LJege,. Belgium, Is to" have an inter national exppsftlpn next year.*-/ ¦ ,\ - : . .- The.' case of 'Dr. Benjamin P. ' Stoll, charged 'with murder,, came up fdr trial. In Judge Cook's court yesterday. He la accused pf shooting^ and killing 'Dr. RpbertJ. Blake in the offices of decker & 8toll, dentists, Phelan. building, : on October 16, 1902. ' ¦' .. ¦ ' • : . "..-. . •At the former trlalr on January- 8, 1903,:.Jjiidge Copk" instructed the Jury tp acquit. The District Attorney appealed to the Supreme CJoufrt on 'the ground that the Judge, erred in this. Instruct tipn. • The Supreme Court, ordered, a new trial. -holding that all-the-proceed ings at the trial after the ppening state ment, of the District .Attprnev we):? vpid; • "¦'•¦'• ¦¦:¦-¦ -'¦—¦¦ -.. -;•'••;•' TWICE FACES SAME: JURORS The same Jury that tried the former case •was summoned, again to try the case yesterday. At the previous calling cf the case Attorney John A. Hoamer on behalf of the defendant interposed a plea pf once In 'Jeopardy, but at the Judge's suggestlpn It was not then pressed- In regard to this '.\plea ' the Judg-.a said yesterday: "I- havV^iveh the plea considerable, thought andttav-v reached the conclusion that the Jury la Impaneled and sworn to try the Issues made on a 'plea pf npt -guilty. I will i hold that all of the proceedings after ¦the opening statement of the District Attorney are vord. That being so, the Jury, cannot render a verdict on any 1s .iBu.e"which It is not impaneled to try.". ¦'"•Attprney tppk an. exception to .the- ruling -of the Judge,, who o.rdpred the .case to proceed.- The court stenog rapher read the opening statement of tht- District. Attorney made at the 'former 'trial, and % the taking of testi mony was begun. PETITIONERS IN: INSOLVENCY. — Peti tions • In - Insolvency - were - filed . in .: the : United State* District Court. yesterday as follow: Louts de ¦ Brish; r Palomaree; school I teacher,*,- liabilities $2S4.-ino-assets:*Wllllam t W.*'MrKire, Martlnes, blacksmith,' liabilities • IOCS.- assets S00. ¦ E. M. : Cummings yesterday gave > ou a • report • of Ithe i work of the ; Bureau 7 oi Building : fori the ; rhbnth, of : October. \'!I1 shows : a^Blight 'i gain .over, the * building pf last'rnohth. ' It aJsp'shpwsv.that'ttht figures are unusual in view, of.' the prox imity "of the : rainy Beasori;' .The? figures are: * ; permits, ' - 453 ; rejected, 5;- withdrawn. ¦ 8; .applications to tear" down ¦buildingBirlO;'. to* j mbv< buildings, 2 f I free*! permits, ' 206, " at " ar 'eptimatedjcpst "pf 137,460;', paid > permits, 208 ; 161 1 new) buildings,-' at * an "estimated cost '- of v ?l,593,0»»« ; \ 47 : , altera tiona r at " an' estimated cost of $90,640.* Building Permits' Report. ¦ .OPPOSE MRS. BELL. — Louisa J. Thompson, trustee", ' and many creditors of the estate of Thomas. ' Bell yesterday filed - an opposition to the petition of Mrs. Teresa Bell for additional family allowance. They contend that h«r pro ceeding-Is barred by the decision of the Su premo Court, which held that the order. for an allowance of f 2000 a, month made on January 12. 1896, was void after th« filir.gr of the In ventory of. the estata of June 17- of the aazne year.- ' ' ." S^"ilJS3?3ew ; The regular muster # pf ; all ¦ troops at the Presidio took place* at ; 9 o'clock yes terday^ morning. '¦ ' The transpprt Sherman is scheduled tp sail tP-day at n'ppn for Manila,- ' As is custpma'ry ¦ with the management pf the transport Bervice: under command of Major C. A. Deyol, she will leave the transport dock sharp pn the hour pf 12. Fhe carries a big passenger list, among whom are many army efflcers of prom inence. Follpwing is a list qf those going: ' . SSSH Lieutenant Colossi A. !•/ Smith; Lieutenant Colonel R. B. Thompaon. -wife and two daugh ters: - Lieutenant Colonel John O. • D.- Knight, general staff ; Major James S. Rogers, wife and two ¦ eons, Twentieth Infantry ; Major W. " E. Purviance, wife and four children; Major Lewis C. Lucaa; -Captain William E. Horton and mother. Mrs. J.' J. Horton : . Major Charles T. Baker, wife and mother-in-law ;. Captain D. L. Berry, Twenty-Becbnd Infantry; Captain Rob ert L '•' Hirst, ' Twelfth Infantry; Lieutenant Campbell I E. "Babcock, Seventh Infantry; • Lieu tenant It. J. Reaney,- wife and four children. Second ' Cavalry; ¦¦ Lieutenant B.--T. ; Miller. and wife, .Twenty-ninth Infantry; Lieutenant • H. W -Parker, Second Cavalry;, Lieutenant J. S. Butler, Signal -Corps; Lieutenant John R. Kelly, Seventh Infantry: Lieutenant Henry iP. Plpe«, Dr. Ernest O. Blngrham, Dr. Charles W. Johnson ; Lieutenant Ernest Stecker, . Phil ippine Scouts; Dr. -Edwin P. . Tlgnor, • Dr. Ben jamin B. - "Warrlneer, Dr. O. M. Sorber, Dr.' Polk D. Brown; Lieutenant H. B. Farrar and mother. Artillery "Corps:- N. -G. -Gray son; Mrs/ Brush Mr. Rapp, Mrs. L. A. Dorrlngton, ; Mrs. Emma J. MtUer and . daughter, Mrs. J. n. "Williams and two children; Rev. J. J. M. Baer locher, • mlwlonary; Mrs. -E. O. Cogan," son and Japases* nurse; Mm E.'W. Mailing:, sister and two children; Mrs. 1 L. J.i Smith.; MJss Frances : Smith. Miss • J. O. r ¦ Pike; . Albert T. Reeves, Mrs., F. A. Cook and four children, A. C. McKelvey. D. . P. Sullivan, Mrs. - War ren W. H. H.- Ickls, child : and - num. . Miss Marjorie A: Kirkpatrlck. Miss Cecelia McHugh, ltr». -> C. E I Camus ; and - daughter, Miss Lulu' Laubach. Miss Josephine Dillon, Miss * Kate Van Home, J. A. Scott and wife. H. W. Dlclc son. Miss M. B.. Cole and two' children. Miss May; Throckmorton,. Mre./ C. ,->W. ", Stevens ; and two children. Miss Louise de-Roo, Mrs. J.* W. p Clinton and baby, Mrs. : D. - L. : Howoll and two children. Mm. Richard Allen. Mrs. • Terrlll; Eber C. Smith/ wlic and, son;. Mrs. E.'^D.-Bar nett - and three- children, • Mrs. > Duke, i John ¦. F.' Keoren. Rev. A. 7 M. Billiam. j -; -•,;,_¦< s-.v, ¦-£¦•.-,- Ttansport Sherman /Will Carry .Full • Complement of Passengers to . . .' • the Philippines. . Injunction Rcstrainingr : the Police From Entering Gambling and ¦ . Lottery Places Dissolved. The. injunction restraining the po lice from entering gambling 'places and lottery joints In Chinatown, which has been in, force since January 26 last, was dissolved by. Judge Cook yes terday. A stay pf one day was grant ed : at the request of Attorney., George D. Ct^Jliris on behalf^ of the petitioners. Several days were consumed in tak ing testimony on a motion for a npn suit and the Judge / in rendering his decislpn commented on the evidence given by Kim You, president, of the Wee ; Ong Tong, the - petitioners. He said: "Kim You professed not //to know that some of the profits came from gambling. It was his business to know before he came into' court T -.It was practically admitted that gam bling 1 .was carrledon and" the/ petltipn ers did 'not 'come into court with "clean hands. " It is hard, to ;belieye that only food and tea" were sold when '. Kim You's share. of ; the rhcnthly. income cl $6000 was bver$700. . "It seems tome.'V cpntlnued the Judge// "that these Chinese simply cpnepcted ¦ a ; scheme on ; an insurance plan to '; protect". the* gambling., clubs from police interference." ;". Attorney/Collins intimated '.'that; be fore/ the expiration, of ' the '¦ twenty-four hours' : stay./ he" wpuld f apply / f pr ,'- ari-^ other/ injunctlpnfpn/ different grpurida, .MANY PROMINENT ARMY . . OFFICERS SAIL AWAY TO-DAY JUDGE COOK STRIKES ' BLOW AT THE CHINESE Jeongr Kan Must Furnish Three Thou- Band Dollars- Bonds and Wong ; Kim Looks Through' Bars. Jebng Kan, -accused of being one of the gang of importers of Chinese women for immoral purposes, was brought .before United States Commis sioner Heacock- yesterday - for Identifi cation arid his '.bonds' wera fixed 1 ' at $3000. Jeong'/ls" accused of haying Imported Lee , Mee Ho . and Low Ah M'on. ' His . preliminary examination was set for Nbvember, IS. .Warrants have been Issued. fpr the arrest. pf the remainder pf the gang. • ¦ Wong Kim • ."was brought before Commissioner Heacock yesterday af ternoon on a charge of .being. a Chi nese-laborer unlawfully jn the, coun try. It'; was developed on -the hear ing • that Wpng wanted to return ' to China' and, npt caring to pay his ' pass age thither, spld his registration cer tificate /and induced a friend to in form. tlie Chinese bureau, so that he might be sent across the. Pactflo at the •expense of '.the Government. Judge Heacock has taken the^ matter under advisement. . It is probable that Wpng will be sent. -tp' Jail. • CHINESE TRICKS LAID .,// ' ' - BARE IN COURT .The" Bpard of "Works adosted another' resblutipn asking >'tha • Supervlsbrs tor authority, to" rspave An,d "widen Fourth, street from Market to Howard at .an estimated cost of $17,500. Bids .on this co.ntract had already, been Invited with out", regard to the Supervisors, but nont haS been "filed.*. V*. *. . • • .^ The board asked - the Supervisors fpr authority to /* construct . a driveway, fence and bituminous pavement at the booth Varehousepf the* department pf electipnd at ' Eighteenth "and Divislpn streets. . Authprity was also, asked for the .construction pf \ a . chemical • hcuse and : fire" engine hpuse on Twentieth street near Connecticut. . . / * The "board recemmended. to the Su pervisors that the sidewalks on the northerly half of H street from Seventh avenue westerly be abolished, as it is Intended to bltumlnize the "street to the park' line. ,. . The resolutions were filed with* ; the Board of Supervisors at Its afternoon session and will be CPnsid er4d by the/Street Committee. The Beard pf Works yesterday re' scinded a" previous resolution awarding the" contract tc F. .M..¥drke & Cp. tp pave 'the :nprtherly half ;pf ;K street' from' Seventh %o Twentieth avenues! Action was taken as . a 1 result" pf /the City Attorney's opinion that the board had violated the charter in npt having first ' asked the formal consent . of the Board of Supervisors to have the work done. The contracors' had performe.d abc-ut $3000"; wprth bf • the paving "and say ¦ ' they ' will sue the •¦Bpard . pf Wprks for ; its ; neglect in not cpmplylng /with the' legal requirements In tha first place.' The Board of Works alBO adopted a resolution - formally requesting .the Board", of Supervisors tor authprity tb inyito. new/ bid's 'for'-th« payipg- _of : H. streetr-f- '¦--;¦¦-.-•-¦-¦--*'¦¦-¦--.¦'. :^-*"-. .-..The. Finance Committee directed. that the Mayor be nptified "that Supervisor Bent and PQllce ¦ Commissioner Hutton. had filed new pfllcial bonds, as their pld pnes were nbt satisfactcry. Prop erty Clerk W. E. : Dlnan .filed a. suffi cient. . bcnd.i but It • was .net ; properly drawn up. Supervisor Finn, Fire Com-' missioner" Parry, and Works Commis sioner Casey have riot as yet-filed new bonds as they were, requested, on July 26 last •' . " " '- The Finance Committee ordered the payment of $100 out of the Windel fund* to. Mrs. F. Lisanti, widpw pf Salvatpfe Lisantl, whp was'killed-by an engTne recenUy. L . ' / . / ,*".. '/ Similar action was taken on tho-pr dinance .providing- that all/ openings hereafter constructed . for sidewalk ele yatprs -shall be not more than twen'ty fbur Inches from; the router -line' of the curb and. shall nbt exceed Beyen-by.fiv? feet. :\\ . ¦ ' '. V . •The Joint Ccmmlttee pn Finance and Streets • pf the Bpard pf Supervisors ccnsldered the proposed ordinance, submitted by the Merchants' Associa tion, .regulating the constructicn, and. cperatlon p.f sidewalk elevators. The ordinance requires that the ppen ings'pf such eleVatprs shall be ccveced with, substantial iron '/doors* and/ pro vided with some mechanical device for locking and unlocking them, which will net require any/ persen tp jrlde pn them, fpr that purppse. The eievatpr m.ust alsp be- equipped 'with* a device tp pre vent the platfprm'. fr6m. approaching within five feet of the sidewalk doors when closed. ' The 'ordinance^ aiao / re quires a rwpohsibie^ person- tp \ warn passers-by against walking pn the dbprs when the elevatpr starts and that the doors shall be open pnly- fpr- the. time necessary to receive or ship,-merchan dise or supplies. The committee favor ed the various prpvislbns. , Further ccri elderatlon was deferred- one week. OPENINGS ; IN SIDEWALKS. The Board of Supervisors yesterday adopted a resolution 'authorizing the United Railroads to places stop,. plates" or stop signs- where cars stop to take on passengers, but providing that no. such si gne shall "be placed at the near crosswalks, which - is* to bo the 'general .stopping place of /the' cars in th« fu ture. • " ;";/¦ /'. ."- B. P. H>' Troy appeared before the Su pervisors' Finance Ccmmittee and: ash ed when . his communicatipn, putting , a large number- cfquestipns tp the United Railroads to answer relative yto. ;^h« conduct- pf ; its' service,', wpuld b«/cpn- sidered. liie ccmmlttee' agreed " to/ fix a tlm« pext ; Monday, when T^vr L. Ford,' attorney for r th« corporation, will be present to consider the 'assessment of its properties by tha State Boardof Equalization: or .-thoScity."- Bupervisbr .Brandenstein; said -that^ any investigation into - a- ; - quasi-publlb cor poration.- was .proper,; : Troy was given to annoying the. United Railroads with reckless questioning. "The questipns _that I have asked," said. Troy, - "could be answered .in a- week by a- statement from the com pany,- yet they were filed three' weeks ago." • '. • ¦ ' '. .-'¦'¦ *:• -"It s.eems" to- me," said Brandenstein, "that whenever a capitalistic head ap-» pears ab\)ve- water, it is a signal fpr" Mr. Troy to hit it .with a financial shineiah.'. This board is neither a friend, ior!. a foe of the corporations. This committee oannot go intotthe details as contained in the questions put by j you; Mr. Trdy. . it would take- months tp investigate. We can Inquire intp the franchises held by the cpmpany and pT those hpt held, but 'dp npt come .here with a, communication which, starts with a .direct insult tp tha ' corpor- • ation." "'¦-'/• • • TO REGULATE ELEVATORS. . : Th'e. board", passed tb print an; prdin ance -requiring persons confined in .the County- Jail under a judgment ¦ of ini prisohnient/in a criminal action; to per fprin.labor/on the public works or ways' in .the city and county. The crdlnance authorizes; th4 Chief, qf Pqlice tc make requisltipn-ori the Sheriff fpr the ser vices of prisoners in the>County Jail to pe'rioiTn sucii-iabbr as may' be' neces sary in the Cijy Prison. • • . ..The petition . of Ellen Dore for ! the closing of Beach street,', between Lagu na'.street and .the pueblo line,, was "re ferred, tp the.istreet Cpmmittee. ' • "A.r.esplut'lbn.was adppted authprizlng the payment of $656 98 to F. M. Torke &,. Cp. ' for* bitumen- and concrete- re paving, over side sewer trenches. ///The -Fire Commissioners were'author ized to destrpy by means pf fire a-num .Tjer of pld -wppden folding beds on ac icount/.of their unsanitary condition, -. j. M. Mclntyre was awarded the con . tract I to print the - municipal reports at. $1.24 per'pagel . . • • ' .Ordinances were, finally' passed order ing street work on Hancock street, be tween" Sanchez- and Church; J street, between Fourteenth and Sixteenth ave nues, and. the crossing of Ninth avenue arid T.Btreet; amending the ordinance providing for the numbering- of build ings; granting permission to the Bay Shore Water Company, to operate a pumping -plant: near the Six»-Mlle House; authorizing the return, pf sper cialtaxes for schools and hospital," paid under pretest by several property own ers, and auth.orlzlng.the appointment of a caretaker fpr the- vbting .machines and election booths, at a salary of $125 per- month.. ; ¦ '/'-' ' : ' :;: - ¦' ~Wf?. P. fichellberg filed a complaint against ¦W. j. Holman, inspectcrpf sidewalk elevators, charging -that ha "dees n'pt understand, his business, and .that such an inspector shbuld be an - elevatpr builder. Bchellberg alleges that Hplrnan is ignoring the. prpvlsipns of the'side walk elevator ordinance- and drdering the installation 'of arches; which Is con trary to law.- -.-• -. '. ' . .- Peter T. Seculovich; president of th/e Islais Creejc Property Owners' Associa tion, renewed his of t.time. filed petition thi,t.th».bbard cause to be removed all bbstrucfl.6ris • in ..Islais Creek for com merce .ind: navigation. It .was referred Xo the Street Committee. . ' • ;. P.erinlsSion was -gr.ant.ed' to \ Henry A- W.hltley-to'/explod.e : . blasts, for grading purposes i'^lohg arid upon /the]^right-of way/of the b'ay shore line of the South" je/rn /Paciiflc • Ccmpanjr and .alsp to-, lay ternpdjrary., tracks alpng Twenty-sev jenth;/avenue -south to . H. street south, thenc'fr to Twenty- flfthi" avenue, .south. At yesterday's meeting pf the Board of Supervisors . Rea . asked that . the board take up the report of the Finance Committee relative tp the cpntract cf the I*. M. Yorke Company for repairs to bituminous' streets, ¦' as a result of which the bills of the concern" f of Au gust, have been refused payment. Rea charged' that the committee had taken .arbitrary action on -the testimony' of discharged employes of _the company i.hd he thought the full' board should be' made acquainted with the facts in the easel Brandenstein said that the entire testimony, had been transcribed and the_report had. been simply-flled with the" heard without any recommen dktipn.. It was decided tp'cpnsider the fepcirt'.at next Monday's meeting. of the board .and -in" the meant iraa the- Super yispr's'.. will -'.acquaint themselves with .the/ testimony.- Nearly all thejpfflcials ••pf '.thV.Boar^d'of '.Works' wer* on hand : hprjiihg..^hat- the report be con-" Eid.ered-. at-.oiicei, '...-' •; ;• ' • .-. /-•JG'rades'.we're ordered changed at cer : taijff^polnti.' on Landers and Twenty /tfej^d -streets,'- Albert .' alley and . Eim ayfeifue.-' Protests, were filed against cha'ngV'gvg-rad'es on Lincoln street. ' ¦: stealing two bicycles W. H. Car ter was sentenced by Judge Mogan to nine months' imprispnment. . ; It waa/to illustrate 'one of his' fa rerite 'shots /while; bbwlingr that jam'es L«eVris:; tore -wobdeii knobs , from atop the . fence" surrounding a convent at Eddy and Taylor streets and trundled them along the sidewalk. If he had not :been intoxicated he . probably would. not have done such a'thing, but having done it 'and been arrested for it and charged 'with, malicious mis r chief, he hoped Judge Mogan -would dismiss him. on conditlpn- that he pay fpr whatever damage he did! " He was taken at his word. . .. ; Miss Bessie^ ; Wallace;;^ -.-'a ; 'statuesque ¦ demi-blonde, . ;was; arrested, early; yesr ttrrday inprning at. O'B'arrell street and Orant avenue by a.ppliceman, whii> tes-/ jtJfl ed that ' h« frequently :had seen her abroad at unseemly- hours .-arid., that .'4s 1 ' she walked. along/ she looked over her shoulder at rineh; who.naet and- passed _her./ ;:'.//'¦,;/';-.';. >/\-.: ; :'"/-.-- : \ =.- / ;; /¦The- very --idea!"" '.murmured .' -iilss- Wallace to "her attorney:: •¦¦// •¦ : /.! •- -. • -Judge. Mpgah. raked .up.' his -'Bibiical lore : to remind Miss Wallace' -of" the fate". that //'.overtook.' JjoVb! wife .when ehe looked -back, contrary. to ¦.ihstruc tipns,'.and then' cpntihued.'the case till November 10 to give the defendant op portunity, to . produce ¦ testimony as: to. her. character. ¦-"¦ ..- - • .'.••¦ ' : • ••• ' : Chris Belmpnt that he ..was prbybked: tp ..fight 'by/ being:, called a /"Jap" . by: .the two men with' whom her was. ; nilxed • up .'when a patroimah a'rrested -. on Dupont : street. . ; 'It .was nbt because/ he sympathized '•' with Russia in .'/her cbriflict '-witii Japan that he /resented the ; appellatipn ' nien ticned, : but % because, he was ". bprn' and ; reared. . in -"STexicp •• and' .is of; - Spanish -- ancestry.. .' The . Other defendants said they hpnestly . believed JJr.Belmpnt was an Asiatic when they called him. a. ."Jap/? as. his physical characteristics' left- room for no other impressibh on their minds.. Judge Mb gan, after .Buryeying . Mr> ; Belmonf s tpunteiiahce, ..decided- :that. the other defendants, niight naturally- have been mistaken;; as they/allegredi and he dls itnissedythem .and told Mri. Belmpnt Xq reappear, to-day '.for-serite.rice./'^' /•' ' : • Xine g^entlemen/cf the rpad/ in vari ous :stages; of Sartorial .. dilapidation, were asleep lna: boxcar at P'qUrth: and Tpwnaend streets, when the police isur prised and arrested -them. ./.When in^ ttrylewed; individually/ by .Judge Fritz they, contradicted ' each ;. other- "as. to', whether, their sleeper. had : . Just^arrived or was/ -outward ' -bound- •' when -. th^ir. slunibers -was so. rudely disturbed, 'so' they ; ¦-.-we're"- jcoilectlyely- -/sentenced .to twepty-four hours'. -imprisonment, and gratuitpusiy; . advised .'. to walk ; out pf town when '.they . regain -freedprn. ; : '."- -vJose^h'/qc^i^la^/oiriibse ; t&Yi.:' -^mi offered -for ; sale iine Vetri^d '. has? that yfeighe.d .' spaae v bunctes ..less, than the three: -pounds/ required; by .jaw and tht/ ; *iirn •'. i Z&. Moth's' court; ¦"¦¦-. /•¦¦.;••-¦ :-. '• '/¦ :: ;• : : .v.y :¦-:;'• ; :'.'. :"Vx?^^-^bst^liey-jBtrbpck : '-.ifta^/wi^ yan/ /clppb^r :he -:'-de?Iar&i >tp .-. ; auagft ivritjc >tut • the/f pf&tti'r ¦.'«yerjredVthkt/-"He/ aid/not/u^^ club/beiiiu^e^ firid; itr^tessary;/' ':. hav ing assaulted h'irii 4n .-*. stibl.e " at ' 827 : Eixjh Etreet. and ' when: Dlngmah re-, counted to Judge" Mo'gaij.' the- details of the allegc.d. batpery .Mr.- Bleyjn smiled reprovingly. "and inquired:;; .: :- ; •• '. - . ¦. "Kid," do ybu -meaij- t*>. /say that. I fcit c you ?•'•..•';¦>.'"' : . -.'". ..••.'.'•;:.¦¦•¦• /-.'""• r .-' "Yes, I do," was thft reply. . ' , ..'; In saddened tPne' Mr. Blevin. then, raid, ".Vow, kid, ..yon know you know better than that.*'.. ¦'•¦¦-; -' . v /- ' ' '• « *7Co, I don't," was, the -retort.. ¦': - " With a . quaver of emotion in his -.. The JudTe said /that as he had never studied poker he was : not prebared to Veiffh-its Influence '.as an' agent of cirr Ulzatibn, but. he "• would be pleased to •listen; 4 reading;, of /the laws .on the subject.- ¦''. Then', hie. /set ; the; continued hearinsr -fbr.::to-:da.yV;^ ¦¦./."•¦>".:;:¦.•-.¦ •¦'-'•'.. : A:vFlve Chinese accxi^d .of: /playing ijQk«r ~"»«re eloquently defendad by; a ppeeial pleader, : who informed Judge JF*ritz 3P*4't they /should' be.comjnended j'jastead of '.punished ; f or, i l^avin^ ;t*-. Tioimce 1 '" allegiance . \. to'. vf^tsui;.;:an.d other faj^J^^^J^Ji^i^^ •transf errtd .their-'- fealty ".'tp; \ .tie -.- 'gTeai ¦Ajhericia . pastime. 1 ; ¦¦¦',-'¦''¦¦¦'. ': : 'S. '¦]'¦¦"¦ ¦•;¦'''¦¦''• ¦'.¦¦ V./?'May It' please 'the: cpurt,"^ --he thun dered, "tb-e playing" of poker by. my clii?Bts demonstrates a spirit of prog- ; ress'.for .which we, :as. -citizens' ; of. ' the; mc.st ' progressive .nation on earth, jEhould find-'.only . approval. If 'these rcen wtre to cutolftlieir queues',, doft thpir paper-s'oled ..shoes and .d on the latejBt thing- '-in ¦-American ;.,'. fpbtwear; discard their ilouseis. arid 'attire . thejnr Selves '.'eJi you -sLZxd : I' -are: appareled^' we ehcrjld -applaxni . them. . ;'. .'-No-* -J- ..'£Utf pi. step tpward' th.e ¦ adopUon 'of ; pcci-. custbitns. tijan woujd^ be. any of faaVe irnentloned, . The man -who ; plays poker -tJiO. -plays it- well ¦ is" entitled .to the '^isttegTilshed vconsldiratibn ojf any Advocate /of^^.-buftian^'. progress, :Purtherr Jjnbre;. I •c^n' : 'brir^V^w.'-b6p.k8--.to-'-cdnr' •vince' !your;.-.-Honoir that thejje men are guilty of np mlsdemeahor,"' .' ¦/. : ':-. .; my. Ctruily ¦'¦Bpec.taje'les, which, unfortu riateiyi f forgot tol)ring/with: me when lYieti- tome this robrnlns- . It is' easier tor : a Vy tgTant to tell /a;-: f alsfhobd than tb hide) the physical • eyldehr^s of xa £raucyf. which I can see whoh ;pyeyes are'ptcperly aided.. Myglas^ts: \vill;be <>n : du^y tQ-morrow morning, until ?:hjch -Joe the cases of these, defend antsar* continued. *!¦'. •' " /••:¦:¦•'.•¦•• : :V> ; .: - . -'-.: ¦. '¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ -V ¦•'¦'¦:' ¦••":',-;• :' :V-';r.'-': •¦'¦?¦¦' .¦*.-• > cr.f ess " that it Is not so .in. my! treat-. :«s t • ; : c ! folk i charged • /with ¦'. Vagrancy.. .Vf tc r : the . pblicesnah .hai told his Jstory ¦iml the' xJefendant has : told his ; or /her ¦Flory'-l largely depend upon my optical exfLtnliiation of .the: defendant f pr" gruid arrce^ of pny Judgment, and ray ; qptical siiminatibn is largely dependent upon Half t. dozen persons • accused ot : ya prancy Ti-ere remanded till to-day;be icause Jiadgre Cabaniss ;to4 left his *fe plas«es at borne. - ... •'•'-•'Wh'V* Justice is *.;pc!pniax4y-.^supposed to- be' ¦ ffiind,*' said his ; : Honor; .-:'.% : will ;-. : '[¦_ ; Parlcer,- j ~ : . wklter,; ..'-. tettrnied ; ';jre^Vdeath'B;;. : abor'; to '/BtaTtle- P.bilce; >Ju4jfe; ; Slp'^aJo'c. ;• jepuirt: rVy'isBterdajr i'' by. ' "e^eaiiiisr : - • ihkt : - tlie ! Jcnlf e. : Z wouida -.- rer halved by him one filght abput a niohth [Zi-cx-sO.. ;by ¦ liay ParkBr,. 1 Jiis; companion; ; •'. '; •¦- 1 were; a -result :of : ft^d^nt. ¦ H« ¦was : cutting rneat for ; -a cat, b> >aid. and fell . u>«oa the knife, and the woman was not •jn -ih* '¦fopia'-kt iho tinie. '[ As -this i state-' tit fc< confljeted TajflJcally -irtth the stbry. >h* tald ta.his hospital attendants 'whiVe :hts chances for recovery: appeared 'yery: '«l;:Tn ; ;. the prosecution obtained a.contin^. v &x» of; the : htiarinsctlU-'-to^dayi'' i-wfaeii . : :U'' will .: endeavor,, to ;-lnii>^iju:h' ..his-; tefitlr : meny: by produ^cing the .nospltai; f 61k t.b . v. hora his accusatory tale was told.- V ..: : ;^ ; For a time suriBlcal science regarded Farlce^B case, as hopeless,- but hlS; nigi-; .^rd;.'•^h'i^«h^^¦\cion^tuUioil^¦¦¦¦carti^;.¦Jliia'. jhrbugh : i. an '•"«rdeftl - : to which: brdl^aiy hti-tnaa stamina, wpuld- have .succmnbed'. 1 -. ,'^s ;be approa^ed his .6ef i -te rtniiiation to 'p'rb'^ec^t^ ; ii^"i!^o'tt|tiii'. ; rftr J liied '"•':«Lisafci,-!- ah4";iibTr. ;h^e:.;Beerns : .":iU>\i>*.': ' jjisi/aa ed -to She 1b held on "the 'Ch&tgii )6t atteinptvtbV murier. ;'The.' poUce.:Bay;*he;.his''i;hus-;: band ;."whb- Is'.'.aervingr: a : ':terjn;via.:San Qu*ctln .for ; .counter! eJtlntg. ;' '% Parker '¦is:; said to have .«,• wlfe : . ajid-¦'¦chiliiii/liytat'to ¦this cl<3T. .• .' ••. -Judge Mogan _ Is -ap'paTtiotJy^'annbyed;' ty . the way In /which ; Justice . h^s : been' frustrated of late in his department by; vl ct'.rr.s c f rcu rde rous assault declining tor prciecute their V asBaHaJits.'; '. ¦¦¦JL vf e.w. days ajpo Elvira Crpce, who. -was shot by Pai4 . •Sasskc on Mbhtgbmery avenue. 'fi&tly -Teftised.' : .to ;:testtfy.' ".against ¦;.'• the': ¦"*^^'V^d-/th.e';^uiijj^~'Ti7^;.:TOina.p^ie4V^P-' ord-er ;tls dischargd. : '': Xow coihes: Parker Tsclth evid^iit resolve to secure release of ; the fear of death VasB^ngw^binhln^i Will Invite New Bids for Im provement, :; Though Cqdl fractors! Have Begiiii Work Says Action Was Taken on Unsupported Testimony of. Discharged Employes Brandenstein Says His Coni . in'uiiication Is an Insult to-- the . United Railroads CORRECTS FIRST -ERROR WANTS TO LEAHN FACTS WAEM WORDS FOR TK0Y- Supervisors • Approve of. a Plan to '; Halt Street Cars at the ' Near : Crosswalks Asks Consent of Superyi s'brs toEepave Ebadways . of Fourth' and H Streets Supervisor Insists on the Full Board Hearing Case of Much Disputed Contract WORKS BOARD OBEYS CHARTER PARKER AVERS WOMAN DID NOT WIELD KNIFE Wfctoliif; Jflay Be 'Impeached PHm||p§|ipH; NEARLY KILLED iilMfiREffir! OF ACCIDENT.-: ¦ REA CHAMPIONS YORKE'S CAUSE AUTHORIZE USE OF STOP SIGNS THE SAN ;FRANGISCQ CALU, TUESDAY,. NOVEMBER ,1,190^; 11 ADVEHtTISEAIIINTS. AI)VEItTlSE3tEXTS. _.__-_ _:¦_.?¦'¦__ ¦_ .A^ '..-,-'-- _.';---•- ¦•¦*¦ i- ¦ ¦ ." ¦ ¦ *¦; ,¦- *¦ - ,.i ¦¦..'¦; . t * 0 ¦ ' " :i ~ ' ". ' ' ' -- - i * - t ' ' w ¦ ''"--,¦"¦' *. ¦ '" '- - "' " * nsn ESS Sfln WM t&S&rwsB w&K t£t\ JBV Hlf^ rw^TMi^Hl. S3 If you wish to see a vast display of Furniture, in all the most popular woods and finishes, you will call at tha Stpre on the Square. Here you wllinnd hundreds of patterns, from the best factories of the world. No taste too fastidious for* us to please. Call at any time. You are always welcome. ; . " ' THBEE-PUCX FABLOB SUIT — Mahogany finished frame. Colonial de- • sign. Prettily carved. Upholstered In- figured velour. Ca-*^? f -'/^ A Suit that will elve you lastlrrg satisfaction. Price «P Jt / O\l A choice assortment of exclusive desisms. Bozal "WlTtou*, Axminrters. Body BrasielB, Tapestry Broiialt,- Baumu,. Caahmares. Tiber "and Xn- KTain, Banrinar from the little door mat to tha foil room i!z«. The fol- lowing- Items will give an ides ot our low- prices! -- •. ' ¦ ¦ BRTJSSEI.ETrrE XT7O^— Reversible. AST SQUARES — All wooi. Rever- : In very- pretty cploriiigsl • .• . .- s» bl , e -* i x9 . "i -rZ ery C/i *5C ".A-sooa; durable rug. -Size QQg - ¦' : :^ C9 . Ice - .J4.«ci> 80x60. Price, each..;.'..'. M ;7"\ CASH MCTB X.JjQ3 111 Reversibls. ¦-.••¦•." . ' Ebcceptlonally artistic. Both in .Vl?IiVET BTJO — Good, deep' pile.. ¦ coloring: and design, A rug that Choice colors!. bPth • *•' '.will give lasting satisfaction. 9x12 Oriental and flPral. $1^5 / $?•&"££& ' $1 1.80 Size 29x54. Price, each *¥***"* -.room. "Price, each. «4>* *»^V -g~\ A nTvr'nnr* "¦• Our Carpet Department la a. delight to the ¦ A l/llH U connoisseur. " N"ot a pattern but has some dis- *L-. J-A W\ h* M . I .. J .tlnctiye merit, which will commend It tr- those , • who are In- lovi with .the b*autiful. Prices ar© \. - . always ithe lowest. . : . • nconDEin y ' WHNUTIUB1B ®fl9. \J i4S259GERMST> ON1HESOVARE WOMAN'S BEST FRIENDl. ) Women suffer all about- us with headache, backache/ loss of energy and spirits, Nenrous Dyspepsia and many other* ailments i which make life almost unbearable. Every woman can be im- | mediately relieved of this suffering if upon the first sign of * derangement she would take a dose of I By following the instructions with each box of 'pills thousands* { of women all over the world have saved their lives. • < - 5 BEEGHAM*S PILLS pnrify the blood, give strength and, J vigor to the digestive organs, give vim and. tone to the nerves I and put tfie whole body in a healthy condition. A box of > BEECHASl'S PILLS should always be kept in. the house as, t like a "stitch in time." they will invariably . have the mo'st 1 s beneficial effect and save much future worry and anxiety. ] Sold Everywhere in Boxes, lOc. and 25c. B'Ames. P.W. ' Hayden, Brace Jenks, Livingston .Levisdn,- Dr. C..O. Mendell. Geo.H.Jr. H Bell. Harmon . • HerOn. E. A. . ' Kugeler, Dr. H. , . - Lawlor;. Wa P. _ \. MarOn. Dr. WnxA. 8 Bermingham, J. ' Harron, J. O. . . Kane, .Dan H. . ••• ' Langhorne. Jnp. D. . 5s e y er! »: H< ?£ y H : B Boyd.-C."D. Hooker, Osgood ' • King, Fred L. ' ' Long. Dr. 8. .P. ... Mpraghan, Chas. A. H Belsha^w.C'JJ. Hausman. P.- H. Knigrht,' Geo. A. • .. -. Magee. .Wm. A. •*. - Meyers, Jn* J. . H Bergin, Thoa I! . Hind. Gep. U. . ' Kaufman,- Lep- . Martin. .W, J. •• -..'.. Mppre, A-_A. Jr. g Baum.Alexander R, • 1 . .- " ' ". - - - - - U B Rurlr -T X • Maslln. B. W. - "rt H RvrLA-nnht O . . • : - - - : • ' - - ' • ; McCutch«n.'-B. J. i jll^l^ AS THINK THESESa THINKS ALlJHEWOfiLU %m%£ i Bondman 'T^D- ' ' MR. : ROBT. O. BYXBEfo. * '' • -. " : MR. W..J. DCTTO^.' - ' .- '\ S^^P^ iSt nrJHenrv Byxbee •& Clark. Lomber Dealers, . President Fireman 1 * 5>nd iMorano* Cbw, Npyes. Wm. B.- H nSnir'r S? V ***'¦¦ • . "Say*: •'.•.• Oxnard. Rpbt. . ¦H n^iJJ. w - The "Encyclopedia An\«rtcan*" is »dli- The volnmw of ' th»: Encyclopedia O'Connell. Rav.TJ.' H 'HI' £' a f"xv '¦•¦- • tlnct succeia. . - : 'Americana Unpreis me as both r«pre»«nt- Oliver, Wm. Letts HBauer,. beo.VV.. .. - ... in- ¦» hirh standard of exc«n«nc« In pre- Orlow, Dr. O. N. WU Harneson. J no. \.t>-^--b< T>TT^T-o-r»T« • " -paratlon. and . covering much more O'Connor Dr J. H ll^-5^-;:"3^:'SSSR-»i«i. SMS-tt'SJ StfSSWSSr Sc -~f.'»*- H Baker. Jno." Jr. . • Bays.- V_j.u » •" ' " ...••-. Phelan. Jas. D. H Barton, Wm. F. . Jam very much pleaaed/wlUi ray. wt . ¦• ... , -_•¦ _ . Prendereast, Very 1™ , ™ J'-" • «¦ of • Encyclopedia Americana. It Is the ,.„ T n ctttpttam • *' Rer J J H Clark,, Warren D. first truly American Encyclopedia treat- "Sr,-";;- v^SSZ?^'- - . Prindle. P '• I Collier 9 W W B '••• Wbj8CUto0man lmpart^ &*"* •' • - PowS?. Dr, O^H. 9 Cutting iFrancis lllt - \ • -. I have carefully examined the Tohxm*. Pomtlathwaita. H. - ffl n»ll w fir r ¦ I"-' 1 ~ " * o{ my Americana: especially the «clenUno W. - H w *• * SIR F. F. BOPLBK. Master Mechanto. . and technical subject, with which I am Perry. K. A. - H^^^'-AnrtrW-a, United Rallroade of San. Francisco. famniar. and am partlcuUrry plea»ed wiUi Pearce. W.'E. S S? rri ?. an< ¦ A J ldr l ew - Sars- *""«««' the full, -accurate -apd up-to-date mann«« penniman. W.EL * 1 Chesebrough, A. i-am' thorcn.TMy satisfied that the En- in which r?; -TV cyclopedia Americana wUl be the stand- _i- . ¦ Queen, R. XL H Crawford, Dr. A. K. ' ard Encydcpodla for years to come. It -is ~'^'*~~ m A-- m C. HOLMES^ Runypn, C F. HCoffey,'Dr:W.B. ductl6n by American brains and Amert- ClvU Enslneer, • . ' ; Russ. Henry B.' kj Curtis." J. M. C aa capital. , , * Says: ¦ " Ronenstlrn. Dr. • B Cobb Wm. I. . After a carefol examination of the vol- Julius m Chismore. Dr. Leo D r^ stanlbt STILLMAN. um«s of the ..Eacyclop^ila Americana. I Roht e, Emll ¦ Sr^-^i? 61 "-; t h-^. st1 . , . : «-wS k t % p srs.%ia.«« .i^rb^a^r H Casey, W. J. i a m very much pleased with the En- wortd - . * Rigdon, Dr. R. L. H Carpenter, F. L.. cyclopedia Americana. It la a pleasin* t; ""T.'«. ~, „¦¦ • Rossi, P. C "9 Connor, Fred ' change from - the older Encyclopedias in MR. JAS.' D. PHELAN . c>,nTr.«t« rn- ThAi B Curtis, Allen A. style and contents, and has vastly more Bays: * .'. bnumai9.ur.inos. H Dickie -GW ln It from the American standpoint than . I waj'*" »!«*«<» with my set U the ** . . I DeOulkS; a" "T other Encyclopedia. ; . « Encyclopedia Americana. . • ' . fStt H*T. V iiE^Rf--' More than a thousand representative resi- ||^Vh. f 1 8Si^r?;<£& dents of California now own this— America s first M%*MK J ' - great National Encyclopedia. Each of the persons st J lman . Dr . sta^ IK'Sp; 8 "-' whose names appear surrounding this announce- scSoner. o.' .' m Dodge, E. J.' ¦ "'.-.. . • • i t '-•»»• ¦>-¦' e j_t_ * Sharp, Dr. Jno. O. • ISSsa'S-t?:-' -merit owns this book.. Many of them are your i^^s^ I gSKt^Stt-ffi: -: neighbors and business associates.' Ask their .isgj-lfcgi IE^w-n::- opinion, but act promptly to secure the special . *»$**.-.i*.- w. H -Evans, Chester H.'> ' / rr •¦ ¦",.'. . * Sutherland, Dr. F. 1 iS^-P^ price now offered. ,..,_. . . • ,- g Elder, R. B. ¦— ¦— —^^— — — — . Knight B Foster, A.. W. -: y^»CUTJOUT AND 3IATL.;THIS COUPON TO-DAY^^ ?££££. Z* H Flournoy Jfno "~ - • - ¦ - - > ¦¦> s t - ¦ ¦ . -- ¦ ¦ ¦ •¦" -• ¦ ; - y . Tnvls," . \\ m. ¦ S. H Frink Dr' Geo K. : SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN CLUB.* Rlalto Building. Ban Francisco: " Taylpr, 'Samuel J. H Fontana. M J Gentlemen: Please send^mc, free of charge, sample pages of yoar new ENCT- Thompson W. O. B Fpnwlok Fred'er- CLOPEDIA AMERICANA, with full particulars of your special price and LITTLE Jr. I ¦*¦ ick R ? ' PAYMENT PLAN to members of THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN CLUB. ' Tflden. H. C. K | i S3S£-^!^ l w5 " ' : - T yS^S^"^ ¦ M Greenebaum.-E.^: ' - . . k ' ' .. • Esters ¦- . ¦ B Greenwood.Fred A. - Street...;. —.—....—,.......—.......—.. Van Bergen. J:,w. H Gibbons, 'Dr. Hen- ' , '. , .. , ; ; . . ". " , Watson, F. C |l^.:ry-Jr.:>'-' ." iTown and State.. ........*.... ........ ..%• Wilson, H. H Gardner, Dr/ 8/ J. ' ; " . .: t Wood. R. M. ¦ Greer, *Robt. P. : - - . ... ,...-.- -,...-¦¦¦¦.- -¦,-.--- w- es tenberg, C. A. - H Graham, Jas. H. ..... . • . , i . ¦¦„-¦¦ Wheeler. E. G. ¦ Greenewald,\O.*,W. Hunter, D. B. ' Kress. £. H. Moore. J. J. Worth. Dr. Sidney B Harrison,: Ralph Cv , Hyman, Jos. - Klmball. Roy T. • Meyer, J. Henry - Waterman, S^D. H Howard, Jno. s L.V- Harley. Chas. H/ - Keith. -Wm. *- ' MacMonaKle, Dr. Beverly Waterhouse, S."W. H Howard.-' F.TP.T^-* ' Heydenf eldt. Thos.O.. : Lllienthal, . P. N. Mattern. Geo. A. . Williamson. Dr. J. m Holmes, Howard C." Howard. Jn^G., \ Laymance/ J. W. - ! Morse, J. JH. - M.