Newspaper Page Text
THE SAN :FR]ANGISGO; GALU,^TUESDAY,- NOVEMBER I,' 1904^ 12 X^-BTOTAJTrSr— Contlnnea. -. REMOVED. ¦-:':.•< . " A PHENOMENAL $5 Mental Reading for $1. I " The great. ;ELLSMERE. .Ellsmere^ — t,he great ,- Egyptian seer," palmist, medium; the. greatest clairvoyant in the~world; - tells ' your name,' . what you called for, whom and when you will marry, about business, etc.; Ellsmere is dirter." n: ent from other clairvoyants, because he does what they claim to do, things that are beyond understanding, things that eeem Im- possible; he gives you information, relief, suc- cess. - satisfaction, power and control of 'any character affecting any one or .anything pajt. J present .or future; he tells you Just what you may expect and what to do for your best in- ..terests in any matter; he awakens a natural • force within and around you. giving you a se- 5 cret power to remove Jthe cause of any trouble, influence, unhapplness, disease, poverty, fail- ure or bad luck that surrounds you; he opens up a' way. for success and happiness » r ou de- eire; a power to secretly change the thoughts,- actions, habits or intentions of . any one,- even miles away; remember there Is no guesswork when you consult him; If •aftalrs'Of the heart . or emotions of love interest you, t he gives 3 exact and truthful advice pn afl love affairs-, he advises you Kow to settle lovers' quarrels and enables you to win th.e esteem and lave of any one you desire. ¦ 8 offices. 326"O'Farrell street 3 offices. Open. Sunday, everj: day, 10 to- 8. Mall, $2.. RICHARD MAYO. - ' "• "' ' ' CLAIRVOYANT. At a glance, before you have a chance to ut- ter one word,' he tells you what you' came for and what you want to know. .HE TELLS YOU. •• *. HOW TO ATTAIN SUCCESS. Whether your ' preskpt business investments will. b» successful. No matter what may be your hope, fear or ambition, caH on this gifted man- and find relief. His descriptions of yqiir friends' jand enemies, are as real as though they stood before you. '¦ He tells . you everything, .good or bad; you hear the truth and nothing but the truth. If you are discontented, un- happy, discouraged, unsuccessful '..or In. ill- •health, .call on Professor Mayo and he will aid you In life's greatest blessings, health, wealth and- happiness.. Satisfaction guaranteed or no fee accepted. - ' • ' • ' READINGS THIS WEEK REDUCED TO ONE DOLLAR. ; . .'..'•• 421A Ellis st. (Private) Flat. Hoars 10 a. m. to- -8 d. m. A— A— •¦ KHIRON. ' . . '. ' "_ .eREATEST' LIVING CUAlRVbYANT, AD- Vlf-ER jon.bus'lness, la-w, love, marriage, di- vorce,- a31 affairs; reunites separated, helps . the troubled; Jells your full name, what. you ' . called for. whom _nd when you will ma'rf y. • reads your entire life from lnfapcy to old age; giving nam?s,- dates, -facts and -figures; re- stores youth "and" lost vitality, cures dis- eases; Tow fee, 50c. . Hours— 10 a. m. to '8 ' p. m.. 1031 Market St.. " MME. . LANGE— Just returned;, can; give you a&vice In your 'trouble by her genuine Egyp- tian sympathy,- palmistry and spiritualism; possesses the genuine' magical -magnetic n'rir- . ror .and* crystal reading, which .shows the ' correct picture . -of future wife or husband; . never falls; -convince yourself z readings, 25o and up; -10. to 8 d. m.;. also Sundays': cures diseases by 'her strong sympathy. ' '46 7th st .FROM all "sections they come- fo witness th*e • -wbnSerfji! • demonstrations ¦ • of ¦ " the ¦ noted . LIVINQSTONE. Readings $1. . Would It not be a relief to know how you will succeed, .to • be relieved o*T the matters that are troubling " yoa and" "of the. schemes 'of your enejnies. tKat you may meet with better suocdss?. Then for a reliable reading go to -LIVINGSTONE. 423 .Eddy st. > three separate reception parlors; lafly Attendants.;' hours 10 a. m. to'8-p. m. MISS J5EMDAR, young, gifted clalr.snd palm.; rt veals love, marriage, business etc.; L. 50c; ! ' G r $1; hours 10 to .9; names. 714 Franklin st ROSALIND, worid renowned spiritual clairvoy- ant psychic, palmist.- 19 Powell . (The Earl). "MUTE. ODELL, clairvoyant, card-, reading, tea leaves; 25c up.' 612>£ Eddy st; no .sign. MADAME VONSOR. clairvoyant, meditfm, ' eVenlng circles. 8 o'clock. 508 Eddy St MME. ' GABRIEL from the East; palmist, card reader. 765 Market st. r.-2, opby Plelan bid. MISS -WARD, clairvoyant, gives names. .d,a*es .arid- facts. .The Vendome. 1104.- Market, r. -4. JPROF. JOHNS, -palmist' and psychic card read- eh; readings 25c; 2 to 9 p. m:. 512 Jessie st MRS. SHAFFER, clairvoyant card reader, has -'returned; sittings dally. 108 6th st. rooms 1-2. MRS. BAUMANN, the- well known 'fortune- teller. Is now at 317 Ellis st ' . ' SPTSITPA-ISM. * ARRIVED from New York. -Prof. Fred P. Ev- ans, famous psychic for slate writiag, clalr-. • vpyant. Office, 1112 Eddy. -Phone Scott 887. MRS. BURR (formerly Mme. Anthony), medi- • um and life reader, 32 Rltch st; Ia4te» 25c; .. gentlemen 50c. A— MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, bus. medium and life reader. 1206 Market r. 14. Gait House. W.G.KEEOAN' holds a test seance every nlgth .except Saturday: 10f. .148 Sixth *st 'ilRS. LESTER, clairvoyant medium and life "•reader: chyev. evg; 10c; read. 'dally. 43 6th. MME. YOVNG'S test" circle to-night, 10c. '619 • McAllister; readings* . daily: come, . skeptics. GRAND test circle every nlfrtit. 10c: reading* ' daily, 25c. MME. EILEftSFICKEN, ,142 6th. C. V. MILLER'S "trumpet seance- to-night, 60c; .Wednesday, 8 p. m., $1.' 1084 Bush. st. '• C. MAYO STEERS, trance medium. 305 Larkln. room 49; readings 1 to 5; tel. South 319. • J ¦_ £ Jp_H TISTS^ •.__¦_•_* ;. A NEW plate — The. Whalebone — Cannot break; . warranted 20 yrs. ; crowns, $3 50; fillings, 50c; plates, $5; fyir set; all work painless and warranted. ; Chicago Dental Parlors, 24 Sixth. DR. LUDIiUM HILL, 1443 Market, nr. Eleventh — No charge far. extracting when plates a/e ! made; old plates made'over like new; teeth • t com $8 per set; extracting, 50c; gas given. GOLD fillings, *75c; silver. 35c; crowns. $2; no pain; optn Sundays.' Dr.A.C.Hewltt,2O4 Sutter A RTHUR- CH ISHOLM. . surgeon-dentist. r.U.lst floor. Phelan bid., 806 Market.'cor. CFarrell. .PARIS JDental Parlors,_35 Kearny, cor. Bush— ¦ Set | teeth, $1 50 up; crowns, $2 up;fllllngs, 25c DR. R. L. WALSH has moved from Geary st • to corner Sutter Bt. and Grant ave. ALL work the New York den- '• : tists. Dr. Perkins. Mgr., 969 Mission, cor. 6th. DB-SS-CA— XBS AZTO SEAMSTBESSES. MCDOWELL Dressmakins- A Millinery School — '¦¦ : , Patterns cut to njeasure ;-evS. class. 1019 Mkt Accordion.'! sunburst and knife" pleating, stew- ¦ art's button and buttonhole factory." 110 Taylor. ••'¦'¦'.; . . rppcATioa-A-,, A—THE Lyceum, an accredited preparatory i school, for university, law .-and* medical 'col- ,• leges; refs. President "Jordan or any Stanford ¦ professor; day. .evening sessions., Phelan bldg. E. R.; A YRES, 'founder of Ayres Business Col- ¦ lege, has -returned ;< bookkeeping, penmanship, shorthand, typing; $5 month; life scholarship $M>; positions secured; day, eve. .723 Market THJ3 Paul Gerson Schcol of Acting, the largest^ Institution devoted exclusively , to dramatic ' learning- jn - America; positions " guaranteed.' 1 Send for catalogue. Native Sons'* building. | "A— "Single; page" method"; no -. text " books; ! •- t-wlco - the progress In arithmetic. ' bookkeep- lng. Bhorth'd. 'etc.; West Bus. Col.. 1281 Mkt ENGINEERING — Civil, elec.;- min.,' mech., ; sur- • vey, assay, cvanide; day. eve.; est: 1864. -Van ;. der Nalllen School. 113 Fulton, nr. City Hall. A -SUCCESSFUL college; new, -large rooms; .: perfect. light; all graduates are getting post- S. B. : Business College, '738 Mlssien. BOOKKEEPING, ". Ens., math.,*" etc. ; . day and tve. ; individual instr ' 305 Larkln st. Prof. • . T. A." . Robinson, former pres." Pac. . Bus. CoL CLASSES in short story writing and Journalism -f-meet on.Mon.,:Wed. and Thurs., 2 p.' m.; 333 Phelan bldg.; terms very reasonable. .^C^v HEALD*S BUSINESS ' COLLEGE. 24 'Post it." • Established,^1863; largest In the West;. send i&tor' circulars. i\^^gtgSBmSgB0Bw^tSSBSS3B& CHICAGO Business College, 1584 Market— Posi- ¦¦ i tlons, ;¦ shorthand, typing, bookkeeping; $S mo. ] A-^-GALLAGHER - MARSH BUSINESS I COL- -.; > LEGE,': 1G82 Market ; st/, Send > for. catalogue. A— METROPOLITAN Bus." Col.. 602 ;Van Ness ,, aye. ; positions secured. R. j H. j Webster, , Pres.' PROF. C. HOFFMAN, 1155 Larkln, gives thor-' s ough, successful instruction in piano and vocal." GERMAN. ' and -.' French lessons " by ' German ; •r: terms reasonable.'^: Bax 1482,' Call offlce. Oak. SFANISH.French.etc.Prof.De Flllppe'sAcademy -. of languages. 1018 Post; est 1871: ablest profs. mandolin' and , piano, • $3 per month: .-;¦ mandolin <elub; $1 . per month. J 828 Halght st "ADULT,? and * Juvenile classes i now > open.'" -", Hln- : ;¦: man's ; School; of ; Dancing, i 1412 Polk.' nr. Cal." SHORTHAND Uught thor'ly .by mall and per- M.iO.i Barrett. 302 Montgom'y." SCHOOL' OF ILLUSTRATION — Day and PARTINGTON'S. > 424 Pine ; st— Night -- class." ' BUSiyr~SSyCHA7TC*gS— Contlnnad. A— CAMERON & CO.— —Phcne South 1050. 3 Eddy et. cor.. Market and Powell.- v- ' Headquarters for all kinds of business chances. FOR sale— First-class bazaar: located in thriv- ing location, city;- fine, plateglass windows: store fixtures, large stock; long lease; .cheap rent; doing good business clearing $150 to ¦ $200 per month; trial given; established 17 years; ono of best propositions In city; tick-' • ness; snap; price $3500. ... '-. , -1 FOR. sale — First-class livery and boarding sta- , ble; best coast city * in California; 50 stalls; rent only $75 per month; well stocked with horses," buggies, hacks and coupes; Ions es- • tabliehed and doing. a good business; owners retiring, cause . of sale. CAMERON .'& CO.V 8 Eddy st , ¦ ¦ , - .... ", '. FOR • sale — Stationery, - school . supplies, dress linings;. well located- ch'eap rent; doing good business; 3 living rooms; • stock .will Invoice more than price asked; sickness; price $1500. " CAMERON & CO., 3 Eddy 8t. ;> EXCHANGES made In all kinds of real es- tate, rooming-houses and business chances. CAMERON tt CO., 3 Eddy st. ' .. ' FOR sale — One of the best .hay, grain, feed, wood, coal, lime and cement . businesses in . S. F. ; cheap rent ; horses I and wagons, -. all H equipments; present owner has made a for- •tune and wants to retire; guaranteed. to clear . from $500 to $800 per month; trial given if desired; part down. CAMERON & CO. FOR sale— Fine little S-room cottage and barn: . lot 30x187 feet; all furnished: horse • and buggy; fine well; 15 minutes' walk from de- . pot: 2 blocks from electric cars; snap; $1000. CAMERON & CO.- S Eddy st FOR sale— Several good business propositions for investors; such as flrst-class laundry, ice- joreara manufactory, bakeries, furnishing goods merchandise, country hotels, restau- " rants and many other propositions . too nu- merous to mention; would be pleased to have " you call and Inspect our list. CAMERON- •CO.. .1 Eddy st. • ¦ ' ; "': V '¦• ¦-'-•''¦•"• F. A. 3ROOKBANK €- H. NORTON • ' BROOKBANK-NORTON CO., . - - BUSINESS AGENTS, " 917 Market St.. bet: Fifth and Sixth. SALOON— Market st: good fixtures, fair "stock; 2 entrances;" reasonable rent: owner at death s door and will sacrifice for $700 to settle es- tate; bargain. "See Brookbank- Norton Co.. A— $125 BUYS a half Interest in. well paying restaurant: this .Is a fine place for young man- who is satisfied with $75 monthly. See • BROOKBANg-NQRTON C*p. $S5 • $85' . ' $£5 $S5 $85 • BUYS ose of the best little cigar stands in city; eood stock and fixtures; rent $10; laun- dry pays the rent.- See BROOKBANK. TO a, sober. Industrious man who can Invest •' $300 we can offer' 1 an Interest in old estab- lished business which is guaranteed to clear " him $75 monthly} -references exchanged. See BROOKBANK-NORTON CO. "' $1000 — CIGAR stand; near theater; best loca- tion "hortn Market: $600 stock, cash register, machines; big trade; long lease. -100% Mkt $275— ACTIVE man as partner; established business; duties easily learned; sure profit of ¦ $85 a month to each. 632 Market st..' r. 6. WANTED — Grocery and bar; not over $2500; good location; state full particulars. Box 3701, Call offlce; no agents. ... SALOON: good corner; must sell; owner sick. Call to-day. 1912 Market st ... f ; r. \ RESTAURANT doing a fine business for sale; reasonable. Call -504 Turk st. , ... $3000 BUYS one of the best payfng restaurants In this city: a fine location and a good lea««: . splendid equipment. D. C. ' box 4680, Call. HAIR "dres*ln_ and manicuring" parlor: best location In city; no opposition; owner leav- ing. Box 4600. Call offlce. V. FiNE grocery and family liquor store at bar- gain; beat location. 1699 Post st FOR sale— Fine established • family liquor store-; rood lease. Box 3786. Call. A FINE salmon across the bay for sale. Address box Ifl38;", Call office.,, , A COR. Grocery delicate'esen.'.with 2 furn* rms; rent $15; 3-year •" lease. " 1300 Church st • PARTNER wanted' In milk business; $150 per month each. Address box 4630. Call office. WANTED— -A laundry route. ; *&>x 3648, •Call. WANTED— Partner in hair dressing and rnanl- . curing parlors; small capital. Box 46S7. Call. WANTED — Lady partner " In . rooming-house; small capital. 610 Geary st. • - * -.ODQHgq-B :OTTBES FOB, SALE. A— CAMERON & CO., Phone South 1050* 3 Eddy st. cor. Market and Powell. Headquarters for Rooming Houses, Hotels and - • All Kinds of Business Chances. - ISC .-rooms.; grand, new, modern apartment- house; . elegantly 'furnished and equipped; "cheap'rent; flne lease; paving $500 to $fi00 per month; -close In; full of nice people; bargain if taken at once; dissolution of partnership. # • .' . 8-roonf flat; : rent only $50-,. water free; oak . furniture; good carpets; must sell; price $100. 60 -rooms: new, modern building; • elegantly furnished; close In; full of flrst-class people; clearing a handsome profit; fine opportunity. t» get an' up-to-date house reasonable: sick- ness. . ¦ - . - . 7- room 'modern flat: cft>ee In; well furnished; cost $600; a bargain If sold at once; $300. 32 rooms: cKeap rent; 2'years' lease; flne'down- • town • location: 2 entrances; everything In first-class condition"; good furniture and ••car- pets: clearing now $200 per. month; if run transient can.clfiar $300 to $350 per month; : bere Is best proposition- in city: ¦"¦^;- 24 rooms; rent $143; new and elegantly fur- nished; oak ¦ and mahogany; fine * proposl- . Cion; i'ood lease. . -p"- " ' 128 rooms: cheap rent.; lonr lease;* flrst-class up-to-date downtown house; well furnished; clearing $C0O to $«00 per month; must sell.on account of other business^ only, with us. 21 rooms; cheap rent; very central; good fur- niture and carpets: clears $100 per month; must leave city; make an offer. .65 rooms: best' downtown commercial house in ¦ city; clearing now $300 per month ; every- " thing flrst-class condition: will trade for" " Oakland, Alameda or . Berkeley . property or ranch In California; must leave city. 16 rooms; rent 565;" good 'furniture . and car- pets* always full; must "sell within next ten days; leaving city; make offer. . 80 rooms; newly furnished, throughout; flve- year lease: downtown: fine, respectable, men- ey-muking. house: part down, , balance reas- onable interest ¦ : ¦ ¦" - '. i . 108 rooms; rent only - $5 50 per room; long lease: up-to-date, downtown. • modern house; electric lights, bell and elevator; all light rcoms; well furnished throughout; chance of ! lifetime 'to get flrst-class house that Is. clear- lng-?S5Q"-to $450 at bar_ain;» owiwr obliged . to leave "for Europe to settle an estate; make , offer; exclusively : with us. : 45 rooms,' rent - only r .$125;" flrst-class "location; , well furnished and good running order; clear- ' Ing now over $200 per '. month : always f ull ; ' best buy In city; account of. sickness; price : $4500. - - ' ;- - " ' - Have new, modern 82-room -honse;' rent- $375; '¦ electric ; llchts, ; elevator, corner;- everything < up to date: owner will exchange for : 1m- prov'd property neighborhood San Jose; value i ' $7000 to $10,000. ;- - - ' - - ' ¦ Model ' apartment-house,. 2 and !3< rooms each; rent is cheap: -elegantly -.furnished;: 5-year lease: : there ; are 90 rooms; everything ; new and • modern : you . can cet . bargain account | ; of sickness. • - '¦ " ¦ •' - : •- ; ¦ . .' " . ¦- » -,- ¦ S4 roo— is;: chftap rent; thoroughly renovated; all in fine enap«; fine little apartment-house; clears $160; reduced to $2800. L«.rge list of real estate. , rooming • houses : and business for ' exchange or " trade always • on 'hand.-".. ¦ CAMERON,' 3 Eddy st" HOTELS. ... .-..¦-':.,:- ."".¦¦;;• . : .: , MITCHELL & CO. 1206 Market st . " . Phone Jessie 2981.' • Rooming and. apartment houses,' hotels and flats sold to suit - purchasers : ¦ titles ' giiaran- teed. ¦-.'- -MITCHELL A CO.- . , .: OAKLAND ¦ house.l 22 • rooms ; 'rent > $60; £ oak' lease: 'always; full;, good- carpets; center of town; $300 cash and small monthly payments - secures '. It. - MITCHELL * & ' CO., 1200 Market. st. , .- .'-.; .. ..¦,--.¦:¦--¦; -¦ . ¦-. ¦¦_¦¦', LIST, of gwat 1 , bargains ;vjrom 7 % to . 200 rooms; ¦ cheap -;. rents. ¦ To exchange ' for*, a ;> lodging-, 377 acres: land In Santa Clara' County, '- also- 2'»Oakland lots." ..Good > paying,; country • -hotels ¦' aad ; rcadhouses. ; - Money *. loaned f on ,. furniture." Eitel'&, Carroll," 212; Kearny st- :¦¦ $2200— LODGING-HOUSE. , 46 ; rooms ; . 4 ' years' , "-'k-aso;' rent i $125; -good. > reason j. for ; ceiling, i , ¦ Bee BERG f-; POPP. 318 .Kearny . St. ¦ ; , .-." LODGING-HOUSE? for sale." 'Apply * at "> cigar _i 'store. "' 828 Market , st.*,. : :±r-~ :. k .,'-. ... •' ' * . >-" ' 48 ¦ ROOMS ; . all i full; ' a bargain. :• 1007,* Larkln -¦ st;.- corner ¦ Post"- - ¦ ¦ ;. : ~- ¦.:¦¦ -'•-'¦- -.-> ¦'.-> :;•;.; .., j IiODGINO-HOTJS-3 TOB . SA_— — Con. MARION GRIFFIN.-.', - ; . 406 Hearst bldg., over '.'Examiner" ' entrance. . corner | 3d t and Market sts. T«l. Black 3607. Hotels and roominp-houses for sale. Free list. We furnish abstracts free & guarantee titles. SPECIAL. ."., ¦'. :,-..•'-- - \ DEATH , OF .OWNER causes QUICK SALE of an extra well furnished 80-room . ,'r] house, 4 blocks north of Market; clears $143 monthly; lease, If you want It; ; .. RUNNING WATER ¦; • IN E\ r ERY ROOM. S -¦'¦¦. ' MARION GRIFFIN. ¦ SALARY of $3 per day • GUARANTE_T> and you stay at homej ' rent $30; roomers are: mechanics; •" *• : HOUSE* ALWAYS FULL; 80 rooms; prioe waj $2600; reduced' to *$1800 '" on account of "sickness. -. *' KASY TERMS: 'MARION GRIFFIN. • ; - '• , ' ELECTION SNAPS. THESE MUST BE SOLD t BEFORB. ELBCTION DAY« . 20 rooms; rent $40, .'* .$550 14 rooms: rent $50; Sutter-st snap. 83 rooms; reputable; clears $138 monthly. - ' MARION QRIFym. " APARTaiENT-HOUSE of 46 rooms, . Kear' Suttw and ¦ Hyde sts. '* : ' Rent only ; $150. *..'''';*•¦ ' Ineome 8 ITS monthly OVER EXPENSfaP easy 'Terms: •: no cards.. ; .-marion griffin." '• • " ' " GJLt-EDGED. '. . ' . . ' 20 rooms splendidly furnished. ' - ' ONLY ONE SHORT YEAR AGO; -./ full of "permanent roomers; 8 years' lease; •owlnc to dangerous 6ickness, " owner will sell for half of the costj $1000 is all the cash you need.. * • ' .' marion griffin. _wb reoomiiend" A NEWLY FURNISHED HOTJSB of 22 rooms on Post st; rent $90; ' "• income (164; full of select, roomers: . extra sunny and' extra well located; . '- prtc« $1650; • .% cash and * * ' LITTLE MONTHLY PAYMENTS.' ... MARION GRIFFIN- O.VER $400; MONTHLY PROFIT. ' It's a HIGH-CLASS BUSINESS: * roomers must give ACCEPJABLE •REFER- ENCES; no .vacancies; furnishings ne— and beautiful; ¦ RENT only, $5 per room; Ions;' lease; we show you the bills and DISCOUNT I them , $2500; 85 . rcv^m? • -with ¦ electrto * lights, electric elevator and- all other . " modern conveniences." , . ' >Vf 'i ExduiBlvely- with, ' '.¦-¦-'''. MARION. GRIFFIN*. NEAR Post and Taylor:; 16 large sunny '¦¦¦-'•-" outside room: rent $75. j • ,i . ' - • price $1200; was $1850; some one will get a. bargain: better Investigate, j^'; / .' MARION GRIFFIN. 4 . " WORK? . None* for landlady . • ¦ - / ' '¦ ¦ . ' ' • -'i-' v ' In this 14-room. extra, sunny house;' rent $50; sunny corner; profit $30; ertce $1000; .H down; 1H health [\y*'':,l pauses owner to sacrifice.' '. i • . . MARION GRIEJFIN. . Bulte J06. "Examiner" building. .. C." E..HINKLKY, PHONE MINT 796^ • •'« 102O MARKET ST., OPP. FIFTH*. FORMER PATRONS MY- BEST REFE*RENCBJ SATISFACTION TO ALL. • CLEAR TITLES AND EASY. TERMS. FEW SAMPLES OF OUR MANY BARGAINS, : 6-room moaern flrft, rent $20. .......... ...J278 44 roorns; modern; rent $125; lease*. ....$2100 30 rofjms; .men roomers; , rent $90. ..... .$1000 - 16 rooms;' one .floor; transient..." .:.$600 25 rooms; north of Market "st.... .'.... ..$J50 50 rooms: working men's house*;rent $50.$1*100 ' 31 rooms. 12 unfurnished i' clears $70.... $1050 DECIDED BARGAIN— 13 rooms, arranged ln^iousekeepinsr rooms; spacious and sunny rcoms: north of Market *t.: i Iarge yar*d; It's a - snsp at $750, with easv terms.'- . ",,... Only with HINKL.HY.. 1020 Market st. NICE sunny corner. 7-roonv flat:, new furnltur* ..ind' carpets, pas and elsctric -lights : desirable ' location. ; north Markef. 1007 st. "SUITS cleaned and- pressed, $1; scouring and . dyeing. . Bon Marche. Examiner bide, r. 4lo; phone Drumm 44. Call for and deliver free. . OOX.-ECTXON OPPICES. , BAD tenants "ejected for $4; ' collections mede: cltyor country. Pacific Collection Co.,- 415 Montgomery, st. rooms. 9-10. -Tel. Main 5580. C-AIRVOYAirrS. . AA— THE FUTURE CAN BB.TOIJ), FREE ' 'FREE V FREE 1 If not correct. * - --His regular $5 reading this week for j $1 $1 <1. $1 $lr. <1 . $1 Jl ' X , BLA-NCHARD. 'The Eminent ;T.;vt ¦ -'.y Clalrroyant— -Psychic— Mystlo. '."' . , -. ¦ Tell s . your full * name. ' what you I called for. 1 . whom I and when i you- will j marry, reads your -entire life from Infancy to old age. He . gives : advice on business,'/ love,, court- •*". ship, marriage and tells of your friends and -. enemies; ': removes 'evil -.Influences."' reunites ' •"*, the i separated and causes speedy and happy \ marriage " to ¦, the *. one tot '¦ your ¦ choice ; .- cures disease and "lost', vitality -without medicine; ~'; locates 1 mines/ . buried treasure - old estates, '.'.lost or stolen goods, ; absent friends. ¦ • HE SEES ALL. TELLS ALL.* / 460 ; GEXRT ' ST.. • BETWEEN TAYLOR AND • " MASON— PRIVATE FLAT. HOURS— 10 TO 8 : P. M..- DAILY- AND SUN- ¦¦"' ', - ¦¦¦-•""'.•.¦-;.",-¦¦'•' DAT.,; ¦ '• ¦ _- MME. ; M. BERNARD '" THE FAMOUS Clairvoyant and business medium; perma- :'}i nently 'located i at • 17,' Third .it,: next : Eiam- -. iner bldg-. ; * she :f reads • your ,' life ; correctly,' r gives an accurate description of the past, re- , : veals '- the % present ¦ happenings 5 and :. portrays ?r events. to occur in the future;*lf you'are in ¦ : trouble, ., discontented ','or : not - satlsfled ¦< with life: or have domestic, v love or, business trou-, ; : bles ' consult this ' great ; medium • and ¦ you . will ' -"• bo . told • how ' to overcome , them : valuable i ad- vice in all affairs of life; 25c up; satisfaction ¦i ; guaranteed; . open ; Sundays. V< Tel:' Black 4569.' ISMAR, .' Egyptian Seeress/JThe Vendome. ¦ 1104 .- . Market st.-. . Ban Francisco. ; Offlce hours — 10 ,J"a:Mn.*?to : 5 p. m.;- Sundays. 10 to 12; Wednes- j. {day evening,-, 6 to 8. ;i' Phone South ' 1141."., r^; MME. ' PORTER.' > clairvoyant,^ i medium, born '¦¦- 5 with double' veil and; second sight; : tells past. "» present, future; l.-60c; g:- by, cards $1; palm- r? Jstry; fuU-llfe read." $lr 803 Jones.* near Eddy.* A— Mme. ; Ravenna ' reads .life; business " advice; >-f names given: 26o up.' 8 Ellis st:. near Market l BUSINESS CHAITCES. '•_ 1 f i ,V^$50oT'cANDY store 'and .Icecream parlors: living rooms; .rent $15; location : the best; Kood paying business. = Call R. G. WILKE, •.'(>»» Kearny, st ' . A— 5G00; ROADHOUSE with 7 furnished rooms; rent $"10; 5 years' lease; very best location; on 6an Mateoroad. See R. G. WILKE. 26% Kearny st • . : -¦ .' A— $2450; CORNER grocery and bar; 5 years' lease; rent $40; store doing a large cash busi- ness; location can't be beat: value in eight See'R. G. WILKE. 26*4 Kearny st. A— f5500; SALOON; about 1 block from Phelan building; net rent 5125; lease; stopk will in- voice about J1200; a good paying place; in- . vestigato at once; rare chance. R. I*. . WILKE. 26*4 Kearny st. ' ." A — ?2CC0; COFFEE' saloon and restaurant: 1 block from Examiner building: place estab- lUlv-d yeats; doing: a flrsticla»s business; .' about $70 per day. Particulars, see R. G. - WILKE. 26*.j Kearny st. • A— $1360; BRANCH bakery, candy and dairy ' product- -store; 1' block from Palace Hotel; '. dally receipU from. $30 up; horse, waeon; .place clearing $200" per monUfc. See R. O. WILKE. 26 j^ Kearny st . - ; "A— $300 — CORNER saloon.- with cigar stand. " on Fourth st. living, rooms; rent $30; leases; ¦ a good psying place;, bargain. fate.K. u. "¦ -WILKB. 26H Kearny st -• - .- A_$i:i00— Old established commission store. dairy produce, etc.. must be sold at once on . account of death; a very rare-chance, as busi- ' ness Is known for 28 years as a good reliable houst.' R- O. WILKE j 26H* Kearny st - A-^-€l600; CORNER cigar' stand -on -Ellis st; ¦ lease ; a good paying' place ; location can t be beat; owner must leave for N. Y.; a saeri- ¦¦• floe; ' Bee R. O. WILKE. 26*^ Kearny st A— $900; CORNER saloon. S. of Market;. Sixth ' st;' cheap' rent; 4 years' lease; a bargain. See R. G. WILKB. 28H Kearny st. . " A— *4000;. RE8TAURANT and cafe dose to - Market and Powell sts.; pent $300; lease; place elejrantly fltted up and doing a large -business;' best class of patronage: owner en- ¦ gaged in other business; muct sacrifice. .: R. G.""WtLKE j 26 M,. Kearny st. • ¦ A— $6500:' THE- leading candy. ¦ Icecream and ¦ *oy«te,r parlor aoross the bay; monthly re- ¦ ceipto about $1500; rent $60: no nicer fltted up place this kind in .the. State: rare chance. Call R..G. WILKE. 26ft Kearny Bt A-^$300; -RESTAURANT and coffee salpon; . • corner; rent $3©; best location; business pay- lng wplL. R..O. WILKE.' 26H Kearny st. A—itOW; CORNER grocery and bar: few blocks -south or. Market st:-o'et rent $»0: lease 4 >ear«: average monthly receipts $1100; value ; --.In-efgBt, -See R. Q. WILKE. 28H' Kearny- A— $lS00: HARDWARE and plumbing' -business; : location the very, best; established years, and ': a firrt-clac* paying business. All particulars R. G. WILKE. -6H- Kearny st _^ A— $2300; T/RANSFER and express' business; 6 .-horses," 6' wagons.' bue, road buggy, harness '.and stock*; . business established years; clears ¦:\at least- $200' per month; a rare chance. 8ee • .R; O. WILKE. .0*^ Kearny st A-^-$3V0; CIGAR stand; rent $30; only 2 blocks .-.from- Call building; a bargain. Call R. G. •' WILKE,. 2~6H Kearny st. • A— $S00; : .CORNER saloon; rept $20; place sur- - - round? d. by factories and doing a good pay- ing business. ' Call- R.. O. WILKE. 26*4 • -Kearhy st ; A— -$*>000;'r'cadhouse> and' grocery, with 6 acres ' of land-; house of 4 rooms,' dining-room, kitch- en, etc; monthly Income - $1000; 'one of the best business properties; about 75 miles front ¦ city. See R. G". WILKE, 28% Kearny -t- ¦ A-^2650; HOTEL of 30 rooms; rent ?100: lease; ' -with flrBtrclass paying saloon In" manufactur • -. Insf. town across the bay; a good paying .busl- ' ' ness. : See R. G. WILKE. 26*^ Kearny. st A— <1600; COUNTRY hotel about 35 miles from •' thtscity; 38 beds. 50 boarders; fine. barroom -. with good trade; clon to' depot:- in lively '.'¦' business town; place- making money; owner •'.to reUre. Particulars R. G. WILKE. 26*4 .' .'Kearny st- . • " . A— $750; DELICATESSEN, brand* bakery and • fanoy grocery; 4 nice living rooms; rent $28: °'da1y receipts about $20: best location north of ' Market st Call R. G. WILKE, 26*4 Kearny. A — $3500; CORNER grocery and bar on Fulton- . st; rent $60: living rooms; stock will in- ¦ voice about • S2800; - a well established and flrst-class paying business. ' See 3- O. . ' WILKE. 26H Kearny st '". 10% NET INCOME. PAYABLE MONTHLY IN -. ;. • ADVANCE t : - Strictly' modern two-story building on northeast . corner,, one block from San '• 'Pablo ave. and few minutes to City Hall; a - ! gold bond -Investment; '$13,000; can* borrow . • -about $8000; title. guaranteed.. '•*-.- '• HARRY L. HOLCOMB, ; ; : '.31» Ban Pablo ave.. Oakland. .CaL ; j -,- •- ; : ¦ •' " ; .' -FINE OPPORTUNITIES. " • ".IF..yi»"i wish, to buy or sell propertyof. any de- .- >crfpth?n do. hot fall to call upon us; 'we jnar '¦.'". have 'just what ycu want to buy -or a piir- ->. ! chasex for what Ton have to sell. . ..."•. ;' . J. W. JAQUITH & CO.. .1 • -.••.=•¦- - 1312 -Market- st. • . ." •' V. .-' '. •• "Rooms',' 418-419'. Telephone Folsom- 8468. '$2C004-Est*b!!shed -commission business, -.doing . ¦ enly business, -that will bear .investigation; good bargain right man; . "Be« BERG& POPP. 318 Kearny st • *. •f300 — PARTNER; must' be honest sober, n~- . liable. See BERG & POPP. 318 Kearny st $650 TO $10.000 — Saloons that will stand lnves.- -.tlgatlotw Sea BERG & POPP, 318 Kearny. RESTAURANT, also delicatessen stores at bar- gains.- See BERG & POPP, "318 Kearny. st E. L. BKAGGS Jk CO... ~ • - Z- ¦ -.- Leading "hotel 'brokers of the West-. 26 Mont- ' • gomery st. S. F.; phone James .$301. If y.ou - '. are looking for a' good hotel opening ~re can ° - )ell you all about them. Hotel men Invited -' to call. ¦• " . . • 6ALOON" license, $240, and grocery and bar license. $450... 1007% Market -st. ' J200-MX»RNER dgaf etand:"-Al» location; good. . etock and trade. 1007*4 Market .1. ¦PARTNER wanted- In' the furniture and uphol- •-. stering business: capital small. Inquire 1714 ¦ POlk St:.-. - -.. " • . ' • .¦ .; $900— RESTAURANT; great bargain: fine loca- tlon; good business; party 'going East; "al»o ¦- list of saloons. - Eltel fc-Carrolf, 212 Kearny. ROUTE -12. San Francisco Call, for -sale. Ap- • ply San Francisco Call office. . A GOOD' -chance to build saloon and roadhouse on Government land. Box 4423, Call office. $200— BRANCH, bakery,: "stationery, notion, laundry, cigars 'and tobacco, etc.; 4 rooms; rest $13. 146». Fifteenth st $3O0-^Partner wanted ; Market-st. cigar store. . MARIN INVESTMENT CO.. 235 Kearny st $8000— A TRANSFER Md dellverr business, consisting of- new building, 20 horses and 12 .wagons, harness.' etc; all In first-class con-' dltion; clearing $300. per month. Apply box 1474, Call oiflce. Oakland. RESTAURANT. $300; »pposit© c_rhou»e; seats 40 persons; 'cheap re&t; have good, reasons for selling; this is a splendid opportunity for a man and wife; clears about $100 a month. Call 1130 Union st. near Hyde. INVESTMENT — 10,000 ' shares only" of the Niagara Mining - stock will • be sold at 15c per share; ' excellent opportunity. . Call', at room 430. Croesley bldg.. between "1 and 5 o'clock p. m. BEST opportunity, for a small Investment in Oakland: Just the thing for a good live man • Call or write R. P. McDOLE. 141 Oakland _ave., Oakland. ¦ ...... FOR sale — A. half interest In bakery and cof- fee parlor: flrst-class locallon and business Increasing. Address S. B.. box 520 Sacra- mento. Cal. : • FOR $5500 you can be one of . the ' directors and get In on the ground floor ¦ of ' an " Al company and have your money fully -se- cured. Box 4634. Call offlce. AN un«qualed opportunity — Retiring; so am offering my. 20-yearsV established land busl- . ness, complete, for. a tenth actual value N. D. SICKELS. the Land Agent, 6 Geary st. $800-^-RESTAURANT. ' north of Market- close In; rood business location; -fine trade- rent $22 SO; receipt, $85. Box 4401.; Call ' office: BRANCH -bakery, candy and notions: nice clean stock; ; snap for right • party; leaving city; bear, investigation. 1509 Buchanan st FRMIT and groceries; good location; cheap S^i.* , S Jlvt "!*- "'PP«»: < goo<l.bii«lnees. -."Apply 23 Telegraph ave.. Oakland. , '. FOR sale — Corner grocery: excellent location*" stock fresh; , cheap.', Address box 1472. CbIi efflce. Oakland. ** V*" PARTNER;; detective: and collection: estab- . Hihed bustnees: email capital.- Room 25, 10U Broadway. Oakland. . , ';.,'•¦ CIGAR stand ,' In Oakland ; for sale: good cor- ser. ; , Address box ' 4402. ; Call office. : " ' CI C, a n stand ~ for - sa*e. -" near i Townsend-street depct ¦ Box 4103. Call orfijui. • •< > - ¦-. , IQHX D. SPRli:CIvi:LS..^.j^ppricioir . A&irctt Ccrar.iunications 10 ,;oH\ y. < ""SA^f*?fT • •-•- • i-r^-i^**"^*^- t\'. J." .MAKTIX" . .. .Business Manager •" . ' TELEPHONE.- . ' Ask rcr ZUK CALL. - T^e O^ratcr "WJS-Sf^i • ,occt .Vou WJiOiUieDeparUneat You \Visn. Pi-bl'r_t_>n' -Office... . 'Mdriiet and Third. S. F. . piucr:*!. Rooms.'.. '..i217 to 22.1 .Stevenson st Delivered . by [Carriers. i9 CU.Pef W^eek. 73 f • 'Ctf'. Pcf -Morth. Sincie Copies fi ¦ c _ : "i irlt w T^rzss by _iall:""Inciu«Strg Postage. (Cash With . "¦-.*- • "-"«•' ' .'Order!-:-' • . •-¦ ¦ ¦ „,„. ¦HAILT.CAIiL C.ncUxi, Sunday). .1 rear.^-V-w DAJLV' CALL <i*iclud.- Sunday). .6 mos... *M •DAILY CALL-^Ey Single Month *••• •£* BOK-S-T CALL,. 1 Year. ,*.,.;. ...".«-.• *•»* •CT^rKLI^-CALL. J. Ycsr...... V-. . -. ¦ • *;™ , : rtr.-r-': 1 tally... 18,80 Per Year JEx-tra ' rosricF 1-Pur.dajr-. 4.15 Per-Year Ex r» ... rpSTAGE. J weekly. I.tJO Per Year Extra ALL POSTMASTERS ARE ATTTHORIZED- TO . '. ' • " RECEr»*E SUBSCRIPTIONS. . . - - "?a«aFij . Copies wll! be forwarded wmen .re- .'-•- '-.-> ".'•'"¦ " ' •-. ¦ «rJested.' ,' ." • . •' . ' •'. • Hail subscribers In ordering change Cf^aa- _rer r should be particular: to give both. >E". AND X5LD APDJIESS In order --to Insure.* JTompt and correct coffipllance with their re- •« u ** 1 -':: ''/'¦¦'¦¦¦¦¦¦¦:'¦' : --:: '..' -.¦¦.¦:•:¦.¦¦¦.¦'¦ •"••'•: ¦¦ O AKLANX* OFFICE t ;_L". ; .»016.-Bro*_—ay. ;..'...... .Telephone ;Mala 108S '-.- ' '.-.• -.BERKEX-SY OFFICE :..-.' __ . CC8. Center (Street ...i..... Telephone North. 77 . " ••' TfrA-EHINGTON COKRESPONDENT: ;. . CAMTJEL W. WA_T*......^..-Houi Barton ' :. ¦....¦ .Ktrw tork news STArcps: , • VWaJdorf- Astoria Hotel; A. Bre ntano. «1 V.C-ion Bquare: Murray HI!', Hotal: Flftn-avenue :.^^r>oia-IicCiEan.;Hou»e..-- :";-.' .';•--¦, ¦'-•.¦- ';¦ '.:':;.< "¦¦. •¦•¦.-.. ¦ tmiAGQ news stands:'. ; -'- [: '-". '¦¦' '¦'¦¦ :rBn^rma B House; P. O. News Co : <3reat . Northern He tel : Tremont House ; Auditorium ; ; C«el;;-T*lni!er. House, i'- :- : - ; : . .¦:¦:¦.' "-; \~--/.-';j "J '¦-'. '. 3 ,' :• CHTCAGO REPRESE3CT ATiyK t ' : - '• ' C GEORGE KRpGJfESS, Marquettt Buildings :-: :'?-: : :Kiixir-'jO^R : . REPRESENTATIVE: ; ',.' \ : - ¦""• '¦..•' ¦•¦•.jcstt' toiuc corresponpent:"; : ; . ..-fc. " C± CAR-LTON^. V- '. i V.i ... .V.- ... Herald Square . ¦ fcrpiKEPS OPFICE of the. San FTanciseo Call; . ¦ .'• 12" .c'-cJoclf -every 'n'.ght Inthe y«ar.'. , : : -¦-. -V. *-'-'i ; ;- ::¦¦'-: TiBJiXCH'Qr^i^d::.^^::'./-. • - .''iuos- Market Istreet.'. opposite; Flfth;'.open natll . -.' -.11 p: '._!.-'¦ -' : '¦¦¦."•'••.-:.¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦-' ¦.•-•'- ¦¦¦ '".¦-¦ " ""l_i ' *Z~ -M-nUcupery" street. «sorner- Clay; open unttl .' "-•-'¦ 9:$Q:p.JBIy' ..¦:.¦¦' .- ".V ; :--" ¦-.-• '¦:¦:¦''¦¦'¦''¦'¦':'¦'''. .¦'..¦ ¦ ¦ SOO.'-Heyes -untlt : 9^80. p. n».-. -...¦; tZ9. McAliister-street: open wnUI , 1 B.:SO- p. n_ ¦- --, €15 -Larkln street ; fcpen until ft^SO iK.ta.--~. :»•.:; 18*1 -Mitsiori irtreett -cpen. until 10. p:-. m. ¦ ¦. : - ; . :06 . ElftV-ecth; ctrtct; open until; » p. n_ ¦..;•' ...:. 3 O3'C.;y.iIe'ncia ctreet;- open until -Op. m.\__ . . Korthea*t -corher.i Church and -pnnean streets; • opeavntll ftp.:.©-.. .' ' :~ .¦¦•.'-:>•' : - ".; '. / •" -.'¦..¦ "-. J20<X Filicore ¦ «tre« t : open until -9 '.- p.. '.°!il^___ ; : ' ' * ':'_ :. --:. MrETiyq. *croTiCE3. '.;.''.-- ¦¦'.-¦ •¦-' ' zilfefSON Corrirnantfer>' : ;U.- • D.'.. KBieKts'^i — ' ' TJIilllIsTl'"-titifrfl :"' aEBensb'.y": -.-.THIS --BJJT • •- -K-yENlN-a « t -'-7 :'3'0.- .In .-Commandpry . • {OJ ¦ "¦•;.lla'V ; . Masonic .."Terripie;. ..'.AIl-.".frat?rs /* •; | • . JcourteCUE ry -xEVited:'' • Per order of '..¦"•¦.••-" ... ' • ¦".•.•.-.;. :.,•-;"¦¦¦.'¦¦; ::';' A.; •*£... COXS -Corranander. ¦ ! CALIFORNIA C_art>r. -N"W>_;ft^^M- : ..'^X_» wlli meet. Tins ('I^-£SDAY>.&\*EN-; Vy • " IN<$,'' :.-'Np'vsehiber '-. 1-. =' at ...7.:3Q «;clock.;,Ay > "¦ 6tate_-'.rneerjhs;.--By order of 'the. '.H. P..- ' : •• '* '' ; "-;..--;;.;:;.^^Hy:-K;;Kff.-:^g*)ity. . . . "ban"- FRANn.sco %ditre:f;. iha: A-at'.-. « : . . Stated- rnpetiuir' -TH1§ •¦ (TU'ESDAY).WN - ¦¦_rvENiSp.'4t 1 »:p > cippk.-. ' •••-..•¦.• - -.-..¦ '.¦ .'..•."• :.¦¦¦. v; a;; a^ ¦'a^dersqn,. -stcntur- \. GOLDEN" .<?A'TE'._odg"«'. No." 36. F. and' _•" A . -m,— : :pta'>a'meetjnjt XHlSfTUES- Vy ' . DAY) _5V£Kl"SiO al 7:30 o'clock. • ¦ ¦ /VN *. •• EDWIN. L.'- ;_IEYER; Secretary^ -. ORrENT.A-L; LfWffe No. 144; F. ; and A.' «t . Ur-VSSwl- riieetinr THIS ." (TU.ES^ Vv . DAT)- EVENING xf $! o'clock.- ' '- /VS .HENRY E..PEXNELU W.-M,"'- ¦; " ; A. gJ/gy SB. ARD.* Secretary.' •¦;...*¦ .- . MAGNOL'i* Lodi.e' No.- '23. t. -6: ,*»_£_«_. - O F.— Ir.i:i3'i ; n THIS "EVEN.- £>£^gg"s INtJ ' .' G. \\':GCHD.K..N.G-. SAMtTEL i POLA-CK,. -Secretajy. ¦¦^wy - CHEAPEST s-nd. best in America— The- Weekly Csll" -J6. pages, tent'- to '.any addrets In the TTnit'ed Stater or 'Canada one, "year for $1: * -' " " " A.OEITTS WA ITTED. .' "¦' ' . ¦'"•,"._;'¦¦ AGENT&—-Al6oid.empnstrattTs .(preferably' : phy- ¦ sloiaa .or 'phrsicat' CMlturlsO.'.-vide awake; in--' telUgent' men', and women 'to' sell: a -portable mechanical -hapd "Wtwatorj ; whltb 4*. a; physl- ¦ cal cult.ur*:exerciser;-.eihlla*a'tdr and . wonderr' rul •curative ageist-i iltis .maf\-el-.of .-the-ige:.- reeded by e'very-.otie; rapi4'»ellef: ealary -arid. comn-Je.Eion..'. 'Write :«>" call Mt, to 3,- VACUUM APPLIANCE CO.. 6 <>'farreH st . ' :,-¦¦.;¦ AGENTS to' introduce; dye : .'soap;--£an- earn *lf to $15- weekly^' can; .dj-e. 2 •' shirtwaists ¦•.with... 15c bar;" does- hot stain -hands' or .Injure- fabric. ;n. pb;- "622. «ayes st. v -g-.. .FV J^ADY -asents ' wanted- - everywhere - "to : .'. : sell Kemp's .Eupposlt.ories.; 1312 Martoet-St.; .r.-.316 : WANTE">-Actlve. ehe>k.etrc,.e«errt«: bit. -prop- osition: lsrpe cornrr. fusion. , 'Box '4063. Ca3i. "... ATCO»Br-TTrS-AT--AW, :---[ " . . A FRAUDULENT . divorce- is-. dear- at. J12 and Is no jrocd;. for. 22 year* .I'v*. mads -divorces- a specialty; quick; quiet; ' money .'.'needed;'' no pay urlesS 'divorce .Is grarted;- perfectly. reliable; lowest -fees: • advice, free; -.'collw tlons msae. G. W, HOWE,. 1122 /Market it' CONSULTATION' free.' private, and oonfldeniial,' no a-i-asce fees; • business. Dromptly. and le_- pf-.'.'.y transacted; • ¦ ccjlections,- • rliechanlcs*- • liens," tenants ejected; probate r loans en -real «etate:. cafe', sound' lfivestm^nie at -highest rate of Interest. W.MAT TJTR^'K, 632 Market R. W. KING. Atton jey-at-Lew, Exam, bldg., Cth floor; entrance room 611; established -26" jreare; all courts, general , court and., offlce practice: no i«*s in .advanoe or for consulta- tlon; evenings by appolrit^iect. -Tel. Red 3601.' AA — Divorce; costs $12;qu!ck.o;u!et:sdr!; ell Isw buflnesc: no charge unless -succes*—' f_l; oren evonlngs. -927 Market St.. room 801, __>VTC_ free; tfivoro* costs J12; no 'fees, or cocte 1b advance; all- lair buslneea; <offlo» opes Saturday evenincs, 810 Market st.r.sS. ADVICE free; divorce costs 112; quick, quiet; I a!l law business; no charge unless success- 1 ful; open. evenings. 827 Market, re— n 204. L. 6.. CX. ARK. 927 Market room 304; consult*- ' tioi' free: no fe«s .In advance; open evenlnt3. ASTHMA C~-tE. • DI NOLA'S Asthma Remedy relieves lnstantly- JOe. 25e 60c . 1602 Martcet . Bt Klcholas; also WU-art 10th and Washingtcn. Oakland. ASTKO-OGY. \ 2CB£ITtE, astrolcger: psychic, occult and as- trological re«dinzs. 9 Mason st, rooms 1-2. * A-JTOKOBILES. WHITE touring-car; in use 4- months; will sell cheap on account of leaving city. Apply 2618 Lacuna et * A "E" model Cadillac automobile for sale; In perfect running order; almost ne— : carry five: --111 sell for S350. Box 1H53. Call efflce. B&LM OF FIOS. POSmVELT cures alt diseases of women; turners and cancer; recr»mmended by phy- 6'.ctgj.s. Local oftlce S04 Lnrkln st • bo-sdiito roB cgn___y A GERMAN lady would like to board one child; room for father. Box 4423. Call of ace. A MOTHER'S rare to child: $10 month; near school. 246 Taylor; phone . Folsom 2387. CA-UPET S3-ATE-Q AOT CI-BAlfia"O. COMPRESSKD Air ana Vacuum Process used for <-&rpetj> on floor without removal- carpets end rug3 also cleaned by compressed ,*._lr at chop; prices moderate. 8. F. Com- pressed Air Cleaning Co., r.CS Market st; Xftoaet Main 152 and Bush 479. WHEN you tiecmre dUgufted «1tb your work , e-n4 for EPAULTMNO'S Pioneer Carpef-teat- :jg works. .t"UVST.7 Tehanja ct. Tel. South 40. TVnSTETIN Carpet Cleaning Work*. 1600 Har- ri*on Rt.; iK\ cleaninc. -^c. FRED HAGE- X>Oitli,ic CO.; phone Mission 225. ' CONK— IK'S Superior Carpet Beating ' WorkaC , jy Coiden Gate avc." Telephone Katt.126. I.11TCHFLI/P. 2O Fcurteenth st— Klret-claas curi-ct clcgnirc. :tc }-s»-a. Tel. Mlssien 74. ¦ ¦ ADVANCE Carptt Clcanlrar On.. 402 Sutler st; ' t«| ; tfia! n j* I OHO. V. f ALCOM *• CO. , ! Props. BUI'OLFH A. CO., carpet-beating works; prices m resjonable. 1703 Harrison sti t«L M'«i"n -63. YOU DON'T NEED ft FOPTUNC TO -m&Emm lllil • EDXTOATIONA— r^-Cont— lned. ISAAC Pitman Business College, 345 Halght; individual instruc ; . all branches,; day,- eve. CALIFORNIA , Business College, ;825 Golden • Gate ave.. S. F.; 75-page catalog; on request EMPLOYMENT OrPICES. X^JAPANESE and Chinese employment offlce ¦ supplies best help promptly; clty^r country. S. IMURA. 839 Sacramento. .TeK James 5231.- a ORPHEUM Employment Office"— Japanese- Ctlnese help. 428 Powell st: telj Main .5752. jAPANESE-Chinese Emp. Office. Stockton ; ¦ best help. Fritz Tamagakl.rogr. TeLBush 859. CHINESE Employment Offlce — Best help at Lson Seung's. 411% CFarrell; tel. East 426. RELIABLE Japanese-Chinese" Employment Of- flce; all kinds help: 315 Stockton; Main 5188." CHINESE and- Japanese help;, estab. 20 years. ' Tel. Main 1997. BRADLEY & CO.. 64O Clay. EMPLOYMENT WABT-D— PEMAI.-. A> SWEDISH girl wants a situation] to do gen- eral housework; a small family; 925 month. Please call at 2661 Twenty-second st. .near Bryant. m * » . ¦ . . SITUATION .wanted by woman t» do general housework, plain cooking; wages moderate. * Apply 214 Fifth st " * . ;'.. • DRESSMAKER;' hlgb-class Work; city refer-' ences; $3 per day; fine designer -and fitter. Box 4430. Call, offlce. • .' ! SITUATION wanted : by Canadian ' Protestant' family; small' family. Call 14 Lily av*.,near Frankllo. st. * ' . * • • . . FLANNELS washed without -shrinking; cur- tains laundered, 35o up. 28 Dorest; phone: Folsom 829. ¦.-'¦¦¦. . . ."' . '¦ . .' .' - WILLING girl t» do general . htm*ework;' -wazes $25.. 8923 Sacramento, sk'. '' . '--.'.' ELDERLY lady would . like few "hours'- Mght each day. Box. 4045,. Call '¦ of flee. .-.) ,-." MIDDLE' AGED Eastern woman wants post- . tlan; Is a good cook; willing'-. to- do' small' .washing; competent tc . we for'-, ch'ld-fen; r moderate wages.' 79*..Fr'6cm st. ¦ '.:'•'': WANTED — Situation by a 'first-class, expert. . ¦ enced 'woman as housekeeper and .all-round worker;, geod references If required. Call 'or address 81A Natomast' '- . ¦•-.•¦•"." .-. • ¦• •' HUNGARIAN cook. 15 years', experleace- -in . Europe, wishes hotel, club or lunch place- quick rush order. 413 Natorna st;' ;¦*. ¦- . ¦ DRESSMAKER, experienced, djeslrea '-'a-'few-- .more engagements, by' the day. Phone Sutter: 933. • -. '; -.' . . .- .." ' ,*.;. A SWISS girl wishes ' situation as' chamber- maid ¦ aad seamstress in private family or care of child. 806 Montgomery ave, TWO girls wish situations to- do general house- work and plain cooking. 124'.Lanjt&n; rear." STENOGRAPHER -and typewriter, now with large wholesale • house, five • years' ' experi- ence, desires to change position. Address M. S., box 4724, CalL •. •;. -.- . .-..; <.'•. . AUTISTIC dressmaker would like engagements- by the day, $1 60; • 'dresses altered; perfect •fit guaranteed. Box 3797, Call- office." ' . A REFINED, "Educated Amerlcan'"lady "wishes ¦ .position as housekeeper; best references. 160 Belvedere st . ""•'": DRESSMAKER would like a steady position In private family; flrst-class -in every partic- nlar. Box 4629. Call offlce. * ':¦ r. WANTED — Work by day," washing or house cleaning; $1 50 and carfare. MRS. OS- - GOOD. 115 Hayes et . • ¦•.•-'.- YOUNG lady would like a. position' at second work; good references. -Address box 4696. •Calt offlce. .'-...•. RELIABLE woman would like few families' ¦ washing, chamber -work or cleanlna- by day; 488 Geary; phone Brown 32. ¦" , • ... . EXPERJENCED nurse will engage by week or month to care for. Infant at its own -home. ¦ Call 1441 Sacramento st. city. - • " GOVERNESS, well educated, speaks Oenaaa. good pianist best of references as to eharao- ' ter, wants a situation. Box. 4657." CaJL YOUNG, healthy .w etmirae would like 'to -'nurse an Infant: best of references. -Address MRS. A. AI.. box 4695. CalL . ___ TYPKVVRmNO to <"(>. 309 Hearst beading.. ... A FIRST-CLASS laundress take* w aaHlns; ¦ home. Phone Page 7931. ' . ¦ . YOUNG Swedish girl wishes place to do general housework. 2631 Nineteenth st- • '. LADY wishes work aa ladles" nurse, city or country. MRS...RICKMANN. 105 Eighth at SITUATION wanted as a talloress-*275 Church . street. , . . . . - • *" YOUNG woman wants work by the day; $1 SO and carfare. 3623 Nineteenth tst VAN NESS. .1407— Position as .caret^er . of rooming-house by a wldqw. • • ;.. A. FIRST-CLASS seamstress wishes work by the day. • Box 4671." Call offlce.. ; / . "' A MIDDLE-AGED lady would. like a situation as a housekeeper. Box 4676, Call office. WANTED^-Posltioa. as lady's". maid or take care of grown. children. . Phons Larkln 1160.* .SITUATION wanted by" German girl a*' nurse. Box 4661. Call offlce. • •" SITUATION ' wanted ' as cook or llgnt house-" work: across bay preferred. .1100 Powell .st EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, young- lady. Ad- •tires position; (40." Box 4638, Call office. WANTED — Position as cashier in ' restaurant;" .best of references. Box 4719. Call. GIRL wants work in .candy store. Box 4020, Call oWce- .' -.**.. COMPETENT stenographer desires position la . law firm. Box 3627. Call offlce: WANXED — Plain sewlns to do at home. An- * swer "box 3769. Call officer t " . ' . WETNURSE wants* place; references. MRS. B.. 14C5B Pacific st \ ' A JAPANESE woman wants* a situation a* a cook and housework*. Address 1346 Turk jt. tel. Pine 1116. -VOBU. . JAPANESE woman —ants position as general ._h««per. 1336 . California st ' .". . JAPA.NESE. flrst-class family laundress, wants s job. T. NOOUCHI. 3500. Twenty-third st ADVERTISEMENTS.- subscriptions received at Call Branch office, cor. Duncan and Church sta. WANT ads and subscriptions taken for The Calt at Eaton's Bazaar, 633 McAllister st . EMMOYKEilT -WAirr—J — MAI.-. MECHANICAL draughtsman, technical and practical. Easterner wishing to locate In West wants employment: flrst-chiss machin- ist- 7 years' shop and 6 years' drawing-room and offlce experience; goed .designer; indus- trious and reliable." Address EDW. C. BAU- ' MANN. 117 Sixth st. ¦-.'.-". BOOKKEEPER. '10 years' experience, also executive experience! desires position ,wlth '-¦ reputable city firm; age CO; references. Box :442Js Call offlce. ' YOUNG man of good habtts. 27. years of age. wants situation in grocery store, deliver or- . ders, tend bar, etc. Address M. E.. box 4034. Call offlce. GARDENER (single), * expert'' hi all branches, • ¦ wants situation. - Address Botanist, box 1491. Call offlce. Oakland. . . v YOUNG German dishwasher. wishes position In - restaurant, ' boarding-house or ' hotel. Box v 4427. Callofflce. . ..-.'.¦ ¦ YOUNG 'German, steady. Industrious and rell- • able desires position at anything; well rec- :¦ emmended. 1 Box 4021. Call otflce. > A- FIRST-CLASS French cook wants a situa- tion In a family; understands pastry and ,. fancy work. 816 Leavenworth st. COACHMAN or man abdut'place: understands gardening, milking, .handy- with tools; best , -of -references. Box 4046.^ Call offlce. I BY : a' German, thoroughly,: experienced In all - branches, especially florist ¦ for private place -, t: or head ; nursery.- , . Box 4043, Call . offlce. " BY German • gardener ¦ to take ' care of private -place in winter; best references and has ex- "• perlence. Box 4431, '.Xall ; offlce/ \ ¦. . YOUNG .-"( married ' man, , steady * and . reliable, wishes position In ' a •. wholesale . houso or as : a driver. 'Box 4022. Call office. . BAKER'S helper wants work;* smalt pay." Box 4429.1 Call: office. -.- YOUNG •man." well educated, accurrfle and , re- - ¦ liable.! with-, knowledge oJ .{bookkeeping and business experience, wants - position; refer- ences. Box 3786, Call offlce. ' ;-' :;-.'.' WANTED—^By * youns ; man. - 22 ? years *. old, a ¦ • position- as elevator .: conductor. • JOHN', W. ROBERTS." 116 Fourth st~ : - :-i EMP-OTMirNT *WAJTT-D-MAJ.S— Cera. A — SITUATION wanted to take care of a pri- vate place by. a trustworthy man (Dane): understands gardening, horses milking; good references. Box 4416. Call offlce. _ . YOUNG man- wants position In hardware store, retail or wholesale; has had four • years'* experience; good salesman; also un- derstands packing. Box 4415. Call offlce. * 'FIRST 1 - CLASS barber wants situation la the i couptry. Box 4042. Call offlce. . WANTED — By a flrst-class. reliable, married - farmer, a position aa. working "foreman on * small stock." grain or 'fruit ranch; under- stands ranch work, in all its branches;, thor- oughly capable of takln; full- charge. Ad- dress Farmer., box 4037,. Call office.. *" YO'UNG man desires' a position as collector. clerk or watchman, or any .position of trust; . strictly temperate ; no gambled; caa'.place> $1000 aa security. - Address for one week. box. 4683. Call. "'.'.- - • YOUNG. man* with 10 years' •" experience !a hardware business desires position;, can .gi-v* unique stlcnabie .and recommend jtion.. Box 4623,- Call offlce... " . '• • • A" GERMAN mid'dfe-aged . and. single maa .wishes -a situation as cleric in." grocery and ' .' barroom; good reference,*. W. 'BOH—ING. •.. -417 Kearny st ¦*" v . YOUNO 'married man." thoroughly . competent .bookkeeper.'. ¦ credit' man.- correspondent or . -offlce .manages, . wants • situation.- Box 461 J, Call offlce. : . ' . ' • '• - ._•.'-. WOODWORKER, acquafnted with drawings, band aad circular' paws, and planers; expert • -pattern-maker- aad wood turner.. "FARQU- HAR. 49 Eighth\ - . .-.' .' . ¦ "COLORED TRIO," plaao. mandoiln aad eello; . .' flrst-class music furnished-' for or -' entertainments. ". Address 915 Saventh st,.- -.'Oakland. -¦• ... ' ;' ' ; " •; ". .-. • .. -SAY,. I'm your man If "yea waat a softer,." -ln- . dustrtous. .- jnlddle-aged. married -iaaa as' .' watchman, choreman or -man to carry -sign. .';B0a:. 4g93.-.X>U offlce.-; ¦ ..' . - .... • ' .' FIRST-eLAS3' Xjerman . carpenter and *cabln«t- .- maker 'wants work -by contract os by- th» ' CHARLES FRETCHE. b« 10. AMen- ,. date. QaL- ;.-.'••• !; \.\ : -, • = ' ; '" . .EXPERIENCED., ctltter. and fitter 'on ' ladles'' -, garments.-' also ..good -on aKeratldns li 'cloak • - department -de.stres situation.' Address) -X. C-, • '778 Harrison st» Oakland^ :".:.. .•¦)'• ¦ . MANAGER, -salesman -and: clerk wishes; steady •' position-, -best "of- .'references.' and exrerience; • '; also well '.acquainted ¦ In .city. and', cen. draw' . j trade.. - Box . 3991. : Call office.. ' . . .', -• '¦ . STEADY; lircilabl* "' Gepnan'.'. -experteaced. -In -. ' 'wholesale and retail' wine and liquor business.- ./.wishes -posttlon. • .Address II'. XXCJI*. ¦ 3$T , :.-¦. _:¦-:•";-¦'•.-.''•-• }y/ ¦¦:¦ ..-;..• •'-..<._•.._ ¦ CARPENTER -desires, woirlc' by . centra*.' : Box . ¦"4684. C»lL ? '.';-.. : ";•.;..'¦..,•:•' •..•¦.¦;.•'...¦ ' •'. •'•¦'•'' .'''"'••.•¦-/¦"'"•.'••-'/¦-. ¦ "'-'•'••':.•'_ - :: -'''''-| * '•'• ••*'. YO.UNO maa.". .'master- 3- .'languages, -ails cor- ¦ .'-responding cUrk. "fully" qualified- for position .. • of trust and responsibility.- wishes to -tin--. ..- prove his poeitlori ; : :-:'Box-37.S3. "CalL", • .". _XPERT polisher; ' .'. pianos.-, .stair." ctses an* . furniture} don't faft V> see A. 'McASDREW. -. traveler. .landscape artist; -up-to-da.e. Box' ; .3647. Call, ,' . -. • '-. ¦— " .-•. .•;,.'• . A YOUNO' mini' who- 'thoroughly '•understands mechanical -drawing ¦' desires a ¦ postlcn a. a draftsman's assistant' .or-- tracer. ' box 3082. Callofflce. .•-... ,'. • WANTED — Position *by man and -wlf*;" cooks; thoroughly competent; hotel, camp cr .board- Ing house. . Box 4621*. Call-pfflce.' j *-*«..' ' SITUATION waat.ed ,a». traveling saleVrian for . specialty: •<$ years' experlehce; best of refer- ¦ ences. Box 4582. Call offlce. " U • GOOD faithful Japanese' couple war:- house- workand cooWng; wages expected. J40; board ''themselves. -Box 7269..' Gall offlce. * ." • • EXPERIENCED watchn_Ckar. - Gtrmio. speaJcs little English, with tools, "wishes /position.' Box. 4677. 'CalL '¦ ... ; ! » FIRST-(~— 1SS mlnltfg. camp eook —ants sit- • nation; used' to baddUpr large caxips. B. _. J.. 139 SUr'sr st. * " j YOUNG married man. steady arid 'reliable,' wuhes position a*, shipjinsr clerk. 3ox 37AJ. • Call, offlc*. * | BARTENDER wishes to ret more erpertenee • la flrst-class bar;*wages no object; .<*ood city references. Box 8775. Call offlce. i WANTED— Copying* or .addressing envelope*. . fqldlngr circulars; fair penman: steidy work solicited. Address box 3629. Call ofSce. * AN . experienced. German gardener wants po- .' sl.tlon on a good private place or Irs nursery; .'best of references. Address F. H.. 431 Pine. "CABINET maker. 20. years" experience.- wishes to obtain steady position, in factory or score.- Apply 253 Fell. st. .' ¦ I- PATTERN maker (-machine and houss); capa* *. ble of taking charge in a foundry shop. Ad. • dfess FARQUHAR. 49 Eighth st i . SOBER. lBdustrious man (mtddle-ag?d), who can turn his hand U> anything, watts worlc: . wages $20. Address. box 8779. Ca't office. " . ¦ ~MXDDL_-AGED. married farmer, no< children. would like position In country;' cool reccm- " mendaOods. " Box 3788. Cal*' offlce. " A 'BOY. 14°y««urs old. ' wishes- '• study Job* -.S136 Pierce st * " ' *.--*. STRONG young man. not afraid of hard work, desires a steady position: can furnish best city references; no salary objection. Box • 4672. CalL' ' - _ • ¦ - ¦ WANTED — Paper hanging and painting by la- • terior decorator. Address E. E. H.. bos 3787. Cadi office.' / .' GERMAN man who understands farming wlshss> work around Pleasanton. Healdsburg or Wat- sonvllle. Address box 3656. Call office. « YOUNG man who worked 4 years In hardware store In Germany would like to hav» a posi- tion in the same business. 123 Sutter st WANTED— Position with flrst-class.' firm aa traveling salesman; best of references. Ap- ply E. J. S.. Russ Hotel. WANTED — Work by flrst-class paper hanger, painter and tlnter. by day or contract; tools . furnished. Box 4673. Call offlce. A RELIABLE man wants position as night watch/nan: references. I. B.. 736 Folsom st. -WELL acquainted - business man desires a po- sition as salesman, manager and collector with a responsible bouse. Box 4(M0, CalL , WANTED— A position as a barkeeper. Box 4611. Call offlce. ¦ ' ¦ CARPENTER wants work by job. Addresa Carpenter. 1828 Market st. COLLECTOR, best of references, —ants posi- tion. Box 458O. Call office. .. SITUATION wanted by young- man as collector or assistant bookkeeper. Box 33S7. CalL CARPENTER (non-union), can plan building, wants work. Box 4666, Call office. SITUATION wanted by experienced fural- ture packer. W. WILSON. 117SB Harrison st. POSITION by experienced proofreader; union. Box 4e92. CalL ' SITUATION as foreman on ranch. G. ROLE* 94 Perry st. ¦ ¦ ' WANTED — Situation as foreman oa ranch, Eox 4038. CalL AN all around candy-maker wishes a position. .. J. E. JOHNSON. 816 Lyon st A FUtST-CLASS waiter wants a sltnJften la hotel or restaurant. Box 3601. Call offlce. A RELIABLE man wants position a» night- watchman: references. Apply 320 FUth st CARPJ-NTER wants work by day; understands plans. Address box 3725. Call ofSce. - TOUNG Hawaiian gentleman wishes position in photograph gallery: has had (oar years' experience: good all around maa. Box 2973. . Call otflcw. | . , - JAPANESE boy. gentle and honest, wishes pn- sition as a schoolboy: speaks English. Y. MUY.A, 326-C2S McAllister st ; phone 74S Fol- i ram. ' . _ JAP XNESE hoy wants situation a» help cock In family In this city. K. TSURUMIZU, 438 Geary st J\PANESE couple want place In family; man flrst-clasH cook, wife wait at table and house- work: have references. Phone KSO.' G. N-. 41SB 'Larkln st. J\P\NESE wishes position as flrst-clas* cools -In" respectable family; experienced many years; c(ty or country. ,»H. K.. 2O L»wl3 pi. ' \ STRONG Japanese . boy wants '• any * kind of ~ work, waiter. ;porter or housework: has had considerable experience.,, J.,4i.. 432 Sutter. JAPANESE boy wants posttlon" at st<— •• of- fice apartment, or ' nleht ¦ w ate* »n morning V or night GEORGE IWATA. 1,10 Taylor sc