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Thf Southern Pacific route to Tosemlte taken one there. In the «ufest way. The stage road from Raymond is oiled and smooth, and U the only road that reaches the finest of the big trees. If you want to ko comfortably, ack about "the Rayraond-Wawona route" at G13 Market street. San Francisco. • The waterfalls In Tosemlte Valley are superb this rear, the melting enow having swelled all the streams to Immense volume. Thou sands are enjoying the wonderful sight of these falls, which thunder down from stupen dous hrirhte. Full Waterfalls 31ake Yoscinltc Clo* rioas. At tbe second session of the Grand Circle of the Companions of the Forest of America in Elks* Hall yesterday the following grand officers were elected: Mary Thoman of Stockton, grrand chief companion; Mrs. C. Tucker of San Francisco, subchief companion; Agnes D. Bremer oT Alameda, grand financial secretary; Mrs. E. J. N. Steinwigr of San Francisco,' grand recording secre tary; Essie Kragan of San Francisco, grand treasurer; John J. Cordy of San Francisco, supervisor of by-laws; P. H. Coyle of San Francisco, grand mar shal; Mrs. D. O'Callaghan of San Fran cisco, right guide; Mrs. S. J. Flnnegan of Marysville, left guide; Addle Bagley of lone, inside guard; Bessie Waters of Nevada City, outside guard; R. Kemp Van Ee of San Francisco, grand or ganist; Mrs. L. Power of Woodland (chairman), Mrs. L. Baston of San Francisco and Mrs. Mate H. Cart wright of San Francisco, grand trus tees. At a quarter to 6 the grand body adjourned to meet again this morning, when the business of the session as yet unfinished will be disposed of. \ A large part of the day's sessions was devoted to consideration of new by-laws, and much . legislation of im portance to the order was adopted. Last evening a banquet was . given the grand officers and delegates in the Assembly Hall of the Alcazar building. Covers were laid for 150 and every seat was occupied. Supper was served on tables garnished with roses, carnations and ferns, and at the close Jacob Label, editor of the American Forester Re view, the offlcial organ of the' order, presJded as toastmaster. Addresses were delivered by many of the officers and members of the order. American Companions of the Forest Elect Their Leaders for the Ensuing Year GRAND CIRCLE HAS NEW CHIEFS JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., June 2. — The Missouri Supreme Court to-day decided that the State Board of Arbi tration had no power to punish wit nesses for contempt who refuse to tes tify before It- Lacks Power to Commit for Contempt. "Go back to Jail ' till next Thurs day," said his Honor, severely, "and then I'll decida how^much longer you are to stay there." As she staggered away in the bailiff's custody Mary expressed regret that she had not forfeited her f 50 bail money. "You've been drinking again," re marked Judge Fritz as he glanced at the flushed face and heavy eyes of Mrs. Mary Galvin, the "Aristocratic Soak," to whom on Tuesday he had given two days' freedom In response to her appeal for permission to see her daughter graduated' from an out-of town seminary. " 'Deedno," expostulated Mary, val iantly endeavoring to separate her words and steady her wavering frame. Thomas Moore was asleep in a Chinatown gutter when Patrolman Clancy scooped him in. "I'll, hand It to you quite severely to-morrow," said His Honor Mogan. "I hope you'll get the limit for giving the name of Erin's Immortal bard, whether it's your correct one or not," growled Bailiff Hickey as he rudely thrust Mr. Moore Into the "pen." when his Honor pronounced Peter guilty. . Then It developed that the baseball belonged to neither of them, but wa8 the property "of a third boy who did not participate in the quarrel at- all. Peter will be fined $5 to-day. Ladies are cordially invited to visit the new gas range and heating department of San Francisco Gas and Electric Co., 415 Pont st, now open for inspection. • "George D. Collins, the attorney, yes terday filed a complaint In the Su perior Court against Adolph Ottin«;er, the ticket broker, demanding Judg ment for $2000 for professional ser vices. Collins Sues Qttinger. The lawyers about town ask, "Why this delay?" The charges against Col lins have been made public. Their transcription into legal form is not a difficult task. Whenever the matter is mentioned there is general interroga tion. No one knows anything of these charges apparently. It is rumored that for some pause or other the charges will not be filed. None of the interested parties will •vouchsafe any information. A Justice of the Supreme Court said yesterday: "I cannot see what has been done so far except to give him (Collins) plenty of free advertising." Collins stated last night that if tlje accusation was not presented within ten days he would institute a libel suit. Referring to the case last night At torney Collins said: "I have been ac cused by a committee and there the case has ended. They have fired a gun and hunted their holes. They must file the threatened charges or I shall sue them forlllbel." Attorney George D. Collins has filed in the Supreme Court his answer to the expected accusation of the San Francisco Bar Association. He says he has done this to force his accusers to file the threatened charges against him and that he will sue them for libel if they fail to do so. Collins' argument is labeled, "In re Accusation Against George D. Collins; Brief of Accused." But where is the accusation? The clerks of the Supreme Court have been waiting until after the closing hour for many days in order to be sure to get the charges which are aimed to disbar the attorney. The secretaries have kept their rooms cleared of visi tors in case the accusers wish to enter their brief necretly. The Justices have been perusing the answer to the charges which have not been preferred. The whole situation is anomalous. He Says His Enemies Have 1 Fired a Gun and Run, but Must Fight in Court IS OX THE AGGEESSIYE Gladys SL Clair corroborated all that Rose Decker told Judge Mogan anent the disorderly conduct of "Kid" Nash, who was jilted by Miss Decker and uttered dire threats against her life. Miss SL Clair was described by the prosecuting policeman as the "star roomer" of Miss Decker's select apart ment-house in the 200 block of Mason street, and she seemed to enjoy the distinction thereby conveyed. "I wasn't in me right mind vr*en I did de t'lngB youse say I did," said Mr. Nash to his accuser, "an' dis bull knows dat I wuz bughouse w'en He pinched m«. Ain't dat right?" 'Miss Decker acknowledged that her erstwhile consort's behavior was rather irrational on the occasion referred to, and the policeman testified to the same effect. "Tell youse wot I'll do> Judge," sug« Mrs. Maud Inman of 119 Turk street and Mrs. E. Ramft of 906 Market street tried' to "have it out" before Judge Mogan, but were prevented by the admonitory gavel of the ever vigilant and peacfe-preserving Hickey. Mrs. Ramft rented a suite of apart ments toyMrs. Inman, who gave vapor baths and advice to neurotics in quest o/ treatment and able to pay for it. When Landlord Walsh intimated that he intended to increase Mrs. Ramft's rental that lady besought Mrs. Inman to exercise her well-tyiown power of suasion to Induce him to forego his intention. "If you talk him Into let ting my rent alone," Mrs. Ramft is al leged by Mrs» Inman to have said, "you can have your rooms rent free for three months." Mrs. Inman immediate ly Interviewed Mr. Walsh, who yielded to her request, and Mrs. Ramft fairly fell upon her shoulder and deluged it with tears of gratitude. A month later, however, Mrs. Ramft demanded her rent, as usual, and pooh-poohed Mrs. Inman's reminder of promised immunity. Mrs. Inman refused to pay, and when she returned from a brief outing she found her doors locked and all her effects in the hands of Mrs. Ramft. So she began proceedings for their recovery, and thfas It happened she and Mrs. Ramft, each backed by an able and eloquent pleader, came near "having it out" yesterday in the presence of his Honor. The women glared at each other In anger and laughed at each other in scorn, and each openly accused the other's legal adviser of excessive real. His Honor fortunately found a way oat,, by suddenly discovering that no return had been made by the officer who served the search warrant upon Mrs. Ramft, and when he told the par ties to take their contention to a Jus tice of the Peace there was suppressed joy in his tones. Joseph McEvoy, who was held in $500 bail to answer the charge of embez zling $200 intrusted to him as collector for Reinhold Richter Camp, Spanish- American War Veterans, was surren dered into custody by his bondsmen and is now a prisoner. Thomas Crow ley, one of the bondsmen, heard that McEvoy was about to leave the city. Mary Fleming told Judge Mogan that she was taking a walk to ease a pain in her back when a^ policeman arrested her at 6:30 o'clock yesterday morning on complaint of Joseph Smith of 603 Natoma street, who alleged that she had an annoying habit of haunting bis dwelling with larcenous intent. Soon after one of Mrs. Fleming's ma tutinal visits, Mr. Smith said, he missed an alarm clock which he had wound up and set the previous night, and he strongly suspected that she had taken it, this suspicion being strengthened J?y the fact that as she was passing a neighbor's residence the inmates there of were startled to hear a prolonged musical whlr-r-r-r emanating from be neath her wrap, while her manner be trayed great perturbation of* spirit. Mrs. Fleming denied knowledge of the clock and disclaimed intention of taking property not her own when she dropped in at cockcrow to see the Smiths. Her visits, she asserted, were solely of a sociable kind, so far as she was con cerned, although fhey were not accept ed in similar spirit, but rather as in trusions, by the Smiths. She will be sentenced to-day for vagrancy. When the case of former Police Ser geant Reuben A. Wolf, charged with having brutally asaulted Edmond Cob lentz,^ a newspaper reporter, was called in the court of Judge Cabaniss the at torneys agreed that they were not ready for the hearing. So the Judge ar raigned and instructed the defendant and set the trial for next Wednesday. "It was a few minutes past mid night. " ; Special Officer Canham testi fied, "and I was standing at Sutter and I*avenworth streets when these two messenger boys came running — " "RUNNING!" exclaimed Judge Mo gan. "Nonsense!" muttered Bailiff Hickey. "Don't forget you're on oath," whis pered Clerk Grey, warningiy, to the witness. The attorneys' table growled incredu lity, and the Inmates of the "pen" perked up and took notice.' "Yes, running," repeated the officer; "they were running; and running fast, too, as they passed me." Then everybody stared at the two diminutive defendants, who fairly shrank into their natty uniforms as if they were ashamed of the traditions smashing conduct alleged against them. Bailiff Hiokey immediately opined that they were amateur Mercuries. The policeman went on to say that after the boys had passed him he was informed by a citizen, name not given, that they had just burglarized the fruit store of Emil Savio, at 835 Sutter street, and that it was his duty to follow and arrest them. He adopted the sugges tion, and when he took his prisoners back to the fruit emporium he found that the shutters had been broken. "We didn't burgle nothin'," said James Itodela, eldest of the defendants. "We wuz jist a * playin' tlck-tack tock," was the defensive explanation volunteered by the other accused, Al bert Flick. As the owner of the damaged prop erty was not present to tell whether any of his wares had been purloined, the case was continued till to-morrow, with bail fixed at $250 apiece. Peter Morrlsery and William Jagoe, fourteen-year-olds, fought on Cheney street for possession of a baseball and Peter landed a right hook on Wil liam's mouth which ended the "scrap" and led to Peter's arrest for battery. The lads renewed their oral discussion in Judge Fritz's court and were rap idly advancing toward the fistic stage John Donahue confessed that twen ty-two of his fifty-five years on earth have been largely devoted to drunk enness and consequent vagrancy. "And you look it," said Judge Mo gan. "For three months from this dq^te, however, you will not have op portunity to indulge your penchant." Attorney Fennel, representing the Citizens' Alliance, informed Judge Ca baniss that the prosecuting witness against Cliff Killner, charged with as saulting a non-union stableman on Hayes street, had suddenly and myste riously disappeared, and that without his testimony there was no probability of convicting the defendant. The case was accordingly dismissed. Charles Hanson, accused of selling lottery tickets, pleaded inability to de cide whether it would be better for him to acknowledge guilt or stand trial, and Judge Mogan gave him until next Tuesday to wrestle with the problem. Dave Warfleld, similarly charged, was remanded till June 9 by the same Judge. The police say tliat Warfleld sold lottery tickets to the Sheriff of an interior county, who mailed them to the authorities here. Israel Berg smiled when Judge Fritz sentenced him to six months' imprlBon ment {or having failed to provide for the woman and two minor children whom he deserted in England and by whom he was followed to this city, where he had taken unto himself a wife. Throughout his trial Berg acted in a most heartless way toward the un fortunate woman with whonY v he was forced to confess he had maintained in timate relationship for years, nor did he show the least symptom of affection for the little ones, who unmistakably inherited his facial characteristics. Shortly j after Berg's removal to the prison hi3 accuser appeared as com plainant against Albert Doran, John McClean and William Burns, young men recently from the East, who in drunken frolic had smashed three doors of the lodging-house kept by her at 17 Fourth street. They were booked for burglary, but a charge of malicious mischief was substituted, and of that they were found guilty and will be sen tenced to-day. The owner of the prefn ises said they destroyed' about $1200 worth of his property. • • • Edward Crawford, accused of being connected with the theft of rubber boots and brass machine fittings from the Charles Nelson Company, was dis charged bj» Judge Cabaniss. John Brown and £>aniel Bigelow, boys who are before the juvenile court on the same charge, testified that Crawford had nothing whatever to do with the stealing. The plunder was Bold to va rious second-hand dealers on Mission street. • Two pretty little girls appeared be fore Judge Cabaniss and c«mplained that since their father, James McFall, sailed away to Hilo as master of the bark Martha D&vis their mother has been drinking and . neglectful of her household duties. The case was referred to Officer Young of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Miss Decker expressed willingness to make it a "go," and Miss St. Clair also acquiesced, although she could not forget that he (the defendant) had treated Miss Rose "just awful." The Judge interposed no objection, the po liceman didn't seem to^care how the case turned out, and Mr. Nash's pro posal was accepted. gested the "Kid," seeming to relish having his mentality pronounced de fective. "If dis t'ing is allowed ter drop, I'll hit de rattler fer Chicago an' stay in dat burg fer keeps. la it a go?" * Accused Attorney Decides to Force Bar Association to Make Formal Charges Policeman Swears He Saw Two of Them Running at Rapid Gait and the Cotirt of Judge Mogan Immediately Exhibits Unmistakable Symptoms of a Deep-Rooted Incredulity COLLINS MAY SUE FOR LIBEL MESSENGER BOYS FRACTURE TRADITION BY GOING FAST THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, 'FRIDAY, JUNE 3,. 1904. 9 Schools and Colleges, tE-ADINO BUSINESS OOLLEOB OF TITE> WEST. S4 Post st., San Francisco. Cal. Bstab. 40 rears. Open entire year, day and night. , Write for EO-page catalogue (free). New Quarters — More Space riHEB BOOKS. . • Jurt rnored lnte our new rooms; new fire- proof bull 21&-. 3 elevators, electric lights. *t»*ra h»at. Do more for students than ever before. This Is tbe college that secure* so many positions. San Francisco Business College, 738 Mirsion St., Near Third. IRVING INSTITUTE. Boarding and day school for young ladies and Ijttle g-.ris 2126 California street. Will reopen August 1. l»O4. Accredited to the unlversltien r.CT, EDWARD B. CHVRCH. A. M. Principal. ANDERSON ACADEMY, .IRVINOTON, CALIFORNIA. Holds pre-em'.netitly the confidence of Its pa- trone aad the loyalty of Its pupils. .WILLIAM WALKER ANDERSON. Principal. HOTELS AND HESQRT&. (New)HOTEL BUTLER SEATTLE REMODELED AND REBUILT at expense of t »«O. <«K) — I»ew Management — ENTIRELY P"UU5- VROor. • LOCATION — Very acceeelbie to street car lines, theaters, etc. EUROPEAN PLAN. 223 ROOMS with LUXURIOUS BATHS— feeveral private rooms In antique decorations. Turktfh Baths in IIotM. UNSURPASSED RESTAURANT. D« 8tet. r»r. Chef, formerly of WaMorf- Astoria and Chef lo Prince of Wales. HOTEL ORCHESTRA: Telephone Conoeo- tlcr.s in every room; ]ong distance connecUoas • made wfih any I art of the Coast. ¦Wire for reservations, at our expense. HOTEL UUTLER. Seattle. Wash. i Palari* dont fail to id latC Me the beautiful \ j COURT Lounging /fflfl room, the EMPIRE uuu phrlor, the r j PALM ROOM, the iffTsflQ LOUIS XV PAR- W X^I-i DIES' WRITING Hotels room - Success Superbly Smiles on th* Uoet De- llciously Funny Play and the Bwtt Buriesque Cast In America. 1 LJ . fc_>.~~=_— _B____S PEERLESS AND UNEQUALED. Edna Aug. Caroline Hull; Garrlty Sisters Yorke and Adams. Al Fields, Edwta Clark, Ben Dillon. Roy Alton. SPEC1AI,. Next Funday Night— First Time Her*— Lionel Lawrence's "EIOHT KADXmx OrBXS." Matinees Saturday and Sunday. Same Popular Prices. Mo^W next— First appearance off MXH NORA BATES, comedienne. THE GREAT ALFONS, Europe's Foremost Equilibrist. And a Splendid Show Every Aftemooa and Evealaar la the Theater. TAKE A RIDE ON THE N - MtNIATXXBE ELECTUIC BAZZAOAS Esmeralda and Her BABY MONKEY In tae . Zoo. INSPECT CABARET DB LA MORT. Hear the PNEUMATIC SYMPHONY OR-' CHESTRA. ¦ — ¦ Admission, 10c; Children. Be. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION AND AFFAIRS i OF THE COMMERCIAL UNION : ASSURANCE COMPANY - (Limited) OF LONDON.- ENGLAND. ON THE 31 BT day of December. A. D. 1903. as* for th« year endinjr on that day, as mad« to the In- " suranee Commissioner of the Htate of Califor- nia, pursuant to the provisions of sections 610 and 611 of tbe Political Code, condensed as per blank furnished by the Commissioner: CAPITAL. Amount of Caoital Stock paid up in Cash ________ ASSETS. Real Estate owned by Company.. $388.14S t» Loans on Bonds and Mortgages... U2,0C<r<X) Cash Market Value of all Stocks and Bonds owned by Company 2,218.633 75 Cash In Company's Offlce 10,496 74 Cash in Banks ?.-. 442,027 72 Interest du* and accrued on 1 all Stocks and Loans 1.954 18 Interest due and accrued on Bonds and Mortragvs 1,627 80 Premiums In du- Course of Col- lection 895.502 81 BUls Receivable, not Matured, taken for Fire and Marina Risks 6,292 45 Rents doe and accrued 8.6M 23 Due from oth«r Companies for Re- insurance oa losses already paid 8.353 79- Total Assets M.294.731 91 INABILITIES. ~~ ~~ Losses adjusted and unpaid $106.2=8 M Losses in process of Adjustment or In Suspense 210.203 44 losses resisted. Including expanses 86.433 00 Grow premium* on Fire Risks running one year or less, J2.2T0.- 867 94; reinsurance 80 per cent.. 1,133.153 47 Gross premiums on Fir* Risks running more than one year. J2- 1S1.1S0 84; reinsurance pro rata. 1,124, 46S M Gross premiums on Marine and In- • ¦• { land Navigation Rlska, $63.- 049 60; reinsurance 100 per cent. t3,M» W Gross premloms oa. Marine Tim* Risks. $37,810 61; ralnsarance SO percent ••• !•,»«•«• Amount reclalmable by the In- sured oa Perofctaal Ftrs Poll- cies 100,633 1* Due for Commission and Broker- age - 83.917 14 Return Premiums and Reinsurance __;'__' Premiums •.:.»••«- **•&& 83 Total UabtUtlee .>.....—^>.$2.0tO.3ai 33 INCOMEv T. Net cash acttxally recelTed for Firs Premiums S2.8M,TB1 83 Net cash actually fteetred far Marine premiums 1*3,088 Tl Received for - Interest oa Boads . . _.. and Mortgagee T.CTT T3 • Received for Interest and dividends on Bonds. Stocks. Loans and from all other sources 68.4B4 T9 Received for Rents •• 86.879 6> Total Income ..».—..¦ J3.1SQ.STO at EXPENDITUllES. Net amount t>ald for Fire Lossee (lneludlag $318.903 87 lorn of . . previous years) ...ii.4w.STj 5i» Net amount paid for Marine Losses 136.978 47 Paid or allowed for Commission or Brokerage 892.498 TO Paid for Salaries. Fees and other charges for officers, clerks, etc. 144.387 47 Paid for State, National and Lo- - cal taxes 89,119 M All otber partner* and expendi- tures ? 196,858 18 Total Ezceadlturefl ._>.—_, .$2,659,513 05 '. Fire. " Losses Incurred during th» year..$l.»g.oai 88 Risks and Premiums. |Flr» Risks. | Premiums. Net amount of Risks I written during the *ear *.."..:..!: $338.087.B«4 $4.<*l.T30 15 Net amount of Risks . expired during th«| yeir I 343.806.684 3,»73.963 40 N*t amount in force December 31, 1903.. S97.12t.665 4.451.558 78, Risks and Premiums. {Mar. BJaki.J Premiums. • Net amount of Bisks written during the yea". V I $98,454,640 $253,800 60 Net amount of Risks I ;_, V. '• . y^ar^..^." 1 !.. 1 . 1 ! 6 M.OTl.oSli WX413 IX K _WJSS5V "ig wm " *~ A. H. WRAV. Manarr Subscribe S *o«l STTorrL t«. heOr* wv», thu 20th day of January. 10c;. H. R. KAY.Nota'y Public. C. F. MULLINS, Pacific Coast Manager,' 416-418 California St, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL T- Mil. T. HESS. Sot-ry Pnhllo and Attorney-at*3iaw. Tenth floor. Room 1015. Claus Spr«ckels Udc Telephone Main 083. - Residence. 1802 McAllister st ' Resttvrco Xelesbono Tag* 8942. . _^ CALIFORNIA /SSSl Z.ABT TWO WIGHTS. Efe. r Paul Leicester Ford's Charming Com- U edy of the Revolution. H JANICE MEREDITH | i As Presented by 03 The Incomparable* — The Greatest Stock ¦ ! g Company in Existence. M I The Oliver Moreso Company i MATINEE TO-MORROW. gj m SUNDAY— Julia Marlowe's Most Re- _ fi cent Success. First Time Here, « ! W THE CAVAMEB, U I U A Stirring Story of the South in War U rm Time. I B i of AMELIA GARDNER, g LAST TWO "NIGHTS— MAT. TO-MORROW. MELBOURNE MacDOWELL In a Rurwrb Production of Sardou's | OI-3mOINP/\~j Next Sunday Mat.. A CAPTAIN OF NAVARRE POPULAR PRICES— 16c. 25c. 50c, 7Ba June 13 — MRS. LESLIE CARTER IN "DU BARRY." Beats on sale Thursday. Unprecedented Attractions! Oaiton and Stone; Powers Brothers; Burke, Xa Rue and the laky Boys; Or- phenm Motioa Pictures ana Harcel'i LIVING ART STUDIES. Last tlnus of FERRAR,\ COLE and COM- PANY; COLBY FAMILY; AL LAWRENCE and BELLE GORDON. Regular Matinee Everr Wednesday, Thurs- day, Saturday and Sunday. Prices, 10c, 25c and 50c. COLUMBIA!-^ Beat* Beady fox All Performance*. Thli and Next Week. MATINEE* SATURDAYS ONLY. CHARLES FROHMAN PRESENTS Maude Adams In J. M. JBarrle's Comedy, THE LITTLE MINISTER. Next Mondays-Second and Lost Week of Mauds Adams In "The Little Minister." Coming— E. H. SOTHERN In "THE PROUD PRINCE." TIV0LISo5& Last 3 NlghU— TOY MAT. TO-MORROW. I THE I THE • EVER- | POPULAR TOY _ DAINTY I V^ I % COMIC __ A 7, t- -^ I opera. 1 MAKER Splendid Cast, Scenery and Costumes. NEXT MONDAY NIGHT First Production In Thfs City of The Military Comic Opera Triumph, SERGEANT KITTY San Francisco Debut of LILLIAN SEFTON. Prlma Donna Soprano. USUAL TIVOLI PRICES— 25c, 50c, 75c. A T t^ ATA Tl Belasco & Mayer, ALCAZAR swsa _ General Mansxer. TO- NIGHT— MATS. THURS. AND SAT3. Tbe Delightful Romantic Drama. Toll Gate Inn '"A winner," — Post. ' "A strong production." — Call. Evgs.,250 to 75c; MaU.Thurs. A Sat. ,28a to SOo NEXT MONDAY— SUMPTUOUS PRODUC- TION, UNDER TWO FLAGS. Oulda's Popular Drama of Romance. With the Great Sandstorm Scene. In Preparation— "LOVER8* LANE." - Next Month— WHITE- WHITTLESEY. Market tt, near Eighth. Phone South B33. TO-NIGHT— LAST THREE NIGHTS. MATINEES TO-MORROW AND SUNDAY. ... The Famous Historical Drama, A CELEBRATED CASE] The Powerful Romance of a Hero of Fonteney. Magnificently Stnred! Brilliantly Cast! Gorgeously Costumed ! PDirTC Evenings 10c to 50c llflVCd Matinees ,10c, 15c. 23o ¦ HEJCT— "THE PEDDLXB." 3-JSCTEIXANEOUS -C^SE-t-UgTS. BASEBALL AT RECREATION PARK, Eighth and Harrison streets. OAKLAND vs. PORTLAND TO-DAY, 3:30 IV M. 8ATURDAY. 3:00 P^ M. SUNDAY. 2:30 P. M. LADIES FREE TO-DAY. Advance Sale of ¦ Seau at 6 Stockton St. * VnBEXLX CALL, fltOO P£S Y£A£. - AJtUSEMEJTTS. The Great California Carnival Co. The World's Greatest and Most Unique Carnival Combine and Btandinr Pre-eminently in the Foreground of All Similar Amusement Institutions. WILL, PKESENT CARNIVALS DE LUXE Rivaling: In General Formation and Gorgeous Detail the Celebrated Festival Events of the Ancient Romans. AMAZING IN CONCEPTION! GIGANTIC IN FORMATION! ETJPERB IN EQUIPMENT! 500 People. I 2 8p^~^?rap?^_u_. 0f 2 I 500 People. A KALEIDOSCOPIC ItEVIEW of All that Is Carnlvaliaque la Gold and Glitter. y Moral and Entertaining. * Given Under the Auspices of the general RELIEF COMMITTEE FORESTERS OF AMERICA. Street Fair and Carnival ¦-nrra-ctacq June 4th to l_2th Corner of Market, Eleventh, Mission. Van Ness and Twelfth Sts. ADMISSION 10 CENTS. GorKeous Street Parade SATURDAT EVENING. Jus* 4, at 8 p. m.. from Palace Hotel to Carnival Ground*: Marnlfleent C«remonles at the Coronation of the Queen. SPECIAL DAYLIGHT FIREWORKS SUNDAT AFTERNOON' AT S O'CLOCK. ' ' ' ADVERTISEMENTS. II BLATZ method is generally Commented z-ipSL on as most remarkable unique, for jJ5gg£3? the reason that in most every par- wgijSv* ticular it is original from a brewer's IT \0v The very choicest of every com- \1 V^ ponent part of the Blatz brews fs >A )m. the invariable rule. Only the best A T\3 of Mother Earth's crop is ever con- i I sidered - Tne result is a beer of I I \K honest quality with a goodness all I /! \, Always the Same Good Old "Blatz .» I fct^I-Sb^^ BLATZ MALT- VI VINE- (Non-Intoxfcant) [J llSCll -* A IK-XT TOHIC Bl J^ll ~ For Convalescents and Run-Down Systems. | | j "ml VAL, BLATZ BREWING CO., Milwaukee I j&» SAM BIBO <& CO., I V%^ WH0LE3AI.EDEAI.Ea3, _1}2 B ATTEST STREET, II 'Y ' Baa rnweiico, lei. Mala 6659, III ADVE-tTISEHENTS. " * jrf_^^I_S3__r*Mw'^? 1 '~"*^*_i p * *• "£_* " • **• ' > •"" t * lBtikorf^— -B^^?^B_v*-*iS v^ ___sH-R___HHM__^_B_E__0_CBf^D-S___. i The letters of Miss Merkley, whose pic-i ture is printed above, and Miss Claussen, prove beyond question that thousands - of cases of inflammation of the ovaries and womb are annually cured by the use of Lydia E* Pinkham's Vegetable Compound* "Dear Mrs. Pin-kham: — Gradual loss of strength and nerve force told me something: was radically wrong with me. I had severe shooting pains tbrought the pelvic organs, cramps and extreme irritation com- pelled me to seek medical advice. The doctor said that I had ovarian trouble and ulceration, and advised an operation. I strongly objected to this and decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound. I soon found that my judgment was correct, and that all the good things said about this medicine were true, and day by day I felt less pain and increased appetite. The ulceration soon healed, and the other complications disappeared and in eleven weeks I was once more strong ; and vigorous and perfectly well. • "My heartiest thanks are sent to you for the great good you have [done me." — Sincerely yours, Miss Maeqabet Merkley, 275 Third St, i llilwaukee, "Wis. Hiss Claussen Saved from a Surgical Operation, % ' k'r%£*yM8SX£%£ "Dear Mrs. Pinkham: — It seems to me that ifc^p^ga^^S all the endorsements that I have read of the value ! B«siS_SE_Siis °* Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound do not express ' K^^S 1^ 1^^ one-half of the virtue the great medicine really K^^/\£&& possesses. I know that it saved my life and I ftf& y**stVie! """ ant t0 . & Ye the credit where it belongs. I suf- hZ£g W^«*J| feredwith ovarian trouble for five years, had three p^W« *** I0f^ operations and spent hundreds of dollars on doc- PB^\__^£^ tors an( * me^ cmes b ufc t-is dM not cure me Jp&r * However, what doctors and medicines failed r 3k to d°» I^ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- , <$£ Sfc N* >^ - rf S^-i< i 7"E??\ pound did. Twenty bottles restored me to per- foct health and I feel sure that had I known of its *>* -*t£'f(* " value before, and let the doctors alone, I would *' have been spared all the pain and expense that fruitless operations cost me. If the women who are suffering, and the doctors do not help them, will try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound, they will not be disappointed -with the results. — Miss Claea 3L Cxaussin, 1307 Penn St, Kansas City, Mo. FORFEIT" weefcnnot forthwith produce tbe ordinal lettert and ilpiatarei of V n 1 1 1 1 1 1 abore truiyf"')^'. whicb will prore their absolute genuineners. OuUUU w I^dla K. Pinkham Mod. Co.. Ignn, Win.