardt, Mm. A. G. Da vis Mis* Irene Rutherford. Mrs. Wlckham Havens. Mrs. Francis R. Muss*r. Mrs. T. C. Ooc«an and tho Missen Huff of San Leandro. • • * One of East Oakland's youne business men. R. O. Eubank, is going to claim a. Modesto girl for his bride June 14. She is Miss Grace Thompson, and the wedding will take plate a; the heme of the brMe"«i parents, who are well-known citizens of that part of the country. Mr. Eubank has built a pretty lit tle home on Fifty-ninth street, and it will be ready for occupancy by the time they return from their honeymoon. Another wedding cf interest to East Oak lar.ders will take place June 4. when Miss Edith "Davis will become the bride of Wil liam Wtntford Saint, at her parents' home on Eart Twenty-ninth street. She i!» a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Davis. • • • Mr». Pauline Powell Burns, one of Metcalf's clfverest pupils, will give a recital at Maple Hall on Tuesday evening. June ".. She will be assisted by Mrs. W. W. Purnell of Chi cago, who is^ald to possess a very fine mexzo poprano. £he studied with Tomlins and waa a member of hli» famous Apollo Club. Splen did things are heard of Mrs. Burns' playing, so the concert premises to be a musical treat. IJy Zoo Green Riulcliffe. RICHARDS DIVORCE MAX BE COMPROMISED Is trial of the case St was shown that Mrs. Dove had home-steaded the place and that under the law as it existed at that time at the death of the husband the property vested absolutely in the wife. . The suit ffa.« based upo:i the fact that Dovt*. the original owner of the land. <lied. aad his wife sold the prop erty wtthoot having it probated. There Vere several children whose interests were overlooked, and one of these Williani Dpve nas brought forth b> Kel!y as a claimant to the land. OAKLAND. May 25.— Martin Kelly. the San Francisco j->olitician. lost his suit against the Blake and Mottitt es tate in this city to-day. The action in volved a riece of real estate valued at XoO.000. located at Broadway and Tenth rtreet. The realty has been a valuable asset cf the estate for a quarter of a century, but lately the title craa at tacked, by Keily. representing William Ij>ove. whose fatntr owned the land in I^roiH^rty. 1'an of lilakc and Moflitt Fstatc*. Action In\olv«^ $50.<H>0 l^t^or of Keal SIAUTIN KELLY TjOSES SlIT IX OAKLAND COlitT EVENTS IN SOCIETY Hannah Lope* t? Margaret T. L«ndr»5an (wife o* J. T.). lot 16, b!.x-k B. Rocney Tract. BtTkelay; «10 H. E. and Alta Lcnsenecker to Jc*n J. ¦end Ausust^ 1- Stan?-. lot on X lire of Berke- Icv way. ICO W of Grovp street. TV ,V» by X 12S. portion rar.ire I, map Hartv Tract, B-jrk" \ty *l.>. State Savings Bank to Claude and XTirv B-"uve. lot en V lln a mt Stuart street. 40 K of Grant. E 40 by X 11O. portion lot* 23. •"¦'? cnu 31. block 2. map Grove Street Line Trap?, Berkeley; S10. Harry and Sarah Ann Chapman to Xil« Xclson <sing!t»>. let on XE corner cf Di.ver ar.d Fifty-seventh streets. E 125 by X 94. lots 1 and 2. block E. resubdivUloa tpap of pi rtion Erumagim Tract W cf Shattuck ave nue. Oakland; trrant. Catherine and Dantel McGIll to Emm* Schulzc iwif» of Fred». lot pc E line nf Kirk ham street. IIS X or West Tenth. X ¦".* by K 115. lot 25. block 5tX\ map blocks 56O, 5*>I. etc.. Oakland: $10. ManuH Marshall cr Mar.uel Machada Sllv?n;» or Manuel Silveria Machado to Antonio Leo nardo (undivided >?), Ar.tonio and Delia Fer n-irdes C-i each) lot on E line of Wood street. J0:7i; S of AtUr.tlc. S 25 by E S0:7S. lot l'J block 2S. lard en Oakland Point Railroa.l Ferry Lan.i'nz Trart 40«. Oakland; also lnt en E line of Maiden Lan« (Maple street'. 11*7:4 S cf Taylcr street. S $4 by E 7.">. !<x lo and portion lot 11. map survey 1549 ftr Jt-hn Ziegenbicn. etc., Oakland; also lot on E line of Henry street. 1X3 S of West Fifth. S S5 by E 12.". lot 21. block F. Bay Vie* Homestead and adjoining property north. Oak land: ~rant. Frank Kane to l«>uisa Kane, lot on SW cor ner of Grove and Elm ter Twenty-fourth* streets, "\V hjO by N' 70. portion of lota 17 anj 16. block N, K-lsey Tract. Oakland: gift. James P. Taylor (single) to W. A. Smith, lot on E lin* of Webster street, 5»-6O 8 of Hay i-lace, S Jrt by E 123i lots 17 and 18. block A, map subdivision of Webster, Twent> fourth and Valdei street property, Oakland; ?10. Paul C. and Annie Ghld to Alb-rt L. Krep per (single), lot on E line of Franklin street. M N* of Fifth. N 25 by E 75, lot 3, block 5<i. Kellersberger's map. Oakland: $10. Charles J. Bower, et als. (by J. B. Lank tree. Commissioner) to German Savings and Loan Society, lots on X corner of Seventeenth avenue and East Twenty-first street. NW 4!T. NE i!)4. NE 13. SE 513, SW 2SK>. lot* 1 to •*<). block 70. map Northern Addition to Brooklyn. East Oakland, excepting land on B Ur.e of Twenty-second street, 50 by S ICO. conveyed by. Charles S Melvln, 432 D. 147. also except- In? lot on NE line of East Twenty-first itreet. 8S4.t» XW of Seventeenth avenue NW 113.61. NE 147.95 NW 58. SO. NE 7.15. SE 193.21. SW 4S.23. SW 3&U, SW 35 22. SW 40.96 to b« glnning; S5C0O. Georsre L. and Mary A. Voice to G. X. Sim mens < married), lot on X line of Forty-first street. ltS.SO E cf Adeline. E TIM by N" 1O>. being portion of lot 17. map H. C. Dohr Homestead, Emeryville ar.d Oakland. Oakland: $10. Elma Bre»ee <w\it> of Ernest H.) to Rebecca Re->d (widow}, lot 12 block 4. map Grave* ar.d Tarlor Tract. Berkeley: gift. Arianna and Jchn H. Whi.ham tr> Affnes Ti'chter (wife of Charles), lot en TV line o* Fifth street. 101 X of Virginia. X 50:S by TV 250. block G. Tract B. Berkeley I-ar '. ard Town Improvement Association, Berkeley: $H>. Etta H. and George C. Edward? to. Miry M. Haekett (wife *f D. II). K>t. en S :ne of Tw>nty-secor.ii street. 275 E of Webster. E 5«> by S 13|. lot 8. map portion of property of Harmon estate. Oakland; $10. Lulu Kan- (widow) to Central Bank, same deed given as security for any advances mado or to be made to Lulu Kane or J. J. Hanlfln & Co. by said Centr«I Bank. Oakland: $10- J. E. and Elsie Ann MoElrath to George a. Maekinnon, lot 17. Map McElrath Tract, re corded May 24. 1904, Oakland; (10. Jennie Uyrnes ti> Paul V. Garin, undivided one-half of lot on XE, corner of Market and Thirtieth streets. N 40 by E 115. lot 23, block 2>>33, map Rowland Tract, recorded May 24. 1 ..">», Oakland: |10. Katie 1-. and G. L. Fitz (husband and a attorney) to Hedwig Falkenau <wife of Lculs). tide land bounded N* by high land of AJarodda. E by land now or formerly of R Haley. S by land now or formerly of Pacific Land Invest ment Company, and \V by land now or former ly of A. Mayrisch. recorded May 24, 11)04. quitclaim deed, Alameda; fl. H. B. and Susie L. Beld?n to The Belden liuildlng and Investment Company, lot on -S line of Sycamore street, 5CW:S \V of Telegraph avenue. W a3:4 by S 100. Oakland; $10. Central Bank to Lulu Kane, lot on XW cor ner of Twenty-fourth ar.d Grove streets, N ~<) by W loO. quitclaim deed, Oakland; Jlu. Alamedu Connty. WEDNESDAY, MAY 25. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. According to the story told by Ben ton, the woman fell on his doorstep yesterday aft'ernoon while asking for money to get to the city. He took her into his home and sent In a call for the police patrol. After she had gone he missed 90 cents he had left on a mantel and immediately came to the conclusion she had taken it. The wom an was searched by the matron when taken into the hospital, but nothin? v.-as found in her clothes ana further search was denied unless he swore to a warrant charging her with larceny. She was sent to the County Infirmary to-day, as she ha? an internal disease that will probably cause her death. For SO cents F. Benton to-day would have had Mrs. Gertrude Howell ar rested, although she was lying nearly dead in the Receiving Hospital. He accused her of\ stealing this amount from his home at 1053 Fifth avenue yesterday afternoon and came to the hospital to-day to demand his jnoney. There was no evidence that she had taken the money and his request t.i have her searched met with a refusal at the hands of Steward Borchert. Oakland Office San Francisco Call, 1118 Broadway, May 25. Hampton admits to the police that he was drunk at the time the affair took place, but denies having taken any rart in the assault with which he i> charged. Marshal Kerns is positive in his statement that Hampton is the thug who cruelly beat Mrs. Curtis in front of her own gate. C. R. Maguile is one of the men who will be summoned as a witness against Hampton. The assault was witnessed by several persons who were passing the Curtis residence at the time and the peace officers have now enough evidence, they think, to secure the conviction of Hampton. Mrs. Curtis his not yet recovered from the kicking and pummeling the drunken brute administered to her. In Charles W. Hampton the police think they have the man that brutally attacked aged Mrs. Mary Curtis in front of her home at 1123 University avenue on Sunday evening. Deputy Marshal Carey arrested Hamp ton yesterday for drunkenness and to day Marshal Kerns placed an addition al "charge of battery against him be cause he is believed to be Mrs. Curtis 1 assailant. Hampton is an old offender and has been twice before arrested for battery and once for failing to provide for his wife and little child. Berkeley Office San Francisco Call 214S Center Street, May 25. Charles Hampton Is Ar raigned on the Charge of Drunkenness and Battery Gertrude Howell Falls at His Doorstep and Is Then Taken Into His House SHE HAS NO MONEY IS AX OLD OFFENDER Berkeley Police Think They Have Caught the Thug AVho Attacked Mrs. Curtis F. Bent on Claims That He Was Bobbed of Ninety Cents by Hospital Patient Distinguished Guests, Among Whom Are Governor Pardee and Sen ator Perkins, Predict Great Future for the City of Commercial Possibilities, With Beautiful Homes and Commodious Harbor Hamann entered the Altenheim- in ISM. paying $t>V>0 for hi* care duriusr life. He was 73 years old and a native cf Germany. • Hamann had been brooding over Ma lii>fricai condition for some tan*. His health h*J been rapidly falling anl vi:h it a'.l came the increasing ? !-at he woulu lose his fight. The old n:an went to San Leandro yesterday and 1**1 ail of his personal effect* with Johr Bchrmann. a friend of long: years' standing. Haraana talked in a despondent mood and tolJ Behrmann his days were numbeivJ. Several months ago Hamann cave Henry Kvcrs, an undertaker. $30 to fay- for cremation when he should die ' Fearing blindness, Martin Hama nn. sn aged inmate of the German Alteu heim at Cpper Fruit vale, committed suicide early this morning by taking strychnine in a clan of rort vine. The deS£O&dc&t man's boa;* was f^und at 7 o'clock this morning: by L. M. l"»ruhe. a companion, to whom Hamann Lad said he intended to end his own life. Oakland Office San Francisco Call, ins Broadway, May 23. Martin Hajnann Ends Exist ence After Much Worry Over His Impending Fate — : — » DREADS LOSS OF SIGHT Aged Inmate of the German Old People's Home Takes a Draught of Strychnine PREFERS DEATH TO BLINDNESS FIND MAN THAT KICKED WOMAN DEMANDS SICK WOMAN'S ARREST OAKLAND'S BOARD OF TRADE BANQUET STIRS CIVIC PRIDE NEWS OF THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, MAY 2G, 1904. 6 Water Ordinance Xot Ready. OAKLAND. May 25.— The City Coun- | cil met In' executive session for the ' purpose of fixing the water rates for] the ensuing year. Nothing definite was ; arrived at and it was announced that! the ordinance would not <>e rendy f orj to-morrow night's • meeting. ] ADVEBT1SEJIEUTS, ADVERTISEMENTS. On Jane 1st the Oakland agency and news headquarters of this paper will be removed from 1118 Broadway to 1018 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. CALL AGENCY REMOVAL NOTICE. OAKLAND. 1118 Broadway. Telephone Main 1083. BERKELEY. 2148 Center Street. Telephone North 7T. ALAMEDA. 1435 Park Street. Telephone Alameda 4592. BRANCH OFFICES OF THE CALL IN ALAMEDA COUNTY GOT A TOOTHACHE? Don't attempt to cure it with any of the so-called toothache cures. Better let the DENTISTS Examine the tooth, locate the trouble and remove the cause. rxAxcurxTzoxra made riis. All our work is high grade. The teeth made In our laboratory arc perfect in appearance and action. Flaws, rull Set, $3. Bridge Work, $5. post-graduatTdental college 3 IATLOB ST. SAW FRAJTCISCO. •73 WagMnrton st, Oakland. B*o Jcae, •5f\i*W # *-~« Sacruseato. I E2£a Glass m n aj L3 £2f^A*aF» \ jjji