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THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1904. 12 YOU'DONT NCCD A FORIUNE TO PLACE AN AD IN THE • JOHN" D. SPRECKKLS : : 2 1\ Proprietor j Address Communications to JOHN' Mc.V Al'G jig „_¦ . . ¦ . . .Ma nagf r IV. J. MARTIN Business Manager Ti:\ DOLLARS REWARD. Notify The Call Office if You Mls* Your Pa;icr. : ;. ; : . If for any cause THE CAH 1« not de- llrcrefi regnlaxly to subscribers please call up "CAXiZ. EXCHANGE" asd notify Subscription Clerk ia cfcarjre. Your com- plaint w-iU receive attention. A «ta=d5Esr rtsriri of Tea Dollars , • ($10.00) is offered tor ti»e arrest aad ( 'conviction of any ens causrht stealing THE CALL. .TELEPHONE. - A£k for THE CALL. The Operator Will Con- cect You tte Department lou vi .sn. Publication Office Market and Third. S. F. Editorial Koc=« ..:n to 221 Stevenson st. . DeUrertd ty Carriers. 20 Cts. Per J v ><*. n CU. P»r Month. E;ngl» Copies :• Cts. Teras ty Mi:!, Including Postage tcasn \Min Order): _,. IVi DAILY- CALL (includ. Sunday). 1 year....^"0 DAJLT CALL tinc:ui. Sunday). 6 mos... 4W DAILY CALL— By P'.nEle Month J«j 6CNDAY CALL. 1 Year * »jj I 'WEEKLY CALL 1 Year » °° | f Daily... $S.SO Per Year Extra i FOREIGN J Sunday 4.15 Per Year Extra POSTAGE. \ Weekly. l.Oo Fer Year Extra ' «* JSBS3S!Uig3jPg*K? 6air.p!e Copies will be forwarded when r*- Mail subscribers in ordering chaste <*£*• • drets rhould be particular to five both NE» AND OLD ADDKi>.S ia ordT to «*«»-• and correct ccir.{.!iance with thair re- Quest. OAKLAND OFFICE: :01« Broadway Telephone Main IOS3 B-HKELEY OFFICE: _. tl« 4 Center fctrett Telephone North •• ¦WASHINGTON" CORRESPONDENT: EAMUEL W. WAL1 Hotel Barton NETT YORK NEWS STANDS: Hotel: A. Hrer.t.ino. 31 rnion Square; Murray Hill Hotel; FUth-ave- aue Hotel ar.d Hoffman Uouse. CHICAGO NEWS STANDS: fherman House; P. O. News Co.: Great .^crtfcern Hotel: Treniont House; Auditorium Kelt'.: Palmer House. CHICAGO REPnKSENTATIVTr-. T CEOKGE KROGNESS-.Marquette Bulldin* <Lcr.» Distance Telephone. "Central 2»Uy. > NEW YORK REPRESENT ATrVE: fTEPHEN B. SMITH 30 Tribune .Bulldlnf NEXV TORK CORRESPONDENT: ,C. C. CARLTON UcraH 8<juar» • rrFINCPS OFFICE of the San Francisco Call, rrmer Market and T>i!rd streets; opea iretn 13 oVlo-k *very -<rht in the year. BRANCH OFFICES: XOf* Market street, tppoeile Fifth; open until ' Jl r in. - tZ~ MrrtrTcrry street, corner Clay; open until m.-jq t>. m. t'» :... w- Ft.-eet; open until 9:30 p. «. . t.V> ;.¦.,-;,.,, ftr^t- or , n u ntll i»:3O p. to. Cl* Larkln t-tre*t; oi*n until' 8:30 p. m. 3V41 Mission etr»>et: cpen until 10 p. m. Cl Market ttreet, corner Sixteenth; opta vctil 8 p. rn. U* Eleventh ftreet; cpen until 9 p. rt. Irt-f. Valencia street: op^n until 9 p. m. Kerth£a»t corner Church and Duncan streets; T*n until s f>. m. Nc.rthweet rorow of Twenty-iM^onfl and Ken- tucky etreetc; open urtll 9 p. m. *-'*) nilaore ftreet; or»»n until 9 p. rn. TO SrasCRIBERS LEAVING TOWN FOR THE SUMMER. CAX.Ii subscriber* cost-mplatte* a chance of residence durlac the inmaei months caa have their trnper forwarded br mail to their new address by notify- in? THE CALL Business Office. Tliis rarer will also be on sale at all inmmtr re«crt» and ia represented ty a local agent la all towns en the coast. 11EETING KOTICES. CALIFORNIA Commandery No 1. K. ««>£_ T— R«*ri!ar assembly THIP EVEN- *5r HING at 7:r>.n o'cl<vk. Installation of £3 <<?fi»<>Ts. All fraiprit courteously In- iCf vitod ' "¦'¦ ¦ • THOMAF H PnOWNE. Commander. . T. L. HENDERSON. Recorder. PACIFIC Lo4*» No 136 F. and A. M. « — Pteted meeting THIS EVENING. 8"%£y o'clock. /Nr\ • GEOROB PENLINGTON. Src TRF.SIDIO Lodge No. 33i I O O. _ i Initiation t t;i? fFRlDAY) 4^8SS£ik KVENING. June 3. Vlsltor *^S*S?aEp' AVDW. NORIN, N. O. W. H. FHARPE, Sec. CALIFORNIA Ix»Ur» No. I. K. of P.. ¦*•" ro~tf THIP (FRIDAY) EVENING, tzjefrcf '• et * o'clock. Etomer bulMlnc. 2< /Sty Fourth rt. Knight rank. lor.R form. Visitors lnvitM K O MOLL. C C. R. K. McLENNAN. K. of R. and 8. OFTTCEB8 »n<J nit mber» of Damon : Led?" No. 2, K. of P. — You are r* 1 \Sl&r^ «<ue«e<l lo meet at the Castle Hall 7&j§ f-n SATURDAY. Jur." 4, at 1 p. m.. J^-^f Ixxlf No. 5. K of P. — Yi»'j ar<* re- •^^- -^^- cased brother GEORGE J. RENNICK. Per order V. H. DANTON. C. C. HTfrEKA \jcAs* No P. K. of~P.. !W THIP (FRIDAY) EVENING.' Broth- tr Knights are cordially fnvit^J. J&2>C W. CRONIN, C C. 'H- J.W. C. BEATTIE, K. of R. and S. EAN FRANClsCO T<-r.t No. 1H, >«5/gfi»v K. O. T. M.— R»vl»w THIS /gi'yjN • FRIDAY) EVENING, at H [JtZ *-, t*r4 o-clork. Pioneer Hal I. 24 PW *K ISTl Fourth «t- »»<.'¦ \>\Ha D. B. RICHARDS. yS$& : X&&' REGULAR m»*t!r.r of the Caledon- rr?Z~ i*3 Club THIS EVENIKO, at siyuH^ o'clock.. Scoulsb Hall. 117 Larkln "VvX^ A. M MACPHERSON. Chipr. JAF. H DUNCAN. _ACESTS *VAJ«TED^ * W*E wart 2 experienced canvas8ers~aT~cnce' city end country; nrw goods; liberaj terms! rl.e Oatlne Co.. 121 G«-ary »t.. room 721. 12 AGF.VTS for Fr»r»»t?rji - Carnival; bir monoy for huBUerF Call 1H12 Mark-t tt.. room 2% attoiim-vs-at-law. A FIJIVATE. quick divorce for small freT *>»• me and t»ie money; no nijr in advarce. ,- G V?'k J K ,T E - A^TO^^V-AT-LAIVT" J.itRbMBhed 22 yr».:rmi. 1. S, 3, 4 4M«11 - 1)22 Market et.. between Mason and Taylor* Aflvtce free all matterm. Detective* employed! H. v,- KINO. Attoraey-at-Law. Exam, bldir Ctti nonr; rntrance iy,om Cll; ertablishtd 20 r< > ars; all cases, pneral court ar.d effl-e rirac lie*; no fee In advance or for consultation; _«-v«Dlng« by appointment. Tel. lied 3C01. ADVICE free; dlrorce rcm $12; no feex or <r-su in advance; all law business; office "i*-n Saturday evenings. blQ Market St., r.33. DIVORCE— Cotts. $W: quick, oulet; .dvlc. free; all Jaw business: no cherge unless tve* .«-t>lul; open evenings. B27 Market, room SOL DIVORCE law a njx^-uuty; no publicltv: advice , lr * e: co * ts * 12 - Ad - P-A.g.. p.p. bcx giaaTa.r! I- 6. CLARK. SC7 Market stTi cons-jltaTjoa fro: no ?Wt )n rdranre; opgn evening*. AUTOMOBILES. I: cf tlie best makf-a of autcmobllea on the irket fcr sale; late mooel. Address box l; Cat! office. ¦ p \*TED — Electric automobile iii first-class idition. Address, with deicrtptlon and vctl price, box 671. Call office. ' OJIOUILE for nale: caiollne power- only u.^d 3 rr.cnth* Bcx 603, Call office, rele — A steam automobile In first-class r.nins order, liox 712. Call office. CADILLAC cotomoblle for sale; good~as k.- Box J61, Call office. LL automobile for sale; almost sew. Box ., Call effice. riCE motcrette. 6 bcrrepower. for sale. 3ox las. Call office. ¦ ¦ ¦ ASTHMA JEMEDY. A VI Nola's Anbn<a Ron:e<iy relieves lnrtant- lr; 10c. 25c. 60c 100S Market. St. Nicholas. nuAKDIXG KOll CH11.»RE.\. ; UANTKJJ— IJy an .-¦xnerienucd woman, an in- iant to Ixni'd. Inquire al I'll! Seventh tt. ! FEEN'CH hoarding for children. MRS. (iL'.NTV, CUU Pine gt. bi;mmc>!» cuaxcks. A— J2250~ CORNER talocn en Montgomery st. j ectab. many >ia.-.»; lent ?JO; lease; a ROuJ- lieying plat* and weil advertised. Call II. U. WILKE. K<=:t:ny jEt. A— *1".CO; HOALlICUJSir; Ki*cfl">u se : Rtiad- hou>c-l With i" iurn. rooms: r»-nt $* ;l : lea=e; a first-class- "jaylr.K revolt, t^e It. U. WILKE. 2»«Vs Krainy et. A— $SC(J; COR.N'ICIt s;iUou; r?n! $l'0; a splendid I&caiion ir: :)ie Mission: place doing a busi- r.ii-a ot about $15 per uay. K. G. W1LKK, 20 v4 Kearny. s-t. ."%- ¦-.• A— $50<»; SALOON, vicinity Third and Bran- nan st5. : established years; rent H<\ Call ! H. G. WILKE. M14 Keaiay St. . j >. — Jlioo: SALOON In wholesale district; vi- cinity cf s-nnteme St.; ;>lae* established 2t> jcci*: doing a .food business; rent $5o. See R. G. W1LKU. •JoMi,Keearny st. A— $3r.0"i; ELEGANT barroom, with mercan- tile lunch; on Montgomery st., vicinity of California; place must be sacrificed on ac- count of ill health of owner. Bee R. G. WILKE, 2C 1 '.. Keainy et. A— $450; BAHEKR *hop: 3 chairi; best location in the Mission; rent 515. See R. G. WILKE, Sti'j Kvarny Et. A $3000 HOTEL in San Rafael; 21 rooms, bar. parlcr and dining room; a well established place; good furniture and a bargain. Call R. G. WILKE. 20H Kearny st. I A— $700; RESTAirRANT opposite Golden Gate Park; »ent $25; good business; clearing about j $150 p»r month. See R. G. WILKE, 20ft Kearny st. A— $2500: SALOON; choicest location on Mar- kn *t. ; low rent; good lease; el«gant fix- tures and a firs-:-- :a-=» paying business. Call R. G. WILKE. 2GVj Kearny et. A — $250; BOTTLE beer route; well established. See R. G. WILKE. -UVi Kearny Et. A- $2750; CORKER saloon on Market et.. In- cluding 7 rooms; rent $100; return rfnts $R0; lease; a flrst-ciass location and well estab- pllshed place. See R. G. WILKE. 28H Kear- ny St. A— $2<"*)0; SOAP factory; a eplendid and well- established business; also manufactory of waMiing pewder: owner will allow buyer to invc-rtlgate business for 14 days. See U. 3. WILKE. 26>i Kearny st. A— $700; SALOON with long leaee In choicest part of this city; rent *40; a good paying business. Call R. G. WILKE. 26^j Kearr.y. A— JC-OO— -CHoPHOCf-'E and coffee ealoon, opp. cable h-'-j- : place e&tab. years, with steady and transient customeri.; owner clears about J175 per month. See R. G. WILKE. 20% Kearny st. A.— DRUGSTORE — drugstore — drugstore; price $¦4501': established XI years; lease 5 years; rent $00; <_ne of the best paying stores in thla city; own«r to retire. Call It. G. WILKE, £i> Vj Kearny st. A — 11(M>; CORNER <aloon with 7 rooms on llryant ft.; rent $50; place surrounded by factories and warehouses: a cood business. Call K. G. WILKE. 26% Kearny st. A— $l«O0; BOARDING and rooming house; 3» rooms, kitchen and dining-room. 37 beds, tod funitufe. lease, place paying well. See R. G. WILKE. 2b % Kearny st. ¦ A— $2500; DAIRY depot and route; dally sales 60 cans; 8 horses. 4 wagon*, etc.; most pri- vate customers: burlness kept by owner 13 ytxrr; a rood-paying investment. Call R. G. WILKE. 26H Kearny st. A— $350; branch bakery and delicatessen More with 4 rooms; rent $25; fine location; gocd business. See F.. G. WILK1E. 26H Keamy st A- $2000; SALOON, vicinity Market. Ellis and Stockton eu.; rent $150; lease; place estab- liehed year*; nret-class bu&ineFa. Call R. O. WILKE. 26V. K»arny St. A— $900: SALOON, vicinity Taylor & Turk Bts.; rent $50; this Is a good paying and old es- tablished bu«ineFs; a workirgman's place: rare chance. Ste R. G. WILKE. 2'»V4 Kearny. $3000 — GROCERY and bar. en Fourth at., about 1 block from Market tt.: lease; good paying; established years; elcknvfts only cause of sale. Call R. O. WILKE. 26% Kearny st. A— $5000; CORNER grocery and bar: cash burin*)*; etore receipts about $80 per day; bar receipts about $20; owner win sell for cash or trade for property at the actual value of $5000. Call R. O. WILKE. 26% Kearny tt. A— PICKLING WORKS For sale; factory completely equipped for the manufacture of p'.ckles. mustard, sauerkraut. eHves, Falnd oils and tai.'le rondlinents; product foH in all patts of the l*nit»d States; price $75(Vt, Including itto^k OS hand. GERMANIA INVEST. CO.. 927 Market St. A— THE AUTOMOBILF. BT.SINE^S Is at pre*M2t the safest Investment ftnd most prnfltaHe «-nt«»rpri5e in the city. We repre- sent two of tlie largest incorporated com- panies in P. F.. and have openings for chauf- feurs, machinists nnd office men who can invest a *nial! amount of ca!>h with F»rvlces. GERMANIA INVEST.-CO.. «27 Market St. A SAFE INVESTMENT! $10OO cash and fervlres fffure Interest and office of trpa^urer In n.n incorporated realty and Investment company; $150 monthly as=- *ur»d: highest referoncps given and required. GERMANIA INVEST. CO., 927 Market st. A— A GOOD OPENING For a young man who can Invest $500 in a hiKh-rla^g r<*al *state office and fill position of cashier; experience not necessary; Invest- ment serurrd and $?0 w»*kly ruaranteed. GERMANIA INVEST. CO., 927 Market st. BERG. ARMSTRONG & CO., phone red~4S45.— Headquarters for saloons, hotels, lodglng- hous«»*. furnished flats, bakeries, barber shops, dellcatewn. 3JS Kearny et. • $ll"0 — FINE paloon; no more, no less; 8 years' leane; rent $">0: can sublet for $53; 10 rooms; inventories more than price. BENJ. ARM- STRONG CO., 318 Kearny st. OLD-ESTABLISHED cash business; will etand Investigation; receipts over $1000 per month; net profit 4 over $2j1 ; only $3000 required. Exclusively Berg. Armstrong Co.. 31S Kearny. BUTCHER shop clraring $100 per month must bf. nold at a sacrifice; own«r going East. II. S. JlKimTEXS, Railroad ave. and Webster Ft., Alameda. RESTAURANT worth $250 will be sold for $100. H. B. MEHRTENR. Railroad ave. and Webftcr ft.. Alameda. HARNESS business with stock and tools for ealp; in country; on account of death; good paying lor-aiity. For particulars apply MRS. M. HERRING. 2225 Mission St.. city. EPLENDID BUSINESS OPENING. CHANCE TO BE TOUR OWN DOSS. LEARN THE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. Start In for yourself; only $27 capital re- quired. We teach you the business, appoint ycu our special representative, furnish large lint of salable property, co-operate with and a.n- t>i«t you to earn from $3000 to $5000 annually. Write for particulars. HARRY W. CROSS A CO.. 204 Tacoma bldg., Chicago. MILLINERY— Half interest best Interior store in State for eale; reasons, two stores; nfan- ager needed for one; $2000. DUNN. 1312 Mkt. DERMATOLOGIST, electrolysis parlors, with furniture equipment and $200 stock at a bar- gain; now paying handsomely; reason sick- ness. See DUNN. 1312 Market st. MANUFACTURING house In Los Angeles wants thoroughly competent man to manage San Francisco branch; salary $100; invest- ment of $3000 required. Address F. H CLEMENCE. 1839 East First- St., Los As- gelee. Cal. : :. FOR eale — One of the best grocery stores in a city across the bay, not far from Ban Fran- cisco; must sell or take a partner, one who can look after . the business. Address for particulars, box C42, Call office. FOR sale — A good business In Tonopah: well established and paying a fine profit; amount of cash required about $1500. Full particu- lars box 160. Call office. $2SO0 — A BIO sacrifice; the best paying restau- rant In Sacramento: receipts $100 a day; long j lease. P. O. box 158, Sacramento, Cal. GENERAL merchandise store in country for sale; complete stock of everything. Address for particulars, box 169. Call office. WANTED — A delicatessen store -with estab- lished trade; state amount ot trade and price fctktd. Box 092, Call office, FOR sale — Store fixtures, with or without ftock; fine living rooms. 103 Turk St.; phona Howard 845C. DELICATESSEN and grocery for sale; every- thing new; good family trade. Address box 759. Call office. i-ALOON license wanted. 101% O'Farrell st. FOR sale — The Union Hotel; manufacturing town. Benlcia. Calif. COSTA RICA BANANA CO. » stock at ground floor prices; fine prospectus. 639 Croseley bid. I _ n^^J5 J * f * CHAXCES-rConllnned. I ! ~ " " " I j A— CAMEJIOX & CO. Phone South 1050. o Kddy St.. cor. Market, und Powell. j Headiiuururs lor all kinds of business chances. BKACTIKUL.L.Y located rummer resort; fine proves; Uti-room hotel; ail lurnlshed and equipped for business; CO acres land goes With lease; raise own ha>, vegetables; all lcinds of irult; rent $r>00 "ptr year; equity in this Sl'5C<>; death in family causo o{ sale. CAMKKOX & CO. j FOR rale — Well-furnished 5-rvoin ark, moored 1 one hour"? ride from city; fine chance for Minimer outing; also fcr winter shooting and fishing; ail modern; new. one year, price $2200 complete. CAMEKO.S & CO.. 3 Kddy st. FOB sale— Well-located bazaur and furnishing pootis business"; cheap rent; (i'i years' lease; one of the host transfer corners in city; do- iriK fine business; other interests cause sale; price $5000. See CAMERON & CO.. ;t Eddy. For «do or trade— Quartz mine; line prospect; located In Cal.; assays $40 to *7U ton; trad2 lor rmf.-hsc. or business. Cameron. IS Eddy. FOH eale. or will trade— 6 acres inside city limits; one of best Interior cities in Califor- nia; hou»<>, barn, other outbuildings: plenty all kinds fruit: beautiful home; will trade for rooming-house; price $4000. CAMERON & CO., 3 Kddy et. FOR Hale — Electrical and locksmith business; centi^l locution; establlnhed U years; rent S30: clears $90 to $100 per month; price $500, must sell on account other butlnesi. CAM- ERON & CO.. 3 Eddy st. — 1 iFORnaJe — Carriage «nd wajon factory and general Jobbing; established 27 years; •well i located and equipped with modern tools, etc.; full Investigation and trial riven; re- tiring from business. CAMERON & CO.. 3 Eddy st. > ' ¦:¦>*•/" EXCHANGES made In all kind* of real estate, rooming-houses' and business chances. CAM- ERON* CO.. a Eddy st. FRENCH liquor store for %ale. 521 Valencia Ftreet. FOK salp— Bakery with large *tock; good loca- tlcn and reasonable rent. 71S McAllister at WEST AI-MADKN quicksilver stock; a bonan- za; at bedrock prices. 639 Crossley bid. FOR sale — Good tailoring house In the country. Scotch Plaid Tailors. 100U Market st. GOOD candy etore for eale. cheap; leaving city. A-ldrpss box 4J3. Call office. GREAT opportunity: partner wanted with $10C0 in two new patents. Box 446. Call. SALOON for sale, cheap. HI Second gt. WANTED — Active partner In downtown day rplonn; price 52000. Box "427. Call office. WANTED — To buy a coal and feed yard; well «stablifhed. Box 10J, Call office. WANTED — To buy a small brewing plant or utensils, kettles, rtc. Address box 610. Call. WAf;TEI)r-To buy a restaurant for cash. Uox 711. Call office. WASTED-To buy a good hotel; state locality and full particulars. Box 739. Call office. BOOK storc and news stand for sale In West- ern Addition. Box 670, Call office. $4:><v— SALOON for sale; piano; refrigerator; 3 living rocms; must pell. 513 Howard nt. FINE newspaper rout* for sal*. Inquir* at this efnee. A BRANCH office of The Call for th» r<^eptloa cf advertisements and subscriptions has been opened at 100* Market at., opposite Fifth." Open until 11 p. a. LOUUIMi-HOUbES FOR SALE. A. CAMERON A CO.. Phone South 1050. 3 Eddy St.. cor. Market and Powell. Headquarters for Rooming-houses. Hotels and All Kinds of Business Chances. 32 rooms; cheap rent; 2 years' leaae: fine downtown location; 2 entrances; everything In first-class condition: good furniture and car- pet?: clearing now $200 per month; if run ' transient can clear $300 to $350 per month; h*re Is beat proposition in city; price $3200. 63 rooms: best downtown transient houie in city; will trade for ranch; compelled to leave the city. 220 rooms: new and up-to-date apartment- house; luxuriously furnished; grand entrance; every modern equipment; clearing $400 to $500 per month: to be sold at a bargain on account of departure. 17 rooms; rent only $70; fine little apart- ment-house; sickness; must sell; snap; JtJOO. 12.S rooms; cheao rent; long lea*e; flrst-claas, up-to-date downtown house; well furnished; clearing $500 to $C00 per month; must sell on account of othrr bUKiness; only with ria. ¦ 75 rooms; grand new building; elegantly fur- nished; cheap rent; 10 years' leane; close in: clears $400 per month; $4000 down, balance 8 per cent per innum; departure. 24 rooms; rent $145; new and elegantly fur- nished: oak and mahogany; One proposition; rood lease. 1CW rooms: cheap rent: new and elegantly furnished, up-to-date roomlng-houee; has fine bar; can be run In conjunction If desired; rtro chance for richt parties; part canh. bal- ance can be paid out of the house; other busi- ness Interests demand Immediate departure. 8 rooms; fine upper fiat; rent only $30; can be had by paying $1SO down, balance time; $450. 21 rooms; corner; rant only $85: ©ak fur.; good carpets; housekeeping; all full; clearing $70 over all expenses; 4 rooms landlady; price $1000. 180 rooms; grand, new, modern apartment- house; elecantly furnished and equipped; cheap rent; fine lease; paying $500 to $600 per month; doee in; full nice people; bargain If taken at once; dissolution of . partnership. 7-room flat; rent $40; oak furniture; rood carpets; sickness; price $350. 126 rooms; ren£ only $4 per room; new and up-to-date houw; all men; electric elevator, lights; long leas*; clears $400 to $500 per month; one of the bent buys In tho city. 19 rooms: rent only $100; well furnished; little apartment-house; reduced to $110d. 28 rooms; elegantly fur. family hotel on Nob Hill: doing fine business; will trade ' for large apartment-house and pay cash difference. 14 rooms; rent only $57; oak furniture; good carpets; part cash, balance time; price $900. 105 rooms; cheap rent; first-class up-to-date commercial house; clearing $350 to $100 per month; call for particulars. Large list of real estate, rooming-houses and business for exchange or trade, always on hand. A, CAMERON A CO.. 3 Eddy St. MARION GRIFFIN. 400 Hearst bldg., over Examiner entrance, cor. Third and Market sts.; phone Black 3007; rooming-houses and hotels for sale. 40 ROOMS. 8 blocks N. of Market st ; rent $70; 3-year-lease ; Income per month $300; owner tick In hospital; price $1500; furnished 1% years; easy terms. MARION- GRIFFIN. 24 ROOMS, 1 block from Market; 1 floor; brick house; rent $S0; clears $80; pries reduced to $1100; »i cash; sickness. MARION GltlF- FIN. CO-ROOM hotel; corner house; extra low rent; house full; pays well; owner has lost his voice and will have to change climate; price reduced to $5000. MARION GRIFFIN. 86 ROOMS; new and modern; north of Mar- ket; all extra large, outside rooms; 10 bay windows; fine, new furnishings; electrlo lights; clears $179 monthly for last 9 months; lease; price $3500. MARION GRIFFIN. 14 ROOMS; 5 blocks N. of Market; clean as a pin; well furnished; sunny side; respectable; $1000; Vi cash. MARION GRIFF4N. 18 ROOMS; a swell house; splendidly fur- nished; nicely situated; near Ellis and Van . Ness; rent $75; thoroughly respectable; In- come $180 monthly; owing to peculiar cir- cumstances, almost any offer will be accept- ed by MARION GRIFFIN. 6 ROOMS; furnished 2 months; cost $410: Tent $25; 7 rented for $55; will soil for $250; V. cash. MARION GRIFFIN. 85 ROOMS; $3800; reduced from $5000; all men roomers; rent only $225; well laid out house; 2 floors. MARION GRIFFIN. 103 ROOMS: owing to Ill-health we are ex- clusively authorized to sell one of the best furnished houses in this city; it's dependa- ble, high class, above a whisper of reproach and clears $450 monthly. MARION GRIF- FIW. ¦ - . ' 16 ROOMS. N. of Market: $600; make offer; rent $32; a snap. MARION GRIFFIN. 48 ROOMS: beautifully furnished; 5-year lease; electric elevator and electric lights; fine cor- ¦ ner: make offer: clears $222 per month: It's truly * floe house. MARION GRIFFIN. Hi* SCISSORS M S THE CALL'S PREMIUM THIS WEEK TO CLASSIFIED '• J- ADVERTISERS IN SUNDAY EDITION. A highly plated four-inch scissors, made of best quality steel, and has an excellent finish. SCISSORS OF A STYLE AND SIZE MOST USEFUL FOR EMBROIDERY j AND. FANCY WORK, AND ALSO VERY SUITABLE FOR POCKET USE. j Gifts Will Be Given Thursday, Friday arad Saturday to j Want Advertisers in Sunday's Call. • ; ( : < Premiums can be obtained by presenting advertisements at: V ' BUSINESS OFFICE of The San Francisco Call, corner Market and Third streets; open until 12 o'clock every night in the year. BRANCH OFFICES: I 1008 Market street, opposite Fifth; open until 11 p. m. I 527 Montgomery street, corner Clay; open until 9:30 p. m. ] 300 Hayes street; open until 9:30 p. m. " t 639 McAllister street: open until 9:30 p. m. I 615 Larkln street: open until 0:30- p. m. • { 1041 Mission street: open until 10 p. m. . • i 2261 Market street, corner Sixteenth: open until 9 p. m. •"¦ i 106 Eleventh 'street; open until 9 p. m. j 1096 Valencia street; open until 9 p. m. '-I Northeast corner Church and Duncan streets: open until D p. m. 1 Northwest, corner Twenty-second and Kentucky streets; open untll 9 p.m. ':-*{ 2200 Fillmore street; open until 9 p. m. - ' I 1016 Broadway ..Telephone Main 1083 i BERKELEY OFFICE: S .1.. C,.«,r«...... ™, hon e f™> " f ALAMEDA OFFICE: Schneider's Book Store ...Park Street LODGING HOUSKS FOR 5ALK— Con. 100 ROOMS; sunny corner: rent $125. ...J45OO 100 rooms; clears $350; low rent $«500 SO rooms; furniture nearly new $3800 4') rooms; fine location, north of Market. $1000 4B rooms; In Oakland; new; rent $60 *£j00 12 rooms; half cash; cheap rent $600 Money to loan on furniture. EITEL A CARROLL. 212 Kearny st. ¦ $100— FURNISHED flat; 3 rooms: also 6-room flat. $150; furnished house. II roome, $350. BERG-ARMSTRONG CO., 318 Kearny wt. GREAT opportunity' to purchase ono of best transient houses In city; 33 rooms; close In and central. Box 443. Call. THIRTY-FIVE-ROOM Market-street house; busy corner; Al transient; 1 will sell at low figure or exchange. Box 3486. Call office. ¦ P1RITCALI3M. " MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, Clairvoyant trance, business medium and life reader. 1206 Market st., Oalt House. MRS. CONNOLL,. 148 8ixth St., trance medi- um: medium to-night and to-morrow night; tents to all 10c. MRS.- ELSIE REYNOLDS. materializing seance, Friday. Sunday evea. 828 Kills; 50o. PROF. FRED EVANS, noted clairvoyant and slate- writer. 1112 Eddy St.: phone Scott 887. CLAIRVOYANTS. ' THB FUTURFJ REVEALED, THB PAST . DISCLOSED. The Present Analyzed by Livingstone. PROF. LIVINGSTONE'S readings ar& like a living page of Flammarion'e treatise that Is so electrifying the world to-day. He Is no Imitator. His work Is upon original lines, pure thought, clear vision. He tells you what you desire to know and works In the open He' Is an conspicuous for .bis wonderful oc- cult analysis as he Is for his original ex- pression and vivid truthfulness, f. - A teat reading Is not a life reading Wben you call on PROF. LIVINGSTONE he will »lve you a full life reading for $1. A test Is of little value; when the mind Is troubled you need more substantial aid and advice. This Is just what PROF. LIVINGSTONE gives you when you call on him for a , first-class clairvoyant reading. He aeks you no questions, but tells you what you wish to know. He does not mention all the Ills and mis- fortunes you are heir to. You are acquainted with the facts In your case. Let PROF. LIVINGSTONE analyze the matters that are troubling you, find tho cause of trouble and suggest the remedy. Permanently located 428 Eddy at.; 3 sepa- rate reception ¦ parlors. Lady attendant. Hours. 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. ' - ¦ . MME. M. BERNARD, THE FAMOUS Clairvoyant and business medium, perma- nently located at 17 Third st.. next Examiner bldg.; she reads your life correctly, gives an accurate description of the past, reveals the piesent happenings and portrays events to occur In the future; If you are In trouble, discontented or not satisfied with life, or have domestic, love or business troubles, con- Fult this great medium and you will be told how to overcome them; valuable advice In all affairs of life; 25c up; satisfaction guar- anteed; readings by mall. Tel. Black 4B68. ELLSMERE, Egyptian seer, clairvoyant; marvelous readings; advice love, business, mining; locates, cures disease; whom, when you marry: call If In trouble or doubt;, re- moves spells, evil Influence; by mail $2. 1007% Market St.; low, fee. . MME.PORTER. celebrated clairvoyant medium, card reader, born with a double veil and sec- • end sight, tells past, present and future; 1. 60c, g. by cards $1: palmistry and clairvoyant sit.. $1 50. 200 O'Farrell St.. near Mason. . A— Mlsa M. Wllle, 330 Ellis, clairvoyant crys- tal seer and life reader, will tell you exactly what ¦ you called for without asking a ques- ' tlon ;, names given; special. $1; hours 10 to 8. MISS ZEMDAR, young, gifted clalr.' A palm.; I correctly treat your love arralrs, domestic troubles, bus. and financial success; names; 1.. 60c; g., $1. .714 Franklin, nr. G. G. ave. MRS. DR. MARTIN, wonderful spiritual heal- er and bus. medium: read, dally $1: develop- ing class Thursday, 8 p.-m. 612 Eddy at. A — Mme. Ravenna reads life; business advice; names given; 25c up. 835 Howard. bet.4th&5th. MISS SEYMOUR celebrated card reader and palmist. 765 Market St.. second floor. Tl rnr ~ ffTnrilwiWMtTiraWlfaMBTBfrVTrt^TTTrh i ~ ' ii'iT'"'"iTi"1 >. '~ ¦ -¦>-' CLAIRVOYANTS— Continued. ASSURED success for you. Call at once and save $4. His famous $3 readings this week for $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 No charge — No charge Unless you obtain th« Information for which you consult him. PAUL DESTINE. The first registered trance clairvoyant and palmist eter In San Francisco. Head carefully. An horyst proposition. . (You to be full Judge.) I do hereby solemnly agree and guarantee to make no charge If I fall to tell your name, oc- DENTISTS. A NEW plate — The Whalebone— CanTJot^Dreak"; warranted 20 jrs.; crown. $3 50; fillings. 50c: plat??. $5; full set; all work painless and warranted. Chicago Dental Parlors. 24 Sixth. DR. LUDLUM HILL. 1443 — No charge for extracting when plates are made: old plates made over like new; teeth from $S per set; extracting 50c; gas given. Paris Dental Parlors. 23." Kearny cor. Bush — ¦ Set teeth. $1 60 up; crowns.$2 up; fllllngs,25c. FREE examination with chart at the n*w cupation and what you called for; I tell you If husband, wife or lover Is true or false; who and when you will marry; how to gain the love of the one you desire; "In fact," I will tell you every hope, fear or ambition better than you can tell yourself; his advice l» reliable; his powers are wonderful and Indisputable; he Im- proves your character j»o that y*ou will reach the highest possible development In mental vigor, health, happiness and capacity to earn wealth; the controlling power Implanted In your nature, so you can control any one secretly; cures disease and lost vitality; gives advice nn mining and buried treasures; gives you success In life; he guarantees you succe53 or charges nothing for his services. 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. — Closed Sunday. 828 O'Farrell St.— S26 Mrs. A.H.Kronenberg.palmlst. . clairvoyant, card reader;when others fall try me;good reading* 25c. 721 4207. OLDEST lady palmist and card reader In city. 26H Kearny. room 20; ladles, 25c; gents.OOc. MIES WARD clairvoyant gives names, date and facts; readings dally. 917 Market st. MR8. BROWJC, clairvoyant, card reader, re- moved from 132 to 23V4 «th; 1. 25c, g. 60c SPIRITUAL healer; successfully treats all dis- eases; 2 treatments. 030 Golden ¦ Gate ave. ISMAR, the celebrated Egyptian aeereaa. will return from her vacation July 1. MRS. BAUMANN. the' well-known fortune- teller. Is now at 317 Ellis st. MRS. SHAFER. clairvoyant, card reader, alt- tings dally. 44SH Jessie >t.. bet. 6th and 6th. CARPET II 12 AT I NO AND CLEANING. COMPRESSED Air aud Vacuum Process now" universally used for cleaning carpets on floor without removal; carpets and rugs are aUo cleaned by compressed air at shop; prices moderate. ' S. F. Compressed Air Cleaning Co., SOS Market St.; phones Main 152 and Bush 479. WHEN you become dlsgueted with yo«ir work send for SPAULDING'S Pioneer Carpet-beat- Ing Works. 355-357 Tehama tt. Tel. South 40. AT MITCHELL'S, 240 Fourteenth st.. clean- lng fc laying done reasonably. Tel. Mission 74. WESTERN Carpet Cleaning Works, 1809 Har- rison st. ; Al cleaning; 3c. Tel. Mission 223. CONKLIN'8 Superior Carpet-Beating Works, 333 Golden Gate ave. Telephone East 12fl. HOPKE BROS.; excellent carpet beating; mat- tresses made over. 1432 Howard; tel. South 216. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.,402 Butter st.' tel. Main 304. GEO..WALCOM & CO.. Props. RUDOLPH & CO.. carpet-beating works; prices ¦ reasonable. 1703 Harrison it.: tel.Misslon 263. CIiOTHHTO BEWOYATUTO. SUITS cleaned and pressed, $1; scouring and dyeing. Bon Marche. 40 Ellis st.. room 14; phone Dm mm 44. Call for and deliver free. COI.I.ECTIOH- OPPZCES. BAD tenanta ejected for $4; collections made; city or couutry. Pacific Collection Co.. 415 Montgomery, rooms 9-10;- tel. Main 55S0. CTJBE3 RTJTPTTJBE. HUNTER'S Positive Rupture Holder. $10; no discomfort. 1206 Market St.: send for Circular. \ DKBM MAKJdHJ AND SEAMSTHESSICI ACCORDION, sunburst and knlfe-plalUng, .Stewart's button and buttonhole factory. 110 ; Taylor st.: tel. Folsom 2121. - ' LESSONS in dressmaking Saturday afternoon or evenings by . appointment. MISS CAMP- BELL. 658 Clay St.. room 11. MCDOWELL Dressmaking A Millinery School— Patterns cut to measure; eve. class. 1010 Mkt. York Dentists, 9C9 Mission St.. SE. cor. 6th. ARTHUR CHISHOLM. surjreon-dentlst.r.H.lst floor. Phelan bid., 806 Market, cor. O'FarrelL GOLD rulings, 75c; silver. 35c; crowns, $2; no pain: open Sundays. Dr.O.B.Hewltt.204 Suttr. EDUCATIONAL. AT home In our new quarters, the largest, best lighted and most delightful place of business etudy In the entire West. New, complete, extensive departments. Thorough. Inspiring Instruction 75-page catalogue on request. CALIFORNIA BUSINESS COLLEGE, 001- P23 Golden Gate ave. A BIGGER school than ever. On June 1 w» move to new flreproor building, 73S Mission st.. near Third. More tpace. finer rooms, better light. Finest in the West. Come and see. B. F. BUSINESS COLLEGE, now at 1236 Market st. HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 24 POST, S. F. — Bookkeeping, shorthand, touch typing. "languages, telegraphy. English branches; day and night sessions; Illustrated catalogue free. A— CHICAGO BUSINESS COLLEGE. 1435 Mar- ket, guarantees positions to graduates: Pit- man shorthand, typing, bookkeeping; $S mo. ATRES. the leading business college. 723 Mar- ket St.; established IS years; special discount during month of June; catalogue free. HEALD'S School of Mlnes&E1ectr!clty.24 Post ft., S. F. ;'a practical school of engineering; complete equipment. Special catalogue free. DANCING — Adults. Mon. and Frl. «vgs; Juve- niles. Sat. 2 to 5; priv. lessons dally. Flnd- lay'a Hall. 17th. bet. Valencia, and Guerrero. ENGINEERING — Civil, elec, mln.. mech.. «ur- vey. assay cyanide; day ev. ; est. 1864. Van der Nalllen School. 113 Fulton, nr. City Hall ATTEND Gallagher- Marsh Business College on advice of oficial court reporters and be com- petent stenographers. 13S2 Market: catalog". BOOKKEEPING. English, math., etc.. day cr eve. individual instr. Rm. 2. 305 Larkln. Prof. T. A. Robinson, formerly of Pac. Bus. CoL YOUNO children tausht technlc taste, sight reading on piano; $2 month. 1863 Powell st. PRIVATE lessons English, shorthand etc.. $4 mo. Western Business College. 1107 Market. GUITAR mandolin and piano. $3 per nsa; mandolin club. $1 per mo. S23 Haight st. PIANO lessons. 25c half hour. MRS. PECK. experienced teacher. 1013 Mission, nr. Stxtn. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. GEORGE AOICI. 421 Post St.; tel. Bush~m— Japanese-Chinese employment office; for- nlshcs best help; contracts for farm help.etc •A-OUPHEUMi Employment Office — Japanese- Chlneae help. Pow>U gt. : tel. Main 5752. GRAND— Japanese and Chinese employment office. . 415 Stockton st.; tel. Grafct 168. RELIABLE Japanese-Chinese Employment 'Of- flee: all kinds help. 315 Stockton; Main 31S8. CHINESE and Japanese help; estab 20 years Tel. Main 1997. BRADLEY A CO.. 640 Clay. EMPLOYMENT WAVIlil) K KM A I.E. TRAINED nurse (years* experience) wishes • permanent position: lady or children; un- derstands entire care; excellent housekeeper; seamstress; best city references: city or coCn- try; terms, $30 to $35 monthly. Address P. O. box 2496. S. F. A PERSON wishing to continue a certain study / would assist with light work for room and board and- very small remuneration. Box , 486. Call office. A YOUNG Swedish girl wishes a place as nurse girl: only 8 months -from Sweden: wages $13 at first; Mission preferred. 2650 Folsom st. WOMAN wants work by the day. houseclean- lng; $1 50 and carfare. Call or address MRS. OSGOOD. 115 Hayes ot. KMl'LOYSinXT WASTED— FEMAtB. FIRST-«*I^.\SS Scandinavian cook.- havinsr th» very r<e«t of ref'-rences from last employer, wlshe* a »ltuation. J. F. CT.OSETT & CO., ¦; .1 liutter stw MAN tn<t wlf««. \ery n»at couple, for dinln? rmim or hotel work, best of references-, wish Kltnution. aee J. F. CROSETT & CO.. .?;* Cutter st. ' irnEKCn «-ou|ile. mhldle-ajred. lf> years" ex- tmrtrurtr, from Part3. good reference. Berke. • l»-y, wifV> very goutl rook, man aa waiter an.t do houxe-.vorU. wish situation; city or country. A'ldress Box 450. Call. A COMPETENT woman, good cook, wishes |K.;sition In American family; will do llsht WaihlriR: will «>> r,hort distance in country; i references. "14 Fifth st. WOilAN W3nt« work, day or half day; laun- dry or cl.-anins: $1 T>» uer day. Call or a<i- rtrnB* LAUNDRESS. 770 Folsom St.; Missis pref»rre<1L A Ht!LIARLK wuman wants washln? or houss- •!•¦.::•,!; by th^ day. Call or adlress MRS. L. AUAM3. 1214 Green st. CO.Ml'KTJvNT. reliable young Swiss girl, speak- ing French and German, desire* position as nurse. Box 410, Call. •-••...-.- ELDERLY lady wishes position aa housekeei>- er. city or country. 138 Fifth St., between Howard and Mission. DRESSMAKER. artistic and experienced. wishes engagements by the day; terms $-. Dox 104. Call. GOOD German cook wishes situation In pri- vate family; wages S2.V Box 4tJl. Call. SEWING by the. day: good fitter: «hfrt waist suits made in a day; $2 a day. 30A Eighth. EXPERIENCED nursegirl wishes t» care for 1 or 2 children. Call 14B1 Page at. A WOMAN wishes work by th» day. 21 Camp st.. between Sixteenth and Seventeenth. WAITRESS, experienced, wants position; hotel, rest.; city, country. 221 Mason: tel. B'.lt 2336. YOUNG woman wishes place 'for upstairs 1 work. Call 4M Octavla »t. REFINED, educated lady would like a, position as companion to invalid lady, city, country , or travel: will perform light household du- ties or sew:ng. ilRS. A. D.. It Beaver »t. A YOl'NG lady pf respectable family desires position as companion. Address B. W., Call office. Alameda. ELDERLY lady wishes position as housekeep- er, city or country. VM Fifth St.. between Howard and Mission. WANTED— By a young school teacher ot expe- rience, a position a9 private tutor to adult. T»rms moderate. Box 667. -Call office. SWEDISH woman wants work by the day. cleamnR. washlny, etc; $1 30 per day. 92 Ninth st. AMKRIC.VN tvrman wants position for house- work, city or country. ESox 473. Call office. YOUNG girl wishes a situation. Call at 1023H Folsom »t. YOUNG woman wants place as dlshwasfc«*r tn restaurant. Apply MtJ Harrison st.. room T. A JAPANESE woman wants a position at gen- eral housework In a small famtly; speaks good English. 3. 31.. 6-15 JpssIb St.. city. WANT ads and aubscrtptions taken for Th-» Call at Eaton's Bazaar. «333 McAllister at. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and fubscrlptlons has been established at 1004 Valencia St. EMPLOYMENT WANTED MALE. COACHMAN — Situation wanted by slngla Swede, Just arrived from th« East; 4 years in last place; understands the care of horses, cows an<i grounds; good, references. Bo* 4S0. Call office. , MACHINIST and engineer, mlddta age, well posted In building, repairing and runnJna; of up-to-date woodworking machinery, wlsh»s employment with larga factory or a&wmill. Box 478. Call. A SITUATION wanted In private place by s first-class horseman and driver it**l Z7>. city or suburbs; attead gardens, etc.; thor- oughly competent In every respect; excellent reference*. Box UK. Call ofSea. A MIDDLE-AGED man. handy with horse* and tools, wants light work; no milking;' tlt> per month If good home. H. W., 211 Natonaa. RELIABLE general caretaker and gardener (German) wants position; private place; best of references. Box 46T.. Call. POSITION wanted by experienced man as foot- man: thoroughly understands earn of horses;. private family. Box 4t:S. Call. BARBER, steady young man. want* position tn first-class shop; city or country. Box 7462. Call. WATCHMAN or position of trust by a naval man former deputy sheriff and Justice of the Peace; references. Box 453, Call offic*. YOUNG man wants position as man about place or housework. Address II. J.. box 310. Call office. v YOUNG man wlahea a position as painter. E. C. 810 Turk st. ENGINEER war.ts position In city or country; married and best of references. Box 463. Call. WANTED — Position by a first-class coachman, gardener and all around man (Oerman); n« ob ect'on to country; best of references. Box 470. Call office. A PRACTICAL Oerman gardener and fiorlat wants to take charge, of a good private placet city or country; best of references. Address F. H.. 1811 Halght at. ¦ ENGLISH professional gentleman desires po- sition as private secretary, or with company; absolutely trustworthy; highest tesUmoolaJsi Box 666. Call. WATCHMAN or position of trust br * naval man. former deputy sheriff and Justlo of the Peace; references. Box 455. Call of2c«. • EMPLOYMENT wanted »y elderly non-unio* carpenter on suburban residence, factory, etc. . Address Handy. 1470 San Bruno ava. RUtVTLER desires situation as outslda aal*»- man or collector; salary or commission. Hot 600, Call office. MACHINIST, one who knows how to repair motors, wants work; can give references. Box 442. Call office. TOl'NO man wants position as man about place or housework. Address H. J.. box 434. Call office. LOCKSMITH, gunsmith and machinist wants work: can give references. Box 441, Call. Painter paper-hanger. slgnwrlteT. wants work; tools 'furn. 1272 Foljom st.: phone Mint 13i. TOUNG Japanese boy wishes situation as housework or porter: speajes English. M. OTA. care «27ii California at. fl. F. CHINESE- private family ccolt: good references LOUI3 CHOW. 322 Commercial rt. FLATS TO LET. AAA— HOUSE RENTINO DEPARTMENT. All desirable vacant houses and flats art list. ed In our free renting department: over 1009 In number; a combined list from all agencies; let us give you a list and help you to find • place; we never fall; service free. STERLING FURNITURE CO.. 10S3 MARKET ST.. OPPOSITE MCALLISTER. A — HOUSES and flats to let: an Immense list: service absolutely free: take advantage pf this department; It will save you time and trouble. Ccrdes Furniture Co.. 213-^.3 Geary it., on the square. \j. ' ¦ NOE. 1054. cor. Elizabeth — 0 sunny rooms; new; yard, basement: convenient to Twenty- fourth and Castro cars: reasonable. FIRST. 314 — Flat 6 sunny rooms; rent $20. LARGEST list of houses and flats to let. Call on LYON & IIOAU. 118 Montgomery st. LOWER fat of 3 rooms. 131OV4 Larkln. In^ quire 1320 Larkln st. - LYON. 734. near McAllister— Elegant sunny upper flat: 8 rooms and bath. .."•. MISSION. 204S— 3 rooms, bath, sink and- wash- room: $27 SO. STEINER. l."!25. corner Ellis — Flat 5 roosia. etc.; partially furnished: renf only 933. - »'MT5 TO LET— FCKMSIIED. FURNISHED fiat. 7 rooms and attic; furniture free. 11 IS Ellis St.: phone Steiner 242. BEAUTIFUL 4-room flat, completely fur. hs«. - kpng.; piano; no children: - $23. £.'£: Hayes. FLATS FOU SALE Kl'UAltUKU. SEVEN-ROOM flat: new furniture; rent $10; water free; sunlight all rooms: will sell tril* week fcr $150; a sacrifice; worth SV>. II ji Fiilmore St. • BARGAIN— 2 fine S and « rooms and bath flati"-^ ' $COT,O; all conveniences. S08 Lombard st. TAYLOR C2» corner Butter— 8- room flat; •*¦- ajr; rent »13; clears »35; prtc. fUfc