Newspaper Page Text
Hugh McCofmick,"'"ah - Australian_,ven^ riloquist, made i.his ; first in America; at. the Chutes yesterday. '\\ The hree :¦ Avolos, ,; acrobatic '.' marvels,^ and rlbblnBort arid lirnber-llmbed col >red • vocalists; ; arid - ; comedians^ "were Uso new. . Prank ; Stafford (and v Marie" Stone;: presenting V.'A'; Hunter's'^ Gkme," Smile 'i Chevriel, '. the - comedy klabel .; Lamson,-; the : : popular .""contralto; uid theibiograph; showing the -latest aovelties In 'moving pictures*,) completed The Chutes. -... :- .¦•:•.';;' ; ; "' ycehtral.;\ /•:"..:/>.-';. -. '"Trie .-Worst ! "VNToman .te London", cre t-ed a-prenoanced Be.nsation- at:thie "Cen* tcal-. Th.eater ; last, night, -.where it 'was pj-pduced/f or the .first time ; in this' *city. The ".ptety i« "an English melodrama and teems : -with. ' ' exci.ternent, ¦ pathos r * arid merry 'cQjnedj. The scenlc : effects i are startlingly realistic and- were • excellent ly.' Btaged. Herschel*. 'Jblayall as " : Jack Feltoni ; the- hero., kaye' a; most; manly impersonation and 'was^greeted with man^cuVtain calls. Kthel Clifton was well . received anil \ gave' ah \ interesting p'ortpayal of a young woman .whose, life had "been- .-"saddened wrth r many. ,' cares. Henry, Shum'er as the villain and Edna :Ellsmefe. ¦as ; the worst woman; inTLon 1 ; dbri; were roundly. hlBsed tor f t.rrehvi ..clev-, eTness,^ Ernest Howell, James Corrigan and Julia Blanc were'ail. -cast.' to^- ad^ Vantage and scored ' hi.ts with"the ; large One; of , the acts;" shbwirigithe "ihteriof " of .' a circus, wa s : j remarkabl y 'staged and : drew! forth : repeated ap plause. ¦ jin . the '^ last-.:.a,ct i ; the cl.imax comes '» when ; they heroine ? and lthe» ad venturess have a •hahd-tb-hand battle, that -even • eclipses the great s] strug-* gle , in "."Oliver i Twist-*' .Soon i the Jen tire , building^was! in ' flames," and rthe. only •avenife of \ escape ,' by,^ means of J a .telegraph* wire' stretched neaf t 'ari{adja cent [window. Over this' wlrV Miss Cllf ¦¦ ton'.walks to safety.;, -:,*:/>¦'•". '¦, * .• " The- Corumbla.: V-Wh41e the '• American; Btagre ;iS d.elti«ed. wjth- '.'musical '.:poftiedy " ;it rs -.ref-re'sblng. ;' reminded that the'strai'gh.t. : ar'tlble. can Bifll- be. niade.. attra<:tiveV; '.'-JMi^s; Ira- ¦ doreVRttsh^atod- a Wi»ll-balahced. fcipterie .k. vetiiclei -prb?oked heaifty. 'Jaiighs last eveniiigj at . the .Cbiurabja '•-•fbfe'ater a'hd . they- were ijot aided- by.;a-cli&rus'-qr any . e^xfraA'agan.oe -of. ice'nic ; embfillishiirent. ; All- the funmaklng .was*due- r to the au- thor of the ..piece and ;ttje- 'feting* ;;jn d;eed the pnry'. rnusfc.-.that' \ra§.'-'j|ntr6-.; duced coiiid have, been enritt!ed without, weakening j the productlbn. .in any par--; kJ.cular. "'.illss \ -Rush and "two pt- .;ihe other people /atsea ¦. their., voices iri. song; ¦.thai was irfeTevaht and..rioi' remarkaijly i'mpf ess'lye. But .ih.e. comejdy;' itself an^ the 'varloup ; eccentric • character, ppr-. trayais." in.ade. up'oi perTormance-'tiiat was. truly . entertaining. '; The' first • act .brewed giggles, ,the". second '--compelled xoaTs..aild' the. third' res to r e'd the merrl^ inent: to rn'od^ratlbn.'. .;. ; '•: : ';. _. .' ' • :-.- Since" her -Rotand tleed- days- Miss • Trie Murine Eye Remedy -Co'.,' phicago^ Sen'd Home Eye- Book .free." ... Wrifcft'.th'ejfii about your. EfyeS. ' .-. • : . ¦"¦*,'-¦".".¦'• •; •¦;:*»¦'¦.- .CIGAR STAND ROBBED.— Durgr.far?'- looted the cl^ar stand pt- Manner A/Goslirfer-at. K$ O'F»rreH- street- "eome. time ''Silnday.' ni£ttt'-ah(j made their escape with (l'Orln cash .fsom 'axes*' ister:"-' •* . " ' . •••"••-..'*.'.•!.¦. -.-:' '%-".::' "- APPLICANT ; FQR -TVORK STEAliS.— J.ohn Ron;; a la-borer, walked. Jnt-o a at the .corner of j Spear. • slid' Mission streets early .last- -evening and applied- f<jr U wol-k.- While Clerk' Boyle\s,atter.uWT«is called to the tele phone the-, appllca.nt-: picked up $2 50 -'that lay on a desk .dnd disappeared.' - He was followed by Bqyl.e and later arrested- by. Officers -E. B'. Harris-, and icharged "with- petty larceny. '¦ . .'..'.¦ •; NEW YORK, ; Oct." "31..— The report thai R[auricer ©arrymore. < the actor, i la dying is de nied . by - the authorities at * the & Long Island ITonyp. ¦ of which ¦ he • is an himat*. - - • •• :-,TRIBS.TO ROB CHINESE WOM*N.- Art ¦attempt was mad? ,'to 1 steal* some Jewelry trom thet ;hair- of .Ah Klra, | a Chinese woman, livlmy a^.1.2 .Bulllvan allejr,. as *he wa$ coming down sta.irs . at 731 * Jackson street . yesterday atter rfoon,- -.She. 'called for help, but her .assailant .escaped, -. ' '^ v '- .;-.' .' '; ••-», *. Southern- Pdciflc Railroad Company • • Fights in the Last "Ditch for * ' . •"' - Large T*act' of Country*. ' :' -. The United .States Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday' allowed ,th* South- > ie'rn Pacific Railroad; Company, to .take appeals; to the United- States Supreme Court iyi two cases in which the Gov ernment won a vfctory over the com pany.. The issue affects the validity of patents;, to- 32,X)00 acres of land -in California which had been; -granted /by the-. Government to the Southern Pacific 'Railroad Company^ undera misapprehension of facts. The r lower' court gave .a verdict in \>o'th' •cases allowing . the Government to cancel the railroad "patents for all:, the lands -npt disposed of and; to v collect from the company at the rate of $\ 25 p'er'acre for all laads sold to. innocent "p'urchajjers. : The company appealed to the United States* Circuit Court of Appeals, was . beaten ; and now; .goes to'' the" court 'of 'last resort. Stranger, E^eeced by Gamblers. t,, John Rossi,' a recent arrival from San Jose,'« reported to the police last? night that he, had been fleeced out of $200 by me n i in a saloon near the ocean | beach. 1 Rossi ] at strariger at the*. Rome 'Hotel, ';. where he is ! stopping, and they ¦became ;ffiendly.V .The * stranger in , duced^'him ] i to -'draw' his •'. money / from; the .bahlO telling^"him . that; he 'could double j it 1 for,, 1 him. ; They went, to the 'saloon at the " beach and met ,' more friends -arid took \ part 'in a game. \ Rossi was told, this .was where - he T was to make his money.* but* he lost all he had.' He : is ' a ; . laborer. ti '. ' *.} See Edward r Knowles, Co. about printing your next catalogue. .¦ 24 Second »t.; near. Market. •« ; YOUTH TURNS THIEF. Woe ' tatubia, 13 years .of age, ,w»j arrested* last- nfght. by !?.&.-' trolman James t)'C<3nrior awd'.lJook.ed.X.Dr '$. piib •lie institution. Toun? ;Labr.ona. jBtpfe- .a bicycle from the corner"«f -ahd./Hyde' strjeets-liijit week and pawned it,- •• . » V, •-. ';,-.••. '",¦':'¦¦:':¦ Ail T&E.E?- .MUTILATCD: — Protest! has. \}teh .rekde, -by tho-'AJamf'da, Advancement'Asstfcla ti.onrapftinst the mutllationf of ornamental antl phradfe- trees by. employes of th? municipal elec irltf.illght dejr>artmerit: To' better -permit- o'f Jh> I srrlr prlrj z .' of -t Jectrlc - wi;-es -m^ns trees th.roirghout : the clt.y have' be?n .partly destroyed ty the . cu'wing a.way of.- large .lim^s.- - Tirp :p/otest" bjt the City- Trustees fleit. Monday Jilghi.- . ¦¦.-•" -: ; .. For an excellent lunch, • table .d'iiete- <3T:'%:ki c«rte, with or" without 'wide,. vUUt'TM' : C3an'a^ dttn Cafe. 543 Post al.. opposite Oly mpia.enib.-?.. :;. 'A- melting-- i:ot: : . the' ;San; : . Francisco •Charch >Ext,ensipjh^'5b<*iety :pf the . Meth bdist fepiscop'ar. church'- was .held last fey eriin g .at : Epwbrth '.Haili '.- 1621/ • Market street;- ;Iv 'Jf,-. '.Triiinan^^rin- th« .chair.; The p^cers/elecied;. tb-.^rve "f pr the ensuing year ,wer;-e: nresiden t9, Qi'sti .- ; op":jv,.yr--¦Hirhhton;and-pr.\w. s.. ikf& thew'.;;. presidenf ;: :'_ 'i v : ; J: ".T-rti.tnan-; . ; .yice ri^^dja^Tr^i^^^^^t^SP'?^^^^ .bjtrtt;.^'n]9 : '!G-.'^^erkih9.;;-TiBcordin5r' sec tetary^ .E/^T^te.;;.; financial. secretary, F;.'. : . :^r! :• Mosh^r: -y tr^asurey; . '-.E. : "W; Str^'g.eV.'ttustees^^Qli^v\f; Watt. C. B' roOT^^.^^^bUoie^^b*e^VjtcJBlT5^ h X : TWumin.. W- ! F^; iitgginbothain.' ' E. E.; J.- : R. 'Rc^iBs^ii' and: Thorn.-' •as- : tV^ : Caine^V:-^':;-:-l:'-'.-'^'..;y- : : : .-;'"- Methodist*. Elect. Officeral . • 'When "^rou. b.ayei.'.ian: aversion ; to. food it 4s '•ari^lndicatlorl ' ihat'-you should take Lash's Kidney, and Liyet Bluets., ¦¦ ¦,•• ; .' Aftfef". that: there Ig-'a:; fikip:. ¦'¦pt "two y.ears away off- tb; iCJuiia.: whierff Drusa, as . a Red .Crps> ; niirsei saves the. life qf Jier : .b)etrayer,';nptla{ho^in^'.hrs:ide«tlty. In* .the' couisej^liQdnveilsaiidn it- is rey.ealedi.and/iilt her'hatel*he tears the bandages, off; his: Wbliin^ed' 'arjrn arid tries io-'kiil Win/i^^rnQnttt-iaier^she is' ra.>gAiest";o£ : .th^!GolgateB-,a'$- Newport arid she, : Vn:'spi3te.6f : he'r longing, for revenge/ "fttUS in-' love !-wjth; him;.' $tqng, by're mp'Ese she writes '£ riote- f~n .¦tb^e^ev'e.jof tbefb '.w.edd.m'g,- t revealing .j all -and*. &f-, .t6'mpts/;tb" flee, 'but j$ :ihterceRted i; and for"gl'veri. : : Th'eh . she :forgi.yes- ariS: : they live happily foreverfafter. '¦ -. l\ ¦/ ;: ! . - --.i^c.* Craig-: d"oes.:3:s- weJl wltb ¦ the x,ol.e as he", can .and LJlilajt kawrerioje 1 makes .the] besjt -'pt "» •character; •tha-t '"-does -not seehi = tp. gnlist the'Kympathiea.-'of- the Uudiericje.: : "J .r- ;'¦'-:' '-.''\ .> : ':'.\ ¦¦ : :;Tb'. the overflowing )aouse. at -the. Al ca2&.r]iastiiigh't"prusa". Wayne." ..seiemV edito.- be .'rhore «f a; comedy than a drama.l Theitirst; act qptens'iri a Helena gambling den;! where the; ; h.«r«,>Clarence Colgate,' a. rioh' mark's -son', seniilb libn tintL ta\'8ow--wHd'.'oia'ts.f -me'elts 'Prusa W^yne^- a. gbodV b*»t very. :heedl.ess girli He • tries ' to: ;JcJ s i5 hW- 'etnd : as .she", begins to; iafnt ",.lje: iresfores ;ber 'witli:.;w o ater but Jbt -a drugged . glas's;. agaiii^'t idrtek ihg.dut.:tr? wijtfch'she herself ha^d- ?«yarn :*d:him. ! : ~. : ':'y''i':- ; '•"¦: :. :''¦'¦ ;< ' =' ' ' ¦Alcazar. ¦Reitjovpd •;• From « "'Cemetery • a^ Tti« ; H^g^w'e and Will Be Carried: to .. • : '.':. : . Final; '.Restine-Place.'.:-- • ; ' -THE HAGUE;-.; Oct. • Sl.-r-The: re mains'. !of former President Krijger of the Transvaal Republic- who .died in' Julylait; : were removedfrom the.cerae.- tery. to-day and: taken- to '¦ Rotterdam' for. co."nyeyance to- -; South Africa- .'on bbarrd- "the ¦'. steamer. Batavier.;.. Six wreaths from" Queen .Wilhe.lrriin.a. the' . Prince Coris6rt # .and' former • President • JBteyn' Co-vered the.'coffin. , ;.U'. : <"' ¦ : '. ' A rho'rtuary- chape.l ha.s been.; ', pre •pareS 'on the steamer, covered: with : drapihg .' : -embellished j with . ; inscrip ¦tions in :silvjer letters,' ambn's- ;them': .¦ ¦ : *;'t have: fought a. good! figh.t|; .l.have." •finished- . m y . course; •'. I have jce'pt the faith/' ;..". '..;•-• ' ' ' -V REAIAtN'S OF PAUL KRUGER ' V : BE. TAKEX TO ;\FRICA •a /varied.] and; interesting progranjme,'. •Tli.e amatejirs -promise many .novelties ; : fdr' Thursday night: ; ; :¦'<?¦ •..'• •;:;"".^ '"•"¦.;;'. Tlvoli. ; • [..';¦¦ .;• 0"The' Messenger B'oy; f "'the big -New ¦Tprk; arid/, London ".musical ;, opened 'at^the.Tivofi last nlghtV The' .piece will -be' speciaJly- reviewed in- to.< .•morrow's : issue of The '.Call. - : : '. ; •' •'."QHttering; Gloria," =to jfepeat," very! enjoy>d by. if oik ¦ who can rtl'ifeh: clever '.! stage', ftin .'unadorned by the.' ch.6/ral, feVenic and : jfartprial' : trim tnings-that • distinguish- .'-'musical- com edy" -from, the' comedy ' our!' forbears 'used io absorb asiai r/?gxilai: diet- _ •Sush has acquire^ ?irama'tiq force with out iaccompanyirig enhancement of .phy sical giiaces- : .She h^'s m%steFed ifhe'-art Of subduing: ayoirdupojs: a.hd. ha's .not finite relinquished I her- .^famous ' "'new w.omah!'. walkf but jnas.culi.nity '.of|.«a}t d|oes not impair the. effect ! of her I's.tjin niriff. gowns. . Her singing' voice has -not Itaprbved with the years. Tljat state meijt '.smacka of .rep'e.tltibn-. But- per-' hans its importance ' coiidqnes the.en. €"ore.' . '. .': • ¦-":' . '• .:'.:;• '.< •' . ¦ ! . O^fE OF-TttEiCL-EVBR-iSCBNES FRO31I "THP BOY." fHB LON- • -1 DON AJ?D- NMV -iTJRI^ MU9ICAX.: SUCCESS, WHICH LAST" NIGHT BEGAN '- ¦-: AN IffDEFINTTE R-VN AT ?THE' TIVOLl' OPfcHA-H.DUSE. ' .--'..- ., . ¦; •There' . • are nbwi:jas. nearly as can be cbunted, 13.6 apes on Gibraltar. : - . '.' Partridge argued .that-; the .'State Board of Election Commissioners* tia4 ¦adopted the Standard- • machine .-!and. the proper proceedings to 'determine, whether the 'machine or the law. -was constitutional would be to-'.rpake' fh!e State b9ard a party to the-, action. -.'He was personally of .the "opinion- that, the machine wovld-jio all the "thingjf . .rfe quired by law.. ; -i. I '"*'--.*¦¦ -'-•-' Nusbaumer -admitted .that •- Harvey was not" the; re'al party; plaint and said that he -himself.- wks not a resident ot this- "county, and- had no interest in jits" taxpayers,. •.- He-i InU-; mated that the" court 1 "wbtfld "have" the right to decide : now'_ whether/. the.: nia-' chirie was in- acrjoFdance .wl.tfi' -the' and might in the. future haye:.tb'. der. cide- the samp poiii't- it^tth?* eVJenti.or-^ contested election .if: the ' legality.'. <ut tHe machine', was. called", into iquestiori. Jndge Sloss- Attorta^rs 'Tdjor . pays In "VYhich" to Submit joints '-'. . . • and Anthbrities. •¦ y. . ' ; ; Judge Sloss -yesterday heard.- argu-r , ments on the.ord«r to.shbw. cause vh'y : he'should. not restrairi-the .use' of .for- ; ty Standard -voting' ma.chln€fs : «t-tlie: coming election .and then -gave the opposing sides -four -.days' to JUDnrlt-. briefs. i ' '':¦-.' .-'¦ . • V-. •."•;;;'. '. ¦¦ J. S. Patridge of the City Attorneys': office filed' a ' 'demurrer,. ta'.-the-'C'erair.' plaint. Judge •Nusbaamer, -represent-.: ing- E. T.. Harvey, the" c'Qjnplaihant, • expressed surprise that' the • -.def en.3-.; ants did not answer. '-Mr; Patiridge eTci • plained' that' an' answer ' w'ouid r : have; given the -side"- opportunity' to bring- the case; to '-trial.-- th'us.c'arrVing. the . hearing beyond election day-and hot o^nly pfevehtfng^the' use.\.pf -the: machines, but" doubtless • pteyentinjg: any" election in th« -district* where -the.' machines Were. to. fee .used, • Because it; was too late- to make [oilier, arrange- .• ments. '.. ' •• - v ¦ • . ;"•'¦":'¦:':[ by Reason -cifl-aitransactlon'l'- izi ; -|fin« iyan" t'r^adweli p£ this . cfty" ii. .&• .head : 'b'f :th^.-^h;oIej^e''.Jl}<iuor : . .•.hoaa(<i ; .:V : :or Tf«ad^>.U.\'&-; :^ii''!!i^.d';'ri:."^^V-.P^fltt-, jCftastlaienjt!^^^:^.t', :: ii^»/ : .pi'';tki. : 'P^- < friouth;' g^ny : \TBJui\ii acturei :.bx ' Cjoktes. &-'C.o>.ia. : Engian'(J^f'; i nxe : teitHidfT' jtt. ;the'Cni!te(il/^j[8a'.;ta'^ld'^V^ ft ''^»T^' Tbrk^Kentuck^'' \ jcimpttirj.:}axifc;":jia sole- agent&'.'.'that : (iQrpbra.tibn" tr.- : re-» p^>;.iiiye i?iijd jiao.poo; tor jvtK* right-; iifce Hiidaori .Ba y.- CQmpany; has the. : right .to. jseil ; ;'the ,'sa'raa -goods '.¦: to. t3an)tda> • -Tt^fela bejraii.'when. JOrea'd-'. ¦ well . t piaridithat '¦&*&L&OBlT$Ay.-$QYrt?' pany ;^'was>'s6ridtriar th* ¦gqQ&a\lnt&.ih6 \ ¦^acj^'poj^/Stateis/a^d/iier^p.'^-'tltft tr-a'de •at'etit iiitiLS Gofere'stpond^shcVon. tHe subject' hjcts rpwtsed, ~ aijd-' l«gat ma*" chtn^ryiavqtippbse'd i-ip; vbe'/'AlPRady: 'whirrlh jf- preliminary. > ta- ths ; briagin et . of •afi..acJtioh. : agatInjjt'.Cbat«s'..ii Co. by: the. : 'iStF*r .'.Yqri^wKe^tucky '. Compaiiyi .A', stj^ry. •'. • has . bean -;,ctirr ent •;.- that . ; .Ivan .Treadwell ;iaa:io8t: ..;iargreijr ' by. : the •breakrng-' .of "th'e'.-iStid3o's: : > .ifa,3r Cmpany into ;.t.hig -.territory,- 'ior -which ha ./paid the -New;,: yQrk-jcientueky ..= Company, "but- -this' he-" denies-.-.; "I eat a commis sion on every case of the roods'. that is-' ¦' iicre," : . lie -. '. Bald-' yesterdays 'The. story;i that : I -.aittiptit 'thousands ¦ of . dol* un.triie: amount that l-'tose by 'Infrtogemeht is only a ':t«vr h^fl'dr'ed /dollars iiiifitp.. date. r The real ; rqser. is the^ewiXork^Kfsntiicky. Cbm p.any.V/ ;..-.:¦¦: '•* vV'v^'i-^'Vv"';-^. x-'y'-'^Xi Northern" -Concern- '.. ;<*reates MMrtnrbr . ' ance by Brenklng IntoXocal T«>:;" . •• -;¦ ¦=.' '.'." , irltbry .Already: -Sbl^U;;' '.. '.•'". •'; VOTIXG MACHINE CASE •. ; . .', '•• ARGUEI). • OX. • DEMURRER FUR MAY. " FLY "IX COIJRTS •:. ' • ¦'. : ' BY REASON" . OP . GTS .WA3EI ¦ , Mlss^ Gardner- yrss. the ; Op. hsila^-if she 'wiiV-pardpn' me, ; in-.' -a.' ytry .bad wi'g... .tJrr tb."'the;tna4.>cefie'.the deli caite" tritik ;;,phtase;'and' action given to ppheliia. ¦ did- -...Tftoi / :count \ in- MKs Gar 4ner's pic.ture. •" Witii.'th-e lhad' stene, - however,' she ; presented x : xhos't .touch' ing ¦' i"nd •graceful '•c'ftar'acteri iation. :Theri \La4riep wajs exceilentiy .played.. .by. : Harry-'. Mestay^r,' ; Mr." ijc.-. Vicars; was .the Hing.'Miss] ••QoV.dpn • a .gdjod'-flueen;.' Mr. .Woodward- -cleyjer as Poibnius, : and^ Johh.-D; ;O v Hara ajs thie fjrst gr'^ve-digger-.- admirable; .:...-• • :"• •'. ! . ; : BLAJCCHE PARTJNGTON; ¦. ..Original; with;th« .a.ctbr, so -far'as my experience :theattttpd;e.ofH'am' iet : toward jOphelia. in '.the- scene! V'here PQlonius' .and the .King are 'eavesdrop' ping: Upon -theni. ; it is:easily • logical. Harrilet,' -Bin of :his.' mbthfr Blackeni'ng ¦- all!^')mi^anriJ0r^^bii^ see's Ophelia' for the moment: pnly asanMher instrument of ' deception. -This !i& : en> ¦pJiasizeHby.\Mr.-'<?ilirio'uraTi4 :^'ith'"il- Iumlna4lv«. ; result- • All. • through. '. ihere 'are • touches; indicative'- 0-f ¦ tliougtot, -ind Che' ivhoie represents, a '. notable chara$ terizatioru '.¦"Anpth.eF* spene orit'. remem .be'rs' is-' Hamlet?s ! interview, -with; 'his father's, tjhbst, ;f ull; of "awe -arid tender hess.' '.."•'. ':."¦¦¦ "::.••'. ' ' ' •¦¦ \ ". ¦ ' • . • ' •: :Hu'man; ¦ eminently thoughtful and thoroughly- interesting is Mr...Gilmour's Hamlet. .whichVthird. in 'the' trio of ; HfLmiets lately' played here-^iwas' given last night . at . the " Majestic Theater. There was much 'else given last- night, ah; embarrassment, of. riches." "Glltter ihg Gloria." -glittered '.or, glimmered at the Columbia, : ; there .wa>r. -Sir. Fyles* new play'at the Alcazar and' there-, was : every prospect • pf ; a; -high' -time 'at- the i Tivoli u'ith/'The ai^sserrgerBoy.". But where "Hamlet". ." is, '.-.why there -is ¦. "Hamlpt," .and an «nd.on't". : ' : •' : • I saw ' th§-n'e*' aiijestipcbrnpany .last w^ek ' in ¦ *'When . Wi -WereJ -Twenty one" and; :>ybndered- Tjow.-.deUghtful in ; the modern • comedy, th'.e: wquki ": ibear theihselyes- . in :• .classic tragedy^ ". W^elL :'bravjeiy." -Ijast hight'js • . perfbrmance ; showg ¦ •- j ust . . the .solid, .^attd. 1 rtntelllgent | fe«6jirte- -.thfat I rnigtit haye vbe'en.-;iba!$ed' for : fr'6m* the jplayers.; Th;e.re4din'g^«;as';a:UtUe- over modern in; quality^ 1 - tackiiig' somewhat that "qudlnt archaic essence! that. -is" the distfch^ujshlng ;'6harnif Vof' : the' -Greet Shakespeare;'- but. 'U f was; .throughout well judged and r^yereni. ¦ .was. the awkward :$< '.anyiwhere- repre-. sent«din- the cast/ "e.vBft'"th6 'Supers re fraihin'g; front ¦ tumbling, -pyet !their Bplears,-. sbd .more [of the.plky- than' is usually -played was. retaiiujja.--. ' ' ' .' " • .:. As; before " intimated, -Mir: Gilmieiulr's ; Hamlet' :;ii;.ex.ceRti6naily; interesting.'. It :is by. :much nipt the!cbhs eryaitivQ-Ham'- : i%t. : :Very\Tiappiiy,'.in trie. ssolifoftiiy, partlciilitrly, '• tb©: 'actor :.;• empftasi^es: Hamlet the dreamer:' , And rarely In-tel llgentwastrieTfekdih^- '.of tt»e.solilbquy, though; ! with" -some-, eurioui .•] iteitiiar bLunders: / ,"But • it -tiaA essentially^ tile qual ity of - : the < eojlloquy-^a ) f thin jcing • out lbudT-rjsi'.hplly-frefi of the'sa.wtn# the air- and ,- mpiithing .'.- with . u which '..¦ the speech. Is : cpuilnbnly;. deiivered. . Her.eift, howeveri *as bestihatahced \One.pff /tiib we.aknes^es. of Mr*;. ¦<Jilniour'§ presient m'ent;'the'ia^t. wo'rd'.of 'a 8entehi:e : .b»-' ihj not seldom. ioo-IOTtr .in,.pifch .- tt>. be hpard. V-- ' ' : -'- -y : ''.-> '••¦ .'-. : : : ' : 'S; '..'¦'• ;' : / - : ': ' .-Tired of the heat and glamour of the day, weary of the 'heartaches and ¦<Jii5appointments - encountered ; on life's stony- paths, a young man lay- down •and ended all a few days ago; breath ing his last .within sound of the pulsing -tides near- the Cliff HouBe. " ¦• .Dr. L- H- Young, while strolling along the bcean beach 'yesterday: morning '.iebcBt two. hundred yards south of the :oceaii- rbad. '¦, found the dead body!. of. •boy: not" .more- than -seventeen or clchteen/yearg -old'., lying pn a sand ,i>ank. •;•" A^ Colt'« ¦{hirty-eight-caiiber re- : .y'plver.. jay' by his sid& The body was" •rigid end had lafe'there all night, ThA •'directitin.'-'-of thjft 'bullet and t the- eicit ; Wound irt. the> top of the • forehead . iridi-. <cated .-thjit-'the- >uieide:.had pla,c«d the Snuizle vbf the weapon against .the' roof '.tit '.'-t)ie 'inoUth '.ani. discharged it : '• ;. '• •'yjrhe clothing wasa black: cheviot Back :«Wti a-ndMesti-dark gray striped pants/ jgt&y; pert&le' with . black stripes, white turn-down collar and . dark four-. '¦iXKhiand 'tie with wbite figures,.. The" •'¦ijto'ei' we're i. aced *nd had been; heavily ' fcaif^iBOlied. ' ¦ -The : -boy j was ' about , iBve i-uliiirn .-h'ai.r'i .cn't .Bhort.; pug nose, lull vJip^;; exposing ¦: t^te ; . upp'er • front : teethl C^U^e person were fouhd «. small rhlr-: T^rvr*' latch', key; and brass, tag. num- : bierpd- "72 and pair <jf cuff buttons made. <njt '.': of . Hawaiiaft silver cruarters and :ii^rl^>.^e;'- 1 JcO!at;of'.'arms of the Ha' -Waiian^kingdom!." • His hand* ar.^ small And, soft ;aiid intiXcate .that *fe had; not dene hard- -manual lab'or,: , .• - ; ¦.';, -; : '. "¦¦' . ". Braunhart said that any amendments piade' by petition, would" have to be g.c}:ed upon only, oii • the filing of- fnew netitlonst • Luriste.dt . asked.- that- - the pre'sldeut. of the- Board -of Education ;be . alio-w-ed- the priyilege of the flQor, but It was agreed to consider. the mat ter next . Thursday at 3 o'clock. '-Morris 'Lubliijer. filed a formal de mand; Oiat the amendments in refer ence to school matters be^submltted to the people.. ¦'.: • ' : •: • D'Ancbna-'s mbtiph that " the other twerity-;two amendments which were to have been*, voted- ori at tb.e" election, of JS'ovemijeY .8 # be" also: referred Ito! the fjame;joint,committfie was caTrted. ; ¦ftirid.' ••¦.•.•¦ * - ::• • ' . . .' "I thfnk this 'joint .committee should, meet very soon," said .Mayor Schmitz, | "as the;matier-is very important. Two weeHs have- passed since "the filing : of. the. .petitions- and nothing lias been done asiyet.*'-'- . .:':•"• ' ' • | •'. "i desire to state- that all the other, amendments declared invalid .by the_ Supreme^ Court 'will be submitted to the. Voters atjthe sam.e)time as the- school am : endment^ should, an election "be or dered,"'.said; Braiinha'rt. : .-- '•'•This board has no. right to refuse tp submit these: amendments at once „" siaid Lunstedt; ."In view of the fact that more than 30.90Q voters have stgned the petitions." * ¦ , ¦ • . ' ...Braunhart thought the m&tter should be first- investigated in order to ascef itaih -whether the • Eleotion-. Commission | had any funds f oj- the purpose instead j of .'drawing on the urgent -necessity '.. Nioes— rBooth, •= Brandenstftin, .Braun hart, Copt.e.i • Connor, D' Ancona, .Eg-, gers', ;Hftcks,. : Fa.yot-*^9.- !• ¦.'Absent— McCfellan; Rocli— 2. - - . ; • ••••Lunstedt'. opposed* reference to the committee, ' saying that the "time was lirnited; for the- • ratiflcatibn pf the amendments by the ..Legislature, should, they; be approved .by the voters.' . .- .' ¦ ' ' XO, RIGHT TO -REFUSE. - ; ;:'; Lunstedt' moyedithat the resolutron be .immediately- considered under sus pension 1 of the rules, but Braunhart's inotioti that it be referred to. the joint committee on Finance; Public Utilities and . Charter Atneiidment-s • prevailed. The vote on suspending, the.ruies .was: ilAyies-^Alpers,-- Befit, Boxton,; Finn, Tjunstedt, Rea, Sanderson— 7. , V ¦Whereas. A petition containing the names o* more than 15 per cent (to wit. nearly 30,000) of the qualified voter* of this city and- county ¦was pVeaented on October 17, 1904. to the Board of Supervisors, which petition requested that certain proposed amendments to artlcia 7 of the charter relating to public schools be submitted to the qualified voters of this city for ¦ approval; and > ' •Whereas. * Under • * the constitution .of ' the State of California, the Board of Supervisors has. no option whatever, but must, whenever 15 per. cent of the qualified voters shall petition therefor,' submit such proposed amendments/to the qualified voters of this citjr and county} a*id. • : ¦-." ..-¦¦¦¦¦-'¦ - I *V .; Whereas, The Legislature will convene dur ing the- first week In January. 1905, and. ac-. cording to law will remain in session but sixty Says thereafter, and even if Immediate act lo.n be , taken by .this board, it ' will - be Impossible to- transmit the • amendments to the -Leglsla ttre' for approval . before the • middle or latter jvart of- next Januarv: -and Whereas. Any fvrther. delay "by this board in submlttinsr said amendments would • be jaxi lnjustioe and .would saVor of a subterfujte -to defeat the proposed amendments- and thwart the will of the people; therefore be'.it •" , 'Resolved, That said proposed amendments be submitted, to the qualified electors of . the city for 'approval and 'that'' November 1, 1&C4, be arid 'is hereby designated as the first day for the publication of the- said proposed, amend ments and that said publication be continued every day thereafter for twenty days as re qufred by law. and further, that January 5. 1305. be and is hereby designated as the day ; for holding a sjjeclal election for the .purpose of submitting the proposed " amepdments to ar ticle 7 of- the charter relating to public schools to the qualified electors "of this dity.and county for their' approval; and "be it further - "• ;Resolved, That the B«ard of Election; Com missioners be- and is hereby authorized to ex pend -a sum not ex'cfeedlng $12,000 for .the pur pose of defraying the expenses of tioldlng said special elt-ctlon on January B, 1005, and that said special' 'election expenses be .allowed a-rid ordered paid out of ;the urgent necessity fund, eald" urgent necessity fund having 1 '-to its credit 6.n October 31 an-ujiexpended balance of nearly S35.OQ0 as per the records of the Auditor's of fice. '. . ¦ : , ¦ - . At yesterday ,'s meeting of the Board of Supervisors Lunstedt presented a resolution calling a special election on January 5, 1905, for the purpose of sub mitting to the voters the proposed char ter' amendments, affecting the admin istration of the school , department The resolution 'follows: APPEALS TQ. HIGHEST ,': ;•. . COURT ' ...IN THE • LAND Amelia Gardner as ; . Ophelia Is Grace ; fularid Touching His Corpse Found by a .Physician Taking Morning ¦ Stroll Along Ocean Shore Majority of Board Refers Matter to- a -Joint- Com niittee Next Thursday OPPOSITION TO DELAY Traged ian ' s Presen tation Has Spirit and (Jneinality WEARS. HAWAIIAN AR3IS Places Revolver Into His Mouth and Sends Bullet Crashing Through Brain Supervisor n l;iinstedt> Intro duces Resolution to Sub mit School Amendments GILMOUR'S HAMLET IS CLEVERLY ACTED IN LIFE'S MORN LID ENDS ALL WANTS SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ,THE SAN/FRANGISCO CAIJp, TUESDAY, /NOVEMBER^ 1, ;1904: 16 ADVERTISESIENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS SOREJANDS itchi|i^6iipngPalmsi Painful Finder Ends,; Shapeless Nails. Wm&, "itchinp Biiriiln^ :;;;:;'; ; ;;S(!r^ : l:Tp^laijij;Kl-^ . Perspiring. ; ONE NIGHT T5EATMEHT; Soak the h4ads on retiring In a 'stronfr, hot, ' creamy . iather of Cuti coxa S oap; . Pry and anoint -freely • Ointment, the it skin cure and purest ''.'of.e^i^xxt9i}:'';Wea!r;.da^g-^e.^l^:' old, loose Idd ployes, or baadage'JIIgh'tly,'. la old, soft cotton or Unen. \ Fbr red t ;: rough and chapped hands, dry, -fissured j ; .itching, ¦ feverish .parms^ with;^brittle. shapeless ¦ nails and palaf al : finger ends;-.. : this, treatment is simply wpn;deriql,-fre- - . qnently coring in a single application^- r\ Complete --;- local'-/. Ana'.-'JconstltdUenal ¦" treatment for ; eveiy .'humour ot .the ". •kin, scalp and blood, /with- los» of hair, ;. .may novr be had for one dollar.-; ;'Bathc : . tvlth hot water and Cuticnra Spap, cleanse this surface. of crusts. and scules t and soften the thickene.d cntlcle: . 'Dry, ; • Trithput . hard rnbbing, and applj Cut!-; , ' cura ; Ointment X freely i'-to- allay. Itchijpig, 'irritation and inSammation, and soothe. and . heal, and lastly , take the. CuticDra ; BesolT^nt PilU to c&o\ ind cleanse the : bloods ¦'¦ This, treatment affofdsv itistant : relief ;• permits rest .and sleep in the, ¦ severest forms Qt Eczema. and; other . 'itching; • burning and .scaly * htuna'cfs.,' . and pofaits to a^peedjr, permanent 'and ¦: economical care of tortar.lng,.fll?fiffurr ; ; insr hnmonrs,' from pimples to . from infancy to age» when i all; other : remedies and the best pVjrsicians 1 - fall. < - 1 neat. Ao^ f,'-p.V<. Dcpoto « Londra. 27 Cbut«r»»aM Fitter Dn«f * Ck«m- Cor»i W* ProprUtor*. • • ; . • : . «r-b«n« tot r H»w t» cut Erery Bamcmi." . . .... .-.*•»•«'.«..»¦ . ¦ *^Hj^7*" ;¦'. .-' .: ¦. ... ' iFiiing Pearls Ie rather diJScult in America and almost Its equal is the finding of pearly, white- ness la linen sent home from the ordi- nary laanflry. 'Vi^^Iv5^S3SSB« The United States is not an ordinary laundry— it's, an extraordinary, one and that Vextra** Is applicable to the qualUy of work and cleanliness of every article we send out. ¦ .-: - .- -'. -r- ¦ : ' UNITED STATES LAWDRY, 1004 MABrirr street. * . Telephone South' 420. Weak Men and Women OBOUU> USE DAMIANA BITTERS. THB O Great Mexican B«»«lyr^lve» _be»Uh^»wl •Utecth to scxufcl orjaa*. Depot, sa-Marktt. '_ _ '._._;. _¦ ;. ¦;' ..":¦_ _ ' ; ' '- PRAGERS •¦• ¦ '" ..; v rt'} "Something Doing" vft SL ' A ' d £ %J ' - . ~ . " * •' Don t \Miss .It«" •• • " » ¦ . •••".,.... • .¦ ¦ .. ¦ ...¦ • ..¦-• . •¦• ¦ ->.., : /f?/s;«'' ¦¦'¦"¦¦¦ baLjWaM PRESCRIBED BT. THE "BEST ' Conrba. . ColdB, . Ko&rseaesi, Bron- cbitla. Cronp In OMlflrea. .-" anfl - ' - Ail Throat and Iinnr TrouWet •/ . Try * bottle to-day; don't wait till th« doctor says '"C0HSTnO»TI0K.» ¦'¦.¦'"-¦¦." ' '¦'*¦-;¦ V ¦*:•'•• »5c; $00 AT 4XL 33RTTOOISTB CURES IN A DAY |iiiiiim ||m -- . ' J, : ¦ . The choicest; .¦patterns" vi :bf : theVse^n :r f6rmI'rhy j ¦ pFesent ; extensive stvp-. fl iply : ; ofc ¦ f ancy^;suitings. 1 cjuaiity '¦¦: faote^diaVrepresenteJd; : ' • '¦'. ];k Gu i;- sty le ¦ and woVk- ; irnanisWp^th^best'triat^ ¦ : rnoney,;c ; an' procure*/ . : i -''[^'syjTS;:', ;•¦ . FROM $15.00 UP TRbUSERS ; Sample* and,' Self-Measurement* ; i- .. Free by Mail. :•' . LONDON TAILOR I" ¦•-••-•-•'¦- ¦••-¦¦¦•-•- i --••'-I . : • •;•:'•':'••' '.- •' •"' ¦' - - c - "'" ¦f Have YOU" beqn in yet ? . : If you haven't don't, delay. Reductions' made in about 500 pieces of Jurniture. ' You are bound to find what you want at about one-half what you expected to pay. Our extra floors (being buik).^ are ¦ - not completed, and we must make room for our* holiday, stock. Here are a few samples!- .;"¦ •"•.•;*. I $3.50 COMFORT ROCKER •¦ ~^^^ Of golden oak, with high panel back that (^§fr^^^^^^ fits the form perfectly. A perfect comfort chair for the VL 1 VU ' • r^^^^^^B) livingf-room. Our expansion . fyJ^Qfl ' jT TI^HIT 4 t Chosen at* Random. SrfffiPS3S|p SI 2. 50 Oak Chiffonisr .'. . . .'S8.25 \^Lfe^^?da $18.50 Mahogany Inlaid Chair S1I-OO 2^mS^I& SI. 50 Umbrella Rack -.-75c a*y^ '" ' »i / S11 Iron Crib, drop sides:.*. -S 7. 65- . rL^gssKssssM >j | S7.50 Boudoir; Chairs. ...... $4.85 i[j£ O|.Qr-'-v ' S1 1. Music Cabinet ....... ..$7,OO §P^ OliUt) ¥ S15 Couch Damask CoTering..S9. 85 | While you are shopping drop in. The pin money in. your purse is enough if yoa see what* you want*. - | LAmm^&^^^QS^9^ w.^'^^¦ i: i''!»fllfjft i -''->>- ; )