Newspaper Page Text
PRIGE FIVE CENTS. SAN ;FRANGISCO,v^FUESDAY, /NOVEMBERS 1^41904. PANAMA, Oct. 3 1 :T -Santiago de la Guardia has been appointed Secretary of State to succeed Senor Arla§, whose resignation was announced in theee dispatches Seturday. Panama's Secretary of State, Hot hsr hilds Gnarahtee . Russian Loan. LONDON.' Nov. 1.— A dispatch from Brussels to the : Standard •: says I that a Russian loan : of $270,000,000 was signed on; Saturday^ The'.correspond ent adds| that the' Rothschilds guaran tee the success o J the whole ] loanT^ /; HARBIN," Oct. ; 3 1:— The activity; of Chinese/bandits is Increasing; all along the railroad' and the i' region 1^is, "swarm-, ing ' with /spies "i In Russian? Chinese* and '*disguises,^who" are/offering ¦: large ?¦¦ re ?;' a r^ s -' '? r the Chinese'^ [engaged In v!< supplying' /the' hoping (thug .- to 'Uhe /Russian :;supply|';'depart xnent.^'.' '¦"."- ..;".\ ¦¦-./'¦.¦;;. /¦•". r-/ V>-/ Activity's of Cliiriese • Bandits. SALINAS, Oct./31ir-FrankJ La -Due, who for,; twenty "years/was/ steward I of the ' Monterey/ County^ hospltal/fdrop^ ped;dead ithls ;morning^/"A8Jhe/had stated' Friday 'that r he ; was going' to resign f arid ias va new/ man? had h been appointed '< to , his ;; plac« /it [ was ' thought he had txiken r pbisoni/buti the /autopsy, Bhqwed : his - death resulted ; from/heart troubi^^^yuilBISSBSHHHBBEH' County Official Drops ; Dead. •., SIOUX CITY. Iowa, Oct. 31.—Rela tives of -Arthur Lovemore, a twelve year-bld pupil In the public school^ at Corfectlorivllle, Iowa, will immediately institute criminal proceedings in the District . Court against Professor Thoriias.' the Superintendent of Schools, on ¦ the ' charge . that , he . compelled ; the boy to stand up in the presence of the whole school and smoke twentv cigar ettes, one .after ;anothrer, and ; to swal T low all his_sallva while he was doing it. The relatives will set up in their pe-^ tition that Thoinas compelled the pupil to smoke the twenty cigarettes , and to swallow the saliva as punishment for the alleged offense of smoking upon the schopl grounds," and will charge that it riiade the boV'deathly sick and perma nently jnjured his health/, *¦ The anTair has created a sensation in Correctioriville 'andvhasarouse'l mucri indignatlbn, the .popular feelirig ?being that the punishment was wholly "un warrarited. Damage to, Trawlei-sV Fleet '. LONDON, Oct. /' SJl.^Four commls sionBrs,^ representing / the Board of Trade? arid' owners,' who were/ sent on October. 25 at the "^suggestion 'of • the Foreign /office - to -ascertain " the dam a"ge dorie : to the North- Sea/ trawlers" by the Russian Becond % Pacific /squadron, have just returned - arid/ presented j;a verbal /report/ / { Trawlers ) a nd/ fish Ing gear ? wer a e : ; , destroyed '; or./ damaged/ they say/ and' fragments ? of afouriinch shell 1 which}' burst'on the - deck ;6f the trawler/Thrush .'. and : many . other- ev'i derices of • the .'-'deadly, and -.. wanton at-' tack"^ were found, ; while the , working "efflciericy7of/the^whole:fleet/is[ser lyfdiminishedj-inrc'oriseq^ 'crews i- bein^g Vurineryed r arid /unable to "work with . their /accustomed (energyV; . OMAHA, Oct. 31,-^Jsjnes Black, nip posed to be dead, created consternation at the morgue In this city to-day by suddenly throwing oft the sheet with which his body was covered, sitting upright on the slab on which he had been laid put to be. embalmed and ask ing "What's doing?" Black was found unconscious . by a nlght'watchman In the street early this riiqrning with a bottle half filled with ether by his side. He was taken to the hospital, where he apparently died. The body was taken fv the'morgu* and It was when the Coroner's Jury, . which had been Impaneled to conduct the in quest, was investigating the cause . of his deajh , that the man . arose and caused jthehalr^ of the Jurors and Cor oner, to do likewise.. A physician was summoned and ap plied rfstoratlves, but Black sank again ¦into "unconsciousness and -died^ within a : feV- hbjirsi papers . found on hls"person^hetls"t i elleved,to have coxno iroin/Cedar ' Raptas/'or Ottumwa, Ix, J- United States Supreme Court Affirms Decision Favoring Lake Wash ington Waterway Company. WASHINGTON, Oct. 31.— The de cision Qf the Supreme Court of the State of Washington in the case of the Seattle Dock Company against the Lake Washington Waterway Company in favor of the contention of the wa terway company was affirmed to-day by the Supreme Court of the United States; The case; grew out of a . peti tion by that company to be allowed to foreclose'a :, mortgage * on ' tide - water lands In Seattle. : . LONDON, Oct. 21. — Bradley Mar tin Jr. and Helen Phipps, daughter/of Henry Phipps of Pittsburg and New York, will be married November- 2' at Beaufort Castle, Inverness, Scotland. The cast 1p has been leased by the bride's parents ff om * he Duke of Beaufort. There will be a big High land ceremony, kilts being generally worn. Embassador, and Mrs. Choate started to-day for Inverness to; attend the wedding. Wealthy Americans "Will Be Married at Beautiful Castle in Inver-' ness, Scotland. MAY FORECLOSE MORTGAGE ON SEATTLE TIDE LANDS MARTiy-PinPPS W^DDIXG TO TAKE PLACE TO-MORRQW 8pedal DUpatch to Th» Call. Special Dispatch to Th« Call. I^iuses the Hair of Goroner's Jury to Stand Up. School Superintendent Now Faces Criminal Prosecution. . '//RENO, -Oct. 31.— Six horses : pulling two wagons heavily loaded with freight walked through the streets of Therry Creek/ a small , mining , camp In -'white Pine 'County, "Nevada, one ' day last week, 'arid : as they ; were accustomed to do stopped before the only livery stable in the camp.; The driver, Charles Wag ner, was ' sitting on •. the seat as usual, but when he did not get down, and did not yell out as was ' his ; custom the stablemen- climbed upon the / wagon .They, were horrined to find that he was dead. / Life" had been extinct for several hours/- the'? aged ; teamster "- having' died alone] on the 'desert while ¦ he ' was trav eling along \ the. road 'he had- so often gone over before. ;. - Wagner -waB; sixty years of ! a^e and had ¦ been ' engaged In -teaming * in Ne vada' since 1868. He hauled freight' Into Virginia : City when *, the /Conmtock .was booming/and since that time ha s been freighting/ into Toano. Roche, /Ely": and other/small ' mining ¦ camps. He was a well-educated- man and^ came from a good • family/ in ; ; Pennsylvania. //When a/young riian he was disappointed ! in; a 1 lovei? affair /and , came ; to/the' West, .where: be "spent- his life falone jon the plains?// /'/// /:g;/;/;// /''- TACOMA, Oct. 31.— In defense of his mother Emll J. Carlson, chief night operator of the Western ; Union Tele graph Company, this afternoon shot his father, John B. Carlson, at /their home. Carson senior: had repeatedly threatened 'to kill his wife 'ahd/aon;' accompanying his threats with a" dis play of firearms. These threats "were usually made after he had been drink ing. He returned last week from Ola lla in an ugly mood. . . 'When young! Carlson, returned this afternoon, he again threatened to kill both him and his mother. Mri.iCacl^ son and : her, son hurried upstairs and locked themselves in ' a room, the son telling his father „ he would shoot/ him if he tried to enter. The threat had no effect, for the drink crazed man - threw his entire ' : weight against ¦ the ¦ door, breaking it' open. The boy then fired two shots, one of which took effect In his fathef's.stoiri ach, and ; inflicted what is ; believed ; to be a fatal. wound/ He was removed, to St. Joseph's •Hospital. , Young Carlson- went, to the . Sheriff's office i and , gave ' hifnself ; up, but A was later: released. • .; - ' Special Dispatch to The CaU. Special , Dispatch to Th« Call. After the finding of, the ; can a . guard was placed over the woodpile/ but up to to-night' the fellow had riot appeared to take away his plunder. /The authorities are lookingf or ¦ him/arid express the be? Hef \ that' he will I soon ? be apprehended aridt thatX they/i will ; have / no /trouble making out a case against him: ; SAN BERNARDINO, Oct. 31.— A can containing amalgam Valued at $10,000 recently stolen : - from ¦ the Cyrus Noble mine," in 'the Searchlight district," was found In a woodpile near the mine to-? day. The can was accidentally found by a '"carpenter \ who was making, some repairs, and • he, 'amazed , at its weight, tookiit to an> assayer, who. soon found out.what it was.' The name of the thief is known, but' the company -refuses to divulge it. It has : been discovered that soon after the disappearance of /the' amal gam the thief gave/a small piece of the composition to; one; of \ the' laborers at the- mine, disappearing shortly after ward. . ", ¦ V:. •'•-' ¦"- "WHAT'S DOING?" QUERIES CORPSE AT AN INQUEST COMPELS PUPIL TO SMOKE SCORE OF CIGARETTES Drink' Crazed Man Threat ens Life of "Wife and Son and Is Wounded by Youth Carpenter Recovers Can of Amalgam Worth $10,000 That WasStolenFromMirie Horses Travel Miles WittiDeadlan as Driver/ gold chains (some of them men's chains) and $420 In gold and green backs. In a quiet and composed manner the possessor of this strange assortment said: "I am Mrs. Grace - Squires. I live at 1178 McAllister street. This is my own property. I was in that place on Turk street koklng for rooms when I was moved by a sudden fit of curios ity to look into that bureau." The prisoner was taken to the City Prison and Detectives Regan and O'Connell were detailed on the case. It developed that the address given by Mrs. Squires was a correct one. She had been living there with a Mrs. M. Rogers for several weeks and for about a month and a half previously at a house on Ellis street. She has a nine year-old daughter, Grace, who has been with her. Mrs. Squires says she is the wife of a mining man of Downieville. She says she left that town ; about two months ago because of her health and brought her little d?" jhter : with her. Every article of jewelry she carried she as serted was her own and the money, she maintained, was a remittance from her husband. To a certain extent her assertions are verified by Mrs. Rogers, . who says she has known Mrs. Squires for two months and that during that time she has seen her wear many articles of jewelry that correspond with the collection held by the police. There are many, points ; in the case that are puzzling:. Mrs. Squires entered Mrs. Campbell's room u with a key that did not fit her : McAllister '6treet resi dence. The little woman's quiet ac ceptance of arrest is also puzzling. It is regarded as either the fearlessness of innocence or the sang froid of an old crook. None of the jewels are like any lost by Mrs. Wallace of 1645 ' Larkin street on October 18. - Whether, or not they belong to Mrs. Squires she will be held on the burglary charge. SHOOTS FATHER TO SAVE MOTHER FINDS FORTUNE IN A WOODPILE LIFELESS HANDS HOLD THE REINS Following is - a description of the property: A gold locket, six diamonds, ei£ht valuatle pins, two gold watches, eight gold rings, a diamond and ruby bracelet, a diamond sunburst, several After eating her luncheon Mrs. Camp bell was about to enter her room yes treday, but thought that there was an intruder there. She opened the door stealthily and saw a. woman in a kneel ing position about to open a drawer in the bureau. "What 8r<» you doing here?" asked Mrs. Campbell. "Why. I came into the house to look for rooms," replied the intruder, calmly. "This is a queer way to look for rooms," retorted Mrs. Campbell. "You had better come with me. I think your case will stand looking Into." The other woman, who is under five feet in height, suddenly ducked under Mrs. Campbell's outstretched arms and hurried into the street. Mrs. Campbell Ebouted for her landlady. Mrs. J. Flem ing; Accompanied by Robert Sellers, another inmate of the place, Mrs. Flem ing foUowjed. tbe mysterious woman down Turk street. The woman attempt ed to board a car. Sellers and Mrs. Fleming shouted to Policeman Mullen, who was at Fifth and Market streets. The policeman arrested the little wom an and took her to the Southern sta tion. There Captain Spillane emptied the prisoner's reticule and a. miscella neous collection of -wealth was poured out. Carrying jewelry valued at over $2500 and $240 in cash in a reticule, a woman giving her name as Mrs. Grace Squires was found kneeling before an open drawer of a bureau in the room of Mrs. Harry Campbell, at 123 Turk street, yesterday. She is now at the City Prison on a charge of burglary, though Bhe took nothing from Mrs. Campbell's room, and quietly asserts that the jew elry is hfr own. MRS. GRACE SQUIRES. WHO IB LOCKED IN A CELL. AT THE HALL OF JUS TICE WITH A CHARGE OF BURGLARV ENTERED AGAINST HER NAME ON THE PRISON REGISTER. Special ; Dispatch to The Call. ST. ; LOUIS, Oct. SL— With his eld est . son/ Gussie. j lying prostrate^on the ground and an infuriated wild- buck deer standing "over /him ready to " paw hirii -Jto /death,": Adolphus rBusch, ; the m'ulti-milllonahe brewer,^fearlessly _at tacked the big.deer, and, using a heavy rifle; as : a; clubV/wlth"« a: powerful bla\v stunned the enraged animal>temporar ily'. . This^ gave rAugustusi Busch time to extricate: himself ¦, t com- the :/ perjloiis {patch i'the i animal. / , ' Gussie ./Busch/ placed himself In/a dangerous "position while going to the rescue of , his young friend. . -, Master Frank .Parriso, 15 years old, whom the buck . had first attacked. The deer charged 5 upon the. boy, lowered . his shaggy head and. lifted him on his long and spreading antlers and had started to run through the woods with him. The terrific fight took place on the farm formerly owned by General U. S. Grant near Old Orchard, in St. Louis County/yesterday afternoon. Adolphus Busch and his, son. "Gussie" Busch, had invited a party of .thirty. or more friends down to the farrii. Nearly two years ago they- had acquired owner- I ship of the historic property and had I converted it into a . large ; game pre-' fcerve. The farm is about 250 acres in | extent, and it la stocked "with nearly fifty wild deer collected from various Statesin the Union. Progress of Cotton Harvest. WASHINGTON, Oct. 31. — The Cen sus Office to-day issued' a bulletin showing that up to October IS, 1904 ( 5,776,565 running bales of cotton have been ginned in 668 counties located in the various cotton-producing States, as against 3,455,082 running. bales re ported to the same date in 1903. Counting round bales as half bales, the number of running bales for 1904 is reduced to 5,704,570 and for 1903 to 3.345,702. v Brewer BuscH Glubs Enraged Deer Witn Riile. , Schwab's campaign began in coffee, in which he cleaned up more than $3, 000,000. It is ending in Steel preferred. According to report, Herman Sielken, the big coffee merchant, had Schwab as a market partner in his celebrated bull campaign last -winter. Sielken as a bear had drowned the bulls, under the leadership of the .late Leonard Lewisohn, in an ocean of coffee and had broken the price from 12 cents to 5 cents a pound. When the market wavered at the bot tom Sielken turned, and, with Schwab as . a riiarket companion/, bought"iinil llons of pounds. The sensational- rise that ..wiped ; out a i paper^loss of j' more than $12,000,000 r-' against the' Lewisohn estate"' Is * hi£iofy/ "Out f of . the- uproar Schwab cashed his $3,000,000 or more profits. ' Hetook part in "other speculations un til he'.; was certain the tide had ; turned in stocks, and especially in Steel." When Steel preferred was at 50 he was almost the only Insider to buy openly, and there Is apparent. proof that he turned his profits made In coffee into Steel pre ferred at bottom" prices. , NEW YORK, Oct. 31.— In the midst of the severest break in the present bull market, 1 Wall was flooded to-day with gossip of how certain men had made fortunes on theorise. ..Chief among: these was Charles ' M. Schwab, formerly president of the, Steel -Trust. His winnings for last year were report ed to be at least $$,000,000 and circum stances corroborate the statement. Special Dispatch to The Call Luckily ¦ there? Is .one . bluegum tree in the corral and : for^this the; major made, turning ht, righ'y, angles* just ;as the bull from -Texas ..with ; ' a : ; mighty • Uf rige, :•. endea vpre'd tuv'aend \ him . Into ''eternity.* >>T- . "¦ f ""''• ,"' : -':;"^ *-' c '; r ' It ; took . thV. mp.'njA'i.''- b«i! J sfsveral sec onds to overcojnb^ar?' r urititj0tvrJ6^ ;Uio<^ riventum . and bring ': its . business^erid around; If. was, enough. - The "major ga iried ; his ;- goal/, embraced the trunk and ¦' f rantlcally.'clawed \ his way to . the nearest -bough. As his feet swung cpn vulslyelyrin/the e.mpty air - the • bull jumped after him, one tip. of the .vicious horns clipping the major's heel. For nearly an hour'Driffil; was up a tree, all the. time in an/agony of ap prehension lest the ; limb i break. He v>as missed from the factory, 'found and rescued by vaqueros. He describes the experience as a hot time— hotter than the Bard-Oxnard primaries. . -, OXNARD, > Oct.* i 31.— Major Driffll, Henry T.Oxnard's sugar;, factory, su perintendent and t' Senatorial campaign manager, .was up aitree and in- a. crit ical position for an hour, to-day- Drif fll happened to enter the cattle 'yards where thbusandg^of. long-horned Texas bulls are fed beet-pulp, and a. vicious brute charged, him. rDrlffil saw. the bellowing fury too latelto retreat from the corral the way he . had come, so was forced to run for life, though' b*ulky and out. of practice. \ . * The major is brave,^"having /served long in the State uiilitia 'and/attended many banquets,' (but ; all. that 'did "not help him out .on' this "occasion. .' : .'After. a r wild .dash, with r the \riieriaclng; horns not ten ' feet -behind, /Drlffll": reached the; opposite. side: of the corral/- only ( t6 be confronted, with a barbed wire fence/ It was too high^to leap, arid- he "'did riot dare try to cree^ through. ¦ Special 'DUpatch to The Call. SAVES SON FROM HORNS OF A BUCK Joins With Herman Sielken When Market Is Disrupted and Takes Advantage of the Rise.^ Waving . his cap to assure those who were following, his every move, Kna benshue moved toward the rear of the airship, v The Arrow pointed Its prow upward, and, answering the pull of .the propeller, soared lightly above the fence and rapidly gained an altitude of about 1000 feet. CLEARS THE BARRICADE. Knabenshue at that time was not high enough to % clear the aeronautic fence, and as he rapidly approached It the crowd held its breath, fearing that the craft would be dashed against ine barricade and the aeronaut badly % in jured or perhaps killed. : The Arrow arose slightly and easily, Its prow directed toward ' the west. When at a height of about twenty-five feet Knabenshue turned the rudder and the aerial; craft, answering to its helrii, pointed south and continued its flight without Interruption. Alter a*"- has^y - c"i&ailn»tian .Baldwin announced; that- the: damage could be repaired ¦ at once, - and said ;. that • Kna benshue ;- would attempt another - flight in a half-hour. : The. crowd," which was being momentarily ; augmented, cheered the announcement 'and patiently await ed while the repairs were being made. At the time fixed by. Baldwin the air ship was again brought from the aero drome and hastily groomed " for - the flight. At* a signal from Knabenshue it was cast loose and the motor started. v The successful' flight cameras a cli max : toik day ¦• full " of ' discouragement. Baldwin^ arid* Knabenshue ' had worked forj.twenty-iix- hours -without sleep' in "order;: to*; prepare for the , flight, and the first fessayjat ¦ an ascent, with Baldwin himself in- command of the airship, had ended disastrously, .the Arrow -falling 'suddenly c to': ttte ground \ arid breaking ,«\n*tof;the bl»fdes".tijf .the ..propeller. ¦ ST. LOUIS, Oct: 31— A. Roy Knaben shue started' with the airship California Arrow, from the aeronautic course at the Exposition grounds at 3:37 o'clock this afternoon and returned after a re markable flight at 4:05 o'clock. On the return trip the airship sailed slowly over the exact spot from which it had arisen twenty : eight minutes previously and glided about 100 feet * farther west, where it settled gracefully to the ground. , , The descent /of the Arrow was the signal „ for, a demonstration, the equal of which has. not been seen since the wheels of the World's Fair started last April,: in, response to the pressure on a key by President Roosevelt Dozens of eager, hands were outstretched to 'grasp the frame of the' airship, and the flying machine,' with its '.' daring navigator, was ' carried around the ¦ concourse upon the shoulders of the shouting " men. Hata- were thrown into the" air, and when Knabenshue called ' for three cheers for his home town:. they were given with" ; a will arid : another round followed ' for Knabenshue and Baldwin.' 'SUCCESS FOLLOWS FAILURE. : : Branches of. Lonely .i-Blae iGiim .Save Major^Dri^FrpmjHorns'V * of Vicious " Beast. "As a result of to-day's flight I'hav« unquestionably Qualified for a trial. Knabenshue went up with Instructions not to go far from the aeronautic con course and then bring the ship to the ground after a trial of a half hour. He came within two minutes of obey ing my Instructions to the letter.** Captain ; Baldwin was 'extremely op timistic regarding the. future of hla airship. He said: "Now I will not be content to leave before I have had several trials for that 4100,000 prize. The conditions are rather severe, but I think that the Arrow can make the required distance within th« time limit! WILL TRY FOR THE PRIZE. '\ When w «rUhln «. few hendred yards of the concourse Knabenshue moved forward;, the Arrow responded imme diately to the downward shift and sailed toward the. ground without a dimlnishment of speed. 1 Knabenshue entered ' the concourse from the east from a height of about two hundred feet, and, slowing the speed of his* motor, directed the airship directly over the wooden trestles that had supported the Arrow before ihe flight started. His momentum was too great to admit of stopping exactly in the place from .which he had made the ascent, but the airship settled to the ground within one hundred feet- Without: . deviation .the California Arrow continued on in the teeth of the Kreeze./ gaining speed and" rushing tow ard , the concourse In an imposing wanner?;,*--.-- .¦ - ' ,:¦¦' •-<-¦ /¦•',,- ." y ; Sailing first to. the northwest and then to the southeast, occasionally making complete turns, Knabenshue continued In a generally easterly direc tion until over the Cascades, the cen ter of the. World's Fair grounds, and about a mile and a. half in a direct line from the -point of starting?. * "At; about that time the barely per ceptible breeze that had been blowing from the northwest increased to about eight miles an hour and veered to the north. , In order to return, to the start ing point it was necessary for Knaben shue to breast this breeze. SPEEDS ; AGAINST THE BREEZE. He attempted several times to turn to the left and then, suddenly, swung the rudder "sharply in the other direc tlonand the Arrow came into the wind, staggered a moment and then, gaining power,* came toward the concourse at a speed that caused the spectators t< cheer and to throw their, hats into the air. The demonstration was observed by Knabenshue, who leaned far out and waved an empty ballast bag. Knabenshue again change^ the direc tion of the craft - and passed over the crowd In the concourse. After proceed ing one-half to three-quarters of a mile westward Knabenshue turned > the air ship about and again; passed -over; the concourse, at the same time increasing his altitude until . he was about 2500 feet above the earth. - He Buys at Low Figure and Then Profits by Bull Campaign. f^T.LGUIS, Oct. 31.-— After circling* in every direction at a height of 2000 ]£*¦ feet above the Cascades,' in sight of thousands of cheering, enthusiastic spec tators on the World's Fair grounds, A. Roy Knabenshue of Toledo, in com mand of the airship California Arrow, to-day- returned to the place from which he had started. The airship " covered three and a half miles of the round trip 'under its own power and demonstrates the claims of the inventor, .Captain Thomas S. Baldwin of San Francisco, that the California Arrow is not only dirig ;ible,; but that it can make headway against a breeze. Wild Texa^Bbf iRet Ctiases Portly -\ Lop Angeleiio Aroiin^oirali Oxnard's^Campap MExpliience. Makes Big Clean-Uj) 'in Steel and vUllou. TRIUMPH OF THE SAN FRANCISCO INVENTOR COMPLETE W&l&wms "GcMforwia Arrow' Astoiwvds a j ;: St. : iLoute ;E^po$Mpn TWong^ AIRSHIP FLIES AGAINST WIND Woman Arrested on Burglary Charge HAS COIN AND JEWELS IN SATCHEL STRA1STGE PRISONER PUZZLES THE' POLICE POLITICIAN IS TREED BY A MAD BULL NEW DEALS NET SCHWAB MILLIONS • VOLUME %CVI— NO. 154. " '•! THE WEATHER. Pereeast made at Saa Fr*ncl»e« for •Usirty hour» enflln* initoirht, Novem ber l: , ; r* Ban PrancUeo aad vicinity— Cloudr Tuesday, probatlr f »hower» by nlg-ht : I freih Boutheast .wind. ' A. O. McADIE. District Forecaater. / ALCAZAR— "Dru» ,W«yn«." / CALirqRJCA— Havefly' a Mhistr*to. CENTRAI^-V'Th'e i" '"¦ Wortt -Woman In COLUMBIA— VjSiltterlBC Gloria." CHCTES^-VaadevlH«. GRAND-T-'.'Ptetty Fitgy.T ' j MAJESTXC^"Ha=^itV'' OBPHEUM— yaudeylll*. ; TI voLl— "Th*« ; Me isenssr • B<*jr." THE.THEATET13. The San Francisco Call