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IV heat and Other Grains. EVAPORATED APPLES— The market Shows no Improvement In point of demand, -but. de sirable grades are not being pressed for sale. The market shows steadiness in slightly lower § rices. Common are quoted at 4 #0^0; prime, %@5%c; choice, C0«%c, and fancy, 7c. PRUNES — Are still quiet. Advices from th« coast Indicate, rather a more hopeful- tone, but - the local market shows no Improvement. Quotations range from 2%6$%c, according to stradp. ; 'JIlL 1 'mpM'FTfr K'Ti_ 1 j ill.l'IIIHrBsjfriK; - APRICOTS— Are quiet, but firm on the sta DRIED FRUITS, ¦ COFFEE— Spot Rio. steady; No. 7 invoice, (5 T 4c; mild, steady; Cordova, fl«4®I3c. The market for coffee futures opened steady at an advance of five points and closed fin*:, net 104H5 points higher. Total . sales were 27,000 bags, Including: ¦ June at 5.05c; Sep tember, S.S5®5.90c; December, 6.10®0.20c March. C.40©0. 50c. SUGAR— Steady;'. fair refining, 8 7-16c; t.en trlfugal, 96 t»st, 3 15-16c; molasses sugar, 3 3-lCc. Refined,, firm. > . . NEW TORK. June 2.— FLOUR— Receipts, 15.000 barrels; exports, 1300. Steady and un chir.geil . WHEAT — Receipts, 3000; spot. firm. No. 2 red, nominal elevator and $1.13% f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, $1.04^@>$1.05 f. o. b. afloat. Options displayed further activity and ' strrnifth as a result . of con tinued heavy rHins west, a rather bullish Price Current report, general covering and a higher corn market. Reaction occurred in the last hour through realizing, but the market clor-ed firm at a partial %c net advance. July, 92 5-16<§W2%c, closed 02%c; September. 85%@85%c. closed 85%o; December, 84%@8Cc, closer! at fi4%c. . HOPS-^Quiet. IIIDEHNAHD WOOL— Steady. New York Grain and Produce. Silver and. Sterling Exchange are slightly higher. % Sterling Exchange, sixty days.... — $4 86 Sterling Exchange, sight -— 4 87% Sterling Exchange, cables... — 4 8sk New York Exchange, sight — 07% New York Exchange, telegraphic. — 10 Silver per ounce — 55% Mexican Dollars, nominal 45 @ — Exchange and Bullion. The Alaska Packers' Association will pay a regular monthly dividend of $1 per share June 13. . The California-street Cable Railroad Com pany will pay the usual monthly dividend of 75c per share June S. The gross earnings of ths California North western Railway for April. 1904. were $99,709. an increase of $r>272 as compared with April. 1903. The net earnings were $3123. a decrease of $8S9. For the ten months ending April SO. 1904, the- gross earnings were $1,110,114. an increase of $53,718 as compared with th« cor responding period last year, and the net earn ings were $207,227. a decrease of $55,5C9. STOCK AN*D BOXD EXCHANGE. THURSDAY. , June 2— 2 p. m. UNITED STATES BONDS. Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. 4s or coup. .107 107% 4s qr cp new. 132 41.13% 4s qr ree...l06-108% 39 qr coup... 1C5»1 106 M Dullness continues to preail on the local Stock exchanges and the dally variations ar? tbo few and narrow to call for especial com ment. -*«*.- .-; Tile San Francisco Stock Exchange has voted to adjourn from the clo4# of business Thursday, June 30. to Wednesday, July C Resolutions of the same nature have been posted on the bulletin boards of the California Stock tnd Oil Exchange and Of the San Fran cisco and Tonopah Mining Exchange, to b* acted Upon at the June- meetings of these two boards. The general feeling: seems in favor of the adjournment.-- . Ex-dlvldend June 1: The Pacific Envelope Company. $1 50 per share: California Cotton Mills, *t per share, amounting to $12,000. The Ophlr Mining Company has bee.n notified of the Shipment of two more railroad carloads of ore, making; a total of twenty carloads on the way cr ' In process or sale. ~. The Boards Will Probably Take a Week's Vacation: LOCAL MARKETS. STOCK MAEKET. NEW TORK, June 2. — The cotton market opened rather steady tc tone at a decline of 4$9 points and turned sensationally weak un der liquidation that seemed to csme from prac tically all sources, but which was believed to originate chiefly with New Orleans. The close was steady, 5 to 10 points up from the bot tom, but at a net decline of SO to CO points. New York Cotton Market. Henry Clews f«js of peneral trade: 'Apart firm a considerable decrease !n loans Ian »«-k «nd a small increase in sur plus reserve. ;her* have been no developments of a nature rnUlr h»!rful to the stock m»r fcft. Th« most eat'.Etactory element in t*iat r*rt!etilar fesiui-e »as thtt it reflected the closing up of certain -yndtrate operations which had ueccesarily tied up considerable capita! for t lonx i-erlofl. One by one .these •vrtficates are being wound up and more ar« likely to follow- and tince the*e commitments ha\e had much t» do trith the expansion of leans It would caupe no surprise if there chou:d be further contraction in that respect in the future. - - "Another rircurartsnee which points to * contraction ot Joans i* the diminished ac tivity of remra! bu?ine«s. It it idle to dis- Sjuice thin fact. Dirtrlbutors report a lessoned r.-ani in conrnminjr markets; manufacturers are experiencing a falling off in orders; rall rntids ar-r.ounc** frequent declines in earnings, • nd bank clearings rrove that the reaction which began in the East Is extending to the WeM aud South. New enterprises have re ceix-ed a very decided check, as demonstrated by the fact that new incorporations during the fin?t four months of thi« y<"»r wf-re scarce-, ly one -third of those created in the same I>erio<l of 1903 and 1902. The reasons for this large shrinkage in new enterprise are: flrM. the general recognition of business reaction; frond that costs and wapes are often pro hibitive; third, unsettled Tabor conditions, and fourth, uncertainty about crops and the elec tion. AIJ'.KADY DISCOUNTED. "There is no occasion, however, to be un duly depressed by these developments. So far as the ftock market is concerned, they have been largely if not entirely, discounted, and corrective influences are already at work which. If allowed free r!a>\ will soon result In recu peration and a fresh forward movement when conditions become more settled and when prices and v .-.£• ¦* reach a more normal level. "'Much depends, of course, upon the crops. fo far tn* outlook for corn. «»tion and epring %-heat is favorable, although the season is gen erally two week* late. Crop failure* this year «ould be liisastrous; tut with a good average harvest we are likely to witness reasonable rc-covery n. xt autumn, preceded perhaps by a further period of quiet and rest in business. There Is no unsouridnes* in sight, and we are ?imply climbing down from the dizzy heigh'* of the boom of 1902 to more natural and more normal /conditions. Gold exports have partially subsided for the present, owing to better r*tes for money here and easier con ditions abroad. . Tl.ere is also a good demand for better class invtf tments. as vritnfssed by the readiness with which the Cuban. Japanese and other bond Issues hav« been taken up. This is an excellent symptom, and would seem to promise a better market for railroad shares as soon as other conditions permit." Internal Revenue Collections. Trie collections of Internal Revenue in the Pan FYancisco <1!«r!ci in May were as fol lo«n: Lirts, J12.197 49; beer stamps. $«!. 078 50; fruit pptrits, H7.304 52: grain rptrits, tSKMOCW: exports. tll« 10; ciirar* and ci?s.r ?>«*!! $2f>.382 »6; tobacco, $1,816 49; snuff, f ¦.-: 23; epecial tax stamps. $1,701 S8; playing ' «r > »!¦¦. AC: total. (245.041 92. In May. WQ. the collections were $198, &SS. The total co!!ections from January 1 to May 81 were $1,232,067, aealnrt $1,001,003, during the saxnc period in 1W3. Weather Report. (120th Meridian— Pacific Time.) CAN FRAKC1SOO. June 2— S p. m. The following maximum and minimum tem p^rature* for the previous day are reported from Eastern cities: Boston 81-4S.'New Orleans 8R-72 Cincinnati «6-60 Philadelphia 60-56 'Jacksonville 52-72 Washington C8-C0 Kansas C.ty 80-6C;.Vew Tork CO-54 THE COAST RECORD. - _ _ _ _ _ k RSJtfr 29. 9C CO 48 N*W Rain <'&r*cB 2».M 72 M W Clear .00 Eureka 30. 'M 60 56 NW Cloudy .22 Fresno 29. S3 88 54 NW Clear .00 P. E. Fnrallon.30.0S OX 60 NW Cloudy .03 KliSFtart 28.B0 74 26 N CIsat .00 Putatelio 29.76 « « ff Cloudy .2(J ?Itider>er.oenc« .S«.e6 V) «2 K Clear .00 .Los Angeles -.25.06 »4 58 NW Clear .00 »It. Tamalpais.30.07 C5 49 NW Clear .ill Jo'orth Head ..30.14 56 62 W Clondy ..'56 Phoenix 29.64 »S es W pear .00 Pclnt Reyes ..30.00 67 65 NW Clear .00 • Portland .....30.12 CO 64 W Cloudy .34 Hf-d Bluff ...23.W5 S6 fio W Clear .00 Hnscburi? S0.22 C4 C6 W " Pt.Cldf .00 ..2».'.»4 80 CS NW Clear .00 Fait Lake ...23.M) 58 52 S Pt.Cldy .20 Hai» Francisco. «0. 06 (J4 6C W Clear , .00 K. L. Obirpo..2S.S«6 76 T.2 W Clear .00 Ear. Diego ...**. 74 74 53 R Clear .00 Heattle 80.10 C2 C2 W Cloudy T. fcl-okane 23.B2 «4 «S NW Pt.Cldy .28 "3'Etoosh 30.10 54 48 SW Cloudy .41 "Walla Wslla. .29.»>* 70 52 BK ruin .52 Winmrmucca ..29.S2 72 54 NW Clear T. Yisma 29. .18 100 C8 SW Clear .00 WEATHER CONDITIONS AND OENERAIi Th« pressure has fallen rapidly over Southern . California and risen rapidly along the Oregon coast. HIph northwest winds are bttiwing at rta off Northern California. The temperature has risen 18 degrees »et Los Afieeles and from 10 to 12 degrees In th* Escraiaento Va'iey and the eierras. At th« ppme mctnent the temperatures at San Lul« Obispo end Los Angeles were respectively 60 tnd 60 dcrrees. The fcllowlns; high winds are reported: Point Reyes, CS mlW. northwest; S. E. Farallon, 18, northwest; Winaemucca 2s| ncrthwest, and El Paso. 42, west. Forecast ma«Se at S*an Francisco for thirty bours ending tnlinlcht. June 3: Northern Caiifornia — Fair, warmer Friday; trisk ncrth winds. Southern CalUomia — Fair Friday, continued warm; brirk north winds. Nevada— Fair, warmer Friday; brisk north v.m winds fian Francisco ar.d vicinity — Fair Friday, warmer; light north winds, changing to west erly. ¦ A. O. McADIE, District Forecaster. Fruit and Wheat Bulletin* ¦ STATIONS. §S35o 3 &* OlovM-fiale «2 11 Clear T. Coins* f2 61 .... Clear .00 Eureka 56 C6 KW Cloudy .22 , Kr«sno .........M' M NW - Clear .w) Hanford- ....\ 05 C2 .... Clear .00 Hnlllnfr H2 68 W Clear .0(1 ?"riep^ndenc* *K> «2 N - Clea? .00 Ain* Cltr -.-•»• KX f.7 W Clear .00 Llvermora .....J 77 f*8 Clear .00 Los Av.S'Ut HI OS NW Clear .00 New York. Stock Market. NEW YORK. June 2.— Conditions (\ specu lation in the stock market were unchanged to-day. The only conspicuous price move ments were in the specialties, mostly of th* obycurer class. Some of the high gra<le stocks were affected. The general market was inert and the day's small trading did not alter materially the level of prices. The news of the day was not Important. The report of the April earnings of the Pennsylvania was a depressing factor and had tome special effect on that stock. Wall street regard* with equanimity the declining tendency in the cot ton market, as promising a better adjustment to the needs of the cotton industry. But so sudden a drop as that of to-day and the presumed speculative losses involved by the throwing over of long holdings hv the un covering of f top-loss orders had sf somewhat disturbing effect on speculative sentiment. Tlie news of grain crop progress was not feo favorable -to-day an<1 unofficial estimates of its condition were given rome attention. The figures of the national bank circulation for M2y were discussed. As pointed out by the circular Issued by the National City Bank the adlitlonal circulation taken out for the month of $11,500,000 wag greater with one exception than any month In three ' years. At the same time the current redemption of notes through the redemption fund in the treasury was $20,OOO,WO. but $1,082,000 meas, ured the retirement of notes by deposits of lawful money. The heavy current redemptions are a t-ymptom of the tendency of the cur rency to congest in the reserve centers, the bank notes included In this movement finding their way quickly Into the treanyry and so back to their issue source. But the small retirement of outstanding notes effected and the large additional Circulation taken out is the result of the profit on circulation by reason of the fall In Government bonds on account of the large amount released by the Government in the withdrawal of deposits with national bank*. It Is feared that some redundancy is • being injected into the . cir culation by thef<? conditions, with the effect of facilitating If not forcing th? outgo of gold. The closing lone of the market was rather irregular snd the day's changes were again insignificant. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par ralue, $1,225,000. United States 2s declined % per cent on call. NEW YORK STOCK LIST. Stock— Eales. High. Low. Clo*e. Atchlson "... 3,200 6»W e,%% C8Ts Atchison pfd 300 f>2% 02% 92 Baltimore A 0 3,200 78% 77% 78 Baltimore & O pfd. ..... 90% Canadian Pac 300 117>i 117% 117% Central of It. 1 163 Chesa A Ohio 2»% Chicago ft Al 100 86% 30% 35% Chicago & Al pfd.. 100 80% 80% 80% Cht A G W COO 14 V 4 14% 14% Chi & N W 100 1C8% 168% 16S*i Chi M & 6t P 3,100 133% 130^4 139«, Chi M A St P pfd 176% Chi T & T 5% Chi T & T pM 13% C, C. C & Bt L 68 « Colo South &00 14 13% 13% Colo South 1st pfd 48% Colo South 2d pfd. 100 19 IB 18<4 Del A Hudson 8,300 154 151 H 152 Del Lack & West. . 100 2C8% 266% 260 DftRO 200 19% 19'4 19% D A R G pfd 67 Erie 800 23% 23% 23% Erie 1st pfd 1.000 57 CC% 60% Erie 2d pfd * 33% Hock Valley ' 61 Hock Valley pfd... 200 79U 79 79 111 Central 300 129VI 128& 128% Iowa C«ntral 15 Iowa Central pfd 82 Kan City South ... 300 19H 19 19 Kan CIt South pffl. 200 87% 36% 30% Louis A Na«h .... 100 107 107 106H Manhattan L 1,100 144% 144 143% Metropolitan Becur. 200 '¦ 78% 78% 71 MKrop St Ry S00 110% 10!)% 109% Mexican Central... 200 7% 7% 7% Mlnne A St L 40 M. fit P A S St M. 100 01% 61% 61% M, StP A SStM pfd »... 110 Missouri Pac .,...¦ 2,000 89% 88% 89 Mo Kan A Tex.... 700 15% 16% 16% Mo Kan A Tex pfd. ...... 33 N R R of Mex pfd 85% N T Cent 600 118% 118% 114 Norfolk A West... ..... ..... .: 64 Norfolk A W«t pfd ...... 85 Ontario A West... 7,700 2S?% 22 22%' Pennsylvania . . . i, 13,900 113% " 113% 114 PC C A Bt L.....1 ..;,..... 65 Readlryr 4,900 44% 43% 44% Reading 1st rfd ....'• 77* Reeding 2d pfd 61% Flock Island Co ... 1,000 20% 20<i 2OU Rock Island Co pfd fittj 63% es% 63 U Bt L A S F 2d pfd. .200.43% 43 42% St L 8 W 400 10% 10% 10 Bt L S W pfd .... 1,600 28 27% -JH ' South Pacific ..... 400 45% 45 45. South Railway ... 1,100 lfe% 19% iw. South Railway pfd 100 S2% 82%. 82U Tex ft Pacific .... 700 20% ' 20 20 To Pt L A W 100 23 23 ' 22% To fit L A W pfd. so Union Pacific tt.000 -. 83% 82% 82% Union Pacific pfd.. "...,. m MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. Ala AW Cs.101 — Oak T Co ««119H — Bay CPC 5s.lOO?4!02 Do 6a 110V13 Cal C O 5S.100 106 Do con C«. — 102 Cal U * B g Oceanic 3 6s. CB — m * ct 6s. 84% 8S Oni Cable Vs. — 1_'.:'i Cal-st C Ss.113 — pac O Im 4». OlU or, C C Wat 5s. — 101 P^C Ry 6s.l04%105 JTd L & P 6sl23 125 P ft C H »« — F & C H es.114% — P A O R 6s.ll6 ."— ¦ Geary -#t 6s.. — 63 Powell -nt ««. «¦ 114 H.CAS 6H»1W — Sac EGARSs..W 1 i 98 Do 5s 96 97% SF & SJV5a.ll6%.— Hon R T 6s.lO3 — Sierra R 6».. — I1214 L A Elee 6s. — 108 S P of A 6s . L A Ry 69. 111% — (1909) IM 1C8%. L A L Co 6s — — (1910) .109 — Do *t<t 6s. — — S P of C 8* Do gtd 6s.l02%106 <J905)Sr A.J02 — LAP lem 5s.l01 — (1005)Sr B.102H — , Mkt-st C Cs. — 119H (19««) 1P4% — Do lcm 6*.1HH — (1»12) J13 11« MVft MtT5».101% — 8PO 1 eg is.iXO — S NRR of C6S.106ti _ p o ,stmpd..lrtT^lf)«'4 Do 5s 116%11T 8 P B R «B-131% — >I P C R 6*.1O4 — 8 V Wat «9. — 105 N C .Ry 6s.H0 — Do *s 2dm. — 99 N C P C 5s. 07 — Do 4s Sdrti. — 9t» If B R R 5s. 92% — |Stkn G&E«s. — 101 O O L*H 5».1O7 — U G ft E 5*. — — O W gtd 5s. — — I .Water stocks. Cfentra Costa — 46 IPdrt Costa... — — Marih Co... — W |g V Wat Coi 87% 3SU QA3 AND ELECTRIC. Cent LAP. 3% 4 '3 F O A E. 60 61 Mutual E L. I214 13 IStka O A E. B — Pac L Co... 66% — |u O ft B Co. - '— „•>; INSURANCE. . - ': ', '. 1 ' Firem'o Fnd.SCO S40 I BANK STOCKS. Am Ntl Bk..l25 13O |L P A A.. ..150 180 Anrfo-Cal .. 83% S«%'Mer Trtttt.... r? 220 Bank of Cal. — 435 (Mereh Ex.... 60 — Cal Safe Pp.143 147%'S V NatlonL — ' — First Nationl — — * SAVINGS BANK3. Ger 8 A L.22S0 2350 | Sav A L So. — 100 Hum SAL. — — ISec Sav Blc. — 450 Mutual Sav.100 — Union T Co.. — — 8 F SaV U.625 — | STREET PAILROADS. Califorhia .. — 200 (Presidio 8»H — Geary — 60 ] POWDER. Giant 60% 81 iVUorlt 4% 5 ' ¦ SUGAR. Hana P Co. — . 50c jKilanea S C. — ' 4 Hawaiian C. *9% 60 IMakawell C. 21% 22 Honokaa S C 12 . 12%jOnomea S C. 21 27ti Hutch 3 P C 8H 9 [Paauhau 3 C. 13% 14Vi MISCELLANEOUS. Alaska P A.133 140 I Oceanic S Co. ? 4H Cal F C A. — 100 |Pac Avtx FA. 5 . 6' Cal Wine A. — 90% | Pac C Borx.lU 170 MVA MtTm.lCO — j Morning Session. Board— 5 Bank of California i... .427 60 25 Mukawell 21 75 $3,000 Bay Counties Power Co OS....101 OO Afternoon Session. Board — jv;' 45 Giant Powder Con 60 50 C<> Oceanic S S Co 4 50 $2,000 N P C R R 5 per cent 104. «M» Street — $3,000 Bay Counties Powtr O> 6s.... 101 0O $1,000 8 F A S J V 6 per cent 118 75 $5v0C0 S Fist Cal con 6s (atmpd). b 2.10S 00 $3,000 United States 3s (coupon).... 1(W 00 Unlisted Securities. MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. Bid. Ask. I Bid. A sic. Bay CPC 6s. 98 — S P C R 4s. — 100 B L Wat 6s.ll3 — S P Co 4%s.. 93% — Cal NW 5».. — 112 Sun Tel 6s.. 113 — M C Wat Ss.lOO — Do 6s — 103 Ris I WksSa — 107»i Sut:r-st RSi.K.1 111 SF Drdk 5s — 113%|UR of SF 4s. 7S% 73 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Ala S Co... — SO Mat Nav Co. — 90 Cal Cot Mils SO 87 N, v Nat Bk. — SuO Caj-G*EUor. — 4.H N 8 R R 'Co. »'i — Cal Powder.. — ISO IN Cal P Co. 1«», 11 Cal Ship Co. 21 XI '(tak i:k Hav.1121, — Cal T 1 t T.113 — Mtak T Cob.. » — i Cen Bk. Oak — «S I<»iF HaU A - — Chutes Co .. — "H Orpheum C? . •- tC'i City A C Bk — 113 jr*a>-C Caa ': -0$ +J3\ Cyp L Imp.. 6H — |p»c * Ti IM I-N Ha«t Dvira. — 2"rt r»mf l» . M 'WjQTfe DpntPwd pfd — f"» jji r *ry t. •» — Do com . . — b) Ifty**. ¦ if. 23 R<« FN Bk n«k.i:i) — I- J \ - |.-; : FUcher Thtr 4Hc — 'S<» * , • t !". — Frnch-A Hk.l'-: — 1--1-.. v F-U.Wi — Gas Con A.. — 23 I Tract ».'.- ¦ . — 13 Hor.o P Co.. 1* — 1l'K Iik: pfO. «H «* LonA SF Bk — m ( Do con ... » — California Stock and Oil Exchange OH Stocks— Bid. Ask-.l. Apollo 4K Associated Trust Cortl3cat«*. 19 20 California Standard 13 .... Caribou 4 f O Central Point Con 62 «r» Chicago Crude 41 Claremont 64 ft.' Four «3 70 Fulton 1 3 T3 Giant 13 Hanford 192 00 104 On Home 1 30 1 B5 Imperial 18 00 Independence 23 Junction 11 12 Kern 4 75 Kern River 10 00 Lion 01 Monarch (of Arizona) *> Monte Crtsto ;• •*•• W Occidental of W Va ' U Oil City Petroleum 53 69 Peerless ....i 14 OO Plttsburg 13 Reed Crude 1 50 .'... 8<mator «3 «3 Sovereign 39 Sterling -• 2 «0 Superior 03 Thirty-threw 8 23 Toltec 21 Twenty-tlsht 8 00 Associated Bonds T90O Wabash - 41 Monarch Pool » S« Miscellaneous — Cypress Lawn Imp Co 8 60 .... Fischer's Theater .".. 73 SO Northern Cal Power 10 73 .... SALES. Morning Session. Board — 1C0O Junction 13 1(m> Caribou 4 3" 100 Caribou » 4 30 Afternoon Session. Board — 2CO Ncrtherii California Power, b 3. . 11 OO : 60 Northern Calif mrnlw Powr 11 CO 10OO Senator ....' 63. 500 Junction J. 11 2000 Independence 2S 100 Fischer's I.. 75 Street— BOO Caribou 4 30 1000 Junction : 13 Mining Stocks. / — SAN FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE. Following were the sales on the San Fran cisco Stock and Exchange Board yesterday: Morning Session. ICO Alta ...V.... 07 100 Ophlr B 80 6C0 Andes 13 JOO Ophlr B 82^ 400 Belcher 80 200 Overman 33 700 Caledonia ... M 70O Potosl 13 300 Crown Point. IS 300 Unlofl Con — 87 200 Exchequer .. 881 Afternoon Session. 400 Andes 13 2CO Mexican ......143 200 Belcher 23 100 Ophlr 5 87^j 2»1O Bullion ....'.. 11 10O Savage 28 2CO Challenge Con 19| 100 Scorpion 17 100 Chollar 17} 30* UnJon . Con .. 51 400 Con C A Va.l 30l 400 Utah lrt 100 Exchequer . . 3B 300 Utah ..... . . . . 13 300 Justice 12f 70O Yellow Jacket. 19 PACIFIC STOCK EXCHANGE. Following wer» the sales on th« Paclfio Receipts of Btrawberrles are falling off dally, as the first crop of all varieties la becoming 1 exhausted and the second crop has nut yet commenced to coma forward freely. The rul ing prices for the Mallnda Variety yesterday were $3@3 50 per chest and the other large va rieties were firmer at $3 5004. The canners were still In the market for Mallndas at the minimum rate but secured very few. Receipts of other berries were well up to trade require ments and prices were generally easier. Sup plies of early deciduous fruits, particularly Cherries, .were: far In excess of the demand and the market was consequently Weaker for alt' kinds. Receipts of Cherries were ¦ some where In the neighborhood- of 3D00 packages and Included large, lines of loose stock, which was much weaker, despite liberal purchases by the Catrners. who were paying 2®3%c for com mon white, 6®5%c for Royal Anne and 3©3%c for black. Apricots In baskets appeared from the Sacramento River. A consignment of 7 baskets came in and sold at $1 25 per basket. Cantaloupes from CoAChella . sold at $3 per crate of 16 melons, and Watermelons from, the same region were offering at 75c each. Six crates of the latter were received, each crata containing 6 melons. Oranges ¦ were rather dull and Navels were quoted . lower. The other Citrus fruits as well as tropical fruits, were ' without quotable variance.- STRAWBERRIES— $5©« per chest for Long worths and $2&4 for the larger varieties. , LOGANBERRIES— $4®5 per chest and 83o per crate. ' * • . BLACKBERRIES— $4®3 per chest and — P *RASPBERRIES— $1 23®1' 80 per crate and 7C@90c per drawer. GOOSEBERRIES— l®2c per-lb for common and 4@5o for the Oregon Improved. CURRAJ«JT3— 25@40d per drawer. ' CHERRIES— Black, 85©5(K; per drftw*r. And 3@5%c per lb in bulk; V> hite, 25®40c per drawer and 2@4c per lb In bulk; Royal Anne, 60066c per'drawer and 6@6c per lb In bulk. APRICOTS— $1®1 60 per box or crate. APPLES— $1 60©2 23 per box for old crop and 2S®50c for new green.: FIGS— $1 26$M 50 per box. CITRUS FRUIT8— Navel Oranges.. $2 25@2 75 f 6r fancy, $1 &0®'i 50 for choice and 90cS$l 50 for standard! Seedlings. $1 25; Valenclas, $2© 2 75 : ¦ Mediterranean Sweets. $1 60@l 75; Tan rerlnes $1 25: Lemons. *260®2 75 for fancy, 1 50«fi 75 for choice and $1^1 25 for stand ard; Grape Fruit," $1 504f2 for seedless and $1® 1 50 for ordinary; Mexican Limes. $5@5 60 per case; Bananas. $233 per bunch for Central American and $l®2.for Hawaiian j Pineapples. $2®3 per dozen.- ¦ ¦ ¦ , - , Deciduous and Citrus Fruits. CHEESE— 8|F8%e for good to choice new and 6&7c for lower grades; Young America". 9fi-t>%c; Eastern, 12%e/14c; Western, lli@12c per lb. BOGS— Ranch, I8©20c for fair to choice; store. ie@17%c; Eastern, 16%®18c. As foreshadowed yesterday, ranch Ettffs an) higher and firm at the advance, with strictly fine stock getting scarcer. Store Eggs are kept down by ! warm weather In the interior and the competition of ths Eastern goods. There Is nothing new In Cheese. Receipts were '86,100' lbs Butter, 1503 cases Eggs and 2300 lbs Cheese. BUTTER— Creamery at first hands. 18%f?19c for extras and 17«t®lSo for firsts: dairy, -10© 17%c; store Butter, 13916c; cold storage, nom inal. Butter continues quiet and not oversteady. The. supply is f till large and Is now being fur ther Increased by ehipments from Fresno, as Loh Angeles has left that market as a buyer and is* now getting Its Butter from the East. Butter, Cheese and Eggs. WASHINGTON, June- 2.— To-day's state ment of the treasury balances In the general fund, exclusive of the ?160,000.000 gold re serve In the divlRlon of redemption, nhowoi Available each balance $103,557,102 Gold 4 09.124.7S3 Cash in the Treasury. Cons money.... 90 6-lfiJN Y Central 117% Do acct OO-'ilNor A Western... Kt% Anaconda 3%! Do pM 8tt Atchison ....'.... 7n*f Ont & Western... 22^4 Do pfd fl"> Pennsylvania K8% Bal & Ohio R0 Rand Mines \ft% Car. Pacific 120% Reading 22% Chfd & Ohio SO* Do 1st pfd H9% Chi Great West.. 14»i Do 2rl pfd 31 Chi, Mil & fit P..J4.1 So Railway 20% Do Beer* 10% Do pfd R4« Den & Rio G 20 So Pacific 4fi% Do pfd TO Union Pacific |8U Erlo 2ST4I Do pfil Jm{ Do 1st pfd 5R%IU S Steel D« Do 2d v>fd n. r i I Do pfd 54 % 111 Central . AZ1 Wnhash 16 Louis & Nash. ...110 Do pfd 34 M. K & Texas... 10% Spanish 4s S3% Bar silver — Steady, 23 7-16d per ounce. Money— 2<52% per cent. The rtite of discount In the open market for rhot-t Mis Is 2 l-1fW2% per ceht and for three months' bills 2© 2 1-16 per cent. London Closing Stocks. LIVERPOOL. Wheat— ¦ . July, Septr Opening o 4% 0 494 I Qlosing 6 4H 6 4% ! ;/,' PARIS. ; Wheat — '.• June. Sept -Dec. ! Opening '. 20 33 20 30 Closing . ; 20 35 20 3d Flour — Opening 27 65 27 35 Closing ....;.. 27 60 27 30 St. Louis Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. June 2.-*- WOOL — Firm. Medium gxv.des. combing and clothing, l.ifaijc; light i flnp, 15(gl8c; heavy fine, 12@>10c; tubwashed I 2ir«.32o. A; , ; Sale of Sheepskins. LONDON, June 2. — A sale of sheepskins was held in Mincing lan« to-day. Offerings amount ed to 3315 bales. Competition was fairly ac tive. Fully wooled Merinos were 2% per cent dearer, «nd half wooled, . shorn and wasting wore unchanged. Fine eross-breds advanced 1 2',i oer cent nnd coarse cross. breds were 6 per cent higher. Northern Wheat Market. PORTLAND/ JunS 2.— -WHEAT— Walla Walla. 72c: brucstem, 80c; valley, 81e. WASHINGTON. TACOMA. June 2.— WHEAT— Unchanged; bluest em, 80c: club. 72c. Northern Business. SEATTLE. June 2. — Clearings, $757,817! bal ances, $122,080. ' ¦ TACOMA, June 2.— Clearlngs.^335,279: bal ances, $:>i,)59(). PORTLAND, June 2. — Clearings, $634,584; balances, $80,147. ¦ SPOKANE, June ".- 2.— Clearings, $433,997; balances,' $46,828. Foreign Futures. Another car of Western Poultry, making the thlrd'for the week, was received'and was tunud over to a leading retailer by the importers. Receipts of domestic stock were moderate and there was continued firmness in large young fowls. Young Roosters were rather scarce and quoted higher. Small chickens were Inclined to easiness, but prices were no lower. . There were no changes in Game. Only a few sacks catne In. POULTRY— Live Turkeys, 15£16c per lb: Geese, per pair, $1 50@l 75; Goslings. $1 75*E 2; Ducks, M r af> per dozen for old and $r>'tj« for young; Hens. $0®7 for large and $3(TS 50 for tmall; j-oung Roosters, ?7 50f7'>; old Roosters. $4 50tf/5; Fryers. $5 50!9« CO; Broilers. $ai?4 for targe and $2@2 50 for small: Plseons. $1 25&1 60 per dozen for old and $1 B0«2 for Squab?. GAME— Hare, $1 5U per dozen; Rabbits, $1 75 62 tor Cottontails and $1 per doten for brush. Poultry and Game. Miscellaneous Markets. Money- U S Steel... 6% rail lnana ,...2H«?3% Do nfd G2!, Time loans . . .'JMiU Ihs Westing Common. 76 Bonds — Mining— Atchison 4» .....1CO>« I Adventure IVi Do BdJ 4s 90%|Allouez , 6 Mex Crnt 4s 60 Copper 49% Railroads — JAmer Zinc 8% Atohlson ('STUlAtlantic 7% Do pfd 92 Iliingham 20% Boston & Albany. 243 I Calumet & Hecla.45» Itoston & Maine.. \W ICentenhlal 19 Boston Elev 140 ICopper. Range 41% Fitchburg pfd 1.1»%!Daly West 1T4H Mex Central 7 |Dom Coal CO N Y, N H & H..1S614 Franklin , 7 Pen Marqut-tte... 77 IGrancy 3 5-16 Union Pacific 82% I Isle Royale 8 Miscellaneous — j Mass Mining .... 3% Amer Arge Chem. 14 Mli-hlgan 8% Do pfd 73 (Mohawk 89 Arr<r Pnju Tube. 4 Mont Coal & Coke 3% Amer Pugar 120% Old Dominion ... 12 Do pf<i 120 Osceola 5rt% Amer Tel & Tel. 124% Parrot 5>.J% Amer Woolen ... 10V4 Quinoy 80 Do pfd ....I... 74U'Hhannon 5%, Dom Iron & B... 8VjlTamarack .¦% SO Ed Elect Ilium.. 231 iTrlnlty 3% Gen Electric 1S5 U S Mining 10% Macs Electric .... 18 V S Oil B% Do rM "2 t'iah 33H Mafs Qas 40 Victoria 2U I'nitod Fruit 110 Wlnona 5% Un Shoe Mach... -!R% Wolverine 69* Do pfd 29 Boston Stocks and Bonds. j RED AND WHITE LEAD— Red Lead fUO , 7%c per lb; White Lead. 714@7%c. according I to quantity. SUGAR— The Western Suifar Refining Cmh. ; rany quotes as follows, per lb. In 100-lb bag!*: ; Cubes A Crushed and Fine Crushed. .V0.V; Powdered. 5.!>rte: Candy Granulated. flSOe; Dry \ Granulated, fine. 5.70e; Dry Granulated, coarse. : 6.70c: Fruit Granulated, E^Oc; Beet Granu lated (1001b bags only). 5.60ci Confectioners' ' A. 6.70c: Magnolia A 5.30c; Extra C. 5.20c; Golden C, 5.10c; "D," 6e; barrels. iOc more; '. half barrels 23c more; boxes, 50c more; 60-lb ba«s 10c more for all kind*. Tablets — Half barrels. 6.20c; boxes. 6.45c; H. & E. Crystal Domlnos. 8.70c per lb. No orders taken for less than seventy-five barrels or Its equivalent. RICE^ — Chlhcse, descriptions are firm, while Japanese grades are quoted treak. : TEA — Is very firm at primary points and I Hankow advices report Congous • 10315 per cent hUher. QUICKSILVER— Larger offerings are weak ening the market, and quotations are now $43 «744 for local trade, with export lots obtain able at concessions. Receipts of Produce. FOR THURSDAY. JUNE 2. Flour, qr ska .. 10,.153IHay. tons 246 Wheat, Ctls .... 2.128 Wool, bales 6C« Barley, ctls .... 3.929 Screenings, sks.. 200 Oats, Ctls 954 Hides. No. .... 2,437 Corn, ctl* 9 Pelt*. No. 735 Rya, ctl 151 Leather, rolls .. 32 Beans, sks .... 6WTallow. ctls ... 21* Potatoes sks .. l,28C!Ume, bbls .... 321 Onions, sks . . . 37R| Paper, reams . • . 638 Bran ska 435'Qulcksllver. fJk». Ill Middlings, sks.. lOOlWIne. gala :..-.. 15,200 EASTERN. Corn, ctls 1.0C0! Cornmeal. ska.. 1.0C0 BAGS — drain Bags 6%c spot And 6%c June- July; Pan Quentlti. $5 40; Wool Bags. S2®56e: Fleece Twine. 7'gSe. COAL— Wellington $8 per ton: New Welling ton $S; Seattle. $<l 50; Bryant. ?8 60: .Bearer Hill. $5 50; Stanford.- $7; Roslyh. $7; Coos Bay. $5 50. Greta $7;. Wallsend. $7; Richmond. $7 5b; Cumberland. $13 In bulk and $14 25 in rack?; Pennsylvania Anthracite Egg, $14; Welnh Anthracite Egg. $13; Welsh LUmp. $11 60; Cannel. $3 SO per ton; Coke. $11 30@tf per ton In bulk and $15 in.sncks; Rocky Moun tain descriptions. $11 45 per 2000 lbs and $12 SO per long ton, according to brand. OILS — Quotations are for barrels; for cas«a add 5c: Linseed. 49c per gallon for boiled and 47c for raw; Castor Oil In cases. No. 1 70c; Bakers' AA. $1 NW1 12: Lucol 45c for boiled and 43c for raw; China Nut. 60@70c per gallon; Cocoanut Oil In barrels. 5Sc for Ceylon and 53c for Australian; extra bleached winter Sperm Oil. 68c; natural winter Sperm On, 63c; #«tr* bleached winter Whale Oil, 57c; natural Whal» Oil, 52c; extra winter strained Lnrd Oil, 75c; No. 1 Lard Oil. ti.V: pure Neatsfoot Oil, 73c; No 1 Neatsfoot Oil 63c: light Herring OH. 42c: dark Herring Oil. 40c: Salmon OH S4c: boiled Fish OH, 37c; raw Fish Oil. 35c; boiled Paint Oil, 33c; raw Paint Oil. 31c. COAL OIL— Water White Coal Oil. In bulk. 14c; Pearl Oil. in cases, 20Uc; Astral. 20%c; Star. 20%c; Extra Star, 24%c; Elaine. 26%c; Eocene. 2.1Hc; Deodorized Etnve Gasoline In bulk. 16c: in cases. 22%c; Benzine, in bulk. 13c; in cases, 19%e; .SO-degree Gasoline. In bulk. 25c: in c&«ea. 31c. TURPENTINE— 81c per gallon In cases and 75c In drum* and iron barrels. General Merchandise. Nezv York Money Market. NEW YORK. June 2.- : <:iose. Money on call was eacy at lQHi d«t cent; closing bid, 1; offered at l l i per cent. Time loans were eat^y and steady with 6ixty days and ninety days at 202% per cent, and jelx months at ¦l<a",\' x per cent. Prime mercantile paper; 3»»@4% per cent. Sttrling exchanxe was fcirung; with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.S730ig4.S740 for demand and at $4.8550 for !>lxty days. Posted rates. $4 80 and $4 KS. . Commercial tills. H 85V4ff4 85%. Bar silver. SJ : iC. . ' ¦ I Mexican d')H3ry.-44V»c.--*-' — *••'*• Bonds — Government, -easier; railroads, ir regular. EASTERN MARKETS.^ CHICAGO. June 2.— Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, steady; No. 2 spring wheat, P4®»7e; No. 3. !)2!g!>3c; No. 2 red, $1 04JT1 03: No. 2 corn. KOc; No. 2 yellow, 61tf51%c: No. 2 oats, 41%@41%c; No. 3 white. 41<7>t3%c; No. 2 rye, 7">c; good feeding barley, Z3&i3i; fair to choice maltlns. 43(g-.>«c; No. 1 flaxseed, $1; No 1 Northwestern, $1 06%; prime timothy seed, $3; megs pork, per barrel, $11 30^11 35; lard, per 100 pounds. $*» 32%@6 35; short ribs sides (loose), $•( 50^0 62%; short clear sides (boxed), $(! 50i§0 75; whisky, bas|s of, high wines, $1 28; clover, contract grade, $10 73. Articles — Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 2.i»0rt " 14,700 Wheat bushels 47,000 33.GU0 Corn, bushels ...890,300 644.C0O Out*, bushels ¦..;.. t:....;..30S.»00 * 137.500 Rye bushels ....''...'.-...;. 4,000 * 3,100 Barley, bushels 83,800 5,400 Butter, Cheese and Eggs. CHICAGO, June 2.— On the Produce Ex change to-day the Butter market was firm; Creameries. 13U@17%c; Dairies, 12@16c. Ejrgu, steady at mark, cages included, 14%@15Uc. Cheese, easy, 7%€9c. Cash Grain and Provisions. * New Potatoes contlhued to arrive freely, but trade was quite active at the recently revised quotations and the market was pretty well cleaned up at the close. Old were being- forced for sale, but found, few buyers. Red Onions were easier under- Increased receipts. All kinds of miscellaneous vegetables were In free supply and trade was moderately active both for local use and shipping account. As paragus cleaned 'up at previous prices, with surplus lots going to the canners at 4&5c per pound. String and Wax Bearm arrived freely from several sections and anything fine met With prompt sale at 7<Ji>*o per pound. Poor, drlod-up stock, which constituted the bulk of the rtcelpU from the south, sold very slowly at 3f@5c per pound and there was quite a surplus of such stock still on hand at the close. Summer Squash, too, sold at a wide range as to quality and a box from Bay Farm Island, the flrt=t of the season from that quarter, brought . $1 75. <Jren Corn from Brent wood sold at 25B'30c per dozen. POTATOES— New. in boxes. $1 25@1 65 V« ctl for white and $1G1 '^5 for Early Ros;; In eacks. ?1S1 50 per ctl; old Oregon Burbanks, $1@1 25 per ctl; old river Burbanks, 85ej$l per ctl. ONIONS — Australian Yellow, $5 per ctl; hew Red, 75©UOC per sack; new Green. SOiguOc VEGETABLES— Asparagus, 4£0%c per. lb: Rhubarb; 4C©5Uc per box; Green Peas. $10 125 p«r sack; Garden «Peas. K§2%c per lb; String Beans, 3fcSc per lb; Wax Beans, oQSc per lb; Tomatoes, $1 JtN&l 73 psr box or crate for Loa Angeles and $1 60©2 lot Mexican (re packed); Summer Squa«h. T.'cijjl i'S per box; Cabbage, $ 1 per t'tl; Carrots, 6t'c per sack; Cu cumbers. 7,ih iit 1 per Unsen; do, Marysvllle, $1 75 W2 per box; Garlic, new, 5^0c per lb; Egg Plant, S#10c ptr lb; Dried Peppers, SSlOc for sun-diietl .and 12%j?13c per lb for evap orated; Dried Okra, 12%<S15c per lb; Green Peppers, £5}lUc per lb for Los Angeles and 12% if 1.1c for Mexican; Marrowfat Squash, Jobbing at l%@2c per lb. Potatoes, Onions and Vegetables. The following quotation's are for good. Round Livestock, delivered In San Francisco^ less 50 per cent for shrinkage for Cattle: CATTLE— Steers. 7%@8Hc; Cows and Heif ers ti%@7c; thin Cow3, 4@5c per lb. . CALVES — t@4%c pec lb (grow weight). SHEEP— Wethers. £%S4c; Ewes, 3@3V«e per lb (gross weight). LAMBS— $2 5C@2 75 per head. . HOGS — Live Hogs, 140 to 200 lbs, 5c: 200 to 230 lbs. 4%c; over 2BO lbs, 4%c: soft Hogs, nominal; Sows, 20 i>«r cent oft; Boars. 60 per cent off. and Stags, 40 p>r cent off from above quotations. Wholesale rates from slaughterers to dealers are as roilows: . . - BEEF — 6%®7c for Steers and 5@ec per lb for Cows. VEAL— Large, 6®7c; small. 7*4S9c per lb. MUTTON— Wethers. 7S8c; Ewes, 6%$7a per lb. LAMB— 8%«J9e per lb. PORK— Dressed Hogs, 6%@9%c per lb. / LIVESTOCK MARKET. DRESSED MEATS. The packers are now buying Hogs on a new welKht basis, as will be seen below, and the market Is weak, with a light demand. Many of the Sheep and Lambs now coming In are poor nnd Boine thin Ewes sold down to 6o per pound. Calves still glut the market. Meat Market, Merr*d 87 BO Very windy .00 Nape. 81 66 W Clear .00 Newman 90 63 N Clear .00 Palermo 83 62 .... Clear" .00 Portervllle 87 54 N Clear .00 Red Bluff 88 60 W Clear .00 Riverside 91 P2 .... Clear .00 Sacramento 80 58 NW Clear .00 Ban Diego 74 68 S Clear .00 San Francisco 64 58 W Clear -CO Sen Jose 73 61 .... Clear .00 San Luis Obispo ....76 62 W Clear .00 Santa Maria 80 68 Clear .00 Fanta Rosa 81 67 . NW near. .07 Stockton 79 65 Clear .CO Willows 82 65 N Clear .00 WEATHER AND CROP CONDITIONS. Napa — Cherries ripening; medium crop; good quality. Hanford — Prospects for grain and fruit good. ¦ Holllster — Apricots doing well; good quality, except Mwrpark variety. Riverside— Navel crop about • harvested ; later v»rlety going forward. Stockton — Apricots siiing up well; ; heavy crop hay. Colusa — Barley harvesting commenced; early frultfc rlpeninff. Willows — Weather fine for all crops. Palermo — Irrigating in progreEs; oranges set ting well. Livermore— Weather very favorable for growing grain. San Jose — Grain fair; prunes short In places; cherries plentiful. King City — Cool afternoon wind; green pas turaire drying up rapidly. Newman— High north wind ripening gTaln too fast. — Porterville — Valencia late oranges being picked. Santa Maria — Warm weather ripening grain somewhat softer; other conditions unchanged. Santa Rosa — No damage by rain. Cloverdale — Light showers; no damage to bay or cherries. A. O. McADIE. Section Director. Review of the Situation by a Nr.v York Banker. CONDITION OF TRADE. HIDES AND BKINS — Culls iahd brands sell about %t?lc under quotations. . Heavy Salted Steers. »%c; medium. 8%c: Hght. 8c; Cow Hides. 8c for heavy and 8c for light; 8tafta. 6c- Salted Kip. 9c; Salted Veal. 10c: Salted Calf, lie; dry Hides. 16c; dry Kip. 13c; dry Calf 19e; Sheepskins, shearlings, 25i930e each: short Wool. 40t}65c each: medium. 70#9Oc: long Wool $1®1 B0; Horse Hides, salt. $2 75 for largo and ?2«2 60 for medium, $1 25@1 73 for small and 60c for Colts. Horse Hides, dry, $1 75 for large and $1 60 for medium. $li£l 25 for email *nd 6Oc for Colts. Buck Skins— Dry Mexican. SCc; dry Salted Mexican. 25c: dry Central American. 30©32%c. Goat Skins — Prime Angoras. 75c; large and smooth. 60c; medium. 35c; small, 20c. . TALLOW— No.*l rendered, 4};©4%e per lb: No .2. 3%<e4c; grtase. 2«ft3c. WOOL — Spring Clip — San Joaquln and South *rn 12 months' 9@lle; do 7 months'. 8©lt>e per lb; Middle Counties. 12&16e for free, and lliffKc for defective: Northern, 16<@17c for rre« and 13@15c for defective; Nevada. 12315c, ac cording to condition. HOPS— Jobbing at 27%if30e per lb for Cali fornia. 1903. For crop of 1904 the nominal quotation !s 20c. Hides, Tallow, Wool and Hops. Canary and Brown Mustard Seed are both very firm and the latter is higher. There is notnlng new in Beans, which are quiet. BEANS— Bayos, $2 2582 $0; Pea. $2 9OS.1; Butters. ¥3; small White, $2 S5@3 10; large White. $2 2322 53: Pink, $3 45413 CO; Red, $1 25; Lima. $3 2o®3 30; Red Kidneys. $4 7."{J 5; Blarkeye, $1 UU'a- 15 per ctl; Horse Beans, $2<T2 CO. . . SEEDS-r-Brown Mustard, $1 25#1 60; Yellow Mustard. $3@3 25; Flax, $1 S0®l 90; Canary, 6%@5%c for Eastern; Alfalfa. 14%@l«c; Rape, 1%©2c; Timothy, 0®<i%c; Hemp, 3%@4c per lb; Millet. 3©3%c; Broom Corn Seed. $20ft21 per ton. - DRIED PEAS — Blackeye, $3 per ctl; Nlles, (3 25; Green Pea>, $3(^3 25. Beans and Seeds. Two more cars of Volunteer "Wild Oat Hay told yesterday at $8. Otherwise there was nothing new in the market. The feeling in Hay continues weak, while Bran and Mid dlings rule firm, with light offerings. BRAN— $21«22 per ton. MIDDLINGS— $27 60^29 60 per ton. SHORTS— *21®22 per ton. FEEDSTUFFS— Rolled Barley, $23@23 60 per ton; Oilcake Meal at the mill, $29 80^31; jobbing. $:!2; Cqc.6a.nut Cake, $22@23; Corn Meal, $32*833 : Cracked Coin, $32 50®33 60; Mixed Feed. $22@23; Horse Beans. $30@i0 per ton: Broom Corn Feed, 80c per ctl. * HAY— Wheat, $IO@15; Wheat and Oat. $ll@ 13 60; Oat, $9®12; Wild Oat. $7@10; Bar ley and Oat, $7«?11; Stock, $7®8; Alfalfa. $7@ 10 per ton. STRAW- 6CS80C per bale. Hay and Feedstuffs. CHICAGO, June 2. — Higher cables, wet weather In the Northwest and bullish crop news caused a strong opening In wheat, July balng up %©14c to ftig^c. at 87%c to 87%c. Shorts were the best buyers, although there WU a good demand from commission houses. For ' a time the . initial strength wa* well * maintained as a result of the Missouri crop report, which showed absolutely no improvement in the condition of wheat. Advices from Kansas City stated that heavy rains had fallen In Kansas and Oklahoma, and wheat had been much damaged by severe wind storms attending the down pour. Strength in corn 'was also a supporting Influence early in the session. - Later in ths day trading became less active and sentiment changed materially. *• As a result of moderate selling of September recessions wers made In all deliveries, the market losing the greater part of the early gain. A reaction in corn also had a. depressing influence on the wh»at mar ket. .The high-point In July was reached at 8T*4c After touching 87%c, July closed at 87ifc<gS7y 4 e. •• . ¦ During the first part of the session senti ment in corn was extremely bullish. Later in the day much of the advance wu loat on liberal realizing sales. The close, however, was firm. July opened VJe to %c higher at 49 %q to 50 %c. sold between 49 %c and 60% c, closing at 49 T ic. In sympathy with other grains, oats were firm. After opening a shade to %«fVtc higher, at 3!t%a to 39%c, July sold between 3!»%-;;..j •..,..¦ and .•'.u'lftM'TiL- and closed at 39%c. Provisions were weak on selling by pack ers and small holders. Liberal receipts of hogs and a big increase in the world's supply of lard were thfe principal bear factors. July pork closed at a loss of 17%@20c. at $11 87HM 11 40. July lard was off 7%c, at $6 40, and ribs also were down 7%c, closing at $6 60. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles — Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat No. 2— ¦ .. July, old ... -'88% 60% 88% 88% July, new ... 87% 87% 87% ,»87!i Sept., old .. S.1% 83% 8.1% 83% Sept., hew .. 82% 82% 81% 81% Corn No. 2— June 49U 49^4 48% 49 July 50%. 60% 40% 49% September .. 49% 49% 48% 48% Oats N'o. 3 — June 41% 41% 41 % 41% July - 39% 39% «9% 39% September ,. 31% 31% 31% 31% Mesa Pork, per barrel — July 1145 1157% 1132% 1140 September ..11 75 . 11 77% 11 57% 11 60 Lard per 100 pounds — * July..' 6 45 6 47% 6 40 6 40 September . . 6 65 « 07% 6 65 6 57% Short Ribs, per 100 pounds- July 6 67% 6 07% 6 60 6 60 September ..6 80 6 85 6 75 6 77% Future Grain and Provisions. FLOUR— California Family Extras, $4 600 4 90. usual terms; Bakers' Extras, $4 60#4 80; Oregon and Washington, Jobbing at $3 S5«J1 25 per bbl. . y ' AULLSTUFFS— Prices In packages are as follows: Graham Flour, $3 60 per 100 lbs; Rye Flour. $3 50: Rye Meal, $3 25; Rice Flour, $7: Corn Meal. $3 60: extra cream do, $4 25; Oat Groats. $4 60; Hominy, $4<S4 25; Buck wheat Flour, $4 6O'g4 75: Cracked Wheat, $4; Farina. $4 60.\ Whole Wheat Flour, $3 75; Rolled Oats, bbls, $7 2568 60; in sacks, $6 75® 8 10; Pearl Barley, $0; Split Peas, boxes, $7; Green Peal, $5 60 p°r 100 lbs. Flour and A fills tuffs. Chicago Board of Trade. There Is no further change in anything. This market is dull and weaR, while Chicago is heavy and lacks the. support of the packers. CURED MEATS— Bacon. 9 Ho per lb for heavy, 10c for light medium. 12c for light. 13%c for extra light and 15<316c for sugar cured; Eastern sugar-cured Ham*. 13c; Cali fornia Hams. 12@12%c: Mess Beef, $10*9 '10 50 per bbl: extra Mess. S114211 50; Family. $12012 50; prime Mess Pork. $14; extra clear, $23- Mess. $17 50; Dry Salted Pork. »%c: Pig Pork. $26: Piga" Feet. $3; Smoked Beef. 14o LARi) — Tierce* Quoted at «Hc p«r lb for compound and 8%c for P?re: half-barrel* pure, 8%c; 10-lb tins. 0V%c; C-lb tins, 0%c; 3-lb tins, 9%c ' COTTOLENE^ — Ono half barrel, 8%o; thre« half barrels 8y t c; one tierce, 8%c; two tierces, 8c; five tierces, 7%c per lb. Provisions. Nczv York Stock market still apathetic. Cotton lower. Sihrr and Sterling Exchange somezv^at higher. Nothing new on the local stock exchanges. Wheat and Barley quid at previous prices. Oats, Corn and Rye steadily held. Receipts of new Hay more frequent. Feedstuffs firm. Beam still inactive at unchanged quotations. New Potatoes coming iu freely. Onions and Vegetables plentiful ¦ Good, large Poultry showing it: ore firmness. Fresh Fruits continue abundant at normal prices. Dried Fruit s f Nuts and Raisins unchanged. : Butter and Cheese plentiful and easy. Eggs higher. Provisions dull and weak in all positions. Cattle, Sheep and Hogs weak, with large arrivals. Tea firmer in the primary markets. Quicksilver declining under larger offerings. SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS. Wabash 300 16 16 15% Wobash pfd ...... 200 83% 33 K 33 Vi Whetl & L Erie... 1W 14ft 14% 14 Wlscon Cent . .*.. ]e% Wisconsin Cen pfd .31% Express Companies — / Adams , .... .... 225 American ioo 180 180 177 United States ](X> • Wells-Ffcrfto , .... .... 200 ' Miscellaneous — Amalg Copper 16,400 49% . 48*4 40U : Amer Car & Found.. 500 16% 16% lt% AmerC&Fpfd ..." 694 Amer Cotton Oil 27 Amer Cot OH pfd.. ...... 86% Amer Ice e% Amer Ice pfd 300 26H 26U 26 Amer Linseed Oil.. 100 7 7 6<j Amer Lin Oil pfd 23% Amer Locomotive .. 100 18H 1814 18^4 Amer Locomo pfd gO'.i Amer Smelt & Rfg. 6,700 B3>4 51% C2 AmerS & R pfd... 3,100 «7V» 86' /8 87 Am^r Sugar Ref*.. 2,100 127>4 126 12B«4 Anaconda Min Co 72 Brooklyn Rap Tran 6.700 47% 46% 40^ I'olo Fuel & Iron .... 28H Consolidated Gas... B.40O 20.1 200H 202 Corn Products 200 10% 10% 10V4 Corn Products prd. 100 0C}, C«v5 06 Dlstillers'Securlties ..... .... .... 20>i Oneral Electric..." 200 155 155 154 >wi International Paper 100 10Vi 10% lO'.i Interntl Paper pfd 66 Intemtl Pump 40O 35 35 * S4H ' Intcrntl Pump pfd 72 ! National Lead 600 10% 19>4 19% North American.... 200 81 SO 1 ,! 81 Pacific Mail 100 25& 25Vi 25H People's Gas 600 05 . 95 95 Pressed Ste«l Car ii*\i Pr Stiel Car pfd 67 Palace Car 210 Republic Steel " 100 6>& 6% -' 6}4 Republic Steel pfd 37% Rubber Good* 13 Rubber Goods pfd 77 Tenn Coal & Iron.. ICO 33U S3% 33U US Leather 100 6^ 6^ CH I U S Leather pfd .79^ U S Realty 900 6% -^ 6^ U S Realty prd 300 CO , 60 r>9V4' US Rubber ... 200 16& 15T4 15Ji U S Rubber pfd 109 60V*. CfiVi 64 >i U S Steel 1.50O 9 8'4 »Hi i IT S et»el pfd 10,400 53% 62% 54% : ¦VWwtinRhouse Elec 153%! Western "Unldn 100 88 86 86 ] Total sales ...141,900 shares. UNITED RAILROADS OF SAN FRANCISCO. NEW YORK, June 2. — No bond transactions j AMERICAN CAN COMPANY. Common— Bid, 3%; asked, 3%. Preferred — j Bid. 35; asked. 35%. NEW YORK BONDS. U S ref 2s reg..lO4% I. «.- N unified 4s.lOO% Do coupon 105 Van con gold 4s.lO3$fc Do 3s reg 1O5J4 Mex Cent 4s ti3 Do coupon 106 Do 1st inc.... 12 Do new 4a reE.132 l i Minn & St L 43. 96 Do coupon 132% II K & Tex 48... 98 Do old 4s reg. 106 DO 2ds 77% Dc coupon 107 NR of Mex con 4s 74 Atch cen 4s 101% NYC gen 3%s.. 99% Do adj 4s 91 N J C gen 5s.... 130% Atlantic C L 4s. 94% Noi Pac 4s 104% Bal & Ohio 4s. ..101^, Do 3s" 71% Do 3%s 95% Nor & W con 4s. 98% Central of Ga 5s.lO7% OS-L 4s & partic. 94% Do 1st inc 74 I'a conv 3%s 94% Chea & Ohio 4%a.lO4% Reading gen 4s... »«% Chi & Alton 3%s. 78 S L, & I M con 6s.ll4% C. B & Q new 4s. »5 S L & S F fg 4s. 82 C.M & SP pn 4S.109' St Louis SW lsts. 90 C & NW con 7s.l27% Seaboard A L 4s. 7014 C. R I & Pac 4s. 07»i So Pacific 4s 90 Do col 5s 79% So Railway 5s 110% C.C.C & SLgn 4s. 98^4 Tex & Pac lsts. 116% Chi Term 4s 73% T. St L & W 4s. 70 Cons Tobacco 4s. C9% Ui Ion Pacific 4s.. 104% Co!o & So 4s 82% Do conv 4s..... 90% C F & I con 5s. C9H, L" S Steel 2d 5s.. 73^ Den & Rio G 4s. 9S"4K\ abash lsts .....113% Eric- prior lien 4s. 0«% Do deb B BC% Dc gen 4s WV4 W «fc L Erie 4s... S9% -F W & D C lsts.104 Wi? Central 4s... 00 Hoek Val 4«ig...lC7% NEW YORK MININO STOCKS. Adams Con 25] Little Chief ...."- 03 Alice 40 Ontario 3 75 B'pece lUIOphir 0 23 Bruns Con 13!Thoenix . . . .r*^, . . 12 Com Tunnel (WIIMosl ..%.. 16 Con Cal & Va... 1 BOj Savage 2S Horn Silver 1 :>5| Sierra Nev 45 Iron Silver 1 f>0| Small Hopes , 13 Lcadvllle Con ... 02,'Standard ......\.. 2 10 NEW YORK, June * 2.— Tin ' ruled firm, both In the London and local markets. Spot gained Is abroad, closing at £122 17s 6d and futures were 17s 3d higher at £122 2s 6d._ Locally the market closed at $27 12%@27 37%. ". ; Copper vat unchanged In the London mar ket, closing at £55 12s Cd for both spot and futures. Locally the market was father easier. X*ke is quoted at $12 87%@13 12%; electro lytic, $12 75013: casting, $12 50@12 70. . Lead was unchanged In New York, closing at $4 3?<c?4 40, but advanced Is 3d to £11 10a In London. . Spelter ru!*d steady at $4 87%@6 In New York and v/as unchanged in London, where It closed at £22. | Iron closed at 01s 6d In Glasgow and at 43s 4%d in Mlddlesboro. Locally iron Is quiet No. 1 foundry, northern,. Is .quoted at $14 75@ l."i 25; No. 'I foundry, northern, $14 25@>14 SO; No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern, soft. $13 80®13 75. New York Metal Market. RAISINS — F. o\ b. prices Fresno for 1903 crop (subject to change without notice) Are as follows: 60- lb boxes — Loose Muscatel, 4 -crown, 4c per lb; 3-cfown. 4%c; 2-crown. 4c; Malaga, loose 3-crown. 4c; 2-crown. 3%c: Thompson's seedless >.4c; seedless Sultanas, 3%c: Seedless Muscatels, 3!' 4 c: do floated. 3%c; Seeded Rais ins, 16-oz cartons, fancy. 5%c; choice. 5%e: 12-oz cartons, fancy. 4%c; choice. 4»Je: in bulk, fancy 5%c; choice. Sc; Imperial clus ters $3; Dehesa. $2 50; fancy. $2; London Layers, 3-crown. $1 35; 2-crown. $1 25. NUTS — Walnuts. No. 1 softshell, 13%!fJ14c; No t. U%®12c; No. 1 hardshell. 13@13%c; No' 2 ll©ll%c; Almonds, ll%c for Nonpa reiis 11 %c for I X L. lie for N' Plus Ultra and'OHc for Languedoc; Peanuts. 6@7c for Eastern ; Pecans. 11913c: Cocoanuts, $4 SO@3. HONEY— Comb. Il«el2%c for white and lOtjUlc for amber; water white extracted 0© 6c; light amber extracted. 4%£5o; dark. 3%@4c. . > , ... BEESWAX— JT©29c j>«r lb. 9@12c for Moorparks; Evaporated Apples, iV\9 6c; sun-dried. 3@4%c; Peaches. 7@3c; Pears. 8%G12c; Figs, white, 2%©3c in boxes; black. 4Uc; Plums, pitted. 5@i%c per lb. PRUNES— 1903 crop, 2©2%c for the four sizes. ¦-— — tietical position. Choice are quoted at 9%@10c; extra choice, 10%@10%c. PEACHES — Remain firm, with supplies scan ty. Choice are quoted at 7@754c; extra choice, 7%@8c, and.- fancy, 9%@10e. ingly at the * beginning, and then only at re duced prices." - - CASH BARLEY. .. Feed. $1 O33i@l 05; Brewing-. . $1 07%@l 10; Chevalier. $1 10@l 15 for fair to choice. FUTURES. : '.T .'';.'•' Session 9 to 11:30 a. m. Open. High. Low. Close. December... 9C% 90% 96% 96% 2 p. m. Session. December' — 96c : OATS — The market stands about the same. Reds constitute the bulk of the offerings, as white continue extremely scarce. There are no Grays on the market and there is no call for Blacks. White. $1 42%@1 47%; •Black, $1 22&@ 1 27%; Red. $1 27%igu 33; Gray, nominal. CORN — Western descriptions are again com ing forward with more freedom and are meet ing with a ready demand at unchanged prices. . We stern sacked, $1 S0#l 55 ror Yellow, $1 47%frl 52% for •White and $1 43@1 50 for HiXBd; California large >ellow. $1 65@1 60; small round do, $1 6601 tJO; White. $165© 1 GO per etl: Egyptian, ft 4001 60 tor White and $1 27H@i 30 for Brown. RYE— $1 30@l 32% per Ctl. BUCKWHEAT— $1 75®2 per ctL THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1904. Continued on Page Fourteen. FRUITS — Aprlcota,' 8®l0o for" Royali • and Dried Fruits,Nuts,Raisins,Honey. Open. T 1 High.- Low. Close. December ...$1 81% $1 31% - |1 81% (1 31% BARLEY — The- • market \ Continues diill ' and mor» or less weak, with quotations unchanged. Yates & Wright offered 1000 sacks of No. 1 Feed flown to ; $1 03%, but - did not sell. In alluding to the current condition of the mar ket Mr. 'Wright said: "From present indica tions we will: not have the active^ demand for shipping grades that we did last year. At this time In 1903 the shippers had sold ahead some seven? or eight ' cargoes, which sent them into the market as buyers. This year not a single cargo has been sold ahead ' and the ' shippers, even If they buy, will probably purchase spar- 2 p. m. Bosh ion. California Club., $1 26S1 82%: • California White Australian, $1 62 >£® 157 H; Northern Club, $1 300140; Northern Bluestem. $1 00 «1 65 per ctl. FUTURES. ' Session 9, to 11:30 a. m. '' . OJ)en. ; High. ' Low. ¦ C1ob«. December :..$! 31%' $1 31H $1 31% $1 81% WHEAT — News la scarce everywhere, as the market stands about the same all over .the world. The foreign futures were firmer yes terday. . : •¦ - , , Chicago showed no particular change on the day. Minneapolis ¦ reported about DO per cent of the milling 'capacity there at work yester day morning. - Cash wheat. COMMERCIAL FINANCIAL 15 AUCTION SALES 40 AUCTION SALE! 40 THIRTY HEAD OF DRAFT. AND WORK HORSES, weijrhinr from 1250 to 155O pounds, broken. In good order and ready for work. Most of theoe horses will weigh 1400 and upward. Consigned by the Hall Stock Farm. Yuta County, Cal. Also ten head of HIGH CLASS DRIVERS. Sals takes place TUESDAY, Jane 7, 1904, at 8 P.M. 1732 MARKET ST.. near Van Ness av«., 8. V. Horses at yard Jans 6. Send for cata- logue. . » TRED H. CHASE ft CO. Live Stock Auctioneers. ' ¦¦ AUCTION SALE! On MONDAY, Jane f, at 11 o'clock, At 3. B. HORAN'E SALETARDS^ Cor. 10th and Bryant Sts. By order of Mr. John Patterson of Reno, Ner., t will sell US head of choice 1 young horses. Included In this sal* I have about 30 head of choice younc mares with colts by thstr side*. These horses will arrive at the yards Sunday- • and will positively be sotd to ths highest bidder. S. WATKIXS. Auctioneer.