Newspaper Page Text
NEW YORK, June L-Sttiti<rtlcs com piled by an insurance journal here show that' the American people are taking out. life policies at the rate of $6,000,000 a day. .* Life Insurance Increases. * HARBIN, Manchuria. June 1. — There are persisterrt rlim*ors of a ri3- . ing in Mongolia. Japanese, spies^ and emissarie's are busy in; the Russian > rear. . War News Cotlnued on Page X- " j Rumors of Chinese "Outbreak. . CHEFU, "June ,2.— Chinese . arriving from Takushan ,say that a Japanese force estimated' at' from' 6000 'to 10,000, \vhich landed at Takushan last 'month, has] proceeded ' to . Fengwan g'cheng. j Re inforcements, it is reported, have been sent from other points. Reinforcements for Kurpkl. ARLINGTON, Ga., June 1.— Arthur Thompson,. a negro, shot and killed M. L.-iDudley, a young white man, last night. A crowd of men captured the negro, lynched him and riddled the body with bullets before midnlgttt. Dudley was manager of the city electric lighting plant, and Thompson was a fireman at the same .plant. SWIFT PENALTY QIVEN -• * TO A .MURDEROUS NEGRO .BERLINS June I. — All Xouri Pasha, the. Turkish reformer, contributes an a'rtlcle to the Volks Zeitung," in which -he states that Jhe Sultan of Turkey; i« planning a great and final massacre <Jl Armenians, the result .of which ¦will be the* total annihilation of the Armenians in the Ottoman empire. Thifc, says *A11 Nouri. has been *he Su'tan's lifelong ambition, and he ba- Ueves; a suitable time for the per fbrmance of the deed has arrived. SAYS SULTAN IS VLASHlSG A. WHOLESALE MASSACRE LEBANON., Pa., June 1.— Ten thou sand .". dollars damages are asked- by Miss Mary J. Seltzer of this city in a" suit for. breach of promise of mar riage against Charles S. Mark of San Diego, California. Miss Seltzer alleges that, although engaged to marry, her, Mark wedded another. She to-day se cured an attachment, against a $4000 legacy icoming. to him, from the estate of his mother, who died here recently. Pennsylvania Girl Sues San DIegoan for $10,000 for Brc;uh of Promise. WANTS 'MONEY TO SOOTHE -, HER BROKEN HEART Russians Discouraged by the News* of Kinchou nefeat. TIENTSIN. June 1^-A courier wh» has arrived hera from Jfewchwang says: ' .'-'." ."While it is known that the Rus sians received reports from Mukden last night l^ylhg Jthe losses sustained by them during the fighting at Kin chou and - Nanshan Hill and the condi tions prevailing. they.wiJ.1 npt talk on the subject. The officers are desper ately gloomy. Six hundred Junk loads of supplies.* mostly beans «-\nd grain', purchased at Newchw:ing, were ship ped to Liaoyang yesterday." GLOOM IN NKWC'H WANG. In this union, which Professor Beau lieu'thought was sure to come about, though possibly not in ! the twentieth century, three nations, he said, would not be included: England, because it would combine instead with the United States; -Russia, because It-would form a- great independent nation by itself, and Turkey, because Jt would be ab sorbed by the. coalition and lose its identity. The union" would be a neces sity, the speaker said, to resist Ameri can asreression and the "Yellow Peril." pHICAGO, June J.— A union of the majority of the nations .of Europe into a' great federation haa been predicted by Matole Leroy-Beaulleu, the French economist and sociologist, in a lecture on, "The United States of Europe," given under the auspices of the Alli ance Francalse. French Writer Says Means Must Be to Resist American Aggres T • sion and "Yellow. Peril." BELIEVES EUROPEAN • NATIONS AVILL COMBINE ' The confirmation service began at 9 a'clock and lasted till a late hour thi* afternoon. Special trains were run from several points to witness the unusual spectacle of. such a large number being admitted to the church anfl the services were most impres sive. • . - GALVESTON. Tex., June 1.— As the result of an extraordinarily suc cessful and. enthusiastic campmeeting held at San Angelo nearly half the female adult population of that town has been converted to the Roman Catholic religion, and the converts •were to-day, confirmed ' by Bishop J. A. Forrest of San Antonio. Texas Town Change Faith at • ' "' . Campniccting. . . "Nearly Half of Female' Population in MANY BECOSrE CONVERTS 10: TO THE ROMAN OTTUMWA, Iowa, June 1.— Stricken by remorse and threatening to end his life, Albert Greenwood of Palestine, Texas, Assistant Attorney General of that State. Is being guarded In a hotel in this city by a brother and friends of the girl who yesterday afternoon re fused to marry him. Last evening at 8 o'clock Greenwood was to have married Miss Maude Utecht, a most estimable" and popular young woman of thi3 city. He Imbibed too freely, however, and fell down two flights of stairs at the Wapeilo County Courthouse, where he went to get the marriage license. When* Miss Utecht heard. of the es capade she flatly refused to marry him. Byeclal Dispatch to The CalL Mra. Walker gave him the moriey." Her husband, who came h'ome just as the man was leaving the house, thought she had been bilked and forced the re turn of the money. The man made no objection, assenting politely. After he had- gone Walker thought the stranger might be the demented Kingsley, .who is supposed to be wan dering somewhere in Colorado or Utah. The police were notified. The man is described as small, with a gray mustache, an elderly appear ance and. polished manners. He wore a good suit of grray clothing, a-soft hat, yellow gloves and tan shoes. SALT LAKE, June 1.— A man. be lieved to be Henry Baxter Klngsley, the wealthy New Yorker, who is-iniss ing and for whom a reward of $10,000 has been offered by relatives, appeared this evening In Salt Lake. He called at - the • home of Charles A. ' Walker, general agent of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad. He Informed Mrs. Walker that his name was W. G. Wallace, that he came from. New Yprk and was well acquainted with the New York officials of the Northwestern, of whom he spoke familiarly. He further said that he was a holder of the road's bonds, but declared he was accident ally out of funds and asked for the loan of a dollar. NEW YORK, June 1.— To help clear the mystery of a long-missing ship, the aid of the Navy, Department has . been invoked by the New York Maritime Exchange, which has sent an appeal to the Secretary of the Navy askingthat some vessel from the South Atlantic fleet be detailed to search for the Con emaugh. The latter vessel sailed from Coronel, Chile, for this port on Febru ary 23 and has "not been heard from since. It Is probable that a warship will be detailed. The Conemaugh Is a vessel belonging to the International Mercantile Marine. With a crew of forty all told, mostly Americans, she started on her long Journey from Honolulu for j Philadel phia on January 26. She stopped at Coronel, Chile, for coal, leaving that port on February 28. Her master was directed to round Cape Horn rather than proceed through the straits of Ma gellan, and to call at St. Lucia, West Indies, for coal if necessary. • Nothing has been heard of "the Conema"ugh since she sailed from Coronel. Special Dispatch to The Call. "One hundred dollars will be paid to any man who will' tell me where there is a healthy and attractive girl two or three years old that I can adopt. This child, must have refined. features, with no indication of foreign parentage. Address Mr. Bidwell, room 58, Cosmo politan Hotel, or call any morning be tween 7 and 9"o'clock." Bidwell said to-night that he regret ted the adventure. He admitted he wented a girl baby; so j did his wife. Since the publication of the advertise 7 ment there has been an extra clerk at the hotel to assort the mall. Men with furtive eyes have wandered about the corridor before approaching the clerks with a whisper. Bidwell has taken his mail quietly to his room. Still 'he can not escape the persons who call with a view to' telling him' where he can get an infant such as he desires.. ' : : "I did see, a baby girl this afternoon that I liked very much,' and I am going to see her again ; to-morrow. She meets the requirements as far as I can'tell," said. Bidwell. > ' Bidwell* fears -the .newspaper reports of " his advertisement ' reach his friends in Hawaii. ..; NEW YORK, June 1.— Unhappy is Daniel'Bidwell of Hllb, Hawaii, a man of education and refinement. He in serted an advertisement in a local pa per as follows: ~* Special Dispatch to The Call. An examination into Rosencrahz's possessions was made by the university authorities and revealed that he has stolen constantly just for the love- of stealing. He never attempted .to sell anything that he stele so far as , Is known. Rosencranz received plenty of mor.ey from his family in- San Diego, Cal., and had no necessity for stealing for gain, lie is the only son of a wid owed mother, who win 'very poor health, and these reasons are assigned for the lenient action taken by univer- Bity authoritiec. • Ever since fashionable Hitchcock Hall was opened students who live there have been pestered by thievery, and although detectives we're employed lo catch the thief he # had never been apprehended. Rosencranz had lived In the hall for two years and it is now believed that many of the robberies traced to him. He was caught stealing books by a fellow member of the ,hall. He entered the room of this member, tak ing $14 worth of books. "When accused of the theft Rosencranz at first denied it, but later he broke down and con fessed his guilt. CHICAGO, June 1.— Herbert A. Ros encranz, a sophomore, has been ad- Judged a kleptomaniac by the ofllcials of the University of. Chicago and has been quietly -"let out" of college. The university authorities believe Rosen cranz is the person who has for the last two years worried residents of Hitchcock Hall with all kinds of thiev ery. . Special DUpatch to Tb« Call. - .•"-• * •¦¦• . ' '¦¦>: Japanese 'Movements . Only "Feints ' to Screen Port Arthur Operations.* • ' ST. PETERSBURG, June l-^-Th^ War Office has received reports ahow- ' "ing that the "Japanese -are fatllnjr back . from Sluyen; southaast «f. Ttngmnx- \ chen?. and fn th\s "taeanwhll? advanc ing on' Salmatzsa, almost due north of Fengwangcheng. Both movements are taken, to indicate t the ccmtlnued de sire of the Japanese' to screen'the bp erations before Port Arthur/.'"^. -. As regards the operations nortji ot Fengwangcheng'the Cossacks have re tired froa gaimatzsa with the addi tional loss of 'two officers and- sev«n men wounded. Saimatzsa Is now be ing held by a strong Japanese* garrl .son. • ".***•• . RETREATS AND ADVANCES. . San Diego Youth Ex pelled From a i • University, -¦¦ ! 'S Stranger Believed: to Be Missing New' Yorker. ;•'• Bride-to-Be Spurns Her Intoxicated Fiance. Wealthy Hawaiian Besieged Wit Oilers. War Vessel to Aift in a Search at Sea. MARRIAGE POSTPONED BY A "JAG" • The -Indiafts belonged to a band of raiders 'who escaped to Mexico in IS 86, when their chief was captured; .and..: have* since resided near Chihua hua. Recently their land was cdnfls; cated and through the instrumentality of Father Mfgon. who labored among them, ...the United State* Government decided to rescue them! They were In a starving. condition, the skin be ing shrunken, over their bones in num erous Instances, and many of the squaws mere too weak to even carry their •• papooses. GALVESTON. Tex.. June 1. — A tarty of 1000. Apaches, former mem bers of -Gerohimo's" band,- arrived over the Mexican Central to-day en route id the reservation of . thei)-- tribe in New Mexico; where they wi]l become the wards of the- United States Gov ernment. • . _'• Har\in; Redtncn atc Taken Away Iron. Chihuahua, Mexico*,: and ¦ Given New Uoines. • APACHES RETURN TO ' - TRIBE RESERVATION ADVERTISES FOR BABY, NOW SORRY WILL SEEK STEAMSHIP CONEMAUGH STUDENT'S MANIA IS TO STEAL KINGSLEY MAY BE IN SALT LAKE RUSSIAN* PIETY UPON THE BATTLEFIELD: THE PRAYER FOR SUCCESS BEFORE THE -BEGINNING OF THE COMBAT. ST. PETERSBURG..* June 1.— The first official resort of the engagement at Vagenfuchu,. between Cossacks 'and a column of cavalry and infantry frora General Kuroki's army, was received to-night. . It indicates that the Jap anese rout was complete. General. Sakharoff" telegraphed* "as follows,, under to-day's* date, to the general" staff: \.-v ••According to reports the Japanese commander in -the action of May 30 • near Vagenfuchu had three battalions of infantry In reserve. Our losses were seventeen 'men killed and_ twenty- three men ."wounded* "and J Lleutenantf Meyer arid ""an'other officer, whose name has ". not . been 'ascertained, •wounded. •• * . ' -" 7;. - "The -Japanese losses were Very con siderable. One sanadron-of the Thir teenth Japanese- Cavalry was an nihilated In a hand-to-ha-nd encpunter, and another squadron; which cams to its assistance, suffered 'great. loss of life from the '.fire of- ¦ our frontier guards and riflemen'. We captured nineteen horses." • . ' .*.'/" . "News of the yagenfuchuvietcrry was • .received here with 'rejoicing. It has been the contention of rnflttary •xperts •that Japanese cavalry could rtat with stand a charge by Coss«ck riders, ind" •the cr'ess'ar'counts:of the combat are regarded as bearing put •this -theory. For the ' first time; sl-nce this war *begari.* Japanese soldiers have turned in flight. An Associated Press corre-* spondent "says that -the Infantrymen threw away their shoe's, to -facilitate ' "their escape. • / . : : 5-i^^ Special Dispatch to Th« Call. Another- Force Sent to its •Assistance -Suffers | • Heavy Losses.., *. : • The claim on which the. case is brought is that the owners of the land in the various eubdivisions concerned platted Stewart avenue and deeded it to the city of Chicago for use as a higto vay. It is contended that the city had no right to . permit the Pennsylvania Railroad to- use the street, and that •when Stewart avenue was vacated by a. city ordinance it reverted 'to • the heirs of the original owners. - " The family, of President Roosevelt is represented among the plaintiffs, and bo are the heirs- of the late Mrs.Sanger, mother of .Mrs. George M. Pullman. The descendant* j of many prominent pioneers of Chicago also ..are parties to the suit. * '_-'-¦'¦' . CHICAGO,- "June L— Five hundred heirs of the original owners-'.of land row occupied by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company's ¦ right of j way in Stewart avenue brought suit tp-day in the -United. States- Circuit. Court, claim ing owners-nip" of the land. Th.e suit is one of the largest ever begun in Cook County. It involves $3',50O.O0O. An in junction is aiked for to. prevent the Pennsylvania Company from operating trains in Stewart avenue and to re strain it from elevating, its tracks. The V anal" trustees. ' representing -the State' of. Illinois, are' the largest claimants. They want about SJ.,000,000 for their in terest in Stewart avenue. Special Dispatch to T*« C*H- One Squadron of the Foe's Cavalry An*-^ Prtsitoi EooseTelfs Family -Reprer .seated Among Those- Who Lay ¦ Claim to; the Thoroughfare. . ¦ ;Olgect to ."Council's Action In Snrrenflering Avenue ¦ ": to a Railroad.-: SakharoH Tells. ofTageBMiii ;; iiiiili Mye Hundred ,CM cagoaHs Are the v PlalntiHSv REPORTS COSSACK VICTORY CITY STREET IS THE PRIZE IN LAWSUIT CHEFU, June 2— Fighting has commenced almost within rifleshot of Port Arthur. Thus far- it has been confined to continued skirmishing, the Japanese .awaiting reinforce irients for- the final assault. Six lines of intrenchments must be carried successively, by the besiegers. The Russians have mounted on shore the heavy guns from their warships. . SKIRMISHING BEGINS AT GATES OF PORT ARTHUR AND JAPANESE PREPARE FOR THE FINAL ASSAULT PRICE. FIVE CEXTS Alcazar — "Toll Oats 19a-" Kat .lne* To-Day. California — "Jairice • MereSiti." ' Matinee To-Day. Central— -" A Celebrated "Case." Cnntes — Vaudeville. Columbia — "The Little Min ister.". TiRcher's — "U.S." •?•* . Grand — ¦"Gismonda." • '; ..'*-M> Orphenoi — VauievlUe. . Mattie« To-Day. * % ¦'. . Tivoll — 'The Toy M»ker." IBS THSATESS. ¦ . SAN FRANCISCO, .' THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1904. VOLUME XCVI^-NO. 2.. * ¦• p I TtLk} WEATHia. » '"" » Voracact mod* at §aa I*ran •cisto for* thirty hours .csdiag at "atfdaUrbtjjfana $, i^f: Ss,ji . Prancl*co , aal vicinity— Cloudy, naaxttlcd weather Tliurs- C*Tl . pe'ssthly lljf tt ' stoxrera ; Xresh ¦ontieijy: Triads. • ' • A. O. SCc&SXS, District "Forecaster. The San Francisco Call