Newspaper Page Text
PRICE FIVE CENTS. SAN FRANCISCO, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1904. Continued on Page '• 4, . Column 3, Chinese Disturbers Defeat a Force of Government Troops. ' LONDON, May 27. — The Tlme'a' Fsnfwanff- OUTBREAK OF BOXERS. There was a violent storm In the Gulf of Pechlli last night. A O»t of four ships passed here at noon, going eastward. A letter received here from a Japanese cor respondent «ay3 the Japanese landed a regi ment of troops at Kerr Bay northeast of Talienwan Bay, Uaatun* Peninsula, on May 19. CHEFL*. May 26. — There is a rumor current here among th^ Chinese that the Japanese are now within teij miles of Port Arthur. "Russian Gibraltar." Japanese Rapidly Closing in Upon the XEARIXG PORT ARTHUR. PARIS, May 26. — George C. Taylor of Llebler & Co., New York, has ar ranged for Mme.' Rejane's American tour- The contract Is- now signed for twelve weeks, beginning November 8. She will give, the principal pieces of her repertoire, such as "Zaza," "La Passerelle," "La Course Aux Flam beau" and others. Special Cable to The Call and New York Her ald. Copyright. 1904. by the New York Herald Publishing Company. NOTED FRENCH ACTRESS WILL TOUR AMERICA Volcano Observes the Anniversary of Its Death Dealing Outbreak Two Years Aso. NEW HAVEN.- Conn.. May 26.— According to a letter written by a young girl resident in the island of Dominica, the vojfano. Mount Pelee in .Martinique. 'on May S lastri>y a sin gular coincidence observed the anni v*>r5ary of the catastrophe of/"May H, 1902. when 30,000 lives were lost add the city of St. Pierre was destroyed, by again bursting into active eruption. Ho mention is atid* of any loss of life. MOUNT PELEE BURSTS INTO ACTIVE ERUPTION- CHICAGO. May 26. — The timely in tervention of 8-year-old Helen Smyers of 6750 Wabash avenue prevented a pistol duel between her father, R. D. Smyers. and a burglar shortly after midnight this morning which might have proved fatal to one or the other. The child prevented her father from shooting at the burglar, who had broken into the house and was dis covered by. Smyers. Smyers was standing at the head of the stairs with a revolver leveled at the burglar, who also had a pistol pointed at the former when Helen ap peared, attired only in her night gown^ "Oh, papa, don't shoot the man." she cried, springing in front of her father and seizing his outstretched arm. As Smyers lowered his revolver the bur glar turned and fled* _ Shots With Cracksman. Springs in Front of Her Father Just as He Is About to Exchange LITTLE GIRL PREVEXTS DUEL WITH A BURGLAR CHEFU, May 27. 12:30 p. m.— It is learned from a reliable source that the Japanese took . Kinchou yesterday (Thursday) and are now pursuing the ..enemy. Kinchou is thirty-two miles north of Port Arthur.. LONDON. May 27.— The Tokio cor respondent of the Daily Express says It is reported unofficially that the Jap anese have captured Kinchou and are now attacking' Dalny. » The Tokio correspondent of the Daily Mall, under date of May 26. says: "Ac cording to a reliable report, the Japan ese occupied ;Kinchou to-day." The ' Morning ' Post's Tokio corre spondent says that the Japanese occu pied Kir.chou on Thursday afternooon and are advancing to attack the Rus sians occupying the heights south of the town. . . A dispatch -to the Central News from Tokio says the Japanese stormed and captured the town of • Kinchou, about thirty-two miles north of Port Arthur. In an earlier message the Tokio cor respondent of the Central News cabled that Japanese spies had ascertained that the Russians had thirty guns at Kinchou and numerous mines and wire entanglements at "all points where a Japanese attack was expected. After the occupation of Kinchou . the This authority, while not committing him self absolutely, strongly Intimates that the Japanese battleship Hatsuse was destroyed by a torpedo fired from a submarine boat. It is now established that a submarine boat of tb<» DrewxeweickJ type iras at Port Ar thur before the outbreak of the war. ¦ "It Is false to assert tha*. tha Russians u« ftoatlnr mines. They are not known In the Russian naval service. The Japanese used them constantly off Port Arthur, setting numbers afloat, near the entrance. All th« Russian mines are . anchored and the action of the Japanese in dragging for thorn Is re sponsible If they get afloat. Such mines are readily discernible in daylight and are dan cerous only at • night. The three-mile limit Is an absurdity, as a Whltehead torpedo can travel four miles." 8T. PETERSBURG. May 26.— A high au thority at the Admiralty said to-day: High Official Says Japan Alone Uses the Floattns Kind. RUSSIAN* MIXES ALL ANCHORED. CHICAGO, May £6.— "Dr." Hanish, i high priest of the "Sun Worshipers." j was arraigned before Magistrate Chott j Vo-day to answer to the charge of •practicing medicine without a license * :nade asainst him by the State Board 1 <;f Health as the result of the death* last evening of Miss Emma Reusse, ; v. ho went insane after a forty-day fast! '' "Dr." Hanish has ordered his fol- i Jocers to observe a general fast dur- • inj; the month of June in commemora- i tiorj of Miss Reusso's suffering and ! death. The cult will be required to .-bstain from food as long as they can. eeren days being the minimum 'limit. Hirh Priest of Snn Worsbip**rs Directs 'General Abstinence in Commemo ration of Miss Reufise's Death. ORDERS HIS FOLLOWERS TO FAST DURING JUXE "The breach was widened when the church stepped in and expelled all 'handsuppers* from the colony. For many of these life is not worth living. They are boycotted and will not en dure it, being anxious to defend. their rights. Two classes have arisen as an aftermath of the Boer war, 'hand suppers* being the ignominious name of those who evaded the English dur ing the war. and the fighting class being termed 'iron breeches.'" * So said S. C. L. Good of the South African constabulary, who arrived here to-day. WINNIPEG. Manitoba, May 26. — •<«ivil war in South Africa is a cer tainty of the near future. I am sur prised the papers have kept the mat ter so quiet." Two Classes Have Arisen In Transvaal Colony As a Result of Late Conflict. OX THE* VERGE OF CTvTIi WAR IX SOUTH AFRICA : Both Count Cassini, the Russian Em bassador, and Mr. Takahira. the Jap anese-Minister, had interviews with Secretary Hay to-day. Afterward Count Cassini took luncheon with President Roosevelt In. the White House. . - CALL BUREAU, HOTEL BARTON, WASHINGTON. May 26.— Through Its Embassador. In St. Petersburg and Its Minister in Tokio the Government has made known informally, yet definitely, to the Russian and Japanese Govern ments that the President is ready to tender his good offices to bring about peace between them at the moment when both are willing that such steps shall be taken.' The attitude of the Government In this respect has been discussed' not only In the capitals of the belligerents, but here in Washing ton, between Secretary Hay and the Russian and Japanese diplomatic rep resentatives. \ It has been made clear to the United States, however, that neither Russia nor. Japan Is willing to tolerate for an Instant at this time the idea of for eign mediation to put an end to the war. Realizing this, the representa tives of the United : States have not persisted in pressing the subject, but have contented themselves with mak ing it plain that whenever Russia and Japan are ready to--adjust their dif ferences, the Government in Washing ton is to be considered as a mutual friend who- will act in the role of peacemaker." It should be understood that at no time was any direct pro posal made by this Government's rep resentatives. ¦ Special Dispatch to The CalL The ¦ Dally Telegraph's Shanghai corre spondent reports the revival of Boxerlsra In Southern Kirangsl province, and lays th» Box ers entrenched themselves and defeated a small force cf Government troco*. "The outoosta »r« keeping In touch, but there !¦ practically no fighting. One hundred CosMcks aseared within twenty miles of this position on May C3. There are no slms of Russians moving In force south of LJaoyan*.'* chens correspondent, under' dat* ef Mar 23, aayi: The younger son. who is 24 years of age. recently became enamored of Madame Pflucker. a Peruvian, who was sojourning at Vichy. Despite the pro tests of his family the Viscount and the Peruvian visited the Riviera together, remaining at Cannes for some time. Dr. Evans energetically protested against his son's course and- finally cut off his income. This brought the couple back to Paris, where they arrived a week ago. going to the Hotel de'.RivoiI. At 5 o'clock on Monday evening last a shot was heard in the chamber of the Viscount, and when the proprietor of the hotel reached the chamber he found the Viscount en a bed with a wound in his left breast. Madame Pflucker. who was in the room, said that the Vis count had shot himself, and although weak from loss of blood the wounded man seemed to confirm this statement. Faying that the shooting took place while he was handling a weapon. He was taken to a private sanitarium, where an operation was performed. Madame Pfiucker remained constantly at his bedside. He became unconscious and died this morning, after which' the police began an investigation. , Madame Pflucker was interrogated by the. police and later was given provi- PARIS, May 25.— Ivon Evans, known as Viscount d'Oyley, a eon of the Amer ican dentist. Dr. John Evans, died to night at a private sanitarium as the re sult of a bullet wound received under mysterious circumstances. The family is prominent here. Dr. John Evans be ing a nephew of the famous Dr. Thom as Evans, who assisted Empress Euge nie In her flight from Paris after the Franco-Prussian war. Dr. John Evans, who came from Bal timore, received the title of Marquis d'Oyley from the Pope, his elder son assuming the title of Count d'Oyley and the younger that of Viscount d'Oyley. by which titles they were gen erally known. sional liberty. She bears out the theory of suicide by showing two letters which Viscount d'Oyley had addressed to the authorities stating that It was his In tention to commit suicide i owing to family difficulties. PARIS, May 27.— The St Petersburg correspondent of the Petit Pan sien telegraphs that, ac cording to a private dispatch from Liaoyang, General Kuroki's army has begun an attack on the Russian position on the Liaoyang road, and it is believed that what will prove to be a decisive battle is progressing. Friendly Services Are Informally Offered to the Bel ligerents in the Far East. Son of Wealthy American Dies Under Mysterious Circumstances in the French Capital. WINNIPEG, Manitoba. May 26. — A Brandon freight crew had an excit ing experience with a bull on the Arcola branch to-day. With & rush and a roar a heavy freight moving around a curve had half accomplished the distance when the engineer saw a large bull on the track facing the lo comotive. He whistled, but the animal took no notice at first, but when he slowed up it made a wild dash at the engine. It was over In a second, but the force of the contact derailed the en gine, which turned completely over, shorn of funnel, bell and whistle, and was deposited with terrific force in the deep mud of the slough by the side of the track. The bull was cut Into small pieces. None of the train crew were »In jured. Loses His Life in Successful Attempt to Hurl Giant Antagonist From the Track. BULL OFFERS BATTLE TO RAILROAD ENGINE UNITED STATES READY TO ACT AS MEDIATOR BULLET ENDS THE LIFE OF VISCOUNT D'OYLEY Japanese Storm and Capture Kinchou Stronghold. This elaborate scheme is in connec- j tion with the fight which all the rail- : roads are making against the sale of j tickets to scalpers and the only reason i that it has not been applied before is ! that no system of photography has j \>een heretofore found sufficiently rapid to Justify its adoption. NEW TQRK. May 26. — Tourists within a. few months will be com pelled to carry their photographs on railroad tickets, if experiments which are being made by Leslie P. Farmer, passe'xger commissioner of the Grand Trunk Line Association, prove success ful. The ticket agents will then be come photographers and before buying fcis tourist excursion ticket each pas tenger will sit before the camera. Plan of Grand Trunk Line Association to Prevent Sale of Tickets to Scalpers. RAILWAY PASSENGERS MX'ST BE PHOTOGRAPHED t LONDON, May .27.— The Shanhaikwan correspondent of the Daily Chronicle sends a report re* ceived from Jfewchwang that on May 23, believing that the Japanese had retired from Fengwang* cheng, 15,000 Russians from Haicheng and Liaoyang marched toward Fengwangcheng. They were surprised by 30,000 Japanese in the Tatun'g Pass. The l^ussian casualties were 4000 and more than IOOO Russians surrendered. The report does not state the Japanese losses. Japanese, Feigning a Retreat From Fengwangcheng, Lead Russian Pursuers Into an Ambush and Inflict a Crushing Defeat KOREAN* COOLIES BEARING COMPRESSED FODDER FOR HORSES DURING THE JAPANESE ADVANCE IN MANCHURIA. When Roberts took steps to obtain his rights he was recommitted to an Jnpar.e asylum, from which he escaped last August. Attorney E. E. Weir, a relative, took up the case and in Jan uary, after a bitter legal contest, se cured an order from Judge Lawill de claring Roberts legally sane. Expert rhys;e:aris testified that Roberts had rever been crazy. . • LA PORTE, Ind., May 26. — On the eve* of coming into his share of the estate of his father. Carol Roberts, tjged €S years, of this city, expired sud denly last right of heart disease while en a Lake Shore train leaving Adrian. Previous to 1869 Roberts was a pros perous farmer in Lewanee County, Mich., but through the connivance of .relatives he was declared insane and tent to the Kalamazoo Insane Asylum. After an incarceration of eight years h» was released, to find his own prop erty swept away. His father had died, .leaving a large estate, which had been taken from him. Jitter Securing His Release He Expires Suddenly. Relatixes Rob Him of ILL* Estate and I'ARMOt IS RAILROADED TO AN* INSANE ASYLUM CATE HATT1EN, May 26.— A serious battle was fought to-d:iy between the J^orr.inican Hoops and the revolution ists at Esperanra, on the road from Jlonte Ohristi to Santiago, near Man gos. The revolutionists were victori ous. Many were killed and wounded on t>6lh Fides. Genial R?.ou! Cabrera. Minister of "U"ar. who commanded the Government troops, was killed and his body taken U> Navarette. The revolutionists are before Nav arette. wh?re another battle will be fought. The Government troops ar» waiting for reinforcements. The United fc-tates •* ruiser Detroit and the cunboat New t>"rt are off ktante <*hristi. The robber is described as of dark complexion, above the average height, rather slim and quick and wiry. His hat was pulled over his eyes. He was attired in overalls and shirt and did not -wear a coat. The officials of the bank will not disclose the probable amount taken until they have made a careful examination. The robber Jumped from the cart just below Auburn and took to the hills west of town. The Sheriff, with deputies and many citizens, is on a hot- chase after the fugitive. DESCRIPTION' OP ROBBER. The bank official -was alone in tha main office. D. W. Lubeck. the vice president, was in an adjoining room, but heard nothing until a pistal was fired. The robber had leaped through the brass rail door fronting the en trance, then over the counter, and had flred pointblank at McFadyen. who was then near the large steel vault. The bandit's markmanship was bad, for the bullet flattened against the steel door. Waiting only to grab all the gold and silver he could lay hi3 hands on, the robber started for the entrance and met Cashier A. L. Smith, who was Just returning: with the bank's mall. Smith hurried to the back part of the building for his rifle, but the stranger fled through the front door, and, jumping into a farmer's cart, dashed down Main street, turning the corner into the road that leads to Newcastle. Druggist Fred Stevens took a shot at the fleeing robber, but probably did not wound him. • The Placer County Bank is located on one of the main thoroughfares of Lower Auburn and in the center of the business section. Shortly after 3 o'clock a stranger, wearing blue goggles and a false beard that covered nearly his entire face. entered" the front door of the building: and tendered the assistant cash'er, Edgar McFadyen, a paper demanding forthwith all the funds on hand. BUTXET STRIKES VAULT. AUBURN. May 26. — A bold bank robbery took place in this city at 3 o'clock this afternoon and to-night of ficers are scouring the neighboring hills in an effort to capture the criminal. Special Dispatch to Tha Call. Officers and Citizens Search the Hilb in an Effort to Capture the Money-Laden Fugitive. . ReToluncnists Will Follow Dp Their • Advantage and Another Fight Is Certain. Minister of War Cabrera Among Those Killed Dur ing the Action. Disguised Stranger Fires to Kill, Gathers Gold and Escapes. Government Army Is Defeated in Battle, Astounding Robbery Committed in Auburn. DOMINICAN REBELS ARE VICTORIOUS DESPERADO FLEES WITH BANK'S COIN SLAVS LOSE FOUR THOUSAND MEN IN AN AMBUSCADE IN TATUNG PASS OYlUME XCV— XO. 179. I . THE THCATCB9. Alcazar— "A Possible Case." California — "When We Were Twenty-One." Central — "A Great Temptation." Columbia — "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Chutes — Vaudeville. Grand — "Pedora." ! O rph nun — VaucI erille. TivoU — "A Bunaway Girl.'* The San Francisco Call Torejcast rnafie at Cxa rraa d«co for thirt7 t lxour« ending xnifisisrfct. Kiy 27: * Saa Francisco asd vicinity — Talr Friday; lirtt aorttweit wind. G. H. WIZASOW. Local Forecaster. Temporarily in Charge. TEC WEATHER.